wpc 2014 annual report final report_final.pdfonce again shepherded the event, along with a host of...


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Page 1: WPC 2014 Annual Report FINAL Report_FINAL.pdfonce again shepherded the event, along with a host of help from other deacons and church members. June – Summer Brunch: The Deacons provided


2014 Annual Report

Page 2: WPC 2014 Annual Report FINAL Report_FINAL.pdfonce again shepherded the event, along with a host of help from other deacons and church members. June – Summer Brunch: The Deacons provided

Table of Contents2

Please see the separate Financial Supplement to the 2014 Annual Report for detailed financial information.

Our Vision and Mission .................................................. 3

The Report of Our Pastor .............................................. 4

Session .............................................................................. 5

Board of Deacons ............................................................ 6

Board of Trustees ............................................................ 7

Property Committee ....................................................... 8

Worship and Music Committee ..................................... 9

Christian Education Committee .................................... 10

Membership and Evangelism Committee ..................... 11

Stewardship Committee ................................................. 12

Personnel Committee ...................................................... 13

Joint Mission Committee ................................................ 14

Urban Mission Committee ............................................. 15, 16

Church in the World Committee ................................... 17, 18

Gifts and Bequests ........................................................... 19

Nominating Committee................................................... 19

Agenda for Annual Meeting ........................................... Back Page

Page 3: WPC 2014 Annual Report FINAL Report_FINAL.pdfonce again shepherded the event, along with a host of help from other deacons and church members. June – Summer Brunch: The Deacons provided

OUR VISION Westminster seeks to embody God’s boundless love by embracing, liberating and empowering people – whoever they are and wherever they may be on their faith journeys – to realize the transforming power of Christ in our congregation, community and the world beyond.

OUR MISSION Guided and renewed by the Holy Spirit, we at Westminster Presbyterian Church strive to build and strengthen a community of believers that: Welcomes all people,

Celebrates, teaches, demonstrates and shares the love of God made known in Jesus

Christ, Encourages the discovery and enrichment of a personal Christian faith,

Reaches out to serve

others as a church without walls, and

Works for God’s justice in

the world.

Our Vision and Mission 3

Page 4: WPC 2014 Annual Report FINAL Report_FINAL.pdfonce again shepherded the event, along with a host of help from other deacons and church members. June – Summer Brunch: The Deacons provided

THE REV. DR. GREGORY KNOX JONES, SENIOR PASTOR/HEAD OF STAFF This annual report provides a snapshot of the concrete ways our community of faith lived, experienced and carried out God’s work in 2014. Reading through these pages is inspiring and reminds me of how grateful I am to be your pastor. We began the year by welcoming our new Interim Associate Pastor, Randy Clayton. What a blessing Randy has been to Westminster! He has done a stellar job, and we are thankful he will continue with us for a few months in 2015. Our Associate Pastor Nominating Committee met regularly throughout last year and will continue its work until we call our next Associate Pastor. It will not be easy to say goodbye to Randy, yet we are excited to learn who our next Associate Pastor will be and what spiritual gifts she/he will possess. Although our society is becoming more secular and an increasing number of congregations are closing their doors, 31 new members joined our church family in 2014 (not counting our Confirmation Class). More than half of them are in their 20s, 30s and 40s.

We gave thanks for the faithful lives of a number of long-time members who entered God’s everlasting kingdom, and we celebrated the births of several children to members of our church family. The Reverend Dr. Barry Black, the Chaplain of the U.S. Senate, was our Westminster Distinguished Speaker in March. Dr. Black inspired many with his dynamic preaching and his presentation during the 10:TEN education hour. In May, Westminster member and United States Senator Tom Carper shared how his faith influences his work as an elected representative. Camilla and I led a pilgrimage to Israel/Palestine to trace the footsteps of Jesus. We worshiped in biblical sites such as Gethsemane, Shepherds’ Field and the Mount of Beatitudes. We met Christians, Jews and Muslims, heard from people who are working to end the conflict and visited the school in Galilee where the Peace Drums Project began. As you read through the following pages, you will be reminded of our inspiring ministries and the numerous lives that were touched by God’s grace in 2014. I hope you will recall some of those meaningful ministries in which you participated, the faces of fellow members with whom you served and some of the strangers (was one Christ in disguise?) with whom you shared God’s love. You may hear the whispers of God encouraging you to continue the vital work you did during the past year or to become involved in a ministry in which you have never participated. Perhaps you will hear God encouraging you to extend hospitality by becoming a greeter or welcoming people who have no home during a week of Family Promise, serving meals and a kind word to people who are hungry, handing out fresh produce along with a warm smile to people short on food. Maybe you will hear God calling you to visit one of our homebound members or to help with our annual Bazaar. Is God nudging you to make the commitment to sing in the choir, to teach in our church school, to usher on Sunday morning, to help with a memorial tea, to become a storyteller in worship, or to try out another ministry that matches well with your spiritual gifts? It is thrilling to see more and more of our members actively engaged in vital ministries that are transforming lives. Every pastor should be so fortunate. Yours in Faith,

The Report of Our Pastor 4

Page 5: WPC 2014 Annual Report FINAL Report_FINAL.pdfonce again shepherded the event, along with a host of help from other deacons and church members. June – Summer Brunch: The Deacons provided

SPECIAL EVENTS SPONSORED BY THE SESSION IN 2014 The annual Session retreat was attended by 16 elders and led by Dr.

James Pence, church consultant, who interpreted the congregational survey results. It was also a time of fellowship and renewal.

HIGHLIGHTS OF THE SESSION’S WORK IN 2014 Approved the report of the Security Task Force

Approved the Associate Pastor’s job description and the Ministry

Information Form for use by the Associate Pastor Nominating Committee

Approved the hiring of a full-time Director of Facilities and Security

Approved The Certificate for Renewal and Revival of the Amended and Restated Certificate of Incorporation (Charter) and the By-Laws of Westminster Presbyterian Church

Approved the Session Manual, which includes the purpose and duties of all Session committees, trustees, deacons, and congregational committees (nominating) and position descriptions for all ordained and non-ordained staff

Authorized Westminster pastors to use their discretion in deciding whether to conduct any marriage on church property, regardless of gender, as permitted by the laws of the State of Delaware, provided that they have exercised their pastoral responsibility to access the capabilities, intentions and readiness of the couple to be married

SUMMARY STATEMENT In addition to monthly session and committee meetings, receiving new members and examining our Confirmation Class, the members of Session are involved in a long list of our congregation’s ministries. Westminster is a vibrant church served well by its

members and officers. In its 128th year, we share our faith stories with one other and continue on our spiritual journey with the love and guidance of the Holy Spirit.

Elder Craig Stabler with member John Carson

Session 5

Statement of Purpose Westminster is a representative democracy governed by Elders elected from and by the congregation who together with the Pastors form the Session, which is the primary governing body of the local church. The Session exercises leadership, and discipline, and is responsible for the mission, governance of the church at large as outlined in the Book of Order (G-10.0000) of the Presbyterian Church (USA).

Session Members

Jeanne Checkel, Clerk Greg Jones, Moderator

Class of 2014

Charles Depfer Nancy Fleming

Mike Gnade Mary-beth Howard

Jon McPheeters Ed Morton

Craig Stabler Susanne Wolff

Class of 2015 Jen Barrington Jeanne Checkel

Joe Daley John Krill Jen Máthé

Polly Pyle-Carter Patti Ridout

Craig Wemmers

Class of 2016 Mary Field

Cathy Higgins Barbara Jobe

Dick Jolly Kali Kniel-Tolbert

Mark Mosher Roland Pamm Helen Zumsteg

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January – Chili Cook-off: In conjunction with the Annual Meeting, the Deacons provided and served 20 different types of chili, along with donations of salad or dessert from the congregation. No prizes for winning recipes except for the empty crockpots! Diane Chandler served as lead deacon.

April – Easter Breakfast: The Deacons served breakfast to more than 250 diners on Easter morning. Deacons Steve Stallone and Bill Kaye once again shepherded the event, along with a host of help from other deacons and church members.

June – Summer Brunch: The Deacons provided various egg dishes for the annual summer celebration as well as games and other summer-like activities. The event was shepherded by Cathy Lang and Hillary King and a host of Deacon cooks and helpers.

August – Ice Cream Social: This year, we held an “Old-Fashioned Ice Cream Social,” complete with games for the children, barbershop quartet music and costumes. The event was in conjunction with the annual “Blessing of the Backpacks.”

October – Fall Festival: On the last Sunday in October, the Deacons hosted a Fall Festival, overseen by Tammy Daley and Hillary King. Held on the front lawn right after the second service, this event featured games, costumes, candy for the kids, and refreshments.

December – Pizza Lunch: The Deacons held a pizza party on December 21 for our Christmas carolers. Melissa Stabler coordinated the pizza luncheon, and the Rev. Jill Getty then guided carolers to various Christian homes for a wonderful Christmas sing-along! Joy to the World, indeed!


Our year began as usual on the second Saturday in February with our annual retreat. In recent years, this on-site “retreat” has served as an introduction for our newest class and included detailed information about deacon responsibilities and duties as well as our hopes for the coming year. During the retreat, the deacons also discussed ideas to help build WPC membership for each of our generations of worshippers.


Our mission, purpose and ministry, put simply, is “to serve.” Your Deacons are the “worker bees” of Westminster, providing essential support for the many church social events, as well as outreach for homebound members. We are your guides and helpmates. We invite your questions, so we can provide assistance when and as often as needed. To that end, we staff the Sunday Holy Toast Café and Summer Teas, deliver flowers after Sunday services, provide homebound communion, greet twice a month at the 11:15 a.m. Living Mosaics services, and generally provide the logistical support and “people power” whenever we are needed.

Board of Deacons6

Statement of Purpose The Board of Deacons is led and guided by the Reverend Jill Getty with the goal of ministering to those within and beyond our community of faith who are in need, sick, friendless, or in distress. The Deacons nurture congregational fellowship by organizing social events and is divided into two councils – Congregational Care and Congregational Life.

Board Members

Bill Kaye, Moderator Carol Neff, Vice Moderator

Class of 2014 Kim Carrick

Tammy Daley John Gavenonis Cathy Glober

Carla Krupanski Lola Miller Bob Moore

Carol Mosher Donna Nelson Mark Shiflett

Melissa Stabler Teresa Lunardi Wemhoff

Class of 2015 Jean Custin Bill Kaye

Cathy Lang Carol Neff

Cassandra Piovoso Elizabeth Poole Robin Rosser

Kris Ruebling-Jass Steve Stallone Jennie Wagner Sue Weissinger

Class of 2016

Diane Chandler Nancy Diver Teisha Fooks Nicole Fox Sue Frost

Tammy Holm Hillary King

Mary Lou McDowell Keith Pierce

Ann Shadduck Judy Stoffer

Gen Wallace-Roe

Staff Liaison Jill Getty

Page 7: WPC 2014 Annual Report FINAL Report_FINAL.pdfonce again shepherded the event, along with a host of help from other deacons and church members. June – Summer Brunch: The Deacons provided


Audit – The Audit Committee arranged for and monitored a financial review of the church’s 2013 financial statement. The review was performed by the church’s auditors, Rowland, Johnson & Company, P.A., Certified Public Accountants. A full audit of the church’s financial statements will be conducted every 3 years, with financial reviews in those intervening years.

Investments – The Investment Committee regularly reviewed the investment strategy and asset allocation for the church’s endowment and other funds. Investment performance is reported in the Financial Supplement to this Annual Report.

Property – The Trustees reviewed and monitored the Property Committee’s 10-year property plan, which sets forth estimated expenditures for major maintenance, repairs and improvements to the church’s facilities, along with projected sources of funding. The Property Committee, working with Homsey Architects, undertook a project to replace 65 windows in the church (one of our decaying windows is pictured here). Work on the window replacement is ongoing. The Property Committee also worked tirelessly in response to the boiler fire in the fall. The activities of the Property Committee are described on the next page.

Church Security – The Trustees led the initiative to implement the recommendations of the Joint Security Task Force, which presented its final report to the Trustees and Session in the first quarter of this year. This has resulted in the hiring of a Director of Facilities and Security and the creation of a Security Committee within the Trustees.

Gifts to the Church – The Trustees accepted a number of gifts to the church and designated the appropriate acceptance and administration of restricted gifts.

Stewardship – The Trustees authorized the opening of a new bank account to help facilitate the Stewardship Committee’s online stewardship initiative.

Church Governance – The Trustees recommended changes to the Trustee Charter to the Session’s Operating Manual to include the creation of a new Security Committee as a separate committee of the Trustees. This recommendation was provided by the Joint Security Task Force.


2014 was a busy and productive year for the Board of Trustees. Board members serve on the four (soon to be five) standing Trustee Committees as well as on several joint committees within Session. We thank Church Administrator Debbie Brown for her tireless efforts in supporting the Trustees and the work of the Trustee committees.

Board of Trustees 7

Statement of Purpose Under the direction of the Session, the Board of Trustees are delegated certain corporate governance responsibilities. The Trustees assure the physical properties of the church are adequately maintained and improved to provide attractive, functional and safe facilities for church activities. They are responsible for the oversight of the Endowment Fund and its investment advisor. The Trustees monitor the balance sheet, arrange for an annual financial audit and review the adequacy of the insurance coverage.

Board Members

Christine Schiltz, President Rich Immesberger, Vice President

John Doyle, Secretary

Class of 2014 Rich Immesberger

John Johnston Bill Nace

Christine Schiltz

Class of 2015 Jim Carter John Doyle

Lynne Kielhorn Stephen Poole

Class of 2016 Barbara Hoy

John McFarland Charles McDowell Mary Lou Pamm

Staff Liaisons Debbie Brown

Greg Jones

Page 8: WPC 2014 Annual Report FINAL Report_FINAL.pdfonce again shepherded the event, along with a host of help from other deacons and church members. June – Summer Brunch: The Deacons provided

HIGHLIGHTS OF THE PROPERTY COMMITTEE’S WORK IN 2014 Issued a contract to St. Joe's Building Corporation to furnish and install

65 new aluminum clad insulated Pella windows. The first shipment of windows is expected in February or March 2015, and installation will begin as weather permits. Completion is expected by the fall of 2015.

Completed the installation and start-up of the new chilled water system in time to meet the cooling demands of the church.

Dealt with the ramifications of the boiler fire that occurred in September. Repairs and start-up were completed in an expedited and timely manner. Costs of the recovery were covered by our insurance. Pictured on right: Westminster staff converse with local firemen on the day of the fire.

Assisted the Church Administrator in the selection and hiring of a full-time Director of Facilities and Security. The responsibilities of this new position will be in both the facilities and security areas and will include program direction from the Property Committee and the newly formed Security Committee.

Completed several security enhancements, including expanding and improving our security video system and installing a new security door and locking system in the Ruth Christie hallway.

Continued to upgrade our sanctuary by refinishing the hardwood steps and flooring in the Chancel area (pictured below).

SUMMARY STATEMENT Maintaining and improving our wonderful facilities continues to be a significant challenge, both from the financial and manpower standpoints. Modifications to the future funding of the Property Fund are essential, and various options are being studied by the Trustees and Joint Finance Committee. Having a full-time staff member (Director of Facilities and Security) available in 2015 to assist in facilities management and executing/implementing new capital projects will be a welcomed assist to the Property Committee.

Property Committee8

Statement of Purpose The Property Committee is a standing committee of the Board of Trustees. The committee provides for an orderly way of fulfilling the Trustees’ responsibilities for the church property. The goal of the committee is to maintain the church structure and facilities and the church properties in line with the ongoing and future needs of the church.

Committee Members

John McFarland, Convener Jim Carter

Bob Chagnon Denison Hatch

Bill Nace Steven Poole

Staff Liaisons Debbie Brown

Jerry Reed

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Two children’s musicals: Bones and Touch of an Angel Youth Sunday worship led by our 180° youth and the Rev. Kate LeFranc,

Associate Pastor at Head of Christiana Presbyterian Church Ash Wednesday worship and congregational supper Maundy Thursday: Tenebrae: A Service of Darkness presented by choir, oboist,

and 19 storytellers World Communion Sunday service Four Christmas Eve services Month of Musical Masterworks: five services with instrumental soloists: flute,

violin, horn, clarinet, and piano Concerts:

o Winter Musical Gala featuring the WPC choir and soloists Dianna Milburn, Sharon Babcock, Justin Gonzalez, and Jerry Polman

o The University of Delaware Chorale o Harp & Organ Extravaganza o Christmas Musical Celebration featuring the WPC choir and chamber

orchestra WPC’s storytellers participation in worship services


Monitored and advised the Living Mosaics service; work included surveys of worshippers, work with staff, and hiring an outside consultant

Welcomed Sylvia Kniel as Usher Coordinator, Karen Beer and Wheeler Neff as Usher Team Co-captains, Jeanne Checkel as Usher Team Captain, and 23 new ushers

Revised two documents: Usher Coordinator Responsibilities and Usher Responsibilities

Placed the remaining 240 retired hymnals at New Covenant Presbyterian Church in Middletown and Olivet Presbyterian Church in Glasgow

Provided weekly interim large print hymn sheets until large print hymnals were published later in the year

Celebrated Westminster’s Fine Arts Team’s first year overseeing concerts and art exhibitions

Found alternative uses for the Guatemala fabric on pillows no longer used by children

Developed plans for streamlining communion by intinction

Provided additional communion wares, including a pitcher, chalices, napkins, and serving baskets


The Worship and Music Committee continues to support the worship planning team and the congregation. Our focus is on resolving and implementing particular needs. Careful and thoughtful work by the committee continues to assure Westminster’s tradition of strong preaching and excellence in music, both of which inspire, comfort, and uplift worshippers. The Worship and Music Committee also continues to facilitate ongoing tasks, including coordinating communion servers, providing communion stewards and ushers, and maintaining up-to-date information in the pew pockets.

Worship and Music Committee 9

Statement of Purpose The Worship and Music Committee is a committee of the Session responsible for the oversight of both the worship and music ministries of the church. The committee works in a collegial fashion with the Head of Staff and associate pastor(s) and music staff, sharing responsibilities as assigned by the “Directory of Worship” section of the Book of Order. The Director of Music and the Director of Music for Children, Youth and Handbells serve as ex officio members of the committee.

Committee Members

John Krill, Convener Fred Carspecken

Bob Cox Charlie Depfer

Mary Field Mary-beth Howard

Jon McPheeters Carol Mosher Donna Nelson

Staff Liaisons

Mary Beth Davis Paul Fleckenstein

Greg Jones

Page 10: WPC 2014 Annual Report FINAL Report_FINAL.pdfonce again shepherded the event, along with a host of help from other deacons and church members. June – Summer Brunch: The Deacons provided

SPECIAL EVENTS SPONSORED BY THE CE COMMITTEE IN 2014 Sunday morning education programs for all ages, including confirmation for

ninth graders Vacation Bible School Cosponsored three programs with CIL (Community for Integrative Learning),

including the weekend event with Thomas Moore as presenter of his book: A Religion of One’s Own

Adult Lenten Study on Thursday evenings during Lent 180° Youth Ministry (grades 6-12) activities and events:

o Launch night for youth and parents o High School Alumni Choir o 9-Square-A-Thon o Souper Bowl of Caring o Spring Lock-In o Youth Sunday o Senior High Summer Mission Trip with Appalachian Service Project o Midnight Run weekend mission event in New York City o Retreat at Camp Tockwogh o Heavenly Metal Handbell Choir o Fall Festival o Weekly youth programs and fellowship o Christmas Party o Christmas Caroling

Intergenerational events: o Wonderful Weeknights o Christian Education Open House o Advent Workshop and “Road to Jerusalem” activity o Holy Week Display of Crosses and Stations of the Cross


Our Christian education programs continue to be healthy with strong leadership and good attendance. This year, the program for children in second to fifth grades was changed. Hebrew Scouts and Pathfinders (formally Treasure Seekers) had been effective programs for more than five years, and the committee decided it was time to shake things up a bit for that age group. Using a Presbyterian curriculum called Awesome Adventures!, elementary children continue to learn the sacred stories but in a new, engaging format.

SUMMARY STATEMENT The ministry of Christian Education is guided by an amazing group of committee members who love the church, value education, and enjoy serving together. We are dependent upon and grateful for energetic staff, gifted volunteers and excellent resources that support our many programs. The Christian Education Committee continues to be committed to exploring new avenues for learning and providing fertile environments for people of all ages to mature in life and faith.

Christian Education Committee10

Statement of Purpose The Christian Education Committee is a committee of the Session responsible for coordinating and unifying the education programs and activities of the church into an integrated and effective ministry. The committee provides a wide variety of Christ-centered learning experiences which explore the Christian faith, the Presbyterian denomination, and related issues of past and contemporary Christianity. These programs teach the Word of God and help nurture faith formation of individuals and the congregation.

Committee Members

Patti Ridout, Convener Robin Rosser, Director of

Preschool Ministries Meg Burich

Kali Kniel-Tolbert Jen Máthé Lola Miller

Cassandra Piovoso Susan Williamson

Staff Liaison

Susan Moseley

Page 11: WPC 2014 Annual Report FINAL Report_FINAL.pdfonce again shepherded the event, along with a host of help from other deacons and church members. June – Summer Brunch: The Deacons provided


“Art Loop” concerts and receptions, welcoming community members to Westminster

Hosted new member gatherings (pictured on left) in April and June

HIGHLIGHTS OF THE M&E COMMITTEE’S WORK IN 2014 Continued our ministry of hospitality to members and visitors through

the greeter and ambassador programs as well as serving as Living Mosaics hosts

Organized membership inquiry classes in January, March, May, September, and November; welcomed 31 new members into Westminster fellowship

Published biographies in the Chimes to introduce new members to the congregation

Encouraged engagement in the life of the church and fostered relationships by pairing new and established members (Parish Partners)

Supported WPC college students with gift cards and made a financial contribution to campus ministries at University of Delaware

Placed Westminster postcards in public areas of the church building; the cards include church contact information for anyone desiring more information about Westminster

Reviewed and updated the membership roll as required by the Book of Order

SUMMARY STATEMENT During 2014, the Membership and Evangelism Committee focused its efforts on welcoming all and nurturing new members. The Committee continued to seek ways to assimilate all members into the life of the church and wishes to thank Membership and Mission Coordinators Diane Chandler and Alex Morton for their work in shepherding visitors toward membership and engagement in the life of Westminster Church. The Committee also commends the faithful service of outgoing Greeter Coordinator Carrie Saathoff and the longstanding commitment to membership and evangelism by retiring member Charlene Weaver.

Membership and Evangelism Committee 11

Statement of Purpose The Membership and Evangelism Committee is a standing committee of the Session. The committee oversees the congregation’s outreach by welcoming and shepherding visitors into full and active membership. In addition, the committee maintains an accurate membership roll. The committee also keeps an awareness of the importance of evangelism in front of the congregation.

Committee Members

Barbara Jobe, Convener Diane Chandler Teisha Fooks Mark Mosher Keith Pierce

Elizabeth Poole Polly Pyle-Carter

Kris Ruebling-Jass Jennie Wagner

Charlene Weaver

Staff Liaison Randy Clayton

2013 Active Church Membership 1003 Member Deaths 25 Member Transfers (to other churches) 3 Members Removed From Active Roll 10 Total Losses 38 Members Received 37 Total Gains 37 Net -1 2014 Active Church Membership 1002

Page 12: WPC 2014 Annual Report FINAL Report_FINAL.pdfonce again shepherded the event, along with a host of help from other deacons and church members. June – Summer Brunch: The Deacons provided

SPECIAL EVENTS SPONSORED BY THE STEWARDSHIP COMMITTEE IN 2014 Planned and coordinated a series of 21 home gatherings attended by more than

180 members during October. The home gatherings offered warm fellowship opportunities, enabling members to share their experiences and to learn more about the many ways that Westminster transforms lives within our congregation and beyond our walls. One of our home gatherings is pictured below.

HIGHLIGHTS OF THE STEWARDSHIP COMMITTEE’S WORK IN 2014 Solicited congregational support for the 2015 Stewardship Campaign,

emphasizing the essential nature of generosity and the ways in which our gifts make a real difference in the lives of so many people.

Initiated the campaign season with a sermon by Greg Jones on September 27 and concluded with mini-sermons by members Shelley Gnade, Jon McPheeters and Roger Reinicker on October 26 as they described the ways their faith has been impacted by the presence of Westminster in their lives.

Supported the “Generosity Changes Everything” theme by enlivening the reception area hallway and Classrooms 5 and 6 with framed photo posters of some of the aspects of Westminster life made possible by our giving.

Updated the “We Give” video that was shown at home gatherings and made available on the WPC website.

Embarked on a new video program for 2015 that captured the voices of Westminster members and friends as they reflect on the aspects of our faith community that are most meaningful to them.

Collaborated with staff on the implementation of electronic giving by enabling the transfer of funds directly from a donor’s checking account to Westminster (visit www.wpc.org and click on “Donate Now”), providing QR codes in various publications to facilitate giving for pledged and unpledged contributions, memorial gifts and the Christmas offering, and producing “I Give Online” pew cards to be placed in the offering plates or to be taken for information.

SUMMARY STATEMENT As Christians, we are called to give back a portion of the gifts and blessings that God has given each of us. A pledge is a commitment and a sign of our faith that God provides all that we need and even more. Your pledge is important because the Stewardship Campaign is the primary source of funds to sustain and enhance Westminster’s programs, mission, and operations. If you have not yet made your pledge for 2015, please reflect on the blessings that you have received and the impact that Westminster has had on your life and the lives of those beyond our walls. We encourage you to view the “We Give” video (tinyurl.com/nrn8myu), which touches on many of the programs and activities made possible by the generosity of our members and friends. Then go to www.wpc.org/pledge or fill out and submit a pledge card (available in the church pews or from the church office). Your generosity indeed changes everything! For more information on financial giving, please see the “Financial Supplement to the 2014 Annual Report.”

Stewardship Committee 12

Statement of Purpose The Stewardship Committee is a standing committee of the Session. God calls us to be good stewards of all to which we have been entrusted: time, talent, and treasure. The primary mission of the committee is to direct the planning and implementation of all financial stewardship activities, including the annual Stewardship Campaign in support of the operating budget. Other standing committees of the Session are responsible for time and talent contributions.

Committee Members

Sue Linderman, Campaign Chair Craig Stabler, Convener

Bobbe Hoy Fred Iobst

Jon McPheeters Stephen Poole Melissa Stabler

Staff Liaisons Debbie Brown Randy Clayton Nicole Hughes

Greg Jones

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Hosted a farewell reception for the Rev. Tom Stout on January 5


Presented terms of call for the Rev. Dr. Gregory Knox Jones to the congregation at its annual meeting in January

Welcomed the appointment of The Rev. Randall T. Clayton (pictured on right) as Interim Associate Pastor effective January 6

Conducted a conversation in January with Dr. Jones regarding the past year and his hopes and goals for 2014

Presented revised terms of call regarding Dr. Jones’ compensation at a special congregational meeting on April 13. This adjustment in compensation was made possible by the generosity of an anonymous donor/member

Noted and expressed appreciation to Mary Beth Davis for pursuing a program to become a Certified Leader in Church Renewal and to Debbie Brown for pursuing Church Administrator Certification

Prepared a position description for the Associate Pastor vacancy for Session approval (subsequently approved by Session)

Determined that Westminster will continue its current practice of covering 100% of the cost of health care premiums for ordained staff

Approved the job description of the position of Director of Facilities and Security at Westminster for submission to Session (subsequently approved by Session)

Endorsed, supported and expanded the Pastoral Support Initiative undertaken by New Castle Presbytery

Recognized and marked staff service anniversaries

SUMMARY STATEMENT The primary focus of the Personnel Committee during 2014 was to support the staff of Westminster. Within the constraints of declining financial resources, the committee sought to be an advocate for compensating staff as fairly and equitably as possible. The committee also sought to support the staff in pursuing ongoing professional development opportunities.

Personnel Committee 13

Statement of Purpose The Personnel Committee is a standing committee of the Session. The committee provides for an orderly way of fulfilling Session's responsibilities to and for the persons employed by the church. Besides carrying out the personnel functions of the church, such as conducting performance and compensation reviews, the committee exists to give counsel and support to staff members.

Committee Members

Dick Jolly, Convener Jeanne Checkel Barbara Jobe

John Krill Charles McDowell

Mary Lu Pamm Roland Pamm Patti Ridout

Staff Liaisons Debbie Brown

Greg Jones

Page 14: WPC 2014 Annual Report FINAL Report_FINAL.pdfonce again shepherded the event, along with a host of help from other deacons and church members. June – Summer Brunch: The Deacons provided


Organized the fourth annual Westminster “Mission Celebration” in September, highlighting the many ways our congregation reaches out to help those beyond our walls

Supported the continuation of the Westminster Bazaar in November, with all proceeds going to support local and global mission projects

Sponsored the annual Christmas offering, which provided financial support to the Urban Promise College Retention Fund, neighborhood food pantries, Sojourners’ Place, education opportunities for girls and women in the Congo and Guatemala, our “SWIG” water filter project, and Peace Drums

Sponsored “Earth Care” events, with an emphasis on water; topics included sea level rise, local and global water quality, and marsh restoration


Embraced our theme “Faith in Action… transforming lives,” which emphasizes the impact of our work on individuals’ lives both in our local neighborhoods and around the world while evoking the transformation we also feel as individuals

Organized a year-long calendar of mission emphasis areas to highlight the many ways in which we reach out to support those in need:

o January/February – Addressing Homelessness o March/April – Environment: Caring for God’s Creation o May/June – Affordable Housing o July/August – Education Support o September/October – Global Mission / Transforming Lives o November/December – Alleviating Hunger

WPC has the distinction of being certified for the fourth year in a row by PC(USA) as an “Earth Care Congregation.” This honor means that WPC has

exhibited exceptional leadership in protecting God’s creation and in being good stewards of the earth’s resources via our worship, education, outreach, and advocacy. Only 1% of Presbyterian congregations in this country meet the criteria of being a “green” church.


Recognizing that our congregation serves as the hands and feet of Jesus Christ in our world, the Joint Mission Committee continually seeks to identify meaningful ways that we can reach out to assist those less fortunate. Delegating responsibility for local projects to the Urban Mission Committee and international projects to our Church in the World Committee, Joint Mission coordinates the Westminster resources – financial and personal – applied to mission outreach. With our goal of engaging every member in active mission outreach, we seek to communicate these opportunities in a variety of ways and trust that each of us will heed the call to do as Christ commands – shelter the homeless, clothe the naked, feed the hungry, and seek peace and justice. For more information on meaningful ways in which you can be involved, check out the “Serve” section of the WPC website (www.wpc.org). As giver and receiver, we may be forever changed.

Joint Mission Committee 14

Statement of Purpose

The Joint Mission Committee’s purpose is to coordinate Westminster’s efforts to provide support to those in need in the local community and in countries around the world. The committee works to inform, communicate, and provide education on mission needs and opportunities and encourages involvement and participation of every member in the worldwide mission of Christ through their time, talent and treasure. (Note: This committee is a combination of Church in the World and Urban Mission Committees.)

Committee Members

Mike Gnade, Co-convener Roland Pamm, Co-convener

Polly Pyle-Carter, Co-convener Brud Bacon Liz Bacon

Beth Bowersock Sue Bryde Jim Carter Joe Daley

John Doyle Mary Field

Nancy Fleming Sue Frost

Ross Getty Sara Geuder

Cathy Higgins Dede Johnston Camilla Jones Marlys Kerr

Lynne Kielhorn Hillary King

Sue Linderman Penny McFarland

Bill Moore Mark Mosher Fred Nelson

TJ Roe Angela Ruebling-Jass

Joyce Ruston Steve Tindall Mary Vane

Helen Walker Sue Weissinger

Teresa Lunardi Wemhoff Craig Wemmers Susanne Wolff

Staff Liaisons Randy Clayton

Greg Jones

Page 15: WPC 2014 Annual Report FINAL Report_FINAL.pdfonce again shepherded the event, along with a host of help from other deacons and church members. June – Summer Brunch: The Deacons provided

SPECIAL EVENTS SPONSORED BY THE URBAN MISSION COMMITTEE IN 2014 Sponsored a Christian education program on violence in Wilmington to

attempt to understand and address issues facing our city.

Provided a safe and supportive place for education, fellowship, and spiritual development for students from Wilmington’s West Side who participate in Urban Promise. In addition, WPC opens its doors each summer for Camp Promise, Urban Promise’s summer program. By providing meeting space for children, mentors during the school year, a meal for the street leaders’ summer training program, and craft supplies for Camp Promise, WPC has become a strong partner with Urban Promise because we have seen how it transforms the lives of these children.

Added Warner Elementary to our “Blessing of the Backpacks” project and provided 350 backpacks filled with school supplies to students at EastSide Charter, Urban Promise, and Warner Elementary Schools in addition to $1,000 to Warner Elementary for their new food/clothing pantry.

Hosted 16 families on four separate weeks through Family Promise, providing food, fellowship, and overnight accommodations. Through Family Promise, these families were able to stay together until they were able to re-establish themselves in independent living.

Sponsored a Christmas Party (with refreshments and gifts) as well as a summer barbeque for the residents of Daughtry House, which provides transitional housing for men.

Continued Koinonia Circle’s sponsorship of Sojourners’ Place with monthly birthday celebrations and a gala Christmas event, including hand-knit gifts, refreshments, and party games.

Prepared boxes of food and gifts for 126 families through the Christmas Boxes Project, while providing a wonderful dinner and fellowship opportunity for those involved in packing the boxes. This is one of the most popular intergenerational events of this church and is eagerly anticipated each year.


Community Services (LCS), we launched the Sharing

Earth’s Abundance Program (pictured on right), which distributes fresh produce from the Delaware Food Bank to our food-insecure neighbors on the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month at WPC.

As a result of the Christian Education program on violence in

Wilmington, the Urban Mission Committee embarked on a journey to learn more about how our members could get involved in addressing this issue. Two speakers came to our meetings to give us their perspectives on some of the causes. In addition, all committee members read the book Tattoos on the Heart by Greg Boyle. Some members participated in a peace march in September, and we have started providing children’s books to the Wilmington Police in support of their Book’Em Program.

Urban Mission Committee 15

Statement of Purpose The Urban Mission Committee organizes Westminster’s efforts to provide support to those in need in the local community, defined as within a 100-mile radius of the church. The committee partners with other ministry organizations in our area to optimize the use of resources and minimize duplication of effort while sponsoring specific projects under Westminster leadership.

Committee Members

Mike Gnade, Co-convener Polly Pyle-Carter, Co-convener

Beth Bowersock Jim Carter Joe Daley

John Doyle Nancy Fleming

Sue Frost Sara Geuder

Dede Johnston Camilla Jones Marlys Kerr

Lynne Kielhorn Hillary King

Sue Linderman Fred Nelson

Angela Ruebling-Jass Joyce Ruston Steve Tindall Helen Walker

Teresa Lunardi Wemhoff Susanne Wolff

Staff Liaison Greg Jones

Urban Mission Committee continued on back

Page 16: WPC 2014 Annual Report FINAL Report_FINAL.pdfonce again shepherded the event, along with a host of help from other deacons and church members. June – Summer Brunch: The Deacons provided

Through the Helen Greene Fund, we have provided monies to assist the residents of the Daughtry and Burton Houses who have medical bills not covered by Medicaid (eg, eyeglasses, dental, psychiatric services).

Donated $20,000 (over 2 years) to Habitat for Humanity for their Walnut Ridge project, which will also enable us to hold a “Build on the Lawn” event in the fall of 2015. In addition, we sponsored the Habitat for Humanity “Habitat in Motion” 5K fundraiser and held a “house shower” for new Habitat homeowners. WPC also hosted Franklin & Marshall University students when they came to Wilmington this summer to work on a Habitat for Humanity project.

Continued our support of programs to alleviate hunger in our community, most notably the Emmanuel Dining Rooms, Saints Andrew and Matthew food programs, St. Stephen’s and Hanover food pantries, as well as

o The Saturday Morning Breakfast Club, which continues to prepare and serve a hearty pancake breakfast to approximately 175-200 homeless individuals each week at Connections.

o The Code Purple ministry team, which provided emergency sanctuary and prepared and served 50 gallons of soup and sandwiches to approximately 125-150 chronically homeless individuals at the Episcopal Church of Saints Andrew and Matthew on 10 nights when the temperature fell below 15°F last winter.

New Life Furnishings provided used furniture, household items, small appliances, and new mattresses and box springs

to 16 individuals who transitioned from homelessness to independent living.

We supported other ongoing local outreach programs that have a major impact on the lives of those in need: o Friendship House ministries to the homeless o The operation of Burton and Daughtry Houses on our church property and various projects with Meeting Ground

in Cecil County, Maryland o Our leadership role in support of the LCS Faith Center ministries to assist the working poor in our community as

they seek to maintain their independence

Members of the Epiphany House ministry provided and enjoyed 12 dinners with the women of Epiphany House, one of Friendship House’s 11 transitional houses.

The members of “Close Knit” provided more than a dozen beautiful hand-knit shawls to individuals in need of God’s love and comfort through our Prayer Shawl ministry.

Guest speakers invited to committee meetings included Bill Perkins (Friendship House), Rob Prestowitz (Urban Promise), and Sue Ogden and Malcolm Stoddard, who spoke on issues related to violence in Wilmington.

Throughout the year, hundreds of WPC members tirelessly devote their time and energy to the many outreach opportunities the Urban Mission Committee has identified and supports. If it were not for all of you, our hands and feet of Christ, Westminster could not support the many people who desperately need our help in the community. Thank you for all you do!

SUMMARY STATEMENT Westminster’s Urban Mission Committee seeks to create and sustain partnerships with local organizations engaged in assisting those in need in our community, with particular emphasis on homelessness, alleviating hunger, advancing education, and assisting the working poor. Regardless of our personal situation, each of us has gifts and time to share. It is our committee’s goal to create the opportunities that allow you to find your passion and be involved in transformational experiences by helping others less fortunate than you. We welcome your ideas and your commitment to improve the lives of others who need your help. Whether you have lots of time or desire a one-time commitment, your willingness to assist us in helping others will be sincerely appreciated. For additional information on the programs mentioned or others supported by Westminster, please contact either Mike Gnade or Polly Pyle-Carter or go to www.wpc.org (click on “Serve”).

Urban Mission Committee 16

Habitat in Motion 2014

Page 17: WPC 2014 Annual Report FINAL Report_FINAL.pdfonce again shepherded the event, along with a host of help from other deacons and church members. June – Summer Brunch: The Deacons provided

SPECIAL EVENTS SPONSORED BY THE CITW COMMITTEE IN 2014 Mission trip to Guatemala in support of health care (“SWIG” Safe Water

in Guatemala project) and education ministries in the indigenous Mayan Mam region

“One Great Hour of Sharing” offering for PC(USA) in support of ministries that bring relief to those who experience disaster and conflict (Presbyterian Disaster Assistance) and help individuals around the world less fortunate than ourselves (Self-Development of People, Presbyterian Hunger Program)

10:TEN adult education class on our mission efforts and progress in Guatemala, including our “SWIG” ministry project and reduced-scale working filter display

Annual Christmas offering, which provided financial support to the Urban Promise College Retention Fund, two local food pantries, Sojourners’ Place, education opportunities for girls and women in the Congo and Guatemala, our “SWIG” water filter project, and Peace Drums, a unique interfaith initiative promoting peace among Jewish, Christian, and Muslim youth living in the Galilee region of Israel

“Mission Celebration” (pictured on right) showcasing our extensive mission programs

HIGHLIGHTS OF THE CITW COMMITTEE’S WORK IN 2014 Contributed to the Presbyterian Synod of Syria and Lebanon to provide

relief food kits to 200 families in war-torn Syria for one month. This food is distributed through the church on the basis of need, regardless of religion or politics

Expanded our “SWIG” ministry project beyond its original goal by supplying (as of mid-December) 268 extended Guatemalan families with clean, potable water

Contributed to multiple ministries in Democratic Republic of Congo, including IMA World Health for training in use of Ebola kits, education curriculum development for primary schools, Phipps girls’ scholarships, training for two Kansas educational coordinators in computer literacy, Days for Girls NGO, solar panel electricity, supplies for CPC Education and Women’s departments, Friends of Butoke and four different mission workers

Church in the World Committee 17

Statement of Purpose The Church in the World Committee’s purpose is to provide help and support to those people and groups in need throughout the world and beyond the outreach of those being served by the Urban Mission Committee.* The Church in the World Committee shall inform, communicate, educate and encourage participation in the worldwide mission of Christ through time, talent, treasure and any other relevant resources that may serve in our purpose to “help each other.” *The Church in the World Committee considers opportunities for mission outside a 100-mile radius of Westminster.

Committee Members

Roland Pamm, Convener Brud Bacon Liz Bacon Sue Bryde Mary Field Ross Getty

Cathy Higgins Penny McFarland

Bill Moore Mark Mosher

T.J. Roe Mary Vane

Sue Weissinger Craig Wemmers

Staff Liaison

Randy Clayton

Church in the World Committee continued on back

Page 18: WPC 2014 Annual Report FINAL Report_FINAL.pdfonce again shepherded the event, along with a host of help from other deacons and church members. June – Summer Brunch: The Deacons provided

Contributed to the building of the Bethel Synod Guesthouse to accommodate visiting doctors in Pokwo,


Attended the Congo Mission Network meeting in Great Falls, Montana; their focus has shifted from “we want to, we should” to “what we are doing”

Peacemakers supported and contributed to the Peace Drums Concert, held in Elkins Park, Pennsylvania, aimed at bringing Palestinian and Israeli youth together; The Rev. Dr. Greg Jones and Rabbi Michael Beals co-chaired the event

Combined the Peacemakers and Church in the World Committees, which will help emphasize the peacemaking element in all Church in the World programs

Promoted “Echo Giving in the World” gift giving programs, including “Echo Gifts” for local giving and “Global Gifts” for global giving

SUMMARY STATEMENT The Church in the World Committee strives to focus its efforts and direct funds such that they can have the largest impact in areas known to have the greatest need. Our goal is to create sustainable change. This has been a year of dedicated support of our mission partnerships in Guatemala, particularly with our “SWIG” water ministry project, and in the Democratic Republic of Congo. The Church in the World Committee also embraces peacemaking as part of all we do in the hope that our church, homes and hearts will be a sanctuary for peace. In 2015, we anticipate leading a trip to Guatemala, furthering our “SWIG” project there toward attaining our new goal of 300 water filters, and achieving greater impact in the Congo.

18 Church in the World Committee

Page 19: WPC 2014 Annual Report FINAL Report_FINAL.pdfonce again shepherded the event, along with a host of help from other deacons and church members. June – Summer Brunch: The Deacons provided

MEMORIAL GIFTS We wish to thank the friends and family of the following who donated to Westminster in memory of loved ones this past year:


Elva Carty Audrey M. and James R. Bennett Benevolent Fund Established by a gift from the Rev. Jim Bennett (former Associate Pastor at Westminster) and his wife, Audrey Endowment Gift Gift directed to the unrestricted endowment by the Tompson Charitable Remainder Trust

Staff Compensation Gift to provide for 2014 increase in staff compensation by an anonymous donor

Nominees for Church Officers

Gifts and Bequests 19

Nominating Committee

Statement of Purpose The Nominating Committee is a committee of the congregation and is responsible for nominating church officers (Ruling Elders, Deacons and Trustees).

Committee Members

Jen Barrington, Convener Chuck Brown (Member at Large) Wendy Hatch (Member at Large)

Cathy Higgins (Elder) Fred Iobst (Member at Large)

Bunny Michener (Member at Large) Mary Lu Pamm (Trustee) Robin Rosser (Deacon)

Staff Liaison

Suzie Hurlock

Elders Class of 2017

Chad ChandlerArt Colbourn Rich Diver

Mike Gnade Carol Hogue

Jon McPheetersRoger Reinicker

Craig Stabler

Board of Deacons Class of 2017

Liz Bacon Fred Carspecken (1 year)

Barry Cobb Tammy Daley Cathy Glober Laura Holmes Kris Marvel Lola Miller Bob Moore

Mark Shiflett Jerry Spilecki

Natalia Thompson Jennifer Trickey

Board of TrusteesClass of 2017

Gary Bryde Bill Nace

Tom Preston Kris Qualls

2015 Members at Large

Meg Burich Ross Getty Dick Haden Tara Hoopes

Paul W. Best Ruth Brown Arthur C. ButtersJohn D. Cullen Ivan K. DeBlieu Mary Lou Fuller James H. Garvin

Juanita Gerwig Ellen Hickmott Don H. Kuespert E. Wayne LemonsA. Kirk Mearns Edwin A. Meyer Janet S. Meyer

Dr. Donald H. McGeeGeorge R. Patrick Charles Reeder Ross Stevens Anne Stern Fred H. Whitaker

Page 20: WPC 2014 Annual Report FINAL Report_FINAL.pdfonce again shepherded the event, along with a host of help from other deacons and church members. June – Summer Brunch: The Deacons provided


I. Call to Order……………………………………………………The Rev. Dr. Gregory Jones, Moderator Prayer

II. Organization

Reading of the Call……………………………………………………...Jeanne Checkel, Clerk of Session Determination of a Quorum Approval of Prior Minutes Recognition of Retiring Church Officers

III. Nominations

Announcement of Procedures Report of the Congregational Nominating Committee………………………….Jen Barrington, Convener Nominations from the Floor If you plan to nominate someone from the floor, please be certain that the person is willing to serve. Voting

IV. Joint Finance Committee Report………………………...Ed Morton, Convener and Church Treasurer

V. Stewardship Report……………………………………...Sue Linderman, Stewardship Campaign Chair

VI. Action on Pastoral Calls…………………………………...Dick Jolly, Convener, Personnel Committee

VII. Session Report………………………………………………………….Jeanne Checkel, Clerk of Session

VIII. Other Business

Motion to Adjourn

IX. Closing Prayer

Agenda for Annual Meeting

© 2015 Westminster Presbyterian Church 1502 West 13th Street Wilmington, DE 19806 (302) 654-5214 www.wpc.org

Download the 2014 Annual Report and Financial Supplement in color at www.wpc.org/communications.