workshop on real-time air pollution data exchange and forecast in europe 7 april 2005 eea,...

Download Workshop on real-time air pollution data exchange and forecast in Europe 7 April 2005 EEA, Copenhagen E. Paliouras, DLR-DFD Air Quality Services of PROMOTE

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GSE for Atmospheric Monitoring PROMOTE Mission: To deliver the Atmosphere GMES Service Element by constructing & delivering a sustainable & reliable operational service to support informed decisions in particular on atmospheric policy issues 4 themes selected based on identifiable user requirements and maturity or promise of satellite and ground-based observations –Stratospheric Ozone –Surface UV Radiation –Air Quality –Greenhouse Gases and Aerosols Project information and current product portfolio at:


Workshop on real-time air pollution data exchange and forecast in Europe 7 April 2005 EEA, Copenhagen E. Paliouras, DLR-DFD Air Quality Services of PROMOTE & Potential areas of support to EFNet GSEs: Background GSE program formulated as ESA GMES contribution GMES-applicable capabilities in Europe already exist target operational & sustainable information services respond to the needs of users in support of policies focus mainly on services using Earth Observation sources draw on results obtained from present EO satellites and provide recommendations for future EO systems start with a 20-month Consolidation Stage intended to evaluate a large set of candidate services select a few full-fledged operational services in Implementation Stage PROMOTE now in month 12 PROMOTE would enter this Stage in 1st Quarter 2006 GSE for Atmospheric Monitoring PROMOTE Mission: To deliver the Atmosphere GMES Service Element by constructing & delivering a sustainable & reliable operational service to support informed decisions in particular on atmospheric policy issues 4 themes selected based on identifiable user requirements and maturity or promise of satellite and ground-based observations Stratospheric Ozone Surface UV Radiation Air Quality Greenhouse Gases and Aerosols Project information and current product portfolio at: Ongoing Initiatives Complementary to PROMOTE (AQ) European Union GEMS - Global and regional Earth-system (Atmosphere) Monitoring using Satellite and in-situ dataGEMS CREATE - Construction, use and delivery of a European aerosol databaseCREATE DAEDALUS - Delivery of AErosol proDucts for Assimilation and environmentaL USeDAEDALUS EVERGREEN - EnVisat for Environmental Regulation of GREENhouse gasesEVERGREEN ACCENT - Atmospheric Composition Change, the European Network of ExcellenceACCENT ASSET - ASSimilation of EnvisaT dataASSET European Space Agency GlobAEROSOL - Global Aerosol from Earth Observation (DUE)GlobAEROSOL TEMIS - Tropospheric Emission Monitoring Internet Service (DUP)TEMIS CAPACITY - Composition of the Atmosphere: Progress to Applications in the user CommunITYCAPACITY PROMOTE Core Users - AQ National Environmental Agencies Austria (UBA) France (ADEME) Ireland (EPA) The Netherlands (RIVM) Regional Environmental Agencies Lombardia, Italy (ARPA) Nordrhein-Westfalia, Germany (LUA) Research Institutes EMPA Swiss Federal Lab for Material Testing and Research INERIS within French Ministry of Ecology JRC Institute for Environment and Sustainability (IES) NILU Norwegian Institute for Air Research VITO Flemish Institute for Technological Research Current Air Quality Service and Products Monitoring Products from Satellite Data Gas Retrievals Tropospheric NO 2 Total Column SO 2 Aerosol Retrievals Aerosol Optical Depth and Aerosol Type indicator Forecasting / Analysis Products (at various scales) State of near-surface air quality Forecast of near-surface air quality Gas Retrievals: Tropospheric NO 2 Global coverage - GOME and SCIAMACHY sensors Target Uses Trend analysis via monthly or annual means Model input via NRT information Three algorithms being considered and compared Possibility of downselection at project end All may be kept if demonstrated niche uses found for each Sample Products: Tropospheric NO 2 Gas Retrievals: Total Column SO 2 Global coverage - GOME and SCIAMACHY sensors Target Uses Global trend analysis via monthly or annual means Higher resolution for hotspot monitoring Sample Product: Total Column SO 2 Aerosol Optical Thickness and Type Global Coverage Synergistic retrieval from daily acquistions of two sensors GOME & ATSR-2 or SCIAMACHY & AATSR Target Uses Global coverage and climatologies for monitoring NRT retrievals over Europe as input to AQ models soot desertic maritime Aerosol Optical Thickness and Type Current Air Quality Service and Products Monitoring Products Gas Retrievals Tropospheric NO 2 Total Column SO 2 Aerosol Retrievals Aerosol Optical Depth and Aerosol Type indicator Forecasting / Analysis Products (at various scales) State of near-surface air quality Forecast of near-surface air quality Regional analysis and forecasting (PrevAir System, EURAD) Local forecasting (AIRES based on PrevAir) High resolution forecasting (YourAir service of Greater London) EURAD Forecast and Analysis System EURAD system development began at RIU (Rhenish Institute of Environmental Research) in early-1990s Online operationally since 2001:EURAD also running at the German Remote Sensing Data Center (DFD) since early 2004 for testing assimilation of satellite-based data Tropospheric NO 2 - underway Aerosol parameters - expected late 2005 Tropospheric O 3 planned for 2006 The EURAD System of Models MM5 Penn State/NCAR Mesoscale Model predicts necessary meteorological variables EEM EURAD Emission Model predicts temporal and spatial distribution of emission rates of major pollutants EURAD-CTM EURAD Chemistry Transport Model predicts concentrations and deposition of main atmospheric pollutants TERRAIN REGRID INTERPF MM5 ECP EEM EURAD-CTM Chemistry Transport C3DVAR Assimilation, Initial Conditions for day n VISAQ O 3 NO 2 SO 2 CO PM 10 AQI Emission Data USGS Orography USGS Landuse Observations day n-1 NCEP/GFS Global met Forecast NESTDOWN Ozone Ozone NO 2 NO 2 PM 10 PM 10 PM 2.5 PM 2.5 SO 2 SO 2 CO CO Benzene Benzene Formaldehyde Formaldehyde Air Quality Index Air Quality Index daily Maxima maximum 8 hour mean maximum 24 hour mean Animations Time Series for certain regions Availability vis a vis PROMOTE: Ready for user evaluation With in situ observations -end of 2004 With satellite observations -end of 2005 Representation: - Visualization products - Raw data deliverables EURAD AQ Forecasting Prodcuts Current EURAD Nested Scales N0: Continental Scale 125 km resolution N1: Regional Scale 25 km resolution N2: Local Scale 2 German States Ireland 5 km resolution N3: City Scale 1 km resolution City of Neuss, DE EURAD Ozone Forecast in Different Domains Qualitair (Nice area monitoring) Airmaraix (Marseille + Toulon areas monitoring) GIEFS (Mercantour Natural park monitoring) Local Resolution AQ Forecast - AIRES ACRI-ST aims to supply higher resolution air quality forecasts of the South-East of France Uses PrevAir as basis with additional emission inventories Airfobep (Etang de Berre monitoring) USERS Output of AIRES forecasts PREVAIR National 15 km x 15 km Forecast at D+2 PACA region 9 km x 9 km Re-distributed EMEP ESCOMPTE area 3 km x 3 km Re-distributed EMEP UK High Resolution AQ Forecast Daily pollutant concentration at London street scale using ADMS-Urban Model of the Cambridge Environmental Research Corp. (CERC) Pilot system produces daily forecasts of the worst case air quality today and tomorrow via the web Operational since August 2004 Forecasts use local traffic emission inventories and met data Currently testing use of PROMOTE regional forecast data as boundary condition input Ozone, PM10, and perhaps NO 2 UK High Resolution AQ Forecast Example of PROMOTE Product Usage PROMOTE Product YourAir, high-resolution AQ Forecast Service Project Name AirTEXT, run by the Pollution Team of the London Bourough of Croydon Council Project Objective send air pollution alerts to vulnerable individuals via SMS text message Project Motivation Information about air quality widely available throughout the EU but never been targeted in timely and proactive way at vulnerable individuals Planned Air Quality Service and Products Monitoring Products Gas Retrievals Tropospheric NO 2 Total Column SO 2 Tropospheric HCHO Aerosol Retrievals Aerosol Optical Depth (additional information providers/sources) Aerosol Type indicator Forecasting / Analysis Products (at various scales) State of near-surface air quality Forecast of near-surface air quality PROMOTE and EFNet PROMOTE forecasting services established focus: Operational Close ties with research projects ensure continuous improvements and advances Core Users involved well represent a cross of user segments GSE structure meant to provide mechanism for addition of partners Some PROMOTE Services potentially suited for use within EFNet Challenge: effectively utilize, not duplicate, them Development of tools required to use PROMOTE service in combination with other EFNet data Findings of EFNet preparations will help to improve PROMOTE services