worksheet-1 class-x sub-english poetry-3 (a tiger in … › syllabus-halfyearly ›...

WORKSHEET-1 CLASS-X SUB-ENGLISH POETRY-3 (A TIGER IN THE ZOO) PROSE-3 (TWO STORIES ABOUT FLYING) Read the following extracts and answer the questions that follow: 1.Then he completely forgot that he had not always been able to fly, and commended himself to dive and soar and curve, shrieking shrilly. (a) What did he completely forget? (b) What does it mean by ‘he completely forgot’? (c) What did he command himself to do? (d)What was his feeling? 2.He stalks in his vivid stripes The few steps of his cage. (a)Which expression talks about the tiger’s bright colour? (b)How do you know that the cage is very small? (c)Where is ‘he’ at present? (d)What does the word ‘stalks’ mean in the first line? Answer the following questions in 30-40 words: 3.What did the seagull’s parents do to make him fly? 4.What differences do you find in the behavior of the young seagull in the beginning and at the end of the story? 5.What made the woman in the control centre look at the narrator strangely? 6.What type of risk it was when the narrator was flying his Dakota aeroplane? 7.What kind of contrast do you find in the poem ?Do you think that tigers should be always kept in the zoo? 8.Why does the tiger express his anger while he was kept in a cage in the zoo? Give reasons with reference to the poem. 9.How does the poet use images to two contrasting situations in the poem? 10.What would the tiger do in the poem? Answer the following questions in 120 words : 11. ‘Hunger made the young seagull mad and gave him success.’ How can you justify it? 12.’Freedom is the birthright.’ In the light of this statement, show how the poet contrasts a tiger in the zoo and a tiger in his natural habitat.

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    PROSE-3 (TWO STORIES ABOUT FLYING) Read the following extracts and answer the questions that follow:

    1.Then he completely forgot that he had not always been able to fly, and commended himself to dive and soar

    and curve, shrieking shrilly.

    (a) What did he completely forget?

    (b) What does it mean by ‘he completely forgot’?

    (c) What did he command himself to do?

    (d)What was his feeling?

    2.He stalks in his vivid stripes

    The few steps of his cage.

    (a)Which expression talks about the tiger’s bright colour?

    (b)How do you know that the cage is very small?

    (c)Where is ‘he’ at present?

    (d)What does the word ‘stalks’ mean in the first line?

    Answer the following questions in 30-40 words:

    3.What did the seagull’s parents do to make him fly?

    4.What differences do you find in the behavior of the young seagull in the beginning and at the end of the story?

    5.What made the woman in the control centre look at the narrator strangely?

    6.What type of risk it was when the narrator was flying his Dakota aeroplane?

    7.What kind of contrast do you find in the poem ?Do you think that tigers should be always kept in the zoo?

    8.Why does the tiger express his anger while he was kept in a cage in the zoo? Give reasons with reference to

    the poem.

    9.How does the poet use images to two contrasting situations in the poem?

    10.What would the tiger do in the poem?

    Answer the following questions in 120 words :

    11. ‘Hunger made the young seagull mad and gave him success.’ How can you justify it?

    12.’Freedom is the birthright.’ In the light of this statement, show how the poet contrasts a tiger in the zoo and a

    tiger in his natural habitat.




    PROSE-4 (FROM THE DIARY OF ANNE FRANK) Read the following extracts and answer the questions that follow:

    1.Now I am back to the point that prompted me to keep a diary in the first place: I don’t have a friend. Let me

    put it more clearly, since no one will believe that a thirteen-year-old girl is completely alone in the world.

    (a) What prompted her to write a diary?

    (b) In spite of having everything, what does she lack?

    (c) What would no one believe?

    (d)Why would you think no one would believe that?

    2.If ever you should go by chance

    To jungles in the east;

    And if there should to you advance

    A large and tawny beast.

    (a)What area does the poet mean by ‘in the east’?

    (b)For what purpose will you go there?

    (c)What word means brownish yellow colour?

    (d)How does the animal look?

    Answer the following questions in 30-40 words:

    3.How do you know that Anne loved her ‘Grandma’ very much?

    4.What does the author say about Anne’s early education?

    5.Who was Mr Keesing? Why did he stoop to punish Anne?

    6. Was Anne right when she says that ‘neither I nor anyone else will be interested in the musing of a thirteen-

    year-old school girl? If not, give reasons.

    7.What humorous description do you find in the poem?

    8.How does the poetess identify the lion and the tiger in the poem?Do you think that she has encouraged you to

    be their friend?

    9.How does the poetess depict the ‘Crocodile’ in the poem?

    10.There are many incorrect words and lines in the poem. Give examples from the poem. Why are the poetess’

    ‘incorrect’ lines suitable for this poem?

    Answer the following questions in 120 words :

    11.After reading the text, it is clear that Anne Frank was an intelligent girl. Explain it with reference to the text.

    12.To identify the animals, the poetess humorously suggests some dangerous ways. Explain with reference to

    the poem.




    PROSE-5(THE HUNDERED DRESSES-I) Read the following extracts and answer the questions that follow:

    1.Wanda did not sit there because she was rough and noisy. On the contrary, she was very quiet and rarely said

    anything at all. And nobody had ever heard her laugh out loud. Sometimes she twisted her mouth into a crooked

    sort of smile, but that was all.

    (a) Who was rough and noisy ?

    (b)Why did Wanda sit there?

    (c) How did she smile?

    (d)Why did she smile like that?

    2.People will take

    Balls, balls will be lost always, little boy,

    And no one buys a ball back.

    (a)Who is being addressed here?

    (b)Who is addressing him?

    (c)’…..the balls will be lost always’ What does it mean?

    (d)What is the significance of the line-‘And no one buys a ball back’?

    Answer the following questions in 30-40 words:

    3.How did Wanda Petronski look? Describe.

    4.Describe Peggy’s soft-hearted qualities.

    5.What was the drawing contest about? Explain.

    6.What were the reactions of the children including Peggy and Maggie to the drawings of Wanda Petronski?

    7.How has the ball been lost? What impact did it have on the boy?

    8.Is the loss of the ball important for the boy? Give reasons for your answer.

    9.Why does the poet not want to intrude on him? What does he suggest?

    10.What is basic theme of the poem.

    Answer the following questions in 120 words :

    11.Why were and Maggie surprised when they entered the classroom?

    12.’Loss is a universal truth in our life.’ How does ‘the Ball poem’ teach us the philosophy of life in the light of

    this statement with the reference to the poem.



    POETRY-6 (AMANDA) PROSE-6 (THE HUNDERED DRESSES-II) Read the following extracts and answer the questions that follow:

    1.Weeks went by and still Wanda did not answer. Peggy had begun to forget the whole business, and Maddie

    put herself to sleep at night making speeches about Wanda , defending her from great crowds of girls who were

    trying to tease her with, ‘How many dresses have you got?’

    (a) What business had Peggy begun to forget?

    (b) Why did Wanda not answer?

    (c) What made Maddie do in her dreams?

    (d) Why did she use to dream like that?

    2.Did you finish your homework, Amanda?

    Did you tidy your room, Amanda?

    I thought I told you to clean your shoes


    (a)What is Amanda? Why do you think so?

    (b)Do you think she is tidy enough?

    (c)Who is giving her advice?

    (d)Do you think Amanda is attentive? Why so?

    Answer the following questions in 30-40 words:

    3.What did Mr. Petronski write a letter to the school teacher?

    4.How did the town look on the Christmas eve?

    5.What excuses did Peggy make for her behavior? Explain.

    6.What did Peggy and Maddie decide to do after returning from Boggings Heights?

    7.Do you think that Amanda is an orphan? Give your views.

    8.What are the instructions that Amanda gets? Do you think that these instructions will curtail her freedom?

    9.What is the fear of the speaker explained in the last stanza of the poem?

    10.’Stop that sulking at once, Amanda!’ Do you think that Amanda is ‘sulking’ and ‘moody’ in the concluding

    stanza. Throw light on her character on the basis of this line.

    Answer the following questions in 120 words :

    11.’What did I say? She must have liked us, anyway.’ In light of this statement what did Peggy and Maddie

    realize about Wanda’s feelings towards them? What is your view about Wanda as a creative artist?

    12.’Children are advised and guided by their guardians but they hardly follow their advice.’ The poem

    ‘Amanda’ is a classic example of it. Explain.



    PROSE-3 The Midnight Visitor

    Answer the following questions in about 30 to 40 words only: 1.What had Ausable to tell about the ‘paper’ to fowler, the narrator? 2.Why did Fowler feel let down? 3.What had Max to tell to Ausable about the report? 4.How did Fowler have his first thrill of the day? 5.Why had Max come to the hotel room? 6.What comments did Max make about his entry into Ausable’s room? 7.By mentioning about the balcony what did Ausable intend to do to Max? 8.How did Ausable befool Max? 9.Why was Fowler disappointed after meeting Ausable? 10.What is your opinion about secret agents as you have seen in movies and real in detective fiction? Answer the following questions in about 120 words only:

    11.’Sometimes appearances can be very deceptive’. How does this statement prove with this story? Explain.




    Answer the following questions in about 30 to 40 words only: 1.What did Horace’s love for rare and expensive books lead him to? 2.Why did Horace feel sure that that year’s robbery was going to be as successful as all the others? 3.How did Horace expect to get the money that would enable him to buy the three books which were coming up for sale in autumn? 4.How did Horace keep the dogs quiet? 5.Why did Horace feel that the safe was going to be easy to open? 6.Whose voice was it that Horace heard at the doorway and what did it say regarding his hay fever? 7.Why did Horace never get the chance to begin his plan to rob another safe? 8.Why did no one believe Horace when he said that the wife of the owner of Shotover Grange had asked him to open the safe for her? 9.What kind of person/citizen is Horace Danby? 10.

    Answer the following questions in about 120 words only: 11.’Don’t worry about that. My husband won’t be here for a month and I’ll have the safe mended by that time..’In the light of these lines, who do you think is the real culprit of the story?Prove it with reference to the text. 12.We always make a plan to succeed or fulfill our target but sometimes it fails although we are not responsible for that. Explain it with reference to Horace Danby.



    PROSE-5 Footprints without Feet

    Answer the following questions in about 30 to 40 words only: 1.What were the two boys fascinated to see? 2.Griffin became a lawless person. What did he do to earn such a name? 3.Why was it a bad time for Griffin to wander about in London without any clothes? 4.What did Griffin do instead of walking about the streets in the bitterly cold day? 5.What happened to Griffin after the doors of the London store were shut? 6.How did Griffin find himself invisible but naked in the chilly January air? 7.What opportunity seemed too good to be missed, the landlord and his wife? 8.Springing into the air what did the bedroom chair do to the landlord and his wife? 9.Why was Griffin suspected as a thief? 10.Why was the clergy man very surprised to see his desk empty in his study?

    Answer the following questions in about 120 words only: 11.’Mrs Hall almost fell down the stairs in hysterics. She was convinced that the room was haunted by spirits.’ Why did Mrs Hall think that the room was haunted by spirits? What happened there? Explain the incident. 12.Even after a great discovery, Griffin could not get the reader’s praise and sympathy. Explain.

  • कार्य प्रपत्र कक्षा 10 2019-20

    (i) निम्िलिखित प्रश्िो के उत्तर दीजिए – 1 छोटे भाई के मि में कौि सी कुटटि भाविा उटदत हुई और क्यों ? 2 बड़ा भाई छोटे भाई पर शासि करिे के लिए कौि –कौि सी यजुक्तयााँ अपिाता था? 3 बड़ ेभाई साहब छोटे भाई को क्या सिाह देत ेथे और क्यौ? 4 बड़ ेभाई साहब के अिसुार िीवि की समझ कैसे आती है? 5 बड़ ेभाई की स्वभावगत ववशषेताएाँ बताइए ? 6 ईश्वर कण –कण मे व्याप्त है पर हम उसे क्यों िहीीं देि पात?े 7 कबीर के अिसुार सिुी कौि है और दिुी कौि है? 8 कबीर के अिसुार मिषु्य की वाणी मे लमठास कब आती है? 9 कबीर के अिसुार सच्चा ज्ञाि क्या है? 10 मरुाड़ा हाथ मे िे कर कबीर िे अपिा ही घर क्यों ििाया? (ii) शब्द और पद की पररभाषा लिखिए। (iii) निम्िलिखित समस्त पदो के समास-ववग्रह कीजिए और उिके भेद भी लिखिए- आशातीत – कमिियि- काययकुशि - शताब्दी- ऋणमकु्त - महात्मा- रेिाींककत - घड़ुसवार - परीक्षाफि - िीिगाय – (iv)निम्िलिखित ववग्रहो के समस्त पद बिाइए तथा समास का िाम लिखिए – िया है गीत िो - धि से हीि- िीिा है िो कमि- घि के समाि श्याम- देश से निकािा - बसों का अड्डा – पिूा के लिए घर- हाथ से लििा- प्राणो के समाि वप्रय- बाढ़ से पीड़ड़त –

  • कार्य प्रपत्र -2 कक्षा – 10 2019-20

    (i) निम्िलिखित प्रश्िो के उत्तर दीजिए- 1 भगवाि की चाकरी से मीरा को कौि –कौि से िाभ होंग?े 2 मीरा श्री कृष्ण को पािे के लिए क्या-क्या कायय करिे को तयैार है? 3 मीरा िे श्री कृष्ण के रूप सौन्दयय का वणयि कैसे ककया है? 4 26 ििवरी 1931 को सभुाष बाब ूकी क्या भलूमका थी? 5 किकत्ता के िाम पर क्या किींक था? 6 सभुाष बाब ूके िुिसू मे स्री समाि की क्या भलूमका थी? 7 पलुिस कलमश्िर के िोटटस और कौंलसि के िोटटस मे क्या अींतर था ? 8 ठाकुर बारी की स्थापिा के बारे मे गााँव में क्या कहािी प्रचलित थी? 9 पररवार के बिुुगो की सींपवत्त का हकदार आपकी राय मे कौि होिा चाटहए? 10 कथावाचक और हररहर काका के बीच क्या सींबींध था? 11 समाि मे ररश्तो की क्या अहलमयत है? 12 अिपढ़ होत ेहुए भी हररहर काका दनुिया की बेहतर समझ रित ेहै ?हररहर काका कहािी के आधार पर लिखिए। 13 हररहर काका के मामि ेमे गााँव वािों की क्या राय थी और उसके क्या कारण थे? 14 वतयमाि समाि मे हररहर काका िैसे वदृ्ध व्यजक्तयों के लिए यवुा पीढ़ी का क्या कतयव्य है? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  • कार्य प्रपत्र -3 कक्षा 10 2019-20

    प्रश्न-1 ननम्न लिखित वाक्र्ों को शुद्ध करिए - क- राम सीता और िक्ष्मण वि को गया I ि-आपको यह पुस्तक अवश्य िरीदिा चाटहए I ग-वह िोग मीटटींग में आयेगे। घ-वह पागि आदमी हो गया हैI ङ-ईद के टदि अिेको िोगो िे िमाज़ पढी I. च-अपि को तुम्हारी बात अच्छी िहीीं िगी I छ-वह कहा कक में पर अवश्य लििूाँगा i ि-हत्यारे को मतृ्युदींड की सिा दी गयी I प्रश्न-2 ननम्न लिखित वाक्र्ों का भेद बताइए - क- िब शीिा बािार गयी तो पुस्तक िरीद िायी i ि- सभा समाप्त हुयी और सब िोग घर चिे गया। ग- क्योकक वह आिसी था इसलिए ववफि हुआ I घ- िब तक लशक्षक रहता है तब तक छार शाींत रह्त ेहै I ङ- सन्यासी िे आशीवायद टदया और िापता हो गया I च- वह आया तो था परन्तु उसिे कुछ िहीीं कहा I प्रश्न-3 ननम्न लिखित वाक्र्ों को ननदेशानुसाि बदलिए - क-बादि नघर आये और वषाय होिे िगी I (लमश्र वाक्य ) ि-ज्यो ही मातािी िे कम समाप्त ककया ,त्यों ही मेहमाि आगये I (सींयुक्त ) ग-िब प्रधािाचायय हाि में आये तब सब ववद्याथी शाींत हो गये I (सींयुक्त )

    घ-मोहि कि आया और राम से बात करके चिा गया I (लमश्र ) ड़-अध्यापक के आिे पर सब चुप हो गए। (लमश्र) च-यटद गाड़ी यों ही तिे चिती रही तो हम िल्दी पहुाँच िाएींगे । छ-मैंिे उसे समझाया ,उसिे अिसिुा कर टदया। प्रश्न-4 पपता-पतु्र का सवंाद लिखिए जिसमे पपता- पतु्र को सबुह िल्दी उठने की सीि दे िहा है। प्रश्न-5 पिीक्षा का हािचाि पछूत ेदो लमत्रों का सवंाद लिखिए। प्रश्न-6 जििा अस्पताि मे व्र्ाप्त गदंगी व अव्र्वस्था के बािे मे बतात ेहुए स्वास््र् मतं्री को पत्र लिखिए। प्रश्न-7 आपके मोहल्िे मे िास्त ेमे िा िही महहिा के गिे से सोने की चैन िींच िी गई। इसकी सचूना प्रत्र्क्ष दशी के रूप मे थानाधधकािी को पत्र द्वािा दीजिए । ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  • कार्य प्रपत्र-४ कक्षा- 10 2019-20

    (i) निम्िलिखित प्रश्िो के उत्तर दीजिए- 1 गोवपयााँ श्रीकृष्ण की बाींसरुी क्यों नछपा िेती है? 2 बबहारी िे कौि –से बाहरी आडींबरो का िींडि ककया है और क्यौ? 3 बबहारी कवव िे सभी की उपजस्थनत मे भी कैसे बात की िा सकती है, इसका वणयि ककस प्रकार ककया है? 4 रूटढ़यााँ िब बींधि बि बोझ बििे िगे तब उिका टूट िािा ही अच्छा है? क्यों ? 5 निकोबार द्वीप समहू के ववभक्त होिे के बारे मे निकोबाररयों का क्या ववश्वास है? 6 वामीरों से लमििे के बाद ततााँरा के िीवि मे क्या पररवतयि आया? 7 ततााँरा का चररर –चचरण कीजिए। 8 ततााँरा िे अपिी वविक्षण तिवार से धरती क्यों पट डािी? 9 ततााँरा की तिवार के बारे मे िोगों का क्या माििा था? (ii) सींकेत बब ींदओु के आधार पर एक अिचु्छेद लिखिए- 1.पिोपकाि *परोपकार का महत्व *परोपकार से प्राप्त अिौककक सिु *ववववध उदाहरण *परोपकार से िीवि साथयक होता है। 2.भाित प्र्ािा देश हमािा *भारत का प्राकृनतक सौंदयय *ववववधताओीं का सागर *धि और ज्ञाि का भींडार *सत्य और अटहींसा का देश ।

    कार्य –प्रपत्र 5 कक्षा 10 2019-20

    1)निम्िलिखित प्रश्िो के उत्तर दीजिये- क. मिषु्यता कववता का प्रनतपाद्य लिखिए। ि. व्यजक्त को ककस प्रकार का िीवि व्यतीत करिा चाटहए? ग. कवव िे कैसी म्रत्य ुको समुतृ्य ुकहा है? घ. मिषु्यता कववता मे कवव िे सबको एक हो कर चििे की प्रेरणा क्यों दी है? ङ. पीटी सर की शाबाश फौि के तमगों –सी क्यों िगती थी? च. कोई भी भाषा आपसी व्यवहार मे बाधा िहीीं बिती –सपिों के से टदि पाठ के आधार पर स्पष्ट कीजिए ? छ. हैड मास्टर शमाय िी िे पीटी सर को क्यों मअुत्ति कर टदया ? ि. स्काउट परेड करत ेसमय िेिक अपिे को महत्वपणूय फौिी िवाि क्यों समझिे िगता था? झ. ववध्यािय की कौि सी गनतववचधयााँ बच्चो को ववध्यािय की ओर आकृष्ट करती है और कौि सी बात ेदरू करती

    है? ञ. िेिक के अिसुार उन्हे स्कूि िुशी से भाग िािे की िगह ि िगिे पर भी कब और क्यों उन्हे स्कूि िािा

    अच्छा िगिे िगा? ट. होिी के अवसर पर ववध्यािय मे छुट्टी होिे की सचूिा लिखिए। ठ. सभी ववध्याचथययों को 31 ििवरी तक परूी फीस िमा करवािी है , यह सचूिा 25-30 शब्दो मे लिखिए । ड. ककसी िए हैयर कटटींग सिैिू का ववज्ञापि तयैार कीजिए। ढ. बािार मे आए िए मोबाइि को िोकवप्रय बिािे हेत ुएक ववज्ञापि तयैार कीजिए।

  • work sheet x Maths (2019-20) (1) chapter 1&2

    SECTION A Q1.If α, 𝛽 are the zeroes of the polynomials 2y2+7y+5 write the value of 𝛼 + 𝛽 + 𝛼𝛽. Q2.For what value of p, (- 4) is a zero of the polynomial x2-2x-(7p+3). Q3. Given that HCF (306, 657) = 9, find LCM (306, 657).

    SECTION B Q4. Check whether 6n can end with the digit 0 for any natural number n. Q5. Show that 5– √3 is irrational. Q6. Find a quadratic polynomial, the sum and product of whose zeroes are – 3 and 2, respectively.

    SECTION C Q7. Find the zeroes of the quadratic polynomial x2 + 7x + 10, and verify the relationship between the zeroes and the coefficients.

    Q8.Use Euclid's algorithm to find the HCF of 4052 and 12576. SECTION D

    Q9.Prove that √3 is irrational. Q10.Fnd all the zeroes of 3x4+6x3-2x2-10x-5,if two of its zeroes are √5/3 and -√5/3.

    work sheet x Maths (2019-20) (2)

    chapter 3 SECTION A

    Q1.Find the value of a so that the point (3,a), lies on the line represented by 2x+3y=5. Q2.Find the number of solutions of the following pair of linear equations x+2y-8=0, 2x+4y=16. Q3.Write whether the following pair of linear equations is consistent or not x+ y=14, x- y = 4

    SECTION B Q4. Solve the following pair of linear equations by the substitution and cross-multiplication methods : 8x + 5y = 9 , 3x + 2y = 4

    Q5. For what values of k will the following pair of linear equations have infinitely many solutions? kx + 3y – (k – 3) = 0, 12x + ky – k =0

    Q6.Form the pair of linear equation and find the solution The larger of two supplementary angles exceeds the smaller by 18 degrees. Find them.

    SECTION C Q7. Draw the graphs of the equations x – y + 1 = 0 and 3x + 2y – 12 = 0. Determine the coordinates of the vertices of the triangle formed by these lines and the x-axis, and

    shade the triangular region.

    Q8. The sum of the digits of a two-digit number is 9. Also, nine times this number is twice the number obtained by reversing the order of the digits. Find the number.

    SECTION D Q9. A fraction becomes 1/3 when 1 is subtracted from the numerator and it becomes 1/4when 8 is added to it denominator. Find the fraction.

    Q10. Ritu can row downstream 20 km in 2 hours, and upstream 4 km in 2 hours. Find her speed of rowing in still water and the speed of the current.

  • work sheet x Maths (2019-20) (3) chapter 4 SECTION A

    Q1.If the quadratic equation px2-2+√5𝑝𝑥 +15=0 has two equal roots then find the value of p.

    Q2.If one zero of the polynomial x2-4x+1 is 2+√3, write the other zero. Q3.If x= - 1/2, is a solution of the quadratic equation 3x2+2kx-3=0 find the value of k.

    SECTION B Q4. Find the roots of the following quadratic equations by factorisation: √2x2+7x+5√ 2=0

    Q5. Find the values of k for each of the following quadratic equations, so that they have two equal roots. kx (x-2)+6=0

    Q6. Find the nature of the roots of the following quadratic equations. If the real roots exist, find them: 2x2-3x+5 =0

    SECTION C Q7.Is it possible to design a rectangular park of perimeter 80 m and area 400 m ? If so, find its length and breadth.

    Q8. A cottage industry produces a certain number of pottery articles in a day. It was observed on a particular day that the cost of production of each article (in rupees) was 3 more than

    twice the number of articles produced on that day. If the total cost of production on that

    day was Rs 90, find the number of articles produced and the cost of each article. SECTION D

    Q9. Two water taps together can fill a tank in 75/8 hours. The tap of larger diameter takes 10 hours less than the smaller one to fill the tank separately. Find the time in which each tap

    can separately fill the tank.

    Q10. A train travels 360 km at a uniform speed. If the speed had been 5 km/h more, it would have taken 1 hour less for the same journey. Find the speed of the train.

    work sheet x Maths (2019-20) (4) chapter 5

    SECTION A Q1.Find the 9thterm from the end ( towards the first term) of the A.P. 5,9,13,……..,185. Q2.For what value of k will k+9,2k-1 and 2k+7 are the consecutive terms of an A.P. Q3.Find the 25thterm of the A.P. -5,-5/2,0,5/2,……………..

    SECTION B Q4. If the 3rd and the 9th terms of an AP are 4 and – 8 respectively, which term of this AP is zero? Q5For what value. of n, are the nth terms of two APs: 63, 65, 67, . . . and 3, 10, 17, . . . equal? Q6. Which term of the AP : 3, 15, 27, 39, . . . will be 132 more than its 54th term?

    SECTION C Q7. In an AP: given a = 4, d = 2, Sn = –14, find n and a. Q8. In an AP: given a = 2, d = 8, Sn = 90, find n and an..

    SECTION D Q9. If the sum of the first n terms of an AP is 4n – n2, what is the first term (that is S1)? What is the sum of first two terms? What is the second term? Similarly, find the 3rd, the 10th and

    the nth terms.

    Q10. A sum of Rs 700 is to be used to give seven cash prizes to students of a school for their overall academic performance. If each prize is Rs 20 less than its preceding prize, find the

    value of each of the prizes.

  • work sheet x Maths (2019-20) (5) chapter 6 SECTION A

    Q1.If∆𝐴𝐵𝐶~∆𝑅𝑃𝑄, AB=3CM, BC=5CM, AC=6CM,RP=6CM and PQ=10cm then find QR. Q2.In∆𝐷𝐸𝑊, 𝐴𝐵||𝐸𝑊. 𝐼𝑓 𝐴𝐷 = 4𝐶𝑀, 𝐷𝐸 = 12𝑐𝑚 and DW=24cm,then find the value DB. Q3. Let ∆𝐴𝐵𝐶~∆𝐷𝐸𝐹, 𝑎𝑟(∆𝐴𝐵𝐶) = 169 cm2 and ar((∆𝐷𝐸𝐹) = 121 cm2.If AB=26cm, then find DE.

    SECTION B Q4. Using Theorem 6.2, prove that the line joining the mid-points of any two sides of a triangle is parallel to the third side.

    Q5. Using Theorem 6.1, prove that a line drawn through the mid-point of one side of a triangle parallel to another side bisects the third side.

    Q6. Prove that the area of an equilateral triangle described on one side of a square is equal to half the area of the equilateral triangle described on one of its diagonals.

    SECTION C Q7. Prove that the area of an equilateral triangle described on one side of a square is equal to half the area of the equilateral triangle described on one of its diagonals.

    Q8. In an equilateral triangle ABC, D is a point on side BC such that BD =1/3 BC. Prove that 9 AD2 = 7 AB2.

    SECTION D Q9. In an equilateral triangle, prove that three times the square of one side is equal to four times the square of one of its altitudes.

    Q10.State and prove Pythagoras theorem.

    work sheet x Maths (2019-20) (6) chapter 7 SECTION A

    Q1.If P(2,p) is the midpoint of the line segment joining the points A(6,-5)and B(-2,11), find the value of p. Q2.If A(1,2), B(4,3) and C(6,6) are three vertices of the parallelogram ABCD, find co-ordinates of D. Q3.If a point A(0,2) is equidistant from the points B(3,P) and C(P,5), then find the value of p.

    SECTION B Q4. Determine if the points (1, 5), (2, 3) and (– 2, – 11) are collinear. Q5. Check whether (5, – 2), (6, 4) and (7, – 2) are the vertices of an isosceles triangle. Q6. Find a relation between x and y such that the point (x, y) is equidistant from the point (3, 6) and (– 3, 4).

    SECTION C Q7. Find the coordinates of a point A, where AB is the diameter of a circle whose centre is (2, – 3) and B is (1, 4).

    Q8. Find the coordinates of the points of trisection of the line segment joining (4, –1) and (–2, –3).

    SECTION D Q9. Find the area of the triangle formed by joining the mid-points of the sides of the triangle whose vertices are (0, –1), (2, 1) and (0, 3). Find the ratio of this area to the area of the

    given triangle. Q10. Find the area of the quadrilateral whose vertices, taken in order, are (– 4, – 2), (– 3, – 5), (3, – 2) and (2, 3).

  • Assignment for Class X(Physics)

    CH:12 ELECTRICITY 1. How do we express electric current?

    2. What is an electric circuit?

    3. What is the SI unit of electric charge? How many electrons make one coulomb of


    4. Define the SI unit of current.

    5. Which instrument is used to measure the current flowing in a circuit?

    How is it connected in the circuit and why?

    6. What makes the electric charge to flow?

    7. State the energy conversion taking place in

    (a) Electric cell (b) Electric torch

    8. Define the electric potential difference between two points in an electric

    circuit carrying some current.

    9. Define the SI unit of Electric potential.

    10. Which instrument is used to measure the electric potential difference between

    two points in a circuit? How is it connected in the circuit and why?

    11. State the law relating the potential difference across a conductor and the

    current through it?

    12. How can three resistors of resistances 2ohm,3ohm and 6 ohm be connected to give a total resistance of (a) 4

    ohm(b) 1 ohm

    13. Define resistance of a material. Define its SI unit.

    14. Which component is used to regulate current without changing the voltage source

    in an electric circuit?

    15. How many 176 ohm resistors(in parallel) are required to carry 5 A on a 220volt line?

    16. What is the electrical resistivity of the material of the conductor? What is its SI unit?

    17. Which common factor affects both resistance as well as resistivity and how?

    18. Alloys are commonly used in electrical heating devices. Why?

    19. When a number of resistors are connected in series in a circuit what would be

    their equivalent resistance ?

    20. When a number of resistors are connected in parallel in a circuit what would be

    their equivalent resistance ?

    21. What is heating effect of electric current. Which materials are preferred for a fuse wire and why?

    Name the various devices in which this effect is utilized.

    22. 100J of heat is produced each sec in a 4 ohm resistance. Find the pd across the resistor.

    23. Which effect of current is responsible for the glow of an electric bulb? Explain.

    24. Which metal is used as the filament of an electric bulb and why?

    25. What will be the resistance if the length of the conductor becomes double?



    1. State the effects of current.

    2. Why does a compass needle placed near a current carrying wire show deflection?

    3. How can the magnetic field produced around a current carrying conductor be detected?

    4. Give one example each of the following:- (a) magnetic effect of electric current (b) electric effect of moving


    5. Define magnetic field. Give the characteristics of magnetic field lines.

    7. With the help of an activity show how magnetic field lines around a bar magnet can be obtained. Also draw

    the pattern of magnetic field lines around a bar magnet.

    8. How is the deflection in the compass needle affected as we move it along a field line (a) towards the poles (b)

    away from poles.

    9. State the factors on which strength of magnetic field due to a straight current carrying conductor depends.

    10. (i) write the principle of electric motor and generator.

    (ii)What is short circuiting?

    (iii)Explain the working of earth wire.

    11. Name and state the rule to determine the direction of magnetic field produced around a current carrying


    12. Two magnetic lines of force do not intersect each other. Why?

    13. Draw the pattern of lines of force due to a magnetic field through and around a current carrying loop of

    wire. How does the strength of magnetic field produced at the centre of the loop be affected if:-

    (a) strength of the current passing through it is doubled?

    (b) the radius of the loop is reduced to half the original value?

    (c) the radius of the loop is doubled its original value and at the same time current passing through it is also


    14. What does the arrow of the magnetic field line indicate?

    15. Define electromagnetic induction.

    16. Name the alloys of which permanent magnet are made.


    CHAPTER14: SOURCES OF ENERGY 1. What do you mean by ‘source of energy’?

    2What should be the characteristics of a good source of energy?

    3. Name a few sources of energy used in our daily life.

    4. What are renewable and non-renewable sources of energy? Give examples of each.

    5. Give 2 advantages and 2 disadvantages, each of renewable and non-renewable sources of energy.

    6. What are fossil fuels? Give a few examples.

    7. What are the limitations of extracting energy from (a) the wind (b) the waves (c) the tides.

    8. What are the environmental consequences of the increasing demand for energy? What steps would you

    suggest to reduce energy consumption?

    9. Name two indirect ways of using solar energy.

    10. Give advantages and disadvantages of constructing dams.

    11. What is biomass and bio-gas?

    12. What are the advantages of using bio-gas as fuel? Give the constituents of bio-gas.

    13. Describe the process of bio-gas production in a bio-gas plant.

    14. Give the advantages and disadvantages of using wind as a source of energy.

    15What is meant by ‘alternative sources of energy’? Give examples.

    16. What is geothermal energy? What is its advantage?

    17. Name the source (s) of energy (non-conventional) that can directly be used 24 hours a day.

    18. What should be difference in temp of water at surface and depth of about 2 km for harnessing ocean thermal


    19. Name the ultimate source of all other sources of energy.

    20. Name two appliances that use solar energy directly.

    21. What is nuclear energy? .Give advantages and disadvantages of using nuclear energy. 22. What is solar constant?

    23. Name a few solar energy devices that are being used extensively these days.

    24.Define box type solar cooker. Why are solar heating devices painted black from inside?

    25. What are the advantages of solar cells over solar heating devices?



    Q1. When do we say that chemical reaction have taken place ?

    Q2. Differentiate between chemical and physical change ?

    Q3. Name the metal which burns with dazzling white flame , give equation to show the

    Products formed during the reactions ?

    Q4. Why should a chemical equation be balanced ?

    Q5. Balance the following chemical equations ?

    (i) Iron and water gives ferric oxide and hydrogen gas .

    (ii) Methane burns in presence of oxygen to give carbon dioxide and water .

    (III) Lead nitrate reacts with potassium iodide to give lead iodide and potassium nitrate .

    (iv) Nitric acid reacts with calcium hydroxide to give calcium nitrate and water .

    Q6. Give example of combination exothermic reaction , what is its application in daily life ?

    Q7.Give equation to show thermal decomposition reaction ?

    Q8. Why sulphuric acid is added during decomposition of water . Name the products obtained

    Anode and cathode with their volume ratio .


    Q9. What happens when silver bromide and silver chloride are exposed to light ?

    Q10. What do you mean by ion exchange reactions , give balanced equations ?

    Q11. Give an equation to showneutralization reaction ?(Any two equations)

    Q12. What are redox reactions , give equation and indicate the substance oxidized , substance

    reduced, oxidizing agent and reducing agent ?

    Q13.What do you mean by corrosion , give its preventive measure ?

    Q14.What is rancidity , how can it be prevented ?

    Q15. Give an example of important decomposition reaction used in various industries ?


    Q16. What do you mean by precipitation reaction , give equations showing formation of yellow

    and white precipitate ?

    Q17. A shiny brown substance x , on heating in air forms a black substance y, which on

    Treating with hydrogen gas in presence of heat again forms x , identify x and y ?

    Give equations and write what type of equations are they ?

    Q18.In the refining of silver ,the recovery of silver from silver nitrate solution involved

    displacement by copper metal . Write down the equation involved ?Define the type of reaction?

    Q19. Name the substance oxidized , substance reduced , oxidizing agent and reducing agent

    In the given equation ?

    MnO2 + 4 HCl MnCl2 + 2 H2O + Cl2

  • WORK SHEET ; CLASS X ( chemistry ) CH-2 : ACIDS ,BASES & SALTS

    VERY SHORT ANSWER (1 MARK) Q1.How are acids different from bases ?( Give one reason)

    Q2. Write one similarity between acidsand bases ?

    Q3. What arealkalies ?Give any two examples .

    Q4. What precaution should be taken while diluting acids or bases ?

    Q5. What areolfactory indicators ?Give any two examples .

    Q6.In which form hydrogen ions occur in water when acid is poured in water ?

    Q7. Which type of ions are produced by acids and bases in water ?Q8. Name the metal which donot

    give hydrogen with acids ?

    Q9.What happens when sodium hydroxide reacts with Zn ?

    Q10Why tartaric acid is used in baking soda while preparing cake ?

    Q11. What happens when CO2 is passed throughlimewaterin excess ? Give equations ?

    Q12.What happens when acid reacts with base ? Name the type of reaction ?

    Q13. . What does 10 H2O signifies in washing soda ?


    Q14.What happens when a metal reacts with acid ? Give any two equations ?

    Q16. Why does aqueous solution of an acid conduct electricity ?

    Q17. Give equation for the reaction of metal Zinc with Sodium hydroxide ?

    Q18. In which caseHCl do not change thecolour of dry blue litmus paper to red ?

    Q19. What change in the concentration of OH-- take place when excess of base is added in the soln ofNaOH ?

    Its pHwill increase ordecrease ?

    Q20. Whatdo “H” indicate in pHscale ?What is the range of pH scale ?

    Q21. What change takeplace in the pH value with the increase of H3O+ion concentration ? pH will increase or

    decrease ?

    Q22. Define: (1) pH value (2)stronge base(3) weak acid ?

    Q23. What is the function of an antacid ?Give example of one antacid ?

    Q24. How does pH change cause tooth decay ?How can it be prevented ?

    Q25. Name the acid present in nettle leaves , ant sting , tomato , tamarind , vinegar?

    Q26.. Write the use of POP and give equation for its preparation Q27.Write three use of CaOCl2 ?Give

    reaction for its prepration ?


    Q28.Give the table to show the indicator property of acids & bases .(All 5 indicators)Q29. Give equation

    for the preparation of baking soda ?Write any three properties ?

    Q30. What cause the bread and cake to rise and make them soft and spongy?Give equation?

    Q31. Give any three use of baking soda ? Can it be used as antacid , if yes then why ?

    Q32.How do metal carbonates and metal bicarbonates react with acids ? Give equations ?

    Q33. Define water of crystallization ? How many molecules of water of crystallization are present in (i)

    Blue vitriol (ii) Gypsum (iii) Ferrous sulphate (iv) washing soda (v) POP.

    Q34. What happen when crystal of dry CuSO4.5H2O are heated ? What change take place when heated

    crystal are moistened ?

    Q35?What happens when electric current is passed through brine ? Give equation ? Name products

    obtained at different electrodes ? Name the process ?

    Q36. Write properties and uses of POP?



    Q1. Explain why sour substances are effective in cleaning tarnished vessels ?

    Q2. Name the metal which have very low melting point ?

    Q3. What are allotropes ?give example ?

    Q4. Name different types of oxides and give examples ?

    Q5. Why ionic compounds do not conduct electricity in solid state ?

    Q6. Why are the galvanized article protected against rusting even if zinc coating is broken ?

    Q7. Why Al , Pb , Mg and Zn are called non-corrosive metals ?

    Q8. What is anodizing ? Write its advantage ?

    Q9.Why does ionic compounds conduct electricity in aqueous state ?

    Name the metals which react with cold water, hot water, and steam? Give equations?

    Q10. Why ionic compounds have high melting and boiling point ? Q11.

    Why does ionic compounds conduct electricity in molten state ?

    Q12. Why NaCIdo not exist as molecules ?

    Q13..Why ionic compounds are hard and brittle ?Compare the properties of ionic and covalent compounds ?

    Q14.Which has more electrical conductively & melting point alloy or pure metal ?


    Q15Compare the properties of ionic and covalent compounds ?

    Q16 . Name the metals which react with cold water, hot water, and steam? Give equations?

    Q17 .How is ionic bond formed ? Explain the formation NaCl and MgCI2 ?Q18 . Al2O3 is which type of

    oxide ? What happens when it reacts with HCI and NaOH ? Why ionic compounds do not conduct

    electricity in solid state ?

    Q19. Write the reaction forthe extraction of Hg and Cu indicating the name of process ?

    Q20. Explain the process of extraction of Na from sodium chloride giving equations ?

    Q21. Why carbon cannot be used to reduce oxides of Sodium ,Magnesium ,Calcium & Al ?

    Q22.. Why hydrogen gas is not evolved when a metal reacts with nitric acid ? Name the metal which gives

    hydrogen gas with nitric acid and also give the condition ?

    Q23. Why silver articles become black when exposed to air ? Write any three properties of silver ?

    Q24. Why green coat is formed over copper when exposed to air ? Write formula of green coat ?


    Q25. Give an experiment to show that rusting take place in presence of both oxygen and moisture ?

    Q26. Why and how alloys are prepared ? What are the other ways and means to prevent corrosion ?

    Q27. What are alkali’s ? How are they formed give equation ? Why are the galvanized article protected against

    rusting even if zinc coating is broken ?

    Q28. Why Iron is not used in pure state ?Hence , in which form it is generally it is used ?

    Q29.Explain the electrolytic refining of Copper giving diagram .

    Q30. Write composition of following alloy :-

    (i)Brass (ii) Bronze (ii) Solder (iv) Stainless Steel (v)Steel .

    Q31. Give reasons :-

    (i) Al is highly reactive metal yet it is used for making utensils for cooking .

    (ii) Carbonate and Sulphide ores are usually converted to oxides during the process of

    extraction .

    (iii) Pt , Au and Ag are used to make jewelry .

    Q32. . Compare the physical and chemical properties of metals and non metals giving exceptions .


    CLASS -X


    Q1. Define translocation in plants.

    Q2. Define transpiration.

    Q3. What is the role of acid in our stomach ?

    Q4. How do organisms like mushrooms and bread mould obtain their food ?

    Q5. Where does digestion of fats takes place in our body ?

    Q6. Mention the functions of stomata.

    Q7. Why do walls of trachea not collapse even when there is less air in it?

    Q8. Name the enzymes present in pancreatic juice.

    Q9. Why do ventricles have thicker walls than Atria

    Q10. Why are cramps caused in our muscles during sudden activity ?

    Q11. Explain double circulation of blood in human beings.

    Q12. Draw a well labelled diagram of human digestive system.

    Q13. Draw a well labelled diagram of human respiratory system.

    Q14. What is the composition of blood ? Explain.

    Q15. Why is transpiration important for plants ?

    Q16. Differentiate between blood and lymph.

    Q17. Draw a well labelled diagram of human excretory system.

    Q18. Draw a well labelled diagram of nephron.

    Q19. Draw a well labelled diagram of human heart.

    Q20. Mention the different functions of blood.




    Q1. What are phytohormones ?

    Q2. What is a synapse ?

    Q3. What is reflex action ?

    Q4. How do shoot and root of a plant respond to light ?

    Q5. Define chemotropism.

    Q6. What are Nastic movements ?

    Q7. Which hormones maintain sugar level in our body ?

    Q8. What is hydrotropism ?

    Q9. What are endocrine glands ?

    Q10. What are tropic movements ?

    Q11. How does chemical coordination occur in animals ?

    Q12. Draw the structure of a neuron.

    Q13. What are the different parts of brain ? Draw a diagram to explain the same.

    Q14. Explain reflex arc with the help of a diagram.

    Q15. What constitutes the central and peripheral nervous system ?

    Q16. Name the various plant hormones giving their functions .

    Q17. Design an experiment to demonstrate hydrotropism.

    Q18. Design an experiment to demonstrate phototropism.

    Q19. Explain the process of dialysis.

    Q20. Draw a well labelled diagram showing the correct position of all the endocrine glands in human



    CLASS -X


    Q1. What is environment ?

    Q2. Write the full form of CFC.

    Q3. Which compounds are responsible for the depletion of Ozone layer ?

    Q4. State one advantage of using disposable paper cups over disposable plastic cups.

    Q5. Why are green plants called producers ?

    Q6. What is DDT ?

    Q7. Name any two Non Biodegradable wastes.

    Q8. Why is ozone essential for us ?

    Q9. To the environment if decomposers were not present ?

    Q10. List two man made ecosystems.

    Q11. Why are UV radiations harmful to organisms ?

    Q12. Draw a line diagram to show flow of energy in ecosystem.

    Q13. Why should biodegradable and nonbiodegradable waste be discarded into separate dustbins ?

    Q14. What is 10% law in the context of energy transfer ?

    Q15. The flow of energy in the food chain is unidirectional. Why?

    Q16. Give reasons to show that existence of decomposers is essential in an ecosystem.

    Q17. Explain the components of an ecosystem in detail.

    Q18. a) what are trophic levels in a food chain ?

    b) explain the flow of energy through them.

    Q19. If all the waste we generate is biodegradable, will this have no impact on the environment ?

    Q20. Explain ecological pyramids with the help of examples.





    1. Who was the author of the famous book “ Hind Swaraj”? 2. What was the Inland Emigration Act of 1859? 3. Why was the Simon Commision constituted ? 4. Who was the writer of “The Folklore of Southern India”? 5. What was Rowlatt Act ? 6. When and why was the poona Pact signed? 7. Who was the leader of tribal people of Guden hills of Andhra Pradesh? 8. Who first created the image of Bharat Mata? 9. Who was known as the frontier Gandhi? Which organisation he has formed? 10. When was the Gandhi Irwin Pact Signed?


    1. Why Gandhi ji decided to withdraw the non-cooperation movement? 2. What is the idea of Satyagraha according to Gandhiji? 3. What was the Khilafat movement? 4. Explain some of the Satyagrahas launched by Gandhiji ? 5. Describe the Jallianwala Bagh massacre in brief ?


    1. What was the impact of the First World War on the economic condition in India? 2. Why did the non-cooperation movement gradually slow down in cities? 3. Differentiate between non-coperation and civil disobedience movement. 4. Describe the main events leading to the Salt March and Civil Disobedience Movement? 5. How did the noncooperation movement spread to the countryside?




    1what is agriculture?

    2.What is slash and burn agriculture?

    3.What is the position of India in the production of rice?

    4. Write the name of major groundnut producing states.

    5.Which variety of Indian coffiee is in great demand all over the world?

    6. Name the country which is the largest producer and consumer of pulses in the world?

    7. Name the important millets grown in India.

    8. What are the uses of oil seeds?

    9. What is plantation Agriculture.?

    10. Name the three crops of paddy grown in a year in Assam ,Bengal and Orissa of India.


    1. Distinguish between Primitive Subsistence farming and Intensive subsistence farming.

    2. What are the cropping seasons of India? explain

    3.Describe the geographical conditions required for the cultivation of cotton. Also write regions where cotton is


    4. Name any two beverages crops of India. Also write their producing states,

    5. Explain the geographical condtions necessary for Jute growth?


    1. Write the geographical conditions required for the cultivation of sugarcane and also write the name of

    producing states.

    2. Explain the various technological and institutional reform programmes introduced by the government in the

    interest of farmers.

    3. Describe the impact of globalisation on Indian agriculture.

    4. Describe any four features of Indian Agriculture.

    5. What is the contribution of horticulture crops in India?



    1. Which raw material is used in cement industry? 2. Which is the finest quality iron ore with magenitic properties? 3. What are minerals? 4. Name the minerals formed as “placer deposits”? 5. Name the iron ore mined from Bailadila mines. 6. What are the four type of coals? 7. Name the atomic centers of India with their states. 8. Which metal is extracted from bauxite? 9. Name any two projects which have been set in India to harness geothermal energy. 10. Iron ore is transferred as a slurry through pipeline to which port?


    1. What are the uses of copper? 2. What is rat hole mining ?explain. 3. How do minerals occur in igneous and metamorphic rocks? 4. Why the mining industries is also called as “killer industry”? 5. Why the use of nonconventional sources of energy is becoming necessary in our country. Give three reasons.


    1. Why conservation of minerals essential ? Explain the ways to conserve minerals? 2. How can we save energy in our daily day to day life? 3. Differeniate between conventional and non conventional sources of energy? 4. Describe the coal distribution in India. 5. Explain the iron ore distribution in India.





    1.What are Family laws?

    2.what do you mean by patriarchal society?

    3.What is occupational mobility?

    4. 5.Name four leaders who worked for the removal of caste system in India.

    5.What is secularism?

    6. “Religion can never be separated from politics” Who said these words?

    7. Name two countries where women’s participation in public life is very high.

    8.What is sexual division of labour?

    9. What is caste hierarchy?

    10. What is the proportion of women in India’s local bodies?


    1. what are Feminist movements? What are their major demands?

    2. State three reasons to say that caste alone cannot determine election results in India?

    3. How does caste affects politics in India?

    4. What is the status of women’s representation in India’s legislative bodies?

    5. Suggest any three steps to improve the women’s participation in politics


    1. How does Gender discrimination against women happen in our society?

    2.what do you mean by secular state? State any four provisions of the Indian constitution which makes it a

    secular state.

    3. How caste inequalities are still continuing in India. Give examples. 4. Besides caste , which are other factors do matter in electoral politics.Explain. 5. What is Communalism? What are its features?



    1. What is Gross Domestic Product? 2. What are intermediate goods? 3. Which sector has the largest share in GDP in the year 2003? 4. Why is tertiary sector also called service sectot ? 5. Distinguish between organised and unorganised sector. 6. Explain the objective of implementing MGNERGA 2005. 7. What are different types of unemployment in India? Suggest some ways to provide employment opportunities in

    rural area?

    8. Explain the causes of unemployment in India and suggest measures to reduce unemployment in India. 9. Why has tertiary sector emerged as the largest sector over the last thirty years? 10. “There has been a big change in the three sectors of economic activities in India but similar shift has not taken

    place in the share of employment.” Explain the above statement.

    11. Explain how does the Public sector contribute to the economic development of a nation?

  • WORKSHEET 2 CLASS: - X Chapter 2 & 3 (2019-20)


    Q.1 Explain High Contrast Feature. Ans. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Q.2 What do you understand by Wi-Fi and WiMax? Ans. ___________________________________________________________________________________


    Q.3 What do you understand by Switching Techniques? Ans._______________________________________________________________________________


  • Q.4 What is Network Layout? Explain with diagram. Ans. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Q.5 What do you understand by Network? How many types of network are there? Explain. Ans. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Q.6 Explain the following terms in brief- a)HTTP _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ b)HUB _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

  • c) Switch _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ d) Router _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ e) Bridge _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Q.7 Write some best practices used for Internet Security. Ans. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Q.8 What is computer accessibility? Explain Ans ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Q.9 Name the disabilities which affect the computer usage. Ans. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Q. 10 What do you understand by sound sentry and Sticky keys? Ans. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

  • Q.11 What is word processing? Write some examples of word processing software’s. Ans. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Q.12 Write Steps to add page number in header. Ans. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Q.13 What is style set in MS-Word? Write steps to apply a style set. Ans. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Q.14 What is Page Break? What are the types of breaks available in page break? Ans. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Q.15 What is the difference between linked objects and embedded objects? Ans. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Q.16 What is OLE? Ans. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Q.17 How do you insert special characters and symbols in a document? Ans. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Q.18 What is Clip Art? Ans. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Q.19 What is Tab? Ans.__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Q.20 What is header and footer? Ans. ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________