work-based learning training state of tennessee department of education 2008-09

WORK-BASED LEARNING TRAINING State of Tennessee Department of Education 2008-09

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First Day Agenda

Registration Welcome Work-based Learning Overview Break Policies and Procedures Lunch Safety and Child Labor Issues Break Meeting by Interest Areas Questions

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Second Day Agenda

Welcome Activity Workshop I Break Workshop II Lunch Workshop III Break Workshop IV Closure Q & A/Review of assignments

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Work Based Learning Training

Important Things

● Facility Layout

● Breaks

● Lunch – Be sure to initial the sign-in sheet after lunch

● Parking

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Must attend training both days Must submit homework Must provide 40 work hours/volunteer

hours (service learning)

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NOW WHAT HAPPENS? You are added to the WBL Training

Table You will receive a certificate

On the training table, you are assigned course numbers that you will be allowed to teach with this training

Course numbers assigned will depend upon YOUR License endorsement

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Example: Lisa Jones, 472 Marketing On the training table, 5098, 9395, 9397

5098 Marketing Co-op 9395 Service Learning 9397 Vocational Co-op

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Icebreaker…Famous Bosses

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Activity Pre-Reading Activity

5-7 minutes

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WBL At A GlanceWork Based Learning

Cooperative Education

Health Science Clinical

Service Learning


Transition ActivitiesJob Shadowing InternshipMentoring

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WBL vs. Out of School Experiences Out of school experience intended for

advanced students Cannot receive the instruction needed

at the school level

Example: Competitive ice skater, ballet, violin, Greek IV, - instruction may not be available but would be acceptable to the school

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WBL History

Beginning of Time 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000

Indentured workers




The master craftsman took all responsibility for worker to provide food, clothing, shelter and teach a craft.

Set time-frame for service

Indentured workers transitioned to apprenticeships during this time

Master craftsman taught an apprentice a craft

Apprentice graduated to journeyman who practiced craft under the watchful eye of the master craftsman

Usually lasted 2-7 years

Apprentices began earning wages with the advent of the industrial revolution and moved from out of the master craftsman’s household

Herman Schneider devised framework for cooperative education

Using cooperative education frameworks, other forms of work experiences are developed to meet students’ needs

All elements work experiences are under WBL

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Service Learning

Two types of service learning experiences Success Through Service Learning (class)

Students can have release time to participate in individual or group SL activities in a non-profit institution

Service Learning Method Students perform SL activities as part of a

class activity

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Transitions How to get started with the Transition Plan The transition plan as part of the student’s

IEP determines what minimum standards are required for attendance and gateway preparation Transition WBL activities are designed to

facilitate community based instruction, employment experiences and socialization skills for the student with disabilities

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WBL Overview

WHY? Broadens the Curriculum Enhances Career Objective

Provides an Understanding of Work (the Big Picture)

Stimulates Interest, MotivatesLearn How to Learn

Students Learn What They Like and What They Don’t Like

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WBL Overview Con’t. (Why) PR Tool – Builds Bridge to Community

Better Prepared Students

Teaches Work Ethics and Attitudes Needed for Career Success

Statistically Improved Academic Performance

*Those who work up to 20 hours per week perform better academically.

*Clemson Study – Less likely to drop out of school if student is in a quality, supervised job placement.

Improve Graduation Rate - AYP

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What Work-Based Learning Is: System, not a

program or a class Content Instruction Closure to

Work+Classroom Experience

Method or Learning Approach

EX. – Term paper in English is a method

Quality Placements, High Standards

Related Instruction, Planned and Supervised

Quantifiable and Documentable

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What Work-Based Learning is not NOT Work Release NOT Early Dismissal or Senior

Dismissal NOT Student Workers – should be

student learners (this is also a Legal Distinction)

NOT All Work Experience is Learning Does Not Take the Place of


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Career Exploration

Service to Others

Individual Skill Development

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WBL is for ALL students:

University Path, Technical Path, Dual Path, Special Education

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Quality Indicators Job Content is

Meaningful Safety Instruction

Provided Job Challenges the

Student’s Abilities Work is Related to

the Program of Study

Duration is Long Enough to Meet the Goals

Activities Foster Responsibility

Instruction is Sequentially Planned

Students Follow Federal/

State Laws – Not Exploited

School and Employer Cooperate

Trained WBL teacher

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MONITORED CTE Monitors CTE Students while SPED

monitors SPED students and T&L monitors T&L students

What do they Monitor? Review of Placements

Review by Dept. of Labor for Safety and Child Welfare

School Approval Process

Release Time, Supervision Time

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Manual Review

Take out your manual Highlighters Sticky Notes

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Manual Review

Table of Contents – page 2

Overview – page 3 & 4 - * Local Board Policy – for WBL opportunities

* Prerequisites for WBL Activities

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Who WBL components WBL activities LEA requirements

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Page 4:

Item #1 – Students must have the Gateway Exams

Item #2 – a 90% attendance rate must be maintained

The last paragraph addresses special education transition students

The IEP addresses Gateway Exams and Attendance

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Pages 5 and 6:

WBL Benefits will be addressed later

Read Carefully – pages 5 & 6

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Pages 7 through 9, Glossary - Emphasize:

The difference between a student internship and a teacher internship (pg. 7&8)

The new definition of Professional Mentor vs. Workplace Mentor (pg. 8 & 9)

Program of Study – Know this definition (pg. 8)

Related Class –Examples of jobs relating to classes such as biology/Spanish (pg. 8)

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Glossary Con’t. Student Learner vs. Student Worker

(pg. 9)

Child Labor Laws distinguish between these for jobs under a school’s LEA authority

NEXT – Pg. 10 – 11 – WBL General Policies

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Full integration of academic and career and technical education occupations curriculum with work site experiences.

Refer to Chart Page 12

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Qualifications for WBL Coordinator/Supervising Teacher

Duties Include (page 13) Recruiting Providers

Placing Students

Monitoring Placements

Coordination all Components of the Program

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Must successfully complete the WBL Coordinator Training before assuming the role of WBL Coordinator

WBL Coordinator required where students receive compensation and/or credit for WBL experiences

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Required to update annually for changes to statutes, rules and regulations regarding WBL

Update available on-line

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WBL Coordinator trained in the following areas: pg. 14

Legal Issues/Labor Laws Program components and

requirements Recruitment of employers and

selection of training stations Select, place, monitor, and

evaluate students at the work site Roles and responsibilities of the

WBL Coordinator

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Work readiness competencies and expectations

Expectations: Academic Achievement Attendance Behavior

Safety Training

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Types of WBL Experiences

Pages 18 – 36

Complete reference guide detailing each WBL methodology

Each experience has its own section

All sections are formatted identically for ease of use

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Pages 37 – 46Categories of forms: 1. Required Documentation (Keep on file 5 years)2. Recommended Forms 3. Nice to Have Documentation

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“Required Documentation”• Summary Sheet – TAB 2 • Training Agreement- Pgs.39-40• Training Plan/Safety Training Pg. 41 - 42• Insurance and Emergency Info. Pg. 43• Hazardous Occupation Exemption Note: These forms must be kept on file a

minimum of 5 years.

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Summary Sheet – TAB 2 Only form submitted to state

department. Simply a listing of all students and their

WBL placements by employer, business type, job title, wages, competencies

Instruction for submission – TAB 2 Must be signed by principal – note –

some LEA’s may require these be submitted to central office personnel first.

An allowable 20% leeway in jobs

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Training Agreement: (pp. 39 & 40)

A contract between the school, employer, student, and guardian. It states the work and wages performed under a cooperative agreement.

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Training Agreement, Continued:

TN usually allows 6 weeks to complete the forms. Employer is required to maintain a copy for review

by the Dept. of Labor. School must also retain copy for 5 years. Abbreviations are not allowed. Ex: Schools – CHS

or HHS

Note: Page 40 of the WBL manual is the back of the “Training Agreement” and should be printed as such.

Legally – “Training Agreement” is to be signed by all parties the first day of employment.

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Training Plan/Safety Recordpg 41 – What students will do…

Note the safety portion Note: the back of the training plan is

page 42 and should be printed as such.

Pg. 42 – Add competencies each grading period

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WBL Insurance and Emergency Information – (pg.) 43

Copies to be kept by school and employer

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Hazardous Occupation Agreement

Only for those working in hazardous occupations as listed on the form and allowed by federal/state law per T.C.A. (TN Code Annotated).

Guidelines for performing said hazardous activity on form pg. 44.

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Note: WBL students are not eligible for unemployment insurance. * See TAB 3 – pg. 8 Letter of Documentation

This affects taxes paid by employers.

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Evaluation Forms – Student – Employer, pp. 45-46

Referred to in Minimum Rules and Regulations

Recommended Forms

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“Recommended Forms”-TAB 3

Employer/Student Evaluations WBL ID Card Policies and Procedures for WBL Visitation Reports Wage and Hour Reports

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“Nice To Have Documentation”(In Your Handouts)

Community Employment Survey Business Analysis WBL Teacher Recommendation Introduction Card for Student to

be Interviewed

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Handouts Continued:

Coordination Visitation Report (Documents Visits)

Orientation to Business (Student Uses)

Safety on the Job (Student fills out about job assignment)

Weekly Work Schedule

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Handouts Continued:

Wage and Hour Summary for Students

and Out Sheet for Students

Desiring Job Change Form (Student uses)

Co-op Daily Report Form

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TIP: Let students prepare their own forms.

This teaches them responsibility and which is an important part of work world.

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Labor Department Questions

Contact: Mary Ellen Grace @615/532-1347

pg. 48

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Refer to pages 5 – 6WBL Benefits and Advantages

Write a brief introduction highlighting the advantages of WBL to the following:

Student-Learner School Employer Community

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Session II - Activity

WBL Policies and Procedures Pgs. 10 – 11

* On your sheet of paper, write down the key points of your assigned policy number

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Pages 10 – 11, General Policies:

#1 Students must be in a related class at the same time, concurrently, as the WBL experience.

Also means during the same school term, not prior or after.

IEP transition plan will determine the related special education class and appropriate placement for a student with a disability.

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WBL Coordination by a trained teacher

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Noteworthy – the teacher cannot supervise/coordinate as 1 or 2 sections outside the teacher’s endorsement and training

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#4 A CTE WBL Coordinator may not

supervise academic WBL students. A Special Education WBL

Coordinator may not supervise academic or CTE WBL students.

Health Science teachers MUST supervise Health Science WBL students.

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#5 Coordinators have final say regarding student placements. A student may already have a job that is acceptable.

If job is not acceptable the student has options.

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1. To change Jobs

2. Not Participate in WBL

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Reasons to find job unacceptable

Job may not relate to the program of study

Employer does want to cooperate with the school coordinator

Not in the best interest of student’s safety and well being

WBL Coordinator has the Ultimate Approval

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#6 On-Site Visits by the WBL Coordinator

Should be twice a grading period if possible

Some students will require more on-site supervision than others

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#7 - Health Science Students and Blood Borne Pathogens

No one but the health science teacher is allowed to place students in health related jobs

Does not mean that a business or office student cannot work in a medical office or hospital business office

Cannot be exposed to blood borne pathogens

HST students must pass the blood borne pathogens test with 100% mastery

Students have the opportunity to take the hepatitis B vaccinations

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# 8Release time MUST be provided for coordinator to supervise students.

# 9 25 students maximum

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#10 Internships:

Short term - 9 weeks - DOL Requirement

By Law – An employer cannot benefit from a non-paid worker

Employer-Employee relationship cannot be established

A worker cannot be displaced

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Ex: Transition student mopped floors in a steak restaurant daily after lunch for an entire year without pay. This student should have been paid. The employer benefited and would have had to pay someone to mop floors to meet health codes. This student also went past an allowed training period to learn to mop. He had mastered mopping, and his self-esteem was as important as anyone else’s.

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#11 – 180 Minutes Release Time Adjusted to assist

schools on block schedule

IEP determines time for transition studentsNote: This is supervised time with students assigned to a coordinator

Limited due to expense of freeing another period for a teacher

Intended to help advanced students who have completed their requirements

Allows placements with quality employers operating on a limited day

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#12Juniors and Seniors – 16 years old or older

Special Education IEP determines amount of release time.

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# 13 Credits Block Schedule1 credit for WBL and 1 credit for class

MUST be one grade for the two credits since WBL is a method.

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#13 – Credits

Block Schedule1 credit for WBL and 1 credit for class


Should be one grade for the two credits since WBL is a method.

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#14 – Trained and Endorsed WLB Coordinator

Vital that students are assigned properly, per WBL guidelines for accountability. WBL coordinator cannot have two responsibilities during the same period.

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Areas where students should not be employed

# 15 Detrimental to minor’s health,

well being and progress in school

Passing grades in regular school work

Hours worked must be monitored.

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Items that will effect credit

# 16 Work alone does not provide for


Working Saturday and Sunday only does not provide for credit.

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Students under 18 may NOT:

# 17 Drive vehicles to make deliveries,

Sell or scan alcoholic beverages,

Work around hazardous equipment.

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When students cannot receive credit

# 18 Attending school, ex.

cosmetology school, automotive service training school

Guard Duty


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#19 Students may work in a licensed business only.

Agriculture students are exempt from many labor laws when working on the family farm.

Does not pertain to someone else’s farm.

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#20 – References the training agreement

Will be covered later

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# 21 NEW

When a student continues in the same program of study, the student may choose to continue in the same job as obtained in the previous class.

The WBL coordinator has final approval for all placements

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# 22 The WBL coordinator will, in the

related classroom instruction, reinforce on the job experiences.

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# 23

Students will be accepted into the program and informed of jobs, without regard to race, color, national origin, sex, religion, creed or disadvantaging or handicapping conditions.

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Scavenger Hunt

15 minutes

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Final Wrap-up and Independent Assignments

Conduct brief participant evaluation of training

May be short – see sample

May develop more detailed questions

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Final Wrap-up and Independent Assignments (con’t)

Independent Assignments

Review each Component

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Final Wrap-up and Independent Assignments (con’t)

Note: provide clean copies of Business Analysis/Community Survey, Integrated Format since these are not found in WBL manual – also include due date and address

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Final Wrap-up and Independent Assignments (con’t)

Business Analysis/Community Survey – use provided. These were covered in one of the earlier sessions.

Job/Class Integrated Activities – Develop 3 – Use format covered earlier

Training Plan Development – develop plans for 2 sample jobs. Use form in manual

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Final Wrap-up and Independent Assignments (con’t)

Business Internship Documentation – submit proof of experience in business to satisfy the 2-week business internship requirement. They may not need to submit anything if their teaching endorsement required proof of experience. They would need to submit teacher license # and endorsements.

Ex: Marketing endorsement requires 2000 hours of experience with proof provided to Teacher Licensing prior to license being issued.