won’t sit idle till azhar ssb to get intl wing potholes...

NEW DELHI, Sept 17: The Government plans to introduce a ranking system for states and districts on the basis of nutrition levels, according to a letter from NITI Aayog CEO Amitabh Kant to all state Governments. The Centre is also likely to institute a reward system for local administrations to encour- age them to achieve their nutri- tional goals. The top official at the Government think-tank also called for a focused strategy across 201 districts in the coun- try which have the highest per- centage of children with stunted growth. "The Government of India is considering the introduction of performance based incentives linked to the outcomes achieved by states and districts which would be monitored through an annual survey," Kant wrote to chief secretaries of all state Governments in a letter last week. The letter said "publication of ranks for the districts and states based on nutrition outcomes" was also being considered. The National Nutrition Strategy unveiled by NITI Aayog recently aims at achieving optimal nutritional status for every child, adolescent girl and woman-- espe- cially those from the most vulner- able communities-- by 2022. The think tank has identified 10 nutritional indicators for improvement, which include infant mortality rate, under five mortality rate, maternal death rate, pregnant women with anaemia and children in the age group of 6-59 months with anaemia. It also notes that there are wide disparities in nutritional indicators across various dis- tricts and, therefore, there is a need for focused intervention in areas with high levels of under- nutrition. (PTI) LUCKNOW, Sept 17: Towing the lines of All India Akhara Parishad, All India Muslim Personal Law Board (AIMPLB) too has decided to launch a campaign to identify 'fake maulanas'. The Board said that some illit- erate 'maulanas' represent the community and Islam on debates in TV channels and indulge in spreading misunderstanding and confusion about the religion. Executive member of All India Muslim Personal Law Board (AIMPLB) Maulana Khalid Rasheed Farangi Mahali said here today that a lot of 'fake' Muslim clerics have been appearing on TV channels these days with little knowledge of Islam and Shariat. "These clerics do not have any credential. All they do is wear a skull cap, grow a beard and sit on TV debates. Such people bring bad name to the community as they do not have knowledge of Islam and Shariat," the Maulana said. "I will soon submit a proposal to AIMPLB to act against these people. I would also like to sug- gest that the Board authorised clerics to speak on TV channels and other debates. This will cer- tainly keep a check on 'fake cler- ics' going about their way," said Firangi Mahali. The Maulana said that these 'fake clerics' create a wrong notion that the Shariat was being misused and portray issues like instant Triple 'Talaq' in bad light as they do not know the exact meaning of 'Talaq' as mentioned in Shariat. Commenting on the recent action against 'fake babas' by Akhara Parishad, the cleric said, "It is a welcome move. People, who do not have knowledge of a particular faith, bring bad name to it. Such people should be identi- fied and acted against." The Akhil Bhartiya Akhara Parishad had recently released a list of 14 'fake babas' or self-proclaimed Godmen and urged people to boycott them. (UNI) NEW DELHI, Sept 17: Union Home Minister Rajnath Singh will opera- tionalise the SSB's first ever intelligence wing tomorrow, a Home Ministry official said. The paramilitary force guards India's borders with Bhutan and Nepal, which are often used by criminals and Kashmiri militants returning from Pakistan. The intelligence wing will have 650 field and staff agents to gather actionable information. Due to the visa-free regime India has with Nepal and Bhutan, there is a trans-border movement of criminals and anti- national elements which pose a major challenge, the Home Ministry official said. As many as 230 former Kashmiri militants, based in Pakistan and Pakistan-occupied- Kashmir, have returned home through the Indo-Nepal border since 2010. Also, their spouses and 88 children have come along with them. The former militants, their spouses and children did not have travel documents while entering India. Security agen- cies detained them upon ascer- taining their real identities, another official said requesting anonymity. They were released only after a vigorous checking of their backgrounds, past activities and following judicial process. The Indo-Bhutan border is known to be frequented by the Assam-based insurgent group NDFB, which has even attacked Bhutanese nationals in the past. India shares a 1,751-km-long border with Nepal and a 699 - km-long border with Bhutan. The SSB has also been declared as the lead intelligence agency for both the borders. Thus, the Central Government felt that a well-knit intelligence network of the highest capability that can function and deliver would be the prime requirement for comprehensive border man- agement. This was essential as the SSB's operations are based on intelligence to prevent criminals and smugglers from taking advantage of the friendly borders with Nepal and Bhutan, the offi- cial said. The SSB has been mandated to guard the Indo-Nepal and Indo-Bhutan borders where there are no restrictions on the move- ment of people on either side. The border population on both the sides has strong region- al, cultural and economic ties. The SSB has 474 Border Out Posts (BOPs) on the Nepal bor- der and 131 on the Bhutan bor- der. The border with Nepal touch- es Uttarakhand, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, West Bengal and Sikkim and the border with Bhutan touches Sikkim, West Bengal, Assam and Arunachal Pradesh. (PTI) Excelsior Correspondent JAMMU, Sept 17: Highlig- hting the iniquitous impact of car- diovascular diseases on female gender Dr. Sushil Sharma HoD Cardiology GMC Jammu today held a day long camp with the residents of Upper Beli Charana at Gurudwara Singh Sabha, Jammu City. Men and women alike can experience the well-known heart attack symptoms like gripping chest pains and breaking out in a cold sweat. But women can also have subtler, less recognizable symptoms such as pain or discom- fort in the stomach, jaw, neck or back, nausea and shortness of breath. As a result, women are often unaware what they are expe- riencing is a heart attack. So what happens women blow off the warning signs, assuming some- thing else is the problem. Heart disease kills 500,000 women every year 10 times more than breast cancer and more than all other cancers combined. It’s also a leading cause of disability. Near about eight million women are living with it," he said. To add to the problem, Dr Sharma said, healthcare providers may misdiagnose these symp- toms, and the result is that women discover their heart disease when it’s too late. Men, on the other hand, seem to benefit from having more frequently participated in clinical trials, and more aggres- sive diagnostic testing and treat- ment. Pointing out towards some staggering disparities regarding impact that CVDs are exhibiting on different genders, Dr Sushil highlighted that women aged 45 and younger are more likely than men to die within a year of their first heart attack. "Coronary Micro vascular dis- ease is more common in women than in men. The same risk factors that cause problem with larger coronary arteries such as heredi- tary, age, race, blood pressure, blood cholesterol, smoking may also contribute to coronary micro vascular diseases. Women appears to be more affected by high blood pressure, smoking and diabetes. In addition to this there are host of other risk factors unique to women. Women experience preg- nancy, menopause and are pre- scribed contraceptive pills and post menopausal oestrogen," Dr. Sushil emphasised. DAILY EXCELSIOR, JAMMU MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 2017 (PAGE 13) Young woman ends life Excelsior Correspondent RAJOURI, Sept 17: A young woman committed sui- cide by consuming some poi- sonous substance at his home in Thannamandi area today. The deceased has been identified as Rahila Kouser, wife of Constable Ajaz Ahmed, resident of Kalaban in Thannamandi area. The woman in serious condition was rushed to Rajouri after she allegedly consumed poi- son at home. The doctors pro- vided preliminary treatment and then referred her to GMC Hospital, Jammu but she died on the way near Nowshera. The body after postmortem was handed over to the family for last rights. The parents of the girl alleged that she was poisoned by her inlaws and it was a case of murder. They alleged that it was second marriage of Constable Ajaz and his first wife was also thrown out of the house after torture. They demanded that SIT be framed to investigate the case. One held with illicit liquor Excelsior Correspondent REASI, Sept 17: The police arrested a youth and recovered 56 packets of illicit liquor from his possession here today. A police spokesman said that a police party led by SI Qamar Din intercepted one per- sons during naka at IRP Chowk, Reasi and recovered 56 poly packs of illicit liquor from his possession. He has been identi- fied as Anil Kumar alias Punjabi, resident of Kapuri Gate Batala, at present Katra. The police arrested the accused and registered a case FIR No. 192/ 2017, under Excise Act against him. Cop electrocuted Excelsior Correspondent RAJOURI, Sept 17: A police constable was electrocut- ed at village Thandi Kassi dur- ing construction work of his house in district Rajouri today. The deceased has been iden- tified as Surjit Singh, son of Shiv Ram Singh of Thandi Kassi. The mishap took place when the cop had mounted the roof top of his house during construction work. He was trapped in the live electric cables and received severe elec- tric shock. He was rushed to Rajouri hospital where doctors declared him as brought dead. The police has taken cog- nizance of the matter. AIPEU elects office bearers Excelsior Correspondent JAMMU, Sept 17: All India Postal Employees’ Union (AIPEU), Jammu province elected its office bearers in a meeting held here today under the chairmanship of ML Langeh, Circle president. The meeting unanimously elected Tejinder Singh as presi- dent, Kuldeep Raj Sharma as working president, Rajni Sopor, Gourav Verma and Kulbir Singh as vice presidents, Shiv Kumar Sharma as secretary, Joginder Pal and Sidharth Gupta as assis- tant divisional secretaries, Mohinder Nath as financial sec- retary, Sanjay Tickoo and Veena Bhadwal as assistant financial secretaries and Saty Paul as organizational secretary. The post of supreme council- lor was occupied by ML Langeh, Circle president. DH Kishtwar facing staff shortage: HSS Excelsior Correspondent JAMMU, Sept 17: District Hospital Kishtwar is reeling under acute shortage of staff including doctors, specialist and medical officers. This was stated by Vikrant Kapoor, State President, Hindustan Shiv Sena during a press conference here today. He said that the Government claims to provide health care facilities to the people at their doorstep, but District Hospital Kishtwar, which caters huge rush of patients from various areas of the district is reeling under shortage of doctors. While speaking, Incharge Chenab and Pir Panjal Regions Tilak Raj Shan urged the Government to fulfill the vacant posts in District Hospital Kishtwar. Among others present were GI Singh, Himanshu Gupta, Amit and Anoop. Bali meets shelling victims in GMC Excelsior Correspondent JAMMU, Sept 17: Health and Medical Education Minister Bali Bhagat today visited Government Medical College (GMC) Jammu to enquire condition of civilians injured in Pakistan shelling and firing last night in Arnia sector on the International Border (IB). Bhagat was briefed on condi- tion of the shelling victims by GMC Medical Superintendent Dr Dara Singh and Resident Medical Officer (RMO) Dr Sujay Mahajan. Bhagat directed the GMC authorities and doctors to provide best medical treatment to Pakistan shelling and firing vic- tims and ensure that they don’t face any inconvenience. AIMPLB to identify fake Maulanas after Akhara Parishad names 14 fraudsters States, districts likely to be ranked on nutrition standards Won’t sit idle till Azhar brought to justice: India NEW YORK, Sept 17: Hoping that the UN would soon designate Masood Azhar as a terrorist, a top Indian diplomat has said that New Delhi will not sit idle till the Pakistan- based Jaish-e-Mohammed leader is brought to justice. India has identified Azhar as the mastermind of the Pathankot terror attack on January 2, 2016. It has also blamed his brother Rauf and five others for carrying out the attack in which seven Indian soldiers were killed along with all the six terrorists. "If I were to use a term, the matter is what we would call in judicial terms sub-judice. Currently the matter is with a UN committee. We hope that the committee will be able to fulfill its role in designating Masood Azhar who we have tried for quite some time but have not succeeded yet," India's Permanent Representative to the UN Syed Akbaruddin said here. "However, we would like to make it very clear, we will pur- sue Masood Azhar so that the ends of justice are met," he said yesterday at a news conference in response to a question on India's effort towards terrorist designation of Azhar, which has repeatedly been blocked by China. China in August extended by three months its technical hold on the US, France and UK- backed proposal to designate the Pathankot attack mastermind as a global terrorist by the UN. If China would not have extended the technical hold last month, Azhar would have auto- matically been designated under the UN as a terrorist. A veto-wielding permanent member of the Security Council, China has repeatedly blocked India's move to put a ban on the Jaish-e-Mohammed chief under the Al-Qaeda Sanctions Committee of the Council. JeM has already been in the banned list. Last year in March, China was the sole member in the 15- nation UN organ to put a hold on India's application with all other 14 members of the Council sup- porting New Delhi's bid to place Azhar on the 1267 sanctions list that would subject him to an assets freeze and travel ban. "He (Azhar) may try to delay this, but the inevitable will hap- pen. So be certain about it. The clock is ticking for him. He will be pursued until justice is met," Akbaruddin said. When a reporter asked what are China's objections to British- backed proposal to list Azhar as a designated terrorist by the UN, he said, "You should ask them." The three-month validity of the current technical hold is expiring on November 2. (PTI) SSB to get Intl wing India takes jibe at Pak on raising Kashmir issue UNITED NATION, Sept 17: Taking a jibe at Pakistan, a top Indian diplomat has said Islamabad's decision to raise the Kashmir issue at the UN, which has not been discussed at the world body for decades, is like 'Miyan ki daud masjid tak'. India on the other hand is focused on progressive, forward looking agenda during the UN General Assembly session beginning tomorrow, India's Permanent Representative to the UN Syed Akbaruddin told reporters here yesterday. "I have outlined in our approach, that is progressive forward looking. We are vision- ary in our goals. If on the other hand there are other countries, who as you say, focus on yester- day's issues then they are yester- day's people," Akbaruddin said in response to a question on reports that Pakistan plans to raise the Kashmir issue at the UN. Pakistan's new Prime Minister Shahid Khaqan Abbasi is scheduled to address the UN General Assembly this week. External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj would deliver her address on September 23. "If they (Pakistan) focus on an issue which has not been on the discussion table in the UN now for decades, not for years, for decades..., if this is what they want to focus on, so be it. To be his own...Miyan ki daud masjid tak," Akbaruddin said, referring to a popular Urdu proverb mean- ing some people think within a limited focus and are unable to think beyond that. A day earlier, Pakistan's Foreign Ministry had said that Abbasi would be raising the Kashmir issue at the UN. (PTI) Police foil attempt to make youth drug addicts Excelsior Correspondent JAMMU, Sept 17: Gandhi Nagar police under “Operation Sanjeevani” foiled an attempt of the narcotic smuggler to make youth drug addicts. As per police sources, based on reliable information, a team from Gandhi Nagar Police Station laid a naka near Valmiki Chowk and asked a pedestrian to stop for checking, who was try- ing to hide himself from the cops. During checking, police recovered intoxicants including 28 injections, 56 capsules and 48 tablets from the possession of the pedestrian and arrested him. The arrested person has been identified as Pankaj, son of Ravail Chand, a resident of Valmiki Colony, Gandhi Nagar. A case under FIR Number 158/17 under Section 8/21/22 Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances (NDPS) Act has been registered at Gandhi Nagar Police Station and investigation started to ascertain the source of the consignment. Police team led by SHO Gandhi Nagar DySP (P) Dr Sunniya Ashkoor Wani and assisted by SI Vicky Thapa from Police Station Gandhi Nagar made the arrest under the super- vision of SDPO South Mohammad Rafiq Manhas and SP South Sandeep Choudhary. Hakla demands introduction of Gojri in schools syllabus Excelsior Correspondent POONCH, Sept 17: Promi- nent Gujjar leader and intellec- tual Shamsher Hakla Poonchi today in an appeal to Chief Minister, Mehbooba Mufti demanded introduction of Gojri language as a compulsory sub- ject in schools on the pattern of Kashmiri, Dogri and Punjabi languages which were recently introduced by State Government in educational institutions. In a statement issued here today this would help in popu- larizing the Gojri language among the community. Hakla further said that Gojri language is spoken by a majority of peo- ple in the State belonging to Gujjar and Bakerwal communi- ty. The number of such people is over 34 lakh in the State, he added. He said these people whose mother tongue is Gojri can't be ignored as the inclusion of Gojri in education syllabus is genuine and justified demand. He also demanded that the Gojri language be also included into the Eighth Schedule of Indian Constitution and this lan- guage be given its due place. Potholes dot Basohli Mahanpur link The 30 Km. long Basohli Mahanpur link, a life line of Basohli Bani and Billawar tehsils, is in a dilapidated condition. Due to the negligence of the PWD Division Basohli, the whole link has been converted into deep ditches and pools. Owing to the upheavals the road has become jerky and journey on this link by the sick and expecting mothers is always prone to danger. There are blind and sharp curves all along the 30 km route. There is always the apprehension of head on collision of the vehicles and skidding off the road. Many times fatal accidents have taken the precious lives of the commuters. Owing to the poor condition of the link the passenger buses take two hours to travel 30 km. dis- tance which irks the employees and other people who have no other alternative except travelling on the jerky link. It is very funny that the said link is called a VVIP link because this road is shared by two Cabinet ministers and one MLA of Bani con- stituency. While the Forest Minister, MLA of Basohli constituen- cy, MLA Bani travel to their constituency head quarters frequent- ly by this link, the village of our Deputy Chief Minister is situat- ed just on one side of the link. It is surprising why do not our law makers take cognizance or notice of the rough condition of the road they travel on. While seated in comfortable and cushioned seated cards. All the three legislators/ministers who share the road are requested to look into the problems of the masses, who have elected them, and address them. Kindly direct the PWD department to take the matter of the link road on the priority and repair the road and make it traffic-worthy. Shiv Kumar Padha Basohli SRTC bus service for Shiv Khori The attention of the concerned authorities is drawn towards the non-availability of direct SRTC bus service to world famous Shiv Khori Shrine. The cave is 120 Kms from Jammu via Pamla, Akhnoor road. Due to absence of this service, poor pilgrims suf- fer a lot. Hiring a cab or Sumo is beyond their reach. It is there- fore requested to the Minister of State for Transport to start a direct SRTC bus service from Jammu Bus Stand for the conven- ience of passengers. Bishamber Nath Basu Paloura Poor transport service in Purmandal This is to draw the attention of the concerned authorities towards the problems being faced by the Public of Purmandal with regard to transport service in the area. The bus service from Jammu Bus Stand to Purmandal is quite irregular. The passengers have to face many hardships on account of it. Besides, the peo- ple experience the menace of overloading in buses and mini- buses. The people are huddled like cattle in these vehicles. The children and women are the worst hit of this scourge. Adding to this agony is fleecing of passengers by transporters. They over- charge from the gullible passengers day in and day out. As a result of faulty transport service may accidents have taken place on Purmandal - Jammu road. Two months back in an accident at Khara Medena many people got injured while one youth lost his life. The matter in this regard was taken up with the RTO office, but no steps have been taken so far to improve the transport serv- ice in the area. It is once again appealed to the RTO to look into the matter to redress the grievance. Rahul Goswami Purmandal Traffic lights in Gandhi Nagar The Jammu and Kashmir Government through its Traffic Control Department & Jammu Municipal Corporation is installing traffic lights in Gandhi Nagar Jammu on Green Belt Railway Station road at Valmiki Chowk and Gen. Zorawar Singh Chowk for smooth and uninterrupted flow of traffic to Railway Station in the VIP area. This is a very good step taken by the con- cerned departments in view of the increasing high density traffic on this road. While the idea is highly appreciated but it is felt that the authorities should give a relook to the problem as it is apprehend that they are creating a big bottle neck by not providing the traf- fic lights near SBI regional office and entry to Trikuta Nagar. The people of Channi Himmat, Sainik Colony, Greater Kailash, Kunjwani Talab and even Gangyal prefer and use this road. The intersection of this road at this point has already become a great cause of concern. Every day we witness big traf- fic jams from BSNL customer care office to SBI Regional office. In addition to this the location of Bahu Plaza, Railhead complex, Haj house and Shiv mandir market on left side of the road is adding to the traffic problems at this place. For pedestrians cross- ing at this place is nothing short of invitation to death. Two-three accidents a day is a normal routine. Installing of traffic lights at Valmiki Chowk and Gen.Zorawar Singh Chowk will further compound the prob- lem as traffic from Trikuta Nagar road moving towards railway station and other offices on railway head complex will create a barrage and the fast moving traffic after the green signals at Valmiki Chowk and Gen Zorawar Singh Chowk will come to a grinding halt at this junction. It is therefore necessary that the concerned departments of Traffic Police Jammu Municipal Corporation should consider installing of traffic lights at this point then & only then the other two traffic lights at Valmiki Chowk and Gen Zorawar Singh Chowk will be effective in serving the purpose of smooth move- ment of traffic on this important road. Er. R.N. Kaw, General Secretary Trikuta Nagar Welfare Society and President Residents Welfare Society Sector6 Trikuta Nagar. Repair Preet Nagar lane This is to draw the attention of the Jammu Municipal Authorities towards the lane which runs towards my home. I have been living in this lane for last 12 years, but nobody has bothered to black-top it like other lanes in the colony. I contact- ed the authorities a number of times in this regard, but nobody pays attention. During rains,it is difficult to cross due to accumulation of water. I, once again request the authorities to blacktop this lane at the earliest. Navjot Singh near CRPF Camp Preet Nagar, Jammu Anti-social activities in Env Park This is to draw attention of the JMC authorities that the Environment Park at Bhawani Nagar Janipur is frequented by some anti-social elements during evening hours. As a result, most of the people who used to go for recreational purposes there do not visit much now. It is requested to the authorities that no anti-social activity be allowed to take place there as it is for public use where women and children often visit for recre- ational purpose. Vinod Kumar Bhawani Nagar, Janipur Jammu Bus Stand in bad condition The Bus Stand Jammu is a picture of apathy and callous- ness. One wonders why this bus stand which houses a fleet of buses is in such a pitiable condition. The pavements are bro- ken, tiles uprooted at garbage dumps sprouted here and there. Stinking lanes, drains and bathrooms great visitors in every corner of the stand. As there are not sufficient places or rooms to rest, people are seen squatting on pavements and everywhere there is a lit- tle space available to them. The constant honking of vehicles both small and big add to misery of passengers. The ticket counters are in a dilapidated condition. The overall scenario of the bus stand is chaotic and disor- derly. There is urgent need to give it a face lift so that passen- gers can have a smooth arrival and departure. Alia Thakur Jammu Electric wires pose danger It is to bring to the notice of concerned Electric Department EM&RE Jammu that the old worn out electric wires require replacement by new ones so that distribution in supply of electricity in Govind Nagar area is without any failure. Moreover, electricity load on the transformers already installed require equal distribution of electricity. This is generally not in practice in the field, resulting in total load of electricity only on one of the two transformers already installed in Govind Nagar Sec-2 area which always leads to single phase distribution of electricity to Govind Nagar area. With the result, public of the areas is the most sufferer. As such, it is requested to the Chief Engineer Electric EM&RE Department to take an early action in the above mentioned matters so that the public of Govind Nagar may not suffer any more. Sunita Devi Govind Nagar Gole Talab Tillo, Jammu ACTION PLEASE! E-mail : [email protected] Preet Nagar lane in deplorable condition. Health and Medical Education Minister Bali Bhagat being briefed on the condition of Pakistan shelling and firing victims by GMC M S Dr Dara Singh and RMO Dr Sujay Mahajan on Sunday. Women suffer more from coronary Micro Vascular disease: Dr Sushil HoD Cardiology Dr Sunil Sharma examining a patient at Upper Beli Charana on Sunday.

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  • NEW DELHI, Sept 17:

    The Government plans tointroduce a ranking system forstates and districts on the basisof nutrition levels, according toa letter from NITI Aayog CEOAmitabh Kant to all stateGovernments.

    The Centre is also likely toinstitute a reward system forlocal administrations to encour-age them to achieve their nutri-tional goals.

    The top official at theGovernment think-tank alsocalled for a focused strategyacross 201 districts in the coun-try which have the highest per-centage of children with stuntedgrowth.

    "The Government of India isconsidering the introduction ofperformance based incentives

    linked to the outcomes achievedby states and districts whichwould be monitored through anannual survey," Kant wrote tochief secretaries of all stateGovernments in a letter lastweek.

    The letter said "publication ofranks for the districts and statesbased on nutrition outcomes"was also being considered.

    The National NutritionStrategy unveiled by NITI Aayogrecently aims at achieving optimalnutritional status for every child,adolescent girl and woman-- espe-cially those from the most vulner-able communities-- by 2022.

    The think tank has identified10 nutritional indicators forimprovement, which includeinfant mortality rate, under fivemortality rate, maternal deathrate, pregnant women withanaemia and children in the agegroup of 6-59 months withanaemia.

    It also notes that there arewide disparities in nutritionalindicators across various dis-tricts and, therefore, there is aneed for focused intervention inareas with high levels of under-nutrition. (PTI)

    LUCKNOW, Sept 17:

    Towing the lines of All IndiaAkhara Parishad, All IndiaMuslim Personal Law Board(AIMPLB) too has decided tolaunch a campaign to identify'fake maulanas'.

    The Board said that some illit-erate 'maulanas' represent thecommunity and Islam on debatesin TV channels and indulge inspreading misunderstanding andconfusion about the religion.Executive member of All IndiaMuslim Personal Law Board(AIMPLB) Maulana KhalidRasheed Farangi Mahali said heretoday that a lot of 'fake' Muslimclerics have been appearing onTV channels these days with littleknowledge of Islam and Shariat.

    "These clerics do not haveany credential. All they do is weara skull cap, grow a beard and siton TV debates. Such people bringbad name to the community asthey do not have knowledge ofIslam and Shariat," the Maulanasaid.

    "I will soon submit a proposalto AIMPLB to act against thesepeople. I would also like to sug-gest that the Board authorisedclerics to speak on TV channelsand other debates. This will cer-tainly keep a check on 'fake cler-ics' going about their way," saidFirangi Mahali.

    The Maulana said that these'fake clerics' create a wrongnotion that the Shariat was beingmisused and portray issues likeinstant Triple 'Talaq' in bad light

    as they do not know the exactmeaning of 'Talaq' as mentionedin Shariat.

    Commenting on the recentaction against 'fake babas' byAkhara Parishad, the cleric said,"It is a welcome move. People,who do not have knowledge of aparticular faith, bring bad name toit. Such people should be identi-fied and acted against." The AkhilBhartiya Akhara Parishad hadrecently released a list of 14 'fakebabas' or self-proclaimedGodmen and urged people toboycott them. (UNI)

    NEW DELHI, Sept 17:

    Union Home MinisterRajnath Singh will opera-tionalise the SSB's first everintelligence wing tomorrow, aHome Ministry official said.

    The paramilitary forceguards India's borders withBhutan and Nepal, which areoften used by criminals andKashmiri militants returningfrom Pakistan.

    The intelligence wing willhave 650 field and staff agents togather actionable information.

    Due to the visa-free regimeIndia has with Nepal andBhutan, there is a trans-bordermovement of criminals and anti-national elements which pose amajor challenge, the HomeMinistry official said.

    As many as 230 formerKashmiri militants, based inPakistan and Pakistan-occupied-Kashmir, have returned homethrough the Indo-Nepal bordersince 2010.

    Also, their spouses and 88children have come along withthem.

    The former militants, theirspouses and children did nothave travel documents whileentering India. Security agen-cies detained them upon ascer-taining their real identities,another official said requestinganonymity.

    They were released only aftera vigorous checking of theirbackgrounds, past activities andfollowing judicial process.

    The Indo-Bhutan border isknown to be frequented by theAssam-based insurgent groupNDFB, which has even attackedBhutanese nationals in the past.

    India shares a 1,751-km-longborder with Nepal and a 699 -km-long border with Bhutan.

    The SSB has also beendeclared as the lead intelligenceagency for both the borders.Thus, the Central Governmentfelt that a well-knit intelligencenetwork of the highest capabilitythat can function and deliverwould be the prime requirementfor comprehensive border man-agement.

    This was essential as theSSB's operations are based onintelligence to prevent criminalsand smugglers from takingadvantage of the friendly borderswith Nepal and Bhutan, the offi-cial said.

    The SSB has been mandatedto guard the Indo-Nepal andIndo-Bhutan borders where thereare no restrictions on the move-ment of people on either side.

    The border population onboth the sides has strong region-al, cultural and economic ties.

    The SSB has 474 Border OutPosts (BOPs) on the Nepal bor-der and 131 on the Bhutan bor-der.

    The border with Nepal touch-es Uttarakhand, Uttar Pradesh,Bihar, West Bengal and Sikkimand the border with Bhutantouches Sikkim, West Bengal,Assam and Arunachal Pradesh.(PTI)

    Excelsior Correspondent

    JAMMU, Sept 17: Highlig-hting the iniquitous impact of car-diovascular diseases on femalegender Dr. Sushil Sharma HoDCardiology GMC Jammu todayheld a day long camp with theresidents of Upper Beli Charanaat Gurudwara Singh Sabha,Jammu City.

    Men and women alike canexperience the well-known heartattack symptoms like grippingchest pains and breaking out in acold sweat. But women can alsohave subtler, less recognizablesymptoms such as pain or discom-fort in the stomach, jaw, neck orback, nausea and shortness ofbreath. As a result, women areoften unaware what they are expe-riencing is a heart attack. So whathappens women blow off thewarning signs, assuming some-thing else is the problem. Heartdisease kills 500,000 womenevery year 10 times more thanbreast cancer and more than allother cancers combined. It’s also aleading cause of disability. Nearabout eight million women areliving with it," he said.

    To add to the problem, DrSharma said, healthcare providers

    may misdiagnose these symp-toms, and the result is that womendiscover their heart disease whenit’s too late. Men, on the otherhand, seem to benefit from havingmore frequently participated inclinical trials, and more aggres-sive diagnostic testing and treat-ment.

    Pointing out towards somestaggering disparities regardingimpact that CVDs are exhibitingon different genders, Dr Sushilhighlighted that women aged 45and younger are more likely thanmen to die within a year of theirfirst heart attack.

    "Coronary Micro vascular dis-ease is more common in womenthan in men. The same risk factorsthat cause problem with largercoronary arteries such as heredi-tary, age, race, blood pressure,blood cholesterol, smoking mayalso contribute to coronary microvascular diseases. Women appearsto be more affected by high bloodpressure, smoking and diabetes. Inaddition to this there are host ofother risk factors unique towomen. Women experience preg-nancy, menopause and are pre-scribed contraceptive pills andpost menopausal oestrogen," Dr.Sushil emphasised.


    Young woman ends life

    Excelsior Correspondent

    RAJOURI, Sept 17: Ayoung woman committed sui-cide by consuming some poi-sonous substance at his homein Thannamandi area today.

    The deceased has beenidentified as Rahila Kouser,wife of Constable AjazAhmed, resident of Kalaban inThannamandi area. Thewoman in serious conditionwas rushed to Rajouri aftershe allegedly consumed poi-son at home. The doctors pro-vided preliminary treatmentand then referred her to GMCHospital, Jammu but she diedon the way near Nowshera.

    The body after postmortemwas handed over to the familyfor last rights. The parents ofthe girl alleged that she waspoisoned by her inlaws and itwas a case of murder. Theyalleged that it was secondmarriage of Constable Ajazand his first wife was alsothrown out of the house aftertorture. They demanded thatSIT be framed to investigatethe case.

    One held with illicit liquor

    Excelsior Correspondent

    REASI, Sept 17: The policearrested a youth and recovered56 packets of illicit liquor fromhis possession here today.

    A police spokesman saidthat a police party led by SIQamar Din intercepted one per-sons during naka at IRP Chowk,Reasi and recovered 56 polypacks of illicit liquor from hispossession. He has been identi-fied as Anil Kumar aliasPunjabi, resident of KapuriGate Batala, at present Katra.The police arrested the accusedand registered a case FIR No.192/ 2017, under Excise Actagainst him.

    Cop electrocuted Excelsior Correspondent

    RAJOURI, Sept 17: Apolice constable was electrocut-ed at village Thandi Kassi dur-ing construction work of hishouse in district Rajouri today.

    The deceased has been iden-tified as Surjit Singh, son ofShiv Ram Singh of ThandiKassi. The mishap took placewhen the cop had mounted theroof top of his house duringconstruction work. He wastrapped in the live electriccables and received severe elec-tric shock. He was rushed toRajouri hospital where doctorsdeclared him as brought dead.The police has taken cog-nizance of the matter.

    AIPEU elects office bearersExcelsior Correspondent

    JAMMU, Sept 17: All IndiaPostal Employees’ Union(AIPEU), Jammu provinceelected its office bearers in ameeting held here today underthe chairmanship of ML Langeh,Circle president.

    The meeting unanimouslyelected Tejinder Singh as presi-dent, Kuldeep Raj Sharma asworking president, Rajni Sopor,Gourav Verma and Kulbir Singhas vice presidents, Shiv KumarSharma as secretary, JoginderPal and Sidharth Gupta as assis-tant divisional secretaries,Mohinder Nath as financial sec-retary, Sanjay Tickoo and VeenaBhadwal as assistant financialsecretaries and Saty Paul asorganizational secretary.

    The post of supreme council-lor was occupied by ML Langeh,Circle president.

    DH Kishtwar facing staff shortage: HSSExcelsior Correspondent

    JAMMU, Sept 17: District Hospital Kishtwar is reeling underacute shortage of staff including doctors, specialist and medicalofficers.

    This was stated by Vikrant Kapoor, State President, HindustanShiv Sena during a press conference here today.

    He said that the Government claims to provide health carefacilities to the people at their doorstep, but District HospitalKishtwar, which caters huge rush of patients from various areas ofthe district is reeling under shortage of doctors.

    While speaking, Incharge Chenab and Pir Panjal Regions TilakRaj Shan urged the Government to fulfill the vacant posts inDistrict Hospital Kishtwar.

    Among others present were GI Singh, Himanshu Gupta, Amitand Anoop.

    Bali meets shelling victims in GMCExcelsior Correspondent

    JAMMU, Sept 17: Health andMedical Education Minister BaliBhagat today visited GovernmentMedical College (GMC) Jammuto enquire condition of civiliansinjured in Pakistan shelling andfiring last night in Arnia sector onthe International Border (IB).

    Bhagat was briefed on condi-

    tion of the shelling victims byGMC Medical Superintendent DrDara Singh and Resident MedicalOfficer (RMO) Dr SujayMahajan.

    Bhagat directed the GMCauthorities and doctors to providebest medical treatment toPakistan shelling and firing vic-tims and ensure that they don’tface any inconvenience.

    AIMPLB to identify fake Maulanas afterAkhara Parishad names 14 fraudsters

    States, districts likely to beranked on nutrition standards

    Won’t sit idle till Azharbrought to justice: India

    NEW YORK, Sept 17:

    Hoping that the UN wouldsoon designate Masood Azhar asa terrorist, a top Indian diplomathas said that New Delhi will notsit idle till the Pakistan- basedJaish-e-Mohammed leader isbrought to justice.

    India has identified Azhar asthe mastermind of the Pathankotterror attack on January 2, 2016.It has also blamed his brotherRauf and five others for carryingout the attack in which sevenIndian soldiers were killed alongwith all the six terrorists.

    "If I were to use a term, thematter is what we would call injudicial terms sub-judice.Currently the matter is with aUN committee. We hope that thecommittee will be able to fulfillits role in designating MasoodAzhar who we have tried forquite some time but have notsucceeded yet," India'sPermanent Representative to theUN Syed Akbaruddin said here.

    "However, we would like tomake it very clear, we will pur-sue Masood Azhar so that theends of justice are met," he saidyesterday at a news conferencein response to a question onIndia's effort towards terroristdesignation of Azhar, which hasrepeatedly been blocked byChina.

    China in August extended bythree months its technical hold

    on the US, France and UK-backed proposal to designate thePathankot attack mastermind asa global terrorist by the UN.

    If China would not haveextended the technical hold lastmonth, Azhar would have auto-matically been designated underthe UN as a terrorist.

    A veto-wielding permanentmember of the Security Council,China has repeatedly blockedIndia's move to put a ban on theJaish-e-Mohammed chief underthe Al-Qaeda SanctionsCommittee of the Council. JeMhas already been in the bannedlist.

    Last year in March, Chinawas the sole member in the 15-nation UN organ to put a hold onIndia's application with all other14 members of the Council sup-porting New Delhi's bid to placeAzhar on the 1267 sanctions listthat would subject him to anassets freeze and travel ban.

    "He (Azhar) may try to delaythis, but the inevitable will hap-pen. So be certain about it. Theclock is ticking for him. He willbe pursued until justice is met,"Akbaruddin said.

    When a reporter asked whatare China's objections to British-backed proposal to list Azhar asa designated terrorist by the UN,he said, "You should ask them."

    The three-month validity ofthe current technical hold isexpiring on November 2. (PTI)

    SSB to get Intl wing

    India takes jibe at Pakon raising Kashmir issue

    UNITED NATION, Sept 17:

    Taking a jibe at Pakistan, atop Indian diplomat has saidIslamabad's decision to raise theKashmir issue at the UN, whichhas not been discussed at theworld body for decades, is like'Miyan ki daud masjid tak'.

    India on the other hand isfocused on progressive, forwardlooking agenda during the UNGeneral Assembly sessionbeginning tomorrow, India'sPermanent Representative to theUN Syed Akbaruddin toldreporters here yesterday.

    "I have outlined in ourapproach, that is progressiveforward looking. We are vision-ary in our goals. If on the otherhand there are other countries,who as you say, focus on yester-day's issues then they are yester-day's people," Akbaruddin saidin response to a question on

    reports that Pakistan plans toraise the Kashmir issue at theUN.

    Pakistan's new PrimeMinister Shahid Khaqan Abbasiis scheduled to address the UNGeneral Assembly this week.

    External Affairs MinisterSushma Swaraj would deliverher address on September 23.

    "If they (Pakistan) focus onan issue which has not been onthe discussion table in the UNnow for decades, not for years,for decades..., if this is what theywant to focus on, so be it. To behis own...Miyan ki daud masjidtak," Akbaruddin said, referringto a popular Urdu proverb mean-ing some people think within alimited focus and are unable tothink beyond that.

    A day earlier, Pakistan'sForeign Ministry had said thatAbbasi would be raising theKashmir issue at the UN. (PTI)

    Police foil attempt to makeyouth drug addicts

    Excelsior Correspondent

    JAMMU, Sept 17: GandhiNagar police under “OperationSanjeevani” foiled an attempt ofthe narcotic smuggler to makeyouth drug addicts.

    As per police sources, basedon reliable information, a teamfrom Gandhi Nagar PoliceStation laid a naka near ValmikiChowk and asked a pedestrian tostop for checking, who was try-ing to hide himself from the cops.

    During checking, policerecovered intoxicants including28 injections, 56 capsules and 48tablets from the possession of thepedestrian and arrested him.

    The arrested person has been

    identified as Pankaj, son ofRavail Chand, a resident ofValmiki Colony, Gandhi Nagar.

    A case under FIR Number158/17 under Section 8/21/22Narcotic Drugs and PsychotropicSubstances (NDPS) Act has beenregistered at Gandhi NagarPolice Station and investigationstarted to ascertain the source ofthe consignment.

    Police team led by SHOGandhi Nagar DySP (P) DrSunniya Ashkoor Wani andassisted by SI Vicky Thapa fromPolice Station Gandhi Nagarmade the arrest under the super-vision of SDPO SouthMohammad Rafiq Manhas andSP South Sandeep Choudhary.

    Hakla demands introductionof Gojri in schools syllabus

    Excelsior Correspondent

    POONCH, Sept 17: Promi-nent Gujjar leader and intellec-tual Shamsher Hakla Poonchitoday in an appeal to ChiefMinister, Mehbooba Muftidemanded introduction of Gojrilanguage as a compulsory sub-ject in schools on the pattern ofKashmiri, Dogri and Punjabilanguages which were recentlyintroduced by StateGovernment in educationalinstitutions.

    In a statement issued heretoday this would help in popu-larizing the Gojri language

    among the community. Haklafurther said that Gojri languageis spoken by a majority of peo-ple in the State belonging toGujjar and Bakerwal communi-ty. The number of such people isover 34 lakh in the State, headded.

    He said these people whosemother tongue is Gojri can't beignored as the inclusion of Gojriin education syllabus is genuineand justified demand.

    He also demanded that theGojri language be also includedinto the Eighth Schedule ofIndian Constitution and this lan-guage be given its due place.

    Potholes dot Basohli Mahanpur linkThe 30 Km. long Basohli Mahanpur link, a life line of

    Basohli Bani and Billawar tehsils, is in a dilapidated condition.Due to the negligence of the PWD Division Basohli, the wholelink has been converted into deep ditches and pools. Owing to theupheavals the road has become jerky and journey on this link bythe sick and expecting mothers is always prone to danger. Thereare blind and sharp curves all along the 30 km route. There isalways the apprehension of head on collision of the vehicles andskidding off the road. Many times fatal accidents have taken theprecious lives of the commuters. Owing to the poor condition ofthe link the passenger buses take two hours to travel 30 km. dis-tance which irks the employees and other people who have noother alternative except travelling on the jerky link. It is veryfunny that the said link is called a VVIP link because this road isshared by two Cabinet ministers and one MLA of Bani con-stituency. While the Forest Minister, MLA of Basohli constituen-cy, MLA Bani travel to their constituency head quarters frequent-ly by this link, the village of our Deputy Chief Minister is situat-ed just on one side of the link. It is surprising why do not our lawmakers take cognizance or notice of the rough condition of theroad they travel on. While seated in comfortable and cushionedseated cards. All the three legislators/ministers who share theroad are requested to look into the problems of the masses, whohave elected them, and address them. Kindly direct the PWDdepartment to take the matter of the link road on the priority andrepair the road and make it traffic-worthy.

    Shiv Kumar PadhaBasohli

    SRTC bus service for Shiv KhoriThe attention of the concerned authorities is drawn towards

    the non-availability of direct SRTC bus service to world famousShiv Khori Shrine. The cave is 120 Kms from Jammu via Pamla,Akhnoor road. Due to absence of this service, poor pilgrims suf-fer a lot. Hiring a cab or Sumo is beyond their reach. It is there-fore requested to the Minister of State for Transport to start adirect SRTC bus service from Jammu Bus Stand for the conven-ience of passengers.

    Bishamber Nath BasuPaloura

    Poor transport service in PurmandalThis is to draw the attention of the concerned authorities

    towards the problems being faced by the Public of Purmandalwith regard to transport service in the area. The bus service fromJammu Bus Stand to Purmandal is quite irregular. The passengershave to face many hardships on account of it. Besides, the peo-ple experience the menace of overloading in buses and mini-buses. The people are huddled like cattle in these vehicles. Thechildren and women are the worst hit of this scourge. Adding tothis agony is fleecing of passengers by transporters. They over-charge from the gullible passengers day in and day out. As aresult of faulty transport service may accidents have taken placeon Purmandal - Jammu road. Two months back in an accident atKhara Medena many people got injured while one youth lost hislife.

    The matter in this regard was taken up with the RTO office,but no steps have been taken so far to improve the transport serv-ice in the area.

    It is once again appealed to the RTO to look into the matter toredress the grievance.

    Rahul GoswamiPurmandal

    Traffic lights in Gandhi NagarThe Jammu and Kashmir Government through its Traffic

    Control Department & Jammu Municipal Corporation isinstalling traffic lights in Gandhi Nagar Jammu on Green BeltRailway Station road at Valmiki Chowk and Gen. Zorawar SinghChowk for smooth and uninterrupted flow of traffic to RailwayStation in the VIP area. This is a very good step taken by the con-cerned departments in view of the increasing high density trafficon this road.

    While the idea is highly appreciated but it is felt that theauthorities should give a relook to the problem as it is apprehendthat they are creating a big bottle neck by not providing the traf-fic lights near SBI regional office and entry to Trikuta Nagar.

    The people of Channi Himmat, Sainik Colony, GreaterKailash, Kunjwani Talab and even Gangyal prefer and use thisroad. The intersection of this road at this point has alreadybecome a great cause of concern. Every day we witness big traf-fic jams from BSNL customer care office to SBI Regional office.In addition to this the location of Bahu Plaza, Railhead complex,Haj house and Shiv mandir market on left side of the road isadding to the traffic problems at this place. For pedestrians cross-ing at this place is nothing short of invitation to death. Two-threeaccidents a day is a normal routine.

    Installing of traffic lights at Valmiki Chowk andGen.Zorawar Singh Chowk will further compound the prob-lem as traffic from Trikuta Nagar road moving towards railwaystation and other offices on railway head complex will create abarrage and the fast moving traffic after the green signals atValmiki Chowk and Gen Zorawar Singh Chowk will come to agrinding halt at this junction.

    It is therefore necessary that the concerned departments ofTraffic Police Jammu Municipal Corporation should considerinstalling of traffic lights at this point then & only then the othertwo traffic lights at Valmiki Chowk and Gen Zorawar SinghChowk will be effective in serving the purpose of smooth move-ment of traffic on this important road.

    Er. R.N. Kaw, General Secretary Trikuta Nagar Welfare Society and

    President Residents Welfare Society Sector 6 Trikuta Nagar.

    Repair Preet Nagar laneThis is to draw the attention of the Jammu Municipal

    Authorities towards the lane which runs towards my home. Ihave been living in this lane for last 12 years, but nobody hasbothered to black-top it like other lanes in the colony. I contact-ed the authorities a number of times in this regard, but nobodypays attention.

    During rains,it is difficult to cross due to accumulation ofwater.

    I, once again request the authorities to blacktop this lane atthe earliest.

    Navjot Singhnear CRPF Camp

    Preet Nagar, Jammu

    Anti-social activities in Env ParkThis is to draw attention of the JMC authorities that the

    Environment Park at Bhawani Nagar Janipur is frequented bysome anti-social elements during evening hours. As a result,most of the people who used to go for recreational purposesthere do not visit much now. It is requested to the authoritiesthat no anti-social activity be allowed to take place there as it isfor public use where women and children often visit for recre-ational purpose.

    Vinod KumarBhawani Nagar, Janipur


    Bus Stand in bad conditionThe Bus Stand Jammu is a picture of apathy and callous-

    ness. One wonders why this bus stand which houses a fleet ofbuses is in such a pitiable condition. The pavements are bro-ken, tiles uprooted at garbage dumps sprouted here and there.Stinking lanes, drains and bathrooms great visitors in everycorner of the stand.

    As there are not sufficient places or rooms to rest, peopleare seen squatting on pavements and everywhere there is a lit-tle space available to them.

    The constant honking of vehicles both small and big add tomisery of passengers. The ticket counters are in a dilapidatedcondition.

    The overall scenario of the bus stand is chaotic and disor-derly.

    There is urgent need to give it a face lift so that passen-gers can have a smooth arrival and departure.

    Alia ThakurJammu

    Electric wires pose dangerIt is to bring to the notice of concerned Electric

    Department EM&RE Jammu that the old worn out electricwires require replacement by new ones so that distribution insupply of electricity in Govind Nagar area is without anyfailure. Moreover, electricity load on the transformersalready installed require equal distribution of electricity.This is generally not in practice in the field, resulting in totalload of electricity only on one of the two transformersalready installed in Govind Nagar Sec-2 area which alwaysleads to single phase distribution of electricity to GovindNagar area. With the result, public of the areas is the mostsufferer.

    As such, it is requested to the Chief Engineer ElectricEM&RE Department to take an early action in the abovementioned matters so that the public of Govind Nagar maynot suffer any more.

    Sunita DeviGovind Nagar

    Gole Talab Tillo, Jammu

    ACTION PLEASE!E-mail : [email protected]

    Preet Nagar lane in deplorable condition.

    Health and Medical Education Minister Bali Bhagat beingbriefed on the condition of Pakistan shelling and firing victims byGMC M S Dr Dara Singh and RMO Dr Sujay Mahajan on Sunday.

    Women suffer more from coronaryMicro Vascular disease: Dr Sushil

    HoD Cardiology Dr Sunil Sharma examining a patient atUpper Beli Charana on Sunday.

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