word and - church of christ...

THE WORD AND WORK A MONTHLY MAGAZINE SET TO DECLARE THE WHOLE COUNSEL OF GOD VOL. LVll No. 2 FEBRUARY, 1963 In This Issue I .ill..i11i; 1'11i111,t' Ch c1 C. . R. I.. " C:O Q ICKL\' AND TELL .. .'. 111 \\'h itl1 Dirt>ctio11 b C::111a:111! - Rc ucl Lcm111011 s I h l' C.:h11n h - .\ 11 01j\ll11iM11 .f . R. (;. .,. -·' !Ill lh·purl 1· 101 11 t1 . L:1111lc11l :ik - \\'illi' 11. Allc11 :l:! Tl tl'TH ,\l>V.\ NCE A$kcd of lJ, - 'i.C. . !l!I I hl l '.11 \ w.1' Looi. I:. I.. f. "I 1111.." u1 1hc Cro,.,- \\' lmh j, '.ifc1? - Jesse L. \\'ood I'll LC'IOI '!. l tEPR 1 ="-'T' - 1 hl· I 1n •1lm11 nl '11111ph· C ht 1,11,11" ( I' .in I) R. 11. ll oll <.ti111 """ ur llihlc I t.tthl.111111" - J. Etlwanl II O)d .\ c.l11i\11.111 \' it''"' 1h c """' E111esl E. Lyon SEE i) T ll OUG J-I TS J. L .. \dd:11ns . Sr. NEWS AN D , \l li1·11 \'011 . \llnw11 - C.. \ . \\ ihw1 'Ii !1!1 II I:! · II "' I ll

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VOL. LVll No. 2 FEBRUARY, 1963

~ In This Issue

I .ill..i11i; 1'11i111,t' Ch c1 C. . R . I..

" C:O Q ICKL\' AND TELL .. .'.

111 \\'h itl1 Dirt>ctio11 b C::111a:111! - Rc ucl Lcm111011s

I h l' C.:h11nh - .\ 11 01j\ll11iM11 .f. R . (;.

.,. -·'


lh·purl 1· 10111 t1 . L:1111lc11l:ik - \\'illi' 11. Allc11 :l:!

T ltl'TH ,\l>V.\ NCE SE:<:TION-Quc~lions A$kcd of lJ, - 'i.C.. !l!I

I hl• l'.11 \ w.1' Looi. I:. I.. f.

" I 1111.." u1 1hc Cro,.,-\\' lmh j, '.ifc1? - Jesse L. \\'ood

I' ll LC'IOI ' !. ltEPR 1="-'T'-1 hl· I 1n•1lm11 nl '11111ph· C ht 1,11,11" ( I' .in I ) R . 11. lloll

<.ti111 """ ur llihlc I t.tthl.111111" - J. Etlwanl IIO)d

. \ c.l11i\11.111 \ 'it''"' 1hc """' E111esl E. L yon

SEEi) T ll OUG J-I TS J. L .. \dd:11ns . Sr.


, \l li1·11 \'011 .\llnw11 - C.. \ . \\ ihw1






"' Ill


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The Word And Work 2518 Portland Avenue

Louisville 12, Ke ntucky




Tl'f'E WORD ANJ> WORK, 25 18 Portlaod A,·em1e, Louisville 12, Ky. Second Class Posta~c Paid At Louisville, Kentucky.

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G. R. L.

J\ ~11dd<•11 gll'-1 of wind catd 1c~ an op<:n un1hn.:lla and turn~ it in~ide out. I he da111age is not iCriou~. A child pill!> on hi., sock~ inside out. No harn1 is done. An "inside out'' d1t1rch is quite a1101hc1 thing. This is a condition which is not :tlwar readily ap· pan:nt, and it <ilw;i)" incurs great l o~~.


In 1hc rno11 11 L of God. Moses received Lhe pattcr11 !'or the 1abcr­natle and all it\ f11r11i~hings, as well :is ror the servi('e pc1 mining to it. I le wa) w:11 1wd. "And ~cc t.hat thou make thctn after their pauern. which hath been !>howcd thee in d1c mount." Thi'> paucrn w:i:. 1101

jt"t a paw:1 n ol phy\ical things. blll a p:HLern for wor~hip ( ce J ohn I:!! I: I: 17). Tht' 1:1hcrnacle and it~ tr:1ppings were not an end in 1hc111~t·ht:,, C'\t' ll in th;it day. Their purpo e wa~ to "hri11~ "" lO C:hriM'' - to ,how 1he worshipper the way to God.

J•"L wh:11 ''"'~ the paucrn God ~howed ~ro~c-.? The detai l;; '- :uc i.;iw11 in 1'.:rndm 2.i to •10. The thing th:n engage:. our auc11tio11

j1hl now i~ tht: md1•1 in which God 1w111c:. and dc~crihr'> the tabe1-11ade':. pat I'>. I hi., is the ~amc order ~loses follo\\•s in the actual construction (Ex. IO) . Ju both cru.cs, God start~ with the ark of 1hc covt·11ant. Tltc h1M th ing ii. the nrclering of the service of the prks1 s. T h i' ordt'I' 1akt:s on a special 111c:ming when we c:onsidcr 1 ft c s i~ ll ifica11ct: of' the ark of t ltc COVCll:tnt and I he holy or holies '"hich h<> t1sccl it. Thi · was JlOthing· less than the p lafc ol the very prc,~· 11tc ol Cod (the Shckinah). "There I will meet with thee, and I will co1111nw1c with thee Lrom above Lhc mcrcy-~ern" (Ex. :.!5:22). The presence (Jf (:ml was 1.hc whole purpose and end ol Lhc taber· 11aclt: and i~ 'crvi<c~. \'ears later, when the ark of the CO\'cnam wa-. taken in haulc. it was well said, "lchabocl" - "the glory ha~ rlqiart cd." I ht ph y,ica l t:ilicrnaclc was 1111rhangcd, l111L God w:"


110 ~nngcr amo 11g I Ii people. Later yet, Ezekiel sa w 1he glory ol Cod depart fro~11 the temple, an event that presaged the com­plete desola uon ol the temple and the destruction of Jerusa lem. \\"h ;!u.: '·~r 1hc ci'.rnms1:inccs. \\'iLhout 1hc prcsenc.:e o[ Cod. ~iic pricsll y 'c1 ' icc 1 ~ n1l'anrnglcss a nd the tabernacle (or temp le) is 1101hing.


1:"1i c 1 em pie in .I erusalcru has long been gone: God has a new dwcll111 g- pl:1('c on th e e:i l'lh: the assembly o( the sa ints ( I Cor. ii: Hi, etc.) . T he p11rposc of' 1his te111plc is no different from ihnt or the former. ··vc also arc builclcd together for a habitation of Cod in the Spirit" (Eph. 2:22). ror th is, the pattern revea led in the rnoum i~ still valid. T he beginning point ol constru ction is the presence o l Cod: the final , thC' ordering of its service.

Herc is where we son1ctimes see e\·idencc of an '" in ide out'" d1urch. The doctrine. and ordina nces are perfect. the service is llawlcs~. b111 :ila:.. "lchalwd." Where is 1hc presence or Goel? Perhap~ much c:irc: ha~ been taken to " build accordi ng to the pat-0, tern'· - except Lltal tlif ordn is reversed. Such c:ire h a~ been used in ordering perfeoly the \"isible trappings Lhat no one has thought 10 inqllirc whether or nm 1he glory ol the Shekinah rc:.ts within . S11r.h was Li 1c church a L Ephesus (Re,·. 2) , ;1 ncl sud1 we fem· arc 11 i;111y which profess LO follow "the pattern." To rea ll y fo llow the pattern from above means to reproduce the de tails, indeed, bm it a lso n.:qllires equ al fai 1h'f11ln ess in fo llowing- the order of con­s u ·11 r 1 ion.

i\fany obj ect Lh al doctrine should come first. Even though 1his is a pop11l nr position held by a variety or sects, we sec little prartica I cvidc11cc in its favor, ;md even less fro1 n the Seri ptu res. Con~iclcr the Psal111ist: ··1vfy soul thirstcth for God, for the li ving God."' " My soul w:i i1 eth in silence [or God onl y." "O Cod. thou an my God: e:1rnestly wi ll I seek thee:· Tuese are the expressions nl the 1rne \\'orshippcr, who is more couscious of God tha n he is of pc:r:.om or thingi; around him. \\That will be the practical out­working ol ~ll <.h dcnJtion?- \Viii it 110L be a ··man af1cr God's own hcan," who will carncscly ~eek out His will to do it? The prophet~ Isaiah is <inother exn111ple. Afl<'r he h::id been terrified by the vision of C:od. 11//1'r the 111ajcHy of God had been indelibly impre~sed upon his soul - 1hcn he was a willing, quali fied n1essenger (Isa. fi). Cer­tai nly we - whether iudividuals or congregations o f Christians- ca n never be "right side 011t"· 1111 til we recognize that om calling is pri111aril y and :1bovc al l 10 he 1hc dwclli11g place ol' Cod - not a mere repository u[ doctrine.


111 practice. tllis r.alb for pos1uve, COllSCiOUS dircrti Oll Of 0 111' w i 11 wwa rd (;od - 11ot j usL toward His cont rna ndrnc1lls. or His churd1, or 11 is work, but toward 1-Lilll. God is seeking 111orslt if1pi:1.\ (.John ·1:28) . There are plemy of workers and organi7.ers and pr<;>· ntotcr:., IHIL 11u one c1 n rill any usehil place for God unless he 1s [jr,1 :1 rtl(J/.\hi/J/>t'I'. To be a ,,·or~hipper mr:rn~ tn he conccnu.:d


with (:ml I J1 111J1•lf - ap:11 t 110111 all el't" \Ve n1mt nearly :ipp1oad1 true worship when we completel)' lose i. igln ol our ache~ amJ p:ii11s and our mall)' needs, and tand in aw(! before: th<! breath-caking 'plcndor of our Cod. T o the a\'eragc pcnon thi~ cxperiente come' only b) ca111t:, tl ) 'eel.in~. a~ the P)almist die!, Cnd I l i111~cll. ;\' <>L I !is g iftl>, H is larnr:., I-lb merci6, but I li111sclf. ~Ian) ha' c louml the inspired Psalm to be a great help.

J>crha ps a 11 i 11 ustra lion. though so1newha1 c; r11dc, 111a y hcl p 1.0 rla ri fy the na t urc of worship. Suppose 1 hat you, n·wr11 i nir ho111<'. arc greeted b)' your dog. With grc<ll joy he runs to m~CL you. jump all abom you, roll~ on the ground, and gm:~ throug-h every N her alllic of which he i:. capable. \Vh y~ l s he looking for a bone? Or i ~ he just now rc:111c111 I.Jeri ng the bone yo11 c111cc ga \'(: h ii11( Very unlike ly. He's juH glad Lo see )'Ull. He's overjoyed to /J1• with you. Thi~ 1 the atlillldc of heart chat God ~o dc~ires LO find in 1-1 i., redcc111ed one:.. 11 e ,,.an ts u~ LO dei.i re I Ii 111 111orc tha 11 "''-'

de ire I Ii., gi lt), or e\ cn I Iii. l>:tln1tion.

ln our public wor~hip, u·uc wo~hip can nol "jmL happen" : the1c 111u ·t be c.on~cious ~ecking for God . Thi · rctp1ire~ that every de­tail be prayerlull )' ' uln11iucd LO the Holy Spirit lor I l is leading-. 1\l11ch that b con1111onl) i11clutled in :1 "wor~hip ~c1 \'it<:" b nm at :ill conduci\'c LO worship. £ vangel i tic ~inging aud preaching, lor cxa111plc, i~ 11ot worship, though nccc~saq and good in its pince. I 1. wou lcl he di fl ic11 I1 1 o worship wi tho11 L pra isc, yet pra be is not idcntka l wit h Wt>l'ship. The 111ak i11g or distinctions cou ld he <::tl'l'iccl w an cxu·c111t·, but ii scc1us that cite 111ore c.011111w11 laulL il> in n1ak· ing 110 clillt inctions at all. i\lan)' of our brethren are carelul that t':ich 111c:cting be lor a -.pecificd purpo c (worship. c,·:111gclis111, pnt)'er. teach ing. etc.) ; other:. h:l\·e pos)i bl~· not g i' en i l 111 mh though L.

Con~cq ucml )'• i l wou Id a ppcar that the ca II I 0 1 1,•or,h i ppc1s :.ti 11 ha\ top pnoriL)' with our Lord. R.egardlCl>s ol how othcrl> may or n1a} not re-.pond. what will you clo: Onl y those who ll lll) wor hip are 1e:allr p1cpa1cd w wo1k.

"FE1\1t i-;oT , u rru: rLO C" "

'-- Thank God then· are alway:. a i'Cll' ol I Ii~ little lloc.k kcpt humble who listen lor His voice and bleat pitif11ll)'• who will not fo llow the voice or Stl'allgCrS, anc.l ~0 WC arc the \ llbjeCLs of t..hcir rninh and the ohjccll> of Lhcir scorn and hatred. Why won't we jo in 1heir gra11d :dlian<:es, their world cound l.

All :irg11 111cnts I ail LO 111ove us. \\lc wail !or 11 i111 who gave 11~ a tn1st, "Love not Lhc world nor che things of thc world ... " and we will not bc conformed w this world uor rel) upon ifs accepted method:. of 'uc.:cess. We will not ell Ch.ri L cheap 11or hire their p1 ogra1m and .1d\'c1 ti,ing agcnci~. .\ .., loob i11 a wo1 Id o[ dC\'CI'· 111inded men. 110t k11owi 11g anytliing c:1.<..cpt that we wc1 e loH and arc lound, that Goel l>Clll 1-1 is only begonc11 Son in Lo the ,,·orld to secure lor Hin1 a people for His inherira11ce, a people ramomcd, redeemed. and prcc.iom LO 11 i111. - l~rncl>L 1\lidiacli~


"tjo 2utdt'I and 7ett, ,, , ,

IN WHICH DIRECTION IS CANAAN? \Vltcn lsn.tcl was. wandering .in the wiklc1:ness between Egypt

a11d Canaan, i t constituted a unique community. There w:is ab­solutely nothing sLaLic about it. Cam.p was made each day with a view LO breaking quickly nnd easil y. .Even 1.he home o r worship cottld be di mantled in a few minutes and packed for t ravel. Israe.I was a traveling na tion.

A11d Is rael ol God today should be just that.. ·w e an.: 011ly 0 11 a j crnrncy here. \IVc, like Abraham, have no certa in abiding place. The churd1 can never say, ··r have arrived.'" IL must be constamly sending o ut its spies. It must be consta ntly 011 gunrd. I t will he con stantl y attacked lL 11111st stay o n the 11\0\'C.

T here arc many ign about us that the d wrd1 is lo~ing sight ("-., ol its very nature. \ •Ve are evaluating co11gTegations by Lhe ( I) ~ i r.e of their buildings, (2) the program of work they carry on, and (:l) the a1110 1111t or contribution. \l\Tc are not sending oul spi.es; we arc building the Sunday school. We arc no t prep aring ourselves as an offensive striking force ; we are settling into Lhc cult. of the comfortable. Our religious neighbors need no longer fear Lllitl we will bother a11ybod y.

ii is hig h Lillie preach ers take a new look <t.J. the ir runction. There is a vast difference in a church manager ;111d a licral1l of the 11 l ll h or Cod. T here is a II the difference i 11 the world i 11 a "good prugra111 ol loca l work" and in taking new LCrri LOry for Christ. Lei \ lace iL: Lhc churd 1 Loday has relatively few evangelists. It i~ bogged down in prognms. The ave.rage congregation has or­ganized itself LO d eath .

. \ feel i 11g !Jf frul>Lnt ti o n is i nescapablc. It springs largcl )' rro111 our l:ii lurc w rccognite, and abide by, 1.he u11ic1uc 11awrc or the cl1urch in(use<l into iL by the ma.rchtng orders Lllc Lord gave it in the Great Commission. A casual study will revea l Lhe fact that th e ,...,_ Loni i111.cntled the ch urch tO have th e sam e characteris ti cs toward it:. goa l and pmpo c that l sr ael had. The New Tes1.a111cm cburd1 came int o being a nd Uo ur ished without e it.her iueet.ing houses or permanent loca tions. l t was, like Israel, equipped to move in a hu1T)' to strike at any poinr. It was ready for every situation.

We w()uld readi ly admit that it is nfre LO have a good Lrnilding i11 a 11iiss io11 field through which and in which LO work; b11t L11c la<.:L tliaL we consider this an essential tool evidences the fact that we nre, w some cxL<:11t al least, mate11ialislic and thus worldly i11 0 1.1 r a ppro;u;h.

W e urgently need a fresh look at the nawrc of the ch uch and at the 11Jission of the church in the 20th century. The style of con­"r<:gati onal li fe is so confonnfog with lhat of huma n r elig ious orders b ~s

th:tl imtt:ad o( en1pha:.i1illg LhC d isLincti\•Cness of the ll:lllll't'. of th t• ~<:w T t•J>u1rncm d1 11rch. we blur the image. The patterns are so nearly :i I ike we ca 11 kirdly blame the u ncliscern i ng for not bci ng :1hk 10 !SC<' all )' di fl'<.; n .:ncc.

The c111pha~i~ ha~ been wkr n off of being born agai 11. :ind i, put upon ch urch attendance. Christianity (in the broad sense) j, lmi 11g ib appral 10 the mas cs became ic has dropped illlo a rut of ~1c1 c:otypcd f01111:tlity and lirnrgy. The Lord\ church i' lo1,i11g hall ol tlw~e \\'ho ai c hapti7.cd hcrnu:.c, afLer the new ha~ worn oil . the u m vcru. find thc:111J>ch·es in much the same ~tercotypccl siwatio11 :1·. Jll'C\·ails in h11m:rn rel igious orders.

\ Ve could 'itand \Omc rea l research in n:J> toring 1il c '>pirit of the ~C\\' Tc~1amt·111 churdi toward its mi~ion. While we ha\·t· ll<I lihcrt} in experimenting where dh•ine law has regulated, there i~ .111 urgent need for e'-perimenrncion wiLh new ways of breaking up 1ht· ,t:ttu ~ t111u. :tlld 1ci1H"igoraLing Lhe average cong1cgatio11. .\ bout .ill the C'-f>Ct i111cmi11g tlHIJ> far ha11 bct:n limiLcd w 111ovi 11g th · < OllllllUlliOll \('I'\ icC lO a pfacC before inslead or :tftel' thC CrlllOll !

It wou ld bc ;1 tragedy i( we :JSSCSSed the growth of the church by the n 11111 her o l coni:,11·ega tions springing up. Oorn·i nc has abou 1 h~·<·11 lorgow.;n in I :t\'()r of a busi nes.~ sua n \ approach w surrc!>,. Wl· :tn' not producing any great preacher~, or greaL sdwl:sr:.. or grea1 ll'ritcr,. \\"c :arc ,o happy our numbers arc incrcasillK we are allow­ing qualil ) w go 11mcquired. We arc leuing dow11 in the q11ali1 y o l C l11 b rian l1villg wo. Today 1 clarc you to ll:tlllc a ~inglc tiling done i:n the world that ,[ cairnot poim om t0 you being do ne by d111rd1 lllCtnl H'l'S in r1df fe llcrn·ship in the church.

\Ve h :l\'cn 't rc:atl1ed Canaa n yet. \ Ve a rc s1ill ill the wi lderness. I he: drnn h 11ced~ to be geared lor action. and th:it at a rno111ent\

11nticc. 1L 0 11gl11 w he endi ng ouL it.:. spies. 1t ought to be pu hing into nt.·w arc:r~. If it sits down. content to "meet and cat" it ough• 10 di<.' . • \ 11d it will.

- Reuel I .e111111011s in F11111 f"m111cl111w11.


"Other' I le· :.aved. H imlieff He could no t \ a,·c." So <,<0lkd the priest'· and upward rolled the w:s n· 01 hl:"phcm}' agaim.t the dying Lord, Un Lil it bs oke upon the throne of God.

"(hitch I le ~avcd, I l in1~ctr He rlid not save, So l'l ig ltcd til l' 111011rners r011111I th e Savior's grave; 'J'heir grief emhiuered by Lhc mystery Wh y I le, who Lazarus rnisccl, HimseH need die.

"Othc·1-. IO ~ave. Llirmc lf He wou ld not save, There re\ts the truth, His li fe for us H e ga ve: O ruined hcanl thy S:l\for had to choose H I le :.ho11ld d ie, or thou salvation lose.

- .J. C. Blis~ard

71ee e1eu1tele-­/11e tJ1t9an-t4m

J. R. Clark

I once examined a book Lilied "The \ \Torld's Living Rel igiom,." 11 li~tcd clt\'t ll rd igiom s11d1 as Buddh i,,111, Con fuci a 11 i ~11 1 , Shi moi~111. ~ l oh nmmecli~m. :ind along wiLh the eleven was Chri~tia11ity. I ""'' , 1ruck wich 1hc thought that of the eleven Christianity was really the only fi11i11g religion. The OLhcr were dead! \\.hich of them has :t

Ii\ ing S:I\ ior? On!) Chri!>tianit) lws a living God and a living ,......,_ Sa\'inr. Chri:.1iani1 )' i:. in a differem ca tegory Crom the rc~L It 011h "' is a uni,·crsa l religion, lilting 1he needs of a.II peoples. ·

\Ve c;rn get a sample of God's fee li ng about idolatrous re ligion~ l l) tt•callinl? tht· ~ IOI")' of Dagon and the ark of God. Cod permitted 1hc Phi lisunc:s w rapture L11c ark of Cod ( I Sam. 'I) . T hinking that the God of 1hc .Jews was onl)' a national god. like Dagon. they put the ark (golden rhest) in d1e temple of D<1gon. The next 111or11 i ng 1 hey fo1111d Dagon fa llen 011 his face hrl ore the ark. T hey wuk Dagon and set him in his p lace. ext morn ing they were horrified LO find Dagon on the ground before the ark of Cod, wit h his head and hands broken off. T hen plagues broke out a111on11 LI 1c l'h i 1 is ti ncs u 111 i I Ii n:i lly they were relieved Lo send lhe ark hack 10 Israel. Evt•11 ~o. ChrisLianit)' is noL in a category with hea then n.ligiom.

111 harn1011y with the above thought, the dH1rch is more tha11 an orga11i:1atio11- ii i~ an organi~111. The \Vinston Dictionary clcl111cs 01g;i111~111 thm: "A 11 ythi 11g that ha!> life in itself. A li ving body ro111posed of parts, performing individual ducies mutually depcn· dcnL."' Defi ning 01·ganiLation. 'Winston says, "The acl or process ~ ol g1oupi ng :1 11d an:rnging imo one whole a set of paru. dependent w1 one ancnhc1. . \ bod} of peri.ons united (or a ~pedal purpose, ;p, a ,odct}. dub, or political part)•."" The difference between organi1>111 a11cl organi1acion lit·~ in the face chat organism is a living thing, while :111 01gani1atio11 cx i:.its. or may exist, without lire. :\ car with it> 1.i:tn} p:1rt• <>rdcrly arranged is an organization, bm it is noL :111 mgani~111. The l>:t 111c ii. Lrue ol a ·ocjal club. I hope that 110 one who rca(b thi!. will lltink L11e church is on a par with a human org;111· i1ation.

But whc1c in 1hc ~cw T esLamc.:m is the church clllcd an or· g:i 11i,m~ Th<: anl>wer i ~ that wherever the church is rallcd :l body it i, rallf·d an organi~m. for a body b a Jh·ing organism. .\ nd over ;1 11d ()\'('I" i11 1lte :\cw re~tamelll the ch urch is cn llcd a b<Jdy. In


Roman~ 12: ·1,5 we re:id: ' 'For even a~ we have many men1ber~ in one body, a nd a ll the members have noL the same office: so we . who are ninny, <ire o ne body in Christ, and severally members one of another." 111 £ph. •1:11 we le:i rn that there is one body. nnd in Ephes i ~tm I :22. 2:1 we read LhaL Goel " gave him to be head over all things LO the drnrch. which is his bodv, the fulness o[ him that filleth all in a ll." \\'e could multiply passages on this theme, but suffice iL t0 cn ll :ittcmio n LO 1.he \'Cl')' fine discus ion o( the church a. the bod)' in I Cor. 12. \\'c arc as close to Christ, the head of the C:lw rch, ns the

111emhl'n, of o ur bod ies are to our head.

The Holy piriL, who dwells in Christian" give life to the ~piritual bod y of Christ. ln 2 Cor. 3:6 Paul says, ''Tbe Jcucr killeth. b11t the Spiri1 giveth life." Jam e says, "For ns the body npart fro111 the ~pirit is dead, even o faith without works is dead" (2 :26) . Thi passage links the human life with the spiri t. In like rnanncr the ~piritual bod)' obrnin~ life from the indwelling H o ly Spirit. In Ari I :8 the I .nrcl s;iys, " Hut ye sh:ill receive power, when the Holy Spirit

"\...... i' rnme 11pon you: a nd ye sha ll be my wimesses .. . " Also .Jc~us L<i ught Nic:ocleruus that we are born of water a nd the Spirit. Paul in Tit.11 ~ l :5 speaks of lhe washing of regeneration and the renewing of the floJy Spirit.," and in Roma ns 8:9 we learn th:n if an y man hath 11(>L the Spiri1 or C hrist he is none of His. T he Ho ly Spirit g i\'es 1 i le ~1 nd power w the body o[ Christ.

Another requisite to life is blood. How well we know that,. with rdcrc ncc 10 1hc h111n:111 body. lu Lev. 17: 1'J we re::id that the life is i11 llH! blood. Without blood we wou ld die. T h is is also Ll'lle or the spiritual body. T he church could not exist witl1out the blood of Chris t. "Knowing that ye were redeemed ... with precio us blood. ;i, or ii la1111J without blemish and without spot. even the blood or C hrist" (Pe tl:r) . "Apart from the shedding of blood there b no remission" (Paul) . The blood of the lamb on the Unte l and doorposts o n passo\'Cr night in Egypt typified our passover, Christ, the Lamb o l Cot!. who was sacrificed o n Calvary. Along with this. clea nsing \\':ltl:r 111ixed with the blood o( the hc ikr and laid up to be 11sccl in day by day cleansing reminds us o( l Jolin 1 :7 where we read, "thl: blood of .J c. us his Son cleanseth us from all si a." ''Cleanscth" here in the Creek is in the present tense and denotes continued acli o11. d :1y by d:1r tk-:iming. Thus the bl ood of J esus gives life to tht :.pi riwiil bod). both initially and day by day.

" l Tis Spirit answers to the blood nnd tells me a 111 born of God,

:\11d 1clh me .I am born of God."

Let ll!> never forget that the church is an organism, tJ1at it is the li ving· body of Ch1ist, that it is cleansed by the blood :111d quickCn('cl hy the Spirit.

·1 he Christ ian life trnly baffles science. .It cannot be 111caM1recl on any of their in~u·umems. ll is o ut of this world! It is lived hy the power o[ God thrnugh faith. Being a living re ligion, it yields fruit and ex periences growrh.


·wiJJis H. A llen

The \\'ri ter. 0 11 lea 1·e of absence fro 111 Shaw1H.:C, recently ~pen t th'o nionths \\'ith the \ Vestsidc congregation in Fon Lauderdale. Florida . T he lit t le group was in a bad ly discouraged condit ion. It \\';11) p ri 11tari ly be<~IU c o l thi that 1 fe lt led or the I .()nl lO try to g ive tlwm ~onH: a ~i~u111cc . The a u enda 11rc ra11 lrom ~O w 25 on Sunday morning~. with no niglH m eeting ac. a ll. l urged the m at the hc~inning w rc5ume night e1Tices on Su nday a nd \ Vcdnes­da}' 11ighh . w 1\'llich they re ponded with a ttenda nce of lro111 8 to l ~. - c11oui-;h to j u~t i ly the dforL .\ s one: mc111ber s 11gge~ted , " It i, a Lesti mon) LO the rnm muuit)" to ha ve the ligh ts on." Th e~<.:

night ser vices they arc con tin 11 ing a t the presen t time. " ' c put on a specia l rcviv:.il effort from November 25 to 30. During that ll'Cek one n1a 11 wa~ ba ptized in w ChrisL. T his O il ( ' <·onvcrsion in 0 itself was \\'Orth wha tever s:-icr ifice or in co11ve 11ic11ce a ny of us ntight hi1\'e llt itcle. He is a lready proving h imself to be or va luable assist-il l tc"(' in 111 <.: wo rk 1here.

From the l1cgin11 i11g th is li u le c:onwcga tion ha~ had i L~ stn11-m lc~ . It ha:. lac:kecl ;1dequate ld tdcrshi p among its n1c111hcrshi p, thong-II :i l't:\\' Jia vc· worked hard a nd sacrifi ced much t.0 hold togcclt er and 1na kc pro17rc~~· l :arge ly by Lhe ir own labor they tontplet~d the ir ch urd1 h11 ildt11g a le" · years 11go. and have now a nea t, r<J111lortahl c, n ice ly 1'11r11ishcd bui ld ing, adequate in size, rree from debt. They li a\'C a ni ce preacher's home, on which they are making momhly payments. But d 11 ring the past rew yeRrS they have lost in per­:.Olltt CI, ~0 1 11 <.: 1' :11 11 i l i c:~ worshipping e lsewhere . a nd so111e 1w t n1cet­i11g ;1t all. T h is Jms rcd11c.:ed their fi nancial abil ity to such an exten t th ;1t it licca111e n eces~ar )' for their preache r to ~eek ~ecu lar employ· 111c11 t. wlti t h. as a lways, rnna ilc<l his c.:hn rch work. \ Vith the grea t g towth o( tltc ci ty du ring the paH 15 years it 111igh t he thought 1 ha t the 1ongrcw11.ion would be s1reng thencd by 0 1 hers corning in. Howe\'er, fu lly 95 per cent of "Church of Christ" members moving i il :ire i lhlrllCLCcl \\·here LO go, O r , more correctly, where 110 1 LO ~O. ('.,

Brnt her De lmar Browning has preached for the congTeg:nion lor the past th ree year~. H e himself beca me discouraged, fee ling that the work \\·a:, uot p1 0 peri ng, and .. resigned" b sL .J une. Ho \\'· e1·er, he contin ue · w illingly to work with them, but is read y to llll'll

m·c: r the lcaclcrsh i p to a nor her il and when an accepta ble ma 11 111:1 )' bc.:ro111e :1\-:tilablc. Brother Brndy Green i Lhere at pre~c11 t, :r 11d help:. 111ud 1 in teaching a ncl ocher ways. \Ve lcfr them in much J;cuer spirit. and wi th assurance from some clcl i nq uen l that they wou ld n·LUrn :i nd support the work. Report..~ since we left indi­cate that Lltis 1> piri L co11Lin11es. T hey need he lp. by prayer a nd hnancia l ass istance. The [cw remajning fa ithful ones lor111 a 1111-( l cu ~ abom whid1 a good su-ong clnu·d1 may be de ve loped, under th(' g-r:t('t ol (;od . I.cl us remem ber th is work regularly in our prayers.


Stanford Chambers

QUESTIONS ASKED OF US Whal i~ lhc a 11swcr w lhc claim 111:idc h ) lhc l{11i~l11' ul C:oh1111bm :11 111 h)

lhusc who llc<'cpl us 1ruc w h 111 Chey clai111, m11111:ly. t h 111 1h 1• ll lhlc i~ :i C:11lwti1 hook?"

Deny it. ThC)' play on the tcrn1 "catholic." They capital­i1c the word and 111akc it mean Rom:111 C:Hholic , a contradiu ion in it:.dl. T hc word c:a1holi< 111cam uni,c1-. ... :d, general. \\'hen )1111 :.a~ Roman Catholic., )Oil change the u~c o( a word mean ing general w apply to son1ething- particular. ·1 har nccc: ... .,i1:nes d1e capital lcuer. of course. \\'hen they sar the Biule i' a "Catholic book" 1 her ay what b nor 1111c, for the) (Hit po,el)' gi\'c the i111prc ... ,icm that it i' the Roman C:nholiL the\ 111l·a11. I he Church ol Rru1ie did not produce one :.ingle book "01 the Bihlc. .\II the in:.pired writings making up 1he Uook were exta nt long year~ . cc11turic:. nl yc:ll's, lielorc Liu; liody 11ow headed up under the Pope was c:vc1· I hougln of. The rnh1111c or the Old Ttsl a 111(: 111 wa ~ i 11 the Cl I St od )' ol the .J cw~ B. C. A I J the books ol the ~cw T esta 111cm \\'ere wri llc11 in the cla)'S of the apo,tlc~ and were rccogni1ed ;i, authentic that i .. canonical. lro111 the ucginning. and there wc1c 111any ropit-, ol Lite originak It ""'' decided in 1hc Co11111 ii ol ~ice, !>25 .\ . I>.. w col lecL these writingi> and con.,tit111c ol thc.:111 one ,·ol11mc. th ~· volume e\'Cr :.iuce known as tllc New Te~uuucnl. The Books ol the ~cw Te)1a111tm were 11ot made a111hc11tic I>) the.: C.:ouncil'i. dc<.rcc. ~o hook we111 i1110 the n1lu111e that 1\·a:. not already rccog11i1ed :1\ authentit and in~pired. The Papaq • or Church of Ro111c 1111<k1

tlte so-ca lled "Univcr~al Hii>hop" did nOL co111c 11mil the sixth cc1nury. T he 1er111 Catho lic (ca pitalized) means one tlting while Lhe tern1 catholic rncans a1101hcr. The Knight' 11! Col11 1111Ju:. would 111akc people think catholic.- and Catholic, that i~. Roman Cat.Jl()lir. :ire one and the amc in meaning. That i-, deception.

\ Vho is the one 1nl.c11 a11cl w!Jo j, tlw u11c le ft i11 the a•;or's '1at~111c11 1 i11 1hc Olht·I p rophcc)?

\\1hen the ~a int\ arc caught up a., i11 I l'hc~. -1: Ii, the '1ai 111 ~ arc the on e.'> taken. \Vhcn later the tares :11·e gathered out and 1hc vine ol the earth i~ reaped. those takC'n arc taken lor j11dg111c111. while tho~c kit are 'urh a~ arc accepted of God.

Whal j11Mihc:11io11 ;, w he .wc:11 for ca lli11~ 11111m·) " lillh) 111<-rc:"?

Like unLO thi~ phra~c is one tt~cd by th<: Lord Je.su~ - "t ilt l\lannnon of u11rioh1 eo11sne~s. " l\foney beco1ucs " 1111righteous" when it i ~ med lu1 b:tse

0 gain. 1\ncl "filthy I urn·" li kC'\\'i,e. Have )'Oi i l'\'l!1


~·ou 11d it sci.ck:y? Docs il want LO slick to your fi11 gers? lluL Ll1crc 1~ sud1 a tlung as consecnn cd money. Nevcnhclcss, "be ye Cree [ro111 the love of money." "Keep yourselves from ido ls," and such iclo laLr)' a~ rnvctousnes (Col. 3:5).

Is thrrc 11111 danjlCI' thut l.l1 crc nitl)' he unprcparctl n c.'~ IV meet the Lord a l H is ooming on the pal'l. of some even who know the prophccic.~ t'Ouccrnini.;' His oomiug aud the order of events to oome?

lndced, great danger. One can hold the r ight teaching i11 tcllec-11 ial ly witho111 his La ki11g iL to h eart. T o s11ch a o ne the Lord's pro111iNcd re turn is 11ot that purifying hope as set forth in t.hc word ur truth. Sec l John 3:3. He cannot be said to "Jove his appearing." His lamp needs tri n1111i11~ as did those latnps of the foo lish Yirgi11s, 1>111 like them, he lacks oil at Lhe \'Cl')' ti111c he 111ost need-. a ;.hi 11i11g ligh1. Let me ask, Why arc the sons of thil> world ''wiser in their genera tion than the sons of light"?

llccansc we belic••c that. 1hc mi llcu1:1ial 1·cii:1~ o( Ch rist is .111 follow His re· 111rn, we nrc ai:cuscd o( dc11 y1ng thal H e is cxcn.:1s 111g any :1111honL)' now at a ll ...

A drn rge scm·ccly wonh wnst ing t i me 0 11 . l)o you not ba pti1.e "in the name of .Jesus Christ"? Do you not gather togeLl1e r i11

His na111c? Do you no t hold that "whatsoever ye do in word or in deed" ye ''do all in Lhe name of the Loni .J esus, giving thanks 10 Cod the Father thl'Ough hi111"? " ln the 11an1c" means by Ll1c ;1uthority. All ambority in heaven and on ea rth is His to exer· rise as H~is wisdom directs. He does not exercise His full authority :is yci. " W e see not yet al l things subjected to hi m'' (Heb. 2:8) , IH1l 1 he 1 in1c is coming whc 11 "the ki11gdom o( the world has be­co111c the kingclo111 of our Lord and his Christ" (Rev. 11: 15) . When He exercises the fuU authority that is His, it will not be said whaL Joh 11 declares to be the case now, that "Ll1e whole world lieth in the· ev il 011c" ( I j ohn 5:19) . It is all important that you (al l who lire 11 i ~) respect His authority :111d will as far as it is revealed right now and always.

I n Ill)' class as teacher my r111estio ns seem nearly alwoys to lie pro\'oking c:(111Jro•·C1'S)', and Lhcrc is so much of the t.imc the la1:k o r the right spir it . Ca n you uffl'I' a sngl{C$liOn?

Unfortunate, that. Have you made lite niauer a su bject uf earnest prayer? "lf any man lacketh wisdolll, kt him ask of Cod \·.•h o giveth to all men liberally and upbr::i ideth not" (Jas. I :5). Grn11 11d your praying 0 11 this word and prolllise. '1l 1en exercise good judgm ent.. Avoid <isk~ng ,,the t1uesti? n Lhat provokes con~·o· vc::rS)'· t\ nood sister o nce said, BrOLher E--- asks such nonsens1ca I

0 · d" d I q 1u.:stio11s. lt is hard LO keep 1ntcreste . Pray an stuc y as per

~ Ti111ot.hy 2:15. n oes l'ccc~r's commaml "Ho1101· the ldng," •1Jakc i I the Christi an's d111 y lo

honor a C:uholic preside n t?

Certainly. l n Peter's day the wicked Nero was "the king»" i>e i 11g the head of Lhc Ro111a11 Empire. Though he was a wicked :ind hcartlc:.s pagan, he was LO be honored because of tl1e offic.c aud position he held. "Thou shalt not speak evil of a ruler o[ Ill )' peop le." "Honor LO who~n .h~nor. is due," a~d the Lord [or it. ho11or is due a ruler. A Christian is no anarchist.


\\"har is rhc Taln1111l I• c ortc11 ~cc rU'cri ctl tor

.It i~ a compi lation o( .Jewish writings, i11cl11si \·C of a <0111111e 11-L:1ry 011 Lhc same called the Gemara, written by a 11u111ber o[ Rabbis. -n1e \.e111ara is the second pan of the T almud; the fi1 t p:11 t j, called Ll1e l\iishmi. I t is comidercd b)' J ews in general to be the "oral law" reduced to writing. B)• the "oral law" they 111can ex­planations given \\!loses, explaining the written law, handed down (such the ir claim) from Mo~cs to .J oshua, from J oshua to the ciders,

f10111 the ciders LO the prophets, l'ro111 the prophet'> to the 111c11 ol the Grt·at S)1nagog11e. Sec Bi ble Dini<mary.

E. I .. J.

Di.,t:intc, a:. well a~ ah,e11tc. lend' c11chanu11e11L. The De< e1nbcr \\ 'onl and Work reached Lo .\ ngelc law b) the l>IO\\·-footcd ~e1 oncl­< lass mails, but how we did devour it when it came-e,·e1'}' anidc. <'' ery word I

I .i11srnu's article:. prove how right we arc in 1110\ i11g hi111 w th t' lrom . Clark 's comribution reads like a wortl•)' chapter lroni a "orLliv book on evidence .

.-\· rcrwin aura. a nd a bcn c of rc-.pcc t anti c.:unlrdcncc, 'cc111~ w \lllT01111Cl the ht'SL·pagc writt•r ol n g1Jod religious journa l. I lce l thal cid1cr (or a ny) of my colleagues are more \\'unhy than l ol this re\pcc:t and con lidence. M oreovcr the ~pot ~cc ms to ca 11 for .1 cenai11 nobility ol ~tylc and diet ion that, in th<: la'>t ~e' en rear .. , the front page~ may not always have exhibited.

t \Vh:1t joy it is LO hope th:ll our ht•lovcd journal, now in l>tro11:~ young hands-though not wichour the "old reliables" -will l>c per· pctuatccl in po wer. perhaps till .Jesu~ comes, perhaps a thousand year~ i>C)'Olltl that hlc~sccl da )•l Who k nows th;iL a ll good t h ing~ cm eanh n111st e nd when .J esus conic i' 1\ la11y ol o ur fothcr~ in the fa ith, men of J. . \. H arding's caliber. hclicved a11d taught that the earth, renewed and cleamcd in awful judgment , would be a ccm er lor the -.aillls- at l ea~t for a 1hou~and )C:t t .

0 1 1hc "old reliable~" among 11~. Cllarnlicr-. r:in b the first. \Vhat a "seven-d ay wonder, " wha t an ;1111azemenL to 111en and clevill> Cod has made of him! l'\oc far from the nonagenarian decade now, tl~pite the lo" of half hi~ ,tomatlt ) ear~ ago. nnd more l:tteh half hi, e)C ight, he :.lill labori. on, ;tl111o~L ( like Paul) "111c>1c than they all." I !is n c\~ ?ook ? 11 the Conqueri ng R~d<.:1 , ~io ~1' being read. is no/ just a rcpeuwm ol books that went before: 11 1s the 111atmc a nd r itJCllCtl frnit o l sixty years Of eal' ll C~ l. h OllC\l ~ lllcl)' :l llU teach·



i11g 011 Lite rigltL track in Lhc.; right book. Evc:11 ii it wen: rq1etiLiu11 . ~•') of Boll . i L wou Jd be needed and useful. A new gen em t ion is u pon m. They will read with greater imerest from living, comcrnpor;:iry :nnhors. So it happens that each ~cncrat.ion rnust needs have its own IOllgues Of fire. its LOl'Chcs 01' burn111g lig-ht, and its pellS of co11victcd and cnn vicLing power. Gladl)' we wotdd con11ncnt on the other December articles. One was or special interes t LO me : Boyd (1 11 ' ' \Vhich Translat io n ." I am following Lhe progress of Lhe i111proved "Arneric:rn Standard " (I .ock11rn11 Fou ntlat io11, near us here) . There have ucc11 delays. bt1L we are. assured that progress is be ing made. 11 w ill re produ ce th<;! I YO I Amercian Standard-the best o f all tramlatiom. a~ Boyd po ints out "' wiLl1 slight improvemen ts in the idiom for oi1r da y. Let us hope chat the "improvemems" wil l be few and it~ pub! icatio n soon.

Our promised hort study on lsai:1h 7: 1-1, "Claims and Couutcr Claims on the Virgin Hinh ," is ready, bm must wi1it its wrn, another 111011lh. It is written in popu lar style: by a com111011 man LCJ

c;o 11 1n1o n 111c11. or at Lhc most <>n the leve l o f' the average reader. 0 •J3oll. Campbell .\ lurgan, a11tl man) miter great c;xpos icor.; lta1 c cmpha·

Li<.':d ly said lhc same.

"LUCK" OR THE CROSS -- Which is Safer? .J es!>e Z. \ Voml

"Ta ke a chance." " Huy :a chaucc." ' 'Maybe yo 11 wil l win. " \Vhat ha \•e you w lose?" \t\lho bas 11ot h eard these a n d simila r ex pressions? \Ve knew a ma n once, \\'hose life seemed to be bui lt 111: " C hance." He w~ts not known to do a day's work, ever. Rather, he ga111blcd h is way lhmug-h life. H is ·cxc:11sc for such a life was tli :1L "everything i ~ a matt er of chance : a ma11 goes into business 0 11 a gamble. H e enters a business venture, hoping, bur not knowing \\'heLher he will be a success or a failure. " This man was known 111 ha\'C 111adc a nd d1en Jost a fortune. He often said that maybe so111eda y h e would h it it ' ' l11cky." H is alleu1pLs LO h elp his luck along h.:d him into unfair practices in his games of chance. \Ne tried to 1:alk witlt this worshipper-ol-luck abo u t God and Christ a nd the " ~ 11 rctv ot £Lerna! Life. He indicated lo us that h e would leave that l t> " l '. 11ck, " wo. He would take h is "cha 11c:es" that ''maybe the .H ih lc \\'as not rig!Jt," or " maybe Cod woulu uot send him l.O hell," or " maybe God would gi\'e him another chance," or "maybe - maybe -lllaybe" on and on.

Mow piLi[uJ w see 111e n gam ble away their Jiving. the ir money, t heir homes, their savings! Hut how exceedingly worse LO sec rncu trust LO "Luck," as they call it, and go o ut into eternity witl1out Cod :ind \\'ith out hope! " Luck" is a forei gn word in God's vocabulary. \Ve arc not offered a "maybe so" or a raflle·tickc;t-chan ce Lo Heaven ;111d w n.:un ion with loved o nes gone 011 b efore, but we have a ' 'sure hope" (Heu. 6: 18) - an Anchor! ·we have a Savior whos~ pron~iscs ne\·er fail. There arc no losers among those who put their all mto I Ii ~ hands. I'Li wke Him!


( rl11· fullowi11g a11iclc I>) R. II . llull appcan.:d some: )'C~ll> ago in 111 1.: fon 11 ol :i 1 rac1, lltJ \\' long t llll or pri11 1. If 1 here shuu Id lie 1c<p1cs1s for it in s11llicic111 cpcan1ity. 1hc Wortl ~ 11d Work will ha1•c iL rcpri11trd.)

THE FREEDOM OF SIMPLE CHRISTIANS -- I Ir in Lh c 111idst of the 111ulLiu1dc of rcligiou~ bodies and de110111-

i11at ion~. wh ich make up the profe~siug Christendom of our day, :1 number of nwn should rise up professing 1..hem~el\' es simply C:h1 i~tian~, and :1s not idenLified 1dth any sec1:irian body whatsoever, but as belonging only •to the one rh urch of the New 'festa111e11t, it \\'ould he proper and right to ask. them a few pertinent questions. On what gro 11 nd do you try to distingu ish yourselves from the vari­ous bodies and denolll inatiom :1round you? By what right do you a ppropri :a Le 1 o yours el vcs tha L un iversal, 11011-sectari<.111 name "Ch ri ~­t ian ": .\ re )'Oll ~ la nding o n such a frec, broad .. universa l ground Lliat the nan1c "Christi<i n" describes you and your position? H so, wlrn1 is )'Our po. it ion and in what respect does it diffe r from tha1 of tlte various dcno111ina tio11s? And by what r ight do you clai1n 10 l>clong to th e very New Te3tarncm church iL5elf, in contrast with all the denominational world?

The~e arc fair qut:.tiom and dcm:111cl a fair answer. It is cvi­d1..11 1 that no 111a11 has 1he l'ight LO ca ll hi111sc lf simply a Christian if he bclo1t1:,"> w 301ne peculiar ;rnd di~ti11ni\·e clan or seer. Nor can he hone~tly and honorably claim to be a member of the chuch of Christ, if in rca lit )' he is an adherent of a secwrinn body. ' "'e must know therefore what. constitutes a man simply a Christian, and how a man 11iay riglnfull)' cla im to belong ~imply w thc New Testament ch urch.


. \ Ch risti:i n (if he is just that and 11oth i ng else) is a man who lielungs tu .J esus Christ - one who accepts 1-:tim as Lord, Savior , and as the Son o l the living Cod. And, o( course, that llleans as

\_..I the only Lord ;rnd Savior and Christ. Such a one is therefore wholly ;111d cxc l11si1·e l)' r0111111i ttcd 10 Christ for everything. From Hi 111 a lone he has his Ii fe, i 11 Him a lone he rests his hope. .From Him a lone he takes orders; Croni Him alone he receives l ight, in­~trucLion. truth, g11 ida11ce. H e ha~ no other ~piritual authority-110 uther 111<1ster. rabbi. tcac:her. The Lord .J esus is the one onl y ~'Jllrc c ol tight and tru th 10 him: and Christ ;u1d Christ's word is Iii ~ only s t ~i.11dard and criterion. The word of Christ's inspired me scngers, the apo tlcs, is to be e..x prtssly included in this statement :1;, being Christ 's: but all otnsidc :ind hu111 :111 au1hority, and a ll merely lm111a11 ~tandanb arc cxprc~s l y excluded.

Now ii' one who confesses J esus as Lord does at the same time ackno\\'leclge 0 Ll1er lordship and au thori l y in spiritual matters, he

n:a,es lo be ~i111pl)' a Chri:.Lia11. J k is 1hc11 ol a ~pedal ki11d a11d ~u·ipc, accordini.; LO lite kincl o r alie11 a lllhorily 10 which ltc ow11' allegiance. He 1s, as it were, a "h)•phc11atc" Christian, <Hie whose loy­:r lly is divided, and who c obedicnc<' ro C.:hrisl is limilcd and modi­fi ed by the hu!llan over-lords to wliid1 he is subjen. 11 is a llegiance ru man 'i; creed and a11d1orily make:. him :111 adhcrcm ol Lhe panicu­lar ·eel and parl)' which adopt.S Lhose peculiar Jrnman standards . . \nd in all fairne ... , and honCSL)' he ~hould llOl pa s as a ~imple Chris­tian, b11l should adopl .some appropriate huma11 n:imc hy which he c;: n be known or distinguished.


T he church of Christ in lhe New 1 c :~ w111cnL :.c nse i ~ lhc aggn;­galc (local or general) of bapli1cd bcl icvcr:. who own allegiance tO the Lord J esu' Christ alone. ll)' Lheir ' cry name a nd charter Lhcy are a free people - free Crom all men. They are not under a11y yoke of human 111a:.teri. or h11111.111 creeds. The bo11cl thal hold, rhcm together is lhcir common f<aith in Christ, their all in all, and r""\ their common love toward Him und one ww;u·cl ;1110L11cr. The) arc directly responsible LO Lh cir Lord for ;:i ll they do or say. "To his oiv11 Lore! he ~tandeth or fa llcd1" (Ro01. H:<I. 8, 9) . ndcr Christ they a lso ba\'C 11111111al respo11sibility 0 11c toward a1101hcr. TC in Lheir :.111dy o l God':. will a11cl \\'Ord they come LO differem condusions (a:. may well happen) they mutually t01TecL, co11ncerbala 11cc, and 11up-pla11l one another in fcllo\\' ·hip and brotherly lo,·c. Thu they gro,,· w gcd1 er into Lhc 1111iLy o f Lh e la illi in die kno wlcdgc ol the Son of Cod. Tltis is a great pan of rheir schooling a11d di,ciplinc. For in personal sLudy of the word d ifl ercnce of view will arise; and if lo\'C abou nds they will be mutually helpful. Instead of scuing up each hi., own finding~ as :.tandards, and i.plitting into f:l clions and secls, the~c Christian:. \\'ill help one another to <1pprchc11d th e word ol the Lord more perfc:c.tly. ThC)' will also bear with one another in mi~takc~ and m1~applications : and unlC~!> it be for ~omc error lhaL dc~troy~ the very foundat ion of the faiL11 itscl[, or by the intrusiou ol ~0111cdling Lhat nee ci.sari ly c;111scs disrnptio11, this bond of lovi 11 g­lcllowship is held i>acrcd and i11 violatc by them. And to be :.ure, ~uch a rhing as an attempt on the part ol any one to dom in:ue the faith ~ ol lite rest, or lllO\'c lO a.s~u me arbitrary a utJ1ority o\'er Lhc brclhren and to 1hrea lc11 and i11Li111idatc Ll1cn1 into ~ub111iss io 11 i ~ not :.o lllllCh :" to be named 0 1 Lhougbt o f.

Regardless of <ll1)' rel:Hi\·e mcril~ or any qucstiom involved in :i11 y particular co11troversary - lhi:. is a matter o( />ri11riplc:. l t b ru ndamenwl. The vcr>' ex istence ol the undc110111i nationa l chun;h of Christ depends 0 11 that. Any belief, though it were Lrulh, if it b imposed upon men U)' human prc~surc or auL110rily. lo!>es its Yirtuc (ha. ~!J: 13). The imposition ol a human o ·eccl darkc th the !>piriwal \'i:.ion, l> tifie:. Lai th, :.tunt:. i.piritual g1 owth, bri11gs 111en illlo bond:tgl'. a11d makes simple 1cw T esu1111e11t Christianity impossible.

( ro IJl' w 11cl11llcd 11cxl 1110111h.)



{fetttd4Hta o/ ~dte 7ut1edatirue4

J. Edward Boyd .

In the booklet (which is the pl'i11Led form o f radio addrcssc.~ dcli\'ercd during S<.:ptcnrber, J9G~) under examination Lhel'C arc a 11u111ber of rrllicisms of specific renderings in r ccelll Hible tran~­Lnions. Two of these, which have no validity whatsoever, have been discussed. Briefiy stated: The blood IS in the first chapter ol Co lossian8, verse 20, in al I Lra 11slations exa 111 i11cd, al though tex tua I

'-- evide nce is not ~ uflkient to justiCy its inclusiort in verse 14. All ,rfwlar~. liberal and consCI\lati vc, so far as l know, recogn ize this to be true. A nd, while it is u·ue that in Luke 24:51 the words "and carried up into heaven" arc o miued i11 certa in versions, it is ribsolmcly wrong LO say Lhat one would never know from a11y of tlic~c translations what became o[ Hirn; for in Acts I :9-J I they pl:ri 11l r slate that H e was wkcn up to hca\'c n.

Then there arc a number of criticisms offered tlwt are i111111atcrial, 1ri l'ial. What tlilf'erencc docs it make whether we read "We esteemed H in t not, " or •·we <.lid not esteem Him"? "Like a clo\'c'' or "do\'e­like" ; " Descending" or "co111ing down"? " Without form " or "Corm­lcs:."; ".1\ tree to be desired" or "a tree desirable" ? "To Timothy, my dearly beloved,' ' or "To T imoth y, my dear child''? (The latter, w which th e critic objecLS, b a litera l rendering. Yet he finds fault with a110Lhcr translation because Dan. 12:1 is N O T rendered liter­all y!) "Grace" or "Jovingkindness"? Much is made o( this, as thoug-h Lhe word "grace" were indispensable. Hut it is a l[llestio n whether it conveys to the average person tod ay the Eull import of L he C red:. cl1a ris. l n my opi nio n " lovingkindness" more n early docs so; but even it may fall short. Rothedi~Lm used "favor"; but pcrhap5 best o f all is Williams' " unmerited favor."

Now we do not wish to leave tJ1c impression that all the criti-1i1>ms in the booklet are invalid or n·ivial. On the contrary, a few were fou nd with which we are in complete agreement. Certain ly \\'C ao-ree LhaL the wol'cl ''virgi n'' rnther Lhan "young woman" (as in the RSV) should appear in the text or 1saiah 7: 11. The Greek word that is eq uivalent LO ou r " virgin' ' was used by the translators of the Septuagint version . T his meaning of the original word is confirmed in the nativity n cCO!Hl lS of Matthew a nd Luke, even in Lite Re vised Standard Versio n. Likewise the Twentieth Century rendering in Romans 11 :25 (" ... ti ll the whole Gentile world has been O(ttherc<l in") is unquestionably false and misleading. The same ~ Lrue or their tr:in~l:nion of R ev. 20: 13: "The Lord of the


pla1 e ol death gave up .. :· The: i 11~c1 t ion ul .. , hl· Lord'' i~ wl111ll> wi lhou l just i fica ti on. A ne>Lher ~criou:. nii~u a11~latio11 i~ t h.1 L of Lu kl" 2~H'I , found in both the Twemielh nnd New Engli~h versions: ··The H iil wa~ in eclipse.'" There could not ha\'e been ;11 1 eclipse ol ll1e rnn. as thi, :.11g~ci.ts, 011 that orc:asio11, for it was the ti111c of full rnoonl

Of the critici~nh not yet 111enuo11cd Lhcrc b one that :.hould pc1 hap~ recci' c 'pcci:d :mention. I t ha' w do with the cxclamalion of Lite R.0111:111 ccmurio11 at the trch\ (~Litt. 2i:5•1) . Should it he 11 a nsla eccl "ti.Jc Son o( God"' (a' i 11 Ki 11g .James \•crsion) . ":t son o l God·· (as in RSV). or God'~ son (as in some others) ( The second i ~ rnndcn1nl·cl, 011 the ground 1 har the tra nslawrs lrnvc left ouc the ' terinirc anid1· "the'' and ha\'c sub~tiuncd cJ1e imlcfinitc "a"'. Yet there L-; i11 lact nn ankle in the Gieck texl! How can lhC)' be ju,tly :tCCU cd or leaving Olll ~On1ecJ1ing th:H \\'as llOl there ill the first place? Howe\'t:r. il i\ onh· lair co state thac the ab ence of the arLide in lhc C:1Tt'k Lext doc> (wt 11cn•ssr11ily 11tle it 011t in tra111>l:ttiu11. ln hi1> co111111cn1 s 011 Lhi~ palt~:tgc, Dr. A. T. Robert~o11 :.:iy~: " ... il mcam '"'\. 'Gad'i. son, either the ~on or a :.011. 1'hc.1e is no W:t)' io tell.'' So, lrom th i . poilll or \' iCW a.lone, iL is clear thal Lhis <Tili<:is111 i~ whol ly 1111 j u~ li ficd.

But there ii. yet 111rn c 10 he >a id aboul thi:. i11citlcnl. Presum· ahly thi~ Roman olhce1 wa~ in diargc of Lhc cxcc11tic>11. .\Jo,.l likelr hl: and Lhe :>oltlie1~ under him had p;u·ticiparcd in other suc:h ''cne,. 13ut never had the~ ~cc11 .111' thi11g like thi,! The dcn1canor ol tht' nian on rill' 111iddlc c:ros,, wiLh the i1wTi ptio11 "The King ol 1hc .J ews," so tolal ly dilkre111 from any LhC) !tad prcviou~ly see n; the earthquake and the L11rcc: ltom.s of darkne..s-a ll ·o amal.ing rhaL they ga\'e 11Ltera ncc to the thought. thaL natura lly arose in their mindi.: S111 cl y thi!o. wa · IHI ordi n:iry 111a11! That noted and high!)' respcc:tccl ro111111c1Hator ol a lor111c1 generation, .\da111 Clark. ' :lr: "lL is 110l likely that Lhe cenL11rio11 had all)' knowledge of Lil(' C:\pcc1;nio11 ol the Jew:. relali\C to the ~l essiah ... .-\ :.on of God, a' the Ro111a11 uwd the term. \l'Oulcl -. ignify no 111ore than a \'cry c111i11t·1n or cli,·i11c person. a hc1 0." Auel i11 harn1rn1 y wi1h this i~ tltl' !'act Lhar Luk" (~:>: · L7) cx presse~ the ccnu1rio11 \ though t i11 thc'e words: ""Cenainly Lbis was a righrcou:. 111a11." \\'h :ne,·er Ll1c r"°'\ 1 prnble111s in\'o lvcd, C)I thil. we mar be ~ure : in addition L<> Lhc tesLi-11H>11) ol the Gmpcl writer,, we ha\'C also the !>im:ere and u11bia~ed judgntem ol L11i~ heaLhe11 olhcc1 :ind his co111pa11io11, 1onccrning I c·.,11~.

There i~ 1101 a spicier hanging on Lhc king's ll':tll bul hath its erra nd ; there is 1101. a nettle thaL bri·owcth in the corner or 1 he clrnrch ) :ml bm ha th its purpose; cJ1cre is noL a single i nscct 11 u Lteri ng in the urec1.c but arrnmpli!>heth some divine decree; and I will never ha\'e it Lllal (;{)d u ·cat ed auy nian, c~peciall)• any Chril>ti:111 man. to he a blank, and w be a noLhing. l le made you for an cud. Fi11d out what that end i~: find om )'Oltr niche and fill it. II it be ever ~u little, ii. it is 0111)' to he a hewer of wood and drawer or water, do M1 111cthing i11 Lhis grcaL baulc lor Goel and truth .

. ;o

/I ~'Ziaiale 'Vie~~ 7~e 1tef,{)L

ErnesL E. Lyon

IT_ C1~N HA l.>_PEN HERE. J hm·c j11sL received a topy or an ccfi­tonal 111 .. Lf~<.'_/'11111. f'o1111<~~1fio11 Of liL\l \ ~J~IJ>; L Oil an article p11bli\hCd hy the: ~ .l\_111g C.hu~ch, th~ l:tllt'r be111g a paper read hclore the: ! lo11;c o l H1sli op., of d1c Episcopal church by Fred \V. Kern , whn 13 D11 cclo1 of Rcligiou . \ lfair~ Ofhce of the Ofi icc of Civi l Ocfrn~e. a cicpannicm ~>I_ 011r D7parr 111 ent of Dcfcn~e. I wi ll 1ry to get a «>p) ol 1 he on gi na I :11 urle before ro111111l'llli 11g in d<:rn i I here. blll appa1 Cllll) ~ 1.1. Kc~· 11 believe~ tha1 otu· government i · prepared to s i ~ppre'' rc lig-1011 liberty and La ke m·cr church property in time ol cl1sa~ter. Lrt me ci1101c thi> one -,c11tencc from 1he cdit0rial repor1· ing ol ~ 1 1. Kern\ a11iclc: " ff clc1g)'lllCll want to pr<.>:.ctTc thcia l'rccd0111 of religion, and thci r I recd om w ad mi 11 isLCr w the d )' i ng and the di~trcs~ecl, it will be nec.e~ ar}' for them LO be rcgi tCrcd with the ci ,.i I dd en~e rn ga n i 1;11 ion... . \ thorough I)' rc,po11 ~ ihle 111a n of widcJr-k 1111w11 1cp1n.i1ion. I . Rol><·n Ingra m , Episco palia11 prc:1d1-c·1 of l lomto11. I C'xai.. i\ <Jlllltctl a., 'a) iug Lhat .\ Ir. Kern added tJ1e following stalemcnt not iu tl1e article when he poke: '' f f he imi:.b he will find a ~hoq4u11 in hi~ bcllv." Thi' ,uuc111cnt ''""added ora ll v tr> the ,t:ttc111c11t 1hat an 11111cgi,te11·d mini,ter \\'ill nOI he allowed 1:1 rnini~ttr 10 1hc dyi ng a nd the di:.trc~'ctl even ii he i~ wearing ecr.k· .,j;i:;tical UOthing (II i:. pc1~~0 11alfy rcrogni1.ed.

l' l·IE CUB:\N SlTlJ.\ T ION. I hal'C tried 10 avoid \\Tiling alio11t 1ht Cuba 'iwalion for fc:11 1hat Ill)' c:o111111cnh would be on an 0111dattd ,i u1:11 ion btca uw ol the f aH mm·i ng \late ol affa ii 11 lo1 :l\"11 i le. 11 ow­l'\ Cl', e\Cll 1ho11gh this i' written al least two week:. he lore p11blicatin11 date. it now appears sale w poinr om ch;n no i1hpenion i~ even in pro~pcn in C11b:1, 011r prcs idcm ha~ denitd 111:aki ng a no-i nva,ion pro111i.,c. cvcnd 1ho11s:111d R11s~ i a ll\ arc ~ Iii! t.lacre in Cuba. a good 111an y Rus~ian lighter planes :.ecm 10 he 1.hcre i.till. how many 111is~iJc, :ire hidden we do not know, and co1111111mist prop:1g;111d:1 and imriguc are 'lt ifl pouring out of 1-l;Hana. Let m re111c111bcr 10 pr:a} for till' C..:11h:a11 Chi i,1i:1n,, lor the rom·cr-io11 of 111<111) 11101 c Cuban:.. and lrn c111r gmcrn111c 111 w :.eulc dai::. matter in \Ucl t :a way :a~ w i111provc 1he :.illlation in :all 1hi~ h<:mi phcre .111cl in an honorable \\"'1)' do \\'hat c;111 he clone Lor rite e 11 ~1a,·ed people ol Cuba a:. 11·c·ll a, ol other ~l;i\'c:. heh incl th<' "iwn < 11r1ain." ~E\\'S BRI L::F'-,. ~ l any (011vc1,io11:. :arc reported a111011g Cuban ref11-oees in this (.Ollllll')' . .. Fe li p<.: Alou, ou t~tand ing San Fr:anc i~co Gi:i 111 ~.1,chall pla}'t'r. ha, joi1wd the Pod.ct r c,talllCllL League lCa 111 110\\'


\\'Orking in Pena ... Charles .Brown, Jr., (Methodist) succeeds Frank A. Tobey (American Hapti t) as Chief or Arnty Chaplain~ ... The Jmernal Revenue Sen'ice has ruled that ministers of religion who arc teaching in churrh-related . choob arc entitled lo rnx-frec homing allow:111ces "in lieu of n parsonage," according to a news item in tlw Moody Monthly 111agazi11c ... Maybe it isn't news, but it i~ Ill)' conviction that, if the Lord allows this <li!ipensation to go on much longer. ftlltLrc historians will look at the past thirty years and show tJic pas~ing of thic; country from a represcmativc form of governm(:'nt w a dinacorial one unles~ Christians will pray in ·uch an earnest, believing fashion that we can ha\'e a rc:il revival over this country t11

retmn n1en to Cod .. . Billy Graham says he sees 1.he beginnin:-,rs ol such a stirring all over the country ... Let us hear front yo11 . . \dcires~ 17~M Deer Lane, Louisville 5. Kentucky.



Peter, as :t fe llow elder an<l witnei.s of Lhe suffcrint,rs or Christ and also a partaker of Lhc glory which is lo he reve:iled, ex hort'> 1.he elders among his readers t0 tend the nock among them ('I: 1-4) . just as Christ had cn1111rnt11dcd PeLcr, "Tend my sheep" Uno. !l I: 16) . ll is insu·uc1.ivc and encouraging to see Peter's ai.surance of hil> fmurc. H e speaks with the same ccrntin1.y nhom bis future that he doc~ about his past. There is as much reason for any believer to have that assurance, for Peter was a "fellow" elder. IIis assurance was based on the fact that all aspecLS of sa lvation are the work of C od ( I :3-5), therefore we can be sure that il will be finished. When Petc1

says 1.0 bis fellow-elders, "Shepherd the flock of Cod," he is saying just what Paul said 1.0 the c iders of Ephesus when he said, " In all thi ngs I gave you an cx :111 1plc, that so labori 11i; ye ough1. LO he lp the weak" (Ans 20:35). So Peter tells these ciders to follow his example. No shepherd is a real shepherd w~o docs his work "of con­straint'' or "for filth y lucre.'' Such are "hirelinbrs" Ono. 10:11-13). Our translalOrs ha ve: mi~interpretcd in adding the word~ "the wil l of" in verse two. It is not "accordi ng Lo the will of Cocl," but ":Hcnrding to God." Shepherding is w be done hy the elders just like 1.he Cood Shepherd does it, out of a heart of compas~ion for 1.he sheep. " J .orcling it O\ICr the Aock" is not al all the w:iy of the shepherd; "he calleth his own sheep hy name, and leacleth them" ·(Jno. 10: :1). 1\ s tlw "chief Shepherd" was paucrn for Peter and Paul, so Peter and Paul are pauerns for the elders, and the elders must be patterns for the flock (v. 3; Act.., 20: 18-.'.15). The 1.rnc el<ler wi ll be crowned witJ1 unfading glory at the: return of Christ (v. 11) . Thn1. is 1.hc crowning and rewarding time (cf. 11 Tim. 11:8; .Jas. J:l2; Rev. 22: 12) . It requires grace LO be in a position of authority and not Loni it over those under you. It require~ grace to live a life 1.hat is an example


in holi11c;s~ for :rny o ne. l~ut God provides the grace for t he cider LO

so conduct himself.

If it requires grace for the elcler to ·erve as a shepherd, not :is a hirt:lin15. Olli Of the goodness of his heart. making himself :tll

<~xa111pl<: to the fl ock, it require... eq ually :is m11d1 g race for die llolk to ~ubjett themsclvc~ to the elders (v. 5) . Voung people do not 11:1 u 11•a lly ~ub jeCL themselves to a nyo ne. T h ey u:uur:i lly have a stron g desire lor inclependcnn:. I f a church fo l lo ws the direct ions given by Paul LO Tinwth )' a nd T itus (1 Tim. 3; T it. I ) with rcferc1H"<' w cider:., it i'I spir itually Ll1e afest thing for a n y C hristian to !.ub111it to such ciders. Fo llo"·ing the ··Recei"ed" text the King .J:imes Version lw~ .. all ol rou be ubject one to ;mother" in verse fi ve. The .\ mcrira11 Sw11eh1nl Vcr~ ion, following a critic:i l tCxL, le:ivc' o ut thC' \\"Ord · ·~ ubjen·· and adds the phra c "' to serve' ' which i not in any text but j, implied in the word cran lated ·'g ird. " Peter h:icl in mind J t' ,th


girding II i1mcll with a towel ancl w:l\hing the di,ciplc\ feel. :end Jcsu~ ro1111namlcd His cfociplcs to wa~h each other ... feet.

Q '"gird your~c h·c:. with huruiliL)'• LO serve one anoth er" il> Peter\ directio n I.or all Christietns. The reason for · the cx hortntio n is that ''Goel rc~i~ts the proud. but gives grace to the hu mb le" (cf. Ja~. •l :(i: J>ro,·. :l:!M). The "proud'" are tho:.c who think more high!)' of' them· :.elve~ th:rn they ought w think (Ro111. 12 :3). Their cstinmtion o l thcm~clvc~ i ~ exalted and fa lse. God i against such. The "'humble" arc th ose who h ave a true an d lowl)' estimate o[ the mselves (I Cor. l!i :!l ; G:1I. Ii: !!; Epl1. 3:8: Ph il. 2:~). Co nce it and arroga nce r a11 not win, for God is aga inst them.

"'Humble yourse lve~" (' '· 6) i~ passive voice in the Greek and ... lwuld be tramhm:d .. be humbled uucler the mighty hand o f Cod."" The trut.h b that the Chri~tian ~h o11ld recognize that he dc~l.'n't"' whatever he receive~ nf sorrows :ind ~ufferings in the providence of Cod. The C hris tian who is persewted by a pagan government de­~c1 vc, that evil. eve n though the government is wron g in g iving it. I he Chri,ti:111 ''"'e treated rrnellr hy a pag:111 master dc:servcs the treatment. hut God'i. wr:ith i~ ag:lin'>t the ma tcr. The Chrhtian wife de~cnc' the bad treatment her paga n husba nd gi\'cs her. hut he i~ in troubl e wiLlt Goel if he does noL repent. So it is in everythin~ in C nd":. providc1He; we never suffer :inyth ing 1hat we do nol clesenc. It. i~ a ll :i pan of Cod· chai.Lcn ing, .. that we may be partaker' of h i holine.,'>·· (H ('b. 12: 10, IJ ) . If we ~ubmit to I ! is discipline, H ii. grace lor ti'> will be the rich er: H e will exalc u (er. i\lau. 23: 12) . In 1h1· b:ilkgro1111d of a ll the troubles for Christians i~ the devil, the Chri,. u :111·s ad\'l'na1 y. H e: i, 111orc than a match for Lhme who ign()rc h i111. I le 11111sl he l'csisted by fai th (v. 9; Jas. 1:7; Eph. (i: 10-20). fn Goel ':. p10\·identc lie allows Sa tan co cause sulfering to Christians for Lhc Chri~tian\ good, ii Lhe Christian remains stedfasL in faith. T here i ... no pi 0111i-.c that a Chri1>1.ian will not suffer; rather there is as~11r· ancc: 1ha1 he wi ll ( Rrn11. 8: 17) . Vcr~c 10 and 11 are c·omf'ort ing-. 1\ ~ i t was with Chr ist, so it is wit.l\ the ChrisLian ; after the :.11 1fcri ng i., the g lory (cf'. I :11 ). Pra ise God, now a nd forevc!'lnorc the d om in io n is Cod\, i\111cn. ·


Of Interest To Christians

J. L. Addams, Sr.

Rules For ll:ippr Li' ini;

So111cn11c ha~ :.11ggl''Lcd the fol· lowiug Le 11 nde, lor happy living. lt is a g'OOd list, b111 L11 c bendiLs of it will be lo5t unlc~ you Lhink of each " rnle" ~cparalcl) and ('arc· fully. Read the cmire fot. then come L11rougb Lhe111 one ~1L a cime and pause to rclkn 11 po11 ench .suggc~tion for a few momcn L~. T he only chan~c we wo11ld rec· ommcnd i, that the la:.t itc111 should be g-iven lirst pince.

I. Keep b 11S)' · One ca nnm a l· ways work s11·t·11111111\I )'· .~o ha vt· a hobhy.

~. Never indulge in sell-pity. Maybe you did 1101 ha\'C oppor· tuni tics as a child. bul yn11 rn n make Lltcin now.

3. \ Vhcn you go ouL, prepare LO

gi,·e a 1.mile w everyone who will take iL "No one is properly clothed u 11 lc1>~ he wen r' a smile.''

·I. Cuhivale a cheerful di-.pmi· Lion and a seni.e of humor.

5. Piil yo11rsclf out 10 help SOlllCOn C ever)' day.

G. Fill your li fe with worLh· while things. Then, should the light go out, you will have some­thing LO think aboul.

7. Appreciate people. NoLlli 11g­gives more joy tha n ::1pprc<.:iation.

8. Children arc the hopt· of tht: world. ~I a kt· :n lc:l\t one ('hi Id happ)' every clay.

9. Rc:fme to be d i~couragccl. 10. Read your Hible, and c:ilk

w Cod abom all )flltr allair,.

,\ Child's li11prc.,,io 11

At church rmc S11 nclay n1or11 i no , I. I I . b 11 t c . :111c h~tc 11cd w a <.cnnon 011 " Let Yo11r Light hine.'' The onl}' pan ~ht· 1·c 111en1bered wall the te:--1 and i.he womlered jtM what r'\.. that mea111. l le1 mother told her that it mea nt to be obediem , checrf1tl and good. 111 1he after­noon. J ane got i1no a liult- trou-ble:. :i nd re111<·111 hcri ng the ,crmon ~he c:-.pla incd her aCLiom by ay-1ng. " L\·c lilowe<I n1ysclf om :· S111'l'I)' .J ane\ deli 11ition was a good c111e. hut it i~ also a d 1allc11gc w older Chri~tiam ~in cl e~pcc ially to parent:.. I low many ha\'e "blown the111.'ll'ives O\lt'' and no lo11g1'r ~him: hdorc the littl l' one~! Really. parenh. how do you :.him:!-

• . Ho"' 1\huu t 11:

II :1 railroad c11g i111'er ,aid. ' '1'111 not going to 'tan tlii' 11 ip umil <:\'Cr) l> ign:i I J igh l a long the track ii. green,'' he probably \\'oulcl nc,·-~ er get started. Even if he get:. only half \\';t )' and 111('t' l s a red ligh t, he is ht.:1t er off and nearer the destination than if he had nev-er :.tart ed. F.''''" l>O i1 i:. in the work o l the I .on l. II O lll' t:irric:. umil al l i:. i':ivorab lc OI' lllllil a ll


are agreea ble. he will nol get \'Cry far "on lhc road" for tl1<· l .onl. To he :.urc. the ideal ~iw:11 ion i' th:1t :di light~ migh t be "green" a long our pathW:t). hm BES RE dial an) "red" lighl )Oll CCllll<.: to i' that ol Guel :1 11cl not In 111a11.

i\I a 11 y p1.:ople rcga rd rcligio11 like a Lrolley car; they ride just a~ long as ir is going their way.

• • • Correcting raults is llke tying a

necktie - you can do it bette1· on yourself than you can on anybody c lsc.

• • Tht religion or Chri~t is not an

un certain way of looking at some things. but iL is a ccnain WCI)' of looking at all things.

• • • Lon~ Never Fail.>

. \ little g irl in a hospital was '-' 111aki ng slow progress toward re·

covcry. A doctor on the hospital ward took special interest in the child. 'Tll find ou t why she is im­proving so slow ly," he said. Ile found out that the child was very sensitive, easily scared, but re· .,poncled quickly to love and kincl­nc.~s. ·· l'L is a lack of love a11<1 1111derstanding," he concluded. So he plll thi.~ directive on t11e child's chart: "This child requires loving every lo11r lw1irs l" · rl1ere is no Japsc of time in God 's love for us. H e loves us every moment o( 1.he day and night. He says, " l have loved thc.:e with an ever lasting love!" ( lnriden tcill y, doe your thild receive as u1uch loving as scolding? And, have you tried lov­ing in place or scolding? The " rod" is nccessa•)' often tillles, uuL never administer it except and \\'ith love.)

• • • "God spells 'Wo nderful' wiLh

live lcu ers - JE-S-U-S!" •

' 'Tiu: world wants saints on Lhc streets rather Lhan i11 statues, a nti Lhe chtu·ch needs them in the congregalion rather than in the calendar."


"11 I could hear Christ praying for me in the next room, I would not fear a million enemies. Yet distance makes no difference, for H e IS praying for me::·

• • • A lady o nce said in a dis­

cu~s ion o( talen ts, "My talem seems to be speaking my mind when things arc not as I want them." Perhaps the answer from her friend was not the o ne she had expected, "That's one talent Lhe Lord will let you btu1."

• • • "G irl~ used LO dress like

Mother l-1 u bbard, bill now Lhey (Christians?) dress more like Mother Hubbard's cupboard."

• • • "Use your 111011ey while yt)u'rc

living, D o not hoard it to be proud; You c:rn never take it \Vith you, TIJcrc·s no pocket in a shroud. Cold can help you go no far-

ther Than the graveyard w here you

lie; And though you arc rich while

living, You're a pauper when you die."

• • • "As for the fellow who is throw­

ing mud, just remember that he is not s tanding on firm ground."

• • • "\\'e have a lo t of folk today

with dieir DISPENSATIONS all right and thei1· D ISPOSITIONS .\LL WRONG!' '

• • • ··n your lips would keep from.

slips, Five L11i1tg·s o bs(1rve with care; Oi wbom you speak, to whom you

speak, And how, and when and where."

NEWS AND NOTES Salisblll) ', So. Rhodesia: l b erewi th

tnclusc .$:'j ,()() for cx1c11sio 11 or my sub· scr ip1i1111. I have 10 111{ he ld 1hc view rl1 a1 1w p:ipcr i11 rhc bro1.hcrhood has 1:,·c r t11:11 ch cd I he hig h sra 11dard scL a 111I t11a i11 1ai11 cd by the f;iiL11CuJ brethren wbo have hcc11 respo11sih lc for the good min· is1ry of Wo rd & Work.

l'lcas1· 1akc nolc of our 11 cw atld 1 cs~: 11 1\ . I l11rwu r1h Road Highlands. Salisl.n1ry So. Rhodes ia, Central . \ frica

\\'" ral..c co11 r:tgc i11 cn:ry ptospcc1 open w 1 lw go~pd here and h o p" for a l>iding frnit . -\/cnw11 C. L:l\l')er.


• \ Preacher( :111d Ch11rl'l1 Leaders· hrc:1kf:tbl 111ec1i11g i> hc ltl l':td1 ~cco11d S:11urtla)' of 1l1c t11 0111h, 8 a.tu . IO 11 a.111 ., :ti the l'lliVCl'biLy or Lo 11iS\'illc Cllfeteria. ,\lex Wilso11 brlw g ht a challenging de­rn t ioua I message, :rnd led in group 1li•· C'11 s., io11 in la1111:tr) . Twcnt}"o11e wen.: prcs .. n1 . l·cbruaq"s t11 c1·ti ng will fca ru rc a grCJup di.~cu ssiu u u 11 1111 · 1hct11c: " What is Spirirnali1 y?"

W cd dinl:' Anniversary SiX l )'· l1 VC ~11es1 s rcccn1 ly a11 c.:11 d ctl :tll

ope n house o hscrva11cc o f 1111: fi!l 1 h 11·ctl· di11g' annivcrsilry vf llrol11cr a11cl Sis ler Ja111 cs Lashbrook of the Fishervillc d1urch, w here Sister L;rsh brook h as been a 111 c1111Jcr for i7 )'C<ll S and Orolhcr l .ashln ·ook has liccu :tl'livc as a dcaco11 for 111 :111y )Cars. llo lh ha 1·c sp ent most of thei r liv1:s i11 lh e Fishenille neigh· lx1r h ootl anti ha\'<.: alwa)S been me111bcrs of 1hb clt11rrh fro111 the lime o r their rn1H cri.io11 . They arc the g1~t11dparc111 s of Pa1ricia ;\ la1 .. h , wife of To11111w .\l:n ' It, who is 11ow a 111is~io11ary iii Jap:m.

Lou is ' illc, Ky.: F.11clo~cd 111111 $2.00 i11 <'11nc11 C\' . 11lca.c gi ' c 111 c an :1dditi1111al whs~ri 1;tion 10 Word ~ \\"ork for a \'Car. I 1hink I k11 ow somclhing to do ;~i1 1t ii. -C. T. C la r.

At present some f1111 ds :ire :l\·aila l1lc for 1hclr u·a ,•cl, hlll ii is 11 01 s111li1;ic111 . I( you wo 11 ltl care 10 he lp 11 11 11tis projc1.1, pl~tse ~c 11tl yolll' gifts 10 " I 1;,,.. old l' rcs10 11 Miss i1111 F1111d ," I'. (). ll11x 808, Gallatin, Ten11csscc:.

l'. C. S. OPERETTA 0 11 FclH'11 a 1) \J, I !JG!I. Ill Coll>Clln lk

Junio1· H ig l1 School J\11dil1Hi 11111, ·Hi l!i Ta)'lor Hlvd., lite l'on land Chrbli~ 11 Hig h School r horu:. wi1h 1hc assis1:111rc of 1hc ~c.:,·c111h :111d eiglt 1h gr:uJc 11111si1 class will p1cse11t 1hc opcre1ta, .. I 111.: C.ondolicrs" 111 C:i lhcrt a11d S11 lliva11, direc1ed hr ;-.frs. ll :d l Crnwclcr. The performance " 'ill begin at 7:30 p.m . AJI friend> of Pur1 l:rnd School arc in· 1itcd 111 a11c11d.

L exington, Kr.: Uro. Llill .\lcd l1·i . \ it tor llroadtlus' trc:tsurcr. rcpuns there is :S:l:J'.N.2l ill 1hc house r1111d. The h ouse will cost approximate!)' six thousa nd i11 · Slead of five I hOUS:I 11cl 1 h u l t he re is :t

likeli hood 1ha1 he ma) lie :i li lc lo >o lvc Lhe 13rnwcr a 11d Sis lcr Alex Wilson 1.tuusi_ng- problc111 by furnis hi ng 1hc 111 1 hc first flour . :\ l.Wo·• IOr)' house for .six t ho u:;and i:-. hcyoncl c hf: I ho ug h l. of 0111· h11ildi11g ;i house he re for s uch a s urnll sum . l' r:t)' for ou t m bsio narics at home and a l>road.

\\'c had a wo11del'l 11l \\'a 1ch Niglt1 .-cnicc las1 :\cw \'car's Nig ht. Then· w1·rt· i11spiri11i; 1a lks fro m all the m c11 a n d )'(Htng lllCll . I :till pt~l )i llg Lh::ll \'\'ord and \\'ork m ay double her sub sc1ip1io 11 lis1 in 1hc )C:ll' l!Jli11. I.cl 11~ all worl.. 1ow:11d 1h:1r c 11tl. \\·c n:asl· 11ol 10 pra) for I ht• \\'ord & \ \'11rl.. . I t is 1lw \'Cl'} hes t 111uga1.i11c p111Jli,hcd from 1hc sta11dpoi11t of spiritual ari iclc.' and soul food. - 11 . :-\. R11chcrford. f'\

H owi:, T c:xas: i'l<::i>c send 111 c 1hc \\'orcl R: Work for an111hc1 year. Vo ur fine ar1idc.' have helped 111'c so 111uch for many years. -~Ir~. V. II . Maiz.lip.

Louisv ille, K) .: Fchrtta rv I ith marks P rcs tons l'lan F111'1011g h rhc co111plc1ic111 ul" 0111· i:l1 1t )'Car of

T he Ha ro ld Prcsw11 fa111il y is pla11· labor l 11~ rc. T he Lord h as blessed and 11 i11g 10 t:o111 c ho111 c for u 11111ch 11cedcd su~tai n c<I wo 11e lc r(11ll y d111·i11 g all Lhis rest. Tcn1a1iw plans ca ll for 1he111 t i111e . There ltavc hccn s1:vt:ral i111provc· 10 co111c al>oul Apri l. 1%!1. T hen: arc:; 111c n1s Liii 11tc phys ica l property. i11 d11d-s1i ll s1111tc clt·ta il s w work m11 hcforc ing 1hc purclt:i tie of 0 111· own h11ildi 11~ 11t1:)' will h e Cree w co111c, b11L a l lcas1 i11 1%:'\ and a n :11todc li11g of i1 i11 1% 1. 1ltis is in Lit e ph11111i11g. {\ s sp o11su ri11g T h e Lord has rich ly blc&<ccl a111l ~up · rhurch. the Ca ll a1i11 church of Christ pli1~d our ma1cri:tl a nd l1n:111ci:ll 11ccds. hacl hoped thal a ~pcci a l appc:tl fur and most of a ll ::i f;O<>d crc\\' of goclly 1r:l\'CI 111 11<1~ wu 11 lcl not be 111·ress:i r y. <.:<>·WU l'ktrs. I am i11tleb1<'d especia ll y


10 llrother Phili(I 110111\\:'l)_<c:r for ·""· i11g rnt: to preach the fi1st time (1hc11 a1 I ith Street), a nd 10 ll ro ther Cham­ber' fo1 his a1ll'ite :rnd rot111~el wht'11 it " ,,., ,., 11ccdcd.

I!)(;:.! c, losccl \\' i I h Mmu· 1 i~i hie 1I'm11,, 011e of \\'hirh wa' 011r )Ot1ngcs1 so11. lloth of our d1ildn."11 OO\\' hcloni:> 10 the Lord. Ronald , our olcl<"I. is ht."gin11i11g 10 tak(• p:1rt in the ~c11·icc :dong l\'ilh 'oine of 011r miter )flllll !; C:h ris1i:tn 11n·11. \\' t· l'"ti'c Cnd for them \\'c had a good 111ce1ing with U101hc: r \\'ilson. I !is lc.:~so n .; were pb in a nd all Uih lc, l.nM -.111111 u·r I h eld .• lllCC I ill !{ HI \ \'a rc1' fOr<I. \\' hc1c I wa< lt.1(1ti1cd :nul J;H'W 11p. II 11.h .1 1eal j111 10 he ,,·i1h the hrt•1h1c:n 1hcrc along with .Jatl.. C111q .. '><nne of 111) f1 ic11ds I had nol 'een Ill ~nme f\\·cnl\ \c:tr,.

\\ t' race l!lb:I 11'i1h a 1lc,irc in 0111

hc.111 1h:11 we 111.1 ) ht' 111111c pl1.,1•inA to ll irn. more wi lling 10 he· led h) Ii i' I IOI) 'ipiri 1. an.cl wi1h frill assurance 1ha1 (;od Wiii L'O llllll\le l(l 11ll'l'l ;11111 Rltpph t' \l't\ 111·cd in Chti'l 11°\11,, - ;\I. l\1(•111 I l ir~11 1 an .

BueC'lid, K, .: f11 c Lord ga\e "' n AO<>d 1c;1r iii Ii i' worl.. n1 Buechel in l!lli!!- .111d wc'1 r thanl..ful for :i ~O<•d hcgi1111i11g in 'li!I! <l11r i1t11·11cl!111w :l\Cr ·•J,;C' in 'Ii'.! wc·rc•: ..,111111,1) >Choo). 12 1 :t> compared to 107 in 'Iii; \\"or<hip, lili :t$ compared 10 Iii$ the rear hefore. .\tt c111Ja11ce (Ht !\1111da1· nii:ht was lite' 'a111e, ,111<1 lht'IC W:t'- :1 11 i11crc~<C or !i ott \\'ccluc<da' tt lght.

I here was so111crl1111g lil..c Ji:! r~po11 '<." to the i111icario11 . >ct111c rm hap1is111. and the J:tc:ncr 1111111hcr £01 rncmhet'!ihip. Ouitc .1 frw 110tt•n1cmhn' ha\'e ~1ar1c1l .1'i11•ncli11g r1.-g 11 l.11 I)- On e• placc1I 111c111 · her» hip wi 1 It 11> the Ii 1s1 '1 1111da y in 'fi!I. 100.

lltothct and Si<.1cr Jo hn r. C:lcnn nm· li11m· .1e1hc .11 ll111'ChCI ll1 01he1 ( .l c1111 lt'adtc:• .111 adult St t1 1<l.1} 'rhuo l c I:"'· a11cl 1al..t~ cl1:11):C (If pt climinary c.'l.cr 1 b~ c.1ch . unda' morniuir. and does an dlcct j, c 1elepho11e 111i11istr). Si~1cr C:l<•1111 r c~chcs a '11111cla1 ~thool da" of 1m111i; people, :111cl a lad ies da'·' 011

I h111\cl,1 y 111 01ni11g., , llohcri 11. llrw<I.

Rowloon, Hon~ Koni;: \\'c wii< lt 10 ex prc.s our grati 1 uclc 10 c:rd1 one or yon who h.11 c 11pht'ltl the woil.. he r<' 1hr<111!\h Hllll 1>r:11er< :rnd hnaun.il -.1ppo1 r 1l11r ing the p::hl ,c,11 . 'em h:i1e· .11'«• ,h:1rcd i11 the h11rden, :111d 1he Lord " 'ill si:c· 1hat 1011 ' hare· in the reward. " 1'111 c. 011 is 1101 1111ri1:h1t·m1< "' fo~ct , 11111 wo1 I.. an cl t lw h>l'l' \\ hirh 1c showed


1nw.ml Ith 11:1111c. i11 111.11 )e 111inis1ercd 10 the :.aini. aud Hill elo mini~t er" ( Hc b.6: IO).

\ , 11·ar t'lo11ds )l:llht!r on 1hc bori1011 \\I' do 1101 l..ttO\\' 11'h,1L lhc llCW 1c:11 hulds i11 s1n1e, yc: t we do ktto w thnt ' lh l· 1111c sc111ri1y of us a ll lies itt hei11g i11 the will of God and doing tbe worl.. I le: ha' gi' en u< tu do. 1' l1e recent C.tthan rrhi~ poinl\ "" the ran that not 1·1t• 11 .\111l'1ka ra 11 lw rn11~i1Jc 1 cd a platt· o( \Cctlt it) any longer. T he worlcl j, 111~hi11g 011 at :1 f1ight!ul pace IO\\':'ltd 1hc brink of tlt·s1rui;1ion. The d:1 1· of g-ra c;c will ~0011 ht: oVel', )'CL 111111t i-111dc:• of 0111' rc llO\\' lllC'll ~ til l Si l i11 clat I..· nc-' :rnd the 'h:ulow of clc:ath. The: hv 111 is late. -lk11ni~ :ind lkuy .\lien.

Tell Ci ty, lad.: rhc Lord has blcssc1l '" hnc in 111an1 w:t1\ during the year four ha1c hc•t·11 hapt11cd a111I others h:l\c 1l'\f1(11H1ccl in Ol ht· t \\'ll)'<: lhc inlCTt:>I :11111 :t ltc11cl:111cc ha l'e hee11 good chrouAh 1hc rear. One Snnda y in Oecemht' r w1· h:id 11111 highc\I :ittcncluncc a1 llihlc ~duml i rr the rwo 11·an. \\'\' h :l\'C hct.: 11 111'1(',

l\ccau~c (If some I rottblc prior co on1 mming here. 1hc church lost ahout Ill 111e111hcri. :incl C'ltiltlrcn that ha,·c 1101 11•111rntd. l111t th r J.orcl ha< bl c~secl ti\ 111 1hc c;.; 1e111 tha t now we· arc ahmll 11hcre thcv were hdorc thb happened. l't•acc ;incl harmo ny prc1·ail 1hro11gho11 1 the roni..'l·ci.,ra 1 io11: we pra i>c the J.1m I l'oi it all : \\'hat h:" ht·c11 uco111 plislwcl , I le' diel it . \\' r \\ere 011h in,1n1mc111\ 1lno11~h whom I le ha~ wo1 J..cd.

\\'e arc Joking fon,·ard 111 an t:\ Cll

gte:ttcr work 1his ~car H our I.ore! 1.11Til-.. \\'c 1me1 11111r pr;l\crs. -,\ \a 11.11>1·1 .

Wi111lsul', Ontario: This .January i,suc h clcl ig h1 (11! 10 read. in thH the J .onl ft..,ll< ~hines through c1•c·n• line as the I 11111'' ' c11a1115 ctn whal 1hc) .ire hi1hlc11, wtitini.: ;11111 cdilinJ:. and wh:tt~OC\'CI 1·1-.c thc1 do, ah •• 11s in lite fear n l (.od :ind in co1ht:1111 :1\1-.erencs.~ of lltcir 1lc:pcndcnrc on I l i111 who i~ all our 1 igh tt·omm;<s, 011r pcan· ~ ncl joy, and 11111· t.:"ced ing r.1111 grt'at 1·ewanl.- Ernt·'t \I lchacli,,

RUTl-0:.RFORl>S TO OllLANOO llro ther ~ ncl Shl<'r Rutherford h:l\t'

gcuw w Flnrida for '<llllC 11ii~ion \\Ori..

I hdr :1ddn.~< i' I l :l:l :-\.trcissu~ Lam·. Orl:111do, Florida. l"hC) earnestly clL~ •ire the prayers 01 1he ~:iinL• for the f111i 1 hrl11 L..,< o r t h i- work o l fai 1 h . Tl1<·1 ll'ill be 11orking ll'il h 1he <·l111rcl1 1111

C:1 rri11g to 11 Drive (lh rcc IJlucks 1101 lh of Highwrt)' 50). N. Wilson Uurks will preach al Cramer :ind H anO\'er church 111 their ah$Cncc.

Sn11 f n 111cisoo, CnliC.: A l>leMccl Nell' Year 10 you and Word & Work and a ll conccnted. Should like to sec th e ' \lol'll & W ork subscription list grow more. May it he a blcssfng to m a 11 y during 1hi~ year. - E. A. Rhode~.

The Evange list is Dael;! Dallas, Texas:

soon he hack prai~c 1he L.orcl J:f:IC'C i11 ~Cllin~

The £Mmgclist wi II in public:uio11. Wt: fur H is goodn~~ :111cl m up 1t1 puhlish I fr~

wo1el. As C:otl supplit'll, we will p11h· lhh T h e Evangelist monthly, alw ar­ticles and Bible studies, tracu and book· lch. :1 11 10 he sent fn-e on H-'tJUCSI. W ri1e 10: 1230 Cabot Drive. IJallas 17. Tf,i.as. - Fronk M. Mullim • . '>r .

Orla11do, Fla.: The work in Orlando is progressing. T h ere nrc severa l co111-

h1g- who arc llOL Christin11s. T h ere were :i3 prcsc11t wh en Ho ward Marsh wa~ here Dec. i!01h. We h:ill :1 fi11c. s pirilll· a l watch-night service. Brother .J . Scou C:recr will speak Cor us Suncl:t)', a11 d af1er •hat H. N. R111hcrforcl for a 'ca -<111. l' r.1y!! - Hill Sp e.lf'.


( l!JO!l-1963)

With lhc ho me-going or Alberl Vo11A ll111 c11. we al l'orlla1ul 111 11 st sa y wi1h ~avid of o ld, _"Trn ly a prince is fa llen i11 !sracl!" ;~1 tlied \ 'Cf)' s1~clllcnly on Sa1urday cvcnmg, January !i, ancl \\':t~ buried the I 11 csday fnllow111g. 111 a u11iq11c way, his pnssing will leave u g rc:11 g11p in 1he •~rnk~ of the l.orcl's 11co/1 le ­not o nly i11 Lhc Kcntuckia11:1 :1rc:1. but 1hrnug h o111 our c111irc IJrot 1cr 10011. 1\1 woulcl he the fmt to t.ay. "~ol unto us bu t co Thy name W''e glory. O Loni!" In an especia-l ,way. !Jc was one whorn we expect to rcrehe hi~ rcw;1rti openly, for h e worked So cffcctivcl)' for his Lord in ~ccret.

As a p ersona l worker, Al \1'a' 1111<! or th e 111ost fai1hf111. Tu as.,ig11 him a~ :t coun~llor for one or our "b:ibc.' in Chri$t" was 10 be a.<m1rctl L11a1 "'"h a lllW co1wcrt would be fref]Uenll)' \1ioi1cd .11111 led funher into 1hc: n11r111rc :md ad111011i1ion of rhe Lore!. I-l e \1~.is i11 co11~1a11t prayer for the~c nc11· Christi:rns, :111d fai1hful i11 seeking thc>m 0 111 whe11 1hcy we re kepi from the services.

Al WU• a 111emhcr or th e n.,, das,, lO he gr.1d 11a1cd from Port land Christi a n Hig h Schoo l ancl wa~ a life.Jong booster a 11cl a generous supponcr of the school. 0 11c of his las1 a c1iom - mi11n1es bcrorc a heart a1tack called hii11 ho me - wa~ 10 wrile n rhcc~ for l'ori l:m<I Ch ris1ia11 'rhnol.

1\11 ccl11c:11cir hi111self h1 prorl.'\sio11 :incl i111crcst, hl' wns :1111011g 1ho~e who c.1rly recognized 1he need fnr hight·r Chri~tiu 11 ed11 c:.11ion for you 11g pt.'(1plc. I h: 1hercupon l>ccnme one of the: lim supporters or So11thc:1s1crn Chris1i:mF°"'. Colkge and served wilh 1li~1i11cti1111 for 'ever.ii years a• Chairman or the llo:ircl or nirectors of sec.

Alwny.~ faithful in a11c11cla11u• :11 S11nd:t)' ~chool, pra )C'.1' 111c•e1i11g. and 1h1· worship ~crvices, A l's i11 1 crc.~1 i11 the work o r 1he Lord Jesus n e\cl' flagged allhoug h a hcarl ailment crnnpellcd wrrnilment of his activitks O\'t•r 1he last few 1nonll1• or bis life. Tho. e who knew him well - ancl 1hc c1owcl :ti h is fm1cra l 1 ~1iliccl 1haL his rricncl ~ were legion -c:111 t111ly rrjoii-r 1h11 1 c;ocl has gmcious.ly spared hi111 a period of enforced i<llcness and i11111·1ivi 1y a1~cl pcrmillcd h1111 Ill he ahst•111 11:0 111 1hc: bod y. and pn·scn l whh 11tc 1.orcl 111 :1 111a1111c1 so free or cx1encle<l 11lm·"-• and 1111 '1Cry.

As we see ~ 11ch warric11' aio Al \ '011 A llmen la ying b)' 1hrir a1·111or 10 rejoice in tha1 hlissfnl pca1·1· o r 1hcir Sa vio11 r and Loni, we c•a11 0 111 )' )'l'an1 1hc 11101c for H im Who Jrn, called 11 1111 - a11cl 'Vito c:tll• 11~ - It• 1hat h c:t\'Cll ll' l (.'1t from o ur labors.

We have im•okcd rhe gr.1ciou~ pre~cncc or the H o ly Spirit . the> C'.omfoncr. 1111 our wiclowed sis1er. P!"ar l. :111d rn1 Al's mo1hc r :ind h1•111hcr~. J11h11 ancl It . II . Vo111\ll1111:n. - C:. V. \\' il«111 •.

i ll