worship bible study

Take Home Bible Studies (Vol. 6) What is What is What is What is Worship Worship Worship Worship? ? ?

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Page 1: Worship Bible Study

Take Home Bible Studies (Vol. 6)

What is What is What is What is WorshipWorshipWorshipWorship????

Page 2: Worship Bible Study

Synonyms for Worship:

o Awe o Respect o Service o Love o Admire o Bow down

A man can no more diminish God's

glory by refusing to worship Him

than a lunatic can put out the sun

by scribbling the word, 'darkness' on the walls of his cell.” - C.S. Lewis


The term worship is such a difficult word to

define. If you ask five different people, you will probably get five different answers. Some will think worship is church, some with think it is a style of music, some will think it is singing, some will think it is praising God, and others won’t even have an answer. So what is worship? The Bible directly mentions worship 153 times and indirectly hundreds more times. If this idea of worship is so important to God, we must get a better understanding of what worship truly is.


Take a moment and define worship in your own words.

Take a moment and write down some of the different ways people can worship God. Insight: The Old Testament word for worship is Shachah which means “to bow down oneself”; “to prostrate oneself as an act of respect before a superior being”; “a way of showing submission.” The New Testament word for worship is Latreia which means “to serve a superior.” So if we take these two terms for worship and combine them they together would mean something along the lines of – “the act of surrendering your life to your Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.”

Old Testament Worship

Read 2 SAMUEL 6:16-23 Insight: In this biblical passage we find David dancing with all his might before the Lord. David is dancing because he was finally able to bring the Ark of the Covenant back to Jerusalem. It had been captured by the Philistines and David was able to bring it to its rightful place. The Ark of the Covenant symbolized God’s presence for the Israelites, so it was very important to David. He was so excited he danced before the Lord. However, his wife despised David’s worship. But David was not ashamed of his expression of worship towards God. In fact, we are told that David had a heart after God and Michal never had children because of her critical words toward David.

Why was David dancing? Why was Michal, his wife, frustrated with him? Who was right, David or Michal? And why? Read the following eight verses and write down some of the different ways that people worshiped in the Old Testament:

PSALM 34:1 PSALM 27:6 PSALM 47:6 PSALM 95:6 PSALM 149:3 PSALM 63:4 PSALM 150:3-5 PSALM 47:1 Insight: Each of these verses tells us a different way that people in the Bible expressed their worship to God. It’s important to understand the difference between worshiping and an outward expression of worship. Worship happens in the heart & the mind. It is the way we love, honor, or respect God. An outward expression of worship may include lifting your hands, clapping, or dancing. Just because you lift your hands does not necessarily mean you are worshiping God – worship comes from the heart & mind, not the body. Lifting your hands with a wrong heart means nothing to God. However, lifting your hands because of worship is a beautiful thing to God. Each of these expressions of worship are ways that people continue to express their worship today.

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“Worship changes

the worshiper into the image of the One


- Jack Hayford

What are some outward expressions of worship that you’ve used before? Read PSALM 150:6 What is supposed to praise the Lord?

New Testament Worship

Read JOHN 4:20-24 Insight: In this famous Biblical story, we find Jesus speaking to a woman at a well in Samaria. Jesus is Jewish and the woman is a Samaritan. The Jews and the Samaritans did not get along at all. However, Jesus goes to Samaria and meets this woman and is very kind to her (very Un-Jewish, but very Christ-like). The woman takes this opportunity to ask Jesus where the proper place to worship is. Samaritans had a mountain that they worshiped at and Jews had the temple in Jerusalem. So she wanted to know who was right. Jesus tells the woman that worship is not a place (ex. the Temple, church), but worship is in the heart. We can worship God anywhere as long as it is in spirit and in truth. In Spirit simply means to surrender our lives to the Holy Spirit as we worship and in truth means to worship according to the Bible. Where can we worship God? When can we worship God? In what two ways are we to worship God? What do these mean to you? How do you think ‘true worshipers’ live their lives?

Read ROMANS 12:1 Insight: Paul is begging us to worship God by surrendering our lives to Him. Paul tells us that giving our lives to God is the proper response for all that He has done for us. God won’t settle for 90 percent of your life; He wants all of it. You might have been a follower of Jesus for years, but you still have areas of your life that you are holding back from Him. What are those areas? Only you know that. What has God done for you?

What areas of your life have you given to God? (ex. speech, family, time. etc.)

What areas of your life are difficult to give to God? (ex. relationships, thoughts, words, etc.) Why is it so hard to give every part of our lives to God? If you desire to give God everything in your life, write a prayer offering God everything:

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“Anything you do that brings

pleasure to God is an act of

worship.” - Rick Warren

Read HEBREWS 12:28 What do you think “acceptable worship” might mean? Insight: According to other verses in the Bible, acceptable worship is anything that brings glory to God. It’s not necessarily what you do in church, although that can be worship. Acceptable worship is anything you do that brings pleasure to God. This may include doing things with a right attitude, serving others out of the love of your heart, thinking like Christ, etc. The most important thing to remember is that worship is a lifestyle – it’s the way you live your life! Read REVELATION 4:10-11 Insight: Most biblical scholars believe that the 24 elders in heaven represent Christians in heaven. What will we do eternally in heaven?

What worship isn’t vs. What worship is

What Worship Isn’t What Worship Is * Our idea * God’s idea * A spectator sport * Participation on your part * Physical (i.e. raising hands) * Spiritual (i.e. from the heart) * Just singing * A lifestyle * Done at church * Done everywhere * Insincere * Sincere


Worship can involve raising hands, singing, playing music, etc. But worship is so much more than that. When we limit worship to music we miss the bigger picture. Worship is what we do with our lives. Everything we do has a potential to worship God. Every moment of every day you can worship God. It is not limited to a building or a certain posture of your body. You can wash the dishes and worship God. You can play sports and worship God. But you can just as easily sing a Christian song and not worship God. Worship involves the heart and the mind. Where is your heart today? Is it right with God? Do you need to ask forgiveness and begin worshiping God?


Christians are to worship God because of all that God has done for us (Romans 12:1). There are an infinite number of ways we can worship God, because we can worship God in everything we do. Worshiping God in everything we do may sound overwhelming, but here are three practical ways you can begin worshiping God today in your life – mind, body, and soul. Cut this sheet out of your booklet and stick it somewhere where you will look at it regularly. Begin worshiping God today!


It’s so important for Christians to fill their minds with thoughts about God. If we keep our minds focused on God, we will become more like Christ. Listed below are thirty reasons we should thank (‘worship’) God - ten about God the Father, ten about Jesus, and ten about the Holy Spirit. Don’t just read these off like a list, but rather take a few minutes each day to really focus on one of these. Then continue to think about it throughout the day. Think of all the reasons you can personally thank God for that certain characteristic. Then the next day, move onto another characteristic of God. Continue doing this each day of the month and when you get to the end, start over and thank Him again for each. God is in control – Nothing is out of God’s control. God never changes – God is the same yesterday, today, and forever.

God knows all – God knows who you are, what you’re like, and what you will do. God is everywhere – Wherever you are, God is there. God is eternal – God will be around forever.

God is our provider – God will provide everything you need in this life. God is our source of strength – When you feel like you can’t, God will help you. God is the creator of all – God created this world, you, and everything you have. God is faithful – God will never let you down. God is good – God is always good, no matter what the circumstance.

Jesus is our salvation – Jesus has provided you with salvation. Jesus is our friend – Jesus has told us that He is our friend. Jesus is our healer – Jesus desires to heal us. Jesus is love – Everything that Jesus ever did was motivated by love. Jesus prays for us – Right now, in heaven Jesus is praying for you. Jesus is our shepherd – Like a shepherd cares for his sheep, Jesus cares for you. Jesus is our Lord – Jesus will take charge in our lives and lead us if we surrender. Jesus is forgiving – When you sin, you can ask Christ for forgiveness Jesus is a servant – His whole life He served to bless you. Jesus is the gate – it is only through Christ that we can receive salvation. The Holy Spirit is our helper – The Spirit will always help you. The Holy Spirit is our comforter – Turn to the Spirit for comfort. The Holy Spirit is our teacher – The Spirit always teaches us truth. The Holy Spirit is our guide – In all things, the Spirit will guide you. The Holy Spirit is powerful – The Spirit has power to overcome evil. The Holy Spirit is convicting – The Spirit will let us know our sins. The Holy Spirit is giving – The Spirit has given you spiritual gifts. The Holy Spirit a guarantee – The Spirit in us is the guarantee of our salvation. The Holy Spirit prays for us – When you don’t know how to pray the Spirit does. The Holy Spirit is wise – When you need wisdom you can always ask the Spirit.

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The Bible tells us that our body is a holy temple for God and it was bought

with a high price (Christ’s death on the cross). Therefore, we need to

respect our bodies and glorify God through our bodies. The Holy Spirit

resides within you and you a temple for God. Think about that – God is in

you if you follow Christ. So we need to make our body a place that God

would want to be. Pray this prayer over your life regularly and surrender

these areas of your life to God that try and pollute your body.

“Dear Father, I know that my body is a holy temple for you. You

sent your Son to the cross for my life and I know that I need to

respect my body and offer it to you. Lord, I refuse to get involved

with drugs and alcohol. I refuse to smoke cigarettes, even when

pressured by friends. I will care for my body through exercise and

a proper diet. I will save sex for marriage. I know that sex is a

sacred thing that you have reserved for the covenant of marriage.

I refuse to lust after another person. I refuse to look at sexually

explicit things that the media tries to distort my mind with. I will

not dress immodestly. I will honor You with my clothes. I will give

you everything because I want my body to be a holy temple for

You. I pray this in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.”


It is so important that we surrender ourselves to God. We are spiritual

beings and we all have a spirit within us. We must regularly surrender our

spirit to the Holy Spirit. Pray this regularly and give your life to God.

"Dear Father, I need You. I hunger and thirst for a better

relationship with You. I admit that I have been in control of my

life. I’ve tried to do things my own way. As a result, I have sinned

against You. Thank You for forgiving my sins through Christ's

death on the cross for me. I now confess and turn from my sins

and surrender the control of my life to the Lord Jesus. By faith I

invite You to fill me with the Holy Spirit as You commanded me to

be filled. You promised to fill me if I ask according to Your will. I

pray this in the authority of the name of Jesus Christ. To

demonstrate my faith, I now thank You for filling me with Your

Holy Spirit and for taking control of my life. Amen."