world class education . history 3000 perspectives on history kean university union, new jersey

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Perspectives on History

Kean University

Union, New Jersey

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Goals • Prepare for praxis

10087 and 10081

• Review Knowledge base for Student Teaching

• Enrich professional knowledge for current teachers

Dr. Thomas F. Banit

Professor Emeritus

History Department

Kean University

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B.A. History / Teacher Certification Program

• 134 Credit Program• 45 credits in History

-focus on American and Western Civilization courses-Supported by African, Asian, Latin American And Middle Eastern Courses

• Complemented by:-18 credits in Social Sciences-Kean University Historical Society-Phi Alpha Theta-Special Programs and Speaker Offerings throughout the academic year

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Course Overview1. 13 Lectures by Experts in

Each Field• Introduction• Pol Sci / Geog• Eco / Soc-Psy-Anth• U.S. History (3)

-Exploration toConstitution-Early Nationalto New America-Post Civil War to


• European History (3)-Ancient Civ to High Mid Ages-Late Mid Ages to Early Modern Govt-French Rev to Present

• Asian History• Latin American History

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Course Overview (cont.)

• Middle Eastern History• African History

• Each session is taught by an academic specialist in the respective field.

2. Assessment• Weekly Open Book

Reading Quizzes Completed Online

• Midterm (Week 7) and final(Week 15) Closed Note Exams Completed in Person at Kean University

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Course Overview (Cont.)

• Complete Course Syllabus:

-At this point, Please Down load, print, and Review the course syllabus in detail

• Questions?

-Please contact the History 3000 Course Coordinator,

Dr. Jonathan Mercantini, at [email protected]

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Course Readings

• Students should purchase the course Readings Listed on the Syllabus and complete the work before each lecture

• Professors’ Special Guides will be linked to each lecture

Brun, et. al., Global History and Geography: The Growth of Civilizations

Gordon, American History

Cliffs Notes, Economics Review

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• The practice test is designed in a similar manner to the PRAXIS 10081, which is presently comprised of multiple choice questions covering the various areas of history and associated social sciences. PRAXIS 10087 currently also includes several short written answers. PRAXIS 10081will also contain written answers in the near future or possibly in the present depending on the date.

• Note: Graphics in this course are provided courtesy of McGraw-Hill Companies, 2010.

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Practice Test Directions

Listeners should now continue with theDown loaded Practice Test. Complete the30 questions in 30 minutes and then proceedon and find / listen to the correctAnswers in the History 3000 Podcast.Students should answer at least

23-25 Questions correctly as a sign of

success on the practice test.

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Question #1: Sociology

Which of the following terms bestexpresses the effect of overseas settlement on human, animal, and plant life? A. DiffusionB. SegregationC. IsolationD. RejectionE. Amalgamation

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Question #2: Sociology

A household containing a married couple,their children, and relatives such as aunts,uncles, and grandparents is called :

A. a joint familyB. a polygamous familyC. an established familyD. a nuclear familyE. an extended family

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Question #3: Geography

The foothills at the base of the Appalachian Mountains are known as the:

A. PrairiesB. Continental DivideC. Ridge and valleyD. Coastal PlainE. Piedmont

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Question #4: Political Science

Holding an election by party members inorder to name candidates for politicaloffices is called a:

A. Party CaucusB. General electionC. Direct PrimaryD. Party ConventionE. Straw vote

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Question #5: Political Science

The right of a people of a state to demand that a bill passed by the legislature be put to a popular vote is called:

A. Pocket vetoB. InitiativeC. Local OptionD. ReferendumE. Popular sovereignty

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Question #6: Geography

What is the determining factor in defining this scene as “desert”?

A. MountainsB. Rainfall

C. Temperature

D. Latitude

E. Longitude

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Question #7: History

The United States fought in the followingWars: I. Mexican War, II. Spanish -AmericanWar, III. Civil War, IV. War of 1812. Placethem in chronological order starting withthe earliest.


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Question #8: Economics / History

“The American beauty Rose can be produced in the splendor and fragrance, which brings joy to its beholder only by sacrificing the early buds, which grow up around it. This is not an evil tendency in business. It is merely the working out of a law of nature and of God.”

A.Transcen-DentalismB. FabianSocialismC. Social DarwinismD. Religious UtopianismE.Progres-sivisim.

Read the following quote and select the correct economic term associated with it.

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Question # 9: Economics / History

The author of the quotation inQuestion # 8 was:

A. Abraham LincolnB. John D. RockefellerC. Karl MarxD. D. Theodore RooseveltE. George Bernard Shaw

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Question #10: History / Geography

What time period inHistory is reflectedin this map?

A. 800 - 700 B.C.E.B. 1945 - 1990 C.E.C. 1814 - 1914 C.E.D. 1620-1776 C.E.E. 1000-1350 C.E.

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Question #11: History

As a modern Chinese citizen, what twodevelopments would instill national pridein you? A. Sailing research/ wheelB. Industrial revolution / scientific revolutionC. Mass production / steelD. Paper / gunpowderE. Tobacco / rice

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Question #12: History

The following quote refers to which ethnicgroup? “Their group loyalty and talent forpolitics in a democratic medium made themthe first and most enduring bloc in Americanpolitics.”

A. IrishB. VietnameseC. GermansD. CatholicsE. Italians

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Question # 13: History

The children of unions between Spanish menand Indian women, especially in Mexico andPeru, were called:

A. PeninsularesB. Half-breedsC. CreolesD. IndenturesE. Mestizos

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Question #14: History

Following America’s entry into World WarII, civil liberties were most conspicuouslyviolated by the:

A. Restraints of freedom of speech and pressB. Persecution of the Communist PartyC. Deportation of German-AmericansD. Suppression of political dissentE. Relocation of Japanese - Americans

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Question #15: Anthropology

Taking field notes and acting as a“participant observer” most likely describes

A. SociologistB. ArchaeologistC. Political ScientistD. AnthropologistE. Psychologist

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Question #16: History

Which one of the following served as the leader of China following the fall of the Manchu Dynasty?

A. Mao ZedongB. Jiang JieshiC. Sun Yat-senD. Ngo Dinh DiemE. Kuo Mintang

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Question #17: History

This Hawaiian leaderBecame important inAmerican foreignPolicy during what time period?

A. 1930sB. 1850sC. 1890sD. 1960sE. 1830s

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Question #18: Economics

When a manufacturer produces one more unit of something (i.e., car, pen, computer, etc.) the increase in cost to produce that item is called:

A. Marginal CostB. Monetary PolicyC. Increasing ReturnsD. Fixed CostsE. Microeconomics

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Question #19: Economics

During theproduction year,which area of thenation was mostconsistent inmeeting itsproduction goals?

A. NorthB. SouthC. East D. WestE. None was












American Economic Output by region

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Question #20: Psychology

Behaviorism was developed by which oneof the following social scientists?

A. Margaret MeadB. Sigmund FreudC. AristotleD. James WatsonE. Carl Jung

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Question #21: Political Science

The debate over private gun ownershiprevolves mainly around which one of theconstitutional amendments?


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Question # 22: History

Select the correctchronologicalorder for theevents /Persons /etc. in AmericanHistory found inthe right column

A. 5,3,2,1,4B. 4,1,5,2,3C. 5,1,5,3,2D. 1,3,5,4,2E. 3,1,4,2,5

Events / Persons, etc.1. Andrew Johnson

presidency2. Panama canal

opens3. President Kennedy

assassinated4. Bill of Rights

ratified5. Closing of the West

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Question #23: History

What does thepicture mostaccurately depict?

A. American west-ward movementB. ColonialismC. SuffragismD. ProgressivismE. Monotheism

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Question #24: History

Which one of the following terms, laws,persons was not involved in American Raceissues during the early 20th Century?

A. Ku Klux KlanB. Marcus GarveyC. Scopes “Monkey Trial”D. Jim CrowE. “The Birth of a Nation”

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Question #25: Economics / History

Assume that the following five people wereholding a mythical conversation oneconomics. Which one would most stronglyargue for a laissez-faire approach to theEconomy?

A. John D. RockefellerB. Karl MarxC. Adolph HitlerD. Mao ZedongE. Jawaharlal Nehru

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Question 26: History

The famous spy-photo was importantin which AmericanCold War foreignpolicy Situation?

A. CubaB. HaitiC. Dominican RepublicD. NicaraguaE. Mexico

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Question #27: History

After examining the following pairs ofislands, identify the set that contains theisland first attacked by the Japanese and thefinal island seized by American forcesbefore we dropped the atomic bomb on Japan.

A. Hawaii / MidwayB. Taiwan / Iwo JimaC. Hawaii / okinawaD. Tarawa / MakinE. Guadalcanal / Truk

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Question #28: History

The Cold War largely ended when twoLeaders decided on cooperation instead ofconfrontation. Who were the two peopleincluded in these negotiations?

A. Mikhail Gorbachev / Ronald ReaganB. Leonid Brezhnev and Jimmy CarterC. George H.W.Bush / Vladimir PutinD. Dwight Eisenhower / Nikita KhrushchevE. Mikhail Gorbachev / George H. W. Bush

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Question #29: History

The arrival of VascoDaGama in India depicted in The sceneRepresents whichcentury?

A. 1000sB. 1200sC. 1400sD. 1600sE. 1800s

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Question #30: Geography

If a person flew from New York City to CapeTown, South Africa, what geographicdescription would best describe thesituation.

A. Landed in the eastern hemisphere north of the equator

B. Flew from the western hemisphere to south of the equator

C. Flew from north of the equator to north of the equator

D. Flew from the eastern hemisphere to north latitudes in the western hemisphere

E. Flew west to the northern hemisphere