woodland wonders - notes

1/6/2013 1 © Project SOUND Out of the Wilds and Into Your Garden Gardening with Western L.A. County Native Plants Project SOUND - 2010 © Project SOUND Woodland Wonders: Plants for Dry Shade C.M. Vadheim and T. Drake CSUDH & Madrona Marsh Preserve Madrona Marsh Preserve August 7 & 10, 2010 © Project SOUND ‘Very local’ native plants may be the easiest to grow – literally ‘grow themselves’ For some gardeners, restoration of locally native plant life is of key importance… © Project SOUND What is my local Plant Community? Coastal strand/bluff S. Coastal Prairie Coastal shrubland Coastal Sage Scrub Chaparral parts of PV, mostly at higher elevations http://www.planetizen.com/node/23441 Riparian (wetland/streamside) communities

Post on 14-Sep-2014




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Page 1: Woodland Wonders - Notes



© Project SOUND

Out of the Wilds and Into Your Garden

Gardening with Western L.A. County Native Plants Project SOUND - 2010

© Project SOUND

Woodland Wonders:

Plants for Dry Shade

C.M. Vadheim and T. Drake

CSUDH & Madrona Marsh Preserve

Madrona Marsh Preserve

August 7 & 10, 2010

© Project SOUND

‘Very local’ native plants may be the easiest to grow – literally

‘grow themselves’

For some gardeners, restoration of locally native plant life is of key importance…

© Project SOUND

What is my local Plant Community?

Coastal strand/bluff

S. Coastal Prairie

Coastal shrubland

Coastal Sage Scrub

Chaparral – parts of PV, mostly at higher elevations


Riparian (wetland/streamside) communities

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Madrona Marsh Preserve gives a good idea of what many local

neighborhoods might have looked like in the past © Project SOUND

Gardens are located in the space between natural and human landscapes

© Project SOUND Many gardeners want to create a cool, shady oasis


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The Riparian Woodland is a source for

local shade plants that like water

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But what if you want/need both shade and water-wise?


Perhaps you’re lucky enough to have a mature oak(s) in your garden

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Or you may just want to make the shady parts of your

garden more water-wise

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A few guidelines – choosing appropriate plant species for your garden

If you live near natural areas:

Choose local native plants (from locally derived sources) – best choice

Choose other native (and non-native) plants & cultivars with great care – should not invade or hybridize with local native plants

Consult with your local Land

Conservancy/Preserve or local native

plant experts (CA Native Plant

Society) to make good choices © Project SOUND

A few guidelines – choosing appropriate native plant species for your garden

If you live in an urbanized area you may also:

Choose plants from appropriate areas that are not immediately local, but still are close by: Inland areas of L.A. Co.; Local foothills; ‘Coastal’ (lowland) plants from

Orange or San Diego Co.

Choose plants from farther away that have appropriate characteristics for your garden: Central/N. CA coastal areas S. CA deserts Baja CA

In fact, plants from ‘nearby areas’

may actually have grown in your

neighborhood at one time

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The Southern Oak Woodland is our most

obvious source for dry shade plants

Foothills of S. CA (including L.A. and other local counties)

Inland valleys of L.A. County (Woodland Hills; Thousand Oaks; Diamond Bar; Cal Poly Pomona)


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The Southern Oak Woodland of CA

Precipitation: 15-25” annually

Elevation: 1500-5000 ft in western S. California

Common trees/large shrubs:

Coast Liveoak (Quercus agrifolia) - also Canyon Liveoak (Q. chrysolepis), California Black Oak (Q. kelloggii), Engelmann Oak (Q. engelmannii ) and Valley Oak (Q. lobata)

CA Walnut Blue Elderberry California Bay Laurel (Umbellularia


Toyon Lemonadeberry Sugarbush Coffeeberry (Rhamnus californica), Sourberry/Tri-lobe Sumac


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Southern Oak


Most often on North-facing slopes, shaded canyons and sheltered inland valleys – on well-drained soils

May be intersected by intermittent streams

Oaks may grow in dense clusters or more openly – a woodland rather than a forest

Smaller trees and shrubs along with herbaceous plants, ferns and grasses form a vegetative understory which is an important part of this community. http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2289/1594943902_ead554319f.jpg

One of the more common

understory plants is Poison Oak


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Southern Oak

Woodlands have a

distinctive ‘feel’ –

dry shade





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Oaks are adapted to our Mediterranean climate

Mature CA oaks survive on winter rains and a summer dry period.

Oaks set a deep tap root and have

many shallow surface feeder roots. Shallow oak roots extend beyond

the tree’s canopy. Feeder roots are typically 1 to 3 feet below the soil's surface.

To keep S. CA oaks healthy you

need to replicate the summer dry (Zone 1 or 1-2) water pattern; this means using only plants with the same summer water requirements under oaks.

Regularly watered lawns will kill a native CA oak, usually by disease (root fungi)


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Watering mature oak (or other Zone 1-2) trees

Do not water in ‘critical area’ (10 ft from trunk) Water only in dry spring and summer conditions (if at all) Water no more than once a month; no overhead watering Let water soak to depth of 18-24 inches Organic mulch (oak leaves) required, even in critical area – but

not touching the trunk

© Project SOUND

What do we mean by ‘dry shade’?

Your definition may be very different from mine



http://ilonasgarden.com/ © Project SOUND

Gardens in Mediterranean climates

(including S. CA) have three Water Zones

Zone 1 – no supplemental water; soils are dry in summer/fall.

Zone 2 – occasional summer water; soil is allowed to dry out between waterings. Watering is slow & deep to replenish the soil water stores.

Zone 3 – regular water; soil is usually moist to soggy, even in summer.

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Water Zone

Description Picture Result/consequence

Zone 1 No supplemental water

Many Zone 1 plants (including many native to western L.A. county & deserts) become summer dormant; some shade species remain green

Zone 2

Occasional water; soil dries out between deep waterings

Includes ‘CA Natives’ from many plant communities; occasional summer water helps many species to remain evergreen – many also extend bloom season

Zone 3 Regular water; soil moist/ soggy

Only native riparian and some mountain/N. CA species – will kill many local CA natives

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The secret of a water-wise garden is to prioritize water

needs and group plants with similar requirements


Dry; needs drought-tolerant plants

Regular water

‘Water-wise’ ; occasional summer water

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Is it hard to grow plants under oaks (and other

summer dry trees)? Yes, but not impossible

Challenges: summer drought requirement; dense shade; root competition


Choose plants that thrive in dry shade:

Plants from the Southern Oak Woodland

Plants from the Central and Northern Oak Woodlands

Other drought-and-shade tolerant plants (often from Chaparral)

Prune to provide better air circulation, light



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Under many drought-tolerant trees you

have options/choices

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Central & Northern Oak Woodlands

Annual rainfall: 20-35 inches

Dominant large trees/shrubs Valley Oak (Quercus lobata), Blue Oak

(Quercus douglasii), Coast Live Oak (Quercus agrifolia) and Interior Live Oak (Quercus wislizenii)

Gray Pine ( Pinus sabiniana)

Understory: Manzanita (Arctostaphylos spp.) Coffeeberry and Redberry (Rhamnus spp.) Currant and Gooseberry (Ribes spp.) Toyon

In openings: Grasses & ferns Annual & perennial wildflowers : Goldfields

(Lasthenia spp.), Poppies (Eschscholzia spp.), Lupines (Lupinus spp.) and other forbs in spring.

© Project SOUND

Oak woodlands in Central &

N. CA get more rain – they

look & feel more lush than

those of S. CA



You may find the ‘greener’ look of the

more northern Oak Woodland more to

your liking/needs © Project SOUND

The key is to group plants with like needs


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Shade is variable, even in an Oak Woodland


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You need to become a

‘connoisseur of shade’

Light shade (FS/PS): receives shade for less than four hours each day.

Partial or semi-shade (PS): assumes a half day of shade.

Full shade (FSH): occurs where there is no direct sun.


© Project SOUND

Light shade

Definition: shaded but bright


The sun's rays blocked by a tree, wall or building for several hours at midday, sunny the rest of the day

Areas that receive filtered or dappled sunlight for longer periods. (edges of shady gardens or areas under the canopy of lightly branched trees)

Effects on plants:

Provides beneficial cooling/shade during the heat of summer

Flower and foliage color may be more brilliant

Most sun-loving plants can survive/thrive in light shade


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Partial, medium or semi-


Definition: direct sun rays are blocked from an area for at least half the day.

Similar to an open glade in the forest or the woods' edge


Established landscapes with mature trees; area receives some direct sun early or late in the day

Bright, north- or east-facing exposures, slopes

Effect on Plants:

Protection from harmful effects of direct sunlight

Less available light – so best to utilize plants that require some shade



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Full (dense) shade

Definition: Little or no direct sunlight reaches the ground at any time of the day.

There may be reflected light from sunnier areas of the yard or off light-colored walls.


Under thick tree canopies (under oaks and pines) or in dense groves of trees

Areas under stairways, decks or covered patios on the north side of buildings

Effect on plants:

Relatively little available light

Plant choice is critical since only limited plants will perform well in such reduced light.


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Openings in Oak Woodlands increase the variety


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Oak Woodlands are transitional – include areas that are wetter & sunnier

Seasonal riparian plants

Plants of adjacent plant communities: Valley Grasslands


Even Mixed Evergreen Scrub


http://oakesfamily.net/nature.htm http://celosangeles.ucdavis.edu/Natural_Resources/Oak_Woodlands.htm

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Get to know your shade – throughout the year

Choose plants that naturally grow well under oaks http://www.bringingbackthenatives.net/slides/Meuris/Meuris-Pages/index.html



http://www.bringingbackthenatives.net/slides/Richard/Richard-Pages/Image11.html © Project SOUND

Let’s say this is your front yard…

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Part of what attracts you is the variety of understory



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First let’s replace a shrub that’s gotten too

big & old…

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© Project SOUND

Possible shrubs for local Oak Woodland

understory California sagebrush

(Artemisia californica)

California blackberry (Rubus ursinus)

Nevin’s Barberry (Mahonia/Berberis nevinii )

California coffeeberry (Frangula/Rhamnus californica)

Sourberry/Three-lobed Sumac (Rhus trilobata)

Nevin’s Barberry


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Three-lobe Sumac – Rhus trilobata

USDA-NRCS PLANTS Database / Herman, D.E. et al. 1996. North Dakota tree handbook. USDA NRCS ND State Soil Conservation Committee; NDSU

Extension and Western Area Power Admin., Bismarck, ND.

© Project SOUND

Three-lobe Sumac – Rhus trilobata

Naturally occurring:

Many areas of western N. America – Canada to Baja

Coastal and mountain areas of CA

In S. CA: coastal sage scrub, chaparral and southern oak woodland

Moist areas including stream-sides, seasonal drainages, and canyon bottoms

sand dunes and sand hills

dry rocky slopes

In same genus as Lemonade Berry, Sugar Bush & Poison Oak (which it resembles)

Also known as Basket-brush, Sumac, Sourberry, Skunkbrush


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Three-lobed Sumac is loved by gardeners

because it’s so easy to grow…

Soils: not too particular Any texture; well-drained Any pH

Light: full sun to part-shade

Water: Very drought tolerant when established Can take some summer water – but may

become leggy

Nutrients: fine with no fertilizer, but can tolerate light doses/organic mulches

Very hardy; takes a frost

Rapid growth first 3-5 years; then moderate

Lives 20-30 years


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Management of Three-lobe Sumac


Best in fall/winter

If planting under oaks, don’t plant within 6 ft. of trunk

Good transplant success rates


Can be pruned for shape

Cut back severely (to 6 inches) to rejuvenate old plants or produce straight stems (e.g. for basketry)

Remove any unwanted suckers

That’s all – very easy to manage plant

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Three-lobe Sumac

pleases the palette…

Yellow flowers in spring Butterflies & bees

Red berries in summer

Birds love them (many species) Make a tangy drink Excellent for jelly Can even eat them raw (tart)

Even the foliage is eaten occasionally by large & small animals



Many parts of the plant are used for

natural dyes

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* Bluewitch Nightshade – Solanum umbelliferum

© 2009 Ron Wolf

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* Bluewitch Nightshade – Solanum umbelliferum

Coastal and foothill regions from OR to Baja – locally in the San Gabriel Mtns/foothills.

Dry, brush-covered slopes & valleys – usually in chaparral and low-elevation oak woodlands in California

A tough shrub which can grow in rocky and clay soils

Often springs up in areas recovering from wildfires or other disturbances

© 2008 Ellen Tatum


© Project SOUND

Characteristics of the ‘Bluewitch’


2-4 ft tall

3-5 ft wide

Growth form: Perennial sub-shrub – part woody

Mounded to sprawling (particularly in shade)

Fairly open branching

Foliage: Grayish to blue-green – rather


Caution: all parts of plant are toxic if eaten

Roots: branching

J.S. Peterson @ USDA-NRCS PLANTS Database

© Project SOUND

Fabulous flowers

Blooms: Mainly in spring-summer,

when days are warm

With water may bloom some at other times

Flowers: Large for the family – 1” +

Light blue-purple color with golden stamens

Quite showy – close at night

Fruits: In summer/fall

Green turning to purple; flat seeds like tomato

Brother Alfred Brousseau @ USDA-NRCS PLANTS Database

© 2009 Keir Morse

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One hardy plant… Soils: Texture: any well-drained; will

even take clays on slopes

pH: any local

Light: Full sun to part-shade

Water: Winter: adequate

Summer: very drought tolerant (Zone 1 or 1-2) but looks a little better at Zone 2 (occasional water)

Fertilizer: none; likes poor soils

Other: prune to shape

Gary A. Monroe @ USDA-NRCS PLANTS Database

© Project SOUND


Use Bluewitch in

tough spots

On dry slopes – even part-shade areas

Under oaks and other water-wise trees

In difficult to water areas

In a dry mixed bed with grasses and wildflowers

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Cultivar 'Spring


Slightly smaller (2’ x 2’)

Very light (gray) foliage

White flowers

Very attractive choice for a white garden – very unique, showy


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Other perennials for S. Oak Woodland –

mostly sprawlers in shade

Diplacus aurantiacus

Salvia spathacea

Stachys bullata

Symphoricarpos mollis

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Grasses are also an

important part of local

Oak woodlands –

especially in dappled

sun & sunny edges




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Coast Range Melic Grass - Melica imperfecta

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Coast Range Melic Grass - Melica imperfecta

Distribution: CA, Baja CA

Habitat: dry, rocky hillsides, stable dunes, open woodlands

Delicate-looking cool-season perennial bunching rhizomatous grass

Height: 1-3 ft Width: 2-3 ft

Flowers on graceful stems above leaves – dark brown fading to gold – Mar-June

Local variation in characteristics

http://www.baynatives.com/plants/Melica-imperfecta/ © Project SOUND

Melic grass in the garden

As a specimen plant in small areas, rock gardens, deep pots

In natural meadows, grassy borders

Good for shaded areas – meadows or under trees

Soil stabilizer for slopes

Restoring bare areas


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California Polypody- Polypodium californicum


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Characteristics of CA Polypody

Size: 20” tall; individual plants ≈ 25” wide – but often grow in spreading clumps


Simple for fern – many leaflets with serrated edges

Drought deciduous – dies back in summer

No flowers: Sporangia are grouped in round sori on the underside of the leaflets.

Rhizomes (underground stems) – relatively slow- spreading





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Growth requirements: not your eastern fern

Sun: part-shade to full shade; can tolerate full sun only right along coast, with adequate water

Soils: Any well-drained Does not tolerate alkali soils

Water: Moist in winter-spring – even

tolerates flooding Gradually reduce water for

summer/fall dormancy – must have dormant period

Nutrients: probably benefits from organic mulch; not a “big eater”


Probably the easiest local fern for the garden; location is everything

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Polypody in the South Bay garden

Bank cover on North-facing slopes

On north sides of buildings

Delicate, small scale fern for foreground rock walls

In mossy (winter/spring wet) rock gardens

Excellent under oaks

In shaded beds

In a “fern dell” – needs it’s summer drought so place appropriately


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We could fill in with some shade-tolerant annuals


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Miner’s Lettuce – Claytonia perfoliata

© 2001 Steven Thorsted

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Miner’s Lettuce is fine in sun or shade…

Herbaceous annual; makes a good annual groundcover

Size: 6-12 in. high; to 12 in. wide

Growth period: fall to spring

Blooms: Small, white Feb-May

Foliage: Attractive & unusual Edible: usually raw in salads or

as greens


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Growing Miner’s Lettuce

from seed

Extremely easy

Sow in prepared soil in fall (best) through spring

Germinates with: Damp soil/fall rains Short days

Re-seeds May want to remove plants if

too prolific – will depend on site

Steve Hurst @ USDA-NRCS PLANTS Database


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Chinese Houses – Collinsia heterophylla

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Reasons to include Collinsia in your

shade garden Easy, reliable annual

Beautiful flowers

Long blooming season

Make great cut flowers

Brighten up shady areas of the garden

Does fine in planters, pots

Looks great with many other flowers in planted beds

Fine under trees

© Project SOUND © Project SOUND But perhaps this is more your style – ‘Central Oak Woodland’ theme

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Central & Northern Oak Woodlands

Primarily Zone 2 plants (in our area); remember, in nature these plants get more water than S. CA native plants

Understory: Manzanita (Arctostaphylos spp.) Coffeeberry and Redberry (Rhamnus

spp.) Currant and Gooseberry (Ribes spp.) Toyon Others

In openings: Grasses & ferns Annual & perennial wildflowers :

Goldfields (Lasthenia spp.), Poppies (Eschscholzia spp.), Lupines (Lupinus spp.) and other forbs in spring.

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Little Sur Manzanita – Arctostaphylos


© 2006 Steve Matson

© Project SOUND

Low-growing Manzanita:

perfect for your garden?

Attractive, ‘neat-looking’ foliage; red bark on interesting trunks/branches

Low-maintenance under the right conditions: Needs good drainage Low water in summer - susceptible to

fungal diseases; deep watering (Zone 1/2)

No fertilizer

Many take some shade – grow naturally under oaks

Coastal varieties will thrive along immediate coast – even right next to beach

©J.S. Peterson

Jo-Ann Ordano © California Academy of Sciences

Flammable: manzanita plants contain

volatile compounds, which burn like a

torch when ignited – not a good

choice for fire-prone areas © Project SOUND

* Point Reyes Ceanothus - Ceanothus gloriosus

© 2006 Steve Matson

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Creeping Barberry – Mahonia repens

R.A. Howard @ USDA-NRCS PLANTS Database

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In the wild – a groundcover plant


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Characteristics of Creeping Mahonia

Size: 1-2 ft tall

spreading – 2-4 ft wide

Growth form: Sprawling woody shrub; spreads via

stems (stolons or rhizomes)


Rather stiff appearance

Foliage: Leaves holly-like

Dark green; old leaves may turn purple/red in winter

Roots: deep rooted; can resprout from root crowns

© 1984, H. Tim Gladwin

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Plant Requirements Soils:

Texture: any, including heavy clays

pH: any local; does fine with acidic soils – OK under pines

Light: Part-shade to full shade

Will flower and fruit best in part-shade (like under trees)

Water: Winter: good winter water

Summer: Zone 2 (or even 1-2) once established; Zone 2-3 for first 1-2 years

Fertilizer: use an organic mulch (pine needles or oak leaves are ideal)

Other: tolerates heat

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Creeping Barberry

Most often used as a low natural groundcover Evergreen; low-growing

Easy to grow

Fills in to cover an area

Interesting, attractive foliage

Bright spring flowers; winter foliage color

Great under trees; other shady areas

In a woodsy garden; or creeping over a low stone wall

To attract fruit-eating birds

Fine in pots/planters

Anywhere you might consider (shudder) planting ivy


http://www.elnativogrowers.com/Photographs_page/mahrep.htm © Project SOUND

Coyote Mint – Monardella villosa

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Showy mint flowers

Blooms: May-Aug. in S. Bay

Flowers: Dense heads of small

flowers; showy Color ranges from

lavender, rose-purple, to white

Long-blooming Attract a wide range of

butterflies, bees, other pollinators

Vegetative reproduction: natural layering

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Coyote Mint


Texture: any well-drained

Light: full sun to part shade


Winter: don’t let it get too wet

Summer: best with slightly damp to slightly dry sandy soil; don’t over-water – will make it leggy and decrease it’s lifespan

Fertilizer: none; likes poor soils

Other: Pinch tips to promote fuller growth

Shear back to about 1/3 of it’s volume in fall/winter

If the plant loses its leaves

to drought during the hot

months, it will leaf out

again with rain and cooler


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Coyote Mint – just what

your garden needs!

Good in herb gardens, mixed borders, even vegetable gardens!

Dramatic cascading down slopes or over rock walls

Does well on hot dry slopes and sand dunes.

Nice ground cover in sun or dappled shade

Great along paths & walkways

Would do well in containers & planters

Fresh or dried leaves & flower heads can be steeped in cold water (should not be boiled) to make a refreshing clear tea.

'Russian River‘ cultivar is slightly fuzzy © Project SOUND

* Bolander’s Phacelia – Phacelia bolanderi

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* Bolander’s Phacelia – Phacelia bolanderi




Plant of coastal N. CA and OR/WA

Component of coastal woodlands (including pine/fir)

May be found in either dry (dry slopes) or more moist areas

Honors Henry N. Bolander (1831-1897) who made extensive collections of California plants from 1863-1875, particularly in the San Francisco area

© Br. Alfred Brousseau, Saint Mary's College © Project SOUND

Bolander’s Phacelia is a pretty perennial


1-2 ft tall

1-2 ft wide

Growth form: Drought-deciduous perennial

Mounded to sprawly

Looks like a perennial groundcover

Short-lived (3-4 years) but re-seeds

Foliage: Fresh medium green

Leaves toothed, somewhat like grape leaves; attractive

All parts are hairy – may cause contact dermatitis


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Among the prettiest

phacelia flowers

Blooms: late spring into summer – May to

July in our area

Fairly long bloom season 4+ weeks – can extend with judicious watering

Flowers: Light blue-purple – can be very


Open flowers – ½” and more across

Open sequentially along the stem (uncurls as flowers open)

Seeds: many tiny seeds in dry capsules; will often re-seed in garden


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Bolander’s Phacelia

is easy to grow

Soils: Texture: any well-drained

pH: any local

Light: Really best in some shade: dappled

shade or bright shade; morning sun

If grown in full sun will need more water

Water: Winter: adequate

Summer: wide range – if Zone 1 or 1-2 will be summer deciduous; Zone 2 to 2-3 can extend bloom, green

Fertilizer: adaptable; can take occasional fertilizer

Other: remove dead stems in late summer/fall

© Br. Alfred Brousseau, Saint Mary's College

Don’t forget to wear gloves and

long sleeves if you are

sensitive to Phacelias’ hairs

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Summer-dry perennials

make good groundcovers

Lovely as a sprawling perennial under oaks or other water-wise trees

Mix with other perennials and grasses with similar requirement

Like all phacelias, is an excellent habitat plant – attracts many visitors

Use as a filler between shrubs – particularly in young gardens

Can also be used as a pot plant on shady decks


http://www.baynatives.com/plants/Phacelia-bolanderi/ © Project SOUND

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We’ll e-mail you some resources

Internet resources on gardening with oaks/ dry shade

Some book resources to inspire you

A dry shade plant list (includes local and other CA native plants that grow well in S. CA)

http://www.statebystategardening.com/shop/images/9780520251106.jpg © Project SOUND

Get out in nature

and experience an

Oak Woodland


Coast Liveoak Woodland

central coast

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See how other gardeners make the most

of their shade & water resources