~wntana, ~!arch popu lar student 1annua l camp aign ... · • nt !~st satnrrla\· ttr-rnoon paul...

VIL X. PO PU LAR S TUDENT 1 ANNUA L C AMPAIGN MEETS DEATH IN TO CLOSE M AR. 20 R. R . ACCIDENT (. arence Mortin, Prcminent Member of the Freshman Class, Dies as a After That Time a Pr ice of Thr ee Dollars and a Half Will Be Charge d I For All Books Result of Injuries in Railroad Acci- Two more f i.ltl·rnities. Beta dent. Wylie. also of the Fresh· and Kappa ;..:11 nacht:cl Lhe one man Class, is Expected to Live.E hundred pc·r t•f+nt mark itbht tbe 1 past week in thP junior :\lontanau campaJgn_ ln the classes. the , .. larenN· '.\Jortin. r_,nc r>! tilt' ruol'.t omoret; still bf'nrl the list with h!J.31 • r r 'n '" '''r- I: 1 )l'Pt hh; per t.·ent ot their total m mlwrship , th A" thP of a railroad ar.·f"i.• sub:n·rihel. a gain of nine per cent 1 nt Satnrrla\· ttr-rnoon Paul OH'r lhf>ir pcrC'entage a keek ngo. The 1 lit·. anotlwr Hrominent nwmher or' numbet" of .. sold to date js ar)· l'rPshman who wa1:1 with proximate!) hundred and L\\enty- j was al!-lo sPv.-rely injured and r Olllf' \•·a,. not rx.pected to ,\\'hen the 11t:tition \\as put before Jlow•·H·r, his c·o:irlition im· farulty askfog them to resC'ind their I 11,.!; and attendfng physicians ha \"e nega1h·e dech:;ion in regard to t.he an·' that ht> will recover nual au estimate ,.,_·as made of the Th<•Y wrr•· hit by a tSJ){'dal fr(;'ight number of books that rould be sold . Jin while staud.ng on thf' >iorthern One Jrnndred and ninety ''as lhe esti j it11 rlght of Y.ay near Gordon last mated number Already this number i After the acC'i· has l>een passNi and as y t. no effort I t th<.•) \\'Pre rushe1i to the llt•a<'cm· has he::-n made to serure subscriptions in Boze-man. 'fortl;i was 1 from alumni members of the i nslitu· 1 nd to have 0 shattered lelt leg, a lion. "·hen an. organized effort is put I 1 rolit·n lt>fl arm. bad cuts and forth in lhis direction the total sales i; CJUt th'' hl--.ad and rhest and bruises. will doubtles!:i be almost double that I 1p11ost>rl to be intt'rnal. sho"1ng on of the first estimate. 1£xpnn eu1 BOZEMAN FRIDAY. 14. 1919. Results of MONTANAN SALES CAMPAIGN Th is list inc·luded a ll who had paid thPir dollar for Annuals before noon Thursda)• Ora gan iz a t ions FRAT E RNITIES Alp ha Om icron Pi Ph i Ga mma Sig ma Chi Omega Be ta Kappa Nu Theta Xi CLASSES Jun io rs Sophomores Senior!=: F'reshmen. Ha mi lton Hall Faculty .. 18 30 26 z .D 0 E ·- " c z.:: 38 56 136 68 100 16 19 3S 50 37 - 0 .c f " E 0.. :< 100 100 100 JOO 100. 100 62.:) G0.3 39 . So l icito r Mar y Millegan F rances KYie Joe Bu sh .. Ray Pitts Jo hn Tyl er \' era Harris ASSEMBLY TALKS OF S OLDI ERS WILL MEN'S CLUB ROOMS RECEIVE BONUS FROM UNCLE SAM Ba r racks 8 Considered as Likely Lo- cat ion fo r New Club Room fo r all 1 Co ll ege Men. Hea t ed "D isc uss ion in Reg a .-d to New Cl ub . I Men Who Se.-ved in Any Branc h of t he I Ou f'rlday morning, }larch 7, a 1 men':; assembly was lleld in the as·• ::>ernbly room ot l1ontana Hall. Military Se r vice of t he Unit ed St ates Will Receive Bonus of $60 upon Ap- p lica tion to 7.o ne F inance Office rs. Studuns 01 ;\lo· 1tana State wbr> and expla.i ned that the puri)ose or the sPn .... t.1 In thtl military forces uf thl· I a_ssembly was to talk O\'er the ques- ! rniled will be greatly pleased uon or a dub room for college men., to hear tha 1 the war department Afte1· llOintiug out the rarious benefits takC'll st('p:- to relie\·e titeir present of sUC'it a room the President stated state or post·b limn impeC'uniosity that the qu estion timtll) resoh·ed itself E\·ery man who !:len·cu in the army, into four main points- "First:· said na\'y or mari11(' <.·orps, or the s. A. 'I' President Hamilton, "Shall we ha\·e IC. during- the ,,·ar. will be A"h-eu U- it S cond, 'Where shall we ha\"e i t'?. bonub or $60. ln order reC'ehe this Third , \\'hat equipment will be need· bonus it will hr necessary for each ed? and fom tb. bow will it bt' man· man to wr.lle LO the Zone Fi.1ance of Hamilton took the floor I aged?" j firer, LPmon building, \\·ashi ngton. D. General rernarhb \\ere called for, C .. and gi\'c the following information: . 1 and the responded. Da.\ is ' Hls military history, inrluding elate of starled the discussion by enlargrng I enl istment, transfers. etc.; and the 1 upon the need of such a club to keep · to which the- cheC'k $hould be' the students occupied during \·arant sent. man muRt send hi:s dis· I hours . be t ween classes. Taylor aod charge c:ertifkate or order of dis- followed with remarks that ! charge. The text of tht.> memora:idum backed the opi11 iong of Davb. Then follows: Stark took the floor. After remarking \\Tushiugton. l>. C. "' bal'k. Hf' was coni:cious during The two lov.er <'lasses ha\·c gh·en Total number of boo ks sold , ap pr oxi mat e ly ....... thaL the fir-st three speak.en; were all' February :!f 1 , r> anernoNt and night and was able their i>rompt and hearty suppott to I _____ ___ _ from the front row or seats, "Jedge": Commanding G<'ncral, rt'< og:lize his mother. but being in the campaign is e'ridenced by tJ1eir t All Juniors become su bscribers on payment or their class dues. ; suggested in torcefut terms lhat the Central Department, weakened condition. having re· showing iu tht· list. Th senlors. j ! students show more pep. and either\ Chicago. Illinois: w·n·d from "'carlet le\·er. he <'OUid while havj.ng a P<'r cent of Dues are being collectecl j pro\·e unanimously in In order that 1-IOti or the 1 stand ihe shO<'k and qe l)assed their number snhscribed tllan the I fa\·or ot the idea. or vote it down. lt Revenue Acl of 1918, apro\·ed Feb. 31, u;ay at 4:15 o'rlock Sunday morning. frC'shmen ban• not the per cent that could l.Je seen by thb; time that the may be plac:ed in immediate ef- ThP two bClyS left Bozeman Saturday it was expected lhey would take . Slaff p d c 11 c · ,. ar gument was growing heateJ, u.nu I feet. you are informed as fo ll ows: on a littlP I members naturall.\" 1nesumed that as.- ropose 0 ege I u b when. Zales asked the practical . .. "That a ll persons ser h.\rng c·onclnded the da}s hJ>Olt,\\ere. cbe book ,,aB for 1he ::;euior class they question. ""here would be the most mg m the military or naYal forces or tur;iinEt" 11 .ome along the railroad would Oe tht> first class to the H M Ad J suitable place tor such a club .. many the United States during the prese.:.it ack. It IS thought that they saw high ... as an-v vantages ideas .!_:Xistence. W<lr who ha,·e Apr il 6, 1917, re- l eastbound c•oming dO\'Yn the, · J I · 1 r d ·.1e·k and stepped O\'er onto the other Uusiness .. Manager Mtc11et announces J acoby ad,·a.nc·ed the suggestion 1 !'\J?;ncc 01· )ecomt.• disc h arged uu er ·k \\'hi .. . .. f that the campaign will be contin u ed I that the preseul engineering library rase of "'11t le or until noon of Thursday, Marrh 20., By Prof. E. A.. Du dd y. 1 be co11\"erted into a sort of lounging resen1sts. on du ty), -t--r tn pass. a Slle<'tal freight tram. After thal time one dollar and a half room, where men ot' the college could or who at any tune hereafter t but not bound. the curvP a few I , will be required as payment on As a at the men 's ossemb- of the i ndividual; which subordinates go bel\\een C'lasses for a smoke or later thnu the cerminatio:i of the cur· yards and bore do.wn I the book the bala n ce of two dollars ly last week, 1 hear t he di scu ssion of everylhfng to the welfare of the col· quiet chat. President Hamilton stated rent enlistment or term of servic·e) in them. The the passrng being made near lhe ti me of deli very. the propos ition to estab li sh a co ll ege L ege as a whole. I in drast ic terms- that while he was in,. the case uf the cnl'.st:<1 personnel and riin all warmng of the Student:; wishing to take ad\'antage of cl ub ror me n. It is tr ue t hat the meet· The examples of other colleges I office, no college librarv would eYer fema le nurs s or w1thm one year a[ter th.e two re· the pric:e of t.hree dollars shou ld the r e-Jing \"Oted to declare i tse lt in fa\·or sho uld be a gu ide to uS in this matter. I be used foT a smoke house. Jat .:oby . the ot the war in ·;a med u_nconscwus ot. their danger. fore see th at their first payment is or su ch a cluh and to accept. the . . . stated that no studying wa& e\·en done I the case ot otf1C"ers. may resign or be . ortin \\as standing m the ('enter mado hefore noon of nexs. Thursday. I bounty of the college autho riti es tn older easte r n .111stl t u t1ous, especi- in , the anyway, and thought disch·ffgetl under ho:-iorable rondi the lraC"k and when the hit Al umn i members v. ill not be charged I furn ishi ng a lo('al h ab itation a n d a ll al l). the sma ll er hberal ans coll eges,\ th at the room as well be made tlo-a;, e. ball be paid in addition to all , .n:, he th1r:y feet. the extra fifty <.·e1; •s until aftel' the I that goes wi th it, but the ac t ion was, have a much greater advan tage over (Continued 0n Page Four) oti.H "f •. rnounts due them in pursuance "'ho was standiJg a ht t le to , . . af t er all, only h a1f-hearled, and il did a college like o ur s in closer organiza· Id IE ,. $60.00 each. This amount P was thr0\\'11 about twenty\ do. e or <t c ampaisrn among them. not seem to me that the me n realized tion, greate r unity of pu rpose in st.tdy Ltn.t not be paid "' onto a pile 01 rocks. It ts co 1 the true importan<'e of such an organ- and In ideals, and . therefore in TOURNAMENT IS (1) To any persons who though <lered miraC'u)ous that they were lll't 1 izatio 11 . Jf the Edi tor will gi\·e u 1>j stron ge r college spi rit. B ut C\en appointed or inducted into the rnili- i- !led instantly. TWENTY TWO WILL , his space J will ind icate what t con· th ese colleges h;n·e fo un d it n e<·essary I tary or nan1l fo1Tes on or prior to Claren<'e w.as born in this I h I sider to be rht c hi ef benefit of such to t e promotion ot' college spir it to POSTPONED UNT IL ':\'o\'ember 1 lth. l!llS. had not rr . .January · moo. Besides h is a C'lub. provide some meaus or getti ng t he/ l 11ortect for duty at his on or other, Annie Bessey. there are J PARTICIPATE IN ' Dis1,ensing on<.·e an d for a ll w ith the who le st ude nt body, or a reJHdsen ta- I prior to sut'h date. or ' .... immediate Mortin spent J EN o quest ion of ha\" i ng a m ere ·•smok th e propor tion of it together by means o F QUARTER (:!) To a:iy per:-;on who ha:; al· •:-t freshma·1 yPar In tiJe Pa r k t.•ouuty EXTEMP CONTEST I house .. " l til i uk the priuc i pal gai n of a coll ege club or union. Nor h as ready re<'eil"ecl one month 's μay un d er .g-h srhooJ. but the following ypar 1 which will accrue to the college by the presence of fratern iti es in these I the pro\·isions of Section H or the Act me to Bozeman and entered the Ga l- 1 I •. tin <'Ounty high SC'hool. from wh ich: I ha\'ing such a rlcb will be a better I co Iegegs operated LO delay the organ- entitled· An a<·t to authorize the presi- J" last s [n hi h __ 1 . spi rir. .\1"ot that co ll ege izatio n of such a un ion. ln one sma ll March 26 _ 29 are t he Dat es Set for the I dent to temporarily the !-' hool he was in !u . sp1r1t at present delunct, far froru coll ege O( four hundred stude n ts I Tour n ey ,- Postponed on AcC"o unt of tan-· of the ynncd 1 1 Pr ofessor Duddy gi ves Name s of Those I ii , bu t 1L could be better. Speak i ng as who are m nety-l"i\'e pe r cent frater- . . States apJH'O\"ed :\fay 18th, Hll •. or ·;tnches oC ath letics heiug- a memher Ch t C t . S k' 1 He alth Cond 1t 1ons. \ , . . 4 .,. rhe champion football squad of l!) l 'j os en . _ 0 ompe e in pea mg a fratern i ty member myse l f, l know I a st r ong college un i on (:) To any person who ti; enti tl ed , !ld lhe basketball team whirh won the and W ri t in g Co ntests. the comfort of the exclush•e arm·C'hair is malntamed at the expense of the to re\irecl pay. or t-;;atf' tourname:it last HC' _ before t he fire {to say nothing of the stude n ts. At, Han·ard . where the On the \Ole o[ the c·ontcndin ... l.li;;h Cl) To the )l('irs or Jegal repre- 1 r l\'"airy of piano cor n et oncl " ro u ;-h stude nt body is as badly spht up mto I ..,, senta1hcs of any person entitled lo prf'sidl•nt o1 his f'las:;; in his sen S111ce tilt.'" tou1nament has been post- house .. un de r th'e same root.) and I clubs and fratern ities as at any col · schoo ls tl,1e tournamf'nt will hp post· any payme.n under thi8 section who r J>One<i the speaking a:id essay contests know tbat parl or the l nd 1f1e1·euce of I 1ege tn the a very fine college pont>d i Ile to liege ha Ye has clied or die before rP(•eiviug Since his entra1we into c·ollege last will alse he held at a latte-1 date. The the college men to a <'Ollege dub is u111011 ex ists. anll too, is su111101 ted set 26 to '.!'l as tile_ most sud1 paymr>nt. 1 as a membpr of the S .• \. T. C. be state essay writhing contest will be clue to the fan that most of them hv its members. 1 his date. <·omlng uume<l1ately 1n tht.· t·ase ot nny \\110 suh a..; made himselt' rrspP<·ted by all \\ho held Friday, Marrh All the t·Om· b f f . . I . S I I ll I. I 1 after the tbnl examinations of tlw fir:-;t tn from the servit·P l •1f'\\ him. In hi.s deat h the freshmen 1>eti 11" Assa)·s f1·0111 o\·e1· tl1 •.tat• l1a,·e are mem ers o ratern1ties, and t iat ure Y t 1en. our co ege, \\lit' 1 ias I quarter will nahlp the tournamt>nt to ti I d I d """"- ... .- rhe fraternily furnishes all the neceA-' sh are of group organ i zations and be h"ld \\1'1ho11t ,·11t1>1·fe1··1110 ''1111 "Oi· as abo,·e specifiNI has been appointe1l ll'OUrn le oss 01 a ear c assmate an 1 been in the hands of lhe English de- h I 1 ... ,_, ... or indut·tr>d into the mililarr or na\"al crood student. and the body :>artment si nce last week. Prof. E. A. i:;ar.r C'iub room faciliLies for them: 'w ere tie slue ent body is dh·ided so work -o ce r the Unite I States and mourns the loss of a loyal Duddl' no l . I Th Y do not to create another sharply along \'Q<'ational lines, should DClzeman he:.ilth offil..'ials made no I bl e1e.11 1·._, aua1·11 ".·•.-t1>·,11·ated. lrom · w .. nnounces t te WltltH•rs w 10 01ganization whi <'h will duplicate this feel a real need for a college union. " '"'"' seniC'.es .,,.ill come to Uozeman. They are: Ol· 1 senic•c and create additional expense. The experience or the of all shoull: ..:erd< f' a" abo\"e spedfiPd, only one '\t .. re held at the E11isco11al churrh at 'Z"il \Veydemeyer o1 Enrel<a, Cha rl es But fraternity s1>ir it is not college such organ izations has been that "lfs io . ow \·er. m Y!ew n payme:il of .. tio.uo be math. h ol' nee- L d"" G Id 11 the: rxisting health l'lllHlitit.ns the {'O! The above amount. in the cnsp of f' o'c·Jock 1'Ul"··day arlernoon. with , . . . r .. C'rn, :spirit. and the c:ouclitions whkb a1;e :dways lair weather. wben good fel- thou,ght it llP!-il 10 safe :...uanl tilt· (Continued on Pagp 4.1 of (. lendne. GladyJ.: D.n1s or r:n·orable to the growth of good fra- ,\'s get togethe"."' •:mJ the ··t:<;yeryone lv·a'•h of the hic'h sC'hool \'isitors separatifln from thC' serdccoro11 prior \\'orclen '.\Carguerite of Boze- te111ity spirit, are not alwa\·s t:1i.: l'Oll· is a good relic\\' when you get 10 know I1oz£>1nan 11hy::ddan!' ha\·e as:;ure-d the tt) lht' of this ac-t shnll man. Alta. Cohoe of Chouteau, Gladys ditions \\ hic·h promote the. growth of him.. The begi11niug8 of our own tlwt in two week:- tllt.· e\isting- as soon as Jll'adi<'allv atl<.'r tht- :: .... U t: U •• •t t: .. ::. :: Cla<lclen ot :\lissonlil. )Jahellt• :\ lohrhc>rr collepe s1>1·1·tr. ·r11e . - . c.ru,rnb;ation mai· Ue modest. but if I 1co11t1nued ou Pae.c. I l •• •• •• •• •• •• • of li'airdew aud Ali<·e \\'hilt! of Kai- o lratermty IS a. o , epiclPmiC' will bi? well lncler t'ontrol ! ·:. N OTICE ;! small tht> members or whic h \•.e get behind h \\ it h the true wC'stern and ii \\ill be perf<•c·tly safe to hold the ... •• •• •• .- •• ••• -. •• ••• •• :.· - Jre intel'('Sted in ea<'h other. spiril. it will and go big. tournament. o :: •• " - T.hC' <'iiminatinn nmteMs in !I Each g1 oup .seemi-; ah!'\orbed in its own U :! Thf'J following organi1.atious : Pxtemponrneous all rnrticular inte r e8ts without much re· NOTICE- ENGINEER S The tournamPnl l'ontmilll'L· T .ACK MEETING :: ... \\ill ha\e lheir J>ictures taken t: been helrt and thirteen ferenc·c to the interests of an\' other ull of the ehosf'n asking I •• t I ti :\l t S d i\ f I have be n pi<'ked for the state co;ltesn. The sp i rit of t he On \\'eclneKda)· l !l nl 11 A. them if they would t>reter the c·anc•pJ. l o.lt I• lh·anion \\ t..,he;-; ;.ill ntt·n :: lt' , on anan. un ay i arc· 1 : t? he IH•lrl on 'Atllr<lay. ?\ f arr h :?!lth Is to a degree exelush•e. If the mem- ) I.. :.\J r. Redman of the \\'estinghouse lat ion or the tourne) to the poKtpon- ;111n·ristPd in trac·k to report :: U C ft' Cl b t•) 'N r \l ... 1 ht'Y are: Cyril Cullen M \\ 'iba11x. l take part in largC'r college Electrk Cornpanv. \\ill malrn a talk ing: of it for two weeks All of th<' cla, allf·rnoun !01· .1 c·ontl•renrc. U 1! Xi I :;l,; I.> '.\I : Lylt• \\'ood of Emily _Howd of a«thities, th""'.· clo "o largel.1 for 1he before t h e Elecu."i<' t'lnh. hi!-{h 1'('hools favort->d J)Ostponemem C''X· hi.., I!" he firs1 1·ali for trac·k :: H It D h B 1 GI 1 ... "' I t'€'JH Cirt>at Falls. Gre<lt Falls has been Phi t·psilor 1 Omicron , I :rn I'. )IL :: ami on. orc.:t Y ,. mer 01 nse;ow. I great r glon· of the fratern i There will be l !: leC'tricit\· in Shipbuilliing, )fr an i nitaticm to altend and their ! mat .... rhll rids and a :i Alice ?'eill of Butte . .Jack Stone of : . . . . . I . l b r :: t: Girls" Literary Sodety, 2 HO P. :-: 1s nothmg essenti::illv reprehen!:.1hle tn rledman comes under the auspire. s of will the selP<'ting ;-: tl"1tl wrn on thp num er o ,. '.\I ::. :\rb;souln , LP\\ is \ "ans of Helena. E?· all th ls; on the wl10.le the tntal rffect' th Student Brnn<'h of the American , l. men th.t 1 1·omt- "nt the ::: ., Se condary S tuden ts ·.1 ward Hedfield c·f \lanbatt'lll i\lajor1e ,.r anothel' team. It is exi1ecteJ lhat .. ,·1•-1·1'1• 11•. I i". 1·11 tl11· •. <·11001 this :t - < seems to be I nstitute or Ele<·1rkal .• \. 11 thE'Y will nttent.1, howe\·er. \\lien thl·Y : ... " _, '"' :: Sel·ond Year, 2 31l P )l. .. C'rC'sapt' 01 Lloyd C'1trlto n Ccllege is. 110t e lt or the or mambers Len.ant> awn re of 1he tact that all of ,. :tr :i a · 1 inr, tracl• team :t F'irst Pear, 2:4'.1 p •• is the resuit or the. Jof the who :uc int('reslld arc the nthl'r tam" haH· to post I -1 1 11d 1 •ut a·id in pradiC'c n Failure to h aY(' plt.-tnrcs :: ;stown. and Arno Albrecht of Great or a re lath·e lr Jn1ger group than the i nvited. puiw tht-> tourney. •: oou. :. "t al mC'..,ls can probably U - taken at gin.>n lirut:.> ma: t! ·ratern i ty; of a lei:;s seleet group, but T iu· \li:slting hip;h leams re- :.it ... .vith 0 : 11 ·r :-o<'hools. :.:. ·· lea,ing them out c · .. Falls. '.me which C'Ommon idc1 ls and :1rc·sPrt lhf' t·rf'am of 1be baskNb:ill :i " l 0 1 fori1·· 1 ate in hining U :; t11c annuaJJ so a!! of ... purposPs. Tbr iriea l of co ll ege S'p lrit Grace t·onflned .. ! t!l:-ought.:ut the- r·uus- :o. i, f ohl t <'k men back. :: :: thf'SP should ... "J''1<" T' .._H:J '.1 t•aternit' ann<:?111cr ·.., not in1er Nn of the members one to h('r home at Han1i1ton Hall for the !...cci.I marerlnl h:is been de,-elor· i:-. mm·h i .-omising runt· it ,. ii a pC'-int co be in tinl<." !:: \It:.:. \\"11.la·th. A. Atk inson. aud I in ano t her. hut de\'Otio n to nn i nstitu· pos t da\·s with a spntiued knee .... J <luring the season and as m:rny sur- <.• L: tht :: :; ::- .\1rs. F'. s. Cooler as their n ew putron· lion. Jt I !-: de \·otion of the k in d which .\Il ss X utti ug was skiing lbe a<'· I are expected this year as ever tt .. :: :: :: :: n :: u :i :: :t u i: :: es?>0:'1. the peisonal likes 01' dis likes! <' i <lPnl OCC'llTe d. I (ContinuPd on Page "') t!- tt i: t: ;: :: i: :t :t r. t: :: :: •• ::

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R. R. ACCIDENT (. arence Mortin, Prcminent Member

of the Freshman Class, Dies as a

After That Time a Price of T h ree Dollars and a Half Will Be Charged I For All Books

Result of Injuries in Railroad Acci- Two more f i.ltl·rnities. Onw~a Beta

dent. Pau~ Wylie. also of the Fresh· and Kappa ;..:11 nacht:cl Lhe one

man Class, is Expected to Live.E hundred pc·r t•f+nt mark \~ itbht tbe

1 past week in thP junior :\lontanau

campaJgn_ ln the classes. the ~oph-1

, .. larenN· '.\Jortin. r_,nc r>! tilt' ruol'.t omoret; still bf'nrl the list with h!J.31

• r r 'n '" '''r- I: 1 )l'Pt hh; per t.·ent ot their total m mlwrship

, th A" thP rr~111t of a railroad ar.·f"i.• sub:n·rihel. a gain of nine per cent 1 • nt !~st Satnrrla\· ttr-rnoon Paul OH'r lhf>ir pcrC'entage a keek ngo. The 1

~ lit·. anotlwr Hrominent nwmher or' numbet" of ho0k~ .. sold to date js ar)·

l'rPshman r·Jas~. who wa1:1 with proximate!) l~\O hundred and L\\enty- j

~·ortin. was al!-lo sPv.-rely injured and tin.~.

r Olllf' da~s \•·a,. not rx.pected to ,\\'hen the 11t:tition \\as put before th~

Jlow•·H·r, his c·o:irlition i~ im· farulty askfog them to resC'ind their I

11,.!; and attendfng physicians ha \"e nega1h·e dech:;ion in regard to t.he an·'

• p•~~ that ht> will recover nual au estimate ,.,_·as made of the

Th<•Y wrr•· hit by a tSJ){'dal fr(;'ight number of books that rould be sold .

Jin while staud.ng on thf' >iorthern One Jrnndred and ninety ''as lhe esti j it11 rlght of Y.ay near Gordon last mated number Already this number i

After the acC'i· has l>een passNi and as y t. no effort I t th<.•) \\'Pre rushe1i to the llt•a<'cm· has he::-n made to serure subscriptions

~" ho~pilaJ in Boze-man. 'fortl;i was 1

from alumni members of the inslitu· 1

nd to have 0 shattered lelt leg, a lion. "·hen an. organized effort is put I 1 rolit·n lt>fl arm. bad cuts and briu~es forth in lhis direction the total sales

i; CJUt th'' hl--.ad and rhest and bruises. will doubtles!:i be almost double that I 1p11ost>rl to be intt'rnal. sho"1ng on of the first estimate.

1£xpnneu1 BOZEMAN ~WNTANA, FRIDAY. ~!ARCH 14. 1919.

Results of


T h is list inc·luded a ll who had paid thPir dollar for Annuals before

noon Thursda)•

Oragan iza t ions


Alpha Om icron P i

Ph i Ga mma

Sig m a Chi

Ome ga Beta

Kappa Nu

Theta Xi


Jun io rs




Ha mi lton Hall

Faculty ..




z ~ .D 0 E ·-" c z.::

38 3~










-.~ 0 .c ~ f ~ ~ " E ~ ~ 0.. :< 100











39 .


Mary Millegan

F rances KYie

J oe Bush

.. Ray P itts

J ohn Tyl e r

\'era Harris


FROM UNCLE SAM Ba rracks 8 Considered as Like ly Lo­cat ion fo r New Clu b Room fo r all 1

Coll ege Me n. Hea ted "D isc uss ion in

Reg a .-d to New Cl ub. I Men W ho Se.-ved in Any Branc h of t he

I Ou f'rlday morning, }larch 7, a 1

men':; assembly was lleld in the as·•

::>ernbly room ot l1ontana Hall.

Military Se rvice of t he Uni ted States Will Receive Bonus of $60 upo n Ap­

plica t ion to 7.o ne F inance Office rs.

Studuns 01 ;\lo·1tana State wbr>

and expla.ined that the puri)ose or the sPn .... t.1 In thtl military forces uf thl·

I a_ssembly was to talk O\'er the ques- ! rniled ~tales will be greatly pleased

uon or a dub room for college men., to hear tha1 the war department ha~

Afte1· llOintiug out the rarious benefits takC'll st('p:- to relie\·e titeir present

of sUC'it a room the President stated state or post·b limn impeC'uniosity

that the question timtll) resoh·ed itself E\·ery man who !:len·cu in the army,

into four main points- "First:· said na\'y or mari11(' <.·orps, or the s. A. 'I'

President Hamilton, "Shall we ha\·e IC. during- the ,,·ar. will be A"h-eu U­

it S cond, 'Where shall we ha\"e it'?. bonub or $60. ln order t~ reC'ehe this

Third , \\'hat equipment will be need· bonus it will hr necessary for each

ed? and fom tb. bow will it bt' man· man to wr.lle LO the Zone Fi.1ance of

Pre~ident Hamilton took the floor

I aged?" j firer, LPmon building, \\·ashington. D.

General rernarhb \\ere called for, C .. and gi\'c the following information:


and the stud~nts responded. Da.\ is ' Hls military history, inrluding elate of

starled the discussion by enlargrng I enlistment, transfers. etc.; and the

1 upon the need of such a club to keep · addres~ to which the- cheC'k $hould be'

the students occupied during \·arant sent. l~ach man muRt send hi:s dis·

I hours . be t ween classes. Taylor aod charge c:ertifkate or order of dis­

Grfwe~ followed with remarks that ! charge. The text of tht.> memora:idum

backed the opi11 iong of Davb. Then follows:

Stark took the floor. After remarking \\Tushiugton. l>. C.

"' bal'k. Hf' was coni:cious during The two lov.er <'lasses ha\·c gh·en T otal number of boo ks sold, a p prox imate ly ....... 2~3 thaL the fir-st three speak.en; were all' February :!f1 , l!IJ~t

r> anernoNt and night and was able their i>rompt and hearty suppott to I _____ ___ _ from the front row or seats, "Jedge": Commanding G<'ncral,

rt'< og:lize his mother. but being in the campaign a~ is e'ridenced by tJ1eir t All Juniors become s ubscribers on payment or their class dues. ; suggested in torcefut terms lhat the Central Department,

weakened condition. having ju~t re· showing iu tht· list. Th senlors. j ! students show more pep. and either\ Chicago. Illinois:

w·n·d from "'carlet le\·er. he <'OUid while havj.ng a ~reater P<'r cent of Dues are being collectecl j pro\·e thernseh·e~ unanimously in In order that ~ection 1-IOti or the

•1 stand ihe shO<'k and qe l)assed their number snhscribed tllan the I fa\·or ot the idea. or vote it down. lt Revenue Acl of 1918, apro\·ed Feb. 31,

u;ay at 4:15 o'rlock Sunday morning. frC'shmen ban• not the per cent that could l.Je seen by thb; time that the 1~1!1 may be plac:ed in immediate ef-

ThP two bClyS left Bozeman Saturday it was expected lhey would take. Slaff p d c 11 c· ,. a rgument was growing heateJ, u.nu I feet. you are informed as fo llows:

·o~·.ning on a littlP fish.i~g tr~p ~nd I members naturall.\" 1nesumed that as.- ropose 0 ege I u b when. Zales ~cton asked the practical . P~ragraph ~ .. "That a ll persons ser

h.\rng c·onclnded the da}s hJ>Olt,\\ere. cbe book ,,aB for 1he ::;euior class they question. ""here would be the most mg m the military or naYal forces or

tur;iinEt" 11.ome along the railroad would Oe tht> first class to re~lc-11 the H M Ad J suitable place tor such a club .. many the United States during the prese.:.it

ack. It IS thought that they saw high ma~·k. ... as an-v vantages ideas Spra11&..,._int~ .!_:Xistence. W<lr who ha,·e ~inrP Apr il 6, 1917, re-

l eastbound c•oming dO\'Yn the, · J I · 1 r d

·.1e·k and stepped O\'er onto the other Uusiness .. Manager Mtc11et announces --~- J acoby ad,·a.nc·ed the suggestion 1

!'\J?;ncc 01· )ecomt.• discharged uu er

·k \\'hi .. . .. f that the campaign will be continued I that the preseul engineering library hc:inor~blt· c·ondilion~ ~or i~ rase of

"'11t le \\aitm~ or t~ie pass~n - until noon of Thursday, Marrh 20., By Prof. E. A.. Duddy.


be co11\"erted into a sort of lounging resen1sts. plac~d on rna~t1ve du ty),

-t--r tn pass. a Slle<'tal freight tram. After thal time one dollar and a half room, where men ot' the college could or who at any tune hereafter t but not

P~l bound. ro111~de<l the curvP a few I ,will be required as ~rst payment on As a ··~ i tter·in" at the men 's ossemb- of the individual; which subordinates go bel\\een C'lasses for a smoke or later thnu the cerminatio:i of the cur·

b:rndr~d yards dtsta~~ and bore do.wn I the book the bala nce of two dollars ly last week, 1 hear the d iscussion of everylhfng to the welfare of the col· quiet chat. President Hamilton stated rent enlistment or term of servic·e) in

·~n them. The non~e o~ the passrng being made near lhe t ime of deli very. the proposit ion to establish a college Lege as a whole. I in drast ic terms- that while he was in,. the case uf the cnl'.st:<1 personnel and

riin de~de:ied all warmng of the Student:; wishing to take ad\'antage of club ror men . It is t rue that the meet· T he examples of other colleges I office, no college librarv would eYer fema le nurs s or w1thm one year a[ter

Ft!lJ~roachmg da~ger a1~d th.e two re· the pric:e of t.hree dollars shou ld there-Jing \"Oted to declare i tse lt in fa\·or should be a gu ide to uS in this matter. I be used foT a smoke house. Jat.:oby . the termin~ti?~ ot the prese~t war in

·;a med u_nconscwus ot. their danger. fore see t hat their first payment is or such a cluh and to accept. the . . . stated that no studying wa& e\·en done I the case ot otf1C"ers. may resign or be

. ortin \\as standing m the ('enter mado hefore noon of nexs. Thursday. I bounty of the college a u t ho rities tn Th~ older easter n .111stl t u t1ous, especi- in , the librar~'. anyway, and thought d isch·ffgetl under ho:-iorable rondi

c~ the lraC"k and when the ~rain hit Alumn i members v. ill not be charged I furn ishing a lo('al h abitation a nd a ll a ll). the sma ller hberal ans coll eges,\ that the room mi~ht as well be made tlo-a;, e.ball be paid in addition to all

, .n:, he ~'·as t~1rown a~ut t h1r:y feet. the extra fifty <.·e1; •s until aftel' t he I that goes with it, but the ac t ion was, have a much greater advan tage over (Continued 0n Page Four) oti.H "f • . rnounts due them in pursuance

~lie. "'ho was standiJg a htt le to , ~ . • . after a ll , on ly ha1f-hearled, and il d id a college like ours in closer organiza· Id IE ,. $60.00 each. This amount

P ~ide, was thr0\\'11 about twenty\ do. e or <t c ampaisrn among them. not seem to me that the men realized tion, greater unity of purpose in st.tdy Ltn.t not be paid

"' onto a pile 01 rocks. It ts con· 1 • the true importan<'e of s uch an organ- and In ideals, and . therefore in TOURNAMENT IS (1) To any persons who though

~ <lered miraC'u)ous that they were lll't 1 izatio11 . Jf t he Edi to r will gi\·e u 1>j stronger college spirit. B ut C\en appointed or inducted into the rnili-

i- !led instantly. TWENTY TWO WILL , h is space J will ind icate what t con· th ese colleges h;n·e fo und it n e<·essary I tary or nan1l fo1Tes on or prior to

Claren<'e ~rortin w.as born in this I • h

I sider to be rht chief benefit of such to t e promotion ot' college spirit to POSTPONED UNTIL ':\'o\'ember 1 lth. l!llS. had not rr

·~~· . .January ~ · moo. Besides h is a C'lub. provide some meaus or getting the/ l 11ortect for duty at his ~talion on or

other, ~frs. Annie Bessey. there are J PARTICIPATE IN ' Dis1,ensing on<.·e and for a ll w ith the whole s tuden t body, or a reJHdsen ta- I prior to sut'h date. or

' .... immediate relati\'e~. Mortin spent J EN o question of ha\" ing a m ere ·•smoke· th e propor tion of it together by means o F QUARTER (:!) To a:iy per:-;on who ha:; al·

•:-t freshma·1 yPar In tiJe Pa r k t.•ouuty

EXTEMP CONTEST I house .. " l til iuk the priuc ipal gain of a coll ege club or union. Nor has ready re<'eil"ecl one month 's µay under

.g-h srhooJ. but the following ypar 1 which will accrue to the college by the presence of fratern ities in these I the pro\·isions of Section H or the Act

me to Bozeman and entered the Ga l-1

I ~ •. tin <'Ounty high SC'hool. from wh ich: I ha\'ing such a rlcb will be a better I co Iegegs operated LO delay the organ- entitled· An a<·t to authorize the presi-

J" ~ntduaterl last s lrin~. [n hi h __ 1 co~l~ge . spirir. .\1"ot that college ization of such a un ion. ln o ne small March 26_29 a re t he Dates Set for t he I dent to inrr~asc temporarily the 1~ ili ·

!-' hool he was Jr~mineut in !u . sp1r1t at present t~ delunct, far froru college O( a~out four hundred studen ts I T ourney,- Pos t poned on AcC"oun t of tan-· .~~tabltshuwnt of the ynncd 1 1 Professor Duddy gi ves Names of Thos e I ii , bu t 1L could be better. Speak ing as who are m nety-l"i\'e per cent frater- . . States apJH'O\"ed :\fay 18th, Hll •. or

·;tnches oC ath letics heiug- a memher Ch t C t . S k ' 1 H ealth Cond 1t 1ons. \ , . .

4.,. rhe champion football squad of l!) l 'j ose n . _0 ompe e in pea mg a fratern ity member myself, l know I ~1 it y mem~ers, a st rong college un ion (:) To any person w h o ti; enti tled

, !ld lhe basketball team whirh won the and W ri t ing Contests. the comfort of t he exclush•e arm·C'hair is malntamed at the expense of the to re\irecl pay. or

t-;;atf' tourname:it last apriu~. HC' wa~ _ before the fire {to say nothing of the students. At, Han·ard . where the On the \Ole o[ the c·ontcndin ... l.li;;h Cl) To the )l('irs or Jegal repre-


r l\'"airy of piano corn et oncl " rou;-h student body is as badly spht up mto I ..,, senta1hcs of any person entitled lo

·J~o prf'sidl•nt o1 his f'las:;; in his sen S111ce tilt.'" tou1nament has been post- house .. unde r th'e same root.) and I clubs and fratern it ies as at any col· schools tl,1e tournamf'nt will hp post· any payme.n under thi8 section who

i~ r ~·e<.1r. J>One<i the speaking a:id essay contests know tbat parl or the lnd1f1e1·euce of I 1ege tn t h e counlr~, a very fine college pont>d i Ile to liege anthorilit!~ ha Ye has clied or m~lY die before rP(•eiviug

Since his entra1we into c·ollege last will alse he held at a latte-1 date. The the college men to a <'Ollege dub is u111011 exists. anll tht~ too, is su111101 ted set :\(ar~h. 26 to '.!'l as tile_ most ~1keh sud1 paymr>nt.

1 as a membpr of the S .• \ . T. C. be state essay writhing contest will be clue to the fan that most of them hv its members. cl~te. 1 his date. <·omlng uume<l1ately 1n tht.· t·ase ot nny per~on \\110 suh

a..; made himselt' rrspP<·ted by all \\ho held Friday, Marrh ~~. All the t·Om· b f f . . I . S I I ll I. I 1 after the tbnl examinations of tlw fir:-;t ~equent tn ~wpotr·1tion from the servit·P

l •1f'\\ him. In hi.s deat h the freshmen 1>eti11" Assa)·s f1·0111 o\·e1· tl1 •.tat• l1a,·e are mem ers o ratern1ties, and t iat ure Y t 1en. our co ege, \\lit' 1 ias I quarter will nahlp the tournamt>nt to

ti I d I d """"- ... .- rhe fraternily furnishes all the neceA-' it::~ share of group organizations and be h"ld \\1'1ho11t ,·11t1>1·fe1··1110 ''1111 "Oi· as abo,·e specifiNI has been appointe1l

ll'OUrn le oss 01 a ear c assmate an 1

been in the hands of lhe English de- h I 1 ... ~ ,_, ... or indut·tr>d into the m ililarr or na\"al

crood student. and the ~tudent body :>artment s ince last week. Prof. E. A. i:;ar.r C'iub room faciliLies for them: ' w ere tie slue ent body is dh·ided so le~e work -o ce r the Unite I States and hn~

~e:ieral mourns the loss of a loyal Duddl' no • l . I Th Y do not wi~h to create another sharply along \'Q<'ational lines, should DClzeman he:.ilth offil..'ials made no I bl e1e.11 soi~ 1·._, aua1·11 ".·•.-t1>·,11·ated. lrom t;1~ · w .. nnounces t te WltltH•rs w 10 01ganization wh i<'h will duplicate this feel a real need for a college union. " ~ '"'"'

~.;.:~~n~:d '.\~o~::~.:t~~~::;.al seniC'.es .,,.ill come to Uozeman. They are: Ol· 1 senic•c and create additional expense. The experience or the member~ of all ~:n:~:~l t~:~ th!~ to;n·nan~ent. shoull: ..:erd< f' a" abo\"e spedfiPd, only one

'\t .. re held at the E11isco11al churrh at 'Z"il \Veydemeyer o1 Enrel<a, Cha rles But fraternity s1>ir i t is not college such organ izations has been that "lfs ~· io . ow \·er. m Y!ew n payme:il of .. tio.uo ~hall be math.

~<'h11n h ol' nee- L d"" G Id 11 the: rxisting health l'lllHlitit.ns the {'O! The above amount. in the cnsp of

f' o'c·Jock 1'Ul"··day arlernoon. with • , . . . r (~-~e .. C'rn, "~age:i :spirit. and the c:ouclitions whkb a1;e :dways lair weather. wben good fel- le~e thou,ght it llP!-il 10 safe :...uanl tilt·

(Continued on Pagp 4.1 of ( . lendne. GladyJ.: no~e D.n1s or r:n·orable to the growth of good fra- ,\'s get togethe"."' •:mJ the ··t:<;yeryone lv·a'•h of the hic'h sC'hool \'isitors separatifln from thC' serdccoro11 prior

\\'orclen '.\Carguerite Daniel~ of Boze- te111ity spirit, are not alwa\·s t:1i.: l'Oll· is a good relic\\' when you get 10 know I1oz£>1nan 11hy::ddan!' ha\·e as:;ure-d the tt) lht' pussa~<· of this ac-t shnll lJl'l:;:~i: man. Alta. Cohoe of Chouteau, Gladys ditions \\ hic·h promote the. growth of him.. The begi11niug8 of our own co1JP~r> tlwt in two week:- tllt.· e\isting- as soon as Jll'adi<'allv atl<.'r tht-

:: .... U t: U •• •t t: .. ::. :: Cla<lclen ot :\lissonlil. )Jahellt• :\ lohrhc>rr collepe s1>1·1·tr. ·r11e . - . c.ru,rnb;ation mai· Ue modest. but if I 1co11t1nued ou Pae.c. I l •• •• •• •• •• •• • • of li'airdew aud Ali<·e \\'hilt! of Kai- o lratermty IS a. o , epiclPmiC' will bi? well lncler t'ontrol

!·:. N OTICE ;! small ~roup tht> members or which \•.e get behind h \\ ith t he true wC'stern and ii \\ill be perf<•c·tly safe to hold the ... •• •• •• .-• • ••• -. • •• • •••• •• :.·

- i~rt;)l\. Jre inten~elY intel'('Sted in ea<'h other. spiril. it will ~o. and go b ig. tournament. o :: • • " -

T.hC' dh~trict <'iiminatinn nmteMs in !I Each g1 oup .seemi-; ah!'\orbed in its own U

:! Thf'J following organi1.atious : Pxtemponrneous ~peaking han~ all rnrticular inter e8ts without much re· NOTICE- ENGINEER S The tournamPnl l'ontmilll'L· wir~d T .ACK MEETING ::

... \\ill ha\e lheir J>ictures taken t: been helrt and thirteen conte~tants ferenc·c to the interests of an\' other ull of the ehosf'n t·onte~tants asking I ••

t I ti :\l t S d i\ f I have be n pi<'ked for the state co;ltesn. ~;roup. The spirit of the fn~ternitr On \\'eclneKda)· ~ l ar('h l !l nl 11 A. them if they would t>reter the c·anc•pJ. l o.lt I• lh·anion \\ t..,he;-; ;.ill ntt·n ::

:~ l~;h lt' , on anan. un ay i arc· 1 : t? he IH•lrl on 'Atllr<lay. ?\ farrh :?!lth Is to a degree exelush•e. If the mem- ) I.. :.\J r. Redman of the \\'estinghouse lat ion or the tourne) to the poKtpon- ;111n·ristPd in trac·k to report ~lon- ::

U C ft' Cl b t•) 'N r \l ... 1 ht'Y are: Cyril Cullen M \\'iba11x. l h~r~ take part in largC'r college Electrk Cornpanv. \\ill malrn a talk ing: of it for two weeks All of th<' -~ cla, allf·rnoun !01· .1 c·ontl•renrc. U

1! 'T'~et:e Xi ~o.ro;it.}·, I :;l,; I.> '.\I : Lylt• \\'ood of Terr~. Emily _Howd of a«thities, th""'.· clo "o largel.1 for 1he before t he Elecu."i<' t'lnh. Hl~ ~ubjef't hi!-{h 1'('hools favort->d J)Ostponemem C''X· hi.., I!" he firs1 1·ali for trac·k :: H It D h B 1 GI 1 ... "' I t'€'JH Cirt>at Falls. Gre<lt Falls has been

Phi t·psilor1 Omicron , I :rn I'. )IL :: ami on. orc.:t Y ,. mer 01 nse;ow. I great r glon· of the fratern iu· There will be l!: leC'tricit\· in Shipbuilliing, )fr ~ent an i nitaticm to altend and their ! mat .... rhll rids ~·l"ar and a ~rent :i Alice ?'eill of Butte . .Jack Stone of : . . . . . I . l b r ::

t: Girls" Literary Sodety, 2 HO P. :-: 1s nothmg essenti::illv reprehen!:.1h le tn rledman comes under the auspire. s of refu~nl will nere~sitate the selP<'ting ;-: tl"1tl d•~ wrn ~ on thp num er o

,. '.\I ::. :\rb;souln , LP\\ is \ "ans of H e le na. E?· all th ls; on t h e wl10.le the tntal rffect' th Student Brnn<'h o f the American , l. men th.t1 1·omt- "nt ,~:itli the :::

., Secondary Studen ts ·.1 ward Hedfield c·f \lanbatt'lll i\lajor1e ,.r anothel' team. It is exi1ecteJ lhat .. ,·1•-1·1'1• 11•. I i". 1·11 tl11· •. <·11001 this :t - • • • • < • seems to be ~ood. Institute or E le<·1rkal 1'~ngi11pers .• \. 11 thE'Y will nttent.1, howe\·er. \\lien thl·Y : ... " _, '"'

:: Sel·ond Year, 2 31l P )l. .. C'rC'sapt' 01 l.inng~ton, Lloyd C'1trlto n Ccllege ~nirit is. 110t exdu~h e l t ~tudents or the c·olle~e or mambers Len.ant> awn re of 1he tact that all of ,. :tr :i a · 1inr, ~ontI tracl• team :t

F'irst Pear, 2:4'.1 p ~l. •• ;.~ ul:~.i.iJ~;~he~·ine l-~~~:~k~:l.1:ia~~-e~.e~·~ is the resuit or the. clos~ as~oc i ~ tl on Jof the tacul~y who :uc int('reslld arc the nthl'r tam" haH· c·ho~en to post I -1 1 11d • 1•ut a·id in pradiC'c n

Failure to h aY(' the~e plt.-tnrcs : : ;stown. and Arno Albrecht of Great or a re lath·elr Jn1ger group than t h e invited. puiw tht-> tourney. •: oou. :. "t al mC'..,ls can probably U

- taken at th~ gin.>n lirut:.> ma: t! ·ratern ity; of a lei:;s seleet group, but T iu· \li:slting hip;h ~chool leams re- :.it ... .vith 0 : 11 ·r :-o<'hools. :.:.

· · m'rl~~sitate lea,ing them out c · .. Falls. '.me which ha~ C'Ommon idc1 ls and :1rc·sPrt lhf' t·rf'am of 1be baskNb:ill :i " l 0 1 fori1··1ate in hining U

:; t11c annuaJJ so a!! memb<.·r~ of ... purposPs. Tbr iriea l of college S'plr it Grace ~utlin~ hn~ hct~n t·onflned nw~t·r: .. ! t!l:-ought.:ut the- ~tate r·uus- :o. i, f ohl t <'k men back. ::

:: thf'SP organizaticn~ should 111~1kt- ... "J''1<" T' .._H:J '.1 t•aternit' ann<:?111cr ·.., not in1erNn of the members one to h('r home at Han1i1ton Hall for the 11~lly !...cci.I marerlnl h:is been de,-elor· i:-. mm·h i .-omising runt· it

, . ii a pC'-int co be tber~ in tinl<." !:: \It:.:. \\"11.la·th. :\11'~. A. Atkinson. aud I in another. hut de\'Otion to nn institu· pos t th re~ da\·s with a spntiued knee .... J <luring the season and as m:rny sur- <.• L: :irror:~ tht t·,,?~hmen ::

:; ::- .\1rs. F'. s. Cooler as their n ew putron· lion. Jt I!-: de \·otion of the k ind w h ich .\Ilss X uttiug was skiing ~·ht.?n lbe a<'· I prlH:·~ are expected this year as ever tt

,.~ .. :: :: :: :: n :: u :i :: :t u i: :: es?>0:'1. for~;et8 the peisonal likes 01' dis likes! <' i<lPnl OCC'llTed. I (ContinuPd on Page "') t!- tt i: t: ;: :: i : :t :t r. t: :: :: •• ::



I I : t j I



:-itud1 Aud af1rr 1 ~('l 011 the ca1 A ,young br ,Jt·~"TOOm, a ter the nell h C'h nay dCI I tnrn to ~t·t ro your ding wa C\ e. and t.he brides father THE WEEKLY EXPONENT

Howard's bou t had gone 10 b s cluh. began to searc;b

Th, Girl '\\"hy rtght In 1ront or eXC'lted y among he wedding ~ias. ESTABLISHED J ANUARY 1, 1910.

\OU on thP <·onu r o•i"ll s""t~ a caodl '\\"lla• arei ~ou Jooldn~ 1or. dear (0UtJ'rOWlh or llontbly Exr'Clneut. Esta1.Jllshed January 1. is~.-ton• a \"e } t:ke , .• ~ndy !-ilor1• ana - at:ked t 1e hride.

OFFICE-ROOM 1, REP U BLICAN-COURIER B UI LDING. wh1 n '' u 1ome out. you \\alk tno ''That $:i,11~111 c·beck 01 your fatb·

hie. k!< 1 4 \'1rl'ity Tron10 »rs, he n .•plied an:\.fou~I~ ··1 don't The \\'cekiy Expontnt is strictly n student enterprise. It's chief purpose. is to pre~ent lo Its reader!', each wet.:... an acC"urate and complete record or the developments .a college affairs d11ring that period and to exert its b!lu· enre for the upbuildin~ or .Montana Sute College. The paper is the result ot ,·oJuntnry effort put rorth by th srniJents who <·om110:-<e th e start. OPE::'\




Performed scicntificallv l.l!.C painlessly at lowest prices in


Thompson Dental Parlors

Golden Rule Block

GOLJ) cnoWNS $~.00

;'\atural Appearing Sets Teeth





11 J

tiee it an) where · "Poor 11alla

~aid th h1ide. ii ' ' Ex

s ~o nbscnt·mintled. Ht? lh h!s t·irj!a with

Dodging It "lluhh~ if I we-re to die \\trnltl you

marry again ·• 'That QUPSt1on

dear,'' .. \\.by not?"

Is hardly 1:1ir n1:r

Published every Friday of the C< llege year by a ~tatr c.-hoseu from tbe student~ of the :\lonrnna tate Colltge of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts, ot the l'nh·l'r:-<lty of :'\lontnna, Bozeman, :'11onta:rn.

Ac<t1 (llance for Maili;ig a t Special Rak ot' Postage provided for in SectiC'n 1103. Act ot October 3, 1~111. authorized b""ebrunry Ji, 1919

SUBSCRIPTION RATE "ff I were to si'l.y yes ) nu wouldn·t like it. and to say nc,·e1· as::-ain Two Dollars r-er Y ar Tea C:ents Per Copy

would n"t soum1 nic .. Pit tf:bu rg Sun IS ==t u=d=e=u=ts==b~='=·o=m=e==su=b="=c=r=ll='"=r=s ="=;1>;:;01;;1 =;==;l';:;:' ;:Y:=m=e=n=t ="=f =tl=1e==re~g~u=la=r~a~cl=i=n,,;"t;y ,,;f,,;e;_e ;




STAFF .1011 :-> KOIIXEN ·20, I . HAL STEWART: ·20 I



.. C. P. CARROLL, '20 '



--Rubbers-- CIHCl"LA no:-.- ~IA:'iAQf;R

i.Olli-!·J:-i llRADf'OR D '21 I J011x TYLER.' ·~ o I LEO .. SAYERS, '21

H ELEN HILL, '21 ... H . llU:-..'TZER, '19


Keep your t\•et d1; \\ ith a pair of 1

men srndent~ \\US brought up HIH1 dl'•cussed to some t.>Xh it by those present I

New Spiral Puttees---Just Arrived

The Hub Ed. and Lou Howard.




(Shipped Weekly) at the

Success Cafe IT WILL SAVE YO 50 CEl" TS.


(That is 10%) llt'Dt fitting rubbt;-r!'. I'' La}.t Fr1da) :.n fl umn's a!'Se:~1:oblcm of a Collt.>~t., dub for the I

GrEl'at h1..:ad"a)o was :iol made at them etint-:. but a 1..:ommiuee of the class I'-------------------------------' Reeds, Bootery pre:.nltnt~ "ill meet \\Ith Presidf'nt 1Jam1Iton to discuss and make plans =============================== tor sud1 a <'luh in the near future Presidt'nt llam1lton mumat U that the =--------------- l mstitutlc;n would provide and fit the rooms net·essary for the club if it was -:-----~-----·------------------tht) d1:slrC' of th-e mf'n ~tudcnts to h:i.ve om>. Thr matter finally ('atne to a I I

1 'C'le ~LH.1 paRi:t•d without a clissf'nting Yoic'e G II i G c I ---, lt ~t'Plll~ tO Us that the main !tit.la of th e C' lllb WAS very li~htly lUUtbed a at n rocery 0 I on I .1st i-~nclay A ('011' ~111 nt plat•e to smo\,p sepmed to represent the idea I I

LANfioH R's llor a i;cnd many stutleni. or a <'uilege club. It tins be the only object or the duh it 11'> \~ry douhtfnl if it (':l n ever he madf .l $1tl('('ess. 3!'; n proper location m l l c·ould ne,·er bt• iound wlH're all or the men tould bnrn the weed. The c·am 11- 1 G I G Ph"ne I us <~over~ too lar~e au area and the itlea 01 walking a:ly distanl·e between U <:las~es to indulge in a smoke would SC'on kill tht;l organization.

I Hut a smokinl: room i"' not w.bat is de~ired \Ye want a real rollege 'I 5 5 55 I

Green House PHONE 95. 315 o. Tracy.

clul> when.• ~111 of tlH'. men student.--. l'an meet on an e((ual basis and enjc)y I I the pri\ilege>s of l'Omlortable r('st room a.1d engage in gamp~ and discussions. That s11<"11 a dub is needed l'annot be doubted by anyonP who has he n here

for any lf'n~th oi time. Frat ·rnlt)' men nt-'ed it :ts nu;d1 a~ clL any of the I ============================== other students. Certainly th y ha,·e their inten~F-ts in thtlir 11wn traternity, hut it is n poor frntC'rnity man who is not interestE'd in untl bC'l. nd every I pro~n'Shi\"l' mo,·ement of the instillltion. And any 1110\'t'llll'.'Ht t• nding to

11uite lht> mt·n ~tuclL nt:; and Uring a bout l'lo~er ('OOPt-rntion t·an be called TRADE AT THE STORE THAT WlLL MAKE BOZEMAN


I little (•l~e than progTt·~. ive. -=~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-=~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-=:_=~:::::::::::::::_=::_=::_=..= II is unfortunatf' that 1he :o.tude:i1 life or' thb tn .... llrntion is lllll l't>nterecl

The store that fought and annihilated the frame up against you r pocket book and caused the price of your living to be based upon wholesale cost, instead of upon the will of a Stationer y


nrnrl\ ill tlw «Ollt?g:~ il:-it.'11 The I'a<"t that the men students arr :o;<;attE"t eel O\·er th<· dty and not dust<•rt-ll in dormitories is 1irobabl: the nrn~e nt' thi~. But what more c·oulfl !Je dont• t,) tenter the studen1 life around the t•oll1 ~1 .. under the> pn..'::>(·nt conditions than the organizatio:1 of a C'Ollege elub"

I \\·e "ant 11 c:ollegf:\ dub :1nd we reel that wht·n the plan~ for s uC' h a club an• pm l>1;>fore the men ~uulents m complete. (·oncl1:1e nud tini!:ht'fl ~tyle that

1 ll will lllt-•·t with th ir hearty approval and stronc: 8\1})\Wrt.



small bunch of money grabbers. Trade at

Sawyer's Bozeman, l\Iontana. PHONE 92.

So\\ that '.\lonta:rn Slate is on her pre.war basis, and all activities are hdug rt?sume<l. it is lime to reorganize the Dramatic· clnh. 1 ·------------------------------~

fi I & C I nramatfl"s hnH• hercfore 1.Jeea among~t the nwst intcrenting of aeti\-

H W • 1 so J itic>H at th~ colleg:e. There is time and opportunity to put on on£< goo<l play

l===e==o=.===·=====l======"======o=.== ':::;·~,e~;:~~ ~~~~h s;h~<~~ty would do much toward promotin~ SC'ltool spirit and r,

I .:\Jost er the old Dramatic dub are in sd10ol thi:; year. There are also ma·1y fre:;hmen who would do w~H behind the l'oollight-s. :\liss 2\lignou Quaw, authoress of .. The Long Trail." bas oHerf'd her assistance in selectin g and staging aprodlll'tiun, and that as~ures the SUC'Cess of nny play that the JI




The Sugar Bowl

llramatk club would put on. :\luC'h is le h~ said in favor tJf college dramaties. There is very little

that will ghe the :;tudent~ such Pxcellent training in speaking and expres­~io;1 as dramatics. The espri t-de-corps or the ent ire stn~lent body wHt be

1 greatly impro,·ed by n good dramatic club.

I <.ha,ged. Bertrnn<l'5 C'heck"' were now :.ign~d in Large Rmin d Hi roglyphics I

Bt:>rtr:rnd wa:s a \\'iH Gu,· 311 right. with thhi ~."ame. viz: I \\'ork Harde. · ~Th is I. \Y. H. wore Props on His Eyes


Good Teeth Harn ·your teeth put in shape now and enjoy the bene­

fit of good health and happiness.



Guaranteed lie "~is Pral't1eally Sure that Three but what of that. He was the One who and Four were Seven and He could I Sat Next LO Bertrand in c lasEi, at Col-

l eusily gi\'e His Uail _all thC" nope on Jep.e and Listened \\Tith 11is 2\tomh

============================== how to Run 111:-i nusmess. He had n 1 OpPn and PopJJ tng r.:yes to what Hi:; t Years ~------------------------------, Hl:'p u( !wing- tlw l1\1stcst Buy Ttn Tm' :t ilMir Tt•adH•r Said. It Is Sahl that I

011 Comning 11 11 th<: Drinks. and if the He Humeri Oue Quart of Oil each Automobile Accessories $11111 Totnl l'flttalled more thnn One. :>Iidni~ht I He C'Ollld Alwavs pa""' on the Rill toJ I







OPE • EYENINGS-FREE E __ .'. ~1INA '1 ;)N



Sto r y Motor Supply

· Ten llll1r~ yPars havC' elap~ed-Our ~eC'lrJ{e .or .._ onw .othPr lnnu~·~'~t an:~ Hl·rr,. H(·rt~. Still Sits in the :.!x.t Pig-(,ot~d :'\atun•d \\op Ah ' ( S, .'.\I. non l lc,J(' :\:ld Counb the Oifice Bov·s • l>eah, nenrand had tlw Gr(·y(•st \lat· Trip to the Xearbr 1'"'onntain. 1lut t('r cn~r known. . lie now l ulls Uown :'\ine \\"heels Eac.:h

Tht»t it Ca mt· to I -:lss that this and E\-en: \\·eek. Also. His l lair is Bertrand Pt>rson went to College. He Cettiti~ G.ra" Bc>low the Roots.

Modern Dentists Dr. J. A. Cook, Manager.



I seid 1hat lie <-rrnltl 11ndo11utodly teach 1 Morn I: \vhen Miss Qpportunit~ I

THE MOTORIST'S HOi\IE FOR SERVICE the Profs a l•'ew """" Ones on the Kno<·ks on Your 'Dovr. Doy. L.et 'er I Owenhouse Block-Bozemn Phone 390. "Philiogy ul ihr Anl'ient Youngbunds." in U Yuu Ha Ye to Uu!:it the Lock.-

'.._ _____________________________ _, He would sit in C'la!:s with his Stndent I..ife. I I~;-~~?'~~~~~~~~~~~;;~~~;;~~;;;;~;;;;~~;;;;~ c=========================================================== Th11111b~ in th <? nrm holes ol His \·e:-:;t

1 __ ___ __ ;--

an•\ Srni1'• ('rncl •sN"mlinf!ly n1 thf' =-------------------------------

I Phone l:_J

struggliuµ, Pror~. After claf's llt.• used :! t: :: ::i t: :: :: U :: :t :: :: :: :: .. Arcade Billiard Par Iors FINEST PARLOR I GALLATIN COUNTY For The Latest in Dress

And School Shrv~s

to ~tPp u11 wilh Iii!-> l>it!nilied ~tride :: a:Hl C'ongnttulau• the Prof on His U E X TENSION NOTES Sucl',essrnl Le(·tt1re that Day.

One Day I It• Ft•II Down Stairs. :: t: ::i :: l!:t:::t:tl!U:t A NICE LINE OF CIGARS, CANDIES Ai D TOBACCO.


Xobody E\·er Knew who Pubhed Him, but.-but ·, ah.-

\Yf'll. rter fhe :·enrs the Faculty To<ik Pity on I Jim and let Him gC'. They p;a.vt' him the Degree ... l. C," I meaning 'Tll Conwrehend-hut tilPY

E I . e Sh e Store clded "n~ pas" to it. And Bertrand

I XC USIV 0 tho11irht lie w;rn ilonorE.'d His Head

Swelled so that His Hair ~~ell Out. one

LANG BROTH !:RS, Proprietor><. uy11~11 ~vas Gh en a .lob In the omre '-------------------------------' lof ·'Takcitall nnd ('o." lie sat in a

==============================- Little :!xi Cu"f)hy HolP rnd Countl"'d 'J !tow .'.\lany Tri.J1~ tht> Oflice Boy made

-------:1 to the nearby Sod:1 F'ounlain. For

H 1 t this Antu Ul:' Lahor lltl \\as Presented


! I Bozeman Ote II Ea<h weoek "ith Jn~t n:a<-tly TPn. Bi,,.,.

Ro11ntl, llnrd Iron :\l1_•n. After Ten

------------M--o-d--e-r--a-t_e____ Cozy I, ~;,~11 [;~:~.:~ ~11.:.~'·:i:~,·~:~~·0"'~;t~~t Ten, Ri~. Round. Itani. Iron \ten.

Rl~T Tbt> llHllH' of th• Firm hafl

l I

; Modern ~-~----~-


F1• S. ('ooley is away at Deer Lodge

this week attending the Agricul1ural 1 -===~=======~===============~=~~ Sho1 t Coursf' whkh it; holding its :

seSR ions there. I EVERYTHI:\ G ll\ I Th .. "I.on!:{ Trnil" wa~ ~hen :n Deer

Lodge Tnrsday 01<'11111~ Friday night I Loose Leaf Books I it will :.;how at the Stnte l Tni\·ersity 11111.ler tht• uu:.;pif'es of the ~lasquer·s I Clu~. I

:\l I. \\'ilson is holdinA' district c·on rcrente~ "ith tliP. ,·;uious a~ents in the stat(' thi:i "l\ek. I le was in )Ji~·

soul•t Tuesday, and will br In (.;]a.;glow .'.\liles ('ity and Grf':l.1 ,.~.tlJ:.; the 1Hh

l' T .• ~ 1 or, ~ls:-..istat:· t

i~ ill with !hr• lnll11••1Pa


Y. a nd E. l' ILTXG Y~TE:'\1 :-->

------ ------------ --------


The Hoothing, ~oftening, and nealing Cream for wind rough­Pne<l faces is


Thoroughly medicated. daint­ily perfumed, eas yto apply. Is not greasy or sticky. Good for chapped hands as well as the face.


R 0 SE D R U G C 0.

\\~nnhy of a saint 1

A good tlriVP in hol'lf••ry. -.hirts.

I sf( I


Socitty 4! I L\.1 1 ille Quaw, '13. instructor in En·

~lish at To'''>'Titif'11d Yblted wi h her

Lather and sbters in 8· z.emnn during the week end. I

~far~a Ridddl, lfi, ha~ t.:um11leted I her course of trni Jng at the :\krray

Prof E. \\" Jahnk£- f1:1 reported very in lhe assemhl~ bo3pltal and b no\\ c.loine- rE>::!;1iiar I

room. :\tiss CalYin nu1 sin~ work la

:\iarl~ n Judd

ha:-. l1~t'n doing ~ome Yery intere::;ting work in lhe Italian settlement in Pbi1-

~ueat at tb a adelphla. nigl1L

Tl:e meetinl! of thf' Alumnae dub. I ~larch.-•. was posti oned be<·au8£' of the outl.Jre'1k or inrluenza. Ir the epid'-'mk :

PAG~: Tll RJ-;1<

Young Man Dress Up! You will feel as satisfied in one of our

FINE SPRING SUITS As we are in showing them to you.

SOX that you really don't haYe to darn-HOLE-PROOF­"TRY .E:\I"

Our Prices No 1\Iore Holloway's :\luch More

Sat is faction ,

.\lr~ Arnt--tt wa-- a dinner ~1ei-t at man were initiated Into the happa Ku in the month. Hobert ~lcC.:mnel and Dean Hausse· abates. the meeting \\ill be held Inter, I

he AIJ>h" O He •p )Jon~ay evening. fraternity last week. ,_ _____ H_o_m_e_ o_f_H_ar_t_.'_c_h_a_f_f_n_e_r_&_·_)_l_a_r_x_ C_J_othes. Elma Xohle :\I ·Carthy ·uft, is ~ml>-

.1arlyn Judd d.Od :}larguerite Linds· Jamt.1!'. :\lornrl y went to his home ~tituting in the Gallatin hi'!h physics

le~- were dinner guest~ at the Kappa in Creal F"alls to undergo an operation departmenl during the illne~s of tbe . ·u 1-'raternity

olng. Hou!-:e Tuesday eYe- tor appendidtis. A lelegram was re- regular instructor .

< eivt'd l"rom his 'rather Thursday stat· ing thal lbe OJ•Prarion was ..-ery sue- \\"il"am Hodgski~s 'l:l. ha~ UePu

promoted to lhr po~illon of Ensign in I>oc· Bi~hop o" the F-reshmen class. cesHful. ia~ i ctu! ned to hh- home In Anaconda. the LT. S. :\'a\"r. and is ~Jlendi11.!! a short

Leon ~lmk has returned to college I furlough al his home in C'boteau Tht-- Phi Can•u:i:. fr3!t:!ni1y o.innounu"


:\trs. Thomp~on and ht>r ba!Jy are

w rt:-.nme his studies on the bill. __

-- F're1da Bull. 07 is confined to ht'! F101en(e S\\Jtz.er ""as a dinne1 guest !'<'UH'" \\ith mf1uenza

tit the Phi Gamm::i House Monday e' e-l'njoying a \"isit at G hf.Tllt•.

A. ~lartin"s ning. .Jotrn )IC'C'ahe. ·1 s. has gone to Pitt"

I hurg to aC'<'ept ~1 11osition with thf Clinton Stranahan il:i confined to the _t-csinl"hou~e comp3 ny

)fi .. !-1 ('aldn, Tb(• finil hl·ad or the Det~ntlon hospital with influenza. -

mu~i<' department in )fontana Sta~P 1 I Edward Xoble. ·1 :i. rormerly of the, C'olleC:l', i~ a. J..•1Jt•st at l.1. 8. "'illson_'s Earnebl 8umley has N'Cove-red from I Hunrle>y EXJlPrimf>nt Station has Ileen I home. )Jis~ C'i:t.1\in did '~ry gr,tenJul his illnt>Rl'i Hod is again :-;et:'n on the transferred to thP t:. S. Agriculrnral \\Ork in 1-aisinJ;; mont>~ for 1be pianos <·arnpus. I ~tation at Yuma Arizona.

\\'anted lo GO Then I went to The Library, And hung my Hat, and Coat, and l;mberrella O;J that Fine big new COAT RAC!,. And then I

F'ouncl the book That I Wanted, right away And studied. TlJEN I went To ASSEMBLY. And the r'ACl'LTY all Took lbeir plact>" On th e PLA..Trorm, in u~1· I" thP rfppartmPtH. and

1~0 ff\,. 1h 1~ " •1•1t·lh'r lb:ll i:-. nvw b:arl Kell) was a dinner guest at the I OliH' Clark. ·1r, ha-.: left Camp 1..ew1~ I \Yithout being told



Theta Xi HOUSt> SaLUrda:.- night. where slie was diet1tian in thf' ffa~r And then the

-- I hcspital. anll has al'<.'eJHE'<l a simil:lr j STL'DENTS took

l ,Jack H~n·y ler"t Sunday for his home I iiosition at f'::imp ~hei mnn. Ill. Some IXTER~ST

A '.'.\t:ni:~:r~:f~'~r B~;,e,::.nded visit An Haem. ·1~. "ho """ severe!) ~~s tht~ia1;1att-! wounded while fighting in the Ar~on · / \Vere Bl-i":ing dis




I .\.da Baker enjo~·ed UreakCast ut ne rcn~~t r~~ion, Is in the Ba~e Ho~ ! CLTSSED. The doctor may not be able to llie Thaler home Sunday morn iug. Then 1 <'ame lCE CREAM r, Sa\·e your LIFE, but we can I -- Jlital at Camp IJod!"e. He exJ>e<'ts to re Down 'fowa on k

··our SOLE I turn io .1Jon1a11a soon. Tl!E S1'REL'T car. Brick made from stock cream save ~ . . I ~:mil .\lathew h•, rull) rer·upernted I - '" or any combination of below Ha\'e your shoes repall"ed at I .. . 11·11· h

11om his illneSR I Lieutenant Theophilus Herhl!r-k. 1;.. I tc was Vanilla Chocolate Caramel In ta•'· our "hul~ men·, tur::iish· 1 CH.\l\IPI0'.11 SHOE REP.\IR -.- . . I has returned to his home in south Running that FANCY CENTER BRICKS

tnb •tepartmt'nt is full or the Dt~w I I Dr. ).largn1et :-..:ordlclt tell Bozeman IJnkota, a!'tci· serving with thE" Am r- l>ar tor a :Wiade i.n quart sizes with the



12 So. Black Ave.


bEautfes 1:1 lht: sPa<.:on ! SHOP Saturday afternoon for Missoula where icln army in France. F'ive CPnt Fare. following shapes in the center:

I I she will gh·e her series of very in ter· Tben ~ --- p k " Diamon_. .,e.·t timt iuu nc+'d rurn1shmgs 7 E. :!\lain J unl p 1n u

ler u - ~hov. you our line 11 t esting talks to the ~ oung women of George A. Hoo~e,·t•lt. l:l. is in flen ~:d\ro:~:..;;e~IP. Shamrock Slipper

ru,.M BERS L'i'I SH ER ro ' I th~ unimsi\y I ;·,er sonn~·:;~:;.:; ~~~:;."d \\Ith !be I llREA}l!XG. £~~t ~!ff ~_:_A LWAV~ :~~ ~ "~' r- ~ • 1' enFlerrirt1'~>?,·," ",1'·e11111i:g,. lt1·~ ~."e"·Tl~~1t11a1·1)~iKg1·1ir1glss 1·e-.·11111e·1 About THI:\'GS l Spade lted Cross

Ph 186 306 \V ~1a · 0 ... " - ' "''"' ._.. ,._ F. K .\la<·Spa<ldPn '17 h 1:.-0 ... u Tb at l Dl,7IDU.AL l\10LDS

I one ' ·

111 l bury. )1able Ca1111irhael. flutoka :\Iii- hi;; work a~ r•olllll) ugen1 or \as ·ade, .Inst trn.tnrally 1


..\nl.erican Beauty Kewpie E \Y HARLA D Jer. and Theo. ~lunlzer at dinner. county. AINT 1 Cupid and Rose Easter Lily

. . I amen. Bundle of Roses Rabbit

I Undertaker and I fn~.:t.·~~;r .~:·:,'.:i:i7iet~

11 e•o:~:Jll:t t~~ 13ol~~~::.~ l~st l~~.~:~:~. ~J~~r~:~,:··~ft:·; i (" E. Potter OI the Girl"• and Boy"• I ~~ai~~r::, A::i! f 1 Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity men fourteen months sel'\'i<:C in France. j l'luhs. is ill v. ith sr anish flu. I Turkey Hen

I Fmbalmer at a \"ery eolaborate banquet. The He wa:-:- a member of tbe L63rd Infan· • :fANCY BVI~K CREAMS

1 guests were "Prof. \\". Schoppe. :\lr. Lry. and wa.._ made a ro1voral shortly )iade to Order Geoige ~!. Short. of Dutte. Mr. Ralph after his enlistment. Mr. Cooley bas I I Pecan Glance Marshmallow

I PICTURE F RAMil'iG j L. !:lmitlt. of 807.eman. and )Jr. '-· A. bad most varied and interesting ex· YOU ARE GLAD TO BE Walnut G1ance I The \Vay It Should Be Done . Copeland of Portland Orc1<on. periences. and his many friends are, BACK l\'esseirode Pudding

I Successor to Pratt & Son '1 II . , . --.-. . . . 1 glad to 'Pe him safely home. Ile has I Macaroon Bisque

)hss Ford Hild )!IS~ Jone•.:nJO)ed been hono•ahly discharged 11·0111 the Now leCs see what you look French Tutti Fruitti

°;;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:::======~';;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,;;;;~ j Sunday dmoer at the rl1c>ta X1 h~usc. 1 army and plans on resuming bi:- ~chool Jike Th Bo : 1 -- I work at the tollege. •


e zeman )fiss Edith Stan le~ wa8 c·alled ro I _ - I

-------------------------- loer home in :'"hiteba11 ~'rit1ay uecause. )I. L sn°'' .. , ' has gone io Hunue1J;. ii The Central Stud1'0 ·1 F~ranmt1feacft1S1rerCsrofeGaamllaetinry Service or ber fathers iJlness I where he \~ill be employe1: by 1be

After the Dance Come to the -- S Department of Agriculture 'fhe .lumor~ and Se11101·s. oi the ___ ___ \ \\.' e treat your photos and Gold Products

CLUB CAFE Sigma Chi rratermty en1oyed dinner THINGS AS THEY AIN'T •


W. K. Judevine, Jr., Manager at the home or )Ir Ste,·ens on "'ed· By Gauche. films right. USE .. GALLATIN GOLD"" nesday evening. TI1 e occasion being Call us for Prices.

::\1r. Slevens· birthday. went 1

1 ~;:;;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;;;;~~;;~~:;;;~~:;;;;~~ Up to the college · ---- ----

Dance Hall for Private Parties at all Times BANQUETS A SPECIALTY

The Omega Beta fraternity ga,·e a rn the Packard I yery tlelightful sleighride party Sat- JIT~l!.;Y. and I


EGGS . V. C. Wray E. C. S treet

Ceretana Means Quality In Flour and Rolled Oats-Try Them Today

:.irady e\·enlng, after which they re 1 k I turned to the Chapter House for re· J~18~

0~,-.H~~ I J f: ·e!:ihments. Ahout lj couples enjoy- I ed the ride. You will find the QUEEN and TREASURE STATE

For the Lenten I the kind that !r~~h~a~!~n~~~ern. Sold by

The Bozeman I

The Omega Beta fratel'nity iniliated Paul Hagen, Glenn Hart, Merrill Luth­er, George Jacoby, Fred Cameron,

I Arthur Jorg~nson, Fennimore Garvin

Milling Company ! , 1ast Friday. ·~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~~~~~_;:--~~~-'-

Season We have a fine line of Sea· I Owenhouse Hdw.

I ":\fiss Katheryn Kearns is leaving

,--------------------------------1 today for her home in Townsend for a visit• over the week end with her

I parents.

Foods for you to choose from :

Canned Salmon. I/ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;,:

fiailatin L11rn ber Co. Now is the time to build. We have building material to,

suit your needs.



AS!( TO SEE OUR $15,000.00 PLAN BOOK.

PHONE 2 0. Bozeman, Montana

).frs. Arnett was a dinner guest at the Phi Gamma House Sunday after-noon.

~iss Louise Forbes has recovered l'rom tbe influenza.

I -Miss Ethel Briner spent the week I end in Bi~ Timber w'•h her p3rrnts

I John )LoCabe, 'J . "i,.ited at the

Omega Beta House for a couple clays this week on his way to Pittsburg, Pennsyl\"ania. "fr :McCabe has ac-cepted a IJOi:iiticn with the \Vest ing· hou'-'e Elec·tl'ic com11anr .

Sardines Ii• Shrimps lllackerel Tuna Fish II Lobs ter I Clams Oysters Crabs '1 Kippered Herring F inna n Haddie I Fish Flakes

Also kits of Mackerel and Hol-1 I land Hening, Kippered Sal-

l mon, Boneless Herring, Smok- 1 eel Bloaters and fresh oysters. I

Bring All Your Prescriptions To Us

They will be filled with FRESH DRllG!:> .iTJ d exactly


\Ve a re accomoclating.


ROECHEWS DRUGSTORE I:::::: :::un::::::u:: I::

I Thos. H. Rea j .. :: :: -I '& Co. I~~~~=====-

:: l Phone 24 I ALU MNI NOTES

::================= I :: ::

·~~~~~~~~~~1 •• :: ::: :: :: !1 !t t: t1 :: u .. ::

!~~~~~~D ~AVING YOUR I Gallatin Laundry. (]




Maddox Creamery :\IILK.

Will furnish you those GOOD - DAIRY - PROD CTS


East ~fain treet. Telephone 3 9



Clifford L. <'orkings, e»l' left 8un I I"\ WN CUT l day aftcrnoou for Vi<.'tor. :\lont:lna I where be will IJe emplo~·ed this sum· 1· I Ell\· vour summer coal while mer on s11otted rever tIC·k control worl~ J ·h · d · t"11 f I IJy the State Board of Entomology I: t e groun IS s I rozen.

>lad<e Switzer, ·14 and Inez Smith. l C O p E L A N D ! PHONE 82. omH'S rn Gallatin count}' high school

1 are reco,·ering from attacks of influ- J Corner of Church and I


1 Prompt Deliver.v. --~~-~~~~~~~~;;!:~~~...;.;..:_


1 ti both in'::itructors in borne econ·

---------' en \



read~· at all times to serve the <·ollc

If ~ ou are particular. try

Gal a tin Laundry

dud ots


~.AGl'} l•'O l l R TH E \Y EEKLY EArO :>:ENT FRl!>.A Y, ~IARC"H 14. i9i9.

T'\VO DEBATES WITH j •n<'n ot thl: \\'urld. or ,,·hk·h be was a J pres:-;t:•d tl_ielr approYal of tbis measure 1

authorized to pay <'laims f"o\·e r ed by I GONZAGA . CH EDU LED mt:mber. tui n(~d out in torce. as did the meeoug adjourned. th is paragraph.


•he hoy !-<<'Outs, of whfrh he wn~ a Paragraph I These instruuiou~

ma,.ter The ;:;t~ma Chi fratenity to TOURNAMENT IS POSTPONED will be p u blished imm diately lo all Mont.ana Stair il!i certainly Conuu- ,,. 1,,:cli 1,,. ,,.,. Pl"d••d .... 8 •. - 1,r,'".".ll I ~ .~ -:. .... '"' ~... UNTIL END OF QUARTER con<:erned within your ju r isdiction. us-

.. te thi:. ~·tlar in hanng a. AOOcl pro- t as a bod>. al:-o many o l his hi~h -- Ing th telegraph when n ec·e5:.~ary. !ram uf dt>batcs Gun?,aga ha~ te le· ~t!~ool and 1olke:e clnssmatt!'t' were 111 ({'ontinuecl from Png-e t. I HARRl , Adju t a nt General uaph<"d at;ain r<:<iuc~ting a duul de- attt:ndan<·~. bate \\*ith u~. Commi~sion1.·r ct F'Or· :: .. .. .. .. :-t :: :: .. :: :: .. :: :: t~i..:;it·~ Zal1.•s Ecton. with CoaC'h l>uddy, ASSEMB L Y TALKS O F :: rtrddf'd to grant th( ~I okan"' ~ch1Xll's MEN'S CLUB ROOMS

practit JI~ renrndc ~Llt:C' the distrin •• tournamems. The team:s that will - SECRETERIAL NOTES ::

a b•am to Spoii:;.mt• ():1 tb1• :!:itb oi April. {Continued from Page one.) t•otitt:>JHI here are:Gn•at rails. Conul ! :: :)n t lu~ saint ilatP Gonr.;i~a "ill (')a!)b lb. l-\alhq1ell. \\-ol[ J>oint. Lewistown •• with Mont:rna ~talc here Belt. Bufle. Helena AmH·ontla, Dillcm 'Hcsl'lveil

This i:s lhf' Ulird dt->lmt~ \\p b•Hl'. use oi. Hl'r(~ thf' hentecl clistu!'lsion \1i~~oula. Big 'l'imher. BYd Lodt-r1.·. 'll'esenflnent

.. -1: .. wish. and 1-'0 :\Iunlan;.1 StatP \\ill !-<en1l 1: .. :: .. :: :: :: :: . . .. ::

that n certain modl' of "as in1'iuffkient to de·

1~~11metl a p<'r~onal 31-'J'e<'t for a while, \lih~:-: ('"ty, GlendiH• un1l Lhint::ston. mand pa~ mPut .. , was the subjc-t'l for \\"cdn£sday·-s debate in bnsines:-: Law

class Zales Ecton and Adu Baker url-


(Cout11111Ed l"l"Olll l'<t~l~ 1 )

riea~er Boa~dl : f For maki:ig useful rooms out 1'

f of waste space. I l EaJ<y to apply and ea'y to I' ; de<>orate. Ai'\D

f Com pan~'. n H. BUDD f KENYON-NOBLE LUMBER 11 f 320 W. Main.--Phone No. <I I I 1


KODAKERY A J\.1ag.1Z1ne for Amateur


h\ARCH 1914

EASTMAN KODAK COMPANY 11.0CH:fiSTER. - lb<- l<o<JMk OQ' - "'.SW VO!lA

Do 1011-lf'ou Ir/ J ou L ik<'

To ,1Ja£·e Coor/ Picture's?

To the 1Lember:_;; of the ltt:rnll \l f'r·

<:hants· Exchan_~e: Pl'nnh>:;!cm is hereby ~r3Ult-'1l rn tht::

Srat0 College Baskethall Tourn:imont

I CommittN' to f'Oli<·it funds for th• ('Om ing c·outests in ).fan:h. Rr;TAll. )rnRC"HA .rTS EXl"HAXGE .

($ig:ied 1 F II. Vi~hC'r, ~e("~





YEARS Oy doing: this ~\lld C'han:..;.ini:: tht" le,::.-es or :·our µ:las.~es. ii ('\.amina Lion proH•:ot. it nec(><~s.ary. ,-011 will

t.,:xperii•nn'" sii;:ht ::coath;fa<"tinn lo a rip<" C"ld <H~T We are at your c om­mand.

E. (; .\ G E


. I _ , I J. H. Baker. (";ioh ier.

B .\ :'\ h

$L50.il00 LINOLELM AND ART II Capital Stock

STORE ~ urpill .; and Profits 8250.000

I Bozeman i\lontana '·Japanese Art. Goods"

Montana .State College of Agricul­ture and Mechanic Arts

Prndical courses in Architectura l. C'i\"il. Electrical and J\lech_anical Engineering, M~chanic Arts , Agriculture, Dairy Horticult ure, Home Economics, Industrial Chemistry Econ-omics, Biology, Music ancl A.rt. • '

Beautiful grounds, c?m:i1ori ious buildings, complete wo;,.i and iron shops, extensive Iaboratones, model kitchen and ;;ewing rooms. music and art studio.

J.M. Hamilton, President Bozeman, Montana.

\Ve h:n1.: tht: :tfcaJ help. T o C\'ery p1cscnt pt1rc:u ... t:r of a Kod:ik, llrov..iri~. G:-:1flf' or Premo t amcra a le.ar's free ~ub-..cnpuon tti Equipped with Self-Starter and Headlight. Hitch to anv Farm­

"KODAKERY" Tttc mo.,t hclrful of al l nma1eur

photographic m:iga:ine5. Every i !uc • huucifuHy illusrr3tN and filled with

fiftUfi'N"nRuu co.

CHA \" EY & J .\ COBS



ing Implement the same as horses. Send for Catalog and De-

Bozeman, Montana Sold by

H.B. McCAY scriptive Matter. II

__ Q_t_r"-L-[T_v __ A_N_;v __ s_E_R_v_i_c_E 1. _____ -S __ H_O_P_-____ _, 1 Wtsc •••••Slflllt-.n nu~• , n,pannut ._.1 .. 11 sa ,,... Au• •ta a'R1\ll wnss.,. .,. • .,..,... ., a• _.