world war slideshow iii


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There are so many different views on what exactly

caused WWI and WWII. There is no true right or wrong answer. One can only acknowledge the various viewpoints and

use them to formulate his or her own opinion…

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• Tension between various European countries in a race to acquire new

land eventually lead to war. • Unlike World War II, World War I was

not fought over freedom, political, or religious reasons it was simply a product of greed for new lands.

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I. World War I and the severity of the Great Depression played a significant role in causing World War II. Both contributing to a major shift of world power.

II. The rise of fascism (making ones state supreme and expanding ones own state at the expense of other countries).

III. Adolf Hitler’s promise to better the conditions following Germany’s defeat in World War I.

IV. The rise of militaristic regimes in Germany, Japan and Italy. (Each country seeking expansion and power).

V. The League’s failure to put a stop to the Second Sino-Japanese War of 1931.

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Long Term Causes of World War II

• In 1929 many people wanted to make a movement toward world peace. However, the crashing of the stock market and decline in world economy

hindered this desire.

• Governments of all countries tried to help their people by introducing new economic policies such as Protectionism: increasing the demand for goods made in ones own country by not accepting foreign goods. This notion was believed to increase the availability of jobs and make a country self sufficient.

• In the long run however, International relations were harmed by this policy.

• More people began to protest in their own country

• The League of Nations idea of ‘world co-operation’ was shut down by the protectionism policy.

• Mass depression lead to the public blaming government for what was happening (the depression).

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Desperation calls for a Dictator

• Jobs as well as food was becoming scarce. • Where hope was the only option, people began to steer their faith

toward political parties which promised to ‘better conditions’ if elected to power.

• In Germany and Japan, this put an end to democratic governments and anti-democratic governments arose to power.

• While trying to improve the conditions in ones own country, aggression became common toward other countries.

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How Power Imbalance Contributed…

• Some European countries owned large empires and others did not.

• Which country owned what resulted primarily from their success or failure in World War I.

• France and Britain owned the largest empires which covered almost a third of the world.

• Grievance over these two countries gain erupted in Germany, Japan, and Italy.

• Wanting to make ones own empire more powerful, countries (once again) sought to expand.

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Prior to 1914 Germany, France, and Britain were the three

industrial super-powers of the world. However, the impact of

World War I and the great Depression caused a shift in

this power to the United States. Germany, extremely angered by this shift sought to regain their financial and

economic standing.

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• Germany was viewed as the country at fault for World War I.

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Most commonly, it is said that the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria is the key element that sparked war.

• Germany signed a ‘black check’ over to Austria-Hungary pledging their support. This notion (aside from the assassination) gave Austria-Hungary the confidence to engage in a war conflict.

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Austria-Hungary had been at odds with Serbia over land issues

prior to 1914 (the year of the Archduke’s assassination.


Thus, even if the heir to the throne hadn't been assassinated, Austria-Hungary may have still gone to war

with Serbia. However, Not with out Germany’s support.

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Serbia did not agree to all the terms of Austria-Hungary’s ultimatum which was issued after the assassination of Arch-Duke Franz Ferdinand and his wife Sophie

on June 28th 1914.

However, the terms that Austria-Hungary issued in their ultimatum were strict and unyielding. So much so, that it seems the

ultimatum was written with the knowledge that Serbia would Not adhere to all the terms. Thus would mean easy access or a reasonable excuse for Austria-Hungary to go to war with Serbia.

The assassination is said to be the initial spark of the war but Austria-Hungary took advantage of this

incident that occurred on Austria-Hungarian land. Years prior to 1914 when the arch duke was killed,

Austria had been in a feud with Serbia. Thus making the spark seem more like an excuse to somewhat

mask the real desire for going to war.

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Germany’s ‘blank check’

was key to the outbreak

of War.

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• When Adolf Hitler rose to power Germany’s goal became to acquire land.

• Considering the fact that Germany seized both Austria and Czechoslovakia without any sort of fight/protest, shows that super-powers such as Britain and France didn’t want to face a continuation of the gruesome world war I.

• Many countries however, didn’t see the height of Germany’s expansion aims, and the invasion of Poland became the final straw.

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World War II began on September 1st 1939.

• When Germany invaded Poland with out declaring war.

• Britain and France then declared war on Germany on Sept. 3rd

• All of the Commonwealth of Nations followed soon after.

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One could easily say that Germany caused both WWI and WWII by issuing a ‘blank check’ over to Austria-Hungary (WWI).


Invading Poland without the declaration of war. (WWII)

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The German Public

In the mix of Adolf Hitler’s propaganda, he promised To end communism and provoke Anti-Semitism: (outside

threat or common enemy threat).

The sole element that may have caused Nazi rise to power is Hitler himself. Hitler dominated his public with a kind of

charismaThat could not be tried. Hitler had a through understanding of

German people and their desires.

So much so that even when failure was evident Hitler was never blameworthy.

Hitler’s ability to touch his public so effectively had a significant impact on the German peoples attitudes toward

war and their willingness to proceed.