woodrow wilson americas worst and first fascist president

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  • 8/3/2019 Woodrow Wilson Americas Worst and First Fascist President


    Woodrow Wilson: Americas Worst and First

    Fascist President

    Posted by foospro86 on May 29, 2008

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    Thomas Woodrow Wilson, the 28th US president, often makes the top ten in rankings ofthe best US presidents. In the well-known polls taken by Arthur M. Schlesinger, Sr. in

    1948 and 1962, Wilson was ranked #4 behind Lincoln, Washington, and FDR. By the end

    of this post, I hope you will agree with me that he belongs in the bottom rung and was

    one of our worst presidents ever, if not THE worst.

    Wilson was the first president to criticize the Constitution and the Declaration of


    Wilson criticized the diffuseness of government power in the US in most famous bookCongressional Government. In this work he confessed, I cannot imagine power as athing negative and not positive. His love and worship of power was a prime

    characteristic of fascism. If any trait bubbles up in all one reads about Wilson it is this:

    he loved, craved, and in a sense glorified power, writes historian Walter McDougall. Itshould not surprise us that his idols were Abraham Lincoln and Otto von Bismarck.

    No doubt a lot of nonsense has been talked about the inalienable rights of the individual,and a great deal that was mere sentiment and pleasing speculation has been put forward

    as fundamental principle, wrote Wilson, attacking the very individual rights that havemade America great.

    He rejected the principles of separation of powers and checks and balances that are

    the foundation of American government: Government does now whatever experience

    permits or the times demand. wrote Wilson in The State.

    No fan of democracy or constitutional government, he wrote the following in

    Constitutional Government in the United States: The President is at liberty, both in law

    and conscience, to be as big a man as he can. His capacity will set the limit. Soundslike a devotee of the imperial presidency.

    Indeed, in a disturbing 1890 essay entitledLeaders of Men, Wilson said that a true

    leader uses the masses of people like tools. He writes, The competent leader of men

    cares little for the internal niceties of other peoples characters: he cares mucheverythingfor the external uses to which they may be put. He supplies the power;

    others supply only the materials upon which that power operates. It is the power which

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    dictates, dominates; the materials yield. Men are as clay in the hands of the consummate

    leader. So much for the dignity of each person!

    Woe be to the man or group of men that seeks to stand in our way, said Wilson in June1917 to counter protests to the fascist regime that he created upon entering WW I.

    Wilson rejects the Jeffersonian individualism that has defined the Founding and

    American conservatism: While we are followers of Jefferson, there is one principle of

    Jeffersons which no longer can obtain in the practical politics of America. You know thatit was Jefferson who said that the best government is that which does as little governing

    as possible. But that time is passed. America is not now and cannot in the future be a

    place for unrestricted individual enterprise. Follower of Jefferson? Yeah right!

    Wilson sought war with Germany and purposefully drew the US into World War I.

    I am an advocate of peace, but there are some splendid things that come to a nation

    through the discipline of war, said Wilson and he would seek after those progressive

    splendid things when the opportunity of WW I arose.

    It is an often overlooked fact of WW I that Great Britains powerful navy blockadedGermany and in so doing starved the German population. And guess who led the British

    in this distant blockade (which was against international law at the time)? Our dear

    beloved Winston Churchill, the First Lord of the Admiralty. This blockade drove theGermans to retaliate with submarine warfare (U-boats), and they warned that neutral

    ships will be exposed to danger and it would be impossible to avoid attacks being made

    on neutral ships in mistake for those of the enemy. This was especially true since British

    abused the rules of war by decorating their warships with neutral flags to lure Germansubmarines to the surface and destroy them.

    Wilson all the while claimed neutrality but was actually very pro-British. The British

    blockade and the German unrestricted submarine warfare both violated the rights ofneutral nations under international law. But he refused to acknowledge that the former

    had led to the latter. German misdeeds against vessels carrying Americans received swift

    denunciation from Wilson, but the terrible British blockade that starved hundreds of

    thousands of Germans to death got a slap on the wrist. The Germans even proposed toend their unrestricted sub warfare if the British would end the blockade; the British

    refused. It was this double standard that would drive Wilson to bring the US into the war.

    The cunning Churchill knew of Wilsons irrational disposition and used it to his

    advantage: It is most important to attract neutral shipping to our shores in the hopeespecially of embroiling the United States with Germany. Britain aimed to lure

    America into the war. Indeed, by making it dangerous for the German submarines to

    surface, Churchill would increase his chances of success: The submerged U-boat had torely increasingly on underwater attack and thus ran the greater risk of mistaking neutral

    for British ships and of drowning neutral crews and thus embroiling Germany with other

    Great Powers. By that time, the US was the only great power left that had remainedneutral.

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    The most famous incident was the sinking of theLusitania. But you will seldom read in

    school textbooks that the German government actually published warnings in major

    newspapers not to book passage on the great vessel. But most passengers ignored thewarning. The German U-boat only fired one torpedo at theLusitania and, to the surprise

    of the German captain Walter Schwieger, that was all it took. The liner went down so

    quickly that Swieger noted, I could not have fired a second torpedo into this thing ofhumanity attempting to save themselves. A total of 124 Americans died.

    What was the American reaction to this tragedy? Hardly any of the newspapers advocated

    that declaring war was the proper response. Secretary of State William Jennings Bryan

    certainly had no desire to go to war over it and challenged Wilsons double standard headon: Why be shocked by the drowning of a few people, if there is no objection to a

    starving nation? It was of no use and Bryan resigned in protest. Senators Wesley Jones

    of Washington and Robert Follette of Wisconsin urged the President to exercise restraint.

    Bryans replacement, Robert Lansing, reveals that the Wilson administration was

    determined to go to war: In dealing with the British government, there was always in mymind the conviction that we would ultimately become an ally of Great Britain and that it

    would not do, therefore, to let our controversies reach a point where diplomaticcorrespondence gave place to action. American protests against Britain were carefully

    submerged in verbiage. It was done with deliberate purpose. It insured the continuance

    of the controversies and left the questions unsettled, which was necessary in order toleave this country free to act and even act illegally when it entered the war.

    Germany then agreed to call off the sub warfare if Wilson would pressure Britain to stop

    the hunger blockade (Sussex Pledge). Wilson refused.

    Then Wilson did the most irresponsible act that brought us into war: he ordered thatmerchant ships be armed with US Navy guns and staffed with US Navy crews and thatthey fire on any surfacing submarines they encountered. Under such circumstances, the

    ships sailed into the war zone. Wilson sent out ships with the purpose of sacrificing them

    in order to push America into war! Four of them had been sunk by the time Wilsonrequested a declaration of war from Congress. It was only after the war that Congress

    would realize what a dangerous fanatic Wilson was and actually stood up to him be

    rejecting the Treaty of Versailles, especially Article 10 the League of Nations. This articleobligated each League member to preserve the territorial integrity of the other member

    states. Why should the US sacrifice blood and treasure for obscure border disputes in

    Europe? Congress was not advocating isolationism as many have asserted but rather

    defending its own constitutional authority to decide when America goes to war.

    John Bassett Moore, a distinguished professor of international law at Columbia

    University who would serve on the International Court of Justice after the war, argued

    that what most decisively contributed to the involvement of the United States in the war

    was the assertion of a right to protect belligerent ships on which Americans saw fit totravel and the treatment of armed belligerent merchantmen as peaceful vessels. Both

    assumptions were contrary to reason, and no other neutral advanced them. Wilson

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    apparently believed that every American, in time of war, had the right to travel aboard

    armed, belligerent merchant ships carrying munitions of war through a declared

    submarine zone. No other neutral power had ever proclaimed such a doctrine, let alonegone to war over it!

    No American interest was at stake in WW I, and yet a total of 116,516 men died and204,002 were wounded. In fact, Wilson bragged about fighting a war with no national

    interests at stake! There is not a single selfish element, so far as I can see, in the causewe are fighting for, he declared. It was a war to satisfy his own naive idealism that he

    could remake the world in his progressive ideology. War was an instrument for

    perverse social engineering that would remake the world: [A]s head of a nationparticipating in the war, the president of the United States would have a seat at the peace

    table, butif he remained the representative of a neutral country, he could at best only

    call through a crack in the door. The whole war was so that HE could have a seat at atable?! The guy was insane, sick (even Freud, who wrote a wholebookon Wilson,

    thought so).

    Wilson created the first official propaganda department in the US.

    A week after Congress declared war on Germany, Wilson created a government apparatuswhose sole purpose was to lie to the American people, the first modern ministry forpropaganda in the West. It was called the Committee on Public Information and was led

    by journalist George Creel.

    Edward Bernays, an adviser to Wilson and participant in CPI operations, characterized

    the mission of CPI as the engineering of consent and the conscious manipulation ofthe organized habits and opinions of the masses.

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    A typicalposterfor Liberty Bonds read: I am Public Opinion. All men fear me![I]f

    you have money to buy and do not buy, I will make this No Mans Land for you! Other

    posters were created to mobilize the public and silence dissent.

    A trained group of nearly a hundred thousand men gave four minute speeches to any

    audience that would listen. They portrayed Wilson as a larger-than-life leader and theGermans as less-than-human Huns, emphasizing fabricated German war crimes and


    CPI released propaganda films entitled The Claws of the Hun, The Prussian Cur, To Hell

    With The Kaiser, and The Kaiser, the Beast of Berlin.

    Wilson harshly suppressed dissent and resistance among citizens and the press.

    At Wilsons urging, a Sedition Act (not unlike the Alien and Sedition Acts of 1798 )forbade Americans from criticizing their own government in a time of war. Citizens could

    not utter, print, write or publish any disloyal, profane, scurrilous, or abusive language

    about the government or the military. The Postmaster General was given the authority torevoke the mailing privileges of those who disobeyed. About 75 periodicals were were

    shut down by the government in this way and many others were given warnings.

    In the fashion of a police state, the Department of Justice arrested tens of thousands of

    individuals without just cause. One was not safe even within the walls of ones own hometo criticize the Wilson administration. A letter to federal attorneys and marshals said that

    citizens had nothing to fear as long as they Obey the law; keep your mouth shut. In

    fact, the Justice Department created the precursor to the Gestapo called the American

    Protective League. Its job was to spy on fellow citizens and turn in seditious persons ordraft dodgers. In September of 1918 in NYC, the APL rounded up about 50,000 people.

    This doesnt even include the infamous Palmer Raids (named after Wilsons attorneygeneral) that occurred after the war.

    In 1915, in his address to Congress, Wilson declared, The gravest threats against our

    national peace and safety have been uttered within our own borders. There are citizens of

    the United States, I blush to admit, born under other flagswho have poured the poison

    of disloyalty into the very arteries of our national life; who have sought to bring theauthority and good name of our Government into contempt, to destroy our industries

    wherever they thought it effective for their vindictive purposes.

    All in all it is estimated that about 175,000 Americans were arrested for failing to

    demonstrate their patriotism in one way or another.

    Wilson took over the US economy completely.

    He charged Bernard Baruch with running theWar Industries Board, which would

    endeavor to control all industry in service to the state. It would serve as a precursor to thecorporatist policies Mussolini and Hitler.

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    Grosvenor Clarkson, a member and later historian of the WIB, would characterize the

    WIB as follows: It was an industrial dictatorship without parallela dictatorship by force

    of necessity and common consent which step by step at least encompassed the Nation andunited it into a coordinated and mobile whole. He would also later say that the war was

    a story of the conversion of a hundred million combatively individualistic people into a

    vast cooperative effort in which the good of the unit was sacrificed to the good of thewhole. The government weakened the spirit of the people to resist government tyranny.

    Rationing and price-fixing characterized the wartime command economy. (hmmm,

    sounds like communism and the Carter administration)

    Wilson himself was a major cause of the outbreak of World War II.

    It is a well-accepted fact that the extremely harsh and unfair terms of the Treaty ofVersailles were the incipient cause of WW II. Wilsons Fourteen Points were fair and

    persuaded the Germans to surrender before the allies devastated Germany. He had the

    opportunity to make sure Europe did not take revenge on Germany, but he let is slip

    away. He threw Germany to the dogs so he could have his worthless, utopian League ofNations. He deluded himself into thinking the League could make up for the other

    thirteen points. This stab in the back of Germany would give rise to Hitler and allow himto rouse the German people to war a mere two decades or so later. Therefore, in a very

    real sense, Wilson is responsible for all the horrors of WW II.

    In sum, Wilson was the first fascist president of the US and first major fascist

    dictator of the 20th c.

    Wilson took over the US economy, infringed on American civil liberties especially by

    suppressing dissent, oppressed the unpatriotic, and purposefully sought to drag the US

    into war. This Marxist, totalitarian, jingoistic, and militaristic Democrat president was a

    fascist. He worshiped the power of the state, and such statolatry is exactly what fascismis.

    I dont think President George W. Bush is a fascist, but his Wilsonian idealism for

    spreading democracy should disturb any conservative. America was attacked on 9/11; nosuch thing happened during Wilsons presidency. The Patriot Act is no where near as

    harmful to civil liberties as Wilsons Sedition Act was, if harmful at all.

    Though the Democratic Party is largely dominated by anti-war people now (even though

    Soviet communism and radical Islam have been actual threats to national security unlikethe Kaisers Germany), Wilsons fascism still remains with the party, especially with

    regard to economics and expanding the power of the federal government in general

    whenever possible. This should not be surprising sincefascism is a product of the Left,not the Right, side of the political spectrum.

    (Reference The Politically Incorrect Guide to US History andLiberal Fascism)

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  • 8/3/2019 Woodrow Wilson Americas Worst and First Fascist President


    Benjamin Freedman - The Hidden Tyranny

    This entry was posted on May 29, 2008 at 6:11 am and is filed under1st Amendment-

    Free Speech, American History,Fascism, Government and Politics, Intellectual History,Liberalism, Political Philosophy, Politicians, Socialism, The Constitution, Written by Me.

    Tagged:Constitution, Creel, Declaration of Independence,dragged us into war,drew us

    into war, fascism,fascist president, got us into war,liberal fascism, Liberalism,propaganda, Wilson, World War I,World War II,WW I, WW II. You can follow any

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    By Benjamin Freedman, Jewish Conspirator Emeritus

    Seven U.S. Presidents

    Masters of Deception Jewish Pawns


    Talmudist Jews Control News and editorial Policies of Mass Media

    President Wilson Blackmailed

    Justice BrandeisThe Pay Off

    Prime Minister Lloyd George - A Zionist Tool

    Colonel House - a Conspiring Enigma

    Talmudist Jews Select America's Ally for First World War

    Talmudist Jews Promote Germans Victory, Then Stab them in the Back

    Zionist Worldwide Boycott Against German Merchandise Creates Domestic Crisis

    Franklin Roosevelt Manipulated by Talmudic Jews

    Secretary of Defense Stimson During World War II Makes Startling Revelation

    Zionist Conspirators Provoke Pearl Harbor Incident

    H.J. 117 a Talmudic Creation - Eisenhower Steps in Line

  • 8/3/2019 Woodrow Wilson Americas Worst and First Fascist President


    President Eisenhower Performs Fulfillment of Zionist Demands in Middle East

    President John Kennedy Pledges Zionists He Will Act in Their Favor Even at theRisk of War

    The Senior Kennedy Liquidated Politically by Franklin Roosevelt for ReportingTalmudic Conspiracy

    Lyndon Johnson Master-Minded Six Day War

    Talmudic Hidden Hand Controls the U.S. Vote in the United Nations

    Rothschild Conspiracy Fulfilled

    Rothschild Fortune Risked Collapse Without Middle East Controls Under ZionistSupervision

    The names of Presidents Woodrow Wilson, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Harry S.Truman, Dwight D. Eisenhower, John F.Kennedy, Lyndon B. Johnson andRichard M. Nixon will certainly be found one day inscribed in big red letters inthe official annals of the rise and fall of the United states.

    These seven masters of deception incurred their guilt by debasing their solemnoaths of office on behalf of undisclosed domestic and foreign principals withoutany apparent qualms or misgivings, to enhance their political fortunes totallyoblivious of the threat to United States security and survival.

    These seven masters of deception knowingly and willingly in effect and in fact"poisoned the wells" of security and survival for the United States. Without anyevident scruples, they individually betrayed the sacred traditions enshrined in theletter and spirit of their oaths of office, that precious heritage bequeathed to eachof these seven masters of deception as successors to that high office exalted bythe immortalized first president of the United States, the venerated GeorgeWashington.

    The disclosures which follow here are now revealed for the first time anywhere.They now expose for the first time to the grass roots population of the UnitedStates the secret un-American, non- American and anti-American strategy to

    which these seven masters of deception knowingly subscribed. The uninhibitedpractice of that strategy by these seven masters of deception is primarilyresponsible for desperate predicament in which the United States today findsitself in the Middle East.

    Very early in their political careers, these seven masters of deception by theirdetermination acquired their proficient skill in detecting on which side theirpolitical bread was buttered. Their remarkable perfection in that skill provides

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    the answer to why these seven masters of deception went so far and so fast in sofew years in the political world in which they moved.

    Throughout their political careers these seven masters of deception demonstratedthat political shrewdness invariably identified with the immoral dogma of 20th

    century politicians who preach and practice "any means justifies all ends."Accordingly, future grass roots populations of the United States will one day findinscribed in the history of the rise and fall of the United States the verdict that the"means" today advocated by these seven masters of deception were primarilyresponsible for the "end" of the United States.

    It is today a well recognized fact of life in political circles in the United States thatthe censorship exercised today by Zionists over the media for mass informationconstitutes a virtual monopoly. It is likewise today a well recognized fact of life inpolitical circles in the United States since President Wilson won his first electionin 1912 as president of the United States, that elections in the United States areseldom won or lost today based upon the candidates' qualification for office.

    Elections in the United States since 1912 are won or lost on the battlefields of themedia for mass information by character assassination. Zionist ownership ofmedia for mass information, or by Zionist control exercised by some deviouscorporate device in effect and in fact censors the news and editorial policies of asthe leading daily and Sunday newspapers, all the weekly and monthly newsmagazines, all leading radio and television stations and networks, the entiremotion picture industry, the entire entertainment world and the entire bookpublishing industry, in effect and in fact the entire complex of media for massinformation in the United States, truly a brainwashing monopoly.

    Talmudist Jews Control News and editorial Policies of MassMedia

    As a result of that condition in the United States, for approximately the past fiftyyears the grass root population of the United States has only read, heard and seenwhat passed Zionist censorship and best served Zionist objectives, instead ofreading, hearing and seeing what best served the interests of the grass rootspopulation of the United States.

    The Zionist-ruled media for mass information in the United States neverinformed the grass roots population of the United States how and why PresidentWoodrow Wilson lied the United States into the desperate predicament in whichthe United States today finds itself in the Middle East. In their considerationrecently of the alleged theft of the so-called Pentagon Papers, the United StatesSupreme Court declared "the public has a right to know the truth." The SupremeCourt should have said "the public has a right to know the WHOLE truth."

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    The reason half-truths often are more harmful than lies. The United Statesdeclared war against Germany on April 6, 1917. On April 2,1917 President Wilsonaddressed both houses of Congress and pleaded with them to declare war againstGermany. President Wilson's appeal to Congress to declare war against Germanyin effect and in fact was primarily President Wilson's liquidation of his obligation

    to his blackmailers.

    The following incontestible facts confirm that conclusion beyond all question ofany doubt. President Wilson's hand trembled as he read his address. Themembers of Congress present had no reason to suspect why President Wilson'shand trembled. By the time the grass roots population finish reading this, theywill know the reason President Wilson's hand trembled as he read his message toCongress.

    By the time President Wilson finished reading his appeal to Congress, many ofhis listeners were in tears but not for the reason the grass roots population of theUnited States today will be in tears when they finish reading this manuscript.When President Wilson asked Congress to declare war against Germany,President Wilson was in effect and in fact conspiring to pay the debt he obligatedhimself to pay to the Zionists.

    Congress only declared war against Germany because President Wilson informedCongress that a German submarine had sunk the S.S. Sussex in the EnglishChannel in violation of international law and that United States citizens aboardthe S.S. Sussex had perished with the ship. After General Pershing's troops werefighting in Europe, the hoax was exposed.

    The alleged sinking of the S.S. Sussex was used as the "pretext" to justify adeclaration of war against Germany by the United States. The S.S. Sussex had notbeen sunk and no United States citizens had lost their lives. The United Stateswas now at war in Europe as Great Britain's ally. That is what Great Britain andthe Talmudists ("Jews") of the world conspired to achieve in their crookeddiplomatic underworld.

    The discovery of the hoax by the British Navy shocked many honorableEnglishmen. A large segment of the British public were shocked to learn the S.S.Sussex had not been sunk. The S.S. Sussex was available for anyone to visit whomight care to do so to see the S.S. Sussex for themselves with their own eyes. Inthat war the United States mobilized 4,734,991 men to serve in the armed forces,

    of whom 115,516 were killed and 202,002 were either injured or maimed for life.

    The Right Honorable Francis Neilson, a member of Parliament, wrote a book inEngland called Makers of War (pp. 149150). Mr. Neilson's book created such asensation that Mr. Neilson was compelled to resign his seat in Parliament. Thingsbecame so intolerable for Mr. Neilson in Great Britain as a Result of theexposures in his book that he was compelled for his personal safety to flee fromhis home in Great Britain and to make his home in the United States.

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    In Mr. Neilson's book Makers of War (pp. 149-150), he discloses manyunsuspected and undisclosed reasons for the outbreak of World War I in Europein August 1914. With reference to the alleged sinking of the S.S. Sussex in theEnglish Channel, Mr. Neilson emphasizes: "/n America, Woodrow Wilson,desperate to find a pretext to enter the war, found it at last in the 'sinking' of the

    Sussex in mid-channel.

    Someone invented a yarn that American lives had been lost. With thus excuse hewent to Congress for a declaration of war. Afterwards, the Navy found that theSussex had not been sunk, and that no lives had been lost. " This author crossedthe English Channel many times on the S.S. Sussex.

    The alleged sinking of the S.S. Sussex was the figment of an over-worked Zionistimagination. The alleged sinking of the S.S.Sussex was conceived in the imagination of aZionist to facilitate the purpose planned andsuccessfully executed.

    President Wilson Blackmailed

    Shortly after President Wilson's firstinauguration, he received a visitor in the WhiteHouse by the name of Mr. Samuel Untermeyer.Mr. Untermeyer was a prominent New York Cityattorney who contributed generously to theNational Democratic Committee that installed

    President Wilson in the White House inWashington in the 1912 election.

    Mr. Untermeyer was a very welcome guest andPresident Wilson was very glad to welcome him

    to the White House. They hadmet before during the campaign.Mr. Untermeyer surprisedPresident Wilson when hefinally stated what brought humto the White House. Mr.Untermeyer informed PresidentWilson that he had beenretained to bring a breach ofpromise action against PresidentWilson.

    Mr. Untermeyer informedPresident Wilson that his client

    Woodrow Wilson

    Samuel Untermeyer

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    was willing to accept $40,000.00 in lieu of commencing the breach of promiseaction. Mr. Untermeyer's client was the former wife of a Professor at PrincetonUniversity at the same time President Wilson was a professor at PrincetonUniversity.

    Mr. Untermeyer produced a packet of letters from his pocket, written byPresident Wilson to his colleague's wife when they were neighbors at PrincetonUniversity. These letters established the illicit relationship which had existedbetween President Wilson and the wife of his colleague neighbor.

    He had written many endearing letters to her, many of which she neverdestroyed. President Wilson acknowledged his authorship of the letters afterexamining a few of them. President Wilson left Princeton University to becomethe Governor of New Jersey, In 1912 he was elected to his first term as presidentof the United States. In the interim, President Wilson's former sweetheart haddivorced her husband and married again.

    Her second husband resident in Washington with a grown son who was in theemploy of one of the leading banks in Washington. Mr. Untermeyer explained toPresident Wilson that his former sweetheart was very fond of her husband's son.He explained that this son was in financial trouble and suddenly needed$40,000.00, as he told the story, to liquidate a pressing liability to the bank forwhich he worked.

    The details are not relevant here except that the son needed the $40,000.00badly and quickly. President Wilson's former sweetheart thought that Wilson wasthe logical prospect for that $40,000,00 to help her husband's son. Mr.Untermeyer visited President Wilson at the White House to break the news tohim about the breach of promise action being considered.

    Wilson expressed himself as very fortunate that his former sweetheart went toMr. Untermeyer to seek his assistance. The publicity could have proven veryembarrassing to President Wilson if his former sweetheart had instead consulteda Republican attorney.

    President Wilson quickly set Mr. Untermeyer's mind at rest by informing himthat he did not have $40.000.00 available for any purpose. Mr. Untermeyersuggested that President Wilson should think the matter over and said he wouldreturn in a few days to discuss the matter further.

    Mr. Untermeyer used the next few days in Washington looking into the credibilityof the son's story about his pressing need for $40,000.00 to liquidate a pressingliability. He learned that the son's story was not misrepresented in any way to hismother by her son.

    Mr. Untermeyer returned to President Wilson a few days later as they had agreed.President Wilson did not hesitate to inform Mr. Untermeyer that he did not have

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    the $40,000.00 to pay his blackmailer. President Wilson appeared irritated. Mr.Untermeyer considered the matter a few Moments and then volunteered asolution to President Wilson for his problem.

    Mr, Untermeyer volunteered to give President Wilson's former sweetheart the

    $40,000.00 out of his own pocket on one condition: that Wilson promiseUntermeyer to appoint to the first vacancy on the United States Supreme Court anominee to be recommended to Wilson by Untermeyer.

    Without further talk, President Wilson accepted Mr. Untermeyer's generous offerand Mr. Untermeyer promptly paid the $40,000.00 in currency to PresidentWilson 's former sweetheart. The contemplated breach of promise suit was neverheard of after that.

    Mr. Untermeyer retained in his possession permanently the packet of letters toinsure against any similar attempt at some future time. President Wilson wasmost grateful to Mr. Untermeyer for everything he was doing to solve problem.Mr. Untermeyer was a man of great wealth.

    The law firm in New York of which he was the leading partner, Messrs.Guggenheim, Untermeyer and Marshall, is still today one of the nations mostprominent and most prosperous law firms. Mr. Untermeyer organized theBethlehalem Steel Company for his friend, Mr. Charles M. Schwab, who resignedfrom the United States Steel Company to form his company in competition withit.

    Justice BrandeisThe Pay Off

    As anyone might reasonable suspect, Mr. Untermeyermust have had something in mind when he agreed topay President Wilson's former sweetheart $40,000.00out of his own pocket.

    He paid the money out of his own pocket in the hopethat it might bring to pass a dream close to his hearta Talmudist ("Jew") on theUnited States Supreme Court on which none had ever served. The day soonarrived when President Wilson was presented with the necessity of appointing anew member of the United States Supreme Court.

    Mr. Untermeyer recommended Louis Dembitz Brandeis for the vacancy, who wasimmediately appointed by Wilson. President Wilson and Justice Brandeisbecame unusually intimate friends. Justice Brandeis knew the circumstances ofhis appointment to the Supreme Court by President Wilson. In l9l4 JusticeBrandeis was the most prominent and most politically influential of all Zionists inthe United States.

    Louis Dembitz Brandeis

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    As a Justice of the United States Supreme Court, Brandeis was in a betterposition than ever before to be of service to Talmudists ("Jews") both at homeand abroad. The first opportunity to perform a great service for his Zionistfollowers soon became available to Brandeis.

    Justice Brandeis volunteered his opinion to President Wilson that the sinking ofthe S.S. Sussex by a German submarine in the English Channel with the loss oflives of United States citizens justified the declaration of war against Germany bythe United States.

    Relying to a great extent upon the legal opinion of Justice Brandeis, PresidentWilson addressed both houses of Congress on April 2, l9l7. He appealed toCongress to declare war against Germany and they did on April 7, l9l7. After theOctober l9l6 agreement was concluded between the British War Cabinet and theWorld Zionist Organization, the Talmudists throughout the world were hopefulthat an international incident would soon occur to Justify a declaration of waragainst Germany by the United States.

    The declaration of war against Germany by the United States guaranteed theTalmudists throughout the world that Palestine was to be turned over to themupon the defeat of Germany. The defeat of Germany was certain if the UnitedStates could be railroaded into the war in Europe as Great Britain's ally. Prior tothe October 1916 London Agreement, Talmudists throughout the world were pro-German.

    The German Emancipation Edict of 1822 guaranteed Talmudists in Germany allcivil rights enjoyed by Germans. Every country in Europe had quotas forTalmudists. The quota systems had existed for centuries in all Europeancountries. Under the quota system in European countries, Talmudists wereLimited in all activities to a small percentage of the Christian population of thecountry.

    The quota systems applied to all occupations. After the Emancipation Edict In1822, Germany was the only country in Europe which did not place restrictionson Talmudists under a quota system limiting their civil rights. Talmudiststhroughout the world were informed by cable from London about the October1916 London Agreement.

    That information transformed them from pro-German to pro-British. Great

    Britain placed at the disposal of Talmudists in London their secret codes andworldwide cable facilities to inform Talmudists throughout the world about GreatBritain's pledge to turn over Palestine to them as compensation for railroadingthe United States into the war in Europe as Great Britain s ally in their waragainst Germany. Talmudists enlisted in great numbers in October 1916 in GreatBritain's Department of Defense.

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    Their purpose was to facilitate transforming Talmudists throughout the worldfrom pro-German to pro-British. After the London Agreement was concluded,Great Britain left no stone unturned to impress Talmudists in London with thenecessity of immediately notifymg Talmudists throughout the world about GreatBritain's pledge to turn over Palestine to them for their future sovereign Zionist


    Guided by the recommendation of Justice Brandeis that the sinking of the S.S.Sussex justified a declaration of war under international law against Germany bythe United States, President Wilson addressed a joint session of both houses ofCongress on April 2, 1917.

    In that address President Wilson pleaded with Congress to declare war againstGermany. Congress met on April 6. 1917. and declared war against Germanywithout justification. On April 6, 1917, President Wilson and Justice Brandeisknew something the grass roots population of the United States did not knowthey knew full particulars about the October 1916 London Agreement.

    They also knew the declaration of war against Germany by the United Statesactivated this agreement and that Talmudists of the world would not have to waitlong for Palestine, their sovereign Zionist state, if their plan worked. On this sameday, Wilson and Brandeis knew something else the grass roots population of theUnited States did not knowthey knew that the declaration of war by the UnitedStates against Germany discharged President Wilson from his obligation to hisblackmailers.

    Wilson's declaration of war was to satisfy his commitment to his blackmailers.There was seldom any address made to Congress that stirred the people of theUnited States, and the world, as did President Wilson's April 2, 1917, plea toCongress to declare war against Germany.

    Wilson was aware when he addressed Congress that Germany had not committedany act against the United States which justified a declaration of war by theUnited States against Germany under international law. This author at that timeknew President Wilson was informed to thateffect before he made his plea to Congress.

    Prime Minister Lloyd George - AZionist Tool

    There were great numbers of Talmudists in theUnited States who questioned the reality of theOctober 1916 London Agreement. They found itextremely difficult to believe that Great Britainwould promise to turn over Palestine to them as

    David Lloyd George

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    compensation for railroading the United States into the war in Europe as GreatBritain's ally.

    These Talmudists could not believe that Great Britain would promise anything toanyone that Great Britain did not own as

    compensation. That appeared inconceivable toTalmudists familiar with Great Britain'sreputation for respect of property rights undertheir laws.

    To overcome doubts that existed in the minds ofTalmudists in the United States, Prime MinisterLloyd George immediately sent Mr. JosiahWedgewood to the United States. Mr.Wedgewood was one of the most respected anddedicated members of Parliament.

    Prime Minister Lloyd George, a rabid well-known Zionist, was unexpectedly appointedPrime Minister on December 4, 1916. He rushedMr. Wedgewood to the United States onDecember 5, 1916, under pressure by Talmudistsin London. The prime minister whom LloydGeorge succeeded was unsympathetic TowardZionist objectives.

    He was replaced at that time because Zionistscould not rule him. Great Britain was helpless in October 1916. It was seriouslyconsidering surrender to Germany. Germany had made several peace offers toGreat Britain earlier to discontinue the war. Mr. Lloyd George considered Mr.Wedgewood's hasty trip to the United States vitalto Great Britain's survival.

    Mr. Wedgewood went to the United States withdocumented evidence proving the reality of theOctober 1916 London Agreement with theTalmudists.

    Colonel House - a Conspiring Enigma

    Mr. Wedgewood arrived in the United States onDecember 23, 1916. Upon his arrival he was metat the pier by Colonel Edward Mandel House,President Wilson's closest personal friend andmost trusted adviser.

    Josiah Clement Wedgwood

    Edward Mandel House

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    Col. House in early life negotiated cotton purchases in the United States forRothschild interests in Great Britain. Col. House did not claim or disclaim hisTalmudist ancestry to this author. He had arranged with Mr. Wedgewood to livein his apartment on 54th Street during his stay in the United States.

    Col. House quickly made arrangements for the meeting at which Mr. Wedgewoodwas to prove the reality of the October 1916 London Agreement. The meeting wasto be held on Sunday afternoon, December 25, l916, at the old Hotel Savoy at59th Street and Fifth Avenue in New Yolk City.

    There were fifty-one invited Talmudists present there when Col. Houseintroduced Mr. Wedgewood to the audience. Mr. Wedgewood then presided. Mr.Wedgewood presented evidence there that left no doubt in the minds of the fifty-one Talmudists present about the reality of the October 1916 London Agreement.

    On behalf of Mr. Lloyd George, Mr. Wedgewood further vouched for the reality ofGreat Britain pledge that Palestine would be turned over to Talmudists of theworld by Great Britain upon the defeat of Germany as compensation forrailroading the United States into the war in Europe as Great Britain's ally.

    After concluding the October 1916 London Agreement, Talmudists in Englandwere invited by Great Britain to take an increasingly active participation in GreatBritain's Department of Defense for the duration of the war. The Talmudists whoaccepted the invitation were trained as experts in the use of Great Britain's codesand Great Britain's worldwide diplomatic cable facilities.

    The available data in Great Britain's archives for World War I will dispel allexisting doubt whether the information cabled to Washington from Londonalleging the sinking of the S.S. Sussex and the loss of United States lives was theinvention of Talmudists in London in Great Britain's Department of Defense tofacilitate and expediate railroading the United States into the war in Europe asGreat Britain's ally. The hoax was discovered by the British Navy.

    It was also confirmed by other equally reliable sources for information on thesubject by qualified united States experts. The reality of the October l9l6 LondonAgreement was known to the Germans shortly after it was concluded, in fact, onthe same day. Germany thereafter exercised great care both on land and on seanot to commit any act which, under international law, could provide the UnitedStates with justification to declare war against Germany.

    German military and naval commanders leaned over backwards in their effortnot to provide the United States with that justification and they were successful.In the crisis in October 1916, Germans had reason to feel if the war in Europecontinued a few more months without the entrance of the United States into thewar, that Great Britain would be compelled to surrender to Germany bycircumstances beyond Great Britain's power to control.

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    Germany made another peace offer to Great Britain in October 1916. GreatBritain this time welcomed the offer but it was also declined like several previouspeace offers. In referring to the declaration of war against Germany by the UnitedStates, Sir Winston Churchill said in an interview with a prominent editor,published in Scribner's Commentator in 1936, that he "could never understand

    why he put us in in 1917," referring to President Wilson.

    In that interview Sir Winston Churchill stated further: ''America should haveminded her own business and stayed out of the World War. If you hadn't enteredthe war the Allies would have made peace with Germany in the spring of 1917.Had we made peace there would have been no collapse of Russia followed byCommunism, no breakdown in Italy followed by Fascism, and Germany wouldnot have signed the Versailles Treaty, which has enthroned Nazism in Germany.

    If America had stayed out of the war, all of these 'isms' wouldn't be sweeping thecontinent of Europe and breaking down parliamentary government, and ifEngland made peace early in 1917, it would have saved over one million British,French, American and other lives. Germany's peace offer to Great Britain askedfor neither indemnities nor reparations.

    Germany offered to restore the territorial status and the political independence ofevery country with whom Great Britain was at war, as they existed in August l9l4when the war in Europe started. Germany demanded no benefits.

    Talmudist Jews Select America's Ally for First World War

    Germany's October 1916 peace offer was on the table before the British WarCabinet; it needed only one signature to end the war. Great Britain would havequickly accepted Germany's peace offer if the World Zionist Organization had notInterfered.

    The British War Cabinet was then taking their instructions from Talmudists inLondon. When the British War Cabinet decided to accept Germany's peace offer,the World Zionist Organization offered to railroad the United States into the warin Europe as Great Britain's ally if Great Britain promised the Talmudists of theworld Palestine as compensation after Germany's defeat with the United States asan ally.

    Talmudist pressure in London and New York prevailed. President Wilson hadlittle choice in the matter, it seemed. He was the captive of circumstances in hisearly life that could not be altered. His April 2, 1917, address to Congress wasabout to decide the fate of the world.

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    Congress, without hesitation, declared war against Germany for him. TheGermans attributed their crushing defeat in World War I to the entry of theUnited States into the war in Europe as Great Britain's ally.

    Germany considered the October 1916 London Agreement a stab in the back by

    Talmudists of the world. In view of the Emancipation Edict in Germany in 1822,Germans regarded the London Agreement as a double-cross by Talmudists inGermany. Quota systems then existed in all other countries in Europe. There wasno quota system in Germany after the Emancipation Edict of 1822 forTalmudists.

    Talmudist Jews Promote Germans Victory, Then Stab them inthe Back

    The Kaiser provided the World Zionist Organization with the offices for theirworld headquarters in Berlin. He, his family and government officials wereconstantly extending assistance to Theodore Herzl. Germany extendedopportunities to Talmudists not available in other European countries.

    The Kaiser himself arranged the personal beeting between the Sultan of theOttoman Empire and Theodore Herzl. Bleichroeder & Company in Berlin werethe private bankers of the Kaiser's family for generations. They were Talmudists.Warburg & Company of Hamburg were the world's largest merchant bankers.They were Talmudists.

    The head of the German General Electric Company, then the world's largestindustrial enterpnse, was a Talmudist. The head of the Hamburg- American andNorth German Lloyd steamship companies, the two largest steamship companiesin the world, second only to the Cunard Line, was a Talmudist. Countlessprominent German industrialists, bankers and merchants were Talmudists Theattitude of Germans towards Talmudists in Germany and throughout the worldworsened much after the October 1916 stab in the back by Talmudists.

    Mr. Samuel Landman, the secretary of the World Zionist Organization in Londonfrom 1917 to 1922, wrote in his Great Britain, the Jews and Palestine, publishedin London in 1936, on page six: "The fact that it was Jewish help that brought theU.S.A. into the war on the side of the Allies has rankled ever since in German- -especially Naziminds and has contributed in no small measure to theprominence which anti-Semitism occupied in the Nazi programme."

    The sentiments of prominent German leaders were expressed in the Jewish DailyBulletin of New York City on October 30, 1934, in an article reprinted on pagethree from the Jewish Telegraphic Agency dispatch from Berlin which stated:"The New Germany persists toward the complete extermination of the Jewbecause it was Jews who instigated the United States to enter the World War,

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    accomplishing the defeat of Germany, and who later caused the inflation inGermany, Herr Richard Kunze, a leading Nazi Parliament figure, declared at amass meeting in Magdeburg yesterday."

    Talmudists throughout the world made bad matters worse on August 7, 1933,

    when they declared their "holy war" to destroy the German nation "by destroyingtheir export trade upon which their very existence depends." Under theleadership of Mr. Samuel Untermeyer, Talmudists of the world declared a worldboycott on all German goods and services.

    They asked their "Christian friends" to join their worldwide boycott of Germangoods and services. Mr. Samuel Untermeyer arranged for the "InternationalBoycott Conference" in Amsterdam in July 1933.

    There he was elected the president of the "World Jewish Economic Federation."Talmudists throughout the world had tried in vain since 1919 to silence Germanresentment against them for railroading the United States into the war in Europewithout justification or provocation by the United States as Great Britain's ally.Talmudists were held responsible for Germany's defeat and for everydisadvantage that resulted from that defeat.

    The New York Times of August 7, 1933, published the Talmudists' declaration oftheir "holy war" against Germany in a three-column report of Mr. Untermeyer'saddress to the nation from the Columbia Broadcasting Company's studio on thenight of his arrival home from Europe.

    Mr. Untermeyer, among other things, stated: "...holy war...in which we areembarked..it is a war which must be waged unremittingly...the Jews are thearistocrats of the world... the economic boycott against all German goods,shipping and services...boycott is our only really effective weapon...bring theGerman people to their senses by destroying their export trade on which theirvery existence depends...we shall force them to learn...it is not sufficient that youbuy no goods in Germany...you must refuse to deal with any merchant orshopkeeper who sells any German-made goods...we will drive the last nail in thecoffin... "

    That statement was made on August 7, 1933, when not a hair on the head of aTalmudist in Germany had been touched. Germany was plunged into adepression difficult to describe in a few words, Germany's export business

    suddenly ending as if by magic.

    Talmudists hoped that way to stop Germans from continuing to talk about whythey lost the war. Talmudists in Germany were finding it difficult to live thatdown. Germans then felt the way Sir Winston Churchill in 1936 expressedhimself about the entry of the United States into World War I in 1917.

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    Zionist Worldwide Boycott Against German MerchandiseCreates Domestic Crisis

    Judea Declares War Against Germany

    The eminent Rabbi Maurice L. Perlman, head of the British Section of the World

    Jewish Congress, stated to a Canadian audience as reported by The TorontoEvening Telegram of February 26, 1940, that: "The World Jewish Congress hasbeen at war with Germany for seven years."

    Senator Wayne Morse of Oregon delivered an address on December 20, 1951, asreported in The National Jewish Post of Indianapolis of December 28, 1951, inwhich he stated: "One of the major causes for our going to war against Hitler wasthe persecution of the Jews in Germany. "

    Dr. Donald C. Blaisdell, professor of government at the College of the City of NewYork, published an important document entitled American Policy for the near

    East in a publication called Issues published in New York, the official organ of theAmerican Council for Judaism, in the fall issue in 1959, in which Dr. Blaisdellstated: "No minority of Irish. of German, of Polish, Italian, or Greek extractionhas been able to manipulate policy to its advantage as have the Zionist leaders ofAmerican Jews. Nor does there appear to be any politically feasible means bywhich the American government can place the claims of its important clientele inproper perspective. Like American Jews who are presumed to be members ofIsrael 's American clientele are never allowed to forget it, so the American

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    government, Congress and Executive branch alike, is never permitted to freeitself from the pressure, propaganda and power emanating from the same Zionistsources. "

    This author has been in a position since 1912 to witness what was going on

    behind the scenes. This author served on the National Democratic Committee inthe 1912 campaign that elected President Wilson to his first term. No doors havebeen closed to this author since then.

    This author was ushered into this world in 1890by Dr. Simon Baruch, the father of Mr. BernardM. Baruch. Mr. Bernard Baruch was a goodfriend of this author's family and would veryoften consult this author on this situation.

    Franklin Roosevelt Manipulated byTalmudic Jews

    President Franklin D. Roosevelt was a captive ofthe Talmudists from the time he went to Albanyas govemor of the state of New York. PresidentRoosevelt was long beholden to the Talmudists.

    The story of how President Roosevelt lied theUnited States into the desperate predicament inwhich the United States today finds itself in the

    Middle East is not a long story.

    It is the story of how President Roosevelt railroaded the United States into theSecond World War: Germany and Poland had agreed upon a formula givingGermany access across the Danzig Corridor. President Wilson, in 1919, createdthe Danzig Corrjdor which separated Gemmany into two halves.

    In order to keep Germany weak, at the instigation of Talmudists at theVersiallesPeace Conference, President Wilson cut Germany into two halves, separated by astrip of German territory granted to Poland which divided Germany into twohalves. Crossing the Danzig Corridor from western Germany to eastern Germany

    or vice versa was like traveling from one country to another.

    The inconveniences, the delays and the annoyances to Germany and Poland hadfinally worked out their acceptable arrangement that eliminated a majority ofGerman objections to the Danzig Corridor. Germany and Poland reached a basisthat would serve to prevent Germany's resort to more aggressive action. AdolfHitler was the head of the German government at the time.

    Franklin Roosevelt

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    Talmudists throughout the world opposed the peaceful adjustment betweenGermany and Poland of the Danzig Corridor situation. Unrestricted access oftraffic between the western half and the eastern half of Germany would soonmake Germany again the most powerful country in the world. Talmudiststhroughout the world dreaded the thought. In spite of the difficulties placed in

    the way of reaching a solution for the Danzig Corridor problem, Germany andPoland finally agreed upon a formula.

    Preparations were being made to consummate their understanding in a treaty.Both Germany and Poland were satisfied the formula agreed upon served bothgovernments. Shortly before the agreement with Germany was to be signed,Poland secretly signed a treaty with Great Britain dated August 25, l939.

    Great Britain agreed in that treaty to hasten the military assistance of Poland"with all the support and assistance in its power" if Poland were attacked byGermany. With that assurance from Great Britain, Poland broke off negotiationswith Germany. Germany did not understand the reason for Poland's suddenchange of mind and decided to proceed with the terms of the arrangement agreedupon with Poland. That was the start of World War II.

    Great Britain knowingly deceived Poland when Great Britain actually promisedmilitary assistance to Poland if Poland were attacked by Germany. Great Britaincould not come to Poland's assistance and Great Britain knew it when GreatBritain's offer of military assistance to Poland was made.

    Poland fell into Great Britain's trap and discontinued negotiations with theGermans. Poland's unexplained discontinuance of negotiations with Germany tocomplete the Danzig Corridor agreement resulted in Germany's troops movinginto the Danzig Corridor without an agreement with Poland.

    Great Britain knew exactly what would take place in that event, that it wouldmean the beginning or World War II. The rest is history. Talmudists of the worldwelcomed a war against Germeny in l939 to somehow crush the Nazi governmentas the Talmudists of the world crushed Germany in World War I in 1917 byrailroading the United States into the war in Europe as Great Britain's ally.

    President Roosevelt tried his hardest in 1939 to railroad The United States intothe war in Europe to accommodate Talmudists in the United States. Germanylearned by experience in World War I that the entry of the United States into thc

    war in Europe in 1939 could prove equally disastrous to Germany if the UnitedStates were raiiroaded into war in Europe as Great Bntain's ally.

    Germany exercised extraordinary caution not to provide the United States withjustification under internationai law to declare war against Germany. Thatsituation presented President Roosevelt with a problem. President Rooseveltdecided if it were impossible for him to get into the war in Europe through the

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    front door that he would railroad the United States into the war in Europethrough the back door.

    Through the back door meant through Japan. Presidcnt Roosevelt finally didrailroad the United States into the war in

    Europe through the back door, through Japan.

    Secretary of Defense Stimson DuringWorld War II Makes StartlingRevelation

    Germany and Japan had a treaty under which ifeither Germany or Japan were attacked by athird powcr, the country which was not attackedby the third power automaticaily is at war with

    that third power.

    President Roosevelt planned to provoke Japanso Japan would attack the United States. Japanin December 1941 attacked Pearl Harbor. TheUnited States immediately declared war against Japan and automatically was atwar with Germany.

    The personal diary of the Hon. Mr. Henry L. Stimson and all his papers are inYale University Lihrary. Mr. Stimson each day entered in his personal diary in hisown handwriting the important events in his life that day. Mr. Stimson was

    President Roosevelt's secretary of defense.

    Mr. Stimson's diary was introduced as evidence in the United States Senateinvestigation of the Pearl Harbor attack by Japan over the strong objections offriends of President Roosevelt.

    Mr. Stimson entered in his diary on November 25, 1941, two weeks beforeJapan's attack on Pearl Harbor, that at a meeting with President Roosevelt andhis cabinet that morning at the White House, President Roosevelt told thosepresent that he wished to be at war against Japan but that he "did not want it toappear that the United States fired the first shot."

    Zionist Conspirators Provoke Pearl Harbor Incident

    President Roosevelt knowingly provoked Japan to attack the United States.President Roosevelt advised Japan they could purchase no more steel scrap or oilfrom the United States.

    Henry L. Stimson

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    Japan was in the midst of a war against China. Without scrap steel and withoutoil Japan would be unable to continue that war. Japan was totally dependentupon the United States for both steel scrap and oil. Professor Charles CallanTansill, professor of diplomatic history at Georgetown University in Washington,wrote a classic work he called Back Door to War, published by Henry Regnery of

    Chicago in 1952.

    Professor Tansill spent five years after the war in the confidential files of the StateDepartment doing research there on World War II. Professor Tansill's book has652 pages all filled with alarming authenticated facts little known to the publicduring the war.

    In a scholarly detailed manner easily understood, Professor Tansill supplies factswhich are incontrovertible proof showing how President Roosevelt railroaded theUnited States into World War II in Europe. President Roosevelt's desire to pleaseTalmudists among his friends, influenced his better judgment. He overlookedthat he was president of all the people of the United States.

    President Roosevelt realized if he expected political support by Talmudists in theUnited States to continue he must find some way to railroad the United Statesinto the war then in progress in Europe against Germany. Surely nobody can anylonger question that railroading the United States into World War II wasPresident Roosevelts contribution to the desperate predicament in which theUnited States today funds itself in the Middle East.

    President Harry S. Truman made his great contribution to the desperatepredicament in which the United States today funds itself in the Middle Eastwhen he recognized as a sovereign state an armed uprising in Palestine by800,000 armed aliens transplanted into Palestine in a conspiracy organized byTalmudists throughout the world.

    President Truman in 1946 suffered from a pathological obsession that he must beelected president of the United States in 1948 on his own account.

    Mr. Clarke M. Clifford, Secretary of War under President Lyndon B. Johnson,deserves a great deal of credit for the recognition of the State of Israel on May 14,1948, by the United States. Mr. Eliahu Epstein, the United States representativeof the Jewish Agency in Washington in 1948, told the story in his three- pagearticle in the Jewish Chronicle of London in its 10th anniversary issue of June

    1958 celebrating the 10th anniversary of the founding of the State of Israel.

    Mr. Clifford undoubtedly was anxious to help because President Truman hadconfided in his close friends that he wished to recognize the Zionist state in the"first hour of its birth" as he did. The State of Israel was officially "proclaimed" inTel Aviv at midnight on May 14, l948.

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    President Truman recognized the birth of the State of Isreal eleven minutes aftermidnight. President Truman finally advised this author that he did not wish tocarry on the discussion of the Zionist question with him any further.

    He wrote to this author that he had turned over the entire Palestine question to

    "the Hon. David Niles."

    Talmudists were willing to carry out their part of their bargain with PresidentTruman after he recognized the State of Israel.

    Although the odds in President Truman's election in 1948 were 20 to 1 against hiselection, President Truman romped home the winner over Governor Deweyassisted by the invisible and invincible Zionist political steam-roller that alwayselects their candidates.

    President Truman not only used the power and prestige of the United States tocompel the United Nations to admit the State of Israel as a peace-loving nation,the regime of an armed uprising in Palestine by transplanted aliens, but he madebillions of United States taxpayers dollars available to Talmudists to make theState of Israel powerful.

    When the day to vote for the admission of the State of Iseral arrived they wereshort two votes. The plan was about to collapse. In the emergency, Mr Charles H.Silver engaged Cardinal Spellman to make two trips to South America to changetheir votes in the United Nations against the admission of the State of Israel intothe United Nation to vote in favor of the admission of the State of Israel into theUnited Nations as a member.

    The newspapers around the world on June 11, 1964, published Mr. Silver's"confession" of a "secret I have kept for fifteen years." The "secret" CardinalSpellman kept with Mr. Silver was that Cardinal Spellman was sent to SouthAmerica by Mr. Silver on behalf of the Talmudists in New York to "persuade" theSouth American countries to change their votes against admitting the State ofIsrael to the United Nations to vote in favor of admitting the State of Israel to theUnited Nations as a member.

    This author was a close personal friend of Cardinal Spellman for twenty-fiveyears. Cardinal Spellman "confessed" to this author several years ago that he felthe had committed an irreparable sin by conspiring with the Talmudists in the

    United States to elect the State of Israel a member of the United Nations.

    In the midst of that bloody fighting in the Middle East in June 1967, CardinalSpellman told this author when alone with him in his study that he felt personallyresponsible for all the lives lost in the 1967 invasion of the United Arab Republicand Syria by the State of Isreal.

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    H.J. 117 a Talmudic Creation-Eisenhower Steps in Line

    The story of how President Dwight D. Eisenhower lied the United States into thedesperate predicament in which the United States today finds itself in the MiddleEast is not a complicated story.

    Talmudists m the United States pressured President Eisenhower into sponsoringJoint Resolution by Congress of H J Res. 117, on January 5, 1950, which was thenrefined by Congress to the Committee on Foreign Affairs.

    President Eisenhower knew less about what he was doing than a new born babe.It was pitiful for this author to witness a great general being figuratively pushedaround by Talmudists unfit to shine his shoes.

    President Eisenhower was always friendly towards this author. This author metPresident Eisenhower when he was being considered by Mr. Thomas M. Watson,

    Sr., as a presidential candidate on the Democratic ticket.

    Mr. Watson was the founder of the International Business Machines Company.He told this author at that time that he believed General Eisenhower as a Civilianwould make a great president.

    As president of the United States, General Eisenhower was faithful to theseTalmudist supporters whose friendship he first cultivated in Europe during hispolitical activities in Germany after the end of World War 11.

    Talmudists curried his favor after World War 11. They knew that as president ofthe United States, General Eisenhower in their hands would be like clay in thehands of the potter. In 1956 it appeared that Middle East countries wereundergoing changes in their governments.

    The Zionist illegal occupation of Palestine still existed. Populations in MiddleEast countries were growing restless. Talmudists recognized something must bedone to silence the unrest. President Eisenhower then obliged the Talmudists.Lebanon is the heart of Middle East political activity.

    To nip action in the bud, by native populations aiming to assert theirindependence from domination by Talmudists, Talmudists arranged withPresident Eisenhower to occupy Lebanon with fourteen thousand (14,000) troopsand to station the Sixth Fleet off the coast To make it legal, Talmudists hadCongress pass a Joint resolution like the Tonkin Bay Resolution passed byCongress to legalize the war in Vietnam.

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    President Eisenhower Performs Fulfillment of Zionist Demandsin Middle East

    President Eisenhower occupied Lebanon with fourteen thousand (14,000) UnitedStates troops and stationed the sixth Fleet off the Lebanon coast.

    President Eisenhower was warning the Middle East nations not to attempt toregain Palestine from the Zionists in illegal possession of Palestine. PresidentEisenhower must have had a consortium of the smartest Talmudists the statedefense and justice departments prepare that joint resolution.

    The intent of that unclear language is to conceal the purpose of the jointResolution not to explain its purpose. The purpose was to have a joint resolutionin record that would permit President Eisenhower to use the United States armedforces and navy to aid and abet the Zionist thieves to hold onto their stolen lootwithout any necessity to ask Congress to declare war.

    Every word President Eisenhower uttered to defend the crooks in occupation ofPalestine was a lie which contributed to the desperate predicament in which theUnited States today finds itself in the Middle East.

    Talmudists in the United States were able to camouflage their illegal aggressionin the Middle East behind the glamour of President Eisenhower's record as agreat soldier. The story of how President John F. Kennedy lied the United Statesinto the desperate predicament in which the United States today finds itself in theMiddle East is very distressing.

    President Kennedy's future was uncertain after digressing on August 25, l960,from the straight and narrow path he had followed all his life. President Kennedycould not escape the consequences of his betrayal of the high principles to whichhe aimed to dedicate his life.

    President Kennedy surrendered to the lure of Talmudists who pledged to put himin the White House as the president of the United States. On August 23 1960, inthe United States Senate office building in Washington President Kennedy, atthat time a senator, gave this author a copy of the address he was to deliver inNew York City on August 25, 1960.

    In the copy of that address he stated among other things: "Israel...three weeksago I said in a public statement 'Israel is here to stay...my flat prediction thatIsrael is here to stay...will endure and flourish...a special obligation on theDemocratic Party...it was President Truman who first recognized the new State ofIsrael and gave it status in world affairs...may I and...my hope and my pledge tocontinue the democratic tradition...if the Democratic platform is to have anymeaning...the White House must take the lead...American intervention.. will notnow be easy...I propose that we make it crystal clear...we will act promptly and

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    decisively...I propose that we make it clear...our guarantee that we will act withwhatever force and speed are necessary..the risk of war..."

    President (Senator) Kennedy was giving Talmudists his pledge that as thepresident of the United States he would send sons, husbands and brothers of the

    grass roots population of the United States to fight in Palestine under the flag ofthe United States in a war in Palestine to help crooks hold onto stolen loot, to aidand abet thieves retain possession of their stolen plunder.

    This author met President Kennedy for the first time in his father's office at 230Park Avenue, in New York City, on the day after he was elected for the first timeas a Congressman in November l946.

    This author was in a conference with Ambassador Joseph Kennedy and JudgeLandis, an associate of Ambassador Kennedy. In his private office they wereconsulting this author on the Middle East situation which had recently taken anugly turn in the United Nations.

    President John Kennedy Pledges Zionists He Will Act in TheirFavor Even at the Risk of War

    Ambassador Kennedy discussed the subject matter for a short while with thosepresent. The Congressman then asked to leave as he was catching a train forWashington.

    This author invited the Congressman to lunch and he accepted. After lunchCongress Kennedy asked if this author had nothing else to do than ride toWashington with him on the train.

    This author was willing and rode to Washington with him. From that day inNovember l946 to August 23, l960, this author saw the Congressman, and theSenator, countless times in his office in Washington and New York City

    This author was happy to enlighten Senator Kennedy on the Palestine question.Without a doubt there were soon few people in the world who were betterinformed on this subject than Senator Kennedy.

    In the fourteen years this author had the honor of enjoying the confidence ofPresident Kennedy he never failed to express his appreciation for this author'sinterest in his career.

    President Kennedy also appreciated the friendship this author demonstrated forhis father, Ambassador Kennedy. Ambassador Kennedy was blackmailed byPresident Roosevelt. President Roosevelt told Ambassador Kennedy not to writethe book he planned to write.

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    President Roosevelt removed Ambassador Kennedy as Ambassador to the Courtof St. James in London for circulating whatNeville Chamberlain told Ambassador Kennedyin London in l938.

    The Senior Kennedy LiquidatedPolitically by Franklin Roosevelt forReporting Talmudic Conspiracy

    Ambassador Kennedy reported to Washingtonin 1938 that Neville Chamberlain told him thatthe United States and Talmudists throughoutthe world forced Great Britain into the SecondWorld War.

    Chamberlain also told Ambassador Kennedy in1938 that Great Britain had nothing with whichto fight Germany, that Great Britain should not risk going to war againstGermany.

    Chamberlain complained to Ambassador Kennedy that United StatesAmbassador to France William C. Bullit in 1938 was urging President Rooseveltthat Germany must be "faced down" in their attitude towards Poland in theDanzig Corridor matter.

    President Roosevelt recalled Ambassador Kennedy to silence him. Ambassador

    Kennedy planned to return to the United States to write a book telling what heknew that he thought the grass roots population of the United States should betold. President Roosevelt sent for Ambassador Kennedy upon his return to theUnited States to come to Washington to see him.

    President Roosevelt told Ambassador Kennedy that he had heard that he wasplanning to write a book which he asked him not to do. After AmbassadorKennedy's unpleasant meeting with President Roosevelt in Washington after hisrecall from London for daring to circulate what Chamberlain had told him aboutTalmudists, his ambition in life was to see one of his sons in the White House aspresident of the United States.

    The story of how President Lyndon Baines Johnson lied the United States intothe desperate predicament in which the United States today finds itself in theMiddle East is not a long story.

    It commences with a telephone call to this author in New York fromCongressman Ed Gosset in Washington to come there at once. CongressmanGosset represented Amarillo, Texas, in the House of Representatives.

    Neville Chamberlain and Adolf


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    Congressman Gosset was alarmed that the Senate Armed Services Committee theday before confirmed the appointment of Anna M. Rosenberg as AssistantSecretary of Defense without a public hearing. The only witness who appeared totestify concerning Anna Rosenberg's fitness to serve as Assistant Secretary ofDefense was Ann Rosenberg herself.

    That by itself aroused suspicion among the country's leaders. Congress Gossettook this author to Senator Johnson's office and explained to him the reason forthe visit. Senator Johnson was a member of the Senate Armed ServicesCommittee which had confirmed Anna Rosenberg's appointment the previousday.

    Senator Johnson was very much interested in learning about Anna Rosenberg'sassociations with communists. Senator Johnson asked this author if he wou