word up newsletter 4th edition

WORD UP NEWS Issue 4 July /August 2011 Understanding God’s Vision ONE BAND… ONE SOUND Being Single… A Blessing or Curse? ARE YOU CONTAGIOUS? Get Connected TWC Updates FEATURED MINISTRY: CHAMPS R’ uS Having a Personal Vision B.Y.O.B The Word is your BFF Marriage: When 2 Pray TWC Health Corner Checking your finances Getting ready for BACK-2-School

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The Word Church-4th Edition Newsletter.


Page 1: Word Up Newsletter 4th Edition


Issue 4 July /August 2011

Understanding God’s Vision



Being Single… A Blessing or Curse? ARE YOU


Get Connected

TWC Updates


Having a Personal Vision

B.Y.O.B The Word is your BFF


When 2


TWC Health Corner

Checking your finances Getting ready for


Page 2: Word Up Newsletter 4th Edition

Understanding God's Vision by Pastor J

So why is a vision so important to us? Well... the bible says "Where there is no vision the people perish.... Proverbs 29:18"

Without a vision we struggle, we lose hope, we die.... This page is about realizing what vision is about.

T.E. Lawrence (Lawrence of Arabia) once said, "All men dream but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their

minds awake to the day to find it was all vanity. But the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for the many act out their dreams with open

eyes, to make it possible..."

The Merriam Webster Dictionary defines vision as: Something seen in a dream, a supernatural appearance that conveys a revelation. A

thought, concept, or object formed by the imagination. A manifestation to the senses of something immaterial. It’s also described as the act or

power of imagination, mode of seeing or conceiving, unusual discernment or foresight or direct mystical awareness of the supernatural

usually in visible form.

So where do visions come from? God gives us visions. There are three types of visions and three dimensions to a Vision

The 3 types of visions are:

Personal: This is where God reveals to an individual a vision.

Corporate: This is where God has chosen to work through a body (a church or ministry.)

Great: The Great Commission. God's vision for us all

So how exactly do we get a vision? Well you can say vision is three dimensional. We can receive a vision from God in one of 3 ways. Did

you know the number three in the bible means Resurrection, Divine Completeness and Perfection (John 14:6, 2 Kings 4:18-35.) is that cool or

what. So let’s look at this. We have:

The Word: this is scripture (vision or revelation reading your bible)

The Prophetic: vision through a Prophetic Word (prophetic ministry)

The Spirit: The Holy Spirit (the voice in the night that wakes you. "Noah... build an Ark!")

All three of these can reveal vision and can confirm vision. The question is what is God or the Holy Spirit revealing to you?

So once a vision is revealed then what? What or how do we implement what God has spoken to us? In Habakkuk 2:2-3 God says this about

vision: And the Lord answered me, and said, "Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that reads it. For the vision is

yet for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak, and not lie: though it tarry, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry."

Vision once revealed, becomes your responsibility to see it bear fruit. God promises to us are NEVER broken, or return void. If you don't

work to see your vision realized, it will fall to another, natural children and in my case spiritual children. It is our responsibility to start

actively working towards it. So let’s break down what God said.

Step 1:

"Write it down and make it plain." How hard is that? Having a plan on paper is the first step we take. This is what’s called a vision statement.

Essentially this is a description of the ministry; its size, its basic structure, its sphere of influence. A vision statement focuses on tomorrow; it

is inspirational; it provides clear decision-making criteria; and it is timeless. A vision statement is future oriented.

Seeing a vision brought to life requires hard work. Often a lot of elbow grease and sweat. Like the Bible says, we "write it down and make it

plain." Having a plan on paper is the first step we take.

Step 2:

The "appointed time" We must understand what "appointed time" means. Any vision takes time to build. What this means is, while you’re

waiting for the appointed time are you need to be actively preparing. Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 speaks of how "Everything has its Time". In there we

learn that proper "time" or "seasons" take preparation which is then followed, by an action. You must prepare before you take action to see

the vision God gave you come to life.

Page 3: Word Up Newsletter 4th Edition

So how do we go from a vision to the appointed time? Well... there are 4 basic steps we need to follow. They are:

■The desire to change.

■The willingness to learn.

■To make sound decisions.

■Taking proper action.

Looks pretty easy, but you can get tripped up easily on the last two without breaking a sweat. But the most important thing is the desire to

change. Change takes time and work. You must start making changes and being consistent in them, that being done or in-work, the other

steps become easy to do. Once these 4 steps are in place we next need to understand how that vision is implemented.

To make our vision work, we need to follow the next three steps:

a) Right Knowledge and Training

The desire (vision) alone is not enough. You need information and facts (this is knowledge, training, mentoring, etc.) and then to be released

(this means NOW) to start building that vision.

―My son, if you will receive my words, and treasure my commandments within you; So that you incline your ear unto wisdom, and apply

your heart to understanding; Yea, if you cry out for knowledge, and lift up your voice for understanding; If you seek her as silver, and search

for her as for hidden treasures; Then you will understand the fear of the LORD, and find the knowledge (revelation) of God.‖ ....Proverbs


Just in case you missed it, that scripture said "to listen", "to treasure" and "find revelation" or knowledge. We have to be receptive to hearing

from God. We need to treasure that which He has revealed to us. Once we have done that we will later understand or come to revelation

within this knowledge. Basically we have all we need right now, however some of that knowledge isn't to be understood until later when the

time is right.

b) Right Tools and Support (Waiting Going & Doing)

We wait because we’re patient. Building a dream isn't an overnight experience. Its takes time and patience. Often we have to wait for

something to happen before we can take the next step. Meanwhile we learn more, we get mentored (see Galations 4:2), we get more

education, we build and we go forward to our vision piece by piece.

Money and Tithes. We've all heard it take money to make money. Think of this wisely. What are you investing in financially? Are you

putting money aside? Is your credit bad, mediocre, outstanding? Are you improving your credit? How do you pay for school or classes to

take you to the next step of your to fulfill the vision for your life and ministry vision? As for tithes, it’s about stewardship. You give to God

because you make sure His storehouse is full. When you praise and worship give or tithe to Him, His blessings rain down upon you.

Wouldn't it be awesome to see your vision return a 60-fold or a hundred-fold? See Proverbs 3:9, Matthew 10:8, Romans 12, 2nd Corinthians


c) Taking (righteous) Action (doing)

All of the steps above will thrust (force) you into the right direction (turn you). But most importantly, you have to run with it because the

Bible says it will surely come.

~Pastor J


As you can see a vision is very important to anyone’s existence. And it’s no different for God’s institutions. God has given our Pastor a

GREAT vision for The Word Church, a vision that extends past one person, on thing or any obstacles while bringing it to pass. More than

that it is important for all partners of The Word Church to Believe In it, Be Involved in it & Run With it. The Vision has been written in

plain text for us to grasp and move forward. We are the Vision Pusher’s. In our next issue you will be introduced to living the 4G

experience. The Vision of The Word Church.

~Lady J

Page 4: Word Up Newsletter 4th Edition

Benefits of A Vision Statement

It makes it easier to define the

actions and goals that will help

you achieve your vision.

It acts as a yardstick against

which you can measure your

current reality and your


It allows you to evaluate your

values. If, for example, one of

your values is honesty, you

know if you're compromising

your vision by being dishonest.

If you want to start living into

your desired future, take the

time to write a vision statement.

Then put it where you can read

it on a regular basis to stay


Don’t Be Afraid to step out

Jesus said in Mark 9:23:

Jesus said to him, ―If you can

believe, all things are possible to

him who believes.‖


Having a Vision for your Personal life

We all think about the big things we'd like to accomplish in life. But

most of us never write them down.

Talk to successful people, and they'll tell you that they write down

their values, goals, and vision for what they want in life. Then they

use it as a compass to make it come true.

Some people use "vision," "purpose," and "mission" interchangeably.

Others think they describe different things. There is no consensus.

A personal vision statement describes how you see yourself in the

future. It describes your hopes and dreams and evokes a sense of

achievement and fulfillment.

Writing Your Vision Statement

A vision statement integrates various aspects of your life and what

you know about yourself. Here's one way to write a vision statement.

On a piece of paper list:

Things that bring you happiness and inspire you.

Things you do best and enjoy doing.

Things you've always wanted to do.

When you complete your list, put the ideas about your future into one

or more paragraphs. Your vision statement could be 20 words or 200

words. Length doesn't matter. Make sure to write it in the present

tense, imagining yourself already achieving what you want.

Two examples of personal vision statements:

"I walk up to the podium and am awarded the Olympic Gold Medal

for the 100 meter dash. The huge crowd cheers. I watch proudly as

my national anthem is played and my country's flag rises slowly

above me."

"I am physically empowered; have graduated from college; have four

satisfying interpersonal relationships that bring me joy, a soulful

connection with God, lots of friends, am having fun everyday and

making at least $75,000 a year doing work helping other people."

Remember: The things you think about the most become your reality!

If your vision isn't bigger than one generation. It's not from God

~ Dr. Kelly Varner

Page 5: Word Up Newsletter 4th Edition

Our Children’s Ministry, Champs R’ Us is one of the most important ministries of The Word Church. Each week

as they pile in, they are excited about their worship opportunity to learn about God. The impact we strive for is

one that is fun, safe, relevant and everlasting.

Our Goal is for Champs R’ Us to IMPACT the lives of our children.

Introduce children to the Gospel Minister to their needs Pray for them, that they will

Accept Christ as Savior Connect them with other Christians and

Train them for a life-long relationship with Jesus Christ.

The Vision

The vision of our children’s ministry encompasses that of the total 4G vision of The Word Church. Every child that

experiences Champs R’ Us also experiences God. We educate, share and minister believing before our children

move from Champs R’ Us to our youth ministry that they would have accepted Christ and begin walking in a

growing relationship with Him! We teach them how to give to God and back to others. They will be able to

intelligently explain the gospel, when and how they got saved, and testify to what God has done and is doing in their

lives as they share Him with others. They will even be able to relate their life to the lives of those they learned about

in the Bible!

Our Curriculum

As we join parents in lying the foundation for a life lived in relationship with Jesus,

it is our philosophy that children need to know that God made me, God loves me, and

Jesus wants to be my friend forever. Our goal in the elementary age group is that each

child will come to understand three basic truths:

1. Jesus wants to be my forever friend

2. I can trust God no matter what

3. I should treat others the way Jesus would

Our Resources

Our resources are numerous and we are open to utilizing them as needed. Lessons are

based on the Bible using biblical materials appropriate for ages 4 thru 10. Some of our

resources are puzzles, CD’s, DVD’s, arts & crafts materials, Bible story activity sheets,

Bible stories, books, song books, word searches, games, skits, puppet shows and more.

The Experience

During the Champs R’ Us experience they have a classroom structure that they follow.

All attendees are offered snacks. They experience their own praise and worship and are

actively engaged in their instruction for the day. First time visitors leave with a bag of

goodies and our little partners are always leaving with something in hand. What we’ve

heard from parents are ―On Sunday mornings our children are actually asking us are

we going to church to church!‖

Our Team

We have a wonderful group of partners who sow their time in ministering to our

children. Our Champs R’ Us Director taught elementary for over 30 years and has a

heart and passion for children. All of our instructors walk with the same heart and

passion for children. They are trained and taught how to effectively minister the

Champs’ R Us experience.




Tommie Johnson

Children’s Instructors

Mary Simon

Tammie Brown

Ursula Martin

Lakisha McClendon

Courtney Wimbley

We thank all of our wonderful Partners who

sow their time ministering to our children!

There is always room for more. Stop by

Champs R’ Us or see Sis. Tommie Johnson

to sign up for the next orientation.

Page 6: Word Up Newsletter 4th Edition

Around mid- to late summer, as your thoughts slowly turn to getting your child ready to go back to school, you can begin

taking some steps to ensure a smooth transition to school routines. Whether your child is starting kindergarten or going back

to grade school, try these ideas to get your family ready to hit the ground running when fall comes.

1. A Good Bedtime Routine

Making sure your child sleeps enough is an essential part of school success. If you’ve been edging toward a later bedtime

during the long days of summer, try these tips for setting up a good bedtime routine for the school year.

2. Avoiding Summer Brain Drain

No matter how much time you have left of summer vacation, you can get your kids’ minds active and ready for learning. Find

some fun and brain-stimulating activities to do together. You can make learning a part of everyday routines or special trips,

such as to a museum or library.

3. A Daily Dose of Books

Even if they’re old enough to read on his own, reading together with your child every day is an excellent way for you to spend

time together. Best of all, when you share a book, you are building a love of reading in your child that is likely to carry into

adolescence and beyond. As your grade-schooler gets older, he will transition from learning to read to reading to learn. Here

are some great ideas for how to foster a love of books in your child.

4. A Quiet Area for Reading/Homework

Even kindergarteners get homework these days, and older grade-schoolers definitely need a quiet place to call their own where

they can do their homework. The designated homework/reading area can be any quiet spot. What matters most is that it is a

place they can use regularly to do they’re work everyday.

5. Stocking Up on School Supplies

Shopping for school supplies can be much less stressful -- not to mention a lot easier on the family budget -- when you start

early and take the time to look for bargains. What are some other ways to save time and money when stocking up school


6. Building New Friendships

Some kids naturally make new friends easily while others are slower to warm up to people they don’t know. Whether your

child is entering kindergarten or going back to school to meet new classmates and reconnect with old pals encourage them to

build new friendships.

7. Practice Good Morning Routines

Streamlining your morning routine will give you a great start to your day. With just a few adjustments to your schedule, you

can make sure that you get to school on time once classes start again. By keeping these tips in mind and practicing some of

them even before school starts, you will be ready to get out the door in time so that your child gets to school on time.

7 Things to Do in the Summer to Get Ready to Go Back to School

Page 7: Word Up Newsletter 4th Edition


Spiritual Intimacy! By Pastor J

The Word Church



Every time you and your spouse pray separately for one

another, great things happen in your relationship.

Prayer is truly powerful. But when you pray together,

that power increases tremendously, and so do the

results. Going to God in prayer as a couple benefits

your marriage in several ways:

Prayer Promotes Unity

On the day you and your spouse were married, you

became one in the eyes of God. From that moment on,

however, there is still a process of becoming one in

your everyday lives. The living out of this unity doesn't

just happen; it takes time and effort.

The most difficult thing about a marriage is that there

are two people in it. If you were just trying to work

through things by yourself, you could certainly do a

good job of it. But in marriage you have to mesh

your dreams, desires, attitudes, assumptions,

needs and habits with those of your spouse. The

effort to do so can cause strife. When you pray

with your spouse, you are drawn into unity with

God and, as a result, with one another.

Prayer Promotes Emotional Intimacy

Just as physical intimacy reaffirms your oneness,

so does praying together. When you pray as a

couple, you are not only communicating with

God, but also with each other. You can learn so

much about one another by sharing prayer

requests and listening to each other pray.

Prayer Invites God Into Your Relationship

For a marriage to last and be happy and

fulfilling, three parties need to be involved: the

husband, the wife and the Lord.

All marriages have problems because they are made up

of two imperfect people. But if you add the presence of a

perfect God, then you have unlimited possibilities for

drawing closer to what God intended for marriage.

Whether that happens is determined by how frequently

and how fervently God is invited into your relationship.

The more you pray together, the more you will see God

do great things.

I know that praying together works because I have seen

its power demonstrated in many marriages. Over the

years my husband and I have struggled with many

different issues, and at times I have felt that all hope was

lost. Yet in those moments of despair, God intervened;

He changed our hearts and taught us how to make our

marriage whole.

Prayer Changes Relationships

Through the ups and downs of 34 years of marriage, my

husband and I have changed a lot for the better. We're

not perfect — far from it — but we are living proof that

by praying together, your relationship can change. A

husband and wife certainly can't change each other, and

they can never change as much as they would like. But

God can change them both if they invite Him to do so.

No matter what struggles a couple have, if they keep

praying together, they can see things turn around.

If you or your spouse feels uncomfortable or

embarrassed praying out loud in front of the other, don't

be discouraged. Many people have felt that way and

overcome it. Ask God to help you. Ask Him to teach you

and your spouse how to pray together so you can have

the marriage He wants you to have. By Stormie Omartian


Spiritual intimacy in marriage is about more than just spending time in God's Word. It's about learning how to connect with your spouse

through your faith. Often times, couples say that they "can't connect with their spouse" because they're not in the same place spiritually. But,

there are small things you can do as a couple to become more like-minded in your spiritual walk.

You can start building intimacy in your spiritual life by praying daily for your spouse and your relationship as a couple. Without spending

hours in prayer, you can set aside 10 minutes a day, whether morning or night, to go before God with prayers for your marriage.

If you and your spouse aren't connecting around church, don't set high expectations for your spouse to attend church with you every Sunday.

Instead, see if they would be willing to attend once a month. Don't set the bar so high that you're doomed to failure. Remember: small steps

along the way make a big difference down the road.

But, what if your spouse won't attend church at all? Dig deep into God's Word, stay faithful in attending church and commit every part of

your relationship with your spouse to prayer. In Matthew 19:26, Jesus states that "… with God all things are possible." If you stay fervent in

your commitment to the Lord, He'll honor your faithfulness. The saying "Fail to plan, plan to fail" is so true when couples desire to

experience spiritual growth together. ~Pastor J

Page 8: Word Up Newsletter 4th Edition

What’s Happened Since our Last Issue!

Our Night out for Mother’s & Father's Day Breakfast was a huge Success as we honored and celebrated them. Thanks to all who made these celebrations GRAND!

Our first night of Zumba was super-duper fun. With over 25 ladies in attendance we rocked out with a little girl fun and exercise. The ladies are eagerly awaiting July 26.

The first installment of The View featuring answered questions from Pastor J was very enlightening and innovative. It goes down again August 3, submit your questions today. [email protected]. And be here or tune in to hear your question answered.

Our S.W.A.G Teens truly blew the roof off at our last Facebook Friday with special guest our very own The Educator, Hilary Pradia, Immortal, H2G, TSC Swag Crew, Walk of Christianity and more. They got SWAG! See you on July 29, It goes down again.

Friends Day was a huge success with hundreds in attendance. It was hot outside but the ice cream Sundae’s were a nice treat. Let’s keep it up TWC…Simply Invite

Congratulations to Pastor J and our Ministry for being featured on the front of the D-Mars Faith Based journal in May

August 3 - The View

August 5 – IRON MEN Domino Night

August 13 - Back-2-School Jamboree

Date TBA - Family Fun Day in the Park

& much more


Sept. 16 – A Ladies Night Out you will not want

to miss.

Pick Up your Word Church Calendar from the

Welcome Center for additional

services, events & celebrations.

What’s Coming Up @

The Word Church

What’s Happening at TWC in July

Enjoy Free Jamba Juice Smoothies

& Girl Talk


Beyonce’s Move your body workout



LIFE CAFÉ Stop by Life Café during hours of operation

to sip on some coffee, purchase life

transforming books & Word Church CD’s &

DVD’s. Maybe you just want to drop in and

use the wi-fi to do your homework or work

on projects either way, Life Café is the place

to be. Visit Life Café on Sundays to sign up

for or get information on Ministry Events.

Page 9: Word Up Newsletter 4th Edition









Get Connected

& Serve

At TWC our ministries give people the

opportunity to discover their gifts,

develop and deploy them to impact their

surroundings, other lives, and of course

our community! Those of us who serve

already worship God through our service

and enjoy the rewarding experience as it

helps make TWC a joyous place to

worship very week. These ministries

operate with a cutting edge creative

movement so we’re able to minister to

the whole being, every level and age. If

you’re not already serving then find a

place designed for you. If you can't find

one you're looking for, let us know!


WWA (Women Who Aspire)

“CHARMS” Youth Girls

Guest Services



The Spotlight Singles

The KNOT Marriage Ministry

Beyond The Walls

Audio /Visual


Life Café & Bookstore

Word Up Communications

Outreach & Evangelism

If you haven't heard One Band…One Sound yet at The Word

Church..trust me you will. So where did it come from? As Lady J has

done with the infamous "INCREASE" during offering, she has adapted

―ONE BAND...ONE SOUND” to promote everyone being on one accord

and the partners of TWC are catching it.

Lady J shared that recently in her prayer time she was led to a scripture

that she says is now a part of our expansion of our vision as we live the

4G experience. (stay tuned for more about living the 4G experience) Genesis 11:1-6 says 1 Now the whole world had one language and a common speech.

2 As people moved eastward, they found a plain in Shinar[b] and settled there. 3 They

said to each other, ―Come, let’s make bricks and bake them thoroughly.‖ They used

brick instead of stone, and tar for mortar. 4 Then they said, ―Come, let us build

ourselves a city, with a tower that reaches to the heavens, so that we may make a name

for ourselves; otherwise we will be scattered over the face of the whole earth.‖

5 But the LORD came down to see the city and the tower the people were building.

6 The LORD said, “If as one people speaking the same language they have begun

to do this, then nothing they plan to do will be impossible for them.

This basically means that nothing is impossible when we are all speaking

the same thing.

In 2002 Drumline, the movie hit the theaters and Nick

Cannon in this movie demonstrates what life is like for a

kid "who marches to the beat of his own drum".

"ONE BAND, ONE SOUND" was a clever way to demonstrate to all of

us the importance and benefits of everyone in our ministry being on the

same page to push the vision forward. It reminds us that teamwork is the

concept of people working together cooperatively to achieve a desired


So how do we walk as ONE BAND…ONE SOUND at The Word Church?

*Vision – Know, Speak of, Believe & Participate in the vision!

*Support – Support with your words, time, talent and treasure!

*Action – Give, Connect & Serve in ministry, Invite people to your church

*Respect – Take offense captive so the enemy has no room to sow discord

If EVERYONE is doing these things we will truly walk in unity as one

and exhibit.


The ONE BAND…ONE SOUND philosophy can also work

accomplishing something in your personal life. If your mind & mouth are

not agreeing with your actions chances are you will not reach where you

are trying to go. But if your mind, mouth, and actions line up and you are

speaking and believing the same thing…You will have what you decree.

Let’s walk in unity for it is there that the Lord commands the blessing!


Page 10: Word Up Newsletter 4th Edition

Being Single…A Blessing or Curse?

In our longing to belong to someone, do we

forget to focus enough on the One to whom

we must ultimately belong? "

I am sure we can all relate to having a

longing to belong to someone and feel the

loneliness of being single. It may feel like

the "curse" of being single will never end.

But is singleness really a curse? No matter

how you try to rationalize it…It’s NOT A


In our longing to belong to someone, do we

forget to focus enough on the One to whom

we must ultimately belong? God must be

our number one priority, and sometimes He

gives us the gift of being single.

I don't know about you, but even being

single, I have so much going on and so

little time. Being in a relationship of

necessity takes up time in our lives to

develop, build and maintain that

relationship. But being single grants the gift

of time...

"He who is unmarried cares for the things

of the Lord—how he may please the Lord.

But he who is married cares about the things

of the world—how he may please his wife.

"There is a difference between a wife and a

virgin. The unmarried woman cares about the

things of the Lord, that she may be holy both

in body and in spirit. But she who is married

cares about the things of the world—how she

may please her husband" (1 Corinthians:7:32-

34) But I would have you without

carefulness. He that is unmarried careth for

the things that belong to the Lord, how he

may please the Lord: But he that is married

careth for the things that are of the world,

how he may please his wife. There is

difference also between a wife and a virgin.

The unmarried woman careth for the things

of the Lord, that she may be holy both in

body and in spirit: but she that is married

careth for the things of the world, how she

may please her husband.).

Being single allows us to do many things we

may otherwise not be able to:

•Serve others more. There are many ways in

our lives in which we can serve God, people

and society. While single, we have more time

to devote to service outside a relationship.

•Focus on building a more solid foundation in

our relationship with God. This needs to be a

key part of our lives—"seek first the

kingdom of God and His righteousness,

and all these things shall be added to you"

(Matthew 6:33 But seek ye first the

kingdom of God, and his righteousness;

and all these things shall be added unto

you.). God loves us and wants us to put

Him first. He also wants the best for us—

including for our love lives!

•Develop skills for that future relationship.

We each have our own strengths and

weaknesses, including those skills needed

in a marital relationship. Whether they are

physical skills like yard work, home repair,

cooking, cleaning, laundry, etc., or

emotional and spiritual skills, we all have

areas we can improve for when the right

time comes.

While being in a relationship leading

toward marriage or being married is a great

blessing from God, being single can be an

immense blessing as well. Keep this in

mind as you travel through the next days

and months wondering when you will meet

that special someone, and be thankful for

the time you have been given to draw

closer to God and prepare yourself for him

or her.

Writer: Anonymous Single Lady of The Word Church

Getting your finances in Check If your car gets a regular

tune-up shouldn’t your finances get one too? A financial check- up can help offer you lifestyle insights and guide you to make better decisions.

Why Get a Financial Check Up?

A financial check -up has two compelling benefits. One, it can give you a realistic picture of your current finances. You'll learn if you have enough savings, what your actual net worth is and if your finances can support your current lifestyle. Secondly, it can empower you to make more informed decisions for the future. Can you afford that dream vacation? Is it time to get that kitchen-remodeling project back on track?

How to Begin: Arrive at a Realistic Snapshot

The first step is to assess your current situation. Think of your finances as a balance sheet — some items, like your assets and

income, are "inputs." Spending, on the other hand, is an "output." A close look at your finances will give you a realistic snapshot of what comes in and what goes out.

Assess your income and assets. Many

people under or over-estimate their net worth and income. To make an accurate estimation, you should look at all the relevant sources of income and assets. Your salary, bonus, interest earned from investments and even the value of your car is relevant and should be included in your calculations.

How much are you spending? Gather all

your checkbooks, bank statements and credit card statements. These offer you only a partial view of your spending. There are many small cash expenses that are deceptively small and may be burning a hole in your wallet. Restaurant tips, bus rides, and change for parking meters are just some examples. Once you get an overall picture, you'll understand if you're spending too much and where you can begin to save.

Set Attainable Goals and Plan Ahead

Once you have a snapshot of your assets, income and expenses, you'll be able to set goals that are more realistic and attainable. There are two types of goals you need to think about:

Set your short-term goals. These goals

are the quick fixes you need to set the foundation for a better future. You'll need to identify areas of saving, establish saving goals and choose liquid investments that give you easy access to cash.

Plan for your long-term goals. Savvy

investors know that every day counts. Even if your retirement or your children's education is years away, you still need to prepare for it now. This means thinking of a realistic approach towards retirement plans, IRAs, stocks or making smart investment choices. It’s never too late to plan for the future!

Page 11: Word Up Newsletter 4th Edition

TWC Health Tips

•Boost your memory and lower homocysteine levels by eating plenty of

folate in meat, fish, eggs, dairy, spinach, and lentils.

•Improve your heart health and fight dementia with omega-3 fatty

acids found in fatty fish such as salmon, mackerel, and anchovies.

•Improve your vision with lutein found in green leafy vegetables, peas,

broccoli, and corn.

•Keep bones strong with vitamin D and calcium found in fortified milk

and cereals, fish, and eggs.

With summer already upon us, our tendency is to drink more sodas,

juice, and sports drinks. But watch out for the amount of sugar you are

ingesting! When reading labels, 42 grams of sugar is equal to 10

teaspoons. Each 12-ounce can of sugary drink typically has 10 to 12

teaspoons of sugar, and 150 or more calories. Research shows that

increased intake of sugar is a major cause of obesity. Water is the best

choice, but if that is too plain consider iced green tea, coffee, and create-

your-own spa-style water, infused with cucumber, herbs, and citrus.

Summer is also a great time to add fresh fruit to your diet! Try some of

the following:

•BLUEBERRIES - Rich in antioxidants which may help fight cancer and

prevent macular degeneration. Like cranberries they may help protect

against urinary tract infections.

•APPLES - Eating the skin with the flesh gives you 15% of your daily

fiber needs, and they are loaded with antioxidants.

•KIWI - Contain twice as much Vitamin C as an orange, ounce for ounce.

•STRAWBERRIES - Excellent source of Vitamin C and other

antioxidants. A few a day may be good for diabetics, heart patients, and


•ORANGES – A single orange gives you a full day's Vitamin C and

potassium. The membrane around each slice may help you lower


•BANANAS - High in potassium, low in sodium. May be good for blood

pressure, stroke prevention, and preventing stomach ulcers.

•GRAPES - Contain resveratrol, a powerful antioxidant that might help

fight heart disease.

•PAPAYAS - May help improve digestion. Provides a lot of Vitamin C

and folate.

For extra nutrients under those toppings, next time make your salad

healthier by adding:

•WATERCRESS, which is high in iron, calcium, phosphorus, potassium,

and lutein, and may protect against carcinogens in tobacco.

•ARUGULA, which belongs to the cruciferous vegetable family known to

help protect against prostate, breast, and colon cancer.

•SPINACH, which is high in iron, Vitamin C, and magnesium, and may

slow mental decline.

Bon Appetite!

Operation Contagious

Contagious: likely to affect others: quickly spread from

one person to another

God Wants Us to GROW…Have you and will you

contagiously spread the word about what God has done

in your life and about your ministry? God is adding to

the church daily but He continuously needs YOUR help

and Commitment to do it! He works through people…

So become contagious and Spread the Word about His

Love & The Word Church.

Ways to invite people to church & Spread the Word

Commit to picking them up

Pay someone’s toll and leave an invite card behind

Offer gas money

Let them see the change in your life

Just simply ASK Or hand them an invite card

Talk about it wherever you go & be ready to invite

This Issue’s Member Invite Award goes to…


Congratulations & Thank You for

spreading the “Word” about your Church.

The Word Church Welcomes to the Family

Stephanie Thompson

Corey Sweet

Marcus Williams

Barbara Mayes

Jeramon Mayes

Juan Harris

Kisha Young-Harris

Arnissa Jones

Donna Williams

& All our Kids & Youth who had no choice

Page 12: Word Up Newsletter 4th Edition

B.Y.O.B Bring Your Own Bible

No one goes to school without their textbook, and no

warrior goes to war without their weapon. So it’s in

order to come into the house of God with our Bibles.

We are asking for everyone to bring their Bibles.

Don’t have one? Call the church at 281-219-9673.

Because We Do It Better Together!

There is much to do at The Word Church. With

minimum qualifications, a warm heart, a friendly

smile and our TWC training you will be serving in no

time! Here’s a list of areas where you can get started

right away!

*Champs R’ Us Instructors *Audio Ministry

*Communications Administrator

* Bookstore Attendants *New Member Reception

*Ministry Activity Coordinator

*Guest Services –Host, Service Attendants


Missed Pastor J in the May Issue of D-Mars.?

Check it out online at d-mars.com or pick one up a

journal from Life Café.

If you are on FB please be sure to like

The Word Church

S.W.A.G TWC Teens

Women Who Aspire

The Word Church Iron Men

Help Work the Vision…Simply Invite

Got Gifts?

Get Connected. Use your gifts & talents to SERVE

in ministry

Moved or Have A New Phone Number?

Update your personal contact information TODAY

Get fused at Fusion! If you have recently joined and haven’t had a chance to

sit & have breakfast with Pastor J you must attend

Fusion! This is a warm and friendly setting where you

will have the opportunity to dine with Pastor Johnson to

fellowship and be informed in detail about The Word


Want to advertise something or want to share

helpful info. In this newsletter submit your info to:

[email protected]

PRAYER is essential to our relationship with

God thus making Corporate prayer is essential to the body of Christ. When two touch there is power in that agreement and gets the attention of our Lord. Join us every Wed. at 6:23pm before Word Study and Every Sunday at 8am as we go to God in prayer together. We have anointed intercessors waiting to pray for you at either of these times. There is also a prayer box located on the wall of Life Café, feel free to drop your prayer requests in it OR you can always submit prayer requests online via www.thewordchurchonline.org

THE WORD CHURCH A Balanced Ministry with a Personal Touch!

15403 Vantage Parkway E. #315/ Houston, TX 77090/ 281-219-9673
