worley graffiti

Detroit Graffiti Detroit Graffiti By Nicole Worley By Nicole Worley

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Post on 05-Dec-2014




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Graffeti presentation by Ms. Worley.


Page 1: Worley Graffiti

Detroit GraffitiDetroit GraffitiBy Nicole WorleyBy Nicole Worley

Page 2: Worley Graffiti


Turdle is one of the most infamous taggers in the city. Guess what his calling card is?

Page 3: Worley Graffiti

The Caves of DetroitThe Caves of Detroit

In Detroit there is an area known as "the cave." In Detroit there is an area known as "the cave." This area is located on the East side of This area is located on the East side of Detroit near Eastern market. It runs along Detroit near Eastern market. It runs along the underpasses of the St. Aubin railroad cut, the underpasses of the St. Aubin railroad cut, which long ago ran from the Suburbs into which long ago ran from the Suburbs into Downtown Detroit. Long since abandoned, Downtown Detroit. Long since abandoned, this area is home to some of the best graffiti this area is home to some of the best graffiti art in the city. Most of these artists are art in the city. Most of these artists are unknown as this is unsanctioned graffiti. unknown as this is unsanctioned graffiti. Most pieces last for only a short period of Most pieces last for only a short period of time before they are replaced with someone time before they are replaced with someone else's vision. I chose what I thought were else's vision. I chose what I thought were some of the most unique and artistic some of the most unique and artistic examples.examples.

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Page 9: Worley Graffiti

I chose this slide because it really portrays the odd pride Detroiters have in the city.

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Page 11: Worley Graffiti

Mural in CorktownMural in Corktown

Corktown is an area of Detroit that was settled by Irish immigrants in the early 1900's. It currently has one of the most artistic populations of the city. This is an example of one of the murals in the area. I chose this example because of the way the artist portrays modern day people in relationship to the indigenous people of the area.


Page 12: Worley Graffiti

Located at Kercheval and Burns, this is a great Located at Kercheval and Burns, this is a great example of graffiti with a clearly defined message.example of graffiti with a clearly defined message.
