wmv is - atlantic county library · 2003. 9. 3. · piece to dower’s wharf; thcoeo (4) elun’g...

o~rlt¢.’, L’o~.~Lbly Judge l).]rynHile ia that ----o---- ¯ They huvestood the Lest nf’lwonty yearlP ese ¯ ease Would bo tits ¥1(Jthtl, but there nru and it ien*) eSl~-ritoent to porch&semis, ¯ ttttlUy who think.that riot Iti. head, but -80/,D (iV TIIP. INA~$Nf’. PL.SN. that td Judge Woo’dhutl, el ’th@ South +.-.-~.~ B,th ate espable cud hlgh-luued Judg,.v Pzvzaso~ &CAri, zsvxa, Ge~ I ACts, ,, . : but the RepubLi~,e ef ~uuth Jer,ey, wtiiJ I . .... stick lot ttte retoutiou of’ Woodbull; gll lY.qulliln s is .i~eu|Efiou iu~mSex~[ to the Ghlet-Jue- \ Trevelln’~ A~t. .-,tie+. a"l|" (]h,neeLl0r. Th, Republi~au, ’\10..lys-" .Ehnnm0nton,N. Jo wllldetnund ~omo j~ne~ee[ou Ir~m Parker beibr~ c.nArmiug "hi, Ulipointment~ ~~ ’£hure JLUn.~e~on Why, +ith k Larle Us- 1,. ~ ~upplemont ’lo the blillvlllo lueu ece -I ~+..

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Page 1: WmV iS - Atlantic County Library · 2003. 9. 3. · piece to Dower’s wharf; thcoeo (4) elun’g said Reel.40 ’redll thooee {2) S,luth 40° 34o Kssb Seed this sdve~Lssmsnt to tbe~tm~

eumulate~C H"r


laid Court-Iand no’

<Srtwo of.[~l~r’s’ .Psrlodisels, to cue soul..... " Tq~ nne y err, $~ OO¯..

~an he

n~t clolh binding,! will he:sent" press free" ~of ex~,. foI.$t-O~ ee~.+. ’A-. eomplete-~bti’" eomprlse ~i’(£0se. Voblots., sent on receipt ef the

....... .eesh,’lat-lhe rate of $5:15 per. vol, fro ghi at el-

..... L ~.’--.-:-l~nli.Of+:pereltaset~’:--"q ..... .:" " ." .. IPI~ p+eetags en II,rper’s Woekly I, SO eQnts

:~f o’ ’ a ytar, ~hleb must be-paid at the ~sbl~rlbsrYl..... - postelllee. ....... -A’d d ris~--- ~: ~


WmV iS lllh:Oheefnut St; (Oirard Row~," " ’" ’’: ." _.AN~"= " "

lalkNorth nmlghth Ntreet,.Nit Coy 8ti~ end Cherry,) PIiII,ADItI,PIIIA." ~lauafealt|rer and ’i)eale-r In Four Great.... ’ " Epoalalities.

"’ our Cslsbrelod ghemplnn )loop Skirl& O-,, e~’uditll Be0 II.vlqt el+i lille, for ]+adieu, M|l el*

¯ : ’wad I~hildr*e. Mutuufaelnred In meet the ~s titof the Ilrst els+e trede, kt the lowest prices.

O01~K~8 in 127 q131os tad grades It, I=,~-w~ II’ bf oil t from Ire. to $d.8i,’per p

ine]/~ Tbemson+s afore ]flt;Inl,’.:)- " IReriy’o,J, BeekePs, Mltd. Foy’s M:I. M,:dr’,

Mb~i’ en~ ~.ildreu’e Certet8, ete,, tegsthet-ml:h weary.other Julreble make, et prices beyea41 e,.~ p, Ution.

’PJLN II~P. BUflTLliS lu bY vat)ariel, from ~0e. to ~1 ~odia= llndr Cloth, t~; ,Ben Tom~ INlislo0, ~O.l

~at r~te¯ ,_JNDIlR In

+~u,,lilyo.’hel6 t.k~ Jlillt ia-tha-lewe~t pPLudt~Iit~il’II’ia~ M~ ,t l~ltl rtt.3~=’ tl~ fPum tO*, ts It," ~ilemlms from 0I.

14.7~. Drlwlr~, lb. to 8|.bll.’ Nlwht DIm~

ts.l~O, Mesas+. ~u~t ChU.¯ drea’s Uadsr ~isrm*ato, ere¯I We have the large*t, h~lteud obscpols It aI ’ eftbaalmr°leedt]tPk~lsl~|$kd~. J~vezyi ~-

¯ ok=ant oat ~tee till end money by IJlilli, g, ~. tbNJ. Wbkl~le’ta4 mtadl. ! t-l~

,. omamsm as Jsl’ ’J~liS ~ It~ sleet HLIIO ve~mm~ HI,

¯ talcing 111 l~tt!, mad ItS Irtt.¢’us eelwv.i"’ Jll~e. II ml ~ik~eJtive and Itilderd work, oral.

Stoutly ~dalltl41 te Um ,tlmm, 1 s f~lly IIleVell¯ " the K~altl e,/iIIm..1".to~.~. Itm still,,, lute pr*l.

¯ ~mt Ib, .alUmni |to l~umlo~ p~teeeel,, Ila. IPI~ iln~pwl41~lilqte~ ttl ~ immeri|iJ~Me, its uppmlt~ te eul-: .pahlle lehoele..aud civil

m~l ~d~tmut tU~rtys "it shawl its IteidiaauIIdJl~lI Ibkdl Iltl~++g~lp tOld to bdn8. :~tr/ e~trJllll..Rtiel~h eotle~l. Pr~l

".~tmn~li~y ~a eppiloati~ ~OrU~. UO., I~lrtferd. C~I~I. :1-h

+ a

and land

-tWO hundred fThe

a~.d~ 27, "and


"O’x~ e Tbousoc

-= sO,, isle. , ,irt.e nf-a +f’a exl,tinx hetw..m--~ f-El~lgltl-! I~--

of John B. i Dp ,bas been dissolvedall thai tract or piece of lend and [ r enWed.~eidat

by mutuel consent. AI| debls due that firm wi|late In Hamilton Tq~nsilip, Cyuuty ofAtlauticL ~s JlU. 171h, I+$7’~. be ~dloot<d by ~lq,~ltntx,+~h~-will else ¯+and State nf~+W’Jer~ey+ boux~lsd-snddeserlb-- :~t:T~f+~’~+oo~ ~fJe ~a~tx-0f sa+d’+d~,y, payaniy liibliit-ler of the firm, at either of their

--Dr.¢Bo..t~- ~+-d es.f011o-ws- .. : ~ ........ et tbs Hsmmooton IJeune, H,mmonton(:N..P.,hltebusloess places, 8teflon ave., Akaeoon, or --Be$innlng eta smell p|e~e mnrkcd for a eer. all those traeti of’l,md lyingi~lituato andbelngAtlimtie eve., Kthx~llm City, I ....

- ~l~eeed- u6r,: a’tai,-diug In Davl(t Loe’s line, :aq4 .runs |a the town.of Ilammnutnu, County 6fAtlun~|e " _-. " + ’ " tJ-t~O. F. CURRI]P.,__lfJ’~" ~’f7 J[L thenee-(I) .curb ~090~ W.et.-4 ehal.s to a audStete of New Jerimy; bounded and descrlb. WM. J. UNDRRWOOD.

OP Itsko for teorner; Ihcnoo (2) South ° 54 ed atfoll6wsl ¯ , " ; "l~ast, 4,93 ehaiei t.xa stone eurue~ ; theme (3) Beglnnieg in the csnlre.of ~ggJ|arhor_tr~d. -’W’c~th-$1~8~- " -(~LtlI;-llI-Ouj~---.North 2:~o 0’ East, 0,TIh.belns to a si~ue in Ihn at’the+southen~st eo-~f Po(io~’ I.ttd, thence-eenlre~f-’+lho++~losd-lea-dll~-fro-~n Ihe’ lioopy (I) extending aloe/,, the same Norlh ~, 2~’piece to Dower’s wharf; thcoeo (4) elun’g said Reel.40 ’redll thooee {2) S,luth 40° 34o Kssb Seed this sdve~Lssmsnt to tbe~tm~ vh tx0~eeroa, I b~erth ~0° 30’ Wee~ :1,44 chain8 to a alike; 40 rods | themes (5) Souls 40° 25’ West, 40 tUdl of I~,~ South Cpnmllna Land cud fmmilratieathence (5) still along seld road North 70° West, to the said Egg llerbor rued ;°lheac6 (4) elonll Assoeletlon. 704 |iroi~dway, ~ew ~’,lek/’ to.1.35 ehelns to e stone seventeen ]inJls to.lhn tbo amme North 49° 34P West~ .10 rods. to the getbse with $1.2b~ and you mill receive a nee.~north-w~steriy slt~u.of ~’e~r.t-~t l~ lalll rnsd ; plstte uf beginning, ounlalulng teu acre, of bored, Ticket snt~ttlnl+ tbt holder to r, Ae qun.rsor

O , I Othence (8) South dfi "40 West, e.57 eboln strict meesure~ l~lng the snme land of tim gift drawn by it’at the GRAN~COI~"-’ ......tbe p.ltee of.[l~gilln[ng, eontalnlnglhree aeresf A. Byrfies’ec~vovod to bUmuoi Yo CEIi~ IN (~I[ARLESTON,’on the ~k ~hy of ,mere or tess, beingt pert of the/loopy tract, Jwlee by indenture deled lhe’0th day elk Jane. Janu~¢y, ~exl. ~ ~410~, Ce~h Prizesr amottut+ ~’"cite part thereof eenveyed to Beasly nabceuk ar3, A~ D, 181}~, end rae01dod. Jn the Ciork+t InK to, I[1~1OOO’.@OO, and raugLl~g Ln ’va|uoh, d..,, of .n,e,... ,tom Thorn,, ,’.". ,.., ..,.-, ,- .. of d.’ od., p.

Iblle, it4, ~ko, ’AI;Ain beginning ~q the so~kwesterly Jl~S ef dieOIgulsh~’ rain, Whole nsmee a84me i~ ¯

Ma|n Read at the Eapt em, aerel Hoyt’s tend, Kuemuleo of hanor and good filth° The pro.tbonoo (I) extending So.Ok = 22* Wosll 82 Sac| b endorsed by August lielmoet Ch~rlel55 ]~ rods! thence (2) South ° 87~ g.~i~ O’0o~ur, T. ~.,, ]luy’t, Pres, of the ~1. Y. t~c~d~8 ~s-10e rodsl thence, (5~ Nwtb 4t~° :12+ ]~aet, ltosrd~ Weds’ l[amptou, e~d eminent oltL~.s..82 ~,+ lleO~rods, to Main )Load lfforeseid; thence Put~ ~henue&for $5. Th/s ii not a lo~tew7 hut(4) along the same Nurtn’45° B0~ .We sl~ 38 a Slate ilia,, to, secure funds fur I,m.ml~ratl’ua70.)00 rodsI to the place or begtnn|n$, contain.’ palpomes. Seud for a e|rm£1ar., ..........ing twenty+ ueree, strlet mature. B"lel tbS tl*o, M. "C.’+llu~lor, President ; John Ched-some treet conveyed by Blluel Y. Jones tu wi~lt end Gen, ~. IT. Gary, Vios,~resltlonls ;flee. L. F, Sa Itll ued wlfe, by Jndsnluro deled 8.,0, ]~, led 1 Assoelsilb’10"j"Cheriaston end ?O1&psb| |1, A. D, |805, cud reourded iu book Z Brosdwey, ~ow York¯of deedl, folio 335, etc. _ - ’ ’ -"-’~etZaT31~~y of ~laylou Alien sod : ] on I~r Buie to -oWJohn W.’Peugbom, dY|t. taken lu ezesutiun - - t.)lMIle i~@. ¯ at the 8oR of Phllauder f, La~+gdeu an0L M~-. llennuh Kobineon, mdmvx, el~, It+eels Roblnt~Iblil S. Bhlnsll+ pills., nd Io h++ Io d by ’ eOll+ decriedt hat’lag’ozhlblllml, to th|s ~gul~

. ’ ]~ D+RKI)MAN, Bhsrtff," em~ePoalbix+]~rtlind true a~eunt ef+he ptrq]>sted Nev 16, 1871. d~35 +mini lilate iod {llbll oflel~ d~eeu~l, whcum"

ufAUaetlo, uoaa~ efAtlaa. THO]I[.I,B ]}R]PUY,tie, State, f N~ w J e’e, mukq tie aud I~TeheeltseeI the map or ptae ef eald eli/, Ivenull andraes’~encq~nUter|~l b~ tooth along l~O. Mlehnor, on. he4uudod u ftl. Ih~ west liue of lsuuossee aveatm coo ha dred ~1

aL eurn~" ou the WSller|y ii1,1 fifty feet to s peg la the,oose+r of aa elley; 14side or MI tv~’uu%tw~ hea~re4 feet f~em tt~ee~’e, ws,tmrly MuuI,mid ellqy lffty fsst tu I M,the soulhwellouruor of Kreth+ i¥1melt and 1’11131sOrulr or lot l~lo. 95; thence, l~ll~eld Iot.~,~ &/wostesl7 por0dlei wl.lh Arctic avslnt elm hun. 9~ cue hundred end ITI~ fief Ib Ibesoulh edllO 6~’+Iced eed’s~veat~ a~. f~t to tll4 ear,el of Lol e ’Allottee aveneo, Ihenco a|eeEsiId Suulh ed~~e.20t Ih¢ICl, southerly parsli~d with Meryilud ot AthmtLe avenue eutwa]41~ tu till ldtesl~i ~<ev,nue/~hy [get to a sorrier of Lot be. Ihlr~ l Imltlenhql% ., mt~lseoe eliIWlldty pste|ld with Artt~e avelnl0 Plelaed as the property of Oil+ Xhu0~k+tt, etoil kuIl~l~’d eed Sl¥1nlJ[-I~¥1 fret te Ikl will. nx, et el, de~, tekan |U Ill~tlea at the’;sLt of ~ ;Orly lids el Meryiend aveeue; lheuoe, northerly Themdole Velterlsil, eompl’l, tad to he +old by

~ "Sell+lied by "MUOU & IJ(..bi.d n t el Ietd av,,nue IIl~p I~t le thll K., D. ~,]IDJUAN, Sh’srUL , ,~ Publishers 8oh ntlflo AIet.b.l~e)Ul~aU4 is tht utma |aTl. / ~ (ll, Yb)omen 14, tJsioa sm~datad l’I ’e=heN-A,’rD 180t,Beunah l~.,ie, tbs Iranlnt.

hy it s~aers the. tkepersontl estate of sm|~Jtlllu Kobluscn is tn,ulluleu~ , hls dobt~

PIIILABIlLPIIlA,,;Woeld eell the ettquliou of those wishing

to pure hues O i~r_’pst,nll, to his Isrge end .’.ehoLea fine ef Pulrelaa and Domestic, bothII rslitlun to qualLk~ ee well as etyls~. ¢AIse, Oil Clechs, Msitln-s, lluks, Mats,:~.~Stair Itcdl,, &+’,, et the lqw.st ce,-b.pr~oes,

N. U.--/. 8TgWABT DKI)UY is *.or el I~Ilkl 8. 2Id¯ St¯. hut ¢, with Thee. Dopay...

8opt |7,.’11--3 m 1 & ~. ,,

Is ie eedsrod tha~ I1| ps~iqes lateens I-zl ’In t~o lends~ ionomeaia ~md I~ est~tt nfe~id d~modent~ av]peer beforl till Ceasl+ at the~oulr Heule, Ju Mey’s ~a,,dl~i oa Ihl ninthdep. ef Apdl scat, te show euns. WlKy su,muehnf tb" said Isudl, |llellllll tad hel~dJteta0ell-

. nq4 ~al estata of Iha I~dd deeednl should nuthe I~d as wil~ he lelloielt |e pay kl~ debts arthe sesidue the(~qe[its tim ule ~ty r*quLm. ,

8, It.. DI~f/}/NIIY, S~rrogato-Doted Dee. |3, lBT:1. , 29-|t

Inn, ~p*rk+llow, 1<. Y~Twmt~.l~ee ~t~ etp~,Lmde.Paiplets eeptaJulng PauInt l,aW~.~k~l.|e|] uelnt the oltheas ef llemmuliontdlr~ltieas bow to oblele Pa~IItt fret. ,. ’ " ka I~ai room, sltnet~d uver ~q’l~ Plsktr’t,It h.tl~l velnlll +I lie paps, euaUdn|ng hi 8e~leo~ wbem ke |1 rtedy ta roeolveend szmull

upw+,cc~t+I’b3.111111.11111 41~ ~ eliot all elders of qhum whs I&y fercr him witkI 0 ~eulravlele ef Moehal01d Mo~eIett~ theis week ia hie llue of bullnest In ell It"?atIi’t Lcwl ted rules.fur ohlsleini #~tioell~ breaches, vie: eutl|ul, liking I I~ttrlng, ro~meLIo~l oa receipt o :~ eeuts. PStl~ug ~ elaeaiei. SS bt

o~rlt¢.’, L’o~.~Lbly Judge l).]rynHile ia that----o----

¯ They huvestood the Lest nf’lwonty yearlP ese¯ ease Would bo tits ¥1(Jthtl, but there nru and it ien*) eSl~-ritoent to porch&semis,¯ ttttlUy who think.that riot Iti. head, but -80/,D (iV TIIP. INA~$Nf’. PL.SN.

that td Judge Woo’dhutl, el ’th@ South+.-.-~.~

B,th ate espable cud hlgh-luued Judg,.v Pzvzaso~ &CAri, zsvxa, Ge~ I ACts,,, .

: +°but the RepubLi~,e ef ~uuth Jer,ey, wtiiJ I ..... stick lot ttte retoutiou of’ Woodbull; gll lY.qulliln s

is .i~eu|Efiou iu~mSex~[ to the Ghlet-Jue- \ Trevelln’~ A~t. .-,tie+. a"l|" (]h,neeLl0r. Th, Republi~au, ’\10..lys-" .Ehnnm0nton,N. Jo

wllldetnund ~omo j~ne~ee[ou Ir~m Parker

beibr~ c.nArmiug "hi, Ulipointment~~~’£hure JLUn.~e~on Why, +ith k Larle Us- 1,. ~

~upplemont ’lo the blillvlllo lueu ece



Page 2: WmV iS - Atlantic County Library · 2003. 9. 3. · piece to Dower’s wharf; thcoeo (4) elun’g said Reel.40 ’redll thooee {2) S,luth 40° 34o Kssb Seed this sdve~Lssmsnt to tbe~tm~


of Oak


the"Th’- "m ": -locomOtive





one of

the :



which are


in the

a rath&


benefactions, ainoo, the.

of locomotive onsad his othen

the verdure and_,~

~on I. h~t.beeomo the owner ofM1 t~, a.few ....to the


"A[that_time’:an 0piniodhadbeeome ~esrapidlypr0vaIent :that--the_ ro~al was ruined for with devices’in some instantssteam, locomotives and with-~chL.varieties~bf_,

the ble".;M’ their ii( some ate se~...... fo.rm;

guns;~crown Within ar


and made the first’un

withoutarchitd6tiiral claims, overlook theof solemn an ,.to..be spared :.

Arch of Tit:us.

over whichworked a

o of the’cara’ cord’that in


tracks were laid,atroad tmok. com.

the Via S/tore


an: about to

the commi~on,


and iboy~, to- fifty, -threes, at:different -

are moxlo in_leoms, i~x" small’



nine months¯ . hxt xs,~,2o0on that one -

The "silve~stroak of sea"

those between


from deckto


r feet wide atin


t,- so-that:’thoor brought

he was ’¯:_~Oh.tlldlowo~ "_will be. 1Rid;

.................... ~ transi6bi’t~d9.ia ’estha~tod .thtit tit,,,

, Good Advice;" " steamersble them to

l~i[ve to be built at Cal~’that t the : "You~ .The,]’~rcn~govern~ment has beenmen,-you are ±h//architects your ,own thi~ dockfoLtunes~ llely upon:your 9wn strengthof body a~d soul¯ Take. for ..... ;Stint’that ilfis

"s01f-reliance, ~, honesty foi, use in¯¯t~¢o-yeara’ end ar- half from--tl~q:time that -word:is.. begum/ .-

’hero.’ while oth~r~ tliink that five year. at.least WilJ. be r6quired to build t’bo doF.k’ ’at Cal/d~. " A- e~fblo disi//~tch frd~a Paris ."

~, t,_ ,~saw that the’ ,eommittbe-, "a~mn’-fi~d~ I~’).

t, ¯ l#o ]~reneh ,~omiA~ to. examine t,hoproject, has n/ado a ro’/x)rt approt-ing it.

’that some t~’" -

.]topers. Advertim~


¯iong stairs to climb, at-

and k~ow thaVsho

not setXd :me li~n~ing till over:town to find he~-particulartbmale doctor such blunders as beard a~d

I:~yS, ~’ .Room 17; Times. tall ;ahdlstrai

Room 17,

bottom of: the

under. ,.: l~efore

" look like quite ~ fiisk~addree~ A~nt Jdmitaa

’she esk6cl ’:blk)hd~ I recornfaendetl ,ohm rbliabld pei~on;

Miss. 8tuOJe~. recommendedb~w;n ~hom ....

The result

She miss- her: Which ho’did in a very satisfactory:~s she re~ehed’ the

landing swho’ had picked¯ up


"I fou~l,:t]~;i/X~fro~t .bf Miss: Stu~l:itup., ke~t h~nxself, in~: her good

. . eepted~ ........ ...... :-:~7 : - . ..

on eithor~ido of

after all h-br: as h¢

little ball, with rooms

’don’t seethe number,-butrobson as ihby

and not onethe


. mot; 5. ......

dream ’concerning tho fair’,, Of c~i~o, ~oung l~vey~rs,

li]c4otheryoun~ arc not exemfrbm such waktr him


couldst ,ergwled"l

"mid Di~k, S "I’g. ,was

¯ Do youtold me about

. ifi:h~’wafor" you.. I shall e~ t~ seeUp :hero_ ¯L~m’brrow with.~article under yottr arm[in

¯ may. restOre it’ ~o its

saii in love With theof ~is fallir

xn an’ aaidoA

:¯ -&

yourthings, but a

sio sho~d

is it ? .... ’ "~The l~0k~ in%her eases "w~ro m He.took it up..and as ho did" so, ~4~tost ~to of- oonfu.iou~dn/~ v~ string slipped otf~ and thero ~s a rustlone lint; and some sidewaysb, cdn- and quiver inside the:]mlmr,-~m th:ough a-hoopskirt~ome iU.Lffot~lthe idea that they had been h’av- ~ombthing uliVe was inside of if, and’ ~ ’,Not a bt~ of t I

;:’time 6f it~-ahd hadn’t something ’white and’ airy Aprun~intv too short for a- tall

tdo :--too--ddmato--.L tl/at’s .~ood!" It’s " "

1)re~uiso~’Dean, holding the iloxi~o, odd- ’"And e4~mtual," " sugg0sted-Diok.. .... ,,

in’the one empty chai~ ,’ I" never out at atan’slongt, h. "It’, ’ "Well, yes: ’if you want xt’,.~o,mw such a looking place before. I don’t g I ¯ ’ answered Fr(~t, laughing at tim ides’of1~21iuvo Mis~ Doctor ] ’inside tha~ fiat. applying sfich.a teri~ to a skeleton-skirt.

Or she’d ". It must ha ~ it came hem in m

"At any rate, it’s a xtoat litth~’afl~Lir; dud’Sonlu won).i~,n rll warnmt_it belongs, to a- ttdat little-

take. I havo it I" ho oxc]ai!nod lady." .longs to that girl I nmt on the stkix~, Of "You evidently bdieVd in tho ’externalcourse it does. It’s ust ahmxt iitucss of.thing~,’:’~ hmghed’Dick. "1tow-

hils foot largo enough for her, ’ever, if you don’t f-ll in love wtth 8mioenough to Jlll them F- And-a spittoon/ and.h0 T|~ayno to-morrow, you’re a hard-hard-

’ made into ~ flower-vase I ])ear me I it survoyin[~ it critically and hearfi~l man, am[ de~erve ~0 die asO comfoal I" ~And’thc amus(:d ’lady be- and perhaps,. :t littlc,Jtd- badtelor.’~ .gan ~} l*tuglh " I,ikt imoltgh~ ,It~ . "Since L}xen~ is a ’Sue/u7 t i :1 your oW~I$ e " ’ ’._ rook u ................. -- "W}mt.ar,,y0u doiug with thai’radicle case, I supp6~-#0U tl/ii~l~ t~ ~ aught to

Just t)lo tt },OOk, w]tieh had hoell.~.l De[tu?" calh~t out alaughing Vole0 }m one in luino," todd Frgd, t~ he gave thqthe door. ’ . " . "WMt till at’tot to,morrow,

khtsiu The young man dropped tlw. ar|:ielo I’ll toll" you what I think ofsuddonl~,,).und rew ver.~.-z’,d in the i’aoe, i~ Su~i6.Thayue." 1 ’ ,ItS ho contron~ h|s visitor. . ~,Vh(~n Fred Dean and lfia frieud

..... ¯ ’Oh1*it’~ ...... is it? r h0aui "

t C[LORt called in, andhtidWrfanoy being caught ez~iai,dnga hoopskiz~ lIanlly the kind o/studysuitable for a lawyer, yo~ know,’.;!li8 ’ad.ded, hmghingly0 ~ he puslted tlm vh drhe ha~l occupiedtowanl the visitor. Ifound this thiug," touehing tho crinolinewith his foot ~ he spoke, "on my ~tbl,.1tow it t~anlt~ them I don’t know. Bottlehulyleft it,. probably." . ~ ’

’"Fettrfally and wom|eriuil,, hindu, isn’titF’ ,aid Ltmkwood, takiT~g’up the skirtand depositing it ou the tabh, in muchthu ~nto wa~ a bod~’ WOU~ haudle tm~nt~

’thing he t, Xl~mted would |/ire. "Quit~aU mlveflture, I dtmlaro, ’rod roniuntit~.withaL If’~ou eau only_ find out the fidr!~,ing who~o prol~.~y thiA i~ and rm~oro

crinoline one nail inaroom in one corner of the office.

-rm inclined to think, however, thatfinding a hoop~kirt wouhln’t bo con.

Page 3: WmV iS - Atlantic County Library · 2003. 9. 3. · piece to Dower’s wharf; thcoeo (4) elun’g said Reel.40 ’redll thooee {2) S,luth 40° 34o Kssb Seed this sdve~Lssmsnt to tbe~tm~

..~.¯/ . " ¯ ---~_7 ...... 78. -- ;. _+: ; _ .......

. . .... a_-.~~, ¯ ¯ s..

-nitration of our readier.,

......... _= ........

to New Jerii~ iuonal~embem of

State seven met

.pr&entGougr_e~iot~Ldistrlcta~= ~:-.i_ : ’:


. _ " - - - r - ---

Oortina~b f0reo: tell back aerou the



I:.tumun~caS ................

p::Atlantio ~COdnty id %h/~=Fii-st!

........ p~itioall~,

as stats balance. Petit ~s~ will be

: at tint right; -- ~-----T

77_ _ ;~gh//tb~, that P#

giv~h-~ bad for Jeff Davis ;. the second.

~ calmly ’ ~ns "

man m~u~,’a--batidfd_ef’~¢hich he ik :in ..... )n__at

.~0s"te-d ~evator, who has had It truest importance that the-tn-uotr experience its. maki~’~g’ Presi@_nt.s ’ohizoos of-oorcouoly-movc-ie this-matter

d/rot Ide had 6arelully looked tholastLeg[y!atp~9 wlaiqhit_;vcover t~eTfi~l~], a,d could find no district been had Congress acted in the~,where a known ami-(/ranLman- could be

time, At:antic county ~ould have_beenw

.... ~-~ .... _qq[es.~t;iot~-"-~-~yrequircs prompt and- - Cro~utFg-’Weste~f--W.or[tfi~ -bi~i0i.e u-s" energetic action on the part of the peopleThis, is ¯a ~-’~ew journal devoted--t0..’ ~. ___:the_.~...new~and the press of our county in aid of our¯ o~ the Great West~wr.allroadlng, mmteg,Senator and -

~t~rn exl~efieno log el A_0dntio county in-the

wnh tim times. + Address CrofhtP, West- where----B~sa.; .era

....... ;~ "A’lwood.Ja~,. l~tA, 1872# " -- ~ .- _ . : ~: " :--

cue ang~ ts to-~a-vothc " .....

.. tteporB" ? Plm~h~:~y~r~-y. pertdiut~L~.~ ~ have Been astatement in theO’l.s,, ~,~udi,du/.iag Bueltanau’sadministra: I,dormnthm, by ]3. Colango

-: ~’~’-~s o’~--f-Y~N~---~-x---ff’,L’ iaffhiTh tl~e~vriter- ’ .... c m~ffOtecl in 18 semi-monthly.Parts, at 40 the tbtul+lougth of’the streams of V/aelafid un~l

~’rain, anni!~iiates c--ortain ors.: each--dee Whole to brm’one volumo, organs tborefrou~ th.at ’.’ thorn_is -no neee’a~itya,m~-edit’o~_whoho~- :d. royal 8yo4"’~f" over 1000 d .o~ble-column: f°rg~ing°lsuwbereta~purol{asaCra"berrilands

vcmmed ~aj~|ic.ak ot t~b~ if.~rosaid-ad a pages,:wtth 500 wood-engraving,. 1~ is whale¯such iargequantitics can be had in thclrtic/’:iit’his Slashing " "ed-toqltrni~h-ae~inplete ]~:fi( own immcdiato.neighbori]oedY

:’ - ~’m, ,niser,tolo. /~na Ifn’g. dog~. die that shall be within the reach of .....alL,_:h~Ct th~suee~sfdl euttiva: ..... ~t’U’lcll/~tt,.¢l~lff:.O/~u+j#f.- :. SHills f

leo ’X W,J,~L+f," rmson ot its relia~=":- iroet~ffod~| ff~aTfi~

Tl~++ -ha,l~tif Sinitl,soniaoJnstitut, t;~’q[r-s~v-ork _of gc,ieral relerenco-i.was b;lrnod a. low volume ever published, it is inieod’od that

yeats aeo,lhat+ bean el;tiroly robuilt~ and it ~hmllm complete in all-its d~’" ," . ¯ .e. ¯ . .

. - -~tll-be+ dm~o~ud-tr~= ,f- .Kndy’JoliiJimn, 0ide’on Wlflleh and all tim. last. g~e~t’ work’~_._(Zell’..... ’s ]~,|cyolopedta)~. "e _±tuoaeLOttmr.oh[ l"o~sil~- -wig fiedd- ..... 61:, the’Elit.i, or tltc -p.rese~ yoluml............ t’pt:ee whidt animates them

’ - ’ on-this-bead. ......IA_ W u.~Icr, b~ck.~,oods po’lit’.~iatt i~ iri ~.A~imeti-i;umber will-be mailed bYa~.ol ol tl,-e ’one-term" p|il+eiplo. He tim Publidters tO tillS, address on appliea-

+!~iis-a -~+,qih~hn"t~rights wile, he says, -wholion. ~ ". ts ~no tvrcsgqntf and is not"ld thvor ot Agents a.nd Gaovassora are wanted co-tho’~coutin~at|oe of h0r~dr~iuhLration,

Tha l)~ulOera, lc papers of theare tryi,g their h,,t to Wan the n,tenlio~

~, and win the .~Ollthtenct| nf t++Ea-+p’]~ Sun;-nor. Tl’ey.wih havq a happy time of itWO glllJ,,,i.,+¯ , ¯’ , ¢, ............ l]t ,.~ ++rtl,lmt~d that, out 0[ the 110,0o0

+ - pe6i)!O,i+.doi-ed destitu-te by tb6 Cliieagofiro. ,~,,~.~i,~l W~.o rolle;¢~.l in that"o’ty,

, whil,~ ~/~{J,0(ll,)WIO travellicg:0|| rel’ugov

~-’il. t;. ’s’r~m,~ f,,r the l’ro~:doaey n|sybi t,,,~it]er0d ,m~ olthelo.+r raes.~. Aht, rel,eel[on Iho ’+late,. Franklilf~ will knewmor;s al’dnc "-L~dtt,’~ thail attp other h+rtuproduc.,¯

~!-The t. trle.~ ~o-get’~.en -will,

pond--ent’" to plagiarist+ We w~,,,-’d,r lt’t~m ho I,laginrizOd his latcstand heat ~m. i~ntitl tl,’" What l knowabout lloraee’G I t.oles."

J W II-rzelton, /~l (’ h’.~s¯ .." - ’ ...... ;- - ,, , our tbatlkSmr copies el Agrit’ulttwal Itel+ort Ibr 1870.and lh’l.’rt of U.ommitl~8 oK .~Mucatln,,

[ ,r ’ " q ’ ~ .......f’~-.~ u’. l~Ioorc has ourl thanks /or

public documents.

~/IE 8CllClO PESTIV+t~. ~P[:2 ~1 .+ ’ o.~. ~ a,.ula U~IUI|-ful litdo Quittm,.ly 31~aain0 dovot~u t,, I

new and Ipluklios mattur for 8d~bo’l/.2r. Il, lbltlbm+ al~l public ,law iS re~ivqd f’n" [Janu&~. ~o teacher or I,Up~ ahouid le lwithout it. ~ It ~,~la onlyfifty u~inla a.~,,a,; [

’a ingle ~p)¯~" l~fl©¢m o..nt,. Writ~ I~r it, t,~ IA!,~’lt~o 1., 8nwm,l.. Publisher, Chiea~. /

:~till411:’ .ut~t’nd y°ur ’m [’~ril~tiou’+ "uw a"drcgtet it. )’~9 j

tionists ap+eared to.seek. -Aapt_her-ad- ~;--]--i; 7:¯.+~. 7.7.7.-+++._i7.~-7:7.: 7.5: .~+_L~.-+_- ,---~_,y tb remain in: the Firat Va+,ee lima hcen m.a+eb,. ..........

~.’" .... _.

loll ipl, Ii ~- ,

mal~+i,s!rich+er:i+_4t_tO bo:plamd Camarg0;a~l ageneral aerie+- "~Of se~nd ’dlqtri~t? " " , . , - ’+ ~~-U- r, . "

..:- ¯’~:9P) ¯ ’-. -" ....... - ’ : .._ "

without:am-er~d-.... HAP~DW~ARB --ST 0 RX-of ~11.71}.-S dr.S;ll ..’~:,,

"[.would suggest the CIT~ ¯EGG HARBOR¯ ROAD &+

...... di~ontent among.: ~--~--" .... " ’-,.-vorti0ns-of:t ........ - -. --. - -~ :-- :- -:--" " " -+

...... " -- ’= "tr:-et. -.:poringan in~;emseof iar~ti0n.for :aiti~ry -. -an., a+c., ~e¯ \ . "

.... _.? ....... --o--- .- ..... __ :.... +-~~ .:=-.___ ___ m.ei~onie ~+, K~Y,.In~ ~In";Kenl~.oke~. -+. mnrTmn~,om in oaltt. --

-- ’ + ---- -nls largo- ~1 -- ........ " .:- ......

10tllora~Oreely,,,~ tiocount~,,Of both l~olitiea] parties to tha Ciocio~ti/ O., Jab¯ 16.There wasa ato’koftbeabove, begsleav0tqia’ttmate.... . favor~.blo se~on for -: - t,

to aid our able and efliCicOt~Senat0~ and near Frankfort,_Ky,,_b~_Sa~rday .._’. _ ........ " "Member by putting a rem’on~tran~ in their- .]-a~" - Se~b-o---wrawere-ordored-0ffo/ed-by=hi~/.

_ _._ =.-

a:alost-tho’ of Atlantic kept odt~]] -- . _ -cou6t-y:ih th~ was -.-Stla~dimi+~L ~So~r Troom. " . ........ " " =¯_. ’ "

"- ntoek of-’ &e. PUTTY.

-outlaw~ - _. .’_ -. "-.. .~

r ....

announced, =-~lli~ eyergreefikndde¢iduou~;st~il~. ....... ....... L ~ ..........

. ...

Pard+ira, ~0-h-£viia bill ifitroduced into+the " - " "anew Ho]houpe and Window Plants.

-_trial. _~or two or ’ - - - -. - ¯ - " - -have had-co~u~idcrabh h0p~ kinds adapted to window oultnre. " ....aad hay e__even==staied ..more favorable to h|m now,. ~hao .at about bard times and hi-gh-priees. Thiaro isno

other tim_~..ri~ trial.t It has also -’n’ammon’~:2V_j ..... evidence.of Jr_at our ~tore. We kacpafuU .....¯ of SHOE TOOLS, BRUSHES

¯ anxious that anew trial should "~TOTI0g I8 HEBBBy GIVEN/THAT.Ar~ - = ¯ . -- ........ - " ’~-him. Th6-foqlffWi~e" telezram, received .L~ plieation-w~lbemado--t~th%-L~i~lataro +~from Trenten on Wo~Inesday, coraborates at zts nezt sesmon, for an "Act to incot’p0Late _~thesestatemen_D2__" - - .... -- ._. . ...... - --~$ -.

ton, Jan.+1 T.-:-]:35 -- --=~G-IIE,4kT ..................tic.e-Botts a new trial .... ~-; ...... " ~

kc.~ &c, We have also in additio~$18.00 in-~alue I 7 %-- _-~-~-~_~-~r..

¯I{up, post-free, as # prem|ffra

LY, acknowledged tbo most beaati/ul and ueelal ~ . ¯ .-- .. ._.in Am~irica. " lrs~’~. Sa~ .~ineTKss~rti~ont of FURN-ITU!3.E~B-ureuu~ "’

is. a.bO"~i:ii[ifal. Chre~ ad M!rrors, Lounges, : Tablos,--Bedsteada,-: Matwi~-.--;-:=

~ttogether with DEMORES~ they.will bear~io’ mindopportunity for the investment of $: STORE of M. D. &.J. -W. DEPUYLH_amnaon. ...

or/inplaee of ton, N. ". . . . _ 40-t

TnA~gW~oll~/-al/ HIAWA- " -,

15x25/p~ ~villbeson .’’ C¯T’+ RIST ~AS :Chi’omos end D~atoa~sr’s Mon~PnLV, foroee TO~l.! TOYNII. Tel(SIll:yuar for $5/.../tiawutha’k Wooing is a

"- ------- AT

times then, N: ,,t.

It o~ly "’~e weeent it with n!’u~fi-d ’~e"pl:i ,abli+ .....

swamps of Vineland are not littod for e’11 ~.n,I )rove amenth ..W. Jr:P+.ion of" the C, anbcrry isevident from tl~e fact nzs~s" D:’:UOIt’P.sT, 8:l’lq Broadw~.y, New .Yerk.

liorses. .. her’°itizen~~m~ll!t~-. -Copie,-aiu-tt’r~tttest aumberToP+lthe culttwttj,,n of the berry, go risen’here h) ~’25-oe.adLe-eiieh, iimfi..froe. " and those bonuliful Vaso~ in Purina Mar. 7,ul/~J]uo~i~of ~ , Shave, Tea 0ups, Sauc0rs, and anything;

¯ .:+i, ~"~ - ~ "71"I m’Toy~ for n, I, an/IplentyefNapkinRingz,- p-(_~ + ¢ .... .;. ~,;; , .:.~-. ,-~_with pure white sand ~and,u ubuudanco of ¯ + ’~ o 1,-.~’¢+-’ -+-.C.~ICJ.~L-IL.~.CGt,,und Sl,,,uns. Como’alland buy forSanta-L __ ~+., .... - ,.’ i+- " Claus is coining;, coon..’J~he It(tie tapers drewater lor’;ll.w[llg at-all iv’abe/ill dfth-o-~,alg z~.’~t¢.~:"~’a.’~6~ ’g"~e c: ~.,~,~0~. hero ready for thd Trees¯ ---led’have In the I ’£ 9 ~gR 0 ~" IlAbl;~IONTON

--’rfiT~-,~,.,,,n iI’~u.t.,.oveF 11000 iaere~ ’gf__uatural-~houbarry ....+ .............. ". C~ ~ ~Ii.. ~’~.+’~i + -- " "Swamp IN (J~JlJbD-x, with T’IlltRI,.’ large, ,-,t,,. ,+’, ................

ll, li,~ ,, X J.,~ .. t.l,’l;lunl’aillng ctr~ltms etmrsing through 1"~, on whichL.3, ~ + ’) ++ J l’t ~D’£’J.I, DEALER IN

.. the PARR, IIAMMONTON" aed VI,VEI,’A.¥1)_ , ,; .... c,’,, .v:u" ,d:.lr]d"+

’- ’,-.-,. ......, ....... s ] edioines,_..... "~- : ’:ranborry Ci mlLiiil.s dr4 loc~{t - "aiia ,,,. ,,.,:,+,,..: ,. ,,, , ,, ,f ’,,parle " Rallr0ad-Avo’s

..... s" I ~,, ,li,,,I ............ "-" t ’ IIAMMONTON, N. ,~. .ry ’,,’,’,,Im ..... ,,,. " ,, ’.1 Paints of all colors ground Io oil. ZIOn ardoollsillln~ in aggregate of uvur ~OO iI(~r~,

’. ~+’f" ,~,~ tll~,~l,~t,,’, u I,i~ ; ~. t,:,~ White Lead+’ VaruJshos, Brushes,- Window-

S u mma, erwi, ieb 200aere , came into buari,+g it,

++++ ........ .....+ ii!!;iiiii: ~rAYAN. " 187i. ~"a’mmo,,,,,ho,o,horo~ro,,,,,o;,aO I..,,-,-.::,, ,, .,,:

: ." ." .. !.

.. , I~ " I . I+I’++ VIPIt; p:lllll~1|Jv Ill’h,’ { .~ |I; ++’’ I + +, " + . , :a .l~e& in tim saran bog bt~lz!~ tmlm,VO,1 ,y iu:. .,(,.,t ,, ,,.h :,.d ~ , ,,, , +., ~ ,., , ." San Pranchieo, Jan. 12. -It is ruulored dh’hloaleffdrt, h~lo{s Irom.10 to 20bores eaolb .... I,....,. v I. t II It hi , ’. ql. u,’.- ,

t"tJ,h,F+l,t’,l ~1 ~1~ Vii’Ill ’P~ 1,1’ |tPt’- " ’tb.t Minister iDo Long has, aeeel,ted a and mostly by ¢iti~+.,,, ,~ I’i,,q,,,I. ¯ :.,q,,I,,h,,, I’,,,eu b.~,ne,,f liraIlli~i(’lll ,tl~dUl JapaR to the,great powers ot [t is Cstmlalud t fllal;(bhre ld, indupcn,lont of ., ,,ur ~:..v. ~)nvn,

¯ + ’, " ~ " ’ !.hoabovg,..~.~or~OO.aoros ufLranbutry’b,~.~m,,h ......Anlertcaund l,mropo, uln~t]ar to Ihat.whieh

q,, oX,UlU,gat: ~ I vl,h.c ~ |IIYSICIANS.P’R~tII)TIONshmshod, eolpieg/nto"baaring~ s~ d I fnlJ I,, ~r.in, h, lu t’t’,l il,f,,<, J filled andput ii I) with ’ "Iho~. lalo’Anson lhtrlinganm,. , received. Irm,t il,g, Io diffe’rulLl parl’a ofthu t.w., s. t’h.t In a

~+,4m, tiv ,r i ~, , ¯ ", ~ PE 0 IA l, (]A]l ~. "iIl.’lHiV HI. i.Hlipl, t~l’ It~ hhh,.Chlllll~ with u so[lira, el $,~,0/0()t) per yt~ar I~w ymirs llamumlton will bd~et her Cranberry uula,.,. ¯ +,,m,,U: II. +, Ill I,, .-It,

H lhlIes ~ili be ti.cd a " ,’ The ~nbser|l:,er Is the only aoth.rlsed ogentI ¯ ¯ t San I r.l+e ~co on -Aeroa i,y thu,,aa’d, and r|~’al thtt rugtou arOut, d .~h,%,,,:,y I~, IIIIIIPIt,ltl)’ I[1’., -Ih’+in tale town for thp sn~o of lira Ldrt~0?o 11 V

tht~ arr;val Of thoJalmlleel 0 Enlbas.F ’ li’oln

To,n,~ It[our. ?£hta lande +a[ludu~ tu art will, . .iP,,n,~,,’ |,.;,~,,+A lhl’lhm t ~, ~t’ ,...... bu ,I’*,++,I,+,,+ l,v ~, 111,1 ,, h, I~ thr’-Fl~’lii’¢ +J.~llh AI~L~Uljk*II Porous Ph~lor., alldrJab son’l .......alltltolhrlilieattonsi, tho}’turbor, and tim I~ mlle".tAtdo. Stati.n,.nth~ NuWJur.oy

~l"ll~"e~,’,’?ub,lu’xl"J th,’l,,.l.~, I ....... , AnodyneLhHmont,. ,~,E~e.r: Ilidhii,’tiif an4’ ~ II’e I¯tL m~llh Of llll~ btrrrTr I qrlllt# I~ ~t,I ]t, It. Avenues. (J. J. FA£. ’Houthor. ltailruad~ w.th lh~" V[u uhtnd Tta(Irt, ad

’ ~; " ’. ’ ’ I ’Ilia r,’," ! ,1 ~ , ba.2+~tf. -eLlizon,,+bnuqu.,.will t~,,dut thcul a ro~l’)tiOl t and cro.~sl|,g thu ,end ufthu nit,all.w, theft+by aff, wil.id:,lt,t~lPl"+zlr u,.n,,,.:,llv’ r+ " "" nlllh,lrd/ht,i I’h,n,,,di:,h+’°+l ’ I,’lll,l," tU,,;’ ’ .......-A In(0 edlo+ nl the ,~l[ksdo s,y;i ’i’~[y~ hue u,,,,rl ...... I l’aeillt:us r,,r ,hilq;[a+~ t-ho-i’i~IV flu,; .... ~UJkLI_’. COAL.I I_ 4L’,OAL I I I..

_o,.~’t,trp_i~__n4+w,._ltnd’oTg~lVl(_ii_~+ aloe_-t~- ultat~r-"l-L’-lhLgrmkots;-++l=- ’tt*+r-/+’h ’,’, R,,,+’ +;, .........’-’ ......,’+’r,,t,l __~+!!L~Int e~b._supplled a, one+ "T+,u .oil vutn, h ~s of a, dopoLil, .1" mtp,,k+

nv earn,,..pen t.no su~,scrd+,.r, E~;~’~¢-I~,’,~T~- ................ehtlllgO Iroln old tt) lleW ido.,s, whicl/l hiKU|~h.elmdepth, u.d+..lai~|,,ib,uruw ; ’. ,, ,I.r,n.m, . , ,tH:~H.. ............... ,, .... , ,dnrervlydcsito, the/,fi,ru leallnl,,, all t+.ml, andthu,uffac~oflhonwa,h,w’ts’,,, ~(ul I};’~"~°~;~;!v’lel’";/;~’+"’~l’l’I~+P~t’~h+-" /*’"7"+" ,~.,.,t~ttJ~l**ll ~///h, .SOAL/~.&,tlt,, x~ he a,,tl ~+Ir, mg-minddl l,, ,,l,pt’,,r ,tit ! ,hat tl, .aI , .s,,;< r..,rh,g a, I pro, arl ,- li,u ,u,lll,+,, ~’a, h,.. t.h,,,+,, I,,’.P, { ~f~’,,i’a :’,;{I: ’,:: 7’~ that ~t.h l,dr~ha+0r Is ,ur, t,f gu Iug wl atI,ec,mm hood guide,~ Io the "(]++~’¢rltnlogt .....

’ ’ ++’P. ’yt)Ja~,’U. ~),l,,.+, " " ’ " ’" I’"Y’+ ~’*-’. ¯ ’ " "

l-)urmg, ynutb-thnt~ it i.~ po.qtively i~t+t~,,~.~n~y to .view foreign c,mntri6~ so a~ tbt, colno t’nli,~hloued ns It) Iho Jlhut~ el tlww0,hl, ,a,i l,,ys a~ welt as’ girl-, wh, willll)[+Itis(’l~Po3 ~t’t.OlllO ILll’n al+l| W+. II+VI*,

-h,mld be ai.,,ad Ilu go ,h,:,atl, .rid n,y /,’,,,t,,+ry will b~,ben+plitud h~ Ih.,,h" "’mwl,


ud/:n so amlutrvd¯~ Wolnvt, helet,d~,,r~

hove hrd Im l,,Ati,,l etwidlyz I,,’ca~,, it.wa~ t+otlPidorcd lhey wqro’ W’il"hOItt Ulnlcl-

--.~a+, ]iltg; but il vducau.d sod l.ld,;~.:,l,Htt’y ahou[ti hay ~dtF. rtN,o., . S:x ),,u:,iz Jap,tt.,,, WO’t,~:lt t,| ,al,k will I.,+ .~t!nl Ill t

Am’rico, i,I cme ,,I M,r. Do I...g, Io lu i¯ , " g J’ , tat[on e9ueel’uing, J llk. I. (" AYI:II t~ ¢’t ~ I~ , ~ . -- ’ of aru , ,. ¯ "Id,lt~ ,I ,tl IOtllt + ~ nl[llarv .l I n,,,i,,+: :,t lh ¯

, . ’, try,, ~D o I ’ l ....... * r~ I , he’ ,ktr~A,elrvl.nh anal +.| +,+, ry la rtl+l,l~l, +o&+ W llt~¯ ¯ ¯ MIl.l, ltt~p , i’ruetle.! ,,u.I A,..,t.,,+’,.+ .-.,.+,, ........ L_OYr.~sgt,a nfit l:.t.~t ....... ~ " , . ,,,* . ~’,+¢ll’cu~ 01 thu J.q,’tuc+~j ~.o~.+.ln.Ut, ht.~" ll,,’,,n+,,dlue ~.~,wh~)~lllau~w+bra]litl,i/.[rles. ISOt,D 11~ ALL llltl’Gt;ih"pS It’~,’l:l{l~t’l{I. Itl,;,

.~+J- t,,~u to+,. t,. ~ltl. I

. ¯ ~q I [’t#. tu4,1~Ty p.rtt~ lhll ’,’ , ’~ -r--


... - 7- +. _--’~. ..+.-. -. . . ; "-- . ..... 7.;’-’ .- ¢ .: , - --. - ,i- " " - . ~ ’ ¯ ¯ , ¯ .. . ~-,.." : " ¯ ¯ . - .... .-~ .- - - . ; ¯ . . . . .£ : ., ..+. .- - . .... : ;~..-r- _ - ", ~-.- _ - ~?=~.,=. ¯ ¯ .¯ ¯ : . . .~ .. . +. _ . .-- . ~_ ~:7-~.~’_ - _, .

. ......... : =..=+. ...... -- ..... :=- -+?:+__ _ .=++-._- -+--- ......... +..-- ....

_ _ +: - j [ " . ~--

- -- ¢721_- - Pe/r~ h,ve .,.: {--7:= ...... . ......2-’- ..... =-.---:+%--

- ....~" --’~’’:’:-:’’:~m 0bzx~Bp .... ~ . .

m. ’are enraged in laying out atreeta .-= .... ’. ¯.(~ ,--:-,-:¯ .-:±-’r’+"’-vq’i~thFX¢~"~’~&ii~g"l¢{a~:> ’:+

_ .++-~’or aal¢ a~h[l~+~’+;laud.: J~rsoizl~ _~’ieb~+. proHng: t"aeir-qaud+--~nd+itra- -san,.l-tu;~ ’

or 6 ~b.~.+i, for 25 ota. - ............... ¯ .or-_, - , - " ¯ "

’ AL M $1 ELI MI,+he impro,e,.++t+-t+, ,++u,+: .... ,-, -- ....+ . -. , ,;% , . .. .. _/

’ :"+ ’-r ll~":Th@May’s;Labdiog :h+~rrow-+d.; ..+:;.’i) :o"4. += t...m~=~+-l’bg-L .~J~r;~; V; Wi~s, Railt’mid.ia.promimid t6tm" ~tone llmomthe’+ie~fe,ha erowagai,, s~i~ ...... "- " " -¯" ’"¯ :" ’ :’ P~8~K~rld~Xh’O, (+< .,::./ ....

-+m+,~+~U~on!Hallthls+we~k’mr az t~ ,-}at {?}.:] -:--- ...... -. ’cTahd. harro-wiili-lthoro~glilypul- A" +’~+.+--~I+O. -2~-+-:-S~"I~X~ s~0,tr4;=j...:~,’~S+

+tket~dd.~’-Z~~- ..’~.:’"; :+ " " ’~: - 1~"-Company F.~ Capt’:. Note, of &t- fertiliser +ith the grain+ bu+-i+the_rye~ is~__~- in the " "+u: --~_u_ .....,: .-~_----. -.:.: .... ~ .. . ~.-

" .................... .veH~ed.-.If-’you-ctu4fford]i,-put+on-a+ - ;" 7-:.. ~-..~ -~" _.

....the Otl~ ~eg,b~--~r t’0s"bd, e’n6wlaodT~han+in~other ;++~ ."!- ..’ : " "- " " " m ../-.:

"- to have tha~qmiean-e~, the Railro/d+fil/aut .- " "(-r- -off the e0/aer,,~emOved? -./- :~_ -- .W.c:=he~ that the Atlantic .After t,h*.: : ’’" " v "~#~0"~ +r +:--~+

"~’ £

Jl~’. ~owdying in~.tlte"e~mi~cg ab0.p.{~ -- ~’-an-d-+man~-~ broaTeMti mix- -~=- ,an.ndk*dJ°inin~f’h0 land~of-tb~ - . 7- .._,. ,, ’-ZS’=:’.’:

j .-- beeamzfig ~o0 pevalont. Couuoil-_Sh0uld ............ than improv ent ssociafi0n: ¯. .........,- .: " :-=~ take meamires to suppre/is it. 5 _. routs!b ¯ ,,~=c0~o~;-~lalmm0uton, i

" -211~-Mr.~thefirmof~ poalti0n;as:o; ...... ’ -- +"---- ...... -~--:!~: - + ..... ,..++.in-No~ ~’6rk persons offendin :~e+~ la~l~ ai6 uh~ ~.ug3ho "

- the ;.purch~in l~w~f~li~b]~-f0~ . the trees’. 16~fect-a > Best Jut th~-~tate. "-. -. -’+r: __S to._ 8 P, M. i~,~t~. Li;¯ 73.:. -

~1 nl~-PrePar~--l~°~°l~di" -- -’ h avin g-,t]- fa~lit ig+ fo r~.+.~.7.+-:’:--~D ~’-]~~ :".~-~=~-7.--~::-- -. ¢ouh’Fof -’- - .._

’" - ,::d~ in to,,n sicianh think el[mate wilt pray+?~ be dra¢/ted. Thc l~st [fertilizers to , Floodlng:-an~d-,l)i;ala, in-g,. - ...... ’ + ::~ . . BY =+~’+ .:¯ .:+:r=-+. -+, ++ i~---a -~nstitufion. .[l.i~i use are it/xt’ho-urdcr--hamod "~wo l--e6ilf ~ ’- -: =-"::---- ’-. ..... - .... ......... 7 -" - .... " .... a,+ ea,,, aria ,.h.,, uo,, +- fSS :A:him. posted e:ebh manar~, px~re ground bone, .... ..

--- a~Da~i~T-~ear -over ~-~ ..... ould-bo cover- , t,~. _ first-olas -wo.v~d_h,~thedd*’es,-smaker,of:/l-ttii.’fr’ thu

"<- 50,000 papers received through our Poat~ ~ Mr. Gi~o~ Higbee, killed two ~&=bo.e o,’ " E., 1Za-~tfl~TOF~=.~’~j._- ¯ . ff+~,~._]t l~]iffra+~.O - ’.~- ¯ -- ¯ worraut ,herbi -ttaz,holtri-e-fiH~-d~ ]~’-- - ~r"n~’er:v-a,,-a’,it,<~ul,,,re’, -

~ent fl;~ nn r_,.e~;i~-o.", ~tn_\+.++n’~)~-7- ¯ " ’. Hammonx’on ,~ul~’ 29, 1~I,

+l~P. Anew+.s0ries+o+_stoekwillb+ope~.. ,ounds, and the other 572, ihakingat0i~theBdl, d-osei~--a~bundtlre ................

~ ! O’~+~i ~ "-:- .... -

d~h-c++r--b+e:"’~++’0n an old ............ ’..~:ton td Building’-Associati0n~ ~ W0rk on Railroad Depot is pro. ~ornout fi,,qd ,mill a good ero’~"nf-elover {I~ ~E. ~ r~.yI ~ P~ s .....":"-+---. By.order of’the Board .gr(msing ; the buildi-.g [mk-b~eo carl. hoe been tadtmt~ u.dor tt,uUa1~,_ly=, tile_ "~+’b-~rJ’lY" RA MM~ ....- " A, -J..~i --

¯ Nale for Taxes,completed it will make a.:l+nndsome a~" ’N~’drop shouldbe gr6wo on old ]and afterTOwn" ~slL Elanlmont~n, r.N. _$. = ’ .... :’’:’:~" ’ ~ " q =" " ~ : ’ ’¯ .~t,15P’-Two fifes ocourrod at Old Ham-- poaranoe. The contractor is Wm. Berna- -the=clovephas been-plowed~under÷-b~fore- =--- ...............

f-R~n I--E~t a te-foi’~axee~-ad ver.mouton this Week.: The bare of J~h’u l~ouse,-Esq.~-~W~sl0~r.. .... . planting thetreesandnograiunropsshouldtised .to .take .pl~ on J n.’dth, ]87~: stan,h)oration ot evei’_bg..g¢own among the trees a(terwurdo ournoa until - . = i .- ’ ~ ....... - ...... -

dwel!ip~ ion.:--ed~ They a~’e-thought+,o-bo. . -thc~ork_ ot

:- =- - - = =_. . .

a.t tha*nme~/V~o~.~; ,:,,,~, , , ~: , .- . .... .. . ~-. . . - . . ..+ .,..;~1-4 G P...~rtLL~:~;-ro++, cl,~ . =..,~..,);, . . ..: x~d~-: incendiaries. -’__ " ..... 7 STATE ITEIRS. . Deepculturo.~s nej_e~ary.ttll the roots - ’ . ---+ ~"

.......... ha~+x~’-.fi’ii~t~~" - ----~ -- =:;+--~- " ’ ." ’_==+ ....~r. Tilton’s eash~-a’su.c~s£ they will an u,ttally-in, two years

prosperous .... . -: :.+.’ + ’:.--:-~i?’~ =-= ’ .....B?~h, n6ifi:-C~o]~l-~v: ’= " r ....... eve-r, should ba +growh .~’fJnaoda-t~-D~-C.’t Ih, 1" will’ -- "--" evi~e’thtt~ ea.~it dowu is better- to take " - - " ¯ . ._

withdrygoods,-grooerie+s,-croe~:ery ware now~-lying at:C0oper’s Point, With this tre~.l~ment~ " " :~!;¯ &c. J~i+ad hiKadverti~ment. . C+~nden c6un.t),,:h,sheen_sei~ed by theU’ urc willrosuttf+r0m ( ~ N0,’--~0’e~om Par ’lira... "

J0~z-’~-+-5(re.are+~rel " " ...... 8; Mai’shal Plummer, =p]antittg~ear-_orchards tor : -- ¯ .... " ......,~ the N.J. ;ht hes not made any serioils ray- . .= ..... ¯ ........ -’+

does not so readily induce .thm~tefriii i-Troatoo, 6-~7 the-Methodist ]~. 0hurch will bcltcld: in diseasd as ia--iii,JstTdthefl~arta of the cduli- ~"- -"’’££tua~mW tim 25th iu~t.,- comtuencin+g at :L’rent°n,~cbruary:.28, Bishop Ames 10re; try. while our nb+arn0s~T6 thc-groat-clties" " .... ¯ ao+H-u~nbug i,’i’~+7~ . . .:_n~’!+, attd that; all Churches, (Jhristian .st,ling" Tbc-Tronton--pr~chers are now ot.New_~:ork.an~PIzilsdelphla will enabteIJIJ/"W3 K "

,~’S .......k~’!~ b,tt obon’a fide offer’""fi~y.patron,;and ~’~I -’-

As,,ueit~tioesand:Tompcrat/e, Orgaaiza- makingt~ir-arrangements.to acebdlr~o, asto coii~petosuceessfully wit, h.imy-par{TOVP,

belaii’lydraw, ashi+retotei:e. .": ........ I-t~+uuS-o! ~’Itatov+r.naiiio or otder~ are de- -dii-tetli/i"I/fi~ael~-dr++:--Theoonlerene’c will of the peit’ ,~rowing c~u, try. ¯ 0 & CARL0..... ~- ........ A.O. or,AR1r:

c°ntiuueab°utUt°ur-dazs:~ " " .. :ZHa~/-Deo. 18T17~ ..... --. ......¯ ._-__atto,d,the-~ai~e-w!th_o+.~a._r!_l~er-e, " ~on informad~that-Gen~-Wm ..... ~ ~-X¢ou-ffl~ll5 - - ..... ~ . -

inttutd_to )rate the knniver~az Jereoy-.-/lis(!~_16n=ot-t+h_es.pe!in._- Flour .... lb .....

rtsoe I+ ..... ;+ ........ ]2~JL=daY~ by a-grand, arrangln~ common "Sau:t~ £," ’bqr.0f important intpr0ve ents0n tho lin< be,t ~ bbl 8~ta9.~". ...... vo(m~.+md i.sLruP_)¢it~l.coneort, Whieh-’wil~

~ioh -will =ig0 in-to 61~_ , ,., ..’..,,~,; 0tt9¯

Grllhl ..,’.;.;;.13bruthccs ot the mqJcr ~esidihg ’at that Profo,sor John-8. ’H~x~i,-’of Trenton,

~ buah ...... . ......90 ~,emm0n Brown ......... 8pla~’e. ~ho.. lollowing~uaical brethi’e’~" has been elected " Professor ot l{Itetoric,~ uats)¯ have been selected to make the arranger ......

tm,d ...... .~-~0 1 20n,c.t.+, v~: ’lJcn. E. ’]~ MeKean, Capt. +E.glish Lan~uag’0f and Literature at Pritt=’ (e6.rs~) t common~. 00el 20¯ eeton College. :. A vigorous effort:is to t,e " bolted..;....~tI, M. Jewett, end A J. Smith. -Judg- " ;....~.;...-7100a125,ingfroua to~mer offortaoftheso gentiemea, madh to raise the salariesof-the profossora ¢,,,, .........14o

¯ t¢ ~hreo thousand,dollsr.s. Irish ......: ......a deligbtfuq,¢voning may be anticipated, s,<eot’ .......... ..4o

.... -green ..............a5..... /~uRlo~t’££,~s OP~O[ImN,’j,,+. -Our citizens - ~wo- crjmiaal~"in Burlirigton- Counly/ lt|o roasted .......... ~2....... Will hav+-l~o-rarooppqrtuttitY~of=uttcnd, aw~tinK- sonteo~s; t0rdttroeny, bocatue C.mnten.,,,; grdon..;.~...; ..... ;,28lleeK !’o Sugara.’~ Ibing -,,~ ,*/ the most interesting So[entitle ugly’in their coils, a,d. when the Sheriff b’rosh Beef)’Br,,wns ......... 10a12a13.,ontcrtainme.td’:-over give. in the United tried to hunt]cuff them they resiatqd him, Corned " ., .While Ceil’re ............ I.I

,Staten, at~l+Iaioa tlall on Saturday oven. it took the co,fib[ned efforts Of tbree con- Pdutton ..... Cr,,he’d ~. gran ........ Ib

J,g "+J’a,,. ’27,. ’rurlmr’~ (.Jllolaietry attd [ slables to on.e/corn0 ona, Who is stnall butVeal ............. ,~lolnat~ea+-’:~ gall.lhmltry ,,.,~, .... llest ............... 7fiul 00

Philosophy are,the Icadihg tex{ books ot ] very dctsrmied; + The other," a mulatto, 0,,d Irish ......... 0ti, or brands ...... 00aS8.l~ogland and we ghtdly welcome tile ro:l Wan kept in~ stateofpeao~abl6submis.~lon,Mackeral,,... ..... Syrup ....... ~ ..... ~JOal O0

~owned auth0r.and hoturor t,) our town¯ J by the’thr~/uoning aspect of a loaded andFresh P.rk .......... ,~llscellnueous..8ult " ............. l0 Egg. ~’), doz ........... 30

/:[is low priori el ,~dmi.tsion i0nly ’2k5 eent~) I ~lckod’ltislol in the hands o# the Sheriff, 8aosttge ........ .; ........... ApNIgs(, r od)~’Hhl0a’l’Jwill ’h’,~ appro0iatcd b~, a frill turnout attd I A|ter ad~peratc strug~.i0 of several h0ura l, lme, &e,- ’ I I’~i~11o~ " .~.10t.15a:0

Eastern ~1~ hbl ...... 2 25] Rolsins ,~ Ib ...... 18a22ena,blc’h,ot iu tim nod to reali~’o mmiltlto birdfl wcr~ sscurdyhstsnsd. ’the Ponn,ylvanlaT.,;,.,.’~ O,llleans ~ qt ........ 10a12

Hay ~), balo .......... I 50] Holt..4 r F ,tt ,PalMeD’at kthan if he ]tad chef,led the usual lu’ic0 5u |judge, oh hearing of tba cJrcuotstaucosi C,.d per ton ...... ;,,.9 001Cidt~r Viaegur~g :i5a40

.rent:. . ’ . ’ It,rdercd ths crhnnals into oourt and ~cu Brick p0r 1000~., /Kero,ot,."~t gall. ..... 35._ , .’ :._ ".=+ .+ " " /tt,noedeaeh ef them Io tOO Ly~gonflll~ h,Lrl, .; ., ,D’001O up, o ~+lb ........ 1Salt. ,~. 0~0~011~7-7~Y- ’7 l-m~fft_i~::ih~: 8t++~n, Dii-bl~’h+day: : ’= ~+,,n; ..... a;,,,~ 0OllUe, p~r !t,;;,.,..,.:....12~’, aojournea ++tateJ patting, of the ~O,ey wore +J~oorted tlfitlte~, sceur~ y tuatt .......... i ...............

tows t:.uneil Wt*-l~l~la~ho.Clcrl/’. o1’, iml,d, .,n,}_plaued ip[lhd oustody of the RAY FOg SALE,,+;.,, I,., ,.,,h ~,.ap-,r. rlednislmllaviour adthd,sver+d

................... ¯ " " ........ + ............................... At.NluesTou-lnd-l~lOltOn-Dolla,s1 er-i,r:---~+---::---+---:=;,, ...... +,--+vi~ ....... veera tO tholr putu~jll+nont. They were._. ~.t.~_ p_~+or~pz.~uCpr .t+_OO~a_r+d an.~i~:,a_~+tt+- PLtil.adatphia_viltians~_.whn_h~vo._rooo+v+d- ’ru,,, b-

l), £’;. IihA~2K~IA.~_. ...."--’3"84__ ::~__~l/~"~lLopubllo, N.J. ’11J.lULII, es ro L~J un(l ap/)rovotl 1 ¢tltlOII ~ ......: ¯ t~oth, r:lasle ,,f tho whole one adnt|ni+-

to olmu 14th ~troet am-o,s the Pqnoepot ~ti. ,it~l reverb[ I "Jersey Ju,~i~¯e " . ’.J- O ’..~ot.ewantlt, rolerred ~o tile r,ad over~mr. -.- -.’- ...... .-~_~ ....... ! -==

Messrs. ltalei&l, tSu,horl~nd "& Co., f"ll~n:i~try~nd -" ~"~--~.-k../ + ~lalllrnl Phl, lOlaopls¥prol,riotora el ih.’Coltm 31ilh at Nurth ~.~ +, . ’ Wmlurnl Pi!0oe, opls¥.

For term,, &o., apply t. ’]lalt~mouton, Mkod (~u~aoil to vacal~ l’r,)fes,ets TUItPiY, lt A I)UNSTEII, MIIFI. T Pi/Itt?I~LI,,dilt’ermtt roa<h ’runna~. ~lnough theirof ~A,’hlcl~Q,Aia, " /l-tf Ohl lhi,nolotlttm, N, J.

prolniscs to , OW t,,nm faeiht+tn+ for’lay- will itil, a +’lerhms "t Ihe ,,h.h, est o,+ ,erlne. lsIIOUSE, SIGN AND 0AItltlAGElag ,,at; st[eet.,.&o., to COldortn tO the inCii,,ndsiryond Natural Phll,~..ph) +, wllh hvlr

/mproveme,lt,; .... +,ly apparaluS, v.lne,l al e~00t’, at tIP+InN ~ .2~.’I ~1- rl’ .[ ~ (:~’I " ’ II A [, h, ilalalU+,z|tOll on " "Evury ,Ik+ori }Lion uf PLAIN A FA,,NCY l~lnt.ihg)tway l|illa amountntg to $3.75, and

Nm4urdn,y IEvenlng, Jnn. 27. IN72. iNg J,ruu|ptly ©ltoe’utcd Ii~ Ihe boat .I)’1o, Prittdn~ hillal $’li’.i~ll. wei,~ /++.’+,u,l :Ulld . .~t,hehllua, uuly 25 eta., or +5 ’,~’II+’I(O[+ I,,r +I.U,I. P.rlleular atleution giyeo tsthe warrants ordt’rod dr~wni+ 8oltilar.¢ ’2.,’1

Cult}lulttca toportl~d l)ru+:rusl .......... OltA.llq[~0. (Jlhltl~/q, ULAZINU,

.+,.,.,.,a, ,,,,,an,,,,,, t,, d,.w o, .,nc,,,,. Fih G n-"imt,,.I, t,, taw,, t:,,.~,ter, lor.dls,,’ieti,,g’ih, S ¯ ’ Ila 0 [P+llllhlJ~F@’l’e|l:~rlcd,l,d var,,bht, d, aa,l m.t~.to

,+ok lil+o new. qllro me a cull.ptll,’,, , ~+eh,,n!s. rdperled ~logrot.++,

l),~r ¯.,,. .,|lammenlol, .an hc suppllo~| will, .... ,’it II,IUH]rNSON, -J he C.Ilchfor u,csonted his Iht of ,I - },’.. t;,,a,,u I,,r Tpl’euly Ihroe lh,~t,, a (Iti,l,o,ilo’R, It. lh, l,+,l,I l[ammo.too+ lq. J,

]h,l ’", L )ax i.ayl’r, ~hli:h wa.~ Oli mt~t!ot~Ton. In harlrh.,felir,,r,,,r.l II.mm,,,t~o, sta ..........tlou. CAS~II ,,n Dollrary+ I 0. +,rd+rjr+~ |n ll~!+ ~ 4)rqers t-r,ih~ |~ l.~t-tr,un’nll plrtlreh,,,,,,l to lha ]~llal|t+t~ L’OUttlJ[ttc+o to pr.- munlh vf Jaou,,rv Prom

~ ur r.o Couety prvml,lly ,~tt+,.,zuu to.Ct’ tL ’ I + ’ c,,Idhtg to |~tw. I.I ’ J011N 8Ct~LL[~,’Agont. Ta411-1T


Tiu I{ooIillg deno at the shortest v.tice- and 4 .J.-t h_e_~_6.et--mau ntr~ ~

ItEPAI’ItlNG- promptly utlended.’

]IAGNI_FIfENT 8TOCI~OF I’JNE r - ... .. ,

FAL yanii-’ riN’ERCIoelk~’ai,’je.i~lw};:. ~g o o d +: nuatnoss and. dispatch. ~Sa].lsfitetion ~tlven aad

r , a]. ~’ ¯ ,, pl4oes pbleO.

’i: t-mM.TN ....[ --+T-----. ~.~w +,1 ~,,,’ -= ==::~.-~-rg~=~+tmy, ~--O-OK8 & 8TATION2gRYhaTS ahd 0Ars "In ,orh,un , yles.

0fall kl0dlo ’- . -.~fi.,,~’~,md ]~o~,s’ ]mO’PS.,,d 8ifoI;~, T,a,I m’ TOGS, .~O~PI0~S," Fal~OY A~tTror.ss,u ul SIl.+ses’ lIOOl.’-I S¯ , ’, ," ’IIOE8 and UAITEIIS-- "]IOa~IIIRy, OL0VRS, &n.;~’~t hi,, I,,rg~ s,,,ck ~,,,,,t,,,,,~ ,,n bnn,~OLD ~’~A~D,~¯-G R 0 C E R IE$.-

"L’ U~ael~} (Ireon u’ntl Jap,n (/OFFREN el,, I i, ’

+,,:l~te~,~ and J,w-.‘ m,gar, of v,rloa’-+radtI ’ , arrnntedp,re, llcshlosSeal;S,d-tarebCandle~, l~lola,sc~, lleney, &e., &o. , x

A: G. CLARK, ’ ’ rlhtmnvmt.., (h,t ’ "

2..-_’.~-=~=.-’-: ..... . .-------,-,~.-. =-.,,:=_;.=..= .........

o. oo.g , atc ms Clo w- z m W__W_ZZ t} ZLa,,-,~,’nd ~rewelr¥, for Sale and ltopalred ~[’- PtlIIt$’I building+ near the [teflon)

: I’+’L(~iNE O,’IgAN’DAi, lh’LII : .... HAMMON’I’ON, xgW JER,q~r."N,irthlost ~ldo of llt.llovnoAvo., ¯ II door PromAll klads or 0arrlago~. Heavy Wagoas, &e.,the rallr.ado , , made or repaired. . ’ I "’ "Jl ^ +~I ,u i) x’P o ~, ~r. j.

’ ,T()BFIING ’ ~. Ah,,, n cimio~ assurlttmnt of ,’qout4.0r,j,,n,,otall I~hids, prntnptly atten’Jetl ti+~ at lowul.~’p,/-(/h,~,,’~, ,~’t,rl. ]h t, ed .~’l)eeta,,Io~ ,~//,,,~

2;(/b,l.r+. ,t’e., d’,.., for Pale ~huup fur (2A.~II.eosb rat~a.tl .FUItNITMIII OF ALL I{111/198. REPAIRRD

....... -it___

ME/kT ~IARKET IWe w.tdd l.fi~ti, tho’h~[~hll:~h of Ilainmm.

hm and vJ+:hdty,th,I d’u luloud Io lurnl~lIbelu wllh the bu, ~ in uer Iluu. !’ The best is tl.,+.~&¶"l’::{:i~._ We keyl, !.. ’t!;’~,!Y ’,’! haudFIt|I~Ii ilEI~I’~ .tl IUI’TO,N, WICII+~

I l’Ollff. I’ORNEI~ fll:,’Eb’~ IIAM.,

Dried and Corned P/~h,AI lh,, h~wwl lanrk¢,l l+rlee.

~ " .~-d--.’ JN 1 [ PIt0D UCI+,t’.1,911 i,,,i,I ./;,r ’ I, {ells.# ,,,+,~ t’ii9,.

....... H E N J ;’lI’O%I"II, F.N. -Jl I ¯ -IA{’KNON.

lhttum..t,,., .,,y It+, 1870.

GERRY~. VALE/~TiNEo ....

u E r r A!K E F+..... , ¯il:~ a guo.,I,lh, ar,e aad will ~tte’ad tu oalla far’

~ug~ra~s t,t aammunton, or in Ibl aalgh. ’b.ring !o.wnl and ~,lllak.~s.

Oo~hls ~ srerlt #t$1# f++r,i,k.d hl .Acv# no#io~ ~II-,.." r.a.am~61a prl¢¢l. .~

" " A L L..KI N 1~.8 OF-WIII’,’ELWItlt|II’£ AI~IJ CAItltlAGI~ WOIIi~

but~ tv older ud wnrrsu~,~ta g[vo sab¯ isN~tlon. "

¯ SIte.~ o.~ ~k}; l;ailltOa A~li’o21,(adJolalnl Blaoklmltb Bhop~)


Page 4: WmV iS - Atlantic County Library · 2003. 9. 3. · piece to Dower’s wharf; thcoeo (4) elun’g said Reel.40 ’redll thooee {2) S,luth 40° 34o Kssb Seed this sdve~Lssmsnt to tbe~tm~


:’, Even




bq, t nobody

~e~ and notsuch: deformiti rd:



"be~ more

made him mm~tur~Lwide. ’,Have co stituted to act

like air,"or ]

to sell.. See.these two

the :~aron.window. Ho

~nce is a -~harper seurcherz the nibof any’pen: ’ We all:kho@;

oar comprise mannersthen.’ Prily~[c~von tile best ofnot remember :

It is

a are anonfrom the: h~rat thi~ one

sainted which

oth x iu bmtherl’

to ~nder-

: bi~sY


our mbuiit~his;a :dozen ~air~." ’ And



The Baronwhich showedthe traincr,~l Well

He’e4thst-anixiiah,pa s much.


,settled, but we


pebble aof in-’

not lie in

one hundred y~ars; Aojpinion and pr~tice, however,


: hy le;,~i,!g ....and.thetheir:influence over_them ; and

the s~in

I thii,

given a full and mfic accou~---’ff~ro~their._

ceremonies.- their


hot,: Wash

sacrileis thscount of

if llot neen*

there is’ a etimula-

:ire tocontains nothe

the Greattbr "the

in ; which’-in........ gdnnliig ’ieId to "BRowN’~

" - FOi; ~o~tn0es’_of_tffm;out,:.cambined--s~ith ~tiStio flnisli of details, a~ i~¢il’ fi-lii foe ~elliug guMitiei,, the Maps and Ohsrts"

published ’~ by Me,qrs..:ILAAsm & Lv--~llxoiEr,o~l~07 ]Liberty tlt., New York,are not excdllecl by anyism~d by man-ufaoturers of.such arficlob. Tho prioesat which theii~ Maps aud Chart~iii tobe._had, are .eltromely- moderate,--and

, some/dell of the extent o

OI[T employ more thanfifty artislm and workmen iu their estab-lishment, The business of this firm is

¯ translctcd exclusively through agents,L_ "sad this affords to,.pelilons--wiehiug to.act in su0h cap~cit#/an e’x~ellent opp’or-

.... l:~tuni_ty;ofwhti~h~tliey -~Odld" iiS’ weft to¯ ava[t t6emselves. " Sen(1 for "eirdutar - to]:$.A~IB31~ LUlIBXcll!T,’Emplre liilgp andChart E~tnblishment, 107 IAb~ty it:,

.. ’ ’New York, . ’

volumo of tllo MuMeal

I of.new mudc.olul~.


New customerl

eat a|ogl,ll

In]ml It If yon ilo noi eeo our catdleguo:before orllerlng lleeils. ¯ . "


I Inset of tho IovMunb|o t[ve effcete,


Page 5: WmV iS - Atlantic County Library · 2003. 9. 3. · piece to Dower’s wharf; thcoeo (4) elun’g said Reel.40 ’redll thooee {2) S,luth 40° 34o Kssb Seed this sdve~Lssmsnt to tbe~tm~

..... on- .~==_..


m intelligent reading* ~ff.~-to-he~’~’ithout:~7_ ManyLceumulated. ’ Hsrr.er?. is edib

ed. There is not ~ mngazinethnt’is’pHnted: - "which showi more ,iotelllge~t’Vain~

on ire ~rtielel and mechanicnl executionia net ehea

J.; all

- aturc, eeien~uand art, unequelod p Teat me-re-no" f- ~.,’-,.i:;~": " " Amerlpnn pnb~lcgttdn Court, ash

~ ":’" ,lace i~=-b6r--7~ I

~anta thereon

rolin~-w6s~ard _nine


et -tu~ t hence~estward ly76ro~sifFg~gld-Co~/:

z/be-re nia~,o tbe’hC/irof its bs"a~lLshme[t2 Li gTound formerlybf L~udard Lai’kinsand now ofstone-&adlLordnnCummingin Africa, Stral.i the Camden & Atlantic ~Ra lroad’

" -- :"-’~:" "A LiR-OE A~*D COMP’L’ETE’ASSORTM~NT OF=

of the-lei~t ct

"’;’2-- "

.... o?"6n :th’J~ F’lino-of thu’C,/diden & Atlant " " -::~-"/’-’~"

¯ ~i’dan--indeed. ,ll.ll..,~".e.eecn,t trnvelera of zdte b3 )[fie of the said , "/t.~ 0no hnn- rncqives special attohtib~, ~ arid i fa’t all times well ~s~z~k~,~’,wKh-~r~y_.articl o for faly use.their’meat imEortat R ~[seove~ie~ " -- " -

of,mr yo.mger.u i igle’s land ~--~-q~. ~"- ....... - ..... tens ’ thence eastwardly along "" :/~" ¯~ ~.~’~.,e_~ ....:" _.. ~.". /’T-:" ..¯’

¯" - gl~’~’laad~ and land..n’ow’or lale -- " , .... ....

..... :--~ - eea~of~-their genius nnd the most ~ehdurhi,; .~13~e.fe*:t .... , ioa p-d~t or uolruef°rt

===- .... .’ ......"- .... It _~":~" ~h,’e ;~, Co.t. ~r;, y Y~m’. "~Vtm~doi.d.imons of th,.ir_, "..w~rk~.in lh9 Migazine-.-~’fV. Iv.eo~ -the said Jame~%H;-Co ..

e : .i AND- E~RTH]EN’~,)I[]Ig]I/~~ ...............""-. !

=-_ i;~0, ~//(hn:wOn-der~-nf,-Joarnali,m=-t..)t_eo|;y_~,h,~z~/un;=ncL thenco-aouthi,0.rdl-’- P rson-a~e;n~l~tai£e~tfi~,g~nt~omplete se~t~o g single artiob. : , . .-- . . W’eccpsider the l’rovid6nee sup .’~

ri/zl nanageme~~-.~7,e~V.t/~-~aid. Carotiue-stree

_; ~= _ -" " ’" 0;heG’?’~" d,,,-h~n_~ r o~ ¯feet, re.ore er-lo#a.to ".~e place of Dolng-¯a STRICTI~’Y "P.gdll ;~USI~IESs I am able-’to ~elt myTgoods at a’~mallTp-r6~f. "-A11~= __[-~ ..... _iT--Y~t;’Ttee’//OLLER,%,lf.]arge aizc"an(t~best =- -~-~[PTg0N~i872~. . hegimiing. Thd’;ai~lotbei gecmposedof_tho-. " __whowiahlt01~uyforcash.andgct.thebottomfigare~are_invifii,i./o.e~=_ial~the . -. to : ... - -= t.’heLARoF. STONE STOR ext thd Raflro 8tation.. -

¯ : ." ~hat’ts in the. m_’,st porto.anent ~ahner by th~ cr’~ M/,ga~in,. on~ ye’~L.....’;Z-....’ ..... $4 I)(I 22,’23 and =4, "as ~clelioeat~’ upon a " ’-:~. ~t~¢,fi~oh. Wsrld, . l~hees~,’Laaking.thc.~. _ --~bes~’ rdlle._ .:in ~he ’,~_e,q,y.,,feit~-_Ft~e M~n~zl.~:.W eit~. phn of thot_o_~n lotrl~il"6"z/t-’b the

~d2 The}PATENT ~I~’TAL. JOUR.VAI. Atlantic I~an~ - -- _~-.~--~T-".. ,- ~: - ~ -~- ""

- ".~ or thickne,.s; makmga l.~rA, dt--f~tenioiz. ~’~

5Lh:8IMPLICI-tY.-g’IqFI::N~VX]I and hi’;,( ~- T,Y’are ¢,~mhinod iu:flfi~ mqch’ne, with a. the l,O~t oflic,~

,..py .... : .... ..-. -~.~ ~ f-6 t h~a~e~ ampoJ

r. Io ,,n~. re~, f-r or,. year, $I0 ~h~; at May’s: Loading, in-Liber Y 6f~D,~-3d~’P.he~If____~J~_~l’lll~J 1. OOG,S’ dadd or. ti~. ol Hurl,e,’s P~fi~dlcals, to oee addrest,,i " __. co~3:~ycd-to the said

-- li.e. hW’h’6iT~"ai~d assigns for.evc~,in.working, whil~ theiiouhle st.p prevtq~ sthem ~ach uv~/nhl,rs can he ~upp;i~l at anv-’time. ;_being’ the sand" ~h]ch "F~ede~i6from ~b~Iomiffgdr h~iug thrt, wfi ouC.~f ~.e.tr.~, "-A-f;~mp’lcle Set ~f Harper’s Ma~uzi.e. now Bui¢o and. wife#by deed dated the-t~hirtieth dn-WoYuroi~,h el(her single or doub~l~ gi~hred Prey" ~,..pri~iog -13 y,,lumvs, in neat el,,th- biodin " May, One "Thonsand":-ld0nce’~s desired.~t[~-Tke-A-Pa-(.-’,~"/’:ATl/.-E~Tl/-|-;-=-- p_~ volume crk’s office ~ Deeds,readily a]l]u~ts-tSis :i~aehine t,, luh~ of any ~ize ~es. by,mail, pc Cloth cases Folio 559, etc., and conveyed unzb the

the restriction moatmuet=bvt the Cam ~len & A~lnnlic Land Ccm-

Ad;lre~s, Boice, recordecLin Liber-K

: Providence---Tool.Co.,Aghn~y--11Warren~treet,-N g Zi~.- -_

"A complete-l)ietoTJ.aLIIisCory of tho ,’ime,.’:

.... pcp3r In the Union,"..

H,8pI~~T I,.D.~---- ....

.Vet(ee~ of_t/,i P~e.= ’ - : -.- -.,-~ ,~----~-- .~-,.~- ....Th~3f~. ~e,e,/)oper el our_~’.oantry. C~.,n-

ly Pap’er~ ]l. We,~ghT hasearned

..... -v#h ich -P~ter B:,~hlrfictb-day "of May, Ono Thotisand Eight

-- llundrcd’.and Sixty-Five duly_ ~tampeJ aul

- - "-a~’]P-0~C~--- .... ~ rc~?rdod inthe Clerk’s office.afj~said, in Liber¯ Y of Deeds, Folio 5Ol~et~.,~ranted and.cent

all this


.... -- ---proper- w e

- The b~in publication eh,~s i~-~-¯ ." and.~tLlar ~.head6F-all othnr w,~oklv "loom

"’" " .a’/~bt t, p~i~fiit of. a’ny comp*ris.n’iieVweo, il

" the Zlnrareollecilbh~ of run;din n~atter tha¢ a~.... : ~i ~ ~ I(~Tillu~strgtio~,e nomerous nod

lhobest and mo~t.ih.- lorelei

- .. . tr,,ti~r,i~ slaps, lt~= lug mslterirof, e high o~derof iiter,,rv

- - merif=--variod~ uHrUrt vc, czRcrtain " ~ ai/d’au’-_ - " p~ifin~:~ e:=-~W Y/:,S’,~..

6U/ISCRIP’£10~t3--1872. - .__

; .iL-"’" --r~_,-~=-~..... A,.~,s

f.r-" =- ..cf "FiVll;~/mbs~iho-r~ at $4 00 each,An o~¢~:u ._¯ -~altum~7=~r=SlxTo~pias fat’S20 00,witl~out ox.

...... tr~ - ...... .-

~iibsariptloas J(aO,,~l,,,~-W,e~.au~l "~.s~ e,"to

|0 Olle sddres~fur,,n~.yea’r~ ,~7 00. " -

llaok Uilulh ¢:an be liCuny lime.A m.idl" Volau~os

; mu~t.. ,li,r $7 00 eu~h.A,)n reculpt of the

lug.k, at ’(h~.|’atu .t $5’.)5 .per v,d., lrolght at sx.I’~"’~# of purchaser. " . . . ...

l’h~ I]u~lago m~llcrper’~ ’Weekly i~’.~0-e,,olsa. )’ear, wld~,h n,t .1 Iio, I gJ’l~.,at 11 u "~,,l ~ nil, or’.

& Blto’l’llt~

~m c Io flT6"TI ol|~of his

lllS Wm, T, :tie.k;.. : .o.o,,., ....I Io CheStnut,St, (Girard.Eow, a.or,.. ,¯ ~ ~o.,.. ro~, ~.0,,,.

.... " " ’: " --" " ’A" " ’ ¯ |IIIvH;-I’~II In |,once, Itlroh(,It-,I.,~vh" ’ ’ ~ ’ ’ ’ l’Oii~tilllllOlia ,~lereurlnl "If, ~"*~5ah,

|:;:; NOPI]I [’jtrhlLh $itreOt ’, ",ql.oral PI/eomn, more elf,.. UaI r.O,m tq!k, ,, ;’ . ;~ .... -" ?" .~. " ’ " 3bin,ned from thin reoindy thaq float ~,11 ,th ,re,

¯ ,,s i’/ ~ I)IV0LU "O(1 t-i~tr~’,) J IIILAIII’:I,)’IiIA itb,’r6.1[,heas iorlfiI~ ,,a ,rare, It ¯ n,l ~.’ ,~uhlaen~rer . , |)o41i’r.iu }’utAr (lr(:at po t~lt I@ Is Ihe trest~ent of Ieng mle’dhql , e-’ ’ "q ,.el dhioe ’ ewt,~a .f thl i re. sad pravea’ * Perlmu .’~fe

0,. (’el-|---.,-a ’ ~,~- ’- "’,. .... ’. ’ an4 eff-~sual" rIs., vent, I’neutfemtlc I -’|,tin, ~,,d,;,’. *:.,’~’,~’;.;,?. -~,"’,’"’:"’"’."e°~,?~’7.’.’ ~"’ ~. th,~.xho., ,h..e.ro. a. i,,~,, .,,,. ,.

’ I" /~’’~ : ~’ "" [~’’ ..,,I. alg0S, |,~r |~allie,i ,11 ~St" tChron a dlaela~,r of ant kl 1,1, I)|91pR~¢~ Q(~I| I ~. IlIillr~ll. .~tuuufocl,rcd to moet’thu wa.I Ihl ~kll~lRr-,i, llsm-’,PlIetll|e.. |ll~l,;h,If the i~t u I~,a Ira( e nL t . ], We,’ , ..,.- q~(Ptmp|¢nna liotlm’11’.11@*’ IUn~’-~t o,’,

) p . . i..~t’e. _ ¯ , . .C)L Sli’L’~ in I~T ~"l,* ..,,a -..~__ . Inll-Rhe¢0m Neald.li~.*~d l’le~,r. ,,~*

~,qVa,~g |l~um,.n’a (|Iov. F ’.Ig,’ ]i¢l)erl .,f,l,,. bto,,,l e:l’ho-’,, r.d f,y %, ’,,;e~!’.riy’,~,,I,.Llaak~l’s Mad, Fuy’a Mil~ ,~h,~d.r’ ’ b i I~,IAqld b7 .~ Drus~t.lah Pr* ,nr-U , ,,h I.al,,,t,~ ~ud Chlidrouts Coraet;, ore,, tegelhu’ " , ’ [][~’B. (,liOtSl{ .$ I’¢J

yu.,I ,,,,ml,.tltt,m. ’ " "" hill 1~’i111 [’iF’N~~

--:-:"~"$~Z:~"~q’tadihg ll~Ir Cictlb-75’ ll~ii ’l’qni’47e’ r , ed i,~nud oal .f d,e’ (~uurt cf ~ unoery O~.Nlln~t~n~ :,;le ; New llroadwsy, ~e; ]~luol~ ’See’ Nuw Jer.cy, will bw .old ,;t/~uh]l0 ~: un "" "-- nn~e¥,:ry,o(her~de,[iabt6 Bastluetlowerbrio~~, ..... ..,- .. ...... ~- :~ ....... . -

, th.~ ot ,,ihar Parlie, in Ihe trade I ~l, OIIGIly, dunUa~’~_ 20~ 1872 ’

¯ *toahly. from the llnest to th* lewelt pries, the t.h0,tcr’. Colint}, Uounv. AIIn’,,tlo City, N. J,,’l’,l©kad sod Feuey Media" Skirts, in !2 Yurie." I All Ihe followlna deaorH~ad, lot or pleco of ]and~o~ I ru~ 70u, to’ ST, Chamlsoe from ~2o, t, aitnsLe io All.,nllu Cily~ in the oanut3, utdtlkn.~t,, ,,. Drawers. ,, ~0e, Io$q.,,~0, Night l]lOa=a,~. -- . I tio~ Brute t N* w Ja’ser. heln~.~m_ aeked ..a .,,~-,..... =~l_t~_~,~.~.~.~,~s.q~.,.. to,.~ t’&;~- ..-,,,.,.d ,~,.~.....; tbi’7-.i~hql~’;e,~o.t:ortr.. $1 Ce $150. Aprun,, Mlsee*’ a;.d Chll ] thlrt3.aigi,t, on the map Or ptnu nf ¢&[d ~hy,dran’.~ Uu~sr ’lermonts, ats. I mad* by Juhu fl, MIrhe~/r0 ~n. bounded en f~l.

’= P ~" ~ ~ ~1 * ~ VIt~[[ [ [’ ba,t en4 OhNpoH llnel I l,wl ; [~egluuhia ,/t a q~r.e: ca thn l~t~rlyU[ Ih’~ a~I’t II~oo4a(n Philedelphla. ~¥el~pUl I |tdSe[ Mery]aad a(;u~% two buhdrad faat fr.m

., ~haa~q~ Pan v,,~ve time and moely by SX|lainu I J the ),outhweat eorner’or An’rio crease, end runs¯ ~~"’~ "~ "~I".’Z"A "! J ~eaterly perailel wi0~ Arette o*amue ena Mm.

¯ ~._ . , ,, ~ .~., ." .., I r~Id ~.~.~.V~at7 ~v~..f’Ytl t~’the r~rnsr nt Lot. ~0~n, "~ ~A’i.. ;: :g, ~ :~ :1’ I Zq. ~0t tuz.a~, ,.n’herlx-4.reii.l with Xnr la.d~I! ;US"I[=IS1 I","’,"’~y fast te.e.rner of lul XO. their(y;.n .,.,’.n, .,.....,,..... ,,.n..,,,..,.’, ..,,,.l.l,,. A,.,,....nu.,

~’? pe~’~a, cud’ill Ir,t e’a,I ec|rar. I ,,no bUudrl~l end-ahave.ly-Ilr, f~,t to Ibe Weal.lugs, i, aa ~lletAstlve sad Itat d~,r4"worh, ami. lerly sld*of Msr.vlaud aveuneithene% cur(hurl,uautb’ adnp|ed ta ~ha dnz&. "IS fall) ua,e~,n | bLpd at’el ~4rav &Ue fl~y ~t tV tSa piece oI h.g.lJpIk;*~-J~t h~l~ .~ h~k nl~d$’~O t~le pro.. i b~|zlnlug.~nlul bl tba uel~ properly whleh ~41~ai~ ehJ.,, oil0e.a,e lli~i~lae|~,e--p~Isils0. Its /,.n-c ~, Mea-n aed w|Is oo.~v.~ed by their dee~I raedu; ila petlo~IIlee, |It /trOll IImu-sl|Ue., IUlh~i ~oleelbel. A D |Sibl, eoIVeys~ In Imll ¢,

, jtl upp~sltlan la unr pU~|Ic, nuko,u)e, ud elrllt llnaa~ Lob/n. tha Famlur, ’ ’and reliil,’o lii~rty, ,it ehnwa ira i~,sidiou’| ’Belae4 e%t.be ]~roperAy ef Nel nmlah I~ I.~ala

l : ::’


.’... _---:-. - arket,_w~

PH_rr,. DEZp - .- ".. . . . _ . . -, .

~Are now offoring for tho FALL a/d W~TTEi~ TRADE on unusuaPy ",rge,,Stockof

pa,dug sld eloenlof

assigns fereyer, subject tdthoresttlotioli and " JL~ -IL~ ’J~- In~ I~I I----I I I -~./reguh/tions’Ln~ontioned iu the dosd from theC.mden" &’ Atl znth>:-Land-Company to--Peter ........

-COlgSIST-ING-Ih’~RA-R-T__._ OF- . . . - . .~o,. ,~, .n~ Silks. ~_ _~_: ~-:::Ladies,-C]0~k-in--g~gs.:--. -¯~o6ds;c-~--_i:-~ ;TBl~z~k~ffachan-~-"; ..............

__Blal -----".es~ =Blankets,- ~ ¯ -= ~- PI~’-~:WN~ ........

of June, 0nc Theusov~d ] ~usli.~. - .... Blue’Cloths, _ ...... -. . .... 1. .ty,.rrcordcd in the 6fllco ~ ......

said)Lhl~I~ok_P=o f_D eede~p~;~ g.~,/n t ~s " WmClnn ..... , ~ . _._~.e~fC Ohlo~. ,~a, od and-conveyed:.-all the equal und,vidcd imil S-bawls, Vel~eteenss~....a,o. ,.. o~ .id-~e;o~-’luts to- ,. ~.

_:~ater@,.0~F=P, Voa~.~.~..__ ---- -- ~ac are set)rth" an-3-containedein the deed to ~ el:g/d We~h~wrlately ....... ’- -- ’ = " -token edvantage nf the low prices-atton-d~nt-on-a-tighF~mone)~ marketCia~,igbc°~"i’oobrd6d±tn~-~il~ar-H of Deeds, Folio BUY [NG FOR C~Stl, have been able tO socere many ....3ronounee~ ¯ - ~ .v- " . -

¯ .-Soiz d a~the property of James H.Coi ....,,eft, taken ino*oe.*,eontthe,,to .... GR_£ AT e-A’-" k /- u ,,,,. :C, 8mttfi~ plfft., and to besold by ’ " " " " "" " " E.D.’RRDMAN, Sh0riff. " " : ---:~ -

STRAW3RIDfi] 0LIour Iq,~,lIC " ~ virlqo of n ....

re~_D.0,.isaued oat of thercourt of C.... SHEIIIFF,S-S~-LE.~ , ---

twb o’clock ie t]’e a’fternoen of reote,i issued cut of the Court ol"Ch,~neery,-At= |lirm ~f ~Llllglg

D D4~’l~iaaol.yeddestiribod town lot or erect (f lumi, on " " hy n, utual co.~ent. Alldebts due the firm Will,dtuate.in th6 city of Atlazitic, cuuv ty oi~A’ hm- ~Vedllesda]r, Jan.. i7th, 187~. hc uolheted by’ (1no F., Cucnx% who will also"t o and cloth o! NeW Jer,cy, ]~eglnni.g ,it the - ¯ -,outhwest’ corner of Atlas|i. ~ and Te.n at TWO o’clock In the aftor.~off of said nay, p.y any labilities of the firm, at.either of their -.-thsnoe eestorl nimtaa-I1ouso,-ll~mmuntan late huHnaus

t~oml)oee4 Iha west line of lenneas~c aronue those tracls of I’md lying, situate aud beiog ~ity.nnd-fli’ty-feet-tn-wpeg’-in-thu-eoranr~f- lu=tha~towlbol’IlammontnnrCaua~y-aLAtlautic, t;EO. F. CUltltIEj"C~ J~" lheheo, westerly alougsaid alley llfly feet arid 8tete of lgow Jcreqy, bounded aud deaerib. ~V~.-J’.0N][)Kit-W~DW

IPOl[Igllt)l~l’. _e(,raer of lot Eo. 05; thence, along raid IotNo. od atfollowa: ’ " ....95 ,,no hundred and fifty faoUo the south ed Beginning in the centre of ]’~gg llnrbor road Weigh $1.25, ¯

Cut.~ Out;The. prapar.ho,~, o,’Atlantio avenue, lbenoe alo.g ,,eid sough ed at tim southeast our.or of Potter’ ].nd, thom, vla tha bo-t All,.t. o~ Atlautie avenue ua~twatdly to the (t) *x’tondlng the uame North 40(~ 211’ ’ " -- ’ . ’¯ uw ~nd T,,,, ...... . ..... Seed thh edverti~’ement tu the Ihnn.,h office..... known-f~f~i;-i.oT- :inn’~0’[. - .......... l~n~t~ El0-~rods 8oath_ 4huL’A4~ Kus!

us, et nl oft, takea iu execution nt the.. s~ of. to the nail J,]gg ][arboro r. ,d ; .thence (4) alo~,g . l~’ovk~.to-Theedoza ~ ot erleLu, com]~l’t, un i ¢,~ be x,dd by t e sanze North 49 34~ We~t~ ,.0 r )do, to the gu ....I or wJth~ .35. v~’ a nnm-

Dstcd N,,v. 2,, 18T1~= D. It,D3 AN,(~:~;;ttl.. ’ei}?!i~ , m:, 8’L’O~ ~hu’(~l~q’ ~’a~’r’ ~" " ’ .... ¯ .y . ’, . ’ m~" ~/. janagar i~’ i~ou~the 8thday of ’¯ .’ . Jones by ndcnture , tto i |bq 0tl’d O" of Janu ylr ext.. ~’IA)~ C,uh.l rt,.~e ou. , ...... c, te,ttJ,?qqf.~.~ ~,0[~.... .ry, A. D, 18t|5~ and r.oordcd-in the Clerk’," !.w@[email protected]~, ami rengJeg tn Y_~IIL¢ "

..... /’t:¢~z ~/’, ¢’ ~ ,.t.4,’/.;.,. ",~ .~- ’- ,?l[l:,u ot 1~[oy’o Lal/~iug, i, book Z of d~’ods, !r,o,m I~,~O Id,’,:,~]t~llO’opOO’; will: iloi~; d ,- ...." " ’ - ~-’ ., .~’,., ~.u ¢,.’U UYLLe..~ zuno :L’I4, &0, . ’ ’ Irm,at.d tO suusor~ Bader the.an,rolee..’[

, f :’,’~,’~’~G71P :’ ’ ) "/ //.,/- "f ’/- ’ Agai. beginning e~ the seuthwecturly ads of dlatlngldshed laud; whoso, ~/smau.aeo’a~ ure-a ",.., ,/ ...........c<:~.~; "" M.in,Roud at the Ea,t corner of ltoyt’a In.d, g,e...te, or h~n- ’~’%’.;, -- 7~..ro

’ ’t-’~Oil ’~," ,’,~le ’~..~-’.~-~ - ] theaee It) extondlag 8oulh:’4.~° 22’We~1,8~jug Is en,|e~i’ed b~\.~e~h~h~r.." ",’:" ;’. .... : " "T:t~’~’~’~4[’~’kVt/ ] ~:, 100 rud~i tl;~n,vc’ (2) ,S~;li i 46° ,~7’ ~:as O’Culior, ’|, A,.l|~oyi,’Prej of t ~e]~;Y. (’toi’d

"< ’:’" ’:" ’ ¢ ’’’/,,’/’~’~:, i~,~I :in ~,.,00 ro~,;, thence (3~ ~orth’44o’ 22’ l~act, ]l~r,l,. Wads l~mw,,u, end *miuaat cilia’ran. "~t~ ~ t * ir ~ ua! rs fur $5’ . / , . ,’. , "’.i/’/"’t ’ .... 18266,100reda;toMai. lt,)adafnr,.’said thence .’,. ’~ , " ~’hhhnota.ho m:yb~t

"" ¯ "...:’~ .’ , ’.(’/t~/~ /[(d,’~A Z q~) uuong tile aame ~ert,,’ 45° 30’ Wolf,’38 " o[atO-l~at, (o.a~,.snre vunul l’on /~u.lgratic.’ { . [ / i [ " " / d "] ’, ~ ’ ~" ~l~ [ 76.,100 redo,to the place of beginnL.g, contiIn-’ parp,).ea, . 8e~,’ibr c r~ula~;.,,r~,. ~’~. =~. "’ ~#::’~/C/.*"/ Ih,g tWO t~’ eores striol.lual~;uro. B^i g he den; M. 0;"}lalier, l’rcn dent. John Chad

............................. ~.~.... ’: .... J ~aq~e .Ulct..nodrsyed by.,gumuot..Y._Jonue to ~!~klnd.fl~n.. ~.. W..qJsry.-Y~Pras dunti ;’, ’ ’ I Gee L F, So hh an wife by Indenture dlted ~ v 1. and t ANoelali0n (]harl~tonand 7Vi

’ ’~, ’.’~. ’,: .",’r .’. ",.i ,’l", ’~’"’: "’." ’~’t"i":"g’ "J Apl~il ]1, A 1). I~0~, i~,~l rosorded in book Z azroadway, Na~ York.’ . ’ ¯.- .~.,- ,,. ,....,: .~-,~-.~F~-~. ~’~. ,’--- ~=;,;~,~-- . .... .... :__. ; ’~-==-~- . ;.--: ........... .. .

,., . ......... a.. ,. ’" ~,’l si~elzel ~¢ the propsrty of C aytou Allen nnd Appls~i&l~U I~lP il~]~.ii~ Nhow ’’., !.t.. ,, ......T" "-~:n’" ’l’."°~’.m!~;;:shur’~-::deft~,- tnkonLi~szec~|ou ........... ’ ...... (’l~,lrlloe ........ ".... ~’"rl"’~"L~(l~,l|;*’l~¢]~k~ i i¢~tl~IP| |HI,oTPII. fill. I it thl iiiIl ~t"’|)kll..’.J -~" ~ ’ . u " , ~([~K ............

, " ’ .,,’ ,. t~,a~l~*. K~, ,~~_x’~aaaa~r ~ ..ha.hiLqon.a!!~ ~a~r. --llaunak3,dglaoon.-.admr.-~-n..a.-~.,. ......... _.... ’.....,. ,,- ,-,.,~,,~ ..... ~’Z[IdW.,1L~/lffn.,i~a.tob,~e,ldh~ - son. due,,g, he,’i~ ezhi"I/t’ ~Ito"~" ...... ’~""",, . ~,,~.,. ,~r ’l-r ~. t v ,,. ,,, I,.l,...aealnet I . .-E. IY ItM, liMa~ RI,..lff ~ u"de" 0"’t" ~ ¢-a..-~-_~ , . hi| ~OXFI.~. _ .

’ ’ ..... ~th,,’ *1’, (t",~’o~ll,a’,,t~’aa:~’~ I,~.0~ ~,~..’,. ,o~’~, ~ ...... ." ............. " "~ : "’"..~".~a,-a oamnmemnt ul’thep~r.", ¯ I ,,’ r~,, s,lt,. , , , ,,, ~v~lPa|oo., . ~OV, 1D, J~71.. 41~ aUnal eatat,S, lla¢l, qenys ~hl~ ra ~li dec .]11~.I’=-- .... ..... !’ ..i,q;,-,h,, ,.,.,¯ ," . ,.- .,- ,t ........ ,,,,, .......

~.,L],,r !~, ~ v " ’~HOMAN ~"g"UY .,.s,. ,toel~n nie Intu,lfldp.t ts p.y his 0hbta.,,’:.;’;,’;.~,,~.;’~,,~.,,.o .,~=. ~#,~.~..... ~.=.’.... ~^ n.d ,.~,..~,~ ,~..~d .r ,h. Co.,,-l. t~, r,-........... ~.’.~’~,abl. lwar~,i- "’ I Q ~ol~h 8a~0on(l at., SUcre (heslal, l~ m lses! i~ hlis ardere& that a l,)e--o --i --.~ -.,,,,.: ,.,,i ...., ..........., ....-~’ I..~_,,V_~I2Z,^~Z.LVli~^. ,f .d,. ,~. U.d,,,,.n,.-.u,. ,.~..l.~.taor

,*,,."~", ,10 "" b~tld Up Ihe ~o~10..#aH t h# itt~Ullon_ nf thpee’wish~gl~lleald.l[VlSllont oppell~d het’ol~ the O~nrlh it the "lillni(,,i rlti~idJ)’ i~,ai~~[o ~U_ ro..hil@ (J~r|,et , to ill | lar l e lul d 0 Uoutr Mn se In

’ ~." ~’I’""-t’,*.,,,~,,,’h~r.a,a th. ~,er~ e F~ ~’, -


~ ~, ahY’i LandieguuU~¯lnth,,. , holoellueoFForel naudDo~ostln belh --. ,l~ -| A it,an¯ . t’ae lood Io dlil~¢Sl,~a,~ mak. p.r= M ’ . ~ Y p, ) t. to ekmw esus. why ~ much|n rahktlua to uellf~a as weleeet Ioa -fth ~ed

,i ...i k,,.d, .... ,.,,.~,m,, ~~o,~.~a, ~at,n n. ~u&!. ma~l..l aud a~lest~te.of*ha ~qdddeN~eat’aheul" "¯ ~e \-~?.~ ,,F,,,,.o.k.a w,~t~r ~m. ~_,.~.:,.the ~ow,,i n.~ Z’~*’,I- ~o e~d us w l he,;~ei..l lo n.. ~’- ~.~’L"°.’¯ ’ ,’ ~ " ,,’~- ,"p~-e~n.r,n. ~-e,,~.l "~ 1~. U.--.I. BI’ZeWAR’[ bg " " ’~ " -- .......i I ’, , k W ,I PU~iasela tb¯rulduathar¢~eet ¯... .... :. .............. ’I.- b

.’:,, ,,,~a ~ ~*~neel....l~*, ~ O~,.,,~ I -- I~.-~,’~"’;~’,’" ". "~ "" "’"~ "="~ "~"’P~"" a , r,.v,,/’ .......’ , " ’ L ’ w llll , * ’ V ~llqq UO0, [~$ ]~. ,’.5; ",’ L!:: ~"" w,,..’~C~,Z’;~;;~ I " " - - . ...... ~ .... "-".... ’,..,,’-, ...., .... I h . ’-,’zx nxa,axx,..... ’, - ",., ........a.-,,~; .a.,. ~,a.,~.~, I * ~ is.., =7 Perk R,~w, N. Y, ’~ ~ ~~. " " i ’ ¯ m-,w lit ra Dp’~ -, ~,’,.o.., vmwt~.,W. O.;t)~,~Vdt4~" ,; " .’ ~--. qU ~:.... ’, .....~ ............ ~::’ I., P.~.plm eo,~.l..I,, e.t~t. Law., ,,Ith inll wi,h., to ,e o,~,t t~, el, ¯ ...... ~,,,a "S ;,r~lp,,ia. I d[es~titna haw la ahl. ......... q

. tla0ns ef Hih.mootoa,." ’ ~:~u~e~.:~a~0r~, ,u~u~ ..... |" j that ae ~,s n room, nit,eta, e,er Win, Paoknr’s"~.’-~’w~_~.~.v~[~_I~’OrII T IPlI,: mmml le I ua|ooo, w0enn be iI rendytntseelve~d e&m~e.,.._~-..~.__ - ..... , llnw CIIIIWl by 0na,sthl L aid al~ Inrp eli4u, ¯il ot~n of those who i

V.~L .." . "- ."~.7-’’-- "" m am~z. ~,. ~qtw’/ IL’s~eII/~nwI uu nnles for nktalnlng /~,telzt0h i hra~ekee, el. i e-..~- _=L. ..’!". --’: "--.... ,,. p.~ o.,a ...~. ,.~ r., ,i~. i =,,. oo --let o..,.o.. - ...... ....a.g, .~.~ .~

" .~ - - " _ ; - 7_C5 ~Cf - _.--. -- ................

VOL.. ....

¯ .,~ "" ; ..

-->. _ RedistriAT~NTI0 CI~Y

the northernpart(ff the ststa ffho,, though:toT~li~ newspapers, a~e-yet. _.1 . f- . ..... . ¯

¯ ~ sever .happy exoept when_attempting -tot~_or_whau

~-.- choodn~ a chief executive of the statefrom amo.g their "diotihggbh~ citizens ’.have~f(~l~L~.ia-/the-re~]istrie ing-0f-thestate, a now%’ubject ca which to exercise

- -=thoir gcntu~, etatesmedof,Newark.2-.-..(,a.~fwn whio~eoently distingaiohed it-

--:[-. ~-:-nll’by the warmmlpp0r~-iti Revublidaos¯. ; gave to t~e Demoerati6"nominee for Gee,

%....-DEV0T£D T0 NT[R[STS 0pH ]BMONTON AND MAKING MONEY;." -i ¯ ........... __I---

1 . .-- .~ -

MMONTO NUARY:27," ...........¯ -HA N, N; J., SA AY, ’JA

hill provides-also" that:

infor~ - ........ ¯ ....... :, - :¯ - .

¯ s ¯ . -"erWahall refor to t]iecarna -. ox .~ x/~u~

ha ~y morning,.the : . -- " DOWN -~£1"N8. " .~. -concnrrent roso_Lution_rel’ativel toa~.publ[o. ..... ~,~M~.ma a.om a~a

government’ pnrposea "ia-tho - ,-u..a -- ;/~ ~,~ ~Y’~a 8L W~ar?.../ .......... f; ~’

City ot Trenton, was a agreed-to.~- " ~ t~ 4=.~q_the_Hoaso~-~pplement-totfio Mini ...... ~- -chester & Camd gn Railwa"y, introduoed LI .S II 4

by Mr. H~v~°auth6rises said road tbbeconstructed by way of Buddtown, ia Bat:lington.oounty,.a.d trom thence to Mud-lord, with. the privilege of c6noebting whh

formed.... :4-.-_-.7 ....... -:-_:- ~-=--¯ .T~he part whxoh particularly Concerns usi~ tliat~wh|cG’V~n~i~ t he "l~ndaryline betv6en’the first-an ~ ~oond din(rioter

Cumberland, Salem, Gloucester a.d Cam-

tie, Burlington, Mere~r and Ocean, as(hesecond district. ~h.i~ removes Athntio.but makeu no uther

’trio(.. It18 .... agama(’ this removal ¯thatwriter desk es to enter his proteBt ....

Because,;(!) there~ are verz few-Tela-

= us with the citizens county.We have no aflilia or poll;teal

ot the first district tea n

from (Ion(den coun-


Gloucester and

g~ve_..Cup~ 8slum- Glou~oster,~z.;c6unty .with a popuh ,949

-"~ -- the first district ;,Camden oil: ton, Meroer sod 00ean oounttos

-= teen ] 33,017,-ior the second di.t_: _ _ i0ronoo el..5 about _2800.nearer

~are work. ;

Win. Mod~e introduced ~biii- relative:to:PilolI~ge. in the navigable- wat~re of’ thin

t obo hasconcurrent

or registered muter of anyve~ei of the Uoited’81stes, who shallhave aolu commasd and chars0 thereot

or oute/any of the navigable wat~rs-6fthe 8tale, or ovar which lhe 8tale has

whether the name constituteswherein Pilotage is usually el/urged or

|wn ~ thatj)urposo, and h~ iedeclared to ben pilot=duly commissioned

tl’8 1|4

9111 0 )|4.’94,1 9 )94I0O~19 10o1o 2 II. 9 ll5

’,Ln. i2 5_

¯ ~- : .... ::

@=PER ,:

¯ . .

~t.. ~;,_~,- Who, z oumo to t~i. oountrr, X~gi= ~o wz.t.r .0n.o.,~t~o gener.~ ,,pet ~t --myself thotmCthoInChsoila waseamdY a~d barren oppearence~.]t~, m//long time-before I~nuld. oo¯~. ._"

~illy~g’in the north British .Provlneea from wbioh IOamL- ARor ,L few montbl "had ran-~helr eourna, fi~W0ver, ni~nr th. geolzl ~rlng (whio~e0rla ho~ surly i’ the~i ~-ath .0! _

Mareh)~"d’diepersed¯tho ehtllizigfrostS~f Winter w]do’h-aronev~r Vo~z7 severe In-’thii~bZlfit " : "I "~ ’~’- :-~ -- . . __~___~ .......... . . . r~# ~_ :found that the sou with all its ~affdy appearance WM good for oometbing; that in fact it yeryreadily: responded to a /n6derato share nf eultleotlon ud munuHng j that overTthln~ had I"Wry rapid grow lh, far beyond what-I bad wltn0saed in e0uutrles farther north with ,i h,£.hir. "

¯,i,i.ln..- h., n. more)il. to produoaa good ar0p.-And’let it be elweye borne iu m~d.ll/at;"Pomena .............. t24~ [10" !6j$.1

I°se th-a.u °ne-hal_f the Labbr’i!6°~e~-#~-r-~-~Lw~king~ h’sayysoJl-li,IUmcleni here to mak61"t¥|iitl-.Abs~ooa ...,.,;,,’.;;U, ~FI: [I0 ,~I] ~:~A tl’uti..rrive .......... 1 4~ 111, ,oJ S. ~.ec~.s~ull:, -Ono borne will till ,e munh l,lddi~/-h-l~ pl~e, ,.- ooidd po.ihly bo ao~-o-mpi,.hod- --- :~7-Up-T~.~i’N~___. ~_ ~:- f_ . m a ainereatkind of soil ~with a.paiz of~)rae~-.- ... ¯. ¯ = : ""~’T;’:IT: ......L,.: .... "r ::.---:--

-- ,.’ . ---- .~l~iom,t¢oml,’zlla’~aa Tho-la.4ia South Jer?ey l’ pr|uelpnlly ad~r-frait growlng~ s-~di~ gv.-6i.~,~ --:-.

Harbor ........... . .......

DaOosta ........ ~;.....-, ........H~monto¯~;.,...,, .,,, ¯;...~-

-Wat~rford ,.;,,r. .............Ateo ......................... i.;.Berlin ............... =.....’..,WhLt~ Herne ........ ..-;..~.~-

tladdonfi,ld ...................

:,. l~l} I]

.... 02 )1-31- ~1

-. 231 _~0o 29 1

o 1o ’,.tLt~ _40 17- -’, 4t 5$ ~2 ~ 4~ o$ ~2 ~ 58 2

4o t o~l 4858 ~ 10]- -I

? 16 ~ 341 4

~ I..~_~_ ~ ..... ......... tnient to sod land, at4~ time of~. wingthrdr6p ....

St. sn~ tao-tml Voneflt dorLv~d therefore is quRa avaHaGle-£or tbut er~,. " ;~---HRhert~td~-r, la. ~1; r~a~,~r:_¢hlof_.gt3#ationto:.the =¢ultiv

The bill. Io iooorporato the low

Hon..S~ H, Cavileer...

oin t =re~olut|on-iK±roliti6~:to the eonst.metio__no[:an nrtifidal hirbor[on Crow= Bh01~,~Capd May;~for. tli~’.pm::’’teetinn of small ol,~a ve,sela- I~ nHon. ~Ym, Moore; ~f Atlantie

"l~.d m und .s; _o~[~_Ca ~_.~ a~,_._ _coni~it-tae to~ngr,’M,an4 urge

the.passage of oct making an appropr[a~

fion.for said artificial harbor, which owe¯ ins re_the ~rowth:of-the eoIeting lrade, is


Ths Vineland bpen for Pa/,

_ - aratiog Camden and.Atlautio counties,..... the ~oumy~LBurliugtau

...... 12.,udoo dt£, ~u ------ " ¯-t;-tpart boi.iburlies io. tl/o m0mt ,Jorthero part:o| th’e fir~ .-

=dis( rict.~,_the~-.~rt h~e~t_-eonil ,zT_in_faot. - .It Cumd0m city were toke..[t would c~r- __

" tai,iy-givo-[ o ,bee h-dint-riots-bctte,

irreg.- -Family Sewing M ohiae ,._. ;Are thd"iik~T/h.’n¢’ ’. "

A .,rehtiono b~tween Can,d.n Unique, Simple nnd Praotlo’abl.e,

-highly ~a.pted i’or farmi-,~-l~zrpeies~illfg~b~-e dog roe of 0ultiz .re uniter( lida~4T~

&~ for sweet pot~.toes both in qnaiity, Ilh~ul~dthiuk th.y were n.eurl~ure~ th¯

flour i,sclr. In ram instances 300 bushels have h4e¯ produced to the nero-; and z3rom 1~0 to

0an -azze - s = ;-]- . - \: ..’

m ~ zo’¢u nuenem of lima per acr%,~l[- grow good eleven with rye or any~thlr.gmla. "- "And this ia tha’way In whinh large per(ions’el’ farms ia thin place ought to bn’dlsposeX~

U, tho i!ad by (hie method wuizld see¯ (ertlL-lan itself, rn thie more OFfal climatetime than In e6untrles farther north. "ln our’~Torth Brlthh Prod!noel gre*a-zod must[

the ~ear bestrode ol~d~_thl, tJ~m

[ell tics botwee, the re~idonl~o

.oitie~. Anyone vi.itimeTrent0n at thenp,miog el a ~o~ion of Iho Iogishtture, nrduring its ~ittit,~, will¯find in the Iobbie~I,~ti at t be hotels abttttda tit aviJ.nee oft hi.,Further, my a0nendmen[ wl)01.d ,e’shlish’¯pnlitical bsls,ec hetwoea lho two oiti,%-~,’,Inton, dotJlncraiio, slid 0o,nden, repui~li~an. It wou!d givn a ~trongor ropublican vote to the oecond district; and wouhl¯ still leave the fl~t district eta. It i~ dil-lie(tit, tharHd///i.io under~tsnd what ruh..have boos followbd Lo Ihe formation ofth~

..... Nnwark plan, ~in~ it i~ nnctioned .ei~h-¯~r by. eo.elderatlon~.,, ot ’boundnry-or. o !

- ulallOn,Wt polluoal advantage, or ot ~uasi-

t,e~-rolltiona generally ; .a.d the Writerk!,mb]y.._~pes,~that in (ha-’. a~tual hgida-ties at Trenton: more regard will be hadlo t!teupoiala.than.i -siven.th.n

TIzI~NI~O.% Ja,,. 25, 1872.

~fr, ~’(li¢othoir weekly ez;d,un Thursday eveniog~and vinited their honda to uoo "wlfa andbabies ":-that In, tbo~n who are bhaHdwith iheeo appendap., mud,the Bach’sto hold carnival witK" halemet." On Monday ¢voain~, however,nearJy al[eame to "time" sod thewheeh or ]oghlal|oa alPl[n mtart~, butI/td, badno~a wu tram~l~l.

Mr, Williams iutrodu~ad ¯ bill Io pro-to0t the r~lhtl, o[rs|ll~.HId pllNleDilm, pro-vided that all~ld a railrol I eo~pany ~i~aocidmt ,w domntiou delay .a I a,tonl, rover left minute,, each i 1~4aser sh~lli/aro-ih~-~/hTT~7~o~;~/’ilia maaat !.hu pald for hh l~aru by suit at hw. ~ith

r~.~ p|rmlmoi~t thh~g,_takin~lr~/Rham thin ....farms l~q. gra_se and elm;i~ri which would~enabln th,

restock.weald lath6 ru. remunoruieov,~U b~ttor thl, u-~hemeth0dflrst ,pbk~n~f,-Tli~-- - .heulthfulnc~ ~lim/,te- in 8outi~ "Jcr-~ey ic aeor0el) tobe excelled anywi~,ie. Hevlag ..... i

",Jr to breatha.-un4=.~,;i~

. ~ I~onth of~.ogast lh moradown to acre, and not betashotter here tn aummsr then it Is ~nthe ....t~t

"’" " " " here oxtst but & short throe.. Many eases ofpkrsohu_=_O¯.and.sff;rI[O~DA.Yr3an. ~_~_l ]$22,_Ma~l’will ru--u-fi’~TdII~ws :.~---" ’~ - ".- l¢or.Nl~W YORK, ~nd Xatermedlotn Polatii ferings from rhoumaUz~z baVo bean greatly allo~i~ted.-T Chronic dlu

L*avorGreenw’loh~’6~00 a~,~;-Brhlget6n-8;20 i-~imoatwithout numb*r.~--For years,before/=earn, t0, thln o,~ha.try-I Iiifforod’~/~i|d~rabl~/~m .am," Vinaland ’7,00 a m, Main avenus 7;o-1 dlspepnia, I ha~-]allo weak lunge, whlchjealzsod ale to cough almost inoeu~ntly d~zrlngth$u m, Landhvil]e f.10 a mrOodnr Lek6 T.20 a m~ Winter moatbs; but now I can safely nz~d ~ndldlystato that I bnvo been cured of I)othI. ~h~ ’.Wiunl~w .June~on 7.~0, Norgla llalaz

Imp~ovom*nt brought about’~La hsalth, hss by no meaae been aceompli/,]~

~lgffi~lraad-other-Jl ygio.to-meu, nree.I~o~.eeive~z

, m03Li0 p m ;. m, ~.-~0 dealt’ins that many other~ ~hom it might nnlt.t0 emigrate to ,Lia hart of thn~wurld-m|dht [i- .......

adopted thls~an of ~lviKg-publi~lty--t~-the’Ke-6/iuda m, 4 05i a m, 4.45 p.m . would be eorry,_tn misleod any:

". Leave NgWYORK - pler 28 publishing lud’holding:forz’h inducements: to Indlv ....a’~’mr e~~er-~oro brleey at~to thn oln0|es uf persons whom I ~onu’lder wonldl .....9.00 a ",. arrlvinff ut Atslon 7.1"i p m, NOIP|Ianbe ehhfly bsneflted by coming to thii plaee.; ..... " ...: ..... ", .. ; .- . ". : .... ..Hl~lIUlIOIItOI’~;IIp m, WIn.lowJnneUon ’

Oadar hake q,0$ p3g. Lnndlarilln 8,1S : The 0!sai of paraous wli’0m I eoa’s[dar .o.la ~e eh~,nX b6~-fitcd bY ooml--n~ ha’re are-’ In"

9"0av°nun’8’2~P-m’-ViaqHan" -d~.0 Ikp-m-, .TI use-of-contralto ss-wh v¢ ould-brlnffTsome-mol ,y-wl rthem~-fri~m-$2i00" )-t0-$d;000-liih’~h~l.¯" ’ ’ " ".u p.I, |ir~nwluh 9.15. nr a’yearly in’come oqual tc th* intrust of ihat. Thie weal4 b,, s~gluient tu pizrohiN2a d0a~

~LluI£][I~LA!DAe Vine St,-Ferry.~-- for(able home for them; aud a Ilttlo-lndueiiy~- k-n0wiedgi,,nd tsar in /arming on a smell i~,f’8.00~n m, srrivleg at 0*daL L4ko 9.15 p m,

p yi.J .2" I,;rso:,s not e.Joying very ~oo4 healthwould,n/ore for them oumfort aud ecru et~na d , . -Lnndlsville’ 10.08 s; m~ Main Avenue 1|.1~ p miVl..I,nd t0.20 pm,¯ Brldg,tu¯ ll.00 a m~ where th,y live-and would whh te Imprnr~ It. 8,1. Persun~ who wdnld rogar’d ~*lr hnahhGreenwich 11,110 ~’m. ,," rath,,tthan their weulth. 4th. Per*one whow~iil~t’rathnr l|vo qul,t,¯ueo, lives whi, a

~t Roprs (Uammol~too). to.e~, rathe’thaWs tolleom., hansrdoua llvon with the obsnoe or brooking ones heaitl, i;¢

nhoap.FruR growing and fe’rml~g un a emMi |eilo ¯lthough requiring nunste-tlttentlon~ hovw

nothing in them ef ths s&mo gull a~l lahar that il required In newly dpened np eodfftrles toclear land. and’facto’us a .Anrgo annie. But ][ must "net forg~t that ~lt may su"hap~,n hi thlli - "piece when fruits eura out favorably, ~mt too plenty nor tub scares, whldl~ ’i,odl~fi, i ~oadder ........l, most,|lltely to reallze a gaod market l~rlo’~, that many parsoua havl msde and still me7 m~Islittle IortuneL. _._Th*re ,r;~m~_py tblngnt~.bn had. i¯ thi lnl’aad, pa/tl.of 8outh.Jw~:-~lloh .....eannot fall to mike tGlal~plwm Very oodgeelal t o the why# end hah|tI of a lnrp_mu~bnr of pei,.;

Lzmdls~ille 8.16 p m. Main ’Avenue8 |0,Vla*ln~l-8.2~ p m~ ]$rldptcu t,01"[~ ,% (lwleb 9.1~ "p m.

l~reliht recoiv;4 ii~ .dey i" New Y;~’kPldladelphia, and delleered.’next dey at allp~iuta on trio road.

Pas|eng.ra for Ham|neutral can reseh .thesontk, pert ef the’ tnwl~’by ehnnglng enre .!Winslow Juustlon, th,n oe C, & A, It. It, | miles

~ I J. W,’M ILL~4 Bxp~. sonn. Thn nllmMe raM’ be said to be elmb,t t/,mp~,rats iill tke-~r round. Noi ouly thnt’flm .P J.’llXlha R4Lrw, G*I. ]rrellkt ud Tiekot Agt. winters ur* nevor ve~’y’ urere, but thero nro othor eiroumntenoes fn odnneetlon with UHO rogioh r

, - ...... ~ ...... ’ .. ~ = whlob ousnms dryn*al of atmn,phere, more..goaial wentb*r a.nd sua~hln~ all ths year rounds.,..,,....d" ................,u,,,.,,.. ’"’,.,’’.o.e"I AL - TATE A OEN 0Y th" b. found ,. m,n,,o,h., no.,,,,... Th. ,..d b.,o, of’. n,t,,,’,.

;: SWis~--Sfii~l~t~io IIea~ i ’ . . .’ ~w . ~o.,... ~h,~ I.t |~_,.~.U_.I~, or .l,_d.y, .,.,., r.r.d....d,al,b,, topth,r, w.t-,*-d’m’~l.. ...........

i ...... LQIui~. BlffL/,llQIl~ / -,re lla~z dlaappaar. Mud k.4 muJdy reade m wuknowa:in thls rsglun iltbou-h ""--2’ -"- ’’ . , , e ¯ ,uq~p esw¯ ,

BEAVER CLOTH’ ace #A,.,,~: eJar -~waz~¢r. pr.,,|lou*lh, out,klr’, .f the Stats nn~ clung(ha D.awar.. which a.....hil|a .air.,~"I haws e~tablhk~i nu eIea at

to prevail nt eertaln sonsonl or the };ear In thoce iooallths.. W~ojjLfhh~booa_hjhl~q~ll~lr- .

.~L.... " .... ¯ " --o-- " -- ; - tb. ualo,ol Inll41ng L.tt~-~r.-/~/. ~d y~~ are .o pr.ralont In nth.r pans ofili¢. ’

O~er Half u MiLLion now in O’mo. X?rila~d, all, kladI el, go*ds prsdas~l hu wnrl& ’ . .~ .............. ’ .. , ~ .ple~ end ¥1eln|ly, pnrllaallr ~Jrnpn-Wlzlin"~l.0w s’t0"im*-aro-nerer rery severe or of ]o gdu

~dl I!!9 ~lath’~l It’,- ’ ~’,~n~., All theee woo ~ise to sell mey co, die a I

orellytmnutn Qold-ln-wlnt0r;but-~]~-~/t6if¢l ~kin rind on’; not nxe~ pIb,~Tb’~~a-iv~it~-6-d’th~--[6-dl’~f-IWi! -l~i"-a°a~-F/IppL[i/-if’-Lh-dlr’p~PtYty;’ud ~ri evontllliugandploughlsgthesnll. Asugot ,rail ~ells’ntulldztjajaM~l "-ud It le no *apartment tu pu wllh t) ~ lewut tarns, nod rosy II~ usnr.dawa7 by the warmth nf the IOn bafore told.do ~. ( a grant dead ho/~""-~Or.~-’~ffTll] 12V.t~’JLr.}III~Y~ rr’AIL

ntsmh ,ltlkel,, f*e their- hi|belt in Lho w|uger aonson~ nnd thqlrayi O( the sun sillsa ""very genlalwarmth to arioa, l[uw agreonbh wOal

mlkl,,s------ Yet rorlen Inslllsd to buy I whL te monllen weuther to wl,t~r," Persons, fur inlt~nal

WarrIIto4 fnL’ tkroe yslLr| by that I ha*s nuW nO hlu,’ fa" snla

’|011 alltlIIa¯-- " do(teas, OI reueul, hle prices I’ad t~m~.

JohI lIieIlllI, A elli aid elnmltl~u will In,, ’htnkfeily ne-

~r,~ |ilia11 AIpll,. eeptod and promptly .’~owo.od by I. Ol.IVilt,IyAtterlrey, lad Meiote ’t I , , -, ~,ea abate

...... _~[. Im~montons I~. 7. m.o¢ionml. . -" Zgg Xnrbe, Olty, 3’" ~ 1111~ , h g~-Im


mmm...=~m,m,jX, ash,,mm .~

IAm~ ~ ~AU

u~ S/m¯"d M..a,...d a~i........ ioeill ~ ¯

r mort, but witk n hope e[ it0 IdmontV takla| ro~t sad|rowlug repidlyt and prdenlu| of every del~riJ)tien snort fellowe. ’Aad thsn pomP! bava I’

auImsr of open weather bdere tbol (whlnb aitnouiih pretty hot nt IImN II nrot more liebe fouod In more aortbern latlmdol ia Ihe month of August,) ~his onabloa |1~only tu produo~ cue erop, but two Jfd~lrable.

AndtbenofallpIn~l~iathewurldtblshtheqaletoalnndmoet poo~sblo, &lthou h r.sy.a here, differ considerably both In re:qllol, a~4 pnlllles, y#! there is thin one thing ~n~la~0thit one men lu hr reesgulle| iho elril rlgbla’of zmuAber, lhet enoh may qnlofly sh under hhn ~"own vlns aud ~g tin, ouno Iq.;vl.g tbo Fower to mlke him Ifrnld. Althoqgh. low l~rs~no la ......[hie region now rono~ thalr,farms ur evln tbslr snrdens, it la ¯ rare ooaumnoeo tha4 h~nll ornuyt~lng el,~Ja.4mrrlnd swsy. I euuld Ident fy In qseny in,lenoes pure au(ponches ua tre~’ud~mI,¢ho V’i’ry pMhwIy, undallnwsd to ~Ie lu maturity, thee tO bO Iofaly gathorod h7 ~ldrSWIft, ; ’ ,.;- . ...... : ........

~ts.miontoa, whlsh la |~ mlleI ~uth of l~bllo4e1~Io aoitslii l~i 11 000 to 4 ~*a s~,w..an.~at~ ia a Caal~¢ ~w.ahlp. Thia pLa~e ab~aU~ ~hh noast eot~l~I la4’moll Isld :.~l’;t’.~"lu many phu~zs boaatlhdly oruamentld w|~ Iml g~oo/ tM sk[iwi~hagl " Y’h=~-~-w~m" ~.’,~".~.,mh.r .:.~ih9 re_,H..o., w~,, ,=a..¯r.~m~ ,t.~,a ~0 ~a0.M.~ ’~-’i,’,ghi~,’/~,;UlIIOnml uses. "J:nenl onll!d b0 beualzI.o&~onnh~.~srms to sull ~lmoel ere s4r~~nnrobMara. llammontoa, from I~n bealthfulneae nnd nln~rnlll t0 0Ul or tha pr|aogl~4~ hithe Rtatoa Is deaHnad ote Irma~ t0 INCnIO Xhl-kn’,. le,.n-a ~ w ............... ’

- - . ’.~ -- ,,v- ~, e~e"tm~’Inl-I~l I~qlI ¯ .....Jdlaruhu, Jieh,~op..i,,M.d~l[,b t N and If. tier .re W I~~4

p , rop~ot~l. , "- , ’ .....[ am very ttnly~ W. Plvlws~.£a,s Jlln~’tTr .f :)~, I~#io¢,,p,|l C’k.reA m llom~nton n.d W~.e/b~d.