writing notes (1) contents about notes a note is a form of correspondence. and it is shorter than an...

Writing Notes Writing Notes (1) (1)

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Page 1: Writing Notes (1) CONTENTS About Notes A note is a form of correspondence. And it is shorter than an ordinary letter. A note is used for inquiry, message

Writing Notes (1)Writing Notes (1)

Page 2: Writing Notes (1) CONTENTS About Notes A note is a form of correspondence. And it is shorter than an ordinary letter. A note is used for inquiry, message


Page 3: Writing Notes (1) CONTENTS About Notes A note is a form of correspondence. And it is shorter than an ordinary letter. A note is used for inquiry, message

About NotesAbout Notes

A note is a form of correspondence. And it is shorter than an

ordinary letter.

A note is used for inquiry, message leaving, notice, requirement,

and so on.

A note is basically made up of the date, the title of the person that

the note is intended for, the body of the note, and the signature of the

note writer.

Page 4: Writing Notes (1) CONTENTS About Notes A note is a form of correspondence. And it is shorter than an ordinary letter. A note is used for inquiry, message

Sample ReadingSample Reading

The samples show the arrangement of notes.

The date is put on the upper right corner, with only the day or the

exact time. The month may be inclusive, but there is no need to write

the year.

The title may be omitted if the note is left for an acquaintance or

friend. If it is a note left for your superior, you should keep the title to

show your respect. Using “dear” at the beginning is optional.

Page 5: Writing Notes (1) CONTENTS About Notes A note is a form of correspondence. And it is shorter than an ordinary letter. A note is used for inquiry, message

Sample Reading (Continued)

The body of the note is usually written in one or two sentences,

showing your purpose of writing the note. If it is a note to ask for leave,

you should use somewhat more formal language, like that of a letter.

As for the signature, you may omit the complimentary closing (such

as “Sincerely yours” and “Faithfully yours”, etc.). You may just sign

your name below.

Page 6: Writing Notes (1) CONTENTS About Notes A note is a form of correspondence. And it is shorter than an ordinary letter. A note is used for inquiry, message

Structure Analysis日期


4th MarchDear Mr. White,

I am writing to ask for a sick leave of three days, starting from today to 6th March, both days inclusive. I enclose the doctor’s certificate and hope that you will grant me the leave.

Yours faithfully,

Simon Li



Page 7: Writing Notes (1) CONTENTS About Notes A note is a form of correspondence. And it is shorter than an ordinary letter. A note is used for inquiry, message

Sample 1

4th March

Dear Mr. White,

I’m writing to ask for a sick leave of three days, starting from today to 6th March, both days inclusive. I enclose the doctor’s certificate and hope that you will grant me the leave.

Faithfully yours,

Simon Li




Page 8: Writing Notes (1) CONTENTS About Notes A note is a form of correspondence. And it is shorter than an ordinary letter. A note is used for inquiry, message

Sample 2

15th April

Dear manager,

I’m still lying in bed with the flu and unable to get up. I enclose a certificate from the doctor, who fears that it will be another two days before I can resume my work. Please give an extension of leave for two days.

Respectfully yours,

David Liu



Page 9: Writing Notes (1) CONTENTS About Notes A note is a form of correspondence. And it is shorter than an ordinary letter. A note is used for inquiry, message

译文译文怀特先生 : 我因病需请假 3 天。从今天起到 3 月 6 日。附上医生证明。望准假为盼。 李西蒙 3 月 4 日

经理先生 : 我患流感未好,仍然卧床不起。医生认为还要再休息两天才能上班。现附上医生证明。请予续假。 刘戴维 4 月 15 日

Page 10: Writing Notes (1) CONTENTS About Notes A note is a form of correspondence. And it is shorter than an ordinary letter. A note is used for inquiry, message

Useful Patterns1. apply for

2. sick leave

3. enclose

4. excuse me for my absence from…

5. be absent from school for two weeks from today

6. attend classes

7. the doctor’s certificate

8. grant me the leave





5. 从今天起缺课两周

6. 上课

7. 医生证明

8. 准假

Page 11: Writing Notes (1) CONTENTS About Notes A note is a form of correspondence. And it is shorter than an ordinary letter. A note is used for inquiry, message

Exercise AComplete the following notes by putting the parts from Chinese into English.

1)____________ (3 月 5 日 )

Dear Wang,

I’d like to 2)___________________________(申请明天请假一天 ) in order to attend an important meeting.

I shall be very much obliged if you 3)________________

(准我的假 )。 Sincerely yours,

                 Cheng Hong

5th March

apply for a one-day leave tomorrow

grant me the leave

Page 12: Writing Notes (1) CONTENTS About Notes A note is a form of correspondence. And it is shorter than an ordinary letter. A note is used for inquiry, message

Exercise B Write a note asking for leave based on the given information.

Writer of the note George Li

Reader of the note John Smith, Supervisor

Subject of the noteA leave of four days beginning on Oct. 21st.

Message of the body今天 (10 月 20 日 ) 收到电报 , 父亲病重 , 要我立即回家 , 请假四天。

Page 13: Writing Notes (1) CONTENTS About Notes A note is a form of correspondence. And it is shorter than an ordinary letter. A note is used for inquiry, message

For your reference:

20th Oct.

Mr. Smith,

A telegram has just come to me saying that my father is seriously ill and urging me to go home at once. Because of this, I would very much like to ask for a leave of four days beginning on Oct. 21st. I hope my request will be given due consideration.

Yours sincerely,

George Li

Page 14: Writing Notes (1) CONTENTS About Notes A note is a form of correspondence. And it is shorter than an ordinary letter. A note is used for inquiry, message