working on the relationship: quality assurance as a tool for improving labour market-university...

Working on the Relationship Quality Assurance as a Tool for Improving Labour Market- University Cooperation Anthony F. Camilleri SPACE Annual Conference, Ghent, 20.04.2016

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Page 1: Working on the Relationship: Quality Assurance as a Tool for Improving Labour Market-University Cooperation

Working on the RelationshipQuality Assurance as a Tool for Improving Labour Market-University Cooperation

Anthony F. CamilleriSPACE Annual Conference, Ghent, 20.04.2016

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Today• What is the role of QA in maintaining the

relationship?• What criteria make for a good

relationship?• How do you maintain that relationship in

practice?• What about the future of the relationship?

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Professional Higher Education

is a form of Higher Education that offers a particularly intense integration with the world of work in all its aspects, including teaching, learning, research and governance and at all levels of the overarching Qualifications Framework of the European Higher Education Area.

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all education delivered at a PHE Institution (university of applied science)

vocational education & training

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Practice Level

PHEQuality ∝

is directlyproportional to

World of WorkIntegrationIntensity

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determine requirements

A Quality Management System Provides Guidance for


Institutional policies reflect


Institutional activities

implement mission

IQA supports continual improvement


World of Work

External Quality Auditchecks


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High Level GuidanceEuropean Standards & Guidelines for Quality Assurance in Higher


Specific Guidance PHExcel Criteria for PHE Excellence

Implementation Guidance

Management System for Educational

Organizations (ISO 21001)

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European Standards & Guidelines• Launched 2005 and revised 2015• Serve as a framework for

accreditation of all HEIs in Europe

• Three Levels– Internal Quality Assurance– External Quality Assurance– Quality Assurance Agencies

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ESGs and the World of WorkGuidelines:1.1 – involve external stakeholders in Quality Assurance1.2 – study programmes may be applied in future careers. Programmes are designed by involving students and other stakeholders in work1.7 – collect information on career paths of graduates1.8 – institutions should publish graduate employment information1.9 – revision of programmes should include evaluation of the changing needs of society

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PHExcel Guidelines• Developed by EURASHE

over 3 years, directly with PHE stakeholders. Also known as HAPHE criteria.

• Voluntary QA Criteria specifically designed for PHE

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Practice LevelPolicy & Strategy

How is PHE embedded and represented in

the overall strategic

framework and policies of higher

education institutions?

Teaching & LearningHow is teaching

and learning influenced

through specific characteristics of


ResearchHow is research integrated as

part of a sustainable PHE,

recognising that it might differ from level to level and

has not been implemented in all

institutions yet

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Practice LevelPolicy & Strategy

Policy and Strategy Integration

Objectives and Outcomes of PHE

Teaching & Learning Methods of Curriculum


Learning Methodology

Content for Teaching and Learning

Learning Environment

Programme Team


Research Agenda  

Research Process 

Research Outputs and Outcomes  

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Example of a CriterionPolicy & Strategy Integration

Description Integration of the world of work into policies and strategic framework

Core Criterion Institutional policies and strategies are defined in collaboration with the world of work

Characteristics of Excellence

• Institutional policies and strategies are defined in collaboration with stakeholders and through engagement with relevant professional regulatory bodies and political authorities.

• The policy and strategy is driven by structural involvement with the world of work and wider society.

• The policy and strategy is driven by an active and long-term engagement with the community.

• The policy and strategy is supportive of research and innovation and rewards these wherever they emerge in the institution.

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ISO 21001• Upcoming Management

Standard for Educational Organizations

• Rooted in the Process Approach, PDCA and Risk-Based Thinking

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PDCA Cycle

• Do• Check

• Plan• Act

アクション 計画


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PDCA Cycle & the World of Work

•Does the execution of the activity require the participation of the WoW?

•Has the process met its requirements? Is the World of Work satisfied*

•Does the planning take into account the requirements of the WoW?

•Have improvements been made to the process to better fit those requirements?

Act Plan


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True integration with the World of Workmeans running this cycle

for every process

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PDCA Cycle in a specific process: Assessment

• Involve the World of Work directly in the assessment, e.g. through examination of placements

•Has the process met its requirements? Is the World of Work satisfied*

•Plan for an assessment that adequately tests the knowledge, skills and attitudes required by the world of work.

•Have improvements been made to the process to better fit those requirements?

Act Plan


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Stages of VerificationImmediat

eWhile the process is ongoing

Detect and correct errors


Immediately after end of


Evaluate overall

efficiency of process


A set period after end of the process

Evaluate overall

effectiveness of process

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Some Trends


Effectiveness of Teaching Methods

Student CohortStakeholder Satisfaction

Economic & Social Trends

Impacts of Education

A/B Testing

Data Mining

Social Sciences

Learning Engineering

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Ongoing InitiativesInitiative Aim WebsitePROCSEE

Strengthen Capacity of PHE in Central and South Easter Europe

Beehives Examine the Communication Methodologies between universities and the world of work

BuildPHE Develop Internal Quality Assurance Tools for examining the link with the world of work

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Properly implemented Quality Systemswill help institutions meet future and

current world of work requirements

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Universities need to Become

Integratorsof Diverse Requirements

Data Powerhouses

in collection and analysis

Personalaccommodating needs

Trend-SettersEnablers of Future


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