word pro - ece246.part16.v1.~ts

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  • 8/8/2019 Word Pro - Ece246.Part16.v1.~Ts


    O If are independent PoissonA1(t),A2(t), ,Ak(t)

    processes of rate , then 1, 2, ,

    is a Poisson process of rateA1(t) + A2(t) +


    1 + 2 + +

    If each arrival of a Poisson process is independently

    sent to system 1 with prob. pand system 2 with prob.

    1-p, the arrivals to each system are Poisson and

    independent.(see also Ex.3.11a)






    (see also Ex.3.10c)



  • 8/8/2019 Word Pro - Ece246.Part16.v1.~Ts


    Routing in Data Nets

    Datagarms: routing decision for every packet.

    Virtual Circuits: one routing decision for all the

    packets of the same session.


    O selection of paths

    O broadcasting of routing-related info.

    Performance Measures

    Throughput (quantity of service)

    Average packet delay (quantity of service)


  • 8/8/2019 Word Pro - Ece246.Part16.v1.~Ts


    As the routing algorithm succeeds in keeping delay

    low, the flow control allows more traffic into the


    Good routing algorithms: higher throughput for the

    same delay; smaller delay for a given throughput.


    2 I I H U H G O R D G

    ) O R Z & R Q W U R O 5 R X W L Q J

    ' H O D \

    W K U R X J K S X W

    5 H M H F W H G O R D G

    ' H O D \

    7 K U R X J K S X W

    J R R G U R X W L Q J

    S R R U U R X W L Q J

  • 8/8/2019 Word Pro - Ece246.Part16.v1.~Ts



    O If everything routed through middle path the delay is



    Suppose input traffic at node 2 is increased to 15 units.

    If a single path is used at least 5 units is rejected.

    Therefore the delay and the maximum throughput

    depend on routing.


    X Q L W V X Q L W V

    R U L J L Q

    R U L J L Q

    G H V W L Q D W L R Q

    $ O O O L Q N V K D Y H

    F D S D F L W \ R I X Q L W V

  • 8/8/2019 Word Pro - Ece246.Part16.v1.~Ts


    Routing may be:

    1. Centralized or Distributed


    Centralized: all routing choices are made at a centralnode.


    Distributed: computation of routes is shared among

    nodes who exchange information if necessary.

    2. Static or Dynamic (adaptive)


    Static: path used for an origin-destination pair is fixed.


    Dynamic: path may changes in response to congestion.

    Of course even with static algorithms paths will

    change if nodes or links fail.


  • 8/8/2019 Word Pro - Ece246.Part16.v1.~Ts


    Shortest Path problem

    Directed graph G=(N,A) arcs have direction/

    dij = length of (i,j)

    The length of a directed path p={i,j,k,.....,l,m} isdefined asdij+ djk+ +dl

    Given:G=(N,A) , dijswith no negative lengthcycles,

    and a node 1

    Problem: find the shortest path from every node itonode 1

    Applications:a) dij=delay (i,j), then shortestpath corresponds to theminimum delay path

    b) If pij = prob. (i,j) is operational.Let define dij = -lnpij . Then shortest path corresponds tomost reliable path


  • 8/8/2019 Word Pro - Ece246.Part16.v1.~Ts


    Bellman-Ford algorithm

    Let length of shortest path from ito 1 thatDih

    uses > harc


    0 = 0

    Di0 =

    \ , i 1

    *Dih+1 =

    j. N(i)min [dij+ Dj


    After at most N-1 iterations * shortest path is

    founded (provided that there are no negative length

    cycles); shortest path distance .In factDi = DiN1

    iteration terminates when after hiteration Dih= Di


    for all i


  • 8/8/2019 Word Pro - Ece246.Part16.v1.~Ts


    Example: Bellman-Ford (infinite initial conditions)


    G H V W L Q D W L R Q

    F R V W

    G H V W L Q D W L R Q

    G H V W L Q D W L R Q

    V W 6 W H S

    F X U U H Q W G L V W D Q F H W R Q R G H

    G H V W L Q D W L R Q

    Q G 6 W H S

    U G 6 W H S

    G H V W L Q D W L R Q

    W K 6 W H S

  • 8/8/2019 Word Pro - Ece246.Part16.v1.~Ts


    Example: Bellman-Ford zero initial conditions


    G H V W L Q D W L R Q

  • 8/8/2019 Word Pro - Ece246.Part16.v1.~Ts


    Routing in the ARPANET

    Uses shortest paths from origin to destination.

    1969 algorithm:Node icomputes an estimate of its distance to aDigiven node 0

    Di =j. N(i)min (dij+ Dj), i


    :neighbors of iN(i) :obtained by neighbors every 0.62 secDj

    D0 = 0

    Originally(1969), lengths = number of packet indijbuffer (i,j)


  • 8/8/2019 Word Pro - Ece246.Part16.v1.~Ts


    Instability problems (original ARPANET)


    ' H V W L Q D W L R Q

    ' H V W L Q D W L R Q















    $ V V X P H L V H T X D O W R I O R Z R Q L M

    S D W K R I Q R G H Z L O O K D Y H

    ) H H G E D F N K H U H F D Q E H X Q V W D E O H

    3 U R E O H P 6 K R U W H V W S D W K V U R X W H V I O R Z D U F O H Q J W K V

    G L U H F W L R Q

    1 R W H W K D W Q H [ W V K R U W H V W

    D F R X Q W H U F O R F N Z L V H

  • 8/8/2019 Word Pro - Ece246.Part16.v1.~Ts


    After updates, everybody will start sending packetsclockwise, and so on.....

    Having a bias independent of flow in the arcdistances helps to prevent this problem(e.g. = constant + number of packets in the buffer)dij


    ' H V W L Q D W L R Q






