woodhall lane & free church magazine: july & august 09

Free Church & Woodhall Lane United Reformed Churches July & August 2009

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Woodhall Lane & Welwyn Garden City Free Church Magazine July & August 2009


Free Church & Woodhall Lane

United Reformed Churches

July & August 2009

Page 2


Hatfield Tai Chi Chuan Club Tel Pat 01707 331526

6:30 to 10:00 pm Not in August

Chinese Health Exercise Classes

Puppy Training Classes Tel Gill Tel 07967 226 796

7:00 to 9:00 pm


* Dinky Dancers Tel Lorry 01438 831281

9:20 to 10:20 am and 10:20 to 11:20 am

Activity classes for children under 4 years.

Mind Drop In Coffee Morning Tel Rhoda 01707 654633

10:00 to 12 noon Drop in coffee morning for those with

mental health issues, but open to all.

*Pat Reid School of Scottish Dancing

Tel Pat 01707 338478

5:15 to 8:30 pm Scottish Dance classes ages 3½ & above.


NCT Bumps and Bundles Tel 01707 320422

2:00 to 4:00 pm Drop in sessions for pregnant mums and

babes in arms.

* Girls and Boys Brigade Tel Glenys 01707 336433

6:15 to 8:00 pm For children aged 4+

* Denotes term time only.

Page 3


*Chatter N Tots Tel Ann 01707 327277. 9:45 to 11:15 am Parent/ Carer and child group.

Play, arts and crafts, music and refreshments.

New Thursday Club Tel Rosemary 01707 330660

2:30 to 4:00 pm Alternate Thursdays but not in August.

Activities, Trips etc for the over 50’s.

The Cellar

4:15 to 6:30 pm Drop in centre for vulnerable people.

Providing snacks, tea and social contact.

English Country Dancers Tel Terry 01707 320299

8:00 to 10:00 pm Not in August Folk Dancing.

Trefoil Guild

8:00 to 10:00 pm 2nd Thursday in the month.

Not in August.


Welwyn Archaeological Society

Tel Daphne 01707 335729

7:00 to 10:00 pm Sept. to April. 2nd & 4th Friday in the

month. Talks, slide shows etc.

WGC Art Club Tel Bryan 01438 714528

8:00 to 10:00 pm September to May 3rd Friday in the


Meetings, Talks etc

* Denotes term time only.

Page 4


Rev Jane Weedon

01707 375133

Freechurch Woodhall Lane


Mr John McKenzie TBA

01707 375024

email :- [email protected]


John Meers 12 Brockswood Lane

Welwyn Garden City AL8 7BG

Tel 01707 327277

e mail :- [email protected]


Mr Alan Tyler

23 Harmer Green Lane



Youth Worker

Sara Taylor

102 Wellcroft Road Office 01707 321270

Mobile 07903236458 email :[email protected]

Page 5

Letter from the Manse

Summer is here at last, bringing with it holidays and time to rest

and relax and do something different.

The word ‘holiday’ comes from ‘holy day’, which in years past were the only days that workers had off.

When we go on holiday I like to read – something I don’t usually get much time to do, I swim every day, enjoy visiting different

places and walking along the beach. It is fun just to spend quality

time together and to find an activity that is different from usual. This year in Minorca we played table tennis, which got really

competitive and was great fun for everyone.

There are various opportunities over this summer for us to meet

and do different things together. My other favourite holiday

activity is to sit and relax and spend time with God so I would like to add another invitation – this time to take time out with God at

the Manse.

There is a book called The Shack, it is an easy read, is widely

acclaimed and has a fascinating story. We can read this together

and meet to enjoy each others company, chat about the book over a cup of coffee and something sweet and sticky and take some time

out with God relaxing and reflecting and enjoying the Manse


This will be on Wednesday mornings July 8th,15th,22nd,29th and

August 12th and 19th.

If anyone would like to come in an evening, please let me know

Please sign up on the list on the notice board as soon as possible to

enable me to get the books. Even if you cannot come to all

sessions please drop in when you can or just read the book - it is well worth reading.

Page 6

I hope you have a lovely summer, safe

journeys if you are travelling and return refreshed, relaxed and renewed from time

out doing something different.

Every blessing


Visions old and new

The elders have been studying a book about a church in California. It has a mainly Japanese American congregation which is now

mixed with newer families of different backgrounds (rather like

us, with some members going back to Irish, Scottish and Welsh Presbyterian roots and others who have joined us from a rich

variety of traditions). Numbers had been dropping in the church

and their many activities were being sustained by fewer people. There was always a cheerful buzz of conversation after the church

service but it was not about the service or spiritual matters.

The church undertook a process called “Appreciative Inquiry”. A small group of people, some elders, some not, began to ask

representative members of the congregation what - in their

memory and experience in the church - had most excited and enthused them. They began to collect stories of great moments

from the church’s past and personal stories of times when

individual members had felt most engaged and involved. Then they asked the members about their hopes for the future.

Page 7

Paul reminds us that this is a good thing to do. Finally, friends,

whatever is true, whatever is honourable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is

commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything

worthy of praise, think about these things. (Phil 4:8)

They collected the stories, hopes and dreams and where they were

similar they put them together into what they called “themes” –the ‘themes’ represented different areas of the church’s life – and all

the people’s memories of the past and wishes for the future were

included in those areas. Every memory was important because it was a precious part of the church’s history to the person who

shared it.

Finally they drew up descriptions of what they hoped the church

would be like in a few years’ time. These descriptions created a

picture of the future built on the memories and reflecting the hopes.

As they did this, (positive?) changes and development began to take place in the life of the congregation, which grew from the

creative energy of recalling the past.

We have begun this process in a small way – by asking ourselves

questions at our Church Retreat on a day in December and by all

the congregation’s responding to similar questions at our All-Age service in April. A small group will be meeting with the elders in

June to sort our stories and hopes into themes for more

conversations with the congregation.

We hope to encourage everyone to join in the conversations so if

you would like to talk with one of the team, please speak to Jane or an elder.

(Elders photographs and names are on the board in the vestibule if

you are unsure who to go to.)

Robert and Jane

Page 8

‘What is the Spirit saying to the Church?’

Yesterday, along with many church leaders in our area, I attended an ecumenical study day organised by Churches Together in Herts and Beds at

the University of Hertfordshire. The title of the day was ‘What is the Spirit saying to the Church?’

In his summing up of all that we had heard, our Synod Moderator, The Rev’d Dr Andrew Prasad, spoke about the common ground shared by our

three speakers. They were all from very different backgrounds and areas of expertise, but each one of them had wrestled with inner tensions that had moved them outside their comfort zone of their faith traditions to engage

on a wider stage with people of different Christian backgrounds, other faiths and no faith.

As they presented their papers to us, they had told stories from their own

life experiences and Andrew affirmed that storytelling is an important way to listen to the Spirit. Personal stories are authentic.

The Rev’d Dr Joel Edwards – formerly Evangelical Alliance, now International Director of Micah Challenge, spoke of the importance of

knowing our own identity. We need to have confidence in our faith and in Christian values in order to learn new competences to engage with the diversity of our world.

He challenged our thinking – ‘Christ doesn’t belong to Christians’ he said,

‘Christ belongs to the world’. (John 3:16 God so loved the world that He gave his only son…). We need to be more than followers of Christ or

disciples; we need to be citizens of Christ living out our faith wherever we are and whatever we are doing.

Our priority is still to make Christ known in a way that the world will listen, our priority is still mission – addressing the wrongs in human

relationships and Advocacy – speaking out for those who are being treated badly who have no voice of their own.

Professor Grace Davie – Professor of Sociology at the University of Exeter – spoke of context. Her title was ‘Religion in Europe’ and she stressed the

importance of understanding the place where we are set.

Page 9

She told us that modern does not equal secular. We are a European country and Europe’s secularism is out of sync with the rest of the world ‘who are as furiously religious as ever’. (P Berger).

She gave us five factors to take into account which included our cultural

heritage – our calendars, seasons, festivals and holidays are mostly based on the Christian year: and Vicarious Religion which she explained by

talking about Jade Goody.

How was it that this young woman faced with tragedy felt the need to put

her affairs in order in such a public way? She did not appear to have lived her life up to this point with much thought of Christian values and yet she

wanted to be married by a priest, she and her boys were baptised and then she had a Christian funeral.

There was something that almost instinctively drew her to the church and even more surprisingly she found a priest who did not turn her away.

‘Sometimes this is our calling’ she said and careful ministry can open up opportunities with people who often ‘believe without belonging’ to the


Out final speaker was Fr Mark Woodruff, Roman Catholic Priest and

Secretary of the Society for Ecumenical Studies. He spoke about the importance of working together. He said we need to be restless for the

unity of heaven to happen on earth, where diversity is accepted but divisions are not. This is not just about ecumenism but included the need to work with people of other faiths too.

He spoke of the Spirit urging us to engage with our world and engage in

our world in a transformational way.

To do this we need a firm identity built on the truth of Christ.

This bought us full circle, back to where Joel Edwards had begun. The message I heard was that the Spirit is at work in our world and calls us out of the comfort of our traditions to engage and partner with diverse people,

sharing the hope that is within us in a way that the world can hear. It was a very inspiring day.

Andrew ended our worship with words from ‘God is still speaking’.

Page 10

God is still speaking to our local churches; to us; through our scriptures; through the written word; through our history…

God is still speaking through the generations

And across cultures: Unique, diverse, Rich in insight,

Joining together in one holy communion.

God is still speaking through our worship

Through the incense of praise and the sacrifice of steadfast love, In music and drama, in reading and honesty of preaching,

In silence, in the touching place of prayer, In tears and laughter, in fellowship together.

God is still speaking – may we have ears to hear what the Spirit is saying to us.


A DVD of the day will be available soon. Please let me know if you would like to see it.


Free Church Secretary’s Notes As summer approaches with its longer days I always anticipate that I’m

going to have more time to do things, but it never seems to work out that way. And before I know it the days are getting shorter. A number of things

have been happening in the Church that I’d like to bring to your attention. At the end of May we held an extra-ordinary Church Meeting to decide

what to do about meeting our commitment to fund the tremendous work done by our Youth Worker, Sara. The initial commitment from the Church

was to joint fund a Youth Worker with Panshanger Church for five years. The Free Church is likely to fall short of the 50% financial commitment this year alone by around £12000. The minutes of the meeting are posted in

the church for everyone to read but in summary we decided:

Page 11

• to bring the situation to everyone’s attention,

• to make every effort to get members and friends to increase their


• to ask those not contributing already (new members) to make a


• to seek one-off gifts if people are unable to pledge a regular


• to seek external funding,

• to review the accounts,

• to use church funds for this year only to top up any short fall,

• and to set up a group to plan where we go in the future (from March

2010) with the Youth Worker. If you would like to support the excellent work that Sara does (just read her regular articles in this magazine) please speak to the minister,

treasurer, or any of the elders. Please also support this work with your prayers.

Everyone should have picked up at church, or received in the post, a letter asking for nominations for new Elders. I should have received

these nominations by 28th June but if there are any last minute names please let me know a.s.a.p. The nominations will be made known at

church on Sunday 12th July and an election will be conducted at the next Church meeting on Sunday 19th July.

The task group set up to revise the Free Church Child Protection Policy has presented the completed policy to the Elders meeting and it has

been approved. The policy now incorporates the latest legislative requirements and guidelines as well as recommendations gained from recent experience. Bertie Everard will be assisting the Junior Church

leaders in the first instance to become conversant with the policy. A copy of the policy will be available in a folder in the church.

Have a pleasant summer. John McKenzie - Tel: 01707 375024

e-mail: [email protected]

Page 12

June Money


Church Woodhall

Income £5,065 £1,451

Expense £3,493 £2,141

FC figures look good, but include

£2.7K from Gift Aid Recovery.

WHL had the £1K electricity bill I warned about last time.

Strengths and Weaknesses

‘School was always pretty iffy for me, because I am dyslexic. Reading is laborious: I’m very slow and have a hard time retaining information

I have read’ Ann Bancroft.

This famous woman explorer had to know her strengths and weaknesses before she could do what she wanted to do in life. We all

have strengths and weaknesses. The key is to admit them and then use them creatively.

Visit us on the web at:


For updated and exciting content and the latest

information about the Free Church

Page 13

Mark McCahon-Gardener

All aspects of garden

maintenance and planting design undertaken.

RHS and City and Guilds qualified.


117 Upperfield Road Welwyn Garden City Herts

AL7 3LR Mob: 07984659816

E-mail: markmccahon@ yahoo.co.uk


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Page 14

Pilgrimage day to St Albans Abbey

Wednesday 5th August

This is an opportunity for everyone to come along and enjoy St Albans Abbey and grounds.

The day begins with the Free Church Service at 10 o’clock, which Jane is leading.

After that there are various activities, guided tours, children’s tour – and possibly other events, a Pilgrims Journey prayer trail and

lunch either in the Café or picnic in the grounds.

Please can you let Jane know if you are coming? I would especially like to know if you are coming with children – if there

are enough we may be able to arrange something special, or if you

would like to come but need a lift.

From my one experience as Chaplain at the Abbey all should have

an enjoyable day.



We say we want to be our own person and sometimes that scares us to death.

It’s OK to be afraid - just don’t let it stop there.


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ God created us to be unique – our own person – as God intends us to be.

We are not alone on the journey. ‘I am with you always’.


Page 15


Yesterday we held our annual Garden Party and were favoured by much better weather than had been anticipated, especially after the previous week of very poor conditions. There was a large attendance and it was a very enjoyable afternoon. As always we are grateful to the group of helpers who cheerfully and competently served the food and to Howell who provided the transport.

We now look forward to another Singalong with Brian on 9 July at 2.30 in the Lower Hall and our last meeting before the summer break is on 25 July.

We start up again on 17 September. It would be especially nice to see some new faces, as well as those who are already familiar , and they would all be welcome.

Rosemary Craig (330660)

Page 16

FREE CHURCH July & August 2009

Jane - Communion Sun 5th Jul

Thursday Club Thu 9th July

Robert Harvey Sun 12th Jul

7:30pm Elders meeting Tue 14th Jul

Jane - Church Meeting Sun 19th Jul

Jane – All Age Sun 26th Jul

Jane – Communion Sun 2nd Aug

Robert Harvey Sun 9th Aug

Jane Sun 16th Aug

Jane – All Age Sun 23rd Aug

Joint service at WoodHall Lane Sun 30th Aug

Page 17

Woodhall Lane Corner


Although this is yet to be confirmed with other local churches it is planned for week commencing 24 August. Venue also to be

confirmed. CHURCH MEETING - Sunday 26 July - This will be the AGM.

A light lunch will be served after the morning service and all are welcome.

CHRISTIAN AID - The final total collected from our church was £272.29p.


As we do not have an organist for this date hymns will be from those on the CD listings and these can be chosen beforehand.

CHRISTMAS FAIR MEETING - The first of these is to be held on Wednesday 1 July at the Church at 10 am. Joe Palacio is the


Visit us on the web at


For updated content and information about Woodhall Lane

If you have a problem or need to discuss something that

requires pastoral attention please contact one of the Elders

Page 18

Woodhall Lane July & August 2009


5 July Robert Harvey

12 July Rev Jane Weedon (Communion & Gift Day)

19 July Songs of Praise 26 July David Cracknell (Church AGM)

2 August Robert Harvey

9 August Rev Jane Weedon (Communion) 16 August Martin Wells

23 August Rev Roy Eames

30 August Joint with Free Church (At Woodhall Led by Rev Jane Weedon)


5 July Joyce/Grace Barbara

12 July Joan Margaret 19 July Joyce/Grace Linda

26 July Joan Barbara

2 August Joyce/Grace Margaret

9 August Joan Linda

16 August Joyce/Grace Barbara 23 August Joan Margaret

30 August Joyce/Grace Linda

Page 19


5 July Carole

12 July Margaret

19 July Barbara 26 July Carole

2 August Margaret

9 August Barbara 16 August Carole

23 August Margaret

30 August Barbara



FELLOWSHIP CLUB - Alternate Thursday 2 - 3.30pm 9 July Skittles

23 July Quiz

6 August Video

20 August Summer Sundae

ELDERS MEETING - Thursday 9 July 9.30 am.

BIBLE STUDY Friday mornings 10 am at 114 Parkway

Page 20

The following article was found by a nurse working in an elderly care unit some years ago. It had been written by one of the residents who had passed on.

‘What do you see nurses, what do you see? Are you thinking when you are looking at me

A crabbit old woman, not very wise Uncertain of habit, with far-away eyes,

Who dribbles her food and makes no reply, When you say in a loud voice “I do wish you’d try” Who seems not to notice the things that you do,

And forever is losing a stocking or shoe, Who unresisting or not, lets you do as you will,

With bathing and feeding, the long day to fill, Is that what you’re thinking, is that what you see? Then open your eyes nurse, you are not looking at me.

I’ll tell you who I am as I sit here so still; As I use at your bidding, as I eat at your will,

I’m a small child of ten with a father and mother, A young girl of sixteen with wings on her feet. Dreaming that soon now a lover she’ll meet.

A bride soon at twenty my heart gives a leap, Remembering the vows that I promised to keep.

At twenty-five now I have young of my own, Who need me to build a secure, happy home; A woman of thirty, my young now grow fast,

Bound to each other with ties that should last, At forty my young sons now grow and will be gone

But my man stays beside me to see I don’t mourn: At fifty once more babies play round my knees, Again we know children, my loved one and me.

Dark days are upon me, my husband is dead, I look to the future, I shudder with dread,

For my young are all busy rearing young of their own, And I think of the years and the love that I’ve known. I’m an old woman now and nature is cruel,

‘Tis her jest to make old age look like a fool.

Page 21

The body it crumbles, grace and vigour depart, There is now a stone where I once had a heart: But inside this old carcase whiles a young girl still dwells,

And now and again my battered heart swells, I remember the joys, I remember the pain

And I’m loving and living life all over again. I think of the years all too few - gone too fast And accept the stark fact that nothing can last.

So open your eyes nurses, open and see Not a crabbit old woman, look closer - see ME.




Already it is July – where has the year gone? In four months our

shoe boxes will have been lovingly wrapped and filled with gifts

ready for despatch to deprived children in parts of Africa, central Asia and Eastern Europe. Why do we send filled shoe boxes?

Imagine never having received a present before. That is the reality

for so many children in these countries. We bring a smile to their

faces as we contribute in our different ways. Giving money, knitting, buying toys, toiletries, sweets (but not chocolate), etc. Let

us think of the joy we can give to these children.

Last year, 1.2 million boxes were distributed via Operation

Christmas Child. 120 of these were from us. Let us try to improve

on this total this year. I have a DVD giving insight into the work of Operation Christmas Child. If anyone would like to borrow it

please contact me.

Thank you for your continued support both within the church and

loyal supporters in the community. £33 was raised at the May

Fayre. I am able to receive contributions any time. God bless.


Page 22

Education: an Inter Faith Perspective

For three years the Welwyn Hatfield Inter Faith Group has been trying to

engage with the Herts SACRE (Standing Advisory Committee for Religious Education) to ensure that RE in local schools is sound and

contains an inter faith dimension. We asked if we could have a representative (such as an RE teacher) from the IFG on SACRE, but sadly we have been consistently rebuffed.

Our first approach concerned the 2006 RE curriculum, on which we sent

the SACRE many comments, but were told that it would not be changed until 2011. Now the Government has issued for consultation some new

Guidance for all SACREs, which we think is open to similar criticism – that it over-emphasises the differences between religions without drawing attention to what is held in common (eg values). The message that it

conveys to pupils is that the relationship between the various religions is predominantly adversarial; it makes no mention, for example, of the

Millennium Pledge in which all the main national religious leaders in the UK vowed to work together for the common good – an aspiration that the WH IFG tries hard to implement at the local level. We propose to respond

to the consultation along these lines.

On 12 June I attended on behalf of the IFG a conference in Coventry jointly organised by the UK Inter Faith Network (of which the WH IFG is a member) and the National Association of SACREs. Of the 70-odd

participants, half were members of both a local IFG and their Local Authority’s SACRE. In a survey among 156 IFGs, the WH IFG was the

only one that had encountered unresolved problems in establishing a role relationship with their SACRE (which was not represented at the Conference). In many areas, such as Kirklees, Warwickshire and

Birmingham, a highly constructive relationship was reported, which had given rise to some impressive initiatives of the kind that could be emulated

in this Borough. Two clear messages came through: (1) IFGs and SACREs need to work together to raise their public profiles (even in WH, one member of the clergy who received my conference report had to ask me

what a SACRE was!) and (2) Effectiveness of both SACREs and IFGs depends heavily on getting funding – here again our County and Borough

seem not to be generously treated by comparison with most others.

Page 23

It is really important that all church members who have children, grandchildren and young friends in the public education system should

satisfy themselves that local RE is soundly based. At present, in my view, it has some serious shortcomings, which the IFG aims to highlight, with

some practical proposals for addressing them. But first we need the ear of the Herts SACRE, which is the body with statutory responsibility for deciding on the RE curriculum.

Bertie Everard

============================ Hope is believing in sprite of the evidence then watching the evidence change.

Jim Wallis


We have only this short life in which to prove our love.

- Edel Quinn,

Missionary of the Legion of Mary (1907-1944)

Page 24

Free Church Rotas for July & August 2009


5 Mrs. H. Kaye and Mr. R. Harvey 12 Mr. and Mrs. P. Read

19 Mrs. A. and Miss K. Onasile

26 Mr. and Mrs. A. Tyler

2 Mrs. S. Chamberlin and Mrs. K. Muir

9 Mrs. M. Sartin and Mrs. L. Perry

16 Mrs. J. Marshall and Mrs. J. Spalding

23 Mrs. J. Cleese and Mrs. K. Muir 30 Joint Service at Woodhall Lane


5th Helen Cunningham

12th Mrs Jessie Lunt

19th Lady Menzies

26th Lambert Family

2nd Margaret Taylor

9th Mr and Mrs N Muir

16th TBA 23rd TBA

30th Service at Woodhall

If anyone would like to provide flowers on either of the TBA dates please write your name in the roster

in church or contact Joyce Nicolson


It’s great if all the family can come to church together. If your

child is too young to attend Junior Church, we have a warm, safe and comfy room where parents can take their babies and

toddlers. Hey and there are loads of toys!

Page 25

Painful Revenge

A mother ran into the bedroom when she heard her seven-year-old son scream. She found his two-year-old sister pulling his hair. She

gently released the little girl's grip and said comfortingly to the

boy, "There, there. She didn't mean it. She doesn't know that

hurts." He nodded his acknowledgement, and she left the room.

As she started down the hall the little girl screamed. Rushing back

in, she asked, "What happened?"

The little boy replied, "She knows now."

—Joke a Day Ministries Group; submitted by Keith Todd,


Deadline for September Magazine

Articles requiring typing Sunday 16th August

Articles sent via email Thursday 20th August

e-mail documents to [email protected] , hand your

articles to Chris Ewer the Magazine Secretary or leave them in the magazine pigeon hole at the back of the church for the Freechurch or hand to TBA for Woodhall Lane, and if they can be with us before or as

near to the deadline date as possible that will be much appreciated.

Please note that it is essential that these dates are

respected if the magazine is be printed on time.

Magazine will be printed for Sunday 30th August Please note the next magazine will be September

Page 26

Page 27

NEWS RELEASE Churches concerned as BNP makes election gains Churches’ steadfast message: God loves all, racism is a ‘sin’ Disappointment and concern have been expressed by Christians following gains made by the British National Party (BNP) in last week’s European Parliament Elections. In elections held last Thursday, the BNP won two seats in the European Parliament and three seats in local councils around the UK. Rachel Lampard, Public Issues Policy Adviser for the Methodist Church, said, “The limited success of the BNP does not change our steadfast message: God loves all. Racism is a sin. The campaigning work of the churches and other grass-roots organisations has helped to highlight the need for people to vote positively, especially at a time when public confidence in politics has been shaken.” Many commentators predicted success for the BNP due to low voter turnout and the political scandals of recent weeks. However, the gains were nowhere near as great as the BNP themselves predicted.

Page 28

Revd Graham Sparkes, Head of Faith and Unity for the Baptist Union of Great Britain, added; “It’s deeply disappointing that we now have a racist party representing Britain in Europe for the next five years and it is vital that our remaining UK representatives dedicate themselves to promote the common good.” Secretary for Church and Society for the United Reformed Church, Frank Kantor, said; “We must never become comfortable with the BNP using their position to promote their racist policies. We will continue to counter their messages of hatred and fear.”


Welwyn Hatfield Interfaith Group

Dates for your Diary Sunday, 5th July

Walk in the Woods Time: 12.30 pm Venue: Meet at No. 60 Bridge Road, Welwyn Garden City, AL8


Please bring a picnic lunch and a chair, drinks provided. Walk in Sherrards Wood from 2 pm. Free parking at

Campus West.

Monday, 6th July Building Communities

Time: 7.45 pm until 10.00 pm (Refreshments from 7.30 pm)

Venue: Park Lounge, Campus West, Welwyn Garden City, AL8 6AE.

Page 29

Saturday, 18th July

Kaleidoscope Festival Celebrating cultural diversity in Welwyn

Hatfield Time: 12.00 noon until 6.00 pm Please visit our stand.

Venue: Stanborough Park, Welwyn Garden City, AL8 6DQ.

Wednesday, 30th September

Autumn Festivals

Time: 7.45 pm until 10.00 pm (Refreshments from 7.30 pm) Venue: Park Lounge, Campus West, Welwyn Garden City, AL8


Monday, 19th October

Annual Public Meeting - Faith: Public or Private?

Time: 7.30 pm to 10.00 pm - Key speakers to be announced.

Venue: Terrace Suite, Campus West, Welwyn Garden City, AL8 6AE.

National Interfaith Week 15th-21st November Events to include: Tuesday, 17th November Bring & Share


Time: 7.00 pm for 7.30 pm Venue: Focolare Centre for Unity, 69 Parkway, Welwyn Garden

City, AL8 6JG.

Other events during the Interfaith Week to be


For further details contact Valerie Skottowe on 01707 324828 /Email [email protected]

Page 30

Christmas Fayre 14th November 2009, 10:30-3:00pm Ballot Results: The results from the ballot for selecting our 2009 charity showed that Isabel Hospice was by far the most popular choice, and so we will be donating 50% of all funds raised to this worthy cause. I know many of you are thinking of your summer holiday and Christmas is the last thing on your mind at present but I do hope you have this date in your diary. The Christmas Fayre can become more meaningful not only in keeping us going financially but also as a catalyst for working together and outreach to the community. We have been busy already planning and co-opting helpers in the hope that we can host an enjoyable and fun event while raising funds for our church and our nominated charity. Perhaps you could get together with a friend or neighbour – not necessarily someone from Church. It could be another way of getting people to see what a friendly congregation we are! We need to show our friends and neighbours what a happy, welcoming and inventive lot we are. Selling programmes and displaying posters and car stickers is the best way to promote the Christmas Fayre and something that nearly everyone can help with by selling them to friends, neighbours and work colleagues.

Please volunteer to help.

Complete and return the pull-out section in the middle of

this magazine and place in our Christmas Fayre box at the

back of the church or post to Joyce Nicolson (3 Hawthorns,

WGC, AL8 7SE).

Page 31

Where we are now:

� Entertainment: ♦ Santa has already agreed to attend, accompanied by his Elves ♦ Smartie Artie our Entertainer is booked

� The following stalls and activities have already been booked but many need your help with prizes & stock:

Stall/Activity Stall Owner Please contact the stall owner for offers of:

Tombola Howell Watkins 01707 892 833

300 items plus a few STAR prizes

Bottles Derek Groves 01707 323 126

All kinds of bottles, large and small

Mystery Parcels Sara Taylor & the Youth Groups 01707 321 270

Small items to wrap and sell for £1 or 50p

Toys Jaqui Perilli & Chatter and Tots 01707 376 336

All your outgrown toys, books, games and novelties

Crafts Mary Sartin 01279 793 959

Items which will catch the eye

Books Robert Harvey 01707 322 339

Your unwanted books, DVDs, and CDs in goodish condition

Plants Ann Meers 01707 327 277

Help to run or stock the stall

Homemade Provisions

Dorothy Tulloch 01438 869 279

Your homemade jams, chutneys, marmalades and pickles

Cafeteria & Snack Bar

Joyce Nicolson 01707 326 829

Cakes, lite bites, biscuits etc

Silent Auction Sue Cory 01707 325 896

Offers of items to auction (please see the pull-out section)

Page 32

Stall/Activity Stall Owner Please contact the stall owner for offers of:

Biscuit Decorating Cathy Clark n/a

Children's Fun Activities

Alison Giles & the Girls Brigade 01707 376 918


Plate Painting Karen McAllister 01707 891 060


Publicity Jane Sartin 01992 505907


Pottery Pigs Felicity n/a

Stall/Activity What we still need

Cakes A volunteer to organise and run the stall Offers of lots of attractive cakes, decorated sponges and cookies of all kinds – we need sufficient stock to keep going until after lunch!

Games/Puzzles A volunteer to organise and run the stall Offers of unwanted and complete games & puzzles

Hook a Duck A volunteer to organise and run the stall

Lucky Dip A volunteer to organise and run the stall

Buried Treasure A volunteer to organise and run the stall

Bouncy Castle A volunteer to man the castle on the day

Silent Auction A volunteer to assist Sue Cory

Santa A volunteer to relieve Santa when he needs a break

� The following stalls and activities still have vacancies – if you can

help with any of them please fill out the pull-out section in the middle of this magazine:

Page 33

Photographs with Santa A volunteer to take photographs of the children with Santa for sale on the day

Face Painting A volunteer to help transform the children into tigers, fairies or whatever takes their fancy

Christmas Draw A volunteer to co-ordinate & manage all aspects of the Christmas Draw (draw tickets, prizes donated, ticket sales, stall on the day etc) Prize donations and contacts who may be willing to help


Clearing Up A dedicated team of able-bodied and energetic volunteers to help clear up after the event as quickly & efficiently as possible so the church is ready for worship the next day

Front Door Volunteers to collect entrance money

Car Park Volunteers to be car park attendants

Sales Volunteers to sell draw tickets and programmes in the vestibule in the weeks prior to the Fayre

Sales Volunteers to help mind the advertising board in the Howard Centre for a short while (date tbc)

Small Change Boxes Please take a small change box and fill it with your loose change. It can be exchanged every Sunday and refilled as many times as you like

The following stalls and activities still have vacancies – if you can help with any of them please fill out the pull-out section in the middle of this magazine:

If you have any additional suggestions,

or a stall/activity you would like to

assist with which is not already

mentioned above, please let us know

in the pull-out section which follows.

Page 34


Please pull out this section from the magazine and return it to the Christmas Fayre Post box at the back of the church or post to Joyce

Nicolson (3 Hawthorns, WGC, AL8 7SE) no later than 31st July

Your Details: Name: __________________________________________________________ Address: __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ Telephone: __________________________________________________________ Email: _________________________________________________________

Any queries, please contact: Joyce Nicolson : 01707 326829

[email protected]

Cherylle Cooper: 01707 896248

[email protected]

Sue Cory (Silent Auction): 01707 325 896

[email protected]

Page 35


Please tick if you can help with the following


Stall/Activity Could you ... Volunteers needed

I can help (√)

Cakes organise & run the stall 1 or 2

Games/Puzzles organise & run the stall 1 or 2

Hook a Duck organise & run the stall 1 or 2

Lucky Dip organise & run the stall 2

Buried Treasure organise & run the stall 1 or 2

Bouncy Castle run the stall 1

Silent Auction assist Sue Cory 1

Santa relieve Santa 1

Photo with Santa

organise & take photos 1 or 2

Face Painting organise & run the stall 1 or 2

Christmas Draw manage & co-ordinate 1

Clearing Up lead the clear-up team 1

Clearing Up help clear-up As many as possible

Front Door collect entrance money As many as possible

Car Park be a car park attendant 1 or 2

Sales sell programmes & tickets in the vestibule

As many as possible

Sales mind the ad board in the Howard Centre

As many as possible

Set Up help set up on Thurs 12th & Fri 13th Nov

As many as possible

Page 36


Please tick if you would be willing to do any of the following:

Description I can help (√)

Place a poster in your front window/office etc

Place an advertising sticker in your car

Any other advertising

Allow us to approach your workplace for a donation (please supply name of company and whom to contact).

Number of programmes you would be willing to sell (please state number in box).

Number of draw books (in books of 5) you would be willing to sell (please state number in box).

Please insert in the box below anything else you can help with, or

suggestions, and any relevant details:

Page 37

Alternatively, you may email your offer to Sue Cory: [email protected] Viewings of goods for sale can be arranged via Sue Cory. An update of offers will be available on the website. Offers to be in by the end of July; bids to be in by 14th November.

Successful bidders will be notified on 14th November.


Silent Auction Here's your chance to offer something that people will bid for. You may offer a service (e.g. shopping trip, babysitting or DIY tasks) or an object (e.g. furniture, cameras, DVDs etc), and you can nominate a reserve price. The possibilities are endless, and the highest bidder for each item will win it. Please provide details of your offer(s) below. These details will be

passed onto successful bidders after 14th November, who will contact you

to claim their prize. Please supply a picture if applicable.


(e.g. babysitting)


(e.g. 2 hours within WGC)

Reserve Price

(e.g. £5)