writing poetry in lesson 38 you will: 1. understand the poetry genre. 2. analyze free verse poetry....

Writing Poetry In Lesson 38 you will: 1. Understand the poetry genre. 2. Analyze free verse poetry. 3. Practice writing free verse poetry.

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In Lesson 38 you will:1. Understand the poetry genre. 2. Analyze free verse poetry.3. Practice writing free verse poetry.

1. Poetry looks different:

You can recognize them easily. They are written in lines or stanzas (groups of lines). They can be short or long.

What is poetry?Poetry is different from prose (regular writing). Here are some things that make poetry special.

The Poetry Genre

My Ancestor

I look in the mirrorAnd what do I see?

I see an image of someoneThat looks a little like me.

Could it be the faceOr maybe the hair?

I know who it is now:It’s my great-great-grandma Claire.

~Phil Ryan

2. Poetry speaks to the heart and mind:

You can enjoy a poem for the information it shares. (speaks to the mind)

You can enjoy a poem for how it makes you feel. (speaks to the heart) This is its greatest appeal!

The Poetry Genre

3. Poetry says a lot in a few words:

Poets create word pictures with carefully chosen words using the senses of sight, sound, smell, taste, and physical feelings connected to their subject or topic.

The Poetry Genre

Example:I was standing on the street when…The rusty old black station wagon (sight)grunted rack-a-bump-she-bang, (sound)and heated up my cool spot of air, (physical feeling)and spewed oily smoke (smell)all over my mustard-covered foot-long hot dog. (sight)

~Anne-Marie Oomen

4. Poetry says things in special ways:

Poets sometimes create word pictures by making comparisons. This is where you will find many figurative language forms.

The Poetry Genre

RainRain RainWet Little Chicken PoxOn the Window~Cassie Hoek

A gentle wind at night is My wispy grandmother.~Tim Capewell

Figurative Language

5. Poetry pleases the ear:

Poets carefully arrange their words and choose their words carefully to create the right sound to the ear and image to the heart and mind.

Some sounds are repeated to create a pleasing sound that helps carry their message.

The Poetry Genre

Purple PoemsQuiet purple clouds rolled in.Purple rain drops drip fromthe clouds.Smooth purple shells washin with the waves.Purple lightning strikes a tree.Purple poems litter the field.

~Katlyn McKalson

What is free-verse poetry?Free verse poetry does not follow any specific form, and it usually does not rhyme. It allows the poet to have complete control over the poem without having to follow any conventions.

Writing Poetry

What is free-verse poetry?Free verse poetry is also known to be called modern poetry, contemporary poetry or blank verse.

We will look at some examples and analyze them together.

Writing Poetry

Writing Poetry

The Light Keeper

What makes this a free verse poem?

Free Verse Poetry

Doors By Carl Sandburg

What makes this a free verse poem?

Writing Poetry


Bears arecreatures thatslash theirmighty clawsto fish fortheir prey

Writing Poetry

In the winterthey lielike a rockand waitfor the dawn of spring

What makes this a free verse poem?

Free Verse Poetry

A Noiseless Patient SpiderBy Walt Whitman

What makes this a free verse poem?

Free Verse Poetry

Vocabulary in poem:Promontory: a high pointof land projecting over water or land.Filament: a thread, the spider’s webDuctile: easily shapedGossamer: light and delicate

A Noiseless Patient Spider

Free Verse Poetry

Whitman creates an analogy between aspider with its ability to launch its web into the unknown with the human soul. What kind of filaments does the human soul send forth?

Free Verse Poetry

Between Two HillsBy Carl Sandburg

What makes this a free verse poem?

Free Verse Poetry

Features of a free verse poem:

The lines do not follow a pattern.

There is no rhyming.

They do not follow regular writingconventions with CAPITALS and punctuation.

Free Verse Poetry

Features of a free verse poem:

They can be very short or very long.

They sometimes read like prose(story-like).

Poets choose where to stop eachline for specific purpose to stress afeeling or cause a reaction.

How to get started…1. Choose a topic of interest2. Brainstorm the things you

like about your topic.

3. Take your ideas about your topic and begin to place them carefully. Separate your ideas onto different lines to make your point or to emphasize your feelings or ideas.

Writing Free Verse Poetry

How to get started…4. Look over your words, add new words and phrases to make it more visually effective. 5. Add figurative language where it will be most helpful to create comparisons or descriptions. 6. Revise and edit after you have your ideas together.

Writing Free Verse Poetry

Feline FollyBy Mrs. Turner

This is an example of one of my free verse poems. It is on a topicI found interesting and fun to write about, my cats!

Now it is your turn!Begin to practice writing free versePoetry. You can write as many as you like. You are the poet and you have the control of how you want your poem to look and read.Assignment: Choose 3 topics to write about. Write 3 free verse poems in your journal. Follow the steps in this lesson and ENJOY!

Writing Free Verse Poetry

Reading is Thinking PracticeRead the following passage: Genesis

47:1-12, Message Bible

Respond in your journal on the following:

1. What is the main idea of this passage? (Make sure you support your opinion by using the text.)

2. What connections did you make with the story of Joseph? What questions do you have?

Share your connections and questions in the Discussion Forum with others taking this course!

3. Why did Pharaoh receive Joseph’s family so kindly?

4. Why did Pharaoh give the choicest land and jobs to

Joseph’s family?


Good-Bye, until next time!

In our next lesson, we will continue our study of poetry. Until then, keep writing! Keep up your reading, too! Use the CROPQV to show reading is thinking!