word of god - meditate

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  • 8/18/2019 Word of God - Meditate



    Deuteronomy 17:19, “And it shall be with him, and he shall read it all the days of his life, that he may

    learn to fear the Lord his God and be careful to observe all the words of this law and these statutes.”

    No one was born with great knowledge. We become what we are and it takes time, effort and

    learning. Learn to walk by faith. If you are a person of great faith, great understanding, great

    perception, you became what you are. Persevering faith and prayer are next to omnipotence and

    persevering faith is achieved gradually, not automatically. Only faith pleases God. In everything we

    do, faith counts. In our looking, sitting, speaking, thinking, faith counts. Therefore, if we must live to

    please God, we must learn to walk by faith.

    How does faith come? Faith comes when the Word prevails over our thinking processes.

    That is why the Bible instructs us to meditate in the Word of God day and night, turning each wordover in our heart again and again. Such meditation brings revelation and with revelation, the spirit

    acts on the Word. When the Spirit acts on the Word, our strength is renewed and we are recreated.

    Faith is not a product of the reasoning faculties – eyes, ears, nose, mouth or skin but of the recreated

    spirit. When we are led by the recreated spirit, we have learnt to walk by faith and the world is under

    our feet. The devil is roaming about like a hungry lion looking for whom he may devour, who has not

    learnt to walk by faith. Unless you learn to walk by faith, you will be constantly defeated and

    overcome by satan.

    Don’t let the devil catch you unprepared; learn to walk by faith in Christ Jesus.

    PRAYER: Oh Holy Spirit, the source of faith, breathe in me, Your Word of faith.


    God's instruction to man is the Holy Bible and it is our standard of living as Christians. Indeed, it is God's

    instruction, direction and revelation to us (2 Peter 1:21). We are to live by it. It is the only Book that can

    transform lives. All other books can only inform you about events.

    There is no area of discipline that is not in the Holy Bible. It is the Book of books by which we chart our

    course to salvation. Our Lord, Jesus Christ will not open His door to salvation to the one who keeps his

    Bible shut.

    It is the only Book that reads us even as we read it. In it, you see yourself clearly and this God who

    created you. I am in it, you are in it, but most importantly, God is in it.

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    Prayer: My soul is waiting for you oh Lord. In Your Word is my salvation. Let Your Word bring it, in Jesus'

    name. Amen.


    Joshua 1:8-91 John 3:22-24

    John 6:63


    As Christians, when our declaration comes from faith, our words become prophetic. It is natural as a

    Christian to function in faith because that is the nature of our lives. Faith walks in the direction of genuine

    confession. A negative confession puts failure on the throne.

    Your confession is your present attitude towards the Father. If your confession is positive, then your

    present attitude towards the Father is positive. If your confession is negative, then your present attitude

    towards the Father is negative.

    The life you live is as a result of your confession. But it is unfortunate that many did not confess failure but

    they found themselves in the realm of failure. Why? Because their confession is not in harmony with

    God's Word. Remember, you never confessed the life you are living now. For example, you confessed

    success but you are living in failure. It means that, you confessed success but you are not such in heart.

    That is, you confessed success but you strongly believe failure in your heart.

    Prayer: Lord Jesus, give me the grace to always confess what I believe in my heart, in Jesus' name



    1 Samuel 17:45-48

    Matthew 12:36-37

    Romans 10:8-9


    As Christians, the word of God is our roadmap when we are lost. When we are lonely, the word of God is

    a friend closer than a brother. In the Word of God is our healing, deliverance, salvation and all of God's

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    It is essential to know that, the word of God is the tool in the hands of the Holy Spirit to nurture us and to

    furnish us with everything we need to succeed in life (Joshua 1:8-9). If the inspiration to speak does not

    come from the Holy Spirit - I mean, if the word is not in the hands of the Holy Spirit, when you speak, you

    will hear yourself, people around you will hear you but God Almighty will not hear you. In other words,

    your word will be idle, meaningless and oftentimes destructive.

    The word you have in your hands carries you beyond sense knowledge into the very presence of God.

    Prayer: Oh Lord, open my eyes of faith to see that Your Word is the only effective instrument for a change,

    in Jesus' name Amen.


    John 6:63

    John 1:1-16

    James 1:21


    Do you ever wait till the end of the day before you have something to eat? If you were not fasting and had

    the choice to eat or not to eat that day what would you do? It is rare, unless by unfortunate circumstance,

    that we go a day without food. Our God says in Matthew 4:4 “It is written: ‘Man shall not live on bread

    alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.’ ”

    That means we need God’s Word to live on just as much as we need physical food. But some only take in

    God’s Word in the evening or occasionally for reference – in other words, they keep God’s Word on the

    shelf not in their heart. As Joshua 1:8 says we are called to, “Keep this Book of the Law always on your

    lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be

    prosperous and successful.” Let’s make God’s Word the standard for our lives and see the transformative

    power of God reform our lives. Remember, keep God’s Word in your heart, not on your shelf.

    "Someone out there is waiting for you for a lifetime. You cannot afford to fail them; failing them is failing

    God. Remember, God is speaking to you through them saying:

    'They are fatherless, so that you can be their father'.

    'They are lonely, so that you can be their companion'.

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    'They are in want, so that you can be their benefactor'."


    A humble and sincere heart will always run to God for correction wherever there is mistake or error in

    order to move forward in life. In Acts 13:22, God testified concerning David that He had found David as a

    man after His own heart. That is, David was always running to God for correction each time he made a

    mistake - because he knew that God loved him enough to correct him. God saw in David a willing servant,

    a faithful follower and a man of great perception, and He granted David's request.

    A heart that always runs to God for correction is a willing heart, a humble heart and it is a useful

    instrument in the hands of God. God always grant such heart forgiveness and another chance to make it

    in life. If you make a mistake and you run to God genuinely for repentance and forgiveness, He will forgive

    you and then give you another chance.

    A willing heart gives no room for unnecessary excuses for his wrongdoings. He is always willing to admit

    and make correction.

    PRAYER: Lord Jesus give me the grace to run to You for correction, in Jesus' name!


    Psalm 51:1-5

    Luke 18:9-14

    Psalm 23


    This morning, take time to examine your spirit - that is, your heart. Many of us take extra care and

    attention of our outward appearance but neglect the state of our hearts. Is your spirit free? Is your heart

    available for God? Remember, our God is a jealous God. He does not want to share your heart with

    anything or anyone. He wants to be the Landlord of your soul and not the tenant. Worldly considerations

    often take our mind, focus and attention off God. Fleshly desires often cause worry and anxiety. When we

    are worried, we cannot be sensitive or useful to the Spirit of God. When our spirit is not free, we cannot be

    attracted to the Spirit of God or conscious of His presence.

    One of the greatest hindrances to prayer is when our spirit is not free due to the activity of the evil nature

    not yet crucified with Christ. If you have realized that your spirit is not free, it is not too late. Let God’s

    Word refresh your mind and allow His Spirit to renew your strength. Remember, His goodness and mercy

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    in your life is neither scarce nor scanty for there is in Him an overwhelming fullness of grace

    (Lamentations 3:21-26). Make a heart decision to live for Christ today and He will surely back you up, in

    Jesus’ name.

    PRAYER: Oh Holy Spirit, Your grace is sufficient for me. Manifest Your strength in my weakness, in Jesus’



    Joshua 1:8-9, “This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and

    night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way

    prosperous, and then you will have good success.”

    Do you have success or good success? Yes, there is a difference. You can be a president with success or

    with good success. You can be a lawyer with success or with good success. You can be an entertainer

    with success or with good success. The difference is peace of heart.

    Anything the children of light have, satan has the counterfeit of them. We have the original grace, peace,

    success but satan has the photocopy of it, which cannot stand the test of time. That is why you can see

    people who succeeded for a while suddenly come crashing down and the cycle of disappointment

    continues in their lives. It is not that Christians will not face hard times but theirs is not such in heart. They

    may be sick in body but not such in heart.

    If God loves you, He will keep fear from you. That is, from your heart. God’s promise does not say He

    would keep us free from cares and anxiety but that He would give us enough grace to stand and resist

    those troubles that cause our anxieties, cares and unnecessary fears. That is peace of heart.

    The peace of conscience we derive from walking with the Lord produces internal joy, assurance of life, the

    security of God’s presence and ease of heart. Those who are inwardly pure show themselves to be under

    the check and conduct of the Holy Spirit. True Christianity lies in the heart, in the purity of heart.

    PRAYER: Lord, give me the grace to keep the Words of the Holy Spirit in my mind, mouth and every

    conversation, in Jesus Christ’s name.

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    "I want to assure you - as a Christian, the HIGHER HAND that is leading you is leading you towards

    something HIGHER! Don't give up; YOUR TESTIMONY is on the way!"


    We, children of God, must act under the guidance and government of the Holy Spirit. God’s Word must be

    our rule while His grace must be our principle. We must allow ourselves to be ruled by His Words and His

    grace to be our principle.

    For God does nothing without His Word.

    “One day the evil spirit answered them, “Jesus I know, and Paul I know about, but who are you?” Then theman who had the evil spirit jumped on them and overpowered them all. He gave them such a beating that

    they ran out of the house naked and bleeding” (Acts 19:15-16).

    The seven sons of Sceva took it upon themselves to exercise the name of Jesus – but not as those who

    had veneration for Christ and a confidence in His name. They did it as those who wished to make a show,

    demonstrate power for the sake of boasting, fame, money. They tried to use the power of God at their own

    will – and the Bible says the evil spirits sent them out naked and bleeding

    The name Jesus has power indeed but only among those who are committed to the glory of God. The

    name of Jesus Christ is not to be used as an instrument to get results. It is not to be used at our own will

    for our own purposes – but at His will and for His glory. Let he who glories not glory in himself but in the

    Lord. There is no room for any man’s boasting of his own ability and power – for all power belongs to the


    PRAYER: Grant unto my soul, oh Lord, more devotion, more commitment, more dedication to Your Word

    so I may be active in Your worship and strong in Your service, in Jesus’ name.


    2 Corinthians 12:10, “Therefore I take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in needs, in persecutions, in

    distresses, for Christ’s sake. For when I am weak, then I am strong.”

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    What are your challenges now? Apostle Paul says that his challenge was his weakness, not his hardship,

    sickness or trouble. God wants you to be an overcomer but He will not come down from Heaven to do for

    you what you must do for yourself. You are to show your genuine willingness as someone who wants to

    come to Jesus. God always leaves us to play our role before He rescues us. What effort have you made

    to stop your bad character on your own – before God comes to your rescue? Your genuine willingness

    plus God’s ability brings about salvation.

    Today, the problem we are having is that when we stop our bad habits, we want God’s intervention

    immediately. Unless we pray against our weaknesses, we are bound to be tormented by the urge to return

    to our bad characters. The devil uses our weakness to tempt and attack us to eternal ruin. Therefore, we

    must block the avenue satan uses to afflict us. When you keep praying against your weaknesses, you will

    keep on resisting them. When you are under the domination of satan, when you are weak, then you areweak. But when you are under the supervision of the Holy Ghost, when you are weak, then you are


    PRAYER: Lord Jesus Christ, by Your divine favour and mercy, manifest Your strength in my weaknesses,

    in Jesus’ name.

    "No trouble - no matter how great the trouble is - should prevent you from praying!" -TB Joshua Ministries


    Jesus said, "I pray that your faith should not fail". This means as a believer, your faith will be tested. That

    you have inner joy does not mean that you will not be tested. What is testing your faith right now? Your

    situation is a test of faith. Trouble is an instrument to that can help our relationship with God grow.

    When your faith is tested, your relationship with God has a chance to grow; your endurance has a chance

    to grow. Patience reveals God's time. God's response is not for those in a hurry. That is, victory is not for

    those who quit but for those who endure. Your time cannot change God's time or program. God's time isthe best.

    Remember, there can be no promotion without tests. There can be no improvement without tests. When it

    is time to go up, it is time to be tested.


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    PRAYER POINT: O Holy Spirit, take more of me and give me more of You in Jesus Christ's name.


    PHILIPPIANS 2:1-18

    MATTHEW 15:21-28

    1 CORINTHIANS 10:13

    "Let us leave tomorrow’s troubles for the One who bore our troubles on the Cross." -TB Joshua Ministries


    The Bible reveals that there are four types of people in your life: Those who add to, subtract, multiply and

    divide your life. What type of friends do you keep? In Daniel 3, we see three friends with a difference -

    friends of faith who encouraged each other to endure every hardship, trial and difficulty that came for what

    they believe - for they knew that of all graces, faith honors God the most. “Shadrach, Meshach and

    Abednego answered and said to the king, ‘… the God we serve is able to deliver us from it But even if he

    does not…we will not serve your gods or worship the image of gold you have set up.’’ ” (Daniel 3:16).

    Their faith brought Jesus on the scene and when the king saw it, he “promoted Shadrach, Meshach andAbednego in the province of Babylon” (Daniel 3:30).

    These were the friends of Daniel, who later encountered a den of hungry lions in Daniel 6. Like his friends

    of faith before him, he discovered that active faith will make those things which are against us to be for us.

    He stood his ground in the face of threats to his life, exercising great faith for whom he believed and the

    king issued a decree that “in every part of my kingdom people must fear and reverence the God of Daniel”

    (Daniel 6: 26).


    Daniel made a difference in his world through his consistent faith in Christ Jesus. Alongside Shadrach,

    Meshach and Abednego, the friends of faith, they changed lives, changed nations and indeed changed

    the world through the profession of their faith.

    You who are looking for a true friend, do not choose a friend because they possess beauty, strength or


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    wealth; choose those who possess the charisma or gift known as faith who are able to do what seemed

    otherwise impossible, in Jesus’ name. Show me your friends; I will show you who you are.

    PRAYER: Lord Jesus, grant me the grace to keep the company of good people who will encourage me to

    grow in my faith in You, in Jesus’ name.


    Today, nearly everybody lacks self-fulfillment. Some believe that the reason they are not fulfilled is

    because they got married to the wrong person. Others because they have abandoned their own dream to

    follow somebody else’s dream; while some others blame their family background as the cause of their

    failure in life. But the Bible does not say that we are created to be a failure or unfulfilled! The Bible says

    that we are created to be a success!

    For you to be fulfilled and successful, you must live your Christian life the way you began it, because the

    beginner is not the owner but the finisher. In Revelation 2:4-5, the Bible says, "Yet I hold this against you:

    You have forsaken the love you had at first. Consider how far you have fallen! Repent and do the things

    you did at first. If you do not repent, I will come to you and remove your lampstand from its place".

    The problem we have today is that we accept the name of Jesus Christ, but not the life of Jesus Christ

    and when we are not satisfied with our Christian life, we begin to complain. No one can do like Jesus

    Christ unless he lives like Jesus Christ. Everything in your life is a reward. You are either rewarded for

    your righteousness or for your sin. There is no neutral reward!


    2 Timothy 4:6-8

    1 Corinthians 9:24

    Job 8:6-7


    It is surprising to see what faith people have in wrong things. Some people have faith in their own physical

    ability as was the case with Goliath when he faced the small shepherd boy, David. Others have faith in

    their worldly possessions like the rich young man in Matthew 19 who could not separate himself from his

    riches. There are also those who have faith in the power and might of the sword like the Egyptian army

    when they pursued the Israelites at the Red Sea.

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    Look at Jesus’ answer in Mark 11: 22 – 23 “’Have faith in God,’ Jesus answered. ‘Truly I tell you, if anyone

    says to this mountain, ‘Go, throw yourself into the sea,’ and does not doubt in their heart but believes that

    what they say will happen, it will be done for them.’”

    This means God is the Source of our faith. God is the Giver of faith. As Christians, we have faith and we

    increase in faith through Him because He is the Source of our faith. As faith people, faith is something we

    have by our very nature. God has given us the measure of faith, the Spirit of faith and the Word of faith we

    would require to live for Him.

    Therefore, if you discover that your faith is not enough, you can ask God to add to your faith. We are not

    asked to look inward to see how much faith we have but we are asked to look to God and take from Him

    the faith we need to live for Him here and now. It is easy to increase your faith through Him and to have

    faith through Him because He has a nature that makes it easy for men to trust in Him. Upon our own

    strength we cannot rely, we simply have to trust Someone greater, smarter and wiser than ourselves –

    Jesus Christ.


    GALATIANS 3:3-4, “Are you so foolish? Having begun in the Spirit, are you now being made perfect by

    the flesh? Have you suffered so many things in vain—if indeed it was in vain?”

    We are often tempted to sit back in our setback and wallow in our self-pity when tired of all the cheap

    shots and battles. However, our former services and sufferings for Christ should be an argument with us,

    faithfully to persevere to the end in our attendance on Him. Have we followed Him so far and so long,done so much and laid out so much for Him and shall we forsake Him now? When our faith is tested, our

    endurance is given a chance to grow. When we are restrained from doing what we would, we must do

    what we can in His service.

    When Christ was in His sufferings, the best of His friends were but spectators and onlookers. If we be

    thus looked strangely upon, remember our Master was so before us. The crown Christ wore and with

    which He was crowned sanctifies and makes easy every thorn in the flesh which we may be afflicted with.

    We must know the fellowship of His suffering for us and patiently submit. It is not just enough to profess

    Christianity; we must run the race well by giving up to that profession.

    PRAYER: All who run a race run but one receives the prize. Father, give us the grace, character and

    integrity to run the Christian race in such a way that we may obtain it, in the name of Jesus Christ.


    As a child of God, when you speak negatively about a situation, you are worsening it and are not doing

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    anything to revive it. Have you learnt to refrain from speaking negative words or idle words? Remember,

    with your words, you constantly paint a public picture of your inner self. Your word are capable of drawing

    people towards you or driving people away from you.

    As a Christian, whatever happens to you, God is aware. He is aware of your injustice, sickness, poverty or

    setback. He will not leave you without justice, healing, blessing or breakthrough. So, each time things go

    contrary to your expectation, it would be too soon to complain and begin to engage in idle words against

    yourself or your fellow human being. That situation may be to take you to a new level in life.

    Your words are capable bringing you blessings or denying you denying you blessings. Words are the

    bridge to your future. War begins because of words. Fight begins because of words. Friendship begins

    because of words. Love begins because of words. Your words reveal the kind of heart you possess.

    Prayer: Oh Lord, keep watch over the doors of my lips, my tongue controlled today, in Jesus' name, Amen.


    Proverbs 18:21

    James 1:21

    Matthew 12:36


    1 Chronicles 29:12-13 - “Both riches and honour come from You, and You reign over all. In Your hand is

    power and might; in Your hand it is to make great and to give strength to all. Now therefore, our God, wethank You and praise Your glorious name.”

    God has ordered all so that the whole shall appear to be by grace. This means that everything we have is

    actually only being borrowed from God. How does that strike you? Everything you have comes from God

    and everything you will receive in your future will come from Him as well.

    What do you have? It all came from Him. It appears that all is of grace because all our spiritual

    advantages are from Him. Our faith, conversion, eternal salvation are not the mere products of any natural

    ability or power. Whoever is great among men, it is God’s hands that made them so and whatever

    strength we have, it is God that gave it to us. The best man in the world maintains his position no longer

    than God upholds him in it.

    PRAYER: Lord, You are Ruler over all. You hold strength and power in the palm of Your hands to build up

    and strengthen all. Strengthen Your Church by the power of Your Spirit, in the name of Jesus Christ we


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    Genesis 47

    Daniel 2:24-end

    Daniel 4:28-36


    Are you at the right place? Are you fulfilling the occupation of your destiny? The will of God for us is to

    prosper in all areas of our lives: spiritual, emotional, financial, marital etc (Jeremiah 29:11). Don’t limit

    yourself; you were created to be great just as the apostles in the Bible were great and left legacy’s that

    still change our lives today.

    Some of us have been living within a four foot ceiling when the sky is the limit. It is time to learn to dream

    again; it is time to make big plans. To learn to dream again is to look to God. To learn to dream again is tore-adjust your focus on God because He is the owner of your dreams. When you live within a ‘four foot

    ceiling’, you are reducing your destiny by living in the past and allowing your circumstances and what

    people say to dictate your direction. Don’t limit yourself. If God has given you a dream or vision and it is

    opposed by men, don’t reduce your vision, believe in that God given dream and follow it. Pay any price to

    protect your focus and you will achieve your dream the way Joseph achieved his dream on his way to the


    Jesus began in a stable but He did not stay there, He moved on. To discover new oceans, you need to

    lose sight of the shore. Take a different direction in order to achieve a different solution.

    In order not to end up like the masses out there who are merely wandering and unsure of their goals and

    dreams, your objective must be clear. When your purpose is clear, your life will have meaning.

    THE DEVIL’S CHATROOM: Secrets Of Cyberspace Crime!

    It is clear that the devil has infiltrated social media to perpetrate the most heinous activities one can

    dream of. The Internet, a good resource and networking base, has unfortunately become a conduit for the

    most sophisticated crimes in the world. Many banks and corporations have lost huge sums of money,

    while many individuals have been duped of their hard-earned cash by people they met on the cyber-

    network. The executor comes in sheep’s clothing, seeking friendship and later asking for what would

    appear a very innocent favour, just to deceive and strike a vicious blow when one least expects.

    Such was the scandalous lifestyle of Benson, a Nigerian living in Ivory Coast. Born in 1976 in the midwest

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    of Nigeria, he grew up to become an Internet fraudster. But behind the mischief was another malevolent

    being – a demon, which gave him the knack for hacking and raiding the Internet to perpetrate terror.

    Born and raised in a polygamous and idol-worshipping home of four mothers, Benson was the first born

    from his mother’s side. From a very young age, he watched his father serve an iron god known as Idigun,

    while his mother had her own deity, Olokun, a marine spirit. Unwillingly, he would join the family in an

    infamous ritual, which involved bludgeoning dogs, cooking and eating them in a sacrificial act to their

    family gods.

    Little did he know that although he detested such diabolical exercises, the two idols had nonetheless

    possessed him and would soon begin to torment him through criminal acts such as taking of illicit drugs.

    He also found himself lusting for women wherever he went, and joined one of the most notorious cult

    groups, Black Axe, while at university.

    It was through this bad company that he was introduced to Internet fraud, at a time when he needed

    breakthrough, which was hard to come by. For 13 years, powered by the family idols, he prowled the

    Internet. He patronised dating sites, searching for potential victims, on the pretext of looking for love.

    When the friendship gathered steam, matured and trust was established, the unsuspecting victims would

    be cunningly defrauded of their money.

    Sometimes, he would use search engines to look for email addresses of naive individuals. He would send

    them emails with touching stories they would fall for. He had a deceitful template he would send out in

    bulk, depicting a girl in her twenties who owned millions of dollars left for her by her wealthy late father.

    This girl would be looking for someone to help her transfer the funds from a dormant account to a safer

    off-shore account. Whoever agreed to help her would receive a hefty financial reward. Often, the girl

    would hail from a war-torn country and her father, a former top government official or private individual, but

    one who was filthy rich before his death or assassination. Blindfolded by the smell of easy money, gullible

    people would not see what hit them the moment they got involved.

    Another format depicted a sick old woman whose husband, also a rich man, left huge sums of money for

    her. About to die, she would seek to give the money away. She would have about one month to live and

    before she died, she must have the money transferred to charity or otherwise. As soon as a person

    showed interest, the game of defrauding would start.

    Largely enticed at the prospects of getting rich overnight rather than the desire to help, those involved

    would be stripped to the last penny. They would be connected to a fake bank where they would soon

    begin to lose money through remittances in an attempt to have the said funds transferred. Unknown to the

    victim, it would be the same fraudster, Benson, and a friend, playing the role of bank manager and his


    In some instances, he played the role of a beautiful girl looking for a man to marry online. He had

    hundreds of nude pictures from pornographic sites. These pictures he used in fooling men. In no time, he

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    would begin proposing to travel to the potential victim’s country. Here is when the scam would really get

    going, as he would be asking for money to help with air tickets and other itineraries.

    In yet another strategy, he had sophisticated illegal software which he secretly installed on public

    computers in cyber cafes. Back home, he would be able to follow every transaction by every person using

    the bugged computer. Such information he would use to dupe people through impersonation.

    He had many people on his hit list and, unlike many of his colleagues in the trade, he netted the biggest

    catches. He even internationalised his network, with people representing him in other countries,

    particularly Europe.

    He had become a master par excellence in his trade, to the extent that he duped people from across the

    globe of huge sums of money, which he deposited in various bank accounts holding tens of thousands of

    US Dollars.

    Unknown to Benson, it was the evil spirits connected to the family idols that had possessed him and aided

    his nefarious gimmicks.

    No Free Lunch With The Devil Satan gives with one hand and snatches back with the other. It did not

    matter how much money he made, he squandered it on beer and women – patronising bars and strippers.

    He started throwing the money around, as if it were scrap paper.

    As he caused others to suffer, the demon also caused him to suffer. At one point, he was arrested while

    collecting $5,000 USD at a money transfer agency. Sometimes, he spent months in prison and would lose

    all of his ill-gained money in trying to get out.

    The risky and evil life he led, defrauding people, resulted in a life fueled by fear and playing hide and seek

    with the police wherever he went. He returned to Nigeria and strange things started to happen under the

    influence of the crafty Idigun.

    If he bought a car, he would ride it for a few weeks and it would develop mechanical problems. The more

    money he made, the more the problems. When he tried to invest in land, he lost everything. He would

    spend huge sums of money to purchase land and, from nowhere, another person would come with

    documents, claiming ownership of the land. He started building a house but clashes over the property led

    him to abandon the project after investing a large amount.

    He also had been at the receiving end of evil attacks, dreaming of the two family idols, Idigun and Olokun,

    fighting over him. Idigun would have two heads, a human and a dog’s, while Olokun appeared with human

    male and female heads.

    Free At Last! He realised then that he was in deep trouble and the downward spiral his life had taken

    pointed to a bitter end. He knew he would be completely destroyed without divine intervention. He decided

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    then to come to The SCOAN, accompanied by his younger sisters.

    On that phenomenal day, the Man of God, Prophet T.B. Joshua offered a prayer of rescue. It was such a

    powerful prayer that after others sat down at the end of the session, Benson remained in fervent prayer.

    He prayed that his case would not escape the anointing of God and the moment came. As Wise Man

    Christopher stretched his hand in his direction, the once calm man snappily dressed in suit, contorted and

    suddenly changed into a wild and angry being. Light had caught up with the dark creatures illegally

    residing in him. It was now just a matter of time before the demons were cast out.

    The dirty spirit in him, unable to withstand the power of the Holy Spirit, ruptured and spoke: "I am the

    Idigun in the family. His father dedicated him to me. I gave him the spirit of stealing on the Internet and

    made him a professional. He collects money from foreigners – Canada, Europe, Pakistan, India and all

    over the world.”

    The demons confessed all the evil they had caused him and the destruction they had perpetrated in his

    life. According to the idol, some of Benson’s victims had committed suicide.

    “He is the instrument I am using to make people suffer,” said the idol. Benson was delivered, in the mighty

    name of Jesus Christ. He returned the following week, looking splendid and immaculately dressed. With

    him were his family members. He thanked God for his deliverance, but not without a warning to those

    abusing the Internet: “Those in my former state, you have nothing to gain; all you get is trouble. Surrender

    yourself to Jesus. Only Jesus Christ can set you free.”

    This deliverance is a dramatic exposure of the ugly claws behind numerous frauds that reduce rich people

    into paupers, while turning notorious criminals into instant millionaires of dirty money that eventually ruin

    them. Today, free and saved, he lives a happy life away from Internet fraud, womanising and drugs. He

    has given his life to Christ and warns that evil begets evil and everything that starts dubiously, ends


    This article comes from the first issue of Read Us, the official magazine of The SCOAN! Please share with

    us the lessons you learned from this article in the comments section below:

    "Every demonic chain holding your destiny - be broken!

    Every demonic pronouncement over your life - be destroyed!

    Let unbelievers begin to see the finger of God working in your life, IN THE MIGHTY NAME OF JESUS

    CHRIST!!!" -TB Joshua Ministries


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    “King David went in and sat before the Lord; and he said: ‘Who am I, O Lord God? And what is my house,

    that You have brought me this far?’” (2 Samuel 7:18)

    Have you ever wondered what will become of you in the future? Have you ever thought to yourself,

    “Imagine life was over, what next?” Sometimes, we are so busy with our everyday affairs that we don’t

    take the time to reflect on such important questions. There must be a quiet time when you sit down and

    imagine ‘If this life is over, what is next?’ What you have never experienced before, think about that. Think

    of those who have gone - friends, colleagues or relatives who have gone. Think about what they left

    behind and where they might be now.

    Remember as Christians, this world is not our home; we are only passing through. What will people

    remember you for? What legacy will you leave behind? You have seen your friends, colleague, relations

    who are younger or older than you being buried. When you sit down and think about this, you will have

    reasons to say, “Thank You, Lord”. You will begin to live each day as if it were your last.

    "Let us leave tomorrow's troubles for the One who bore our troubles on the cross." -TB Joshua Ministries

    "I have never seen where hatred overcomes love. When you love, you overcome." -TB Joshua Ministries


    In Genesis 1, a Spirit spoke and the Word became flesh. The Word, a Spirit, spoke, “Let there be light”

    and there was light. In Matthew 8, the Word, a Spirit, spoke and rebuked the wind and the sea and therewas a great calm and the men marvelled, saying, “What manner of man is this that even the winds and

    the sea obey Him!” The Word of God is the tool, the instrument in the hands of the Holy Ghost to heal

    you, bless you, prosper you, make you one with a difference and cause you to make a difference. But how

    many, because the Word does not prevail, do not make a difference?

    In 1 Samuel 17, the whole host of Israeli soldiers could not make a difference in the battle with the

    Philistines. But one young, rustic shepherd boy did. Why? Because the Word prevailed over his thinking

    processes. The Word gained supremacy over his mind and what he nursed in his mind became real in


    Make the decision today to think more, like David did. His only refuge was this command of Jesus, “Only

    believe”. He believed that God’s Word was God speaking to him that day and it was not hard for him to

    obey. Obedience is the only proof of your faith in Him. Exercise faith and make a difference in your world,


    PRAYER: Oh Lord, give me the grace to make Your Word an integral part of my thoughts, my words and


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    my actions so that I may make a difference in my world.


    MARK 5

    GENESIS 15:1-6

    MATTHEW 8:1-13

    "Ask God to increase your hunger and thirst for His Word and holiness in your life - in the mighty name of

    Jesus Christ!” -TB Joshua Ministries


    The following is the moving testimony of L.G. Wise, a former drug dealer turned Gospel artiste, whose

    faith in Christ was revolutionized after a visit to The SCOAN.

    "After being rejected by my father and times being too difficult for my teenage mother to raise me, I soon

    turned to the streets for what I lacked at home. It was at my lowest point in life that God showed me that

    through my lack of self-awareness and wrong choices, I had made major mistakes that had led to

    hardcore consequences. I began to understand that life had dealt me some hurtful blows and in return, I

    did what I knew well, which was to hurt others. This is when I began to understand that hurt people, hurt

    people. After reflecting on life, I was awakened to the fact that we are born choosers and not losers,

    chosen by God to fulfil a purpose.

    "Now, as an international Christian rap artist and motivational speaker in schools, juvenile detention

    centres, prisons and communities, I speak and perform for more than a quarter of a million teens a year.

    By God’s grace, I have inspired multiple thousands of young people with the message of Christ, anti-

    bullying, self-awareness and right choices in the US, Canada, England, Belize, and Bahamas. I reach and

    relate to teens of all backgrounds due to my various life experiences. Teens find the message captivating

    and the music inspiring.

    "After 20 years of reading the Bible and about God’s Generals, I began to question, “Where are the

    generals of today? Where can the weak receive help and deliverance from curses?” I woke up one

    morning and began searching for old footage of God’s Generals online to read and watch. I stumbled

    across a YouTube clip of a man being prayed for and raised from the dead; it was the ministry of Prophet

    T.B. Joshua. Seeing this one video caused me to go on a great search for more videos of deliverance,

    healing and teachings by the prophet. Not only was I amazed by the miracles, I was intrigued that themajority of his team were youth. It showed me that the prophet has fathered and nurtured a generation.

    This indeed was the answer to my question, “Where are the Generals of today?”

    "Three of my children suffer from a very rare genetic disorder named Infantile Refsum Disease which

    constantly landed us in hospital numerous times each year. While visiting The SCOAN in Lagos, Nigeria

    about three years ago, Prophet T.B. Joshua gave me a word of prophecy at the Sunday Service. The

    prophecy was in reference to how my children and I had been attacked and affected by a generational


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    curse. The prophet prayed for me and I felt a purifying, flashing light (like that of a camera flash) inwardly

    and then found myself on the floor. I knew I had been touched by God.

    "I also had the opportunity to see the prophet before leaving Nigeria to return home to the US. He told me

    many other things that gave me clear direction for my life. He also blessed me with Anointing Water and

    Anointing Stickers, as well as supporting me financially. It was a time and experience that will forever beengraved into my mind and heart of true service to the Lord.

    "Upon my return, I found many hindrances in our lives had been removed. For example, we haven’t had to

    check into hospital once in over three years!

    "My wife and I for years would also try to do our part in the world by assisting many young men and

    women with shelter, food, etc… until they were able to stand on their own. A lot of this was accomplished

    by providing them with employment through our auto detailing service. We never had a lot of customers in

    over 15 years of business. However, once I returned from Lagos, Nigeria visiting The SCOAN and being

    ministered to by the prophet, our auto detailing business immediately went from about 15 customers per

    month to over 200 customers per month. This growth has enabled us to provide housing and employment

    for many young people who were once in the destructive street life and incarceration.

    "Many are trying to figure out the problem with our youth today. Just as in Matthew 20:6, a question was

    asked to those standing outside of a vineyard, “Why have you been standing out here, idle, all day?” The

    response was, “No one will hire [believe or invest in] us.” This is the condition of the youth problem today.

    If you are to look clearly at the ministry of The SCOAN and Emmanuel TV, you will see that many of the

    worship team is comprised of young men and women, the majority of the camera crew and evangelists

    are young people, and the Wise Men are young men. They are all taught to serve the elderly and

    humanity. Prophet T.B. Joshua, by the grace of God, has become a blueprint for nations, parenting,

    fathering and nurturing the next generations.

    "In our nation, we often see the church ignoring the youth which pushes them to be accepted in the world

    instead of in the church. Now, we are in a state where the youth do not want church at all because they

    see a form of godliness but no power, which is love. If other individuals, families, organizations, ministries,

    and countries will follow this act of love, we can rescue the next generations from the entrapment of

    killing, stealing and destroying.

    "I continue to watch Emmanuel TV and tune in every Sunday via the internet for the live services at The

    SCOAN. I realise even more that Prophet T.B. Joshua is the most humble man I’ve ever met, making the

    Gospel so simple by aiming to love as God loves by grace. I can only speak for my generation that many

    of us have operated in the form of godliness but denying the power thereof. I can clearly see Christ’spower and love operating in the prophet, The SCOAN and Emmanuel TV."

    We believe you were blessed by this article which can be found in the first issue of Read Us, the official

    magazine of The SCOAN. Please tell us the lessons you learned in the comments section below:

     — withL.G. Wise.


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    There is power in your mouth. The belief in your heart is released by faith out of your mouth. In Matthew

    12:33-37, the Bible tells us that the words we speak determine the life we enjoy. The words we speak

    create the blessings and curses that come our way. If you examine your life, you will see that your life is a

    photograph of your past and present confession.

    Our mouth is a revealer of the belief in our heart. If you believe that your life will be overcome by defeat

    and failure and you confess it, you will have what you say. Likewise, if you believe and confess that you

    are the greatest product of the Holy Spirit and that God has created you to be the head and not the tail no

    matter the situation you find yourself in, you will have what you say. Our hearts and mouth need to get into

    one accord with the Word of God, only then can the blessings in God’s Word be tapped.

    PRAYER: Lord, sanctify my mouth and heart so that my words will be in one accord with your Word. Help

    me to refrain from speaking idle words that do not bring You glory, in Jesus’ name. Amen.


    In John 16:33, Jesus Christ said, "Be of good cheer! I have overcome the world." What does this

    expression mean to you and me? Jesus Christ is simply saying here that, though there are reasons to be

    troubled but there is a greater reason not to be. Though we are in the world, we are not part of it. In the

    world, there are troubles, sicknesses, disappointments, failures, setbacks and the like.

    These are the reasons to be troubled. But Jesus Christ says, "Be of good cheer! I have overcome the

    world." In other words, Jesus Christ is saying that, He has overcome sickness and has given us healing;

    He has overcome failure and has given us success; He has overcome poverty and has given us blessing;

    He has overcome bondage and has given us freedom. This is a greater reason not to be troubled.

    PRAYER: Whatever chain satan might have used to connect me to himself - chain of sickness, poverty,

    failure - be broken, in Jesus' name!


    Isaiah 53:4-6

    John 9:1-12

    1 Peter 2:24

    "A man of purpose focuses on his destination, not his situation. Don't let your situation mislead you!" -TB

    Joshua Ministries


    It is true that confidence is a character trait of successful people, but there are two different kinds of


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    people. Those who have self-confidence and those who have confidence born of faith. Self confidence is

    based on position, power, wealth and fame. But the confidence of a believer is based on the finished

    works of the Lord, Jesus Christ.

    2 Samuel 16:5-10, “Now when King David came to Bahurim, there was a man from the family of the

    house of Saul, whose name was Shimei the son of Gera, coming from there. He came out, cursing

    continuously as he came. And he threw stones at David and at all the servants of King David. And all the

    people and all the mighty men were on his right hand and on his left. Also Shimei said thus when he

    cursed: ‘Come out! Come out! You bloodthirsty man, you rogue! The Lord has brought upon you all the

    blood of the house of Saul, in whose place you have reigned; and the Lord has delivered the kingdom into

    the hand of Absalom your son. So now you are caught in your own evil, because you are a bloodthirsty

    man!’ Then Abishai the son of Zeruiah said to the king, ‘Why should this dead dog curse my lord the king?

    Please, let me go over and take off his head!’ But the king said, ‘What have I to do with you, you sons of

    Zeruiah? So let him curse, because the Lord has said to him, ‘Curse David.’ Who then shall say, ‘Why

    have you done so?’ ”

    In this situation, we can see that the confidence of King David was not based on his position, power or

    wealth. He could have easily punished Shimei, but he rather left the battle for God.

    One with self-confidence is ready and prepared to use any means to protect that confidence because it is

    based on power and might. He is a type that would stop at nothing to protect his position. There is nothing

    he cannot do to protect his position. If it is to join a cult, he is ready. If it is to send hired killers after his

    suspected rivals, he is ready. If it is to use close relationships or children for a ritual, he is ready. He can

    do anything to protect his self-confidence.

    Self-confidence is arrogant and proud but a confidence born of faith is meek and humble. He who has a

    confidence born of faith depends wholly on God for everything. The life he lives in the body, he lives by

    faith in the Son of God who has paid the price of redemption on the Cross. (Galatians 2:20)

    "Every constant experience of rejection, bad luck, backwardness, hardship, mysterious or unexplained

    frustration in your life - be FLUSHED OUT and WASHED AWAY by the blood of Jesus and the power of

    the Holy Ghost, in Jesus' mighty name!" - TB

    Joshua#PrayerPoint #SayAmenIfYouBelieve#DistanceIsNotABarrier #TouchTheScreen

    "Those who praise God on earth will feel at home in Heaven." -TB Joshua Ministries


    James 1:21-22,“Therefore lay aside all filthiness and overflow of wickedness, and receive with meekness

    the implanted word, which is able to save your souls. But be doers of the word, and not hearers only,


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    deceiving yourselves.”

    You cannot be greater than your processing. Every time you think negatively, you speak negatively and

    act negatively. The process of believing is in three stages: our thoughts must reflect our belief, our words

    must reflect our belief and our actions must reflect our belief. But as the demon possessed boy’s father

    realized in Mark 9:23-24, our belief must be reset to Christ’s standard of belief. To reset our belief is to

    follow the way of the Cross in Joshua 1:8-9, to keep the Word in your mouth, meditate on it day and night

    and do what the Word says. If the Word of God enters your heart, the Spirit acts on the Word. When

    theSpirit acts on the Word of God in your heart, you live in the process of God’s mind and act according to

    His will. Meditation in the Word of God makes it a part of you. If you want everything about you to reflect

    God’s nature, you must read the Bible slowly, attentively and repeatedly; you must meditate in the Word of


    PRAYER: Lord, set a watch upon my lips, my tongue control today, help me to evaluate each thought and

    guard each word I say, Amen.


    Romans 10:8-10

    Joshua 1:8-9

    James 1:1-27


    Luke 18:1, 6, “He told them a parable, urging them to keep praying and never grow discouraged… Mark

    My words: God will intervene fast with vindication. But here’s the question: when the Son of Man comes,

    will He find anyone who still has faith?”

    God is in all ages, gathering into Himself a generation of spiritual worshippers – those who worship in love

    and faith. Faith without love is dead. Love is the greatest virtue. God is love and those who live in love live

    in God and God in them. Satan can fight anything but he cannot fight love. There has never been a battle

    where hatred overcomes love. When we love, we overcome. The devil begins to succeed when he takes

    love from among the people. Once love is gone, God is gone. Today, people are no longer their brothers’


    'I pray your faith will not fail' means that we will face a challenge that will make people abandon their faith.It is not that we have no faith or less faith but Jesus was warning us that our faith would be challenged in

    a unique way. When our faith is tested, our endurance has a chance to grow. Do not allow self-pity to hold

    you back, no matter your situation, Jesus is at work. Your deliverance, healing and freedom is as close as

    your mouth. Don’t let the devil get you out of faith.

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    PRAYER: All spirits from my past that are hindering my present and my future, come out, in the name of



    Philippians 4:8 – “Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is

    pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of

    praise, think about these things.”

    A man is what he thinks about all day long. A man’s life is what his thoughts make it.The mind is renewed

    by studying the Word and acting upon it. The more you read the Bible, the more you think about what you

    have read and the more you become familiar with God’s voice.The more you think about God’s Word, the

    more your spirit acts on the Word.When the mind becomes saturated with it, a new way of thinking and a

    new life are the result.

    Prayer: Let the words of my mouth and the thoughts of my heart be pleasing in Your sight, O LORD, my

    strength and my Redeemer, in Jesus’ name.


    Input equals output. What happens in your mind happens in time. So what are you filling your mind with?

    It is the thoughts of God and His victory or is it fear, doubt and insecurity? When you think about food, you

    will soon start looking for what to eat. If you are thinking about success, you will soon start thinking about

    how to make it. You are responsible for what you give your attention to. You can choose to be faithful to

    God through good or unfaithful if you will. There are many foods to eat, there are many ways to get what

    you want but to eat; to make it in a way that is pleasing to God, you must go the way of the Book - it is a

    light to our path and a guide to our feet. Psalm 119:105, “Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my


    Remember, anything that starts dubiously will end dubiously so start well by beginning with God and

    continue to include Him in every decision you make.


    But the LORD said to Samuel, "Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. TheLORD does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the LORD

    looks at the heart." (1 Samuel 16:7)

    One day, the body will return to dust but your spirit will continue living hereafter in the Kingdom of God

    with our Lord, Jesus Christ. So, the real thing about you is not your body or flesh but your spirit. If the real

    thing about you is your spirit, then you are supposed to give more attention to your spirit. Faith is not of

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    man’s body or flesh but of man’s heart or spirit. In the Bible, the spirit and heart are the same. Pay

    attention to God’s Word by meditating on it because God’s Word is Spirit and life. The Word of God has

    the ability to develop a spiritual force in the heart or spirit of man called faith. Faith is what makes you one

    with God and only faith pleases God.

    PRAYER POINT: O Holy Spirit,create in me a pure heart and a right spirit within me that I may focus on

    You at all times.

    "By the power of the blood shed on the Cross, by the authority of the Scriptures, I proclaim a mighty

    blessing upon your life, your now, your future and all that pertains to you – your health, home, finances,

    friends and church, in Jesus Christ’s name!!!" -TB Joshua Ministries


    Destined to be one of God’s great Generals, Evangelist C.S. Upthegrove from Florida, USA, is a living

    legend whose contribution to spread the Gospel has been breathtaking. Former Pastor of Miracle Valley

    Church, he served under another General, A.A. Allen. God has since greatly used him to advance His

    Kingdom here on earth. In this exclusive piece, he shares with Read Us his experiences in the service of

    the Lord and his encounter with the man of God, Prophet T.B. Joshua. He writes:

    In my day, miracles were on the menu at any given time. We always praised God, as soon as blind eyes

    were opened or a cancer was suddenly gone. We were in a marvellous time of reaping. So many

    ministers of God had prepared the way for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on those who so desperately

    needed it.

    During the 1930s through the 50s, people were trying to recover from what was later known as the Great

    Depression. Pentecost had received a new grace, since the Azusa Street Revival in 1906, not to mention

    those who had already been awakened during the turn of the new century. Great men and women of God

    sprung out of every corner of the globe, bringing in tremendous signs, wonders and miracles.

    The intensity began to wane around 1909, as the move of God splintered into many factions and

    denominations. But people did not want to lose the high ground they had gained. Feeling the decline, the

    intercessors picked up their positions again.

    Around 1947, a new voice began to arise. This was like nothing the Church had ever heard of since Bible

    days. Many weary ministers and evangelists who were on the verge of giving up their ministries due to

    lack of God's manifest presence and power, became quickened and alive with new hope and fervour.

    They began to see the power of God on a level unknown for hundreds of years, at least not known to the


    This gentle, soft-spoken man stepped out of obscurity and took the world by surprise. William Branham,


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    with complete accuracy, could look into the entirety of anyone's life and give exact details of even the

    smallest things through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. Whole schools of deaf children would pass

    through a prayer line and be healed. The miracles and prophetic words were astounding.

    Out of his ministry grew what would later be called the ‘Latter Rain Movement’. Oral Roberts attended his

    meetings and took on the challenge to pray for the sick. T.L. Osborn was ready to walk away from the

    mission field because after years in the service of the Lord, he felt fruitless. He watched this small man

    from Kentucky tell people in great detail things that no one else knew and as he witnessed a child with no

    bones in his legs suddenly develop bones, he had one thought: ‘I need this impartation.’

    As the fire came down, a worldwide revival began but by the beginning of the 1960s, it too had begun to

    fade. In my own ministry, the miraculous was always present but the worldwide stage had closed its ear.

    You see, it's not enough to have great meetings and even have God sweep through a city. God is always

    looking to move onto the eternal high ground that will send the Word to every nation as one great voice in


    It was in this desire to see God’s glory fill the earth that my daughter, Evangelist Brenda Upthegrove

    Price, began her travail of soul like Hannah of old: "Oh God, the Eli system has taken over Your people.

    There is sin at the door and Eli no longer confronts his sons. Lord, if You don't send a Samuel that will put

    things back in order, then You will surely leave us without a voice on the earth".

    Being a prayer warrior, my daughter began to cry to God day and night: "Lord, let me see the wells of

    these great men of God that I have known begin to flow through the nations of the earth. Please, bring

    back Your glory to this generation and to the United States of America".

    In the spirit of that prayer, God began to direct her. One night, in desperation, she went to YouTube and

    simply typed in the word, 'Miracles'. One name kept popping up: 'T.B. Joshua'. She started to search

    everything she could find about this ministry but he (T.B. Joshua) was in Africa.

    "Lord," she prayed, "I would love to be in his services". Two weeks later, she read an advertisement for an

    Anointing Water Conference that would be a mere three hours from her home. How could it happen in this

    state and in a city so close to where she lived? During the night, God spoke to her saying: "This is the

    answer to your prayers. I will open the wells of these great moves upon the earth and in your nation. This

    will be the death of the Eli system and the beginning of the restoration of My power".

    A few weeks after the Anointing Water Conference, Wise Man Harry came. This added to her excitement.

    While there, Emmanuel TV interviewed her and she briefly gave the account written above. God

    supernaturally brought us to the attention of Prophet T.B. Joshua.

    After talking to the Emmanuel TV team, we were received as special guests in Lagos, Nigeria. I will never

    forget the invitation to visit The SCOAN. It was the beginning of a wonderful time of encouragement and

    mutual love and respect. I was 83 years old, and I had already claimed Psalm 71:18: "Now, when I am old

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    and grey headed, oh God, forsake me not, until I have shown Thy strength unto this generation and Thy

    power to everyone who is to come". When I caught the long flight to Lagos, Nigeria, I was thanking God

    all the way, because I knew I was in the centre of His will. Too often, we have lived in His permissive will

    but thank God for the feeling; I was in His divine perfect will. Since that meeting with the Prophet, we were

    added to his family. Now, I truly feel that he is my son and his family is my very own family. We thank God

    for Prophet T.B. Joshua, the ministry of The Synagogue Church Of All Nations, and Emmanuel TV.

    I have been in the deliverance ministry since I was 15 years old and my life seemed almost complete,

    since I had seen miracles all over the world with Great Generals from the 40s, 50s and 60s, including

    pastoring a great church in Miracle Valley, Arizona under the direction of Apostle A.A. Allen. The one thing

    that I had not seen fulfilled was a prophecy that he gave to me personally.

    One day, while he and I were riding along in his car, A.A. Allen turned to me and said: "Brother

    Upthegrove, I may not be living when this comes to pass but I believe you will". He began to describe a

    time coming when the Azusa Street Revival in 1906, under the direction of William Seymour, would be just

    a beginning of what God was going to do.

    Please, hear me now - I know about the miraculous. But from the moment my feet walked on the holy

    ground of The SCOAN, excitement began to build in my soul as I saw the desperation of the thousands of

    sick and afflicted from all over Africa and other nations. They came together for a miracle. I knew this was


    I had the privilege of watching the Wise Men lay hands on the sick and cast out demons. God spoke to

    my spirit and said: "What you are seeing is the prophecy being fulfilled in this place. I will pour out My

    Spirit in this place". I began to weep. The following Sunday, Prophet T.B. Joshua was so gracious to me.

    He knew by the Spirit that I was supposed to speak for a few minutes to the thousands in attendance.

    Out of all my friends, former pastors and churches, missionaries and whomever I have known in my 70

    years of ministry, I was so moved by the fulfilled prophecies of Prophet T.B. Joshua and the miracles of

    healing, along with demons being cast out, that I knew this was that which was spoken in prophecy to me

    by A.A. Allen.

    Recently, I had the privilege of joining my spiritual son, T.B. Joshua in Cali, Colombia, with approximately

    50,000 people in attendance each night. In all my 70 years in this ministry including being in service with

    great Generals of the faith, Oral Roberts, Catherine Kuhlman, William Branham, Jack Coe, A.A. Allen and

    many others, I had never seen so many people get out of wheelchairs and give up their crutches, walking

    and praising God for healings and great deliverances.

    Thank God, I have lived long enough to see the promise come to pass. This Prophet of God, T.B. Joshua,

    is so anointed by the Spirit that many times, all he has to do is speak the Word and the sick are healed.

    I am so blessed to be part of The Synagogue, Church Of All Nations family.

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    God bless all of you.

    This article was taken from the first issue of Read Us, the official magazine of The SCOAN.

    Please share your thoughts with us on the article in the comments section below:


    Belief is your connection to the Saviour, the Healer, the God that rescues and delivers. Belief is your only

    connection. But ask yourself, in whom do you believe? Many today believe in themselves. They believe in

    their own strength, ability, power and might. But the Bible says that if you believe in yourself, you are

    doomed to disappointment. Meaning: you’re bound to be disappointed. Ask King Nebuchadnezzar in

    Daniel 4:28-37 and he would tell you. He trusted in himself and he ran mad. Believe in your friends andfamily and they will die and leave you. Ask Eli’s daughter in 1 Samuel 4:17-22 and she will tell you – in

    one day she lost her father, her husband and her brother-in-law. But if you believe in the One who said in

    Matthew 28:18, “All power in Heaven and on earth has been given me”, you have something to be excited

    about for you will never be confounded in time or eternity.

    PRAYER: Lord Jesus, Give me the grace to believe You more than anyone I know and to believe Your

    Word more than anything I have ever read.


    Isaiah 31:1-3Psalm 20

    2 Kings 18


    If God gave you the most priceless possession He had, why would He withhold from you anything of less

    value? It is His desire to give you everything you need in this life and the life to come. However, the

    primary reason for asking for God’s blessings should be to share them with others. When your needs aremet, you have an abundance to share with those around you. Jesus wants to express Himself and carry

    out His mission of love to others through you. You must learn to plant. In other words, we always reap the

    same kind of seed we plant.

    How many lives are you capable of changing? How many have you changed? For example, Jesus said

    that we should make peace with all manner of men. Peace therefore becomes our protection against the

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    attacks of the enemy. If you are hit by your enemy, do not hit back. Give him another chance. By this, you

    show that you are a believer. A Christian is not known by his name but by his love. We should be known

    as people who are for the good, not just against the bad. Let us do what is good to change the bad we

    see. As the Bible says, “Do not be overcome by evil but overcome evil with good” (Romans 12:17-19).

    PRAYER: Ask God to give you love – love enough, in Jesus’ name.


    When someone approaches you in great emotional havoc and disturbance, know that the Word of God is

    not dominating their life. They discuss their battles instead of the One who is fighting for them. They

    discuss their warfare instead of the promise of victory. They discuss their doubts instead of their faith in

    God. Their focus is on their enemy, instead of their Comforter.

    If the Word of God were dominating their mouth, it would dominate their mind. If the Word of God were

    dominating their mind, it would influence their conduct and behaviour. You must embrace the Word of God

    as the only effective instrument for change. That is why Paul wrote to Timothy, “All Scripture is given by

    inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness”

    (2 Timothy 3:16). The Holy Spirit inspired the Scriptures. The Holy Spirit affects your words. The Holy

    Spirit uses the Word of God to bring peace into your heart.

    PRAYER: Lord, Jesus Christ, open my heart to Your Word, Your faith and Your Spirit, in Jesus’ name.


    What gift, skill or talent can you boast of today? Gift without character is idle, meaningless and oftentimes

    destructive. Adam had a gift of management and creativity. He named every animal in the garden but lost

    the garden - because of weakness in his character (Genesis 3:17-19). Moses had the gift of a great

    leader and led his people out of Egypt but lost the Promised Land – because of weakness in his character

    (Deuteronomy 32:48-52). Saul had been the greatest king of Israel but had his kingdom torn from him –

    because of weakness in his character (1 Samuel 15:26-29). Judas walked daily with Jesus but lost his

    relationship – because he had no character (Matthew 26:14-16).

    Be careful as you work or you may find your hands full of money, your head full of information but your

    heart empty and therefore, your life very empty. God is not looking for a star; He is looking for character.

    Character makes future possible. Anyone can own a car but not everyone can maintain a car. Many have

    received the gifts of God but not everyone has been able to maintain their gifts. God’s gifts can only be

    maintained by God’s character. If it is not with character, it is not in truth; it is not in Spirit and so it is all


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    PRAYER: Oh Holy Spirit, give me the grace to imbibe the character of Christ so that Your instinct and

    nature may be evident and obvious in me.


    1 Corinthians 4

    Hebrews 6

    Philippians 2


    Are you hurting? Does bitterness and anger rise in you when you remember one thing or the other? Have

    you been hurt in the past? Does the pain still remain today? Do you hold onto the past by harbouring

    resentment and bitterness against those who have offended you? What you may fail to realise is that the

    person most hurt by unforgiveness is you. An unforgiving attitude not only destroys our relationships butalso poisons our soul.

    An unforgiving attitude eats us up and destroys us from the inside. Jesus said, “For if you forgive other

    people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive

    others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins” (Matthew 6:14-15). Being unwilling to forgive

    shows that you have not understood or benefitted from God’s forgiveness. If you fail to receive forgiveness

    and fail to forgive those who sin against you, you will also find yourself in a torture chamber. What is the

    meaning of a torture chamber? Your spirit will not be free or available for God. Instead, it will be bound,

    burdened and useless. You may smile on the outside while crying on the inside.

    Don’t allow this to happen to you. Ask God for the grace to release forgiveness to those who have sinned

    against you and by faith, receive forgiveness from God for your own sins. Remember, because of Christ,

    you are redeemed, free and forgiven. In the same way, because of Christ, forgive your neighbour.


    Many today train vigorously, thinking that in warfare, numerous and powerful soldiers would always be

    victorious. Many study tirelessly, thinking that men of great understanding who are masters of

    management will always be men of substance. But look throughout history, many a good men spend their

    days unnoticed, uncelebrated and in obscurity. Ecclesiastes 9:11 says that the race is not for the swift nor

    the battle for the strong. This philosophy goes against common sense but it is the reality, It is the wisdom

    of God. For God does not need a majority to fight His war; He just needs a suitable man.

    Are you suitable? They are suitable who have submitted to His will, who subject themselves to the check

    and conduct of the Holy Spirit, who lay their souls under souls under His influences and operations.

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    James 4:7-8, “Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. Come near to

    God and he will come near to you..."

    Joseph knew he would face certain trying situations that would challenge his continued commitment to

    Christ but that if he was under the check and conduct of the Holy Spirit, God would rescue His faithful

    servant out of trouble and put honour upon him. And by His grace, Joseph was rescued indeed. Are you a

    suitable man?

    Prayer: When God’s grace is taken away, nothing pure, nothing good in you will stay. The protection will

    be gone, your strength will be gone, your victory will be gone. Everything that makes meaning in you will

    be gone. Right now, bow down your head and ask God not to take His grace away from you.


    Deuteronomy 20:1-4

    Psalm 20

    Exodus 23:20-33


    Trouble becomes easier to handle when you know that it will not last forever. In other words, your picture

    of tomorrow will impart strength to endure your present tribulation and difficulties. Jesus had this kind of

    picture. Jesus had confidence in His own resurrection and that enabled Him to endure His crucifixion. This

    means, your future has to move into you before you can move into your future.

    Look at the case of Joseph in Genesis 37. The Holy Spirit gave Joseph a prophetic picture of his future in

    a dream. Joseph saw himself in the position of authority where he saw others honoring him. Because of

    this vision, his mind began to change; his conduct and behavior were altered to birth that picture. This

    means, what happens in your mind will happen in time. Mind management is the first priority for the


    PRAYER: Ask God for the grace to see visions and dream dreams, in Jesus’ name!

    THE STRAIGHT RACELife is a journey and the journey we are on as believers has been likened by Apostle Paul to a race.

    Acts 20:24, “However, I consider my life worth nothing to me; my only aim is to finish the race and

    complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me—the task of testifying to the good news of God’s grace.”

    Question - Did you ever see someone running backwards in order to win a race? God wants us to run but

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    to run the straight race to win the prize of eternal life. There are no shortcuts to spiritual maturity; we

    cannot deceive God, we have to please Him by faith. As Hebrews 11:6 tells us, only faith pleases Him.

    So, what is faith? Hebrews 11:1, “Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what

    we do not see.” How do we have confidence in what we do not see? Just because Jesus doesn’t pop

    through the clouds to show us that He is who He says He is, doesn’t mean His power and effectiveness

    have stopped. His power and effectiveness are even greater today than during His earthly ministry

    because He can be in all places at all times, through His Word by His Spirit. To run the straight race is to

    live your life by the Word of God as your guide. Your life will run smoother if you go the way of the Book.

    Prayer: Oh Lord, Jesus Christ, let Your Word abide in me and me abide in it, for out of it rivers of living

    water will flow from my life to meet the needs of others. In Jesus’ name we pray.

    Further Bible Reading:

    Hebrews 12:1-3

    1 Cor. 9:24-25


    Matthew 6:33, “But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be

    added to you.”

    Many lives have been disconnected from the Creator. When you are connected to Heaven, you would

    know that behind your situation lies the purpose of God for your life. In order to fit your life back into God's

    divine arrangement as from today, begin to pray against your weakness so that you close the avenue of

    the devil. The devil has nothing to do with you without weakness, mistakes and sin. That is what the Bible

    says about salvation – seek first the Kingdom of God. That is, pray against your weakness and all other

    things – blessing, healing and protection will be added. When the devil is in control of your life, when you

    are weak, you are weak.

    But when you are connected to the Maker of Heaven and earth, when you are weak, then you are strong

    for His strength is made perfect in weakness. To feel the grace of God over your life, you must be proud of

    your weakness for Christ's sake. This is demonstrated when the curse of imperfection hits, you confess to

    God, receive His mercy, learn from it and move on. When you have a relationship with Jesus, you change

    and become a person who is directed by the Heavenly Father, not the earthly influence around you. Do

    you want to get connected to Heaven? Just believe. Believing is our connection to Jesus Christ.

    PRAYER: Lord, Jesus Christ, anytime I make a mistake, as we all do, help me to run to You.


    2 Chronicles 20:19-21

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    DANIEL 6:1-23

    Mark 11:20-25


    People of God, have your circumstances ever pressed you to doubt God's promises? Have you ever been

    tempted to ask, "Does God hear me? Does God love me? If God loves me, why do I have all these


    The lives of believers in both the old and new testaments testify that being faithful to God does not

    eliminate adversity. That you are a Christian, a pastor, an evangelist does not mean you will not be

    exposed to things that are not consistent with God's Word. There will be a time to laugh, a time to cry, a

    time for war and a time for peace, a time to face temptation and a time to overcome. What time are you

    in? It is necessary for your forward movement in Christ.

    In Romans 5:3-5, the apostle tells us, "…we also glory in tribulations, knowing that tribulation produces

    perseverance and perseverance, character and character, hope. now hope does not disappoint because

    the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us".

    There can be no victory without a battle. There can be no harvest without planting. There can be no

    resurrection without a death. Remember, when times are stable and the sea is calm and secure, no one is

    really tested. Pass your test and move on, in Jesus' name!

    Prayer: Lord Jesus, grant me grace in accepting adversity and enduring every pain so that I may learnwhat I should know, my grief to turn to gain.


    1 Peter 4:12-19

    John 6:31-33

    Psalm 27


    When you make God’s Word your heart’s delight, He will grant you your heart’s desire. Today, many make

    the world their heart’s delight. Many embrace the world desperate to be satisfied by it. But what we need

    is in God’s Word. No matter how many years you work or strive trying to acquire wealth – the best car, the

    most beautiful house, children etc, you can never be satisfied by them. Satisfaction is not about having

    children, money or other worldly possessions; you have to experience God. Until you experience God,

    there will be dissatisfaction in your life – a sense of hunger to know what life is all about, a desire to know

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    what happens after life is over. Who is it you are looking for? Jesus is everything you need.

    Do you want to experience God? Attend to His Word. Mary attended to God’s Word and a lifetime of

    ignorance gave way to spiritual enlightenment (Luke 10: 38-42). Take Time to sit at the Lord’s feet. I

    mean, take the time to splash around in the Word of God and absorb it to discover what God has to say to

    you each day. When you have discovered what God has made you for and how He cherishes yourcompany, you will discover the true fountain of good living welling up to eternal life. Live in God’s Word!

    You are in it, I am in it but most importantly, God is in it. There you meet God face-to-face.

    "Everything man gives has disadvantages but everything God gives has no disadvantages. Water is a

    natural blessing that has no disadvantage!" - TB Joshua on 'Water Therapy'

    "There is nobody and there will never be anybody quite like YOU!" - TB Joshua

    OUR ELDERLY, OUR PRIDE: The Touching Story Of A Widow And Her Tithe...

    The case of Mrs. Caroline Orugude deserves a place in the spotlight. On that unforgettable Sunday, which

    will remain engraved on the hearts of the thousands of people that heard her, she gently made her way to

    the altar of The SCOAN. Delicately clenching a hand that was just recovering from a recent attack of

    stroke, the elderly woman had the air of one with important news.

    She came with a simple gift and message that would speak volumes to men and women of God the worldover. A retired teacher from Bayelsa in Southern Nigeria, this woman still had a thing or two to teach the

    “young ones”.

    When she spoke, it was with carefully chosen words: “What brought me here is the urge to testify of the

    goodness of God in my life,” she began. Every ear zeroed in, as she narrated how she had retired from

    her job in June, 2012 and was forced to wait many months for her gratuity that was supposed to have

    been paid immediately. She said: “There was nothing much we could do except pray because the pension

    system is unreliable. So, I kept praying for almost two years about this.”

    Mrs. Orugude requested prayers from many pastors for breakthrough, promising she would pay her tithe,but the pension remained withheld.

    After she was introduced by a family member to Emmanuel TV, her mindset began to change. “I

    witnessed the goodness of the Lord and how the God of T.B. Joshua helps people to achieve their goals,”

    said Mrs. Orugude. A month before this landmark testimony, the elderly lady began to change her prayer

    points, aligning them with what she saw on Emmanuel TV.

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    When praying, she would place the documents for the gratuity on the screen of Emmanuel TV, thanking

    God for His mercy. Then the mighty hand of God touched her!

    Within two weeks, she received a call