women and the gender boundary in the elizabethan...

Women and the Gender Boundary in the Elizabethan England HAMADA Ayano The women who were active and self-reliant in sixteenth- and early seventeenth-century England are reflected in the female main characters in Shakespeare’s plays who freely speak out, behave as they like, and pursue their fortunes. The patriarchal society in those days imposed on women the three virtues obedience, silence, and chastity in order to preserve the social order. The basis of this idea was that because of their inferiority women should be governed by men. However, humanistic education, which English humanists like Thomas More advocated, was given not only to boys but also to girls in the noble families, so that girls could be good wives and good mothers. Following More’s ideas, Juan Luis Vives tutored Mary I to respect the three virtues, especially silence. On the other hand Elizabeth I was instructed by Roger Ascham, who encouraged her to master eloquence, not to be silent. Thanks to her oratory skills, Elizabeth could deliver elaborate public speeches and successfully created a unique androgynous image among the people, thereby controlling her male subjects and the country. Her androgynous quality is mirrored in the women in Shakespeare’s plays who disguise themselves in male attire, such as Rosalind in As You Like it and Viola in Twelfth Night. Disguise provides the heroines with eloquence, activeness, determination, and self-reliance. ῌ῍

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Women and the Gender Boundary

in the Elizabethan England


The women who were active and self-reliant in sixteenth- and early

seventeenth-century England are reflected in the female main characters in

Shakespeare’s plays who freely speak out, behave as they like, and pursue

their fortunes. The patriarchal society in those days imposed on women the

three virtues�obedience, silence, and chastity� in order to preserve the

social order. The basis of this idea was that because of their inferiority

women should be governed by men. However, humanistic education, which

English humanists like Thomas More advocated, was given not only to boys

but also to girls in the noble families, so that girls could be good wives and

good mothers. Following More’s ideas, Juan Luis Vives tutored Mary I to

respect the three virtues, especially silence. On the other hand Elizabeth I

was instructed by Roger Ascham, who encouraged her to master eloquence,

not to be silent. Thanks to her oratory skills, Elizabeth could deliver

elaborate public speeches and successfully created a unique androgynous

image among the people, thereby controlling her male subjects and the

country. Her androgynous quality is mirrored in the women in

Shakespeare’s plays who disguise themselves in male attire, such as

Rosalind in As You Like it and Viola in Twelfth Night. Disguise provides

the heroines with eloquence, activeness, determination, and self-reliance.


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�Domestic Education, Johanne Balmer, +.10� �������� !

"#$� �Fig. -�0% &'(��)��*�+ *�,-#./0�12

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Fig. + ‘Annunciation,’ Homilies of the Monk Jacobus �Rome, Vatican�

defgh�i�`j�kl�� �m ��

Fig. , ‘Holy Family at Work,’ The Hours of Catherine of Cleves


Fig. - Johann Bamler, ‘Domestic Education’

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#�@AB5CDEF� �Volumnia� 9;G��� -HI"J�

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/+�/,f� ?g�h� Y �!�ijk�� lmnh9o�pqrg

�P�"stu �^a���d �‘Come, lady aside your stitchery, I

must have you play the idle huswife with me this afternoon.’ e03�

1*f� �v� 5CDEF9wx�yz#��� 5678+�9{��

|}� V��"~U�� P���$�5678+��� 56-7+�9

Y���� ,����v�vNd �‘You would be another

Penelope.’ e2,f� ��"?v� ,��������7����%

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Penelope’s Web, +/21� �v¨©1� ����"����ª$�

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����������� ������ �Geffrey Whitney, A

Choice of Emblems, +/20� �� �� ��� �Virtues of a wife� ��

����������� ���� �Fig. .�1! "#�$�%&'��

�� �‘Her finger staies her tongue’� () *+&,-��� 2! .

/0 1�2�����3�() . "# 4� 56("# 78

�&9 �-����:; ���� �‘The modest lookes, doe

shewe her honest life’�! <�=>? @( �A � BC�DE&F�

.�&,-�GH) IJ���K �‘The tortoyse warnes, at home to

spend her daies’� () LMNOD�PQ�.�&RS-���!

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��� �Thomas Combe, The Theatre of the Fine Devices, +0+.� �

�) "# ���YZ�[\ ]/0��� ���� �Fig. /�3! .

Fig. . Geffrey Whitney, ‘Vxoria virtutes,’ A Choice of Emblems

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Fig. / Thomas Combe, EMBLEM XVIII, The Theatre of Fine Devices


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q �Thomas More, +.12�+/-/� -rs45

�no�pqI VWIA&0���$#4]^� %&0A&�

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D�0`D'Z�5 /��D-pqI %&; �«#& �‘as the

weaker sorte’� �<$��<$¬J ���`�%&4i�­�z<

#®¯I �NOP �‘wull and flaxe’� -r��<$#� ++5 pq��

%n�����I°�Q �William Roper� �±²< / ��xy;a

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TUV +H�WXYZ���[\��

,� ���� +����� +���

RG� +H�� ]�A^!� V_`FWX=abF�cdef

gV�efehV �Juan Luis Vives, +.3,/-�+/.*� LM!*2.�

��ij�� efehV� klGV��m�-��n �De

Institutione Feminae Christianae oThe Education of a Christian

Womanp, +/,-� �qr�� RG�sltuGF�ve�wxF

!yz��� {��|!�� "#$%&!}�.~���-����

1���������3|�j.}D� RG��efehV���


efehV�� ~��,�-���),ij.��M��� ���

3�!�\�������,{�� �‘how to work with wool and

flax, two arts o�p which should be a matter of prime concern for

women’� ��.�� +,� ��� ������!��D� 0��>���

2.��{�� �‘If she is a good woman, it is best that she stay at

home and be unknown to others o�p be retiring and silent.’� �

+��-����.�� +-�

{��|,�0�   ¡��¢�� efehV3�- -£¤

�K �¥¦� �chastity� ��/���),�.��¢01� �‘In a

woman, chastity is the equivalent of all virtues.’�+.� *j§�!�


���� ������ ������ ��� ���� �chastity� �

���������� �‘in a woman, no one requires eloquence or

talent or wisdom or professional skills or administration of the

republic or justice generosity ; no one asks anything of her but

chastity.’�+/� � �� �!"�����#�$%&'()*� �‘it is a

beautiful and outstanding virtue in a woman to control the

tongue.’� �+,'��� +0� -.'/010���23��� �45

67� � �45689� �:;&����<=>?@�A����


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=u� +//.v� wx/�yzC{w �Thomas Wyatt� 0|>}(6

G� BCDE +~��O�O0�����E���_W� ���H��

&��0j����=�� ����zBE������mn�o����


What I am yet right well know. I am your Queen ��� And

I say to you, on the word of a prince, ��� certainly if a

prince and governor may as naturally and earnestly love

her subjects as the mother doth love the child, that assure

yourselves that I, being your lady and mistress, do as

earnestly and tenderly love and favour you+1.

�>�cZ[�_� [�6����j�_�Z���� ��[�

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‘your Queen’ ‘your lady and mistress’�)�*+�,&�-( .

/��012345678�9:;( /���<��=>% ?/�

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1HN2 OP0QRSTNIU �Philip of Spain� �VW%��

X YTYZO�[\�]^'_��'�]`�a�%'bc����

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HO�¡ ¶· ¸�¹�º»¼ �The Schoolmaster, +/1*� � v


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9:;� +������/,.$<�=>���� ?@�ABC

�DE�� F,GHIJ�KLM�NO�������

Yet all men covet to have their children speak Latin, and so

do I very earnestly too PQR I wish to have them speak so

as it may well appear that the brain doth govern the

tongue and that reason leadeth forth the talk+2.


�$`^�abc'd� eW_S$O�f�b�O�=^�g<

�$hS�ai'd� '��j[klmd�NO�� no[�

�\<��pqc�NO�� TXY(Z[rstONO���


u�wx����� F,GH[ ‘child’$�Ooy�z�rsx��

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F,GHI� u�������� (�(�����,��!�#�

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ucb�rs\<� ���!�������� �‘her perfect

readiness in Latin, Italian, French, and Spanish PQR she hath

obtained that excellency of learning, to understand, speak, and

write.’� $����� +3�

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`abc[�� �(&�°�S"�Rª«¬­©�=µ¶�+@

r·�>#���H� King’s Two Bodies ��¸¹º»�� "�R¼�


� Queen’s Two Bodies���������� ���� King’s

Two Bodies����� ��������������� ���

!�"� #$%���&'(!���)�*(!�� +,-./�

�0�1��23�� 1�����45���1(!�"� 6$7

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F;�GH�;��"(��HI��� ��J� +/00K�LM

NO�P��QR(�ST/UVW(X���Y ����

As for my own part, I care not for death, for all men are

mortal ; and though I be a woman, yet I have as good a

courage answerable to my place as ever my father had.

Z[\ Your petition is to deal in the limitation of the

succession. Z[\ But as soon as there may be a convenient

time Z[\ I will deal therein for your safety and offer it

unto you as your prince and head Z[\ it is monstrous that

the feet should direct the head,,.

]^��_����J� ��`0���abc� � �����

�� �45;�(��F� ]�� 1(�"� ]�d"efgh

b�@F0��ij��� ]�kl�m2��no;pq�

efghb�@ra�� �[� !;�*�st��uvw7�N

O�_���� xy;z{"|�F �[�� !;�*�}�(

!rGH��� ]^�"~���������_��P��a

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+,-./�� �]� ��a0;"F�� 1(!�"� ]�dij

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+,- /1��z�����19�f ��

��������� �‘though I be a woman, yet I have as good

a courage answerable to my place as ever my father had.’� � �

������� 2�������� ���� �� !"�#��$%

&� �‘your prince and head’� ���'()�*+,��!��

- .� ‘prince’�'(/ ‘king’�0123�456�7$� 8

�9:;<���=>�?�@A�4!BC��- ‘princess/

queen’�/ D� ‘prince/king’�@A�4!.�E5� 8�9:;


IEI� ��>L��� MN�O� PN�Q�!�R!ST�U���

�O<Q�VW>�/X�Y� �‘it is monstrous that the feet

should direct the head.’� �Z�7$� M<P�[�\]�'�

^_`a�����bcI!de \f�g��hiI�.��j

I� PN�kl!��hi�+m'�no�-

+/22p�qrst �;uv�wxyz� {|�}�/� ~���

$~��r:������[��������� ���������

r:�������I!�������5�6� ����H/�D�

M�U���<� #�I����  �������� �‘I

know I have the body of a weak and feeble woman, but I have the

heart and stomach of a king.’� �¡*I! ,-- OED�m6¢� £¤

� ‘stomach’�/ ���¥� �'23<�- .�23�� 8�9:

;/� �H¦�/�D�M§�6¨U� ��� E�#�©¥�I

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³!� 8�9:;/� �´µ¶�±·>kl!�����2¸�¹

R!o�� ºN�v¯�°�»'.�U�Z!-


To conclude, I am already bound unto an Husband, which is

the Kingdome of England ��� And reproach mee no more

��� that I have no children : for everyone of you, and as

many as are English, are my Children, and Kinsfolkes,..

����� �� �������� �� ��������

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������ �‘I am already bound unto an Husband, which is the

Kingdome of England.’� �BC DEF�4�>?�$5 .���


KP�L +Q��RG� :�;<��ST����'* UA'V

�W#�6�� King’s Two Bodies#XY� Z[J��\I .

�&]^_ �`^[� ����aI .����bIcd��KLM#

e7"f \ .7'&�a�"�gG��#]^����� hi�

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wx�yz#�o�/�� {|'@����}~#���/KP�L

+Q���&���.G/��y��������� '��

���P������ �William Harrison� & ���������

�� �The Description of England, +/11 ; +/21� �'� ��/���

:�;<�������\�/6#�� >?��*���/ ,/� 3�

��� ���� �¡�¢L�£ ¤�¥¦�§¨©�ª���«�

�KP�L�¡�¢L �Mary Sidney� F��¬­®��� ¯°

:�;C�\��i±#z²/\I/6 ��

�������� 0��� ������������ /��

� �the Cook Sisters� ������ ��� � !� "#�$�%&

'(()*+���� �*,(-./0�1 234��5 �Urania,

+0,+� %6��7�8��/31 �Mary Wroth� 9� :;<=>?@

AB%6��"#CDE�F�8GH1�I�8� �Elizabeth Cary,

Tragedy of Mariam, +0+-� �JK��LCMN%O*PAQR%S


�TU,� VW�XY(� "#�Z[\,�]� ^_`,ab

DcYde� f#gh%i@AZ%jWPA�� !,� �LkF"#

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,� �������

+� ��� ���

�8GH1(� ¯´µ,� ¶�,·{F¸� �The Act on

Apparel� % 3¹�ºPA�F ,0� ¬ (� »¼,T�A� f",T�


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)�� 0 +!*.�� tduv�wxyw �Philip Stubbes� z{


Our Apparell was given us as a signe distinctive to discern

betwixt sex and sex, therefore one to weare the Apparel of

another sex, is to participate with the same, and to

adulterate the veritie of his owne kinde. Wherefore these

Women may not improperly be called Hermaphroditi, that

is, Monsters of bothe kindes, half women, half men,2.

;�*�� J~+���/����(�*.��������

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�d��wZ�:�+�5�ZJ�a ��

������ ����� ������ �‘Our Apparell was

given us as a signe distinctive to discern betwixt sex and sex.’� �

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()*!%� �+,(" $(#-��" � .!� ��/0�

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�89:;" <5)" =�$>=�#�?@� �‘Hermaphroditi, that

is, Monsters of bothe kindes, half women, half men.’� �AB���

�� 70�" $(#-�+� .!��1(23 4���C0

�D/*�>�4E" # .!�$(#�FG.6 " HI J

�KL" H��JM �%(!�HI NO-���C0���D/

>P,6� $(#�FQ RSTU" $�# VW4E4)"

XYZ[\(]6E4�� #�^_�" XYZ[\�`a�b�(�

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efgh� +i(" $4(/ ��#�j %k" lm no�"

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!%D/>P�� yz{|hf} .0U" �#�lmq�#/�q

�~-��*(" $�u��" 7��vT � �6��� �‘A

man’s eloquence ��� liberates itself from masculine identity, but

a woman’s ��� is always colored by her sex.’�,3� XYZ[\ �

��" �q�" HI �T�KL�$�" # �-�R�S���

�d>" d ���� 4q0%� 70vT " -���6k" �E

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�Y�Z �[ ,��\�� -.��]MDS�^�*_>�� +2`

� ��Eabc �Cratyna� %d�eFfgh �Lestio� �i���

� DjklmnoS �Menon, King of Ithaca� �pq���r��

&'"kasF �Calamus� # tu��,�� v�w!x4� -.

��� �‘there changing her apparel into the attyre of a man, and

her head bravely shorne, she became a handsome stripling.’�-* �

eFfgh�y�� z{�|4}~���>��J� ��kasF��

!��� � -.��>������?�$�� kasF���#+�

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Eabc��¦���� §�¨��� ©�L�ª« �‘the title of

gentlewoman’� �Eabc��=� eFfgh�y����� �¢

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OXYZS �[\?]^�_��`��

-� ������� � ��� �As You Like It� � ����

�Twelfth Night�

ETU�V �Rosalind� W[\?]^ �Viola� �� $%�6&��

abcd�)*�ef�-I� !���� gIKh��i� $%��

����� )*�+,�&P.2��j<&/0 �klJ��

OP<�QRRS �� ETU�V�mn=oUC �Celia� �pqr

sUt@uv �Duke Frederick� �wx�y�HI�� qrsUt@

�� ETU�V�p�zuv�{�|�}~�y���3� ETU�V

36�RRwx���IN� ��� ���H� �‘smoothness’�� ��

�� �‘silence’�� ����H� �‘patience’� � ~�� ��3��uv

�,���� ���'���k�I��&�I�Kh��i� ���


�+. ,. ,11�2//+. -. 11�2/.�� wx������hIN��K&��HI

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�Cos��¢£¤¥� ETU�V�p�¦g!&�! �+. -. 20�++.��

=oUC�+§�¨��� ETU�V�©� !�ª«��

Ros. Were it not better,

Because that I am more than common tall,


That I did suit me all points like a man?

A gallant curtle-axe uopn my thigh,

A boar-spear in my hand, and�in my heart

Lie there what hidden woman’s fear there will�

We’ll have a swashing and a martial outside,

As many other mannish cowards have

That do outface it with their semblances. �+. -. ++.�,,�

��� ������


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�‘in my heart/Lie there what hidden woman’s fear there will.’� '-

7TQ�cH =D��- 45�=>?<�FGd �‘mannish

cowards’� )��'�3,- Z�ef g�,��E

4�h- ��LMN����ijklmN �Ganymede� 'no�-

pL�qr7s�tu vw7TB ��

��������������� �Aliena� ����� ���

������������ ��� �!"#$%&'� ()$�*'+

, +� -.��/�0�12�32�

Ros. I could find in my heart to disgrace my man’s

apparel and to cry like a woman ; but I must comfort the

weaker vessel, as doublet and hose ought to show itself

courageous to petticoat ; there-fore courage, good Aliena.

4,. .. .�25

-.6 7�8�9:�;� <'=&& #� �#!$>?,

#&&��� �=� @ABCD EF��GHI�D��JK

�L<MN+O #� P&���QR�$'�� O #� S

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-.��/�� V7�8W�9�XY!�!'!�2$#&�� ��

12�>+Z[,&\ �‘I could find in my heart to disgrace my

man’s apparel and to cry like a woman.’� ]^� #_'&M7

�`R'&Ma� 8!'&M�O #JU�=*'bcd2 e(

fM� ‘the weaker vessel’����gh!� ij�����'+,�

����k!'&M� ‘doublet and hose’/‘petticoat’�l_m_8�

n���n�9�7 �� 77��opq�� 8�����r!'&

M� -.��/� V8�a���JUsMbMc&�rf12�� t=

�8!'&M�O #� 7��� �f�uv����� �^(w<�

$'�\ �‘I must comfort the weaker vessel, as doublet and hose

ought to show itself courageous to petticoat ; therefore courage.’�

�����x�f� 7�12�� -.��/�8fM7 �� ��


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���� �� !"#$%�&'� ()*+,"-./�011� 2

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!"�8�z{|g�=��� !"#� }~m$~����R-���



Ros. Break an hour’s promise in love! b�c

Orl. Pardon me, dear Rosalind.

Ros. Nay, and you be so tardy, come no more in my

sight. I had as lief be woo’d of a snail.

Orl. Of a snail?

Ros. Ay, of a snail ; for though he comes slowly, he

carries his house on his head ; a better jointure I think than

you make a woman. Besides, he brings his destiny with him.

Orl. What’s that?

Ros. Why, horns! which such as you are fain to be

� ��;}������g0}~0� ��

beholding to your wives for. But he comes arm’d in his

fortune, and prevents the slander of his wife.

Orl. Virtue is no horn-maker ; and my Rosalind is


Ros. And I am your Rosalind. �.. +. ..�0/�

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.7� �58% "#$�� W>�X�YZ �‘virtuous’� �[\]

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\���r��������� "#$��!sm�nop�����


Ros. Well, in her person, I say I will not have you.

Orl. Then, in mine own person, I die.

Ros. No, faith, die by attorney. The poor world is almost

six thousand years old, and in all this time there was not

any man died in his own person, videlicet, in a love-cause.

wxy men have died from time to time, and worms have

eaten them, but not for love.

Orl. I would not have my right Rosalind of this mind,

for I protest her frown might kill me.

Ros. By this hand, it will not kill a fly. w.. +. 3+�+++y

"#z .� {���)� 7�*�|6}~���3�^�

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]^�_`a5b� Rcdb��(*ec�3"��fg@N*

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L�k��"��� z� Rc6%3��@���KL��=�+


Ros. Now tell me how long you would have her after

you have possess’d her.

Orl. For ever and a day.


Ros. Say “a day,” without the “ever.” No, no, Orlando,

men are April when they woo, December when they wed ;

maids are May when they are maids, but the sky changes

when they are wives. I will be more jealous of thee than a

Barbary cock-pigeon over his hen, more clamorous than a

parrot against rain, more new-frangled than an ape, more

giddy in my desires than a monkey. I will weep for nothing,

like Diana in the fountain, and I will do that when you are

dispos’d to be merry. I will laugh like a hyen, and that

when thou art inclin’d to sleep.

Orl. But will my Rosalind do so?

Ros. By my life, she will do as I do. �.. +. +.-�/2�

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34-��>� ?���� �Cesario� �@AB!"#$� !"#$%

�&� ��3CD>-��DEF��?�G �Duke Orsino� �HI�

9JKL$%�5MN$�� OB� P�QRS�TU�V=$WX

YZ [$\]+$� ��?�G>� ^�_`<a#bJ`5c��

de�fg5hi[<hjklJm �‘I have unclasp’d / To thee

the book even of my secret soul.’ : +. .. +-�+.� n�$WX��3CD

YZ9J$� c !">� ��3CD !o����� pq

r$�*sLJ$� ��?�G5� ��3CD�����t5i

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D>� |o�t }J��?�G ~#�� �#�

Duke. What dost thou know?

Vio. Too well what love women to men may owe ;

In faith, they are as true of heart as we.

My father had a daughter lov’d a man

As it might be perhaps, were I a woman,

I should your lordship. �,. .. +*.�3�

EF� ��5��J$�� ��

34-� ! �#$|�t5X���Ok�i� �Jk�w�

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Vio. We men may say more, swear more, but indeed

Our shows are more than will ; for still we prove

Much in our vows, but little in our love. `,. .. ++0�+2a

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Viola. Disguise, I see thou art a wickedness


How will this fadge? My master loves her dearly,

And I �poor monster� fond as much on him ;

§�¨5�F©�fª�«��F.�_ ��

And she �mistaken� seems to dote on me. �,. ,. ,1�-/�

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3% OKPQ*$� RSD)�'(T �‘poor monster’� *U�.

D �� � � � A B �% � � �‘disguise’� " V W X � �‘a

wickedness’� *Y$% C�"Z[\3]^$�D��*/�_`�

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Oli. A murd’rous guilt shows not itself more soon

Than love that would seem hid : love’s night is noon.�

Cesario, by the roses of the spring,

By maidhood, honor, truth, and every thing,


I love thee so, that maugre all thy pride,

Nor wit nor reason can my passion hide.

Do not extort thy reasons from this clause,

For that I woo, thou therefore hast no cause. �-. +. +.1�/.�

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hast no cause’�) �����) &'(�����������=��

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�/;l!��\m% �Venus and Adonis� 1LnoJ!=

Oli. I have said too much unto a heart of stone,

And laid mine honor too unchary on’t.

There’s something in me that reproves my fault ;

But such a headstrong potent fault it is

That it but mocks reproof. p-. .. ,*+�/q

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V3�;��O��Z[�~��Z�}�� ������_� �Y�

������H��1$�6� ���� �"������� �The

Merchant of Venice� ����� �Portia� 9�(�� �Nerissa��

���}�� �The Winter’s Tale� ����4  �Perdita�� ���A(

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+ Leah S Marcus, “Shakespeare’s Comic Heroines, Elizabeth I, and the Political Uses of

Androgyny,” in Women in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance : Literary and

Historical Representations, ed. by Mary Beth Rose �Syracuse : Syracuse University

Press, +320�, pp. +-/�-0.

, TUVWXYZ[�\]�� Q^ The Riverside Shakespeare, ed. by G. Blakemore

Evans �Boston : Houghton Mifflin Company, +31.� 4_`N�

- Peter Stallybrass, “Patriarchal Territories : The Body Enclosed,” in Rewriting the

Renaissance : the Discourses of Sexual Difference in Early Modern Europe, ed. by

Margaret W. Ferguson, Maureen Quilligan, and Nancy J. Vickers �Chicago : The

University of Chicago Press, +320�, pp. +,-�.,.

. David M. Robb, ‘The Iconography of the Annunciation in the Fourteenth and

Fifteenth Centuries,’ The Art Bulletin, +2 �+3-0�, pp. .2*�.2,.

/ The Hours of Catherine of Cleves with Introduction and Comments by John Plummer

�New York : George Brazillier, +300 ; rpt., +31/�, plate 3,.

0 Christa Grossinger, Picturing Women in Late Medieval and Renaissance Art

�Manchester University Press, +331�, p. .2.

1 Geffrey Whitney, A Choice of Emblems, Leyden �+/20�, ed. by Henry Green �London :

+200 ; rpt. New York : Benjamin Bloom, +301�, p. 3-.

2 ��%�\]!4,a�bXcd�� efK�a�/g u/v/w� ss �long s� /sKhi

Xcd+(j8/kl�� 2m��,n48:��

3 Thomas Combe, The Theatre of Fine Devices �London : +0+.�, with an Introduction

by John Doebler �San Marino, CA : The Huntington Library, +32-�, XVIII.

+* Retha M. Warnick, Women of the English Renaissance and Reformation �Westport, CT :

Greenwood Press, +32-�, pp. ,-�,/.


++ Thomas More, The Utopia of Sir Thomas More in Latin from the Edition of March

+/+2, and in English from the First Edition of Ralph Robynson’s Translation in +//+,

with additional translations, introduction and notes by J. H. Lupton �Oxford :

Clarendon Press, +32/�, pp. +--�-..

+, ����������� ��������� Juan Luis Vives, The Education of A

Christian Woman : A Sixteenth-Century Manual, ed and trans. by Charles Fantazzi

�Chicago : The University of Chicago, ,***�, p. /2.

+- Ibid., p. 1,.

+. Ibid., p. 2/

+/ Loc. Cit.

+0 Ibid., p. ,+3.

+1 H. M. Prescott, Spanish Tudor : The Life of Bloody Mary �London : Constable, +3.*�,

pp. -*-�..

+2 Roger Ascham, The Schoolmaster �+/1*�, ed. by Lawrence V. Ryan �Ithaca, NY :

Cornell University Press, +301�, p. +1.

+3 Ibid., /0.

,* Walter J. Ong, Chapter V, “Latin Language Study as a Renaissance Puberty Rite,” in

Rhetoric, Romance, and Technology : Studies in the Interaction of Expression and Culture

�Ithaca : Cornell University Press, +31+�, pp. ++-�.+.

,+ Kathi Vosevichi, ‘The Education of a Prince�ss� : Tutoring the Tudors’ in Women,

Writing, and the Reproduction of Culture in Tudor and Stuart Britain, ed. by Mary E.

Burke, Jane Donawerth, Linda L. Dove, and Karen Nelson �Syracuse, New York :

Syracuse University Press, ,***�, p. 1*.

,, ����� +�������� �������� Elizabeth I : Collected Works, ed.

by Leah. S. Marcus, Janel Mueller, and Mary Beth Rose �Chicago : The University of

Chicago Press, ,***�, p. 31.

,- Ibid., p. -,0.

,. Marie Axton, The Queen’s Two Bodies : Drama and the Elizabethan Succession

�London : Royal Historical Society, +311�, pp. -2�-3.

,/ William Harrison, The Description of England : The Classic Contemporary Account of

Tudor Social Life, ed. by George Edelen �Ithaca, New York : Cornell University Press,

�������� !"#$%�&%' ��

+302 ; rpt., New York : Dover, +33.�, p. ,,2.

,0 Frederic A. Youngs, Jr., The Proclamations of the Tudor Queens �Cambridge :

Cambridge University Press, +310�, pp. +0+�1*.

,1 Harrison, p. +.1.

,2 PhilipStubbes, The Anatomie of Abues, with the Introductory note by Peter Davison

�+/2- ; New York : Johnson Reprint Corpotraion, +31,�, F. /.

,3 Juliet Dusinberre, Shakespeare and the Nature of Women �New York : St. Martin’s

Press, +31/ ; rpt., +330�, p. ,,/.

-* RobertGreene, ‘Penelope’s Web’ in The Life and Complete Works in Prose and Verse of

Robert Greene, ed. by Alexander B. Grosart, V, p. ,+-.

-+ ������� ���� � ������� +31*�� �������

-, The Riverside Shakespeare, notes on the line +/*�/+.

-- ��� � ������� +332�� �������������

-. Vives, pp. +-+�-,.

-/ Ibid., pp. +..�/,.
