work life balance


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INTRODUCTION“Work-life balance is

the state of control, achievement and satisfaction in your life.” It means that you have a sense of being able to make choices that fit for you, given your current situation and your goals

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REASON FOR WORK LIFE BALANCE The past two decades has seen an increase in

the number of working women, employees dual earner and single parent families, increased responsibilities of adults and changing demography

Employees have seen downsizing, restructuring and right sizing, increased job security, increased time at workplace,etc..

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Women in work place and changing family pattern

Population ageingDownsizing, restructuring and declines in job

securityTechnological changeCorporate inertia

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HEALTHY BALANCE Balance will improve the lives of individual employees as well as the company culture.

Healthy balance between work and life

should be a priorityfor everyone. 

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With changing times, different perspectives

have emerged. At one time several factors led to

imbalance, while it becomes irrelevant in other times when business has grown and demands have increased it has made significant progress with respect to work life balance.

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They attribute increase in corporate awareness on two issues:

recruitment and retention changing attitudes around work

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WORK LIFE BALANCE INTERVENTIONIncreasing flexibilityRefusing overtimeSupportive management

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TYPES OF PROVISIONSjob sharingpart time workingstaggered working hoursannualized hours compressed hours

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term time workingvoluntary reduced working timeoccasionally working at homecareer breaksleaves

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PRODUCTIVITY work‐life balance can actually increase 

productivity.While it is true that overtime will initially increase production, the surge only lasts a few weeks before taking a destructive toll on productivity.working long hours for an extended time p

eriod will lead to exhaustion and  unhealthy habits that decrease productivity. 

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sTake enjoyable bre

akTake time off

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PHYSICAL AND MENTAL HEALTHIt is common knowledge that stress is directly linked to different diseases.Numerous surveys have discovered that work 

is a leading cause of stress related  illness and injury, such as stroke, heart disease, and mental breakdowns. 

A balanced life will improve both physical and 

mental health. 

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Awareness: A balanced lifestyle increases personal awareness, allow individuals to identify pot

ential health problems early. 

Lifestyle: A balanced lifestyle automatically improves health. I

t encourages healthy choices and 

helpto develop the body and the min


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INCREASED MORALEWork life balance is an effective tool to incre

ase morale and improve company  culture. work‐life balance improves happiness and overall job satisfaction. Additionally, employe

es are more invested in companies that support t

heir work‐life balance. Work‐ life balance typically translates to employees who work harder and are more productive. 

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RISKSPoor health: Working long hours without taking time to relax will take its toll  on health. Unresolved conflict: A lack of balance can creat

e conflicts at work and at home.Poor performance: Taking on too much responsibility will lead to exhaustion and causeperformance to suffer. Financial loss: The impact on health and productivity takes a financial toll on both individualemployees and organizations.  

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SIGNS OF IMBALANCEHealth RisksImbalance promotes poor health. Over time,this can lead to devastating, and possiblylife changing consequencesobesityexhaustionemotional problems

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Absenteeism  is an employee's intentional or habitual absence from work.

While employers expect workers to miss a certain number of workdays each year, excessive absences can equate to decreased productivity and can have a major effect on company finances, morale and other factors.

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Causes of AbsenteeismBullying and harassmentBurnout, stress and low moraleChildcare and eldercareDepressionDisengagementIllnessInjuriesJob huntingPartial shifts

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sick pay loss of productivityHigh-cost replacement workersAdministrative costs of managing absenteeismPoor quality of goodsReduced productivityExcess manager time Safety issues Poor morale among employees who have to "fill in" or

do extra work to cover absent co-workers

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BURNOUT: Burnout is the physical and psychological response to long‐term stress.  

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Loss of interestLack of emotionloss of motivationpossible depressionShort attention span, lack of ability to stay focusedNo energy, exhausted, withdrawn, feel overwhelmedNo motivation, not taking care of yourselfNegative attitude, unhappy both personally and

professionallyPerformance is decreasing at home and at workHealth problems develop/increase

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Make sure to make time for you and get plenty of sleep.

Do things that relax you; read; take long walks; try yoga or meditation. 

Schedule time for you daily.  This is so important, don’t skip any days.

You need to be tuned in to what it is that causes you stress.  Physical symptoms of stress are; are headache, tension in the neck and shoulders, upset and nervous stomach.  Pay attention when this occurs. 

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Re-evaluate your job, see what things you can change or rearrange to cut back on stress.

When it comes to work, realize what is out of your control, accept it and move on.

Make a list of what causes you stress; identify what you have control over and can change; do what you can to improve the situation in the areas you have identified.

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CISCO We know that our

employees’ lifestyles and needs change over time, and that we must adapt to support them. We believe that there is a positive correlation between flexibility in the workplace and employee productivity

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Flexibility at Cisco is the ability to formally or informally adjust one’s work schedule in a way that maximizes productivity, achieves business goals, and enables work and life integration.

Flexibility focuses on results, rather than physical presence in an office. Cisco’s tools and culture enable great flexibility in when, where, and how people work.

Establishing consistency and transparency is critical for the flexibility program