workshop session 1: overview

Transmission Availability Data System (TADS) TADS Workshops: January 16, 2008 and February 6, 2008 Workshop Session 1: Overview

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Transmission Availability Data System (TADS) TADS Workshops: January 16, 2008 and February 6, 2008. Workshop Session 1: Overview. Why TADS Is Needed. No systematic transmission outage data collection effort exists for all of North America - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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Transmission AvailabilityData System (TADS)

TADS Workshops: January 16, 2008 and February 6, 2008

Workshop Session 1: Overview

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Why TADS Is Needed

● No systematic transmission outage data collection effort exists for all of North America

● Energy Information Administration data (Schedule 7 on Form 411) is voluntary and of no use to NERC EIA proposed to make Schedule 7 mandatory in


● TADS data is intended to provide data for improving planning and operating standards It will help define credible contingencies

● TADS will provide a partial measure of bulk power system performance

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How TADS Was Developed

● NERC Planning Committee Chairman Scott Helyer formed the TADS Task Force on October 24, 2006

● Task Force’s report was approved by the Planning Committee on June 7, 2007 The report and a data reporting instruction manual

were posted for public comment The Task Force also conducted a Beta test with four

transmission owners using data from 2006

● Original report was revised on September 26, 2007 to incorporate changes

● Data Reporting Instruction Manual was released on October 17, 2007 and updated on November 20, 2007

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TADS References and Forms

● TADS references available at Link. Transmission Availability Data System Revised Final

Report (Sept 26, 2007) 2008 TADS Data Forms (Nov 2, 2007), an Excel

workbook TADS Data Reporting Instruction Manual (Nov 20, 2007) DRAFT Data Reporting Instruction Manual (Jan 10,

2008)* DRAFT Data Reporting Instruction Manual redline (Jan

10, 2008)*

* The DRAFT Manual will be used when discussing the Forms section regarding Fault Type and Event ID Code. It describes expected TADS changes which will be discussed by NERC’s TADS Task Force this month.

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NERC Authority to Require TADS

● NERC’s authority to issue a mandatory data request in the U.S. is contained in FERC’s rules. Volume 18, C.F.R., Section 39.2(d) states:

● NERC Board has approved TADS as mandatory for U.S. Transmission Owners on the NERC Compliance Registry beginning with calendar year 2008 data1

Each user, owner or operator of the Bulk-Power System within the United States (other than Alaska and Hawaii) shall provide the Commission, the Electric Reliability Organization and the applicable Regional Entity such information as is necessary to implement section 215 of the Federal Power Act as determined by the Commission and set out in the Rules of the Electric Reliability Organization and each applicable Regional Entity.

1TADS data is being requested from non-U.S. TOs, but it is not mandatory.

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Can TOs Have Another Entity Report Its Data?● Yes. From Section 5.1 of the September 26, 2007

report: “A TO may designate another entity, such as an RTO, to

assume the TO's reporting obligation, provided that the designated entity and the TO jointly register with NERC per the requirements of the NERC Rules of Procedures sections 501.1.2.7 and 507. Otherwise, TO with the reporting obligation is ultimately responsible for ensuring the timely and accurate reporting of data.”

● What if a TO wants to have another entity (like a Transmission Operator) report its data without joint registration? A TO may “subcontract” its reporting obligation to

another entity, but the TO is still responsible A written agreement between the TO and the other

entity would be prudent

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Fundamental TADS Structure Decisions

● Whatever data and metrics are recommended, they should be: Comparable (consistent framework) Attainable Verifiable Simple Relevant to various “users”

Transmission Owners (TOs), Transmission Operators, and Planning Coordinators, ERO, Governmental bodies (FERC, EIA, etc.)

● Chosen to balance several factors: the level of data detail the level of effort required to collect the data and the usefulness of the resulting metrics

● Initial TADS structure may be enhanced and improved over time.

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Phase I and Phase II

● Phase I will collect Automatic Outage data on four Elements beginning with 2008 data1. AC Circuits ≥ 200 kV (Overhead & Underground)2. Transformers with ≥ 200 kV low-side3. AC/DC Back-to-Back Converters with ≥ 200 kV AC on both

sides4. DC Circuits with ≥ ±200 kV DC Voltage

● Phase II TADS will be designed to expand the collection of Phase I outage data to: Include historic planned outage data Include manual unscheduled outage data. Consider 100 kV DC Circuits data (a Schedule 7


● Phase II details will be brought to the PC at its March 2008 meeting for review. Data collection will commence in 2009

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Overview of Data & Metrics

● Element Inventory Data● Automatic Outage Data

(each outage) Outage ID Event ID Code Fault Type Outage Initiation Code Outage Start Time Outage Duration Outage Cause Codes

Initiating Sustained

Outage Mode

● Basic metrics Outage frequency Outage duration Mean time between failure Mean time to repair Median time to repair Percent availability Percent of Elements with

no outages Disturbance report events

● Other metrics developed as needed

● RE can add additional metrics

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Confidentiality of TADS information

● Under NERC’s confidentiality policy (Section 1500 of NERC’s Rules of Procedures), the entity claiming that information is confidential must state the category under which such information qualifies as confidential.

● For practicality, TADSTF made judgments that data on certain forms will likely be confidential information because it contains critical energy infrastructure information (CEII), while other information is not confidential. A TO may make its CEII information (per NERC’s classification) non-confidential by requesting, in writing, that NERC treat it as such.

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Confidentiality Designations

Form Default Confidentiality 1.1 Non-Reporting Transmission Owner Statement Not confidential 1.2 Reporting Transmission Owner Information Not confidential 2.1 Tie Lines and Jointly-Owned AC and DC Circuits Confidential-CEII 2.2 Jointly-Owned AC/DC Back-to-Back Converters Confidential-CEII 3.1 AC and DC Circuit Inventory Data Not confidential 3.2 Transformer Inventory Data Not confidential 3.3 AC/DC Back-to-Back Converter Inventory Data Not confidential 3.4 Summary Outage Data Confidential-CEII 4.1 AC Circuit Detailed Automatic Outage Data Confidential-CEII 4.2 DC Circuit Detailed Automatic Outage Data Confidential-CEII 4.3 Transformer Detailed Automatic Outage Data Confidential-CEII 4.4 AC/DC Back-to-Back Converter Detailed Automatic Outage Data Confidential-CEII 5 Event ID Code and Event Type Number Data Confidential-CEII

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Information Disclosure

● No TO’s data would be released in public reports if the TO could be identified by the data reported

● For example, if the TO in a region is the only owner of assets in a particular Voltage Class, the metrics on that data would not be released if the TO’s name and its confidential information could be identified. The exception is if the TO voluntarily provides NERC permission to do so, which NERC will seek.

● However, if the identity of the TO in the previous example could not be identified in a NERC-wide report that combines the data from all reporting TOs, that report would not violate the confidentiality of that TO’s data, and the NERC-wide report containing information on the Voltage Class would be released.

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Role of Regional Entities

● The process involves a coordinated effort between NERC and the Regional Entities. This coordination is critical to the success of TADS. Regional Entities are responsible for the following tasks: Request data from TOs. Review tie lines and jointly-owned facilities to ensure

that a single TO is responsible for TADS reporting. Review inventory and outage data for consistency and

completeness (but do not review a TO’s source data). Assign common Event ID Codes for Events affecting

more than one TO in their region. Evaluate AC Circuit outages on common structures when

the circuits are owned by different TOs.

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TADS Regional Coordinators

Region Regional Staff Coordinator(s)FRCC Scott BeecherMRO Salva AndiappanNPCC Phil Fedora, Quoc LeRFC Rao Somayajula, Leslie KrawczykSERC Herb Schrayshuen, Maria Haney, Teresa GlazeSPP Lanny Nickell, Neil RobertsonTRE Rashida WilliamsWECC Donald Davies, Jason Wayment

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Data Collection, Analysis & Reporting Process

● Software will be developed (funded by NERC) to facilitate data entry, verification/validation, data management, analysis and reporting. We expect the software to be ready by mid-March 2008

that will permit Web-based data entry. It will contain the data on the TADS forms

● Overall process consists of 3 major steps Data request issued by RE Data submittal by TOs and review by RE Data analysis & reporting by NERC

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Data Request Process

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Data Submittal & Review

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Analysis & Reporting

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Schedule for TADS

For 2008 data, two reporting cycles are planned Q1 data will be submitted by May 30, 2008 so that the

procedures can be validated & reporting processes tested

Full year data submittal in March 2009

● Beginning with year 2009 data, schedule will be “normal” reporting procedure

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Phase I TADS Implementation Timetable: 2008

Date Action Late October 2007

NERC will ask Regional Entities to request TADS data from Transmission Owners in their region. The reason NERC is going through the regions (as explained in Section 5.3.3 of the Report), is that regions may elect to request additional data. They will send each TO a bundled data request covering both TADS data and regional-specific data.

Mid-November 2007

Regions will submit their bundled data request to TOs. Certain TADS data is required to be submitted in 2007 to determine which TOs will be not reporting TADS data and, for reporting TOs, who is responsible for reporting outages for tie lines and jointly-owned facilities. TOs who do not own any TADS assets will be required to submit Form 1.1 to REs. TOs who own TADS assets will be required to submit Form 1.2, and, if applicable, Forms 2.1 and 2.2 that address tie lines and jointly-owned facilities, to REs.

January 15, 2008

REs ensure that all tie lines and jointly-owned facilities have a single TO with reporting responsibility.

May 30, 2008

TOs submit data to REs for the first quarter ending March 31. This includes inventory data as well as outage data, as well as resubmission of Form1.2, and, if applicable, Forms 2.1, and 2.2.

July 15, 2008

REs submit data to NERC after performing an initial data review.

September 26, 2008

NERC completes an interim report on the results, after performing its data checks.

March 1, 2009

TOs resubmit all 2008 data to REs. (This resubmission will replace the first quarter data submitted by May 30, 2008)

Late June, 2009

NERC completes a final 2008 report on the results, after performing its data checks.

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Phase I TADS Implementation Timetable: 2009

● This schedule represents a normal reporting year.

Date Item Mid-December, 2008

REs re-confirm that all tie-lines and jointly-owned circuits have a single TO with reporting responsibility.

March 1, 2010 TOs submit data to REs for the reporting year of 2009. Mid-April, 2010 REs submit data to NERC after performing an initial data

review. Late June, 2010 NERC completes a final 2009 report on the results, after

performing its data checks.