wpg security

IBM Software Group ® WebSphere ® Support Technical Exchange WebSphere Partner Gateway (WPG) Security - Certificate Management MICHAEL GLENN Level 2 Support WebSphere Partner Gateway

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WebSphere Partner Gateway (WPG)Security - Certificate Management

MICHAEL GLENNLevel 2 SupportWebSphere Partner Gateway

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Creating Certificates With Ikeyman

Exporting/Importing/Extracting Certificates With Ikeyman

Managing Certificates Prior To Version 6.1.1

Changes In Certificate Management in Version 6.1.1 and Later

Certificate Load Wizard


Useful Links



Questions and Answers

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Creating Certificates With Ikeyman

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Managing Certificates with Ikeyman

Ikeyman utility can be used to manage certificates:Create Self-Signed Certificates

Import/Export Certificates

Add/Delete Certificates


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Creating PKCS12 Keystore

Step1: Create a new keystoreClick on Key Database File

Click on New

Select PKCS12 for Key Database type

Choose filename and location

Press OK

Enter Password for KeyStore and Press Ok

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Choosing Type of Certificate

Step 2: Choosing Type of Certificate to CreateSelf-Signed

CA – Signed by Certificate Authority

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Creating Self-Signed Certificate

Click on Drop Down Arrow beside Signer Certificates

Select Personal Certificates

Click on New Self-Signed

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Creating Self-Signed Certificates (cont)

Fill in Required Values

Press Ok

Certificate is now created in the KeyStore

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Creating a Certificate Request

Click on Drop Down Arrow beside Signer Certificates

Select Personal Certificate Requests

Click on New

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Creating a Certificate Request (cont)

Fill in Required Values

Press Ok

Certificate Request is now created in the file specified

You will now need to send the file to a Certificate Authority to request a certificate.

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Exporting/Importing/Extracting Certificates Using Ikeyman

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Exporting / Importing / Extracting Certificates

Exporting Private Key Pair

Extracting Public Certificate

Importing CA Certificate

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Exporting Self-Signed Keypair From Keystore

Click on Drop Down Arrow beside Signer Certificates

Select Personal Certificates

Highlight Certificate

Click on Export/Import

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Exporting Self-Signed Keypair From Keystore

Select Export Key

Select PKCS12 as Key File Type

Enter in File Name and location

Press Ok

Provide Password to Protect the key

Press Ok

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Extracting Public Certificate From Keystore

Click on Drop Down Arrow beside Signer Certificates

Select Personal Certificates

Highlight Certificate

Click on Extract Certificate

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Extracting Public Certificate From Keystore (cont)

Select Binary Der as Data Type

Choose File Name and Location

Press Ok

Send Certificate to Participant

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Importing CA Certificate Into Keystore

Click on Drop Down Arrow

Select Signer Certificates

Click on Add

Select Binary Der for Data Type

Select File Name and location

Press OK

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Managing Certificates Prior To Version 6.1.1

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Understanding Certificate Types

Encryption / Decryption

Digital Signature / Verification

Client / Server Authentication

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Digital Signature & Verification

Presentation text

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Client/Server Authentication

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Setting Up Encryption/Decryption

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Load company.p12 asHub Operator’s PKCS12Encryption certificate.

Enable “AS Encryption” in

the Participant Connection

Send certificate to theParticipant

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Load Participant certificatein the Participant profile asencryption certificate. Ifsigned by a CA, install theCA certificate in the HubOperator profile, as root.

Enable “AS Encrypted” inthe Participant Connection

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Setting up Digital Signature & Verification

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Load Participant.der in the Participant profile as digital

signature certificate. If

signed by a CA, install the CA certificate in the Hub Operator profile, as root.

Enable “AS Signed” in the Participant Connection

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Load company.p12 as Hub Operator’s PKCS12 digital

signature certificate.

Enable “AS Signed” in the Participant Connection

Send public certificate to the


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Setting up Server Authentication

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Import company.p12 to the receiver.jks keystore.Note: Starting with 6.1 the

receiver.jks is renamed to bcgSecurityTrust.jks

Define an HTTPS Target

Make sure the secure port (default 57443) has been defined at installation time and is active)

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Load Participant certificate as Hub Operator’s root certificate

Define a HTTPS Gateway in the Participant’s profile

Select that HTTPS Gateway for the Participant Connection

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Setting up Client Authentication

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Load Participant certificate (CAor self-signed) in ReceiverTrust.jksNote: Starting with 6.1 the receiver.jks

is renamed to bcgSecurityTrust.jks

Run bcgClientAuth script toenable Client SSL

Turn Client Authentication ON:bcghub/was/bin/wsadmin.sh –fbcghub/scripts/bcgClientAuth.jacl -conntype NONE set

Turn Client Authentication OFF:bcghub/was/bin/wsadmin.sh –fbcghub/scripts/bcgClientAuth.jacl -conntype NONE clear

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Load company.p12 as Hub Operator PKCS12 ‘SSL Client’ Certificate

Define a HTTPS Gateway in the Participant’s profile

Select that HTTPS Gateway for the Participant Connection

Send the Certificate to the Participant

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Changes in Certificate Management in 6.1.1 and Later

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What’s New

All new wizard to simplify loading and configuringcertificates.

New Features Certificates can be associated to internal partner’s. Multiple certificates can be loaded for same usage, e.g. Digital

Signature. Certificate sets to group primary and secondary certificates. Ability to vary certificates based on

– Partner Pair– Operation Mode– Package

Global settings for Internal partner. Where-Used capability for Certificates and Certificate Sets. Validate function in console, to validate certificates.

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Multiple Certificates

In prior versions , Internal partners could have oneset of active certificates.

Now, we can load multiple certificates for internalpartner for different Certificate Usage (Sign / Encrypt / SSL


Operation Mode (Production / Test)

It allows user to vary certificates based on Partner Pair Operation Mode Package

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Certificate Sets

Introduced in this release to group a primary & secondarycertificate.

User’s associate sets for Sign / Encrypt / Decrypt asopposed certificates in 6.x.

Set can be marked default so that it is used for ALL possiblecombinations of

Receiving partner Operation mode Package.

Sets are applicable for, Internal Partners – Digital Sign & SSL Client External Partners - Encryption

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Validate & Where-Used Function

ValidateAllows users to make sure the certificate is valid

by checking

Certificate Expiry Certificate path validation.

Where-UsedAllows users to lookup participant connections

where a certificate set is used.

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Load Certificate Wizard Overview

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Certificate Load Wizard

Step1 : Certificate Location You can choose to upload a Public Certificate

(Individual / multiple from Trust-store ) / Private Key (Individual / from Key-store )

Step 2: End Entity and CA certificates If you are loading from a Key / Trust store you can

choose the certificate /certificate's to be uploaded Step 3: Certificate Details

Provide details on certificate usage , Operation mode , primary / secondary

Step 4: Set Associate the certificate to an existing certificate set /

a new certificate set

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Certificate Load Wizard Contd..Step 5: Default Settings

If the set in step 4 was defined as default it applies to all receiving partner for all protocols, in this you will associate the set to different operation modes.

Step 6: Default Settings Associate the set to a combination of

– From / Sending partner ( ALL for Hub-operation & specific for other External/internal partners)

– To Partner ( Choices are ALL or Specific external partner)

– From Package (Choices are ALL or Specific Package)– To Package (Choices are ALL or Specific Package)– Operation Mode– Certificate Usage

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Certificate Load Wizard Contd..

Step 7: Associate Partners/Operation/PackagesUser will be taken to this page only if the set

was not default

In this page they can associate the set to internal partners / external partners.

Also you can also associate this set to different operation modes and packages.

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Setting Up Logging and Tracing

Change Debug Level for All Servers to Finest

For SSL Related IssuesEnable SSL Trace in WAS Console

Turn on SSL property in WPG Console

Restart WPG Servers

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Avoiding Certificate Chaining ErrorsSymptom:

WPG will attempt to build and validate the certificate path if the bcg.build_complete_certpath= true property is set in the bcg.properties file. This property is set to true by default. If the path can not be verified you will receive the following errors in the bcg_router.log file:

StackTrace:java.security.cert.CertPathBuilderException: PKIXCertPathBuilderImpl could not build a valid CertPath.; internal cause is: java.security.cert.CertPathValidatorException: The certificate issued by OU=Class 3 Public Primary Certification Authority, O="VeriSign, Inc.", C=US is not trusted; internal cause is: java.security.cert.CertPathValidatorException: Certificate chaining errorat com.ibm.security.cert.PKIXCertPathBuilderImpl.engineBuild(Unknown Source)at java.security.cert.CertPathBuilder.build(Unknown Source)at com.ibm.bcg.util.CertPathUtil.buildCertPath(CertPathUtil.java:454)at com.ibm.bcg.util.CertPathUtil.validateCertPathWithReset(CertPathUtil.java:189)at com.ibm.bcg.util.PKCS7Util.checkCertificateValidity(PKCS7Util.java:1490)at com.ibm.bcg.util.PKCS7Util.encryptBytesS(PKCS7Util.java:292)...

Further down in the trace, you will see another error in the bcg_router..log file where WPG can not find a valid certificate:

StackTrace:com.ibm.bcg.util.BcgException: Could not get Valid encryption Certificate at com.ibm.bcg.util.PKCS7Util.encryptBytesS(PKCS7Util.java:301)at com.ibm.bcg.ediint.doc.ASDocBase.encrypt(ASDocBase.java:855)...


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SSL connection failure due to invalid Certificate Revocation List (CRL)

Symptom:WPG fails the SSL handshake with the gateway server issuing the following error message in the bcg_router.log:- ERROR [SSLPoster] [Gw_2_0] - com.ibm.bcg.util.BcgException: Certpath is not valid .

The above error is usually preceded by the following debug statements:- DEBUG [CertPathUtil] [Gw_22_2] - Verifying the certification path ... - DEBUG [CertPathUtil] [Gw_22_2] - CertPathValidatorException : The revocation status of the certificate with subject (CN=xxx.yyy.zzz, OU=Terms of use at www.verisign.com/rpa (c)00, OU=aaa, O=bbb, L=ccc, ST=ddd, C=ee) could not be determined.



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java.lang.SecurityException: Unsupported keysize or algorithm parameters

Symptom:java.lang.Exception: java.lang.Exception: java.io.IOException: Error in loading the keystore: Private key decryption error: (java.lang.SecurityException: Unsupported keysize or algorithm parameters) Resolution:This error is caused by the JCE libraries used by the virtual java’smachine executing WAS. This JVM is the standard version and it had a limited support of cryptographic algorithm. To correct this you just have to substitute two jar files in the configuration of the JVM IBM (local_policy.jar and US_export_policy.jar). These files are in the index $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/security (for example /usr/lib/jvm/jre-ibm/lib/security or /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/java/jre/lib/security). You can download the non limited libraries from http://www-128.ibm.com/developerworks/java/jdk/security/142/ (file unrestrict142.zip)

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Useful Links

WPG Support Page: http://www-01.ibm.com/software/integration/wspartnergateway/


Index of WPG Technotes:http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27016406

IBM® Support Assistant:http://www-01.ibm.com/software/support/isa/

Assist On Site:http://www-01.ibm.com/support/assistonsite/

IBM Support Toolbar:http://www-01.ibm.com/software/support/toolbar/

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We discussed how to manage certificates using ikeyman.

We discussed how to setup Digital Signature, Encryption, SSL Certificates before 6.11

We discussed changes in Certificate Management in 6.1.1 and later.

We discussed the certificate load wizard.

We discussed some troubleshooting tips.

We discussed some useful links.

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