worship is faith in action

Ministry Letter Voice Of The Light Ministries In the past two months we have heard sounds not only made with human hands but with the wings of angels. We have just returned from incredible times of worship in Peru, Argentina and El Paso Texas. At each event the manifestations and visitations were tangible and demonstrated with miracles, healings and deliverances. The kingdom of God is designed to manifest through worship. Therefore, we will explore worship in this letter to provoke you to a new level. The throne of God is the focal point of worship because it is above all circumstances and governments. The power of worship is outside of time and events and as a result, not limited to the material world, which is temporary and corrupt because of sin. Therefore, worship is not singing, dancing, flag waving, shouting or anything repetitive. Worship may include some or all of those things but orchestrated spontaneously by Him who sits on the throne. Worship is not a formula but a weapon designed to change our thoughts and consciousness from temporal to eternal. March 09 N· 2

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Page 1: Worship is Faith in Action

Ministry Letter

Voice Of The Light Ministries

In the past two months we have heard sounds not only made with human hands but with the wings of angels.

We have just returned from incredible times of worship in Peru, Argentina and El Paso Texas. At each event the manifestations and visitations were tangible and demonstrated with miracles, healings and deliverances.

The kingdom of God is designed to manifest through worship. Therefore, we will explore worship in this letter to provoke you to a new level.

The throne of God is the focal point of worship because it is above all circumstances and governments. The power of worship is outside of time and events and as a result, not limited to the material world, which is temporary and corrupt because of sin.

Therefore, worship is not singing, dancing, flag waving, shouting or anything repetitive. Worship may include some or all of those things but orchestrated spontaneously by Him who sits on the throne.

Worship is not a formula but a weapon designed to change our

thoughts and consciousness from temporal to eternal.

March 09 N· 2

Page 2: Worship is Faith in Action

Ministry Letter

Worship is not a formula but a weapon designed to change our thoughts and consciousness from temporal to eternal. The influence of worship is first experienced in each of us then corporately as “the body” connected to the Head.

The Holy Spirit is unable to change our consciousness if we are not connected to His thoughts. Communication in heaven is at the speed of thought, which is faster than light. Can you imagine what it would be like to know everything at once and see it done before it happens?

“Then He said to me, It is done. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end. I will give to the one who thirsts from the spring of the water of life without cost.”

Revelation 21:6

“Declaring the end from the beginning, And from ancient times things which have not been done, Saying, ‘My purpose will be established, And I will accomplish all My good pleasure.”

Isaiah 46:10

Jesus is describing a condition of consciousness that operates supernaturally to those who are IN HIM. The common condition of man is to have a beginning and plan for an end. That is why religion puts God in a box with all of their doctrines and theories.

Worship is outside of time and limitations creating an environment conducive for miracles. Furthermore, it creates the atmosphere around the Throne in heaven by which the angels, elders and four living creatures, can have their way on earth as it is in heaven.

As we worship, our material substance undergoes change. Remember after Moses left the presence of God he had to put on a veil because of the glory of God shone in his face? We have experienced that kind of glory as we beheld His throne.

Beloved, if you will focus on The Throne and The One who in habits it you will become less attached to your situation. Someone is getting it right now. Your attachment to this world is the method the enemy is using to keep you from experiencing the freedom you so desperately are seeking.

Page 3: Worship is Faith in Action

Ministry Letter

Jesus paid the ultimate price in order for you to be set free spirit, soul and body. Worship is the vehicle designed to liberate you and create in you a thirst for more of Him.

Reread the scripture in Revelation 21 and get hold of the last part of that verse. The whole world is focused on money, cost and recession. Jesus is saying, worship me and I will give you something money cannot buy. In addition, it will give you access to the heavenly solutions for you and “the Body” of Christ.

Do you see it? Worship is the manifestation of the kingdom in power and dominion over every situation the world can throw at it. Worship tells the devil that you are not connected to this world in any way, shape or fashion.

Come on people, show Jesus where your trust is and watch Him deliver supernatural supply to every situation you thought was to big for your budget or faith. Worship is faith in action.

Emerson & Ana Méndez Ferrell

ItineraryMarch 2009March 5 to 7 San José, Costa RicaFor a Greater GloryAvance Misionero Mundial www.ronychaves.org

March 20 México D.F., México Compañía de Mujeres Enlace Internacional Sede Central, Phone:(506)296-2323/220-3323 Ext.111-112 [email protected]

March 25 to 27, Netherlands Entering His Glory Ambassadors Ministries Phone:31-0-297-348-649, [email protected]

More Info :www.VoiceOfTheLight.com

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Page 4: Worship is Faith in Action

Ministry Letter

We just returned from a powerful time of Worship in the City of El Paso, Texas. Hundreds of people gathered from Mexico, El Paso and other parts of the United States, to tear down the strongholds and idol worship over the city and usher in the Glory of God. Voice of The Light partnered with worshippers from across the world, including Frank and Marlou Van Essen from Dew Worship in Amsterdam and S.O.A.P.P. ministries in El Paso. It was amazing to see the hearts of the people eager to bring resolution in a town and time of desolation, deceit and the spirit of death.

As Ana and her team were praying in the Spirit, they knew that all the beheadings that have been taking place in the city and in Juarez had to do with a legal right, connected to a beheading. The Spirit led them to a local art museum, where outside was erected a statue of Pancho Villa.

The history of Pancho Villa revealed his beheading and an understanding that the head of Villa had become a source of power; whoever had the head of Villa would rule next. The head had been sold back and forth through Mexico and the United States, making El Paso the connecting point to the head.

Upon entering the museum, a witchcraft totem stood in the entrance of the door as a guardian. The totem revealed a picture of the United States imprisoned behind bars, surrounded by two cemeteries, representing death. Surprisingly, in the center of the museum was a head surrounded by crystal which was a representation of the head of Jesus. This was a declaration of the devil to destroy the church, so the head of Villa could rule and reign. (See picture)

Worship and war arose throughout the conference resulting in a breaking of the spirit of death and witchcraft over the city in the Spirit realm, stopping

the head of the devil and taking the keys of the City given by the Mayor. Emerson and Ana led a powerful time of intense worship, True Worship, changing the understanding and meaning in the hearts and heads of the people and re-establishing the Throne of God.

Worship Invasion ConferenceEl Paso, Texas.US.

Written by:Tracy Pistorio joined the VOTLM team in September 2008. She is currently serving as Administrator of the ministry and is training under Ana and Emerson as a part of the Deliverance Team.