women generating 2013 catalog

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Catalog and training


Page 1: Women Generating 2013 Catalog

Women Generating ::: www.womengenerating.com ::: 614-341-7025

Page 2: Women Generating 2013 Catalog

What’s new?

Suzanne Roberts, Founder, Master Somatic Leadership Coach

Suzanne Roberts is the creator of Women Generating which empowers wom-

en to step beyond historical social norms and shaping to be positive forces of

change in the world. One component of Women Generating is The Women’s

Leadership Experience Learning Series, which combines group learning with

Somatic Coaching and the Focus Energy Balance Indicator (FEBI), Leadership

Assessment Tool. Suzanne completed Master Leadership Training at the

Strozzi Institute and earned the title of Master Certified Somatic Coach. She

also participated in the Strozzi Institute’s Teacher Training program. Early in

her career, Suzanne combined studies in pre-med, psychology, dance/movement and earned a

degree in Holistic Health. Additionally, she is a certified FEBI administrator.

Suzanne has worked as a trainer, speaker, and facilitator for small and large corporations,

businesses, and non-profits since 1979. She coaches leaders to become inspiring, on purpose,

resilient, and effective in their perspective domains. Additionally, she is the founder and

principal of UnifyingSolutions. UnifyingSolutions focuses on organizations and executives. Addi-

tionally, she developed a Timely-Relevant Feedback Guide and Training Manual, promoting

organizational and personal leadership as well as business success.

Vision of Women Generating

■ Build the collective power of women joining in support, compassion, safety, trust,

and learning.

■ The collective power will enliven and ignite the individual woman into her power,

presence, purpose, confidence, and life-giving choice in order to become genera-

tive for global, social, humanitarian, and planetary transformation.

■ Women building collective power with purpose will eliminate violence, disempow-

erment, and oppression to women and girls globally, restoring the balance of pow-


■ Build alliance partnerships with men for positive, sustainable change.

Values of Women Generating

■ Courage – to face yourself and find a way to belong with other women.

■ Accountability – holding each other accountable through the collective power of women.

■ Freedom – for life affirming choice.

■ Reverence for Life – honoring the interconnectedness of everything.

About Us Women Generating

Women Generating

To register visit us online at www.womengenerating.com


In partnership with

Page 3: Women Generating 2013 Catalog

What’s new?

Click the icon to register online

About Us Women Generating

Women Generating Website We are thrilled to announce we have a NEW website - check it out today: www.womengenerating.com The site has been completely revamped to showcase all of our opportunities to get involved with the Women Generating Community. We’d appreciate any feedback you have and invite you to connect with us…

■ Facebook: womengenerating ■ Twitter: @womengener8ting

5 To register visit us online at www.womengenerating.com

Click Here to Register

Online Registration A simple way to register online for all Women Generating Trainings. Follow the easy steps below: 1. Browse this catalog and decide which training(s) or events you

want to attend. 2. You’ll see this icon throughout the catalog - click it and you’ll be

taken to the online registration form.

3. Register for one or more trainings - choose how you want to pay (credit card or mail check) and hit submit.

After you register, you’ll receive an email confirmation detailing your selection(s) and schedule. We know this is new but hopefully you'll find the process very user friendly. This system will be used to register for all camps, Women’s Leader-ship Series, WG events and FREE alumni practices. Questions? Email [email protected].

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Women Generating

To register visit us online at www.womengenerating.com. 6

2013 Skills Camp & Classes 2013 SUMMER

Skills Camp: Negotiations - Saturday, March 9

Skills Camp: Take Direct Action with Confidence -March 9, 2013 Presenter(s): Suzanne Roberts, Master Somatic Leadership Coach -

Lead; Assistant Location: Chushin Center, 2350 Wood Avenue Columbus, OH 43221 Time: 1- 5pm Cost: $75

Click Here to Register

ABOUT SKILLS CAMPS—Summer Schedule NOW AVAILABLE! Skills Camps are designed for women to own their confidence, authority, and authentic purpose in order to skillfully take action to increase influence and fulfillment. The camps support direct action, ease with challenging conversations, healthy boundaries, self-care, and increased responsive-ness while reducing reactivity. The camps address the critical concerns women have limited by social norms and what history has dictated. This is an opportunity to shift the ways oppression gets internalized and limits full expression. Through collective support and collective confidence, personal and collective barriers dissolve and full presence and power emerge.

“I feel powerful when I am grounded and wide; when I know what I stand for and when my words, actions, and body are in alignment around that…” - WG Change Agent

June 26 - Introduction to Women’s Leadership & Somatics

2-hour Intro session for women only to learn more about the

power of somatic practice for embodied and

sustainable change in your leadership. Learn principles and

basics of this method of moving through the world and how it

can change your life. Center For Wholeness :: 6:00—8:00 pm ::


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Page 5: Women Generating 2013 Catalog

Women Generating

2013 Skills Camp & Classes 2013 SUMMER

Skills Camp: Negotiations - Saturday, March 9

ABOUT SKILLS CAMPS—Summer Schedule NOW AVAILABLE! Skills Camps are designed for women to own their confidence, authority, and authentic purpose in order to skillfully take action to increase influence and fulfillment. The camps support direct action, ease with challenging conversations, healthy boundaries, self-care, and increased responsive-ness while reducing reactivity. The camps address the critical concerns women have limited by social norms and what history has dictated. This is an opportunity to shift the ways oppression gets internalized and limits full expression. Through collective support and collective confidence, personal and collective barriers dissolve and full presence and power emerge.


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June 22 - Mother Daughter CAMP: Engaging to Create a New

Norm Help your daughter(s) find and trust their own value.

Empower them to rely on internal indicators rather than exter-

nal influences. Let's join together and interrupt the norm for

girls and remind them how amazing they are. Center For

Wholeness :: 1:00 pm—5:00 pm :: $75

June 29 - Self-Advocacy: Negotiating CAMP

Negotiate your future on your terms. This camp provides prac-

tical real life application - personal and professional. You'll

gain skills to negotiate salary - agreements - contracts - rela-

tionships. Center For Wholeness :: —5:00 pm :: $75

July 21 - Breaking through Barriers: Increase Impact &

Influence - Jo CAMP

Bring your whole self into every area of your life. This camp will

give you tools to embody more skillful direct action, use your

voice and feel yourself in action. You will have the opportuni-

ty to become congruent; breaking through personal and so-

cietal norms. Center For Wholeness :: 1:00 pm—5:00 pm :: $75

August 10 - Say Yes to a Different Future: Be your boldest self

on purpose CAMP

Do your decisions line up with your values? What do you need

boldness for...to stop saying yes when you mean no? Become

the best you to lead YOUR future. This camp is about being

courageous on your own behalf. Being generative and on

purpose. Explore in a safe space why you say yes and what

are you saying yes to. See what happens when you move

toward your YES with collective support. Your life is your top

priority! Center For Wholeness :: 1:00 pm—5:00 pm :: $75

Click Here to Register

Click Here to Register

Click Here to Register

To register visit us online at www.womengenerating.com.

Page 6: Women Generating 2013 Catalog

Women Generating

To register visit us online at www.womengenerating.com. 6

2013 Skills Camp & Classes

Skills Camp: Mother/Daughter October 2013

Skills Camp: Mother/Daughter Camp—October 6, 2013

Presenter(s): Suzanne Roberts, Master Somatic Leadership Coach -

Lead; Assistant Location: 4041 N. High Street, Columbus, OH 43221 Time: 1- 5pm Cost: $75

Engaging to Create a New Norm Help your daughter(s) find

and trust their own value. Empower them to rely on internal

indicators rather than external influences. Let's join together

and interrupt the norm for girls and remind them how amaz-

ing they are. Ages 8+.

Click Here to Register

Polarity Therapy Training - Columbus, OH and California Presenter(s): Suzanne Roberts, Master Somatic Leadership Coach -

Lead; Assistant Dates: Columbus, Ohio: 2/7– 2/10 October 31, November 1, 2, 3 California: 5/2 - 5/7 Location: Ohio: Chushin Center, 2350 Wood Avenue, Columbus, OH 43221 California - TBA Time: 9 am—5 pm Cost: Sliding Scale $500-$600

“I feel powerful when I am grounded and wide; when I know what I stand for and when my words, actions, and body are in

alignment around that…” - WG Change Agent

Click Here to Register

2013 Polarity Training Columbus & California

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Women Generating

2013 Skills Camp & Classes

7 To register visit us online at www.womengenerating.com.



I ‘get’ that confidence is self-trust. To gain or strengthen self-trust, I must embrace all of me. I have spent so much time expanding ideas and spirit that I have neglected my physi-cal body…at least I have neglected the stewardship of my health and vitality as provided through my physical body. I have lived to appease emotions and neglected my choice and my power.

This work allows me to connect with the livingness of my body: the life and life-force that enlivens my thoughts and my ideals. I think about Stephen Hawking, the brilliant scientist, whose misshapen body has not hindered one iota his contributions to physics and science and our human understanding of the universe. And I recognize that I have mind and body to contribute to my work. I choose to embrace and involve my body as a cherished re-source and gift. I can ground myself in my ideals and move deliberately toward fulfilling my ideas.

I learned to STAND on my own two legs. I experienced uniting my groundedness with an-other in love and respect, even when I do not accept the proposition or request they of-fer. I AM HERE.

I trust myself to take the next step. I trust myself to select for myself. I trust myself to know what I stand for. I trust myself to make decisions that are different from what I was taught in my youth, or that are different from what’s expected of me in my social networks. I trust myself to create a supportive network of allies who don’t have to feed me, but rather, who encourage me to find my power, feed my soul and stand on my own two legs.

I recognize that mother Earth, Gaia, is my most steadfast, wealthy and ardent supporter. She upholds me; Grounds me; Feeds me and supports me. I may stand on her support and may stand by her support. She has survived bombardment, global changes and epochs of evolution. At no time did her strength wane. Never did she quit, falter or die. She always remains. Always supports life. Always spins on her axis and orbits around her mother, the sun. She is the epitome of forbearance, patience, risk taking and success. And she supports me! I may take advantage of this support by grounding in my knowing and in my longing, and by standing on my own two legs.

I stand for courage, the first power that brings its own power with it. It feeds my expansion. It fuels my progress.

I stand for love and peace, the highest powers. I stand for harmony.

I long to share my message with millions. I long to give encouragement, light, hope and to “point the way” around the world. I long to live vibrantly and peacefully. I long to achieve this vision for my work. This workshop has allowed me to embody my hopes. To move them off the page, out of my mind and into my body. It has put me in touch with my body and with Mother Earth. It has awakened me to the endless resources at my feet: not in space or the cosmos; but, right here where I AM.

So the lesson is this: Trust yourself and take some risks. Know yourself and know for what you stand. Then, take a step. Take one, fully-supported step in the direction of your dreams. Amen.

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Women Generating

To register visit us online at www.womengenerating.com.


Women’s Leadership Experience Women’s Leadership Experience

“I’ve learned more about myself through collective power than I could learn by myself. And because I feel the support of collective power, I can feel myself more deeply and be more alive in the world. It allows me to be more authentic and truer to who I am at my core – and that allows me to be of greater service in the world and to be a brighter light to others. When I allow more aliveness in my body because of the support of the collective, I ‘m calmer, more centered, more loving and more deeply present to connect with myself and others.”

- Women Generating Change Agent


The Women’s Leadership Experience (WLE) will ignite you into your power,

purpose, authority, confidence and enlivened choice through deliberate


Join our growing community of diverse women leaders committed to being on purpose with their full power, authority, voice, dignified presence, and passion to increase positive impact within our own community. Promise of the WLE:

■ Lead with greater authority, presence, and authenticity ■ Be on purpose with power and relaxation ■ Navigate challenging conversations with ease ■ Train your self to respond vs. react ■ Take effective action by accessing your whole self ■ Coordinate with others to increase your collaboration ■ Generate positive influence in your personal and

professional life

WLE: New

Introduction to Women Generating: 2-1 Day Trainings 2/20 & 2/27 Presenter(s): Suzanne Roberts, Master Somatic Leadership Coach -

Lead; Assistant Location: Center for Wholeness, 3408 Indianola Ave., Columbus, OH 43214 Time: 6-8 pm

Cost: $125.00 which can be applied to an upcoming training such as the 2-Day Training on2/23-24 or 6-Part Series beginning on 10/9!

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Women Generating

WLE: 2 Day Training - 2013

Women’s Leadership Experience: Women of Color 2- Day Training DATE TBA

Presenter(s): Suzanne Roberts, Master Somatic Leadership Coach - Lead; Assistant

Location: Center for Wholeness, 4041 N. High St., Columbus, OH 43214 Time: Evenings 8:45 am—5:30 pm (both days Cost: $400 for new registrants* $125 for scholarship participants Payment plans may be arranged. All scholarships

need to be approved.


To register visit us online at www.womengenerating.com.

Women’s Leadership Experience Women’s Leadership Experience


The Women’s Leadership Experience (WLE) will ignite you into your power,

purpose, authority, confidence and enlivened choice through deliberate


Join our growing community of diverse women leaders committed to being on purpose with their full power, authority, voice, dignified presence, and passion to increase positive impact within our own community. Promise of the WLE:

■ Lead with greater authority, presence, and authenticity ■ Be on purpose with power and relaxation ■ Navigate challenging conversations with ease ■ Train your self to respond vs. react ■ Take effective action by accessing your whole self ■ Coordinate with others to increase your collaboration ■ Generate positive influence in your personal and

professional life

WLE: 2 Day Training

Women’s Leadership Experience: 2-Day Training 2/23-2/24, 5/18-5/19, 9/21-9/22

Presenter(s): Suzanne Roberts, Master Somatic Leadership Coach -

Lead; Assistant Location: 2/23-24, Center for Wholeness, 3408 Indianola Avenue Columbus, OH 43214 5/18-19, Chushin Center, 2350 Wood Ave., Columbus, OH 43221 9/21-22, TBD Time: 8:45 am - 5:30 pm (both days) Cost: $400

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WLE: New

*NEW! Fee structure: We believe WLE should reflect the diverse communities in which we live and work. To that end we are now offering a sliding fee scale. We will also be adding an opportunity to help sponsor another woman through the leadership training later this year. Self-select the level that fits your budget (NOTE: Scholarship fee must be applied for and approved - email [email protected]).

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Unifying Solutions

4041 North High Street, Suite 300H

Columbus, OH 43214

Phone: 614.341.7025

Email: [email protected]

Schedule a FREE 1-hour Coaching Session TODAY!


We offer…

Embodied Leadership Coaching

FEBI Assessment Tool for Individuals and Teams

Sustainable Cultural Transformation

Women’s Leadership Experience Series

Young Women Development

Unifying Solutions offers customized one-on-one executive coaching and team somatic leadership coaching. Somatic Coaching develops your leadership skill through deliberate practice by engaging the whole self. The methodology originates from Strozzi Institute. Outcomes of the coaching are in-creased resilience and recovery, greater ability to manage moods, in-spired presence to galvanize and enroll people in your vision, navigate challenging conversa-tions with ease, and improve the im-pact you have on the members of your organization and/or your person-al life. The work is pragmatic and builds you to become the leader you want to be..

Unifying Solutions is an affiliate of Women

Generating and founded by Suzanne Roberts.

The work of Women Generating focuses on

the collective and social change while Unifying

Solutions focuses on executives and teams.