word. [12:26] ... i'll think about it [12:36] and now i actually got a failure on...

Download Word. [12:26] ... I'll think about it [12:36] and now i actually got a failure on starting x === alexandre_mg [n ... ctrl+alt+f1 doesn't work

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[12:01] eternaljoy: to remove kde stuff remoce libqt3-mt[12:01] jonw: yes if the version is that high[12:01] jonw: its made for the feisty version of libc6=== Alarm [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu=== enzo [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu[12:01] hello, i installed wine and not i tried the wine-config-sidenet-1.9.2-test2.tgz . but it doesnt create any shortcut in my kubuntu menu, in the console i get the error reating shortcut: Start -> Programs -> Accesories -> Notepad. err:menubuilder:InvokeShellLinker failed to fork and exec wineshelllink[12:01] and I cant apt-get rebuild it somehow I suppose ?=== phasegen [[email protected]] has left #ubuntu [] === cheeseboy16 [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu=== hajiki [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu=== jenda [n=jenda@ubuntu/member/jenda] has joined #ubuntu=== robbie_crash [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu=== Pie-rate [[email protected]] has left #ubuntu [] [12:02] jonw: no you would have to repackage it and change the depends. but it isnt in feisty that i can tell[12:02] anyone reason why ubuntu wont let me change my background?[12:03] anymore..=== Thug-N-Me [[email protected]] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [12:03] shame, well thank you for your help all=== albe [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu[12:03] man, apt is such an old thing. Why haven't they made it branch a thread to install packages as soon as they're downloaded, while it's still downloading more?[12:03] hi all=== tj_ [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu[12:03] !info teamspeak-client edgy=== scaaa [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu=== Aenor [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu[12:04] Package teamspeak-client does not exist in edgy[12:04] is there a way to stop apci at bootup?[12:04] this is a desktop computer=== Wicks [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu[12:04] does anyone have experience with keyboard wireless 6000 v2 ??=== Zaehlas [[email protected]] has left #ubuntu [] === johnficca [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu=== axisys [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu[12:04] So after completely removing sun-java 1.4 and installing 1.5 my JVM won't start., any ideas why?=== Qew [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu=== Owdgit [[email protected]] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"] === crisp [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu[12:04] is anyone here using a laptop with an ATI radeon mobility x1300 graphics chip?=== crisp [[email protected]] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [12:05] it's listed in update-alternatives --config java[12:05] robbie_crash: dont remover java that came installed[12:05] remove*[12:05] but trying to run java --version it states it cannot start the jvm[12:05] I didn't, gij is still installed, it's just sun java[12:05] Well, I'm a little confused.. I'm trying to copy my sources.lst, but apparently /etc/apt/sources.lst doesn't exist?[12:05] dose anyone know how to run frozen bubble in fullscreen without getting a monitor error[12:05] robbie_crash: sudo update-alternatives --config java[12:05] ?[12:06] robbie_crash: than choose the version you want it to use[12:06] hey i installed KDE las night and uninstalled it a while ago, but apparently my ubuntu usplash is gone, how do i get it back???[12:06] I'm booted from the 6.10 Edgy CD[12:06] gnomefreak yeah, gij is in there as is sun java, but gij won't run azureus properly[12:06] anyone reason why ubuntu wont let me change my background?[12:06] can anyone help me quickly with networking with windows?[12:06] robbie_crash: run the command i gave you=== andre [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu[12:06] I have[12:07] I want to run sun java[12:07] can anyone tell me how to give rights to my harddisk? formatted to ext3 fs[12:07] it's selected as default[12:07] dhorn: Setting up networking in Windows, or networking an Ubuntu box to a Windows network?[12:07] robbie_crash: than its not installed properly remove it and reinstall it[12:07] I've done that three times[12:07] is there a frozen bubble config file somewhere[12:07] _Tom_: networking an Ubuntu box to a windows network[12:07] Heh, sorry, won't be much help :(=== gottatrieit [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu=== dizzy [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu[12:07] charles, there should be something about disabling ACPI at one of these links - .... adious [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu[12:08] robbie_crash: removing 1.4 most likely removed something you need since it was working before hand[12:08] um.. my desktop is missing[12:08] help[12:08] _Tom_: haha, okay, if you know the answer, I'm just trying to enter my username when it is authenticating me but it won't accept it, is there something special I need to do?[12:08] cheeseboy16, explain=== jenda [n=jenda@ubuntu/member/jenda] has joined #ubuntu[12:08] _Tom_: I'm entering my username in Ubuntu...[12:08] background and all icons are gone[12:08] hey guys, I've just install nvidia-glx from Lupine, but there is no settings manager for me to set the resolution and multi-monitor like with the .run file from nvidia, can anyone help me?[12:08] is there a way to setup ubuntu to just update itself whenever there is an update availble?=== imbecile_ [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu=== cables [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu[12:09] Unless you need to specify the domain first? Like domain\username[12:09] I wouldn't really know.[12:09] alright, i'll give ita shot[12:09] is here someone who knows a room where i can talk about video games???[12:09] thanks[12:09] I don't know how much support Edgy has out of the box for Windows domains/=== Aenor [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu[12:09] hajiki: sudo update-alternatives --config Clint- [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu[12:09] yeah, it's with vista too which isn't makign things easy[12:09] I've researched it and now I'm thoroughly confused. What is a live cd? Is it an install cd, too or just a live desktop cd?[12:09] gnomefreak: I've removed, complete removed, and complete removed and rebooted befire installing, the only thing that was removed along with it (or that was stated was being removed) was sun-java5-bin which was also reinstalled each time=== dsquare [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu=== SmrtJustin [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu[12:09] gnomefreak, somehow none of the menu icons show up(under the main menu) do you happen to know how to get them back?=== slvmchn [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu=== ma1k [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu=== ma1k [[email protected]] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"] === grogoreo [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu[12:10] robbie_crash: i suggest you install sun-java5-plugin[12:10] dhorn: I'd know even less then, heh[12:10] charles_: i have no clue what your issue is[12:10] i tried creating a dvd with gnomebaker, but after burning the cd, i insert it into the dvd drive and dmesg tells me "cdrom: This disc doesn't have any tracks I recognize!"[12:10] sun-java6-plugin woot=== darren_derwood [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu[12:11] charles_, try sudo killall gnome-panel[12:11] dhorn: I take it you're not joining a domain then, or are you just trying to connect to a share?[12:11] charles_: try changing your icon theme[12:11] how would i get directx for ubuntu[12:11] _Tom_: just trying to connect to a share[12:11] The default theme schemas could not be found on your system. This means that you probably don't have metacity installed, or that your gconf is configured incorrectly.=== ALEX_PAUL [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu[12:11] darren_derwood: We'd all love to know that.[12:11] darren_derwood, you wouldn't...[12:11] darren_derwood: you wouldnt unless you run it in wine[12:11] ubotu: help[12:11] I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at - Usage info: ALEX_PAUL [[email protected]] has left #ubuntu [] === Shelagh [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu[12:12] darren_derwood: directx is nothing on linux[12:12] dhorn: Does Linux come with Samba by default?=== AngryParsley [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu[12:12] *Does Ubuntu come with Samba by default[12:12] ok but how[12:12] gnomefreak: same deal[12:12] _Tom_: should have to install it[12:12] _Tom_: I don't believe so[12:12] I thought that.[12:12] gnomefreak, weird, i cant even get into the themes selector... im trying to fix my dads linux box.. never ran into this myself before :)[12:12] what's the package name for svn 1.4? I can't seem to find it with apt-cache search[12:12] I'm pretty sure even if you're just reading from a Windows share, you need Samba.[12:12] robbie_crash: apt-cache policy sun-java5-plugin[12:12] robbie_crash: what version is installed[12:13] _Tom_: I'll check it out, thanks=== darren_derwood [[email protected]] has left #ubuntu [] [12:13] :)=== Shelagh [[email protected]] has left #ubuntu [] === mello__yello [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu[12:13] charles_: try to restart the panels. it might help if i knew what you did last before menus went away[12:13] I'm trying to install vmware-player on Edgy, but I get an error whenever I install it. VMware Player works fine, but now whenever I install anything, it tries to reconfigure vmware-player. Removing it stops it from reconfiguring vmware-player on a package install, but I'd like to use VMware Player.[12:13] _Tom_: It says it's for the KDE desktop[12:13] gnomefreak: Installed: 1.5.0-08-0ubuntu1=== neowolf [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu[12:13] I was told earlier today to to a boot from a live cd to do an fscsk or something like that to repair a broken system.=== neowolf [[email protected]] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] === beoba [n=aoeu@unaffiliated/beoba] has left #ubuntu ["Buy] [12:13] Samba? Nono, Samba's a daemon.[12:13] gnomefreak, not sure he ever had them.. he says he did not since the install[12:14] robbie_crash: sudo update-alternatives --all and config all java things[12:14] dhorn: It might be that you've found a GUI for Samba, but Samba itself isn't dependant on X[12:14] _Tom_: nevermind, I looked at smb4k[12:14] AngryParsley: what version comes with the "subversion" package?[12:14] gnomefreak, metacity and metacity-common are both the latest versions[12:14] mister_roboto: 1.3[12:14] dhorn can you ping both machines from each other?[12:14] charles_: make sure ubuntu-desktop is installed=== davey486 [[email protected]] has joined #Ubuntu=== jenda [n=jenda@ubuntu/member/jenda] has joined #ubuntu=== Nomad_O_North [[email protected]] has joined #Ubuntu[12:14] _Tom_: that's what I did=== stylus [i=stylus@tapthru/operator/stylus] has joined #ubuntu=== fred__ [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu[12:14] dhorn: Ok[12:14] I installed the default subversion package and svn --version gives me 1.3[12:14] AngryParsley: sounds like edgy doesn't have it - not surprising since 1.4 wasn't out yet=== rgg [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu[12:14] And dhorn, try pinging from one machine to the other, as suggested.[12:14] gnomefreak, yup, latest version also[12:14] this is wierd[12:14] AngryParsley: if i remember right. you could always just download and compile it[12:15] If level 2 doesn't work, level 7 won't.[12:15] charles_: killall gnome-panel what happens after that[12:15] mister_roboto: yeah, I was going to do that if there was no package for it=== britt [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu=== _Tom_ is still quite confused as to why his sources.lst is empty :/[12:15] does qemu let you use windows apps or just use windows itself???[12:15] Anyone shed any light on that?[12:15] !prevu | jonw, you could try backporting it[12:15] jonw, you could try backporting it: prevu is an automated, personal backporting utility. Check out for more details[12:15] I just really like the convenience of packages[12:15] Better yet, I'm being told the file doesn't exist.[12:15] _Tom_: make sure you g0ot the right path and names (check for typos)[12:15] thanks though[12:16] gnomefreak: /etc/apt/sources.lst[12:16] gnomefreak: $ java --version[12:16] Unrecognized option: --version[12:16] Could not create the Java virtual machine.[12:16] robbie_crash: its java -version[12:16] I have a question that's not strictly related to Ubuntu.[12:16] gnomefreak, restarts gnome-panel, when i go into prefs->themes i get the same error and no theme is installed still=== foolsout is now known as fools[12:16] gnomefreak: I'm booted from the 6.10 desktop CD, btw.[12:16] heh looks kinda boring[12:16] java -version=== dizzy [[email protected]] has left #ubuntu [] [12:16] ubotu, are you a bot?=== IceTox [n=IceTox@unaffiliated/icetox] has joined #ubuntu[12:16] Sorry, I don't know anything about are you a bot? - try searching on[12:16] java hates -- for some reason=== PtS [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu[12:16] hah i guess so=== BigMac [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu[12:16] boy am I embarrassed=== elVaka [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu=== elVaka [[email protected]] has left #ubuntu [] [12:16] when i insert a dvd created with gnomebaker, dmesg tells me "cdrom: This disc doesn't have any tracks I recognize!" - any idea what's up?[12:16] gnomefreak, is there a way to rebuild gconf from scratch[12:16] thanks[12:17] Can I still ask it on this channel?[12:17] robbie_crash: java --help is your freind=== linuxnewbie756 [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu[12:17] how do i disable touchpad tapping/[12:17] charles_: shouldnt have to just remove it (make sure its the right file) and restart=== aSt3raL [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu=== cfilho [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu=== wolki [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu[12:17] in ~/.gconf ?[12:17] charles_: on edgy?[12:18] yeah[12:18] thanks a lot gnomefreak=== stylus [i=stylus@tapthru/operator/stylus] has joined #ubuntu[12:18] charles_: ok hold on let me check something first[12:18] yw=== mariuska [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu=== Bugz [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu[12:18] can I get some help..[12:19] is the Nivida 7300 a good grapghics card for 3d stuff? thats what the new notebook has that im buying[12:19] !ask | Bugz[12:19] Bugz: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)=== corevette [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu[12:19] !offtopic | eternaljoy[12:19] eternaljoy: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!=== ShiftyPow [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu[12:19] is there a channel for help with vmware?[12:19] do i have to install something for dual monitor support?=== Dasnipa [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu[12:19] cables: sorry=== tritonx [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu[12:19] I just installed ubuntu on my computer and it installed, and told me to restart. When i tried booting it up it says: Grub Loading stage1.5.[12:19] blank line blank line[12:19] !dualhead | corvette[12:19] corvette: Information about dual-head on linux can be found on - See also !Xinerama[12:20] GRUB loading, please wait.[12:20] Error 18[12:20] is there a channel for disabling touchpad tapping on ubuntu[12:20] charles_: go for it[12:20] !grub > Bugz=== scaaa [[email protected]] has left #ubuntu ["Saindo"] [12:20] !grub[12:20] grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: zOap [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu[12:20] Bugz: ream the pm from ubotu[12:20] read[12:20] gnomefreak, go for what? i tried rm'ing ~/.gconf before[12:20] ok[12:20] tnx[12:21] charles_: and it didnt do it?[12:21] gnomefreak, no :([12:21] gnomefreak: but I didnt lose it after installing window, I lost it after installing ubuntu[12:21] windows*=== scaaa [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu[12:21] Bugz: there is a link (if you read it) to help with grub errors[12:21] ok[12:22] guys i have problems loading ubuntu live cd. although it seems to load the gui i cannot see anything. the monitor turns off[12:22] Does OpenOffice support ".wps" files?=== sebek_ [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu=== Benni [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu[12:23] charles_: do you have anything in ~/.gnomeprivate[12:23] gnomefreak, nope=== pillo_ [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu[12:24] charles_: sorry its ~/.gnome2_private[12:24] hehe, i LOVE bash[12:24] =))=== GionnyBoss [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu=== jenda [n=jenda@ubuntu/member/jenda] has joined #ubuntu=== HP_Vue [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu[12:24] charles_: you can try to remove ~/.gnome2=== briank [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu[12:25] gnomefreak, Open a root terminal (that is, type "su" in a non-Ubuntu distro, or "sudo -i" in Ubuntu). Enter root passwords as necessary.=== cake [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu[12:25] charles_: note you will lose any adjustments you made[12:25] You know how there is kubuntu-desktop? Well, Is it possible to get the same desktop enviroment as opensuse=== nicolah [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu[12:25] gnomefreak, does that mean I login under root?[12:25] damn thats alot of ppl in here[12:25] :)[12:25] Bugz: in terminal type sudo -i[12:25] Does OpenOffice support ".wps" files?[12:25] ok[12:25] Bugz: hit enter and type password[12:25] cake, welcome[12:25] kk[12:25] This is going to sound stupid, but how do I log into ubuntu as root w/o using su?=== facugaich [n=facugaic@unaffiliated/facugaich] has joined #ubuntu[12:25] :)=== kent [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu[12:25] Nomad_O_North: powerpint?[12:25] im a "returning customer"=== fossyfrancis [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu[12:25] since all the icons are in different directories, I'm searching for a software that let me browse through all of them. Any help ? thanks[12:25] point even=== nanotube [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu[12:26] been using ubuntu for awhile really, but just came across a weird problem[12:26] cake, wb =)[12:26] What's the default/proper location to have programs running from within linux?=== Dasnipa [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu=== Stormx2 [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu[12:26] IE: in windows it's x:\program files\program\program.exe[12:26] Nope. Microsoft Word.[12:26] robbie_crash: ones that you built or installed outside of repos?[12:26] ive never had a nvidia gfx card and ive done my share of fiddling with getting xgl/aiglx/compiz/beryl to work in the past with my ati card[12:26] Any program for ubuntu that I can use editing .psd files?[12:26] robbie_crash, /usr/bin[12:26] Nomad_O_North: yes it supports word[12:26] but now i just installed the latest nvidia binary=== nanotube [[email protected]] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"] [12:26] !fhs | robbie_crash[12:26] followed the guide from the wiki[12:27] robbie_crash: The files and directories on an Ubuntu system are organized according to a standard, see - file permissions are explained at - All filenames and directory names (and many other things) are case sensitive in Linux[12:27] did gdm restart and the screen went dead=== corvolino [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu[12:27] apparently the azureus repo has issues, so, I've got the tar.gz and want to know where makes the most sense to have it actually run out of[12:27] any hints on where i might look for the bug?=== nolimitsoya_ [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu[12:27] IceTox: The GIMP=== corvolino [[email protected]] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] === Cippy [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu[12:28] !beryl[12:28] Beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See - Help in #ubuntu-effects=== andre [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu[12:28] cake: start in /etc/X11/xorg.conf[12:28] Can anywone help me with root access and samba?[12:28] dhorn=== andre [[email protected]] has left #ubuntu ["Konversation] [12:28] are you trying to access folders on your linux box from windows or the other way around?[12:28] cake: #ubuntu-effects[12:28] last time i checked samba had nothing to do with root :([12:28] robbie_crash: access folders on windows from my linux box[12:29] can someone help with formatting and partitioning my harddisk? I want to try it on my own but i'm afraid I might screw up.[12:29] dhorn: fat or ntfs?[12:29] can you ping from linux to windows and windows to linux?[12:29] gnomefreak: ntfs=== L98t [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu[12:29] tj_, is this your first install?[12:29] Also, how would I search the whole filesystem of my computer (all directories and sub-directories)?[12:29] robbie_crash: let me check[12:29] what do people use to backup their ubuntu systems?[12:29] mackinac: well i wasnt really aiming to use beryl on this machine but rather mythtv[12:29] briank, sbackup[12:29] !backup | briank[12:29] briank: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: , , , - See also !sbackup and !cloning[12:29] briank: tar[12:29] mackinac: the problem is related to installing the nvidia driver[12:29] not beryl in specific[12:29] robbie_crash: yes I can=== pockito [[email protected]] has left #ubuntu [] [12:29] wow thx everyone[12:29] cake: as i said start in your xorg.conf=== tvgm2 [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu[12:30] gnomefreak: yeah, i replaced it with the backed up one[12:30] can someone help me get my wireless card to associate with my network?[12:30] doh[12:30] didnt help[12:30] cake: you installed nvidia drivers from repos?[12:30] @cables no not my first install of ubuntu (used livecd to install it before), this is my first manual usage of fdisk and mkfs[12:30] gnomefreak: nah used the latest from[12:30] might have been a bad idea obviously=== thedavid [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu[12:31] gnomefreak: got any suggestions? I'm using vista[12:31] cake: normally[12:31] tj_, oh... can't help you with that one. You can get a livecd of Gparted if you prefer to do it graphically from[12:31] cake: did you remove l-r-m before installing them?[12:31] dhorn: no try #samba[12:31] l-r-m ?=== Roadrunner1985 [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu[12:31] gnomefreak: thanks[12:31] is it possible that nvidia-setting resolution could conflict with ubuntu resolution?[12:31] yes[12:31] !mp3[12:31] For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: - See also - But please use free formats if you can:[12:31] hehe[12:31] cake: linux-restricted-modules[12:31] had to think twice there :p=== tvgm2 [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu[12:31] dhorn: can you access your windows shares from other windows computers on your network?[12:31] ye understood[12:31] yes i did[12:31] robbie_crash: yes I can[12:31] i followed the guide found on the wiki[12:31] cake: what is the error you get when starting X[12:31] no error[12:32] screen just dies[12:32] im on my laptop now sshing in[12:32] and gdm is running fine=== tuskernini [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu[12:32] cake: you dont get a blue screen with grey spots?[12:32] nope[12:32] the screen goes dead[12:32] cake: gdm starts?[12:32] as in the monitor turns itself off[12:32] gdm starts fine[12:32] cake and gnomefreak, have you guys ruled out the kernel update?[12:32] cake: and after logging in screen goes blank?[12:33] Why do people create a lot of tutorials about installing complex apps to do a simle back up of $HOME when tar will do the job all by itself?[12:33] L98t: havnt ruled out anything yet[12:33] L98t: no yet[12:33] not[12:33] gnomefreak: no before gdm appears=== nosilver4u [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu[12:33] right when gdm should appear it goes black=== jeanjean_ [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu[12:33] L98t: kerenel update should NOT have effacted anything since hes not using l-r-m[12:33] but from the shell (ssh) it says gdm is running and gdm restart reports its starting "OK"=== Dasnipa] [ [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu[12:33] :D[12:33] funny aint it[12:33] cake: gdm should appear or it does appear?[12:34] is the restricted repository broken for anyone else?[12:34] anyway, i suspected maybe it used the hdmi output as the default[12:34] instead of the dvi[12:34] robbie_crash: I can get to the authentication screen, but it never wants to accept my password/username=== AngryParsley [[email protected]] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [12:34] cake: did you try rebooting?[12:34] since the screen went dead i.e. there is no signal[12:34] cake: gnomefreak, to rule out the kernel update he should boot into the .10 kernel[12:34] gnomefreak: yes twice[12:34] L98t: ill try that[12:34] hold[12:34] L98t: since he is not using ubuntus modules it shount matter[12:34] Also, how would I search the whole filesystem of my computer (all directories and sub-directories)?[12:34] oh :$[12:34] sorry=== Lord_Flasheart [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu[12:34] cake: did you have a kernel update after you installed the drivers?[12:35] nope[12:35] i just installed it[12:35] ty[12:35] but there was no updates to be installed before[12:35] hi, does anyone know how to install freenx server on ubuntu edgy?=== Honken [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu[12:35] is it possible that nvidia-setting resolution could conflict with ubuntu resolution?[12:35] cake: please in a tty run the uninstaller and reinstall it[12:35] just installed the system and did update && upgrade[12:35] oki ill try that[12:35] uninstaller?[12:35] cake: yes[12:35] dhorn: are you on a workgroup?[12:35] or a domain?=== s_ [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu=== mojo_ [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu=== ul1024k [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu=== dead1ock [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu[12:36] heh[12:36] Also, how would I search the whole filesystem of my computer (all directories and sub-directories)?[12:36] just booted 10[12:36] robbie_crash: workgroup[12:36] cake: you would have to read the help but i think its sudo sh ./ uninstall[12:36] I'll think about it[12:36] and now i actually got a failure on starting x=== alexandre_mg [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu[12:36] caajust add uninstall to the command you used to install it[12:36] cake: and it is?=== alexandre_mg [[email protected]] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] === carpediem [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu=== juancagt [n=juancarl@unaffiliated/juancgt] has joined #ubuntu=== jarrod [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu[12:37] hello=== magicbronson_ [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu[12:37] does anyone do any large format printing[12:37] cake: let me guess [EE] could not load nvidia kernel module[12:37] it says fatal error running install command for nvidia[12:37] failed to load the nvidia kernel module[12:37] aborting..[12:37] :)[12:37] hehe[12:37] I just got done fixing that error[12:37] wasn't fun=== tmalloy [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu[12:37] Nomad_O_North: find / -iname 'searchstringhere'[12:37] but thats prolly because the installed compiled the module for the running kernel=== Rusty is now known as arustyspork[12:37] which was 11[12:38] where can i get a Nessus username and password[12:38] cake: remove the nvidia drivers that you isntall. (you want to use the 9xxx drivers for beryl?)[12:38] gnomefreak: i just want to use mythtv[12:38] I ment from the GUI...[12:38] cake: sudo apt-get install linux-restricted-modules-common[12:38] beryl was just for show[12:38] dhorn: one of the problems I've had with windows filesharing is that when there's not identical users on both machines it doesn't want to share the files[12:38] capgadget: no[12:38] capgadget: dont run that[12:38] i just plugged in my ipod for the first time... how can i tell where in /dev it lives?[12:38] dhorn: did you add a new user to your windows box?[12:38] capgadget: seeing as he is NOT using ubuntus drivers that will only hurt things[12:39] gnomefreak: so boot back in 11 and reinstall ?[12:39] robbie_crash: no, but I created the users identical to one another[12:39] capgadget: see me in #ubuntu-effects[12:39] gnomefreak: you must mean me. I missed the part where he wasn't using ubuntu drivers=== EnsignRedshirt [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu[12:39] carpediem: i know hence the reason i said what i said :)[12:39] anyone using a large format printer[12:39] can anyone tell me what's DSDT?[12:39] Nomad_O_North: you can't, because you have to use sudo to search every location, otherwise you get weird errors[12:39] gnomefreak: -> ubuntu-effects[12:39] dhorn: so you're using logon X with password Y on both your linux box and your windows one?=== cake [[email protected]] has left #ubuntu [] === lordkeiden [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu[12:40] Here's a question about dual monitors attached to a single video card. Does each display use up a chunk of the video memory?[12:40] robbie_crash: yes[12:40] uh...huh[12:40] gnomefreak, I tried the first step on the webpage, but it didnt work.. Going to try Super Grub Disk, any suggestions??[12:40] dhorn: what error is it giving you?=== Music_Shuffle [n=kumar@unaffiliated/musicshuffle/x-303664] has joined #ubuntu[12:40] i tried to download gnubg , but somehow the download doesnt go on, Err edgy/universe gnubg-data 0.14.3+20060520-2[12:40] robbie_crash: it isn't giving me an error, it just keeps kicking me back to the authentication box[12:40] Cannot initiate the connection to (2001:648:2000:de::211). - connect (101 Network is unreachable) [IP: 2001:648:2000:de::211 80] .[12:40] the point is that update works pretty fine without a problem[12:40] Bugz: nope (normally 18 is a reinstall (grub or ubuntu)[12:40] What is restricted from being searched if I don't use "sudo"?[12:41] gnomefreak, I dont understand..=== Math^ [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu[12:41] EnsignRedshirt: well, the video memory it takes to run 2560x1024 is obviously more than 1280x1024 so...yeah , in a way[12:41] I ask because the maximum resolution of my video card is 1600x1200, and that is the resolution of the monitor I am currently using. So is it still possible to add a second monitor?[12:41] dhorn: how are you getting to the share?=== killown [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu[12:41] EnsignRedshirt: is it Nvidia?=== Wanderer_ [[email protected]] has joined #Ubuntu=== binarydigit [n=bdigit@unaffiliated/binarydigit] has joined #ubuntu=== cheeseboy16 [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu[12:42] Nomad_O_North: anything that your user doesn't have read permissions on (/root and probably a whole host of others that escape my memory right now)[12:42] carpediem: Yes. GeForce FX 5600=== scrumptious is now known as numist[12:42] robbie_crash: places>network>share=== nicolah [[email protected]] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] === fowlduck [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu=== Wanderer_ is now known as Wanderer[12:42] EnsignRedshirt: yes, that card has Twinview. The max resolution they report is per display[12:42] carpediem: It has DVI and VGA outputs[12:42] So, would you say that things in /usr/bin would be restricted?=== Veselin [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu[12:43] I have got an external usb-harddrive, but I cant write on it, only with root-permissions, how can I chown the drive (or something) to my name? someone?[12:43] Nomad_O_North: one thought, you could try 'sudo nautilus' (assuming you're using gnome) and search from there[12:43] anyone clued in about printing[12:43] Ah.[12:43] carpediem: Ah, cool. Thanks.[12:43] Thankyou.=== gh0st [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu[12:43] Now for the next problem...=== Uncle [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu[12:43] dhorn: is the user you're trying to log in as an administrator or limited user?=== rmd_ [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu=== jove [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu[12:44] robbie_crash: admin[12:44] so which is the best (working out of the box) LIGHTWEIGHT linux distro for a secondary machine?[12:44] hmm, except that doesn't seem to be recursive=== s_ [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu[12:44] gh0st: they can all be as lightweight as you want them to be[12:44] how do I burn an ISO image to a cd?[12:44] rmd_: i mean out of the box[12:44] does anyone know why when i modprobe my tv card to change the card number it stays 0 unknown/generic. It happens know matter what number i use[12:44] what do i have to do to write a dvd that ubuntu can read??[12:44] My monitor keeps powering down after a short period of me not moving the mouse. How can I stop this annoyance?=== vblanton [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu[12:45] Bugz: under which OS?[12:45] not the actual file.. but the ISO's contents[12:45] is there any backgammon application that connects to a game server ?[12:45] Ubuntu[12:45] Edgy EFT[12:45] gh0st, fluxbuntu maybe[12:45] oh the contents of the .iso.. dunno[12:45] gh0st: are you wanting gui, or server?[12:45] rmd_: so that on first install, it only installs the minimum, all lightweight=== jabbar [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu[12:45] Bugz: K3B works for me, but Nautilus can do it too, I hear.[12:45] nosilver4u: a gui, but BASIC (even fluxbox is ok)[12:45] EnsignRedshirt, Where do I get this?=== jabbar [[email protected]] has left #ubuntu ["Please] [12:45] gh0st: ditto on fluxbuntu then=== cyber_brain_mfkg [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu[12:46] does it come with "light" pack?[12:46] Bugz,start -> system -> nautilus, and search[12:46] dhorn: are you getting the prompt that asks for user name/workgroup/password?[12:46] anyone know what was with the last kernel update? seems to have broken my nvidia drivers (mismatched version problem).=== Kylyn [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu[12:46] meaning only install small apps, like NO openoffice etc...?[12:46] robbie_crash: it's actually username/domain/password, but yes=== dbcooper [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu[12:46] robbie_crash: I thinkw e're talking abotu the same one[12:46] My monitor keeps powering down after a short period of me not moving the mouse. How can I stop this annoyance?=== shedi [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu=== Roadrunner1985 [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu[12:46] yeah that'=== nostrand [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu[12:46] !ntfs-3g[12:46] ntfs-3g is is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. It has been extensively tested but is still BETA software, so use it with caution. Installation instructions at (Dapper) and (Edgy)[12:46] s it, my bad[12:46] gh0st: why cant you just install a standard installation and then remove all teh stuff you dont want?[12:47] dhorn: are you sure that you've got the right wokgroup name in therE?[12:47] rmd_ the problem is, i don't know WHAT i don't want[12:47] only what i WANT[12:47] vblanton: seems to be that the kernel was updated from the security repository, but the restricted-modules are not avialable for that kernel version yet[12:47] robbie_crash: I've tripple checked it[12:47] like mshome instead of workgroup?[12:47] Bugz: If in Nautilus you right-click on the .iso, you should see the option "Write to disc"[12:47] Nomad_O_North, perhaps in the screensaver options? it could just be a black screensaver[12:47] Nomad_O_North, use the gnome-screesaver-preferences to change the idle timeout[12:47] gh0st: so it stands to reason that you could just erase everything that isn't what you know you want[12:47] I am looking for some help to get tsclient to auto logon. I have it auto starting but cannot get it to auto login[12:47] nosilver4u: which would you recommend, WITHOUT GUI?[12:47] dhorn: I'm out of ideas then, I'd say yeah, check #samba[12:47] robbie_crash: I should be putting the workgroup name in the domain field, correct?[12:48] it worked fine for me on the two windows boxes in my house[12:48] EnsignRedshirt, Im using ubuntu..[12:48] yeah[12:48] hi, I have problems with my Radeon 7000 pci. (radeon driver). The performance is terrible. Not even Quake2 isn't playable.=== jove [[email protected]] has left #ubuntu [] [12:48] anyone having nvidia driver issues all of a suddeN?[12:48] Bugz: Oh, and "Nautilus" is just the name of the standard ubuntu file browser (in case you didn't know).[12:48] Already tried it. Also went in under power management. It STILL does it.[12:48] oh[12:48] rmd_ but there could be a lot of stuff i would never use, but still installed=== alecjw [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu[12:48] vblanton: what kind of issues?[12:48] which i wouldn't know[12:48] nostrand, have you tried using ati's drivers?=== jeanjean__ [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu[12:48] EnsignRedshirt, Thanks[12:48] Hey can anybody give me a hand with my connection issues... I am wired on a ZIO router and I can connect to the internet but it is extremely slow - almost like it disconnects and reconnects (all the time)=== cyber_brain_mfkg [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu[12:48] gh0st how short on hdd space are you[12:48] Bugz: No problem.[12:48] robbie_crash, kernel and driver version mismatch with new kernel security update[12:48] they shouldn't affect performance[12:48] vblanton: nope, and i prefer not to[12:48] dbcooper, there's issues with tsclient handling passwords -- it doesnt seem to use them properly when logging on .. perhaps you could use rdesktop and the command-line to have a auto-startup command[12:48] the standard ubuntu installation doesn't come with all that much installed, really. removing the excess is easy.. and then you can just apt-get autoremove and autoclean[12:49] vblanton: yes you can use the old kernel that you had before the update or install nvidia manually=== Bhaal [i=bhaal@freenode/staff/bhaal] has left #ubuntu ["Coming] === Bhaal [i=bhaal@freenode/staff/bhaal] has joined #ubuntu[12:49] it took me all ove 10 minutes earlier today=== axisys [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu[12:49] vblanton: I had that, you need to update your restricted modules[12:49] EdgEy: it would be nice if it wouldn't take much spac, let's say fotf (fotf, see the private message from Ubotu)[01:02] fotf: you need to fix your repository list. you've broken it=== littlegator [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu[01:02] superdave_ (superdave_, see the private message from Ubotu)[01:04][01:05] Ok, having problems install the dmraid package via apt-get, under a chroot shell.[01:05] *installing[01:05] can anyone give me some pointers on installing Battlefield 2142 under ubuntu?[01:05] how do I uninstall completely my graphics driver>[01:05] LjL: yeah, i know. but still. they work. ;)[01:05] LjL: In theory, those instruction simplify the installation :)[01:05] Trying to get info on aotu connecting with wifi-radar at boot[01:05] rmd_: which seems indeed to be what he did, since his sources.list makes no mention of wine repositories[01:05] My sources.lst has the universal package lines uncommented, and has supposedly updated .. but it still says the package isn't there.=== renny [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu[01:05] Is loading slow for anyone else?=== Dasnipa` [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu[01:05] EnsignRedshirt: err, yeah i suppose so, except that now they aren't working for him, and hist sources.list paste is thereby useless =)[01:06] If I'm not using a chroot'd shell, dmraid installs fine (though that's only to a live CD filesystem)[01:06] dbcooper: i've got it working now.. thanks=== Bassguy_ [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu[01:06] _Tom_, here's what i use -[01:06] fotf: do an ls /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ [01:06] /usr/lib/dri/ /lib/modules//kernel/drivers/char/drm/radeon.ko _>=== PirateSmurf [[email protected]] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"] [01:12] do i take a number or something?[01:12] fotf, you're logged in as root. that is the problem. why are you logged in as root?[01:12] :)[01:12] uhhhh[01:12] I am currently following the FakeRAIDHowTo .. And I'm trying to install Ubuntu onto my fakeRAID array.[01:12] wow. why on earth are you logged in as root?[01:12] So installing everything manually.[01:12] i need to be[01:12] fotf, surely you've heard of the fact that Ubuntu uses sudo and logging in as root is not a good idea if you don't completely know what you're doing?[01:12] !sudo > fotf (fotf, see the private message from Ubotu)[01:12] to have acess to the apache folder[01:12] geemy sweet =)[01:12] And at the moment I've chrooted'd terminal to /target[01:12] can anyone else check if the 'restricted' repositories are broken for them too?=== BigMac [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu[01:13] fotf: log out of that shell, and any root shell you have open, and type that command again[01:13] ok so how do i get aceess[01:13] as me=== majuno [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu[01:13] LjL: I still have to Sudo right?[01:13] And for some god-unknown reason it won't let me find dmraid as an installable package. Yet on another terminal, it says 'it's fine, it's already installed'=== ckern [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu[01:13] fotf: what was the command i gave you?[01:13] littlegator, EnsignRedshirt [[email protected]] has left #ubuntu [] [01:13] thanks[01:13] fotf: gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list.d/winehq.list . as you see, no sudo here. there's gksudo, and that's quite enough. and no root logins.=== teicah [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu[01:13] _Tom_, i have to make sure but did you update apt after editing the sources.list ?=== p0ngU [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu=== kline [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu[01:13] Yes.[01:13] i am so new to it there wont be much in me helping at this pint[01:13] point[01:14] kde4 works fine in kubuntu?[01:14] Tried that before becoming root=== iltomee [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu[01:14] I was wondering if someone can recommend video editing software for Ubuntu. It doesn't need to be as complicated as Final Cut Pro, more along the lines of iMovie[01:14] _Tom_, what package are you trying to install?[01:14] dmraid[01:14] so if i shouldnt have to log on as root[01:14] killown: as fine as a pre-alpha version of something not yet showing any new features can work, i suppose[01:14] Works fine when working on the normal file system[01:14] then i must have to gain access as me=== mode/#ubuntu [+o Hobbsee] by ChanServ[01:14] correct?=== mode/#ubuntu [-b CaptainMorgan!*@*!#ubuntu-read-topic] by Hobbsee[01:14] But for installing ubuntu manually, I need to be chroot'd to /target[01:14] ljl certo!=== CaptainMorgan [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu[01:14] i made it thru the install somehow=== mode/#ubuntu [-o Hobbsee] by ChanServ[01:15] And from that terminal .. I'm told dmraid isn't a package that exists[01:15] and i get the apache generated page[01:15] fotf: you tried it before becoming root? and you got the same error?[01:15] i will be here till i get my answers[01:15] :)[01:15] jebus, is there a way to turn joins/parts/signoffs off in epic4/LiCe?[01:15] Bearing in mind there's VERY little installed in /target[01:15] LjL: Yeah...[01:15] _Tom_, so you installing dmraid in the chroot?[01:15] Yes[01:15] -`k:#ubuntu- Any rich people here?pls send me a copy of ubuntu here in philippines..its been 3 months and i still got no free cd shipit.ubuntu here...i email and order them twice...still got no cds.... =/ with a good heart,msg me please... thanks=== Falladir is now known as zackglennie[01:15] fotf: uhm, please pastebin the whole thing like you did now with the root flavour=== mode/#ubuntu [+o LjL] by ChanServ[01:15] could someone please take 2 seconds and check the restricted repository, or just tell me that it's down right now?[01:15] _Tom_, errm, did you edit sources.list in the chroot?=== `k [i=glitch@unaffiliated/k/x-000001] has left #ubuntu [requested] === mode/#ubuntu [-o LjL] by LjL=== d00d [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu[01:15] Yeah, that's the one I've been editing :0[01:16] * :)=== `k [i=glitch@unaffiliated/k/x-000001] has joined #ubuntu[01:16] At one point I used cmp to make sure it was the same as the one that came on the CD[01:16] sorry=== Aleksandersen [[email protected]] has left #ubuntu [] [01:16] (With universal packages uncommented, as they are by default)[01:16] LjL:[01:16] Tried yours and it made no difference.=== zooted_ [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu[01:16] Would you like me to paste the output of the apt-get update ?[01:16] I think it's important, from the look of it :S[01:16] _Tom_, well, if you did everything right -- apt-cache polixy dmraid should have something for you[01:16] ok=== _emmanuel [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu[01:17] Is there a way to get synaptic to stop asking for the install CD-Rom and fetch all packages from the net?[01:17] _Tom_, because it does exist[01:17] _Tom_, apt-cache policy dmraid[01:17] fotf: had you done anything as root (or with "sudo" instead of "gksudo") *before* typing that command? (and after you successfully pastebinned your sources.list)=== SirBob1701 [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu[01:17] what would be the command to uninstall the app "mail-notification"[01:17] `k, could you not have downloaded the iso on dialup in 3 months[01:17] nope=== zackglennie is now known as zackglennie_[01:17] then the command to reinstall[01:17] BigMac: sudo apt-get remove mail-notification ?[01:17] i am using a macbook, and one of my speakers sounds funny, any ideas how to solve this???[01:18] I closed all my terminal windows, tried it again, and did the same thing again, except using Konsole[01:18] zooted_, edit your /etc/apt/sources.list and comment out the entry for apt-cdrom[01:18] k[01:18] root@ubuntu:/# apt-cache policy dmraid[01:18] W: Unable to locate package dmraid[01:18] unop: Thanks, it is a very annoying default.[01:18] zooted_, gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list[01:18] ok well[01:18] i be hanging=== somniis [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu[01:18] too tired to lern anymore[01:19] _Tom_, run this -- sudo aptitude update; apt-cache policy dmraid;[01:19] fotf: i asked if you had done anything as root *before* the first failed attempt[01:19] unop: I pasted the output of apt-get update, just to show what's going on.[01:19] I don't think it's right[01:19] fotf: anyway, start by typing sudo chown -R your-user-name:your-user-name /home/your-user-name [01:19] i just plugged in FAT-formatted ipod with "disk use" enabled and all dmesg says is "new full speed USB device using uhci_hcd and address 10". how can i tell where in /dev it lives?=== txdv [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu=== CageX-min [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu[01:19] i just plugged in FAT-formatted ipod with "disk use" enabled and all dmesg says is "new full speed USB device using uhci_hcd and address 10". how can i tell where in /dev it lives?=== Nomad_O_North [[email protected]] has left #Ubuntu [] [01:20] Still receiving the same answer to apt-cache policy dmraid, unop[01:20] magicbronson_: it should be in /media/ipod=== informix [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu=== whaley_work [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu=== informix [[email protected]] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [01:20] one of my speakers sound funny ( i just bought a macbook) ANY IDEAS GUYS? its quite annoying=== rikko [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu[01:20] I can't change the order or startup programs in the Sessions menu, does it matter?[01:20] _Tom_, where's the output of the apt-get update?[01:20] I messaged it to you?[01:20] I can pastebin instead if you wish?=== kline [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu[01:20] nothing happened, I'm back on my acc btw[01:20] jbroome: it's not :/[01:20] _Tom_, i didnt get the PM .. yea please !pastebin[01:21] ok :)[01:21] magicbronson_: check dmesg[01:21] jbroome: do i need to restart?[01:21] jbroome: as i said, dmesg doesn't say anything helpful[01:21] you shouldnt need to restart=== J-_ [n=justin@unaffiliated/j/x-388422] has joined #ubuntu[01:22] does sudo fdisk -l show it ?=== pmeerw [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu[01:22] magicbronson_, it's usually one of the /dev/sd?? devices -- i think fdisk -l should tell you[01:22] how would I install the app mail-notification?[01:22] iltomee, the only one I can suggest is check the sound settings and make sure non are > 70%[01:22] in ubuntu 6.10 how do i add more desktops i forget how[01:22] sudo apt-get mail-notification right[01:22] it doesn't work=== megamaced [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu[01:22] Clint-, more sessions you mean?[01:22] fotf: nothing should have happened. try the gedit thing again now (yes, from your account, no, not as root)[01:22] no workspaces[01:23] soz used wrong term=== jdsa [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu[01:23] !nothing | fotf[01:23] fotf: Saying "It says nothing", "It does nothing" is generally not very useful for troubleshooting. Please be as specific as possible: if you see a black screen, say so, if you see a shell prompt, say so, if you see an !error message, say so. - Also, most !CLI commands don't print anything when they succeed, but only when they fail.[01:23] unop: i have no /dev/sd* and there's no mention in fdisk -l[01:23] fotf: see the last part of that=== norty [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu=== idaho45 [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu=== draconius [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu[01:23] is it possible i just need to restart?[01:23] is there any way to reset the root password back to nothing, as in you can't login as root without sudo passwd firs[01:23] first[01:23] Clint-, ahh, right click the pager -- preferences ....[01:23] unop: Sorry about this,'s being a pain.[01:23] rawr unop[01:24] Does anyone use the app mail-notification?[01:24] pager?[01:24] hey norty :)[01:24] It still says I'm not authenticated[01:24] pbureau: thx, they are not, but do u think a kernel recompile would work(dont know how to do it :) ), cause maybe its the driver or something=== genejack [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu[01:24] _Tom_,[01:24] !root > EdgEy (EdgEy, see the private message from Ubotu)[01:24] how so where were we[01:24] lol[01:24] unop: Pager?=== tim167 [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu[01:24] unop: Yep, using that now :p[01:24] EdgEy: small note - setting the password to "nothing" is quite different from what you have in mind. a void password means you can login by pressing Enter.[01:24] magicbronson_, hmm, maybe LjL would know :)[01:24] unop:[01:25] anyone know about wine=== Bipolar [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu[01:25] iltomee, maybe reinstall ALSA ?[01:25] unop: is there a chane i just need to restart?[01:25] unop, is there anyway I can copy the files from folder1 to an external drive, connected via usb ?=== rikko [[email protected]] has left #ubuntu [] [01:25] Clint-, the pager is that little thing in the corner with 4 little boxes that lets you move from workspace to workspace, etc=== KNY [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu[01:25] ty[01:26] i got it[01:26] anyone use mail-notification or could tell me how to install it?[01:26] i did this a few weeks agao but forgot how[01:26] cheers unop[01:26] how can I remove all existing Evolution accounts, without opening Evolution?[01:26] pbureau: yeah, maybe ill try it... it might work... thx[01:26] (gotta be a config file somewhere, right?)[01:26] magicbronson_, a restart shouldnt make a difference -- errm, doesnt dmesg list it? or it appear mounted in one of the /media mount points[01:27] magicbronson_: do lshw -class storage and see if your drive is listed[01:27] norty, sure there is -- just gimme 2 secs .. :)[01:27] will do bud[01:27] :] [01:27] gah.. now im in big trouble[01:27] iltomee, I would try uninstall, reboot, install again, add alsa-utils also[01:27] im having GRUB problems.. can someone help?=== Shadowpillar [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu=== tisoft [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu[01:28] !Grub[01:28] grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: tisoft is now known as BombaBombaNoktaC[01:28] LjL: It still says I'm not authenticated[01:28] _Tom_, ok, from what i see here, either you havent edited the right sources.list -- or the file wasnt saved properly -- you should have plenty more output there[01:28] hi=== PtS [[email protected]] has left #ubuntu ["Ukonuji"] [01:28] I should :([01:28] _Tom_, if your chroot is /dchroot .. you need to edit /dchroot/etc/apt/sources.list[01:29] Yes.[01:29] pbureau: thanx, ill try that. hope that works :)[01:29] If I cat /target/etc/apt/sources.lst=== Gator [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu[01:29] It appears correctly.=== zackglennie [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu=== geo- [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu[01:29] hey guys[01:29] In fact, it's the one you suggested :)=== audimage [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu=== Bjorn__ [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu=== audimage [[email protected]] has left #ubuntu [] [01:29] I typo'd when editing xorg.conf so I can't boot in GUI=== Bjorn__ [[email protected]] has left #ubuntu ["Weggaan] [01:29] How can I get .xml files to open in gedit on double-click?=== pinchmesh [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu[01:30] this might be a general GNOME question: how do I edit the " Applications / Places / System " item in my panel?=== Bassguy_ [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu[01:30] _Tom_, errm, are you absolutely sure you are doing the -- sudo aptitude update within the chroot then ? and not outside?[01:30] is anybody knows on here...that when will be the new releases come?[01:30] pbureau: i forgot, it works fine with headphones, so is it my driver than?[01:30] is anybody knows on here...that when will be the new releases come?=== Weems|XP [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu[01:30] ardchoille: right click on a .xml and change the "always open with" to gedit[01:30] !feisty[01:30] The next version of Ubuntu (7.04; codenamed "Feisty Fawn"), it should be released in April 2007. At the moment it is alpha. Schedule: - Specifications (goals): - Help in #ubuntu+1[01:30] fotf: try "mv ~/.ICEauthority ~/.ICEauthority.back"[01:30] I did 'aptitude update' .. As I've done sudo -i in the chroot.=== Caboos3 [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu[01:30] I didn't think sudo was necessary?[01:30] LjL: you can safely delete ICEauthority as it's reproduced with each login[01:31] fotf: remember that you should *never* run GUI programs using "sudo", but always with "gksudo" (on GNOME) or "kdesu" on (KDE), if they need root privileges. i'm saying this because i believe doing this was the culprit[01:31] nalioth: There is no "always open with" option in nautilus.[01:31] I typo'd when editing xorg.conf so I can't boot in GUI, so how do I fix it?=== mojo_ [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu[01:31] _Tom_, errm, to enter the chroot you need to be root -- and that would launch sh/bash as root, so sudo is not needed there[01:31] nalioth: ok[01:31] Thanks ubotu[01:31] Thanks ubotu[01:31] erm, so I just typo'd and hit `rm -rf /*` (rather than `rm -rf ./*`)=== K-Rich [n=krich@blender/artist/K-Rich] has joined #ubuntu[01:31] when I go to System -> Preferences -> keyboard... I change it from Gerneric Keyboard to Logitech Cordless .... I reboot... in xorg.conf it still says Generic... how do I get X to use a logitech driver? (assuming there is one)[01:31] Ok, figured.[01:31] ardchoille: there is something that you can tell nautilus what to always use[01:31] aaaaand I caught it fairly quickly, wasn't sudo[01:31] iltomee, well that could be 2 thing, your headphones are good and you have a blow pc speaker or the driver accesses the port for headphones and port of speakers differently[01:31] LjL why never run graphical programs with sudo? i've done it :-([01:31] i've had several questions to Edgy Eft users, how is the normal installation procedure supposd to look like?[01:31] yay for no help :D=== xergii [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu[01:31] iltomee, but I have no idea which one it is :)[01:31] I'm wonder if because it's such a virgin install (/target), that I'm missing some vital bits to get to the outside world?=== xergii [[email protected]] has left #ubuntu [] [01:31] but I get some Xlib errors whenever a new window tries to appear[01:31] EdgEy: ... because you could end up in the same situation as fotf has? ;-)[01:32] ardchoille: right click the .xml > properties and then change the defaults[01:32] It's possible that resolv.conf and hosts.conf aren't quite right.=== Dr_willis [[email protected]] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [01:32] genejack: are you seeing something weird?=== finalbeta [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu[01:32] nalioth: There is an option to "Open with other application", but that doesn't change the default open with on dc=== night|away [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu=== audimage [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu[01:32] someone should help me >_>=== wimpies [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu[01:32] genejack: it should be a pretty ubuntu-style desktop, with an "install" icon in the upper left=== Nafisa [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu[01:32] nalioth: audimage (audimage, see the private message from Ubotu)[01:33] i want to copy my /home to another partition and preserve permissions, etc, how can i do that[01:33] audimage: this tells you, i think[01:33] pbureau: my speaks are ok when using osX, so probably the second case=== rmd_ [[email protected]] has left #ubuntu [] [01:33] unop: Ok, I was going to go say they loo OK from here.=== jman_ [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu[01:33] LjL: that means nothing at all. where did you get .ICEauthority being the culprit?[01:33] _Tom_, ok, let's see sources.list then=== rmd_ [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu[01:33] Ok one sec.[01:33] edgey: man cp[01:34] !man[01:34] The "man" command brings up the Linux manual pages for the command you're interested in. Try "man intro" at the command line, or see[01:34] anyone any idea's?[01:34] !usb[01:34] Sorry, I don't know anything about usb - try searching on shane_ [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu[01:34] nalioth: just by googling a little. i'm just trying. oh, note that while (as you can see) that's a root login, he said it gave the same error from a non-root login[01:34] LjL: There is always an app on the taskbar that says "Starting administrative appli..." whenever I >[01:34] LjL: you'll ALWAYS get information like that when you open gui apps from a terminal[01:34] LjL: did the program run?[01:34] BlueEagle, ah wasn't aware cp could do that[01:34] unop: thinking about that, why do you have 'main multiverse restricted universe' on the end of your sources?=== IanLiu [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu[01:34] just want to make sure, say i[01:34] I was thinking dmraid was a universe package :S[01:34] audimage,,_FAT,NTFS)=== mx-zoom [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu=== sadistico [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu[01:34] edgey: Now you know. :)[01:34] :] === rogier [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu[01:34] Hello there[01:34] cp --preserve=all /home/* /media/hda5/[01:34] nalioth: apparently not. anyway i can't know that you get that sort of information, since i only have kdesu ;)[01:34] norty, heh :)=== GaiaX11 [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu[01:35] then umount and mount /dev/hda5 as home, it should all be fine?[01:35] norty, let me just get tom's thing up and i'll be with you=== d00d [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu[01:35] edgey: It must be said that you need to be able to set those permissions and that implies executing the command as root.=== Run123 [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu[01:35] just letting you know im stil here, ill be here all night[01:35] sounds good[01:35] BlueEagle, yes of course[01:35] can someone please provide any ideas as to why my wireless internet doesnt work on my laptop anymore? it only happened after i installed ubuntu[01:35] LjL: I opened a new shell in another tab, and this time, like the first time whn I gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list, a pass window came up. I typed in my pass, but it still says I'm not allowed[01:35] LjL: you can run "kdesu kate" in a terminal and get similar info. it's debugging information[01:35] _Tom_, those repos should bring in other dependencies if they are needed=== donkeegan [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu[01:35] zackglennie, I was installing it for my friend, and after launching the DVD-R on a boot-up, it gos into DR-ROM and prompts user for action[01:35] i need help when somoene has a sec plz just let me know[01:35] nalioth, i don't get that sort of messages with kdesu[01:36] Clint-: just ask your question[01:36] its like its not even detecting the nic[01:36] i have a issue with a usb wireless mouse it works fine but when i open firefox it stops working and will not work till i reboot=== magicbronson_ [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu[01:36] genejack: I haven't used the DVD, just CDs[01:36] and at the point the usb port will not transmit power[01:36] anyway fotf, just do sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list.d/winehq.list instead[01:36] norty, ok, so you mounted your usb disk?[01:36] fotf: and hope your gksudo isn't broken ;)[01:36] does anybody know why my connection is very unresponsive when wired on my ZIO router?=== barata [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu=== barata [[email protected]] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"] [01:36] genejack: there should be options like "try and possibly install ubuntu" "install in text mode" "memory check" "check installed disk integrity"[01:36] LjL: that is common behavior if you open a gtk app from a console. nothing to worry about UNLESS the app doesn't open[01:36] help! any time i run "sudo *anything*" my terminal hangs![01:36] i am dead in the water![01:36] doah[01:36] i no longer have root[01:36] genejack: once you boot from the installer disk[01:37] nalioth: ok, anyway it does seem to not open :)=== donkeegan is now known as dEn_[01:37] LjL: bring yourself and your friend to #ubuntu-classroom please[01:37] fotf: please type /join #ubuntu-classroom[01:37] magicbronson_, tried restarting the shell?=== MotorCityMadMan [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu[01:37] LjL: ## WineHQ - Ubuntu 6.10 "edgy eft"[01:37] unop: yes[01:37] deb edgy main[01:37] deb-src edgy main[01:37] gotcha[01:37] fotf... on the pastebin...=== ciscosurfer [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu[01:37] can someone please provide any ideas as to why my wireless internet doesnt work on my laptop anymore? it only happened after i installed ubuntu[01:37] fotf: anyway. that looks right, tbh[01:38] When my Ubuntu boots, appears this message and Ubuntu stays there for a looong time...:[01:38] Starting RAID devices [OK] [01:38] (...)[01:38] Differences between boot sectors and backup[01:38] Differences (offset:original/backup):[01:38] A plenty of numbers[01:38] "Ubuntu can't automatic fix this"[01:38] Any tips? This is slowing down too much the booting....[01:38] magicbronson_, logged off and logged back on?[01:38] !paste | IanLiu[01:38] IanLiu: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)=== MaQui [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu[01:38] unop: yes![01:38] sadistico: what were you running before and what wireless you have[01:38] !enter > IanLiu[01:38] windows xp home[01:38] magicbronson_, hmm, restarted the machine?[01:38] unop, what? i haven't done anything since yesterday[01:38] is it a usb wireless?[01:38] its an onboard nic[01:38] unop: yes![01:38] zackglennie, ok but here's the deal. My friend burned an ISO image on a DVD-R and we made it bootable. But when we tryto boot from it, it goes into DOS-type prompt=== nolo [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu[01:38] sadistico: is is usb wireless or pci[01:39] im wondering if I can use like an ipod to copy my files to[01:39] zackglennie, think he got a wrong distro[01:39] magicbronson_: X no longer works after restarting[01:39] its on a laptop=== Syn- [[email protected]] has left #ubuntu [] [01:39] like do that 4 times[01:39] magicbronson_, ouch .. does the shell just hang?[01:39] so neither[01:39] sadistico: what type of wireless and laptop[01:39] norty, sure[01:39] unop: yes... X no longer works after restarting either[01:39] acer laptop=== sp4nk3 [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu[01:39] how do i do that?[01:39] not sure which ind of wireless[01:39] sadistico: you probley need to use ndis or madwifi[01:39] anyone know if there's an Internet Explorer channel?[01:39] !ipod | norty[01:39] norty: For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at See !rockbox for information on liberating your iPod[01:39] cause i dont know how to check on here[01:39] genejack: seems likely. I where are you getting dvd isos? isn't it easier to use a cd?[01:39] im new to ubuntu[01:39] reading forumn=== someguy [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu[01:39] sadistico: if you tell me what type of wifi you have i will tell u what to use[01:39] does anyone know about running wine?[01:40] lspci and see what card linux reconizes=== Capricous [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu=== t0pd0g [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu[01:44] norty, to be sure -- rmdir /home/norty/Desktop/folder2[01:44] ok[01:44] I have ubuntu dapper drake, and I think the problem is because of windows=== SirBob1701 [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu[01:45] I have a Windows partiton (FAT32)[01:45] im not able to use my friends computer today, so i have to restart this computer to go into linux and do that and then come back, ill be right back[01:45] norty, but that partition needs to be mounted first eh -- mount /home[01:45] its already mounted[01:45] anyone here have experience with cinelerra?[01:45] we did that yesterday=== idn [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu[01:45] norty, in recovery mode nothing is mounted[01:45] IanLiu: The amount of time ubuntu takes to boot up has absolutely nothing to do with your windows partition[01:45] i see=== OrangeRoot1000 [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu=== d1gital [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu[01:45] how do i mount again?[01:46] norty, its a troubleshooting session there, remember ..=== feryana [[email protected]] has joined #Ubuntu[01:46] !mount[01:46] Partitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Gnome under Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For Edgy, see !fstab and !DiskMounter[01:46] Hi[01:46] hi, I am trying to mount my housemates windows share using samba, it works fine if I specify a subdirectory to share, but there are quite a few. Is it possible to mount all directories in his share automatically?[01:46] is possible with gtkpod import iles to the iPoD without burning the CD?[01:46] norty, mount /home -- should work --- or mount /dev/sda1 (replace your device here)[01:46] ok[01:46] ill be right back[01:46] I am looking at a forum. They said the problem is because of the windows partition. The message thrown by Ubuntu is this: There are differences between boot sectors and Backup[01:47] sudo mount -t smbfs -o guest,uid=1000,iocharset=utf8,codepage=unicode,unicode //matt/24 /mnt/matt[01:47] that works fine for example, but I want to moutn all directories not just the 24 one[01:48] it's possible with gtkpod import iles to the iPoD without burning the CD?[01:48] hey i was in here the other day and i had a question about a swapspace issue i was having. anyway i figured out that if i do a 'sudo mkswap /dev/hda4' then a 'sudo swapon /dev/hda4' it fixes it. only problem is i have to do this every time i open up my laptop. is there a way to do this automatically?[01:48] Ok, so I have a wireless access point without wired access. I also have a second desktop without a wireless adapter. How do I set up the following: WAP - > Wireless PC - > Router - > Wired PC ? In Breezy and Dapper the networking gui had the option to set which adapter would be the default, in Edgy that option is missing. How do I also enable eth0 without Ubuntu assuming that eth0 is the default connection?[01:48] idn, why do you want something like that?[01:48] unop:[01:48] idn, just seeking the best course ahead=== Bhaal [i=bhaal@freenode/staff/bhaal] has left #ubuntu ["Coming] === Bhaal [i=bhaal@freenode/staff/bhaal] has joined #ubuntu[01:49] d1gital: You have to mkswap every time? Have you tried just using the swapon command?[01:49] idn, if the dirs are /1, /2, /3, ..., /24, you could do that with a for loop in bash[01:49] d1gital: It might be that you just need to add the swap partition to your /etc/fstab[01:49] because he has a million folders and i need access to all of them and because they constantly being changed its a hassle to manage[01:49] lol, no thats 24 as in the tv series :)[01:49] lmao[01:50] _Tom_, still no change :([01:50] idn: Have you got the parody of that? The 24th?[01:50] Nope :([01:50] Clint- It just says 802.11b/g WLAN=== BlueEagle scoots over to offtopic.[01:50] thats not the model[01:50] idn, well, in any case you'll need a list of all his shares, do you have that?[01:50] you need the model[01:50] unop: Thinking maybe I should install ubuntu-minimal and ubuntu-standard and then give it another go.[01:50] sad sec=== alastair_ [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu[01:50] sadistico: sec=== alastair_ [[email protected]] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] === heatman [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu[01:50] _Tom_, in the chroot you mean?=== Crusher [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu[01:51] Yeah[01:51] yeah i can view them through smb://matt in nautilus. I guess if I can get a list of the folders tho I could just write a bash script[01:51] _Tom_, the minimal should do=== cobra0289 [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu[01:51] Ok[01:51] idn, yep=== Pichu0102 [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu[01:51] blueeagle: no, i tried it once without mkswap and it didnt work, i dont recall the exact message. and my swap partition is already in /etc/fstab[01:51] sadistico: in terminal type lspci[01:51] idn, or make bookmarks in nautilus=== BrendanM [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu[01:52] Broadcom Corporation BCM4318 [AirForce One 54g] 802.11g Wireless LAN Controller (rev 02)[01:52] Hi, I have installed both blackbox and fluxbox from tarball but it seems that when it comes at the time to choose the "session type" both blackbox and fluxbox arent available. How can it be fixed?[01:52] sadistico: ok[01:52] d1gital: The I seriously recomend that you back up all your data and do a thurough examination of the drive in question.[01:52] sadistico: do a goold search for ndiswrapper=== SoPaPiGlObO [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu[01:52] sadistico: google=== nul2 [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu=== samuel_ [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu[01:52] hmm, should i be manually editing /etc/fstab or is there a tool for this[01:52] k[01:52] wondering what all the UUID crap is[01:52] anyone familair with ekiga softphone able to work with msn messenger and video calling?[01:52] sadistico: once on thier site look for the compatibality with that card[01:52] d1gital: Seems like something is not sticking to the partition table. Do you turn off your computer or do you use some sort of sleep mode?[01:53] Hi, when I bring my laptop back from hibernate, the microphone port doesn't work. Rebooting always fixes the problem, but I was wondering if there was some commandline thing I could enter to fix it without rebooting?[01:53] i dont think the bootmarks will help, what i really want it just to mount the root dir in his samba share=== J-______1 [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu=== AJ_Z0 [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu=== J-______1 is now known as Justin_c=== stephans_ [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu[01:53] can someone help me with a webcam issue?=== nul2 [[email protected]] has left #ubuntu [] [01:53] blueeagle: it is a laptop so when i close it it might be going into some kind of sleep mode. it does ask for my password when i open it back up=== sunnyhours4130 [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu[01:54] anyone familair with ekiga softphone able to work with msn messenger and video calling?[01:54] which cd image are you supposed to use with a kickstart build?[01:54] d1gital: Well then it doesn't really "start up" as it doesn't boot. So it seems that the sleep mode isn't set up correctly. I[01:54] 've never had a laptop so I don't know how to fix that.[01:54] EdgEy you dont need a UUID, just use the old style device names here[01:54] !suspend[01:54] Sorry, I don't know anything about suspend - try searching on[01:54] hm...=== jumburrito [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu[01:55] tj_, it might be, can you configure it to use other networks?[01:55] ubotu: tell d1gital about laptop[01:55] !kickstart[01:55] d1gital: I hope that helps.[01:55] Sorry, I don't know anything about kickstart - try searching on[01:55] how do i save a file to etc?=== stefan [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu[01:55] If I use apt-get to download nvidia-glx drivers on my 64bit OS would it automatically download 64bit drivers?[01:55] !ks.cfg[01:55] Sorry, I don't know anything about ks.cfg - try searching on sadistico [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu[01:55] cheeseboy16: The /etc directory is writable only to root by default.=== J-_ [n=justin@unaffiliated/j/x-388422] has joined #ubuntu[01:56] ok i downloaded the file ndiswrapper-1.37[01:56] and just extracted it[01:56] oK i GOT it[01:56] so.. what can i do?[01:56] add files > sync[01:56] i need to save file there[01:56] cheeseboy16: You can either start your editor as root (not recomended) or save the file to your home directory and then copy it with sudo after making a backup if the file already exists.[01:56] how do i copy w/ sudo?=== _Galga is now known as Monseigneur=== SamArthurAllen [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu[01:57] cheeseboy16: And yes you should _always_ make backups of files you modify in your /etc/ directory.[01:57] cheeseboy16: sudo isn't a command to copy=== Monseigneur is now known as Galga=== alex_mayorga [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu=== IanLiu [[email protected]] has left #ubuntu [] [01:57] LjL, i know[01:57] sudo -i "password" > cp /home/usrname/filename /etc[01:57] cheeseboy16: sudo cp /home/cheeseboy/filename /etc/[01:57] i need the command to reset root pass=== tehseen [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu[01:57] heatman: Wouldn't that leave his password in .bash_history?[01:57] Hi, I have installed both blackbox and fluxbox from tarball but it seems that when it comes at the time to choose the "session type" both blackbox and fluxbox arent available. How can it be fixed?[01:58] !root > Clint- (Clint-, see the private message from Ubotu)[01:58] Clint-, why do you want to do that ?[01:58] ty=== amorphous_ [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu[01:58] anyone know anything about sdcards, i ahve a internal reader on my laptop and ubuntu detects it, but how do i mount it[01:58] HymnToLife: i would like to know root pass even know i have sudo[01:58] BlueEagle: yeah thats right[01:58] Clint-: there simply isn't any root password.[01:58] Clint-, by default, there is none[01:58] HymnToLife: unless the root pass is a quto generated pass[01:58] tj_, these people reverse-engineered the MSN video codec, so you might find some useful information on their site:[01:58] Clint-: but it isn't[01:58] Sorry I don't know if anyone saw my question. If I use apt-get to download nvidia-glx drivers on my 64bit OS would it automatically download 64bit?=== juancgt [n=juancarl@unaffiliated/juancgt] has joined #ubuntu[01:59] HymnToLife: =) cant be that secure=== J-_ [n=justin@unaffiliated/j/x-388422] has joined #ubuntu[01:59] Clint-: if you look at /etc/shadow, you'll see root has "!" as the password hash. that means "no valid password"=== xipietotec [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu[01:59] ah[01:59] ok[01:59] ty[01:59] Clint-, it's as secure as it gets. there is simply no password that will allow a login.[01:59] So...anyone? Sound system microphone?[01:59] nice thats fine then[01:59] where in ubuntu can I find my HD capacity and space left?[01:59] Clint-, don't make your system insecure while seeking security without knowing what you're doing, please.[01:59] cause i am encrupting the hd in a bit[01:59] encrupting=== rogier_ [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu[01:59] Clint-: if the ubuntu devs made things like they did, they probably know something about it.[02:00] jesus fuck sake[02:00] can I get some help[02:00] lol=== Krunk [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu[02:00] lol[02:00] bugz?=== tehseen is now known as tehsu[02:00] in windows I right click on drive C and choose properties[02:00] Thanks BrendaM=== mode/#ubuntu [+o LjL] by ChanServ[02:00] Bugz, not with such language=== Bugz [[email protected]] has left #ubuntu [requested] === mode/#ubuntu [-o LjL] by LjL[02:00] LjL: ty for the knoledge[02:00] I need one think=== Bugz [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu[02:00] even in real Debian root is not allowed to log in[02:00] !etiquette > Bugz (Bugz, see the private message from Ubotu)[02:00] that was totally uncalled for[02:00] dimeotane, you can probably check it in the file manager[02:00] Bugz: no.=== lakcaj [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu[02:00] jdsa, freom console, it is[02:00] well w/e im here to get help[02:01] I'm trying to unzip a .rar file. Then I type "unrar file.rar" and it says me, "unrar: /lib/tls/i686/cmov/ version `GLIBC_2.4' not found (required by unrar)[02:01] " What can I do?[02:01] unless you set it so it can't[02:01] I run Xubuntu, so mine is slightly different. Anyone? How do you check free hard drive space on Gnome?[02:01] iv been trying for the past 3 hours withresponse.. no[02:01] with no reponse**[02:01] BrendanM, df, in a console[02:01] whats your question bugz[02:01] OK, i've installed the w32 codecs, but mplayer still tells me that it's missing the plugins needed to play a .flv file ?[02:01] Bugz: and that justifies using such language? not.[02:01] My question is how do I fix GRUB[02:01] Hi. If I install Ubuntu (replacing Mandriva 2006) and I wanted to use KDE as a desktop, could I add Kubuntu or must I use Kubuntu exclusively?[02:01] whats wrong with it[02:01] ?[02:01] I tried the ubotu stuff but no luck[02:01] I get an error[02:01] which is[02:02] what is grub doing[02:02] Krunk: apt-get install kubuntun-desktop[02:02] Krunk, you can very well have GNOME and KDE installed at the same time[02:02] Krunk: apt-get install kubuntu-desktop[02:02] let me get it=== eternal_p [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu[02:02] though it's a bit of a waste to have Gnome installe dif you don't use it[02:02] Doesn't Ubuntu come default with KDE?[02:02] hi there, how safe is to jump to feisty from edgy if nothing is evidently broken??[02:02] anyone know how to install ndiswrapper once it is downloaded?[02:02] GRUB Geom Error=== killermach [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu[02:02] heatman: ahh . . that's what I wanted to know. Thanks![02:02] jumburrito: no, it comes with GNOME. Kubuntu does.[02:02] !kubuntu > jumburrito (jumburrito, see the private message from Ubotu)[02:02] krunk: np=== cobra0289 [[email protected]] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [02:02] GRUB Geom Error[02:02] dimeotane, the did you see that. The command "df" in terminal will show you how much space you have.[02:02] I'm trying to unzip a .rar file. Then I type "unrar file.rar" and it says me, "unrar: /lib/tls/i686/cmov/ version `GLIBC_2.4' not found (required by unrar) What can I do?=== Krunk [[email protected]] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [02:02] dimeotane: df -h[02:03] oh, so is that what the K in Kubuntu denotes?[02:03] good evening all...I'm looking for some sort of RSS newsticker that can scroll on the bottom of my screen (Gnome) any suggestgions..I know gestlets has one, ebut it always errors out on me....thanks![02:03] what plugins does mplayer need to play a .flv does anyone know ?=== mx-zoom [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu[02:03] df -h is not |33t :p[02:03] sadistico: make && make install[02:03] tehsu, GRUB Geom Error[02:03] feryana: how did you install unrar?[02:03] &&?=== Thunderbolt [[email protected]] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [02:03] before I waste time installing ubuntu 6.10 does it resolve the issue of not accessing windows shares? maybe I'm just gnome deficient in skill[02:03] check pm=== jack_wyt [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu[02:03] It works for me...[02:03] jrib from a tar.gz file, with make\[02:03] dimeotane, it looks like you can also go to accessories -> disk usage analyser[02:03] sadistico, connad1 && command2 will run both comands=== mx-zoom [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu[02:03] sadistico: once install type : ndiswrapper -i to install drivers, then ndiswrapper -m, ndiswrapper -di, ndiswrapper -da=== DBO [n=DBO@unaffiliated/dbo] has joined #ubuntu[02:03] does nautilus seriously not have a graphical disk use tool?[02:03] (i.e. command2 will run when command1 is done)[02:03] feryana: uninstall that and use the repository version instead=== xipietotec_ [[email protected]] has joined #ubuntu[02:04]