woodsckew.s.--l.ó.000 fir Ñchfali rflowers-^ol8...all \v*-re btrllers and no buyers-it will beseen...

Halen at tîs« «tock E-chaage, Oct. 1.. IDCO N. f.li »-*..l.0¿,tip Long Island. 491 ¿îrjSîN.Y.«3s,laÇt.801)150^ do..4.1 «j»0 Indian- Bonds.....21* 75 Stotiington R....b60d H *i «M do......bl0d21l! 25 do.b-Od 14S Ermllüno-^JeTO.-Od J8ÍJ100 do. HJ .^mica fe^ch**-...115 íECOKD BO.lRD. ftowles._ »r-t-'.mcrci1».» and money Irlatler». JkjÓKDAY P. M. Th»*'sales were »sain very »mill. Long island fell ofl' }. For Harlem 16} uflered. 16} _skc,d ; Delaware 82} offered, 83n«Jsed; Mohawk 33ofTt*re.f, 3-i ask*»d. . Id State stocks the transaction» were not large but at full r»i_. Stan* Severas wer« wanted at 1 premium. The City lE>ck books »re clc-crt and there i- lit-«- doing in ttiai de- »criptica Notbin* Coir», in Foreign Exchange, and no change.. ¡sterling 7 a 7j.Franc» "..35 a 5.3? J. Fuuds are a ¡ittie heavier to day. Alabama is petting -or-.-. It was .lifikolt to make safes late in the day al 15 discount. All \v*-re btrllers and no buyers- It will be seen by acon:mu«icatioB on the outside »hat the writer Mispecti the Sute JBar.lt ot a plan, by the rapid appreciation of Ala¬ bama tundí, and the payment of the interest on the bonds, .induce the Legislature to treat it mercifully at the coming .session. Tht Eugenia from Vera Crnt brought 431,oOO in »pecie- About $-0,000 has be»-n receir-d from Havre- By the Rus- tell (Jlover $20o.0ft0 goe* to-day to New-Orleans. The Meclianics and Traders Batik bas declared a tUrf; deudor three and ontf-alf per tent, payable on arid after the lit Nov. next. The City Baak has_ecl»red.a dividend of 4pc-r cent, pay¬ ai*«, on and .¡1er the 1*1 Nov. n*»xi. The Union Bank ha« «*dso declared a dividend of four per cent, payable on an- after the 1st Nov. next. T!:e Bank of New-York four percent. Cm Saturday a new emi.ton of $100 épurions notes on ti e Greenwich Bank of tin» city, well calculated to deceive,1 * vrai put circulation. The bill- are altered from some broken bank, l.ttet A, pay to C. Vfi Lawrence, Tima W'hit- tt-ore, Cashier; J. ft. Salterie**, President. a; ¿la'-il- the Bank was checking on New-York at 22per cent. Specie was scarce and m demand for New-Orkans. gj»ty day bills at 17 a 1? per cent. CLÉ; -LAND, Oct. 10.1842. The Canal receipts since Saturday are 12,774 buthel-* Wheat, 6,448 bids Flour and 8S0 bushels Corn. Sali*-1 of Ufé he»t samples of. Wheat continue steady, al 65 ct#. Aii the food .rarids of Fl-sur oiered are readily .¿en «?3 50. ,: October 11. The Canal receipts to-day are l£0n bushels Wheat, and 3C9 bids Flour. Wheat is steady at 65c, and Hit* best brands of flat hoop Canal Flour cannot be bad under $3 56L »Sales having been nuile al that price to a c.t.iderable extent yesterday and W-ilay. Staimieut showing the expon» of Flour, Purk aud Wheat from ibe port til Cleveland, in vessels, during the week teding Oc. 8,1842; Flour. Pork. Wheat. üjíitf d States Ports.24j5_ 163 31,446 CíHiHl*.,.....'¿¿Sí Sft 1,723 : oui.Tapir? i¿¡ ¿is,i6o »tïurk-tJï.Carefully reported for The Tribune. ASHES.There is rather a «luiet stale of the market and \ an atteuipt on the part of buyers to reduce ralea. Of Pot» j about 1«*) hbls liave beeu sold to-day at 5 62., but they can- ¡L ),..; be sbW freely at that rate. Pe«uls are held at 6 00, and fêk c-_uiá)bf»Ijliavi; buen taken rit that price. At this price ylij'y are plenty and cannot find many buyers. The receipt» 2;2_teulv'î" k^**"" **>c*k d-.-icHptioii? and the bills out to-day t nmjh^i'ue market is still more depressed than on Sat- ütky witlTO moderate demand from Eastern buyers, wlio .»'epato a -til* further decline. The large quantity here m-M, afloat and on.-the dock-, estimated al upwards of 3 ',- *Î5 bbîi, í"*_ a bad et.eet on «he marke', brt some of the luge receiver»* and owners ate making an atiempl to stem the downward feeling and may succeed in preventing any fir« rate-. We cousider the market at least 6¿c worse th-n on Saturday. Gent-see has sold at 4 37J 4 31} a 4 25, if», v»r heard ot « lot ot «lOUhbls sold at 4 184. hut this was ooobliess t-uber imitation Oebesée or in very _ad order.. We quote Gene.-ec at 4 25 a 4 31}, with litllc in fair order it the lower price. Flat Ohio and Michigan 4 -5 a 1 31}.a brand rntber better than common «old at the higher rate. We i-otice a snle of 1500 bbls, mostly Michigan common braids it i 25. Round Ohio is 4 18} a 4 25, with demand fo- ebipmer.-.. A parcel of 500 bbls, a well known fancy brand, »*t"Mfor Brtt-li Provinces at 4 371. Troy i* ofTered at 4 25 bete ¿ti\ 6) arrive, but río buyers'. À principal receiver is ____! át 4öb. The demand far Southern, especially ßwrgetownlsspmcwhat iucre-sed, and on Saturday and today íonie250ü bbls have been sold nt . 62¿.old 500. The bat taieol Brandy wine was on Friday, 700 bbls at 4 87";, Vine tin-ictemt. Sale« 300 bbls- Kiciiuiond City at 5 75. U'-hnwriil Co-niry 4 $>± a 4 50, Alexandria 450 a 4 62J. For Ncv-YwfcM-S.25 is offered without sa!f6. Ttye Flour coil/DiKiindemand and scarce. Sales 15« btil-i North Iti*- tratSSlh Alcal is dull and wr hear of no sales. Jersey 2 75 _ f Ff,, Brandy wine 3 00.hlids 13 25 cash and 13 75, 4 ¡raontl.-. Buck wheat Flour 2 76 a 2 87$, with retail sales. tíJtAIN.By arrivals from New-Orleans the market is .«llsupplied with Wheat. The demand is fair from ship¬ per«, bm the lew samples which have yet been offered have 30t'wtbelieve been sold. The quantity arrived is not far frctal2,Ot>0 !,_!)«.!«.. For some part of it ÍK) cents has been cîtid for shipment; We notice a salo of 300 bushel» good trtaefcent >'Dc. Rye is*>ery scarce with a good demand.. f?i?es 15Ö1? builielä at 6-c, uHicb leaves the market again Mrt. Souliicrn Coin is again very plenty, some ten wgw having been received. The ilemand, excepting ftp di-tilleri, is small. SVc notice sales5!H)D bushels Mary« !«.riKW do Nortberu and .4000 tlo Ohio, all at 53c weight ÍK._üUisg; '_!'.() inf'crion*Maryland at 43\, and 1300 fair do &}, both rcpastire for the Bast »tersey \t ofTered without ».-«.(No good Barley on the market. Oats are without t.tet'al change.supply ample. We quot« River nnd Ca¬ nal at .i a 27 with sales 4000 bushels at -6}c. We notice sales lOOObmhels Virginia at 2*c. Another cargu is offered. IIW-Tbc supply is larger and the price has declined to ¿-a55c lV bundle. Loose is also in good snpply and i> wl.r»ató6.a<"2.».. which is a little lower. Straw is also b«vy at200a 2 25 per hundred bundles. SEED.A small sale of Ckiv*r has been made at 71 «\ hieb ' isi-out the quotatio». Timothy is dull at $12 00. Flax 10 iMSO. TALLOW-Thcsale reported this morning in our paper cf SC'.COOlb*, wa.» ai R|c, and not 8J.-. WHAUi OIL- \ sale of 10O0 bbls has been made at Sole for «port. PROVISIONS.We have DÖth'ng material to notice in t-iaticle to-dsy. rrime Pork is in quirk demand at 5 37»} »ftiliuJe to be had less than 5 50, at which two to three bun - »redbbUhave been sold. Theie are about 200-bbls new j Beef bere and a few bbls have been sold at 7 50. The qnal- "y is better iban last year. ¦..'HISKY."»ules 10o bbl» Slate Prison at 21c.Drudge «d *'¿_tttrn dull at 2<>u___ Male» by Auction. _.. Will-ins iS' Rollins. Real Est. i K.The dwelling tonst, ami lot of ground «0.-75 Antliony street, containing -i t«*et front by 100 trtt -*t>.¡»Id lor $D,60O. Al«<> a piece of land iu the old town »Chtmuiv. int'ie county oC Tiogn, N. _. containing 3!» .«ft..st»ld (pet acre) t"i $IW5. By J. M. Miller $ Co. ÎT^ro lot» of ground on the 6th avenue near 6lh street, *r-»ining 43 feet 6 inches fron t»y 80 ft et deep.»old (each) ** 11,500.' m IVciT.York Cattle MarUot-Oct. n. [ReporteJ f»r The Tribune,] MSlarket, 1050 head of fresh Cutde. (350 from Pennsyl- Ï*»-l»,, 2000 Sheep and Lambs, atttl S3 Cows and Calves. PRICES-Bcef Caille do not vary from last week. We »we %{*«5 to $5 as the rang« for fair to good Cattle. 130 left tt-sfjld. c<M.,.nd CALVES.AH bat 10 sold at frem 20 to $38. SÜ£EP AND LAMBS-Sale» of 1850 at $1 25 to $3 50 f-r Slit-tp, aivl 75 cents a $2 50 for Lambs which is a do« dae. HAV AND STR\W-Sales of Hay uniform at 62»}c per j*1* Th? supplv" has been fully equal to the deman-».- I-Wa" time last week'» quotations. ?n* «pc;ac«r_ Imiia:ion OToIeakin Hat.- «:»-» popu.ar article H commeuded t»> the public as pecc- tarly desira,bk,».i the present ti_e. for i ta economy. For .áegance and ilurability.n competes succe**fulty with th** 8iw.co5"dy He« worn. Price $3 25. SPENCER. *s'v F.-liicmafiieHauei-,No.-¿¿Broadway. CT Mata of tfae FalTityl«, are no-v ready. {The motlel for the season isa,hKht motlitication of die »v»T»iiing Paris mode. | SPENCER'S Sales Room. .September 1st. ¿¿^ ¿^CJoBrand'* Pcntire tSabUle, lor completely ^permanently eradicatm|» superfluous Luman hair froni ^aletr" upper lips, the hair concealing a broad and eleva- ¦Wm«., tb»* itubbom beard of man, or any Kind of su- e"P*>ns hair. Be sure to get the genuine at the crHonl ^.«¦,67 Waiker-streeí, one door from Broadway. ° *liNiTl>»«aie--Dtrectlon.» French and English." ct*.»»"»^rie, 4 Maiden-lane, Albany: Myers, Nenv. ï v¿ ' ßr°wn. "G Cbe~>nut.str»»et, Philadelphia : Jordan j*»*«rcci, llosion ; liray, Poughkeepsie ; Elliott. Go- ^***4c' _ ol3 lm r^!l,t'it:tcni.»»«-¦ .¦***«¦- Är-aaral of t_c Real ^.^««ae.Oil, SpixiU ami Improved Borner, to La dri.t '*»*«»»*»'¦ BioAdway,opTOsite»iVib!i)'.*i. at prices re- ou l"7ny * per cent* G* W" AIcCI*BÖY, Jr. I in* v^i!0^ Ol_ce«to _rt.it l*sir rent» i.ithebuild- î-^ai» __|-»'-"u"-"*' -''','' '*'<»¦' «"larg-'iL ap'l i_p¡-r.vedL. <^"*re Wt*w tiica'.e.f, pleisaiit and commodious. ol3tf I P*_«*T_75il"i*?i^,*3»' "*- C-O't American and Foreign N«*t»v_. { Kt_*».-*ï*'nn** ^i*01"- »ntl OwrraJAgf-ocyOffice, »*»v»^-iVrfcirßü>;gil) ? ol7 if . - Bankrupt*. October 13. wul'.art! E. Cruger; Custon_-Ho_i-_ officer. 1*7. Y., No« 1 V_.W_ri. c, Austiin, merchant, N_ 1\.compulsory, on c.-»n p'aipt.of C..W. Fostcr-Nor. 1?. Gideon Mead, merclíaa*, N. Y.. compulsory, on con plaint of C. W. Krister..Nov. 17. W. B. Barrett, N. Y., Nov. 17. Peter L. Yoe, Mount Pleasant, Nov. 17. CIÎT I.MAL LIGEN CE. Law y ers' Diarï.Th.. Day, October iSth.- Circcit Cr_-_T -Sos.87, 2S7. 75, 129.140, 6. 28.."_. Ö, 6. lai, US. 145, Ur_,"6!, m, 1.7.Z 12,y'.Ç2.1(..JJS. ISS. Scperior CocKT..Nos. 132,142,14.1, 145,151,161,162, IIS. .93. H_. le?. IS?. I*1"*-. 173. 173, l?n, Î34. 135,153,13, 4. 31. 12,7t., 112, M,'M, 130.113, la*.', !£*_. Common PLt«_s .Part 1st Nos. 1. 5, 7, 9,11. 13.15. J' 19, 13*3.-Part 2d: Nos. 2 4, 6, 8,10, 12,14, IG, 13, 20, 22. Saturday. October 15. U.S. Di3TRJcr Cücrt..Before Judge Beit- f.jited Slatr-s vs. Four Cases Cloths and Caininiere«-. Et ei)fz«*r Rhode«*! cldimaDt.These good.«, had be__D imporir la the ships Erii/land and« Independence, from btferpoo and were seized by Mr. Hoy t toe CÓ__cto_, in 1310, on th ground of faUe invoice. Ulli« were preéewted, show.ni them to have been bought of Robert Rhode«., Deanhea«: near HuddersüeW, York.*thir«\ Eng., and to have cost _£">] 15sllcl, which, it is abterted, was much too low. A vertu-: «..ill probably be «;«jndered .on Monday. For C. **., Mr Watson au.J Mr. r ' , for defendant, Mr. J. W. Gerard. Circuit Co'j_._...B-fore Judge Kent..Ped fc .ayre vs. Fortune H. Storr? ft a!..Tbe plaintiff's ait wholesale grocer i at 52 Frort u. and ï'je to recover $_-!.>: ".veiled to hs due ¿hem by détendant-., meith_t.it. at lírica but which the latter deny, and show a receipt a_ havi«.¿ paid the rn»5ney in Ma7,1849. It contended on the pat I o plaintiff that the ieceipl wa_. given io Air. Stons.wbo hard ed to Mr. Sayie tbe $200, but it was a driained not lo be turrent, and immediately return«-it to him, tin 1 lhat he tool, it way boltt money and. receipt- The defendant.- deny thai such westhe en-*-. Mr. ôtôir*. pr*:Juc~d evidence lo »liuv. that he get a draft of .oW cashed hi Wall street, receiving for it red-back money, and that lie paid such to Peck '. ¡¦»ayre, taking their receipt. He deniesever ha vi-._ receive. the money back. Mr. Thomas W. LvrcI». book*«.« -pt-t and ca.-i.icr to plaintiffs, i<--tilied to having received them liom Mr. Sityre. but,on finding ". uncurrtn!,pnr! ol it '"-;:>. i'enn_yivi_niii, reiurned it io Mr. StoiTS. 11- .«> a nel .«¦-. .: ot its being receip-.vd for till .Mi. Sa. r. spoke ol :t- not being credited. Mr. o. not km>«v!r»>. »liai be bad returned it.. Sealed verdict Monday mortílng. tor plaintiff; Mr. Ha- .eos; for defendant Mr. Noyes.. Thomas W. Sloan v?. Morjmoatb S. Hrt't, ShtriiT.-Tiii- Jury in thi_. case (being an acti.n to iecovet the value of a hohe levied upon) returned a verdie*, in la*or of riefend_.nL Monday, October 17. GopRT OF _»YJ_R AND. T__.Ml. Kit.M'll.i'OC EdW8_*ds (who, it will be recollected, was tried an«l ro«». victc-J a fc\r weeks since,) wts put upon ht. trial, ou a second indictment, charging him with having obuinn! from Edgar Corr.e, Jr. (agent, in this city, for ¿lie Eni-li-h home of Fletcher, Alexander,. Co.) the Mint of$25 OCO, »It - in» si, as in the case ol the forgery on Brown. Brothers4 Co. by means of a letter purporting tobe from Mau.___1 White k Co, New Orleans. The letter was directed toMr. Joshua Clil.boon of this city, stating that John P. Caldwell, iben in Virginia' had collón In their hands worth $'*0,(.«0n. sad ilíat ii&y would accept bills. frd:p bjro ibr $30,000.. Three or four days afterward a lcL.er was n.iiv. «J purport¬ ing to be from CaM well, enclosing hills and an order for the cotton. Mr. Clibbom, not wishing to enter into the ar¬ rangement himself, mentioned}it to Mr. Carrie, who ander took it on behalf of his house. Mr. Corrie sccepied the drafts; they were discounted by tbe Bank of America, and .25.6C0 cf the bills of tira. Bank enC-txed to ' Caldwell ' at Alexandria at &t same lime in¬ timating that the marks and numbers of the bill« had been retained. The counsel fur pro.-ccuuen, in opening, slater) that although rioce of these bills were afterwards found in possession of tbe prisoner, yet bills fer which he had ex¬ changed them were. Of course it is contended that Cald¬ well and Ed wards are identical. The trial was continued to a late hour last evening, and will probably occupy ihr whol». of to-morrow. Board of Aldermen..T!,** Board met at 5 o'clock, pre.*.ent the President and all the menibeis. Petitions Referred-Of tbe German Society ior as¬ sistance; ol F. W. Petti«, to fu-nish water proal cloth foi .reinen of. A. -...Hoffman and J. M. Bensr), lor relief from tax; of E. Windust a:.o others for n hydrant south «-n.l oi the Park; of Thomas Nugent, to erect en Irin, railing in froM of his house ; of II. U. Day. relative to bump bose* oi J. C. Pinckney, for hos«.- carriage. Communication from the Comptroller, relative to the sale of property for unpaid taxes, adjourning the sale in ihr lGtli Ward to 5lh Dec. Conourr«-d in. From the Couniel of tbe Corporation, relative to a claim set up by W_i. Colsey again«! the Corporation for injun».* received by being thrown into a ilifch dug foi the Crotón water pipes. Referred. Fr«m ¿lie sarfle, relative to a claim set up by John A. Kinp for compensation for injuries sustained by him by his car¬ riage being thrown into a trench dug for Crotón pipes. Re¬ ferred. From the City Inspector, in fa-»or ol lillmgin sunken lt»t* between 35lh and 36th stf.between 7ih and 8th a\.nues.. Adopted. From the same, relative to filling «unken lots ca_i of 8th avenue and other places. Referred. Joint _VI_.i_.tinu..The opinion of the Corpora- lion counsel was read and approved. Theiwo Beard« il-.ei. went into a joint ineeling and made the following npp<jint- menus of Inspector» of Election First Ward.Firsi Di.«irlu, O. W. Tuyl, Wt». H. Daven* fwrt and Stephen R. HarriA Second District. Edward An thony, Cornelius Oiikley and Nicholas Dimorid. Third DU- tricl, Édmüud Grirten, John B. Hobby nud John Hillyer. Scc.'iiii Ward.Fir»! District, Revo C. Kance, Edwaid E. Cowle«, Thomas .1. Agn.w. Second District, C»eorgt A. l-.oo-*, Augustus F. Cammèyer, Samuel Wateibuiy. Third Wartl.First Distiit.t, Smith Dunning, licoig- Uiiggs, Nelson J- Wdterbury. Second District,-John Lloyd Thomas C. Bartine, Hoyt Sandfortl. Third Disincl, Cor¬ nelius Allison, Joshua A. Mc'Cooa and Phillip Pieicli. Fourth Ward.1st District, Uarnahas W. Osbörd, John V. Tilyou and John 11. Bowie. 2d District, Thomas M. Ad riam, Thomas H. Bunas and Joseph G. Palmer. 3rd Dis¬ trict, Edward D. Hall, William A. Daniels and Jeseph Ruse, Jr. 4lh District, Josh. Bull. George Newcpmbe and Cha> E. Peterson. Kitih Ward.1st Disitic!, Ricbard Ten Eyck, John Fort, Join Ritter,' Jr. 2d Distriet, Henry ¡I. Dunham. Edward Cook, Stephen Putnam. 3d District, Olcóu Rbines, Wil¬ liam H. Williams, Alatiion Udell. 4ih Districi, Sylvaim.«S. Ward, Marcus Nutting, Peler Prevoost. Sixth Ward.1st District, L.ster Wilson, My« L. Myers, Leonard Baum. 2d District, Motea Taylor. Henry Dev ter, Edward Gallagher. 3d District, George Endicoll, Al¬ esander M. Bun ill, A »drew Connelley. 4th District, John P. Ward. Jost-p'i B. Weeden, William O. Shiel. Seventh Ward--1st Dlitrict, Aaron Swarls, Francis M Taylor, Algernon S. Jarvis. 2d District, Morgan Morgan, Jr., James B. Briiisina-Je, George C. Morgan. 3d District, Isaac K. Jes.«up, Barnabas Pike, David F. Armild. Ilh Dis tricl, Joba ii. William., Samuel O. Home, A).en A. Suifleu. 3tliDistrict, Caleb T. Gilmer, John T. B. Maxwell. William J. Morgan. 6th District. Evan Giitnth, Geoige W. RiMttt William L. Wood: 7ih District, Horton Frost,John A. fiei «on. James T. G.llc.«pie. Eighth Ward..liit District, Henry Hart. William J. Vni. Buskirk, Archibald McClay ; 3d District. Ambertíí Wrîghl, Willi.im McÇlelleo, Eüiclbert Culberson : Cd District, Fi¬ ter P_oome, Augustus L. Brown, George Smith i Rb Dist. Jonathan \V. Alien. John Butler, Geerge W. McPbenon ; ¿lh Dist. Gideon Fount-in, James W. Farr, Tbbmás Dyer ; i'»th Dist. James T. M' Bleaklcy, John Dcugla_«s, Ty 1er W Lapetra ; 7th Dist. Joseph P. Beckwilb, Isaac W. Ceoklio, William F. Plait; Slh District, Jesse D. Price, Horace G Kctchum, John B. SpatTord. Niuth Ward..1st District, James Rider, Henry C. IIuw- ard, John Ja.'kson; 2d Dist. William Lonasbary, Samuel W. Cronck, Thomas Walker; 3d Disi. Charlo lt. Souther- land, Lewis Rice, David Crane ; 4th Dist.Robert Millikcn Daniel F. Lee. John Huylet ; _>th District, Charles Suiton, Stepben Kane,-; liih Dist. Robert Peterson, Tltoiu.i« H. Brown, Ajah B. Palmer. Tenth Ward..lsl District, J. II. Hobart Hows. Richani Scott. Jobllaskéll; 2d Dim. William Tiu.-low, Isaac 1-1 Mi-ad, William Goldcr ; 3d Dist. Joseph Weed, Thomas Hunt, Joseph lsaats; *4lh DisL Richard C. O vertan, W.u. Joues,-; öih DisU S. Haisied, Stephen C. Bar ton, Edward Diuunu -i.d. Eleventh Ward..1st Öixtrict. Jo>cph Abbott, Isaac N. Merrill, D. B. Fùwler; ïd DisL Samuel Wehster, Charle.« Perley, Robert McGary; 3«l Dist. Allen Canier«.»*«, Joseph U.Thome, David Johnscu ; 4th Di«t. Jelin _____ Elliott, I.u«- sell Loring, James H. leers. Twelfth Ward..1st District, William F. Dana, William A. Dooley. Wilüaiu E. Hankins ; __d Di>U Henry S. Mtelis, Charle« S. Miller, Andrew McGowan. Thirteenth Ward..1st District, Daniel Wells, John Colby, JahuN. C. Briggs; 2d DisE Allred Vf. While, Jas. Mack- eral.Lewt- Witbington; 3d Dist. David Tappen, Ricba.ro CornwalL Ira U. Clark ; 4lb Dist. Reuben E. Moss, Obadial. Newcvmbjr., Samuel D. Walters. Fourteenth Ward..lsl District, Samuel Weeks, WiUiau. M. Wilmartb, sen., J. Updike ; 2d District, Joba Sneckcer, Martin Bcneukt, Michael Gaffbey : 3d District, Pbihp W. EugM, Isaac (>- Barker, Enoch Dean ; 4th Diet-Wood¬ ward, Wiq. P. Dbsoway, Thomas Dolan; 5tb Dist. John 5 Giles, Joseph Brewster, Andrew Surry. Fit\t_enth Ward.-lst DaL HeurySwonis, W«_j. T\-«on John E. Boss: 2d DlsL Joitah Howe, Harvey A. Weed, A R. Walsh; Sd Dist James Hug^ius, Ambrose C. Kingslaad Augustus Schell ; 4tbDi>t. Aha Spear, G. W. Blunt, D. L M. Peixotto. Sixteenth Ward.1st Dislricl. J. W. Strong, James Nicoll 2d DlstAVnuC. CoebranMR, Chas. Turuer, Theodore Nitas John aio.t. 3rd Dlsuict, John Newhou-e, W.Loofborousb Theodore Mariiui. 50» Dbirici, Benjamin Potter, Saaiue Sturges, Varían Veo». 5ih Districi, James Stokes, Isaac E Woolley, Cbarics De Witt. .5ev*7ttte.n.!i WRrd-lst District, U«nry T. Uay^i «Ro*2*1" BaB.___aiMBn MiMfM im\ mi jfer__a__f_r_frïtÉff-VT,»jc H. Shannon, W_. w. Conneil. id District, Ptler T. Cha b-rlain. Charle.- î*ach. George Et P.o¿- *?rd Dm.*' Wiüiirn H. Mackcrail. Edward Y. Prune, George PJrs ger. «Rb _i»_icr, Lewis Hunier, Nathan B. Graham, J B. Hai-ted. 5tb District. Daniel H. Bnrneu. Samuel Jackson, S. S. Wandel!. The joint meeting then adjourned. The Board al»o d'journed, to Monday next, S o'clock. Board of Supervisors..The Mayor. Chairman oi a Spccia» 0*»rnnnt!-*e; to which was -e.err th» subject oi raising ¿lO 000 in the Tenth T.'ard for 5 «cU tKir_e In the Ward, rrrjoneti tint it was n__ecc.-1:7 to sess the rax. stiitiriei_l funds inï already provide ;. The sul-je*:: of rsi«-.!.*<g >l 100,000 by tax ib.- e_pen»e- ihe cr'.v tor Hie RKBmg v-a:-, was taien up a_i deba« The Mayor offered an ainendr".*;*n to the report, «Tr.-kii out ail a .«er die resolution 10 raise the amonnL _ Anjou rned to Wed ne* ¡ay. Circuit Cuurt.Betöre Judge K*?nt..Pecki Sayre v». Str>rr». This »'a- an action to r'-eover ¡ISOC, (; ready alluded to,) hut which is contended on the part defendant »". have been psi»!. The jury coe.]- not agrt ' and wfrè dii.L'ärjed. SüfERioR Cocri.Before -i loi! ench..D.' istoss..John Kedmond v?. Michael Lc.»ler.Jutigeniei in the Court below reversed. Phiiip Kearney *». Collin "»rVpard.Judgement for V. plaintiff. Allison Post vs. wiliiam Logan--Judgement 1er plamtif Oliver D. F. Grant vs. Ben. Graiam; et al.Motion fi if new trial demed. Before Chief Juitkc Jone.-. Sarah B Wade Henry Cotbtr.l, et a!.On a claim ii volvió g points eflaw. Verdict far plaintirT ?5,lri 5', ;_'. i ject to tlie opinion of ihe Court, _¦*. John Noble, receiver of the N. Y. Northern Fire tas. C' | vs. Edward C. Haliiday, adm'r, fca.Action to recover ib .»rpount of .i ciaiT». Verdict for plainnfTJ-XOuori. Vl'.L Chancellor 3 Co.r.T..- .DjBC_StOíí.-- Pinlip F. Fr.Tnsch**=ehe vs. Loui** Marino. In 1S55 the coti plainant obtained a writ of ne exeat against the def.ndani a native oi Italy) who <.'_. held to bail by Sheriff Hilly« KL'.eae Bieconzio becomî-E tnr» rarety. On application,th bjr.d r»t Bre_onz!'j wa» eq rr ende red, ano oí"" tè__n tror M--- y !c .'.I îckay, in th-, sum of $5,009, tbey being, ii is ¿s ¦'¦ û, secured ¦*. funds left in then bands by defendant. . lecree was aubsequeotly obtained against Marino in if* sum of $2,326 andfexeendon issued, i»ut on examining ib Shenfl 'sotha. the bond conld not heibuud. and moñonsar now made to compe Hn&sey and Mackay to g¡>- -j ne* '.Olid, di.-i.il-" to pay into Court the coilaiera! left wit iheni by Marino, The Omri held that h did not possess tîï |i-ji'*i to compel H. and to. 10do e.lher, they being tnerel. sureties tor ihtrappearance of Marino. The cr mplaioani however, ¡¡i-ty ptoc-ed in an action al law to compel <t net i.ond m tlif-cd.»** oi a lo»l m-tlg'tge or paper fmm Ih idea of this Couri. and can a!»'* Me *-cre'iitot'sbill.proree. as ;¡g?tiii»i an absent debtor, and, by Injunction tfgaintt th property in thts hand» ol H. ie M , caused it lo be paid ove rbis Court does not consider itselt' as possessing .lurisdic I tion lo proceed in a rommary.manner, as asked for by conn yiuiiuiit. Motion denied,"With costs. Court of Sessions..Cnus.s A:tion fön As SAULT \m> IÎ.-.tterv .Samuel W. D. Cook und Edtvli Pergason were tried for a:i assault and battery on Jobn3Iy ers,of43 Jones s'r^ct, on the 4th August last, in the Fouril District Watch-House, who charged ih^m with seizing Inn by the throat, pulling bim about and dragging him nal i the^N%*atch-H«ñse. There was a counter complaint "*l«or these defendants again:.'. Mr. Myers. The coroplainantsaii he wr-nt to llié W¿t¿h-.dese to çgt hi-money, and ¡u con Versalien «»n!» th^- Lapta:n, told nim be -ad L*»:tier take lb. (honey and pay hi» cart.cntcr's bill. The Captain, Va' ".larcom, then ordered layers t-ut ofdoors, and »old the de fendants u> put Myers cut. and as he w-_ ¡,oing oui «eizei him, as be »:at»--.!, and choked and draggled him out. Fo !etv-n--e, CapL Van Blarcom deposed that he ordered Mr LefTerts to put Myerj our, but did not order the defendant -pecially todo ¿j. Il "¿vas also proved that the. Captain or dered Mycr» out, -nd that be did hot gn, when the Captait irtler. d him to be put cut. The Jury found the defendant Not Guilty. Trial for Burglary.--Andrew McOucken tvas triei i-ir burglary in the third degree, in breaking into ihe st-bjf nTJohn If. Ooper, ,j». of No. 101 Third Avenue, on Ihi ingul of the23d of September, arid «lealing btidle. he-.' covers, iic, worth S9. The properly was focEml in po_e*a ..oii of the pri.tier by officer Tompkins, as also a coldchise or tci.ci'!.- the lock ol ihe btable, an<1 the Jury f'und hin Guilty. T.e Court sentenced hinito the State Pit-on t"i .hree year?. Anothkr TniAi. For. Borgi »r ,-Jami;.' Edgerton «¦': tried for burglary in ihe second decree, in burglariously en tering, by mean« offals'1 key», the More connected vvith tilt iwelling-bonse -^f Felix Groasse, ot C*3. Duant bireet, in th» noiilb of January last, and «.tealing clothing ol the value o *16l. Oilîcer Stoke.'y arrested the prisoner on t h * 23th o July, with oiip of the coats on ¡.is i'-rh, which was ¡deuiifie. ut "Mr. Grouse a- one of those SI olen. For it-fi nee. Gc;.- \ewherry deposed iti.it about the middle of July '.. itt Edgerton at ihe corner of Chapel and Anthony sts, parch-r ihe coat of a peddler wh.. b-id thht and oome pantaloons n i basket. Another wilneis deposed toih«! »itine facts. The Jii'y found prisoner Guilty. His counsel moved in.arresi of judgement on the ground that the veidict was not in con l'ormity with tbe testimony-»and the prisoner wa-i remande Afle"rthetran>actionof cJierbusine'.sthe Court adjourned 10 Til. 3tf.iv. I'ulice ÜFFlCh*.. SHOPI.I^T^»^G..Two colored women, named Ann Finney and Mary Skinner,, were ar re-led by officers J.S. Smith and liilliker for -teahngbf yards of »ilk, woith .-J45, frOBQ the »tore of Mesgr?. N. S. Don nelly Co. »\'o. 287 Grand-street. Pan.» of" ihe propeil;, were found on each of Ihe accused, and they were coni milled to answer. Bi'RGL.Mtv am. Arson..James Hughe:-, the «voun*; mat who ^¡is nrr--.»ied and committed for bre_1t:ng into the coai office of J. Skidmore, 237 East Broadway, .»a.» again com plained of to-day lur having al»1«, .«n Saturday night la»i broken into the coal office ol Mr.JobnJ. Gantz, No.291! Es:t Rroadway, with intent to sie-1, and after rummaging tbe detk, _c nioging the papers on the floor and setunt: th» ni on tire with Intent to bun. tüe buildinc, bat tüey hap- oily wem out. Some keys of the office were found upon hini and he was committed to an.-wci". Oroner's 0fi-*ic_..Death fro.-« Drowsing. The Coroner held an inquest un the body oi James Marshal!. .»;ed 50, ttho was drowned on Sunday by being ktweked overboard from a sloop in the Bay. The Coroner ai»o held an inque.«t it No. 11 Walnut -ir*c t on the body ol Charles 11: ory _li t»e, agod 2 mouihs, who was found dead by the side of his mother in be'1, barmr- been accidentally sufTecated. J-'-Cnrpt'tiHgit, _>rtii{g-în, t5cc..Ju»t received »»id ready tor sale, an Invoice ofBrnssels, Koya! Wilton and Velvet Carpct'iiîs.ofihe Hiost gorgeous description, excel¬ ling nny ihmg oflhe kin I i \er before imported. Al.»o «in invoice ol FRENCH DKUGGETS, an eutirely new article. LEOPARD and GIRAFFE patterns. Alsoan invoiceef ENGLISH DRUGGETS, from 15 incht.» tu .' yards wide, new patterns an- f»e.mtiful colors.together with an extensive »«sortni.'ni of INGRAIN, VENETIAN. THREE-PLi' and PATENT CARPET1NGS, RIKiS »I Ihe mo-t .-"plcndtd description, Door-nir.ts, Table and Piano Covers, and all necessary articles connecter! with the CAR¬ PETING business. N. B..Prices to suit the times.oui motto is, l*rgc sales at a small profit. Ç. W. SMITH k CU.MI-ANV. 251 Bioadwav, ol5 f-tOpposite Uic Cnv Hal!. mmamm- Fj' 4-nr|»clin*5*»! Cnrpctius;-»! Carpi'*in.***.< ! Cheaper Iban ever!.All those who ^¡e in want ol Carpet» itiir«. notice the foUowing: All wc"i Iri'TrKiii Carpeting, »-ily ö.» v"\ y-trd. t ttr.' " " ' '. " fuper " " 6d ,; " extra »tip " '* 5s " " doable " " 5s 6d " Three-ply-, superior r»attera and colors, 8s. do .1 ' do do extra qu-tlii;*.- 10s. En^li»!» Bru»*-el». .-xiih, 10g Royal Wilton nrA Velvet. Carpeting, equally low. Together with a lar<*r aronntebt ot Drnggels, Oilciotbrr, litios, Door-mats,Table and Piano Covers, India Malting', Stair-Rods, ¦*«.*. the largest stoi\ of goods m the city Pur- chasere wo_d find it to "their decided interest to rail and examine this »tock liefore UnüTiié els-wbere. 1L SMITH, Jr., It Pearl-street, ol5 Iw Oppo»ite Wiiliam-streeL Fj X '.:'.-i:j» Carpctiiisl-J. GREEN Î- CO.. 41! Broadway, beg to call the attention of their friend- ami the public to their entirely new assortment of Uruss-ls, Ingrain an-». Venetian Carpeting?, Oil Cloths, Druggnlls, _c.,»-c., which tliey believe w.ll be found on insp»-ciion equal in pattern, quality and price u> litóse ofleretl by any estas- Gshmentin this city. J. G. i: Co., particularly request na ex-minaljfln ofsome new styles of Ingrain CarpcUiigs, got no expressly for them, and vvnicli they natter theá.Clvea merit especial «oiice. iil21v** D" TI»r S?»'Icatitt-n to the «ixth Conjirc**«- Htiinnl _>i»»l»"ict will attend ll.e artjounsed meeting on VVednv»day evening next, 19th in»i., at7 o'clock, at Consii- ution Hall, Broad war. olö 2t GEORG E W. ST URGES, Secretary. XT Democratic Clay <JIu3> of lise Sercn-h Wartl.-A meeting ol this Clnb will beheld at ihe Frank. Liu Hotel, corner of Cherry and Rutgets-strceis, un i'u_d«iy rveiling, Oct. 13, 134-, at 7 o'clock. Friends of He'.'RY Clay are invited to attend and become members. CONRAD SWEET, PresldeiiL Jc:¿:Sr,}i?cwtatíc^ oían FT Exempt FirciMcn..At a ineelicg o! Exempt Firemen held -it Mcntroe Hall, corner of Pearl and Centre streets, on 13th October, 18-12 it was unanimously resolved ibat the meeting organize under the name of "' The Ex¬ empt Firemen's Assor. iat'on," and that I'ZZIAH WENMAN. Esq. be President. JAMES GULICK, Esq. l,t Vice President. JOHN R1KER, Jr., Esq.2d Vi:e Présidée.- NIEL GRAY, Secretary. The Association will muet at the above place on Wednes¬ day evening, the 19th inst.. at 8 o'clock, and the exempt fire¬ men generally _re invited to attend. ol8 2t* FT V. S. Monthly Beriew-POLITICAL AND LITERARV... aew.Whig MoaiLly Magarine, under Vre above litte. !i« been publiahet! by Messrs. Foster, Hough k WoodwaRl,2ir7Jtfroadway. Tbe first number has a beauti¬ ful Engraving ol the birth-place of Henry Clay. Sch^criF- lion price $5 W per year. Single copies »0 cents. pages octavo. AGENTS wanted ns above. ol8 ll* ITTraiupni-ent Iiuiiun Windoír -hade«! OLIVER \V. WoODFORD. C6 Ca-hanne-street, is receiv¬ ing (according to previ, us arrangements) ahnost every kind of Transparent W Indow Slmdes, v. hich he will sell 50 per cent, lower than ihe spring prices. Strangers in the city desirous of purchasing any kmd of window blinds by cali ingat the above number will find every style ot winti.w -hadr», painted lo lan.tscape, moonlight Views, scroll or Gothic 5tyle. N. 8- About 50 nairs Dark Lantl?caDef, 10 f<«et in Jengib. 1 c*¿3»r ' Paurtseugéra Arri ?._**. In the packet ship Htnd .k Haoson. ír**m Lond_io-Jnbn F .Ma^:¡ «ir. L-q. Mn« E i- itxrJ. Marrtne. Miss Ellen E Mar* hag, Mffsn Joliq.W _*îar;;o{c, Percy B. Ma-iinz. F H M.-, iïng, samad A Mar.ir.«;, Alexander Marling ibd serr__r Gteu.esie-fj_.re. Rev Jam». L«r_n.*__o__. Mrs Ellza Draii«- moad. Mr Jam*. Druaimt.n.l, Ma*.er«i Ht-nr-v Dr_m.-*m-id Frar.k Dramrnond. taimes Caih-*rr»>-_ Druinroond, El»--' Dr«.?,moi:«! and »erram L.....o_. : _«.r_s« Jane E Welch, L-în «Ion ; Uev -r.hn B-mf, T. : _;..n, UC ; John Burden, E Gloucestershire; Mrs Ca:har:n*r Hwn, Mis Cath .rir.ç :l .* r.Guelp«*. PC . M:«« Edith Ciark. !___LbsSw Cî?-k MiisArabelta t;¡a-k, L'.«.dn.-.. Mr. Soph-. Cohen, ___stei Fredr-rick G Cohen *nd _*_-«ant, New. York- Mr* Befen Hr.---.-. Mis-j .':>ephine Havrr. mta Cilherine Ralph. Mrs «Elizabeth Wbrft. «,...y, rk .j^ F[.x Payr]C Ea.tport< Me: John Hal:. E.«q. Ltm.ion: R-v Charles Cc.rr.--03'.. Dn-ca-ng. ferny«; Henry L Jacot«. M .*>. Rc.lj.rt Cîroks_ü¿- lie, Eq. Lonun«.. Dr Charle« F Beck. PbiUd-lpbia, Wn. . tins, Esq, Mr. JaKa Ho«-_râ»*, Derbr^ire ; M«« Anne E __.ei.n-__. __3_.-<_or. Robert g- Greece. "E_-_j. NV -a-- Bedford . Köter. HeW.-, __._<.. ._#__ *.-«-. Hebdrn, Ml*, Mary Heb- den, Master Snlner Hehd-n, L ndon; Mr'Jwtt Gréent. M.-- Mary Greet*«, Lodi. HI; William Gilbert. :._>s Cat.-' J:.e Gilbert. Mr Robert l.i.wh.t, Quincv. Id; M's E.i_. MAJUNfc JOURNAL. PORT OF «NEW-YURI.. OCTOBER 1___>- .-U-"I_Vr _."____. ¿LílA'.'.tC .THIS CAÏ .?;_ =HÍ" ' ff*«? MOOS iKCU, __i.A toses 6 3a Seta 5 26¡R>seí 5 2S ; Even. Il 26 Mor._3 il Latest Dites. bOKVQT. .Sept W.IB_T*t.Sept 17 Lit«f, .«-pot .i"-**;«.. "i ¡.\-»-w-.eo_ _...._..Oct, B '.¦--¿=~~ .: CLEAE-Efl. '-.iprNi'e. Kinneyi New-Orh-ati«. F G Tear .-ten _¿ Co Edwwa,W«Ä-t,ffeTr-01«ms, E D Huribirt it Co; Me dora. Lu ¡it, Savannah, F. Bartlett. Europe, Mobile. Brigs Tboosa, Lamson, Boicon, E Itichar-.-or. L Co Di- mon,Robinson, Cbarieiton, D»_tn!_ani k Dimon -'*_->r, (Si) Trifiletl«:. Naples, L Palmieri i-.br«- VVeymoutb, Ccu'.h. Richmond, Allen i. Pa.._on, Marraton, Smith, Mobile; Brandy .in-. Elberidge, Ply. mouth an-l '.Vn.-'.-. .**-' d . Sophia, BalL Guadaloupe, R M Graw- tsar tec. U S steamship, Poinsett, from Norfolk. Packet ship l'-nduk ilud-on. Morgan, from London and Pt3rt_.ai.utb. 14th Sept, mdz-, to J Gri.-wold. Br bark Enipres«. icott, 13 da's from Turks island, ICH- .JUS a't. t'» J Biaine. Bnik H m Ladd, Wyman, B days fr"m *. .vaimab, cottr.n. to Ncsmiiii k Leeds. Kn;: lie.i..«t. Perry. 24 dav« bom .Vincent, in ballast, tc Mlddleton &Co. Brig Selma, Pray, 21 days from Hi Croz, with mahogany, to iinsier. Sehr Pacific, Smith, fr»mi Ba>*,-.ci7a. tobacco and coffee, in Aymar k Co. Scbr roilt^-inr. Frosl, »ley«- frnm Monffr1 B_ty. Jamaica, with j intento to order. Scbr My «tic. Virginia, wth wood. Sehr Protector. Virginia, with wood Sehr Pilot,Ho_andtL*o_fe., with pla-ter b"uml to Fhda- derphia. Sehr Lexington; Bç^ton, md:e. O Thtr âouthera Literary ITiessttsg.r for Otlober contain, an hitertâtin^ artid«. or. the " Liberti*-.« ui lb-- Paiple in Europe:" Love Sketche-; Modern Ideas ronet-min:.: Education. ProteSiors, i'opt's Doctrines. it_ ..llat'c-. and paradoxes, Latin and Greek, Science, Liu-ra- luic-, I!o.v* tocrj:.1! with ''uoUitiouá, Steam, How to carry a Fci.-ir. i.e.; Florence Courtiacd] Medical Siatiatic» of Vir¬ ginia: Lifeot P. Corneillt: The Way of the World, how one in u'.üfyriune is consoled, lau_*b atobe'idiitress, putting padlock, to (me'., I'pa end pockcb. ibe way of th«* world a hard way, its coune with the lover ihe politician and poet. Sei NES and Advkntures in THE Afcmy, by a Captain; FTi'story «f theKiiigbU of Malta; Old Laws of Virgirda; -Voltees of New Works; Eleven original peces of Poetry. TT Th«: above valuable and popular pet todical may he bad at the oi.ce of the Tribune. Trice per number, ."¡fl cts. Bac*-, numbers can be supplied. GRKLLfcY k McELRATH, ol2 Stav*2fl* loo Na_M_u.str.et. [Cr tLíour-iurí'.*« JLaU de Beaalc, (or.thorouphly cztertnináling tan, pi'iiple.-. tiecklt-s, saUowness,and ail cu- ?9t>t.'!iu:. cruptlóns. This beautiful co.ütclic. is ti«» weil know ii ''j : rt.il another word. The genuine lo be bad ¡u tin «-ruina! offi.e,. S'* Walkei-»tret, t, one i!«x»r frewn Broad¬ way. $1 per Ifittie. ^_______ olS.loiis MARUIKD: At Bath, Mr.. on the 10th inst, M. Frederick GoodîTcb, ot tiiefirm >i'F. St F. Geôdricb, New Yc-rfc, to Miss .*«lary. cttu«;t-.ltr of J. M. Mo txly, Es<| of B.«ih. At _\lt.'.*tn.i, Orleans Co. !.. Y. On Wednesday morning th«- ')ih insunt. by Rev. Georire P. Pnidden, Mr. H ¿"mitliHul- burd, merchant, ut Rochester« W_.kon_.on Territory, loMisa fi.niietie II. Nortbrop,daagbierol ibelaleDr. B. Nortbrop, ol Hi«; former place \l Knendsville. Pa. by Rev. Mr. WinflHd, w-jniam pv0i,. John-, Etq Ute of Devonulnre, England, to Miss Harriet, dnuohiei ot Mr. James Lance, ol" Friendsvtlle. * liUhis city, on the 13th ¡i>-.tant, by Rev. J. M. Forhe., N Mirrrin BfiCfewith to Fanny M. daughter of the late Jdtne.- G. Forbes On Ihe ÍSth inst at th«« reírdence of J. Williams, Virginia, bv Rev. Mr. Hoff, W. Brenton Boo-_rs. of New-Brun-wick, N. J. io Elleu Wi_Ji_riii? Cárter, daughter of Chas. L. Carter, of Ki.içeville, Va. On :li<; loth in-t'.unt, by Rev. Dr. *.rc_Eiit»y. Alfred D. Bald* .m to ¡tffts Frances J. Saulpini'.h all ofthi« city. On the tStfa m«in»it, by the K<;v. Mr. Andrer«., JnO.Stark- hou«**, ofEngland, to Elspait Eli'a Pletchw Rose, daugh- ter of the late Wm. Rose; ofMurraysbirei North Britain. At the reoit'encr ol"fIu_rli ^'an Slyctr, In Kinderhook, on the ''tl: it.'t. by Rev. R. Dederick, Dr. George Smillie, oi mi» city, to Miss Esther Sticklts ef K. At Locu«t Grove, tbe residence of John A. Ca*ter, E.-q. Philip Stone to Olivia Dunbar, daughter of ihe 'at* Lloyd Ma_cru«ler. E«q. of Montgomery county, Md. On tin- 16th instant, by the Rev. J. A. Choul«, Ebeneifr llaive». Jr. Erq. of Yarmouth, to Mi«« Weithea L. Partridge, »f I)u»>ury, M^?-. DIED: On th*. ¿erulag ol the I7ih ind. Rachel Ann,] wife ol Jos« ph W. Kelicj.-«:. in her S2d year. lier relatives, the friend« ol the family, and the member« bftbe WaeLin^iur. Tempérance Societies in L'entra!, air respccliblly i.iriieil to attnid bet tun-rial froui bei iafe re»i- tii nee lo2Cai.ii! sueet, lo-monov, afternoon. On Monday afternoon, October 17th. William Kin«*, infant «on of William T. and Ann Palmer, aged I year 9 months and 13 days. The friends and relatives of the family are requested to attend the t_iuc.«_! this aft.:rr.o->n. at 4 o'clock, (rom lit«; resi- dence ot ht« >¿i_nd.Ub._-r, Mr. John Coriger, No. tnó Grand .licet. Of dropsy, on the morning ol the 17th instant, Asa Ond»r- «.onk. in the 13d year of his ag«i. His friends and acquaintances are tespcctlully invited to attend bis funeral.'this (Tuesday) afternoon, at 4 o'clock. from his late residence corner of Grand and Clinton street«, will-cut further invitation. On die ¡bib in_tant, Mr*. Sarah West, aged 33 years, wile o! Mr. Ch.ile.« West On the 15th instant, of consumption, Miss Phoebe Law- rrncr, uged 17. ¦o_t_«-_=_.*__iaii*i«-». -m ¦»^¦.yiji;'«i.«»i^_^i>***_»»ji_»«____-_W«_____f»*tT^^ CLOTHS, CASSIMERE.S,VESTJNGS AND HEAVY WOOLENS, f ILÖON G. HUNT «Se CO. have con r , «m h-ind a large a.-.-.rtnient of the abore Goods. cotuisiingol the most tti-sirable «tyle«. tor sale in quantifie« 10 SU t purcbastrs, al 4>ii arl-ütet. conter of Clia'.ham- street'. °' Im* 1st -ni FALL 1 )RY ( rOODS..The subscriber has.iust receive I a larçe .-is.«ortmeni »>f every «lesnp lion of Fall DRY GOODS, purchas-d at Auction (orCash. Kc enabled to ofTi-ras _,*reat indu'.'mient.-. lo putcha-ers .;« can be met with at any other «tore the city. CALICOES.A fall aawrtment *>f all pr«-.*-., English; French uml American. Pi.ANN'KLS.Wbit«', red an»! yellow; 10 bales ju«t re- ceirned, at all pri«_-«_ MOI ; SSE LINE DE LAINES.Pl»in, colored, black ami blue black. Do. do. Elegant new styles cbmlz colors MUSLINS.Brown and bleacbe t. even' q-rnliij, at mann- facturer*.« prices HOSIERY.A lar-c assortment of every description. T At i LI ON1S-M Kit IN OES-ALAPACCAS.1Î0MBA- /.¡N'ES. SHAWLS.Silk, Broche, Kabyle. Rob Roy, Mou.*, de Laine, «"«.c. kc. SATl'INETS.MOLESKINS.CASS1MEP.ES.lri»«b Lu.eus. SILKS.Thread Laces, lIjn.Jkerchie(s, Glovr-, Velvets, Jaconet, Cambric, Si. i*s, Mult and Book Mu«lins,it«__, MlLLlNttRY ARTICLES.A g_meir.l_s-wrtn.i_ut of every descrption. RIBBONS.New fall style« r>hri^»jred justrece.ved.com- pr.si:ig Poult de Soie, Gros de Naple,Satin,Levantines ami Velvets, plain Satin ami Táñelas, plain and «lace Vet-vets, Silks, fcc. FRENCH VELVET FLOWERS.A large ___w__rtmen_. Coui.try and city dealers and nurchasen. would do well to call and examine tbe stock before purchasing elsewhere WM H. HAMPTON, 137 Hudson-si.. ol8 3ti->* A few doors above Canal-st. F"iR__ÑCHFALI_rFLOWERS-^ _«de and Retail..The subscriber offers for sale tbe larg.l assortment of rich Paris Flowers to be found ia tbe ci:y, comprising every style and price. Country and city Mill uiers, and purc-uiaers generally, are requested lo e_- amin* ihe «'ock before purebajing elsewhere. WM. H. HA3IPTON, 187 Hod-on-st, 018 30»"' A lew doors alto«-«? Can-il-st. "TTcTIOxN NOTICE.By Carter & Co- ,*-% .Store No. 1C2 Broadwav, between Pine and Wall- rtreetS this day at 1¿_ «yclock, Farniiure. Carpet«, Crock¬ ery Wines kc - an elegan*. asrmrtment cf nf*w furniture, mirWanr French Chain. Frer.rb Sofa», dreí-ing Burea.., rt-utre TâW«*, «office Do.kssec.-nd-lsa.nd Bedsteads, kitch¬ en Chair». Bra*«-»*'* Carpets, Oil Cimh-. kr. Newingn^ an«l *'hrff ply C«rp«-ting, tuftetl RugSvöiI Cloihs. 1 and 2 várdi '-vide, kc : beauotbl blue dinner setU, ti*a setts, cov¬ ers -rad b-uins, French china tea »eus, «kc Brandy, Gin, Madeira, Sherry, Por. and Clarer_,_n bottles and demijohns; Principe Segara, ¿call in lots to suit retailers and private f4_a_.ie_ PÍ61Í* GîlANB"C01^fBÎN^TinN.-TheM-e*3srg. i RAINERS and Mr. DEM«>_Í_. barre u. _.. U) ti at liiev will give a Grand V*oc_ -i-.r.:-.-; ^tj MnadttVi t_e l*Ro.'Wedn*"-vday. lb* I9ib.and Th-i:»-y,\'.c 20th ink. nt lb* boeietv Library, to comrneooe »a a qn*i.«\- fo 8 o'clock. Tkiirts 30 cents, to be had at the uscai places 4 -it the door. N. B. The** w'11 five a Concert on tiTjy e-emn-. fSt.i 'out at Kutters tacante, to«-omnieoct* at ihr- »am. Saar. _._<*£. ** FtiJLiLEit S. GY UiV-.-iIJMs...Tne G>t»,i,-.».u»n_*_u5 Green- act- _. .**.i*' »tr»--l» a.'.-no--* pen daily. til t evening.» alternately Öenüfitaer, «,i.,..- {>*i<>t_e*_ ...» rr-.>- -,^r- ,n»j» .'TT *r." the '.""*" t-A caojbia the Evening -.'.vi*. A J-iik-ir Cbr-wTasn -I to 5o'- .oçk. 1 :-.e Brooklyn Gy_ioa-i»ra, Ño I. .Valu a »wear Kulten Ftsry; fs bpen «*.Jrv .lav sndev« ..2- ITeviarxgu-d Sr.-ir-i.-i_ t-ogbl a»ca.I. -7?.-*« * .MERICAN »VU'-EUM. and" Garden. _r.-_d >»_<.- urrM:!»- î*t. Paul*. Church. INK-OAt.__ »It __*__*IoN"*j. Dr. Vai.esti.ni.. .he delineator of AmericanTpt eulMnt.e«, whims -uul rxtdlQes. wTll own t!ie .---.iieui« o.*" hi» ¦. _0O i*»« ceiebraisd LECTURE ON PHRSNOLOGY, v uii pracue ilüissu ..; o..» en the n',.m «.. a »beep. SigaorVivaldP» Gi .nm.'.í-rchaoica f.^-ur.-» AdrnTttance to ibe wo-.)., museum, garden ant! e~tr**-»ir>;:: *».«., .v' Chlldl»:- ...of*» ]\TOVELTIKSi A_?_KÄCTiONS, «Vc. ±V NEW-YORE. MÚSEtJM AND PIC-TOR*-! GAL- i-i".,*. . . Hcoau-.vay (Opposite the Cöy flau..«Mr II. BEiV« [NETT,'Manager,ever aaxkras. to~ sp_nfy the public I a- .::'»r«>t5'c.-d a ci.an_t* in the peri_rrr*nc*\ bavin«» ¿fleet« engageafeats «/»>._» tfcerollot-tog v.-ei- lt_ err prr»rineri 3Ir. Col.t.-«.», v&t*_ the American Masecunj t-t iti_»u it_- mired r__ic .«i.-ige- ...,:.->.>*.-. r». VTricht, _- ^¡ei-iaird iJiseiio mriodist. «hose pecd*;*"T vocal powers, combined t!i b > great height of person, and the eft-ect protlao bis appearing a female attire, have «.¦baux.! ¡or. bun ih cognomenol ibe Ameri-.i Gmntess The Manager hs. alio engaged Mr. Muxi:r, in- wc-n.icri'al Du an and Phe¬ nomenon of Nature, in» height being oaly thirty six lad es. Nature In her wildest Gréait- never ; ( Tort rn KÍuc*d .-> »\ tnocditnuy a crea'ure. Mr. De la au in hi.» imitation*, ol Kea.i, ...._i_, i¿... Mia Ro_uc the charming vocali-«, ia her most popular songs, and Ma>t » ¦.-¦¦. tr»e exuaor- dinary NVire volante Dancer. Turn- -a -1. be a.i a-ierno-j« periyrmaiice oo'-Wi-dnestlay and S itu \. .v. j Perforoinsces io commence .. ibe 1.-1. ture Ruom nt haft .»..». 7 o'cloch. Admusiou 10 tlifi "-' turn. Picture Gai.'tiy and Ent«-riaiumeni».ir.<- l_i| tag. ot7 I.üs.í'v i.. t»'¡ hfticd- ME LAST DAYS Of POMFEU. A Novel, by K. L. liCLW'ER. with e.n Engraving. price Twei t_ r-1» cents a py. Recently Knbl sheti. The Czarina. A Romance of the Court of Rossi. Sy Mr- Hottland. Price.Twentv-firecent»*. Eugene Aram. By B. L Bdlwer. With a Plate. Price Twenty-five cents. Paul Clifford. By ihr «ame autbor. VS ¡lii rt.tle. Puce Ta'ënty-tîvti enl Devcrenx. Bv ihe «im** »uthnr. With a Plate. Price Twenty.tive ceno. Tbe Disowned. By,the same author. With a rial.?. I'm:.« Twenty-five cents. Peit.'-im. l»v ihe same author. With a Plate. Price Twenty-five cenls. UARPEKjk BROTH RKS, 018 2ii»" ó2 C ill -»reel. SELECT SÇHOQJL at Khinebeck.. The subscriber would inform his friend, and the pub¬ lic, that be would take a lew m*»re select youths into his i»mily '.(»educate.with hi- own .-<m5, theemning terin, whidi tyill commence ihe 15th.oi,N«vembet utiU and .will con- itiiu»- twenty-two weeks. The Instructiori continues ur.ôtr tlie direction "l Mr! CP« ItUSBOLSTElt, Jr- A. ß., .m accomplished and experi¬ enced Teacher, Pup;!» m»' prepared for the-. muting room, >r i'jr admiiâiob in any ciássiú any Collège. TUey are ie- ceived into ihefcxnily o; tiie**prorr!etjr Dhdertb. tame nu- pices, oiid with the samt watcblul care an d íolicitutie, «a are bestowed on his owi roo . Physical, as u-eii a. me nal anfl ni irai toprbvemeht art caretully studied a. d guarded, and ta such ot ihe puplii a* may de»iis it, the knowledge of Agriculture! Horticulture tn-i OrnamenthlG-rdtwingwillheimpaittd. Tin >. und o\ the subscriber, Jying.directly on the banks of the Hud- .un. are eligible and ainpir tu »ucli piitpce», being laid mi with inste r/hdjudgement, afibhllng much henltli.ul e-- ercisesm ti;e uumeruiJs promenades which intersect his ¦>t\ ml»'.' -. Term«- §250 per annum, or $123 per.teira of Lwcnty-txvo weeks, Including Board, Lodging. Washingj b'ví and Ligbls. Pupils finding iheii tiwn b- d». hcdding and bosks, or the same will le furnished at a moderate charge. FREEBORN GARRET'l SON, li'iiiief.,«-!«,, Dutcl.»*»sCounty. Ri.i- errxyC-s Rev. Dr. Noll. K'-v Pro: Potter,Onion College. ft.:-.. Dr. Oliii an»l Faculty, Wettli >.m Univi Rev. Dr. Waters, Franklin, Maryland. Rev. Dr. Bnngs, Mr. Ffaucis Hall, Mr. George Buckley, PTew-York. Re v. t». Creagfi. t'ed ttook. Columbm County! Ite«.'I. Bircb,Rirmeheck,.DuicliftssCoaiity. oír !.- > XOWÑ <:î)NVKNJ_.i\UÏ;. . I hay» ihi» d.iv opened lor m* fell, in the Uppei p-i '- <>i ' l( .-.:.., ,in i liai [¡»liment ¡nr the -u-;ply ol families and parir. with OYSTERS-, uria it the suggestion ol '¦¦> ral gi nil me.ti I have counecled with u -t supply <>i PoUliry und Gain« all <.i -ryhicbjl ball sell at ihe ch«*apr_i niai ket price. Families will pleas, favor me wiih ihaíi i'at- ronage. and 1 will warrant my aniclci to bet h«- best. Sqp pers of Oysters at-.d Game srut t'» fàoiiliea ai any linn B ion^ ex' r.rience » inch I have had in the Oysti ¡trade at nij father's establishment in Bro-il-srreèt, will enable me .I way» to fuini-h the best, which I shall Sell a> cheap as any idier wholesale establishment GEO S. DOWNING, Ö2D Fourth street, the 2d door East of Broadway; Gentlemen can at any time have a supper of Oysters _n< Game at ray establishment. Pickled '»vsier- ¡ilwavso-» hnni!. 613 21 ¿Tr A¿\.C<X\LTc(JAJ« ! !.Th. i_a! Wi*Jm\ l\j Peach QrChkrd Red Ash, now selling frt>n lii..- yard .'HM Washington-street, iw<» doors above Spring, ir.ti.eii from cleaa lump, doubly screened, and rieh vere. free of cartage, and vveiglied !>y a t.'ity VVeigber, at the fol¬ lowing fin es L-rí»<; Nut.?"< " Stove. 5 *¿'j Brok. n ur Kg£. Oi Livrrpool Screened. .8 ti" N. 15..A11 ordersto be leA ai the Yard No-agcr.ts.no iommission. The buyer receives lité benefit. Coal li'.'ru fKiats. 25 cent» I -.-m per ton. ol- tt P. B GUEIliN IEY. ANTKD.A good rifle or iVuvHng r iece, tcr «'-l: ich a rateable o ti le-'wlll bt-'given .;i trade. Apply alWrè in the innroing »id before 4 in ihe ilternoon, at No. 115 Grand street, five doois west ol Broadway. olRIf \C7ANTEI).Ad Etigiiah cook" and * v v «'vod English wttttergirl fot a prívate family. Ajj ply al the ulhce H-1-Í Broadway.best ot re! renées rt*- quired. olí It* __N'XED*». situation as Coachman, by a .»le.iriy, active colored man, understands drfv« and care of horse» well. Beit city reference given. App'y 266 Bowery. 0I8 li* ~\ÑT_Ü._y~a ProtestañtTgiil with good retVrence-. a place to do cooking, washiop, ironing.or genernl liousework in a privat» family in the cuy or country. Address 85 Bayard-»t._0I8 1* WANTED.A situation as cook or to general house work, by a smart active r«|ored woman. Apply 266 Bowery, ' _ pl8.lt. WANTËÛ.By au American Protest- aiil Gir!, .1 situation as Cook »ni Laundres» ; ha» lived in this city the Ian 13 ye*rs. and will he reepmmend-d bv some »f ihe' be»t fa'-niiirs in this City. Inquirí nt 08.ee >:6 Broadway, where Protestant Servants cun always bt- had without charge. T. ELLIOTT,. Proprietor, ola [if SERVANTS for every department can t«»: had at the office 171J Broadway, above Grand .lr. '¦!._ ol? Jl* S~L\TGER WANTED.A Lady compe lent 10 lead the Chr.;r of an EpiM-t.pal church. a fibcritl ralary will be given respectable réferètices will lit rtquired. Letter addressed i^ot-i ¡rort) to Mr. »^MITII^'^, at mis 0.ce. _ oía iw' ÜA-ÍDÍNG.. A gentleman and hi« _1 wife, ami a lew single gertlemenj can (>». -crommo- ifated v. ¡1J1 fioard and pleasant ro»jnia at No. J.ii t;:y ilah Place. Reference» exchanged. 0I8 2.»*' pHlTfAr GLA^S, AND EARTHJEN- \^J WARE.Now nr»-i ing, an elegant asi»br*«rnent r: Good«.ji:»t import--1. Purchncers pira. call and ¦..t.i;<imr fiii- vourselves. Tho subscriber**, de*»iroi_» m stufitain the claim to public favor t!..-ir storin has erijoyed lor the l_t ten years, will oder Iheir K>díi at the lowest prices, and warrant t!¿em un»ur r^»'.'. in bvrtuty orqsaltty. MM Bowery, between Ginid and Ilcster-st» (¿3 eo-JImi')_M. k J. MERltlTT. > 1, EEÇKER-STR E ET G HÜRCÜ.. The PeWi in tile B!»r cker-sir»**-! Presbyteri-m Ch-'rcfi (Rtrv. Or. Mason's) will be oiTere«l for sale at pu Wie ¡met'» in at lii»* Church oa Tuesday next, 13Ü-. ü_iant. al four o'clock P. M. ol7 2iia* . Li )ST.On Frrd_y_e^ir-g.lhe 15th. in Broatltrav, supposed near Courtlan-Jt strrei. .1 sm.iH hair euanl cl«aiii, .»lüi geh! .»nap and -tree gold jiini_. The finder.will he suitably reward-1 by l<awng Mj*U M mrnty itt*re-t_.__:-._ liGVR""TACKS..»Äs-orted sizes, lor sal- l.y MITCHELL WITHERELL, nj» 54 Jobo »tr» «/t. W"OODSCKEW.S.--l.ó.000 gross Ne* England ¡screw Co.'s Br»m and Iron Woo<i Screw*. ruaorted from + in- to 3 inches ¡Vo. *2». for -a**» by th-> t»g»-nü. oís MITCHELL WITHERELL, 34 John _. ^1173JMUNÍ0N WARE..Reed & Bar- vy ton'« Communion Tankards, Cup.«, Plates and Bap- .i»Hial Bo» Is, for sale by Uieir agents. pig MITCHELL k WiTHERELL, 94 John .t. ?ATENT BRADS..20 boxes Randall's Patent Brad«, asaarled from . to H inche-t, for »lie I». oP' MITCHELL- WITHERELL, 04 John-st. ' BROGANS.1000 pairs KipBrogans. foi .ale at very low prices ;or ra..h.bv 0I8 MITCHELL k WITHERELL, 31 John st. C1CAL.60 tons Blossburgh fine Coal / afloat, f_it_bli» for »mil!:'» n»e, deUverabte at an} whirf of the citv, lar naie bv o!8 It- K EMET H. BLEECKEP». CHmror. John »1. TIÍE TaROEST, C_eapest and Bos assortment of COP»»*>ETS is to be found at No. 443 Pearf-street, N. Y. Country and Citv Mercharts iutsputn or. ¡iu-ral terms. ALEXANDER SAMSON, , Imponer and whoie&al* deaier in t_or*-t-*r, oi8 Im4' 40| PearUU-eet, N. Y . .(.""-"«i AUCTION SAL r> Jouai. Kl«__5s__«___. Aacuixw-r. n Y BANG*. RlCI_A_ftDS'& FI,VLJ . JtJfi S'.»rr 198 Br_*__-«r«.. Liberal cats note-****«*, made on c.a»_4p!B*c,, ^ ^.o. t WEDNESDAY El'ff*_*«¦$. Oct. 1* At 6 o'clock. a. .: ( lacvical Book^_«_-__«-s. Cbüdren.' B «ok.*. «No«e_H___c ». i lî.--*v __oi_t_H__t cf S.a.._»».<¦*._-... u_ol'_i.thx__ a vjrr_ii i .-:.;«.-ol S:ee[P*n«, Scaling v.,¡.. D.-aw-ng Pencils _P_ «. «.ulis. Waters, Letter l*_p.i,fcç. F»D p«uticul_r» hereafter Anwog rhe collection n 50.nets_t_.ak«.p«r«\ Works,2 > Jot*'f.»bi»*s Wttrki. .S S<-.»it's Pottieal Work.«.. 5 Moo__-« - Ooidsriiih«. do. . Kara». _.. «_*o R_._-y's Narative. ..»id's Cat pen'.rv. quart.«. 3 Le lever." Aie.ii_ctui-«\ 5 London « Work»,3 _H.tior.i_. Works a <_*_____.,_ > ,».e. he«,4«> Hdl's GoiM Hou_*.ke««it<r,___» American House- .. ;>V. Jf> Mrs. Leihe's C«.>«sk«y. Î0 _tt»-«_i_'s Hoc_e fenok. it t.»-«:i. 5 Frtrn«.'.«tiir'> Oflennir. 1.43 ; 10 Cembe, Footer. «¦¦«. .5Lrf»«ot W-Mlrv, 10 Baniahy Rod<_-e, 5 Harry l i.iec-u.«!-. 3 H«adsof r»>e People. 20 Scottish Chiefs, s . C untie « PhrentKogv .Combe on _V_a:>,ia .puilol H-«...i--. *_ jrfoce3"cent to>«. SOU Juvenile««, íncludin«» the papular p_ii>i'eaiicn»f ot Mcnroe .nd Kranet.«. IAO Bibfes, familv, c-uich and p«*^*, vano us btndmgs; _00T<_tta_RrniS,pc-ck- «--'. church and -efeoo?, m inort-cco and plain bmdiugs. Also,«tu Smith'. Olniy"» Geosrrapby and Atlas» 40 Mur- r »«.-- R«-a». .r, Í do Sequ* I, MO CoU/.« ta _>._ and 3d Reni¬ er*; 2? P.-.rter*« Rhetorical Reaoer*. 10 Tytler History, ._"* NagenV. Dicticnar>'.2.Emmersoa'.Inir_M.uct_on; 5Pin- n -.k Ratue, ä Boyex. and Aiosw-xth's Latin D:.n .. J y, kc. Al .«. * large ajwj'tfnent of Stationery, including a great . f.et-, >-.' »reel Pciii, Svaling Was. Drawing Pencils, Ink *'.-..'...:.£,. '»V.-.fei.«, Lt-.-.-.r Pa,«_r, Lc. >Y 3_ l> KAPER. Jr.».Stow _*4-*W.Î- Jf ! *. .'_: t v _. if-nier <«r l*iue~'«.re«»*«'. TUESDAY, Oct. IS. At 18 o'clock, at th«* Auction Room Sheli Sale of Wool_.. Goods, Cloths. &__*_UM_jrj___ and VESTtxCivon six luoniiis' ..redit foe approved cvider^d )U « on morning of-ale. ALo, *> new .-t> I" 61 London 0.».-ieier**. i¡j«t imported. Uso, 2 cases (Tira imperial wool dyed black cloth .X« >r the city trade. « so es superlative wool '.«!.»-.k. -vfra fine,former. b ii.t taUort, Also* 1 ca«e.« «Vc-iol E.«¡..«_xi estra wide blue cloth. Also, I <io do -nrperlauve in« L«tble green »jt'iiili Also.S »I.-. blink ..:> I blue black Car.- »interés. Abo, plain au»! ñgumi Beaver Cloth.«. Term ..«s month«.' credit for .«ppioved endoimrd poles. THÜRSDAT. Ou. .«¦. Al !0 o'clock, nt llie Auetkai Uoom." Frrnch «-....r.;-By caialoxue- 100case» French Gorxi>, coropi i*n-. large and deslnmle tissortmcat a>f »ea.soiiabl«. .ifticli-s, ifceis'eii p««r recent an ival?.«it 6 m'"t^UlS, rr*?dit, for approved endor-ed note.« SAli/RDAY, «ct. 22. \t 10 O'clock, at the Auction Room. CfcOTHs ,\Nn CAssiMKRKs.Frnmthe shelve-»n «-redil m -»in iii»>ntli«, ¡or apprj"-e«l endorse«. noi«¿>..00 .«..per We»i t>t K;i_-I 'ii-1 Cloins and CivitiiPre« fust imported. Al-.t, ho pi«*«Ts We«t ol En-,*lûiid, Loitdrt» ami French t.'.t .-i merci. K. M. Hiker. AucUOueitr. BY it. M. JîAKEK.Store L49 I* «hoo street THIS DAY. Foi .. .L«l), !.> lots to -uit purchasei«-, ?. quantity sf Dry ind F.-->icy Gooils, Hardware. Gun«, Pcckit Cu'.!««r>'. Ger- mau Silverware-, ic. Sale cooitiv«. Í>\ ALBA K1MKALL.Office No. I Brand, c »mer «,>. Wall -.treet A, K. « ill ¿live hi-, attention to Ihe »ale of Real Estait, :.-..- U -, Furniture and Out-Dooi Sai«> generally. W EDNESDAY.Oct. 19. At I- o'clock, at the Merchants' Eachanfje. Chancery Sa)e.-Under the directiono( R. C. Wheeler, E q.. Master in '"hancery. A Intof irtound on the Souherly .de of l hird-«ireet, known and distimrtiished an a map «if part of the land betoogipg lu Samuel Ficket.m the Eleventh Ward.rriade by T. R. Ladlam.Cfty Surveyor,in July, 182b, by the number 8. See Hdveili-icmeut in Ihe Americen, si.ned K. C. Wbeel- iSr, Maiter in I banca-ry. THlTRSDAY. OcL 20. At 12 o'clock, at the Merchant*' _"_chan.e. Gre¿my VJ Duseubary. Cliauccry Sale.I'ndci ihe di- .: of Pblld T. RußgieS, E.«q., Ma.ter in Chancery.A lotof ::rtiuni!, with the bnihtinjj-. thereon, situated on th«* .'.. -i.-tly »ill«: of lim B loom i ng*_i__e Road, between Forty« v-vftnh and Forty-eigbih- treet» S'- a-lveriisemeiit ih tin-Journal »«f Commerce, «jigned PiuloT. Ru_:_,les, Maater in Cbaocaryi. ËIUDAY, Ocl. 21. At !2oV.««-k, :il '.lie MiTihnnts' Excliange. Chancery Had -Cmler the direction of Dhví«* Codwlse, Esq.. «Matter m Chaocer_.-i All of that ««.rt.nn lot til «¿tound '.i'li the bulldii _çî ti ereón, known as Pío. 123 Pearl-street--: the lot is 21 bv 75 See advcriJseroent in Ibe Journal «I Commerce, finned David Cod Wise, Master in Chancery. AT PRIVATE NALF. Th« tbt»f 'itory dwelllnf. house N««. 12 Duane-rt. Also, a large S story bouse in St. Hark., place, with a »table. Stock -r>0 shares Proaaeala Land Company Stock. A beauuful Farm ol al out,60 e«..rea, wiih (¿ood building« near Pouijhkecpsie. On of the tno*t d«¡sirable Tews in tbe middle aisle of St. l_.nli..|..iii/,. Church. l-«ajjr^eit«i*place._ ïTnkw .-vTriTcür for. Iäüies' t\. OfîES__"E8:.Just iccelved per Bnti>h Queen,ohíí .:.« e roper (.'.«.«Inner- Dre.****«!. (.Hawl P.TTKaNS) wlilch ivillbe.opened This Möminp, at 11. BROWN'S; No;62 .. >.\ . i.-.-« r. _ _ »iiiui«- 0 UK.TOUT9. UiiOAKS, «fee, ïn a va l-JÍ net y ot st; «, rendy made at the Establishment, loi _«arme'ii» ot iht fir«t quality. No. 223Broadway, American UotrL_WM. T. JENNINGS s2 I-.Ü The Aiiit-Ant*uliir Svileni ol Writtne.' t»KK.lT i:».-.!. 5 C' 3'_1V>. FROM I .-.l.v. K, SIX OOLLAKS. IM K BR1STOW, of LondoD, respect- [ajL fully in.ot ins the L.dies and Gentleiicti ot New- York »nt Brooklyn thai his i.!._>..». D.iy mi-i Evenin-j, httve cotnmencedjpr the season, and ihatjie ba. R_OUCcp b_s Nrms one half.to ais DoUarr. .«>: IDH.MV NO. -"J. UaOADWAV. NK/tt PARK. PLAClä. GeiiUenien 01 ««II aii».«. are p.Mti.ely uu_«ht m twelve les- - >:.. .i bold,frit ezpcthlioiu and Rnisín-d BuoineSi like style (»f Wrung, no matter bow bao, i__EC.it--_.ic, stiff ne cramped tlte nun}; may b*. See «pecimeusai the door, 235 Broad¬ way. AND TUB LADIES \ neal and ht«iid«ome, «lelicate and ia»hiona>.Ie running Hand IN TU'bLVE EASV LESSONi. O* VISITORS in New-York can take a course in three Days '...Mr. Ii. is to he seen Irom to 1 A. M , or from 4 to S P. M. Evpii ng Clab-cs from 7 to 9. BOOK-KEEPING Taught ou a superior method, by double and single entry -.itntincally and practically. r.(°. r'\j 5KK . 5^ 1 STENOGRAPHY. A niw sy.tcm of the art of Writing Short-hand, for taking down Lectures,Sermons, Trials at Law,4.c. kc. langhtp«»- ßclly by .Mr. Biiaiow, m one «.ourse olkíaom,! at 235 Broadway. See a specimen. N. It A work of the author II presented 10 every pupil ¡or ihcir perinaii« -ni ¡ru.l» r. ol8 M>V_tF liw 1 UUTION .On Tuesday. I8th ¡Datant, __U_L will ne »old, by Messrs. L. M. H«*>.'man k. Co., at auc- lion »at ID o'clock, al No. ifi. Pearl «.treet, an auortmnit ««f l'.irV.r ;ind Cooking Siove?. Also sever-d machine, for iii.ikii)_r tin ware, kc. __¦.<.__«i!72t )*. ÍTv~K. ColtiiB 4«. Co. PUIíLJC ADAIJNISTRATOR'S Sale. .On Wednesday, í)ct- 10, a larjje assortment of Fur- nitareof every"deicripiioo, i|pi_rt_ as niahogany Be»J«jteals, Cbuir«, Ttfl'h's, Bureaus, Bed» and Beddin«.*, Tabbt, ätoveas,.«ne Piano, Trunks, Chjihiiig, Solac, lyjokingglaasea, Carpeta, Rug*', loscher v-'uh every article ol furniture, new -in'! s»'cnnd h «nd. ol7:jf j 1 i-EIïTaR ~ÂMËlâCAN~"8TËEL ^ PENS, with burnished points.a new ami valuable mi prove mem, causing them to glideover the pap««r with all die ease and smoolhne»» of a qmll.manufactured by C. C. W ight k Co., and »old, wholesale and retail,*! No. 2D John »treet, near Nassau._2Í7 ^*'** '¦Ti'ÈK.NWOOl) CEMETERY, Office -__JT No. «10 Broadway..Thi» rural Omeffiy now rap* llv ¡mproviBy; person» wishifT«.* iriierni«*ntsin «ingle^rav«»» .:ai« be acc<jwimû*îiated by calling on ... N. BURRiLL, Su« -j-rintendenU of Intermenu antl L'oderlsker, No, obu P«-arl .t-r«» t". ric-tr Brim.««way._»28 lmi«.* ATCJIES lower than ever..In con¬ sequence of tlie reiluciion of iJ.nti«rs by ibe lale arifTihe subscri .er Ii «filing his stock of Gold and Silver Lever--, Anenor Escapemna., Lepine, and otter Watche« of new «and aplendid paiten-.«,, d J<-.vel_-yat retail »i a considerable reduction (ri.iii former prices, being mach io-*^r tbrtii they can lie bought for at nny other pine« in the city. Gnhl Watches as low as __0 to ¿23 each.. .vatcl.«-. and Jewelry exchanged or b-jOght. All wa'f hes ¿-arrari'-f-d to keep ii rod ttna-orthe money returned.. '¦'..¦¦:-. and Clocks repaired in the best ouuiner, aad war- rained, al much les. tban tbe usual prie«.«. G. C- ALLEN. IiT.DirU-rof Waiche« and Jewelcry, ol7is if Wholesale and retail. 30 Wall-sU, up .tarr*. TO LET.A two story brick Hou«w _wiüi tea room attached. In Bixcom-. street, near the .wery. Apply io Dr. ___: L. WHITE, 303 Broome-rt. olí 'iki_ tea TO LET VERY LOW..A plea- sant front room on die second floor, faraaijed or Util Place. urnished, with or without board. Apply al No. I* Fark. r* on» rt ¿B& TO LET.The upper part of the rwo story brick hmise Ne. 2SÖ ñalker .j^^gíSSa ryTto a smlll family, and Por¿T^Ar\(^lTRo^ery (this month. Appfv w If. k ». RAYNOR, 7. Bowery. ol8 3l TO T_ET_The first and second flto- ¦ . ,_7;n, nrivilee- in th«* under reliar, ol the beau- A " «".^ tv> tfÄiond attm. Th»* Mm story has rjffif^w "»^".¿£IZ It pavtuy room. Tbe ^comt OT?iP Ä Tliepariori arP£r_i*ed withmar- «ury .*1-*;^\eJ, rrat»-i.aii»lti:papartm»-nt'i are co.iventent bl?Ätfffl wút-in? a H* rent. Otivr bed- ^r.SÄe^'rd^'Tcanbebadwitb ibese apanruenu, ffi^lSSihe bouse or 21 MacdougaUu The S£«fcto be seen from 8 until 12 and from I to o'doeV. %18 It* n -tfHi

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  • Halen at tîs« «tock E-chaage, Oct. 1..IDCO N. f.li »-*..l.0¿,tip Long Island. 491¿îrjSîN.Y.«3s,laÇt.801)150^ do..4.1«j»0 Indian- Bonds.....21* 75 Stotiington R....b60d H*i «M do......bl0d21l! 25 do.b-Od 14SErmllüno-^JeTO.-Od J8ÍJ100 do. HJ.^mica fe^ch**-...115

    íECOKD BO.lRD.ftowles._

    »r-t-'.mcrci1».» and money Irlatler».JkjÓKDAY P. M.

    Th»*'sales were »sain very »mill. Long island fell ofl' }.For Harlem 16} uflered. 16} _skc,d ; Delaware 82} offered,83n«Jsed; Mohawk 33ofTt*re.f, 3-i ask*»d.

    . Id State stocks the transaction» were not large but at fullr»i_. Stan* Severas wer« wanted at 1 premium. The CitylE>ck books »re clc-crt and there i- lit-«- doing in ttiai de-»cripticaNotbin* Coir», in Foreign Exchange, and no change..

    ¡sterling 7 a 7j.Franc» "..35 a 5.3?J.Fuuds are a ¡ittie heavier to day. Alabama is petting

    -or-.-. It was .lifikolt to make safes late in the day al 15discount. All \v*-re btrllers and no buyers- It will be seenby acon:mu«icatioB on the outside »hat the writer Mispectithe Sute JBar.lt ot a plan, by the rapid appreciation of Ala¬bama tundí, and the payment of the interest on the bonds,.induce the Legislature to treat it mercifully at the coming.session.Tht Eugenia from Vera Crnt brought 431,oOO in »pecie-

    About $-0,000 has be»-n receir-d from Havre- By the Rus-tell (Jlover $20o.0ft0 goe* to-day to New-Orleans.The Meclianics and Traders Batik bas declared a tUrf;

    deudor three and ontf-alf per tent, payable on arid afterthe lit Nov. next.The City Baak has_ecl»red.a dividend of 4pc-r cent, pay¬

    ai*«, on and .¡1er the 1*1 Nov. n*»xi.The Union Bank ha« «*dso declared a dividend of four per

    cent, payable on an- after the 1st Nov. next.T!:e Bank of New-York four percent.Cm Saturday a new emi.ton of $100 épurions notes on ti e

    Greenwich Bank of tin» city, well calculated to deceive,1*

    vrai put i» circulation. The bill- are altered from somebroken bank, l.ttet A, pay to C. Vfi Lawrence, Tima W'hit-tt-ore, Cashier; J. ft. Salterie**, President.a; ¿la'-il- the Bank was checking on New-York at 22per

    cent. Specie was scarce and m demand for New-Orkans.gj»ty day bills at 17 a 1? per cent.

    CLÉ; -LAND, Oct. 10.1842.The Canal receipts since Saturday are 12,774 buthel-*

    Wheat, 6,448 bids Flour and 8S0 bushels Corn.Sali*-1 of Ufé he»t samples of. Wheat continue steady, al 65

    ct#. Aii the food .rarids of Fl-sur oiered are readily .¿en«?3 50. ,:

    October 11.The Canal receipts to-day are l£0n bushels Wheat, and

    3C9 bids Flour.Wheat is steady at 65c, and Hit* best brands of flat hoopCanal Flour cannot be bad under $3 56L »Sales having been

    nuile al that price to a c.t.iderable extent yesterday andW-ilay.Staimieut showing the expon» of Flour, Purk aud Wheat

    from ibe port til Cleveland, in vessels, during the weekteding Oc. 8,1842;

    Flour. Pork. Wheat.üjíitf d States Ports.24j5_ 16331,446CíHiHl*.,.....'¿¿Sí Sft1,723

    : oui.Tapir? i¿¡ ¿is,i6o»tïurk-tJï.Carefully reported for The Tribune.

    ASHES.There is rather a «luiet stale of the market and\ an atteuipt on the part of buyers to reduce ralea. Of Pot»j about 1«*) hbls liave beeu sold to-day at 5 62., but they can-¡L ),..; be sbW freely at that rate. Pe«uls are held at 6 00, andfêk c-_uiá)bf»Ijliavi; buen taken rit that price. At this priceylij'y are plenty and cannot find many buyers. The receipt»

    2;2_teulv'î" k^**"" **>c*k d-.-icHptioii? and the bills out to-dayt nmjh^i'ue market is still more depressed than on Sat-ütky witlTO moderate demand from Eastern buyers, wlio.»'epato a -til* further decline. The large quantity herem-M, afloat and on.-the dock-, estimated al upwards of 3 ',-*Î5 bbîi, í"*_ a bad et.eet on «he marke', brt some of theluge receiver»* and owners ate making an atiempl to stemthe downward feeling and may succeed in preventing anyfir« rate-. We cousider the market at least 6¿c worseth-n on Saturday. Gent-see has sold at 4 37J 4 31} a 4 25,if», v»r heard ot « lot ot «lOUhbls sold at 4 184. hut this wasooobliess t-uber imitation Oebesée or in very _ad order..We quote Gene.-ec at 4 25 a 4 31}, with litllc in fair orderit the lower price. Flat Ohio and Michigan 4 -5 a 1 31}.abrand rntber better than common «old at the higher rate.We i-otice a snle of 1500 bbls, mostly Michigan commonbraids it i 25. Round Ohio is 4 18} a 4 25, with demand fo-ebipmer.-.. A parcel of 500 bbls, a well known fancy brand,»*t"Mfor Brtt-li Provinces at 4 371. Troy i* ofTered at 4 25bete ¿ti\ 6) arrive, but río buyers'. À principal receiver is____! át 4öb. The demand far Southern, especiallyßwrgetownlsspmcwhat iucre-sed, and on Saturday andtoday íonie250ü bbls have been sold nt . 62¿.old 500. Thebat taieol Brandywine was on Friday, 700 bbls at 4 87";,Vine tin-ictemt. Sale« 300 bbls- Kiciiuiond City at 5 75.U'-hnwriil Co-niry 4 $>± a 4 50, Alexandria 450 a 4 62J. ForNcv-YwfcM-S.25 is offered without sa!f6. Ttye Flourcoil/DiKiindemand and scarce. Sales 15« btil-i North Iti*-tratSSlh Alcal is dull and wr hear of no sales. Jersey2 75 _ f Ff,, Brandywine 3 00.hlids 13 25 cash and 13 75, 4

    ¡raontl.-. Buckwheat Flour 2 76 a 2 87$, with retail sales.tíJtAIN.By arrivals from New-Orleans the market is

    .«llsupplied with Wheat. The demand is fair from ship¬per«, bm the lew samples which have yet been offered have30t'wtbelieve been sold. The quantity arrived is not farfrctal2,Ot>0 !,_!)«.!«.. For some part of it ÍK) cents has beencîtid for shipment; We notice a salo of 300 bushel» goodtrtaefcent >'Dc. Rye is*>ery scarce with a good demand..f?i?es 15Ö1? builielä at 6-c, uHicb leaves the market againMrt. Souliicrn Coin is again very plenty, some tenwgw having been received. The ilemand, exceptingftp di-tilleri, is small. SVc notice sales5!H)D bushels Mary«!«.riKW do Nortberu and .4000 tlo Ohio, all at 53c weightÍK._üUisg; '_!'.() inf'crion*Maryland at 43\, and 1300 fair do&}, both rcpastire for the Bast »tersey \t ofTered without».-«.(No good Barley on the market. Oats are withoutt.tet'al change.supply ample. We quot« River nnd Ca¬nal at .i a 27 with sales 4000 bushels at -6}c. We notice saleslOOObmhels Virginia at 2*c. Another cargu is offered.IIW-Tbc supply is larger and the price has declined to

    ¿-a55c lV bundle. Loose is also in good snpply and i>wl.r»ató6.ath District, Charles Suiton,StepbenKane,-; liih Dist. Robert Peterson,Tltoiu.i« H. Brown, Ajah B. Palmer.Tenth Ward..lsl District, J. II. Hobart Hows. Richani

    Scott. Jobllaskéll; 2d Dim. William Tiu.-low, Isaac 1-1Mi-ad, William Goldcr ; 3d Dist. Joseph Weed, ThomasHunt, Joseph lsaats; *4lh DisL Richard C. Overtan, W.u.Joues,-; öih DisU S. Haisied, Stephen C. Barton, Edward Diuunu -i.d.Eleventh Ward..1st Öixtrict. Jo>cph Abbott, Isaac N.

    Merrill, D. B. Fùwler; ïd DisL Samuel Wehster, Charle.«Perley, Robert McGary; 3«l Dist. Allen Canier«.»*«, JosephU.Thome, David Johnscu ; 4th Di«t. Jelin _____ Elliott, I.u«-sell Loring, James H. leers.Twelfth Ward..1st District, William F. Dana, William

    A. Dooley. Wilüaiu E. Hankins ; __d Di>U Henry S. Mtelis,Charle« S. Miller, Andrew McGowan.Thirteenth Ward..1st District, Daniel Wells, John Colby,

    JahuN. C. Briggs; 2d DisE Allred Vf. While, Jas. Mack-eral.Lewt- Witbington; 3d Dist. David Tappen, Ricba.roCornwalL Ira U. Clark ; 4lb Dist. Reuben E. Moss, Obadial.Newcvmbjr., Samuel D. Walters.Fourteenth Ward..lsl District, Samuel Weeks, WiUiau.

    M. Wilmartb, sen., J. Updike ; 2d District, Joba Sneckcer,Martin Bcneukt, Michael Gaffbey : 3d District, Pbihp W.EugM, Isaac (>- Barker, Enoch Dean ; 4th Diet-Wood¬ward, Wiq. P. Dbsoway, Thomas Dolan; 5tb Dist. John 5Giles, Joseph Brewster, Andrew Surry.

    Fit\t_enth Ward.-lst DaL HeurySwonis, W«_j. T\-«onJohn E. Boss: 2d DlsL Joitah Howe, Harvey A. Weed, AR. Walsh; Sd Dist James Hug^ius, Ambrose C. KingslaadAugustus Schell ; 4tbDi>t. Aha Spear, G. W. Blunt, D. LM. Peixotto.

    Sixteenth Ward.1st Dislricl. J. W. Strong, James Nicoll2d DlstAVnuC. CoebranMR, Chas. Turuer, Theodore NitasJohn aio.t. 3rd Dlsuict, John Newhou-e, W.LoofborousbTheodore Mariiui. 50» Dbirici, Benjamin Potter, SaaiueSturges, Varían Veo». 5ih Districi, James Stokes, Isaac EWoolley, Cbarics De Witt.

    .5ev*7ttte.n.!i WRrd-lst District, U«nry T. Uay^i «Ro*2*1"

    BaB.___aiMBn MiMfM im\ mi jfer__a__f_r_frïtÉff-VT,»jcH. Shannon, W_. w. Conneil. id District, Ptler T. Chab-rlain. Charle.- î*ach. George Et P.o¿- *?rd Dm.*'Wiüiirn H. Mackcrail. Edward Y. Prune, George PJrsger. «Rb _i»_icr, Lewis Hunier, Nathan B. Graham, JB. Hai-ted. 5tb District. Daniel H. Bnrneu. SamuelJackson, S. S. Wandel!.Thejoint meeting then adjourned.The Board al»o d'journed, to Monday next, S o'clock.Board of Supervisors..The Mayor.

    Chairman oi a Spccia» 0*»rnnnt!-*e; to which was -e.errth» subject oi raising ¿lO 000 in the Tenth T.'ard for 5 «cUtKir_e In the Ward, rrrjoneti tint it was n__ecc.-1:7 tosess the rax. stiitiriei_l funds b» inï already provide ;.The sul-je*:: of rsi«-.!.*l 100,000 by tax ib.- e_pen»e-

    ihe cr'.v tor Hie RKBmg v-a:-, was taien up a_i deba«The Mayor offered an ainendr".*;*n to the report, «Tr.-kiiout ail a .«er die resolution 10 raise the amonnL _Anjourned to Wedne* ¡ay.Circuit Cuurt.Betöre Judge K*?nt..Pecki

    Sayre v». Str>rr». This »'a- an action to r'-eover ¡ISOC, (;ready alluded to,) hut which is contended on the partdefendant »". have been psi»!. The jury coe.]- not agrt

    ' and wfrè dii.L'ärjed.SüfERioR Cocri.Before -i loi! ench..D.'

    istoss..John Kedmond v?. Michael Lc.»ler.Jutigenieiin the Court below reversed.Phiiip Kearney *». Collin "»rVpard.Judgement for V.

    plaintiff.Allison Post vs. wiliiam Logan--Judgement 1er plamtifOliver D. F. Grant vs. Ben. Graiam; et al.Motion fi

    if new trial demed.Before Chief Juitkc Jone.-.

    Sarah B Wade tí Henry Cotbtr.l, et a!.On a claim iivolvióg points eflaw. Verdict far plaintirT ?5,lri 5', ;_'.

    i ject to tlie opinion of ihe Court, _¦*.John Noble, receiver of the N. Y. Northern Fire tas. C'| vs. Edward C. Haliiday, adm'r, fca.Action to recover ib.»rpount of .i ciaiT». Verdict for plainnfTJ-XOuori.Vl'.L Chancellor 3 Co.r.T..- .DjBC_StOíí.--

    Pinlip F. Fr.Tnsch**=ehe vs. Loui** Marino. In 1S55 the cotiplainant obtained a writ of ne exeat against the def.ndania native oi Italy) who - -j ne*'.Olid, di.-i.il-" to pay into Court the coilaiera! left witiheni by Marino, The Omri held that h did not possess tîï|i-ji'*i to compel H. and to. 10do e.lher, they being tnerel.sureties tor ihtrappearance of Marino. The cr mplaioanihowever, ¡¡i-ty ptoc-ed in an action al law to compel put Myers cut. and as he w-_ ¡,oing oui «eizeihim, as be »:at»--.!, and choked and draggled him out. Fo!etv-n--e, CapL Van Blarcom deposed that he ordered MrLefTerts to put Myerj our, but did not order the defendant-pecially todo ¿j. Il "¿vas also proved that the. Captain ordered Mycr» out, -nd that be did hot gn, when the Captaitirtler. d him to be put cut. The Jury found the defendantNot Guilty.Trial for Burglary.--Andrew McOucken tvas triei

    i-ir burglary in the third degree, in breaking into ihe st-bjfnTJohn If. Ooper, ,j». of No. 101 Third Avenue, on Ihiingul of the23d of September, arid «lealing btidle. he-.'covers, iic, worth S9. The properly was focEml in po_e*a..oii ofthe pri.tier by officer Tompkins, as also a coldchiseor tci.ci'!.- the lock ol ihe btable, anactionof cJierbusine'.sthe Court adjourned10 Til. 3tf.iv.

    I'ulice ÜFFlCh*.. SHOPI.I^T^»^G..Two coloredwomen, named Ann Finney and Mary Skinner,, were arre-led by officers J.S. Smith and liilliker for -teahngbfyards of »ilk, woith .-J45, frOBQ the »tore of Mesgr?. N. S. Donnelly Co. »\'o. 287 Grand-street. Pan.» of" ihe propeil;,were found on each of Ihe accused, and they were conimilled to answer.Bi'RGL.Mtv am. Arson..James Hughe:-, the «voun*; mat

    who ^¡is nrr--.»ied and committed for bre_1t:ng into the coaioffice of J. Skidmore, 237 East Broadway, .»a.» again complained of to-day lur having al»1«, .«n Saturday night la»ibroken into the coal office ol Mr.JobnJ. Gantz, No.291!Es:t Rroadway, with intent to sie-1, and after rummagingtbe detk, _c nioging the papers on the floor and setunt:th» ni on tire with Intent to bun. tüe buildinc, bat tüey hap-oily wem out. Some keys of the office were found uponhini and he was committed to an.-wci".Oroner's 0fi-*ic_..Death fro.-« Drowsing.

    The Coroner held an inquest un the body oi James Marshal!..»;ed 50, ttho was drowned on Sunday by being ktwekedoverboard from a sloop in the Bay.The Coroner ai»o held an inque.«t it No. 11 Walnut -ir*c t

    on the body ol Charles 11: ory _li t»e, agod 2 mouihs, whowas found dead by the side of his mother in be'1, barmr-been accidentally sufTecated.

    J-'-Cnrpt'tiHgit, _>rtii{g-în, t5cc..Ju»t received»»id ready tor sale, an Invoice ofBrnssels, Koya! Wilton andVelvet Carpct'iiîs.ofihe Hiost gorgeous description, excel¬ling nny ihmg oflhe kin I i \er before imported.

    Al.»o «in invoice ol FRENCH DKUGGETS, an eutirelynew article. LEOPARD and GIRAFFE patterns. Alsoaninvoiceef ENGLISH DRUGGETS, from 15 incht.» tu .'yards wide, new patterns an- f»e.mtiful colors.togetherwith an extensive »«sortni.'ni of INGRAIN, VENETIAN.THREE-PLi' and PATENT CARPET1NGS, RIKiS »IIhe mo-t .-"plcndtd description, Door-nir.ts, Table and PianoCovers, and all necessary articles connecter! with the CAR¬PETING business. N. B..Prices to suit the times.ouimotto is, l*rgc sales at a small profit.

    Ç. W. SMITH k CU.MI-ANV. 251 Bioadwav,ol5 f-tOpposite Uic Cnv Hal!.mmamm-

    Fj' 4-nr|»clin*5*»! Cnrpctius;-»! Carpi'*in.***.< !Cheaper Iban ever!.All those who ^¡e in want ol Carpet»itiir«. notice the foUowing:All wc"i Iri'TrKiii Carpeting, »-ily ö.» v"\ y-trd.

    t ttr.' " " 4»' '.

    " fuper " " 4« 6d ,;" extra »tip " '* 5s "" doable " " 5s 6d "

    Three-ply-, superior r»attera and colors, 8s.do.1'do do extra qu-tlii;*.- 10s.

    En^li»!» Bru»*-el». .-xiih, 10gRoyal Wilton nrA Velvet. Carpeting, equally low.Together with a lari»»l»"ict will attend ll.e artjounsed meeting onVVednv»day evening next, 19th in»i., at7 o'clock, at Consii-ution Hall, Broad war.olö 2t GEORG E W. STURGES, Secretary.XT Democratic Clay of lise Sercn-h

    Wartl.-A meeting ol this Clnb will beheld at ihe Frank.Liu Hotel, corner of Cherry and Rutgets-strceis, un i'u_d«iyrveiling, Oct. 13, 134-, at 7 o'clock. Friends of He'.'RYClay are invited to attend and become members.

    CONRAD SWEET, PresldeiiL

    Jc:¿:Sr,}i?cwtatíc^oíanFT Exempt FirciMcn..At a ineelicg o! Exempt

    Firemen held -it Mcntroe Hall, corner of Pearl and Centrestreets, on 13th October, 18-12 it was unanimously resolvedibat the meeting organize under the name of "' The Ex¬empt Firemen's Assor. iat'on," and thatI'ZZIAH WENMAN. Esq. be President.

    JAMES GULICK, Esq. l,t Vice President.JOHN R1KER, Jr., Esq.2d Vi:e Présidée.-NIEL GRAY, Secretary.

    The Association will muet at the above place on Wednes¬day evening, the 19th inst.. at 8 o'clock, and the exempt fire¬men generally _re invited to attend. ol8 2t*FT V. S. Monthly Beriew-POLITICAL AND

    LITERARV... aew.Whig MoaiLly Magarine, under Vreabove litte. !i« been publiahet! by Messrs. Foster, Hough kWoodwaRl,2ir7Jtfroadway. Tbe first number has a beauti¬ful Engraving ol the birth-place of Henry Clay. Sch^criF-lion price $5 W per year. Single copies »0 cents. 0â pagesoctavo.AGENTS wanted ns above. ol8 ll*

    ITTraiupni-ent Iiuiiun Windoír -hade«!OLIVER \V. WoODFORD. C6 Ca-hanne-street, is receiv¬ing (according to previ, us arrangements) ahnost every kindof Transparent W Indow Slmdes, v. hich he will sell 50 percent, lower than ihe spring prices. Strangers in the citydesirous of purchasing any kmd of window blinds by caliingat the above number will find every style ot winti.w-hadr», painted lo lan.tscape, moonlight Views, scroll orGothic 5tyle.N. 8- About 50 nairs Dark Lantl?caDef, 10 fephine Havrr. mta Cilherine Ralph. Mrs«Elizabeth Wbrft. «,...y, rk .j^ F[.x Payr]C Ea.tports Cat.-'J:.e Gilbert. Mr Robert l.i.wh.t, Quincv. Id; M's E.i_.


    .-U-"I_Vr _."____. ¿LílA'.'.tC .THIS CAÏ

    .?;_ =HÍ" ' ff*«? MOOS iKCU, __i.Atoses 6 3a Seta 5 26¡R>seí 5 2S ; Even. Il 26 Mor._3 il

    Latest Dites.bOKVQT. .Sept W.IB_T*t.Sept 17Lit«f, .«-pot .i"-**;«.. "i ¡.\-»-w-.eo_ _...._..Oct, B

    '.¦--¿=~~ .:

    CLEAE-Efl.'-.iprNi'e. Kinneyi New-Orh-ati«. F G Tear .-ten _¿ Co

    Edwwa,W«Ä-t,ffeTr-01«ms, E D Huribirt it Co; Me dora.Lu ¡it, Savannah, F. Bartlett. Europe, Mobile.Brigs Tboosa, Lamson, Boicon, E Itichar-.-or. L Co Di-mon,Robinson, Cbarieiton, D»_tn!_ani k Dimon -'*_->r, (Si)

    Trifiletl«:. Naples, L Palmierii-.br«- VVeymoutb, Ccu'.h. Richmond, Allen i. Pa.._on,

    Marraton, Smith, Mobile; Brandy .in-. Elberidge, Ply.mouth an-l '.Vn.-'.-. .**-' d . Sophia, BalL Guadaloupe, RM Graw-

    tsartec.U S steamship, Poinsett, from Norfolk.Packet ship l'-nduk ilud-on. Morgan, from London and

    Pt3rt_.ai.utb. 14th Sept, mdz-, to J Gri.-wold.Br bark Enipres«. icott, 13 da's from Turks island, ICH-

    .JUS a't. t'» J Biaine.Bnik H m Ladd, Wyman, B days fr"m *. .vaimab, cottr.n.

    to Ncsmiiii k Leeds.Kn;: lie.i..«t. Perry. 24 dav« bom .Vincent, in ballast, tc

    Mlddleton &Co.Brig Selma, Pray, 21 days from Hi Croz, with mahogany,

    to iinsier.Sehr Pacific, Smith, fr»mi Ba>*,-.ci7a. tobacco and coffee,

    in Aymar k Co.Scbr roilt^-inr. Frosl, »ley«- frnm Monffr1 B_ty. Jamaica,

    with j intento to order.Scbr My «tic. Virginia, wth wood.Sehr Protector. Virginia, with woodSehr Pilot,Ho_andtL*o_fe., with pla-ter b"uml to Fhda-derphia.Sehr Lexington; Bç^ton, md:e.O Thtr âouthera Literary ITiessttsg.r for

    Otlober contain, an hitertâtin^ artid«. or. the " Liberti*-.«ui lb-- Paiple in Europe:" Love Sketche-; Modern Ideasronet-min:.: Education. ProteSiors, i'opt's Doctrines. it_..llat'c-. and paradoxes, Latin and Greek, Science, Liu-ra-luic-, I!o.v* tocrj:.1! with ''uoUitiouá, Steam, How to carry aFci.-ir. i.e.; Florence Courtiacd] Medical Siatiatic» of Vir¬ginia: Lifeot P. Corneillt: The Way of the World, howone in u'.üfyriune is consoled, lau_*b atobe'idiitress, puttingpadlock, to (me'., I'pa end pockcb. ibe way of th«* world ahard way, its coune with the lover ihe politician and poet.Sei NES and Advkntures in THE Afcmy, by a Captain;FTi'story «f theKiiigbU of Malta; Old Laws of Virgirda;-Voltees of New Works; Eleven original peces of Poetry.TT Th«: above valuable and popular pet todical may he

    bad at the oi.ce ofthe Tribune. Trice per number, ."¡fl cts.Bac*-, numbers can be supplied.

    GRKLLfcY k McELRATH,ol2 Stav*2fl* loo Na_M_u.str.et.[Cr tLíour-iurí'.*« JLaU de Beaalc, (or.thorouphly

    cztertnináling tan, pi'iiple.-. tiecklt-s, saUowness,and ail cu-?9t>t.'!iu:. cruptlóns. This beautiful co.ütclic. is ti«» weilknow ii ''j : rt.il another word. The genuine i« lo be bad ¡utin «-ruina! offi.e,. S'* Walkei-»tret, t, one i!«x»r frewn Broad¬way. $1 per Ifittie. ^_______ olS.loiis

    MARUIKD:At Bath, Mr.. on the 10th inst, M. Frederick GoodîTcb,

    ot tiiefirm >i'F. St F. Geôdricb, New Yc-rfc, to Miss .*«lary.cttu«;t-.ltr of J. M. Motxly, Es-.tant, by Rev. J. M. Forhe., N

    Mirrrin BfiCfewith to Fanny M. daughter of the late Jdtne.-G. ForbesOn Ihe ÍSth inst at th«« reírdence of J. Williams, Virginia,

    bv Rev. Mr. Hoff, W. Brenton Boo-_rs. of New-Brun-wick,N. J. io Elleu Wi_Ji_riii? Cárter, daughter of Chas. L. Carter,of Ki.içeville, Va.On :lit5'c.-d a ci.an_t* in the peri_rrr*nc*\ bavin«» ¿fleet«engageafeats «/»>._» tfcerollot-tog v.-ei- lt_ err prr»rineri3Ir. Col.t.-«.», v&t*_ the American Masecunj t-t iti_»u it_-mired r__ic .«i.-ige- ...,:.->.>*.-. r». VTricht, _- ^¡ei-iairdiJiseiio mriodist. «hose pecd*;*"T vocal powers, combined-¦ t!i b > great height of person, and the eft-ect protlaobis appearing a female attire, have «.¦baux.! ¡or. bun ihcognomenol ibe Ameri-.i Gmntess The Manager hs.alio engaged Mr. Muxi:r, in- wc-n.icri'al Du an and Phe¬nomenon of Nature, in» height being oaly thirty six lad es.Nature In her wildest Gréait- never ; ( Tort rn KÍuc*d .-> »\tnocditnuy a crea'ure. Mr. Dela au in hi.» imitation*, olKea.i, I«...._i_, i¿... Mia Ro_uc the charming vocali-«,ia her most popular songs, and Ma>t » ¦.-¦¦. tr»e exuaor-dinary NVire volante Dancer.Turn- -a -1. be a.i a-ierno-j« periyrmaiice oo'-Wi-dnestlay

    and S itu \. .v. j Perforoinsces io commence .. ibe 1.-1.ture Ruom nt haft .»..». 7 o'cloch. Admusiou 10 tlifi "-'turn. Picture Gai.'tiy and Ent«-riaiumeni».ir.. undo\ the subscriber, Jying.directly on the banks of the Hud-.un. are eligible and ainpir tu »ucli piitpce», being laidmi with inste r/hdjudgement, afibhllng much henltli.ul e--ercisesm ti;e uumeruiJs promenades which intersect his¦>t\ ml»'.' -.Term«- §250 per annum, or $123 per.teira of Lwcnty-txvo

    weeks, Including Board, Lodging. Washingj b'ví andLigbls. Pupils finding iheii tiwn b- d». hcdding and bosks,or the same will le furnished at a moderate charge.

    FREEBORN GARRET'l SON,li'iiiief.,«-!«,, Dutcl.»*»sCounty.

    Ri.i- errxyC-sRev. Dr. Noll. K'-v Pro: Potter,Onion College.ft.:-.. Dr. Oliii an»l Faculty, Wettli >.m UniviRev. Dr. Waters, Franklin, Maryland.Rev. Dr. Bnngs, Mr. Ffaucis Hall, Mr. George Buckley,

    PTew-York.Re v. t». Creagfi. t'ed ttook. Columbm County!Ite«.'I. Bircb,Rirmeheck,.DuicliftssCoaiity. oír !.-

    > XOWÑ ETS is to be found at No. 443Pearf-street, N. Y. Country and Citv Mercharts iutsputnor. ¡iu-ral terms. ALEXANDER SAMSON,

    , Imponer and whoie&al* deaier in t_or*-t-*r,oi8 Im4'40| PearUU-eet, N. Y



    AUCTION SAL r>Jouai. Kl«__5s__«___. Aacuixw-r.

    n Y BANG*. RlCI_A_ftDS'& FI,VLJ .JtJfi S'.»rr 198 Br_*__-«r«..

    Liberal cats note-****«*, made on c.a»_4p!B*c,, ^ ^.o. tWEDNESDAY El'ff*_*«¦$. Oct. 1*

    At 6 o'clock.

    a. .: ( lacvical Book^_«_-__«-s. Cbüdren.' B «ok.*. «No«e_H___c». i lî.--*v __oi_t_H__t cf S.a.._»».«. SOU Juvenile««, íncludin«» the papularp_ii>i'eaiicn»f ot Mcnroe .nd Kranet.«. IAO Bibfes, familv,c-uich and p«*^*, vanous btndmgs; _00T'.2.Emmersoa'.Inir_M.uct_on; 5Pin-n -.k -» Ratue, ä Boyex. and Aiosw-xth's Latin D:.n ..J y, kc.

    Al .«. * large ajwj'tfnent of Stationery, including a great. f.et-, >-.' »reel Pciii, Svaling Was. Drawing Pencils, Ink*'.-..'...:.£,. '»V.-.fei.«, Lt-.-.-.r Pa,«_r, Lc.>Y 3_ l> KAPER. Jr.».Stow _*4-*W.Î-Jf ! *. .'_: t v _. if-nier new .-t> I" 61 London 0.».-ieier**. i¡j«t imported.Uso, 2 cases (Tira imperial wool dyed black cloth .X«

    >r the city trade.« so es superlative wool '.«!.»-.k. -vfra fine,former.

    b ii.t taUort,Also* 1 ca«e.« «Vc-iol E.«¡..«_xi estra wide blue cloth.Also, I ntli«, ¡or apprj"-e«l endorse«. noi«¿>..00 p» .«..perWe»i t>t K;i_-I 'ii-1 Cloins and CivitiiPre« fust imported.

    Al-.t, ho pi«*«Ts We«t ol En-,*lûiid, Loitdrt» ami Frencht.'.t .-i merci.

    K. M. Hiker. AucUOueitr.

    BY it. M. JîAKEK.Store L49 I* «hoostreet THIS DAY.Foi .. .L«l), !.> lots to -uit purchasei«-, ?. quantity sf Dry

    ind F.-->icy Gooils, Hardware. Gun«, Pcckit Cu'.!««r>'. Ger-mau Silverware-, ic. Sale cooitiv«.

    Í>\ ALBA K1MKALL.Office No. IJ» Brand, c »mer «,>. Wall -.treetA, K. « ill ¿live hi-, attention to Ihe »ale of Real Estait,

    :.-..- U -, Furniture and Out-Dooi Sai«> generally.W EDNESDAY.Oct. 19.

    At I- o'clock, at the Merchants' Eachanfje.Chancery Sa)e.-Under the directiono( R. C. Wheeler,

    E q.. Master in '"hancery. A Intof irtound on the Souherly.de of l hird-«ireet, known and distimrtiished an a map «ifpart of the land betoogipg lu Samuel Ficket.m the EleventhWard.rriade by T. R. Ladlam.Cfty Surveyor,in July, 182b,by the number 8.See Hdveili-icmeut in Ihe Americen, si.ned K. C. Wbeel-

    iSr, Maiter in I banca-ry.THlTRSDAY. OcL 20.At 12 o'clock, at the Merchant*' _"_chan.e.

    Gre¿my VJ Duseubary. Cliauccry Sale.I'ndci ihe di-.: of Pblld T. RußgieS, E.«q., Ma.ter in Chancery.Alotof ::rtiuni!, with the bnihtinjj-. thereon, situated on th«*.'.. -i.-tly »ill«: of lim Bloom i ng*_i__e Road, between Forty«v-vftnh and Forty-eigbih- treet»S'- a-lveriisemeiit ih tin-Journal »«f Commerce, «jigned

    PiuloT. Ru_:_,les, Maater in Cbaocaryi.ËIUDAY, Ocl. 21.

    At !2oV.««-k, :il '.lie MiTihnnts' Excliange.Chancery Had -Cmler the direction of Dhví«* Codwlse,

    Esq.. «Matter m Chaocer_.-i All of that ««.rt.nn lot til «¿tound'.i'li the bulldii _çî ti ereón, known as Pío. 123 Pearl-street--:the lot is 21 bv 75See advcriJseroent in Ibe Journal «I Commerce, finned

    David Cod Wise, Master in Chancery.AT PRIVATE NALF.

    Th« tbt»f 'itory dwelllnf. house N««. 12 Duane-rt.Also, a large S story bouse in St. Hark., place, with a

    »table.Stock -r>0 shares Proaaeala Land Company Stock.A beauuful Farm ol al out,60 e«..rea, wiih (¿ood building«

    near Pouijhkecpsie.On of the tno*t d«¡sirable Tews in tbe middle aisle of St.

    l_.nli..|..iii/,. Church. l-«ajjr^eit«i*place._ïTnkw .-vTriTcür for. Iäüies't\. OfîES__"E8:.Just iccelved per Bnti>h Queen,ohíí.:.« e roper (.'.«.«Inner- Dre.****«!. (.Hawl P.TTKaNS) wlilchivillbe.opened This Möminp, at 11. BROWN'S; No;62.. >.\ . i.-.-« r.

    _ _


    0 UK.TOUT9. UiiOAKS, «fee, ïn a val-JÍ net y ot st; I« «, rendy made at the Establishment, loi_«arme'ii» ot iht fir«t quality. No. 223Broadway, AmericanUotrL_WM. T. JENNINGS s2 I-.Ü

    The Aiiit-Ant*uliir Svileni ol Writtne.'t»KK.lT i:».-.!. 5 C' 3'_1V>.FROM I .-.l.v. K, SIX OOLLAKS.

    IM K BR1STOW, of LondoD, respect-[ajL fully in.ot ins the L.dies and Gentleiicti ot New-York »nt Brooklyn thai his i.!._>..». D.iy mi-i Evenin-j, httvecotnmencedjpr the season, and ihatjie ba. R_OUCcp b_s Nrmsone half.to ais DoUarr.

    .«>: IDH.MV NO. -"J. UaOADWAV. NK/tt PARK. PLAClä.GeiiUenien 01 ««II aii».«. are p.Mti.ely uu_«ht m twelve les-

    - >:.. .i bold,frit ezpcthlioiu and Rnisín-d BuoineSi like style(»f Wrung, no matter bow bao, i__EC.it--_.ic, stiff ne crampedtlte v» nun}; may b*. See «pecimeusai the door, 235 Broad¬way.

    AND TUB LADIES\ neal and ht«iid«ome, «lelicate and ia»hiona>.Ie runningHand

    IN TU'bLVE EASV LESSONi.O* VISITORS in New-York can take a course in three

    Days '...Mr. Ii. is to he seen Irom to 1 A. M , or from 4 to SP. M.Evpii ng Clab-cs from 7 to 9.BOOK-KEEPINGTaught ou a superior method, by double and single entry

    -.itntincally and practically.

    r.(°. r'\j 5KK. 5^ 1STENOGRAPHY.A niw sy.tcm of the art of Writing Short-hand, for taking

    down Lectures,Sermons, Trials at Law,4.c. kc. langhtp«»-ßclly by .Mr. Biiaiow, m one «.ourse olkíaom,! at 235Broadway. See a specimen.N. It A work of the author II presented 10 every pupil

    ¡or ihcir perinaii«-ni ¡ru.l» r. ol8 M>V_tF liw

    1 UUTION .On Tuesday. I8th ¡Datant,__U_L will ne »old, by Messrs. L. M. H«*>.'man k. Co., at auc-lion »at ID o'clock, al No. ifi. Pearl «.treet, an auortmnit ««fl'.irV.r ;ind Cooking Siove?. Also sever-d machine, foriii.ikii)_r tin ware, kc. __¦. tfÄiond attm. Th»* Mm story hasrjffif^w "»^".¿£IZ It pavtuy room. Tbe ^comtOT?iP Ä Tliepariori arP£r_i*ed withmar-«ury .*1-*;^\eJ, rrat»-i.aii»lti:papartm»-nt'i are co.ivententbl?Ätfffl wút-in? a H* rent. Otivr bed-^r.SÄe^'rd^'Tcanbebadwitb ibese apanruenu,ffi^lSSihe bouse or 21 MacdougaUu TheS£«fcto be seen from 8 until 12 and from I to o'doeV.%18 It* n -tfHi