women mental health

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Women Mental Health:Postpartum Depression

A.Fitrikasari Sutomo

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• Each ear! "#$ to %&$ o' a(ults in the)nite( States e*+erience a ma,or(e+ression

•  -he inci(ence amon /omen is t/ice

that o' men an( +eaks 0et/een "1 to22 ears o' ae 3 the chil(0earin ears

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• Women are at increase( risk o' moo((isor(ers (urin +erio(s o' hormonal4uctuation3

 – +remenstrual

 – +ost+artum

 – +erimeno+ausal

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Women are at serious risk 'or(e5elo+in a +schiatricillness a'ter chil(0irth.

D. Wolocko, Daily News

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Post+artum mothers are atsini6cant risk o' (e5elo+in a

+schiatric illness se5ereenouh to re7uire hos+itali8ationas the ne*t sli(e (emonstrates.

 -his increase( risk lasts 'ora0out t/o ears a'ter chil(0irth.

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9Post+artum De+ression is aeneral term use( in our

societ to (escri0e any  +schiatric illness occurrin

a'ter chil(0irth.

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In realit! Post+artum De+ression

(escri0es onl one o' 'oursn(romes that can occur

a'ter chil(0irth.

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 -he 'our sn(romes are:

• Maternit or Post+artum ;lues

• Post+artum Pschosis

• A(,ustment Disor(er o' thePost+artum Perio(

• Ma,or De+ression in the Post+artum

<Post+artum De+ression=

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)n'ortunatel! common re'erence to

all 'our con(itions as9Post+artum De+ression creates

con'usion an( 'ear.

 It is im+ortant to un(erstan( thatPost+artum Pschosis! the mostse5ere an( (anerous con(ition! isrelati5el rare an( 7uite (i>erent

'rom Post+artum De+ression! as thene*t sli(e (emonstrates.

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http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/women-mental-health 10/62Cohen LS. Depress Anxiety. 1998:1:18-26.




'ostart%$ (l%es

'ostart%$ Deression

'ostart%$ 'sychosis

)*+ to *+ 



2/3 have onset by

6 wks postpartum

↑risk for Postpartum

↑ Depression

70% are affetive!"ipo#ar$ a&or


S+ectrum o' Post+artumMoo( Chanes

I      n    

 c    i      

 d       e    

n     c     e    

I      n    

 c    i      

 d       e    

n     c     e    

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Post+artum Pschosisis o'ten misla0ele( in

the me(ia as

Post+artum De+ression!creatin much an*iet an(

'ear in /omen /ith the lessse5ere +ost+artum (isor(ers.

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Maternit or Post+artum;lues

• Is not  consi(ere( a +schiatric illnessan( is unrelate( to +schiatrichistor .

• Occurs in %? to 1#$ o' 0irthinmothers. -he e*act inci(ence isunclear.

• Present in all cultures stu(ie(• A++ears unrelate( to

en5ironmental stressors

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Maternit or Post+artum;lues

9;lues @ heihtene( reacti5it!not clinical


• Moo( s/ins 'rom /ee+iness to e*tremeha++iness an( heihtene( reacti5it

• Occurs to # (as a'ter chil(0irth. It is sel'limitin! resol5in in a0out a /eek.

• I' occurs! increases risk 'orPost+artum De+ression.

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 -he rest o'the sn(romes to 0e(escri0e( are all

consi(ere(+schiatric illnesses

an( 0ene6t 'rom clinicaltreatment.

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Post+artum Pschosis

• Is relati5el rare! occurrin one to threecases +er "&&& 0irths

• Is a se5ere an( li'e threatenin con(ition 'or0oth mother an( in'ant

• De5elo+s soon a'ter 0irth! o'ten /ithin t/o/eeks! usuall /ithin a month

• Re7uires intense treatment an(hos+itali8ation: A me(ical emerenc

• Is usuall 'ollo/e( 0 Post+artum De+ression

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Sm+toms o' Post+artumPschosis

• Delusions: False 0elie's! o'ten o' areliious nature an( 5er 're7uentlin5ol5in the in'ant

• Perce+tual (istortions: Seein orhearin thins /hich are not +resent

• O'ten! 'eelins o' e*cessi5e /ell0ein or im+ortance

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A(,ustment Disor(er o' thePost+artum Perio(

• Occurs in a0out %&$ o' 0irthin mothers0ut inci(ence is unclear as man /omen/ith this +ro0lem (o not seek treatment.

• Mani'ests as excessive (iBcultiesa(,ustin to motherhoo(.

• I' emotional sm+toms e*ist! the are notas se5ere as those seen in Post+artumDe+ression

(ri!ht. Am (am Physiian. 199 )*: )9).S%ri an# (%rt. ) Prat Psyhiatry "ehav *ea#th. 199 /: 6.

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A(,ustment Disor(er o' thePost+artum Perio(

• Can resol5e /ithout treatment o5ertime 0ut can cause onoin(iBculties 'or the mother.

• Can (e5elo+ intoPost+artum De+ression i' more

se5ere an( untreate(.

• Res+on(s /ell toshort term +schothera+.

(ri!ht. Am (am Physiian. 199 )*: )9).S%ri an# (%rt. ) Prat Psyhiatry "ehav *ea#th. 199 /: 6.

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Post+artum De+ression

• Occurs in "&$ o' 0irthin mothers

 –  %&$ i' the mother has ha( Maternit;lues.

• Occurs usuall /ithin ? /eeks o'0irth 0ut can occur u+ to a ear a'ter0irth

(ri!ht. Am (am Physiian. 199 )*: )9).S%ri an# (%rt. ) Prat Psyhiatry "ehav *ea#th. 199 /: 6.

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• ?.1$ to "?.#$ o' /omen e*+erience+ost +artum (e+ression <PPD= alsokno/n as +oat +artum ma,or

(e+ression <PMD=

• Onset can 0e as earl as %2 hours oras late as se5eral months 'ollo/in


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Onset o' Sm+toms inPost+artum De+ression

 -/o Stu(ies

2. Time of Onset of Postpartum Depression in 413 Patients

  The $ore severe, the ear#ier  the onset.





Within Two Weeks Si Weeks Si !onths

   P  e  r  "  e  n   t  a  #  e

  o   f   P  a

   t   i  e  n   t  s Se$ere% nee&e& hospita' a&mission

!i'&% treate& () #enera' pra"titioner 

1. Time of Onset of Postpartum Depression in 31* WomenWithin 1 Days


Within 6 Weeks


Within / "onths


Within 6 "onths


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Post+artum De+ression:Sm+tom Onset

• *+: 0ter irst ostnatal isit

 – 0t 6 weeks

• 2*+: Coinci#e# with weanin!

• 16+: 0t ret%rn o $enstr%ation – 0t 2 to / $onths i not &reast ee#in!

• 1+: 3nitiation o oral contraceties

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Post+artum De+ression

• Mani'ests as sm+toms o'(e+ression! o'ten /ith marke(an*ietaitation an( o0sessions

a0out harm comin to the chil(.

• Can (e5elo+ ra(uall ora0ru+tl a'ter 0irth

(ri!ht. Am (am Physiian. 199 )*: )9).S%ri an# (%rt. ) Prat Psyhiatry "ehav *ea#th. 199 /: 6.

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What are the sm+toms o'De+ression

 – Sa(ness o' moo( most o' the (a! nearl e5er(a

 – Diminishe( interest or +leasure in usualacti5ities

 – Ma,or chane in a++etite or /eiht

 – Not a0le to slee+ or slee+in too much – Aitation or 'eelin slo/e( (o/n

 – Fatiue or loss o' ener

 – Feelins o' /orthlessness or e*cessi5e or ina++ro+riateuilt

 – Diminishe( a0ilit to think or concentrate! orin(ecisi5eness

 – Recurrent thouhts o' (eath! (in! or suici(e

0'0 Dia!nostic an# Statistical "an%al. 199

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Hopelessness Loss of pleasure in activities

Helplessness Mood changes

Persistent sadness Inability to adjust to role of  motherhood

Irritability Inability to concentrate

Low self-esteem Sleep /appetite disturbances


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Sm+toms Fre7uentl Seen in

 Post+artum De+ression

• Marke( aitation an( an*iet• Mother can not slee+ e5en /hen

the 0a0 is slee+in

• O0sessions an( com+ulsionsa0out the 0a0

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• Sm+toms rane3

 – 'rom mil( (s+horia

 – to suici(al i(eation

 – to +schotic (e+ression

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• )ntreate(! sm+toms can last:

 – se5eral months

 – into the secon( ear +ost+artum

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• arious theories 0ase( in+hsioloical chanes ha5e 0een

+ostulate(: – hormonal e*cesses or (e6ciencies o'

estroen! +roesterone! +rolactin!

thro*ine! tr+to+han! amon others

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• Other theories cite numerous+schosocial 'actors associate( /ith

PMD: – marital con4ict

 – chil(3care (iBculties <'ee(in! slee+in!health +ro0lems=

 – +erce+tion 0 mother o' an in'ant /ith a(iBcult tem+erament

 – histor o' 'amil or +ersonal (e+ression

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• %2."$ o' PRAMS res+on(entsin(icate( that in the months a'ter

(eli5er the /ere mo(eratel to5er (e+resse(

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Hiher rates o' (e+ression /erenote( amon /omen /ho:

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• Neati5e im+act on the in'ant Jssocial! emotional an( coniti5e(e5elo+ment

 – % month ol( in'ants o' mothers /ith PMD

ha( (ecrease( coniti5e a0ilit an(e*+resse( more neati5e emotions(urin testin

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• ;a0ies o' mothers/ith PMD /ere

+ercei5e( 0 theirmothers as more(iBcult to care 'oran( more


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• In recent ears! there ha5e 0eent/o maternal (eaths (ue to suici(e0 /omen /ithin one ear o'

i5in 0irth.• Neither /oman ha( 0een screene('or +ost+artum (e+ression

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 -here are risk 'actors that

+re(is+ose /omen to+ost+artum (isor(ers.

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-amily history of mood


-!hild-care difficulties"

feeding# sleeping# health

-!lient history of mood

disorder prior to pregnancy

-Marital conflict

-$n%iety/depression during


-Stressful life events

-Previous postpartum


-Poor social support

-&aby blues following current


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• First +renanc

•  oun ae

• Pschiatric illness (urin +renanc

• Prior histor o' +ost+artum illness

• Prior histor o' mental illness

• Famil histor o' mental illness

• Recent stress'ul li'e e5ents

• Pro0lems in the marriae

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In a((ition! there are mansocietal an( cultural 'actors

that ma +re(is+ose /omento +ost+artum +ro0lems


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• Isolation

• Diminishe( e*ten(e( 'amilin5ol5ement

• Distorte( an( lamori8e( +erce+tionso' +renanc

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• Reco5er in the +ost +artum

• Fre7uentl +romote( in the me(ia

• )nrealistic e*+ectations o' the+ost+artum mother

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• E(ucate the /oman an( her su++ortsstem rear(in the (ianosis o'

+ost+artum (e+ression.

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• Pharmacoloical inter5ention

• Counselin! in(i5i(ual an(or rou+

• Su++ort rou+s

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• )se o' tricclic anti(e+ressants an(selecti5e serotonin reu+take inhi0itors<SSRIs= ma 0e in(icate( 'or 0oth non3

nursin an( nursin mothers• Ha5e lo/ inci(ence o' in'ant to*icit an(

a(5erse e>ects (urin 0reast'ee(in

• Decisions rear(in use /hile0reast'ee(in must 0e on a case 0 case0asis

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• Pro5i(er must 0e 'amiliar /ith aentsan( the he+atic 'unction o' motheran( in'ant

• Client must 0e in'orme( o'risks0ene6ts o' treatment s. notreatment 'or hersel' an( her in'ant

 – unkno/n im+act o' lon3term use o'me(ications on neuro(e5elo+ment o'in'ant

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Other Consi(erations 3Cont.

• I' the /oman chooses to 0reast'ee(/hile on +schotro+ics! she shoul(/ork colla0orati5el /ith a

+schiatrist an( her +e(iatrician• I' the in'ant e*+eriences insomnia orother 0eha5ior chanes! his serumshoul( 0e assae( 'or the +resence o'

me(ication• Document all (iscussions rear(in

treatment in the clients chart

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• Lno/ re'erral sources in our locale!es+eciall those that: – acce+t Me(icai(

 – utili8e a sli(in 'ee – /ill (e5elo+ a +ament +lan /ith theclient

 – o>er 'ree counselin

• ;e 'amiliar /ith in(ient (ru+rorams a5aila0le throuh 5arious+harmaceutical manu'acturers

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Counselin 3 Cont.

• An /oman /ith sm+toms o'+schosis or /ith serioussuici(alhomici(al i(eation shoul( 0e

re'erre( 'or emerenc +schiatrice5aluation

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• Numerous +ost+artum su++ort

rou+s are a5aila0le. Contact:• Gocal mental health aencies

• Hos+itals

• We0sites

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What a0out

0reast 'ee(in

 -he inci(ence o' 0reast

'ee(in in 0irthin mothers isincreasin as the ne*t sli(e


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Althouh the +resence o'

o0sessions an( com+ulsionsin(icates nee( 'or treatment!

these mothers are rarel

(anerous to the in'ants. -heare actuall at hiher risk to hurt

themsel5es as a result o' their

'ear o' +ossi0l hurtin thein'ant.

Inci(ence o' ;reast Fee(in

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Inci(ence o' ;reast Fee(in"%?3%&&"














1972 1975 1998 2000 2001

Briggs, Freeman, Yafee, Drugs in Pregnancy and Lactation, 1998

Maternity Surey, Parents Express, !"i#$,!$, 4&01, 4&02

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a reasona0lea reasona0leo+tiono+tion

in Post+artumin Post+artum

(reast ee#in!4(reast ee#in!4

Wh t 0 i (

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What are o0sessions an(com+ulsions

• An o0session is a re+etiti5e! intrusi5e an((istur0in thouht that enters the min(an( is out o' the in(i5i(ualQs control.

• A com+ulsion is a re+etiti5e act that is(one in an attem+t to 0e ri( o' theo0sessional thouht.

• ;oth cause reat an*iet an( (iscom'ort

in the in(i5i(ual.

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Post+artum o0sessions

• Commonl 'ocuse( on in'ant

•  -houhts<o0sessions= o' hurtin the in'ant – Dro++in in'ant

 – Dro/nin in'ant – Sta00in in'ant

 – Puttin in'ant in o5en or micro/a5e

 – Se*uall a0usin in'ant

 – -houhts that someone /ill steal orharm the in'ant

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Post+artum com+ulsions

• Commonl 'ollo/ the o0sessions as anattem+t to alle5iate the thouht

 – A5oi( hol(in 0a0 0 staircases! etc

 – A5oi( 0athin in'ant – Hi(e kni5es

 – A5oi( kitchen area

 – A5oi( chanin (ia+ers or 0athin in'ant

 – A5oi( lea5in the house

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Althouh all me(icationscross into 0reast milk! thereare a 'e/ anti(e+ressants

that a++ear to cross less thanothers an( ma 0e sa'er in0reast 'ee(in. Consult

our (octor.

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In summar! +ost+artum

+schiatric illness e*ists. Itcan 0e (e0ilitatin an((anerous to 0oth mother

an( chil(.E>ecti5e treatments area5aila0le. Su++ort rou+s o'

mothers in reco5er are alsoa5aila0le in man areas

o' the countr.

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• ". ;eck A-! War(! CH! Men(elson M! Mock ! Er0auh . Anin5entor 'or measurin (e+ression. Archi5es o' eneralPschiatr. <une "?"=. 2:?:#?"3#".

• %. Co* G! Hol(en! M! Sao5sk R. E(in0urh Postnatal De+ressionScale <EPDS=. ;ritish ournal o' Pschiatr. <"1=. "#&:1%31?.

• . E++erson CN. Post+artum ma,or (e+ression: (etection K

treatment. American Famil Phsician. <A+ril "#! "=. #:1:%%23%%#2.

• 2. Man(l LD! -ronick ET! ;rennan -A! Al+ert HR! Homer . In'anthealth care use an( maternal (e+ression. Archi5es o' Pe(iatricA(olescent Me(icine. <"=. "#:<1=:1&131".

• #. Sto/e T. De+ression a'ter chil(0irth: I it the 90a0 0lues orsomethin more P68er Inc. anuar "1.

• ?. Sto/e TN! Nemero> C;. Women at risk 'or +ost+artum3onsetma,or (e+ression. American ournal o' O0stetrics K necolo.<Auust "#=. ":%:?3?2#.

• . )tah De+artment o' Health. <%&&"=. U)ntitle(V. )n+u0lishe(Maternal Mortalit Re5ie/ Proram (ata.

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Re'erences <cont.=

• 1. )tah De+artment o' Health. <%&&"=. U)ntitle(V. )n+u0lishe(PRAMS (ata.

• . Whi>en E! otli0 IH. In'ants o' +ost+artum (e+resse(mothers: tem+erament an( coniti5e status. ournal o' A0normalPscholo. <"1=. 1::%23%.

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