writing ieps for transition to high school

Navigating IEP Development Joyce Sager, Ed.D. Gadsden City High

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PowerPoint Presentation Presented April 15, 2013


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ting I




Joyce Sager, Ed.D.Gadsden City HighApril 2013

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PreparationGather and organize existing dataInterview Students Parent and Teacher SurveysUse appropriate assessments

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EXPLORE (8th grade) -Interest Inventories and Achievement

Middle School Transition Planning Assessment and Matrix

State Assessments Grades, Attendance, Discipline Referrals, School Records Eligibility Form Teacher and Parent Input Social History Student Motivation and Learning Style Inventory Transition Assessments-Include results in Profile and

PLOP Transition Planning Inventory Career Interest Inventories Air Self-Determination Scales (Student and Parent Forms) Structured Interview- Create vision for future. Might use

“Student Dream Sheet” Ansell-Casey Life Skills—Provides a nice profile Daily Living, etc.

Assess, Assess, Assess

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Document 2 attempts before having conference (if no response from parent).

(Voicemail, unsuccessful phone calls, and returned mail – not considered attempts)

Notice of Proposed Meeting

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Writing the Profile




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1st half of NOP

Check Purpose(s) of Annual IEP Meeting:

Discuss Transition

Review/Revise IEP

People invited:

Mark first 6 people

Agency, if invited -(Refers to entity, such as ADRS,

that may pay for/ provide transition services)

Signature of Education Agency Official—Rhonda Perry (your initials)

Ex.—Rhonda Perry (JS)

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2nd Half of NOP


Do NOT invite agency (ADRS) until consent is given.

The agency rep cannot attend the conference if NOP is not returned indicating consent and the parent/guardian is not in attendance.

All notices must be sent to parents AND student when student is 19.

1st notice must be sent/given to the parent and student (age of majority) and may be followed up with a call, e-mail, etc.`

2nd notice, if needed should be sent/given to parent/student and may be followed up by a call, …

Indicate that parent is “able to meet” if he/she requests to participate by phone. Get their #.

Indicate date and how students and agency were informed.

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Profile PageThere must be a direct link between the profile and other elements of the IEP


Strengths of Child Parental Concern for Enhancing the Education Student Preferences and/or Interests

Includes info obtained from parent, teacher(s), and the student regarding preferences and interests.

Address Transition Results of the Most Recent Evaluations

Write in meaningful terms. Can include the results of transition assessments here.

The Academic, Developmental, and Functional Needs of the Child How does his disability affect involvement and progress in the general

ed curriculum? May include accommodations

Other Any info pertinent to development of IEP but not included elsewhere.

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Special Instructional FactorsCheck “YES” for transition servicesCheck “YES” if there is a BIPCheck “YES” if student has behavior impending

on learning AND address in the IEP

TransportationCheck “NO” if student has same transportation

as nondisabled students

Nonacademic and Extracurricular Activities-Check “YES” unless supports are described or explanation given

Annual Goal Progress Reports—Every 9 weeks or when report cards are issued

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Transition MUST be addressed when student is entering 9th grade. Address: Invite student to meeting Check if permission is provided to invite

agency Check Alabama High School Diploma Document Expected Date of Exit Document Program Credits to be earned. Check Transition Assessments used AND

have documentation of these assessments on file

Use drop down boxes to indicate Transition Goals. Long-term Goals should be addressed

at conference with parents and not based solely on educational pathway.

“Other” might be applicable for an employment career goal of joining the military.

Indicate Transition Service within Transition Strand. A goal must be written for each service identified as needed. Use Matrix

*Students who graduate with the Alabama High School Diploma through the Essential Course pathway or the AAS pathway may return to school through age 21 but must continue to work toward earning credits.

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GoalsPutting the Pieces Together

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Present Level of Performance

Includes: What the student “can” do in that area What the student “cannot” do in that

area How the student’s progress is impacted

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Goals Annual Goals must be measureable and include the Present Level of

Academic Achievement and Functional Performance, Type(s) of Evaluation for Annual Goal, and Special Education and Related Services

Must be a direct relationship between AREA, PLOP, ANNUAL GOAL, and SPED and RELATED SERVICES

Identify Area: Academic, Functional (e.g., behavior ), or Transition (Check transition box)

Present Level of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance: Information should be stated in a readily understandable manner to describe what the student can do and in relation to what he SHOULD be able to do in that area of instruction. How does the student’s disability affect his involvement and progress in the general curriculum?

Measureable Annual Goal: Describes what the student should be able to accomplish in one year (See Q & A, dated Oct. 2012, found on ALSDE SPED webpage under standards tab.)

Type of Evaluations for Annual Goal—Check at least one for each goal.

Date of Mastery: Actual Date of Mastery

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Behavior Goal?

IF there is a behavior goal, mark on page 2 of the Profile that behavior impedes the learning of the student and the learning of others.

IF there is a BIP, there MUST be a behavior goal.

Best practice---Insert BIPs into SETS

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Special Education and Related Services

Special Education—MUST be completed for all students Must be based on peer-reviewed research showing that the

program or services are effective Describes the specially designed instruction that will be provided

for EACH area listed in the IEP Location for each service must be completed. Anticipated Frequency describes how often the service will be

provided. Amount of Time should be total amount of time for each area. Beginning/Ending Duration Dates are the start to finish of services

and may be different for each area listed and may be different from IEP Initiation/Duration Dates.

If the Location of Service and Anticipated Frequency of Service is the same for more than one area, the Amount of Time may be written as the cumulative Amount of Time for all areas where the specially designed instruction shares the same location and frequency of services.

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Related Services

Includes services necessary for the student to benefit from Special Education.

Must be described in detail Examples include:

Occupational Therapy Audiology Services Counseling and Social Work Services in

school Speech-language Pathology School Nurse and School Health Services

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Supplementary Aids and Services

Accommodations consist of aids, services, and other supports provided in gen. ed. classes or other education-related settings to enable a student with a disability to be educated with nondisabled students to the maximum extent appropriate in accordance with his LRE.

Amount of time may be excluded if service is self-explanatory.

Examples include: Tutoring Preteaching/ reteaching or reinforcing concepts Behavior management plan Assigned Seating Assignments broken into segments or blocks Extended time allowed for completion of assignments Avoid confrontational techniques Study guides with answers provided Directions for assignments explained one-on-one to student

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Modifications, or changes, made to content of curriculum

Course credit disallowed

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Accommodations Needed for Assessments Should be completed for all students taking classroom

0r district-wide assessments. Only accommodations included on the IEP and

provided to the student on an on-going basis for classroom assessments are considered as accommodations for State and district-wide assessments.

Examples include: Additional time for tasks Adapting assignments/tasks Highlighters Calculator Reformatting assessments Special seating Testing in small group setting Testing by special ed. teacher of paraprofessional Directions and test questions read aloud to student

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Assistive TechnologyExamples include:

Voice output devicesWord processorsTalking calculatorsWalker

Support for PersonnelTraining on specific syndrome, technique,

or assistive technology device to address student(s) specific need(s)

*** Anticipated Frequency of Services, Amount of Time, and Location of Services must be directly linked and consistent with the student’s LRE.

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Accommodation Page Examples

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Signature PageUse for each IEP conference, including those resulting in amendments

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Completion of Signature Page• Transfer of Rights- Record the

day the student was informed

• ESY- Check “YES”

• LRE—If “NO” is checked, provide justification (cannot be based on disability).

• 6-21 Years of Age- Select LRE

• Copy of IEP—Check “YES” or “NO” (with date sent)

• Copy of SPED Rights• Check “YES” or• Check “NO” and the

date Rights were provided within the past year to Parent/Student (if 19 and older)

• Signatures (People who attended/participated at conf.)

• Names must be typed in space.

• Signed at conf.- not after

• If parent participated by phone-Type “Parent participated by phone”

• Info From People Not in Att.

• Annual IEP Review Date-Determined by Signature Date

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You thought you were finished with paperwork; right?


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Complete the “Notice of Intent Regarding Special Education Services.”

andsend it and the IEP to the parent or student (if 19 or


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