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Workshop Facilitation Guide

Module 5: Child Impact Assessments page 2


Contents of this training package: TRAINING PLAN ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3  

Objectives ............................................................................................................................................................. 3  Training methodology ........................................................................................................................................... 3  Advance preparation ............................................................................................................................................ 3  

Session outline ...................................................................................................................................................... 4  PARTICIPANT HANDOUTS ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5  

Module 4 Exercise: Governance Interventions ................................................................................................... 5  Case 1: Effects of increased export of quinoa in Bolivia ...................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.  Case 2: Violence in Central America .................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.  Case 3: Maternal mortality in Namibia ................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.  Case 4: Children of migrants left behind in the Philippines .................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.  Case 5: Child Labour in Egypt .............................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.  

FACILITATOR NOTES ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6  Exercise: Governance Interventions ........................................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.  

Advance preparation ............................................................................................................................................ 6  Steps of performing the exercise .......................................................................................................................... 6  Example solutions for cases ................................................................................................................................. 6  

Module 5: Child Impact Assessments page 3

Training plan This training plan is for Toolkit module 5, which provides an overview and a step-by-step guide to carrying out a child IA for staff of donor agencies, including staff of the EU and governments who are not specialists in children’s issues. Objectives 1. Explain the purpose, obligations, and value added of conducting

an ex-ante Child IA 2. Outline the steps for undertaking a Child IA 3. Identify resources for commissioning a Child IA

Training methodology

Presentation of session content (slides 1-7) 20 mins.

Large-group open discussion 10 mins.

Presentation of session content (slide 8) 10 mins. Small-group work (slides 9-10) • Same problem statement given to groups • Analyze problem statement using the 7-step

process • Competition to make the best case for

whether the policy should or should not be implemented

1 hr 20 mins

Small groups present arguments to plenary session 30 mins.

Presentation of session content with Q&A (slides 11-12) 10 mins.

Session close 5 mins.

Advance preparation 1. Review the contents of Module 5 of the Child Rights Toolkit 2. Review slides for this session & facilitation notes in slides 3. Review & become familiar with the case example and steps of the

exercise from the slides and Facilitator’s Notes 4. Copy materials from the Participant Handouts section for each exercise. At minimum, each participant group

should have one copy of the handouts for the exercise.

Training Tips Slide presentations: The slides for each session contain detailed notes on content and facilitation notes. Small group work and presentation to plenary: There are a number of options for how groups can conduct their work and present their findings. The simplest is for each group to designate a presenter to present the group’s findings; another option is to have each group post its findings and to have participants move among the posted presentations requesting details from group members. In this particular case, it may be useful to have participant groups compete to make the best case for whether the policy should or should not be implemented. The large group may vote on which group made the most compelling case Adjust the session time dedicated to these presentations based on reporting method selected and number of participants in the plenary.

Module 5: Child Impact Assessments page 4

Session outline Time   Content  &  Activity   Training  Materials  &  Notes  

10 mins Content/Activity 1 Objective & contents: • Introduce the topic and session • Explain the purpose, obligations, and

value added of conducting an ex-ante Child IA

Methodology: Slide presentation

Facilitator materials: • Slide presentation: Session 5, slides 1-7 Facilitation notes: • See detailed notes on contents within the slide


20 mins (10 mins) (10 mins)

Content/Activity 2 Objective & contents:

• Introduce the steps of Child IA and the tools from the toolkit

• Within the context of the impact assessments already being done, discuss how Child IA can be integrated

. Methodology:

• Slide presentation • Guided large-group discussion  

Facilitator materials: • Slide presentation: Session 5, slide 8 Facilitation notes: • Take some time to introduce each of the steps,

asking participants to walk through the process with you using section 4 of this module in the Toolkit.

• Direct participants to examine each of the Tools referenced as you introduce it.

• Use these slides as a jumping off point to facilitate a large-group discussion of how participants feel they might integrate Child IA into assessments they are already doing

1 hour 30 mins (10 mins) (1 hr 20 mins)

Content/Activity 3 Objective & contents: Small-group work • Same problem statement given to groups • Analyze problem statement using the 7-

step process Methodology: 1. Introduction of exercise 2. Small-group activity

Facilitator materials: • Slide presentation: Session 5, slides 9-10 Facilitation notes: • See detailed notes on contents within the slide

presentation • Before conducting this session, become familiar

with the case scenario in the slides and the steps of the exercise in the Facilitators Notes

• Explain the small group exercise, break participants into groups of 4 or 5, and provide each group with the handouts for the exercise (see Participant Handouts)

Participant handouts: Each case consists of a one-page synopsis of the case and questions for analysis in small groups. Please copy and distribute at least one set of forms to each group for the small-group exercise.

30 mins Content/Activity 4 Small group presentation to plenary

10 mins (5 mins) (5 mins)

Content/Activity 5 Objective & contents:

• Consultation with children • Commissioning a Child IA

. Methodology:

• Slide presentation • Q&A  

Facilitator materials: • Slide presentation: Session 5, slides 11-12 Facilitation notes: • Present the content on these slides, directing

participants to the ToR tool noted on slide 12 • Facilitate a Q&A session on the challenges and

opportunities presented by conducting child IA and implementing the consultations as advised

5 mins Session close  

Module 5: Child Impact Assessments page 5

Participant Handout Module 5 Exercise: Ex ante assessment - Proposed tax policy in Serbia Case description: In 2010, to mitigate the effects of falling revenues due to the global economic crisis, the Serbian Government proposed a 4% increase in value added tax (VAT) and a series of other fiscal reforms. UNICEF Serbia commissioned a Belgrade-based research institute to conduct an ex-ante Child IA of the proposed taxation reform. Assignment for participants: In your working group, answer the questions below regarding the steps of performing an ex-ante Child IA in this case example. In answering these questions, refer to the Toolkit Tools and Section 4 of this module, which presents a step-by-step description of how to implement a child IA, for guidance.

Performing Child IA Steps of performing Child IA Questions to answer Step 1: Defining the problem and objectives of assessment

• What key activities should be performed during this step?

• How would you state the core question to be

addressed in this Child IA? • What core questions should be asked?

Step 2: Ensuring stakeholder and child participation

What types of consultations and what stakeholders should be included? (See Tool 5.3 for guidance)

Step 3: Outlining alternative policy options

What issues should be considered in outlining policy and programme options that address the problem and mitigating expected negative impacts?

Step 4: Assessing the impact of policy options

What stages should be included in assessing the impact of the proposed measure and options identified?

Step 5: Comparing options and proposing scenarios In synthesizing the results of Step 4, the study findings suggested that: • Up to 50,000 people were at risk of poverty under the

proposals • The numbers of children in poverty could increase by 10% • Overall poverty rates could increase by 9% • There was no clear indication of long-term economic

improvements as a result of the proposed changes

Based on these findings, what type of recommendations might you make?

Step 6: Communicating findings and recommendations

What type of communication methods would you recommend? What are the key considerations in publishing the findings of the Child IA?

Step 7: Ensuring follow up and linking with monitoring and evaluation

How might you ensure that the findings from the Child IA are taken into account in the proposed policy? What mechanism can be used to monitor and evaluate the policy, once it is being implemented?

Module 5: Child Impact Assessments page 6

Facilitator Notes

Module 5 Exercise: Ex ante assessment - Proposed tax policy in Serbia Time: 1 hour 20 minutes Purpose: Given a set of categories of governance reforms (institution building, anti-corruption efforts, child-friendly services, rule of law/legislative reform, capacity-building, accountability mechanisms), select three categories and identify concrete actions/approaches to improve their effectiveness in realizing child-rights.

Advance preparation • Review and become familiar with the case examples presented in the slides • Review the examples for each case presented below • Make copies of the exercise for participants. Ideally each participant should have a copy of the exercise; at

minimum copy at least one set of handouts for each group.

Steps of performing the exercise After presenting the content on the steps of Child IA and the basic facts of the case (slide 8 and 9), perform the following steps: 1. Break participants into groups of four or five  2. Distribute one set of handouts to each group (see Participants Handouts)  3. In working groups, have participants review the case and answer the questions provided on the question sheet  4. Direct participants to the Toolkit module and Tools to aid in answering these questions  5. Explain that each group will be asked to present their findings during the plenary session 6. The facilitator should move among groups ensuring that participants understand the exercise and are

addressing the questions appropriately 7. Facilitators should use the examples presented below to help participants formulate their responses to


Example solution for case study Performing Child IA

Steps of performing Child IA Questions to answer Step 1: Defining the problem and objectives of assessment

What key activities should be performed during this step? • Initial screening - The consumption of the population (and individual

population groups)was used as a basic indicator for the standard of living and well-being of the population including households with children (consumption in transition countries is a more reliable measure of the standard of living than income for several reasons)

• Context Analysis and Stakeholder mapping How would you state the core question to be addressed in this Child IA? • What will be the effect of a 4% increase in value added tax (VAT) and

a series of other fiscal reforms on children? What core questions should be asked? • What are the impacts of the proposed policy intervention on children’s

well-being, in this context? Is an Impact Assessment recommended to get more information on this problem? An assessment is recommended to assess how the poor segments of the population, especially families with children and members of other vulnerable groups, would fare should these tax changes be put into effect

• What are the main issues the Impact Assessment should focus on? • As there may be serious limitations on the government’s ability to

provide additional mitigation measures in the face of the VAT increase (and the reduction of mage taxes and contributions), the CRIA should focus on assessing who is most vulnerable to the policy so targeting of any such additional measures will reach the most vulnerable households/ children and alleviate any adverse affects. What are the potential compensatory measures that would alleviate adverse effect

Module 5: Child Impact Assessments page 7

of the proposed tax changes on these groups? Step 2: Ensuring stakeholder and child participation

What types of consultations and what stakeholders should be included? (See Tool 5.3 for guidance) Families, Children, Ministry of Finance officials, Representatives of International finance institutions. Carry out direct consultations with them using qualitative and participatory techniques for assessment and for potential mitigation policies. Map key stakeholders with insights into the situation of and potential impact of reforms on children

Step 3: Outlining alternative policy options

What issues should be considered in outlining policy and programme options that address the problem and mitigating expected negative impacts? • Measures to cushion the impact of reforms on vulnerable households • Include sales tax or VAT exemptions on goods disproportionately

consumed by vulnerable groups (e.g. progressive tax approaches)

Step 4: Assessing the impact of policy options

What stages should be included in assessing the impact of the proposed measure and options identified? • Types of impacts on children • Which children are likely to be affected • Significance of the impact • The extent to which the proposed options are participatory and offer

mechanisms for meaningful engagement of affected population groups, including women and children

• The impact of proposed options on the child rights obligations of the State.

Specifically: • Look at compatibility with CRC principles: potential intervention may

impact the right to life, survival and development. • Compatibility with CRC articles; particularly in relation to education,

health and participation (impact of multiple deprivations). • Types of alternative options • Understand how current patterns of social capital may be affected by


Step 5: Comparing options and proposing scenarios In synthesizing the results of Step 4, the study findings suggested that: • Up to 50,000 people were at risk of

poverty under the proposals • The numbers of children in poverty

could increase by 10% • Overall poverty rates could increase

by 9% • There was no clear indication of long-

term economic improvements as a result of the proposed changes

Based on these findings, what type of recommendations might you make? Further analysis to assess if the time right for this tax reform or if the proposal can be modified to mitigate adverse effects on children.

Step 6: Communicating findings and recommendations

What type of communication methods would you recommend? Publish assessment results, disseminate them and explain them to key decision makers and stakeholders, especially those consulted during the exercise. What are the key considerations in publishing the findings of the Child IA? Results should be in an easy-to-understand format, such as a policy brief, with nontechnical summaries. Tools such as implementation matrices and practical examples can be useful in stimulating stakeholders’ grasp of the issues. It is also important to ensure that a broad range of stakeholders has access to information on the child IA process itself

Module 5: Child Impact Assessments page 8

Step 7: Ensuring follow up and linking with monitoring and evaluation

• How might you ensure that the findings from the Child IA are taken into account in the proposed policy?

• What mechanism can be used to monitor and evaluate the policy, once it is being implemented?

Ideally, such efforts should be integrated into the monitoring and evaluation system of the policy.