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1/31/11 1 Women in Ancient Greece Women in European History – 31 Jan. 2011 Types of Sources re: Ancient Greek women Literary (Hesiod, Homer) Philosophical (Aristotle, Plato) Theatrical (Aristophanes, Euripides) Artistic (Parthenon frieze, vase paintings) Archaeological (houses, artifacts) Religious (ritual descriptions) Historical (Thucydides, Herodotus) Problems with studying women of Ancient Greece Ideology vs. reality Athenian vs. Spartan Slaves vs. wives vs. haeterae

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Women in Ancient Greece

Women in European History – 31 Jan. 2011

Types of Sources re: Ancient Greek women

•  Literary (Hesiod, Homer) •  Philosophical (Aristotle, Plato) •  Theatrical (Aristophanes, Euripides) •  Artistic (Parthenon frieze, vase paintings) •  Archaeological (houses, artifacts) •  Religious (ritual descriptions) •  Historical (Thucydides, Herodotus)

Problems with studying women of Ancient Greece

•  Ideology vs. reality •  Athenian vs. Spartan •  Slaves vs. wives vs. haeterae



Limitations on Greek women

•  Prized for being submissive, loyal, patient, domestic, fertile, & productive

•  Penelope •  Persephone •  Antithesis = wild, uncontrolled, fickle (Amazon,

Aphrodite, Pandora)

•  Kyrieia (guardianship) by father/husband/brother/uncle/sons

•  Limited rights •  No vote; no contracts; no travel; no real estate; no

financial indep.

He said.... •  “A woman is an imperfect man.” (Aristotle)

•  “Teaching a woman to read and write? What a terrible thing to do! Like feeding a snake more vile poison.” (Menander)

•  “The greatest glory of a woman is to be least talked about by men.” (Pericles)

•  “Man is the measure of all things.” (Protagoras)




Privileges of Greek women •  Priestesses were

essential to religious rituals, placating gods, & mourning the dead

•  Female goddesses were often independent

•  Spinning and weaving were fundamental to household economy

•  Various pan-Hellenic women-only festivals

Greek public fountain, crowded with women obtaining water

Marriage in Ancient Greece

Demeter & Persephone



Women in Sparta

Bronze statuette of female runner Artemis, goddess of hunting and patron saint of Sparta

Examples of Greek women in Marilyn Katz, “Daughters of Demeter”

•  Genesis (50-51) •  Epic heroines (51-52) •  Agricultural myth

(55-56) •  Theatre (57-58) •  History (60) •  Medicine (63)

•  “the ancient polis was a ‘male club’ from which women were excluded...but they also played important religious, economic, and social roles...in city’s communal life.” (p. 69)


•  Difficult to generalize about Ancient Greek women

•  Challenge of contradictory primary sources

•  Yet clearly many women lived under severe restrictions

•  The ideology of submissive Athenian women lives on for 2000 years....