writing in literature

Writing in Literature rton Center Writing Workshop Series

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Post on 24-Feb-2016




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Writing in Literature. Burton Center Writing Workshop Series. Tips from. the monkeys who. brought you Hamlet. Always use direct quotations to prove what you are saying. . Point: Hamlet cannot really be insane. . R E P E A T P R O C E S S. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Writing in Literature

Writing in LiteratureBurton Center Writing Workshop Series

Page 2: Writing in Literature

Tips from

the monkeys who

brought you Hamlet

Page 3: Writing in Literature

Always use direct quotations to prove

what you are saying.

Point: Hamlet cannot really be insane.

Proof: “The Mouse-trap. Marry, how? Tropically. This playis the image of a murder done in Vienna: Gonzago isthe duke's name; his wife, Baptista: you shall seeanon.”

Explanation: How could an insane man so cleverly plan a play that exposes a criminal?


Page 4: Writing in Literature

Use literary terms to your advantage.

Hamlet’s characterization indicates why he cannot be considered insane.

The skull that Hamlet speaks to is a symbolic item foreshadowing the tragic conclusion of the play.

Page 5: Writing in Literature

Shoot for original ideas about the


Everybody talks about whether Hamlet was pretending to be insane.

Why not demonstrate that Hamlet’s insanity is a commentary on national corruption?

Page 6: Writing in Literature

There is no “right” answer.

Hamlet’s sanity is still argued amongst literary critics because the text can be read in multiple ways.

There is such a thing as misreading a text. So use caution in interpretation.

Page 7: Writing in Literature

Use the basic rules of writing to make sure a good idea is well
