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1 Words from Beyond A book written through/by “Automatic Writing” Mary J. Thomas - Channel

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A book compiled from automatic writing: Channeling


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Words from Beyond

A book written through/by “Automatic Writing”

Mary J. Thomas - Channel

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Channels Introduction 3

1 Communication 9

2 Communication (the last year and a half) 90

3 Short Quotes 124

4 Holidays 133

5 Predictions / Prophecies 138

6 Prayers 143

7 Poetry 147

8 Affirmations 169

9 Notes from Channel 171

10 A final note from channel 176

11 Final editorial note 177

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Channels Introduction: This book has been received by “Automatic Writing”. Many are the contributors, some well known to most

of us, some unknown to all but God.

For those who are not aware of what automatic writing is I shall try to explain. Try, because although I

experience the phenomena, I am not truly aware of all that takes place when it is done. I only know that a force

outside myself propels my hand.

I am a believer in everlasting life, a continuity of life. Whatever it is, soul, mind, or a great cosmic bank of

knowledge, I will let greater minds explore and debate. I accept this writing as being messages from those who

once lived in our dimension, and are still interested in those they left behind. Some are relatives, some teachers,

poets, some souls desperately trying to save us from the mistakes they have made.

Those living on the invisible plane are anxious to contact us. Instead of building walls and barriers of

ridicule, would it be to have an open mind and say, “If this is so I wish to know.” I have heard so many people

say: “No one ever came back to tell.” This is not true; there are many books available in the libraries telling all

who wish to know.

There are people with psychic gifts who become channels for communication, and if we only gave them a

chance to tell us it would take away all fear of death.

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It must be remembered, as you read, that I am only an instrument, a channel. Very often I am in partial

trance and not aware of what is coming through, (that is being written).

One day a gentleman visited our home on an errand for someone. As he was about to leave he asked if I was

psychic? I replied that I did not know had never given it a thought. He explained a little about phenomena and

told of automatic writing and said he felt I had the ability to be a channel. It was a long time before I gave it a

try and I felt very silly when I did. It seemed too fantastic to be possible. But I was intrigued and tried it for a

few times without success, then gave it up.

Many months later while reading, taking notes and meditating over a passage, my hand started writing. The

pencil was making scrawls, it looked like doodling. It was not I who was doing the writing which was starting

to become legible. It was an outside force controlling my arm. I raised me elbow and arm from the desk,

keeping only the point of the pen on the paper. The writing started taking better form then it had when my hand

was in a natural position for writing. I was excited, jubilant, for then I remembered our guest and his

explanation of automatic writing. Could this be it?

I was suspicious of the writing at first, thinking it was my own subconscious at work, but not I know that is

not so. My educational background and no more than average intelligence is such that I am incapable of the

beautiful prose and poetry which comes through my hand. I shall leave the scientific explanations to greater


I started taking an active interest in psychic phenomena, seeking out those in the know, learning, exploring.

It has been a rewarding experience and I am satisfied that it is not I who is doing the writing but an outside

force, another intelligence expressing through me.

Mr. William T. Stead was one of the first to write. I never heard of him but he wrote that the day of his real

life began the day the Titanic sank. He was on his way to New York for a lecture tour. He had been editor of the

English Review of Reviews, interested in promoting world peace and spiritualism.

Many of these facts can be verified in any good encyclopedia. He wrote if I cared to, I could go to New

York, Central Park; at 5th Ave and 91st street. There I would find a plaque erected in his honor.

This caused quite a commotion when I told the family about it. They were sure I was well, lets say slightly

crazy. My husband, the one I least expected to be interested suggested we find out, without delay, if there was

anything to this strange occurrence.

All Mr. Stead wrote was correct. The plaque told of his heroism with a brief biography.

From then on I submitted to the force, and/or forces who have used my hand. My daughter who passed

away at four years of age writes a good deal. She has told me they mature in Spirit and advance in many ways.

Some of the poetry is hers. She prefers to leave her work unsigned saying that it is the thoughts, the philosophy,

which is important, not the person.

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Edger Cayce is another contributor. There is not too much by him and I am hoping he will write more in the


Robert Frost wrote one day and told me he desired to write, and although I had no books of his in my

library, he knew I had read and heard his poetry. This was so true. Perhaps you will recognize his style.

There is am amusing incident with Robert Frost. One day we had friends to a barbecue. After we finished

eating I brought out some of his poetry to read to them. It started to rain very hard but we didn’t care and stayed

under the patio, reading and getting very damp and chilled. The next morning Robert Frost wrote that he hadn’t

expected to attend a poetry reading in the rain!

Edgar, The Peaceful, once King of England has endeared himself to me with his beautiful philosophy and

personal guidance. Much that is in this book about peace and brotherhood is his writing although he too does

not always sign his name. I know from the writing (script), and other signs who is working through me. A

Hebrew teacher who only signs “Sholem” writes with great wisdom, holiness and humility.

I shall say no more about the contributors, they speak better for themselves. I have much to be thankful for;

their writings has inspired, directed and cheered me. I am convinced that each of us are endowed with some

psychic talents. Read 1st Corinthians; Chapter 12. “Now concerning spiritual gifts brethren, I would not have

you ignorant, etc.”

Daily prayer and meditation is rewarding me with greater insights, peace and spiritual evolvement which I

thought was for the gifted few.

I hope this book, which I have been told to give to the world will bring great happiness to all who read it. I

submit it with love and humility and hope its message will cause many to think, question and perhaps follow its

guidance. It is a message from Spirit. I have contributed nothing but the time, for remember I am only the


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Editorial Note’s

***** ***** ***** asterisks denote interruptions in writing, a pause of a day or a week.

In the poetry section there have been occasions when writing stopped and poem appeared unfinished. In every

case I left it as it was and did not change or add to text.

Italics is used when the channel wanted to interject, or a controlled question was asked.

NOTE ….. means note from channel.

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CHAPTER 1 Communication:

Mr. William T. Stead – Communicating.

Ever since leaving England, there has been an urgency to be about the work of telling those who will listen about the wonderful world of reality we all some day will encounter. Time does not count for much here, but still, it seems my search has been endless. Now, at last, a source has been found and with God’s help we will continue on in his work. Your prayers for my welfare are greatly appreciated. Pray for strength for yourself, for the work of sending forth this book will take great energy. This book will be in essay form. Others will join me in contributing to its success.

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Some think of communication as delusions of a diseased mind, some as trickery, some unconsciously know but fear it. Sometimes earth associations are better served and it is well to leave the separation.

All do not gather on the same plane of thought here or there, as there are different degrees of advancement on earth, as here, ties must be kept only where vibrations agree. One can advance in love, service and wisdom for a free spirit is a happy spirit and anxious to advance. Study in earth life prepares one but true knowledge does not come without realization.

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Grow in spiritual strength. Obscure occult knowledge is not, necessary. Come as a little child loving and

trusting its father. Much which is hidden shall be revealed.

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As a mother with a daughter in Spirit, I wondered and worried weather contacting her in a séance and by automatic writing, if I was holding her back from advancing. The following is her reply;

“No mother, your blessings and love inspired me years ago. Every advancement I make is because of your unselfish love. Be of good cheer, my darling mother, our love is not something which holds either of use back, but carries us onwards to God. The radiance of His love lights our way and shines as a path through the darkness, beckoning onward to wider horizons”

“The way, the truth, and the light shall be revealed to all who seek. People do not realize the joy they miss when they never stop activities long enough to listen to the Voice of spirit. Whenever you praise God we are all benefited from your joy and faith.

Wisdom will come with daily meditation. The development of psychic gifts should be secondary to spiritual adjustment. We all have gifts (psychic), like our other senses, but it is a case of atrophy through neglect. Regular meditation will develop these gifts. Select a quiet, well ventilated room and start with breathing exercises.

In the beginning the best advancement is made in solitude. Prepare with joy and anticipation. Remove all doubts and fears. Be willing to serve. Be prepared for joys and sorrows, for as you cast your pearls of the wisdom that you gain, some will turn and rend you, but the blessings you share will bring untold joy. A few thorns does not spoil the beauty of the rose.”

Mary Ellen

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Read all you can about my work. Know I am interested now as never before, or as never on earth, in furthering spiritual healing. Ask and it shall be granted unto thee, but know I never asked and often feared the wonderful forces working through me.

Do you wish to know the mystery of everlasting life, the way in which a souls? So do we all. Just crossing the line does not provide the answers.

When the time comes more will be revealed but as the Bible tells us, “There are many things we could not bear to know now.”

As we are able to understand, so will revelation come, little by little. With all thy knowing get understanding. The Way, the Truth, and the Light. The brightness we must grow accustomed too.

Let all who would be wise free yourselves from established forms. Start living and thinking anew. Edgar Cayce

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I was an instrument and did not know the extent of the influence my life had make on the thinking of my


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We sorrow to hear doubts about a loving God. It is true we cannot understand why God permits war and atrocities. Even death into light does not (give an) answer.

You can begin to see and realize the havoc man creates when you reach this plane. Man makes wars, not God. Free will must be man’s prerogative, when will he use it with wisdom?

Peace could so easily be obtained if love was in each one’s heart. The practice of love here and now in each one’s own little sphere would spread out beyond each and everyone, bring peace and love to all within our radius.

Amen I say to you, “Love thy neighbor.” Bless those who injure you for they know not what they do. Verily, greater love hath no man, than the one

who, receiving injury, forgiving, forgets. These words given to us by the greatest Teacher who ever lived should be heeded. The unidentified objects witnessed are from other planets. The only thought they have at present is contact for science. Their planet must prepare to receive many earthlings after the next holocaust. Fear not, all the forces are working toward a better civilization. Man advances toward a horizon undreamed of. Little do the uninitiated know. Soon—Soon. Sightings will increase in the clear October sky.

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November 20, 1966. Three years after JFK’s death. We see the country bright this Sunday morning, people going to and coming from church. There is much discussion about our dear John F. Kennedy. The answer to this tragedy will never be known with certainty. John would prefer that it be forgotten. Robert is his concern these days.

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Robert Frost Received 08/15/66 My name is Robert Frost. A Yankee, a New Englander where some minds are like our rock bound coasts. Stubborn but good people; idealistic and the salt of the earth. Many love this country with the devotion that is not known by the folks of your city. We love that land, honor our Father God, say our prayers and distrust outsiders. A little joke on their part is often tinged with vinegar used so much in their home remedies. Many love the Yankee, the New Englander, but realize we must become citizens of a larger world. I see no harm in using the honesty and integrity of these people as an example for man to live by. Now for the work I most want to do! Would you like to receive poetry? Snow is falling, clear white Like unto the white our souls should aspire too. Snow without a darkened footstep untrammeled. No step upon the land No mark of man. Clear serene What matter the foot steps? What matter the bird points? Living is like unto the patterns In the snow They fade ----------------

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I purchased a paper back biography of Robert Frost. I was reading it and not quite finished , when the thought occurred to me, what would Robert Frost think of it? The next morning my question was answered.

“No Mary, I do not like the new biography. The gentleman worked hard gathering all the facts and he has left out very little of my physical experiences. What person can say what was in my heart and mind? Some things are better left unsaid and forgotten.

I am honored that I am not forgotten. I am honored that those who read wish to know me better. The poetry is the real Robert Frost.

In youth what does one know about living? We wonder, we seek, often knowing not what we are seeking. Enough, enough.”

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“I am much disturbed over the mental anguish being done to my dear friends, the Kennedys. Privacy of soul denied to those in public life. The heartaches revived. Poor child.

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Life after death is a certainty and communication possible when you desire it. What we learn here helps us on our upward climb but we still do not know God or who or what Divine Intelligence is.

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God is. We should place no limitations on God by saying “God is love, or God is omnipotent.” It is enough

to say God is. Our little minds cannot grasp the infinite.

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You read of resurrection but you will never know exactly what is meant until you witness it in truth.

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You wonder why some souls remain in ‘Limbo” for so long. Here is one of the answers: Fear of return of consciousness. The life lived in darkness – pain, sin, sorrow. With love we can help them

awaken and reach the light. They who go over after great suffering must rest and gradually be strengthened before they can be told they

still live. They come over not wishing to ever have consciousness.

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When you pray, send out requests for strength to carry on and for protection. Sometimes the atmosphere around you is crowded with unworthy ones who take all your vitality. A good contact will give you strength, not take it.

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The darkness deepens but those with faith know sunrise follows. We who have gone into what the world calls the valley of the shadow wish we could get all the world to

listen so that the fear of death could be overcome. Gods great and good plan for renewal of all life is wonderful and beyond the powers of description. To the

earth bound decay is the horror; to the Spiritual, it is release into a world of wonder and beauty. Several stages of evolution are understood and taught on this plane and it is grasped easily once over here,

and the change recognized. The plan starts to unfold and we are eager to impress our loved ones often to no avail, for without there cooperation we can do very little.

Free will enters into our lives here just as in your world: therefore some select and grow faster then others. To those who are unprepared for the beauty and freedom of this plane, there is at first great timidity and reluctance to adjust. As pessimists on earth cannot believe everything or anything can be right or good, so here, with the earthbound.

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Wings are not necessary to spirits, although artists and poets like to imagine so.

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For communication to be possible or effective the channel must be opened from your world. You must

desire it and if the wish is for the good of all mankind the power will grow. First desire, then the preparation. Prayer, study and an attitude of reverence goes a long way to open the

channel. Communication should serve more then idle curiosity. We who are here still have an interest and love for friends and family. Often in the physical. Study the writings of the great religions and philosophies. Study the Bible and note all the phenomena

which appears there. Most religions, if not all, had there beginnings from phenomena. Important strides can be made advancing this knowledge. Make all conscious of your sincerity by the life

you lead. An occult school or class is a good source of mental discipline. If it becomes a task and not a pleasure,

discontinue and study and meditate alone. When the pupil is ready the teacher will appear. Phenomena has its place and will strengthen your belief, if it is of good quality. Be wary, let your heart and

mind be your guide, not someone else. Witness phenomena, but not to the exclusion of work, service and study. Balance is necessary in all things.

Every one, at one time in their life, has given thought to what lies beyond. It is largely what we ourselves have made that determines what awaits us. But there is no Hell Fire except as we view the wrongs we have done, the lost opportunities, the wasted talents. The opportunity to correct our faults and make amends is given us. We desire to study and advance and do so by showing or trying to show the way to those we have left behind. Just as on earth a good father tries to save his children heartaches by right living and good guidance, so it is here. Just as on earth, sometimes no one will listen.

Look about you and see how few heed. That is our torment and hell, when we realize all the beauty which could be of and on the earth and few observe.

We will give you help if you will trust and be not afraid. Peace

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Question: Are there such things as Flying Saucers? Answer: Yes. They are friendly visitors who once lived here.

When they reincarnated to higher spheres they advanced far beyond the earth people. They are human and may not always remain friendly if antagonized or mistreated. They come in friendship and to help in the days to come.

***** ***** *****

Directions for a Circle.

When the time comes for the next step forward, the Teacher will appear. The results of your faithful

meditation has been rewarded! You may wish to gather others about you, of like mind, and this is good. There is great power in group meditation.

(The following were directives given for those who wish to sit for development.) Work in light where ever possible. Try red light to become familiar with ectoplasm. Complete darkness will help voice, but for meditation only, light. Shut out the world in full light and a great

step forward has been made. Going into the silence, as they like to term it can be done anytime, anyplace, light or dark. Certain conditions help phenomena in the beginning but spiritual development needs only desire and love.

Shun the false. Learn to know reality. Reasonable doubts understood, but walls, NO! Life after death is a certainty worthy of being recognized more fully. Trumpet can be used when in light, but sitters, especially new, do not concentrate as well in light. The

darkness helps the sitters; it does not matter to us. A seed is planted in the darkness and grows into the light. This is the explanation given by many mediums

for their choice of a darkened room. Relaxation is a great factor in a successful séance. Prayer and song tends to set the mood and draw the

sitters together. When praying include the sinners. Forgive them Father for they know not what they do. Make an effort to

forgive all transgressions before you start. Your mind will be free and relaxed. Best results depend on this. Trust in the wisdom of your Spirit Guides. They will not lead you astray. They have said, “Dear ones,

believe in us and in yourselves. Healing and many blessings are sent your way when you sit in trust and humility. Do you not feel better when the evening is over?”

Many loved ones are willing to work without recognition on your behalf. Love to you we all are sending, Love to us, the power blending.


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A question was raised as to the authenticity of someone coming in at a séance. Can we depend on great names?

Answer: “Sometimes. As on earth many profane the truth, seek fame and attention through someone else’s deed, so here. Poor weak lonely ones, lonely souls with illusions of grandeur, come in pretending. You will find when great names do come in, they have the advancement of the world as their great concern. They will come in and lecture and advise where they think the pupil worthy. They never speak for long about their lives on earth or their glories but will teach a way of life for all to know who will head.

There have been prophecies given – things said – which were afterward proven wrong. Sometimes this is the fault of the channel, for psychic development is no proof of holiness or infallibility. So to from the spirit world for a voice from beyond does not question truth.

So many unfortunate incidents hurt the cause of trust between our planes. Use your God given intelligence and keep silence in the presence of smaller minds.

Should anything less than the truth come in, your heart and mind will tell you. Sometimes it is difficult for the keeper of the gate to restrain the eager spirits who want to be heard. There are many who want attention, whether or not they are worthy.

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Question: Is there any harm in attending other groups sitting for development? Most people are afraid of

cross currents etc. What is the truth of this?

Answer: “The harm arises when communication is used as a crutch. A too great reliance placed on spirit for daily direction. Some use spirit communication as a form of fortune telling, never performing any acts with or of their own volition. They rely on others for each daily decision which does not build character.

The science of Astrology has been profaned this way. If you find a group that seems in harmony stay with them and give the leader your loyalty. Man, in growing must seek, must find, must decide. We are here to love, protect and reassure as to the continuity of everlasting life not as a daily directive making all decisions for you. It has been said, ‘were two or more are gathered in my Name, there am I in the midst of them’. Jesus, the Master, our inspiration. Serve, show the way but beware of casting pearls before the swine. We shall undertake to provide proof of survival in what ever way we can. There are those who once reassured will add greatly to our cause. For the benefit of those who are to come, love, work and serve. Gather together in love, not losing sight of God as sometimes happens when phenomena of wonders manifest. Use care when viewing the vast expanses. Seek not for selfish gain. Share, love, reason and use prudence. Humbly accept blessings and gifts. Learning brings responsibility. So be it”.

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To all who assemble, the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, Amen. To the eager participants, “Greetings.” Love reaches forth and strengthens. We gain in wisdom and strength each time you permit us to come. Let

all note the forces descending. Encourage the young people. Sow the seeds of curiosity. A few words, well chosen multiplies a thousand-fold.

Where two are gathered in true accord, results will amaze. Very little is required to produce phenomena but that of itself should not the aim. When it is, we lose sight of God, craving the excitement of communication which should not be paramount in our lives. We should live while living. Seek not help, minister to the worn, care.

Christ did not sit in séance rooms nightly, but went among the living – working, helping. He went into the silence and prayed and fasted for the renewal of energies which were exhaustible even to him.

Serve, love and play also for man needs recreation. Do not confuse the séance room with progress. We love to meet with you, but remember: love and service.

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In placing responsibilities on each one you are developing each one. Find out their gifts, use them. They

have much to contribute. To receive shall be their portion, and to share, there joy. Power will increase when used.

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On quiet meditation with the group.

The quiet permits us to work well with the adjustment of chemicals. There is a difference in chemical

balance and glandular development when desires for mediumship are expressed and worked for. Thinking of these things brings about these changes. Just as nervous mean thinking people are prone to

ulcers, so cheerful, loving, right thinking individuals, those more tolerant of human foibles, bring about other conditions in the human body. Prayer does other things and on and on the changes go. Thoughts are things.

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Much growth is attained in silent meditation. Incessant speech is tiring to a friendly spirit.

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With light (wisdom) and love approach is make.

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When minds are cleared and you decide to follow the spiritual path adhere to the decision, for there can be

no turning back. Once you set your hand to the plough you should stay and cultivate that field. But!, on looking across the field, remember from the distance you cannot see the rocks and snares. There will be doubts and temptations, questions and discrepancies, material things beckoning you away. Use your intelligence and faith to sift the wheat from the chaff. The rewards in peace and contentment on this path leading to knowledge of everlasting life, will be so great, you will wonder why others are content to live in darkness.

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To thine self be true and as follows night and day, thou cannot be false to any man. Integrity and truthfulness with each other will make for a good group. In discussion, speak truly. Your thoughts and dissensions, if any, admit. Think on, accept or reject with love and kindness. These acts will forge the group. Respect each others opinions, respect your own.

Make no one your authority except your conscience. The final truth is known to no one on this plane or for many planes to come. Pray. Read the words of wisdom of the poets and philosophers for as the mind associates with the dreams and ideals of worthy men, it will thrive.

As a man thinketh so is he. So too is he known to his companions. Reach out your hand to assist the next soul on its upward climb.

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You would be surprised under what circumstances we can make an appearance and adjust to very odd conditions. The physical and mental condition of the sitters is of great importance.

Not the fine drapes, exotic lighting, etc. A reading from the Bible or other holy book, prayer, etc, is good before circle starts. It brings together the scattered thoughts and emotions which may have quite disturbed before sitting. Relaxation, goodwill, harmony and trust must prevail. In a green light mental forces are stronger. Mysterious? Yes, but it all fits in with the mechanics of light vibrations which are too involved to explain in detail. Red light’s best for physical phenomena, materializations. When messages are received clairvoyantly, or clairaudiently, the interpretation is up to the one receiving the message, (the one the message is directed to). We sometimes are forbidden to look into an others book of life, and a symbol is given which will have meaning only to the recipient. Thank the giver of the message and meditate in the silence its meaning for you. Symbols which are meant for all the circle appear in the center of the circle. If a picture appears in the back of someone, that incident is generally from the past. If it is in front of them, it is usually for the future. Phenomena alone is not the goal and should not be. To know, to love, to serve is the way upward. Communication is not spiritual advancement unless accompanied with understanding, love and service to others.

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Constancy should be insisted on. One should not drift from circle to circle and expect good results. A choice should be made and adhered to. Do not permit drifters to weaken your circle. When decisions are made and adhered to or enforced character develops. Good nature is not always advantageous in matters of this kind. Insist. Persist. All who ask in sincerity can receive.

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The real cause for Spiritualism should be to let the world know there is life after death, (so called). It should

not stifle all man’s thoughts and he should always respect his own intelligence and intuitions. So many Spiritualists think every inspiration comes from sprit entities. What could be worse? It would be real death to ones soul and personality to give credit to a selfish spook. We have our work of helping or planting a seed sometime, but the hoeing and the nurturing must be yours.

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Mr. Stead is today interested in world peace just as he was many years ago. Many atrocities were witnessed, but many advances made in the cause of peace. Those of us who received the victims sorrowed as none will ever know. Victims were full of hate, as was natural. So much hate would transmit itself to earth. Our task was to re-educate and teach love. Prayers for peace help, so will your love for all people. Service to the soul of man, my only ambition. How to acquaint the millions so there will be love and peace on earth. The methods of destruction are being developed faster then the knowledge of God’s world in man’s last extremity he seeks God. Why is he not aware of the beauties of this world and of God when he is successful, well housed, and well fed? The learning men seek the material awards of that learning, should be dedicated to God, and humanity, then great strides would be made in happiness for all. True, there are many good dedicated people, but the rank and file are too materialistic and are creating an adverse karma.

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Wisdom is knowing the time to sow and the time to reap. An immature crop will not have the strength to stand the rigors of criticism or wrong atmosphere. Much sowing has to be done before reaping can start, but once the harvest comes you find the return multiplied many times over. Pray that when reaping time nears you will recognize it and be given courage to carry on. Courage to announce to all, the truths you have learned. In the beginning of our awakening our enthusiasm causes us to cast our pearls without discrimination, and not being to well informed, we plunge ahead. Wait a little. Your knowledge and convictions will crystallize and that which you present with conviction and assurance will be believed. You will also learn who can be told, when to speak and when to be silent. Advancement is through your own efforts. Regrets accomplish very little. The years do fly before we realize their importance, but what little we accomplish is not lost, but added to the great storehouse of our soul, our super-conscious mind. Learn to separate the wheat from the chaff. Ask for Divine Guidance. Remember Spirit will guide if you permit it to.

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Every time a soul is brought to the realization of life everlasting, it is a great step forward. The awakening

takes many lives but once God’s realization and immortality is ascertained life becomes more meaningful. Which ever of us can help any soul on its upward climb is truly blessed. To give rather then receive is a happiness that cannot be surpassed. We give much when we give light.

Tell all who will listen of the truth of life everlasting. Instill a desire for growth where ever you can, but do not preach.

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Madam Blavatsky was woman of great enlightenment. Her books brought a freedom to a world chained to a

heaven and hell everlasting stagnation. Her doctrine let light into darkness and gave purpose to life and evolution. Study her writings and although they have little to do with phenomena, they go way past the average spiritualists interests.

Someday she will come into her own as the race becomes more educated and able to appreciate her writings. She lived in India many years and was of great mystic temperament inspired and dedicated.

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When all the pleasures of the world are tried and found wanting man turns to God. That is well because the worldly heart and mind ever seeks the unknown. Once pleasures are experienced and known they are no longer a temptation.

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Bless each meal you partake of and give thanks in the Name of the Christ.

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Explore the unknown without fear. The Astral is the link between the physical and the spiritual. Some call it etheric. To travel in the astral is

not the mysterious process some writers pretend it to be. We all have done considerable astral travel without realizing we are doing it. Our dreams are very often astral flights. The awareness comes with spiritual advancement. To remember having done it is the privilege granted to few. Cultivate an awareness of everything around you. Look into a flower, a glass of water, anything that can hold your interest. Concentrate on it for some time. We can take an astral flight while awake. It is an experience, very fleeting, but one comes back refreshed and with a growing sense of awareness.

There is a difference here. Some occult schools say the etheric, the link. But we do not tear down the whole

structure because of semantics of human interpretations.

***** ***** ***** Dear friends, be assured there is no death to the soul. Many have attested to this fact and literature to inform

you of it is freely available. Many of our loved ones are waiting the chance to help us and prove to use they haven’t died or been

assigned to an inactive Heaven or a burning Hell. Sometimes, waiting for recognition from us, they give up and go on to other fields of endeavor, activities or growth.

Our first contact with them should be through prayer and loving thoughts of them. Relive pleasant memories, call on then in distress, or ask them to join you in joyful activities. On holidays or family gatherings, ask them to share. It will not be long before you feel their presence if you are not skeptical or afraid. Do not fear, before long some sign will be given to you.

If possible cultivate the people who believe. Let them show you the way. Study with them. Sit in the silence with them. Many home circles are started in this way and some surprising things accomplished.

Be not afraid to admit to Spirit contact. The vast rewards will more than compensate for the derision of the few ignorant. The time is coming when all will know, so why not be prepared?

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The astral body is the feeling, thinking, wishing, learning, emotional body. It can leave the heavy and cumbersome physical and go on flights for healing and experiencing healing for yourself and others. The astral does survive death for a while, until the soul reverts to pure spirit. The etheric is the link to spirit. Since we are so limited on earth it is difficult to understand exactly how this can be but visualize an acorn: the base separates, the shell, the inner seed, the great tree.

Spirit Etheric

Astral Physical

We shall never understand until we experience or reach illumination. Many lives are needed to reach this state.

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Much has been written about the White Brotherhood but little is known of the White Sisters. The Virgin

Mother was the first of this order. A sister so called on earth but sending mother’s love protection and guidance earthward. Sisters to each other, but mothers to mankind.

***** ***** ***** Life here is much the same as where you are; it is just what you make it. There are opportunities to make amends for any past errors and thereby advance. When we work for others we are happier. Then too, the planes to advance or go to are more comparable to our natures then the plane of earth, where all degrees of advancement or stagnation are mixed together, making life very difficult at times.

***** ***** ***** Concentration and meditation develops the third eye, a spiritual organ. When rightly awakened many things will take place. The heart will know, there will be no more doubts or questions. Ancient man did not posses it as some think, unless he too was advanced spiritually. It has nothing to do with the date on a calendar. It is strictly an award of striving, yearning and living the good life, and many incarnations of strife and overcoming. The third eye, is a chakra, as the Eastern philosophers call centers of spiritual awakenings, and energies. The third eye is usually the last to become active before final illumination, the opening of the 100 petaled lotus giving insight into lives, their past and future. In its complete awakening, it is a realization of oneness with God. Atman reigns. Prayer, good deeds, dedication to wholesome ideals, sharing: all this helps to awaken this marvelous gland for that is what it is a dormant gland.

***** ***** ***** Sometimes when your prayers go unanswered it is because the Master knows the heartache which would follow if your prayer was answered. As the Mediators who work under His will, we try to show in some manner that the request is better unanswered or diverted, but answer we try. When praying always say “Thy will be done,” trusting to God to know what is best for you.

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England was the home of many wonderful literary people. She gave to the world ideals of progress and morality. Psychic research was doing well too. Her colonies all benefited from the sons who left her. Now it is America’s day to take the lead. Spiritualism as such is becoming too much of an organizational activity and will, like many religions suffer when it gets into the hands of ambitious organizers. More home circles would be the answer. Each man would have the privilege of contacting Spirits without dues, rules and penny bazaars. A serious group, anxious to know the wonders of the world beyond and around, a group with ideals to be of help to others can and will make more progress in joining the two worlds. Such a lack of interested people is at times depressing, for we assure you there is no death. It is hard to get any who will listen. Many a joy we would share, many a load lighten, if people would only permit it. To us has been given the privilege of helping, guiding, loving humanity. When you also desire to love and help it gives power to us all. The vast energies capable of going out from Spirit must be recognized and accepted for all to grow. Tell the children with love and wisdom that there is no death, only renewal. Communication is bringing us closer all the time. Planes of existences are intermingling. Spirit finds it difficult to penetrate your dense world, your thought world; but for the good of all we make the effort. Spirit forces are anxious to impress man on uses of electrical energy for communication, but he is too busy making instruments of destruction. There will be less mystery when you realize we are not dead. You should think you are talking to a loved one in another room who will come when called. You can help raise the vibrations necessary with:

1. Desire, 2. Love and 3. Wish to better the lot of mankind.

When you have found three or more people who desire to form a circle gather together regularly once or twice a week, same time, same room. Be relaxed, quiet, prayerful and alert. Read Gospels or some spiritual thoughts. Have water on hand to help chemicals. It is not mysterious, only elusive. Have faith and humility. The Bible will tell you a little child shall lead them, if you have faith of a little child it will come to pass. It has also been said “Where two or more are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them”. Spiritualism is for all, Jew, Catholic, Protestant, Hindu, etc. Do not become part of anything that separates one from another. There is no Catholic, Jew, Evangelical, Northern or Southern, or International here which divides. Spiritualists or anyone practicing separation is wrong. When we come to you we do not come because of a group affiliations or creeds, but out of love for all mankind. There is division here but it is in levels of understanding and spiritual accomplishment. There are many planes of advancement. Here one somehow gravitates to a state wherein there is an affiance of ideas, tastes and ambitions. Such a similarity is not boring or monotonous but is conductive to great happiness. Concentrated effort for communication can produce marvelous results. The veil between the so called worlds is growing thinner. As the year of the Christ’s approach draws near, wondrous things will be known. Having a small part in the great design makes me very humble and grateful to be a chosen one.

Phenomena is a wonderful example of continuous life for the soul. We enjoy hearing our loved ones and knowing that they still continue to care, but we must go beyond that and try to reach for higher intelligences who will lead us to the Master.

W. T. Stead

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Let the plan of love and light work out; may it seal the door where evil dwells. The admonition to seal the door is well chosen. Many a soul hovering near the earth is intent on mischief. If we could confine their activities to Halloween, one day, how easy it would be to control. We would then be on our guard and could relax the remainder of the year, but life is not that easy. We attract what we are but there are always unguarded moments and human frailties being what they are there are always temptations to overcome.

***** ***** ***** Eons have passed since the terrible disaster of the flood. Atlantis was lost, submerged, causing great tidal waves. Then the rains came. It was time for the Ark and Noah’s vindication. Many nations tell of the flood in their folk lore. It was a catastrophe felt all over the world. Spirit voices warned Noah, and he tried to get people to listen. Not many listened to his warning. So shall it be again. Warnings will be given but many will not believe. Warnings have already been given in the writings of Edgar Cayce. So be it. Thanks to all who believe and trust. Bless the mindful. Amen.

***** ***** ***** Love to you this day. Let the Great Spirit speak. Whomsoever hears and heeds will not despair. White Mountain is speaking. The legends of my people told and retold for centuries, with never a variation, told of a healer, The Great White Father, who walked among us. Christ, you see belongs to all men. While an unknowing world called us savage through ignorance we were praying to the same God as he was. Ignorance made us enemies; knowledge would have made us brothers.

(Signed) White Mountain of the Cheyenne tribe from the mountains of the setting sun.

***** ***** *****

Psychic advancement is not as important as spiritual growth. Through good living a true psychic advancement will come. Gifts, yes, perhaps, although with these gifts go great responsibilities. Those who are beginning to see the light are those who have been set in the midst of darkness to light just one little flame. The little lights which are shinning here and there are a preparation for the great illumination to come. Prepare and pray. Once you have tapped the source all will be steady growth. A seeking, reaching, clearing away of old thoughts and habits is preparation. Separating the true from the false, shedding old superstitions, and righting any wrongs all contribute to spiritual growth and show the sincerity of purpose, necessary for the mystic. Under old scars new life is stirring. Give cooperation and respect the source. Love all.

***** ***** ***** The Silver Cord is another reality. It is the link between you and your soul. It leaves the body at death. Someday you will know all only to relive again and forget again. The soul goes on, knowing, all powerful and enduring.

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God is all things. The bird song, the mud puddle, the white man and the red. All is creation of the One Divine Mind, who is Love transcendent. Love is the greatest force in all the Universe and it is silent love that accomplishes the most.

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Question: When does the soul enter the body? Answer: At. Conception. Question: Then the Catholic Church is right? Answer: In this, yes.

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Question: What are the four fields of vibration around the human body? Answer: 1. Cosmic vibrations.

2. Earth vibrations. 3. The vibrations of others around us. 4. Our own, our auras.

There are untold numbers and kinds of vibrations and energies coming from these four.

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Thoughts go forth falling upon fertile ground. Progress. Illuminate. Let truth be your motto.

***** ***** *****

Spirit manifestations are from the soul. The soul is from God. All souls are not spirits and many spirits show no soul.

***** ***** ***** Let today’s children approach truth through the channels they know, the way of the intellect. Their way is a sure way, where feeling, sorrows or cravings cloud not the truth. Mankind is reaching a stage where all should know. Mysteries, so called are being unveiled. There is nothing supernatural, nothing contrary to Law, it is only our lack of knowledge or understanding.

And that Law is Love.

***** ***** ***** Pray. Only if you ask will you receive. You must learn to tap the source. As with your electrical appliances, you cannot benefit from them unless you are ‘plugged in’; nor can we get a drink unless we go to the source. It is there, available, but the effort must be yours. Go and get it!

W.T. Stead

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Love abounds here. Though unknown to earth we love and do our best to aid struggling humanity, but the channel is not always open. Benefit does not come unless the earth’s people tune in. In your electrical systems is unlimited energy but everyone does not benefit because they are not using the appliances. This holy and beneficial aid, energy, vibration, or whatever you wish to call it, is available for the taking. None are so blind as those who will not see. We may live a lifetime or many and never become aware of the worlds other than our own, the one we occupy at present. When light begins to break advancement is rapid.


***** ***** ***** Many sides has a prism. Light falling on all sides producing an array of colors. The colors are all vibrations of differing intensity, like unto the souls radiating light; some light, some dark. Brilliant are those that shine from thee beckoning us to you. Bring to the world thy shining light. Make all in the radius happy. Bring to all the warmth of your love.


***** ***** ***** Memories of past lives and dreams all reveal our advancement into the light. The Light whose rays no man could understand or partake of without lives of sacrifice and tears. Make the most of each opportunity to meditate and be in the silence. The way will clear, emergence into the light shall be thy award. Await the consummation with joyous anticipation. Peace.

***** ***** ***** No one can really teach another. We try to share our knowledge but learning is an individual thing. We cannot pour knowledge, there are too many vessel’s that won’t retain. Gladly we would teach, but where is the audience? Pray that more of our youths be guided in this direction. This generation will develop great psychic powers. Encourage open mindedness. What they discover on their own is never forgotten. Be not afraid to guide gently. Do not disclose too much. Keep it purely mental. To get over emotional in this study is dangerous, resulting in flights of imagination, over emotionalism, fantasies, etc.

***** ***** ***** Quest. Always searching, reaching, out, up. Seek not the illusive but reach the secret place of the most high within. Did not God create you? Does not the secret spark lie within? Seek then the Kingdom with quiet contemplation. Peace, peace.

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Do all necessary to bring about the meeting of hearts and mind of advanced thinkers. Get away from the low astral plane which is stifling all progress. Do not be depressed by aloneness. Rather spend those hours in quiet contemplation.

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The central Sun of the Universe casts the burning light; piercing enlightenment shines forth. Worlds in evolution, ever growing.


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We know the frustration on this side of not being heard. We want to reach out with love, and help to share the beauties and great peace the world cannot give. Listen, dear one, for the Voice and know someday it will be heard throughout the world. To much time is spent in idle pursuits. Television could be a great source of goodness but is being turned into a source of evil! Listen! The sound draws away; that which could inform goes unheeded. Let the light shine forth. Truth shale prevail, be not dismayed. Peace.

***** ***** ***** We could supply the answers to all your questions. You think this would bring happiness? It would not for your joy is in exploring the unknown.

***** ***** ***** God is Love. The many who would know Him shall first know love. More He does not ask of you. The homage you pay is returned a hundred-fold, the love a thousand-fold.

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Bodies and Reincarnation We shall endeavor to give you a simpler, cleaner description of the bodies of man, their functions, purpose

and evolvement. To use a popular phrase, much of the occult schools deal mysterious double talk. How can man advance

prating phrases beyond the understanding of most seekers? Let us not be proud. Start on the first rung. In looking back you will note the first rung is on a higher plateau than most of mankind is yet aware. You who have reached this far are all initiates of a degree, having grown to this stage by repeated lives and experiences. Good or mistaken deeds, many lessons, many joys and sorrows. So we proceed on this spiral ever upward. First, you are probably aware that man is physical, mental and spiritual. Which of these three bodies are most important to you? Which receives the most attention? Which the most nourishment? Balance in all three must be attained for the perfection needed on the plane of existence. To function here the physical should be cared for but not catered too. The mental nourished, but here great conceits are acquired. Knowledge be not proud! Knowledge brings responsibility. The third body, the spiritual is the easiest to manage, produces the greatest joys to oneself and to all mankind.


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We have been told to have faith of the mustard seed. Does the mustard seed know anymore then we? It just grows and fulfills its destiny. Faith is wonderful, but it is the God quality in man, ever seeking perfection which instincts alone cannot satisfy. We are seeking perfection and perfect union. When then you say? The answer is probably that we then become perfect creators. We create now, unaware that we are creating; for thoughts are things, and thought creates action.

***** ***** ***** We are bust these days, so many souls departing. The way must be shown so that when they arrive terror and fear does not take over. Why does it take so long to teach the children of God that the life to come is beautiful, a growing and knowing? The faith of a child is need. Man trusts his God less then he would wish his child to trust him.

***** ***** ***** People are like sands in the desert. Each grain complete. One grain of sand does not a desert make, but unintelligible numbers to form the desert. Is God like that? Are we but part of the whole? Many are the mysteries of life. Many are the questions. As one grows and beholds the wonders of nature and the world, the questions increase.

***** ***** ***** The little flashes of knowledge which seem to be revealed throughout the day are the results of the astral flights taken while you slept. The elusive knowledge flitting like an illusive bird is the remembrance of your soul’s flight out and beyond. Remembrance of these flights will come with time, spiritual advancement and practice.

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Sometimes nervous irritability is caused by our auras mingling with those who are vibrating on a lower plane. When one has reached some advancement you become sensitive, a sensitive, in the true meaning of the word and unless you learn to protect yourself, you will suffer as a result. Spirits suffer the same way when they lower their vibrations and come into the plane or sphere. Their love is so great they are willing to lower, to help us. Where help and advancement are given and received they benefit, but when idle curiosity and false sentiments prevail the results are not good. Anything you can do to help is our privilege. When all is said and does it comes down to a few words, “This command I leave you; that you love one another.” All else matters little.

***** ***** ***** Doth thou not know the Bearers of Light? Why seek to demonstrate in darkness? Darkness of soul, not room. Many there are who can perform tricks of mystery and magic but it needs no magic, and is no mystery. All is Law. Like attracts like, goodness attracts good. Natural Laws will manifest natural occurrences. Do not worry from whence cometh all this or tomorrow’s supply. Remember the lilies of the field; they work not, yet Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed as one of these.

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Astral Flight Not all trips in dreams are astral flights. Do not force this kind of thing or experiment as some sensational books being printed are teaching. It may cause evil entities to take over or result in unstable behavior. Your forces should be stabilized sufficiently to control all situations. Through love, not curiosity; service, not thrills; patience not haste; will advancement come. Beware and heed.

***** ***** ***** Mind is the working of the Spirit, the God within you. It depends on yourself what advancement your soul will make. Most of mankind is too busy making their minds work for material gains. Very little energy is given towards the development of their souls. People are becoming aware of material gains. They reach a saturation point and know not what ails them; then they will be wise to seek God. He is always ready to receive them, having infinite patience and He does not mind waiting for them to awaken, as we all must, sooner or latter.

***** ***** ***** You ask about the Kingdoms above man. We do not become aware immediately on passing but must seek to learn and then awarded a little at a time. Unless we were aware of hereafter and everlasting life while on earth it is all very strange. There are three Kingdoms above man; Spirit, Angles and arch Angles, who are masters of Wisdom. There are divisions or grades in each of these kingdoms. This is not the end of the upward spiral for the Hierarchy, the Logos, upward and onward to where we are not aware. Sufficient to take each step at a time, doing it to the best of our ability. Prayer is conversation with those above and we do not ignore sincere conversation but reply; just as courtesy on earth demands a reply. So it is with us: Speak and we will answer.

***** ***** ***** The astral is an elusive copy of the physical. It lasts longer than the physical for it survives transition. It is from the astral the aura shines, attracting or repelling. The astral is the body which takes flight when the physical slumbers. It is the astral which proceeds us in the soul’s transition. As when we are ill, the astral travels to our next plane and is prepared for our passing. The astral allows us to visit love ones when physical restraints prevent being with those we love or wish to aid.

***** ***** ***** The astral body is a shield for the etheric against the vibrations of life. Think of the astral as always being awake and moving. It survives the body but it is not everlasting. Only the soul is immortal. When we are asleep or in deep meditation, the astral is in control. It is a energy and/or a set of vibrations, really our emotional body and it controls our aura and makes it what it is. A good clairvoyant can read the aura and tell the state of your health and many more things.

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All of us are not chemically suited for the work of medium-ship, or can become emotionally adjusted to take the heartaches and disappointments which are so often dealt with. Our chemicals must be built up or adjusted before we can materialize any kind of phenomena. Adjustment will do no harm when the purpose behind it is for good. To worry or strain towards medium-ship will not help development, but only hinder.

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Knowledge There should be joy in learning. If that is lacking the school, philosophy, or whatever is not for you. All knowledge should be a source of joy and its pursuit never ending. Pray for wisdom to apply that knowledge.

***** ***** ***** Some home circles do good work as ‘Rescue Circles.’ Some mediums say this type of work takes great courage and strength, but if spirit has selected your group for it, do not be afraid; you will be protected. Many souls come in need of help and understanding. If we permit them to come in and show them love and understanding, and the faith you possess in an everlasting life – a life in which happiness and fulfillment can be obtained = you will be doing a great service. They will not stay, but names from unknown personalities should be accepted and blessings asked for them. So many expect Heaven or Hell, only to find peace and serenity which, strangely enough, they are suspicious of. Tell them of the soul’s everlasting life, one which will only be happy after they right the wrongs they have done; a life which can grow in wisdom, unhampered by earthly limitations.

W.T. Stead

***** ***** ***** Believe. The more often you affirm and act on your intuition, the sooner will development come. Each day or hour spent in mediation and learning is a step up the ladder. Jacob’s ladder to truth and light. Thought forms create the rungs or steps. Create them strong and good.

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Decent of the Masters Many years ago we (went) to earth seeking to raise the elite of humanity into the knowledge of the divine Plan, as much as man in his present evolution could be able to grasp. When ever the closing of an old era approaches and the start of a new begins, great emotional disturbances are felt. The planets in their course go through phases of evolution as well as does all nature. Love must be the primary emotion and man is tested in every turn to maintain the love through disappointments and joys. It should not be thought that we speak of a small personal love but the love encompassing all nature. Love sheds a warmth on all things, a Divine Energy which will bring forth the best in all man and beast. Suspicion, hatred, fears, shrivel and deplete. Love gives Divine energy and you are a connecting force and a creative force, bringing forth the best and helping to flower those and that which should be coming into fruition. Man creates. He is a representative of Christ power on earth when he becomes a channel of love. We know so little of the Divine Plan, but this we can be sure of: Go forth in faith and love. Expect the best; know only the best will return to you if that is what you send forth.

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On the way to Cavalry a man with great compassion helped carry the cross. This deed of kindness has been remembered down the ages. Great souls today are working to help those who alone cannot carry their burdens. Although to many it may appear humanity is degenerating, it is not so. Great souls work without thought of return. Today’s youth are rebelling against many things that need reform, some showing resentment of the order in a very foolish way simply because they do not understand how they can change the order of things. Youth is idealistic and courageous. Praise them, love them; set a good example for them. Your world depends on these fearless, searching ones.

***** ***** ***** Meditation as a means of spiritual growth cannot be over emphasized. Each day dedicated to God is a step nearer to freedom from bodily restrictions. Meditation is a conversation with the forces beyond the limitations of flesh. Spirits soar, the weighted chains of daily events cannot hold us. The gladness we radiate warms all who come into our radius, and like people thrown into the water, its ever widening circle embraces all.

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ANOTHER WORLD, THE WORLD OF WONDER. Since coming here I have learned so much. Your striving is useless, while your dreams are as stale wine. How long will it be before man will realize it is only his soul that matters? Every time a soul arrives it is pitiful to see the contents of his worldly learning and sadness of his vacuity of soul. To find oneself should be the first aim in life, but how when we don’t know what to look for? Shall we enter the portal of love bearing fear and dread and doubt? Jesus showed us but few listened. However one may try in the flesh it cannot be done for the flesh is Satan and the soul is God. God is Spirit. Satan is spirited desire, gross flesh, demanding, restricting, always needing and wanting attention. How to live in the world and be not of it has been the wisdom of very few. The few have given us guide posts but the ones who need it the most, heed them least. However the soul rises it cannot be but inspiration or Voice of Conscience drawing it outward. Concentration on a given subject will cause it to grow and concerted effort towards a goal gives added vitality. Many a goal has been obscured by luxury and wealth as many a soul submerged by poverty. It was very easy for persons in religious communities to advance spiritually with the extremes of the world removed. Pleasure in the strictest sense is soul growth. When were the happiest moments in the lives of any of us? Not when the physical needs were being satisfied but when the soul was being nourished. That is done by prayer and meditation. A glance at the morning sun, the bird song, the smell of a clean stream flowing through a forest: nature’s healing and praying too. Food for the soul is not only for poets.

***** ***** ***** Daily prayer and meditation will give one the awareness that God is here, has been, and always will be.

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Many are called but few are chosen. Honored are the chosen among us, man and angel alike. Seldom are men awakened to the possibilities of Spiritual awareness until the heart has suffered and character refined in the furnace of the earth’s miseries. The road to Cavalry all must travel to reach Resurrection.

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Delinquency is not new. There are always pranksters and what so many call evil is just happy exuberant youth. The few really evil are the scum rising to the surface before the coming of the new age. Public notice of such things is greater due to improved ways of informing the populace. Beneath it all mankind is advancing, knowing, loving. There is less cruelty today so fear not. The Christ spirit is arising in all mankind. Stay close to God in all your thoughts.

***** ***** ***** Since coming here (departure or death), I have made great advances. The atmosphere is very conductive to learning. However under all it is love of God and man that carries us further than the mere quest for information. Occult laws are good in themselves when used for advancement for the betterment of all but there is such a temptation in all to use the knowledge for aggrandizement. Pray, the meditation of God is the theme. Eastern poets knew how to express themselves well and any reading of the Upanishads leaves you uplifted.

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“Help is helpless, oh abide with me.” We sang that as the ship went down. No one knew or realized to what extent they were being helped. Friends and relatives whom we thought were dead came and fear and foreboding was dispelled. Our sorrow was for the living. No matter how much one reads or studies and things they know, the actual adventure of transition is a wonderful thing to experience. Marvelous as it is, it is not to be sought after until the time of earth is consummated. When the fruit is ripe it falls. There is a season to reap and a time to sow. Many a soul has found that out too late. Anguish results when anything is forced. (The above message was from W.T. Stead, who went down with the Titanic. He was editor of Review of Reviews and very interested in furthering the cause of Spiritualism.)

***** ***** **** Live this day trusting in the promise of Jesus, the Christ.

***** ***** **** To many words have been written about Spiritualism and not enough service to one another. The world is a testing place and a forging to refine the metal of our soul. Love is all. Living each day to the fullest, let each task be a labor of love and peace, the peace that passeth all understanding shall be your reward. Direct your thoughts to God who lives and breathes in all men.

***** ***** **** Honesty. However one interprets the term, only a response to an inner voice. Daily living in a clean moral way results in one kind of honesty. Non betrayal of our physical well being results in another aspect. Another way is to treat the people as you would like to be treated, which results in mental honesty. Of a certainty this is only a beginning but beginnings or primary starts should be simple. From there we would go to intellectual honesty and that takes more courage for then comes a separation and a loneliness. Thinking honesty requires an analysis of accepted creeds, customs, and superstitions, resulting in discord sometimes with those nearest to you.

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Reincarnation The subject of reincarnation is a very involved one. We do reincarnate after a period of rest and learning. When the soul feels it has learned a lesson through earth’s mistakes, it takes on a material body and goes back to try to make amends and be of help to others. Only by sharing our possessions, our love, our knowledge and our understanding do we advance. The effort should not be made with the desire for our own gain or all is to no avail, as far as our soul growth is concerned. Self must be forgotten. When man understands perfect love and lives it, there will be no necessity to return to earth unless he wishes to do so, to help others.

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Animals The question was asked, “Do dogs have souls?” Answer: Certainly, people who say they do not are very unobserving, as well as egotistical fools. The proper word would be ‘Spirit”, not soul. The rocks and trees and all manifestations of nature are of spirit and are spirit. Soul in the true sense does only come into being in the Fourth Kingdom of nature.

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Honesty Honesty to ourselves requires more effort than honesty to others. Honesty to ourselves is a constant 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, endeavor. There are many types. Intellectual honesty takes great courage. First we must learn our goals in life and the demands of our soul. To the one aspiring to soul development and knowledge of and union with God, all the demands of the world may seem trivial but we are living in the world and it can not be denied. It is our proving ground but integrity and honesty will see us through, not neglecting duty to others or ourselves. The driftwood must be eliminated, the trivial disregarded, and every moment made to count. It must be accomplished with love and discrimination. No one must be hurt in the process and no one allowed to hold us back once our goal is realized. Persevere and pray. Meditate faithfully. All will be well. Advancement is being made.

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Hope and Faith Hope is the first faint glow before the flame ignites in all development. The glimmer of this smallest desire can be fanned into knowledge, activated by unselfish love.

***** ***** **** Love, service, humility, selflessness, meekness, thankfulness, is the six-fold progression. Many are called but few are chosen.

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Many are called but few are chosen. Pride goeth before a fall. All these maxims have a great deal of truth in them. Always be loving and humble as you develop, do not lose your humility for there are always more gifts awaiting those who stay appreciative of Gods gifts. Learn to use the gifts you have for the greatest good to the greatest number. None of use are permitted to know all, for being human it is difficult to refrain from pride and arrogance. Truth is ever unfolding.

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There are all kinds and conditions of love. More mistakes have been in love’s name. And misery endured, then the world will ever know. The unselfish love strengthens the tie that binds. Sometimes the emotion you call love frustrates, causes quarrels, borders on hatred. That is when we should question, ‘Is this possessive, earthly passion really love’. True love should bring understanding, compassion, and joy. Love without wisdom can be destructive. Wisdom without love is a cold calculating state and sterile; purely for personal aggrandizement. Together love and wisdom is the path to God.

***** ***** **** Meditation is the centering of heart and mind on love of God or Ultimate Principle, or Divine Intelligence. Occultists can love themselves in the maze of theories, but of what avail? God lives in the leaf, a drop of water or a grain of sand. If we want to expand our horizons and look at a vast expanse of sky, we can find Him there. He does not expect us to wear hair shirts and appear sad, sour, or solemn, but live each hour with joy and love, honoring each task, the day’s work presents with love and cheerfulness. Work done in His name can be rewarding meditation.

***** ***** **** ‘Why’ is a word so often heard and thought. The “Why’s” are as numerous as the ocean sands. The answers not so numerous. Cause and effect, and/or natural law the answer in many cases, but that is an unsatisfying answer to a heart in sorrow. Faith in God or the ultimate good is our only consolation.

***** ***** **** Law, in order to be a law, must be inflexible. There is one law for all. Knowledge of natural law, cause and effect, helps us to understand the supposed inequalities. Balance must be obtained, nothing is ever lost. All nature balances, one kingdom depending on the other. That which is sent out returns and is sometimes not to our liking, but neither did the one who received the first wrong like what they received. We sent out our spite, hate or avarice; why should we not receive it back? It must go someplace, as nothing is ever lost. Why shouldn’t it go back from whence it came? Goodness, love and charity well done, returns well received. But we resent our misdeeds returning. It is up to us to make more pleasant returns.

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To the uninitiated the law is sometimes bewildering. Why is one chosen over or from among so many? As we sow, so shall we reap, and the day to day efforts, habits and deeds, grow into mountains of victory or frustrations. One mountain will be covered with fragrant pines and a source of protection, a retreat and rejuvenation. The other one will be bleak, wind tossed and desolate. On our climb upward, we create the mountain we have to climb. Whenever an unkind act is committed, or deed done, another crag is added to the summit.

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Forgive and Forget

To err is human, to forgive divine. So often we say “forgive” but the memory of the hurt lingers, only to grow to a mountain of clouds and mists which obscure the good qualities. Forgetting should be the major part of forgiving. Look only for the good, and we can find it if we so desire. Try each morning to count your blessings. The harmony which results will be of great benefit to mental and physical health. All who come into contact with you will benefit.

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Courage Faith is more than things hoped for. It is knowledge of the consummation of the ultimate good. Prayer is recognition of a power beyond our limited horizon, used to reach beyond the unknown and sometimes unseen. Say to all who will listen, “Have faith in the unseen power when troubles and cares oppress.” Courage comes through faith in the righteousness of our acts. When the heart signs out, “This is good, this is right,” we act sometimes without thought, only to be told later that we were courageous. Some of the most courageous people are people who evade any act of violence and are known to their intimates as cowards because they have chosen the quiet ways. Such is the nature of the peace makers of the world.

***** ***** **** To be in tune with the Infinite, one must not allow earths cares or disappointments to put us off balance. When the hurts and selfishness of others are persistently endured with love and patience, it enriches our souls and does not cause regrets. Some problems never will be solved on this earth but can be patiently endured.

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The waters of the world hold the answers to many life’s so called mysteries. One can consider one drop of the sea and see the whole symbol of life in it. It will be teeming with life, but apparently still, separated from its source but will return to its own element and blend into the whole; absorbed in its entirety. So it must be with the evolution of all things in nature. In the seas, too, are many planes of existence, yet they blend and merge and grow, each seeking its own level or plane: whichever one suits its phase of development. Such is the kingdom of what is commonly called heaven. Many planes of development. Just as the sun draws drops of water from the sea, to the clouds and drops it, only to draw it up again after it has served its purpose, so it is with humanity.

***** ***** **** God love a cheerful giver. Do not remember after giving, but give with open arms and open hearts. Some are called foolish who gives to generously, some even take advantage of the generous ones, but in the final reckoning it is the good of heart who are the beneficiaries. Pour out and the vessel will always be full. That is the interpretation of the Bible story of the widow and the oil casks.

***** ***** **** Thought is a powerful thing, causing great good or evil. The old saying, “Thoughts are things”, is true for a thought is a seed which falls on fertile ground, grows, is nourished, and whether we realize it our not, it is harvested. Thoughts of love cause a rosy glow to radiate from the source and all within the radius feel the warm vibration. Praise is a form of love and if given sincerely acts as food for weary souls. All seek love whether or not they will admit it. Many being starved for love seek it in physical form, only to find that it does not satisfy. The sincere pure love, which embraces all mankind, brings us nearer to God than we will ever be on earth.

***** ***** **** Like unto the birds of the air, man must be free. Free to fly and try his wings. Others cannot select on which branch he shall alight, the choice must be his. The crumbs thrown out can attract birds to your garden but further you should not go.

***** ***** **** For many years we waste our time and talents with unimportant trivia; then comes a day of realization. Do not waste time in regrets for, whether we know it or not, the seemingly wasted years were a preparation for our growing. The time grows short and in our earthy ignorance we waste time in regrets. This should not be for our new found realization. Is just another door to added growth; change and preparation for another new unfolding. Growth never ceases. The eons of time it requires for man to become aware of his God, when viewed from the heights is as of a day.

***** ***** **** Many pray for Christ’s return to earth. Will you know Him when He comes? He may not come in a flaming cloud or chariot, but quietly, serenely. He may follow the crowds into the subway, work under adverse conditions, suffer as we do, work with his hands, know our weaknesses and our sorrows. He will show once again how love will surmount adversity. Shall He be recognized?

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The race situation and turmoil is justified. Too long has color, race and circumstances divided mankind. Brotherhood must be practiced and sincerely lived before peace and God can come to earth. God is always here but in the sense that He resides in all hearts, which is not possible in the present stage of mans development. The so called colored man has suffered much at the hands of his white brother. Whether or not he forgives you will depend on education and enlightenment of his race. Our race has some suffering to do for there is a retribution, a Karma, that should be paid. Pray to God the Black Man’s spiritual growth will advance with his improved education. They as a race were always children of great faith. Pride in their growing may cause them to forget God for a time; then God help you all. Peace. Blessed are the Peacemakers, for they shale inherit the earth.

***** ***** **** Every so often there are periods of religious revival that sweeps over the world, only to subside after a period of war. Each upsurge is a little higher than before and the period of sin and doubt not quite as deep. Our descent into these valleys of the shadows grow less and less. Although we think our generation sinful, it really isn’t as bestial as ancient days. There is a great force at work to bring realization of brotherhood to all men. Greeting the God within all mankind and seeing goodness instead of evil is not being blind or naïve, but recognizing the soul and Holy Spirit within each and every one.

***** ***** **** A day of great awakening is near at hand. Seldom have so many been aware of Christ and the Spirit of God.

***** ***** **** A Prayer for light in the minds of men is needed for darkness shadows the earth. While we pray and work other forces are busy too, working for the advancement of mankind. The accumulated evil rises like a fog and sunlight cannot penetrate, unless it is sent with power and love. A growing awareness is slowly working its way into the hearts of men. Pray it will not be long in coming.

***** ***** **** However one may try to lift oneself above the cares of the world, it will be of no avail if one does not have faith. Faith is more than things hoped for. It is knowledge of the consummation of the ultimate good. Prayer is recognition of the power beyond our limited horizons, to reach beyond the unknown and sometimes the unseen. Have faith in the unseen power when trouble and cares oppress. There is always the dawn, the night does not last forever. Consider the lilies of the field, they toil not, yet they give to all who will receive a happiness untold, just by being.

***** ***** **** Each has talents and it is up to each one what he does with them. Seldom is there more than one chance given to multiply these talents, and if neglected time runs out. A talent neglected is often the cause of great frustration resulting in illness.

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Each and everyone of the elements, air, water, earth and fire go to make up the composite man. By earth is meant the chemicals, the solids, the gases. Air, oxygen so necessary to all life. Breathe it deeply and reverently to for the healthy body and mind. Water, the second most important element to life, lubrication, cleansing and necessary moisture to life. Fire, last but not least, represents the spirit, life, enthusiasm, soul desires and physical desires. As you can see, fire can be for good or evil. Pray for spiritual fire to enlighten your life. It is, or may be a small flame now but do not despair; how many have not even noticed a spark of divinity? The Labor Day weekend proves how few are conscious of God. So many are off for the last fling at pleasure before the coming of winter. They are running and chasing elusive happiness. Looking, looking, always outside. When will they learn to look within?

***** ***** **** Cosmic Consciousness, that knowledge which is available to all, is forever being poured forth upon mankind, for all who will take and use. Mark well, I said use; for knowledge held close will wither. It must be used and circulated. “It falls as a gentle rain from Heaven,” not asking upon whom it falls. As the sun shines for all, there is inspiration for all.

***** ***** **** Each has talents and it is up to each one what he does with them. Seldom is there more than one chance given to multiply these talents, and if neglected time runs out. A talent neglected is often the cause of great frustration resulting in illness.

***** ***** **** Energy is a Divine blessing and an energy of love, to instruct, guide and spread knowledge of spiritual forces gives a reason for being. Christ was hated for his altruism. It is unfortunate that the people of the world who need spiritual awareness the most, resent it to so great an extent. Time is approaching when man must awake. Could all the world know of the wonderful truth of everlasting life, what happiness would ensue. Soon it will be revealed. We cannot force soul understanding at this time.

***** ***** **** Thoughts make up the pattern of our tapestry. Clear patterns, beautiful colors. When the work is finished you will look upon it and know all is well.

***** ***** **** Vibrations count for much of our lives. The vibrations of music are more powerful then poetry. Good poetry shares rhythm with music but lacks harmony. I do not know why music has a very great vibratory force. It is nearer or creation and the Creator then any other force. It is a force for good or evil. Witness the music of today. It induces monstrous discords in the lives of those who live in it. And you do live in music. It pervades the atmosphere, surrounding us all, as the air you breathe. Pythagoras called music the ‘Song of the Spheres’. All nature sings, hums, and sounds reverberate from all the earth. There are sound vibrations strong enough to cause color to change, glass to break. The ancient Greeks were very careful not to allow children to listen to certain music until they reach adulthood. Be careful to surround yourself with good music; it is conductive to a happy and contented mind and good health.

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A rainy day. God bless you, dear ones. Live the day joyfully for it is God’s day. The rain is a friendly rain on a very thirsty earth.

***** ***** **** Life is a school of preparation, if we only realized it. The experiences of earth are invaluable as a preparation for the life to come. Sometimes people wonder, Why?, Why?, at the loss of a dear one or at the terrible losses in war, but life is not important. It should not be held cheaply but it isn’t the ALL of our souls existence. It is death as you call it which is important, and like the song, “Life is but a dream”, an important dream which we learn a lot from.

***** ***** **** God’s in His Heaven, all is right here (next dimension), and in due time right will prevail on earth also. In the meantime sadness and tears are priming the souls of men, and like the diamond where great pressure must be felt for millions of years, great is the reward when discovered and appreciated by man. Do you know that some souls glow with radiance as the diamond? Great was their overcoming.

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Light Much time is being spent in idle talk while the world writhes in agonies of mistaken concepts. It could be all so simple. Open the door, let the light shine in the darkness. Let love and trust be the light. Very few stop to partake of the warmth that light and love can bestow. Reach out with all the love you can generate. Pour out from the limitless source to give impetuously to the rewards due for faith unquestioned. Blessed are the children of love and faith for thy shall see Him, the Christ. With love and humility we advance. So little preparation is made for the big adventure, and so little needed, just love.

***** ***** **** Thoughts are as powerful as words. Try it sometime. When angered or joyous, send out the though with no word said. Note the answering antagonism or smile. Send out joy, what a response! Thoughts reveal our inner turmoil’s and worries. Thoughts can and do create good or evil. Contemplation is passive, a losing ourselves in God’s radiance ‘til all the world is known and loved and our egos are lost but our souls merged with the One Reality.

***** ***** **** Question: What do you think of the probation of prayer in public schools? Answer: All forces of evil wish to survive and this is the way they hope to conquer, but the adverse will happen. Those who believe will realize they must take a stand. Great will be the fire of those who have long been indifferent.

Question: Will there be a second coming of the Christ and when will it be? Answer: None know but the Father, but a great host is being prepared.

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Extract opportunities for soul development from each unpleasant situation as it arises. Bless each and every condition and it must be bettered. One must learn to endure for how would character develop if it was always amid serene surrounding?

***** ***** **** Many of the ordinary functions of the body are taken for granted. The organs function from day to day without thanks or appreciation, working despite neglect and being ignored or abused. Still they carry on in a selfless manner, never expecting reward. This is appropriate of some members of the family. Should we keep functioning regardless of whether or not it is appreciated? We think so. Love is its own reward.

***** ***** **** Mothers, once your children are grown release them with love. There are many lessons they must learn. Learning should not be postponed for someday the trials will be repeated until wisdom attained. You harm your children when you take on their lessons. Neither can you buy their love for bought love is a temporary thing. Start their lives with examples of your love and courage and when their adulthood arrives, they will love and honor you for it.

***** ***** **** Modern music is approaching a transition whereby all tones will be blended, even discord made to obey. It is the beginning of a new age in music, just as the new age in thought, art and people. All will be brothers, all colors blended, all melody brought into play. Growth gains momentum. Making efforts to grow indicates you are a child of the new age. Pray for wisdom.

***** ***** **** Only when we exert the will can things be accomplished. The best is born of sacrifice and exertion. Exhaustion, then rejuvenation, with greater accomplishments each day. The breaking of the shell is caused by the impatience of expanding life.

***** ***** **** The way opens, light appears. Heaven is not reached in a single lifetime. Many lives lived, some were happy and not much progress attained, some unhappy, much learned.

***** ***** **** Bless all the unknowing ones. Courage to the ones who dare. Welcome the unknown. Awake all ye sleepy souls. The days advance. Time, so little valued, is flying.

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All matter is not evil. All filled with Good. There is a purpose in everything. All must undergo change. Weeds fringe disease. All are causes or help complete cycles. Someday soon, man will discover the usefulness of even the weed, the foxes, the winds. All necessary. Animal, vegetable, man: organic, mineral, all God’s creation and necessary for balance. Be still and know.

***** ***** **** The waters of life eddy around us. What we do influences the stream. As the moon influences the tides, so our dispositions influence those around us. Notice not what a weaker soul does but love. The strength you have is given to you from God and your recognition of spirit. All may not be as advanced or fortunate as you are. Thank God for your strength and abilities. With all humility, go in peace.

***** ***** **** Buildings too big, cars too big. Everything material in excess. The time has come for a spiritual awaking. If we have to shock mankind into awareness we will do it mechanically, the way even the doubters will understand.

***** ***** **** God is an unknown quantity. He or It or Force, or whatever you want to call the great force which guides the world, man cannot know. Let us practice principles of goodness, charity and love. Perhaps one day revelation of the great mystery will be awarded to us.

Joseph Alliens

***** ***** **** Today’s minutes are disregarded and tomorrow is looked forward to as the promise, the joy, the fulfillment. Now, this moment is the unfolding time. Think on the wonders of nature, the beauty of this one moment in time. The fleeting moment which was, which is. It is all one, isn’t it? Rejoice in it and be glad. If the task at hand is repugnant to thee, bless it and be joyous in the moment that is. Amen.

Joseph Alliens

***** ***** **** Love and peace be unto you. Be still and know.

***** ***** **** More and more people are becoming aware of the vibrations all around us. The is no stagnation in anything. The poets sing of the quiet of the lakes and hills but we know that each drop of water is teeming with life. Each leaf gives nourishment to the earth. Man must also give to live, give to himself and others. Provided he does all with prayer and reverence for the Divine Mind who worked it all out. With humility and love accept your blessings and enjoy them. Any blessings which come your way, enjoy but share. In sharing they multiply but thoughts should not be on their increase.

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When you have an inspiration, act on it. It will in most cases be of good reward for often the thing we call inspiration or intuition, is the inner voice and the voice of God. Do not be afraid to act upon it for to neglect to do so often causes many regrets. Pray always for your prayers are heard and attract good forces who can help you. By helping they gain advancement in the so called Heavenly Kingdom.

***** ***** **** Question: Can you tell us something of the second coming of the Christ? Answer. Those are things only the Master knows. Before He comes this time, man will have to learn about love and tolerance. War will have to cease and suffering must not go unaided.

***** ***** **** Tears cleanse. It were better, you think, if people knew no sorrow, but it is a refining. Anything, to be worthwhile must be hammered and tempered and steeled. Here there are many who long to ease the burdens of earth friends, but they only pray for their moral strength. Thy seldom interfere for then no lesson would be learned. To love enough to hold back and permit each soul their own experience is wise.

***** ***** **** September 9th, 1964. Charles Lindburgh will attend some evening. We know your love for him and his wife. Charles Jr., is united with his dad. He, the child, will return soon after his mother leaves and does a great service for humanity. He will finish the work he was supposed to do, the work which was stopped by evil ones. Many planned but only one was condemned by man. God’s justice prevailed with the others. This event Charles and Ann placed in the hands on the ladder of evolution. Peace be unto them and you and all the group. Peace and love surround.


***** ***** **** When disturbing influences project their poison pray, “Remove this obstruction to recovery, Dear God, who is the Father of all good. Build a barrier between this condition and myself so that I may continue with things which are necessary”. Waste not your energy on wanton thoughts. The Lord protects and provides for those who trust in the ultimate good. Go forth with courage. Still the voice of doubt. Love works wonders. God is good. Fear not.

Silver Birch

***** ***** **** On the way to Calvary, Jesus stumbled and fell. We all stumble and fall but it is in the rising again to resume or tasks that we rise stronger.

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Love the day to the sunset. Savor of its joys and tears. Postpone tomorrow’s worries for tomorrow. Sufficient for the day are the cares of this day.

St. Edgar

***** ***** **** The Indians in their childlike, simple, direct way, made us realize we were brothers all creatures were equally loved by the Great Spirit. Each has a part to play. The advance of science will prove existence of a great directing Intelligence. They will find each animal and plant lives and services and is necessary to the place it was born into. As the wind and the rain carries good and evil, so does man, uncontrolled, carry all before him. Man alone of all creation can exert force over good or evil willfully. Any act which goes contrary to nature is sin. Our Father knows all which concerns you. He is within, nearer than hands or feet. Realize that no one is without the Father within; the wicked or the wise. He is there waiting, serving. Believe. To Him you are an important link in the chain.

Father Jacques Marquette Explorer of the West. Missionary.

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As you knock it shall be opened to you. According to your faith do you receive. Open the door of your heart and God will enter. It is our growing and joy to honor His wish that “Ye love one another.”

St Edgar

***** ***** **** “From the point of Light within the mind of God. Let the Light stream forth into the minds of men”. In meditation I often dwell on this stanza of the well know World Invocation, and as so often happens in meditation at my desk, my hand started to write: Around the point of light is an aura of great intensity. Just as an aura of heat around a flame, all can partake of the benefits of the outer rays but we must earn the right to enter the inner circle. Many are called but few are chosen. Many wait without. Blessed are they who patiently stand and wait.

***** ***** **** Mother dear, we travel together through years and days, through sorrow and joy. The peace known only to a few resides in your heart. Arise and claim that which is your due.

Mary Ellen

***** ***** **** Edgar Cayce often gives advice to our circle and aids with healing. In speaking of an irritable invalid he says: “He must control his emotions. He is using bile juice which should be used to dissolve his food.” I thought this advice we all could follow.

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Psychic work requires a strong mind and body. Prevent loss of energy in useless endeavors. Spend time out of doors, gardening, walking. Bless all whom you encounter.

Edgar Cayce

***** ***** **** Love, understand, help those who are of little faith, for indeed their lives are empty and dark.

***** ***** **** A guest was discussing life, death and his belief that we only lived once. Mary Ellen must have been with us for the next morning I received the following: “Mother, one soul, many bodies. One tree, a change of leaves each season. The time comes when we long for a new encasing, if we live a long time or are very ill. The old body is in a state beyond repair; it is tired beyond endurance. Removal, rejuvenation, rest; then a new a new physical encasement for the learning and service to continue. Pray”.

***** ***** **** There is much spiritual healing being done today. All preparing peoples minds for the days ahead when many miracles will be witnessed preparing mankind for the new age ahead. Beware: Many call themselves the “Christ.” There is only one as yet not near the earth. The brightness will manifest His coming. Prepare the way of the Lord. Pray; “Our Father, may we see the glory we implore.”

Edgar Cayce Received March 16th, 1967

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Those who sorrow will be sent your way. Among them will be some who believe and some who will not. Love and help all. Did you know that we benefit from the thoughts and prayers as well as the visits from the Holy Men? Explanation: At our séances teachers come and speak to us of many things; love, kindness, living the golden rule, the Christ who is to come. Our friends and relatives who have passed over assemble, listen and partake of the wisdom.

***** ***** **** The irregularity of meditation makes communication difficult. Try to will it that you will arise early before the world intrudes, even if you return to rest later. It will be beneficial to all if you can be absorbed when there are no interruptions. The probationary period is long (for mediumship), but we must know you are all sincere and willing to sacrifice. Gifts cannot be bestowed indiscriminately. We here must also earn and wait. Comment: Our meditation circle is doing well. Gifts of clairvoyance, clairaudience and clairsentience are developing. Also Spiritual Healing.

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Oh! he who is slow to see, cannot you see all about you that those who believe have strength to meet the trials of the days?

***** ***** **** Many obstacles have been put in our paths during our lifetimes. The way we rise above them or succumb to them determine whether we are worthy of the gifts or not. The gifts of mediumship has many responsibilities. Message service is very much a part of the work of convincing others. Apart from the personal revelation it is our biggest drawing card. Some look upon it as fortune telling, still it fills the need for those on that step of the upward climb.

W.T. Stead

***** ***** **** The star which shines with great brilliance sheds its rays by night or day. Know that much is seen and heard of on this side, of which you are not aware, like the star at mid-day. Good deeds shine forth whether it is day or night.

***** ***** **** Question: Is there an astral body and does it endure? Answer: No, to the second part. It is a name given by students for an ethereal substance which leaves the body. It is a gas protecting the departed spirit for a short time. Spirit does not need it. Spirit emerges from this gaseous fluid when it is no longer needed. However, earth bound spirits make use of it so they can become partially visible. Your medium was witnessing what he called spirit but we do not like to give them that name. It is for your convenience we do so. They were from the world of Grimore, seeking a place to be mischievous. That is a mild term. Much of that transpires where Black Magic manifestations. All around the earth evil magic is practiced. There are many groups gathering for the purpose of sensationalism where Grimoreies are very efficient in raising Black Magic manifestations. All around the earth evil magic is practiced.

Mary Ellen

***** ***** **** Mary, you do me a great honor which I do not deserve. Accident brought this great gift to me. True, I was a religious man and tried to be a good man but I did not consciously endeavor to do any of the things they credit me with. God chose me for His instrument and I tried to obey. Do God the honor, not that fellow you know as Edgar Cayce.

Edgar Cayce Received: April 9th, 1967

***** ***** **** Over the earth a mist is hovering which can be felt rather then seen. It is a mist of suspicion and fears, hatred and revenge. Pray that forces of light may be able to dispel this threatening horror. Many today seek Peace, many justice, but justice and peace do not always go together. In seeking justice or freedom for little people is it right to war and kill? Many thousands of innocent souls are paying for someone’s idea of justice. God help you all. The purge has lasted long enough, the hand of brotherhood and welcome.

Antonous 04/13/67

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Roman ruins verify a great civilization. Along the Apian Way, built for chariots, came the savage hordes, destroying, pillaging. Much learning, the work of Greek and Roman culture destroyed. Hundreds, and a thousand years have gone by and it cannot be replaced. Today’s artistic attempts only add to the confusion of life. There is rising today a new generation which will set new values on life and love. The children will attempt to remake the world and may do so. Underneath the turmoil is a desire to love and aid. The resentment and rebellion is natural; the first steps in reclaiming life as it should be lived. Freedom of thought, a chance to express is taking violent form now for there is much to change. These children will mature and be as conservative as anyone would wish, trying and forming a new and better civilization. In the meantime the merchants of vice should be driven out of the temple.


***** ***** **** Maintaining a rhythm of meditation is of great importance. Next lesson (meeting of circle), stress the need of a morning meditation and evening review.

***** ***** **** Joseph Alleins writes: “Mr. Stead comes in on Friday nights and tries to aid the progression of the circle. When voice develops for one of you there will have to be a strict doorkeeper for there are many teachers and loved ones who crowd about wishing to get through.”

***** ***** **** “The teachers who will come will instruct us all, you there and we here. All of us have much to learn.” Robert Frost is also here. Mary Ellen likes to listen to Grandpa Frost. She has a happy spirit and we love her. She enjoys the stories and poems so much. You did know that we had time for such things, did you not? It is a wonder we do with all the mixed up people wanting help. Good thing all are not believers, we would never get around. A little levity is always good; you need more of it, more laughter. We love to hear mirthful giggles and hearty laughter. Sometimes we hear a little gentle laughter when we try to cheer you, gentle as if you thought is was disrespectful. It is not. Give it more gusto. Do you know gusto? Have we lightened day?

***** ***** **** Thoughts powerful, sending love, encompassing all. Your are approaching a time when you shall have to make a definite decisions as to the conduct of your little circle. Separate the wheat from the chaff.

***** ***** **** God bless you and guide you in all your goings and comings. Sadness is part of each one’s life. As rain enriches the earth, sometimes too much overwhelms and destroys all in its path. Many rains have fallen during you life and you have conquered. Have courage and continue to accept all, blaming no one even though you see the weakness behind it all. Life is but a short interlude of learning, striving, suffering. We will be with you where ever you are. All who love you are as near as your thought. Nearer, for there are times when you are to busy to give us a thought, but we are there.

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Many today are aware and accept continuation of life after death. They accept more readily than my generation. Philosophy, plans for living the good life, meditation, means much toward psych development. We shall try to guide your class philosophically and give procedures for phenomena. Beginners should acquaint themselves with the laws, serious study, and the importance of meditation.

W. T. Stead

***** ***** **** All who believe in Divine Intervention, pray. The forces of evil spread. The President (LBJ), between ideals and fears, regrets the ambitions which lead to this situation. I sorrow. The decisions are too much for one man. The United Nation should consider this problem. Dag Hammerscold, Adlei Stevenson, saints and godly men are trying to avert a holocaust. Our work is mostly in China where unrest is seething. The people are beginning to grow in courage. They are better fed, better clothed and healthier than a generation ago. Their leaders, although hated by the West and cruel to established routines have brought reforms, wise reforms. Now a new tide is rising but it may involve a whole generation and all the world. It will be a long time before the lion, tiger in China’s case, will cohabitate with the pig.

John F. Kennedy May 17th, 1969

***** ***** **** We come across the seeming void to be with you on this anniversary of the Buddha. Blessings bestowed on all who do him honor by living the good life as Buddha, your Christ. And many others of great goodness have advised. “Do unto others as you would be done by. Love ye one another. Honor thy God and the Christ Spirit within each and every one you meet. Pray, for the follies of man are great.”


***** ***** **** It matters not which turn the road takes. Love never dies. Eleanor was you name. You always liked it, did you not? Mary dear, near you at this moment is a teacher who will come to you with great love, giving you added strength and wisdom for the task ahead. He has been sent by Telarius, William Stead, Dr. Preston, Mrs. Cooke and her group. All will benefit from this teacher. His name will not be revealed now. Prepare for him with humility and love. Mary Ellen has been under his tutelage for many lives.

Love, St. Edgar

***** ***** **** L – V – O Basis for a mathematical theory. Basis is truth teaching, outward from the Central Source. Energies to be used by all who make effort to use them. There is no favoritism in nature. The Sun Shines. It is your free will to partake of it or shut yourself into a darkened shell where no light penetrates. Those who make the effort to participate of the life giving energies thrive and grow, the others shrivel and decay. So be it.

L = 50 – V = 5 – O = ? Circle round O Triangle +

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Ever widening is the knowledge of the soul everlasting qualities and the purpose of man’s existence. To rise to heights heretofore only the God’s. Each man will aspire to the better life and realize that he alone cannot enjoy the heights unless his brother is besides him. Therefore he must help his brother as he would himself. What matter if in the process he aids the unworthy? His effort shall be endowed with blessings. Personal advancement in any field, material, physical, or spiritual, is of no use to him unless all together we move forward. Striving, ever yearning, a Divine discontent. Fortunate are they who know why and the source of the inner yearning. A voice in the wilderness is the voice of our soul reaching for God. Verily, I say unto you, if you have the faith of the mustard seed—here we are told that the seed has intelligence of its kind. It strives toward becoming. Each cell is being called forth to grow, develop and bring into consummation the destiny of its being. How much more the yearning of awakened man that he reach to the Father. That is his consummation. All are part of God, all.

***** ***** **** Of the arrival of the Christ no man knoweth the exact time. There will be those who precede Him; just as in the time of Jesus, some will know Him, some will not. Blood will be shed, for again tempers will rise. Resentment against old orders being destroyed will bring fear and hate but unless there is a very drastic change there will not be many who will accept. Is this He? Will be the question on many lips for great men will precede Him as we have said, but there are those who will recognize the truth. Your own will always know you.

***** ***** **** Heaven and Hell are figures of speech as you must know. Hell is a burning, a searing and suffering which can be felt on earth from our own actions and not what a loving Creator inflicts upon us. Heaven too, is a state of bliss which may be experienced many times while still on earth and in the physical body. It is meant that we experience heaven but remember that we build the ladder by which we rise.

***** ***** **** Even here all is not serene. We love greatly and when suffering and pain is being endured we suffer too. Compassion and love are all emotions. We are not emotionless, but to the degree of advancement better able to endure.

Peace St. Edgar

***** ***** **** I would like you to visit our country in the physical sometime. You have done so many times in flights of astral and in thought. Someday you may go but this is not the time as you have felt, did you not?

Wm T. Stead

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For communication between us a line of thought must be sent with a great amount of energy from our plane. The receiver passive, receptive and willing to make sacrifice of time and pleasure. Automatic writing is a strict taskmaster. Many hours will be given to it and the reward questionable. Never it is one of your gifts. Do with it what you will. Love from many who love you.

Mary Ellen

***** ***** **** We are assigned certain children at their birth, to love, to guide, and befriend. We stay together until such time as one or the other must progress, then someone else takes over. You are never alone. When one reaches adulthood a teacher is assigned who can help with a career or one who can aid in an artistic endeavor.

***** ***** **** We thank those who attended the circle so regularly. When you receive our thoughts or feel us near that is clairsentience. Trust that sensing for the time being. Clairvoyance will develop later. Perfection in communication is being sought by all; we here, you there. In the meantime we shall say, “testing, testing,” as they do in your radio experiments.

Mary Ellen

***** ***** **** Many are called but few are chosen. Poems are made by fools like me but only God can make thee and me. Many times I have tried to materialize at your circle but it is crowded. You didn’t know a spook took up room did you? We can joke and call ourselves names, a little fun helps break nervous tensions.

Wm T. Stead

***** ***** **** Many lives must be spent in learning and growing. Mistakes which are made should be valued for the lessons they teach. Yes, you remember them subconsciously, the knowledge remains. Many scientists, philosophers, teachers, musicians, have spent years and lives trying to perfect their chosen paths. We try to teach and explain the difference between brain and mind and mind and soul. The illiterate man living the good life gains more on the upward climb if he applies his goodness than the man who theorizes, keeping his nose in books and not doing the best he can for his neighbor. The light of wisdom makes some of us proud, vain, egotistical. Thinking we have all the answers we overlook the opportunity for service. Service with love and compassion develops man spiritually, leading him nearer to the great mystery of everlasting being. “Cast not your pearls” can apply to the childlike wisdom which so often is uttered by the unlearned and sneered at by the intellectual. To keep our own counsel is at times the greater wisdom.

***** ***** **** Revision is necessary to the prayers of yesterday. Proper adjustment must be made to today’s language. Meanings change. The prayers of yesterday are not the prayers of today.

A Father of the Church many years ago.

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A discussion was held about the ethics of revealing lessons one had to compile to those who had no allegiance to the group, also seeking monetary reward. Answer: The discussion about secrecy of lessons is a matter of allegiance. Great efforts have gone into the making, research and sending forth of these ideas. Compensation should be made for the continuation of this work but do not imagine that this is not known to others. There is nothing new under the sun. We are discovering old truths every day and calling them new. Honor should be paid to the dedicated ones. They are bringing truth to many who would not otherwise learn of the New Age which is advancing so rapidly.

***** ***** **** All over the world this morning your flag is flying in honor of America’s Independence. Many are waiting for leaders such as those in the days of your country’s birth. Too many are around today seeking personal gain. In the days of fighting for freedom you had help from other countries as today you return to help others.

July 4th, 1967

***** ***** **** Pray that the evil covering the earth may be lifted. That evil is the destruction of lives which bring only destruction and pain.

***** ***** **** The Bhagdah Gita is very beautiful and infused with love, compassion and wisdom. We pay honor to the great souls who contributed to this wonderful work. There were many but the inspiration from one source.

Alice Bailey

***** ***** **** Arise, Oh souls, to your potential. Arise and sing the praises of that awakened light, love and peace. Be thou mindful of the great work each one can do. Play your part in working out the tapestry of life. Let each one do his part to the best of his ability, supplying the color and effort to aid in the completion of the Great Divine. Evolve, Oh you souls. Evolve to your greater potential. Each one is necessary, each one a part of the whole. Assume your obligations with love and courage. Shalom, my children, Shalom.

***** ***** **** To all who dedicate their lives to the search for truth, blessings. Mary has prayed that the teachers of Light will descend and honor your circle. We too, those souls on the astral plane, shall benefit from this desire and will work towards this end. Many hours will be needed in preparation. Blessings, blessings.

***** ***** **** You are right when you say you would not fear, for you know you would live long enough in the physical to fulfill your destiny. When you receive warnings we wish you could take heed. Circumstances do not always permit you to do so. Then too there is free will. Who knows what circumstances may occur to remove you from danger? God be with you, dear ones.

Edgar Cayce

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Directions for the Circle It is necessary at this time that you all go the right way, without interference from those who are only looking for excitement. Sit only with those who are content, true and discreet. The Saints who come, the teachers, stress strongly discretion. You are protected. We know you all need reassurance, verbally and spiritually from time to time. Do not open your class to drifters. Sincerity, dedication and truthfulness must be observed. Come to you sanctum happy, loving and believing, with clean hearts, bodies and souls.

***** ***** **** Unknowingly great deeds are being accomplished. We welcome you into our group of world servers. More people are being drawn into your orbit of influence. Contact with teachers comes with your mature understanding. Your teachers select you long before you are aware they are near you. Do not become too attached to the astral, worthy as it might be. Try to lift your thoughts above personalities. Bless them (they who come from the astral world), ask them to join you in the upward climb. Together you can advance. Say “Together let us seek the Light. We know of your love, you know of ours. Pray together. We will advance into the outer reaches where we can all work for the enlightenment of humanity.

Alice Baily

***** ***** **** Remember the prophecies, earthquakes, title waves, unrest. As we near 1968 these things will increase. The world is beginning to know that men’s minds and deeds have brought this about. Read the prophecies again. Fear not for the soul of many will survive. Not all, not all. Tell your group and all who will listen there is real danger to New York and its environs.

Edgar Cayce Received July 25th, 1967

Much of what was predicted did occur.

***** ***** ****

This morning I shall write concerning the Trinity. God the Father, maker of all things. Mother, the Son. The two elements for production, positive and negative. The sum of those products or the results of that energy, the son; all permeated by Holy Spirit.

The church says, Father, Son and the Holy Ghost. Father is a positive energy, Son could not be the second principle. It must (the second), be negative, or that which is worked upon the Mother.

Theology has come to the parting of ways because of mistakes such as this. What matter? For the sake of a vanity, a theory of interpretation men have separated. Was it necessary to know the productive elements to love one another? How vain, how foolish. Let us recognize the great work science is doing, the great minds and many moments spent in analyzing the universe, but let the word go forth; there are other trinities: love, hope, courage; faith, love, charity, etc.

Holy God, Father of all, what good is it to know the component parts of man when we are destroying him? He cannot be put together again. Humpty Dumpty has a moral as so many other simple stories.

Knowing the components we still cannot put them together, after the weapons and the mobiles have destroyed him. Thank God for the soul, the one permanent thing belonging to God and man.

Joseph Allien

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The World Over There I love you Mother, very much. Teachers will come as you have asked. I try to be a good student here, as you know you would have wanted. Many of our relatives have aided me to great advancement .I love the things which you always admired and for both of us, I study literature, art and music. Most of all I like studying about the world of thought and what great men have taught. Learning comes very easily here. We do much more than study, Mother. We must aid. Some are appointed to help those coming over. Some people are not suited to be receptionists but through your examples I love people. I want to make them feel secure an unafraid. So many lack love and understanding that you wonder what kind of a world they lived in. Children respond eagerly to love but adults mistrust, misunderstand, and are suspicious of every good. They are sometimes very antagonistic and quarrelsome. Chemists put them to rest, gently, kindly and gradually awakened. To get the proper impressions of this world they receive dreams and gradually they loss their mistrust, become curious. There are many evil souls here too. I do not like to use that word. It belongs to the physical world, but so many delight in their evil deeds, and do not want to change them. These are the souls you must protect yourself against. Seldom do they approach the type of people you know, Mother, but sometimes in times of your depression they could find an opening. We try to protect you but tell your friends any discouragement, any depression too long held is dangerous. Try always to believe in the ultimate good. There is goodness in all despite appearances and do not permit others to pull you down. There are many very evil influences at large due to war and drugs. Intoxicants are not as numerous as in days gone by.* Drug addiction is the terrible danger today. This we need not mention for you and your group are above that, but beware. This subject will not be mentioned again for by its discussion it may attract. Knowledge of the wrong is a protection. There are as numerous types of spirits as there are people. Loving ones, hating ones, creative ones, destructive ones. Let us bless all and for those who make mistakes say; “Father, forgive them for they know not what they do.”

Mary Ellen * Since this was written there has been a great increase in the sale and consumption of liquor,

especially to the young who are discontinuing the drug trip.

***** ***** **** We require a new approach. A stimulation of energy centers not being used.

***** ***** ****

Go not where you will meet evil. Even if you do not partake, the emotional reactions will take its toll. Pray for those in darkness. Discriminate. Time, golden moments, should be occupied with pure love. Be awake to influences.

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Around the world the sound goes, a call to all to hear. Sounds of war increase, stronger than the call to peace. Increase in volume, oh Souls of love. Increase in number you who strive for peace. Pray as you never prayed before. Your leaders are now taking heed of your cries and trying to end the war in Viet Nam. Robert Kennedy is a strong voice for peace being guided by his dear brother John who knows how useless is the struggle for men’s minds through war. The China situation is dangerous for my dear country (England), and will be as hard on her as the Viet Nam is to you. We have no right to occupy the land belonging to anyone. We have gone there, paid dearly for our use of their ports. We have tried to educate and bring sanitary improvements wherever we went. To bad, too bad, that we cannot intermingle as brothers for it would aid underprivileged nations if they would only cooperate on a brotherly basis. We have hired, taught and despite the claims of some, we have not exploited the countries as much as their own despots. Look to India with their Shahs of unlimited wealth, who share not but take and take; that is the heel of the despot. In China, in Egypt, in South America, all over the globe the local king, rulers, despots, were more cruel then America or England ever were. Wherever we went, schools and hospitals and work resulted. All benefited but the results of our enterprise was suspicion and hate. So much for the events of the past. God give you wisdom for the future. Let Viet Nam and all the others settle quickly for China looms big and dangerous.

William Hamer 08/13/67 Note from channel: William Hamer, English, settled in South Africa. Wealthy Financier. Uncle to my father.

***** ***** ****

Mary, you are permitting others to go ahead in the development of physic abilities. It is well. You do inspire, teach and give confidence. This is a great talent many wiser people do not posses. Send out these souls knowing, believing, and a great deed has been done. A teacher is loved. It may not be as spectacular as bringing exciting phenomena but it is rewarding. Let it never be said you have taken from any and returned not a hundredfold. Prepare another group who will assemble to learn to love and give service to mankind in His name. So be it.

***** ***** **** One cannot depend on others. The same standard is not enjoyed by all. Know your goal. Keep faith and integrity. They who think they are first shall be last. You have matured, guided and nourished. The bird wishes to be on the wing. Have no resentment, build again. Holdfast, do not give up in discouragement. If you feel all is lost through ingratitude you are wrong. Pick up, start again. Too Loo speaks. Thank you for accepting me. Give to each regardless of the possibility of betrayal.

***** ***** **** Had some friends to our home for a barbeque. They had never seen the writing I had received and as they were an intellectual group I thought they would be interested in the poetry I had received from Robert Frost. I also wanted their opinion, was this like Robert Frost they knew and loved? We talked and ate, when a cold summer rain started. We were too interested in our conversation to care, so proceeded to read and talk regardless.* The following was received the next morning: Who would have though I would be attending a poetry reading in the rain? Well, well didn’t you know? Your thoughts traveled my way. I came. I deeply appreciate it.

Robert Frost 08/13/67 *We had a roofed patio, but not enclosed.

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All over the world the wave of spiritual awakening is taking place. Now is the time you have been preparing for. Be alert to opportunities for yourself and your group. Be ready to recognize the time. Spoken like a true blacksmith. Ponder not how, just believe.

***** ***** **** Do not be disturbed by the mistakes of others. Bless them, dismiss them. Wash thy hands of their influence. The washing of hands was a ritual practiced many years ago and had a good cleansing effect psychologically.

***** ***** **** Stress meditation and concentration to your class. Emphasize the importance of morning meditation and a nightly review. Meditation can take place in a crowded subway train or while doing household chores, if the time cannot be found to shut out the world. We do not have to go into a cave and shut out the world or wear hair shirts. Our every day tasks are sufficient to replace the austerities of the ancient mystic.


***** ***** **** Mother, it shall be given to you, the work of aiding souls out of the darkness and fear into the light, finding love and happiness. You have done it many times unknowingly, ever since the day you went to church. Explanation – One morning I was instructed to go to a church in Jamaica (New York),. I did not feel like going for it was a dreary, cold day and I had not been feeling too well. I felt I could not ignore the directive so went. There was a funeral in progress and very few mourners, five in fact. The casket was flag draped. I felt a coldness in those who were attending and prayed for the poor unknown, asking that angels conduct him to a place of peace and light. I felt a great outpouring of love and pity for the one whose remains rested in the center aisle and know that the soul of this person felt that love. Those in spirit tell us that those who go over in darkness do not trust the ministering angels who attend them. They, the departed, reach toward the living for help. (Mary Ellen resuming) You need no special prayers, just be natural and reassuring. What would you say to a frightened terrified lost one on earth? Direct them towards the light. It is better sometimes than speaking of God for you would be amazed and shocked how many come hating and cursing their Creator. A prayer for the departed would anger a soul who had no understanding. Therefore ask them to join you for a little while, say: Together let us find the light, or the door, for each case would need a different approach as you will learn. The distressed soul looking for her body could be told, “Here is love, be not afraid, you are dreaming. You have a body. A Spiritual body. Let us wake together out of this bad dream.” Someone instilling love and trust will help her to accept those angels of light who come to our home. The above refers to a time we had someone come in to our circle), crying that she could not find her body. Evidently she had gone over suddenly, possibly from an auto accident. We did help her for later she returned and thanked us for helping her. In Spiritual circles this is known as a rescue circle.

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Pray that a new spiritual awakening will take place in your country. The extent of crimes and degradation is alarming. Can the parents not see where they have gone wrong? A woman crusader many years ago went around and throughout the country destroying places of pleasure where liqueur was sold. We do not condone such methods but admire the zeal. The moving pictures contribute more to delinquency than the beverage ever did. God help you all if this continues. God sorrows at the folly of His children.


***** ***** **** May the day bring great happiness to those you love. Do not become discouraged. Keep to your goal with confidence. Promote good will but do not lay temptation before someone who has not outgrown envy.

Wm T. Stead

***** ***** **** Pray for discrimination. Pray for the power of knowledge growing from discrimination—Wisdom. Right from wrong; true from false; good from evil.

St. Edgar

***** ***** **** The coming of the new dispensation is at hand. Pray the people will see that the world around them is full of activity, building to a great intensity. There is an anticipation among those who realize. The Bible tells these things; read Revelations. There are many who know the import of the years ahead. Prepare.

Wm T. Stead

***** ***** **** It is surprising to me how the knowledge of my work is spreading, even into the halls of learning. I never thought, back in the days of ridicule, it would be treated with respect. I knew great disappointments and embarrassments.

Edgar Cayce

***** ***** **** Over the world a mist is gathering. The fumes of the dead arising, the stench of sins. My God, my God, what has become of morality? Goodness? The flower children speak of love but who is to lead them into the true meaning of love? Certainly not the parents. Drunk with possessions and desires for more and more. They, the children, are finding joy in privation, sacrifice and loyalty to each other. A leader could arise from their midst who could lead this army of children as the Pied Piper led them of long ago. Pray it will not be into the dark crevice of a mountain to be lost to all. Pray their following will be out of darkness into light.

Wm T. Stead

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How the open door is taken advantage of; so many crowd in. Can it be we prefer contacts with you to our supposed heavenly domain? No, you summon, we obey. We are often uninvited, trailing in the path of some soul who looks happy, eager, and one who is about to partake of love and companionship. Love from your domain is rare, precious. We share, we appropriate the overflow.

***** ***** ****

Divine Spark Worship ever the Great God, Creator of all. Do not place us with the Divinity for we have not reached the perfection necessary to see the Greater Light. The spark of the Creator is within us all, like a diamond hidden deep within a rock. Sometimes illumination reaches within the deepest pit and overwhelms us with its beauty. We meet on the path. Our hand reaches out on the upward climb to assist crossing the bridge over the deep ravines. We are not Divine, we are not holy, we are only pilgrims who have passed your way eons ago. We know the pitfalls. It is our joy to reach out a hand as you must do for those who follow.

***** ***** **** Pray. Cease wars. God forgive man for what he is doing to the earth. Protect the innocent from the fools who know not how to rule themselves and wish to rule nations.

St Augustine

***** ***** **** Read your Bible. Go to church. Love God and all his people. Love each day to the best of your convictions. Worry not over predictions of quakes and of floods. As entities we cannot be lost if we live in God’s Light. The waters will wash clean the furies; fire burn away the unclean, but through it all the soul will survive. California will be the first to suffer.

Edgar Cayce

***** ***** **** Mother dear, many years have pasted, memories grow dim. All who live leave an imprint on the thoughts of others. Spread happiness. Be careful each day not to hurt with a look or a word. Rather leave a smile and a laugh or encouragement to all. A small word sometimes spoken thoughtlessly leaves behind a hurt which lasts for years. Be loyal to each other. If they are worthy your loyalty will be cherished. If not – but who are we to judge worth?

Kindness, love, loyalty, truthfulness, to all shall enrich us and add stars to your crowns. Mary Ellen

***** ***** ****

We are to spend Christmas Day with our grandchildren. Their father’s parents are in spirit, Flo and John Handy. There message came: Kiss the children for us. We come but they are unaware. Though you our love will flow.

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I am going to undertake to write a novel bringing up dated occultism to all who wish to read. I know my books are being re-issued but I would like to write another with the knowledge I have gained since coming over. It should have more reality for today’s readers.

Marie Corelli Miss Corelli did start a book using my hand. She finished a chapter and then for some unknown reason the writing ceased.

***** ***** **** The group is doing well. The help you are extending is appreciated. Wonder how it is we here cannot help the lost souls. The ones you helped were earth bound and lack faith and trust in us. They are used to conversing to people with bodies. We are mostly thoughts and a little light. When we manufacture bodies it must be for you. Love extended, love surrendered, love, love, love. Love inspires trust. The love radiates from your voice when you sincerely with your help. Many lost ones have reason to mistrust for the world was a cruel place to them. Why expect goodness and mercy here, where they can see only blackness. It is like looking in a mirror in a dark room. Light the light. It is so hard to explain all this in language you would understand. Just know that you can bring light into darkness. When attempting to bring love and light to lost souls do not confuse a lost soul with an evil one. Those you must learn to distinguish and dismiss with great force. Herein lies the danger we warn against in indiscriminate communication. Demand the best and the best you shall have. Remember love lights the way into more than one world.

***** ***** **** Swear not by the power of physical things or inconstancy of human behavior. Earthy ties change, grow, loosen. Heartache ensues when too great a dependence is placed on anyone.

***** ***** **** Mankind hovers on the edge of a precipice. The avalanche is gaining force. Get out of its way. Run for your lives. Run, not as a coward turns, in terror and fear, but run as the moral man, the spiritually adjusted man departs with a purpose. Leave the sins, the mistakes. Raise yourself up and beyond. Let those who will, fall into the abyss. You ask how this can be done? Keep clean bodies, clean minds. Strive for the good. Let those who will strive for the plenty. Try to do a little service for someone each day, not to the blare of trumpets, but though each day to the Creator. Many are called but few are chosen.

Bishop Jansen Dide died 1638

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Let each one sing in praise of the Lord. Holy art Thou, oh God, Lord of Hosts. Great art Thou, oh God. No man can know Thee. The work of Thy mind is sufficient to us. The brooks to the see, is an idea of our size to your greatness. Even this is not an inkling of Thy vastness. I can see you in the seed of a grain of wheat. Can you find me? I who am a small particle, a grain of sand in the vast universe. I know that Thou knowest me. I know Thy love and feel Thy mighty presence. I am overcome. Who is man that Thou art aware of him? But you, dear Lord, are aware of all your creation. Show me how I can perform some deed. The ant, the snail, the onion, all have their part to play in the evolving worlds. What is my part? What do I do? Oh, worthless unworthy soul who dissipated his youth, what shall I do to be worthy of the honors the world bestows? God grant us love and understanding. Humbly we pray, show us Thy face, show us the worlds to come. Content we cannot be until we are one with Thee.

St. Augustine This was a very interesting experience. The writing exceedingly small but the flow was as light as a feather.

***** ***** ****

Late one night I was listening to the radio. A minister was on taking about the evils of spirit communication. The next A.M. I received this: Mother dear, do not be led astray by those who doubt. The man who was preaching loves God and the Holy Book, but sees things differently and not always correctly. Few know the true meaning of many parables or writings in the Bible. We must let our hearts and minds show us the way. A mistake of or in belief is not a sin. To unduly force our opinion on others is the wrong way. Express, explain, share, but never force dogma.

Love Mary Ellen

***** ***** **** Over all the threat of darkness. We cry out in vain. No one listens. They speak learnedly but know little. Christ knew the frustrations. He tried to bring Light and love; understanding and compassion and for that He suffered. Pray, for the night is coming. As in the east 200 years ago all did not see the light so today it is not visible to all. Light which dispels ignorance and fear, light for strength and courage. Let there be light.

St. Edgar

***** ***** **** Love empowers us to communicate. Strong thoughts, be it of love or hate, react on the sender. The ones who receive do so only because they open themselves to the influences and call with love. Close yourself to the influences of negative or evil vibrations. Bless. Dismiss. If you fall in the mire you become soiled. It is harder to clean than to be careful. Avoid the pitfalls. There are many today who are seeking only for excitement and curiosity. There is black magic and white magic. The white is of love and practiced for the good of mankind. The black exists but we know that you are aware of its evils and have no wish to explore the region. Warn your pupils.

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Julia’s letters started my adventures with automatic writing. We were friends for a very brief time. Edgar Cayce lived in your time, it is unfortunate that you did not know him. He has become a personality known to millions through the many who are writing up on the reading he gave, mostly on reincarnation. It was not given to us to know, but he has given readings to the fact the reincarnation is a truth. You may think it strange but we are not sure about many things. Is the wisdom we sometimes utter poured through us or is it our soul knowledge acquired through many lives? Mystery, mystery, theories, conjectures. We grope, we search, we learn and give thanks. So be it. Ah! Sweet mystery of life, I have not found it.

Wm T. Stead

***** ***** ****

It has been said that when the pupil is ready, the teacher appears. I would say that when the heart is ready the teacher appears.

Edgar Cayce

***** ***** ****

Walk in God’s Light. We of holy orders were the scribes who kept alive the words of holiness and wisdom when the people outside our walls were seeking to destroy.

You have many on earth today who are seeking, many more than in my day. Small groups such as yours are being formed all over the world for the purpose of meditation and saving civilization through prayer. Pray unceasingly, seeking peace, love, friendship and union with the Holy Spirit.

Aroe is part of my name. As a scribe I was attracted to you by your love of writing. I am interested in what you receive from others for I too have much to learn. Many are in attendance when you meet. We crowd in and need discipline. Please give me a few moments and if permitted will stay but remain silent until called upon in thought. I hope I may contribute something from time to time and bring blessings from my realm.

Padre Aroe Abbot Order of the Benedictines

***** ***** ****

At our séance I asked who Rama was for many of our communications were from him, also many writings. Answer: Rama comes from a far distance, a distance difficult for mortals to reach. Not far in distance of space, but in soul advancement. Not how you can reach all, no matter who they are or were on the physical plane, or how advanced that may be. Your life, your sacrifice, your desire to know God makes this all available toy you. With wisdom, peace and love, if all would only start the climb, they too could know. Wisdom and love support the ladder, the foundation and strengthens the uprights for our climb. Then comes the steps; compassion, discrimination, sacrifice, faith, charity, patience; virtues all. Learning, sharing, tolerance: all steps on the upward climb. Many souls are waiting for the unfolding light.

Mary Ellen

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Heed the warning. Allow no one to curtail your spiritual advancement. Be firm that you may not become separated from the source. Engage the talents of all. Share, prepare.

Wm T. Stead

***** ***** **** How wonderful if the forces used for destruction could be turned into ways of peace and aid to mankind. Show love and compassion. One person lights a ray, two may see, two may emulate. Then six will see. It matters not who you are or where you are, light your candle. Do you not notice when your teachers descend, how meek and mild they are? How encouraging, only speaking of love, yet they inspire to great deeds and do so with love. Would we make an example of their great love? Blame not, criticize not, but love and encourage.

***** ***** **** All we seek is love. Share the revelations with all who will listen. We shall try to tell you things we have discovered. Share, love, share.

***** ***** **** Love, Mother. Hope, pray, unite with all in prayers for peace. May we gain in wisdom and love. All need assurance of God’s love. How can we be sure He knows when we call? Did He not say; “This command I leave you, that you love one another, and ask in the Father’s name and it shall be granted unto you.?

Mary Ellen

***** ***** ****

Communication is received in wavelengths so minute it cannot be imagined. Many mediums work without knowledge of the realization of the technologies. Results are obtained in ignorance of the intricate details. Knowledge helps, knowledge is power.

Divide that line untold times, color. Sound is vibration, color is vibration, communication is vibration. It does not detract from the mystery to know, but opens up new worlds of wonder. Use knowledge and it will grow. Spread knowledge and it will be returned a hundredfold. The day is drawing when all this will be taken as a matter of fact. You say what then do we who are intellectually inquisitive have to search for? There are always new horizons. Blessings my friends.

Michael Farraday

***** ***** **** Evolution -- all ever evolving. Provide opportunity for those who wish to advance. Open the gate wide. Regret not the loss of those who do not wish to continue to walk the way. Other pilgrims will come, all getting on or off at different crossroads.

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Have mercy on all those who understand not. They are lesser degrees of light. To stand in the radiance of God’s light is impossible for all of earth’s humanity; they would be destroyed by direct contact. The edge of the periphery is stronger then the angels can endure. We bask in a diminished radiance and are overcome. Great are the mysteries of being. In humility we stand before anyone who has attained even the slightest touch of that vibrant glow.

***** ***** **** Mary dear play more (piano). Skill and great virtuosity is not always music. Only concern to express love, emotion. A simple melody played with love is well played.


***** ***** ****

My husband and I went to see a picture. It was obscene, disturbing. Is this what youth is viewing? Next A.M. my daughter wrote: “Mother, purity of mind and heart is all to you. Let not the human qualities of natural man disturb you. Bless and dismiss. It is expecting too much to expect purity. It is not a sin. Naturalness is nature expanding, growing. Man’s mind rising out of moisture and earth into sunlight and purity.”

***** ***** **** A friend of ours lost his wife. I tried to console him with reassurance of everlasting life. It was obvious that he did not agree with me and I hope I did not press my beliefs too strongly for this is what came in the next day. “Rather that try to convince with tales of experiences and adventures let the man awaken, as he will. You have planted a seed. Let it rest. Do not worry or disturb it. Peace. Let it remain in the darkness where germination will progress of its own accord.”

***** ***** **** I had wished for trumpet phenomena to impress newcomers. Their reply; The trumpet is not necessary. It will become a relic for ridicule in the next decade. It has played its part. Today it is only used to impress the gullible and uninformed.


***** ***** **** The work must go forth. It must be told to the world. The tapestry weaves into a pattern of great beauty. You are all working on the loom and advancing up the ladder of spiritual and Christ consciousness. Time is running out, the hour approacheth. Amen

***** ***** ****

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The moving finger writes and having wrote none can eradicate. The spoken word can be lost, the written preserved for all eternity. Bless the inventor of the papyrus and the quill.

A jug of wine, a loaf of bread and Thou, sitting beside me in the wilderness, ‘tis Heaven. The songs of the heart find response within all merry hearts. The song of sadness finds or strikes a cord, the word vibrating with understanding and compassion for all who suffer. Do we not all suffer? Do we not all experience love, joy, sorrow?

So sing the song, play the lute, recite the odes, and sing! Live for today for tomorrow we die. Omar, the Tent Maker

A Maker of rhyme and song.

***** ***** ****

Written to my granddaughter, on the occasion of her engagement. Gently flows the sands of time. Other young souls seeking their way to fulfill God’s plan. May their days be

filled with wonderment of each other. May they find completion, happiness and joyous content. Blessings on you both. God give you wisdom, courage, and strength to handle the upsets and the joys. Keep

faith in God and in each other. Maeterlinck

***** ***** ****

Veritas; veritas. We lovingly descend into your aura joining with you in prayers for peace. Strife is an essential part of nature. Strife erupts when evil conditions or where injustice prevails. The eruption of an acorn, the seed seeking the light and growth erupts, leaving the shell which protected it and who gave it birth, leaving behind that which nurtured it. It erupts in violence disregarding the source. All nature from the smallest cell breaks its bonds, anxious to proceed on its own. Wise indeed is the mother source who blesses it and sends it on its way. There is new life around you which is feeling its way. Release and bless when the time arrives. Feel no hurt. You have done your part. Seek new seeds to nurture. Your own creative urge manifested one day. Your own creative urge stirs restlessly again. Bless and accede to it. Creation suppressed, creation deprived, results in frustration and war; between two small forces or two ideologies, two nations, two worlds. Amen


***** ***** **** I was very disturbed by pictures of children, victims of war. I was praying for them and asking angels of mercy to conduct them to a place of peace and love. When my prayers and meditation were over my daughter started to write:

“Mother, I often do help the children. Dr. Doyle is there trying to help the overworked surgeons. Please pray often, pray long. Do not think we have forgotten you if we do not come. We love you Mother, but how they need us! I pray to God that you or the people of our beautiful country will never know such sorrow. The fire may spread. We leave you for a little while.

Dr. Doyle becomes wrathful and impatient at the loss and waste of human lives. God bless him and guide him for even here we ask for prayers for guidance.

How long, dear God, will it take mankind to learn to love, not hate, to help the hurt? A kiss to you Mother. I leave for a while knowing all is well with the family.

Mary Ellen

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Over all the world the light is spreading. Hail, the King of Peace! Brotherhood of man, Fatherhood of God. Love is stronger than life or death. Love creates.

***** ***** **** Many are claiming communication with Jesus of Nazareth. I questioned, “Is the voice of Christ heard in the world today? Answer; Mary dear, the words of Jesus of Nazareth, the Christ, have been repeated and rejected; repeated, disrupted; repeated and misunderstood and retold again for 2000 years. The voice is being heard throughout the world from many sources. Heed well, but also before the next coming many shall say, “I am the Christ.” False prophets abound. Will you Know Him when He Comes?


***** ***** **** Verity, I say to you, the things of earth shall pass away but the kingdom of God shall endure. Many are they who will say. “I am He who was to come.” A little of Him is within all men. You know that which is true, you know that which is good. Keep your own counsel. Share your possessions, your love. With humility approach the Golden Door. All may enter who come with love and humility in their hearts. It matters not what man says or believes. It is his deeds which gain him entrance. Behold I stand and wait. He that cometh with love enters.


***** ***** **** You and your group are as innocent of wrong doing as those of the east who are experiencing untold suffering. The poor peasant has never known much more than privation. They are used to living without hope of change never asking or demanding. My sorrow is because of impending disaster. They who could enrich the world are destroying it. Children! Children God help us all. Death itself is not terrifying. The next stage of being is a better one. The suffering which comes before is my concern and it leaves its mark upon the soul. To return and revenge is the ambition of many and so the circle goes.

Rama, March 8th, 1968 (Was he speaking of Biafra?)

***** ***** ****

Mary dear, play more. You must be able to demonstrate not what you can perform for you own glory but you must bring forth the soul of the composer, his sorrows, his joys. Consider the beauty of the instrument. How many years and hours of workman’s lives went into producing this instrument? Last you come to the act. Your love, joy, sorrow, desire to inspire, those are the things, the steps to mount. Then we can bring God into realization.


***** ***** **** Your daughter is angel of mercy.

Dr. Doyle

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Once a man sought to convince others of the truth of immortality. It was very difficult for his was impeded in his programs because of business interests, family cares, reluctance on the part of most to listen. Now that man is free – free. More work is being done, more being convinced. The next desire of that man was to see all the world at peace. That is not going well. The years move on and the greatest desire of all – peace – seems further away. Forgive us, Rama and I, if we are sad. There has been a change in your country’s personnel. They who guided have been removed.

Wm T. Stead March 24th, 1968

***** ***** ****

Now you see it, now you don’t. Many guesses, many theories. You shall soon know. Secrets to be kept. There were always revelations which could be given to only a few. (I think this was referring to the flying saucer sighting.)

***** ***** ****

Last evening we went to visit a friend who was sick. Our spirit doctor, Dr. Peterfrie, selected me to ‘lay on hands’. It was my first experience of spiritual healing under direction of a spirit doctor. Next morning an explanation: “Mary, the human hand was necessary for contact made brings greater strength, carries more force. The recipient feels the force, knows the channel is good, thereby giving more strength to the possibility of cure. So often people do not believe in their own prayers. Poor suffering mankind. All my life I tried to cure their ills. Now perhaps I can continue if I find you are an effective channel. God help us both. They tell me (spirit entities), you have been used as a channel. Conductor of healing power several times. So be it. Amen.

Dr. Peterfrie

***** ***** ****

A call for help Once a man said, “To err is human, to forgive Divine.” I ask forgiveness for I have erred exceedingly. I have no one to go to, no one who cares, no one to love. May I enter your circle? First I must have your permission. Teachers of great understanding come to you. They say we should not fear. They say we are what we have made ourselves to be. I seek to return to earth to help those weak ones who commit the same errors, but first I must learn more. They say if I desire to do so it can be accomplished.

(This is a good example of how we can help. So many go over not believing in God, or guardians, they reject those in the Spiritual realm for they do not trust them. The recently departed feel closer to those of the earth. We can listen, pray, encourage and help souls like this. They have returned to our circle later thanking us and telling us that now they can move on. After we gain their confidence we ask them to stay and listen to our guests. In this way they obtain knowledge of the teachers and their work and they have trust in them).

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Lord, make me an instrument of Thy peace. St. Francis is transmitting this message through an intermediary. Mary, love and compassion flows from thee. Continue the path of learning, my child. Always remember you that are least shall be chosen of God. The gifts are not for the proud. Blessings.

***** ***** ****

Mary, accept your new teacher, another door opens. In my father’s house are mansions and from which they come it matters not as long as the word of God is spoken.

St. Edgar

***** ***** ****

Mary, you have an extended band of healers who are willing to aid you. Call on me, Mother Lakey, St. Ann, Dr. Peterfrie, Edgar Cayce and many others. Give of your love to those who are in need of healing. We are ready to serve, through you.

Mother Cabrini

***** ***** ****

Mary, with wisdom we hope to endow thee. Wisdom too for your followers. Strength to dispense the knowledge gained. Have faith, we are standing by. You are undergoing many changes physically, mentally and psychically. The vibrations are being strengthened, stronger forces penetrating. An Explanation: It is interesting to note that different Spirits cannot come in through certain channels. Whether it is a condition of differing vibrations and/or spiritual advancement it is hard to say and many people differ on the explanation. My daughter was finding it very difficult to ‘come through’ with a certain medium and it worried me at first until she wrote: “Do not be alarmed Mother, at my absence. We are not allowed access through certain channels.”

***** ***** ****

Mary dear, Bishop Lanyi honors you. The light you are spreading shall grow from a small candle glow to a great flame. Keep faithful to the ideals of Christ. Love ye one another.

You have tapped the source. They who would learn must go to the well to draw from its depths. Reach to the clear, clean water below. Draw up. The drawing up must be the efforts of those who desire knowledge and truth. You cannot drink for them. They in turn earn the privilege of finding their own inner Christ.

Through work, devotion and study they shall spread the word. The second coming of Christ must be made within each and every one before the third coming when all shall know. Read revelations.

***** ***** ****

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On explanation of communication. We make efforts – you produce. You make the efforts – we produce.

***** ***** ****

I had very strong urge to write with my left hand. Although my conscious mind was saying, “You know you

can not do that! ”I obeyed the impression and received the following working with my left hand. It was an interesting experience.

Spirit knows. Spirit guides. A gift bestowed is never reclaimed. The recipient neglects or enlarges, destroys or enriches. Know we remain. Have love, faith.

Certain steps are necessary for further enrichment; you will be told or impressed. God bless you this Holy Season. Let this remain our sanctuary.

Sanctuary, the special room I keep for meditation and our circle.

***** ***** **** Dear one, tell Anthony (our medium), to permit those whose names he hears to enter. Your teachers have brought them and approved of them, therefore they should be accepted. Many interesting developments planned by your protectors. In case of visiting friends or relatives, you may judge how long they may stay or how often they come, as long as consideration is shown for the others in the circle. We have noticed when a sitter comes who is new their loves ones crowd in with great desire, leaving other sitters neglected. Those from spirit are no different than when they were on earth, unless they have been over a long time and have studied and advanced. The relatives from spirit often are so happy that they talk and talk and although we with to be polite to visitors it causes boredom on the part of the others in the circle and the vibrations go down. At this time it is up to the one who is conducting to politely but firmly intercede. Bless or ask blessings for them and say: “Go in God’s light,” as a dismissal. Kindness and firmness needed.

***** ***** **** Spring greets all mankind alike, the good, the evil. God accepts all. I knew great happiness, the poetry gave inspiration to many.

Ella Wheeler Wilcox

***** ***** **** Mother Lakey appears as a Nun in white. So does Mary Ellen but you should sense the difference, and do. Identifications are not too important but being still human, not having reached the angelic state as yet, love likes recognition and the love which develops through sharing. We have loved you long.

Wm T. Stead

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Mary Ellen appears to our medium as a child, at my knee. He has seen pictures of her in our home and associates that with her personality. Spirits often take on a likeness to accommodate us, making it easier for some to identify. With more experienced mediums she appears as she is now – a grown lady who has progressed far beyond her mother’s mentality and spirituality. This is especially gratifying from mediums who have never known me, or heard of her. She will give evidential material and I always know her.

***** ***** ****

The prayer for light and love repeated as you do, has great power. Ask all you know to repeat this prayer, believing in the Light. So many are finally becoming aware of the activities around them; it keeps us busy but this is what we have been trying to do and impress on the world.

Alice Bailey

***** ***** **** I have always had a great love for St. Joseph and resented the fact that he was not honored more. Thinking of this one day someone wrote; “St. Joseph, a spirit who sought no return but served with love and devotion. One who seeks him out in prayer is always rewarded and graces bestowed.”

***** ***** ****

Mother Cabrini, Mother Lakey, myself and many others ask you to pray. Pray for the healing of men’s minds. While all the world issues try men’s hearts, there are oases of light. Do not despair. Pray, believe.

Wm T. Stead

***** ***** **** Do not get into the pit of frustration. Action is not required at this time. Be passive.


***** ***** **** I asked for phenomena by which I could comfort bereaved and convince people to the fact of spirit communication. Reply: Yes, Mary, phenomena is an aid to convincing those who are in doubt. Continue to meditate as you do. Let the power of thought penetrate with love and humility. Give thanks. Accept what comes in, in loving humility. Pride goeth before the fall, and if gifts are bestowed and shared all will be well. There are tremendous forces working in your life. Amen. Amen. We shall accomplish. Tell the waiting world.

***** ***** ****

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Tansy tea with lemon and honey will aid your bronchitis. With all the remedies for treating colds the colds seem to want to run their course. The years will be kind and many wonders unfold. Peace.

Edgar Cayce

***** ***** **** All the changes are necessary. All will evolve to your satisfaction if you do not give up. Be constant in your desire for truth. Communication is but a small part of the whole. (They are speaking of the change of teachers).

***** ***** **** Dear one, many are vying for you cooperation. May you find me worthy. In God’s light I come, seeking to travel with you the path of truth and light. What does truth mean to you? The answers to what all are asking? Is there a God, creator of all mankind? Are all a part of God? Is He loving, forgiving, or just chemical substance, without love and understanding? I do not know the answers which might impress your men of science. I have not met God, not the God of my childhood but we think we meet Him in every soul who shows love and compassion for his fellow man. We know you are God when you walk in your Garden. You feel you know God though us. We feel we know Him through you. Truth my dear is an illusive thing. Wars have been fought in its name, but love is more important. Love could not wound. God is love. Love is of God. Bless

Mother Lakey

***** ***** **** I have reincarnated many times. I must do the work now of telling the world there is no death. We need you, you need us. There must be mutual development. Be cautious. You need a good mental attitude. Do not go beyond the teachings of the Master Jesus. He died for the world, suffered for us. He has to come again to fulfill what was told. It shall happen within your lifetime. Believe. Heed this message.

***** ***** ****

All is in readiness. Do not ask how this shall be, just let us manage. Hold a new group in readiness for space people as you call us. There are many among you. Permit ----- and ---- a glimpse into the new dimension.

Contact very wavy, uncertain. Audible contact was made shortly thereafter and tapes made, which shall be put into another book.

May 23rd, 1968

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We are testing for responsiveness to new ideas. Writing was only one phase of mediumship we intend you to have. Persevere. Encourage all phases.

May 27th, 1968

***** ***** **** Our father, in the hearts of all, is calling, beckoning, pleading. He has given you a beautiful world, a planet of great beauty. There are those who are desecrating it and themselves. Even s loving indulgent father could not permit this destruction to go on forever. Some way must be found and is being planned to chastise those who destroy what their Father has created. There are new ages, new worlds, born from time to time but they are not all born of travail. The day approaches when all must be born anew. Prepare. Be of courage. Have faith in the ultimate goodness and renewal therewith. Mother, blessed art thou and those who assemble within this room. Stress the holiness and importance of that which transpires here. Stress the importance of love and faith in God the Father. Ask for that allegiance; to love, have integrity and concern for one another and the world. Stress the responsibilities of revelation. (You) Come of your own free will but once you knock and are admitted across the threshold, know there is no turning back or betrayal without consequences of regret and sorrow. Let us join hands and follow together the path of truth through light.

Veritas & Mary Ellen

***** ***** **** Mary, explain to your group, some remedies I prescribed were for individual cases; in many cases suitable for that one alone.

Edgar Cayce May 29th, 1968

***** ***** **** “Mother, hold close that which is good. Please the Lord our God by right thought, right deeds. Forgive and teach forgiveness.”

Mary Ellen

***** ***** **** Waiting, praying, believing. So shall it become reality. Let the words flow. This is the way. Speak words of wisdom for those waiting to hear. Healing rays penetrate all who pray in this room and all who receive should share. Amen I say to you. Love on another. That is the gospel, the word. Love ye one another as I have loved you. Believe and believing, share.


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June 3rd, 1968. This A.M. Senator Robert Kennedy was shot. On May 31st, at our circle Brother Shepush described a road lined with crosses; people nailed to each one. Soldiers piercing sides; brutalizing the tortured. He and Rama told us there would be a terrible time ahead. Warned us to be neutral in the coming days for our safety’s sake. They apologized for presenting a sad picture but said it would not be long when we would have to have courage to gaze upon brutality without panic or flinching. God help us all.

***** ***** **** I have been here many times. I shall try to write.


***** ***** **** We all sorrow for the tragedy which occurred this morning. The end is not yet in sight. Your beautiful country with her ideas of freedom and justice will be a long time in coming. The freedom promised all has been abused and no freedom remains. A leader should arise who will ask all to throw away their warlike toys, the guns, the knives; appeal to the young. Join a Pied Piper in a march to the sea. Throw away all instruments of destruction into the sea. Turn and embrace your brother before it is too late. We mourn. The patriotism of the Kennedy’s was a fine and beautiful thing. Let a leader arise among you who will give all for love.

Wm T. Stead

***** ***** **** Over all the earth prayers are being recited asking for repose of the soul. A soul in repose is not what the world needs but souls triumphant, courageous for the right. Compassionate, loving, acting, giving. Repose not. Act. Repose is stagnation, decay. Action, ever evolving. A poet put it beautifully in: “Tell me not in mournful numbers. Life is but an empty dream, for the soul is dead who slumbers – Arise! All wish for better days for your country.”

Mother Lakey June 6th, 1968

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Robert Francis Kennedy’s passing will have a profound effect for good. So often the world restricts, rejects, loves and hates uncontrollably. This soul has gained in stature. The day before his passing a deed of heroism was performed so like his very life. His plunge into the surf to save his son was like his plunge into life’s contacts. Swift, decisive, courageous, like his brother. Martin Luther King, Dag Hammerscold and many others shall all work together now for the good of humanity. No more persecution for ideals, no more petty ambitions or jealousies to becloud the radiance. His name belongs in history but his soul’s work goes on. Grieve not for that which might have been but take joy in what will be. There is a great moral awakening at hand. Give your prayers and thoughts to that.


***** ***** **** Bobby was a lad after my own heart. Impulsive, compassionate. Your country’s sorrow is a great thing to witness. Much good can be accomplished by men joining hands, reaching out, sharing other’s suffering. Blessed be the tie that binds. Would that it were a permanent condition.

Wm T. Stead

***** ***** **** Our original purpose in writing was to spread the word. It is more than that now. In the word is truth, love, purpose, sharing, loving, many things. Do you suppose if each of the circle was assigned a task they would sacrifice to accomplish it? The sincerity of purpose would tell us whether that one worthy of our time and effort. We are going to ask of each some effort. In fulfilling the task will be the knowledge and joy of accomplishment and proof of sincerity. There are many groups sitting, doing nothing but listening; contributing nothing to the common good. We shall see. We do not wish to frighten anyone away with threats of hard work. What we ask can be done during the natural course of the day. Do you realize you serve in opening you home, sharing your books, finding leads, observing, meditating, praying, caring for our room? We thank you Mary dear. They shall be told.

***** ***** **** On a waiting world love is descending. We are Brothers of Light. Anyone who can bring love, patience with one another, show kindness, aid the needy is a bringer of light. Obscure philosophies do not appeal to all. The sense of mystery, awe and adventure which some feel approaching the Thorne of Light is not shared by all either. Some fear the unknown, they draw apart in terror at the approach of one whom they once loved. This can be your mission; inspiring, telling, instilling confidence, that no harm could come from sources of love and light. Be not dismayed or hurt because of rejection or distrust. Prepare yourself for rejection or even betrayal, but fear not. Christ was betrayed. No harm shall come, no gift lost. Go forth in confidence and love.


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We are the little one’s companions. Her beauty and saintliness has been a joy. Many, so very many love her. She is the center of much activity and like her mother she is content to stand aside. Like you she has instigated many activities, opened many doors, then she slips quietly away. They are speaking of my daughter, Mary Ellen

Wm T. Stead

***** ***** **** The Anglo Saxon influence is very strong in your band, and although on this plane we all are brothers, nevertheless background training and thought as well as former associations draw certain groups together. The most important work on hand at the present is trying to form a group here, independent of other affiliations. Other contacts outside advised but this should be an advanced type of individual who may not think of himself as advanced, but whom we know is. He should be willing to explore – not afraid of the unknown, not single minded or prejudiced – one who will question and make certain of his facts because only then can he meet the challenge of other questioning minds. The age you live in will not tolerate old superstitions although many had origin in fact. The medium or teacher of today must be able to discuss logic and phenomena, no longer calling the manifestations of spirit “supernatural.” Education and the educated man of today wants and demands something more than blind faith. Faith is wonderful and blessed are they who believe even when they cannot see. The doubting Thomas’s of your world demand respect and there must be someone who can give the answers. Spirit shall endeavor to manifest in various ways to spur interest and awaken minds. Before the coming of the new century mediumship will not be a rare thing, but the purpose of mediumship will not just be to play parlor games. There is a plan behind it all which will reveal itself. Before the coming of the next root race much work needs to be done. With all this talk of mind and phenomena do not lose sight of the love which must be the underlying principle of all. Love of fellow man, love of truth, love of wisdom. Grant that all these may grow and the learned man, the kind man, and the wise one will not be looked on with suspicion as it was in my day. Your desire for serious work will be recognized and complied with. Go in peace this day and be assured we are working toward the same goal. Amen.

Joseph Alliene

***** ***** ****

Mary, in the early days of our acquaintance I was going to write a thesis for your study group. You do not need it now, therefore I shall only say; “Carry on old girl, carry on.”

The Masters of Wisdom have touched you and found it good. You are fulfilling your mission with love. Do not become discouraged.

Wm T. Stead

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Mother, pray God send angels to protect these men. Their feeling that the United States is a land of destiny is true. It is. Here we can see examples of Brotherhood in action. Love God and each other. May the will of the people show wisdom.

Mary Ellen

***** ***** **** Thoughts of love to all. Another day to explore the Universe. Your nice garden is enjoyed by many, here and there. Tell your friends of the circle to write out any questions they may have; we will endeavor to answer.

There really isn’t much of the hidden which cannot be revealed if one has the intellectual curiosity. Most beginners in this work are more interested in receiving messages which can give them a little contact with our world. Many do not care to know the inner workings of mind, body, and soul; how they function or survive. It is an advanced soul who wants to take the time for the philosophy and science of life.

To each seeker will come what his stage of advancement is suited. One cannot take people too far beyond their depth of understanding. Therefore to the philosophers let me say: study, think, but have patience with your slower brother. He may not have had an interest in higher (so called higher), teachings for his physical life depended on keeping his mind and strength on providing sustenance for his body and the physical well being of his family. If his efforts have released one of his loved ones from cares of this most necessary act, therefore freeing them to explore the unknown, he is blessed through them.

All of us should fulfill or should try to make good use of the talents we have been born with, using them and profiting or benefiting all. This is the story behind the talents in the Bible. All have work to do and a mission to perform.

Joseph Alliene

***** ***** ****

Sodom was not as evil. A wave approaches the shore washing clean. Fear not, we are prepared to receive those who with courage can proclaim the truth. Truth there is a Creator, proof that as we sow, so shall we reap. Proof that love is stronger that hate. Embrace ye one another. Families shall be torn apart. So too shall cities, towns, nations. Let us help to bind up the wounds with love. Mary, doubt not, dear one. We depend on you. You feel helpless, because you feel you have not succeeded in showing the example of love at home. You have a terrific task but persevere. Love, compassion, understanding – never lose it.

Veritas June 27th, 1968

(Had there been floods about this time?)

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The predictions I were given to me by Teachers of Light. The time draws near when all must know. Proclaim the promises of Corinthians! (Corinthians 1:1:12) Read the Bible with love and now awareness. Much of what has been written over many years were psychic revelations and the history of men seeking God. Much is being written today which far surpasses the Bible.

Edgar Cayce

***** ***** **** The teachers who attend are all equal in God’s Sight. You help each other on the upward climb. We know you enjoyed your visitors last evening. (Goethe and Volair). We plan to bring you more of the same. Prepare. Make more time for literary pursuits.


***** ***** **** The writing (automatic), was tapering off, not coming as regularly or as detailed as previously. I questioned why? Was instructed that first must type up and give for publication that which I had received. Communicator:

Writing shall resume strong and clear. What is it you wish most? Poetry? Messages, or instructions? There are so many facets of communication; we wish you familiar with them all. Do you love mystery? We shall ponder that too. No harm shall come. Your discrimination at the start told us which way you wanted to go. Now shall it be New Age work of messages to console the weary? We need New Age workers. We shall embrace newcomers with evidential material but as they study and adhere to a schedule we shall promote them as we have you. Are you aware of your advancement? Blessing and love.

***** ***** **** I felt a more disciplined line of study should be adhered to by the other members of the class. Some people just come to be entertained and it makes me impatient and annoyed with them. I should be above feelings of this kind but the teachers give so much of their time there must be a reason and purpose, so why not read, explore, investigate? We approve of the disciplined way. All nature follows laws of discipline. The time to sow, a time to mature, a time to reap, are all disciplines. Nature’s laws when hastened, an unripe fruit develops. Cells go wild or exhaust. Thought too should be disciplined individuals. Apply discipline in your circle. It will separate the wheat from the chaff. God be with you and grant success to your endeavors.

St. Edgar

***** ***** ****

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The American people will find these men to their liking. They will do much to inspire and will lead you into a new glorious age ahead.

St. Edgar August 9th, 1968

Republican Convention. Nixon and Agnew.

***** ***** **** Thoughts reach out as do the rays of light which you are viewing. (Was watching a candle flame). Steady sometimes, faltering other times. Note the strength of the beams, note how it tapers to a point. So do the rays of light descend upon you. So do your thoughts reach out to us. See how the ray strengths. (And the candle flame did). We are working to have you do very important work which cannot be told yet. Be patient, dear one. We do not neglect those who trust in us.

***** ***** **** The important thing in any successful endeavor is to do the task at hand. Keeping the eye on distant horizons is commendable if one does not stumble over the rocks or fall off a precipice he cannot see. Study and the joy of exploring the thoughts of men make’s an adventure in living but remember our daily tasks which we were placed here to do. Dream, study, explore, but love and service is just as sure a way of reaching heaven. (haven). We here study, explore, question and search. The search seems never ending but what we do learn is that first for any degree of advancement we must correct our mistakes of commission and omission.

***** ***** **** Eleusian Mystery Schools were schools for those desiring an answer to the mysteries of life. The rituals were beautiful, the requirements for entry, rigid. A discipline of learning, fasting, sacrifice was strictly adhered to. The High Priest did not mingle with the initiates at ceremonies. The lesser ones did not raise their eyes to look upon his face. That privilege must be earned. A full year went by before the next step was granted and only by examination by the teachers. Aura reading was depended on also when consideration for advancement were made. There was no mistaking a man when you could read his aura. The days hasten by. Time or conditions does not permit the strict regime a more leisurely age enjoyed. An age is coming to a close wherein all men should know. Nevertheless a discipline should be maintained; a study accomplished, a deed of self sacrifice preformed. The leader of the group bears the responsibility for the younger souls, just as your Master Teacher, so you assume for those who follow you. Your Master Teacher accepts some of your Karma. You must give thought to the love he expands for in doing so he sets himself back if you fail. Be discriminate when you accept any to the inner circle. Be just, be firm. You must accept the trust for now there is no turning back. Know dear children, the way is narrow, the way is long. The rewards great beyond you expectations. Amen.


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Sep. 2nd, 1968. At a séance at camp SiverBelle. Medium: Dennis Threlfall. His guide told us a great deal about UFO’s and their mission which was a verification of what we have received though our home circle. That is: Space people are endeavoring to prepare the Earth for the coming of Christ and also trying to purify our atmosphere. La Guardia spoke, said Lindsay was ruining the city. Winstin Churchill spoke and said both he and Roosevelt were sick men at Yalta and easily swayed by Russian intrigue. He (Churchill), considers the decisions made there the greatest mistake of his life. General McArther said: Viet Nam was a continuation of Korea, an unfinished incident, unsatisfactorily terminated. General Patten told of a great Canadian, great tactician, the real hero of World War II; later knighted. History will reveal his importance, although now he is scarcely remembered. Britain will lower value of pound once again. (It did).

***** ***** ****

Evening draws a mantel across the sky, hiding the misery seen in the light of day. The respite blacks out for a time the cruelties suffered. Those unable to love and use reason, use force. Revealing sunlight dismantles the souls and we see ourselves as we are. Death is like that. You are living under clouds of darkness now. Passage into the light will reveal yourself and those around you will stand revealed. So few really see while still roaming in the density of physical being. Pray for the release of spirit. Rejoice in transition. Love the great adventure (passing). Greet it when it comes. When it comes, not before. Live today, with all its density it is a phase unequaled. Experiences gained are not possible otherwise. Love of man for woman, love of woman for all, carry us to heights of sublime ecstasy and God is known on these heights.


***** ***** **** As we listen we learn. Yes we too learn, are learning all the time. We learn your needs, your ambitions, your joys. We try to fulfill these needs.

Wm T. Stead

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I knew Madan Blavatsky and had great respect for her. The study of Theosophy is the study of Theo, God. Be careful of many creeds, theories, and obscure

doctrines. Wm T. Stead

***** ***** **** Yes Mary, today you may know the will of the people. Tomorrow you will know the wisdom of the people. Robert Kennedy and I are concerned. We are concentrating our thoughts on which way to influence all for the greater good of humanity. Many things must be done to bring this nation back to the realization of her moral responsibility to her own people and to God. Others must learn their own lessons. We must cease influencing forcibly. By example show the world what a good moral nation can accomplish. Much talking has been done, let us get into action now and accept the will of the people. March forward, ending the war. Bring the best of our manhood of our nation home where they belong. An anxious time is ahead. Adjustments to peace are going to be very difficult. The economy will suffer. So many things could be done to ease mankind’s suffering to right many wrongs but all these things have an opposite reaction. Cars for example, the exhaust of which is polluting the air. Could be stopped but the material hardship resulting would cause great material losses. That is one example of a much needed reform but the cure is a questionable blessing. So with cease fires. Can we adjust to peace? How much do we want peace? How much are we willing to do without to enjoy it?

Robert Frost Election Day, 1968

***** ***** **** Mother dear, I come as a sitter in white. My work is primarily with unloved and unwanted children, also those hurt by war and conflict. At special times I am free to aid my own family. (I thanked her.) Loving needs no thank-you’s. It is our joy when we love unreservedly.

Mary Ellen

***** ***** **** A sitter saw a vision of Robert Kennedy tearing papers, destroying them. Without asking, we were given this explanation of the vision. Robert was tearing evidence of the murder of himself and his brother. Persecution helps no one. But, you say justice must be done. There too it takes courage to leave the judgment to God. Man must have his revenge. Pray the truth will never be known for Jack’s murderer’s name would bring disgrace upon us for history to debate in years ahead. Judgment is Mine, saith the Lord. You are thinking that crime cannot run rampant and go unpunished. True. So you see we have not the solution either. We try to work out problems; sometimes it is expedient to consider the lesser of the two evils. Where and in what situation will the least amount of hurt result?

Robert Frost

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There is much in the papers these days about the Cayce predictions of California and New York being submerged. Edgar Cayce replies: ‘Fear of such tragedy is useless. The time may come as predicted but fear not. The outcome is not imaginable. What purpose is served fearing today for something which you will probably not witness, or witness from afar? Sufficient to the day is the evil thereof.

November 17th, 1968

***** ***** **** I was discouraged because of the lack of dedication and regularity of some sitters in our mediation group. Mary, allow all – the chance to partake. Do not be dismayed if they are not constant. Having once tasted the water of truth, they can never forget. When light draws the time is right. They will arise and take up the staff. The remembrance of what you tried to give will be the desired. From then on they will be ready to work and sacrifice. Each one nourishes their own seed. You have helped the planting. Bless them. Pray the harvest will not be to late.


***** ***** **** The end of the war. They said it was a war to end all wars. There were idealist then who believed what they said. Wisdom was a great man. He was aware of the philosophy you call Spiritualism. His daughter held séances. Many of the great of that day attended. Chas Schwab held séances in his beautiful mansion. Andrew Carnegie endowed libraries thinking that through education man would find God. Leland Stanford left millions for a university to further explore the world they called beyond. The money was not used for the purpose he intended. There was much talk of God. Ideals were aimed for which if pursued, would have spread Peace and Love to a greater part of the world. Most of the millionaires of that era were born of very poor parents. Poor materially, but wealthy in ideals, truth and honor. A favorite saying than was “A gentleman’s word was good as a bond.” They lived by that code and many an advance along the way was sealed with only the clasp of a man’s hand. Armistice day, the end of a war, the end of an era.

November 11th, 1968

***** ***** **** Southern United States is this morning suffering severe hardships. Waves lashing the shores of Virginia Beach, my old home. Cold, snow, and ice, where people are not used to such severity. Truly, the world is changing. A slow change is not drastic in its punishment; the unprepared suffer.

Edgar Cayce November 13th, 1968

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Mary, start a new group for instruction and meditation. Search for more souls to send out forming a network of home circles. Have each one study and apply. Bring out the talents. Here teachers can meet eager souls and follow them on. The reason development classes hasten development is because of the meeting of minds and souls. Some we send to you. Some we know not of until meeting here.

***** ***** **** Dear friend; I want to wish you happiness the Holy Season. My son and daughter do not hear me when I call.


***** ***** **** Many beauties await you. Protect yourself. We want you to experience many wonderful things.

***** ***** **** We look into the sanctum, our room, partake of the blessings. Why do some people build walls instead of bridges? We love you so. Some are loved for their efforts (in furthering the cause of communication); some are loved even though no effort is made because they live a life of devotion to good. You are doing great work bringing realization to many. You submit your will to others shutting off the flow of psychic energy which could be used. Instead you let others advance. Each time you step aside for these other seekers another star is added to your crown. It is known that these too shall pass and leave the fold but mother shall continue. So be it. Mother, it is a joyful experience to be able to talk to each other, is it not? Much happiness will be brought though your circle of light.

***** ***** **** Regarding an attempted sitting with newcomers:

“Too much taking. Relax. Meditate. Go into silence. Greet us with quiet love and a quiet spirit.”

***** ***** ****

I sensed the presence of Joseph Alliene, one who had given some beautiful writings. The verification came: Yes Mary, Joseph Alliene, the Puritan preacher who spoke freely and was disgraced. Thank you for thoughts of me. Almighty God whose wondrous force pervades all, send truth and wisdom to these your children. Illumine our minds so that we may in day to day living express only that which is worthy of your ideals of truth, justice and mercy. Amen.

Joseph Alliene

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***** ***** **** Around the world the sound goes, a call to all to hear. Pray for Peace! Peace! The sounds of war increase, stronger then the call to peace. Increase in volume, oh souls of love. Increase in number you who strive for peace. Pray as you never prayed before. Your leaders are now taking heed to your cries and trying to end the war. Robert Kennedy is a strong voice for peace.

William Hamer August 13th, 1967

***** ***** **** Love abounds here though unknown to earth; we love and do our best to aid struggling humanity, but the channel is not always open. Benefits do not come unless the earth’s people tune in. In your electrical systems is unlimited energy but everyone does not benefit, simply because the appliance may be beyond their means. This holy and beneficial aid, energy, vibration, or whatever you wish to call it is available for the taking. All one needs to do is tune in. None are so blind as those refuse to see.


***** ***** **** The wars, murdering, pillaging, destroying; these evil live on in the hearts of many. Pray, for the night’s coming, pray, for the darkness overwhelms.

***** ***** **** Stonehenge: Druids worshiped there. The towering rocks pointing east greeted the sun and the moon rising and shining there made a beautiful sight. Weather, seasons, coming of God’s creatures from afar were greeted there. St. Edgar worshiped there many times. It was old (Stonehenge), when he was young. (about 900 A.D.) The peace of God reigned and the soul of man shone as bright as the moon.

***** ***** **** When circulation ceases to function properly many dangers ensue. Exercise more. Motion! Motion! The elimination must be looked after also. Strange the way the circulatory system functions. Frequent hot baths, long walks, deep breathing, will benefit. Less carbohydrates, more fresh vegetables and pure water.

Edgar Cayce

***** ***** **** Losa Tze welcomes the daughter of truth. Meditation and contemplation teaches when all else fails. The quiet way succeeds. Many times I have come but did not identify. I am not important. Wise men have told many things that I have learned to be true. If I can help further their wisdom I am privileged. So be it.

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From many parts of the earth we come. Some would say I am a dark man but the blood that flows through my veins shows the many physical qualities of (a) lighter man. The soul is colorless or vibrant with color depending on the spiritual development of the soul.

***** ***** **** Eons have passed. Time flies. We may live a lifetime or many lifetimes and never become aware of other worlds, other then the one we occupy at present. When light begins to break advancement is rapid.


***** ***** **** Rama, our bright and shining Light has led me to you. May our association be a happy one. Your great compassion helps those who are in need of love and prayer. In your astral flights you often help the sick, the ones afraid. In this I shall aid you. Your Mary Ellen is an angel of mercy, her mother the example long ago. Together we shall work, but together we shall not always be. Love while you may, till another day when we advance to realms unknown. Your friends are souls of compassion and have work to do.

***** ***** **** Light a little red light for part of the séance. We have been trying to materialize but need more strength from the sitters. You will be able to see the materialized form better in red light. Moisten the trumpet before sitting. Water does help vibrations. Each one should also drink a glass of water. Relax, be not over anxious as that causes tensions. Do not be afraid. Forces for good surround thee. Once the channel is open the voice of love will thunder through to you.

Wm T. Stead

***** ***** **** So you wish to know the mystery of life, the way in which a soul progresses! So do we all. Just crossing the line does not provide the answers. When the time comes more will be revealed but as the Bible tells us, “There are things we could not bear to know now.” As we are able to understand, so will revelation come, little by little. With all thy knowing get understanding. The Way, the Truth and the Light; the brightness we must grow accustomed to.

Edgar Cayce

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I asked my daughter about her work over there. Reply: “I try to answer the calls of those who need love coming over. Then we care for them so they are not afraid. Mother, we must love the unfortunates who have nowhere to turn. When your heart swells with love, it radiates out to those in need.”

Mary Ellen

***** ***** **** You should assert yourself more. Assert with confidence, love and humility. Let little minds play with little things. We shall ascend the Path with love, humility, and truth. Come what may, we shall ascend together. Stay at home. Avoid unnecessary travel. Bring Light into the Sanctum. Peace, Mother dear. Wait upon the Lord in our room. Here is peace and love. Many would partake of thy hospitality if they only knew. Bless those who see not but yet believe.

Mary Ellen and Edgar Cayce

***** ***** **** Eye as watching, arms waiting, hearts loving. Greater love hath no man than (when) he thinks of others when his prayers should be for himself. Be careful and unafraid. Be prepared each day to work with God’s help. Do not allow doubts to gain ground. Remember the constant things, not the inconsistencies. Instill confidence that with effort shall come reward.

Edgar Cayce

***** ***** **** Words of loving kindness act as a pebble thrown into a quiet lake; it spreads farther and farther and encircling all within its radius. Be glad for the day the Lord has made.


***** ***** ****

Group Development The little group did well. The gain not apparent to you but very satisfactory to us. The quiet permitted us to work well with the adjustment of chemicals. There is a difference of chemical balance and glandular development. Thinking on the things you do brings about these changes. Just as nervous, mean thinking people are prone to ulcers, so cheerful, loving, right thinking individuals, those more tolerant of the human foibles, bring about other and better conditions in the human body. Prayer does other things, and so on and on the truism is proved, “As man thinketh, so is he.”

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Lesser spirits sometimes come in masquerading as great personages. Separate the wheat from the chaff. Let your intelligence decide in the final analyses. Tell your doubts to no one. Be unceasingly alert. Trust in the ultimate good. Believe, but not as an unintelligent human being. It is nicer to be loved with awareness then through (sentiment ?) and blind faith.

Wm T. Stead

***** ***** **** If mediumship is desired sit in a softly lit room same hour, same chair (place), same time, quietly expecting, knowing it will transpire. Regularity and patience is rewarded. Your desire will become known and chemists will work with you. Be loving and pure in thought, word and deed. Why do you want mediumship? If your object is to help and bring happiness to others you can be sure it will not be long before phenomena develops. Be sure your aim is not selfish or from a desire for sensationalism.

***** ***** **** Remarkable and unbelievable as it sounds, there is much peace abroad today. Despite wars which are raging unnamed, unrecognized, or unacknowledged by your leaders. Still peace reigns in the hearts of many. Untold millions are praying for peace and there is a great yearning for love and understanding among men. Brotherhood is fast becoming true brotherhood, not so much among different colors of men, but the educated man’s concern for help for the less fortunate. Education for all, not for the privileged few. Spiritual awakening is taking place all over the globe, even to the walls of sacred places, where in the past all were shut out except there own. Remarkable how the barriers, the “Wall of Jericho,” are tumbling down and the Vatican now grants heavenly rewards to all outsiders. Many whites are ready to say the black man his equal. However the black man must cease the belligerent attitude and recognize equal opportunities are his. Communist efforts are succeeding in causing unrest. Note which way the winds are blowing. Be prepared for a turbulent summer (1968), but believe in the peace in the hearts of men. Believe.


***** ***** **** Love is so strong! Love creates, love forgives. Love the little ones and even those who make errors. (Note they do not say sin.) It (love) is the strongest force in the world, the earth, or the heavens. Ask the children to pick the cherries. All children love God’s bounty. The way to a greater harvest is to open the gates.

Mary Ellen The above is in reference to a cherry tree in our yard. When we go out the children come and pick and break branches. We were very annoyed, but now feel very ashamed.

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Best advancement made it solitude. Prepare with joy and anticipation the coming phenomena. Remove all doubts and fears. Be prepared for joys and sorrows, for as you cast the pearls some will turn and rend you but the blessings you share will bring untold joy. A few thorns do not spoil the beauty of the rose. Live with confidence, Love with compassion, Work with joy.

St. Edgar

***** ***** **** Rise with the dawn, each day prolong. Many sides has a prism, light falling on all, producing an array of colors. The colors are all vibrations of differing intensity, like our souls, radiating lights. Some light, some dark. Brilliant to the world thy shining light. Make all within the radius happy. Bring to all the warmth of your love, an unselfish love. Your family, your friends, pupils, garden; all feel the warmth, are encouraged and will thrive.


***** ***** **** Tiredness in the morning due to astral flights by nights.

***** ***** **** Home, the place where we rest, grow, work and dream. Home where our lives are spent in either sorrow or joy. Home which develops man, inspires or destroys him. Blessed the house where love reigns. Everyone who enters in shares the spiritual light. Some leave their influence for good, some disturb, but prayer like a gentle breeze restores the peace. Blessings.

***** ***** **** Mary Ellen wishes thoughts of love and charity to go forth. May the light of love and truth encircle all. Continue meditation. Healing will be manifested. Put the touch of love and benediction on all.

***** ***** **** Repeat after each day’s meditation. “I am surrounded by the pure White Light of Christ. The Christ spirit envelops all within my influence.”

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Instructions to those experimenting with psychic phenomena: There is danger from low astral forces. Use reason until forces are built up with prayer, service and meditation. Earth bound spirits try to interfere. It is harder for advanced entities to lower to the earth’s vibrations, therefore they are slower in coming in. Your vibrations must be raised. Always start with prayer. Always say, “In Christ’s name, let only the good come through.” Take a verse from the Bible for meditation each week. It has been said, “seek and you shall find. Knock and it shall be opened unto you. If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, see how it grows – to a tree of great dimensions.”

***** ***** ****

Explanation of Circle Guides Controls and guides are usually one and the same. Sometimes little guides, happy, playful spirits are sent to relax the circle. Someone higher is guiding and controlling them. When first developing many guides and controls are tried. The one will stay who works best with the medium. The medium attracts people of like temperament, or if anxious to learn, sincere, and wishes to be of help to others, teachers will be sent to help in the spiritual development.

Wm T. Stead

***** ***** **** Desire to know God? He is all about you. Fell the gentle rain, encouraging growth, nourishing. Even the smallest insect or creature speaks of God’s wisdom, for all have our part to play.

***** ***** **** Insist on a few minutes of study and discussion. The class must have their goal in mind throughout the week. We cannot gather one night a week for excitement only. The object is to grow, to learn and with learning, we hope will come wisdom. Wisdom to have the courage of convictions, to lead others with love and humility. Never lose sight of the fact that knowledge or any of the gifts bestowed brings responsibility. Enough for now. Too long a lesson will put them to sleep and we cannot become preachers who bore to a point of exhaustion. Love, my dear ones, your teachers assemble.

Edgar Cayce

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It is our wish that there could be more regular attendance, and the same people. A changing of forces does not make for the best conditions where a steady climb is desired. Be good to one another. Stay together, pray together. Blessings descend.


***** ***** **** I am Too Loo who comes, bringing great revelations to your friends. Very many come in just wishing to be heard with nothing to say. These souls have great strength and persistence. They hover near never wishing to advance to higher realms. Invite them in and they will remain. They will become a trouble to you and waste your time. Insist they do not remain or insist they stay and be quiet. They can learn if they will be still. Some are souls of no wisdom and are blocking your teachers from afar. If you are content with nonsense there you will remain. Bless and dismiss.

***** ***** **** As the circle knits into a unit of strength teachers will be there at all times. They will not come unless there is a close bond. Just an occasional visit on each side does not have the strength of an unbroken chain. Links must be forged. Sincerity, freedom from doubt, trust. Forge the chain and the links will hold. Pray for a successful circle. To the students – notify, positively – your attendance must be regular. Pray that only the good will prevail. Help the troubled ones. Tell them to have no fear. Love surrounds. The Light of God is within each and every soul. Proceed loved ones.

***** ***** **** Thoughts which flow into your mind should be written down. Trust spirit and yourselves. The mind can work faster than any other faculty. Inspirational writing comes in with trust and honesty as it did with automatic writing. Why hesitate? Do you not invite us to use your voice, your hands, your bodies? Acknowledge that which is sent mentally. Blessing dear ones. Trust yourselves as you trust us. All will be well. Yes, separate the wheat from the chaff but destroy not the wheat, the germ of life.

***** ***** **** Peace be with you and with your spirit. I am Joseph who traveled to Glastonbury with other pilgrims. Mary, you are a descendant of those who strove to spread the Word. Go to your new environment spreading out as you have done here. Vitarius and Mother Lakey are with you. When you sleep you will visit the Temple. Vitarius will conduct you there. Purify your thoughts to assist in the journey. Do not look back for in doing so you cannot see what lies ahead.

Joseph of Armathea November 4th, 1969

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I asked for words of wisdom for our evening meeting. Reply: “Mary dear, great words of wisdom we shall not impart to thee to give our dear friends. Rather love and thanks for permitting us to gather. May we have a happy hour together and leave renewed and refreshed for the coming week.” (The following is a continuation of last message). From we to thee our love do send, From thee to we and power blends, Strengthening our Faith Strengthening our Love Join thoughts and hands, with those above.

***** ***** ****

Behold the glory of the morning, the joy, the friendship, love and laughter. Happiness is God’s wish for you. Joy in sharing all, sharing ideas, food, clothing. Sharing all, for only in sharing do things multiply. How can this be? Multiplication by division? It works.

***** ***** **** Von Daniken’s books will be substantiated in many ways before long. Most are suppositions guessing, eager to solve the puzzle of man’s origin. At the right time the true revelation will come. When the time is right all will be accomplished. There is a time to reap and a time to sow.

***** ***** **** To Mary; The book you are reading is the perverted history of earth. We, your teachers, try to communicate what we know. Please understand that one person cannot understand the immensity of it all. Have faith in the ultimate survival of that which is good. That which is evil will be cast into the fires for the benefit of all. Purification takes from time to time. Your Heavenly Father shows great love and compassion and does not destroy through whimsy.

***** ***** **** Mistletoe was used as a medicine many years ago. It is good for arm pains, warts and growths. It will remove ugly spores. Use it sparingly as there is danger in too great an application.

***** ***** **** There is much to be gained by group meditation. The power is raised 3 X 3, 10 X 10. The force.

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Holly on the bough; Legend has foundation in fact. Hollyberry is a symbol of love under the thorns or trials of life. Note the strength of the branches. Symbols of strength and tenacity to which life flows regardless of the discomforts of thorns. Note also in what abundance the berry manifests, love abundant. So too the branches grow straight and strong; not drooping or curved. They grow straight even when bowing out of the main trunk. No curves or weakness here. Decision, courage. The beautiful luster of the leaves speak of the inner light.

***** ***** ****


It is our link with the heart of God, and it is vital while in the flesh to keep the daily time for meditation. The uplifting fills one with the glory and peace of God and sometimes reveals secrets of the universe. The rewards are not only great in our day to day living, but on making our transition we adjust more quickly.

***** ***** ****

Reincarnation We are not forced to return. It is up to each individual soul. We review our lives, we are our own judges. We freely choose to do that which will aid in one soul’s development. Or you can waste your time just as so many of us do now.

***** ***** ****

Happiness You can make your life happy and full of joy for yourself and others. Happiness comes from inside yourself. Be patient, loving and tolerant.

***** ***** ****

Bodies of Man Four lower bodies, each with a different type of energy. Physical Emotional Mental Etheric Some philosophies list bodies as physical, etheric, astral, mental and causal. Astral (emotional) possess all the sense of the physical and more besides.

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Life exists on many levels. There is atomic life, cellular life, molecular life, elemental, proteins, mineral, plant, animal, man, planetary, cosmic and so on beyond our comprehension. There is a natural flow and rhythm to life. There is order. In order for us to thrive we should let the energies of life flow through us.

***** ***** ****

Angels, Guardian Archangels and Christ The dimension of consciousness where beings other than the souls of men exists, and at times influence the lives of men. Consider this separately from extra-terrestrials. “Man was made a little lower that the angels, yet with the power to become one with God; while an angel remains an angel.” Our guardian angel is ever before the throne of grace for each and every soul. You are guided and guarded and protected as has been promised from the foundations of the world. He that walketh in the Light and in his heart wishes to do and be that which the Creative Forces would have one be, shall not be left alone. See 23rd Psalm. The records of each entity are a part of the universal consciousness. Remember, “In as much as ye did it unto the least of my little ones, you did it to me.” Walk with love.

***** ***** ****

Attitudes In all occult schools the pupil is first taught to forget all else when a new teaching is being given, to allow no pre-justice to govern, but to keep the mind in a state of calm, dignified waiting. Skepticism will blend (or lead), us to truth but a calm trustful attitude of mind will allow intuition or teaching from within to reveal a truth to us. You are not asked to believe all things blindly but be open – ask, is this possible? As we advance, greater vistas of truth will open to us. As you investigate (the ‘unseen worlds’), you will experience an expansion of consciousness.

***** ***** **** Cycles are waves of vibration: as waves of water, (ocean tides), evolutionary waves of peace, radio waves, cycles of life and death, moon, seasons.

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Higher Planes They are essentially higher degrees of consciousness.

Those on the lower planes usually have great difficulty advancing to higher, where as those on some of the higher planes encounter no difficulty in descending.

Those in the next state (higher), are more aware of us that we are of them. There is little those of the higher consciousness can tell us for we would not understand. To describe is

difficult to put into words, but remember, all is consciousness. Those who progress are ready for higher learning in the esoteric sense, Edgar Cayce has said that a soul between lives goes to Uranus (the planet of learning and discipline), or other planets.

Many planets are occupied by spirit forms in various states of consciousness. Some in higher, some in lower that the earth dwellers.

***** ***** **** Dynasties and temples pass on to mingle with the dust of the land. Man, the individual spirit evolves upwards and onwards thru many earth lives to eventually gain a more glorious understanding of himself and the universe.

Teachers of Wisdom

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Re-embodiment (Reincarnation)

Too long has man listened to the pessimistic belief of: “Dust thou art, and to dust returneth, heedless of his (unconquerable), immortal soul.

***** ***** **** In your daily meditation say: “I am ready to learn, please show me the way.”

***** ***** **** When the pupil is ready the teacher appears.” With a serene desire to learn you will be guided to the proper church, temple, medium, teacher, group, occult society or whatever is right for you at the present state of your enfoldment.

***** ***** **** At night ask to be taken to a temple of learning. (While you sleep).

***** ***** ****

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The purpose of a teacher is to give forth light and light means wisdom.

***** ***** **** Have we not all, at sometime or other uttered a cry of anguish or an exclamation of joy and thankfulness? These were prayers, prayers from the heart and they were received into the heart of Reality. No prayer with sincere thought behind it ever goes unanswered. Pray, believing and it will come to pass.

***** ***** **** In prayer we speak to the Infinite God. In meditation He speaks to us.

***** ***** ****

Learn the prayer of old. Peace I bring to you. Peace.


***** ***** **** Prayer can be one word. Prayer can be an attitude. Silent waiting for a word from God or Spirit is prayer.

***** ***** ****

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Chapter 2 Communication

The Last Year and a Half.

Editor’s Note’s……… From this page on until the end of this chapter are (in chronological order), the communications of the last year and a half of the channel’s life. They were taken directly from the original writings. Some words are left out of some stanzas because I could not make them out. If the word is underlined, this means it is the channel’s or editor’s best guess at the word. There are times when there is no reason for a particular response from a teacher or other incoming author. I can only infer that a private question was asked with the channel not wishing the question to be put on paper. As stated in her introduction, the channel lived in New York most all of her life. In the last two years of her life she moved to Shreveport, Louisiana to live with her granddaughter and her granddaughter’s husband Judy and Robert. The channel’s health, I was told, was in good to fair condition up until the last week of her life.

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Tommy’s birthday, he wrote: “I love you.” And signature was just as he signed.

***** ***** **** May 30th, 1984 The Anti-Christ’s assemble. Be discriminating with the literature. Do not accept without question. You have been aided many times by our Brother Jesus. He prefers Brother, but we know him as Master of Masters, Lord of our world.

Armand Explanation: was reading a great deal at this time of “I am,” writing from St. Germain and Bridge.

***** ***** ****

June 6th, 1984 I have been with you many times and have watched over and loved my name sake. Tell her to think of me and I will try to impress her with my presence. Your Aunt Lillian and you husband have become great friends. There are many here who used to crowd around when you gathered together for prayers and song. Love from all of us, especially your father and husband.

Grandma Kate Derry She was talking about channel’s daughter Catherine Derry Handy

***** ***** **** June 14th, 1984

Great White Brotherhood are not only brothers. There is a Sisterhood too whom we should honor and love. Mother Lakey and your dear daughter are qualified. They appear in garments of White with headdress as the nuns you are familiar with. Love, compassion, a great intellect and many lives spent in love and sacrifice qualify them for the honor and great responsibility. Mary Ellen sends her love to you.


***** ***** **** June 19th, 1984 Eagerly we wait your coming each night. Ask to be taken to the halls of learning. Learning brings knowledge and knowledge responsibility.

Sholem & Armond

***** ***** ****

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June 22, 1984 You are very fortunate in having Millie for a friend. Treasure her, bless her. God grant her many years of protective guidance. She is a beacon to many. Your Martha too is very dear to us. May you three continue your friendship for the days grow short and every precious moment counts. There should be others soon. Suggest a meditation period if you can.


***** ***** **** June 24th, 1984 Many years ago as you measure time we knew each other. I was Edgar the Peaceful. The people called me that. I did try to unite the many sects, tribes, duchys, whatever you wish to call them. Marriage was planned for me to a girl of noble lineage. I was in love with you and the rest of my life was spent in loving you. We were very happy and we had three children. I did my duty as king and married the one chosen for me, trying to be honorable, kind and loving to you both, for there were many qualities in my Lady, the Queen, which one could not help loving and admiring. The children were raised well and provided for. I feel there was no dishonor to our alliance. Gertrude, your niece, was one of your children.


***** ***** **** July 12th, 1984 Remember our Brother Pio (or Peo). He has made his ascension to the White Brotherhood which is harder to do than to earn the title of “Saint” from the church. Among others, Dr. Peterfrie is also with us anxious to help.


***** ***** **** July 26th, 1984 Our mantel of Light descends, envelops and protects. Believe you are growing in strength each day.


***** ***** ****

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July 27th, 1984 Medical advice:

Decrease salt and sugar. A vinegar drink and rub should also help. Safflower or peanut oil on salads. Two eggs a week essential, but do not overdue on eggs. A happy frame of mind. Walk. A morning and evening walk. Also do exercises as in book. Ever a loved one.

Larry Peter

***** ***** **** July 28th, 1984 (Rosen) Roser. Gratitude to many who with love do come. Joy in the hearts of all who share the blessings. Night comes. Visit us in the celestial hall of learning. Ask to remember.

Anointed One

***** ***** **** August 2nd, 1984 Love from Tommy. Mary Ellen too send her love. Robbie heard the tape. Robbie; Sorry you could not visit with my Mother. Write to her. I will be will you when you write and with her when she reads it.

***** ***** **** August 6th, 1984 Mary dear, Sai Bara is a great medium. A spiritually advanced man. One of many who will appear in these last days before the coming of the ONE, the true ONE. Does not the book tell you there will be many who can perform wonder? There is no evil in this man. He will lead many into the Light, but he is not the Light. There is light in each one of us. Some shine as a small candle, some as a 60 watt bulb, some there will be as a dazzling beam. By there Light you will know them. But the true Light that lights everyone in the world is too bright to behold. That is the Light we should strive to merge with. Continue reading your book for the man and his accomplishments, but do not venerate him.


***** ***** ****

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August 10th, 1984 Question: I would like your explanation of the word ‘Octave”. Answer: On each plane there are 7 (seven), degrees of advancement. There are 7 (seven), planes before we reach the God-head, or Monad.

***** ***** **** August 11th, 1984 Conflicting theories confusing a very simple fact. God of all, giver of life; part me, part you. In me, in you. One and all God’s children, red, white, black, good or evil; He loves us all. Why bother with any lesser being? Go to Him first. You can honor great beings of the past who have loved Him. Many are worthy of love and respect, but if it becomes confusing – choose God. Love Him and Jesus, a representative of God on earth. Follow His precepts. Love one another. Do unto others as you would be done by. Honor the Mother of Jesus. Accept her love and guidance. Do not confuse yourself any further. He knew of your great curiosity and yearning for truth. Explore if you must, but in your morning and evening meditations return to the everlasting God, the Father.

St. Martin

***** ***** **** August 14th, 1984 Edgar, an emissary of love. Mary, do not despair. Events approaching which will give you great happiness. Live each day as contented as you can. Help where you can. Endeavor yourself to those nearest you with patient understanding. Although you have separated yourself from friends and relatives do not regret the social life you left behind. Love and friendship are here too in great abundance. Relay a message to Martha. Bless her and thank her. Let Millie enjoy her Philosophy. Refrain from questions at this time. Keep silent.

***** ***** **** August 14th, 1984 Now is the time to stop and pray: “Dear Father, I thank Thee for all my blessings.” Slowly the circle widens.


***** ***** ****

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August 19th, 1984 Telarius from Macers Circle

You have not forgotten. Bless you. Marcers wish to visit. Mary dear, we have met your dear husband and we are very happy that he is doing so well. He has created many works of art and is sorry you did not keep the Divine Heart. He will try to get you another. You could try painting it and he may be able to assist you. Make an effort to get a small canvas and paints. Show us your interest and we will try to create another one for you. Good night. Take care of yourself and do not get discouraged.

Genenive & Wylie For Tommy

***** ***** **** August 27th, 1984 Allow us to remain. Vitarius (is) instrumental in helping me to reach you. If your friends decide to give time for meditation we will see what we can do to make ourselves known to the true seekers. The start must be made from your plane. Proper frequencies will then be established for happy communication.

Marius and (or) Telarius

***** ***** **** August 29th, 1984 Stead your old friend. We come with words not so wise but comforting. Many here would like it if you could have a circle. Estelle (Stead’s daughter), Raymond Lodge, and many others anxious to resume. Teachers are many, anxious to help the bereaved and advance knowledge. You need young people with strength and the desire to serve and spread the word. The stone comes from Wales.

Wm T. Stead

***** ***** **** September (??), 1984 Malna says do miss you, does think of you often. I will try to get through to the man (Toni), and get a message to you, would that make you happy? Vitarius has aided me tonight in doing this writing. Your friend Stead is a jolly good chap and in on this too. Love from all of us. Your loving uncle.

William H

***** ***** ****

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September 9th, 1984 Reach out to embrace those you meet who will share the adventure in joy and tranquility. Sharing will bring happiness to all.

Geraldine Cummings English auto writer – wrote of

Early Christians and Disciples.

***** ***** ***** September 9th, 1984 Glory be to God, His Angels, and His Saints. Count Katy as a saint. No need to canonize her, God knows.

Sholem Had a healing from Katy and felt great for almost a week.

***** ***** **** September 13th, 1984 Mary dear, do not allow the uninformed to discourage you.


***** ***** **** September 13th, 1984 Your father and I had a great reunion with our sister Lillian. We come together often and sing together. All our family loved music. When you play the piano we receive your thoughts and join in. Try to play more often. Vitarius has aided me tonight in doing this writing. Your friend Stead, is a jolly good chap and in on this too. Love from all of us. Your uncle

William Hamer Channel’s father’s older brother.

***** ***** **** September 13th, 1984 We all send our love and glad you are adjusting. Many miss you so keep up your correspondence to make them happy. Love surrounds.

Mary Ellen.

***** ***** ****

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September 27th, 1984 Nowhere are there more closed minds than vicinity which you now find yourself. Allow free breeze to circulate through. Aid it without giving away to much. Caution, bless.

***** ***** **** September 29th, 1984 Take care of the cold which is developing. We would like you to go to Sunday’s activities. We are glad you had a happy day. Go to bed now. And rest. Take plenty of fluids tomorrow.

***** ***** **** October 1st, 1984 Mary Ellen wants to tell you she loves you. Try hard Mother to keep a happy outlook. Go with the day Wednesday, it will become key for you. Danny loves you. Send Derry a letter, it will make her happy.


***** ***** **** October 1st, 1984 Recommends bone meal. We can improve your platelets.


***** ***** **** October 4th, 1984 We wish that we could gather a few more friends who would be (ma_____). To learn for your so called psychic work. Write to your grandson JT, and tell him of your desires. Ask if he remembers our gathering? Limiting activities would aid, not hinder, his progress. Tell him to ask for the Highest. A teacher of Light will respond if he is sincere in his search for truth; caution him against those who seek only after the sensational. Bless all who seek.


***** ***** ****

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October 6th, 1984 Take time to pray with us. When you see Martha, thank her for us. Her sister Barbara will be healed. Acquaintance with rewarding to all. You will hear from a man. Allow him entrance, we will give you a message for him at that time. Recall Queens Village days. (______), write Marji again. Love Vitarius, Mary Ellen, George and Mother.

Vitarius & Padre Pio

At the end of this passage when it say’s; “and Mother,” this could be Mother Lakey.

***** ***** ****

October 15th, 1984 Greetings. Do not allow new-found ideas to cause you to discredit all you have gained. If there is truth in any of it hold and add to your great (acquishness ?). Open your heart to the goodness of love surrounding you.


***** ***** ****

October 18th, 1984 Dear Mary, St. Cecelia wants to help you with your music. We want you to be happy and music will do that for you. Mr. Stead and I want you not to get discouraged. More friends will come who will be interested in communication. Tomorrow night shall be rewarding. Mention your desire for a home circle.

Mother Lakey Friday night went to Lynda Peters, Beautiful evening. They gave me books on Findhorn, but have no desire to further develop.

***** ***** **** October 28th, 1984 Yes, near at hand is the nucleus of a group. New age server’s, trust us just awhile longer, attend the church, a family united. Brian is an exceptional boy, speak to him of love and nature and anything you are inspired to; his mind is a sponge and absorbs. See to it that he is surrounded with purposeful activities. He will analyze and select wise(ly).


***** ***** **** October 31st, 1984 We will aid those whom you are praying (for).


***** ***** ****

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October 31st, 1984 (Halloween) Brother Demertrius joins us.


***** ***** **** November 4th, 1984 Peace.


***** ***** **** November 8th, 1984 New Age philosophy. New Age religion, new thought. Let the cool breeze of the new day cleanse. Rejuvenate, open wide the doors of your heart. Love, love, love. Open the wonders of your mind to let (in) bright rays of truth. Love and Truth triumphant.

Layola & Vitarius - Brother of Light

***** ***** ****

December 6th, 1984 Telarius always love, Peace. Dear one, brief contact (_________).

Edgar Sneezing interrupted what I felt was going to be a good contact.

***** ***** ****

December 19th, 1984 Your advice to Joice was greatly appreciated, love.


***** ***** **** December 20th, 1984 Or rendezvous with you each night affords us the opportunity.


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December 27th, 1984 To see a circle of friends who seek faithful attendance and a desire to know truth. Meet, meditate and share. It can be done and communication accomplished. Spread the word, many waiting to know.


***** ***** **** January 1st, 1985 Please make an effort to write each night. A channel will grow stronger, it is like making a road, then never walking over it. Soon the weeds will grow over it, making the way more difficult. Do not be disturbed if Judy (channel’s granddaughter), changes the room. It will be more pleasant there, and of course (_____) can interfere with our communication. All here wish you a very happy year. Your health is improving, your friends multiply. Blessings on you all.

Armand Peace be with you. And bless you all. Edgar, Vitarius, Tommy, Mary Ellen, your Dad and many others. Helen Gow called, inviting me out, possibly another friend.

***** ***** **** January 10th, 1985 Peace and love.


***** ***** **** February 18th, 1985 Mary dear, we wish you would resume regular meditation. Padre Pio will aid your healing work. Don’t be afraid to demonstrate. Proceed with the Bible study, but don’t give up on your other studies. Tall Pine remembers, so do many others.

Padre Pio

***** ***** ****

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Editor’s Note: This next passage has no date with it. I put it here chronologically because 1 - I found it here, 2 - the channel’s health at this time was not well but improving, 3 – it fits.

Your health is improving each day. The bladder condition will need your assistance. Rest with legs elevated a few minutes a day, keep as active as you can without strain. The arthritis will go

gradually. Accept healing when it is a friend. The boys will be very happy about your gifts, you can spare it. Do not fear for the future. You will never know need.

Amen, Amen, those who love you. Edgar, Armand and Vitarius, Mother Lakey and your precious child, her daddy, your father, aunts, uncles, grandparents, friends, St. Anthous and Antonius.

The parade goes by, Grandpa, Grandma Kennedy, the Kennedy boys, on and on. Marie Dressolis

Don’t forget us.


***** ***** **** March 7th, 1985 Hand write now to Martha. Tell her, her child loves her and you.

***** ***** **** March 7th, 1985 Easter Sunday Your request is not impossible. We try our best and ask your indulgence. Permit Edith to accompany you even if she is not aware. She is ready. You shall be her teacher for the time being until her soul companions know she is ready. Peace be unto to you.

Edgar, Vitarius and (Lo)

***** ***** **** March 7th, 1985 Easter Sunday Events transpire, circle around. Heaven wills that once again we gather together for mutual help Vititus, Lucuis. Truth though Light is Blessed, are they who come in the name of the Lord. Hallelujah.


***** ***** **** March 11th, 1985 As (______) letter arrives, surprise awaits. Read with care before answering.

Edgar & Armand

***** ***** ****

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April 9th, 1985 We love to see you happy. Visualize an organ and you will have me. Do not get careless with your diet. Look toward your trip to New York. Your friends will welcome you. A new group will form. Give guidance, William could now. Helen will return to the fold, gather together to greet Jesus. Sananda Roselady will join you.


***** ***** **** April 12th, 1985

3 - Trinity - Any who love and share. Father, son and Holy Spirit and Faith, Love Charity. Question: Start Circle? Answer: Yes.

***** ***** **** April 14th, 1985 We are glad you are meeting people you can talk too. There will be Truth in Light group forming soon. It can be here or elsewhere so long as you are director or leader.


***** ***** **** April 15th, 1985 Thinking of Betty Jacks all A.M. She called – will be there Thursday. Prepare lessons, guidance and help will be given. Vitarius will again join us as will Padre Pio and Tall Pine, also Mother Lakey. Your husband will resume his task of protecting the group. All Well?

***** ***** **** April 19th, 1985 Great changes will take place, be ready for them by keeping informed. Inspiration and courage will be given to you. Do not be afraid to write as inspired, it is quicker. Good night now my beloved.


***** ***** **** April 20, 1985 Antonius your wish was heard. Shortly will be acted on.

St. Steven

***** ***** ****

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April 21st, 1985 Hail Holy Queen of Mercy. Believe, she can be with you.


***** ***** **** April 22nd, 1985 The man you were reading about is not a fraud. Contact with space people is true. Time will prove the truth. Always examine but beware of force(s) who would suppress. A new revelation, the way of the revealer was always difficult. You have witnessed much that would have been called fraud or illusion, or delusion of a sick mind. But you know you have reached new higher truths, not revealed to many. God bless you.

Shelem & Antonius

***** ***** **** April 23rd, 1985 The prayer for your daughter is felt around her circle of light, friends surround her with love, peace and faith.

Armand Mother, I am with Derry often. God loves her.

***** ***** ****

April 24th, 1985 We wish there was more we could do for Derry, But there is no way for us to help. Judy is right and you should feel no guilt. Your love, Mary Ellen, the teachers, guides and loved ones can only continue to love. She is at fault as she has never learned discipline, the consciousness to her death. She must pray with her husband and the boys she loves greatly, but unwisely. Keep loving and not judging, understand the power of love.

Tall Pine Thank you Tall Pine, also for the lost crochet needle found.

***** ***** ****

May 5th, 1985 Sunday Mr. Stead, Pat and Snowdrop and Antonios in my original band, and Edgar whom I think was even before that. I wish they would resume communication. The name LeLand has come in. You will hear of them again. Regular time desirable for better communication. Rely on us, we will not fail you.

Armand & Tommy

***** ***** ****

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May 6th, 1985 Dear Mary, we entered your friend’s home and enjoyed our visit. Martha’s son was also there. Sorry you did not know. A few more times and he will be sensed because he will have more strength to visit. Pray together, be together, allow your mind to relax more. Gertrude your sister will sometime speak. Our love Katy. Good night my love.

Tommy We heard your reading about the Druids, we will try to get more information to you about them.


***** ***** **** May 12th, 1985 Robert Kennedy, my brother and I are very concerned about the state of the nation. The farms are the backbone, the life bread of our country. The whole economy reacts to the health of our land. There will be more suffering in Washington and realize what the prophets say. Wilson, Teddy Rosevelt, Lincoln, Maism and so many others concerned and would help more if they could, but to impress even the most caring is a difficult task. God grant those in power wisdom and courage to do what must be done to save untold suffering. President Reagan is a stubborn man.


***** ***** **** May 15th, 1985 Go be happy, Pat remembers, Snowdrop found your lost trinkets. We hope you will hear, so you can wear it. Mr. Stead says the stone is from Wales. All send love and time will go with you. Meeting should start soon.


***** ***** **** May 18th, 1985 Tommy’s Birthday Tomorrow go to the yacht club, be prepared for a surprise, many waiting for the word, inspire.


***** ***** ****

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May 18th, 1985 Unable to go to yacht club, Judy to busy.

Edgar, memories take us back, love binds together. Seldom goes one love so long and true. Another may have had you, many others have had my Eleanor, (but you) will recall and recognize me in another, love knows no boundaries. Remember the song, “1000 years is a long, long time to wait for a dream to come true? I was there when you played that a long time ago. Mr. William Stead is happy you are remembering your writing and guiding others. Continue your independent thought; we will assist you as we did in the past.

Wm T. Stead

***** ***** **** May 21st, 1985 When you go to New York sit again with Derry and Gloria, have the tape recorder ready, we will try our best to give you a message to take back with you. John should try to sit with his mother. Advice and love waiting. Call Derry Wednesday A.M.


***** ***** **** May 21st, 1985 Today Vita Peyton asked me to speak on June 15th. Topic – Is there life after death? Not frightened by it for I am sure I am going to receive help from my teachers. Is this an answer to my dream of being dealt four aces? Go with confidence Mary, waiting for the good tidings. Ask Vitarius. Note -- Had a great success.

***** ***** **** May 22nd, 1985 Are you looking forward to Saturday? You will have a good time. Make friends and be happy. Many joyous times ahead. Mary Ellen very glad for the (averis) spring. See about your tires. Good night Mary dear.


***** ***** **** May 23rd, 1985 Armand and you have shown the way.


***** ***** ****

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May 24th, 1985 Edgar, Vitarius and George are ready to resume the responsibility of gate keeper. Mary dear, know the happiness you derive from leading people into the Light and your desire to be well informed and truthful in all your activities. Many here are waiting for the group to form and find a place to meet. It will be difficult but we shall succeed. Your loving husband.

George J. Thomas (Tommy) George is channel’s husband (passed on), Tommy gatekeeper for circle.

***** ***** **** May 25th, 1985 Mother, encourage Derry to spend more time in quiet meditation. I am with her often and it would make me happy is she knew. Get in touch with Pat and ask if she is aware of Sananda. Request info about (airius, Aeherius).

***** ***** **** May 28th, 1985 Leave the worries to us, we will assist you. Have Faith, we wish to succeed. Brief yourself, read, prepare, but without strain or worry, we shall be on hand.


***** ***** **** June 4th, 1985 Very bad cold ever since last Wednesday. Question: Do you forgive me for not coming? Answer: Yes.

***** ***** **** June 6th, 1985 George wishes you to get a new tire. Go out early. Return before heat of the day. Just warm the oil. Mary Ellen admires and is proud of what are you about to do.


***** ***** ****

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June 8th, 1985 Mary, silent meditation, a strict regime, adherence should be started so that you can lead others with poise and confidence.

Armand You will benefit many ways. Overlook the thoughtlessness of those who hurt you. Bless tomorrow’s lesson. Go in peace.

Vitarius Lesson was Love, Father Anthoney, Life, and Millie. It was great.

***** ***** ****

June 10th, 1985 We were both with you today. A circle could be formed, but do not expect it to grow to large proportions where the attendance may not be sustained. But a start will be made.

Armand Pat and Snowdrop wish to be remembered.


***** ***** **** June 11th, 1985 Vitarius love. An actual group will not succeed. There are too many cross currents in the proposed group. It will take a lot if diplomacy on your part. If you can develop a feeling of love instead of criticism you will have accomplished a great deal. Blessings.


***** ***** **** June 12th, 1985 Prepare and realize. Try tape again. We will regret it very much if mechanical failure does not permit you to use tape. Questions should be involved. Many will come, George will be by your side to give you strength as will many more. W. T. Stead especially. God Bless you.

Edgar & Sholem

***** ***** **** June 13th, 1985 Some of your audience will wish your guidance. Be careful not to commit yourself to many. Love from all your friends, loved ones and teachers.


***** ***** ****

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June 13th, 1985 Yes, all, Stead and Sukara, Lakey and all.

***** ***** **** June 15th, 1985 Very successful day at book store. Many interested and I thank all who assisted me. Too tired in evening to write because after lecture we went to Lynda and Peter’s for dinner.

***** ***** **** June 16th, 1985 Make the most of your connections. Do not relinquish the discipline, management to anyone but yourself. You will be asked again to speak, do so. Card one has been played. Your daughter Mary Ellen very happy, refer to her next meeting, the many young ones will be helped.


***** ***** **** June 18th, 1985 Your desire to share is recommendable but remember do not cast pearls before the swine. Evalyn is not dependable. Another source will be found. Michelle not ready. Tread softly for now.


***** ***** **** June 21st, 1985 You did a wise thing in planning to go alone tomorrow, share anew with others who are better suited to a group. Be content to move slowly.

***** ***** **** June 22nd, 1985 Prepare with joy the start of another Circle of Truth through Light. Veritas, Lucius all happy because of the speed with which you accomplished your mission.


***** ***** **** June 23rd, 1985 We shall be in touch with each new disciple, fear not.


***** ***** ****

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June 24, 1985 Antonius is with your daughter Catherine. She is waiting your arrival with great excitement. Make time for an evening circle and have tapes at hand. Write and tell her of our wish that we all can be together.

***** ***** **** June 25th, 1985 Edgar. Do not think you will not be able to conduct a group. We will all be there to help. It will succeed and grow.


***** ***** **** June 26th, 1985 Anniversary of Mary Ellen’s passing 38 years ago. Love to mother dear. Great will be your reward. Jesus said Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called. The children of God join all in love. Mother, gentle mother, you will have many happy years.

Mary Ellen Sister Deloras, Ann Connelly sends her love to you and Derry.


***** ***** **** June 27th, 1985 Hamer – William, his father’s brother’s son, Uncle William to your father. We admire the work you are doing and the happy turn your life has taken. There will be help from many here. Our friend Mr. Stead wants you to proceed with confidence. He does not mind if you call your group Truth and Light, and knows a Stead Center was too ambitious an undertaking for your gentle nature. Remember him once in a while and he will try to make his presence known. Good night and God bless you.

Uncle William Sholem

***** ***** **** June 29th, 1985 Light – Illumination.

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June 30th, 1985 St. Bridgit (Got mentally?) Vitarius: Yes eventually. Question: Can you give names of guides for pupils? Receiving the name Robert yesterday and now. St. Phillip (sounded like Phileep), now is there a Newman. Names kept crowing in.

***** ***** **** July 1st, 1985 Worship Him with love, greet the emissaries of the Lord. Heaven within the soul sheds Love and Light to all who will receive. Forgive the one who loves the darkness.

Armand Edgar sends his love. The second ace has been played. Ace of hearts and ace of diamonds remain.


***** ***** **** July 2nd, 1985 Help those who seek. Give love to the troubled one. Receive into the fold man, errant one; God bless them all.


***** ***** **** July 5th, 1985 Our plans for you are many which you would gain great from. Go to tomorrow and with love and confidence.


***** ***** **** July 6th, 1985 The circle this A.M. was a disaster. Too many cross currents. The circle will undergo changes. Do not be discouraged, persevere.


***** ***** ****

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July 7th, 1985 Always in our thought’s you’ll be. Souls entwined for all Eternity (Poem). George and Mary Ellen together spreading God’s love to many unloved. George continuing our work but preparing for return to share knowledge in fields of energy. The lady whose books you are reading has glimpsed a little of the things to come. You spoke the truth in your conversation with Millie. (It) shall be as you said. Fear not but prepare.

Sholem Was reading Ruth Monthgomery’s “Threshold of Tomorrow” – “ Energy of Tomorrow” – Walk in, etc. Was talking to Millie about earth changes and I said I felt we would not be here for it, but would be aiding those coming over.

***** ***** **** July 9th, 1985 Now is the time to come to the aid of all mankind. Prayer, meditation, decreeing, all will help. The holocaust can be averted. The horrors of nuclear war would be worse than the earth shifting on its axis. Hawks in government must be made aware of the wishes of the people. Pray also for the conversion of Russia. The Russian people do not desire annihilation, but do not have the power over their leaders as we do.

Prayer Pray dear Father, Mother, God, creator of all light, the terrible force which could be used for good. Man has desecrated all he has done to so many things of earth. Heal the wounds, love and try to understand those of other faiths and ideas. Focus the pure light on the Asian and African countries. Send force of love, invoke the violet flame. Extend the hand of brotherhood with all the force your mind and heart can generate. My dear children of peace and love. Sholom, Sholom, Sholom.

***** ***** **** July 11th, 1985 Are we making you happy? We are trying to bring together those who are seeking, those who know and can aid in the coming New Age. You will meet Tony (Tahaferro). He is the man you met on Long Island. Take care of your health, use your vitamins. With a happy loving heart you will survive for a long time. Be happy in your research. Martha is an answer to your prayer. Sholom, Sholom, Sholom.


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July 13th, 1985 Mary remember your teacher from long ago, Telerius? I will return for the group. Would enjoy serious

discussion. They are all sincere. Your husband will remain as keeper of the gate. He is often in the company of Genieve and Wylia, your Aunt Lillian and her family, and your beloved Papa. We thank you for bringing us all together. When you go to Derry’s we will be with you to help spread the happiness and love. The list of those who will attend is too long to tell about. Good night dear loved one.


***** ***** **** July 14th, 1985 Dear Mary a surprise for you. Joe Baranyay. I never will. My mother and sister Tootsie send their love. We are all gathering to help you to be successful. Too bad we did not discuss this when I was with you. But the time was not right. My mom still wishes she had given you her ring.

Apple Strudel – thoughts of that went through my mind. So many of your friends and relatives are here to lend a helping hand. Physician heal thy self*, you can, or

ask Betty to help you. Good night now. Tommy wants to say a few words. * Asked for healing for (Jonny’s) (JT’s) leg.

Mary dear, have no doubts Telarius will be making an effort to come through. Take care of yourself.

You have much to do. Your loving husband


***** ***** **** July 15th, 1985 Do not be disturbed by the actions of others. Take a firm stand on what you believe to be alright. It is regrettable.


***** ***** **** July 16th, 1985 Untruths are apparent to all. Rita not on _____. Question: All but Betty has a guide. Who will it be? Answer: W__y.

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July 17th, 1985 I will be teacher and guide to Betty, explain to her that I am universal teacher. Marius is for Evalyn, Armand for Betty Jean. Her husband’s guide is Black Crow. Note: Other teachers…….. Me (Mary Ellen) who (is) for Betty Marseillis Ann St. Dolores (Ann Connelly) Sharon St. Bridget We will inform you at a latter date. You would not accept _______.

Antonius Mary dear, good will come. Love surrounds.


***** ***** **** July 17, 1985 Do you not see that it is possible? Enjoy all that is offered to you. With love Billy.


***** ***** **** July 18th, 1985 Edgar will take care of that. We are pleased by the way. You have been accepted. We shall give you all the help we can. Tomorrow give our love to Millie.

Antonius Greet the new day for it will be rich in love.


***** ***** **** July 19th, 1985 My protégé may be nervous about the presence of a teacher being with her all the time. Tell her we do not come unless she calls. We are only a thought away. Together we will have the pair ______. Good night. More than sharing.


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July 20th, 1985 Disturbing influences. Do not permit them to disrupt an otherwise good circle.

Antonius Question: Who will Ann’s teacher? Answer: He. Mary dear, the book you bought today is full of good advice. Try to exhibit strength and willpower for fasting, and decline adverse claims. Prepare for your trip. We will be with you all the way.


Note: About a book on food and diet.

***** ***** **** July 21st, 1985 Question: The admirability of healing? Answer: Light to the members of the church group. Also caution with book store. Ann admiring, we like you. She will be taken in by lullabies condition. The only two who will remain are the two Betty’s. So to New York with a happy thought of nice times and good friends where there is no conceit, deceit and gossip. More will come of a more trustworthy nature.


Note: About group, but wrong so far.

***** ***** **** July 21st, 1985 Love from all your old teachers and friends. The gentleman was correct. A shadow of darkness covers that house. Ann’s teacher is He____.

***** ***** **** August 21st, 1985 You can resume your activities with the assurance of love and respect. We shall help in every way. Be confident. Tommy will provide, have no fear. Edgar is happy Gertrude knows, write to her. Robbie sends his love to the new baby who occupies his room. Good night aunt Mary.


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August 26th, 1985 William T. Stead wished to contact your circle. Think of him so that he will know you desire communication. Join him, Pat and Snowdrop and Cecil Cook will join John.

***** ***** **** August 27, 1985 We wish to strengthen the group, there will be a newcomer. Greet with love all who seek.

Sholem Love Mary Ellen, Dad and your Father.

***** ***** **** August 30th, 1985 Vitarius, Shirley is a soul of great attainment. Her treatise confusing, ambitious, not always correct or readily understood. Why speak so many words when a few will do? Love, love, God is love. Love is the highest energy, love the highest vibration.

Sholem Great the faithful ones.


***** ***** **** August 31st, 1985 Glad of the opportunity to visit tonight. We were with you today and were promoting you to speak. There are so many teaching the absurd theories. The Law is so simple, Love the Lord Thy God and thy neighbor, brothers, sisters and all this will be given to you. Astral travel is not really astral, but soul travel which all have done at some time.

***** ***** **** September 1st, 1985 We are making effort to gather together a few more people who _______.

Mary Ellen and Dad Interrupted by 2 loud taps which I thought came from the foyer door. Taps repeated. Put lights on, no one there. Did not open door, but looked out through curtain. No one around. Told Judy of this next A.M. She said some of the children sometimes ring the bell and run, especially if they are staying over in one another’s house and are up late for pranks. We’ll see. I would not tell what I thought.

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September 4th, 1985 We cannot tell you what you should do but service to the helpless will bring great rewards. Do not undertake this until you are sure it’s the profession for you. It requires love, devotion and sacrifice with a clear mind. Note: Message for John Chancellor.

***** ***** **** September 6th, 1985 My dear, we so want your circle to be successful. Betty will take you to visit every enlightened soul. You will enjoy the visit and benefit from the association.

Mother Lakey Vitarius is still with you. Prepare your lesson for Saturday. Use Azrail. Life enfolds you.

Sholem Are you prepared to reach out and embrace the erring ones? Gently guide _____ ______ one.


***** ***** **** September 7th, 1985

Not since the Queens (Village) days have I communicated.

***** ***** **** September 9th, 1985 Yes. Tell Martha we wish she could attend. We of prayer times love contact with Him.

Armand & Sholem

***** ***** **** September 10th, 1985 Mary dear, Do not be afraid to take the aspirin. It will not harm you if you use discretion. It is the best relief for arthritis pain. Take it with cookie and milk….. The blood condition is improving, keep up the good work. Retain the vitamins, a little drink, lots of water. Avoid sweats and liquor. A little brandy occasionally will do no harm. Dr. Peterfry is a friend from long ago. Go to tomorrow’s group, share in laying of hands. Introduce healing in your own group. Never doubt the effect of prayer and meditation. Amen.

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September 11th, 1985 Edgar. Nowhere are there more miracles than within your own body. Searching outside when you could go within. Blessed are those who accept the great I am. Perceiver.


***** ***** **** September 12th, 1985 Lo whenever selfishness is shown, try to ignore it. All the love showed to you from other sources far exceeds what they are enjoying.


***** ***** **** September 14, 1985 Precious one, do not allow yourself to become discouraged because of the stiffness in your legs. The days will be getting cooler and we would advise more walking. Maintain a happy mind and more fresh food. Believe Holy Spirits as proclaimed. Bless the young lad for his love and good nature.


***** ***** **** September 15th, 1985 Tell me who comes to New York? Yes. Will you be part of our circle? Yes.

Are you for Millie? No, for all Pennsylvania.

His tribe was from Pennsylvania.

***** ***** **** September 20th, 1985 Tomorrow guide your children into the path of Light. Tell Betty not to fear the dark forces, but proceed into the light. As she fears, she keeps the door ajar for the malicious one. Discourage this influence with forcefulness. Do you not understand firm measures must be taken? Do not hate but love for this one who has gone astray. Strengthen the circle of protection around you. The erring one will be pierced with her own venom. Proceed decreeing peace. Love and harmony, God loves the peacemaker.

Mother Lackey

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September 22nd, 1985 Do not be discouraged, conduct your group according to your own instincts. You will never have the dedication of your Queens Village group for the social life of these people is more important to them. Martha and you are accompanied by many. Be open and aware of their presence.

Vitanius & Mother Lakey

***** ***** **** September 24th, 1985 Dear one, enter with me into the realms of royalty, there you find joy, peace, music, literature. Do not be afraid for you can visit tonight in the halls of learning, where many you love will be waiting. Morning will come and you will awake to your regular needs and surroundings forgetting the night’s adventure.


***** ***** **** September 26th, 1985 St. George fought the dragon. Verily I say to you the dragon is the enemy we encounter each day, our doubts, mysteries, concerns. Most of us need help to slay the dragon. Our brother Jesus will be that help if you need him, and we all do. Martha is a great jewel, share love and heed her advice. Bless you both.


***** ***** **** September 28th, 1985 Reinforce your desires with affirmations.

Armand We regret you do not have the proper surrounding for the group to meet here. We will work hard until agreeable accommodations are found. God bless your efforts.


***** ***** **** September 29th, 1985 Yes Mary, we envy your hunger for spiritual communication. Be assured your God is aware. In 3 weeks you will have a group.

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October 1st, 1985 Look over the papers from past live meetings to find the names of those who responded.

***** ***** **** October 3rd, 1985 Good night Mary dear.

St. Martin

***** ***** **** October 4th, 1985 Love me. All of your friends are working to make you happy. So many words have been spoken, so little action taken. Time for action. Do not get discouraged, believe.

Antonius Tomorrow there will be no circle.

***** ***** **** October 6th, 1985 Sunday Night Send the articles to John. A place will be found where you can meet JT. Send out thoughts of love and peace, we shall join you if there are one or many.

***** ***** **** October 7th, 1985 Yahweh. True name of the force principal. Names have power. Love to our sister who seeks.


***** ***** **** October 8th, 1985 Work on correspondence; important, and things to learn.

Antonius Now the time has come to resume the routine of daily meditations. A loving heart, a clean mind, courage to carry out activities as you are inspired to do them. Prepare for an active time ahead, the legs will improve and not be a handicap. Parapsychology at LSU McQuire. Go with courage and faith

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October 9th, 1985 The man is a menace. He is in league with the spirits of darkness, he professes the name of Yahwah. Be careful when you read. Do not accept all. It is good for you to know both light and dark. Beware. Jesus, Sanands, prepare yourself.


***** ***** **** October 15th, 1985 Note: Sick all week, cold. When in the course of human events it becomes necessary to make a decision it is best to make a decisive one. Allow nothing up or down, black or white, it cannot be both. You know to which we refer, the so called youth teachings, so called Yahwah, a sacred name being profaned. Martha very ill. Make an effort to go out more. The message authentic it is. Your blockage which caused the misspelling. Good night now, rest well tonight, but goal tomorrow.


***** ***** **** October 17th, 1985 Very ill, another stroke will follow soon, go to the book store Saturday. No Normandy since we know each other so long. I was a monk in a very holy order where we copied Holy scriptures. I took my name after the very learned Marus Antonius.


***** ***** **** October 18, 1985 Help the spirits who wish to communicate by writing and if possible, silence your mind.


***** ***** **** October 21st, 1985 Yes the time draws near for friends to part. You made Martha very happy by your visit. Make an effort to go to Mourines on Wednesday. Love from all of us. We are waiting for a new group to form and it will. The origin will be a source of happiness. But we wish you would play the piano more. Take care of our boy. Tomorrow will be alright in a few days. Blessings.


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October 29, 1985 The time to love is now. Waste not your time on regrets but persevere and plan again. Anna is right, there will be another group. May it flourish with trust. Retire now, make the most of your time. Note: Took it to mean while waiting for the next group.

***** ***** **** October 31, 1985 Tomorrow ask Millie to play one of the tapes by Tabor. Pay close attention, there will be a message of importance to you if she picks the correct one. Mary too, there is a tape you will enjoy any of hers. Make copies of the information Millie has. They will be of use to you later on. Send one to Anna and Gertrude. Our love to you, go out more. Love from guides and friends.

Vitarius & Mother Lakey Note: Millie had no tapes of Tabor.

***** ***** **** November 1st, 1985 Exciting day although tapes did not materialize as I had hoped, still Millie brought copies of Russian discovery of possible Atlantis as well as sighting Astronauts or Angels. Do not be impatient or discouraged, things will be happening. Prepare if possible, go to book store, call Maurie in Learning. Anna will be very happy with your letter. Do you remember Tukare or Lukare? Yes, I know you do, I would be most happy if we could communicate again. Limitless love coming in through many channels.

Antonius Note: Translation; Do not be impatient, discouraged, things will be happening.

***** ***** **** November 2nd, 1985 The day draws to a close ____ngets protect. You feel more energetic. Tomorrow send off some letters.


Antonius - Yes. Explanation: Rabbi Zionst had an article in tonight’s paper. See clipping. How greatful I am. Antonius chose me as one of his pupils.

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November 3rd, 1985 We would be happy indeed if you could have a group, but you must be careful this time. The others were a great disappointment to us also. We shall try to resume writing for you. Has the manner in which we come not met with your approval?

Alright my dear. Wm T. Stead

Good night my dear.


***** ***** **** November 4th, 1985 Nothing can stop the hands of time, you will do well to accept the time extended from Stella and Mary. Happy times will be shared. Will you think of us then?


***** ***** **** November 6th, 1985 Today was a happy day was it not? To meet again.


***** ***** **** November 17th, 1985 We will always be will you. Cultivate the friendship with Ron. Question: Are they meeting at Lou Tallup’s? Answer: Yes.

***** ***** **** December 9th, 1985 Vitarius, Armand and I hope you will resume your meditation. Morning hours would be ideal, then a short time in the evening. Do not resume the original group. The lady you spoke to today is not consistent and although quite aware as you say psychic. She is emotionally unstable, therefore not a good candidate for what you are wishing to undertake. Many in New York are thinking of you, and miss you when sending Christmas messages with a note of remembrance and love. Gertrude will enjoy the Father’s visit. Keep the vitamins, all will be well.

Sholem & Vitarius

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Mary J. Thomas passed beyond the veil of physical life on January 27th, 1986.

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Chapter 3 Short Quotes:

Rise with the dawn, each hour prolong. Many are called but few are chosen. Gone are the leaves of last fall. Coming forth are the new buds, promise of continuing life. Faith does not need acts of wonder. The wisdom of Solomon will not be worth a sovereign if it is not tempered with love and kindness. Lord, Thy children cry aloud. May their pleases be heard. Discriminate only between good and evil, never between brothers. Remember the admonition, “Cast not your pearls to the swine, less they turn and rend you.” Words are made to be weighed. Each man must find his own answers. He will recognize the truth from within. The soul knows its own. Praise the forces who are bring light into darkness. Praise the ones who enable us to communicate.

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All the time in the world is as naught to spirit. Time is not a torment to us as it is to you on earth. Sometimes time is the cause of your greatest sorrows. Learn to live in the present. Poor is a term not to be used. Rich in love we are. Seldom utter, seldom regret. Never was a sinner’s prayer ignored. As the prayer mounts to God, so be it. Above the rays of light dwell greater lights. Shed your radiance upon all. It shall reflect and make more perfect the day. Spring coming. Today is a day for happiness. Go out into walks of men, enjoy the sunshine, drink deep of the beautiful promise of tasks presenting themselves and know peace, peace, peace. Too often we permit weaker people to pull us down to their level of thought and expression. God forgive them. Don’t judge, just love, love and then love some more. When tempted to hate or dislike a person or situation, pray. Many a miraculous cure has taken place through prayer. Many a shell has deteriorated because of lack of faith. To share is always better than to hoard. Home is where the heart is. Home, haven, heaven. A house doth not a home make but shared experiences, love, understanding and sacrifice does create a home, a haven. Spiritual victory when worldly aims depart. Must we not love thee, who in sweet humility approaches each day. We benefit by your thoughts more than you know. Let all who listen remember God’s grace descends. He who would advance must pray and in praying, believe. The Universal is important, not the particular.

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Send out thoughts of love and healing, endlessly, on the wings of morning.

Each man unto himself must answer.

Vain repetitions are not prayers. The Spirit of God is always with us. It comes as a ray of light, covering all who care to receive it. Karma is our only heaven or hell. Beauty is from the soul. From a soul who has many mistakes: “It is surprising – there was no Hell. I thought it would be true, all the things they said, but they were all wrong.”

J.W. It is proper and fitting that you greet the day with love and praise. Prayer is power and as such much good can be accomplished. Praise God from whom all blessings flow. Blessed are they who seek the kingdom of God. They shall find it in all things. The trials of today are the blessings of tomorrow. A new age is dawning when the realization of Christ will come to all men. Make an effort each day to do an act of kindness. Be gentle with all you meet. Love to the one who unselfishly works without the thought of compensation. The rewards are hundredfold. Draw power and intelligence from the Great Available Source. Worship God by just being. By being aware of the beauties around us, we are worshiping the Creator. Savoring each experience to the fullest with love and thanksgiving for the awareness. That is worship. Suffering purifies and burns away the dross. Sorrow not, but know God’s Will, will be done.

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Hurts mend and man indestructible goes on. A little happiness, a little loved and encouraged, he goes forth. Every time a word of encouragement is spoken it is like a white dove bringing peace to the weary. We say life is hard but we often make the burdens we carry on our backs. Live with confidence, love with compassion, work with joy. However the winds blow, do not blow too. Love the day with all its opportunities for giving. Piece by piece and thread by thread, the tapestry is woven. Make sincerity of purpose the goal, and enlightenment the reward. Work with firm belief. Do not apologize for your convictions. Remember a stout heart is needed in the face of ridicule, jealousy and all the other human failings. Friends surround us, friends love us and the world is made a better place. Meditation and contemplation teaches when all else fails. All else is false. The quiet way succeeds. Love cherishes just the few crumbs scattered along the way. Meditate as you work, as some whistle while they work. Practice silence. No word spoken, no ill with which to injure. The way to manhood is in doing the very best you are capable of each day, then giving a little extra effort beyond the call of duty.

J.H. Put love and devotion into every act performed. Have faith that you are not alone. Earth ties changes and fail but Spirit never fails. Many forces respond to your call. Know the Law is working for the ultimate good.


God lives in our hearts, not in the sky above.

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Verily many wonders unfold, the reward of faith and love. Practice an evening review and meditation. Forgive yourself and others for any mistake made. Do not carry blame from day to day. Walk in peace. Love all who wander earth’s highways, unknowing, unheeding. Bless, bless. Grow in the light of love. Patience with thy less fortunate fellow man who walks in darkness. Grow in grace and kindness. Revelation and the love light shall be bestowed on thee. Joy the angels bestow. Happiness is rarely found on earth. He who would know happiness must lose themselves in the lives of others.

St. Vincent De Paul Go within. See God in great manifestation in each one. Be at peace with your foe and yourself. Wishing, regretting alters nothing. Prayer and doing well. We can extend the hand of love and friendship but each must learn, sooner or later, to stand alone. We cannot stand forever in another’s shadow. The sun shines on all, the rain benefits all, regardless of their strength or weakness. God does not ask if you are deserving, He just bestows love. Prayer is a marvelous thing. Vibrations go out in waves floating on the air. The love that goes with it is nourishment to all it embraces. It is food for our souls and yours. Repay wrong with right, hatred with love. Peace be unto you. When all else has failed man goes to God. What a lot of time would be saved if he sought God first. In the beginning was the Word and the word was with God, but the world understood it not. Each thing in its time, each its purpose to fulfill. Too many of us walk with our eyes open but do not see.

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What joy when we are no longer blind. The heart overflows with love and all within its radius glows but to the unseeing it is as storm clouds covering the light and chilling all in that orbit. Live each day to the fullest. God’s blessing upon you. Nearer, closer, the Teachers of Light come. Beware of false Christ’s. The time of end days approaches when both legions meet. Thought is energy. Energy is never lost; converted, yes. You tap the cosmic bank, the Akashic records. Love all, trust few, admonish none. Without thought of worthiness or return, love. Forgive, but separate yourself from the depleting atmosphere. Smokers: Take heed and end the impure evil habit of smoking. Others inhale the impurities and your own blessed body suffers. Reaping is not always a joyous thing, but you who plant with love and faith shall enjoy a good harvest. Passing into another world we learn what Christ meant about; “In my world there are many mansions.” If it were not so you would not have been told. He went to prepare the way. Pray for our people. May a leader arise who will inspire the young. Hold fast to the ideals of your constitution. St. Germain does lead in prayers and action to lead America out of its despair.

George Washington circa 1970

Let troubled waters swirl beneath your feet. Do not falter. Christ within each of us is our strength. Proclaim the Lord God is our God. Peace.


Charity is a love thought. Kindness, forgiveness, encouragement, all an act of loving. One cannot say they love and exclude anyone. Love, forgive, 7 X 7, and then some more. All have shortcomings but you who seek God must become Christ-like. First forgive, love, succor. Praise charitable acts. All pathways to God. Pray for those in darkness. Pray for those who seal themselves in a veritable pit which they are afraid to climb out of. They remain there expecting judgment.

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Ye children of the Father, take heed. The forces gather, the Light and the Dark. Now is the time to choose your side. Pray unceasingly for wisdom to know the truth. The Anti-Christ is a very real force.

Armand Almighty God, your strength has sustained me. I give thanks to the great unknown.

Wm T. Stead A pebble tossed into a calm lake causes ever increasing circles which widen and encompass a wide area. A word travels faster, further, than the vibrations from that pebble

Wm T. Stead Where the soul sees gold in a grain of sand, God too can see the gold in man. Love is the hope of all mankind. Love ye one another as Christ has loved you. Blessed are they who seek no earthly reward. Love awaken, Oh souls who slumber. To give is a privilege, to receive an honor. Awake soul of men, awake to your great potential.

St, Edgar Love and peace surround you all.

Rama Ask not for pennies from above, jewels are available. We know pennies are accepted and appreciated. The world is rising out of its darkness.

Goethe Be guided in all you do by you inner voice.


Love knows. Love understands. Love is not impatient but endures all. Wm T. Stead

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Very often it is necessary to sift the wheat from the chaff and in doing so we find the real value. Points of gold amidst the sand.

Antonius A sacrifice made, a blessing bestowed. The sound went forth and was heard. Love enriches, not destroys. Have compassion on the erring ones. Aid the unknowing, the wanderer, from the ways of God. Who but one who has been lost can bring in one of whose who have strayed?

St. Edgar Note well, nothing is ever lost but the dross, the dross. The growing ones retain only that which will help in the upward climb.

Wm T. Stead All who love are united with God. All who do not love are wind tossed, unhappy.

Mary Ellen

All the world cries for love, gentleness and peace. St. Edgar

There is no death. There is slumber and rest from which we awaken wiser.

Gabrielle Let your young people pick up the torch. Enlightenment must progress with greater speed for the time grows short.

Edgar Live for each day. Reach for the stars. When you catch some of their magic, share it.

Mary Ellen Love to the daughter of light. Awaken those who slumber. Awake to love, kindness. Another day to work and pray. Rejoice in the day the Lord has made. He is in His Holy Temple.

St. Edgar

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Love. Some will love constantly; some only when things go their way. Constancy above all should be our aim.

Edgar The way to help is to send out thoughts of well being, will love. Many claim healing powers. God heals.

Edgar Cayce Some whistle while they work; meditate while you work. Be silent in trying situations. Love the day with all its opportunities for growing. Ignore the yesterdays.

Wm T. Stead Bless the faith of those who carry on in the face of obstacles. Bless the loving and pure of heart.

Edgar Cayce The world intrudes. Doubts are all around. Persevere, Persevere.

Wm T. Stead Piece by piece, thread by thread, the tapestry is woven. Let all the earth make ready for the coming Savior. Many here applaud.

Robert Frost Too few, the ones who take a moment, much less an hour of their day to greet the Great God, Father of all creation. Sing and praise God, great unknowable, but known. Praise and sing Hallelujah. Drain not the casks hoping for gems at the bottom. Skim only off the top. Caution.

St. Stephen

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Chapter 4 Holidays

Christmas (1966) This is the season for great love to be expressed. Would that all year we would think of others as we are doing now. If only material things did not play so great a part. One thing makes us very happy, there are less military toys given to little boys this year. There is more music in the air. With drums and guitars we cannot harm each other. Note: This was the season the Beatles were popular. And there was a great increase in musical sales.

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Passover Melchisedoc was an ancient priest of Holy orders who literally gave to the world the rite of the Sacrament of Communion. The Jewish race broke the Passover bread holding communion with each other, in remembrance of their most holy day. When Jesus broke the unleavened bread on Good Thursday, He was observing the Holy ritual of His people. The fact of saying; “Do this in commemoration of me”, was because He knew it would be their last meal together.

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Easter All the world over the people are reliving the crucifixion. We who have traveled over come near our loved ones today and try to impress on those who do not know the beauty of the Resurrection. After passing through the valley we awake and arise to a new life, more beautiful, more fruitful in good endeavors. Blessings this day on the dear ones who know. Aid those who do not. Be anxious and eager to share this knowledge, but sometimes it must be done silently, prayerfully, but be done it must for it will lighten the burden of suffering humanity to know the fact of everlasting life.

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St. Patrick’s Day Patrick, our dear brother is always amazed and pleased at the way his day is celebrated. It is not truly his birthday and many centuries ago he would not have believed that so many would enjoy all these festivities in his name. Gaining in happiness and good cheer, he blesses the day and wonders at all the commotion. Join in the fun my dears, join in the fun.

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Thanksgiving Day Dear loved ones who meet this day, pray for the less fortunate, the rich and unhappy who say nonsense to your holidays because their hearts are cold. They are miserable and need love sent their way as much as the poor unfortunate who at all times has love and compassion for others.

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Christmas (1965) Over all we pray; “God help these people and their pursuit of pleasure. Another Christmas making ammunition manufacturers wealthy, even the children play at war. Why doesn’t every mother refuse to buy war games, guns and helmets? Too late they will sorrow. Everyone who places a toy gun in the hand of a child is contributing to the evil of man. Soon alas we shall know. There is no peace in anyone’s country. All are on the edge of disaster. Weep for the noble ones who suffer for the crowd. Weep for the noble souls who know the frustrations of not being heeded. A voice crying in the wilderness. Make way for the coming of the Law. Amen.

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Christmas (1965) All over the world today men are preparing for the festival of Christ’s birth. He can be born again in the hearts of all if they would only permit love to enter. The temporary peace is an insult to His name. Cease before it is to late.


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Christmas (1966) The season of love is at hand. Would that the Spirit of Christmas could preside all year. Love all today, the Christ child’s day. Love all today, it is the way to peace and God.

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Easter Saturday (1966) World affairs make it imperative that prayer and meditation be adhered to. You cannot realize as yet the powerful forces released in prayer. Today is a day of suspense – waiting. Waiting for tomorrow’s dawn and the renewal of faith in the Resurrection. What matter if it is not the exact day or time? So many thoughts sent out that way have powerful reactions. Bow to the greater love.

***** ***** *****

Christmas Day Today is celebrated very differently from the Christ’s child’s day in England many years ago. Then we fasted first on the eve. Feasts followed. Minstrels sang and told stories. There was no blessing more good to give than to say, “Peace, Peace, Peace”.

***** ***** *****

Christmas The world is alight with a glow of love for the season of thoughts from others is here. We celebrate the birth of Christ at the wrong time. What matter the time. The thoughts centered on the event is commendable and causes great volumes of love to go forth into the ethers. Love has a power little realized by man.

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Palm Sunday The angels watch. We who travel the way helping to carry the cross which our fellow man carries travel with God. Our burdens are lighter, for faith in the Ultimate good lightens our load. The man without love and faith is weary indeed.

***** ***** *****

A New Year’s Message May the New Year fulfill your hopes and ambitions. To all who attend greetings! Good health, happiness and the realization of your dreams. You have worked hard and had faith. It shall be rewarded. Your are now open channels and as such have responsibilities to the world, each other, and yourselves. Be as courageous as lions and as gentle as doves. There is happiness and danger in your undertaking. Approach it with love. A good heart, a good life, is a great protection. May words of great wisdom go forth. Take heed to those warnings. There is no danger when you are all together. Rest, pray, read, meditate, rejoice, balance, reject. Beware of those who demand. Teachers of Light never demand. We come in love asking co-operation.


***** ***** *****

All Souls Day Today the churches pray for the souls of the faithful departed. Let us pray for all departed who went over in ignorance of the blessed change, the natural change. Pray they may be awakened in the Light of God’s love. Pray their sins, mistakes, will not weigh them down. So many feel they are not worthy of coming into God’s Light. That is not so. A seeking for light is the first step and if a wrong must be righted it can better be done in the light. Come forth all you who sorrow or fear. Come forth into the aura of our love, and God’s love. The following day is given over by the Church to all Saints Day. The church recognized that many who walked the earth, living lives of goodness, devotion and sacrifice, were never acknowledged by man. Rest assured it was known to God. Today let us give thanks to those who have lived the good life and shown us the way. We also thank the wonderful nature of the Universe and God that He permits communication with these souls of purity and light. To all the known and unknown saints we pray, “guide us in your way, that we too may walk in God’s light.” Amen.

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An Easter Message All sing Hallelujah on Easter morning. The Resurrection is for all. Yonder hills yet ring with echoes of “He is risen.” Proclaim then to all the world, “He is risen.” Proclaim the message; we shall rise. Proclaim “As I have done so too shall you.” Amen I say, “Have faith. Ye gaze upon the beauty of the Lord each day. Know ye not that I am one of you? Be it done as you believe.” Kneel in the Father’s name. So be it. Rise in the name of the Father. All ye who seek shall find.

***** ***** *****

Christmas Around the earth Christ is being reborn in the hearts of men. He comes to those in joy, sorrow, great happiness, or desperation, but come He does. No heart too full but there is room for Him.

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Easter (1968) He is risen, from one state of consciousness to another. So to shall we rise.

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Good Friday Message All over the world people are reliving the crucifixion. We who have traveled over come near to our loved ones today and try to impress on those who do not know the beauty of the Resurrection; and that after passing through the valley we awake and arise to a new life more beautiful, more fruitful in good endeavors. Blessings this day on the dear ones who know and those who do not. I know you are anxious to share knowledge with all the world. Sometimes it must be done silently, prayerfully, but be done it must, for it will lighten the burdens of suffering humanity. Trials are not more nails in the cross but diamonds in our halo. The way to the throne is by love and sacrifice.

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Chapter 5 Predictions / Prophecies

There will be many things happening in 1968 and 1969 which should be met with courage, not fear. They, the happenings, are inevitable, therefore must be met. Forewarned is forearmed. Read my prophecies, there is no need to repeat them here.

***** ***** *****

Cancer Watch carefully and refrain from contact with one who is ill. Science will discover cancer can be acquired through contact by mouth, hands and other means. Refrain from endearing poses. Bless verbally all who come in contact with, to prevent and protect.

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Japan (January 1967) Japan’s turn. Horror, climax not many years away. Tidal waves of great severity will come. Explosion on island in Pacific, many lives in danger. Pray it may be averted. Read prophecies.

***** ***** ***** When earth’s days draw to the end, the four lambs will be slaughtered. World (earth), air, water and fire shall all erupt and great gasses result, which will move all creation.

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Most assuredly, though all else fail and world forces scatter, the good shall go among the weak and foolish trying to show the way. Only perseverance shall succeed, only love the cure, then all together we shall mount upward to the throne of God.

***** ***** *****

Storms over England were caused by atomic upsets in the atmosphere. Man is doing terrible things to the beautiful earth, one of the most beautiful planets. There will be more catastrophes before all is done.

(Spring 1963)

***** ***** ***** Over the whole world comes a wanton spirit spreading havoc. Pray. Pray. Bless them, Father, for they know not what they do. Lord aloud we cry to Thee. Grant our leaders wisdom. Think. Think.

***** ***** ***** Friday, November 22nd, 1963. President Kennedy was shot in Dallas, Texas. 4:00 P.M. that day.

These indeed are tragic days and the end is not reached. Great sorrows still await. The almost unbelievable casualty will materialize tomorrow. Wait and pray, there is evil rampant in the world. This came true with the shooting of Lee Oswald.

***** ***** ***** November 28th, 1963 Last week’s happenings on the national plane changed the pattern of the thinking of many people for the better. Have faith in the ultimate goodness of man. All is not yet known.

***** ***** *****

Go to church and join in prayers for peace. Join the multitudes who pray to our Lady of Fatima. Russian attitude changing. It is not the time for our leaders to become more militant.

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On the first day of creation the sound went forth. The heavens, space, reverberated with sound. The music of the spheres had begun. Let the trumpet sound forth now and man weep for the music is not heard above the dim. Sound the Shofar and join the weeping, for the sins and mistakes of man. Pray, then release for amid all the weeping there are points of light, and joy triumphant shall reign; for through the darkness shine points of light, emitted by souls who believe.

***** ***** ***** Many lights are shining, bringing hope to those who work to change conditions in the world. Edgar and I (Antonius) are disciples of peace. Pray the judgment of your leaders will be inspired to consider humanity’s needs first. Ways are being sought to contact the Viet Cong. Life must be held sacred. You then shall be persuaded to continue the work he has tried so hard to do. The reason for his resignation was discouragement. The United Nations is not being used as it was idealistically planned. We must pray Russia will do her part to influence the Viet Cong. She is committed to aid them through common interests. Before we can have peace President Johnson will have to amend his policy. We can help by prayer.

***** ***** *****

When you pray ask God to send help to the children of Viet Nam. Terrible tragedy is being wrought there. More karma piling up. Some day your world will have to face it.

***** ***** ***** President Kennedy wishes they would drop the investigation (his shooting). No good will come out of it; only more suspicion and hate. The people indirectly involved are undergoing a change of philosophy. There are new dangers awaiting which should be looked into. (Received October 20th, 1966)

***** ***** *****

End of the world in sight, for man will not listen to the Thoreaus. Peace cannot reign in the hearts of any with conditions as they are. There is much work to be done. Man has made such a mess of things. Pray unceasingly. Adelai Stevenson working with great energy to do what he was unable to do while encumbered with physical limitations and polices.

***** ***** ***** Nikola Tesla interested in science and technology, anxious to impart knowledge. There will be mechanical wonders bringing pictures and voice from worlds unseen.

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(Good Friday) Turbulence ahead but do not fear. Know God is with thee. Approach the Golden Door. The portals swing wide. You are received with joy. All who have followed thee with love and trust shall find true reward. The angels of Light descend to assist in the upward climb. Individual assistance given if loyalty is shown in group endeavors. Blessings this Holy Day. God descends.

***** ***** ***** Many aware that there are forces coming to earth in greater numbers. So called communications. Some are gathering momentum as earth’s danger increases. News media becoming aware of great forces advancing toward earth. Read, study and through meditation join the stream of minds and souls entering the New Age. The forces who are working to save mankind cannot do it alone. As many informed and waiting, that many will aid. It may be elementary to some but it is the unknowing we are trying to reach. To those already in the know, it is reassuring how widespread the belief. Pray with love. Desire peace in the century and throughout the world. It must not be called the ‘Century of Light’ only from the conflagrations man has made. Learn all you can pro and con. Fear not the light of love and God-given intuition. Each one is on a different level of understanding; the spiral ascends. Beings from outer reaches instruct and send wisdom on the unfolding rays. Bless all who seek to know, bless all who share. Mightier than the sword are the words of love and guidance. We pray; you weep. Cannot you know in the years ahead we and our children will be called on for an explanation?

***** ***** ***** December 23rd, 1966 Great sorrows. The cease fire order is about to begin but it will not last. Turmoil, famine and pestilence shall follow. How God has and love for mankind I do not know for all man does is destroy; and yet God forgives and man across the world destroying.

***** ***** ***** May 1st, 1965

Communistic efforts are succeeding in causing unrest in your country. Note which way the winds are blowing. Be prepared for the turbulent summer.

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Despite wars which are raging, unmanned, unrecognized or acknowledged by your leaders peace reigns in the hearts of many. Untold millions are praying for peace and there is great yearning for love and understanding among all men.

Brotherhood is fast becoming true brotherhood, not so much different colors of man but the educated man’s concern for help for the less fortunate.

Education for all – not the privileged few. Spiritual awaking is taking place all over the globe, even to the walls of the sacred places where in the past all were shut out except their own. Remarkable how the barriers, the ‘Walls of Jericho’ are tumbling down.

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Chapter 6 Prayers

Prayer is conversation with God and Spirit, working in the interests of mankind. Prayer to be effective must not be repetitious jargon but talk from the very depth of the soul. A prayer, a thought, sent out into the ether with conviction, clarity and faith, is always responded to. Prayer is strong medicine. Your daily life can be a prayer. Dedication to duty and living each day with faith in the ultimate good is a prayer.

When you pray ask God to help you to help others. Have compassion and love, they are the most spiritual of all virtues.

Pray. Give thanks. God loves a cheerful sinner as much as a sad saint.

Pray that all may be accomplished in this life span, so that there will be no need to repeat the earthy experience.

Dear God, permit me to do Thy will in the name of those who have gone before. Pray for all the little children of the world for they have great burdens ahead. Dear God, give me strength to do Thy will.

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Holy God, be our strength in times of sorrow. Help all who seek Thee. Amen. Let us pray together, “Dear God who is the source of all goodness, be with us this day.”

Amen Pray to the Holy Spirit to give wisdom to those in darkness.

Holy Spirit, I thank you for the day spent in work and honest endeavor. Be with me this night, protect my loved ones, guide the erring, teach us to love in Christ’s name. Amen

Dear God, help -------. Give him strength to meet the cares of the day. Send angels to guide him on his way. It is accomplished.

Dear Father have mercy on us, cowards in suffering, unknowing, unloving. Hear us this day we beseech Thee. Send out love and forgiveness. Forgive for they know not what they do.

Give us wisdom to so use our gifts that only good shall go from us without thought of our own aggrandizement. Humbly we pray and gratefully give thanks for the gifts and talents we possess.

Dear Father, guide and protect us this day. Bless the little ones. All children are God’s. My God, praise we give Thee. Raise us, Thy children, into the light. Grant wisdom and understanding to all on earth; so sadly confused, so miserably out of tune.

Dear Heavenly Hosts, give strength to -------. Many in his family are so far away from contact. Bring them into the light. God awaken their hearts and minds. We thank you dear Father.

Dear God who comes to all who seek, stay with us, guide us. In return we shall grow in wisdom, kindness and truth.

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To God our Father, let all take heed. More love the world needs. Pour out loving kindness to all you meet. Pray “Dear Father, give us wisdom and strength to use our new-found gifts to best advantage of all.”

Dear Guardians of Light, waken slumbering man. Make the wars cease, so that the innocent will not suffer. May God in all embracing goodness protect us from evil.

For the recently departed:

“Our Father, guide, enlighten and send angels to guide these souls on their way. Make them receptive to the love and kindness awaiting them.”

Dear Heavenly Hosts, protect us from the foolish and vain. Many act in Thy name and know not Thy name. All shall come to the throne of light. Some discern it not and come upon it only to pass it by.

Give us strength that we may strengthen others of little strength. Guide us in all our undertakings that none will be hurt or disillusioned by our thoughtless actions. Pray for understanding of the thoughts and feelings of others.

Almighty God, your strength has sustained me. I give thanks to the great unknown.

Bless the day about to unfold. Bless the house which knows the happiness therein. Bless all who come to it in love.

Reverently we pray, “Almighty God, the way of truth through Light must be shared and told to all who will listen.”

Let Light and Love and Power restore the Plan on Earth.

Heavenly Hosts, guide us through the darkness. Illumine my soul so that I may be a beacon to the lost. Amen.

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The Prayer of Invocation:

From the point of Light within the Mind of God. Let light stream forth into the minds of men. Let Light descend on Earth. From the point of Love within the Heart of God. Let love stream forth into the hearts of men. May Christ return to earth. From the center where the will of God is known, Let purpose guide the little wills of men. The purpose which the Masters know and serve. From the center which we call the race of men. Let the Plan of Love and Light work out.

And may it seal the door where evil dwells.

Pray: “Dear God I come before you with love and humility. Grant that the veil will be removed from my eyes, so that I can see you in all things, great and small. Clear my mind of all trivia so that you may enter and be experienced by me without question or doubt. Open my heart so that love can pour in, multiply and go out with love and kindness, and patience to all.” The hem of the garment, a thing of loving healing power, just as the Son of God, our beloved Jesus has said: “these things you too shall do. Make me an instrument of thy love.”


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Chapter 7 Poetry:

The wind chases leaves down the street; Playfully lifting, blowing, Frost in the air Time for friends and feasting. Snow soon to fall, Enveloping all in a quietude. Peace.

***** ***** *****

Saints or sinners Who is to say, Saints or sinners Today’s your day.

***** ***** ***** When in darkness a candle should you light, Sadness too is darkness, we do know thy plight. Reach up to God above, Reach out to those you love. Yes, our daughter, never fear, Many loved ones hover near.

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Fall, leaves turning gold into red. A new vigor in the air Before the days of rest and sleep Under the snow. Turkeys fattening Apples ripening Schools bulging Children cramming All this activity for the young But in the sunset of our lives Regrets, Reluctance to face the inevitable. That was before the awakening Our knowing, our faith Keep us in courage For tomorrow’s life is a new adventure.

***** ***** ***** On time’s great scroll The deeds recorded, The soulful man Scarred with pain. Return to God You souls of darkness, Return to love In Christ’s name. The way is dark But in its suffering Lessons learned Alas too late. Hate has spread And more suspicion Who are they Who will bring the Light? The above received November 1st, 1966 -- All Souls Day All Souls Day honors the multitude of good souls who never sought recognition, just did their duty as it came along.

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Yonder Hills

Yonder hill are waiting Waiting for the feet of those Wishing for the ascent’s adventure Knowing faith’s great reward. From the summits, views extending Greater than from the plains below As in ascent we discover Signs of great encompassing love.

***** ***** ***** More than the seeds The souls who wait to be free.

***** ***** ***** Fields of daisies, fields of clover, Once blanketed the earth Great the loss we now do know They were sent to enrich the earth God the chemist God the physician While man so ruthlessly destroys ‘Til in years repenting Can balance be regained Points of light there, but elusive Chasing, following, gives no rest Join the throng ever growing, Aware of great mistakes performed. Aid to all the knowing Aid to the sons of God.

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God of all great natural things, God of all dear little ones. Loves us all in bounteous ways Loves throughout the long sad days. Rain does come, then sunshine brings Warmth and light to all the ones Which with love and faith does wait Erring ones at heaven’s gate. Look to thee dear nature’s child Most trusting with heart so mild Forget, forgive, To live, let live. Lord of all the natural things Lord teach our heart to sing. Praise to all. Thanks to Thee Bright soul through all eternity.

***** ***** ***** Love the hope of all, Love the reward of a life Spent in true devotion.

***** ***** ***** The love you send we are receiving, All blessings we are sharing.

***** ***** ***** Look to the dawn Look to our dreams, All is not illusion Dreams are real things. Hope for tomorrow Work for today, Past is all sorrow Now show us the way.

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The dawn breaks Mists rise, the earth warmed Much eagerness, new life emerging Each leaf seeking fulfillment.

***** ***** ***** Home to your God the spirit goes Finding rest from care. Never fear the unknown, God is ever there.

Wm T. Stead

***** ***** ***** Past the earth the spirits moved, To the realm of God’s great love, ‘Til in silent thought expressing Moved this one, and did impel, Light to someone had been given, Light to share and should impart Impression oft is given, Go thou, do thy part.

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Ever our dear one Awake of asleep Always with love Together we meet. Loving of laughing In sorrow or tears, We will be near you So have no fears. Sunlight of shadows Lasting but briefly, Changing a life’s longing Ever discreetly. Knowing a weakness Love a strength, Nothing really matters When earth’s hours are spent. But love everlasting Sent to friend or to foe Nothing remains but love When it is our turn to go.

***** ***** ***** Lo! The day appears, Sunshine doth vanish fears. Raise your thoughts to God above Love my dear will banish tears. Ever mindful of your care, Spirit friends are much aware, Trust in us dear nature’s child Trust in God a longer while. Change is coming, Yet unseen, Change my dear More then you dream. We to thee our love do send, Thee to us and power blends, Ever mindful of your cares Ever mindful, love aware.

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Dear Father, this seed I sow Dear Master do help it grow! To know Thee well, to love Thee dear, To understand and spread good cheer To tell of Thy wondrous love divine, To spread love, wisdom, and peace like Thine. This today is my prayer sincere, This ode to your Christ. My dear. This seed you’ve sown Shall grow and thrive, This prayer is heard on heaven’s side.

***** ***** ***** Ever so meek, Ever so mild, Waiting and watching Signs of the child. To all depressed A fond word of cheer, Makes them aware The Christ Child is here. Yet does she wonder When will he come? No need to ponder Thy will’s being done.

***** ***** ***** Send the thought’s to grow in number, Calling, guiding those in slumber. When the thoughts arrayed do go With love, to all receiving Do impel love. Heed the call of angels singing, All on earth comes into viewing Bring to all the loving message

Blessing, blessing.

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Morning Meditation Every day at dawn, Comes a summons strong and clear, Rising over the ether To sparkling realms of cheer. Love sent out to those above, Response of love, to all down there. Guidance sent, and trust instilled, All partaking as God has willed. You have sought and you have studied, You have yearned and been alone, All in due time is accomplished, Do not give up, we implore. Friends are slowly cultivated, Then waits for the warming sun, Rains will come and gently water Helping man’s work along. Soon the time of harvest cometh, Faith will aid thee in the end. Prayers of joy and thanksgiving Rises to begin again. Mankind ever yearning, reaching Is his fate and is his joy, Radiant when he discovers, Radiant with joy.

***** ***** ***** Would the tides of love advancing Bring aught but good to thee? Faith in all the growing young ones, Seeking help from me to thee.

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Rama comes from afar Lead by a bright and shiny star. Grow in spirit Grow in faith Greet the spirits Learn thy fate. More than learning is thy trust Ever yearning with onward thrust. So with growing With you I’ll be Never wavering God waits for me. Peace

***** ***** ***** The gate of heaven opens Symbolically of course. Tread by those who seek the path They should shed the dress Life’s burdens harsh and heavy Doth impede the flow And its upward flow

***** ***** ***** The world in turmoil has tonight been in Rages mounting that sounds above the din. Now brothers, black and white Do prepare some wrongs to right. Sick at heart, we do exclaim Know Thy God loves every vein of His creation. Though differences be, did He not create you and he? Brother against brother, no not again Brother against brother, since ever Cain. Among the white, among the black Let not civilization turn its back, And back to savagery we will return Until you learn its Blackman turn. So be it. The above was received the day before the World’s Fair opening, when blockades and riots were threatened. April 20th, 1964.

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April 20th, 1964. Then terrific rains came and averted the trouble.

Came the day, happy to reward Pleasure to one who loves her God. Grateful for the morning sun Thankful for the wonderful turn of fate,

Which rained on the earth Averting crime and sorrow

Blessings on the new tomorrow. Rama

***** ***** ***** Give to all thy love,

Give to all thy cheer. Provide God’s sweet comfort. To foe, have no fear. Sister or brother, Neighbor or friend, To all around thee Great blessing extend

***** ***** ***** Love to you we all are sending, Love to us the power blending.

***** ***** *****

The sands of time no one can hold, They are to some just sand, to others gold. Who are to say, “Thou shalt, thou must?” These single sands a precious trust.

The wasteful or the miser Which one will it be? Holding tight or holding naught Would with wisdom we could see.

Wm T. Stead

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Morning is the time we meet Rare communion, ever sweet. Miss a morning, miss a day

From your side we do not stray. Wm T. Stead

***** ***** ***** Love the gift we bring to you Love the gift to a heart so true.

***** ***** ***** Ever the storm rages,

Quotes of man entangling Truths of God, so simple, so clear, Fall on all unheeding ears.

Love of God and of thy neighbor, What need of man the more to know? Be content with wondrous magic As in love you know and grow.

Childlike trust is God revealing, Inner man will hear the pealing Of each heavenly revelation Ringing forth the proclamation.


***** ***** ***** Pray to God in inmost being, Pray to Him, all knowing, seeing. Earth’s rewards are small and fleeting, Making useless all thy bleating. Lambs of God or for the slaughter, Lambs of man, or lamb of water. Ever flowing on and upward, Seeking, knowing, loving, doing.

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Peace the gift of a conscience true, Peace if love guides in all you do. Tranquil the heart, receptive the mind, God’s greatest gifts shower on thine.

***** ***** ***** Another day to weep and pray, More sense than laughter makes. Much love from you extends in our direction. Few there are who give a thought When the day sends forth Much wanted _________________ (The writing ceased)

***** ***** ***** Like unto the waters The spirit onward goes. Blessings showered down on her, Who with love doth pray. Fearing not the next step forward, Fearing not the new born day. Faith in God and in His angels, From the earth conditions leaving.

***** ***** *****

Dedicated to the many charity organizations who are helping children. Ever with love they serve All children are God’s Ever with happiness giving Much tenderness allows. Help to these dear ones Less fortunate than thee, Joy in the serving Shared with thee.

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The way opens, mists dispel Morning spreads its light. Illuminating, raising all together Into the glow of God’s new day.

Thoughts of love rise in the morning air, Cheering with the warmth of love All who would arise to meet the morning God’s radiant award.

***** ***** ***** Rise with the dawn Each hour prolong.

***** ***** ***** Waters of the spirit flow to the shore, Waves lapping, gently tapping the sands of life. Caressing, disturbing, Like the days of our love. Distressing, sometimes joyous Sometimes sad.

***** ***** ***** Mists falling spreading darkness, Must be dispelled before the day’s dawning. Rise to meet the new day Eager, loving, never doubting, Loving prayer your only way.

***** ***** ***** Build your house with love and care, Build it strong and rapt with care. Love enfold it and all therein will grow Good and loving, to man no foe. Spend thy days in God’s dimension. Live thy years in God’s protection.

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Advancing, advancing, ever advancing, Upward on the spiral climb, Advancing, advancing, On wings to heaven’s clime. Those who share, those who dare, Heaven’s award shall receive, ‘Til all loved once praise and say,

“It was God’s children who passed this way.”

***** ***** *****

Arise Arise you souls who slumber, Arise to meet the day, God’s chariot of love, The Giver of life crosses the earth Viewing the strife. Arise, arise my slumbering children Your help I need this day. To make our world a place to love Please be with Me this day. You creatures are important Each life a mold to fill Each can be a vessel Of evil or good will. Not to live, stagnation, Not to be, is nil Arise, my warring children Your destiny to fulfill. God’s love flows in abundance, To all who know; should be Working, loving, aiming, For all life’s unity. Arise, Arise, my children Arise to meet the day Not to live in evil Not to love, decay!

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Give to all thy love, Give to all thy cheer. Provide God’s sweet comfort To foe, have no fear. Sister or brother, Neighbor or friend, To all around thee Great blessings extend.

***** ***** ***** From we to thee our love do send, From thee to we and power blends,

Strengthening our Faith Strengthening our love; Join thoughts and hands With those above.

***** ***** *****

A Hymn to the Sun Great orb of Light, Brighter than the world of illusion, Stand forth and shower thy rays Filtered through the haze of man’s illusions. Oh how bright the Sun behind the sun, God of all creation, now strong Thy Light! To encounter Thy radiance We must be radiant. To know Thy love, we must love. Oh Great Unknowable, while we in darkness pray,

Light our path, show us the way. To know Thee, to love Thee, to serve is our desire. Like so many of the poems received, this was not signed but the writing which preceded this was a personal message signed: “Mary Ellen.” The script was the same.

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Over the earth the clouds are moving Bringing want, disease, despair; Far from God all peoples straying, Cannot the light shine anywhere? Over all the spirits hover Asking aught but love. Who will hear us? None will bother, giving time to all.

***** ***** ***** Look to the dawn, Awake oh thy sleeping soul; How swiftly fly the years, How slightly does man touch realities. Come forth, oh soul which slumbers, How joyous is thy release; When dawn breaks, come forth, The summons is to live. Joyous awareness waiting, Watching for the first signs of new life. The teacher awaits. Expectant joy the soul adventure.

***** ***** ***** Over all the spirits hover Asking naught but love. Who will hear us? None will bother, No time to give to those above. Little we ask of those who remain, Little, not all, we seek in vain.

***** ***** ***** Morning calls, alert all men. God surrounds, Arise you then To meet the day, To greet the world, Arise!


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Mothers of men who weep and sigh, Mothers who are waiting for their sons to die, Weep not, but pray. Pray for peace, Pray hatred will cease. Pray all will know the joy Of raising peace-loving boys, Who in turn will rise And teach the Golden Rule.


***** ***** *****

Song of a Saddened Heart Promise me love, Promise me dear, We who loved in days gone by Shall ever remain near. A kiss was given, No pledges were spoken, Perfect love and trust, Tomorrow never came for either of us. The years rolled by, And gone out youth, Gone so soon My own true love.

***** ***** ***** Queen of the night, The moon in all her glory Shines with reflected light From her Lord, the Sun. Oh woman, reflection of our gender being, Reflect the love your mate extends. Sad indeed the woman, Cold, desolate, when love does not shine forth For her and her alone.


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Gently our Father leads us, Into the radiant Light. Soft music gently playing Bringing courage, not fright. Love is the wonderful power, Smoothing life’s rugged road, Into the sunrise we venture, Moving on, eager in love.

***** ***** ***** The wheels of time speed up, As down in the hill they go. It is in the upward climb The time so slow.

Robert Frost

***** ***** *****

Winter Snow is falling, clear white Like unto the white our souls should aspire to. Snow, without a darkened footstep

untrammeled No step upon the land, No mark of man. Clear serene What matter the foot steps? What matter the bird points? Living is like unto the patterns in the snow They fade.

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Received from Wm T. Stead Much has been said, since I’ve been dead More will be said, not that I am not dead. (It takes ole Stead, rot, rather) Poor rhythm, poor rhyme.

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‘Tis time my dear to stop and pray, ‘Tis time dear loved ones this prayer to say; “Father of all men, hear our prayers, Father in heaven, may we cease sowing tares, And sow wheat instead, the source of our daily bread.” With the wheat sow kindness, With the harvest reap love; Peace then shall descend from Heaven above. And within your own soul Love and peace shall reign, Benefiting one, enriching all; The all of God’s creation Is as the salt of the sea, Benefit all, reward to me. Mary you have just received some lines which we hope will be read by many. The author prefers to remain anonymous as the thoughts expressed are in the hearts of many, therefore not exclusively hers. The fields of thoughts, how interesting. We can pick all kinds of flowers, thought forms from the fields of thought. Some will pick weeds and tears; some flowers of great beauty. May you continue to seek the good.

***** ***** ***** Yonder fields do seem more green, Yonder mountains rise. Calling us in restless abandon. How the mists rise, Concealing blue skies. Yonder hill beckon Calling us to explore. Calling – Mysteries of a strange new land Unexplored before. Strangers shall not be rewarded Effort, tireless our goal; ‘Til as we reach the summit May the climb, ever rising, Find us nearer God.

Robert Frost

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The following is very familiar. Is it by Edwin Markham, or Robert L. Stevenson? Home is the sailor, Home from the sea. Home is the heaven My true love makes for me.

***** ***** ***** Silent, yearning, Reaching high Until in great ascendance God is found, Ever embracing In His descendance

Robert Frost

***** ***** ***** The three who share The three who dare Heaven’s award shall receive ‘Til all the loved ones pause and pray “It was God’s Children Who passed this way.” The three to we of the Stead circle, who despite family criticism etc, pursued our study of psychic phenomena.

***** ***** ***** Little we ask of those who remain Little or all you are _________

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(It was our 43rd wedding anniversary) Robert Frost. Every anniversary calls for poetry.

Years Together Slowly the unhappy days go forth, Swiftly the joyous ones. The days extend to years. Striving, loving, working Until an edifice of great proportion is made. What of it will endure? The Children? They soon build their own edifices. The friends? Sometimes. The love, the ideals, the dreams Are the things which endure. Bless you both, George and Mary.

***** ***** ***** Received on our 43rd wedding anniversary Over all a peace descends Near the close of a busy day. Over all a blessing To the man for his dedication, To the woman for maintaining that ideal; For courage of you both In meeting life’s storms. May the sunset years Cast a glow of fiery beauty, Enfolding all in its glory of love.

Robert Frost

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Return oh child of mine To the Father’s fold be welcomed. Reach out thy hand Anoint the ______. Love incurring all who seek Join hands with the strong or weak Return to the love enfolding Praise His name with joy and glory.

Signed M___ Love. August 13th, 1984

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Whispered Love I’ll tell of the love that is a whisper, And the softness is her hair And her beauty is shy, And he loves a breeze that surrounds him And steals his fears. For her voice is tender, And her loveliness pure. Their love is warm, And the sun brings it shining Through the valley, and peace Is with them, And her heart is happy. And their love cannot fade, For in the night they move together And are warmed. And they work and laugh and love, But they do not shout their love to the world, They whisper it in the parks and subways, And it is theirs. And they do not fight the battles of the world, But they touch, and are touched, They explore with words and eyes and thoughts, And they find their answer, And their answer is Love, And the love is theirs.

Robert Horning

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Chapter 8 Affirmations:


For Confidence and Power

I always feel confident and powerful. I project this strength to others. I believe in myself and my capabilities. I project a dynamic personality. I am ready for the responsibility of power. My manner is fearless and assured.

***** ***** ***** I thankfully accept the Divine healing of my body. My radiant health reflects universal love. I channel the unlimited power of divine light through every cell of my body and mind. My atonement with divine mind releases the spiritual power within me. I give thanks.

***** ***** ***** With deep and compassionate love for all mankind I am made prefect in divine mind. I draw in the healing rays of cosmic energy. I am bathed in the limitless vitality of universal love. I radiate good health and a positive outlook.

***** ***** ***** I am a reflection of Divine Power which enables me to carry any burden as though it did not exist. Within me lies the eternal spark of Divine Wisdom which assures my spiritual realization. I walk in light. I reflect that light and wish to spend life assisting others to find the light.

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Affirmations for Confidence Adults and Children

You can be anything you want to be. You always look for the good side. You do not blame yourself or others. You bring happiness and love every day you get better and better.

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Abundance I live in a universe of abundance. I now rise above my limited awareness to claim my share of the divine legacy. I channel abundance for the greater good in harmony with Universal Law. (What you give will be returned one hundred fold.)

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I speak to the points of Light within every cell of my body. Restore now perfect health, Strength, Happiness, Courage and Faith to me and all my family. The World.

***** ***** ***** Great Cosmic Light purify and cleanse the hearts and minds of all people.

***** ***** ***** Children of Light, let the full power of Light and Love pour forth for all peace.

***** ***** ***** Mighty I am Presence, as I move among mankind may I be as a source of healing, enlightening, Loving. I give thanks.

***** ***** ***** I am surrounded by a divine blue healing light. Divine Light streams through my cells, healing me completely and quickly. I have the power and ability to accelerate my healing. My mind is filled with positive healing energy. My mind is all powerful and I now use it to heal myself. Each hour, each moment I move toward perfect total healing. I accept perfect health as a reality.

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Chapter 9 Notes From Channel:

From Lectures

There are seven planes in the next dimension to ascend to. Man lives in the third dimension while in the physical. The forth dimension gives opportunity for growth, learning and understanding. In the fifth dimension, group mind radiates. Man is learning to project his thoughts his wisdom to an almost limitless extent. Incarnates can learn to tune into this flow of wisdom when they realize they are not bound, but a free soul. On this dimension you become aware of the help your fellow man needs. So one can even tap into the 6th, as we do when we contact the Great Brotherhood, Love, belief and meditation are the means.

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Subject of First Talk

Is There Life After Death? June 22nd, 1985

This is a subject which is dear to my heart. One which has made me very happy and removed many fears. I have had many revealing experiences which have proved to my satisfaction that those who leave us through so called death are not dead but in many cases more alive than we are and anxious to contact us to lesson our grief. I was fortunate enough to meet many people who had experiences of healing and seeing proof of survival. Anxious of study this subject under qualified investigators, I joined the American Society for Psychical Research and attended Spiritual Camps with respected and experienced mediums. I now believe in personal immortality not of faith but evidence. All we are seeking is illumination that will make us see the whole human adventure in the context of eternity. It has often been said, “No one ever came back to tell.” How wrong they are and what a lack of intellectual. Our libraries are acquiring more books on phenomena. Ancient writings have told us of communication. Did not Socrates have his Demon? Edison, a great believer in spiritualism, was working on a machine which he hoped would bring in voices from spirit. You do not need a machine if you can contact a good medium. There are many types of phenomena and ways to receive evidence of the continuation of life. Voice – direct and thru trumpet,

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Clairvoyance – seeing, Clairaudience – hearing, Clairsentience – sensing, Table tapping, Ouija Board, Crystal Ball, and many other ways. Every culture has some method. Some noted people who were convinced of life hereafter were:

Sir Conan Doyle – the author of ‘Sherlock Homes’ and the two volumes of “History of Spiritualism’ Mrs. Albert Payson Techune – (Across the Line) Sherwood Addy – author of 24 books on travel, Social Justice, Russia and China Dr. Gardner Murphy – former head of psychology, college of City of New York, (one of the first colleges to have a course in psychology) Professor James Heplop – Professor of Logic at Columbia Reverend William Rauscher – former President of Spiritual Frontiers, who was trying to get the churches to recognize (the continuation of life)

Others are: Sir Oliver Lodge Upton Sinclair William Eisen Scuntest Tesla Van Brunn Astronaute Edward Mitchell and on and on and on. From the book: “Was Abraham Lincoln a Spiritualist”, Maynard.

Abraham Lincoln had séances at the White House, some of those attending were: Frances B. Carpenter – painter of ‘Emancipation Proclamation’, which is in the Capital. author of the ‘Inner Life of Abraham Lincoln’, The Honorable Daniel E. Semes – Representative from Maine, Major General Daniel Stickeles, Col. Simon Kase – Philadelphia, Mr. Neivton – Comm. of Agriculture.

The séances were not secret. The communications told of battles to come and results foretold. On several occasions advice was given and accepted which when acted on proved of monumentous consequence. One of the voices which spoke to President Lincoln was that of Daniel Webster. Air Chief Marshal Lord Dowding, the man who directed the Battle of Britain against Hitler’s overwhelming air force says: “Communication with those who have passed have actually experienced the conditions of which they speak. Discarnate communication is one of the most valuable and prolific methods by which humanity may obtain knowledge of life after death. Those who refuse to avail themselves of this information are deliberately ignoring something of great importance to themselves.”

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Second Lecture This has been called the age of enlightenment, the Golden Age, the Space Age, the Psychic Age, and the Aquarian Age. Whatever you wish to call it enlightenment is descending through the Spiritual darkness. Is not the world going through a greater change and faster pace than it has for thousands of years? Consider the advancement in these last 85 years: Science, more freedom of thought etc. The life drama of Spiritual philosophy is being considered. Our youth are not following the dictates and outmoded concepts of religions. Walls are coming down. Such subjects as life after death, reincarnation, teachers of the mind, etc. Many subjects which were taboo are being openly discussed. The veil between worlds is becoming ever so thin. Observe! Become aware! Grow.

***** ***** ***** What is the meaning of SÉANCE? Simply sitting {French}. What is the meaning of OUIJA? OUI = French for Yes, JA = Yes, German.

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Angels Halaliel – leader of the Heavenly Hosts. Gabriel – Michael – Lord of the Way (A way shower). Seraphis – Power of Light. (Archangel – Supreme). Deity of the sun. Isis a sister of light. (Is this the same as Seraphis Bay?)

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Thoughts in passing material for next lecture

Alchemy was the forerunner of chemistry; astrology, direct ancestor of astronomy; magnetism of hypnotism. The examination and study of the so called occult (hexden), is necessary to the understanding of man. It is no longer fashionable to sneer at these sciences. Today men of science are piercing the veil which divides man and the supernatural. Supernatural is just the result of our lack of knowledge of natural laws. Psychics have been speaking of the aura for years. They could diagnose illness and character of a person’s person from their aura. Now medical science is into the act. Treating it as something new, as break in an aura, color. Thought transference is no longer a theory but accepted. Air Force Academy had an article in N.Y. Times asking and telling they would welcome woman and give special training because woman were adjustable. They wanted to train them for space travel. Reading minds would transcend a language barrier.

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Material for Lecture Life Eternal

The guides tell us what the sages have been teaching for many years; there is no Death! There are no miracles but simply the proper utilization of life energies that function according to Cosmic Law. Life cannot be bargained with. As we sow, so shall ye reap. We have free will and soul evolution is open to all. We are surrounded by life energies healing forces that we can learn to use. Albert Einstein worked so closely with discarnates that the theories he expounded were fed into his mind. He constantly walked through radio and television beams without being aware of them just as discarnates move through, or around us, even through walls without obstruction.


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Aetherius Society Flying Saucers

Led by Dr. George King, who while alone in his London flat suddenly heard a voice command: “prepare yourself. You are to become the voice of the Interplanetary Parliament.” Not long after, Dr. King was ‘overshadowed’ by a being called “Master Aetherius”, a Venusian who has since used Dr. King as a channel to bring spiritual upliftment to the world. Delegates are supposed to meet on Saturn. In 1955 Dr. King hired a small hall in London and the audience for the first time heard the voice of Aetherius issuing from him. Today (circa 1976), the society is international and expanding membership throughout the world and messages are published in its magazine the “Cosmic Voice,” headquarters in London. A spaceship, ‘Satellite #3,’ is in periodic orbit around the earth and massive quantities of prana is released. This power or vital energy can be used by everyone who prays or acts unselfishly. The times the spaceship is in orbit is known as a ‘Spiritual Push’.

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Material for lecture World Changes

Definitely a change {shift} in axis of earth which will come after WW-III, which hierarchy and mankind can avert. But before this there will be revelations. More of the Dead Sea Scrolls will be found. Records of Atlantis will be found in Yucatan and Egypt. Remnants of the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah will be discovered. Mystery of the Giant Crystal will be solved. It is said the space ships of Atlantis received their energy from crystal.


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A last note from the channel: In prayer we speak to God, in meditation He speaks to us. Proper meditation is thinking and waiting. A voice will thunder in the silence, each one receiving that which he is capable of understanding. Little gems of thought which almost unknown, penetrate and become part of our knowing. Sometimes the part is revealed, much loved in the days gone by, sometimes a blessing to come. A revelation of past or future should be savored as of the moment then proceed with living and serving. Do not dwell in a dream world. Glimpses are often to encourage one onward and upward, and to show how far we have come. Stagnate not in past glories or performances but proceed with faith and love. Meditation brings refreshment, knowledge and strength. Verily we say unto you, our redemption is in loving and serving. Blessings and peace from you Teachers, Guides and loved ones. Mary Ellen Armand William T. Stead Edgar, the Peaceful Robert Frost Antonius Edgar Cayce The one who signs “Sholem” and many more.

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Editor’s Thoughts I have waited until the end of this book to express some comments. The channel, Mary J. Thomas, is my grandmother. There have been times I have witnessed/sat with her and/or her groups: listening, learning, trying to understand the spirituality she devoted her life and soul to. Unfortunately for most of my adult life I didn’t understand. Only recently have I seen the error in this. Not that I have any more understanding of the spiritual road everyone is on. Do not mistake my words. I am in no way even close to what my grandmother was, in soul life or harmony with the cosmos. But I do believe that with her help, and many others, then and now, I have been shown the way. It is up to each one of us to take the words and meanings and knowledge expressed in this book and to try to find our life’s path. Spirituality on a whole I feel has been misrepresented by many, misunderstood by many more and truly understood by only a very few. These few are not the lucky ones, but are the ones that have looked past all the human meanings of what most call God, and have listened to the word of God, put their life in God’s hands and have accepted God for what IS, Everything and Everlasting. Two years before her passing, about a month before moving to Shreveport Louisiana, she asked me to come to her home in Center Moriches, Long Island, New York. There it was explained to me that she, her guides, and her teachers wanted me to have most all of my grandmother’s metaphysical library along with this manuscript. Their deepest wish; to one day have it published so the world could read these words. My grandmother believed in many things: Love, Spirit, Life, the Light of the One, the overall goodness of mankind, UFO’s, that mankind could and would be rescued from itself, and many other things., including that our space program would do great things. Mary J. Thomas passed beyond the veil of physical life on January 27th, 1986, the day before the Challenger exploded soon after liftoff. It is my ultimate belief that she was not taken from us, but was ready to go; for her true life was only starting and that she was needed elsewhere. Her work continues, on this side and the other. It has been said many different times and in many different ways in this book: ”Blessed are the souls that search for the truth and the knowledge from God.” I say Blessed are the teachers, the guides, the poets and the many others that came back to us in spirit to help in any and every way they could/can.

Note: A poem by Robert Horning is the only poem written by a living person. He is my brother-in-law. The channels great son-in-law.