world war 1 vocab

1914-1918 World War I Tuesday, January 15, 13

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Page 1: World war 1 vocab


World War I

Tuesday, January 15, 13

Page 2: World war 1 vocab

The "Powder Keg of Europe"

The war begin when Franz Ferdinand was assassinated in Sarajevo Bosnia

Archduke Franz Ferdinand was next in line to become the king and Serbia didn’t want this to happen so they sent in the Black hand to assassinate Franz. Exactly a month after the assassination the Austrio-Hungarian empire with the help of their ally Germany declared was on Serbia. The serbs had a packed with Russia who in turn had an alliance with France and Britain.

Germany and Austrio-Hungarian empire were the first two countries involved in the war.

Tuesday, January 15, 13

Page 3: World war 1 vocab

The Allies vs. the Central Powers

Central Powers Allies

Germany France



Bulgaria United Kingdom

Turkey Romania

Tuesday, January 15, 13

Page 4: World war 1 vocab

The Schlieffen Plan

-Whose plan was this and what was it?On December 1905. the Schlieffen Plan was created by General count Alfred Von Schlieffen. It was an operational plan for a designated attack on France once Russia, in response to international tension, had started to mobilize her forces near the German border. The execution of the Schlieffen plan led to Britain declaring war on Germany on August 4th, 1913.

Tuesday, January 15, 13

Page 5: World war 1 vocab

Total WarTotal war was introduced to britain in May 1915 and lasted until the end of the war in November 1918. Total war was identified by scholars as a separate class of warfare. In a total war, there is less differentiation between combatants and civilians than in other conflicts, and sometimes no such differentiation at all as pretty much every human resource, civilians and soldiers alike, can be considered to be part of the belligerent effort.

By the late 1914 the state of deadlock on the western front had become clear to the governments of the warring countries and to many members of their general staffs. each side looked for a solution to this deadlock, and the solutions varied in form and manner.

The Trench Warfare- opposing armed forces attack, counterattack, and defend from relatively permanent systems of trenches dug into the ground.

Tuesday, January 15, 13

Page 6: World war 1 vocab

Key battles of WW1

GallipoliThe Turks won the battle of Gallipoli. Gallipoli us a peninsula located in northwest Turkey, between Dardanelles and the Gulf of Saros. During the first World War, it gained main importance due to its strategic location with respect to the Allied force’s eastern front. -SommeThe battle of Somme encompassed a series of battles for the British army in the sector of the Western Front south of Arras and north of the Somme River. The battle

Tuesday, January 15, 13

Page 7: World war 1 vocab

Bolshevik Revolution

The Bolshevik Revolution in Russia in 1917 was initiated by millions of people who would change the history of the world as we known it. When Czar Nicholas II dragged million peasants into World War I, the Russian people became discouraged with their injuries and the loss of life they sustained.

Tuesday, January 15, 13

Page 8: World war 1 vocab

Disagreements over territory and boundaries, among other issues, came to a head with the assassination of the Archduke Ferdinand of Austria by the black hand on June 28, 1914. Exactly one month later, war broke out. On April 6, 1914, the United States attempted to remain neutral and was a proponent for the rights of neutral states. It joined its allies - Britain, France, and Russia to fight in the war. During this time Woodrow Wilson was president.

US entry into the war

Tuesday, January 15, 13