writing from your heart for technology

Use your feelings to guide your words. Use your senses. Use adjectives. Be colorful. Be creative. Utilice sus sentimientos para guiar sus palabras. Utilice sus sentidos. Utilice los adjetivos. Ser coloridos. Ser creativo.

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Post on 09-Jul-2015




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I designed this to get my students blood pumping, hopefully getting their creative juices flowing...


Page 1: Writing from your heart for technology

Use your feelings to guide your words. Use your senses. Use adjectives. Be colorful. Be creative.

Utilice sus sentimientos para guiar sus palabras. Utilice sus sentidos. Utilice los adjetivos. Ser coloridos. Ser creativo.

Page 2: Writing from your heart for technology

Do you feel anger, contempt, hatred? Do you have goose bumps? Do you feel sick to your stomach? Do you want to clinch your fist and scream?

¿Se siente ira, desprecio y odio? ¿Tienes la piel de gallina? ¿Se siente enfermo a su estómago? ¿Desea conseguir su puño y el grito?

Page 3: Writing from your heart for technology


Now… derecha Real Quick… LO QUE USTED PIENSA…

Page 4: Writing from your heart for technology


Page 5: Writing from your heart for technology

I want no less than 500 words. Your paper needs one inch margins and be double spaced. Use your feelings that you wrote about earlier this week.

Quiero que no menos de 500 palabras. Su papel necesita los márgenes de una pulgada y ser doble espaciado. Utilice sus sentimientos que usted escribió acerca de principios de esta semana.

Page 6: Writing from your heart for technology

Hate Crime Committed in Mount Vernon, Ohio - A Vigil for JusticePosted by Lorena Mora on July 11th, 2009Cincinnati—The League of United Latin American Citizens of Ohio strongly requests an independent investigation by the U.S Department of Justice into the May 30, 2008 hate crime against the Hispanic minor Robert Cantu in Mount Vernon, Ohio. Robert, a Hispanic minor, was attacked by five individuals and placed in a noose around his neck while ethnic slurs were used.Over 1 year after the crime was reported the Prosecutors Office charged only one individual with aggravated menacing (a first-degree misdemeanor when committed by an adult) and ethnic intimidation (a fifth-degree felony when committed by an adult). Surprisingly, the prosecutor only recommended 30 days in jail out of the possible maximum jail time of six months, Judge Ronk sentenced the assailant to only 10 days and a $100 fine plus court costs.LULAC finds both the crime and the sentence against the assailant completely appalling and seeks for the DOJ to take the following steps to send a strong message against those whocommit Hate Crimes:• Conduct an independent investigation into the Cantu Case• Prosecute all parties involved in the noose incident• Investigate selective prosecution and police practices unfavorable toward minoritiesTo further expose this case and the growing trend in Hate Crimes committed in Ohio, LULAC Ohio and several organizations mentioned below will hold a Vigil for Justice in Mount Vernon, Ohio on July 24th in the city’s Public Square at 12pm. The event will host hundreds of supporters from across the state and feature prominent community leaders and victims of hate crimes.