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  • 8/10/2019 Wood components creation US.pdf



    TopSolidWoodWood components creation

  • 8/10/2019 Wood components creation US.pdf


    TopSolidWood: Wood components creation

    ii Missler Software

    2014, Missler Software.

    7, Rue du Bois Sauvage

    F-91055 Evry, FRANCE


    E-mail:[email protected]

    All rights reserved.

    This information is subject to change without warning.No material may be reproduced or transmitted, regardless of the manner, electronic or mechanical means used

    or purpose, without formal written consent from Missler Software.

    TopSolid is a registered trademark of Missler Software.

    TopSolid is a product name of Missler Software.

    The information and the software contained within this document are subject to change without prior warning

    and should not be construed as a commitment by Missler Software.

    The software covered by this document is supplied under license, and may only be used and duplicated incompliance with the terms of this license.

    Version 6.15 Rev.01

    Note: If you are experiencing problems using this training guide, please feel free to send your feedback and

    comments [email protected].

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  • 8/10/2019 Wood components creation US.pdf


    TopSolidWood: Wood components creation

    Missler Software iii


    Cams ............................................................................................................................................................... 1

    Martyr parts and tools creation ................................................................................................................................ 1

    Positioning coordinate system creation ................................................................................................................... 3

    Dowel .............................................................................................................................................................. 4

    Martyr parts and tools creation ................................................................................................................................ 4

    Positioning coordinate system creation ................................................................................................................... 6

    Screw .............................................................................................................................................................. 7

    Martyr parts and tools creation ................................................................................................................................ 7

    Case of only the first part is machined ................................................................................................................. 7

    Case of the two parts are machined .................................................................................................................... 8

    Positioning coordinate system creation ................................................................................................................. 11

    Lens ............................................................................................................................................................... 12

    Martyr parts and tools creation .............................................................................................................................. 12

    Positioning coordinate system creation ................................................................................................................. 13

    Assembly kit .................................................................................................................................................. 15

    Simple assembly kit ................................................................................................................................................. 15

    Advanced assembly kit ............................................................................................................................................ 17

    Component creation and drivers ....................................................................................................................... 17

    Positioning coordinate system creation ............................................................................................................. 18

    Martyr parts and tools creation .............................................................................................................................. 18

    Define and save the kit ....................................................................................................................................... 19

    Kit simple using ....................................................................................................................................................... 20

    Kit automatic assembly ........................................................................................................................................... 20

    Notes ............................................................................................................................................................. 21

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  • 8/10/2019 Wood components creation US.pdf


    TopSolidWood: Wood components creation Cams

    Missler Software 1


    Martyr parts and tools creation

    In the case of cam component creation, two assemblyslevels can be used if a sub-component can be interchange

    (for example with different case height). In this case, the tools have to be created in the final cam assembly file.

    Tools creation in the final assembly file

    Three tools have to be created in the component:

    Name :tool2 Designation :Rod drilling

    Name :tool3 Designation :Rod threated drilling

    Name :tool1 Designation :Case drilling

    Remark:The tools order in the Tools set must to be respected.

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    Cams TopSolidWood: Wood components creation

    2 Missler Software

    The three tools have to contain the drillings bellow :

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    TopSolidWood: Wood components creation Cams

    Missler Software 3

    Positioning coordinate system creation

    The cam positioning coordinate system has to be placed on the rod axis, between the two parts to be


    The Y+ axis of this coordinate system is oriented to the top of the


    The Z- axis of this coordinate system is oriented to the part whichcontained the case.

    The coordinate system has to be defined as key point.


    Designation:Coordinate system on threated rod.

    Note:Its possible to create additional key point in this component to place it manually easier (for example on the

    case top).

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    Dowel TopSolidWood: Wood components creation

    4 Missler Software


    Martyr parts and tools creation

    If there are sub-components in the dowel component, the tools have to be created in the dowel final file.

    Two tools have to be created in the component :- Name:lower_drillingDesignation :Lower drilling


    Name:upper_drillingDesignation :Upper drilling

    Remark:The tools order in the Tools set must to be respected.

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    TopSolidWood: Wood components creation Dowel

    Missler Software 5

    The two tools have to contain the drillings bellow :

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    Dowel TopSolidWood: Wood components creation

    6 Missler Software

    Positioning coordinate system creation

    The dowel positioning coordinate system has to be placed on

    the dowel axis, between the two parts to be assembled.

    The Z+ axis of this coordinate system has to be oriented to the

    small part to assemble (lower part).

    The X and Y axis orientation not influence the dowelpositioning.

    This coordinate system has to be defined as key point.


    Designation:Dowel axis coordinate system.

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    TopSolidWood: Wood components creation Screw

    Missler Software 7


    Martyr parts and tools creation

    If there are sub-components in the screw component, the tools have to be created in the screw final file.

    Note:During screw insertion with the function Wood > Screw, the tools to apply on the two parts to assemblecan be select in a drop-down list.

    However, the first tool in the list is selected by default to machine the first part to assemble and the second tool

    in the list is selected for the second part to assemble.

    The first part to machine is selected

    during the selection of the first face; its

    the blue part in this example.

    The second part is the gray part.

    Note:During using a screw in the function Automatic assembly or Include standard, all the tools will be realized

    on the parts.So the created tools have to correspond to the parts to machine.

    Case of only the first part is machined

    In the case of only the first part to screw will be drilled.

    Create one martyr part with a thickness of 3mm. It will allow machining only the first


    The two tools have to be created in the component :

    - Name:tool1Designation :Upper drilling

    - Name:tool2Designation :Lower drilling

    Remark:Only the first part has to be machine. So tool2 will not contain any operation.

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    Screw TopSolidWood: Wood components creation

    8 Missler Software

    The tool1 contain the drilling.

    The tool2 has to be empty.

    Case of the two parts are machined

    In the case of the two screwed parts are drilled.

    Create a first martyr part with a thickness of 3mm. It will allow machining only the first


    Create a second martyr part with an offset of 3mm to the bottom of the screw (in


    Two tools have to be created in the component :

    - Name:tool1 Designation :Upper drilling

    - Name:tool2 Designation :Lower drilling

  • 8/10/2019 Wood components creation US.pdf


    TopSolidWood: Wood components creation Screw

    Missler Software 9

    The tool1 has to contain the first parts drill like the following picture:

    The tool2 has to contain the second parts drill like the following picture:

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    Screw TopSolidWood: Wood components creation

    10 Missler Software

    Clash shape creation

    In the case of the screw is included with the function automatic assembly and if the first part is thicker than 3mm,

    the second drill can be machine on the first part to assemble.

    To prevent that, a clash shape will be created.

    Create a part extruded of 5mm on the bottom of the second martyr part.

    From the tree, edit the Tools set.

    On the drill in the tool2, make Right click > Define tool.

    Select Define clash shape.

    Then select as Clash shape the previously extruded part.

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    TopSolidWood: Wood components creation Screw

    Missler Software 11

    Positioning coordinate system creation

    The screw positioning coordinate system has to be placed on the screw axis, on the top of the screw head.

    The Z+ axis has to be oriented to the top of the screw.

    The X and Y axis orientation not influence the screw positioning.

    This coordinate system has to be defined as key point.


    Designation:Screw axis coordinate system.

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    Lens TopSolidWood: Wood components creation

    12 Missler Software


    Martyr parts and tools creation

    If there are sub-components in the lens component, the tools have to be created in the lens final file.

    Two tools have to be created in the component :- Name:rai_gDesignation :Left groove


    Name:rai_dDesignation :Right groove

    Remark:The tools order in the Tools set must to be respected.

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    TopSolidWood: Wood components creation Lens

    Missler Software 13

    The two tools have to contain the grooves bellow :

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    TopSolidWood: Wood components creation

    14 Missler Software

    Positioning coordinate system creation

    The lens positioning coordinate system has to be placed on the lens axis on the thickness center. It has to be

    positioned between the two assembled parts.

    The Z+ axis has to be oriented to the tool rai_gLeft groove.

    This coordinate system has to be defined as key point.



  • 8/10/2019 Wood components creation US.pdf


    TopSolidWood: Wood components creation Assembly kit

    Missler Software 15

    Assembly kit

    Simple assembly kit

    The simple assembly kit allows creating an assembly component composed

    of several assemblieselements.

    For example, it can be composed of one cam and two dowels or one screwand two dowels.

    This kit will be usable to propagate to assemble two parts.

    Start the function Wood > Define > Define assembly template.

    Select the option Creation.

    Note:The Template definition wizard opens.

    Select in the pictures the component to add in the kit : Dowel, Cam, Lens or Screw.

    Then select the standard component to include in the kit and validate with OK.

    Note:The kits components are added in the list.

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    Assembly kit TopSolidWood: Wood components creation

    16 Missler Software

    Rule with the columns X position and Y position the offset of each component from the kit center.

    Select a component in the list and use the button Remove to delete a component from the kit.

    Note:The drop-down list BOM allows ruling the assembly mode to rule his displaying in a BOM:

    - Kit: Corresponds to the Unitary mode.Unitary. Only the kits line will be displayed in a BOM.

    - Kit + components: Corresponds to the Sub-assembly mode. The kits line and the components lines will

    be displayed in a BOM.

    - Components: Corresponds to the Content mode. Only the components lines will be displayed in a BOM.

    Use the button Save standard template to save the kit in library.

    Use the button Edit standard template to edit a kit in library.

    Use the button Quit to quit the Template definition wizard.

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    TopSolidWood: Wood components creation Assembly kit

    Missler Software 17

    Advanced assembly kit

    The advanced assembly kit allows creating a parametric component whose will be adjusted on the parts to


    It allows to creating components with more complex assemblies or/and with conditions depending of the length

    of the parts to assemble.

    Assembly example of Groove/Tab

    Component creation and drivers

    Create a new design document.

    Create a lengthparameter:- Name: l

    - Designation:Assembly length

    Note:The parameter l will be used to adjust the kit on the assembly length.

    Its possible to create additional driver parameters in a kit like the parts thickness. These parameters will be asked

    during the kit using.

    Create a lengthparameter:

    - Name: th

    - Designation:Thickness of the parts to assemble

    Define the parameter th (and the other additional parameters) as driver.

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    Assembly kit TopSolidWood: Wood components creation

    18 Missler Software

    Note:To simplify the kit creation, a rectangle representing the assembly face will be created.

    Create a rectangle with a length of l and a width of th.

    Positioning coordinate system creation

    Create the kit coordinate system like bellow.

    The kit coordinate system must be placed on the kit front and centered in the thickness.

    The X axis is oriented to the kit interior.

    Define this coordinate system as Key point :

    - Name: r1

    - Designation: Front center point

    Note: its possible to create several key points in an advanced kit; the first in the list will be the selected by


    Martyr parts and tools creation

    Note:The assembly kit will machine all the component tools automatically. So there are not tools naming rule.

    The tools of the included components will be automatically inherited in the kit.

    Its too possible to create a kit without tools.

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    TopSolidWood: Wood components creation Assembly kit

    Missler Software 19

    Define and save the kit

    The parts to insert in the kit have to be defined.

    Save this kit in library with the function Assembly > Define component > Edit save template > Save standard


    Start the function Wood > Define > Define > Define assembly template.

    Select the option Advanced.

    Select Define drivers.

    Note:The driver definition in an advanced kit allows ruling the length assembly parameter.

    Set as Define furniture depth: land validate with enter.

    Select Define set and Characteristics.

    Define the set designation and the kit assembly mode.

    Validate the kit with OK, save and close the document.

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    Assembly kit TopSolidWood: Wood components creation

    20 Missler Software

    Kit simple using

    A simple or advanced kit is used with the function Wood > Other processes > Multi-component.

    Like all the assemblies process, the face have to be selected :

    - Support face


    Start face- Centering face + Distance or Parallel face

    - Terminate face.

    In the case of a Simple kit, its possible to propagate it with the option Propagation = YES.

    Note:The advanced kit with be dimension depending of the assembly length. So it is not propagated.

    Kit automatic assembly

    During automatic assembly rule definition in Tools > Options > Configuration TopSolidWood > Automatic

    assembly, its possible to insert in a rule a simple or an advanced assembly kit.

    To insert a simple assembly kit, select the picture Assembly kit.

    Then select the assembly kit in library.

    Give propagation and a centering mode for this kit.

    To insert an advanced assembly kit, select the picture Non linear assembly kit.

    Then select the advanced assembly kit in library. Give a centering mode for this kit (normally Centered thickness).

    Note:The advanced kit with be dimension depending of the assembly length. So it is not propagated.

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    TopSolidWood: Wood components creation Notes

    Missler Software 21































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    Notes TopSolidWood: Wood components creation





























