write 5 inferences about how the geography of greece would affect the people ‘s lives that lived...

1. Write 5 inferences about how the geography of Greece would affect the people ‘s lives that

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Write 5 inferences about how the geography of Greece would affect the people ‘s lives that lived here. Finish Greece Vocabulary. G E O G R A P H Y. Where on Earth is Greece?. Greece is located on a peninsula that extends into the Mediterranean Sea. . - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Write 5 inferences about how the geography of Greece would affect the people ‘s  lives that lived here.  Finish  Greece Vocabulary

1. Write 5 inferences about how the geography of Greece would affect the people ‘s lives that lived here.

2. Finish Greece Vocabulary

Page 2: Write 5 inferences about how the geography of Greece would affect the people ‘s  lives that lived here.  Finish  Greece Vocabulary



Page 3: Write 5 inferences about how the geography of Greece would affect the people ‘s  lives that lived here.  Finish  Greece Vocabulary
Page 6: Write 5 inferences about how the geography of Greece would affect the people ‘s  lives that lived here.  Finish  Greece Vocabulary










Page 7: Write 5 inferences about how the geography of Greece would affect the people ‘s  lives that lived here.  Finish  Greece Vocabulary

    Where on Earth is Greece?        

Page 8: Write 5 inferences about how the geography of Greece would affect the people ‘s  lives that lived here.  Finish  Greece Vocabulary

Greece is located on a peninsula that extends into the Mediterranean Sea.


Many islands can be found around the peninsula.

Greece is almost completely surrounded by water.

Page 9: Write 5 inferences about how the geography of Greece would affect the people ‘s  lives that lived here.  Finish  Greece Vocabulary

From Petal Middle School To Greece

Buckle your seat belt!!

Page 10: Write 5 inferences about how the geography of Greece would affect the people ‘s  lives that lived here.  Finish  Greece Vocabulary

Notetaking Key word or idea Notes- abbreviated (main


hyLocated- peninsula- extends

into Mediterranean Sea--


Page 11: Write 5 inferences about how the geography of Greece would affect the people ‘s  lives that lived here.  Finish  Greece Vocabulary
Page 12: Write 5 inferences about how the geography of Greece would affect the people ‘s  lives that lived here.  Finish  Greece Vocabulary

Find the latitude of Greece– Us?Does latitude or longitude effect


Page 13: Write 5 inferences about how the geography of Greece would affect the people ‘s  lives that lived here.  Finish  Greece Vocabulary

• Location:

• Southern Europe, bordering the Aegean Sea, Ionian Sea, and the Mediterranean Sea, between Albania and Turkey

• Continent:

• Europe

• Size:

• slightly smaller than Alabama

• Climate:

• temperate; mild, wet winters; hot, dry summers

• Terrain:

• mostly mountains with ranges extending into sea as peninsulas or chains of islands


Page 14: Write 5 inferences about how the geography of Greece would affect the people ‘s  lives that lived here.  Finish  Greece Vocabulary

Notetaking Key word or idea Notes- abbreviated (main

idea) Geography

of Greece Located-peninsula- extends into

Mediterranean Sea Location- continent-- Europe borders Aegean Sea, Ionian Sea and Mediterranean Sea Size- slightly smaller than Mississippi Climate- temperate; mild, wet winters; hot, dry summers Terrain: mostly mountains – extending into sea as peninsulas or chains of islands

Page 15: Write 5 inferences about how the geography of Greece would affect the people ‘s  lives that lived here.  Finish  Greece Vocabulary

Much of Greece was rocky and barren and bad for agriculture. **9 out of 10 acres,


There were many mountains and valleys. The climate was hot and dry, and rainfall was limited to the winter months.

Most Greeks lived along the coast where the soil was good for farming.

What problems did these conditions cause for farming?Not much fertile land

Not enough water during

Growing season

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Key word or idea Notes- abbreviated (main idea)

Difficult: little farmland rivers dried up in summer mountains Main crops: barley, grapes, olives

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Key word or idea Notes- abbreviated (main idea)

Difficult: little farmland rivers dried up in summer mountains Main crops: barley, grapes, olives Forced to rely on trade for food Developed into separate city-states

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Geography of Greece

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What can we infer because the Greeks lived separated by mountains? Do you think they thought of

themselves as one united country or separate cities?

Justify your answer

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Land and city-states

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Page 169

Minoan Civilization:•From 3,000-1100 B. C.•Lived on the island of Crete•Developed great sea trade•Developed great culture•Art and Agriculture

Even though they thought of themselves as separate city-states, what attributes did they have in common?

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Page 25: Write 5 inferences about how the geography of Greece would affect the people ‘s  lives that lived here.  Finish  Greece Vocabulary


• lived on mainland

• reached height of power around 1400 B. C.

• gained much power through trade

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Page 28: Write 5 inferences about how the geography of Greece would affect the people ‘s  lives that lived here.  Finish  Greece Vocabulary

Civilization- a culture that builds cities andhas achievements in art, literature, science, and technology.

Roles of Men, Women, and Children

The ancient Greeks were very proud of their city-state! The ancient Greeks were thinkers. They loved to talk. They honored their gods and respected honor. They loved beauty, music, literature, drama, philosophy, politics and art.


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************Daily Life:

Key word or idea Notes- abbreviated (main idea)

a culture that 1. builds cities 2. has achievements in art, literature, science, and technology***********************************

proud of city-state Loved to talk, think Loved beauty, music, literature, drama, philosophy, politics art

Honor- IMPORTANT Honored gods,

Page 30: Write 5 inferences about how the geography of Greece would affect the people ‘s  lives that lived here.  Finish  Greece Vocabulary

What is another word for city-state? polisMost city states were laid out according

to the same plan.

Most city-states- built around an acropolis, a large hill where city residents could seek shelter in times of war. *

acropolis agora


* *** *Markets**



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Key word or idea Notes- abbreviated (main idea)

Called polis built around an acropolis, a large hill Agora– meeting/market place


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Homer No one is exactly sure who Homer was.  Theories abound, and some even think he never existed.  Regardless, he is traditionally recognized as the original creator of two epic poems, the Iliad and the Odyssey. 


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•Myths written by Homer

•Struggle between Greece and Troy

• probably a minstrel - a man who traveled constantly, singing songs and telling stories

•2 epic poems:•Illiad

•Odyssey (Odysseus)

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•Trojan Horse-

• warriors hidden inside

•Trojans carried horse inside their city gates

• During the night the soldiers climbed out

and opened the gate to let the soldiers in

• Greeks could not defeat Troy because of the walls and fortifications•Built a giant horse and

offered it as a giftSURPRISE!!

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Mythology- Homer’s Odyssey

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oligarchy- . a type of government in which a small group of citizens control decision-making

A monarchy is a type of government with one ruler or king


DEMOCRACY– A type of government in which citizens vote to make government decisions

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Key word or idea Notes- abbreviated (main idea)

3 types: decisions made by…. 1. monarchy- one person 2. oligarchy- few rich citizens 3. democracy- citizens vote


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Birth of Democracy

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Draw this comparison map in your folder. Add circles as needed. Compare Athens & Sparta using pages 199-204/ 207-209 Boys (5)

educated P.E., art, history

Women- better treated/ own land

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Spartan warriors

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Two Greek Cities


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In 700 B. C. Sparta covered most of southernPeloponnesus.

Sparta had a agora which was a place in Greek cities used both as a marketplace and a s a meeting place.

Sparta unlike Athens was very concerned with its Military?!?!?!??!



Page 43: Write 5 inferences about how the geography of Greece would affect the people ‘s  lives that lived here.  Finish  Greece Vocabulary

Sparta’s people dedicated most of their lives to making a strong polis or city-state.

Children were expected to to do their part alsoAt age 7 boys and girls began training!!!!!!

Boys spent some time learning to read a write but spent Most of their time training.

Girls practiced running and throwing spears.

Girls didn’t become soldiers but trained to strong mothers???!!!!*

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Life in Athens was different than life in Sparta.

Girls did not practice sports, they were told to see little, hear little and ask no questions.

Girls stayed at home and helped their mothers.

Boys worked each day with their fathers in the fields or on pottery or stone-working shops.



Page 46: Write 5 inferences about how the geography of Greece would affect the people ‘s  lives that lived here.  Finish  Greece Vocabulary

If parents could afford to they sent male children to schoolAfter school they would practice wrestling or boxing ata local gymnasium before returning home.

Government in Athens

All of Athens energy was not spent on building a strong armyIn early years Athens’ government was a monarchy


Then, the government became an oligarchy

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Most of Athens’ early leaders were members of Noble families that were rich and powerful

Poorer citizens demanded to have a part in the government!!!!

A democracy was formedDemocracy combines two Greek words meaning“ rule by the people “

The democracy allowed all the people to be involved!!!

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Flow Map

Assembly took control



400 B.C. Few Citizens Controlled

Poor citizens revolted

Common people

had some say

free men only

No women or slaves

Not Equal

All freeMen voted


Demanded rights


Only few rich people

Rule by one person (king)

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Athenian Leader

Made sure that poor as well as rich could take part in governmentCitizens served on assemblies &Jury– fairer trials *

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************ Athen’s


Key word or idea Notes- abbreviated (main idea)

3 types: decisions made by…. 1. monarchy- one person 2. oligarchy- few rich citizens 3. democracy- citizens vote*********************************** 400 B.C. oligarchy (few rich ruled)

Poor citizens revoltedAssembly took controlDemocracy- all free men voted

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Page 54: Write 5 inferences about how the geography of Greece would affect the people ‘s  lives that lived here.  Finish  Greece Vocabulary

Business center


markets Government buildings City billboard

Crowds of people



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Ώ Most powerful city- stateΏ Was paid tribute by its alliesΏ education available for all

boysΏ important achievements in

the arts, philosophy , literature, and democracy

Ώ Pericles- °most powerful man in politics ° supported democracy ° paid salary to city officials ° poor people could hold public office ° had Parthenon built-

temple built to honor goddess Athena

Military based- Soldiers were leaders of

government Military might was most

important to government To make tough soldiers: Boys at 7 taken away

from their mothers °Put in school with older boys and not given food °Had to steal food to eat ° If caught stealing- beaten severely and publicly


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Page 59: Write 5 inferences about how the geography of Greece would affect the people ‘s  lives that lived here.  Finish  Greece Vocabulary

Led his students in discussions about the right way to live

Mid 400s B. C .

Search for wisdom and the right way to liveDiscussed

best kind of government *

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Page 62: Write 5 inferences about how the geography of Greece would affect the people ‘s  lives that lived here.  Finish  Greece Vocabulary

Student of Socrates

Wrote down teachings of Socrates

Became famous philosopher

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philosophers Key word or idea

Notes- abbreviated (main idea) Search for wisdom and right way to live 1. Socrates *led discussions with students *discussed best kind of government * accused of urging students to revolt *arrested and put to death by poison 2. Plato *student of Socrates’ *wrote Socrates sayings down * became a famous philosopher *Teacher of Aristotle (who taught Alexander the Great)


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Sparta attacked Athens Pericles had

Athenians move inside walls

Sparta destroyed surrounding farmland

Athenians’ navy kept supplies to people

Deadlocked for many years

Began 431 B. C.

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Athens won battles at sea Sparta won

battles on landDisease spread through the city

One-third of the city died including Pericles

404 Sparta cut off the Athenian grain supply

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Atheniens were starving

Athenians surrendered

Many Greeks on both sides lost their lives

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Sparta attacked Athens

Sparta cut off supplies

Disease spread through city

Athens surrendered

Peloponnesian War431 B.C.

Athenians took refuge in AcropolisAthenian’s navy kept them suppliedAthens won sea battles–

Sparta won land battles404 B. C.

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For 50 years, no city-state could hold on to power

This civil war left Greece open to attack from a new power in the north

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Weakened by constant wars

Most of Greece conquered by Macedonia (north) *

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(20 years old)Well educated

Greatly influenced by Aristotle

Set out to

conquer Persia


Never lost a battle!!!

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334 B. C. Alexander set out to conquer

3 years-fought along eastern coast of Mediterranean

331- Alexander declared himself ruler

Continued on to conquer

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Page 74: Write 5 inferences about how the geography of Greece would affect the people ‘s  lives that lived here.  Finish  Greece Vocabulary

Planned city of Alexandria in Egypt

Carried Greek civilization where he conquered

Built Alexandria similar to Greek polis

His love of learning spread knowledge all over the world

Pages 214-215

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Had agora, theater, temples, stadium and gymnasium

Became a major hub of Mediterranean Trade

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Lighthouse- one of the first in the world

One of the 7 wonders of the ancient world

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After victory in India, became sick

Died in June 323 B. C.

One of the youngest emperors of all time

From the map on page 214, list countries & continents he conquered

Page 213

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King of Macedonia by age 20

Well educated- Aristotle (Greek Philospher)

Never lost a battleConquered Persia (3 years)


Page 80: Write 5 inferences about how the geography of Greece would affect the people ‘s  lives that lived here.  Finish  Greece Vocabulary

Legacy of learningmuseum

Scholars studied world & how it worked

library Had almost 300,000 books

Searched every ship for books

Kept all books until copy made

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Legacy of learning

alphabet30 letters- made writing & reading easier

Math & science

Had math from Egypt

Geometry Arithmetic & mathematics

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Colossus @ Rhodes

Statue of


Pyramids @ Giza


Gardens of



@ Alexandria

Temple of Artemis

Mausaleum @ Halicarnossus

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Page 84: Write 5 inferences about how the geography of Greece would affect the people ‘s  lives that lived here.  Finish  Greece Vocabulary
Page 85: Write 5 inferences about how the geography of Greece would affect the people ‘s  lives that lived here.  Finish  Greece Vocabulary

Mount Olympus is a mountain in Northern GreeceIt is believe that many of the most powerful gods and goddess lived here

A chariot drags the sun across the sky!!! Someone with wings on his shoes and hat flies by you!!!


Suddenly, you are transported. . . You find yourself in Ancient Greece! A lightening bolt strikes!!!

The seas rage!!!

A strange looking little boy flies past you with a bow and arrows with hearts on the tips!!!!

Next thing you know, you are standing next to someone who is half-man, half-horse and he is playing some type of flute!!!!!

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 Ancient Greeks had to face many forces of nature. In their effort to understand the nature, they invented stories to account for the things that went on in their lives.


These tales, known as myths, were spread around by travelers. They contained the powerful Olympian gods, sea gods, woodland gods, sky gods, underwater gods, half-gods, human heroes, courageous or romantic adventures, betrayals, battles, wanderings, and so on.

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Greek mythology

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woodland gods

powerful Olympian gods

sea gods

sky gods

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Zeus, called the father of the gods.

Then he and his brothers Poseidon and Hades divided up creation. Poseidon received the sea as his domain, Hades got the Underworld and Zeus took the sky. Zeus also was accorded supreme authority on earth and on Mount Olympus.


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was the god of the sea, earthquakes and horses. Although he was officially one of the supreme gods of Mount Olympus, he spent most of his time in his watery domain.


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Temple in Athens

Pillars in Athens


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Here are some of the gifts the ancient Greeks gave to the world:

Trial by Jury Greek Myths Democracy

Tragedy and Comedy Theatre

The Olympics


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Peloponnesian War Sparta attacked Athens