wk iiffih w gasre - library of congress€¦ · ness. nervousne s, you wli cn(j a ' bam. in...

t - ojxTWHipvijniti'iwj.'.no. I r "t J ...nTTiCTr'jr s. X lit .I i TBGE MEMPHIS DAILY APPEAL-SATUBDA- Y, JANUARY 10, 1885. i J a f i i fV Vi 1 ; u i r 1 ! ;f!: ' I 8, f V RAILWAY RECORD. AfiRIVAL ABiD DPA &1 ORM Ot illAJSS. Coufleanrd PMenir"r Train Card Viey itoutf L.., W. O. mod a'. K'. Its fcUH-- t lceinbr 14, Ih. SO. 1 OOIN'iJ SOUTHNO. il OOlNti NORTH. I.KA.VE. LAV. Memphis? . - 7 : i0 p.u) Kew Orleans... 6:45 a. m a ssi tk. 'Natehex 4:W p.ni llreeavillti 'V icksburg 8:10 p.m iieririft Pacific. iGrecuviiLe VioksburK 7:04 ..mi Georgia Pacific. 11 ;li a.io; akkive Ne w tjrieang... p Uvi Mui..hi? 7:3" a.m no. going houra.:No. going koktu. LIAVK. LBATK. Memphis 9;15a.mNcw Orleans.., :0ft p.m ahrive. IVickburg i tireenvilie-- - iiireeitv lie (ie.ri Pacific, Georgia Pacific. Yiclohuric. p.i; abrivk. New UrleriJ .. SjOO a.m.Metnnbiw o:iQ p.m Pulluiim sleeping cars on trains No. 1 and 2 between Mempiiif and VieHeburg. Pullman I drAwmtt-roo- and sleeping cars on trains and 4 between Kansas City and New JA. b. UAVAVf. P. A., MeiuphU, Tenn. JAS. M. EDWA.U-3- V. P. and G. M.. Memphis, Tenn. Mail train leaves at 4 :.0 p.m. ; mvei at itV.lo a.m. Sardia acconun xiation loavei" at 3 p. in.; arrives at a in. r'rvuht train leaies iijiiiy iSumly at 7 lo a.m.; arrives 2ily except hand yi at o p. a. Chemai4ftt4.S sii.o it3 inthwin- - truai ewe r''ii'.wi: N. 8 (fat line daily) i.iavea at 8:,,0.m. No.6Faltin accimaiodfi-tio- n dttiU) leaves at 3:.k p.m. No. 7 Uast tine d ii!y) arrives at 1: p.m. No. 8 (Fulton .n daily) arrives at 9:V a.m. .lI.-tI- J I.N fftU'l JJtllD M..M ft ait. fflOft j'iomj tTeolrii tiitn.lard tiir.e' 1 !'l'iVC .iaiiy at5:l-- i p.oa.i irnvo st .'0 p.iu.; No. lot-e- s tt oii.:-;.- ; :ivfl .v S 4ia.m.; No. t ittvef : diiiy, i':?pl. "ittr-.d- ai1': Op.ra-- : arrive." I.f(ii4v:if auil Nik.iiait Ta!c. cr at foll"; Fat mail arrives d.iir at 4:30 a.n.; leasat U;W p.m.; ieb-.- Is.vcj dniij t ;.( a. in. txwuavU:- - ..ommod?.tjo leaves exont Sjudar, at 4:i0 p.m.; iut! arrives qajI at 4:!c p.m. "iirownsville coomaiodati;j. rmet dui;y, except tiundt-y- , al 5:4 a.iE. itanaar( and 'tarloat.ii mort as tilluws: Turoueb erpretJ leave? dily at 6:iS p.m. Mail ad cxprfi: ita?es daily at 9:12 rt.m roierviiie !eTM daii. ixoo:t un lay, at p.m. tlirounn ezsrvBt a, .ivei d;:y a 0 40 a.m. Mai' and e5iii amv-- s daily a 10 1 Som-rvi- :- vsf.uiir.e datif.n arrive d.tiW. :i t va'i. haiiMiu tHir4nicClliid JSirt phi, Trit.s leave M. ad I . dei- a follows : Kan?a Cit7 exir!f leaves daily at ll:)0a.m. ; arrives at 4:Lirpm. Kantas Oity mail leaves daily at6;tw p.m.; arrives ai 8 a.m St Louis ant Chicago express leaves dmly at '.'ilK) p.m. : arrives at 12:W n - n: T"Xs express leaves daily at 11 :W a. m. ; arrival t liit dohii. Fre g it an k ticket oSice, No. 31 Madisoa street. DYSPEPSIA. Sedentary habits, menial worry, nerroci dcitemeiif, exees or - iu eat few or tlri'ikiiiLr, ami various other eaue. Liuuce f'I!uttei by general dermzemeiit o( the liwr. kidiieys, and Ktoiini h. in whii h the !i?onler of eaeli inrreae the ititirmit i' of the others. The immediate aj-- Lof Al lire. XaiiM'a. Ktll llreath. Hf;!r;ljuru, uieilee. ltiziue-;- , Siek Headaelu-"- faiture Of V'livMeal and mental i.or. eene of weight and fullness in lie stotuaeb, nd im reased t'ostivenes. of whieu ara known nnd. r one bead a I ysepsia. lneverv 'e wli. n'lhisdi-- . asedrpei not oriLriii ite from s mfuloi:. taint In Ibo Movd, 'avkb'ii rii.i.smav be eoiifideutly rrliej uwn to eil'. et a eure. Those case not amenable ro the curative influence rf A VKR's Tills alone will ecrtaiolv yield if the i'ii.LN arc aided bv the pow. Trill proin-rtie- of AV2a" jSAJttJAPi- - 1ioiiU1 know that the locw trea'tni. nt of their malady is postpone: e more difficult of cure it becomes. Ayer's Pills Ifever fail to rei'-v- p the bowel? and pro- mote their healthful and regular action, and thus cure IJyspcpsia. 'I'.n porary pnl!iatics all do permanent harm. Tba titful aetivitv into which the entecbieu Htomach i spurred by "bitters." and aleo-holi-e stiniubii'.-- . is iaevirably loliowd br reaction that leaves the oraaa weaier than befon1. Co.t!vncs, tr.dutM.-- t)J" my KeptfiTy Jiabils of . lurami- - chn;nic; ArtBd PUAA Sitkrd"! m rele f. Tl.. ir t.ci';iSon3t Me K-- Knee kept me all right." HtBJtAJlJl tthisa-Bur- r, Vicai I; J-- -- I WM indurrd to try Amu' Pliu a rim-ii- for imlicestion, C onstlpatioB, and HeatiaM-be- , XiJ" h 1 had loni btt-- s iiu 1 fuun.I tie ir aeti-- n miy. ar.4 ebuined prompt reik-f- . Tii. y lm. J e mm ail the ti. in.i ever o. fvrc tr!vd. M. V. W.Tsos, 1C- -' .s'ufi- Chicago, III. They baxe rulirrlv corref-tc- the 0OJire Mhlt. and vastly improved ley cencrai Kit. Fras is li. Uabxowz, Atlcttta. On. "Th. most effLTtlve and l1"' '. phrfol hare ever f.Hind. one A'? V" "fi?v ray bowl and frei- j bvad fi'aa naul. P.ol, Richmond, Ya. ; "A kutrtrer from Liver Ccmptalllt, Tfftr pepsin, and Xftiralfri for tl- - lit Hca AvEr.'s hm 've beBcfxed n gvc-- . j :bflh auv I have ev r 3?. KoGEttk-- - XttumcTt, roirn Co., "Tot Ilyf,eplH they are 3. T. j HiVIe. 31,rla, j'erul. AVER'S PILLS, rr.F.PAitED itv Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co- -, Jxiwell, 51a- - Sold bv u'.l Itru-'- ti". Words of Warning and Comfort. "If yon are sufferinc from poor health or laniruishiita oa a Led of sickness, take cheer if you are simply ailina. or it you feel weak and dispirited, wuuout cleany kuoa-in- it why, Uo, Bitters will surely cure jeu. If yon are a minii:er. and h.v. overtaxed yuarselt with yonr pastoral duties, or a Mother, wirn out wittt care and w ork. or a man of hu..ness er labor, weakened bv thestraix ol yourevcryday du- ties, or a man ot letters toilina over your inolnun! wori.ilop Bitters wid mnat tunsly strenii-.he- you If vou ar.i sutTeriug from over-eatin- n n drinkin.-- , any indiscretion or dissipati in. or are young and growing too fast, as ti ii case, Or Vf yon are in the workshop, on the 'f arm, a be de-- anywh-rc- . and teel that yo r s.stem needs rleansiiiir, a, or stimulauai:, without iutoxicat-in- a. if yon are oid, "blood thin and impure, pulse feeble, nerrw unsteady, fucnUIe l 'waninp. Hop is what yon leed to 'give you new life, health, and yigjr." If you are costive, or dyspeptic or snffer-in- a from any other of the numerous o the ttuutach or bowels, it is your own fault 'J 7a remain ill. ir waiu.n- - "ta "" form re yon diaea.e. templin ceath this of Kidney ;tP moment, and turn .'ora-cu- re to Hop Bitters. If you are sick witii that terrible sick ness. Nervousne s, you wli Cn(J a ' Bam. in tiiiead" in Hop Bitteis. If you are a frequenter, or a resident of, a miasmatic district, barricade your sys- - tm atrainst the scourae of all couniries Malaria. Epidemic, uiltous Ioter- - mittentlevers by tae use ot Hop liittcrs If yon have rourh. pimply, rr sallow sKin. hao breath. Hop bitters w.ll Kive you f:iir ski a, ro the sweetest breath and health. will be paid tor a case they will not cure or help. A Lady's Wish. 'Oh. how I do wish mr skin was aa clear and aoft as youra," said a lady to her friend. '"You ran eastiy make it so." answered tne friend. How?" inquired fie first lad. 'ByusiBg Hop Bitter- - taat msses' pure, rich blood and blooming neaita. It did it tor lue as soi observe. Von. .snuins without a bunch .f rreen Hops on the white label. Shun si the v lie, poison- ous itutf with "Hop" or "Hops" in their WEAK, UNDEVELOPED P4RTS Cure withont Med A POSITIVE tains. Patee'ea ctobor lo, lS7o. One box will emretbe most obl tioat caae in four days or less. AiiMi's Soluble .Hedkuted Bougies. No naas. doses of en eba, eopaiba'or oil .t sandalwood tw are wrwiu r.o..v. k. J..o,.m. it coatinaa ot tne sioun.ru. yriee. l 50. Sola by :! drua- - gists, or smiled on reeeit of price, for igirU'rilars seudfor circular, r. O. an oil. J Al.LAa . CUBE. ssat John street. New Tori aSD'l: U i 3 7. ;i. v tcl to send theP ta T rsrttT Co., Irrawsr Atlan-a- . Oa . for a c v t i! ir tnit- Moos tal bJiin Diaeaa-t- . vi ..;'.); !;c raui.i.d freau CANCER FOS ft. ANY YEARS. A family serrant bas been afflicted fr mwi with a esDcer on hr nuM, and was treated rears of the heat physic.au.;, and the oid reme--1i- b used without DtnS:. FiCkliy e pave her lSwifl's iieci&c, and h has been eompleleij Viatel. JOUXUiLL. UrnKtrin, Thom-- t n. It,., Auicudt 16, KCSE EATEN T3FF! Jo'nn Sav:. a yenag man near here, had a can-e- on hia face wh eh had asten away his nose and art of hhl cheek, and was .tendinc np to his eyes. As a last resort he was pit 05 bwili and it baa entirely eared him. bu facets all healed over with new rlesll. and his g.ncral health is excellent. ITU was wondoriul, M. i CKI.lil.Kt M.D., Oglethorpe, da-- , August it), liiM. CANCEROUS FACE. ciio. Indian SorlnjOa., April lu, 1981. CANCER FOR 5 YEARS. A woman with a eancerous nicar or ;v, yo,r. tandiug and nve inchas in di i.eter, has been entirely relieved by six boul.s e) itt biSpecinc. talmnDUS' .i., , - w. ayas-- r day riTitx the most wonderful eta from tta fits) ol 8wifl' Spi6c In the -- .sm.Tit of Can ear. Enfleren from thla class o stkaaaea aaould not faU to Mnd for oar trearj en Blod and Skin Diaeaaee una cancer .treat ment. Oar remedy is entirely Tsgialile-- no mer- - h.a wtbeT mineral. enry, no pot " CflJ 6WIFT SPEC1TIC CO.. Draw' S, AUaata, tsa. )5t7olin intlipftantly den'ea. FIEAyCE AND TRADE Tliemouey taarkct cotiiinue: steady an ! tinckuugod, with basinos ho' linc; up to high sttiragAtes t the banks. The .cotton market opened an J closed quiet, with middling quoted at 102c, and alp3 of 7V) bales, of which 100 wore to exporters. Reeaipts were 1632 bales, of whit:h 51) bales wera by river, 2i by .ioon ami othorwis,. the remainder beiaz by rail Sliipment, ! 'il' biles, 9-- by si tamer uorth, ami 8: v by B.eatner south. Stot'k, 122,4.34 bales. New York spots closed weak, with tuitldliiitf quoted at 11 Jc; futures cloned steady, with January quoted at ) 1.04(-- i U.ib, and other months 7 to 111 ptints lower. New Orleans spots closed steady, at 10sc; futures closed steady, January qjoted at 10. , and o'tber mouths 4 to ooints lower Liv- erpool spots opened and closed dull and heavy, quoted lit 5 i ; futures closed barely January, " buyers. Total ntoi k at Liverpool Jaauury Stb, 6li?,l.K)0 bnles, against W;,00t) bales same time last year, lteceipts at iorts ves'erdav, 22,1: 2 bales. NochauRes lo repoit in general trade, the only revision of prices yeterday being 2i; lower for cgt. Keceipts and ship- ments yesterday were follows: imfokts. Thirty-nin- e tta bacon and ham, 2:113 ska bran, 15 brli bsins and peas, 2222 bu corn. 2:s;2 sks cotlon-tiee- !I00 sks cotton-see- d oil maai, 3 pk(?s ch ese, ti sks cotlee, 4S hd cat-t:- e, 3 pkts dry jroods, 525 br!a Hour, S hd hofrs, 2iX bales hav, lti hd horses and muies, 325 pkpi lard, 1 car lumber, 5 pkgs liquors, 23 oris molasses, oOO kgs nails, 4 cirs oals, 3 cars bulk pork, 3 hhds sugar, 101 brls 6U?ar aid 000 wheat. IXPOITCM. Two hundred and sixteen brls apples, 26 rls tii?";ini! "X tcs bacon and hauiR, 218 sks bran, 7 brls beans and peas, 64 pks butter, It 8 pkgs boots and sho, 1000 bu corn, 612 brls cotton-see- d oil, 2ol sks cotton-ee- il oil meal, 10S pkgs cheese, 200 sks coffee, 101 p'sj dry (,'ood, 1 i pktfs egt?9. S7S brls ll itir, GS2 bales hay, 28 lid horses and mules, 300 bills iron ties, 175 pktrs lard, 6 cats lumber, '.12 pkga liquors, 172 brls meal, 119 brls molasses, 2i8 is nails, 718 bu oub, 52 brls onion", 7 brls potatoes, 13 card bulk pork, 30 brls packed pork, 42 hhd3 su7?.r, 300 brls sugr.r, 108 pkgs tobacco and 72 bn wheat. FINANCE. Money S per ce-st- . on satisfactory col- lateral. The foilowinu table ahowa the clearances and ba'am-s- , the rates of and prices of locil stocks and bonds at the clone of yesterday's business : CLKA RIN'iil 101'iK ST AT EM EXT. t'lparinjri llalnneca January th 5 rs.ot! S t.i.'Mt 1 1 am tar this week 2.iri5..iln --M :i'.l.'.'lii M time hut weeic.- -. l.'cl.t-- s .,; .Same week lssl. l.wa.Sl'i Same week ls-i- i l.llu.J.ii i"nj,iisj an EXCIIAXOE. New Vor". 't di"a pretn New Knifland jifrht dis.4 Aew Orleans. a ds ' par BAXK STKCKS. St. Bark ofOommerce W, First National r.J bid lierman National .. ltskaj Manhattin loo i M.t National I'nionand 1'lauter- - 14",. Mercantile . 1XSI f AX'CE STOCKS. lloln . .... ' Bluff City - -- .. ....ll't D" ieople3 .. 7."" laj Planters - - ....llfcot ... r.x t)5,(llll Memphis J'ity. ....lo-'apt'- VHudrhiit...- .- .... 22 'i. iUrnaad - .l')Kahi5 Artiagtoa - .. bid RAIIWAY STOCKS. Vemiihi? and Cliarlesion . Mii(-i.- i pi and Ternessee . i'l' la.ui-viii- e and Xadhville Alc'nile and Ohio i" 10 RAILWAY BONDS. City 1"1 wit; Meiiu-hii- A fharleitonid molt. 7s CM "2 Msiiichis a: Charleston consols I'd .clot of Mciiiph;.-- a. Little Bock, Is. inort Ss l'ri C'loH Mississippi A: Tclinesstc consols A 12:1 .,12i Miseissippi X Tennessee consols B I'd at MISCELLANEOUS. . 5 Taxinc-Dislric- t , ompromi.e bonds Tl'-i'- ot Meinl'his Compres- - Co 10 "tlol lias Company stock e Ks 'emphis 0s Company bonds l'rj W at. Co. bonds, accrued int'st. . falui Water Company tso.-- ol fp)li- ;- Meiophis City bonds, .Id l City compromise bonds 71 i9 Vcaipbis C'ty coinions from old bonds :to (n City coup, from comp. bonds PU " Meial'ilis City ledirer balanees 3o ' 42 Memphis 'iiy judirm'ts i n eon.Jthonds :"-- sa Mempbis City pnutg ... :t7 f'S Shelby eouuty at Ohio K. K.'itis.luft C?lo2 county iM. A-- 0 R. U.l long . lit! (" ol (' s hciby cotioiy warrants 'Jo '"Xoin lioneer Cotlon Mill" rtr So Cot Ex. buil. bonds, ac. int, added...par (if 0 By Telesrasali. New Voi-.k- . January 0. Money easy, lfiiilj percent; tdosed ofl'ered 1 per cent. 1'iime mercantile paper, 4i(o;ti per cent. Sterling exchange bankers' bills quiet 4M ; demand, ;'. lionds Cioveiuinents were a fraction biiher. Railways firmer. State securities quiet. The stock market opened Cnu and on purchases ior accounts Dnces rrjee i to 1 i per cent , iNonnwestern St. Paul and H'tstetn L'niou the most promimnt. I'nion I'acitic advanced li, to 4!)j The borrowir-i- demand was actie. lendinic at 1 per cent, Before midday a number of holders began to realize, a reaction took place, and still later, ou lue litrenglh of te orts that ttlorts to restort! cast-boun- a ireigut rates bad n.,t been sucesf t il, a weaker feeling and a. decline of 1 to 2 rercent pnanwl. Jn the lot fcour of busintss Lackawanna was in bri k demand and to 8'J en covering short interests Thor wait a difference of 1(3-- Per cent between sale" ot ros'llar and cash. I'nion Pacific was favorably aQectad ea-l- y in the ,ij.i on tiip annonncernent tliat tiie srov- - ernment direcuirs' report would be puhr I shed and will it dorse the .simn of the nresent administration. Compared w:tb last night's closing prices are 1 to 1 per cent, lower, eseept fsi. Knflr Island. N.-w- r Jersey Central and Erie, which are i to J per cent, higher Hnc.rrvn and Taxas declined I i, to JO Oregon Iropro-.-emen- t rose , to 22, and Pullman Palace is. to lOliJ. Cokradoand I f.repnvili nre ferred soIJ at 14. Trans- , A..nPUorl OHO aiiarLl.. as fol lows: 85, 009 Lickawanna, 32,000 Lake Shorn 37.0il0 Xortivwpstern, 25,000 New York Central, 54 0.J) St. Paul, 28.000 Un ion I'acitic and 2!?,0o0 Western Ln;on Closing quotati-jn- wure S3 follows; i;ovs.BVisfTs. r. S. 3. 1"1. 4s. Ki. , 112:,. pacific 6e of lSt. 121. BOSPS. C. P. firsts. 110. r P. land aranta. o Erie seconds. TV- -. T. i'-- . Bio K dir.. SiM. A M'ilks. I . P. tir-t- ID .. Louisiana consols, 7r I . P. ano grant. Missouri 0s. Iir2. r. P. sink hi.'a. gU Joseptl. 115. 'irginia b, 3i. st. Y.x r.c. nrstg jji "i,. 'a. con.r ex-- c, SS Tenn. lis, old. 42. 'a. consols, did., a. Tean. 6s, new, 42. arc Adatru Expr'is, l'.i. Mobile 4 Ohio.?. Alieabeny Ceut-al- . a. Monis 4 1SV.. Alton k Terre H., 21. V a .1, fl, tt A. T. li. .fd.ai S". .1. Central.' :'i. Amertcn Exore-t.- . sa. N. Jt V old. 21' .. B , C. K. A N ., a(. Northern Paeilic. l:'a. CsnH'la Southern, 44. Northern l'ac. pt.l.,S)'v Canada 1'acifi'-- , :DI. Northwestern, Central Paeilic. pref, ZVt. A Ohit.aS-C- . N. Y. Central. s7. A U. 1st pl.l., Jo', Ohio Central, 1!. C. A O. 2 t pf l. I'.'i. ohio Chicago A Alton. US. Ohio A- - Miss. pf.t. r.i. c .r A. i... Ontario at Western, 12'. C, B A Q.. ls' v Oregon Naviifatiort,Tl. r St. L. A N. o., S3. Oregon Trans., l:i'. C, St. L. k V., 7. Orcson I inp.. 22. C, St. L. A V. l. hi., 15. Pacific Mail, 51; H. c., ssn. A C., . Waoama. us. C. k C, :2!4. P., D. A K..13. Del. A Hud., 72. Pittsburg. 1. Del. A Lack., KsV.;. Pullman Pal. Car., la. Donvcr A Bio !., s. V.esdinir. 17. Erie, 14S. It Island, 107. Erie eld., 2SS. St. L. & S. V., 1'." .;.. East Tennessee, 3. S. L. i S. F. pfd, 'W'-,- East Tenn. pt'i, 5. St.L. S.F. latpld.t i. Fort Wayne, 124. St. Paul, . Hannibal A St.Joc.:isH. St. I'a-.- : ptd, 4M. II. St. J. pfd, P. M. 4 M..M',. Harlem, l- i. St. Paul a Omaha. Houston A Terss, 24. St. Paul t i. ptd, 5. Illinois 111, 'tfjtie Pacitie, It. I.. B. k W.. 12. t nu.ii Pacitie, 4s. Kansas k Texas. !ti. V. S. Express. Cs.1. Lake Erie A West.,4.'1-.- . W.,St. L. A l'.,4;;. Lake shop-- W..St. L. V. pf-i- 12', Louisv. A N':ishi'.. 25!4- WciisA- rnriro'i Ex.. lis) I. . V A - l'hi. 1. l astern I nion, .sl'-j- . Mar, i Cin., 1st pld, ,10. llorua'take. t. star a. ' I'l.i .1 I'I'li ' ro.i nut , Mem. JtCtiai:.. oD, 2S. Ontario. H. Michigan Central, "... '.'uii kstlver, A St. I.., 1114. Qui.-a.si- er ptd. 2- Minn. A St. L. pfViJ-'-Vi- . Missouri Suun, II. "Asked. lNosdej. Xew OEi.EAKf, January 9. Sight on 'ew York, $1 per $10u0 pre- mium. Sterling exchange bankers' bills, 40i. Losdoo, January 0. Consols, 90 account, tR"; iiiie, 15 ; Erie seconds, el ; Sew Y'ork Central, 91 1 ; Illinois (Antral, 233; Pennsylvania Central, oofc : lieadinc, tJ ; Canadian iacific, 45 ; . Paul, 773 Pajiis, January i. IventeSi 7yf, 67 Jc. TIIE COTTOX 3IAliKi:TS. The local market opened and doced quiet, with ouotations nochangeri, and aales of 7 j0 bal, :nf''idiog 350 bales the previous eveairg 1' 0 to ex,-srt- ers and on) to spinnem. weens sues, iu,.w bales, of which ,37:0 bales were to expirt- - . or. an.l 60.0 to dinners. Ouotations at . the close were : Yesterday IjitB-fcr- Ordinary Nuui. Nom, llis.. low Middling". I'1' Middling )". '"'s (iood Middling -'s jo; Middling Fair 1":. Fair - Nom. Stains, Vlyy. .c; tinges, P:8 l"'c. CoTKh STATEMENT. MturBif , Jatcarr U. Stock September l,lit... 6.5W Keeeiee i to aay Koceived pTeyiousiy ..w.ota.Qi3 SM.0U Shleped 3.616 Shipped previcttslj ...224,4 Burnt. etc . . 47 Home consumptioc. to data H.. 411 Stock, running accoect 122.4.4 Jtllcg to bia in it inteTlit'eatij:, Import Thus far thi week J, Thus lar last week "''? Sinew September 1st : .M'?mtthis and Charleston Railroad 11 Misri-sip- and Tenneweo Itaiiroad Louisville and Nashville U. S. Kailroal. ." Memphis and l.ittlo Hock Kail did I'd Che.apeakv . ohioand S. W. I'.ailroad......... lHuisvillo, tv.w Orleans and T. lvadroad .. Kansas City, Springfield and M. Kailroad.. .stc.amers.: r Wagons and other ouri.os Total 1.6K Thos for this week - .! Thus far ltsl wcl-I- 14. s'1--1 ami.-- l.-- t - Memphis ami t.'hrtrle-to- n Railroad Mihit-.ilp-i u nil Tennessee Kailioad- - Louisville and Nashville Jc (i. S. Kailroad. Louisville, New Orleans ami T. Railroad... m .steamers north tH0 Steamers south Towl .t.tilii Xew York spo's opened dull-- , at 12, very dull ; at 2, weak, closing weak, win quo- tations unchanged. End sales of 18 bales. Closing quotations were: Yesterday I:y Before Ordinarv . s: KT Uwd Ordinary V J, Low Middling lo - 10 I i let Middliua U'i 11', Hood Middlina- ,.11 II 5 t6 Middling .11 4 ir, fair tm New York futures opened qu!et; at 10:22, weak; at 11:34, quiet; at 12:30, quiet and steady; at 1 35, barely steady; at 2:30 steadier, closing steady, with tales of 13 r,St:0 bales. Closing quotations were: Yesterday bflV Before January . ll.Pi-ll.o- ." Jl.t:t" 11.11 r'tfhruary tl.lll-ill.n- ll.llwll.lJ March 11.II7-11.- 11.1 ll.l'i April tl.l'.e.ui.-j- l ll.iTall.JS May ll.:cll.4u luoe ll.lllsll.4Vi ll.fil.Hli.W July n..v.n.f.7 U.ni'-tll.- Aujjust ti.en. tl,72' Septwinher 11 .XtMll.SI ll.:'.i.lt.4-- October lO.si-'-lD.- 10 9 Mltl.tQ November 10.72 bid December........ The New Orleans spot market yesterday opened quiet ; at 1 :30, quiet and easy, clos- ing steady, with quotations unchanged. Sales, i0OO bales. Closinz quotations were: Yefterdav Day Befor. Ordinary SJa (ioed ordinary !'' Low Middlins .ll)'s l"1 a Middling ..H' liood Mlddliuit .lO a lo;a Ne Orleans futures opened quiet and steady; at 12, barely steady, closing steady, at the following quotations, with sales of 27,100 bales: Y'esterdav Day Before Janna-y..- .. 10.4o. 4lll 40 I0.4HnlU.5i) February 0.57. iH).:.s lo.ol lo. March ...10.7" nlo.7!j lu.8l;U(I.S April lo.ltVjtlO.yrj 10.!'i).iIl.iJ M .v 11. 11 ''41 1.12 11. io 11. Hi Juno.... 11.27-.- Jl.-- 11. 3111. :t: July 11.4ft11.4S Auicust ll.5ilwll.o2 lt.5Aall.a7 Septemlwr 10.W-I0- Ht.Vt10. October.... 10.W-tl0.5- J November 1U.42. 0(10.45 lu.4o.alU.4T December OJ ( DAILY BCLLETIXS. ttate of Ree' Price. Stock. Market. lialveston Firm. 5411 in t'. :tT,85i: New Orleans .. Steady. 11.2 4. ID'-- 414.o77 lobile .Steady. 1: l(l'.4 M.W ivsnnah (juiet. 2.4:v ID'S 7o,S4i harleston Uuiet. 5211 lo'4 44,192 t'iiminffton... Quiet. 41: H's 11. 7' 4 Norfolk . Ouiet. 2,:U' In 51.25-- raltimore Quiet. Hsv 21.S.:! New York V eak. ll'a 3i:,lM Boston Qiiet. ll'a b,31U htladelnhia .. tjuict. 714 11 "a 12 2!2 Louis.. Quiet. II.':, 44.2.)7 Aurusta m Dull. 247 21,211 arioas Day's 1W ... '22,3i'.2 receipts, lsit l.S.o'.y ay's receipts, lsst . CONSOLIDATED ST A j EM KNT. This List Week. Yek. Heceipts.T days l:it,57 151 054 "0,(t5H ports to or t isritain' 107.S25 So, 1711 111.H27 Kxports to Continent... iy,st.5j :is,o-7- . :a.l a at all ports fl71.'J2.1.015.Tt)7',I. "'is.h'si This Last Y.Br Year. Year. Before. R- ce'pts since Sept. -t Fore en ex porta 2.4.:l.,.i7!2,0iio.ss7i2,4:tl,82- - Stnca at I'. S. ports Wl,92:l ItfrS.HiSt VM,X! Increase in recoipts....; Is5.27ij; Liverpool Bpots at noon were quoted dull and heavy, with sales of 8000 bales, whiclt ..000 were American. Esceipts, 100 bales, of which 13,100 bales were American. At 12: Ordinary, 51d: Eood ordinary. low middling, 5 good middling, rj uplands, 5 d ; Or- leans, 0 Liverpool futures at noon were quiet at advance; January-Februar- 5 ebruarv-ilarc- iid; Jlarch-April.- d ; April-Ma- tt May-Jun- 6 June-Jnlv.- b lo-b- ; July-Anjius- t, b At 2: l irm; January, o value; 5 value ; i'eb- - ruart'-Marc- oil, sellers; March-Apri- l, sellers; April-Ma- tS-04- seders; Mav-Juue- , 0 buvers; June-Jul- sellers; July-Augus- t, 0 buyers ; August September, ti buy- ers. At 4: January, 5 January-Fe- ruary, 5 d ; February-Marc- 6 ; 'ay-Jun- e, 0 12 old; June-Jul- 0 ti At 5: January, January-Februar- 5 60- - bt.l, buyers; February-Marc- 5 03-til- value; March-Apri- l, b 3 04d, sellers; April- - Mav, ti 7 Old, sellers; May-Jun- e, ti UMHd, buyers; June July, b 14 04d, value; July- - August, b value; August-.Sente- ber, b 22 t4 J, value. Futures c osed barely sUadv. The Manchester Owirdinni commercial article savs: "Profpect unimproved; business small; i rices of cloths and varns fairly maintained ; demand alack and pro- duction lessening." " ENTERAL TRADE. BRF.tllall TFsJ. Cobs White, 43(550c; mixel, 48.5t1e, from Btore. From levee or depot, round lots in bulk, shelled white, new, 44f 45c; mixed, new, 43V 44s; new ear, Backed,40c. Hav Strictly choice, from store, Sijto S5cr prime, 75tSS0c; prairie, 55c; round lots from levee or depo', choice, $1314; prime, $1 If" 12 50; prairie, $0 50. Floi u From store triple extra, $3 75; family, i4; choice, $4 5o; fancy. J4 75; extra fancy, $5; patents, So 75f"ti; round lots from levee or track 10fJ7 15c cheaper. Bkan From Btore, SOpT.Soc per owt; round lots from levee, $14 per ton. Corsmeal Standard, S2 302 50 ; pearl, ti 25 from store; 5c cheaper from mill, levee or 'rack. Oatmeal In half barrels, $3 75o24 from ptore. Ce.kk WnEAT In half barrels, $4 50 ( 4 75 from store. "Oats White, 41(5,43c; mixed, 3739c frond store. Kound lots from levee white, Use: mied, bi;!k, 31(332c; sacked, Gc hipher. lloaiNy anpUb:ts Prom Etore, 3 50 g3 75. Bice Louisiana, Anlc ; Carolina, 7(" Beans Xavy, i 25: medium, $2; com- mon, tl 50(S.2. Lo.-cn.LE- , Jauuarv 9 Wheat quiet but steady ; lens berry, 80o ; Xo. 2 red winter, 7Sc. Corn lo. T tri'ed, ' 40Jc .)ats Xo. 2 mixed, 30ic. - ' CuiCinSiT;, January 9. heat firm; x"o ro.! winter. 5c. Corn active, firm n.4 liio-ber-: Xo. 2 mixed, tl.ti?, J?c. Oats active, firm and higher, 31o2c. Ky strong, 5S(h;-"i9c- . Barjey firm. !s't. Louis, January 9. Kecelpls Flour, 50t0 brls; wheat, 4;i,000 bu; corn, 12jf,0i, bu; oatB, 17.000 bu; rys none; barley, S0C0 bu. .SbipmenU Flour, E0o0 brls; wheat, 50O0 bu ; corn, y:i,0o0 bu ; oats, 1000 bu j rye, 4000 bu; barl y, none. Chicago, January 9. Keceipts-Flo- ur, 750O brls; wheat, 75,000 bn; com, 167 ,000 bu: oatM, tfi.OOO bu ; rye, 4oo0 bu; ba-le- 41,000 bn. Shipments Flour, 26,000 brls; wheat, 10 COU bu ; corn, 127,0'JO bu ; oats, 54,000 bu: rye, lOOo bit i barley, 7C00 bu. Kansas Crrr, Mo.. January 9. Wheai higher; cash tUOublJc; February, d2i 62'.c; Mav,ti5J(5,iailc, Corn flrnter; cash, 2i)ic bid, 29,c asked; January, 29c; Feb- ruary, 2"c bid, 2Djc asked; May. 30' 3l;c. Oats dull ii;d nominal: 24 c b'A, 25' c asked. ' Xemt Or.t KAXs.January 9. Flour sta oej; choice, $4 121(Vx: t 25; fancy. S4 37'a4 50; extia fancy, $4 (KK5J4 bv). Corn demand fair and prices higher: in sacks, mixed, 4S40c; yeUow, 4950c; choice white, 30c. Oati Western in pood demand; choice, 37(3i,"Sc. Cornraeal in good de- mand, $240. Hay in fair demand; prime, $1C5,17; choice, $18 50. Rice in good demand; Lonisiana, ordinary to choice, i30ic. rHOVIMIIXk. Bcttsr Creamery, 32(S,35c; dairy, 20 22c; rr.edium, KKii-ldc- butterine, lb(ij,18c; country, 18c. Chexse Prime flats, SjiJ.g's; X. Y. fac- tory, '"it 10c; full cream, 14(o 15c ; Y. A., 14'- - ios7 iltfs PoBii Si3 502,ll per barrel; suga- r-cared hams, packed, lifa.lUJc; break fast bacon, lO'fo 12c; clear rib bacon, . Bclk Pokk Clear sides, ; clear rib sides, 6jc; shouldcrF, 5'c. Labo Tierces, 74c; s, 8c; kegs, Sc; bucket. Sic; 8Jc; 20 lb tins, 7Jc; 10-l- b tins, 8Jc; b tins, , :, . h( b.,,1- - ' Ciscinmat., January 9. Pork quiet bat .to.d r,ft. Lard in fair de- - manJ but at lower rates. 6.90c. Uulk nipatadnli-- . shoulders. 6c: short rib. 6 ic. Bacon firm. iiultair du i. LotlSVILLE, January 9. Provisions easier, but not quotably lower. Mess pork, 9li OO. U1S. meats BUOUluers, ou ; taeavi rib, bjc;-clea- r sides, bjc. Bacon shoul- ders, 5jc; clear rib, 7Jc; clear sides, 7ic bugar-enre- d bams, 10Jc. Lard prime V.enm. Sic. Xew Oblxaks, January 9. Pork de- mand active, and higher, $13 12 J. Lard Bieady ; tierce, refined, 7et keg, 7Jc. Bulk meats demand ve and higher; shoul- ders, packed, $4 85 90; long clear and clear rib, 6i(H,6.40c. Bacon quiet; clear and rib aid long clear, "Jc. firm, lOJrasUc. Sn hams j:iMKKIEt. Cofkbe-Comm- on, 10c : ordinary, 10f llc; prime Rio. 12(r,12Jc; choice, 13(f 15c; old governmetit, SisfffjUic. Pure white, tij:;; off white. 51c; yellow clarified, 5jc; open kettle, 4)(:i 5j : ; refined A, blc; granulitted, 7c; powdered, 71c; cut loaf, 7Jc. Moi.assves Louisiana, common to fair, 25pJ30c: prime to choice, ; fancy, 50c; syrup, 30401,-- : rentrifagi', ir:me to ctoiee, 4H.v; e mumn lo fair, 2 )'o 3t:-- , new choice, 45(e.-5- t B.miuini. AKuTiEs Ilnoging, jute, f JfS.; 1 IJc; "ax. lOf'tjUIJc, according to weight. Ties, $1 M 1 50. Soap (iln per pound. Candles Full weight, 13c. Tobacco Common, 2835c; other grades in ntyks, 352-t- . 'Snuff . Garrett's, Jll pr case ; RnpWs, $10 25 per rase; railroad, 49 25frflO. Salt Per car-loa- SI 3tX.nl 50 per bar-r- e' ; fl 0 in sack; pockets, bleached, 2 (3:7c; coarse, $1 25; car-loa- from levee or dep jt, 5(.V10 cheaper. BsjLtimobe, Jannarv 9. Colfee quiet Rio, cargoes, ordinary to fair, 8.(",'..'ic Sugar quiet and steady ; A, soft, fic- - .New Yoi'.k, January 9. Coffee a ot fair Rio quiet; options quitt, closing barely steady; sties, 11,750 bags. Sosar quiet bnt firm; centrifugal, 5,;5 Iloilo, 4c; reiiued firmer; cut-lo- and crushed, tijc; powdered, oiojbjc; granu- lated, 6c. Alolaeses tpiiet. Xkw OacEAxa, January 9. Coffee steady, with a fair demand ; Rio, cargoes, ordinary to prime, 7J'k1 1c. Sugar common to good common, 3:;(3.3;c: fair to fully fair, 3j(r!c; prime, 4k; yellow clarified, 44;34;c; granulated, 5 1 6c. Molasses in gaod demand ; gnod to fair, 25(30c; prime to choice, 30(5i4'e. Canned Gooos, Etc. Prices ter doion: Pineapples. $1 Sttfcl 60; peaches, standard, $1 50: seconds, f 20; tomatoes, 21b standard, OOct'ofl; 35; strawberries. $1 25f 1 50; raspberries, $1 15(o,l 25; blackberries, l lOfol 25; green gages, Jl 2,y. 1 50; iiears, No. 2, $1 50; plums, $1 60; asparagus, $4(n 4 50: green com, $I(" 1 40; green peas, 90c $1 50; cove oysters, full weight, $1 15; cove oyBters.'full weight, $1 90; cove oysters, light weight, 65c; cove oys- ters, light weight, 2 1b, $1 20; condensed milk Crown. 40fcC 50; Kaglo, $S25; Swiss, $0,6 25. - Chicago Graiai rand Proyialon markets. srECiai. TO THE IrPEaL. CuiCAx, January 9. Corn oldat light advance until about noon when lower prices ruled, but dosed at yesterday's quotations on spots, lower for March and advance on May. Wheat opened with Ic ndvances, which were raised to jc at the close for spots and F'ebruary, but lower for March and May. The provision mar- ket reacted throughout, closing with yes- terday's improvement lost all round. The opening and closing prices of the day were as follows: Corn spot, 37ac, 37e; March, 37jc,37Jc Silling; May, 4! c, 41 Jc. Wheat spot. Sic, Mic; February, 81 la, 81 jc; Mar h, 82o, 81 Jc; May. 88c, 881c Oats May, 3H4c, 30ic ; March, 27c, 27c selling. . Pork spot, So, Sl -- 'o; tenruary, $12 25, $12 25; March, $12 60, ?12 25; May, $12 9i, $12 52J. Lard spot $7, S'v 92 ; Februarv, ti 971, 971 ; March,j?7 071, S7 02A ; May, $7 27J, 25. Clear rib sides spot $8 25, $i 20; Feb ruary. i 15, J 17A ; March, 6 30, So 1 4 ; May, se 00, so 3. Hogs $4 2of'i4 75. Buyers and sellers in the wheat pit ap- pear to have changed placeB, and the feel- ing is pretty feverish. Those who have carried the load up from the bottom have sold out, and are now most vigorously pounding the market, while those who have been short and lost have anxiously shouldeied the ttuff for a iurther advance, hoping thus to get even. Cables are still firm, but the recti. t advance has largely c.heoked the export movement, as not- withstanding all tbe rise in England, we have gone up so fast they could not keep up with us. Receipts coice in rather more freely, and there are rumors of increased deliveries by farmers at shipping stations iu the Northwest. Scalpers, too, have altered their tactics and are working from the short side, and the general opicion of the crowd appears to be that free sales and exhausted margins are likely to . cause a further decline before there is any material re- covery. Xow that speculation has revived on both side3 of the water, however, very sharp and wide iluctuations are expected to be the order of the day everywhere. "The market is a wild one," said Mor- gan "and a break will do it good and make the trade mora healthy. I still believe in wheat, and look for a much high- er range ultimately, and while the drop will frighten a good many into realizing, Htrontr men will take hold again at the bottom." Another trader says: "This advance has been pushed too f. si to hold. I have been suspicious of it all along, and think now if biir local men af.ack the market in force on the short side there will be no great trouble in si lling it back to near the starting po nt. Much will depend, how ever, ou the course ot the lore:gn markets. If they hold steady in thd face of a break ou this side values may quickly recover." A number of traders are laying cons'd- - e ruble stress just now upon the possibility that a Luropean war win prove an impor tant factor in tbe price cf breadstuff's soon, and while few have much faith in it. it may be well to note that whenever such comulications have arisen the high est range has been touched on fears of war, as in the case of France and Ger many, when wheat aociinea aimost steau iiy during the whole time the war was in progress. In the markets for corn and hog pro ducts tiieie is so little individuality that thev are expected to niovel with wheat, as heretofore. Corn, however, is the wcake t of tbe two, as it lacks the snppert that is under provisions, Un- doubtedly receipts of earn will increase with favorable weather, and the stock of contract grades is already growing at a rapid rate, with a better inspection, and shinDers cottent to let them remain in store, but taking the lower grades freely at relatively str. ng prices. Pork has an active following, but a very uncertain one, the men who seem to be under it being noted for the celerity with which thev can change sides on the least occasion there- - I0T. tveryDOoy agrees mat, u is a thing for outsiders to meddle with Lard can scarcely ' keep up if wticat and com recede, as country advices promise a biir run of bogs tcr the next seven wtess. and the packing record is already ahead of last winter at this date, with hog3 run ning extra fat and heavy. Chicago Cattle and Live Slock MisrUst. The cattle market during the part week has ruled rather steady, though the lower gt&uod hav? t tunes been pretty haid to aispose ot. At the start the runs cf shipping slock yere liberal. Uressea-oee- t men ana me retrular eLlDrers both bought in a gener ous way; however, ana Biimrjlated by re- ports of an advance in Xew 'i ork and fine- ness at other Eastern pointvc, desirable droves commanded DreviousDric.es The condition of the marUet for oil' grades was less gitif factory. The proportion of rough, d animals was pretty prominent, and holders ot that class found difficulty in making clearances even at a reduction. Everybody appeared to want the better lots, and there were few buyers who wou'd touch, the common sorts at 10 lie decline- - ' liutah6rs' stuff was weaker all around, and, excepting' ior tun uest oi,erin;j3, lower. Fat cows and heifers and fat little steers sold about as well aa at the close of the week before, bnt other descriptions Ver5 "t easily uoyerj at a reduction cf 10c. The.-- e was a full supply anu ramer siacs aeir.ana. blockers ana fceiiers were not ic much inquiry, but the fa.t that ofierings were liiuite 1 made it possible for holders to get full figures. As the week advanced such droves aa are sought by the Eastern trade were in fairly active demand, and were taken at steady prices. But the average quality was poor surprisingly si for the lime of year when the abundance and cheapness of corn is taken into account. Still, the market appeared quite shaky, quotations showed no noticeable decline and holders generally managed to find purchasers for abont all their holdings. Butchers' stock, too, while not percep- tibly lower, ruled very slumpy. Espe- cially was that the case with old cows and scrawny steers, the supply of which was in excess of the demand. Veals were in iood demand, and the nvmber here not equal to the requirements of the irade. Stackers and feeders received more at- tention, and there was a slow movement after all, and prices were barely steady. Towa'd the close of the week offerings were lighter. There were a few more good cattle here, tjo, but on the whole the quality was not much better, thin and coarse animals still predominating. There was not a particularly urgent demand for evett the best stock, but there was a good. gtetuJy inquiry lor well-bre- well-fe- beeves at prp-e- s ofien relatively higher than rates at Eastern markets. Cows and mixed lots were unchanged. Choice cows, bulls, etc., tulcd firm, but inferior old stuff weak. Offerings ot a rawny cows were particularly large, and as the canning demand is not very goad, owners who bad good fat stock on the ma- ket found that feeding paid. Buyersof stackers and feeders were in good'atteidance. There were numerous ord-ir- in the hantla of commission men, too, whil, offering were limited, This a auvavn TmvnririsiTYs a " ' made sellers confident, and, although buyers grumbled at tbo higher figures asked, the movement) as generally active. I) t turning clrvsod as) follows Export gtades i; wwii 75 to iaiM-- shipping steers... 5 Witt :a) (iood to choice shippiiigstecrs 5 sfviA5 an I r to zisod shipping steers. 4 25 .cn.noa to fair -- toers... 4 ona.4 m aJr to choice eows .. 3 W Inferior to fair eows . 2 list 2 yo 'nor to choice bulls 2 l) Feeders .'! WWM 5t) blockers 3 (fc 3 W Sheep arc still in large supply, but there as teen a gwl inoairv fur everything at all desirable; and though su.me rough lots ere I ard to get rid of prices average in. Si:e3wer at s2 5'e.5 for poor lo extra, tbe bulk of the i going at $'! 2.V4 10. I, mil's Cdruin anel frotlsleu Mnrkela. TO TUB St Iaii im. January '.. Interest in the gram market was concentral tl upon torn present ana luture alt'livery, near month holding up i the advance, rpota closed frilly lo higher, aud February closed J : higher aeked. Wheat was eaiy and unchanged for spots, February veiling higher dtuipg Ibo day, hut falling jack to lo liel w the highest puce ot the day at the cicse. Oats closed dull at inek'e quo'a'hus of yesterday. Meats continue firm, with ribs a fraction higher. J.ard closed at inside prices, lloga are stronger aud frcetionally higher. I'c.rn.neal is also hrm and higher. Others unchanged. A he details or lo-d- s prices st the close were as follows: Corn opened at 34c bid, and closed at 35J(o 30t: celling. February opined at 35:Jc hid, and closed at 'Jolc aaked. Maty opened at 3sc, and closed at .37 jc. Wheat opened at 861'" S Jc, and closed at 87J("-87J- selling. February at Hsic, and closed at 87Jc. May opened at 94; , and closed at H3Jj selling. Oats opened at 27c bid, and closed at le bid for i pots. May at 31c. and cioeed at 31 lo. F'ebruarv iimed and closed at 2s c bid. Pork closed at 12 o ); lard at i 871. and clear rib sides at t6 35. Flour ouiet-.S- bStW 4 10 for donble extra to fancy; corn meal firm at $22 50; pota- toes steady, 42(" 50c, and onions steady, $1 05(i)l 75. Hogs, 4 s. corroN-sjEE- i. Cotton Seeo Oils. In car-loa- d lots, prime crude C. 8. oil, 33c ; prime summer yellow, 'Ml("7c; Miner's, 38c; choice cooking summer yellow, SStovlOc ; choice cooking winter yellow, 48c. Less than car-loa- d lots: Prime crude. 34c; prime summer yeilow, 38i(u 40c; Miner s. 39 a 40c ; choice cooking summer yellow, 41(' 42c; choice winter yellow, 40 fc.-,(j- c. (Jotton-Ske- d Meal Prime, f. o. b., $20 per ton. Cotton-Seed- . Cotton-see- railroad. sacked, $10 50 per ton, delivered; wagon seed, delivered, $10 50 per ton: river seed, on bank, SS per ton. Kates established by Memphis Cotlon-bee- d Clearinghouse. HOl'aEHOLI) SUPPLIES. Veoetahlis Onions, yellow, new Lon- - isiana, si io(u,2 per barrel. Potatoes Irish, new, $1 751 90; loose, 75c per bar- rel. Sweet potatoes, $1 25to 2. Cabbago, $7(5,10 per 1 0 head. Kraut, new, $5"4 per barrel; oUfo,: so per half barrel. Gar.ic, $1 per 100. Appuh Choice an! medium, $2 rKX" 3 25 per barrel. Dried apples. 4f 5c pet pound from store. Dried peaches, 5fi 7c from store. Pickles, medium barrel, $7(5) V); taif-barre- l, 4(S 4 25; l int jars, $1 25 r dozen ; quart jars, $1 75(" 2 per dczen. Ices 20.-- . I'ocltkv Old iisr.s, $2 75(53; large young, $3; medium voung, $1 50(S,2 50; small young, $l(o 1 50 Fkesh Meats Beef Good Kansas City stperts, heavy, 7Ie ; light, 7e ; cows and heifers, 6jfo7c; mntton. 7'-c-: mutton. saddles, 9c; lambs, 10c: pork. So. FitciTd Oranges, gyajb per barrel; S3 per box. Iemons, JoWb jer box. Catawba grapes, 12ic per pound ; Concord, 8c per pound ; .Malaga, is per barrel. Bananas, ill" 2 50 per bunch, Cocoantits, $4(u;5 per ico. Peanuts V irgtnta, 10c; lennessee. 7c; roasted, 21c higher; shelled, 10c. Al monds, 18'" 20a. lexas pecans, 10Qa)15c; Arkanaa, 4r 6e English walnuts,12c; Na- ples, lbo. Filberts, 11c. Brazil nut, So. Raisins London layers, $2 75(3,-3-; Inpe-ria- l, $3 75ft 4. Brandy cherries, $3(W3 25 per dczen. Cider Miissonri, oO per barrel aDd $4 25 per half-barr- ; Kentucky barrels, 2o; Kentucky $4 oO. m- - egar, 12(o15c per gallon. Mackerel, 10 lb kit No. 1. 90c; Xo. 2, 80c; 15-l- No. 3, 70c. White fish, Xo. 1, half-barre- l, $0. Ll'MIifll MARKET, The following are the wholesale prices of lumber in this market: Poplar 1 in., 1st and 2d clear, $21; 1J and 2 in., 1st and 2d clear, $24; common board, fcld 50(oil4; siding strips, ljxO, face measure, 1st and 2d clear, $22; ceiling. lib in., 1st and 2d, 21 ; dressed. 1, Hand 2 iu., 1st and 2d, $27 50X't30; common dressed, 1 in., $17 50. Iimhxb Poplar, Sr.(a;9; cypress,- $6(it;9; Cottonwood, $2 50Ci-3- ; gum, $34: oak, SO (j!9; ash, $7(r,S; black walnut, $20(ai50. CvrREfs , i.t and 2 in , 1st and 2d clear. $27; common, $15; lancing, lxU, 16 IL, 516. Black WALStT-- lst and 21, 1, 1 J and 2 in., So; common, foO; culls, 25(o0. Yellow Pink 1, 1.1 and 2 in., 1st and 2d, i-- 5; dressed, $30; flooring, 5 and 6 in., $25; flooring, 3 and 4 in., $27 50: heart step lumber, $35(eVt0; j ceiline,$25; ceil- - mg, S22 50; i ceiling, f20. Oak- -1 to 4 in., 1st and 2d, $22 5925; common, 1 ami 2 in., $15d.Ii. Red Gojj 2.1s, $17 50; common, $8!!. CoTroswooD 1 to 3 in. mill run, culis out, $ion. Lath Poplar, $ l 60; cvpress, $2. Shingles Xo. 1, sawed or shaved,$4 50; sawed or shaved saps, $3. Ash 1st and 2d clear, 1 to 3 in., $22 50; common, $1516. JIlltKS ANO PELTBT. Wool Choice washed, 28 j per lb; un- washed, 1023e; unwashed hurry, lOoj; 16c ; clear do, 16.22c. Market weak. Hidei Dry Hint Ko. 1, 15,Jc; No. 2, 12Jc. Dry salted, 10llc. Green salted, 8ASc. Tallow, 0t?..8Jc. Beckwax, 22 2bc. Market steady. PETltOLEll.lf HARKCr. Cial-Oi- l Prime white, wholesale lots, 9(7'; 12c per gallon. January 9. Petroleum s w., 110, 7c. Baltoiohe, Jannary 9. Petroleum noni-ina- l; refined, 7 5(. 7J. PiTTsi,fRf., ' January 9. Oil dull and heavy; priie declined under reports rf heavy sailing in New York ; opened at 731', declined to 71 Jc, and recovered to TUcat 1 o'cl.x-k- . The total daily production of the Thorn creek field is 5633 barrels. irOrE-B- l II.DIStJ HATCBULS. Fbamiso Lcm beb Yard ori ees Rough, $15 per 1000 feet; dressed, $30; yellow pine flooring, $25; shingles, S34 50: lathing "on'.ar, $1 75 ; cypress, $2 per 1003 laths, fex'tra prices for extra lengths above 20 font. - - Liue and Cement Pare Alabama lime, "5c in bulk delivered ; 95c(3,$l per barrel in store; Louisville cement, 1 75 a barrel ; Rosedale cement, $2 a barrel ; Portland, $4 50fo:5: Kjiuan, 5; plaster of Paris, i-- J 50. Hair, (ic per ponnt. Nah.s $3 5u a beti. WHIsKY, F.rc. Wisks Imported port, tl 50(if,8; sher- ry, $1 5.V5I3; chamoajrte American ex- tra, $78; Piper HeKlsicIc, $25f-J27- j Murom's extra lr; BS'-i- ; Y.Zrer, (iV;3l ; Va. Cliqa A, t31f.7 33 : claret, $:J 7o per bo- -; Oatwta,-- per tast. Whiskvi .straigltt Rji'irbon, $1 50-6- ; rye, $1 7o7. St. Loi is, Jannary i. W'Lisky steady, Chicago, January 0. Whisky steady, 1 IS. Ba..t.iioi,i;, January it. Vvhisky steady, $1 la otl in. Cincinnati, January (I. 'WliisVy Bteady, with fair demand, 41 11. New Orleans, January 9. Whisky steady ; Western rectified, $1 C51 25. LIVCITUt'K llaBUItr. Catti.k Choic-- i corn-le- d to extra, per lb., 4l(S 4c; good. 4(3 4 ic. Obass ('attle Choice, SlfT ic per lb; good, l!Jc; fair to medium, 2i 3Jc; common, 1 '.(aiS'.c. Hem Cnoice light, 1.50 to 200 lbs, 4J 40; choice heavy, 45 c; common, 4(o 4rc. Sheu1 Choice, 4( lie per lb; medium, 3fS35c pur lb; common, per head, tl 1 iVJ; choice lanib9,4if. 5c. CoV'sano ualvus uuoice milcn cows with youni cilves, per head, $304U; medium, SiOGii'i. St. LotviH, Jannary 9. Hogs stronger; light, $4 2,V1 30; packioif, S4 .KK; 50 ; heavy, f4 S0V4 (55 lUceipf. 15,000 bead ; shipments, 3)00 head. Cattle scarce; very little done; good to choice phipping, $5fT"-- 75 ; butchers', ti 7o4 50. 450 head. Cnic'co. January 9. Hogs Receipts, 50,(100 head; fairly active and firm ; prices well maintained; light. $4 2VS 4 55; rough packirg, ?4 25f4 45; heavy packing and shipping, $4 4:l(a;4 75 Cattle-receip- ts, 70f 0 head ; good, firm ; common dull ; s, v5 75(.i O 25; good to choice, $5 5 t'O . common to iair, $4 10a,4 50. Sheep recti pti, 2700 head ; steady ; common to cood, 52 5'J(s4 50. ' Knas CrrT, January 9. The Livt Indu-ala- r reoorts: Uattte receipts. 1300 head; lib her lor shippins grades; exports, $5 40!? 6 tt5; good to choice shipping, 4 905 30; common to . , nattna ta i Hn.a 'i'l, t tm 1. anyijoay ive. ihnttwn World, London, England. 1 medium, .'?4 2o's4 75: feeders, $3 rVKan4; COIfS, $2 SOfn.'t 0. Ifogs receipts, 10.000 head; whikh' nurt 1'ic lower: lots, ilKlto 30C pounds,- $1 05- - 40; mainly H 15M 4 25. 1700 head ;.i tive; fail- to good muttons, $2 50(o 3 2i. MEW TIMH lKl UVUH MAKKET, i'Kiv Youk, January 9. Tbe market wad more uvnet In (ifinand. the lirge biiKint-H- s ia ginhp.rivs and other wanh fabrics. Buyer- are awaiting the opning of other specialties, lit fttapl cotlot'.s there is a moderate business. Wcolens are generally dull, though in some makes and qualities a fair bueiiu-s- in rep orten. ISM p I ill r iiffiH 3EST TONIC. !rhis medJcine, oroWniojj Iron with pure reyctable tonics, cuirkly and oompWtt?ly ('lire Irrprpsin I iftlon, Wrakiir. Impur Blood, aiUajriMChilliiuid Fever, ni d NfarnlifiR. It is an unfjilnitrt:pmedy for Diseaseaof tha h ldnt'yw nnd i.i VI r- - it is invftUuihie tor Dlseaws pectillar to Womeih and all wLo lend sedentary Uvea. Itdoe-uo- t ininretlaj teeth, ciwjsebeadache.or rrMiu.-- eoimUpatiot. othrr Iron medicine do. I t enriches and punfiea tho blood, stimulate h ? , aitla the assimilation of food, re- lieves Heartburn end and strengtli-eu- s the muscles and nerres. or Intermittent Kecr?, Lassitude, Lack ol Ei ergy, Ac, it baa no equal. ' The irenuitte has above trade mark and cr osaed fed lines on v rapper. Take no other. tBlyr UttW CHIMItAL CO- -, BALTUioax, MB. STEAM BOaVTS. FO.U IX)UISVILLE AND CINCINNATI JtlompiblN au:t Cinclnnntl Packet Co. IaOCIVIIsIaK afr CIXCISXATI. Tlie ElejTiivnt an 1 Superb PasttenKer Steamer OISIO, t7Tf M. M. Dan master, Sa5C6S!k- - Will leateTI'ESDAY. Jan. :'.th, at Sn.rrj. For freilitorpas8aos'plj W . hitlhillURNE, Asei.t, corner Madi,on and l?roat streets. Tbs steamer COS3 MILLAR fallows, leavine- Fridny, Jan. inth. FOR CAIRO AND ST. LOUl. 4t. I.onla and Bfew Orleans Anchor Line V. SI. .Wall FOR CIAIKO D til. LOUIS. City of Helena, .T"V- - McCord . master. J?iSe- Will leave from the Levee SUSOAi, Jan. 11th, at lt a.m. For treurht or passaae apply to I., j. M4II.. I'fl-- Y1. rtllSI'lf ,1 . '11' t. FOR VIClCc-BUR- uleaisaad SewOrlsaas'Apcbar Islnc U.K. rill FOR VlUKSBUHti. City oi V lckslmrg, EinrT Keith master. Will leave from the wbarfboatSATUKaUAV, Jn 10th, at 10 a.m. or freight or ia??a(c apply to C. 1.. H u.f.. Pn". Art. AO STOKM, Sap't. FOR NEW ORLEANS. St.l,oulN and Ns w Vrlrans Anchor Llaa U. K. Mail FOR KEW OKLKAXsi City of New Orleans, .ggR. A. J. carter maer, msam Will 13 a ve from the levee SUAiiAi.. Jan. 11th, t9 a.m. Jr'or freight or ni?a?e apply to J. It. ItAl.L, 1'at.g. Agt. AU & HJK.H , 5Up t. For VlrkMbnrar, Bfatrhes, Baton ft on are matl AewOrIMna New and elegant iteanier Queen of St. Johns, zdz 'V ill leave as above 1 11 IS 1IA1 . Jan. luth. at 5 p. in. For freigntor ttasaae apply on wti.irlixiat. tl c. i.'nv h, smtit. FOR ST. FRANCIS RIVER. The .St Francis River i ranaportatioa t'o's Jc ine ai!n-- v neel u. to. Mail steamer Incite Maeready , Lt! O. K. Joplin master, WILL LEAVE .MKMP11I3 EVERT I'l tKllAl AMp rrATrKDAT, at 5 o'olock, for Marianna, the Cot-Uf- f, and inter medife landias on St. lranoiff river. The cap- tain leservea the rinrht to pa-- a ail lundina he deemii unsafe. JA8. LEK, Ja,, SupennUndcnt. Otfice, No. 4 Madison Btreet. MercJiautsi' aud i'laiters, I'uoket JLiue, rpll ateamer MiaiXIK, Captain L i . M. Muiuiia; M. A. ttlti'on clerk, will leave Momtrhit. EVERY IL Emja at 5 D.m.. for all iutnta on St. Francii river, uro- - ug as hisvh as Aiariitnna and the Cut-Of- For freigl.t or piisPHife apply to K. W. LIitHTBITRXE, Arent, OfiTier !nl""'iii nnd Front street". UPPER liKNDS. For Lambert'- - Landing, old Kiver, Head Inland 37, aud all v.y points in the Bends .Steamer C. CIItTiTafiii.jn. . W, Robinson. ..master f Fred. R. Smith. ..clerk Will eave a above every TUESDAY AKD SAT- URDAY at 6 p.m. For freight or passage apply on beard. FOR WHITE AND BLACK RIVERS. MILT I1AKKY Blnek Kiver V. H. Mail Packet. For I ndian Bay, St. Charles Clarendon, Devalli Bluff, Des Arc, Auustn, .'ackon port, Searcy. BateBville, Potrhatan and I'ocahontas. aieiiinr Jots S'i ttti, gi ' a, M. R. liarry, master, nV.Fg Will eave ilemphit? every ISainrday m o o'clock connectinrT direct with the new bHek River t.m.- Sutes Mail Packet MILT IiAKRY, for PowGHtan and Pocahonus, and with the Daily Pack iU to lutes viile and Upper White river. ThtouRh Rutct to alt noiutt. Frsitrht oonsiKned to Milt Harry Line, Memphis or Terrene, will Le prompiiy forwarded. li. L'tWK, AffTit. on K'uirfbont. V- - AND ARK. HIV. PKT. CO. US. MAIL LLNE For Arkansas . a'LT!!lA City and way lamiinscs, Hlpauir KAl ts ALA7n. M. R. Cheek- - master I W. C. Blenkor rkrk leavs Memphis every MONDAY .tnd 1UURS-DA- at ft p.m., connectintr at Terrene with packet for all point on Arkansas river For Vicksburr and waylnndinca, 8teamr UliX t. MAH, Ed.Wowlsnd matarj W. lhomp?on clerk, leavs every TUuSDAIl at 5 p.m., connecting with and railroads for Y&xoe river anu New Orleans. For Pine bluff and all rMts on Arkarsas River. otVeamcr IDA DARKAUU Le ives Memphis everv TL'i'.SDAY at 5 p.m. Frtiigi-i-t received ana bills lading signed on Com3auyf Wharfboat, foot Union street. 11 C. LOWKandE. WALWOKIH, A rents, JOHN OARK. Passenger Ageat. FOR TIPTON VILLE. For Oiceola, Hales Point Carutherviile, Gayoso anil iintonviiie ine new paeienger steamer AYSO, n . r. uan.- - -- master J . v. r uin:r cierK. will leave as above, and a'l wav poiuls, EVERY MONDAY and THURSDAY at 5 p.m. Fv t rT nxiafa nnT'lv on hoavil. LEE LINE STEAMERS. HeflihlMa, C rlara RNtlut a.U Miuiavlu aul 1ki?oIi Packft ('ompnuy. For Helena, u lend ate. Kiinrs Point 4ud aj Way Lin a i t. rs bte s zo r JAMES LEE, - K. T. Claett master I Piatt F nodes clerk Will leave aa above on every MoN iAV,WEDKKt- - DAl'uod FKIDAY.at 5 o'clock p.m. ForKandolph.Falton, Osccols anrl ayLandinc; Steamer 0OA11O3IA, J. H Cooper, maattvr......J. W. Smither.elerk Leaves a- - above every MONDAY, WEDNES- DAY and FRIDAY at 5 p.m. The boats of tLia line tbe risrbt to ali landiiis the cap- tain uaydeem unsafe. OScc, No. 4 St. .JAMES LV.V.. Ja.. ctit.crtritcndc-pf- Kit mphis & White River Pkt Co. V. S. MAI la IjSaP.. ST It. CHICIaXSAW,iS E. C. P03UI... natter C. li. Fa3iTI.lTerk ClaisHadon, nevalla atinT, ttrm Are, aVn-- sraMSn. tatl tienrvj. LSAl'Ki iriEilPl-I- EVERY WKDHESDAY atSn.m. Thronirh ratns ta all nninta. Traio-h- t aensia-na- tn Mempbis anil WVS-- - rtvva: raoaet uo. wilt Delorw. - .1 promptly. Airrnt. on U hartl Trarjiec's Sale. B ,.vi,r,ue of "' dd mtt,ie 'o me bv Julia , Jf. Letiuereet al., on the 11th day of July, .'. n "corded sn the ReirUter's office of Shell y county in Deed Book H7, p.taeonS, 1 will, at tint northeast corner of Alaaison and Main Blree j, in Memphis, Tenn., on Itatardar. . 18SS. at 12 clock m.. sell to the hichast bidder, for can, the fullov in ue?erlhed lots or paroele of arouui, with improvements thereon, lyinr and beinr in the coanty of Shelby and tkate ot Ten- nessee, and more particularly as beins; aoerain lot on the corner of Washington and Orleans streets in said oity of Monii.his, begin- ning at the northeast corner of the intersection of sa d streets; running thence north with the east tide of Orleans street 7514 feet: thence east- wards tSO feet to Weil Holt's western boundary line; thence aoutbwardly ad feet to Washington street: thence wettwardly with the north side of Wasliinxlon street 4.t6vi-lll- 0 feet to Orleans street. Second. Also one other lut or parcel of ground in sa: d county and State, on the north side ot the Memi-ht- and Germanlown plank road, near the city of Memphis, being part of the John Rite JUasL.t.cre grant and part of lot Ko. 6, of tbe 24ij acres dividci bettreen the heirs cf Wm. Win- chester: Beginning on the north side of said road nnd on the west side of a alley and 2U feet sresl of the southeast corner of the original lot lo. 6 ol said Winchester division; thence nortt 5- - east with the west side of said alley and para! el with the line between the oriainal lota 6 and i. 12 chains and ' links to a stake north 55: west :t3 links from a whiteoak; thence north 82 west7tft-10- chains to the west line of said Int Ho- - 6 to a stake south 25- - west from a small red-oa- thence south 5- - west 12 chains to a stake on the north sido of aaid road 6 links east frO'O a t, redoak, and the southwest corner of said ot No. G: thence sou(h !" east;84-lil- 0 chains to thf beginning, containing by estimate 10 acres. All right and equity of redemption, homestead and dower waived. Terms Cash. Title believed to be perfect, bnt I sell and will only convey aa trustee. W. I.. CLAPP. Trn-tc- Manhood Restored KLl'V FaJtE. A victim nt .milhtnlimnra.n. earning Premature Decay. Nervous Deriilitj. Lost aiaihood, tc, baring triad in vain every Known remKlj.aaadi&corurerl a stioplsmeanaof whiin he w.P a , I'REL to his f a, ac reaa. J.1LE t:YLa, 43 ChaUiamSUJ'ew Yorfc Un after eatinir, for indffres- - ,tin. A pertect oubi'.ituta tobacco. Ask yocr drug-tai- or confeotioner f f Coi- - riiu r c li i w ou ui:iiri KQL If "Taffy Xoiu," manbfaotured a.Jiir bv Co lean A McAfee. Louis- - vilie, Ky. bundle bf nail oa tixcenu. ( ri un mnwi nt "i.i payable on dsttaud. was daelarad 3S capital toctt oi ttja ooaarflny. RIVER, NEWS. KlrV4.air.il I.K.VINSt TIIIS DAY. White Kiver.... ..Job Pktrrs, Harry, 5 p. at. Arkansas ItivcrK. W. Cni.c, Ellison, a n.ra St.Fr'nciiKiv'rJ!s:MiCititADT, Joplin. S p.m. j Upper Bends C. . Robinson, a p.m. ' Now Orleans Qrrficor Hr. Joa, 5 p.m. Vlcksbnrc C'r ViraaaiBo, Keith, H a.m. I Sr.NDAY, M0SDAY AND TUESDAY. Sew 0rleaos....C'Tr!iiiw0tl.'.'iS,Sunr)ur,ItU.n. St. Louis ....City or Hr.ttra, Sundaj.10a.ai. Friars Point. ....Jsmks Lrr. Monday. 5 p.m. Arkansas City. ...Kara Adamb. Monday. 5 p.m. Osceola ....hw....Coajiuua. Monday, 5 p m. Tiptonviile....M...sAYORO, Monday, 5p.m. Vicksbnrtr ..Will 8. Hati, Taesday, S p ra. St. Francis Hirer. Winxit, Taetday, i p.m. Cincinnati Ohio, Tuesday.. r p.m. MOVEMKMTN AT Til at I.EVIE. Arrival. Chaa. Morgan, ht. Ixcis; Co- ahoma, Osceola; CHchuUze, upper bends; James Lee, Friars 1'oiut. DrpnrturtM. Ct.-H- Morgan, New Or- leans ; James Lee, Friars l'oint; James W. Gail, Cincinnati ; Coahoma, Osceola. Units in J'ort K. W. Co.'e, Ilene y, C 8' hul'xe and Winnie. Bont Due Down. Gayoso, City of Vicks-bur- g and tjueen of St. John. Dual Dur I 'p. Joe 1'eters and Cily of Helena. Btecrfpla Telertay. C. 8chu!t 14 balescotton.o hags seed-cotto- 75 sks wed and14 hogs. Coahoma 2:12 bales cotton, 61 bags seed-cotto- n, lo ) sks seed, 21 sks corn, 9 hd stock and 20 pkgs sundries. Winnie (brought out of St. Francis river) -- 247 bales cotton and 4337 ft lumber. Hene Maeready (brought out of Francis river) ,io bnles cotton, 1402 sks seed and 42 pkgs sundries. Fl trSK BOVfMITs. The Paris C. Brown is due down for New Orleans. Tub Winnie, Capt. J. M. Manmus, is in port for St. Francis river. The Ohio, Capt. M. M. Deem, is the Tuesday packet for Cincinnati. Tita Will S. Hays, Capt. Ed Nowland, is the packet Tuesday evening for Vicksburg and the bends. The Lee Line packets Monday evening are the James Lee for Friars Point, and Coahoma for Osceola. Tbk Anchor Line packets Sunday morn- ing are the City of New Orleans for New Orleans, and City of Helena, for St. Lot is. The Joe Peters, Capt. Milt R. Harry, is the packet this evening at 5 oVock for all points on White river. A. J. McConnel and Hugh Smith are ber clerks. The Gayoso, Capt. W. P. Hall, is the packet Monday evening at 5 o'clock for Tiptouville and all way landings. Col. J. D. Fuller has charge of her office. The City of Vicksburg, Capt Henry Keith, is the Anchor Line packet this morning at 10 o'clock for Vicksburg and the bends. George Walton is her clerk. The E. W. Cole, Capt. Frank F.llison, is tbe packet this evening at 5 o'clock for ail points on Arkansas river, going through to Little Roc. Walter Outlaw has charge of her office. The Kate Adams, Capt. Mark R. Cheek, is the United States mail packet Monday evening at 5 o'clock for Arkansas City and all way landings. W. C. Blenker has charge of her ollice. GESERAI, SLWa. Bu9iHava8 good. Ci'miERi.AND river is still rising. The river rose 8 inches at Ca'ro yester- day and 4 inches here. 1Weatheb rather mixed alternately cloudy and clear, and growing col ler. The Riymond Horner and tow oi coal pasted to New Orleans yesterday after- noon. The Wirt, with a tow of produce boils out of the Ohio, passed south yesterday evening. The Jim Lee brought in a good cotton and sundry trip, and returned yesterday evening. The cold-wav- e flag was hoisted again yesterday, and the temperature began' to fall immediately. Reckipts by river yesterday, 676 bal.s of cotton, SI bags of seed cotton and 1876 sacks of cotton-see- The Itene Maeready. Cant O. K. Jon-- lin, is tbe packet this evening at 5 o'clock for St Francis river. The C. Schultze arrived from above with a moderate trip yesterday evening. She returns litis evening. The Charles Morgan, loaded flit. Daseed to New Orleans yesterday morning, getting a number of passengers here. The Ohio is the Tuesday nacket for the Ohio river, followed by the Cons Millar r nuay evening. See card elsewhere. The new wharfboat for the Memphis and Little Rock railway airired yesterday, towed down by the Thomas A. Hendricks. The Winnie brought 247. bales out of St Francis river, of which 119 were for Mem- phis. She had also about 5000 feet of lum- ber. The C. Schultze, Capt. J. W. Robinson, is the packet this evening at 5 o'clock for the upper bends and all points in old river. The James W. Gaff returned to the Ohio yesterday evening, taking 1225 bales of cotton, a big lot of sundries and 25 pas- sengers. The Rene Maeready came out of St Francis river with a small lot of cotton, but good pile of cotton-see- d and sundries. She returns this evening. Capt. Kd Howard launched the new Anchor Line boat Wednesday at Jeffer-sonvill- e. She went into the river I ke a streak of greased lightning. The Coahoma came in from Osceola with a better trip of cotton and sundries than has been brought down in several days. She returned in the afternoon. The Nail City, oat of the Ohio, arrived yetj'.t relay morning with a mixed tow of ceal and produce. Sho dropped two barges of cabbage and apples here, and will pro. ceed south this morning. Dvmsu the year 1884 24,848 officers were licensed, t.f which number 6853 were captains, 1390 mates, 5151 pilots, 11,454 engineers, and who were distributed as follows: On the Pacific coast, 1752; At- lantic, 9899; Gulf, 2311; Western rivers, 5476 ; Northern lakes, 5419. Mr. Ford, of Louisville, had several fine hunting dogs and a borse on board the Belle of Shreveport when she svnk. They; are supposed tp be last, Among tbe list of losses on the Shreveport should be mentioned twenty-fou- r head of flee blooded race stock, intended for the Ex- position ; also eleven head of fine Jersey cows. Cpt. J. M. Onioh, of the towboatThos. A. Hendricks, drops a postal informing shippers southward that his boat will ar- rive about with a full tow for Meanphis and will want all she an get to tow from this port to points below. She is the first boat named after one of the Presi- dential candidal. - SBe arrive yesterday t'yo days ahead oj tleC WrtTHkt AMD KIVEBB. OfFit r, fiiGKat. BaavlCR, V. S, A., IS5. J The following observations are taken at all stations named at to3 meridian time, which. Is 1 hour fa. tcr than Memphis titne. . ihauges. .oor low water. Rise. Fall. Feet Feet Feet lothl Cairo Chattanooga Cincinnati ... trtaveoDort .. iDttbuuue....1 'Fort Smith.1 IKeokuk tLa Crosse... ILeaver.w'tn Little Hock. 14 LouUville.... HI a em pb la J 22 ashville -- ...I lu tN'ewO'leans 5 IiJmaha Pittsburg 'io" Shreveoort.. 23 8t. Louis 15 Jt. Paul.... Vicksburar "ST lYankton ..J Bulow water mark. IFroieu. tBelow hit mark. 1374. Cincinnati, January 9. Noon River 24 feet;. Inches on the iraufte, and fa Ulnar. Weather clear and warm ; thermometer W. Ho arrival or departttrcH. New Orleans. January Xijeht Ar- rived: 8. h- - Wood and John Gil more and bar (ret , St. Loots. Departed: Mereerand tow.Pitt.dmrjr; Helena, Memphis. Pittsbueq, January fli Noon River 10 feet 11 inches, and failing. Weather cloudy aad cold. N ight River H feet I inches, and falling. Weather clandyand mild. Vickskcbg, January 9. Night Xo Departed: Will 8. Uays, Memnhii Joe WillUmi and tow. New Orleans; Golden Crown, Cincinnati. Tbe wharfboat will be brought to the landing in front of the city Evanbvixlc, January 9. Night River 23 feet 4 inches on the rauire. and rising. Weather clear and mild. No arrivals or departures of regular packet. ZStght Kiver 12 feet on the raue, and rising. Weatner clear and mi'd. Business dull. No arriraJtsor deoarttirea of regu lar packets The Ohio will arrive at 8 p.m- 1 ha Mary Houston and Buckeye State are both due up. Cairo, January 9. Noon Weather clear and eold. Arrived; Paris C. Brown. Cin cinnati, 1 a.m. : City of Vieksburg, St. Louis, t a.m.; City of .New Orleans, ht. iron., b a.m Departed: Citv of VichsbiaT. Vicksburar. 8 a.m. Pans C. rown. New Orleans.it a.m. Nipht W eather clear and.cold; thermometer 46. Kiver 21 feet 4 inches, and rising. No arrivals. De parted: City ot aew Orleans, New Orleans, c p.m. LoOTgviiaiaX, January 9, Noon River falling, with 10 feet finches ta the eacal and 8 feetSinohee in the chute oa the falls. Bueinest fair, Vejrir clear and pleaeajit. No arHvais or BerrtBrlK"eioeptal tr. Tht TJ. P. Efiheno, for New Orleans, paeq down at 0 a.m. Night' Kiver falling, with Id feet 3 incaej In the oa&al and 8 feet, inches in the chute on ufo fail. Bui-ne- ss dull. W eather clear and oool. No arrivals or departures. srsw mrwr mrrmtrt. ,on saasaaw. aanary ia. hdaii 1 twMH I for th W. U. MvlURE, Secretary. aerve the ensuing year. Df AM? iiiS IN linn n and D.T.rlfra,Prw- - I J. IV:ur, Jr tvj: IJI3sr.a5JOTtJEl.. S. H. BROOKS, of Brooks, Neely 4 Co. I K. L. CVKIN. of DIHard Ccffin. W. B. OALHRKATII, of W.B. OnlbreathsVCo. J. ft. Of 1!' WIN, of J. K. Clod win A C. J. M. GOODBAK.of (ioo-lba- r A Co. J. 0. JIIJ.Lri. JOHN 0VUHT05, J C&piulirt. I D. T. fOKl r'H, of Porter Macrae. rsr-A- ll kinds of Property Insured. Eneeial aticr.tion also riven to in.urinr Iwe)lliia- - n ltaairr aleres, at reasonable rates. Cnmiueaced business in IswtT. I.OS.SKS PAID, r Halts saS Itio . A (trnic nn- - v w. r..r- B. TREADWELL. tn - U? .Has ErB & fcs Cotton Factors, WMesale Grocers, iVo. 11 Union Ktreet, : : : Monnihla, Tenn. w A. Gasre COTTON FACTORS, No 300 Front street, Memphis, Tenn. U.I.N"k 1 iJ..!H.. TREAD WELL. Wk liaaaa' E. WITZB1AMM & CO WholeMwle Dealer- - hshI 1'iilslisibera, Sol AeeuU fur th lowing First-O.- i Iastmrn-M- JStoixi-w- y and. XSLtolglJog i61?fl2 "alki HAaOX at HASI.IJI. (l ;tl.,l A WIHHIs' LOl fiKI A vMMAm 4 .. AMI Pic I I If A.nn:s. A. srl KEW PIANO FO'.t l.- - for CuMoimem. , 23 iiikI Sii;1. l(ln fcT.. !r tKIS ANDREW STEWART, New Orleans. AS ORt.W D. G WYNNE, Memphis, Stewart, mm k CO., Wholesale Grocers, Cotton Factors aVO.356 AXD SSH FBOXT fVTKEfcT, MKSfP.lJIs TiiS STEWART BBOTHEFiS & COMPANY' COrroN FACTORS AXB COXMLSS10X ME1?C1IAMS, sew nitr.F.nx f.oiTVs.-T4-4- . W F 9l aV4 COTTON PACTOHS AXD COMMISSION JvIKUCU AXTS, 314 Front Street, Corner of 3ouroe, ; : Mem phis, Tennessee. Liberal Atl vaars. af on "'av.alu-.iT- r BROWN I J. A. BAILKT. j. I. a 8. fol ri 0. THE FLUMBEK, 254 SECOND STREET, MEMPHIS. a. bail: aPiunjlWrH', Oas and Vn aat Sann-ria- Stwaoaul-- . fToT-v- v UPAR1' A DELItJHTITL and KEr'KESliLXG FUAv.KA.XCE to tbe BUEAT11 Wil li TSADK MARK BBQISTLR1D.) C1IWIN OU32. For "ale eierywhrrr, Hrlcs- - Hal la dmalera will bo anpsallcal ly Wlaoleaale Urna (lata, Wroeera and CoaleeUonera r Mesnpnla, ar by SOIa, COIiBMA J5T. Mcmplii. TeUn. Wood ruff Lumber Compan A. WOOBllFr, Prealdeat. s. . HABTNAr, "aae'y iu,d Trraa Mjuifa' t::rers of and OcuteF lu CYPRESS, P0PL?ff, C0TTGNW933, WALNUT, OAK AN0 ASH Doors, Snsh, Blinds, Moldings, aud Uuildint; Material Oesitrally SAW AXI PLAAIAG .mi. I.N. North .Front STear a? Work. A. I. Tttvysor. Haiiater. ; ? t j 3aitiSai. raaaaaui attaawaa If al SI M nil IU JA, -- .5avt P-a- aC U2a WHOLESAlaaC Grocers and Cotton Factors, So. 893 Main Street. Gayoso mock. win. & GO, teaiii Fitters' Good TTtv1-v.- . 'RTaam-n'Ma- Tcr v f 9i. rVnolesale Grocers WHOLESALE. Stock & Dairy Farm KERB AVEJiUE, WEST HERXAXDO ROAD, 5EAK MEMPHIS, TEXJi. JOHN KIBK. PERHIaa. KEBB & PEBKMg ; Proprietors. SEXIVIOB i JEXHEY nri.1-- . INORTFilAK, ts.rvl Few, ihould NOttLCUAe is Laadsome breedinir, comblnlnir blood lUOicoW tUmpton America, Friar, Alt.heoi. Albert Imp,. Koblcinn. Pediarree orintinn ' . CRKAM in la miantities Af. lrrnn HILL, FONTAJN a . a. aaa m sa Cotton Paotor an.2 Front Ut., jtlemphis, Tenn. KILL, PONTINE & 60. Cotton Factors, Con mission Merchants, TVo. 116 South Maiu Ht.. Ht. Eton!. SCHOOLFIELD, HABfAUER & G 2SO ANI 258 STIIEST, TE0S.L. KIBK. President. STRICTLY K..-- r Wa ttlxo lurnmh 05 OF M. y Ft C, TUB. with tha next nason the caw not prove with calf. TiB Tury and rare doe the jUm and and awd oh co;.r,.issiON. H. UOSElSB.rieoretary MANUFACTURING CO. GALVANIZED WORK, TIN, IRON AND SLATE HOOFING Iron Fence a, lTIe.nl 3kyllsltts. TELEPHOXK Ke. 0 436 and 438 fiSain St, and and Kul&erry Si Rlamphi? IZKSCTOar-- N. M. JameaUe.Jr. ,n.r. Graves. L..TitT. it-- . rtZ? i tbe hoorgofal o'oleclt apd 6p rLtl s purpose electing seven W Ttrecmrs to I By J. Bradley, Deputy i UaaalaAAaUa y. Diz.Sol. rwntpUlnarat. I irlar III, . B. . b" tea are Pei-are- to ft KK 31 LK p.n a L. J. : s TIB! A. J. C S10, priT-- o return of a he of as of liray 44, Write for full riv PBOKT C. i GEO. I. Kila . .. LCM, Sup' IRON 21 23 Jonet. H. C. War! E.C. Rut m., of M. Ceo B. F. lot 43. Or. Bcrahardt's gcroad PFofeaalonal Vlall la Ifemphla aflcraLapue at Hevrs, tarna Years. Morris Ertrt if 1 OF CHICAGO, 11. La,, Formerly of Berlin, Pru-sia- , asd New York. U staipptng at present A. the Feataotviy Eotel Office Room "o. 4 Parlor Floor, MEM PIUS TEXXESSEK Offer to thor who are uffer.Df from a.kneu avo4 DEFECTIVE SIGHT Brazilian Pebble and Australian Crystal Glass Spectacles (Soperlor lo any tber la m. Coi- - strtiil in pcordaDco with, tbe ftunri and ol rature, airairably adaou-- to tbe oi aiafht, arid prlftly nttorai to the eye afford ine ul'orthor the bet arti&riail help to the ha man v it ton ever invented. 1. 1 hey rn be worn wllb Hrrrt eaiM for any Icntr-- of time nt ooe aitttmr ctviuc oterni of vUion, by candle or other artitiftrfl liffht. and coo frt to the upectacia weaier heretofore unknown. a. How le rt rnirtm l fuidance. even linacood artinl if otlerej. lr. Bcrnhnidt not only hu the beet glasjirott t be found i& t e market, but carefully exinine the eyc of the patient, and ciree advice a; to the proper ee lection of them. DR. MORRIS BERNHARDT eomei recommended In the higbet terms of praise by rumeroun cert.fieatei from the njot eniinent Pbymeians, Ocuii.ti, DiTinei.and the niut prouiiuent iiirn of our country. A mo a Uiem are thute of MEMPHIS, Th.N., end fron. all the priucifial cities ot the United AtaUi. Mempbir, Tkn,, December 11, Ifft Some seventeen yenr aeo, in tbe tyring of IV:?, our city was fcy an eminent OjjttrUn, Or. Morrin aUernherdt, of Berlin, i'rutna, enjoylnr at ttint tiuie tbe indortieu)CLii!i now lu hi- - i'rufft-tio- n til A. K. Tu.ior, M.I.. J. K. Kray-s-- r, M I.. John Pitman. M.l , Geo. R. ir.nt. M. U f R lioprvon, M J., h. Milei Willett, il b., wTl. Creigliton, M.I.. M. D. Lilly, o 1. S., the Rev. C. A. Davit., the T. 1. the Kev. J. C. tednian, the Kev. Q. Whiio. tho Uev. h. U. rord. Practiolnc his since then in the principal citiee of the ihuu oiaiei, ami alter a pen a nanf rva. t n a. . - CbicKK", indorsed by the Medical (School In the, city, tbe Iiortor, on account of ill health, bee bten obi.Kfad to temporarily fuftnd hi Chiceo uii'inw, anu rinnuueu IQ our eityKRII.. We bave examined bin credent, ait as wet! a a lurta" and litre .f optical inntrumeQU and leni.ni lor itirrcctuig de'ectn of T.nion, anil believe Iroin our ir.trvjtfw with the loc;ot thai, he i tli..ruurhi-qu;iiibe- in hid profMHi,u to the viiri-.n- lrtjrmiucs of ,y ibe ot- - eritiflcapplii..:itton uiitM-ef- , nr.ii ucb indorett 1 M 1. S .1 KI-- ! l I. JilHN K. FkAYtitH, M.U., - VMI HLJ. MllRKlSVN, M.D.. li Kit hit .lilNKS, M.l.. JOHN PITMAN, M.l IIEO. II. MUOH K, M.D . J. L. flM, M.U., ,,K5- - '.'(I'tLIa A MAl'RT, t. TKALL. M.D.. I. I. HAL VuKitS, M.D.. W. B. Ivoui HS. f.l).. W. E l;v".t'.H. M.D., SHKI'A. KoiiKRh.M.b.. A VV. LAilAK, Pa-t.- ui I .r .t Church. A.M. LO ta, l'astor of irst Baptist Church. Mkmphis, Trvs., Dectnbr 1, 18M. Ibavr-hra-- long familiar with tha nam. and re.atali n of the al,o gentleman, aud feel as- sured that their indorsement is a f uaranla lor the lroferional skill. I lr. Al. Kernhardt, seventeen rears ago, a aorresiHitiduig with tha ouo signod, written by niedu-a-l guutletiien. UFO. WHITE, hectus Emeritus Calvary Church. Mkmphis, Taaa., liecember IS, 1S4. I have rend a very flattering notii-- e of thsj in- genuity of Dr. Bernhardt as an optician aadbia wondMtliil skill as an oculist written by my la- mented pre.teoess r, lir. C. A. llavis. All who aoow lr. Davis will hear testituuoy to the faet that any communication from hiru would ba tuented and ileserved. li A.JONE&, Pastor Cumberland Preabyterian Church. Mmifjia, Tsn., December IS, 184. Dr. Bernhardt, ot Chicago, brings the indorse- ment uf a. t the primiial physicians and clergy- men of that city, the uio.t of whom I know, and many ot theui personally and very wall. Ue aer'ain'y stands at the top of his profession as an oculist and optician. I hava unqualified conndeu'-- in bim lo do almost to th. limits ot the possiiiiiities of hi- - prol ila has tha host indorsements on both sutra of the Atlantis tiEO. . bVV EbNtY, pastor Christian Churob. Dr. BerniiuT-i- t extends a cord.sl invitation to those oi the Medical aad Cltrgy whom li.. bus been unable to tuvet to vi?ii hirn at hia office. MCOHMVUybEO By the Leading Physicians and iiitnes of t'lncago. J. Adams Allen, M.D.. LL.li., Ptsident of Rush Medical Collcve, Slos..s tiunn, .M.D., LT..II., Trofessor of Prlo- - cu; l. s and Practioe of Surgery, hu.h Medical College. J. P. It .ss. M.D . Professor Clinical Medlcina and Diseases of tUe Chest, Hush Medical Col- lege. DeLn.kle Miller. M.D., Professor of Obstetric and .Diseases of Women and Children, Rush Meilicnl College. YiiicFiit 1.. Halivnt, SI B., Professor tiyneoology, Ku-- h Medical College. W. H liyfurd. A.M., .M.D.. Professor Oynecolo. ' gy, liii-- h .Medical College. Ileury M. Lyman, A.M., M.D.. Proresscr Phyri- - ylos-- and Disease ol tbe Nervous riyilera. Rush Medical Co. lere Adjunot PToiaiaor. Rush Medical lollcjre. A. Reeres Jackson, Ai I)., President College Phy- sicians and burgeons. Ruuert L. l!a, M D., Professor of Anatomy, Chi-euf- O .Medical College. J. 11. llullister. M il., Professor Uentral and Pathologioal Anatomy, C'hioaato .Medo-it- l College. K. N. Ishstn, M.D , Professor of Principles and Practice of Surgery, Chioage Medical College. K . Holer. A.M.. M.D., Prolessor of Obstret-rtc- s and Disease ol om.n .na f Chicago Medical College- ihotnas He-- , an, M.D. , Professor Clinieal Medi- cine, Chicago Medical College. J. N Dnnforlh, Prole-so- t Pathology, Woman's Hospital. Truman W. Miller, M.D., Surgeon United SUtea Marine llosoital. A- - .E. Mnail. M.D., Professor Theory and Prac- - tiue, Hnneman College. Beorge A. Hall. M.D . liahnemsn College. P Hedges. M.D., Hahneman College. Mitchell, M.D.. Chit-ag- HomeopathioCotlege 'wi,.li- - K- - Kol.erl Coloser, Charlaa t.t hesney, ihhnp Roform irliopal Church and R. ctor Christ Church. Rev W. U. Ryder, St. P.ui I'tiiversalist Church, Locke, Rector israce Church. Edward builivan. Rector Trinity Church. t.lwr.l P. tutllvao. Pastor first CongregationU Churr B?Ya Arthur Ltttle, Xew England Ohnrch. liev. U. . Ihoman, Centwiiary h. Cburob. JoSn Atlee M D., the eminent sargeon of Pa, sys. 'Dr. iernhnNit baa CtUd glus-M- to my eye, making tne vmon almoet aa perfect aa in youth." H'F glasetes are superior in quality and and indirate hiph pruleMii nal skill on hin part, in their xdaptatmn to all h different . varieties and conditions ot the eyes." T A. Hendrxks. of India. "Itaka great pleasure tn certifying U the quality a.d great value of the gla-e- adap ed lo my eyes by Dr. Bernhardt in bel-- i better fattea to theui than any I have ever us',dl 1 recommend him to the pub; ic." Kichard Yatev E Govern or of Jiinoii-- . 'He 11 entitled to confidence, as aQ optician I recommend him." HAYES, F Prfci;.dnt Cniud StaUa. 'From personal expv"ienee I can recommend him as a tkilliul optician." iioratio ijeyiriour, New York. 'Dr. Bernhardt' Icn-e- s are made o soperior material, aaa with his aid, must 1n.1terU.ly assist infirmities of sutht," H. K, Fenton, ex Oovernor New York. "Have snflEered manyyeare from defective sight glHjn. adapted by Dr. Bernhardt suit my eye better than auy 1 have ever used." A O. Curtin, Pennsylvania. 'Inclosed 1 rend you price of another pair of lass, doplieate of tbone adapted to my eyes. hey are bevond comparison the best and eaaiest my eyes ot any 1 have ever used. I Mould not a wit limit them for any consideration, and de- sire aunt her iair to keep iu reudinens to take ineir p ace in ca,--e oi any accident to the pair I am uitiiig- - Yournkillin your profession makea yon a public benefactor." Joseph E. Brown, r. Georgia. "I am enabled to see with the clearness of vision which lenjoyed in the days oT my youth. Holicved by your skill of an imnair. mont consequent upon year of application aud study." John Gill Shorter. Ex-G- or 11 or of .Alabama. "Dr. Barnhardt'i skill must be of great benefit to those availing themselves of it." J. If. Hartrauft, Pennsylvania. "The glasses used in my family adapted by Dr. Earnhardt are of suia-rio- r Quality sud workman- ship. 1 base no ho.itation io commending him aa an acoooipii-he- d and skillful optician." O. i Morton, of Indiana. 'He has littod glasses to my eyes perfectly. I ah.erfully recommend Uim as a skflfal, praotical opucian. Sitnon liirshbach, of liovernorol llllnoia. "I eheerfnlly concur in the above as stated by Gov. X ales. Jesse K. Dubois, Auditor of State. "Dr. Bernhardt glasses, fitted to my eye. by him, are the best 1 ever used. 1 cau see aa per- fectly as I could in my youlh. I reoom-men- d hitn to the patronage of the public." Jonathan Worth, eaaiiov. iSu. th Carolina. "The glassu are betfr adapted to my eyas than any I h. e .ver usod. Your toetbod of oxamina-U;-.n eud aajustment furnished me. Conclusive evidence of your scientific skill optica and thorough expenonc. as an oplian. Your at tain meiits in your profession you lo the eonjlaenoe, patronage and gratilude of tbe pub.-I,c- r JamctL. Urr, r -- governor bouth Caroline. The extracts ierein are from valuabi. tatter ttven by the abov. gentlemen when ia oiTice, tha originals (.fall of which Dr. Uernt-jrd- i basin hi Fioaaessiuu. in addition to other high eucou,iuma men tu the Cni-e.- i Elates. ..Dr. hernhardt's pormaoeDt oftice tsiu Chiesgo. Ilis object in travelitiff v. lor tbe purpose of estau-llsbi- oa bimselt in the interior by a praotical dem onlrau.n ot hia ability. COaXLTaiiwir I KIK. tetrsrt ofinajalry most Inalocestan. fbrrn I CiJiC; rkri-.- s Prom a.m. tor, .m. SevIoth Aeoacga PoetoiTiee bix o. 5. lacriox No agents employed or apixiintej. .R. Uwiitg to e:.ewhere, Df Bornliardt will romaia here but a short time.; a - ja.- J SA as No. SGG-2S- S Front Rltcel, riCI.aUllIcl. Vaav.anjrtj I 'a i t t . " f ! t s Ml in

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Page 1: Wk iiffiH w Gasre - Library of Congress€¦ · ness. Nervousne s, you wli Cn(J a ' Bam. in tiiiead" in Hop Bitteis. If you are a frequenter, or a resident of, a miasmatic district,


- ojxTWHipvijniti'iwj.'.no.I r "tJ

...nTTiCTr'jr s. X lit.I








1 ; u


r1 !

;f!: 'I 8,

f V

RAILWAY RECORD.AfiRIVAL ABiD DPA & 1 ORM Ot illAJSS.Coufleanrd PMenir"r Train CardViey itoutf L.., W. O. mod a'.

K'. Its fcUH-- t lceinbr 14, Ih.SO. 1 OOIN'iJ SOUTHNO. il OOlNti NORTH.

I.KA.VE. LAV.Memphis? . - 7 : i0 p.u) Kew Orleans... 6:45 a. m

a ssi tk. 'Natehex 4:W p.nillreeavillti 'V icksburg 8:10 p.m

iieririft Pacific. iGrecuviiLeVioksburK 7:04 ..mi Georgia Pacific.

11 ;li a.io; akkiveN e w tjrieang... p Uvi Mui..hi? 7:3" a.mno. going houra.:No. going koktu.

LIAVK. LBATK.Memphis 9;15a.mNcw Orleans.., :0ft p.m

ahrive. IVickburg i

tireenvilie-- - iiireeitv lie(ie.ri Pacific, Georgia Pacific.

Yiclohuric. p.i; abrivk.New UrleriJ .. SjOO a.m.Metnnbiw o:iQ p.m

Pulluiim sleeping cars on trains No. 1 and 2

between Mempiiif and VieHeburg. Pullman IdrAwmtt-roo- and sleeping cars on trains

and 4 between Kansas City and NewJA. b. UAVAVf. P. A.,

MeiuphU, Tenn.JAS. M. EDWA.U-3- V. P. and G. M..

Memphis, Tenn.

Mail train leaves at 4 :.0 p.m. ; mveiat itV.lo a.m. Sardia acconun xiation loavei" at 3p. in.; arrives at a in. r'rvuht train leaiesiijiiiy iSumly at 7 lo a.m.; arrives2ily except hand yi at o p. a.Chemai4ftt4.S sii.o it3 inthwin--

truai ewe r''ii'.wi: N. 8 (fat line daily)i.iavea at 8:,,0.m. No.6Faltin accimaiodfi-tio- n

dttiU) leaves at 3:.k p.m. No. 7 Uast tined ii!y) arrives at 1: p.m. No. 8 (Fulton .n

daily) arrives at 9:V a.m..lI.-tI- J I.N fftU'l JJtllD M..M ft ait. fflOft

j'iomj tTeolrii tiitn.lard tiir.e' 1 !'l'iVC.iaiiy at5:l-- i p.oa.i irnvo st .'0 p.iu.; No.lot-e- s tt oii.:-;.- ; :ivfl .v S 4ia.m.; No. t

ittvef : diiiy, i':?pl. "ittr-.d-

ai1': Op.ra-- : arrive."I.f(ii4v:if auil Nik.iiait Ta!c. cr at

foll"; Fat mail arrives d.iir at 4:30 a.n.;leasat U;W p.m.; ieb-.- Is.vcj dniij t ;.(a. in. txwuavU:- - ..ommod?.tjo leavesexont Sjudar, at 4:i0 p.m.; iut! arrives qajIat 4:!c p.m. "iirownsville coomaiodati;j. rmetdui;y, except tiundt-y- , al 5:4 a.iE. itanaar(

and 'tarloat.ii mortas tilluws: Turoueb erpretJ leave? dily at6:iS p.m. Mail ad cxprfi: ita?es daily at 9:12rt.m roierviiie !eTM daii.ixoo:t un lay, at p.m. tlirounn ezsrvBta, .ivei d;:y a 0 40 a.m. Mai' and e5iiiamv-- s daily a 10 1 Som-rvi- :- vsf.uiir.edatif.n arrive d.tiW. :i t va'i.haiiMiu tHir4nicClliid JSirt phi,Trit.s leave M. ad I . dei- a follows : Kan?aCit7 exir!f leaves daily at ll:)0a.m. ; arrives at4:Lirpm. Kantas Oity mail leaves daily at6;twp.m.; arrives ai 8 a.m St Louis ant Chicagoexpress leaves dmly at '.'ilK) p.m. : arrives at 12:Wn - n: T"Xs express leaves daily at 11 :W a. m. ;arrival t liit dohii. Fre g it an k ticket oSice,No. 31 Madisoa street.

DYSPEPSIA.Sedentary habits, menial worry, nerroci

dcitemeiif, exees or - iu eatfew or tlri'ikiiiLr, ami various other eaue.Liuuce f'I!uttei by generaldermzemeiit o( the liwr. kidiieys, andKtoiini h. in whii h the !i?onler of eaeli

inrreae the ititirmit i' of the others.The immediate aj-- Lof Al

lire. XaiiM'a. Ktll llreath. Hf;!r;ljuru,uieilee. ltiziue-;- , Siek Headaelu-"- faitureOf V'livMeal and mental i.or.eene of weight and fullness in lie stotuaeb,

nd im reased t'ostivenes. of whieu araknown nnd. r one bead a I ysepsia.

lneverv 'e wli. n'lhisdi-- . asedrpeinot oriLriii ite from s mfuloi:. taint In IboMovd, 'avkb'ii rii.i.smav be eoiifideutlyrrliej uwn to eil'. et a eure. Those casenot amenable ro the curative influence rfA VKR's Tills alone will ecrtaiolv yield ifthe i'ii.LN arc aided bv the pow. Trill

proin-rtie- of AV2a" jSAJttJAPi- -

1ioiiU1 know that the locwtrea'tni. nt of their malady is postpone:

e more difficult of cure it becomes.

Ayer's PillsIfever fail to rei'-v- p the bowel? and pro-

mote their healthful and regular action,and thus cure IJyspcpsia. 'I'.n porarypnl!iatics all do permanent harm. Tbatitful aetivitv into which the entecbieuHtomach i spurred by "bitters." and aleo-holi-e

stiniubii'.-- . is iaevirably loliowdbr reaction that leaves the oraaa weaierthan befon1.

Co.t!vncs, tr.dutM.-- t)J" my KeptfiTyJiabils of . lurami- - chn;nic; ArtBd PUAA

Sitkrd"! m rele f. Tl.. ir t.ci';iSon3t MeK-- Knee kept me all right." HtBJtAJlJl tthisa-Bur- r,

Vicai I; J--

-- I WM indurrd to try Amu' Pliu arim-ii- for imlicestion, C onstlpatioB, andHeatiaM-be- , XiJ" h 1 had loni btt-- s iiu

1 fuun.I tie ir aeti-- n miy. ar.4 ebuinedprompt reik-f-. Tii. y lm. J e mm

ail the ti. in.i ever o. fvrc tr!vd. M. V.

W.Tsos, 1C- -' .s'ufi- Chicago, III.They baxe rulirrlv corref-tc- the 0OJire

Mhlt. and vastly improved ley cencraiKit. Fras is li. Uabxowz, Atlcttta. On.

"Th. most effLTtlve and l1"' '. phrfolhare ever f.Hind. one A'? V" "fi?vray bowl and frei- j bvad fi'aa naul.P.ol, Richmond, Ya. ;

"A kutrtrer from Liver Ccmptalllt, Tfftrpepsin, and Xftiralfri for tl- - lit Hca

AvEr.'s hm 've beBcfxed n gvc--. j

:bflh auv I have ev r 3?.

KoGEttk-- - XttumcTt, roirn Co.,

"Tot Ilyf,eplH they are 3. T. j

HiVIe. 31,rla, j'erul.


Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co- -, Jxiwell, 51a- -

Sold bv u'.l Itru-'- ti".

Words of Warning andComfort.

"If yon are sufferinc from poor health orlaniruishiita oa a Led of sickness, take cheer

if you are simply ailina. or it you feelweak and dispirited,wuuout cleany kuoa-in- it

why, Uo, Bitterswill surely cure jeu.

If yon are a minii:er. andh.v. overtaxed yuarselt with yonrpastoral duties, or a Mother, wirn outwittt care and w ork. or a man of hu..ness erlabor, weakened bv thestraix ol yourevcryday du-

ties, or a man ot letters toilina over your inolnun!wori.ilop Bitters wid mnat tunsly strenii-.he- you

If vou ar.i sutTeriug from over-eatin- n ndrinkin.-- , any indiscretion or dissipati in.or are young and growing too fast, as

tiii case,

Or Vf yon are in the workshop, on the'f arm, a be de-- anywh-rc- . and teelthat yo r s.stem needs rleansiiiir, a,

or stimulauai:, without iutoxicat-in- a.

if yon are oid,"blood thin and impure, pulsefeeble, nerrw unsteady, fucnUIe l

'waninp. Hop is what yon leed to'give you new life, health, and yigjr."

If you are costive, or dyspeptic or snffer-in- a

from any other of the numerouso the ttuutach or bowels, it is your

own fault 'J 7a remain ill. irwaiu.n- - "ta "" formreyon

diaea.e. templin ceath thisof Kidney ;tPmoment, and turn .'ora-cu- re to Hop Bitters.

If you are sick witii that terrible sick

ness. Nervousne s, you wli Cn(J a ' Bam.

in tiiiead" in Hop Bitteis.

If you are a frequenter, or a resident of,a miasmatic district, barricade your sys- -

tm atrainst the scourae of all couniriesMalaria. Epidemic, uiltous Ioter- -

mittentlevers by tae use ot Hop liittcrs

If yon have rourh. pimply, rr sallow sKin. haobreath. Hop bitters w.ll Kive you f:iir ski a, ro

the sweetest breath and health. willbe paid tor a case they will not cure or help.

A Lady's Wish.'Oh. how I do wish mr skin was aa clear and

aoft as youra," said a lady to her friend. '"Youran eastiy make it so." answered tne friend.

How?" inquired fie first lad.'ByusiBg Hop Bitter- - taat msses' pure, rich

blood and blooming neaita. It did it tor lue as

soi observe.Von. .snuins without a bunch .f rreen

Hops on the white label. Shun si the v lie, poison-

ous itutf with "Hop" or "Hops" in their


Cure withont Med

A POSITIVE tains. Patee'eactobor lo, lS7o.

One box will emretbe most obl tioat caae in fourdays or less.

AiiMi's Soluble .Hedkuted Bougies.

No naas. doses of en eba, eopaiba'or oil .t

sandalwood tw are wrwiu r.o..v.k. J..o,.m. it coatinaa ot tne sioun.ru.yriee. l 50. Sola by :! drua-- gists, or smiled on

reeeit of price, for igirU'rilars seudforcircular, r. O. an oil.J Al.LAa . CUBE.

ssat John street. New Tori


U i 3 7. ;i. v tcl to send thePta T rsrttT Co., Irrawsr

Atlan-a- . Oa . for a c v t i! ir tnit- Moostal bJiin Diaeaa-t- . vi ..;'.); !;c raui.i.d freau

CANCER FOS ft. ANY YEARS.A family serrant bas been afflicted fr mwi

with a esDcer on hr nuM, and was treatedrears of the heat physic.au.;, and the oid reme--1i- b

used without DtnS:. FiCkliy e pave herlSwifl's iieci&c, and h has been eompleleijViatel. JOUXUiLL. UrnKtrin,

Thom-- t n. It,., Auicudt 16,

KCSE EATEN T3FF!Jo'nn Sav:. a yenag man near here, had a can-e-

on hia face wh eh had asten away his nose andart of hhl cheek, and was .tendinc np to his

eyes. As a last resort he was pit 05 bwiliand it baa entirely eared him. bu facets

all healed over with new rlesll. and his g.ncralhealth is excellent. ITU was wondoriul,

M. i CKI.lil.Kt M.D.,Oglethorpe, da-- , August it), liiM.


ciio. Indian SorlnjOa., April lu, 1981.

CANCER FOR 5 YEARS.A woman with a eancerous nicar or ;v, yo,r.

tandiug and nve inchas in di i.eter, has beenentirely relieved by six boul.s e) itt biSpecinc.

talmnDUS' .i., , -

w. ayas-- r day riTitx the most wonderfuleta from tta fits) ol 8wifl' Spi6c In the

-- .sm.Tit of Can ear. Enfleren from thla class o

stkaaaea aaould not faU to Mnd for oar trearjen Blod and Skin Diaeaaee una cancer .treat

ment. Oar remedy is entirely Tsgialile-- no mer- -

h.a wtbeT mineral.enry, no pot" CflJ 6WIFT SPEC1TIC CO..

Draw' S, AUaata, tsa.

)5t7olin intlipftantly den'ea.

FIEAyCE AND TRADETliemouey taarkct cotiiinue: steady an !

tinckuugod, with basinos ho' linc; up tohigh sttiragAtes t the banks.

The .cotton market opened an J closedquiet, with middling quoted at 102c,and alp3 of 7V) bales, of which 100wore to exporters. Reeaipts were 1632

bales, of whit:h 51) bales wera byriver, 2i by .ioon ami othorwis,. theremainder beiaz by rail Sliipment, ! 'il'biles, 9-- by si tamer uorth, ami 8: v byB.eatner south. Stot'k, 122,4.34 bales. New

York spots closed weak, with tuitldliiitfquoted at 11 Jc; futures cloned steady, withJanuary quoted at ) 1.04(-- i U.ib, and othermonths 7 to 111 ptints lower. New Orleansspots closed steady, at 10sc; futures closedsteady, January qjoted at 10. ,

and o'tber mouths 4 to ooints lower Liv-erpool spots opened and closed dull andheavy, quoted lit 5 i ; futuresclosed barely January, "

buyers. Total ntoi k at Liverpool JaauuryStb, 6li?,l.K)0 bnles, against W;,00t) balessame time last year, lteceipts at iortsves'erdav, 22,1: 2 bales.

NochauRes lo repoit in general trade,the only revision of prices yeterday being2i; lower for cgt. Keceipts and ship-ments yesterday were follows:

imfokts.Thirty-nin- e tta bacon and ham, 2:113 ska

bran, 15 brli bsins and peas, 2222 bu corn.2:s;2 sks cotlon-tiee- !I00 sks cotton-see- d oilmaai, 3 pk(?s ch ese, ti sks cotlee, 4S hd cat-t:- e,

3 pkts dry jroods, 525 br!a Hour, S hdhofrs, 2iX bales hav, lti hd horses andmuies, 325 pkpi lard, 1 car lumber, 5 pkgsliquors, 23 oris molasses, oOO kgs nails, 4

cirs oals, 3 cars bulk pork, 3 hhds sugar,101 brls 6U?ar aid 000 wheat.


Two hundred and sixteen brls apples,26 rls tii?";ini! "X tcs bacon and hauiR,218 sks bran, 7 brls beans and peas, 64pks butter, It 8 pkgs boots and sho,1000 bu corn, 612 brls cotton-see- d oil, 2olsks cotton-ee- il oil meal, 10S pkgs cheese,200 sks coffee, 101 p'sj dry (,'ood, 1 i

pktfs egt?9. S7S brls ll itir, GS2 bales hay, 28lid horses and mules, 300 bills iron ties, 175pktrs lard, 6 cats lumber, '.12 pkga liquors,172 brls meal, 119 brls molasses, 2i8 isnails, 718 bu oub, 52 brls onion", 7 brlspotatoes, 13 card bulk pork, 30 brls packedpork, 42 hhd3 su7?.r, 300 brls sugr.r, 108

pkgs tobacco and 72 bn wheat.

FINANCE.Money S per ce-st-

. on satisfactory col-lateral. The foilowinu table ahowa theclearances and ba'am-s- , the rates of

and prices of locil stocks andbonds at the clone of yesterday's business :

CLKA RIN'iil 101'iK ST AT EM EXT.t'lparinjri llalnneca

January th 5 rs.ot! S t.i.'Mt 11 am tar this week 2.iri5..iln --M :i'.l.'.'lii M

time hut weeic.- -. l.'cl.t-- s .,;

.Same week lssl. l.wa.Sl'iSame week ls-i- i l.llu.J.ii i"nj,iisj an

EXCIIAXOE.New Vor". 't di"a pretnNew Knifland jifrht dis.4Aew Orleans. a d s ' par

BAXK STKCKS. St.Bark ofOommerce W,First National r.J bidlierman National .. ltskaj

Manhattin loo iM.t NationalI'nionand 1'lauter- - 14",.Mercantile .

1XSI f AX'CE STOCKS.lloln . .... 'Bluff City - -- .. ....ll't D"

ieople3 .. 7."" laj

Planters - - ....llfcot ... r.xt)5,(llll

Memphis J'ity. ....lo-'apt'-

VHudrhiit...- .- .... 22 'i.

iUrnaad - .l')Kahi5Artiagtoa - .. bid

RAIIWAY STOCKS.Vemiihi? and Cliarlesion .Mii(-i.- i pi and Ternessee . i'l'la.ui-viii- e and XadhvilleAlc'nile and Ohio i" 10

RAILWAY BONDS.City 1"1 wit;

Meiiu-hii- A fharleitonid molt. 7s CM "2Msiiichis a: Charleston consols I'd .clot ofMciiiph;.-- a. Little Bock, Is. inort Ss l'ri C'loHMississippi A: Tclinesstc consols A 12:1 .,12iMiseissippi X Tennessee consols B I'd at

MISCELLANEOUS. . 5Taxinc-Dislric- t , ompromi.e bonds Tl'-i'- otMeinl'his Compres- - Co 10 "tlol

lias Company stock e Ks

'emphis 0s Company bonds l'rjW at. Co. bonds, accrued int'st. . falui

Water Company tso.-- ol fp)li- ;-Meiophis City bonds, .Id l

City compromise bonds 71 i9Vcaipbis C'ty coinions from old bonds :to (n

City coup, from comp. bonds PU "Meial'ilis City ledirer balanees 3o ' 42Memphis 'iiy judirm'ts i n eon.Jthonds :"-- saMempbis City pnutg ... :t7 f'S

Shelby eouuty at Ohio K. K.'itis.luft C?lo2county iM. A-- 0 R. U.l long . lit! (" ol ('

s hciby cotioiy warrants 'Jo '"Xoinlioneer Cotlon Mill" rtr SoCot Ex. buil. bonds, ac. int, added...par (if 0

By Telesrasali.New Voi-.k- . January 0. Money easy,

lfiiilj percent; tdosed ofl'ered 1 per cent.1'iime mercantile paper, 4i(o;ti per cent.Sterling exchange bankers' bills quiet4M ; demand, ;'.

lionds Cioveiuinents were a fractionbiiher. Railways firmer. State securitiesquiet.

The stock market opened Cnuand on purchases ior accountsDnces rrjee i to 1 i per cent , iNonnwesternSt. Paul and H'tstetn L'niou the mostpromimnt. I'nion I'acitic advanced li, to4!)j The borrowir-i- demand was actie.

lendinic at 1 per cent,Before midday a number of holders beganto realize, a reaction took place, and stilllater, ou lue litrenglh of te orts thatttlorts to restort! cast-boun- a ireigut ratesbad n.,t been sucesf t il, a weaker feeling

and a. decline of 1 to 2 rercentpnanwl. Jn the lot fcour of busintssLackawanna was in bri k demand and

to 8'J en covering short interestsThor wait a difference of 1(3-- Per centbetween sale" ot ros'llar and cash. I'nionPacific was favorably aQectad ea-l-y in the,ij.i on tiip annonncernent tliat tiie srov- -

ernment direcuirs' report would be puhrI shed and will it dorse the.simn of the nresent administration.Compared w:tb last night's closingprices are 1 to 1 per cent, lower, eseeptfsi. Knflr Island. N.-w- r Jersey Central andErie, which are i to J per cent, higherHnc.rrvn and Taxas declined I i, to JO

Oregon Iropro-.-emen- t rose , to 22, andPullman Palace is. to lOliJ. Cokradoand

I f.repnvili nre ferred soIJ at 14. Trans-, A..nPUorl OHO aiiarLl.. as fol

lows: 85, 009 Lickawanna, 32,000 LakeShorn 37.0il0 Xortivwpstern, 25,000 NewYork Central, 54 0.J) St. Paul, 28.000 Union I'acitic and 2!?,0o0 Western Ln;onClosing quotati-jn- wure S3 follows;

i;ovs.BVisfTs.r. S. 3. 1"1. 4s. Ki.

, 112:,. pacific 6e of lSt. 121.

BOSPS.C. P. firsts. 110. r P. land aranta. o

Erie seconds. TV- -. T. i'-- . Bio K dir.. SiM.A M'ilks. I . P. tir-t- ID ..

Louisiana consols, 7r I . P. ano grant.Missouri 0s. Iir2. r. P. sink hi.'a.gU Joseptl. 115. 'irginia b, 3i.st. Y.x r.c. nrstg jji "i,. 'a. con.r ex-- c, SS

Tenn. lis, old. 42. 'a. consols, did., a.Tean. 6s, new, 42.

arcAdatru Expr'is, l'.i. Mobile 4 Ohio.?.Alieabeny Ceut-al- . a. Monis 4 1SV..Alton k Terre H., 21. V a .1, fl, t t

A. T. li. .fd.ai S". .1. Central.' :'i.Amertcn Exore-t.- . sa. N. Jt V old. 21' ..B , C. K. A N ., a(. Northern Paeilic. l:'a.CsnH'la Southern, 44. Northern l'ac. pt.l.,S)'vCanada 1'acifi'-- , :DI. Northwestern,Central Paeilic. pref, ZVt.

A Ohit.aS-C- . N. Y. Central. s7.A U. 1st pl.l., Jo', Ohio Central, 1!.

C. A O. 2 t pf l. I'.'i. ohioChicago A Alton. US. Ohio A-- Miss. pf.t. r.i.c .r A. i... Ontario at Western, 12'.C, B A Q.. ls' v Oregon Naviifatiort,Tl.r St. L. A N. o., S3. Oregon Trans., l:i'.C, St. L. k V., 7. Orcson I inp.. 22.

C, St. L. A V. l. hi., 15. Pacific Mail, 51; H.c., ssn. A C., . Waoama. us.C. k C, :2!4. P., D. A K..13.Del. A Hud., 72. Pittsburg. 1.Del. A Lack., KsV.;. Pullman Pal. Car., la.Donvcr A Bio !., s. V.esdinir. 17.Erie, 14S. It Island, 107.Erie eld., 2SS. St. L. & S. V., 1'." .;..

East Tennessee, 3. S. L. i S. F. pfd, 'W'-,-

East Tenn. pt'i, 5. St.L. S.F. latpld.t i.Fort Wayne, 124. St. Paul, .

Hannibal A St.Joc.:isH. St. I'a-.- : ptd, 4M.II. St. J. pfd, P. M. 4 M..M',.Harlem, l- i. St. Paul a Omaha.Houston A Terss, 24. St. Paul t i. ptd, 5.

Illinois 111, 'tfjtie Pacitie, It.I.. B. k W.. 12. t nu.ii Pacitie, 4s.Kansas k Texas. !ti. V. S. Express. Cs.1.

Lake Erie A West.,4.'1-.- . W.,St. L. A l'.,4;;.Lake shop-- W..St. L. V. pf-i- 12',Louisv. A N':ishi'.. 25!4- WciisA- rnriro'i Ex.. lis)I. . V A - l'hi. 1. l astern I nion, .sl'-j- .

Mar, i Cin., 1st pld, ,10. llorua'take. t.star a. ' I'l.i .1 I'I'li ' ro.i nut ,

Mem. JtCtiai:.. oD, 2S. Ontario. H.Michigan Central, "... '.'uii kstlver,

A St. I.., 1114. Qui.-a.si- er ptd. 2-

Minn. A St. L. pfViJ-'-Vi- .

Missouri Suun, II."Asked. lNosdej.Xew OEi.EAKf, January 9. Sight

on 'ew York, $1 per $10u0 pre-

mium. Sterling exchange bankers' bills,40i.

Losdoo, January 0. Consols, 90account, tR"; iiiie, 15 ; Erie seconds, el ;

Sew Y'ork Central, 91 1 ; Illinois (Antral,233; Pennsylvania Central, oofc : lieadinc,tJ ; Canadian iacific, 45 ; . Paul, 773

Pajiis, January i. IventeSi 7yf, 67 Jc.

TIIE COTTOX 3IAliKi:TS.The local market opened and doced

quiet, with ouotations nochangeri, andaales of 7 j0 bal, :nf''idiog 350 bales theprevious eveairg 1' 0 to ex,-srt-

ers andon) to spinnem. weens sues, iu,.wbales, of which ,37:0 bales were to expirt- - .

or. an.l 60.0 to dinners. Ouotations at.the close were :

Yesterday IjitB-fcr-

Ordinary Nuui. Nom,llis..low Middling". I'1'Middling )". '"'s(iood Middling -'s

jo;Middling Fair 1":.Fair - Nom.

Stains, Vlyy. .c; tinges, P:8 l"'c.CoTKh STATEMENT.

MturBif , Jatcarr U.Stock September l,lit... 6.5WKeeeiee i to aayKoceived pTeyiousiy ..w.ota.Qi3 SM.0U

Shleped 3.616Shipped previcttslj ...224,4Burnt. etc . . 47Home consumptioc. to data H.. 411

Stock, running accoect 122.4.4

Jtllcg to bia in it inteTlit'eatij:,

ImportThus far thi week J,Thus lar last week "''?Sinew September 1st :

.M'?mtthis and Charleston Railroad 11

Misri-sip- and Tenneweo ItaiiroadLouisville and Nashville U. S. Kailroal. ."Memphis and l.ittlo Hock Kail did I'dChe.apeakv . ohioand S. W. I'.ailroad.........lHuisvillo, tv.w Orleans and T. lvadroad ..

Kansas City, Springfield and M. Kailroad...stc.amers.: rWagons and other ouri.os

Total 1.6K

Thos for this week - .!Thus far ltsl wcl-I- 14. s'1--1

ami.-- l.--t -Memphis ami t.'hrtrle-to- n RailroadMihit-.ilp-i u nil Tennessee Kailioad- -Louisville and Nashville Jc (i. S. Kailroad.Louisville, New Orleans ami T. Railroad... m.steamers north tH0

Steamers south

Towl .t.tiliiXew York spo's opened dull-- , at 12, very

dull ; at 2, weak, closing weak, win quo-tations unchanged. End sales of 18 bales.Closing quotations were:

Yesterday I:y BeforeOrdinarv . s: KT

Uwd Ordinary V J,Low Middling lo - 10 I i letMiddliua U'i 11',Hood Middlina- ,.11 II 5 t6Middling .11 4 ir,fair tm

New York futures opened qu!et; at10:22, weak; at 11:34, quiet; at 12:30,quiet and steady; at 1 35, barely steady;at 2:30 steadier, closing steady, with talesof 13 r,St:0 bales. Closing quotations were:

Yesterday bflV BeforeJanuary . ll.Pi-ll.o- ." Jl.t:t" 11.11r'tfhruary tl.lll-ill.n- ll.llwll.lJMarch 11.II7-11.- 11.1 ll.l'iApril tl.l'.e.ui.-j- l ll.iTall.JSMay ll.:cll.4uluoe ll.lllsll.4Vi ll.fil.Hli.WJuly n..v.n.f.7 U.ni'-tll.-

Aujjust ti.en. tl,72'Septwinher 11 .XtMll.SI ll.:'.i.lt.4--October lO.si-'-lD.- 10 9 Mltl.tQNovember 10.72 bidDecember........

The New Orleans spot market yesterdayopened quiet ; at 1 :30, quiet and easy, clos-ing steady, with quotations unchanged.Sales, i0OO bales. Closinz quotations were:

Yefterdav Day Befor.Ordinary SJa(ioed ordinary !''Low Middlins .ll)'s l"1 aMiddling ..H'liood Mlddliuit .lO a lo;a

Ne Orleans futures opened quiet andsteady; at 12, barely steady, closing steady,at the following quotations, with sales of27,100 bales:

Y'esterdav Day BeforeJanna-y..- .. 10.4o. 4lll 40 I0.4HnlU.5i)February 0.57. iH).:.s lo.ol lo.March ...10.7" nlo.7!j lu.8l;U(I.SApril lo.ltVjtlO.yrj 10.!'i).iIl.iJM .v 11. 11 ''41 1.12 11. i o 11. H i

Juno.... 11.27-.- Jl.-- 11. 3111. :t:July 11.4ft11.4SAuicust ll.5ilwll.o2 lt.5Aall.a7Septemlwr 10.W-I0- Ht.Vt10.October.... 10.W-tl0.5- J

November 1U.42. 0(10.45 lu.4o.alU.4TDecember OJ (

DAILY BCLLETIXS.ttate of Ree' Price. Stock.Market.

lialveston Firm. 5411 in t'. :tT,85i:New Orleans .. Steady. 11.2 4. ID'-- 414.o77lobile .Steady. 1: l(l'.4 M.Wivsnnah (juiet. 2.4:v ID'S 7o,S4iharleston Uuiet. 5211 lo'4 44,192

t'iiminffton... Quiet. 41: H's 11. 7' 4

Norfolk . Ouiet. 2,:U' In 51.25--

raltimore Quiet. Hsv 21.S.:!New York V eak. ll'a 3i:,lMBoston Qiiet. ll'a b,31U

htladelnhia .. tjuict. 714 11 "a 12 2!2Louis.. Quiet. II.':, 44.2.)7

Aurusta m Dull. 247 21,211arioas

Day's 1W ... '22,3i'.2receipts, lsit l.S.o'.y

ay's receipts, lsst .CONSOLIDATED ST A j EM KNT.

This ListWeek. Yek.

Heceipts.T days l:it,57 151 054 "0,(t5Hports to or t isritain' 107.S25 So, 1711 111.H27

Kxports to Continent... iy,st.5j :is,o-7- . :a.la at all ports fl71.'J2.1.015.Tt)7',I. "'is.h'si

This Last Y.BrYear. Year. Before.

R- ce'pts since Sept. -t

Fore en ex porta 2.4.:l.,.i7!2,0iio.ss7i2,4:tl,82- -

Stnca at I'. S. ports Wl,92:l ItfrS.HiSt VM,X!Increase in recoipts....; Is5.27ij;

Liverpool Bpots at noon were quoteddull and heavy, with sales of 8000 bales,

whiclt ..000 were American. Esceipts,100 bales, of which 13,100 bales were

American.At 12: Ordinary, 51d: Eood ordinary.

low middling, 5 goodmiddling, rj uplands, 5 d ; Or-leans, 0

Liverpool futures at noon were quiet atadvance; January-Februar- 5

ebruarv-ilarc- iid; Jlarch-April.- d ;April-Ma- tt May-Jun- 6June-Jnlv.- b lo-b- ; July-Anjius- t, b

At 2: l irm; January, o value;5 value ; i'eb- -

ruart'-Marc- oil, sellers; March-Apri- l,

sellers; April-Ma- tS-04- seders;Mav-Juue- , 0 buvers; June-Jul-

sellers; July-Augus- t, 0buyers ; August September, ti buy-ers.

At 4: January, 5 January-Fe-

ruary, 5 d ; February-Marc- 6 ;

'ay-Jun- e, 0 12 old; June-Jul- 0ti

At 5: January, January-Februar- 5 60- -

bt.l, buyers; February-Marc- 5 03-til-

value; March-Apri- l, b 3 04d, sellers; April- -

Mav, ti 7 Old, sellers; May-Jun- e, ti UMHd,buyers; June July, b 14 04d, value; July- -

August, b value; August-.Sente-

ber, b 22 t4 J, value.Futures c osed barely sUadv.The Manchester Owirdinni commercial

article savs: "Profpect unimproved;business small; i rices of cloths and varnsfairly maintained ; demand alack and pro-duction lessening."


Cobs White, 43(550c; mixel, 48.5t1e,from Btore. From levee or depot, roundlots in bulk, shelled white, new, 44f 45c;mixed, new, 43V 44s; new ear, Backed,40c.

Hav Strictly choice, from store, Sijto

S5cr prime, 75tSS0c; prairie, 55c; roundlots from levee or depo', choice, $1314;prime, $1 If" 12 50; prairie, $0 50.

Floi u From store triple extra, $3 75;family, i4; choice, $4 5o; fancy. J4 75;extra fancy, $5; patents, So 75f"ti; roundlots from levee or track 10fJ7 15c cheaper.

Bkan From Btore, SOpT.Soc per owt;round lots from levee, $14 per ton.

Corsmeal Standard, S2 302 50 ; pearl,ti 25 from store; 5c cheaper from mill,levee or 'rack.

Oatmeal In half barrels, $3 75o24 fromptore.

Ce.kk WnEAT In half barrels, $4 50( 4 75 from store."Oats White, 41(5,43c; mixed, 3739c

frond store. Kound lots from levee white,Use: mied, bi;!k, 31(332c; sacked, Gc

hipher.lloaiNy anpUb:ts Prom Etore, 3 50

g3 75.Bice Louisiana, Anlc ; Carolina, 7("

Beans Xavy, i 25: medium, $2; com-

mon, tl 50(S.2.Lo.-cn.LE- , Jauuarv 9 Wheat quiet

but steady ; lens berry, 80o ; Xo. 2 redwinter, 7Sc. Corn lo. T tri'ed,'

40Jc.)ats Xo. 2 mixed, 30ic. - '

CuiCinSiT;, January 9. heat firm;x"o ro.! winter. 5c. Corn active, firm

n.4 liio-ber-: Xo. 2 mixed, tl.ti?, J?c. Oatsactive, firm and higher, 31o2c. Kystrong, 5S(h;-"i9c- . Barjey firm.

!s't. Louis, January 9. Kecelpls Flour,50t0 brls; wheat, 4;i,000 bu; corn, 12jf,0i,bu; oatB, 17.000 bu; rys none; barley, S0C0

bu. .SbipmenU Flour, E0o0 brls; wheat,50O0 bu ; corn, y:i,0o0 bu ; oats, 1000 bu j

rye, 4000 bu; barl y, none.Chicago, January 9. Keceipts-Flo- ur,

750O brls; wheat, 75,000 bn; com, 167 ,000

bu: oatM, tfi.OOO bu ; rye, 4oo0 bu; ba-le-

41,000 bn. Shipments Flour, 26,000 brls;wheat, 10 COU bu ; corn, 127,0'JO bu ; oats,54,000 bu: rye, lOOo bit i barley, 7C00 bu.

Kansas Crrr, Mo.. January 9. Wheaihigher; cash tUOublJc; February, d2i62'.c; Mav,ti5J(5,iailc, Corn flrnter; cash,2i)ic bid, 29,c asked; January, 29c; Feb-

ruary, 2"c bid, 2Djc asked; May. 30'3l;c. Oats dull ii;d nominal: 24 c b'A,25' c asked. '

Xemt Or.t KAXs.January 9. Flour sta oej;choice, $4 121(Vx: t 25; fancy. S4 37'a4 50;extia fancy, $4 (KK5J4 bv). Corn demandfair and prices higher: in sacks, mixed,4S40c; yeUow, 4950c; choice white,30c. Oati Western in pood demand;choice, 37(3i,"Sc. Cornraeal in good de-

mand, $240. Hay in fair demand;prime, $1C5,17; choice, $18 50. Rice ingood demand; Lonisiana, ordinary tochoice, i30ic.

rHOVIMIIXk.Bcttsr Creamery, 32(S,35c; dairy, 20

22c; rr.edium, KKii-ldc- butterine, lb(ij,18c;country, 18c.

Chexse Prime flats, SjiJ.g's; X. Y. fac-

tory, '"it 10c; full cream, 14(o 15c ; Y. A.,14'- - ios7

iltfs PoBii Si3 502,ll per barrel; suga-

r-cared hams, packed, lifa.lUJc; breakfast bacon, lO'fo 12c; clear rib bacon, .

Bclk Pokk Clear sides, ; clear ribsides, 6jc; shouldcrF, 5'c.

Labo Tierces, 74c; s, 8c;kegs, Sc; bucket. Sic; 8Jc;20 lb tins, 7Jc; 10-l- b tins, 8Jc; b tins,

, :, . h( b.,,1- -'

Ciscinmat., January 9. Pork quiet bat.to.d r,ft. Lard in fair de--manJ but at lower rates. 6.90c. Uulknipatadnli-- . shoulders. 6c: short rib. 6 ic.Bacon firm. iiultair du i.

LotlSVILLE, January 9. Provisionseasier, but not quotably lower. Mess pork,9li OO. U1S. meats BUOUluers, ou ; taeavirib, bjc;-clea- r sides, bjc. Bacon shoul-ders, 5jc; clear rib, 7Jc; clear sides, 7icbugar-enre- d bams, 10Jc. Lard primeV.enm. Sic.

Xew Oblxaks, January 9. Pork de-mand active, and higher, $13 12 J. LardBieady ; tierce, refined, 7et keg, 7Jc. Bulkmeats demand ve and higher; shoul-ders, packed, $4 85 90; long clear andclear rib, 6i(H,6.40c. Bacon quiet; clear


rib aid long clear, "Jc.firm, lOJrasUc.

Sn hams

j:iMKKIEt.Cofkbe-Comm- on, 10c : ordinary, 10f

llc; prime Rio. 12(r,12Jc; choice, 13(f15c; old governmetit, SisfffjUic.

Pure white, tij:;; off white. 51c;yellow clarified, 5jc; open kettle, 4)(:i 5j : ;

refined A, blc; granulitted, 7c; powdered,71c; cut loaf, 7Jc.

Moi.assves Louisiana, common to fair,25pJ30c: prime to choice, ; fancy,50c; syrup, 30401,--: rentrifagi', ir:me toctoiee, 4H.v; e mumn lo fair, 2 )'o 3t:-- , newchoice, 45(e.-5- t

B.miuini. AKuTiEs Ilnoging, jute, f JfS.;1 IJc; "ax. lOf'tjUIJc, according to weight.Ties, $1 M 1 50.

Soap (iln per pound.Candles Full weight, 13c.Tobacco Common, 2835c;

other grades in ntyks, 352-t- . 'Snuff .Garrett's, Jll pr case ; RnpWs, $10 25 perrase; railroad, 49 25frflO.

Salt Per car-loa- SI 3tX.nl 50 per bar-r- e'

; fl 0 in sack; pockets, bleached, 2(3:7c; coarse, $1 25; car-loa- from leveeor dep jt, 5(.V10 cheaper.

BsjLtimobe, Jannarv 9. Colfee quietRio, cargoes, ordinary to fair, 8.(",'..'icSugar quiet and steady ; A, soft, fic- -

.New Yoi'.k, January 9. Coffee a otfair Rio quiet; options quitt, closingbarely steady; sties, 11,750 bags. Sosarquiet bnt firm; centrifugal, 5,;5Iloilo, 4c; reiiued firmer; cut-lo- andcrushed, tijc; powdered, oiojbjc; granu-lated, 6c. Alolaeses tpiiet.

Xkw OacEAxa, January 9. Coffeesteady, with a fair demand ; Rio, cargoes,ordinary to prime, 7J'k1 1c. Sugar

common to good common,3:;(3.3;c: fair to fully fair, 3j(r!c; prime,4k; yellow clarified, 44;34;c; granulated,5 1 6c. Molasses in gaod demand ; gnodto fair, 25(30c; prime to choice, 30(5i4'e.

Canned Gooos, Etc. Prices ter doion:Pineapples. $1 Sttfcl 60; peaches,standard, $1 50: seconds, f 20; tomatoes,21b standard, OOct'ofl; 35;strawberries. $1 25f 1 50; raspberries,$1 15(o,l 25; blackberries, l lOfol 25;green gages, Jl 2,y. 1 50; iiears, No. 2,$1 50; plums, $1 60; asparagus, $4(n 4 50:green com, $I(" 1 40; green peas, 90c$1 50; cove oysters, full weight, $1 15;cove oyBters.'full weight, $1 90; coveoysters, light weight, 65c; cove oys-ters, light weight, 2 1b, $1 20; condensedmilk Crown. 40fcC 50; Kaglo, $S25;Swiss, $0,6 25. -

Chicago Graiai rand Proyialon markets.srECiai. TO THE IrPEaL.

CuiCAx, January 9. Corn oldat lightadvance until about noon when lowerprices ruled, but dosed at yesterday'squotations on spots, lower for March and

advance on May. Wheat opened withIc ndvances, which were raised to jc at theclose for spots and F'ebruary, but lowerfor March and May. The provision mar-ket reacted throughout, closing with yes-terday's improvement lost all round.

The opening and closing prices of theday were as follows:

Corn spot, 37ac, 37e; March, 37jc,37JcSilling; May, 4! c, 41 Jc.

Wheat spot. Sic, Mic; February, 81 la,81 jc; Mar h, 82o, 81 Jc; May. 88c, 881c

Oats May, 3H4c, 30ic ; March, 27c, 27cselling. .

Pork spot, So, Sl --'o; tenruary,$12 25, $12 25; March, $12 60, ?12 25;May, $12 9i, $12 52J.

Lard spot $7, S'v 92 ; Februarv, ti 971,971 ; March,j?7 071, S7 02A ; May, $7 27J,25.

Clear rib sides spot $8 25, $i 20; February. i 15, J 17A ; March, 6 30, So 1 4 ;

May, se 00, so 3.Hogs $4 2of'i4 75.Buyers and sellers in the wheat pit ap-

pear to have changed placeB, and the feel-ing is pretty feverish. Those who havecarried the load up from the bottom havesold out, and are now most vigorouslypounding the market, while those whohave been short and lost have anxiouslyshouldeied the ttuff for a iurther advance,hoping thus to get even. Cables are stillfirm, but the recti. t advance has largelyc.heoked the export movement, as not-withstanding all tbe rise in England, wehave gone up so fast they could not keepup with us. Receipts coice in rather morefreely, and there are rumors of increaseddeliveries by farmers at shipping stationsiu the Northwest. Scalpers, too, havealtered their tactics and are working fromthe short side, and the general opicionof the crowd appears to be thatfree sales and exhausted marginsare likely to . cause a furtherdecline before there is any material re-

covery. Xow that speculation has revivedon both side3 of the water, however, verysharp and wide iluctuations are expectedto be the order of the day everywhere.

"The market is a wild one," said Mor-

gan "and a break will do it goodand make the trade mora healthy. I stillbelieve in wheat, and look for a much high-er range ultimately, and while the dropwill frighten a good many into realizing,Htrontr men will take hold again at thebottom."

Another trader says: "This advance hasbeen pushed too f. si to hold. I havebeen suspicious of it all along, and thinknow if biir local men af.ack the market inforce on the short side there will be nogreat trouble in si lling it back to near thestarting po nt. Much will depend, however, ou the course ot the lore:gn markets.If they hold steady in thd face of a breakou this side values may quickly recover."

A number of traders are laying cons'd- -

e ruble stress just now upon the possibilitythat a Luropean war win prove an important factor in tbe price cf breadstuff'ssoon, and while few have much faith init. it may be well to note that wheneversuch comulications have arisen the highest range has been touched on fears ofwar, as in the case of France and Germany, when wheat aociinea aimost steauiiy during the whole time the war was inprogress.

In the markets for corn and hog products tiieie is so little individualitythat thev are expected to niovel withwheat, as heretofore. Corn, however, isthe wcake t of tbe two, as it lacks thesnppert that is under provisions, Un-doubtedly receipts of earn will increasewith favorable weather, and the stock ofcontract grades is already growing at arapid rate, with a better inspection, andshinDers cottent to let them remain instore, but taking the lower grades freelyat relatively str. ng prices. Pork has anactive following, but a very uncertain one,the men who seem to be under it beingnoted for the celerity with which thev canchange sides on the least occasion there- -

I0T. tveryDOoy agrees mat, u is athing for outsiders to meddle with

Lard can scarcely ' keep up if wticat andcom recede, as country advices promise abiir run of bogs tcr the next seven wtess.and the packing record is already aheadof last winter at this date, with hog3 running extra fat and heavy.

Chicago Cattle and Live Slock MisrUst.The cattle market during the part week

has ruled rather steady, though the lowergt&uod hav? t tunes been pretty haid toaispose ot.

At the start the runs cf shipping slockyere liberal. Uressea-oee- t men ana me

retrular eLlDrers both bought in a generous way; however, ana Biimrjlated by re-

ports of an advance in Xew 'i ork and fine-ness at other Eastern pointvc, desirabledroves commanded DreviousDric.esThe condition of the marUet for oil' gradeswas less gitif factory. The proportion ofrough, d animals was prettyprominent, and holders ot that class founddifficulty in making clearances even at areduction. Everybody appeared to wantthe better lots, and there were few buyerswho wou'd touch, the common sorts at 10

lie decline- -' liutah6rs' stuff was weaker all around,and, excepting' ior tun uest oi,erin;j3,lower. Fat cows and heifers and fat littlesteers sold about as well aa at the close ofthe week before, bnt other descriptionsVer5 "t easily uoyerj at a reduction cf

10c. The.--e was a full supply anu ramersiacs aeir.ana.

blockers ana fceiiers were not ic muchinquiry, but the fa.t that ofierings wereliiuite 1 made it possible for holders to getfull figures.

As the week advanced such droves aaare sought by the Eastern trade were infairly active demand, and were taken atsteady prices. But the average qualitywas poor surprisingly si for the lime ofyear when the abundance and cheapnessof corn is taken into account. Still,

the market appeared quite shaky,quotations showed no noticeable declineand holders generally managed to findpurchasers for abont all their holdings.

Butchers' stock, too, while not percep-tibly lower, ruled very slumpy. Espe-cially was that the case with old cows andscrawny steers, the supply of which wasin excess of the demand. Veals were iniood demand, and the nvmber here notequal to the requirements of the irade.

Stackers and feeders received more at-

tention, and there was a slow movementafter all, and prices were barely steady.

Towa'd the close of the week offeringswere lighter. There were a few moregood cattle here, tjo, but on the wholethe quality was not much better, thin andcoarse animals still predominating. Therewas not a particularly urgent demand forevett the best stock, but there was a good.gtetuJy inquiry lor well-bre- well-fe-

beeves at prp-e- s ofien relatively higherthan rates at Eastern markets.

Cows and mixed lots were unchanged.Choice cows, bulls, etc., tulcd firm, butinferior old stuff weak. Offerings ota rawny cows were particularly large, andas the canning demand is not very goad,owners who bad good fat stock on thema- ket found that feeding paid.

Buyersof stackers and feeders were ingood'atteidance. There were numerousord-ir- in the hantla of commission men,too, whil, offering were limited, This

a auvavn TmvnririsiTYs a

" '

made sellers confident, and, althoughbuyers grumbled at tbo higher figuresasked, the movement) as generally active.I) t turning clrvsod as) followsExport gtades i; wwii 75

to iaiM-- shipping steers... 5 Witt :a)(iood to choice shippiiigstecrs 5 sfviA5 anI r to zisod shipping steers. 4 25

.cn.noa to fair -- toers... 4 ona.4 maJr to choice eows .. 3 W

Inferior to fair eows . 2 list 2 yo

'nor to choice bulls 2 l)Feeders .'! WWM 5t)

blockers 3 (fc 3 W

Sheep arc still in large supply, but thereas teen a gwl inoairv fur everything at

all desirable; and though su.me rough lotsere I ard to get rid of prices averagein. Si:e3wer at s2 5'e.5 for poor lo

extra, tbe bulk of the i going at$'! 2.V4 10.

I, mil's Cdruin anel frotlsleu Mnrkela.TO TUB

St Iaii im. January '.. Interest in thegram market was concentral tl upon torn

present ana luture alt'livery, nearmonth holding up i the advance, rpotaclosed frilly lo higher, aud Februaryclosed J : higher aeked. Wheat was eaiyand unchanged for spots, Februaryveiling higher dtuipg Ibo day, hut fallingjack to lo liel w the highest puce ot the

day at the cicse. Oats closed dull at inek'equo'a'hus of yesterday. Meats continuefirm, with ribs a fraction higher. J.ardclosed at inside prices, lloga are strongeraud frcetionally higher. I'c.rn.neal is alsohrm and higher. Others unchanged.

A he details or lo-d- s prices st the closewere as follows:

Corn opened at 34c bid, and closed at35J(o 30t: celling. February opined at 35:Jchid, and closed at 'Jolc aaked. Maty openedat 3sc, and closed at .37 jc.

Wheat opened at 861'" S Jc, and closedat 87J("-87J- selling. February atHsic, and closed at 87Jc. May opened at94; , and closed at H3Jj selling.

Oats opened at 27c bid, and closed atle bid for i pots. May at 31c.

and cioeed at 31 lo. F'ebruarv iimed andclosed at 2s c bid.

Pork closed at 12 o ); lard at i 871. andclear rib sides at t6 35.

Flour ouiet-.S- bStW 4 10 for donble extrato fancy; corn meal firm at $22 50; pota-toes steady, 42(" 50c, and onions steady,$1 05(i)l 75.

Hogs, 4 s.

corroN-sjEE- i.

Cotton Seeo Oils. In car-loa- d lots,prime crude C. 8. oil, 33c ; prime summeryellow, 'Ml("7c; Miner's, 38c; choicecooking summer yellow, SStovlOc ; choicecooking winter yellow, 48c.

Less than car-loa- d lots: Prime crude.34c; prime summer yeilow, 38i(u 40c;Miner s. 39 a 40c ; choice cooking summeryellow, 41(' 42c; choice winter yellow, 40fc.-,(j-


(Jotton-Ske- d Meal Prime, f. o. b., $20per ton.

Cotton-Seed- . Cotton-see- railroad.sacked, $10 50 per ton, delivered; wagonseed, delivered, $10 50 per ton: river seed,on bank, SS per ton. Kates established byMemphis Cotlon-bee- d Clearinghouse.

HOl'aEHOLI) SUPPLIES.Veoetahlis Onions, yellow, new Lon- -

isiana, si io(u,2 per barrel. PotatoesIrish, new, $1 751 90; loose, 75c per bar-rel. Sweet potatoes, $1 25to 2. Cabbago,$7(5,10 per 1 0 head. Kraut, new, $5"4per barrel; oUfo,: so per half barrel.Gar.ic, $1 per 100.

Appuh Choice an! medium, $2 rKX"

3 25 per barrel. Dried apples. 4f 5c petpound from store. Dried peaches, 5fi 7cfrom store. Pickles, medium barrel, $7(5)

V); taif-barre- l, 4(S 4 25; l int jars, $1 25r dozen ; quart jars, $1 75(" 2 per dczen.Ices 20.-- .

I'ocltkv Old iisr.s, $2 75(53; largeyoung, $3; medium voung, $1 50(S,2 50;small young, $l(o 1 50

Fkesh Meats Beef Good Kansas Citystperts, heavy, 7Ie ; light, 7e ; cows andheifers, 6jfo7c; mntton. 7'-c-: mutton.saddles, 9c; lambs, 10c: pork. So.

FitciTd Oranges, gyajb per barrel; S3per box. Iemons, JoWb jer box. Catawbagrapes, 12ic per pound ; Concord, 8c perpound ; .Malaga, is per barrel. Bananas,ill" 2 50 per bunch, Cocoantits, $4(u;5 perico. Peanuts V irgtnta, 10c; lennessee.7c; roasted, 21c higher; shelled, 10c. Almonds, 18'" 20a. lexas pecans, 10Qa)15c;Arkanaa, 4r 6e English walnuts,12c; Na-ples, lbo. Filberts, 11c. Brazil nut, So.Raisins London layers, $2 75(3,-3-; Inpe-ria- l,

$3 75ft 4. Brandy cherries, $3(W3 25per dczen.

Cider Miissonri, oO per barrel aDd$4 25 per half-barr- ; Kentucky barrels,

2o; Kentucky $4 oO. m- -egar, 12(o15c per gallon.

Mackerel, 10 lb kit No. 1. 90c; Xo.2, 80c; 15-l- No. 3, 70c. White fish, Xo.1, half-barre- l, $0.

Ll'MIifll MARKET,The following are the wholesale prices

of lumber in this market:Poplar 1 in., 1st and 2d clear, $21; 1J

and 2 in., 1st and 2d clear, $24; commonboard, fcld 50(oil4; siding strips, ljxO, facemeasure, 1st and 2d clear, $22; ceiling.lib in., 1st and 2d, 21 ; dressed. 1, Hand2 iu., 1st and 2d, $27 50X't30; commondressed, 1 in., $17 50.

Iimhxb Poplar, Sr.(a;9; cypress,- $6(it;9;Cottonwood, $2 50Ci-3- ; gum, $34: oak, SO

(j!9; ash, $7(r,S; black walnut, $20(ai50.CvrREfs , i.t and 2 in , 1st and 2d

clear. $27; common, $15; lancing, lxU, 16IL, 516.

Black WALStT-- lst and 21, 1, 1 J and 2

in., So; common, foO; culls, 25(o0.Yellow Pink 1, 1.1 and 2 in., 1st and

2d, i-- 5; dressed, $30; flooring, 5 and 6 in.,$25; flooring, 3 and 4 in., $27 50: heartstep lumber, $35(eVt0; j ceiline,$25; ceil- -

mg, S22 50; i ceiling, f20.Oak- -1 to 4 in., 1st and 2d, $22 5925;

common, 1 ami 2 in., $15d.Ii.Red Gojj 2.1s, $17 50; common, $8!!.CoTroswooD 1 to 3 in. mill run, culis

out, $ion.Lath Poplar, $ l 60; cvpress, $2.Shingles Xo. 1, sawed or shaved,$4 50;

sawed or shaved saps, $3.Ash 1st and 2d clear, 1 to 3 in., $22 50;

common, $1516.JIlltKS ANO PELTBT.

Wool Choice washed, 28 j per lb; un-washed, 1023e; unwashed hurry, lOoj;16c ; clear do, 16.22c. Market weak.

Hidei Dry Hint Ko. 1, 15,Jc; No. 2,12Jc. Dry salted, 10llc. Green salted,8ASc. Tallow, 0t?..8Jc. Beckwax, 222bc. Market steady.

PETltOLEll.lf HARKCr.Cial-Oi- l Prime white, wholesale lots,

9(7'; 12c per gallon.January 9. Petroleum

s w., 110, 7c.Baltoiohe, Jannary 9. Petroleum noni-ina- l;

refined, 7 5(. 7J.PiTTsi,fRf., ' January 9. Oil dull and

heavy; priie declined under reports rfheavy sailing in New York ; opened at 731',declined to 71 Jc, and recovered to TUcat 1o'cl.x-k- . The total daily production ofthe Thorn creek field is 5633 barrels.

irOrE-B- l II.DIStJ HATCBULS.Fbamiso Lcm beb Yard ori ees Rough,

$15 per 1000 feet; dressed, $30; yellow pineflooring, $25; shingles, S34 50: lathing"on'.ar, $1 75 ; cypress, $2 per 1003 laths,fex'tra prices for extra lengths above 20font. - -

Liue and Cement Pare Alabama lime,"5c in bulk delivered ; 95c(3,$l per barrelin store; Louisville cement, 1 75 a barrel ;

Rosedale cement, $2 a barrel ; Portland,$4 50fo:5: Kjiuan, 5; plaster of Paris,i--J 50. Hair, (ic per ponnt.

Nah.s $3 5u a beti.

WHIsKY, F.rc.Wisks Imported port, tl 50(if,8; sher-

ry, $1 5.V5I3; chamoajrte American ex-tra, $78; Piper HeKlsicIc, $25f-J27- j

Murom's extra lr; BS'-i- ; Y.Zrer,(iV;3l ; Va. Cliqa A, t31f.7 33 : claret, $:J 7o

per bo- -; Oatwta,-- per tast.Whiskvi .straigltt Rji'irbon, $1 50-6- ;

rye, $1 7o7.St. Loi is, Jannary i. W'Lisky steady,

Chicago, January 0. Whisky steady,1 IS.Ba..t.iioi,i;, January it. Vvhisky steady,

$1 la otl in.Cincinnati, January (I. 'WliisVy Bteady,

with fair demand, 41 11.New Orleans, January 9. Whisky

steady ; Western rectified, $1 C51 25.

LIVCITUt'K llaBUItr.Catti.k Choic-- i corn-le- d to extra, per

lb., 4l(S 4c; good. 4(3 4 ic.Obass ('attle Choice, SlfT ic per lb;

good, l!Jc; fair to medium, 2i 3Jc;common, 1 '.(aiS'.c.

Hem Cnoice light, 1.50 to 200 lbs, 4J40; choice heavy, 45 c; common, 4(o

4rc.Sheu1 Choice, 4( lie per lb; medium,

3fS35c pur lb; common, per head, tl1 iVJ; choice lanib9,4if. 5c.

CoV'sano ualvus uuoice milcn cowswith youni cilves, per head, $304U;medium, SiOGii'i.

St. LotviH, Jannary 9. Hogs stronger;light, $4 2,V1 30; packioif, S4 .KK; 50 ;

heavy, f4 S0V4 (55 lUceipf. 15,000 bead ;

shipments, 3)00 head. Cattle scarce;very little done; good to choice phipping,$5fT"-- 75 ; butchers', ti 7o4 50.450 head.

Cnic'co. January 9. Hogs Receipts,50,(100 head; fairly active and firm ; priceswell maintained; light. $4 2VS 4 55; roughpackirg, ?4 25f4 45; heavy packing andshipping, $4 4:l(a;4 75 Cattle-receip- ts,

70f 0 head ; good, firm ; common dull ; s,

v5 75(.i O 25; good to choice, $55 t'O . common to iair, $4 10a,4 50. Sheep

recti pti, 2700 head ; steady ; common tocood, 52 5'J(s4 50. '

Knas CrrT, January 9. The LivtIndu-ala- r reoorts: Uattte receipts.

1300 head; lib her lor shippinsgrades; exports, $5 40!? 6 tt5; good tochoice shipping, 4 905 30; common to

. ,nattna ta i Hn.a 'i'l, t tm 1.

anyijoay ive. ihnttwn World, London, England.


medium, .'?4 2o's4 75: feeders, $3 rVKan4;COIfS, $2 SOfn.'t 0. Ifogs receipts, 10.000head; whikh' nurt 1'ic lower: lots, ilKlto30C pounds,- $1 05- - 40; mainly H 15M4 25. 1700 head ; . i tive;fail- to good muttons, $2 50(o 3 2i.

MEW TIMH lKl UVUH MAKKET,i'Kiv Youk, January 9. Tbe market

wad more uvnet In (ifinand.the lirge biiKint-H- s ia ginhp.rivs and otherwanh fabrics. Buyer- are awaiting theopning of other specialties, lit fttaplcotlot'.s there is a moderate business.Wcolens are generally dull, though insome makes and qualities a fair bueiiu-s- inrep orten.




!rhis medJcine, oroWniojj Iron with purereyctable tonics, cuirkly and oompWtt?ly('lire Irrprpsin I iftlon, Wrakiir.Impur Blood, aiUajriMChilliiuid Fever,ni d NfarnlifiR.

It is an unfjilnitrt:pmedy for Diseaseaof thah ldnt'yw nnd i.i VI r--

it is invftUuihie tor Dlseaws pectillar toWomeih and all wLo lend sedentary Uvea.

Itdoe-uo- t ininretlaj teeth, ciwjsebeadache.orrrMiu.-- eoimUpatiot. othrr Iron medicine do.

I t enriches and punfiea tho blood, stimulateh ? , aitla the assimilation of food, re-

lieves Heartburn end and strengtli-eu- s

the muscles and nerres.or Intermittent Kecr?, Lassitude, Lack ol

Ei ergy, Ac, it baa no equal. 'The irenuitte has above trade mark and

cr osaed fed lines on v rapper. Take no other.tBlyr UttW CHIMItAL CO- -, BALTUioax, MB.


FO.U IX)UISVILLE AND CINCINNATIJtlompiblN au:t Cinclnnntl Packet Co.

IaOCIVIIsIaK afr CIXCISXATI.Tlie ElejTiivnt an 1 Superb PasttenKer Steamer

OISIO, t7TfM. M. Dan master, Sa5C6S!k- -

Will leateTI'ESDAY. Jan. :'.th, at Sn.rrj. Forfreilitorpas8aos'plj W . hitlhillURNE,Asei.t, corner Madi,on and l?roat streets.

Tbs steamer COS3 MILLAR fallows, leavine-Fridny, Jan. inth.

FOR CAIRO AND ST. LOUl.4t. I.onla and Bfew Orleans Anchor LineV. SI. .Wall FOR CIAIKO D til. LOUIS.City of Helena, .T"V--

McCord . master. J?iSe-Will leave from the Levee SUSOAi, Jan.

11th, at lt a.m. For treurht or passaae apply toI., j. M4II.. I'fl-- Y1. rtllSI'lf ,1 . '11' t.


uleaisaad SewOrlsaas'Apcbar IslncU.K. rill FOR VlUKSBUHti.

City oi V lckslmrg,EinrT Keith master.

Will leave from the wbarfboatSATUKaUAV, Jn10th, at 10 a.m. or freight or ia??a(c apply to

C. 1.. H u.f.. Pn". Art. AO STOKM, Sap't.

FOR NEW ORLEANS.St.l,oulN and Ns w Vrlrans Anchor Llaa


City of New Orleans, .ggR.A. J. carter maer, msam

Will 13 a ve from the levee SUAiiAi.. Jan.11th, t9 a.m. Jr'or freight or ni?a?e apply to

J. It. ItAl.L, 1'at.g. Agt. AU & HJK.H , 5Up t.For VlrkMbnrar, Bfatrhes, Baton ft on are

matl AewOrIMna New and elegant iteanier

Queen of St. Johns, zdz'V ill leave as above 1 11 IS 1IA1 . Jan. luth. at 5

p. in. For freigntor ttasaae apply on wti.irlixiat.tl c. i.'nv h, smtit.

FOR ST. FRANCIS RIVER.The .St Francis River i ranaportatioa t'o's

Jc ine ai!n-- v neel u. to. Mail steamer

Incite Maeready ,Lt!O. K. Joplin master,WILL LEAVE .MKMP11I3

EVERT I'l tKllAl AMp rrATrKDAT,at 5 o'olock, for Marianna, the Cot-Uf- f, and intermedife landias on St. lranoiff river. The cap-tain leservea the rinrht to pa-- a ail lundina hedeemii unsafe. JA8. LEK, Ja,, SupennUndcnt.Otfice, No. 4 Madison Btreet.MercJiautsi' aud i'laiters, I'uoket JLiue,

rpll ateamer MiaiXIK, CaptainL i . M. Muiuiia; M. A. ttlti'on

clerk, will leave Momtrhit. EVERY IL Emjaat 5 D.m.. for all iutnta on St. Francii river, uro- -ug as hisvh as Aiariitnna and the Cut-Of- For

freigl.t or piisPHife apply toK. W. LIitHTBITRXE, Arent,

OfiTier !nl""'iii nnd Front street".

UPPER liKNDS.For Lambert'- - Landing, old Kiver, Head Inland

37, aud all v.y points in the Bends .Steamer

C. CIItTiTafiii.jn.. W, Robinson. ..master f Fred. R. Smith. ..clerk

Will eave a above every TUESDAY AKD SAT-URDAY at 6 p.m. For freight or passage applyon beard.


Blnek Kiver V. H. Mail Packet.For I ndian Bay, St. Charles Clarendon, Devalli

Bluff, Des Arc, Auustn, .'ackon port, Searcy.BateBville, Potrhatan and I'ocahontas.

aieiiinr Jots S'i ttti, gi ' a,M. R. liarry, master, nV.Fg

Will eave ilemphit? every ISainrday m o o'clockconnectinrT direct with the new bHek Rivert.m.- Sutes Mail Packet MILT IiAKRY, for

PowGHtan and Pocahonus, and with the DailyPack iU to lutes viile and Upper White river.

ThtouRh Rutct to alt noiutt.Frsitrht oonsiKned to Milt Harry Line, Memphis

or Terrene, will Le prompiiy forwarded.li. L'tWK, AffTit. on K'uirfbont.


US. MAIL LLNE For Arkansas . a'LT!!lACity and way lamiinscs,Hlpauir KAl ts ALA7n.

M. R. Cheek- - master I W. C. Blenkor rkrkleavs Memphis every MONDAY .tnd 1UURS-DA-

at ft p.m., connectintr at Terrene withpacket for all point on Arkansas river

For Vicksburr and waylnndinca,8teamr UliX t. MAH,

Ed.Wowlsnd matarj W. lhomp?on clerk,leavs every TUuSDAIl at 5 p.m., connectingwith and railroads for Y&xoe river anuNew Orleans.For Pine bluff and all rMts on Arkarsas River.

otVeamcr IDA DARKAUULe ives Memphis everv TL'i'.SDAY at 5 p.m.Frtiigi-i-t received ana bills lading signed on

Com3auyf Wharfboat, foot Union street.11 C. LOWKandE. WALWOKIH, A rents,JOHN OARK. Passenger Ageat.

FOR TIPTON VILLE.For Oiceola, Hales Point Carutherviile, Gayoso

anil iintonviiie ine new paeienger steamerAYSO,n . r. uan.-- -- master J . v. r uin:r cierK.

will leave as above, and a'l wav poiuls, EVERYMONDAY and THURSDAY at 5 p.m.

Fv t rT nxiafa nnT'lv on hoavil.

LEE LINE STEAMERS.HeflihlMa, C rlara RNtlut a.U Miuiavluaul 1ki?oIi Packft ('ompnuy.For Helena, u lend ate. Kiinrs Point 4ud aj Way

Lin a i t. rs bte s zo rJAMES LEE, -

K. T. Claett master I Piatt F nodes clerkWill leave aa above on every MoN iAV,WEDKKt- -

DAl'uod FKIDAY.at 5 o'clock p.m.ForKandolph.Falton, Osccols anrl ayLandinc;

Steamer 0OA11O3IA,J. H Cooper, maattvr......J. W. Smither.elerkLeaves a- - above every MONDAY, WEDNES-DAY and FRIDAY at 5 p.m. The boats of tLialine tbe risrbt to ali landiiis the cap-tain uaydeem unsafe. OScc, No. 4 St.

.JAMES LV.V.. Ja.. ctit.crtritcndc-pf-

Kit mphis & White River Pkt Co.V. S. MAI la IjSaP..

ST It. CHICIaXSAW,iSE. C. P03UI... natter C. li. Fa3iTI.lTerkClaisHadon, nevalla atinT, ttrm Are, aVn--

sraMSn. tatl tienrvj.LSAl'Ki iriEilPl-I- EVERY WKDHESDAY

atSn.m. Thronirh ratns ta all nninta.Traio-h- t aensia-na- tn Mempbis anil WVS-- -

rtvva: raoaet uo. wilt Delorw.- .1 promptly.

Airrnt. on U hartl

Trarjiec's Sale.B ,.vi,r,ue of "' dd mtt,ie 'o me bv Julia, Jf. Letiuereet al., on the 11th day of July,

.'. n "corded sn the ReirUter's office ofShell y county in Deed Book H7, p.taeonS, 1 will,at tint northeast corner of Alaaison and MainBlree j, in Memphis, Tenn., onItatardar. . 18SS.at 12 clock m.. sell to the hichast bidder, forcan, the fullov in ue?erlhed lots or paroele ofarouui, with improvements thereon, lyinr andbeinr in the coanty of Shelby and tkate ot Ten-nessee, and more particularly as beins;aoerain lot on the corner of Washington andOrleans streets in said oity of Monii.his, begin-ning at the northeast corner of the intersectionof sa d streets; running thence north with theeast tide of Orleans street 7514 feet: thence east-wards tSO feet to Weil Holt's western boundaryline; thence aoutbwardly ad feet to Washingtonstreet: thence wettwardly with the north side ofWasliinxlon street 4.t6vi-lll- 0 feet to Orleans street.

Second. Also one other lut or parcel of groundin sa: d county and State, on the north side ot theMemi-ht- and Germanlown plank road, near thecity of Memphis, being part of the John RiteJUasL.t.cre grant and part of lot Ko. 6, of tbe 24ijacres dividci bettreen the heirs cf Wm. Win-chester: Beginning on the north side of saidroad nnd on the west side of a alley and 2Ufeet sresl of the southeast corner of the originallot lo. 6 ol said Winchester division; thencenortt 5- - east with the west side of said alley andpara! el with the line between the oriainal lota 6and i. 12 chains and ' links to a stake north 55:west :t3 links from a whiteoak; thence north 82west7tft-10- chains to the west line of said IntHo- - 6 to a stake south 25- - west from a small red-oa-

thence south 5- - west 12 chains to astake on the north sido of aaid road 6 links eastfrO'O a t, redoak, and the southwest corner ofsaid ot No. G: thence sou(h !" east;84-lil- 0 chainsto thf beginning, containing by estimate 10 acres.All right and equity of redemption, homesteadand dower waived.

Terms Cash. Title believed to be perfect, bntI sell and will only convey aa trustee.

W. I.. CLAPP. Trn-tc-

Manhood RestoredKLl'V FaJtE. A victim nt .milhtnlimnra.n.

earning Premature Decay. Nervous Deriilitj. Lostaiaihood, tc, baring triad in vain every KnownremKlj.aaadi&corurerl a stioplsmeanaofwhiin he w.P a , I'REL to his f a,

ac reaa. J.1LE t:YLa, 43 ChaUiamSUJ'ew Yorfc

Un after eatinir, for indffres--,tin. A pertect oubi'.ituta

tobacco. Ask yocr drug-tai-

or confeotioner f f Coi- -riiu r c li i w ou ui:iiriKQL If "Taffy Xoiu," manbfaotured

a.Jiir bv Co lean A McAfee. Louis- -vilie, Ky. bundle bf nail oa


( ri un mnwi nt"i.i payable on dsttaud. was daelarad3S capital toctt oi ttja ooaarflny.

RIVER, NEWS.KlrV4.air.il I.K.VINSt

TIIIS DAY.White Kiver.... ..Job Pktrrs, Harry, 5 p. at.Arkansas ItivcrK. W. Cni.c, Ellison, a n.raSt.Fr'nciiKiv'rJ!s:MiCititADT, Joplin. S p.m. j

Upper Bends C. . Robinson, a p.m. 'Now Orleans Qrrficor Hr. Joa, 5 p.m.Vlcksbnrc C'r ViraaaiBo, Keith, H a.m. I

Sr.NDAY, M0SDAY AND TUESDAY.Sew 0rleaos....C'Tr!iiiw0tl.'.'iS,Sunr)ur,ItU.n.St. Louis ....City or Hr.ttra, Sundaj.10a.ai.Friars Point. ....Jsmks Lrr. Monday. 5 p.m.Arkansas City. ...Kara Adamb. Monday. 5 p.m.Osceola ....hw....Coajiuua. Monday, 5 p m.Tiptonviile....M...sAYORO, Monday, 5p.m.Vicksbnrtr ..Will 8. Hati, Taesday, S p ra.St. Francis Hirer. Winxit, Taetday, i p.m.Cincinnati Ohio, Tuesday.. r p.m.

MOVEMKMTN AT Til at I.EVIE.Arrival. Chaa. Morgan, ht. Ixcis; Co-

ahoma, Osceola; CHchuUze, upper bends;James Lee, Friars 1'oiut.

DrpnrturtM. Ct.-H- Morgan, New Or-leans ; James Lee, Friars l'oint; James W.Gail, Cincinnati ; Coahoma, Osceola.

Units in J'ort K. W. Co.'e, Ilene y,

C 8' hul'xe and Winnie.Bont Due Down. Gayoso, City of Vicks-bur- g

and tjueen of St. John.Dual Dur I 'p. Joe 1'eters and Cily of

Helena.Btecrfpla Telertay.

C. 8chu!t 14 balescotton.o hags seed-cotto-

75 sks wed and14 hogs.Coahoma 2:12 bales cotton, 61 bags

seed-cotto- n, lo ) sks seed, 21 sks corn, 9hd stock and 20 pkgs sundries.

Winnie (brought out of St. Francisriver) -- 247 bales cotton and 4337 ft lumber.

Hene Maeready (brought out ofFrancis river) ,io bnles cotton, 1402 sksseed and 42 pkgs sundries.

Fl trSK BOVfMITs.The Paris C. Brown is due down for

New Orleans.Tub Winnie, Capt. J. M. Manmus, is in

port for St. Francis river.The Ohio, Capt. M. M. Deem, is the

Tuesday packet for Cincinnati.Tita Will S. Hays, Capt. Ed Nowland, is

the packet Tuesday evening for Vicksburgand the bends.

The Lee Line packets Monday eveningare the James Lee for Friars Point, andCoahoma for Osceola.

Tbk Anchor Line packets Sunday morn-ing are the City of New Orleans for NewOrleans, and City of Helena, for St. Lot is.

The Joe Peters, Capt. Milt R. Harry, isthe packet this evening at 5 oVock for allpoints on White river. A. J. McConneland Hugh Smith are ber clerks.

The Gayoso, Capt. W. P. Hall, is thepacket Monday evening at 5 o'clock forTiptouville and all way landings. Col. J.D. Fuller has charge of her office.

The City of Vicksburg, Capt HenryKeith, is the Anchor Line packet thismorning at 10 o'clock for Vicksburg andthe bends. George Walton is her clerk.

The E. W. Cole, Capt. Frank F.llison, istbe packet this evening at 5 o'clock for ailpoints on Arkansas river, going throughto Little Roc. Walter Outlaw has chargeof her office.

The Kate Adams, Capt. Mark R. Cheek,is the United States mail packet Mondayevening at 5 o'clock for Arkansas Cityand all way landings. W. C. Blenker hascharge of her ollice.

GESERAI, SLWa.Bu9iHava8 good.Ci'miERi.AND river is still rising.The river rose 8 inches at Ca'ro yester-

day and 4 inches here.1Weatheb rather mixed alternately

cloudy and clear, and growing col ler.The Riymond Horner and tow oi coal

pasted to New Orleans yesterday after-noon.

The Wirt, with a tow of produce boilsout of the Ohio, passed south yesterdayevening.

The Jim Lee brought in a good cottonand sundry trip, and returned yesterdayevening.

The cold-wav- e flag was hoisted againyesterday, and the temperature began' tofall immediately.

Reckipts by river yesterday, 676 bal.s ofcotton, SI bags of seed cotton and 1876sacks of cotton-see-

The Itene Maeready. Cant O. K. Jon--lin, is tbe packet this evening at 5 o'clockfor St Francis river.

The C. Schultze arrived from above witha moderate trip yesterday evening. Shereturns litis evening.

The Charles Morgan, loaded flit. Daseedto New Orleans yesterday morning, gettinga number of passengers here.

The Ohio is the Tuesday nacket for theOhio river, followed by the Cons Millarr nuay evening. See card elsewhere.

The new wharfboat for the Memphisand Little Rock railway airired yesterday,towed down by the Thomas A. Hendricks.

The Winnie brought 247. bales out of StFrancis river, of which 119 were for Mem-phis. She had also about 5000 feet of lum-ber.

The C. Schultze, Capt. J. W. Robinson,is the packet this evening at 5 o'clock forthe upper bends and all points in oldriver.

The James W. Gaff returned to theOhio yesterday evening, taking 1225 balesof cotton, a big lot of sundries and 25 pas-sengers.

The Rene Maeready came out of StFrancis river with a small lot of cotton,but good pile of cotton-see- d and sundries.She returns this evening.

Capt. Kd Howard launched the newAnchor Line boat Wednesday at Jeffer-sonvill- e.

She went into the river I ke astreak of greased lightning.

The Coahoma came in from Osceolawith a better trip of cotton and sundriesthan has been brought down in severaldays. She returned in the afternoon.

The Nail City, oat of the Ohio, arrivedyetj'.t relay morning with a mixed tow ofceal and produce. Sho dropped two bargesof cabbage and apples here, and will pro.ceed south this morning.

Dvmsu the year 1884 24,848 officerswere licensed, t.f which number 6853were captains, 1390 mates, 5151 pilots,11,454 engineers, and who were distributedas follows: On the Pacific coast, 1752; At-lantic, 9899; Gulf, 2311; Western rivers,5476 ; Northern lakes, 5419.

Mr. Ford, of Louisville, had severalfine hunting dogs and a borse on boardthe Belle of Shreveport when she svnk.They; are supposed tp be last, Amongtbe list of losses on the Shreveport shouldbe mentioned twenty-fou- r head of fleeblooded race stock, intended for the Ex-position ; also eleven head of fine Jerseycows.

Cpt. J. M. Onioh, of the towboatThos.A. Hendricks, drops a postal informingshippers southward that his boat will ar-rive about with a full tow forMeanphis and will want all she an get totow from this port to points below. She isthe first boat named after one of the Presi-dential candidal. - SBe arrive yesterdayt'yo days ahead oj tleC

WrtTHkt AMD KIVEBB.OfFit r, fiiGKat. BaavlCR, V. S, A.,

IS5. J

The following observations are taken atall stations named at to3 meridian time, which.Is 1 hour fa. tcr than Memphis titne. .


low water. Rise. Fall.

Feet Feet Feet lothlCairoChattanoogaCincinnati ...trtaveoDort ..iDttbuuue....1'Fort Smith.1IKeokuktLa Crosse...ILeaver.w'tnLittle Hock. 14LouUville.... HI

a em pb la J 22ashville -- ...I lu

tN'ewO'leans 5IiJmahaPittsburg 'io"Shreveoort.. 238t. Louis 15

Jt. Paul....Vicksburar "STlYankton ..J

Bulow water mark. IFroieu.tBelow hit mark. 1374.

Cincinnati, January 9. Noon River24 feet;. Inches on the iraufte, and fa Ulnar. Weatherclear and warm ; thermometer W. Ho arrival ordepartttrcH.

New Orleans. January Xijeht Ar-rived: 8. h- - Wood and John Gil more and bar (ret ,St. Loots. Departed: Mereerand tow.Pitt.dmrjr;Helena, Memphis.

Pittsbueq, January fli Noon River 10feet 11 inches, and failing. Weather cloudy aadcold. N ight River H feet I inches, and falling.Weather clandyand mild.

Vickskcbg, January 9. Night XoDeparted: Will 8. Uays, Memnhii Joe

WillUmi and tow. New Orleans; Golden Crown,Cincinnati. Tbe wharfboat will be brought tothe landing in front of the city

Evanbvixlc, January 9. Night River23 feet 4 inches on the rauire. and rising. Weatherclear and mild. No arrivals or departures ofregular packet. ZStght Kiver 12 feet on theraue, and rising. Weatner clear and mi'd.Business dull. No arriraJtsor deoarttirea of regular packets The Ohio will arrive at 8 p.m- 1 haMary Houston and Buckeye State are both dueup.

Cairo, January 9. Noon Weatherclear and eold. Arrived; Paris C. Brown. Cincinnati, 1 a.m. : City of Vieksburg, St. Louis, ta.m.; City of .New Orleans, ht. iron., b a.mDeparted: Citv of VichsbiaT. Vicksburar. 8 a.m.Pans C. rown. New Orleans.it a.m. NiphtW eather clear and.cold; thermometer 46. Kiver21 feet 4 inches, and rising. No arrivals. Departed: City ot aew Orleans, New Orleans, c p.m.

LoOTgviiaiaX, January 9, Noon Riverfalling, with 10 feet finches ta the eacal and 8feetSinohee in the chute oa the falls. Bueinestfair, Vejrir clear and pleaeajit. No arHvais orBerrtBrlK"eioeptal tr. Tht TJ. P. Efiheno,for New Orleans, paeq down at 0 a.m. Night'Kiver falling, with Id feet 3 incaej In the oa&aland 8 feet, inches in the chute on ufo fail. Bui-ne- ss

dull. W eather clear and oool. No arrivalsor departures.

srsw mrwr mrrmtrt. ,on saasaaw. aanary ia.hdaii 1 twMH

I for thW. U. MvlURE, Secretary. aerve the ensuing year.

Df AM? iiiS INlinn n and

D.T.rlfra,Prw- -I J. IV:ur, Jr


IJI3sr.a5JOTtJEl..S. H. BROOKS, of Brooks, Neely 4 Co. I K. L. CVKIN. of DIHard Ccffin.W. B. OALHRKATII, of W.B. OnlbreathsVCo. J. ft. Of 1!' WIN, of J. K. Clod win A C.J. M. GOODBAK.of (ioo-lba- r A Co. J. 0. JIIJ.Lri.JOHN 0VUHT05, J C&piulirt. I D. T. fOKl r'H, of Porter Macrae.rsr-A- ll kinds of Property Insured. Eneeial aticr.tion also riven to in.urinr Iwe)lliia- - nltaairr aleres, at reasonable rates. Cnmiueaced business in IswtT. I.OS.SKS PAID, r

Halts saS Itio . A (trnic nn- - v w. r..r-


tn - U? .Has ErB & fcs

Cotton Factors, WMesale Grocers,iVo. 11 Union Ktreet, : : : Monnihla, Tenn.


No 300 Front street, Memphis, Tenn.





E. WITZB1AMM & COWholeMwle Dealer-- hshI 1'iilslisibera,

Sol AeeuU fur th lowing First-O.- i Iastmrn-M-

JStoixi-w- y and. XSLtolglJogi61?fl2 "alki HAaOX at HASI.IJI. ( l ;tl.,l A WIHHIs' LOl fiKI AvMMAm 4 .. AMI Pic I I If A.nn:s. A.srl KEW PIANO FO'.t l.- -

for CuMoimem. , 23 iiikI Sii;1. l(ln fcT.. !r tKISANDREW STEWART, New Orleans. AS ORt.W D. G WYNNE, Memphis,

Stewart, mm k CO.,

Wholesale Grocers, Cotton FactorsaVO.356 AXD SSH FBOXT fVTKEfcT, MKSfP.lJIs TiiS


sew nitr.F.nx f.oiTVs.-T4-4-.

W F 9laV4


314 Front Street, Corner of 3ouroe, ; : Mem phis, Tennessee.Liberal Atl vaars. af on "'av.alu-.iT- r




a 8.






a. bail:aPiunjlWrH', Oas andVn aat Sann-ria- Stwaoaul-- . fToT-v- v



C1IWIN OU32.For "ale eierywhrrr, Hrlcs-- Hal la dmalera will bo anpsallcal ly Wlaoleaale Urna(lata, Wroeera and CoaleeUonera r Mesnpnla, ar by

SOIa, COIiBMA J5T. Mcmplii. TeUn.

Wood ruff Lumber CompanA. WOOBllFr, Prealdeat. s. . HABTNAr, "aae'y iu,d Trraa

Mjuifa' t::rers of and OcuteF luCYPRESS, P0PL?ff, C0TTGNW933, WALNUT, OAK AN0 ASH

Doors, Snsh, Blinds, Moldings, aud Uuildint; Material OesitrallySAW AXI PLAAIAG .mi. I.N.

North .Front STear a? Work.A. I. Tttvysor. Haiiater. ; ? t j 3aitiSai. raaaaaui

attaawaa If al SI M nil IU JA, --.5avt P-a-aC U2a


Grocers and Cotton Factors,So. 893 Main Street. Gayoso mock.


& GO,

teaiii Fitters' GoodTTtv1-v.- . 'RTaam-n'Ma- Tcr


f 9i.

rVnolesale Grocers



JOHN KIBK. PERHIaa.KEBB & PEBKMg ; Proprietors.

SEXIVIOB iJEXHEY nri.1-- . INORTFilAK, ts.rvl Few,

ihouldNOttLCUAe is Laadsome breedinir, comblnlnir bloodlUOicoW tUmpton America, Friar, Alt.heoi. Albert Imp,. Koblcinn.Pediarree orintinn '.

CRKAM in la miantities Af. lrrnn

HILL, FONTAJNa . a. aaa m sa

Cotton Paotor an.2Front Ut., jtlemphis, Tenn.

KILL, PONTINE & 60.Cotton Factors, Con mission Merchants,

TVo. 116 South Maiu Ht.. Ht. Eton!.



TE0S.L. KIBK. President.



Wa ttlxo lurnmh

05 OFM.

y FtC, TUB. with thanext nason the caw not prove with calf.TiB Tury and rare doe thejUm andand


oh co;.r,.issiON.H. UOSElSB.rieoretary


TIN, IRON AND SLATE HOOFINGIron Fencea, lTIe.nl 3kyllsltts.


436 and 438 fiSain St, and and Kul&erry Si Rlamphi?IZKSCTOar-- N. M. JameaUe.Jr. ,n.r. Graves. L..TitT.

it-- . rtZ?i tbe hoorgofal o'oleclt apd 6 p rLtls purpose electing seven W Ttrecmrs to I By J. Bradley, Deputy i

UaaalaAAaUa y. Diz.Sol. rwntpUlnarat.

I irlar


. B.


b" tea

are Pei-are- to ft KK 31 LK


L. J.: s

TIB! A. J. C S10, priT-- oreturn

of a he ofas of liray 44,

Write for full riv




GEO. I. Kila. .. LCM, Sup'


21 23Jonet. H. C. War! E.C. Rut

m.,of M.

Ceo B. F. lot


Or. Bcrahardt's gcroad PFofeaalonalVlall la Ifemphla aflcraLapue at

Hevrs, tarna Years.

Morris Ertrtif 1


Formerly of Berlin, Pru-sia- , asd New York. Ustaipptng at present

A. the Feataotviy EotelOffice Room "o. 4 Parlor Floor,

MEM PIUS TEXXESSEKOffer to thor who are uffer.Df from

a.kneu avo4


Brazilian Pebble andAustralian Crystal

Glass Spectacles(Soperlor lo any tber la m. Coi- -

strtiil in pcordaDco with, tbe ftunri andol rature, airairably adaou-- to tbe

oi aiafht, arid prlftly nttorai to the eyeafford ine ul'orthor the bet arti&riail help to theha man v it ton ever invented.

1. 1 hey rn be worn wllb Hrrrt eaiMfor any Icntr-- of time nt ooe aitttmr ctviucoterni of vUion, by candle or otherartitiftrfl liffht. and coo frt to the upectaciaweaier heretofore unknown.

a. How le rt rnirtml fuidance. even linacood artinl

if otlerej. lr. Bcrnhnidt not only hu the beetglasjirott t be found i& t e market, but carefullyexinine the eyc of the patient, and ciree

advice a; to the proper ee lection ofthem.

DR. MORRIS BERNHARDTeomei recommended In the higbet terms ofpraise by rumeroun cert.fieatei from the njoteniinent Pbymeians, Ocuii.ti, DiTinei.and theniut prouiiuent iiirn of our country. A mo aUiem are thute of MEMPHIS, Th.N., end fron.all the priucifial cities ot the United AtaUi.

Mempbir, Tkn,, December 11, IfftSome seventeen yenr aeo, in tbe tyring of IV:?,

our city was fcy an eminent OjjttrUn, Or.Morrin aUernherdt, of Berlin, i'rutna, enjoylnr atttint tiuie tbe indortieu)CLii!i now lu hi- - i'rufft-tio- n

til A. K. Tu.ior, M.I.. J. K. Kray-s-- r, M I..John Pitman. M.l , Geo. R. ir.nt. M. U f Rlioprvon, M J., h. Milei Willett, il b., wTl.Creigliton, M.I.. M. D. Lilly, o

1. S., the Rev. C. A. Davit., the T. 1.the Kev. J. C. tednian, the Kev. Q.Whiio. tho Uev. h. U. rord. Practiolnc his

since then in the principal citiee of theihuu oiaiei, ami alter a pen a nanf rva. t n a. . -

CbicKK", indorsed by the Medical (School In the,city, tbe Iiortor, on account of ill health, beebten obi.Kfad to temporarily fuftnd hi Chiceouii'inw, anu rinnuueu IQ our eityKRII..We bave examined bin credent, ait as wet! a alurta" and litre .f optical inntrumeQUand leni.ni lor itirrcctuig de'ectn of T.nion, anilbelieve Iroin our ir.trvjtfw with the loc;ot thai,he i tli..ruurhi-qu;iiibe- in hid profMHi,u to

the viiri-.n- lrtjrmiucs of ,y ibe ot- -eritiflcapplii..:itton uiitM-ef- , nr.ii ucb indorett

1 M 1. S .1 KI-- ! l I.JilHN K. FkAYtitH, M.U.,- VMI HLJ. MllRKlSVN, M.D..li Kit hit .lilNKS, M.l..JOHN PITMAN, M.lIIEO. II. MUOH K, M.D .J. L. flM, M.U.,,,K5- - '.'(I'tLIa A MAl'RT,t. TKALL. M.D..I. I. HAL VuKitS, M.D..

W. B. Ivoui HS. f.l)..W. E l;v".t'.H. M.D.,SHKI'A. KoiiKRh.M.b..A VV. LAilAK,

Pa-t.- ui I .r .t Church.A.M. LO ta,

l'astor of irst Baptist Church.Mkmphis, Trvs., Dectnbr 1, 18M.

Ibavr-hra-- long familiar with tha nam. andre.atali n of the al,o gentleman, aud feel as-sured that their indorsement is a fuaranla lorthe lroferional skill.

I lr. Al. Kernhardt, seventeen rears ago,a aorresiHitiduig with tha ouo signod,written by niedu-a-l guutletiien.

UFO. WHITE,hectus Emeritus Calvary Church.

Mkmphis, Taaa., liecember IS, 1S4.I have rend a very flattering notii-- e of thsj in-

genuity of Dr. Bernhardt as an optician aadbiawondMtliil skill as an oculist written by my la-mented pre.teoess r, lir. C. A. llavis. All whoaoow lr. Davis will hear testituuoy to the faetthat any communication from hiru would batuented and ileserved. li A.JONE&,

Pastor Cumberland Preabyterian Church.Mmifjia, Tsn., December IS, 184.Dr. Bernhardt, ot Chicago, brings the indorse-ment uf a. t the primiial physicians and clergy-

men of that city, the uio.t of whom I know, andmany ot theui personally and very wall.Ue aer'ain'y stands at the top of his profession

as an oculist and optician. I hava unqualifiedconndeu'-- in bim lo do almost to th. limits otthe possiiiiiities of hi- - prol ila has thahost indorsements on both sutra of the Atlantis

tiEO. . bVV EbNtY,pastor Christian Churob.Dr. BerniiuT-i- t extends a cord.sl invitation to

those oi the Medical aad Cltrgy whomli.. bus been unable to tuvet to vi?ii hirn at hiaoffice.

MCOHMVUybEOBy the Leading Physicians and iiitnes oft'lncago.

J. Adams Allen, M.D.. LL.li., Ptsident of RushMedical Collcve,

Slos..s tiunn, .M.D., LT..II., Trofessor of Prlo- -cu; l. s and Practioe of Surgery, hu.h MedicalCollege.

J. P. It .ss. M.D . Professor Clinical Medlcinaand Diseases of tUe Chest, Hush Medical Col-lege.

DeLn.kle Miller. M.D., Professor of Obstetricand .Diseases of Women and Children, RushMeilicnl College.

YiiicFiit 1.. Halivnt, SI B., Professor tiyneoology,Ku-- h Medical College.

W. H liyfurd. A.M., .M.D.. Professor Oynecolo. '

gy, liii-- h .Medical College.Ileury M. Lyman, A.M., M.D.. Proresscr Phyri- -

ylos-- and Disease ol tbe Nervous riyilera.Rush Medical Co. lere

Adjunot PToiaiaor.Rush Medical lollcjre.A. Reeres Jackson, Ai I)., President College Phy-

sicians and burgeons.Ruuert L. l!a, M D., Professor of Anatomy, Chi-euf- O

.Medical College.J. 11. llullister. M il., Professor Uentral

and Pathologioal Anatomy, C'hioaato.Medo-it- l College.

K. N. Ishstn, M.D , Professor of Principles andPractice of Surgery, Chioage Medical College.K . Holer. A.M.. M.D., Prolessor of Obstret-rtc- s

and Disease ol om.n .naf Chicago Medical College-

ihotnas He-- , an, M.D. , Professor Clinieal Medi-cine, Chicago Medical College.

J. N Dnnforlh, Prole-so- t Pathology, Woman'sHospital.Truman W. Miller, M.D., Surgeon United SUtea

Marine llosoital.A- - .E. Mnail. M.D., Professor Theory and Prac- -

tiue, Hnneman College.Beorge A. Hall. M.D . liahnemsn College.P Hedges. M.D., Hahneman College.Mitchell, M.D.. Chit-ag- HomeopathioCotlege

'wi,.li- - K- - Kol.erl Coloser, Charlaat.t hesney, ihhnp Roform irliopal Churchand R. ctor Christ Church.Rev W. U. Ryder, St. P.ui I'tiiversalist Church,

Locke, Rector israce Church.Edward builivan. Rector Trinity Church.t.lwr.l P. tutllvao. Pastor first CongregationUChurr

B?Ya Arthur Ltttle, Xew England Ohnrch.liev. U. . Ihoman, Centwiiary h. Cburob.

JoSn Atlee M D., the eminent sargeon ofPa, sys. 'Dr. iernhnNit baa CtUdglus-M- to my eye, making tne vmon almoet aaperfect aa in youth."

H'F glasetes are superior in quality andand indirate hiph pruleMii nal skill on

hin part, in their xdaptatmn to all h different .varieties and conditions ot the eyes."

T A. Hendrxks.of India.

"Itaka great pleasure tn certifying U thequality a.d great value of the gla-e-

adap ed lo my eyes by Dr. Bernhardt in bel-- ibetter fattea to theui than any I have ever us',dl1 recommend him to the pub; ic."

Kichard YatevE Govern or of Jiinoii-- .

'He 11 entitled to confidence, as aQ optician Irecommend him." HAYES,F Prfci;.dnt Cniud StaUa.

'From personal expv"ienee I can recommendhim as a tkilliul optician."

iioratio ijeyiriour, New York.'Dr. Bernhardt' Icn-e- s are made o soperior

material, aaa with his aid, must 1n.1terU.ly assistinfirmities of sutht,"

H. K, Fenton, ex Oovernor New York."Have snflEered manyyeare from defective sightglHjn. adapted by Dr. Bernhardt suit my eye

better than auy 1 have ever used."A O. Curtin, Pennsylvania.

'Inclosed 1 rend you price of another pair oflass, doplieate of tbone adapted to my eyes.hey are bevond comparison the best and eaaiest

my eyes ot any 1 have ever used. I Mould nota wit limit them for any consideration, and de-

sire aunt her iair to keep iu reudinens to takeineir p ace in ca,--e oi any accident to the pair Iam uitiiig- - Yournkillin your profession makeayon a public benefactor."

Joseph E. Brown, r. Georgia.

"I am enabled to see with the clearness ofvision which lenjoyed in the days oT my youth.Holicved by your skill of an imnair.mont consequent upon year of application audstudy." John Gill Shorter.

Ex-G- or 11 or of .Alabama.

"Dr. Barnhardt'i skill must be of great benefitto those availing themselves of it."J. If. Hartrauft, Pennsylvania.

"The glasses used in my family adapted by Dr.Earnhardt are of suia-rio- r Quality sud workman-ship. 1 base no ho.itation io commending himaa an acoooipii-he- d and skillful optician."

O. i Morton, of Indiana.'He has littod glasses to my eyes perfectly. Iah.erfully recommend Uim as a skflfal, praotical

opucian. Sitnon liirshbach,of liovernorol llllnoia.

"I eheerfnlly concur in the above as stated byGov. X ales.

Jesse K. Dubois, Auditor of State."Dr. Bernhardt glasses, fitted to my eye. by

him, are the best 1 ever used. 1 cau see aa per-fectly as I could in my youlh. I reoom-men- d

hitn to the patronage of the public."Jonathan Worth, eaaiiov. iSu. th Carolina.

"The glassu are betfr adapted to my eyas thanany I h. e .ver usod. Your toetbod of oxamina-U;-.neud aajustment furnished me. Conclusiveevidence of your scientific skill optica andthorough expenonc. as an oplian. Your attain meiits in your profession you lo theeonjlaenoe, patronage and gratilude of tbe pub.-I,c-

r JamctL. Urr,r -- governor bouth Caroline.The extracts ierein are from valuabi. tatter

ttven by the abov. gentlemen when ia oiTice, thaoriginals (.fall of which Dr. Uernt-jrd- i basin hiFioaaessiuu. in addition to other high eucou,iuma

men tu the Cni-e.- i Elates...Dr. hernhardt's pormaoeDt oftice tsiu Chiesgo.Ilis object in travelitiff v. lor tbe purpose of estau-llsbi- oa

bimselt in the interior by a praotical demonlrau.n ot hia ability.

COaXLTaiiwir I KIK.tetrsrt ofinajalry most Inalocestan. fbrrn ICiJiC; rkri-.- s Prom a.m. tor, .m.SevIoth Aeoacga PoetoiTiee bix o. 5.lacriox No agents employed or apixiintej.

.R. Uwiitg to e:.ewhere, DfBornliardt will romaia here but a short time.;

a - ja.- J SA as

No. SGG-2S- S Front Rltcel, riCI.aUllIcl.Vaav.anjrtj





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