wrightway polo summer newsletter issue 5

Menlo Summer Tournaments *Mothers Day Tournament *Mack and Madelyn Memorial *Stars and Stripes *Fallen Warriors *Floyd Roth Memorial Other places played: Houston, Texas Pilar, Argentina Jackson Hole, Wyoming Sheridan, Wyoming Calgary, Alberta Santa Rosa, California Santa Barbara, California Wrightway Polo Newsletter Volume 2 Issue 2

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 Menlo  Summer  Tournaments  

 *Mothers  Day  Tournament  

*Mack  and  Madelyn  Memorial  

*Stars  and  Stripes  *Fallen  Warriors  

*Floyd  Roth  Memorial    

Other  places  played:    

Houston,  Texas  Pilar,  Argentina  

Jackson  Hole,  Wyoming  Sheridan,  Wyoming  Calgary,  Alberta  

Santa  Rosa,  California  Santa  Barbara,  California  


Wrightway  Polo  Newsletter  Volume  2  Issue  2  



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Mothers  Day  Tournament  

 Team  Menlo  Red:  Steve,  Santos,  Ann,  Vineet,  Patton,  Jax,  Don,  David  B    

Team  Menlo  Blue:  Lyn,  Jef,  Steve,  Erik,  Dan,  Katie,  Rachel,  Tracy    

Mack  and  Madelyn  Memorial  Tournament  



Team  Menlo  Blue:  Peter,  Jeff,  Edmund,  Lyn,  Erik,  Richard  


Team  Coldwell  Banker:  Patrick,  Lyn,  Carlos,  Jax,  Madelyn,  Sinead,  Santos  


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Stars  and  Stripes  Tournament  

 Winners  Menlo  

White:  Tracy,  Patrick,  Carlos,  Steve,  Vineet,  Santos,  Katie,  Dawn,  Steve  


Fallen  Warriors  Tournament  



Jef,  Erik,  Katie,  Fiona    

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Team  Menlo  Blue:  

 Josh,  Aida,  Champ,  Edmund,    

Erik,  Rachel,  Furquan    

Floyd  Roth  Memorial  Tournament  



Domrey:  Tracy,  Champ,  Patton,  Jef,  Erik    

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Jim  has  spent  his  summer  playing  at  the  beautiful  Calgary  Polo  Club.  His  team,  Remax,  went  undefeated  in  July  ending  with  the  win  of  the  Calgary  Cup,  their  most  prestigious  tournament.    

Jim  also  had  the  opportunity  to  play  his  horses  in  a  16  

goal  game  with  Team  Alegria  at  the  beautiful  Chinook  

Downs.  Jim  played  with  Joe  Henderson  and  Freddy  

Mannix  scoring  3  of  their  6  goals  to  win!  

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WWP  headed  north  to  Santa  Rosa  to  play  in  August!  Erik,  Jen,  Greg,  Patton  and  Rachel  had  a  great  time  playing  in  the  lower  

flight  and  Erik  and  Jef  tore  it  up  in  the  upper  flight!  Jef  sponsored  the  second  annual  Bridge  Cup  that  he  and  Erik  played  in  

Jef  also  picked  up  another  edition  to  the  herd  while  in  SB  from  Lucas  Criado!  Were  very  excited  to  add  

her  to  the  family!  

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Fun  riding  on  the  ranch  this  summer!    

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MPC    Summer  Pictures  

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Programs  offered  for  Winter  2016  


This  year  Wrightway  Polo  will  be  up  and  running  in  Palm  Springs  from  December  15th  -­‐

April  1st    2016      

Wrightway  Polo  offers  an  assortment  of  services  to  people  interested  in  playing  in  the  desert!  Packages  

available  for  horse  leasing  for  weekly  practices  to  1  goal.  Pro  playing  thru  12  goal.  We  also  do  weekly  intensive  polo  “vacations”-­‐  come  down  and  spend  a  week  with  us  and  work  on  your  skills    

in  beautiful  Palm  Desert  

Interested  in  joining  us?  Contact  Erik  Wright  at:  


760-­‐861-­‐9887  or  

[email protected]