world communion sunday october 6, 2019€¦ · porque conocemos y profetizamos de manera...

World Communion Sunday October 6, 2019

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Page 1: World Communion Sunday October 6, 2019€¦ · Porque conocemos y profetizamos de manera imperfecta; pero cuando llegue lo perfecto, lo imperfecto desaparecerá. Cuando yo era niño,

World Communion SundayOctober 6, 2019

Page 2: World Communion Sunday October 6, 2019€¦ · Porque conocemos y profetizamos de manera imperfecta; pero cuando llegue lo perfecto, lo imperfecto desaparecerá. Cuando yo era niño,

Today is World Communion Sunday, when churches across the world are gathering around the Lord’s Table as one united body of Christ, partaking of the bread and the cup just as we are this morning. On World Communion Sunday, I like to imagine that we are all gathering around the same physical table with our sisters, brothers and siblings in Christ — which would make it a very crowded table, wouldn’t it?

The new musical group The Highwomen recently released their debut album. The group consists of four women: Brandi Carlile, Natalie Hemby, Maren Morris and Amanda Shires. Each of these women had successful solo careers, but together they formed this group to make just a little more space around the country music table. As they listened to the radio, they realized they rarely heard female artists. So they decided to do something about it and formed The Highwomen.

The entire album is phenomenal (I highly recommend it), and it doesn’t just create space and place for women’s voices and stories. It also creates space for LGBTQ voices. In one song, Brandi Carlile (who identifies as a lesbian) sings to a man who is clearly interested in her

girlfriend. She says that if her girlfriend were to leave her, it certainly would not be for a cowboy like him. I don’t know about you, but I have not heard many songs that center on same-sex couples, and I definitely have not heard one in the country music genre. The Highwomen are creating space and place for the stories and voices of people who have none.

Another song on the album is particularly relevant on this World Communion Sunday. On “Crowded Table” the chorus goes, “I want a house with a crowded table, and a place by the fire for everyone.” In this song, the women paint a musical portrait that looks like Communion to me. A house with a table that has a place for everyone. The door to the house is always open. It is a place of love and welcome to all who enter.

So as we gather round the Communion table with our sisters, brothers and siblings across the world, may we remember that at Christ’s Table “everyone belongs, yeah, everyone belongs.”

—Leigh Curl

Preparing for worship

ON THE COVER: Communion table with embroidered cloth, Chester Cathedral, Chester, England.

Wilshire Baptist Church4316 Abrams Road | Dallas, Texas 75214

(214) 452-3100 | www.wilshirebc.orgPartnered with the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship

Building a Community of Faith Shaped by the Spirit of Jesus Christ


Page 3: World Communion Sunday October 6, 2019€¦ · Porque conocemos y profetizamos de manera imperfecta; pero cuando llegue lo perfecto, lo imperfecto desaparecerá. Cuando yo era niño,

October 6, 20198:30 and 11:00 a.m.

World Communion Sunday

Chiming of the HourThe people of Wilshire gather this morning to worship God.

In order for this service of worship to be focused upon that purpose,please turn off all cell phones, pagers and alarm watches.

Prelude Fugue sur le Grand Orgue François Couperin

Opening Sentences Tony Martin / Kathryn Woodbury

As we gather for worship today, we are tempted to think about ourselves — what we want, what we need, what we expect from God. We are invited instead to think about the one thing God desires most from us — our joyful praise. We praise God today because the Lord is worthy of worship and glory and honor.

+Hymn 13 All Glory Be to God on High mit freuden zart

Greeting to Worshipers Mark Wingfield

Guests are invited to take a Response Card from the pew rack, complete it and place it in the offering plate when it is passed later in the service.

You also are invited to take the red fabric rose from the card and place it on your lapel or blouse to help others identify that you are our honored guest today.

Prayer concerns will be received and prayed for this week when listed on an intercessory prayer card from the pew rack and placed in the offering plate.

Reading — 1 Corinthians 13:8–12 Jane Alloway / Christy Tabor

Love never ends. But as for prophecies, they will come to an end; as for tongues, they will cease; as for knowledge, it will come to an end. For we know only in part, and we prophesy only in part; but when the complete comes, the partial will come to an end. When I was a child, I spoke like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child; when I became an adult, I put an end to childish ways. For now we see in a mirror, dimly, but then we will see face to face. Now I know only in part; then I will know fully, even as I have been fully known. This is the word of the Lord. Thanks be to God.


*8:30 worship service / **11:00 worship service+All congregants who are able are invited to stand.Hearing devices are available in the Narthex and South Atrium.

Page 4: World Communion Sunday October 6, 2019€¦ · Porque conocemos y profetizamos de manera imperfecta; pero cuando llegue lo perfecto, lo imperfecto desaparecerá. Cuando yo era niño,


El amor jamás se extingue, mientras que el don de profecía cesará, el de lenguas será silenciado y el de conocimiento desaparecerá. Porque conocemos y profetizamos de manera imperfecta; pero cuando llegue lo perfecto, lo imperfecto desaparecerá. Cuando yo era niño, hablaba como niño, pensaba como niño, razonaba como niño; cuando llegué a ser adulto, dejé atrás las cosas de niño. Ahora vemos de manera indirecta y velada, como en un espejo; pero entonces veremos cara a cara. Ahora conozco de manera imperfecta, pero entonces conoceré tal y como soy conocido.

Esta es la palabra del Señor.Gracias a Dios.

+Hymn 440 Though I May Speak with Bravest Fire gift of love

Prayers of the People Jessica Capps / Heather Mustain

Giving of Tithes and Offerings

Wilshire asks four things of its members and regular attenders. We desire that all in the Wilshire community Worship, Learn, Give and Serve. We operate from a mentality of abundance rather than scarcity, and we teach the biblical concept of tithing as normative practice. Because God has been generous to us, we must be generous to God’s church and to others around us. “Stewardship” means giving boldly of and managing wisely God’s spiritual and material gifts through sacrificial service. What you give isn’t nearly as important as that you give. From wherever your starting point may be, you can grow in the grace of generosity.

*Choral Offertory O How He Loves You and Me Kurt Kaiser/arr. John PurifoyNew Song

Sarah Stafford, director; Crysta Jones, accompanist

Oh, how he loves you and me. Oh, how he loves you and me.He gave his life, what more could he give?

Oh, how he loves you, oh, how he loves me,Oh, how he loves you and me.

Jesus, lover of my soul, let me to thy bosom fly.Oh, how he loves you and me.

While the nearer waters roll, while the tempest still is high.

Jesus to Calv’ry did go, his love for sinners to show.What he did there brought hope from despair.

Oh, how he loves you, oh, how he loves me,Oh, how he loves you and me.

Spring thou up within my heart, rise to all eternity.Oh, how he loves you, oh, how he loves me,

Oh, how he loves you and me.

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**Choral Offertory God So Loved the World John Stainer/arr. Ralph ManuelNova

Bill Jernberg, accompanist

God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son,That who so believeth in him, should not perish but have everlasting life.

For God sent not his Son to condemn the world, But that the world through him might be saved.

God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son,That who so believeth in him, shall have eternal life.

+Offertory Response old 100th

Our God is making all things new, a promise that we know is true.Through eyes of faith we long to see a love-transformed community.

A place where truth and justice reign and healing triumphs over pain,Where all have dignity and worth and peace is passed throughout the earth.

Reading — Psalm 27:1-10 Mary Kay Jackman / Alison Wingfield

The Lord is my light and my rescue. Whom should I fear? The Lord is my life’s stronghold. Of whom should I be afraid? When evildoers draw near me to eat my flesh — my foes and my enemies are they — they trip and they fall. Though a camp is marshaled against me, my heart shall not fear. Though battle is roused against me, nonetheless do I trust. One thing do I ask of the Lord, it is this that I seek — that I dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to behold the Lord’s sweetness and to gaze on his palace. For he hides me in his shelter on the day of evil. He conceals me in the recess of his tent, on a rock he raises me up. And now my head rises over my enemies around me. Let me offer in his tent sacrifices with joyous shouts. Let me sing a hymn to the Lord. Hear, O Lord, my voice when I call, and grant me grace and answer me. Of you, my heart said: “Seek my face.” Your face, Lord, I do seek. Do not hide your face from me, do not turn your servant away in wrath. You are my help. Abandon me not, nor forsake me, O God of my rescue. Though my father and mother forsook me, the Lord would gather me in.

—Translation by Robert Alter, from The Book of Psalms: A Translation with Commentary, W.W. Norton & Co., New York.

El Señor es mi luz y mi salvación; ¿a quién temeré? El Señor es el baluarte de mi vida; ¿quién podrá amedrentarme? Cuando los malvados avanzan contra mí para devorar mis carnes, cuando mis enemigos y adversarios me atacan, son ellos los que tropiezan y caen. Aun cuando un ejército me asedie, no temerá mi corazón; aun cuando una guerra estalle contra mí, yo mantendré la confianza. Una sola cosa le pido al Señor, y es lo único que persigo: habitar en la casa del Señor todos los días de mi vida, para contemplar la hermosura del Señor y recrearme en su templo. Porque en el día de la aflicción él me resguardará en su morada; al amparo de su tabernáculo me protegerá, y me pondrá en alto, sobre una roca. Me hará prevalecer frente a los enemigos que me rodean; en su templo ofreceré sacrificios de alabanza y cantaré salmos al Señor. Oye, Señor, mi voz

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cuando a ti clamo; compadécete de mí y respóndeme. El corazón me dice: “¡Busca su rostro!” Y yo, Señor, tu rostro busco. No te escondas de mí; no rechaces, en tu enojo, a este siervo tuyo, porque tú has sido mi ayuda. No me desampares ni me abandones,Dios de mi salvación. Aunque mi padre y mi madre me abandonen, el Señor me recibirá en sus brazos.

Message “Face to Face” George MasonThird in a series, Opening Your Heart

Celebration of the Lord’s Supper Matt Dodrill / Jared Jaggers

All followers of Christ are invited to partake of the Lord’s Supper, whether you are a Wilshire member or not. The bread used this morning is gluten-free.

Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name.Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our sins,As we forgive those who sin against us;

And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil,For thine is the kingdom, and the power,

and the glory forever. Amen.

The Bread Let Us Break Bread Together break bread


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The Cup Come, Share the Lord divernon

used by permission CCLI #2000064

+The Passing of the PeaceMay the peace of the Lord be always with you.

And also with you.

+Hymn Here, O My Lord, I See You to Face to Face eventide

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Sharing of Decisions


Postlude Trumpet Tune Andrew Carter

All guests are invited to a coffee reception in the James Gallery immediately after the service.

Welcome to Wilshire today. If you are a guest with us today, we welcome you warmly to our congregation. We would like to get to know you and tell you more about our church. Please take a Response Card from the pew rack, fill it out and place it in the offering plate when it comes by.

Someone to talk with. If you are facing a life challenge and would like to have a spiritual friend to walk alongside you for a season of healing, perhaps you would benefit from a Stephen Minister. Learn more at or contact Tiffany Wright at (214) 452-3107.

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Meet today’s worship leadersJane Alloway grew up at Wilshire with her twin brother, John, and her sister, Paula. Jane returned to Wilshire in 2001. She is assistant director of Concordia Class, is an usher and greeter. After a career in retail management and then medical coding and billing, she recently retired. Her mother is Wilshire member Sue Alloway.

Mary Kay Jackman came to Wilshire in 2005 and has found a home in Whosoever Wilshire Class, where she is a teacher. She is retired from SMU, where she taught rhetoric and business writing. She is a deacon, sings in New Song and, with fellow Wilshire member Julie Owen, is the novelist JoBeth Jones.

Tony Martin came to Wilshire in 2014, when he retired from teaching religion courses at the University of Mary Hardin-Baylor. He now teaches in Whosoever Wilshire Class and serves as an 8:30 usher.

Christy Tabor and her husband, Horace, have

been Wilshire members since 2007. They are the parents of Cate, a seventh grader, and Holden, a third grader. Christy currently chairs the Weekday Education Committee, has served on the One Starry Night Committee, and is a member of Avodah Class. Christy works as corporate counsel for the affiliated title company of Lennar Homes.

Alison Wingfield joined Wilshire in 1999. She is married to Associate Pastor Mark Wingfield. They are the parents of twin adult sons, Luke and Garrett. Alison is a member of Epiphany Class but teaches in rotation in other adult classes. She sings in Sanctuary Choir and Nova and directs the pre-K children’s choir. She is a freelance writer, editor and proofreader and recently traveled to Tanzania with a Wilshire mission group.

Kathryn Woodbury is the daughter of Jason and Paula Woodbury. She is a fifth grader, sings in Young Musicians, plays in Children’s Handbells and is active in Wilshire’s children’s ministries.

George A. MasonSenior Pastor

(214) 452-3132Mark Wingfield

Associate Pastor(214) 452-3128Doug Haney

Minister of Music(214) 452-3123Jeff Brummel

Associate Minister of Music/ Organist

(214) 452-3122Tiffany Wright

Minister for Care Ministries(214) 452-3107

Heather MustainMinister of Missions & Advocacy

(214) 452-3110

Jessica CappsMinister to Senior Adults

(214) 452-3129Darren DeMent

Minister to Students and Young Adults

(214) 452-3102Julie Girards

Minister to Children(214) 452-3104

Joan HammonsMinister to Preschoolers

(214) 452-3141Leanna Coyle-Carr

Pastoral Resident(214) 452-3154

Leigh CurlPastoral Resident

(214) 452-3152

Jared JaggersPastoral Resident

(214) 452-3153Ryan Wilson

Pastoral Resident(214) 452-3158Matt DodrillMcIver Fellow

(214) 452-3156David Nabors

Director of Business Admin.(214) 452-3157

Dale PrideFacilities Manager

(214) 452-3101J. Preston Bright

Associate Pastor Emeritus

Staff contacts

To email any staff member, use the first letter of the first name combined with the full last name and add

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The Holy Spirit before Christianity

Stay after worship today for a noon luncheon in Community Hall with Jack Levison, who will present a brief talk about his newly published book, The Holy Spirit before Christianity. The book expands the foundation of Christian belief in the Holy Spirit by taking readers back 500 years before Jesus, to discover history’s first grasp of the Holy Spirit as a personal agent with the prophet Haggai and the author of Isaiah 56–66. The book argues that Christian pneumatology—belief in the Holy Spirit—is not an exclusively Christian experience but instead teaches the presence of God in the grand scheme of Israel’s history. Jack is the W.J.A. Power Professor of Old Testament Interpretation and Biblical Hebrew at Perkins School of Theology at Southern Methodist University. The event is free and no reservation is required. Discounted copies of the book (at $25 apiece) will be available for purchase and signing.

Wilshire on the Go

You’re invited to something new beginning this week: Wilshire on the Go is a way to connect with Senior Pastor George Mason and our pastoral residents at Tuesday noon gatherings across the city, close to where you work and live. Four luncheon dates are planned for this fall. This is a great way to bring a friend or coworker to meet George and hear an informal dialogue about issues of the day. The first event will be held this Tuesday, Oct. 8, at the Legacy Hall Food Court in far north Plano. Meet there with George and Leigh Curl. Prepaid vouchers for the food hall will be available for $15. Get a voucher, gather your lunch and meet the group in a reserved space on

the third floor. Gather anytime between 11:45 and noon, and leave when you need to. The second Wilshire on the Go lunch event will be held on Oct. 15 downtown at The Woolworth, 1520 Elm St. Plan to order off a preset menu. Additional luncheon events are planned for Oct. 29 in the Galleria/Addison area and Nov. 19 at or near CityLine (LBJ and Bush Tollway). No reservation is needed; just show up — and bring a friend. Jazz + Faith class

Jazz has been called “America’s classical music” and has a presence at Wilshire through jazz vespers services and the hosting of JazzStand on Abrams. Mark McKenzie will lead a three-week class including a brief history of the music and will offer tips for listening and appreciating jazz on a deeper level. Various connections between jazz and faith will be explored, from the music’s roots in African American spirituals to expressions of religious devotion in the work of John Coltrane and Duke Ellington. The class will meet at 6 p.m. Oct. 9, 16 and 23 in Room 1205-L.

You’re Already a Theologian class

Whether we realize it or not, Christians understand our world theologically and behave accordingly. You may never have considered yourself a theologian before, but we’re all looking at the world through the lens of how we understand God. A new three-week series led by Jared Jaggers and Ryan Wilson will help you become more aware of your implicit theology and give you new tools for theological reflection. The class will be offered at 6 p.m. Oct. 9, 16 and 23 in Room 1205-G and at noon those same dates in Community Hall.

The Wilshire Tapestry

Keep up with all the Wilshire news at or by using our Wilshire app or via social media. Worship is live streamed every Sunday at 11:00.

Wilshire on the


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Wilshire Welcome Class

Get to know Wilshire through a rotating series of Sunday morning classes that begin at 9:40 a.m. most Sundays. The class meets near McIver Chapel on the south end of the building, first floor.

Register for youth fall retreat

This year’s Wilshire Student Ministry fall retreat is Nov. 23-24 at the URJ Greene Family Camp near Bruceville, Texas. Retreat theme is “Seeking Shalom,” and retreat speakers are Christine Browder, Mary Beth Foust and Mary Lu Hare. Registration is $90, and financial assistance is available. Register online at

Festival of Church Music

Wilshire’s Sanctuary Choir will participate in a Festival of Church Music on Sunday, Oct. 13, at 7 p.m. at the Meyerson Symphony Center. Held every three years, the festival features prominent national and international conductors. This year, Eric Nelson, artistic director of the Atlanta Master Chorale, will conduct the 400-voice choir comprised of singers representing dozens of churches throughout North and East Texas. Designed to highlight sacred music representing many eras and styles, the festival will feature music from chant to Gospel to classic hymns, as well as a new setting of Psalm 150 composed by Eric Nelson. Ticket prices for the concert begin at $10. Follow the link at

2020 WOW! Retreat

Women of Wilshire are invited to save the date for the 2020 WOW! Retreat. The weekend retreat will be held Feb. 21-23 at Wildcatter Ranch near Graham. This ranch/resort is located two hours from Dallas. The retreat theme will be “Bloom and Grow,” and the leader will be Pastoral Resident Leanna Coyle-Carr.

Thursday Noon Brown Bag Book Club

The Women of Wilshire Thursday Noon Book Club will meet Oct. 3 to discuss The Last Romantics by Tara Conklin; then on Nov. 7 for I Was Anastasia by Ariel Lawhon; Dec. 5 will be a potluck brunch to discuss The Great Alone by Kristin Hannah. For more information, contact

Tiffany Wright at (214) 452-3107 or [email protected].

WOW! Tuesday Evening Book Club

The Women of Wilshire Tuesday Evening Book Club meets monthly from 7 to 8 p.m. in the Parlor. Upcoming dates and book titles are: Oct. 15, Educated by Tara Westover; Nov. 19, Little Fires Everywhere by Celeste Ng; Dec. 10, holiday book to be determined.

Property tax help offered

North Dallas resident Will Toler has been lauded in the Dallas Morning News and other media outlets for his generous work helping senior adults and others with limited incomes sort out their problems with property taxes and deeds. Because of his connection to several Wilshire members, he has offered his pro-bono expertise to Wilshire members who need help getting deeds corrected, knowing which tax exemptions apply, knowing how to access home-repair programs or need help understanding the tax-protest process. He is a licensed property-tax consultant who will offer service at no fee upon referral from Wilshire staff members. To learn more about Will or to connect with him, contact Jessica Capps, minister to senior adults, at (214) 452-3129 or [email protected] or Mark Wingfield, associate pastor, at (214) 452-3128 or [email protected]. References are available.

Koinonia Café: Oct. 9 — Apricot-glazed turkey, pecan-peppercorn pork loin, wild rice pilaf, mashed sweet potatoes, broccoli, zucchini with bacon and tomato, salad bar, dessert bar. Kids menu: Steak fingers, rice, peas and carrots. Oct. 16 — Italian meatloaf, shrimp and spinach manicotti, cauliflower Parmesan, roasted potatoes, fried zucchini, Italian vegetable medley, salad bar, dessert bar. Kids menu: Pepperoni pizza roll, broccoli, applesauce. Oct. 23 — Grilled citrus chicken, roasted leg of lamb, basmati rice, potatoes with feta, broccoli with herb butter, green beans, salad bar, dessert bar. Kids menu: Grilled cheese, roasted potatoes, salad. Oct. 30 — Chicken cordon bleu, Marsala pork chops, tomato-basil gnocchi, roasted broccoli, snap peas, spinach and artichoke rice, salad bar, dessert bar. Kids menu: Pasta, meat sauce, salad.

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The Wilshire TapestryMarriage Connections

The next Marriage Connections is Friday, Oct. 11, from 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. Geri McKenzie will lead a program titled “The Path Between Us: An Enneagram Introduction.” Child care reservations are due Sunday, Oct. 6, at Free child care is provided at the church while couples have a chance to learn from a speaker’s brief presentation and then couples are able to leave and enjoy a meal on their own until 9:30 p.m.

WOW! Swap Meet

Women of Wilshire will sponsor a second Swap Meet on Saturday, Oct. 19, from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. in Community Hall. You are invited to swap unused items collecting dust in your home and find new treasures in return. All items to be swapped must be dropped off on Saturday, Oct. 19, between 8:30 and 9:30 a.m. Upon arrival, donors will receive numbers for shopping. Each participant is limited to two trash bags of donations. Anything goes as long as it is clean, in working condition, and you would want it yourself. Those who donate can shop first but you do not have to donate to shop. Questions? Contact Tiffany Wright at [email protected] or (214) 452-3107.

VISTA volunteers sought

Homeward Bound Inc. seeks five VISTA volunteers to begin work over the next five months. This southern Dallas substance abuse and mental illness treatment center has saved tens of thousands of lives over the past 39 years. They’re looking for a social media coordinator, someone to help set up a new Suboxone clinic, someone with accounting knowledge and two other general skills volunteers who will work with the therapists and grant writers to make sure nobody who seeks help there help falls through the cracks. For more information, contact Christine Wicker at (214) 715-7527.

Country Critters coming

Preschoolers and younger children are invited to participate in a petting zoo from Country Critters on Sunday, Oct. 27, from 8:30 to 11:30 a.m. in the north parking lot. Two-year-olds thru kindergarteners will visit together during the Sunday School hour. All families with infants through 1-year-olds and others may visit before or after Sunday School.

Flu shots

Flu shots will be available in Room 1100-C (near McIver Chapel) on Sunday Oct. 13, from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Other immunizations — such as pneumonia, pertussis and measles — also will be available. Payment may be made by Medicare, insurance, cash or check. Fall prevention class

A balance class conducted by physical therapy students from TWU has been scheduled to begin on Monday, Oct. 21, from 10:30 a.m. to noon. The goal of this program is to decrease the risk of falls among older adults, increase strength in order to perform daily activities with ease, and establish independence. Participants will receive individualized attention from the physical therapy leaders of the class and learn an exercise program that is doable for any senior adult to increase balance and strength. The class will be held on Monday mornings for six weeks. Registration is not required, and all are welcome. Contact Linda Garner, parish nurse, at (214) 452-3151 or [email protected].

Lifeline screenings offered Oct. 18 Lifeline Screening will return to Wilshire on Oct. 18 to offer a series of health screenings, including for stroke, vascular disease and osteoporosis. Pre-registration is required by calling (888) 653-6450.

Join Christmas Choir

Interested in singing with Sanctuary Choir but can’t commit year-round? Consider joining the Christmas Choir. Christmas-only singers are


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invited to the first portion of regular Wednesday night rehearsals at 7 p.m. beginning Oct. 16 and to sing with the choir on Sundays in Advent and at Hanging of the Green, Dec. 8. Just show up on Oct. 16 in Choral Hall or contact Doug Haney at [email protected].

Generosity update

As of Sept. 30, gifts to Wilshire’s Unified Budget totaled $2,544,710, which was $366,540 or about 13 percent below projected revenue for the period. By comparison, gifts to the Unified Budget through September 2018 totaled $2,728,961, which was about 7 percent below projected revenue for the period. Expenses through the third quarter of 2019 totaled $3,026,404, creating a year-to-date deficit of $481,694. Designated gifts for specific missions and ministries totaled $69,747. The current value of the George A. Mason Pathways to Ministry Endowment stands at $4,922,442, with $49,613 given toward the endowment thus far this year.

Let’s talk turkey

After worship on Sunday, Nov. 3, the Theological Dialogue Team will host a free luncheon event called “Why Am I Afraid to Talk to my Family at Thanksgiving?” It will feature a moderated conversation between Aaron Coyle-Carr, Gloria Martin and Andy Stoker. Gloria is a marriage and family therapist, and Andy is a United Methodist pastor with expertise in family systems theory. After the panel discussion, there will be time for small-group conversations around the tables. No reservation is required. The event will be at noon in Community Hall.

New members: Paul Sacco, Maria Gil Cabezas, Ron Mershawn, Lisa Mershawn

Congratulations to: Mia and Ryan Wilson on the birth of their daughter, Elsie Grace, on Sept. 30; Lacey Thomas on the birth of her son, Marcus Isaiah, on Sept. 25; grandparents are Kyle and Haley Thomas.

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Committee nomination formWilshire’s Committee on Committees is beginning its work to nominate members of 2019 committees. The form below may be used to (a) volunteer yourself for consideration or (b) suggest someone else for consideration by the Committee on Committees. All names received will be considered and evaluated against current openings and needs. The Committee on Committee’s final report will be presented to the church in conference for approval. Please place the completed form in the offering plate or return it to the church office promptly.

Kathy Alverson, chair. Committee: Vic Henry, Barbara Gass, Forrest Brown, Laurie Diffee, Hillary Campbell, Anna Hines, Peggy Tinsley, Steve Terry.

A. I am willing to serve on a church committee, and my preferences and comments are:

1. ________________________________________________________________

2. ________________________________________________________________

3. ________________________________________________________________

B. I would like to suggest the following people to serve on church committees:

1. ________________________________________________________________

2. ________________________________________________________________

3. ________________________________________________________________

My name: _________________________________________________ Phone: ______________ E-mail: _______________________________

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Descriptions ofWilshire CommitteesBAPTISM: Handles preparations and hospitality related to baptisms.

BUILDING & GROUNDS: Assists staff with maintenance and repair of church property by developing plans for the future to improve the efficient use of the church premises and enhance the security of the church property.

CHILDREN’S EDUCATION: Reviews performance of the children’s education program and makes recommendations to the minister to children. The committee also promotes growth in the program, reviews curriculum, helps recruit and retain teachers, and establishes policies to ensure safety of children in all church activities.

CHURCHWIDE SOCIAL: Plans and supports churchwide social events, including Thanksgiving luncheon.

CHRISTIAN ADVOCACY: Guides Christian advocacy initiatives.

DEACON NOMINATING: Makes recommendations for

selection of deacons.

FINANCE: Develops the church budget and works with the business administrator to monitor income and expenses, approving monthly financial statements and reporting them to the church.

HISTORY: Maintains archives of church to preserve a record of our history together.

INTERIOR DECOR: Consults with other committees to coordinate decor of interior public spaces.

LIBRARY: Advises and supports library administration and events.

MISSIONS: Supports and promotes partnership missions by developing and maintaining relationships that provide opportunities for Wilshire to be on mission.

NEW MEMBER: Helps new members become assimilated into the church family by supporting the Connections Class, assisting with new member fellowships, greeting new members upon joining.

PATHWAYS: Coordinates and supports work of Pathways to Ministry program, including pastoral residency.

PERSONNEL: Establishes duties and responsibilities of all ministry staff positions and maintains the Personnel Manual. The committee has ultimate responsibility for recommending new ministry staff to the church. It also recommends ministry staff compensation.

PRESCHOOL EDUCATION: Reviews performance of the preschool education program and makes recommendations to the minister to preschoolers. The committee also promotes growth in the program, reviews curriculum, helps recruit and retain teachers and establishes policies to ensure safety of children in all church activities.

RISK MANAGEMENT: Works with staff to reduce and manage safety and liability risks.

WEEKDAY EDUCATION: Sets policies and governs Wilshire’s Early Childhood Learning Center.

WILSHIRE ADVENTURERS: Plans fellowship activities for senior adults.

What’s a committee and what’s a ministry team?

Wilshire operates with both committees and ministry teams. Most committees have some level of governance function, while ministry teams are service oriented. The Committee on Committees nominates individuals for service on committtees once a year, while any interested person may join a ministry team at any time. Ministry teams include ushers, greeters, the video team, health ministry team and so forth.

Page 16: World Communion Sunday October 6, 2019€¦ · Porque conocemos y profetizamos de manera imperfecta; pero cuando llegue lo perfecto, lo imperfecto desaparecerá. Cuando yo era niño,


Sunday, October 6• Morning worship – 8:30 a.m. • Second/third grade Sunday

School open house – 9:30 a.m.

• Wilshire Welcome – 9:40 a.m. • Sunday School – 9:40 a.m. • Morning worship – 11:00 a.m. • Luncheon and dialogue

with Jack Levison – noon • Christian Advocacy

Committee – noon • Deacon Nominating

Committee – noon • Youth Choir – 12:25 p.m. • Shekinah – 1:20 p.m. • Nova – 1:30 p.m. • Carillon Ringers – 3:00 p.m. • Praying with a Pen

workshop – 4:30 p.m. • Generations home meeting,

Brookshire home – 5:00 p.m.

Monday, October 7• Preschool Parents Bible

study group – 9:45 a.m. • Game of 42 – 10:00 a.m. • Generations home meeting,

Walton home – 6:30 p.m. • Wilshire Winds – 7:00 p.m.

Tuesday, October 8• Yoga class – 12:15 p.m. • Senior women’s exercise

class – 2:00 p.m. • Building and Grounds

Committee – 6:00 p.m.• JazzStand on Abrams –

7:00 p.m.

Wednesday, October 9• New Song – 9:30 a.m.• Ukulele group – 11:00 a.m. • Koinonia Café – 11:00 a.m. • Bible Study – noon • Wilshire Adventurers

Committee – 1:15 p.m. • Koinonia Café – 5:00 p.m.

• Children’s handbells – 5:00 p.m.

• Jazz + Faith class – 6:00 p.m.

• You’re Already a Theologian class – 6:00 p.m.

• Committee on Committees – 6:00 p.m.

• New member fellowship – 6:00 p.m.

• Yoga class – 6:15 p.m.• Watershed – 6:30 p.m. • Sanctuary Choir – 7:00 p.m.

Thursday, October 10• Knit Unto Others – 1:30 p.m. • Senior women’s exercise

class – 2:00 p.m.

Friday, October 11• Friday Friends – 10:00 a.m. • Alzheimer’s support group –

12:30 p.m. • Adoption and Foster Care

Parents Night Out – 6:30 p.m. • Marriage Connections –

6:30 p.m.

Sunday, October 13• Morning worship – 8:30

a.m. • Fifth Grade Sunday School

open house – 9:30 a.m. • Wilshire Welcome – 9:40

a.m. • Sunday School – 9:40 a.m. • Morning worship – 11:00

a.m. • Youth Choir lunch – noon • Deacon Nominating

Committee – noon • Vision 20/20 Belong Team

– noon• Youth Choir – 12:25 p.m. • Praying with a Pen

workshop – 4:00 p.m. • Church Music Institute

festival – 7:00 p.m.

Monday, October 14• Preschool parents Bible

study group – 9:45 a.m.• Game of 42 – 10:00 a.m. • Adventurers Fun Day with

Max the Giant Poodle – 11:00 a.m.

• Deacons’ meal and meeting – 6:30 p.m.

• Wilshire Winds – 7:00 p.m.

Tuesday, October 15• Yoga class – 12:15 p.m.• Senior women’s exercise

class – 2:00 p.m. • Stephen Ministry

supervision – 6:30 p.m.• Generations home meeting,

Nadalini home – 6:30 p.m.• WOW! Tuesday Night Book

Club – 7:00 p.m.

Wednesday, October 16• New Song – 9:30 a.m.• Ukulele group – 11:00 a.m. • Koinonia Café – 11:00 a.m. • Bible Study – noon • Koinonia Café – 5:00 p.m. • Children’s handbells – 5:00

p.m.• Music and Missions – 6:00

p.m.• Jazz + Faith – 6:00 p.m. • You’re Already a Theologian

– 6:00 p.m. • Yoga class – 6:15 p.m.• Watershed – 6:30 p.m. • Sanctuary Choir – 7:00 p.m.

Thursday, October 17• Knit Unto Others – 1:30

p.m. • Senior women’s exercise

class – 2:00 p.m.

Friday, October 18• MOPS – 9:00 a.m.

Wilshire calendar

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Finding Your Place in God’s WorldNovember 11-12, 2019

Hear three exceptional speakers and so much more!

Perkins Convo2019

Global music with IziBongo | Q & A Sessions | Worship with Oak Strategies 7 Workshop Options | Panel Discussions | Devotions with Jack Levison

TV Host Rick Steves will talk about connections between his Christian faith and lifetime of travel.

You’re invited to Perkins for a time of intellectual engagement and spiritual renewal, as we discover more about our mission in God’s world.

Célestin MusekuraSamira Izadi Page Rick Steves

Register at



Join us Monday at 7:30 p.m.

Page 18: World Communion Sunday October 6, 2019€¦ · Porque conocemos y profetizamos de manera imperfecta; pero cuando llegue lo perfecto, lo imperfecto desaparecerá. Cuando yo era niño,


Deacon nomination formThe Deacon Nominating Committee respectfully asks Wilshire members to submit names of persons to be considered for deacon service, to be ordained in January. Nominees should be individuals who have been church members for at least one year and who have modeled consistent, faithful service and leadership in the life of Wilshire Baptist Church. You may nominate as many individuals as you wish. Those chosen will begin three-year terms of service in February 2020. You also may nominate a deacon in reserve to rotate into active service.

Although an exhaustive list is not necessary, please indicate for each nominee the qualifications you believe most important for the committee to consider as exemplified by the four practices expected of members: Worship, Learning, Giving and Serving.

Deacon Nominee: _____________________________Qualifications:

Deacon Nominee: _____________________________Qualifications:

I am an ordained deacon/minister ________________________________

The Deacon Nominating Committee appreciates your thoughtful suggestions, and if you are willing to advocate for your nominee(s) to a member of the committee, please indicate your willingness on this form. Remember, the committee’s work is sensitive and confidential; we thank you for trusting the work of the Holy Spirit and praying for us as we serve. — Michael Moorhead, chairman

Your name and contact information (optional): ___________________________________

Return completed nomination forms to Debby Burton in the church office or place in the offering plate. Our deadline is October 20, 2019. Submissions also may be made at

Also use this form to let us know if ( ) you are a new member who is an ordained deacon from another church or ( ) you are a deacon who is age 70 or older and want to move to deacon emeritus status.

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Roster of members ordained as deaconsDeacons in Reserve

(eligible to be nominated)

Akins, AllanAlverson, KathyBarner, ClaudiaBlaker, MicheleBooth, GinnyBrookshire, Steve Brown, ChadBrown, DennieBrown, KileBruster, Bill Burgin, CharlesBurton, DavidCabaniss, JoniCarter, LesCarver, MaryClanton, DavidCoffman, SueColeman, David Cotter, KarenCullum, Fred Cullum, PatEggert, MarkFarner, NathanFloyd, Don Forsyth, NelsonGarner, LindaGarrett, LindaGranberry, JillGush, JenyceHallman, SteveHamilton, DeanHill, AnnHinton, GradyImhoof, MikeJackman, Mary KayKirkham, DarylKrause, TimLaw, BobLawson, GayleLeal, GabeLeonard, SusanLewis, BradMadding, ChadMartin, GloriaMartin, PhillMeripolski, Debbie Mirochna, JanellMoore, JulianaMorrison, JimMullins, Monica

Nabors, DavidNewsom, KirkPerry, JamesPlunk, MichaelRampey, DebbieRoan, DwightRoan, LindaSegner, Susan AustinShilling, GeraldSkelton, PaulSmith, DennisSmith, LauraSmith, GuySullens, JoeVigil, JulianWilson, Trey Woodbury, PaulaYarbrough, Charles

Active Deacons(currently serving)

Akins, KellyAustin, PatBanta, RobBrookshire, GailBrown, AllisonBrown, Leigh AnnCabaniss, CarolCabaniss, KevinCapps, MichaelClay, SteveCoates, JohnColeman, JudyColeman, Bob Conner, SteveDeMent, JohannaEarly, DianaFrancis, EdFrancis, LindaGranberry, LarryHampton, Jeff (officer)Hampton, LeAnnHines, AnnaImhoof, LindaJernberg, BillKeath, TravisKeith, CraigKeller, KentonKeller, MaryKolenovsky, GladysLink, KatyLuttrell, Richard

McClung, BrittMcKenzie, MarkMcLaughlin, SuzyMoorhead, MichaelMoorhead, Shaeron Morgan, TimMosley, Meredith Murray, CarolynNadalini, ShannonO’Brien, BillOrtegon, GinaParnell, JohnSchoellhorn, Jon-ErikStafford, AllanStone, HenryTerry, SteveThomas, KyleThompson, HankTinsley, SamWalton, RhondaWarden, Andrew Williams, EverettWilson, MeganWingfield, AlisonWoodbury, JasonYarbrough, CollinYarbrough, Judy

Deacon Emeriti(honorary status)

Austin, JimBratcher, TomBruster, CharlotteBullock, Stan Conner, DaleHerold, ClaireneHerold, Fred Laquey, PhilLaux, Dot Morris, BrendaMorris, GwinMusick, VirgilPost, MaxRamsour, DavidSmith, BobSmith, GarlandWallis, Sondra

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Have you signed up to attend a Generations home meeting for dinner and dialogue with George Mason and a pastoral residency alumnus? Some dates are already full, so please RSVP today. A link to the online Signup Genius may be found at Date and time Host home Resident alumnus

Sunday, Oct. 6, 5:00 p.m. Home of Steve and Gail Brookshire Austin Almaguer 6141 Deloache Ave., Dallas 75225

Monday, Oct. 7, 6:30 p.m. Home of Jim and Rhonda Walton Timothy Peoples 9744 Van Dyke, Dallas 75218

Tuesday, Oct. 15, 6:30 p.m. Home of Jim and Shannon Nadalini Brad Jernberg 4628 College Park Dr., Dallas 75229

Sunday, Oct. 20, 5:00 p.m. Home of John and Carolyn Gillis Andrew Daugherty 9415 Hill View Dr., Dallas 75231

Monday, Oct. 21, 6:30 p.m. Home of Vickie Conn Beasley Matt Marston 3521 Ainsworth, Dallas 75229

Tuesday, Oct. 22, 6:30 p.m. Home of Mike and Linda Imhoof Annette Thornburg 9113 Loma Vista, Dallas 75243

Sunday, Oct. 27, 5:00 p.m. Home of Bob and Judy Coleman Garrett Vickrey 7039 Westlake Ave., Dallas 75214

Monday, Oct. 28, 6:30 p.m. Home of Sam and Rachel Murphy Erica Whitaker 6230 Berwyn Lane, Dallas 75214

Tuesday, Oct. 29, 6:30 p.m. Home of Jim Sterling & Joey Hamilton Anne Scalfaro 5454 Druid Lane, Dallas 75209