work/life/family balance strategies for a stress-free life

Work/Life/Family Work/Life/Family Balance Balance Strategies for a Stress- Strategies for a Stress- Free Life Free Life

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Work/Life/Family BalanceWork/Life/Family BalanceStrategies for a Stress-Free LifeStrategies for a Stress-Free Life

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Some Quick Facts About Some Quick Facts About Stress and the WorkplaceStress and the Workplace Americans are working longer and harder. 46% of working adults view their jobs as very stressful

or extremely stressful. 81% percent of respondents suffer from the ill effects

of stress at least once a week. In a survey of medical and personnel directors of

Fortune 1,000 companies, 70% said mental health problems were fairly or very pervasive.

Stress costs employers about $150 billion annually in workers’ compensation claims, absenteeism, turnover, and health and disability claims, reducing profits by about 10%.

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Stressors and Work–Family ConflictStressors and Work–Family Conflict





Work–Family Conflicts

Work and Family Stress on Employee

Work Versus Family

Creates Leads toTriggers Possible


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What is stress?What is stress?

Stress - the “nonspecific

response of the body to

any demands made upon


Stressor – any physical,

psychological, or social

Condition that initiates

the stress response,

and can be either positive

or negative.

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Types of StressTypes of Stress

EUSTRESS - “good stress” Initiates emotional & psychological growth. Generates & initiates action. Leads to increase performance and improved

health. Provides the experience of pleasure, can

accompany a: Birth Graduation Purchase of a home Development of a new relationship

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Typical Relationship BetweenTypical Relationship BetweenPerformance and StressPerformance and Stress

Too Little Stress Optimum Stress Excessive Stress

Low Amount of Stress High


el o









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Types of StressTypes of Stress

DISTRESS - “bad stress” Results in negative responses. Can interfere with physiological &

psychological functioning. Long term distress may result in disease or


Homeostasis - the body’s attempt to

maintain a physiological balance.

Stress disrupts the balance.

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Chronic StressChronic Stress

Long-term stress that occurs when a person is continually in a stress-response condition.

Can lead to illness or even death.

Increases risk for CV disease, hypertension, eating disorders, ulcers, diabetes, and cancer.

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Physical EffectsPhysical Effects

Increased susceptibility to illness Chronic high blood pressure Ulcers Headaches and migraines, backaches, and

body pains Diarrhea, heartburn, gastritis, inflammation of

the pancreas Exacerbation of acne, psoriasis, herpes, hives,

and eczema Infertility

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Emotional EffectsEmotional Effects

Loneliness, depression, feelings of hopelessness

Irritability Anger, hostility, violence Disorganization Conflicts Mood swings Sleep problems

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Behavioral EffectsBehavioral Effects

Alcohol abuse Drug abuse Excessive smoking Disordered eating Compulsive behaviors Ineffective use of work/leisure time Overreaction to mild work pressure

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What causes you stress?What causes you stress?

Jobs and The Workplace Balancing family and work Financial Problems

Personal Relationships Children Daily Hassles / Being Too Busy

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Most and Least Stressful JobsMost and Least Stressful Jobs

Most Stressful:Most Stressful: President of the

United States Firefighter Senior corporate

executive Race car driver Taxi driver

Least Stressful:Least Stressful: Medical records

technician Janitor Forklift operator Musical instrument

repairer Florist

Where do you think Charleston County Parks & Recreation Employees Rank?

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What is Work Life Balance?What is Work Life Balance?

• Employers who allow flexibility and provide work life benefits will attract and retain the best employees.

• Employees whose personal lives are under control are more effective in the workplace.


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Is your life in balance?Is your life in balance?

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Does your family feel stressed too?Does your family feel stressed too?

What a Day!

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Determining Your PrioritiesDetermining Your Priorities

What are the essential components to a quality life?

What are you truly passionate about in life?

What do you value most? Rank order these areas of your life

according to the amount of time and energy you spend on each.

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Values and PrioritizingValues and Prioritizing

Many of us are very knowledgeable about taking care of ourselves.

We know we should: Eat right Exercise daily Make time for relaxation Pursue spiritual wants and needs


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Values and PrioritizingValues and Prioritizing

……DO IT???

The number one reason

that most people give for

not doing what they

feel they “should” do



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Managing Your PrioritiesManaging Your Priorities

Time and energy must be spent on priorities.

Utilize a system that will serve to remind you of your priorities.

Plan time to refuel the tank.

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Learn how to say YES

as well as NO

It’s easier to say no to unwanted tasks if you’ve already committed to something you do want to do.

Work-Life BalanceWork-Life Balance

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Establish your ABSENCE

as well as your PRESENCE

Set a schedule for being physically elsewhere and unavailable, and stick to it.

Work-Life BalanceWork-Life Balance

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as well asALL OF ONE THING

Master the art of multitasking.

Work-Life BalanceWork-Life Balance

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Determine your TASKS

as well as your PRIORITIES

Many activities, small and large, are the steps that lead to your goal.

Work-Life BalanceWork-Life Balance

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Work until your TIME IS UP

as well as until your TASK IS DONE

Approach every task with the goal of making progress during a specific amount of time, then move on to the next task to

maintain forward momentum.

Work-Life BalanceWork-Life Balance

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Bring some of your


well as some of your


You live in both worlds; look for ways to bring them together

Work-Life BalanceWork-Life Balance

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Doing so can maximize your effectiveness and satisfaction in both spheres.

Work-Life BalanceWork-Life Balance

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Evaluating a Stressful Evaluating a Stressful Lifestyle Using Life GoalsLifestyle Using Life Goals Work: Performance objectives, challenge, opportunity

to learn, sense of accomplishment, financial rewards, relationships with coworkers, subordinates, supervisors

Family: Quantity and quality of time spent with spouse, significant other, children, parents, siblings, extended family

Personal: Leisure activities, social life, physical health, spiritual development

We constantly juggle these goals, shifting time and energy between goals and trying not to “drop the ball” for any goal.

This juggling act reflects the amount of stress in our lives.

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Stress ManagementStress Management

Lifestyle Techniques

Time Management

Cognitive Restructuring

Relaxation Techniques

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1. Lifestyle Techniques for1. Lifestyle Techniques for Managing Stress Managing Stress

Social Support Communication

Skills Healthy Diet Adequate Sleep Regular Exercise

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Desk YogaDesk Yoga

1. Neck Rolls Let your chin drop down to your chest. Begin to circle your neck slowly, taking the right ear to

the right shoulder, the head back, and then the left ear to the left shoulder.

Try to keep the shoulders relaxed and not to hurry through areas of tightness.

Take 3-5 rolls and then switch directions and take another 3-5 rolls.

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Desk YogaDesk Yoga

2. Cat – Cow Stretch Bring both feet flat on the floor. Bring

your hands onto your knees. On an inhale, arch the back and look up

toward the ceiling. On the exhale, round the spine and let

your head drop forward. Repeat for 3-5 breaths.

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Desk YogaDesk Yoga

3. Seated Forward Bend Push your chair back from your desk. Bring

both feet flat on the floor. Interlace your fingers behind your back. Straighten your arms, drawing the interlaced

fingers down. Fold at the waist, bringing your interlaced

hands over your back. Rest your chest on your thighs and release

your neck.

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Desk YogaDesk Yoga

4. Eagle Arms Take your arms out to either side,

parallel to the floor. Bring the arms forward, crossing the right arm over the left and bringing the palms to touch.

Lift the elbows while keeping the shoulders sliding down your back.

Repeat with the left arm over the right.

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Desk YogaDesk Yoga

5. Seated Spinal Twist Turn so you are sitting sideways in your

chair. Bring both feet flat on the floor. Twist towards the back of the chair,

holding the back with both hands. Turn the chair the other way and repeat.

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Desk YogaDesk Yoga

6. Wrist Stretch Stand up. Turn your hands so that the

wrists face your computer and the fingers face the edge of the desk.

Lean in to the wrists and flatten your palms as much as possible.

Back off if you feel pain.

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2. Time Management 2. Time Management

The Problem is Severe By some estimates, people waste about 2 hours per

day.  Signs of time wasting:

Messy desk and cluttered (or no) files Can't find things Miss appointments, need to reschedule them late

and/or unprepared for meetings Volunteer to do things other people should do Tired/unable to concentrate

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How we spend our dayHow we spend our day

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Know YourselfKnow Yourself

Morning Person Long Concentration Procrastinator Work well under a

deadline Extrovert

Night Owl Short

Concentration Do things NOW Don’t work well

under a deadline Introvert

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Manage YourselfManage Yourself

Schedule hard work during your “up” time

Break up projects into manageable segments

“To do” lists with deadlines Do high priority work when you work

best Know how to recharge your energy!

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Be “Time Wise”Be “Time Wise” Do it now Say no Start projects as soon as they are assigned Divide each task into small, manageable

chunks Use small pockets of time well Use your best time well Don’t put things off Turn off the TV Try the 10-minute ticker

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3. Cognitive Restructuring3. Cognitive Restructuring

How Can you Change the Way youHow Can you Change the Way you

Think About Stress?Think About Stress? Don’t worry about things you can’t control Regain control: problem solve & ID solutions Reasonable expectations Sense of humor Flexibility with self & others

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Relaxation TechniquesRelaxation Techniques

Progressive relaxation

Visualization or Imagery

Mediation Deep Breathing


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Stress ManagementStress Management

May require a variety of methods Must learn to recognize the body’s negative

signals and what causes them Recreate stressful events and consider

different outcomes Avoid or minimize contact with stressor Change attitudes and/or situations

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If all else fails…If all else fails…