working with ict telecommuting teleworking video-conferencing codes of conduct

Working with ICT Telecommuting Teleworking Video-Conferencing Codes of Conduct

Upload: deborah-chandler

Post on 23-Dec-2015




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  • Working with ICT Telecommuting Teleworking Video-Conferencing Codes of Conduct
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  • Teleworking ICT enables employees to work from home The internet, video conferencing, computer networks crucial technologies for teleworking Contact customers / the office via email Use intranet or extranet to access documents Use VOIP to make calls Example Telecommuting Employees do not have to travel to a physical place of work Can do their job elsewhere with use of ICT Work from home Work at customers offices Example
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  • Advantages & Disadvantages For Employer AdvantagesDisadvantages Reduced overheadsHave to purchase equipment Employees can be more productive Hard to monitor / manage employees Improved motivationIncreased risk to security
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  • Advantages & Disadvantages For Employee AdvantagesDisadvantages No travelling time or expenses May feel socially isolated Improved motivationMay become distracted Opportunity for greater work/life balance May not have space / desire to work at home
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  • Questions Explain the difference between the terms teleworking and telecommuting (2) Give the names of four ICT developments that have allowed staff who are normally office based to work from home (2).
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  • Video Conferencing Uses cameras & microphones to send images & sound across a network or internet. Allows businesses to communicate with employees, customers, suppliers etc globally
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  • Video Conferencing Advantages & Disadvantages Advantages Saves travel costs & time Increases potential for collaboration Visual, so increases effectiveness of communication. Expert users can investigate problems without site visit Disadvantages High bandwidth link required Time lag Expensive
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  • Codes of Conduct Acceptable standards of ICT use Written by employer & signed by employee Should ensure ethical use of ICT If breached, warnings / dismissal may ensue
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  • Other Ethical Issues Disinformation Giving false information (e.g. failing to give full information regarding compulsory upgrade costs) Employment Patterns Fewer people working 9-5 Employees ever off duty? Equity Poorer countries excluded from IT revolution digital divide
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  • Other Considerations Inappropriate use of ICT Viruses Inappropriate use of Mobiles (theatre, bullying) Computer Crime (hacking, phishing etc)
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  • Questions Describe three ways in which an employee can misuse ICT facilities (3) The IT section in a college has decided to introduce a code of conduct for all its IT users. Discuss three problems which might have prompted this decision and suggest suitable guidelines which could be included in the code of conduct to avoid such problems in the future (6)
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  • Advantages & Disadvantages For employer AdvantagesDisadvantages
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  • Advantages & Disadvantages For Employee AdvantagesDisadvantages