words from our minister - south congregational church 2016e.pdf · an invisible thread by laura...

Our Mission is to be an inclusive community of faith that preaches the word of God, teaches the love of Jesus Christ and reaches out to all through the Holy Spirit. An Open and Affirming Congregation With this fall newsletter, as in past years I share of my recent readings- particularly from summer. Two books of mystery/espionage, The Camel Club by David Baldacci and Deception Point by Dan Brown. Perhaps no social redeeming value, yet enjoyable. A marvelous story of a family with two young sons and health struggles which have shaped the family dynamics; Jodie Picoult’s Home Rules . Seems like all of her books present individuals as vulnerable with character flaws, just as any and all of us. I continue reading Grace in Aging by Kathleen Singh, an excellent read of how we might further awaken to life around us with the gift of years. Highly recommended. Finally, two books speaking to issues of race before us: Between the World and Me by Ta-Nehisi Coates. He writes to his young son of his W. Baltimore experiences as a black youth and how race will continue to stand before him in the years ahead. Couple this work with Gilbert Mason’s who grew up in the south, completed medical school and opened a practice in Biloxi MS in the early days of the civil rights struggles; Beaches, Blood and Ballots . Much of the setting is same community and streets where we have taken our mission trips in recent years. I am still taken back by the stories of discrimination and segregation in our nation’s history. I have been simply blind to the reality of white privilege over most of my years. There are many books of reflection and inspiration in our church library including An Invisible Thread by Laura Schroff which I highly recommend. A ‘chance’ meeting between an adult journalist and a youth on a New York City street corner, and how each of their lives forever changed – take a look! Charles South Congregational Church United Church of Christ Words from our Minister October 2016 Sunday Worship 10:30 am (Nursery Care provided) Sunday School 10:30 am Classes Inside this issue: Words from Rev. Whiston Christian Education News Mark Your Calendars You Should Know Financial Summary Life Journeys OUTREACH BEYOND OUR DOOR Rev. Charles received a call from Grace Street Ministry coordinator, Rev. Mair Honan. This outreach ministry to those experiencing homelessness in Portland is one we support as a church and have welcomed Mair to our pulpit in recent years. She are requesting a total of 12-15 hooded sweatshirts (size M, L or XL - a mix) as the temperature drops. Through Outreach Committee, you are invited to contribute to this need during October by bringing one in as you may wish. Any shortfall will be made up through the committee’s funds. Somewhat similar, Back Bay Mission in Biloxi MS is challenging churches to assist in growing the housing rehabilitation program on the Gulf Coast where we have gone for many years. Outreach has offered $500 and invites others to grow that initial gift to a total of $1000 to support that effort.

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Our Mission is to be an inclusive community of

faith that preaches the word of God,

teaches the love of Jesus Christ and reaches out

to all through the Holy Spirit.

An Open and Affirming Congregation

With this fall newsletter, as in past years I share of my recent readings- particularly from summer. Two books of mystery/espionage, The Camel Club by David Baldacci and Deception Point by Dan Brown. Perhaps no social redeeming value, yet enjoyable. A marvelous story of a family with two young sons and health struggles which have shaped the family dynamics; Jodie Picoult’s Home Rules. Seems like all of her books present individuals as vulnerable with character flaws, just as any and all of us. I continue reading Grace in Aging by Kathleen Singh, an excellent read of how we might further awaken to life around us with the gift of years. Highly recommended. Finally, two books speaking to issues of race before us: Between the World and Me by Ta-Nehisi Coates. He writes to his young son of his W. Baltimore experiences as a black youth and how race will continue to stand before him in the years ahead. Couple this work with Gilbert Mason’s who grew up in the south, completed medical school and opened a practice in Biloxi MS in the early days of the civil rights struggles; Beaches, Blood and Ballots. Much of the setting is same community and streets where we have taken our mission trips in recent years. I am still taken back by the stories of discrimination and segregation in our nation’s history. I have been simply blind to the reality of white privilege over most of my years.

There are many books of reflection and inspiration in our church library including An Invisible Thread by Laura Schroff which I highly recommend. A ‘chance’ meeting between an adult journalist and a youth on a New York City street corner, and how each of their lives forever changed – take a look! Charles

South Congregational Church United Church of Christ

Words from our Minister

October 2016

Sunday Worship 10:30 am (Nursery Care provided)

Sunday School 10:30 am Classes

Inside this issue: Words from Rev. Whiston Christian Education News

Mark Your Calendars

You Should Know

Financial Summary

Life Journeys


Rev. Charles received a call from Grace Street Ministry coordinator, Rev. Mair Honan. This outreach ministry to those experiencing homelessness in Portland is one we support as a church and have welcomed Mair to our pulpit in recent years. She are requesting a total of 12-15 hooded sweatshirts (size M, L or XL - a mix) as the temperature drops. Through Outreach Committee, you are invited to contribute to this need during October by bringing one in as you may wish. Any shortfall will be made up through the committee’s funds.

Somewhat similar, Back Bay Mission in Biloxi MS is challenging churches to assist in growing the housing rehabilitation program on the Gulf Coast where we have gone for many years. Outreach has offered $500 and invites others to grow that initial gift to a total of $1000 to support that effort.

Church school has now begun, delightful to have so many young faces. And ‘yes’, how they have grown! Do help us by completing registration sheets, be you returning this fall or new to this faith community. Thank you.

Our Music Director David Brandes has offered to run Children’s Choir again this fall. Youth Choir is a fun opportunity for our school age young people. Rehearsals are immediately following the worship service and during the post service coffee time. The rehearsal lasts for only twenty-twenty five minutes in an effort to avoid detaining parents.

The Youth choir will sing on one or two occasions during the fall season, as well as during our early family Christmas Eve service.

Sunday School

Fall Bible Study

Youth Choir

Fall Bible Study: With Rev. Burt Howe for six Tuesday mornings this fall (10:00 to 11:00 am), that began on September 27 .

"When Faith Gets Out Its Wings--a sampling of the Psalms". In this discussion style study we will explore what it means to have an "honest to God" faith by learning from the psalmists' candor in expressing a full range of feelings. What might it mean to get out your wings of faith in times of anger or aspiration, frustration and fear, doubt and confidence, sadness and joy, reverence and revolting, hope and despair, singing and shame? Does an honest to God faith begin in honesty with ourselves and others? Does faith have to be "real" to be relevant? All are welcome to join us .

Fall All Church Picnic 2016

The Deacons are sponsoring a trip to the Southworth Planetarium in Portland on Saturday, December 17 for the planetarium’s holiday sky show, called A Season of Light. South Church has a 2 pm private viewing (one hour, cost $5.50 each). This show celebrates the history and astronomy of the holiday season, from antiquity to the modern day observances of Christmas and Hanukkah. A signup sheet will be posted on the bulletin board in November, but in the meantime, save the date before your holiday calendar gets filled up! For more information, contact Elizabeth Grant, [email protected], or 207-204-0158.

A Fall Concert - The Boston City Singers Concert is being held on, Saturday, November 12, 2016, 7 p.m. This concert is sponsored by the McClelland Foundation of Church on the Cape and South Congregation Church. Please join the Music Committee with help feeding these youngsters after their bus ride from Boston. We will share the menu and serving with our friends and co-workers from Cape Porpoise. There is NEED and HOPE for HELP from our congregation in doing so. Our planning meeting will be Thursday, October 6 at 4 pm South Church. We welcome your help and hope you’ll join us. Thank you.

Church Usher Opportunity - Being an usher for church service is a meaningful way of serving the church community. Not only do the ushers assist the Deacon-in-Charge and minister during the church service, but, as importantly, the ushers make both regular church members and those who are visiting feel welcome and included at South Church. It is a wonderful way to greet old friend and meet new people (such as the ones who sit on the other side of the church!). No experience is necessary! If interested, please sign up for a date or dates on the Usher Sign-Up Sheet on the bulletin board. If you have any questions, just see one of the Deacons.

It’s pecan time again. Fresh from Georgia, the pecans are in 12 oz bags and sell for $10.00 apiece. Payment should be made at time of ordering, if possible, and made out to the Women’s Association. Pick up of orders will be before Thanksgiving.

The Maine Council of Churches is an ecumenical, faith based program in our state seeking the common good for all our citizens. On October 16,, representatives will be with us during the worship service.

An information session for those interested in South Church membership takes place right after the worship service on October 16. Let Rev. Charles know if you think you'll be attending to help us plan. Already about eight folks will be attending.

Dine With “Nine” Saturday, evening October 15

Red Hymnals -Many of our red hymnals are tired and ready for a well-deserved retirement! The Deacons have voted to replace these well-worn hymnals.

We wish to extend to the congregation the opportunity to donate a new hymnal dedicated to the memory of someone of your choosing. As in our current hymnals, the dedication will be placed on the inside cover of the new hymnal. This will help defray the cost of the hymnals but also, more importantly, allow you to honor the memory of a loved one. The donation for a dedicated hymnal will be $23, and forms will be available at the church . The deadline for submitting an order form is Sunday, October 30th.

The Deacons will make a record of the dedications for each of the retired hymnals so that these tributes will not be lost. At a later date, we will also have information for those wishing to obtain one of the retired hymnals. Our goal is to have new hymnals for the Christmas season as a gift to us all.


Thank you for donating a new hymnal to South Church. Please complete this form (one form per hymnal) and submit it to the Church office with a donation in the amount of $23.00 by October 30th. Checks should be made out to South Congregational Church, U.C.C.

Below are three options for the hymnal dedications. Please check your selection and print the name(s) as you wish it to read in the hymnal. (For example: In Loving Memory of John W. Dow - Given by his loving granddaughter Jane Dow) ___ In Loving Memory of _____________________________________ Given by _____________________________ ___ In Honor of _____________________________________ Given by _____________________

___ Given By

_____________________________________ Please print your name and phone number below: Name: _______________________________ Phone number: ________________________

We hope to have the new red hymnals in the sanctuary for the Christmas season. Again, thank you for your support.

A rich variety of stories came in from the $ 10 bills distributed by Rev. Charles to those in worship on June 28. Many folks invited/challenged family and friends to grow their $10, matched it themselves and/or found programs that would stretch their gift’s purchasing power.

Reflecting upon the parable of the good steward (Matthew 25), the prophet Micah (chapter 6: 6-8) and the gospel (Luke 3: 10) and charged to “be creative, grow it, invest it, give it away.”

These are just some of the stories that were shared on September 18:

~ Grew it and a donation to Good Shepherd Food Bank who can expand the gift to feed dozens of families in our state

~ Donated it to Kennebunk High School fund for students of limited resources to attend prom or purchase a yearbook for themselves at graduation time

~ Purchased a large print Reader’s Digest subscription for a neighbor who hadn’t realized such was available

~ Purchased backpack and school supplies for students experiencing homeless in York County, nearly a dozen folks collaborated in this effort

~ Gifted it to the Organ Fund at First Congregational Church, Kennebunkport for needed renovations of that instrument that was originally in this sanctuary

~ Doubled it for a gift of ice cream treats to the workers from Community Partners who come to South Church each Monday

These are but some of the stories of sharing the wealth ~spreading the light. All will be posted on a bulletin board in the coming days.

~ Donated to both Shriner’s Hospital (Boston) and St Jude’s (Memphis), in an amount equal to the driving distance between the two

~ Put toward supplies for a grandson’s lemonade stand bringing forth $40 for Habitat for Humanity's new house build in Kennebunk

~ Gave the $10 plus more to an airline wheelchair attendant who offered extra assistance upon late arrival at airport. In conversation with him, learned of his recent arrival as Somali refugee with minimal resources.

SOUTH CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH, UCC Interim Financial Summary January 1, 2016 - September 30, 2016 Actual Budget Difference INCOME Pledges - Member $ 189,007 $ 166,910 $ 22,097 Non-Pledged 7,677 5,250 2,427 Offertory 20,060 13,500 6,560 Endowment 24,704 23,625 1,079 Adams Fund Maintenance - 11,250 (11,250) Miscellaneous Gifts 2,700 1,875 825 Other Income (Rentals, 10,442 8,025 2,417 Weddings, etc.) TOTAL INCOME $ 254,590 $ 230,435 $ 24,155 EXPENSES Salaries & Wages $ 111,206 $ 110,176 $ 1,030 Benefits 45,932 47,316 (1,384) Building Maintenance 16,974 22,500 (5,526) Buildings 7,772 10,435 (2,663) Central Board 262 388 (126) Christian Education 1,758 2,550 (792) Diaconate 6,812 7,738 (926) Fellowship 194 338 (144) Insurance 15,553 17,850 (2,297) Library 166 150 16 Music 2,113 4,500 (2,387) Newsletter 813 825 (12) Office 4,038 5,007 (969) Outreach 18,112 18,600 (488) Professional Fees - 1,500 (1,500) Utilities 14,768 16,610 (1,842) TOTAL EXPENSES $ 246,469 $ 266,480 $ (20,011) INCOME MINUS EXPENSES $ 8,121 $ (36,045) $ 44,166

South Congregational Church United Church of Christ

PO Box 414 Kennebunkport, ME 04046

Phone: 207/967-2793 Fax: 207/967-5672


The deadline for submitting newsletter articles is the 15th of each month by emailing to: [email protected].

Life Journeys

Baptism September 11 Spencer Booth Auer

Death August 31 Carolyn Needles Homer

Renovation work continues in the downstairs hallway of the church as well as the music room. Thank you for your patience with dust and shifting schedules, especially for our church staff. The project should be completed in the very near future. Sam Tufts, plasterer