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Maria Sabir Writing Portfolio

Maria Sabir

Writing Portfolio

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Maria Sabir Writing Portfolio


S.No Category Topic Description

1. Academic Paper

(APA Referencing Style)


Security The case study is a review of a

current homeland security issue

and one that affects the US.

Explore some of the lessons

learned from other countries

and how they handle airport


2. Admission Essay

(APA Referencing Style)


Statement Paper is as per requirement of

customer for admission in

nursing university.

3. Academic Paper

(Harvard Referencing


Delhi Pollution


Ecological crisis in Delhi. Explain

the history of the event

including how the situation

reached a crisis point.

Document as many sides of the

situation as possible and include

the resolution, if any was

reached, of the crisis.

4. Academic Paper

(MLA Referencing Style)

Emphysema All about emphysema: cause,

treatment, complication, etc.

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Airport Security

[Writer’s Name]

[Institute’s Name]

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Airport Security


In the tragic terrorist attack on the morning of September 11, 2001nearly three- thousand

people were killed. It was the structured serial attacks that took place in New York, Pennsylvania

and Virginia at the same time. Until the terrible incident, the supervision and management of

passengers at the airport, even their security during the flight was a matter that was handled by

private security companies. The incident announced the implementation of required speedy

changes in the security department of aviation. Not only this, but the incident was also the cause

of government-operated administration which was created to provide safety to public.

Screening Partnership Program (SPP)

The Aviation Transport Security Act (ATSA) of 2001 conducted a pilot program where

TSA was instructed to include up to five airports, where screening process would be carried by

private contractors under central oversight. And it is then in 2004at the conclusion of the pilot,

SPP was created by TSA. Presently there are 21 airports that have been bestowed an agreement

and are participating in the program (Kettl, 2013). San Francisco International Airport (SFO) is

one of the largest airports taking part in the SPP. SFO holds deal with Covenant Aviation

Security which is a private company, to run screening of the traveller.SFO is one of the 21

airports participating in the SPP as discussed above (SFO, 2016). Millions of passengers are

processed at SFO where their facility and security record shows that using a private security

company is effective.

Government in Control

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The security of airport when run by government holds benefits as well as some

drawbacks too. Since the aim of government is to protect and safeguard the life of customers,

and not to earn therefore, first advantage in this respect is that TSA prefers safety over profit and

money, and never put security at stake. But government run programs for example TSA takes

money from the tax payers. The annual budget of TSA in 2014 was $7.9 billion, which was

overwhelmingly incredible amount (Golash-Boza, 2015). The amount was spent on the

procurement equipment that was found setting unused for years in storage (Joint Majority Staff

Report, 2012). This aspect points towards the disadvantage of governmental control and botched

choices by government security agencies.

Private Sector

As for private sector airport security is run by the excellence of facility for revenue. Such

companies work with particular incentives and goals where the staffs are mostly made to work to

achieve these goals. In the private sector the issue associated with government control does not

apply as they no longer do so for the communal facility. Furthermore, in the case of private

sector there are no governmental strains of politics, that can affect the decision making (Golash-

Boza, 2015). So, decisions are made for the profit increment. In regard with economic point of

view, if a company proves to be marketable then investors often assist the company in becoming

an efficacious part of stock exchange. Another aspect is that these companies don’t have a

financial plan equivalent to government-funded agencies. Therefore, privatized security may

counter difficulties in attaining all the essential equipment, in recruitment, and training to uphold

a harmless environment for the public.

Airport Security as Compared to other country

The Ben Gurion International Airport in Tel Aviv has the top most secure and safest

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airport coordination and management in the world. They take pride on their advanced security

system. Though, the airport has been the attacked several times, but no incident of hijacking a

plane at departure from Ben Gurion International airport has ever succeeded. The security

officials at Ben Gurion engage every passenger in at least short conversation. The security at

Israeli airport is vigilant, always stays alert and observant (Gerstenfeld, & Berger, 2011). The

officials continually monitor behavior, are prepared to threatening clues. Profilers, make a point

of conversing with travelers, sometimes not involving too much. They do so to examine anything

unusual, or anything that is unfit. Their interrogations can seem strange or disturbing or at times


Security at Ben Gurion in comparison to U.S. airports is predominantly an essential thing

after getting clearance for their flights and submission of belongings, passengers at U.S airports

go through security procedures, however at Ben Guinos it’s the opposite where a traveler needs

to satisfy the profiler with any kind of risks to the security at airport. By that point, there is no

need to make him remove his shoes, or to confiscate his bottle of water (Gerstenfeld, & Berger,

2011).For such excellent, managed security system as the Israeli airport, the U.S. must

standardize their airport. In this time of violence the U.S. is posed with serious security threats

and it can be an easy target of any intense incidence.

The airport security of America should be as of the White House; where a single person

is not afforded to slip into the cracks. Terrorists are observing, learning, inspecting, prodding and

examining, to find any fragility in our security system which may serve facilitating factor to

outbreak. No significant improvements have been made since 9/11; the airports in the U.S are

still not entirely protected. The U.S. needs to incorporate improved technology and expertise to

beat the extremists. In this regard the Ben Gurion International airport that has the Magshoe

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serves as best example (Gerstenfeld, & Berger, 2011). The MagShoe is the modern security

addition to Israel airport. Magshoe are the portable devices that are installed at the terminal at the

security check points. The system examines both shoes simultaneously. What the passenger does

is that they step on to the MagShoe device and still, when the passenger is on device the shoes

are scanned. MagShoe will reduce the time it takes to go through security, making travel a little

easier for travelers, while lessening the amount of security personnel needed (Kettl, 2013).

Airports security must be expanded to the outside of the airport. They need to protect the

limits of the airports as sensitive area where no one is allowed to capture pictures or make

videos. That will provide assistance or guidance or clear way to terrorist of arriving and

departing planes. Furthermore, people must not be allowed to stay at airport to sit or stand

without any purpose as they can observe happenings and running mechanism at the airport.

There is no security in this particular area of the airport; no law enforcement, no airline security,

no traveling guards or patrols.


It is a consented idea that public majority approves of privatize aviation security. Many

passengers do not see the benefit of using tax money for an agency that performs equal to

contracted companies. Private companies are effective in operating and being able to outdo the

government with superiority of security being provided where the examples are large airports

like SFO. Politics will remain involved running the TSA through the DHS for as long as the

government is in charge. The selections of the administrators within the program made have led

to an adverse viewpoint on the operations of the TSA. Media coverage of theft of airport

property, signify the black sheep of which they were searching, have stained the program further.

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Gerstenfeld, A., & Berger, P. D. (2011). A decision-analysis approach for optimal airport

security. International Journal of Critical Infrastructure Protection, 4(1), 14-21.

Golash-Boza, T. M. (2015). Immigration nation: Raids, detentions, and deportations in post-

9/11 America. Routledge.

Joint Majority Staff Report (2012) doi: http://oversight.house.gov/wp-


Kettl, D. F. (2013). System under stress: Homeland security and American politics. Sage.

San Francisco International Airport, (2016) http://www.flysfo.com/about-sfo/safety-security

Transportation Security Administration, (2016) http://www.tsa.gov/about-tsa/history

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Personal Statement

[Writer Name]

[Institute Name]

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Personal Statement

When I look at the nursing profession all I see is respect. At times nursing profession is

hectic and challenging but on the same time when patient gets well same profession is fulfilling

and rewarding. I think in nursing profession one has to be empathetic, good listener, keen to

learn new things and improve themselves. Nursing is all about understanding need of other

people without being biased. I have a faith that i have all the qualities mention above and as a

nurse i will keep on improving myself.

Nursing is a profession that I wanted to be part of on the grounds that medical caretakers

characterize the spirit of compassion and caring. Everybody has values, plans and convictions

that are special and not quite the same as others. One extraordinary test in the nursing field is the

manner by which to properly join our own particular qualities and convictions into the

professional practice. Distinguishing the values that are most paramount will enormously impact

an individual's nursing practice. I consider and worth nursing as understanding a patients’

necessities and circumstances, seeing the individual as an interesting person and approaching the

individual with deference and respect. The solid association between a patient and attendant

characterize chances to investigate and apply personal qualities. My nursing goals are to help,

encourage pick up and keep up wellbeing and mending for our patients as well as families also.

My vision for nursing practice concentrates on what is doing what is most valuable to my

patient. I want to make caring, trusting associations with my patients and also assume a positive

part in their wellbeing. I hold vision to that to meet personal, emotional and physical needs of my

patients there would be individualize care. I generally need to esteem every patient as an

individual and appreciation his or her needs and respect. My objective is to engage every patient

to be dynamic in their care with expectations of enhancing patient results. Personally, I might

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want to keep on practicing nursing care that is consistent with the best confirmation to date, and

keep on inquiring about and find better methods for doing things. My vision of my nursing

practice is to convey quality and solid patient forethought while advertising wellbeing in my


I also believe that with great power comes great responsibility. Field of nursing is tough

as people entrusted their life to the professional in this field. For that reason, I firmly have faith

that it is my responsibility to make the best and all around explored choices especially in life

threatening circumstances. I believe in team work and I accept that with the assistance of my

seniors and other experts, I will have the capacity to perform stunningly better. I am dependable,

reliable, persevering and amiable. My passion for nursing field is unquestionable. I hope you will

give me opportunity to get one step closer towards fulfilling my dream.

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Delhi Pollution Crisis

[Writer’s Name]

[Institute’s Name]

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Delhi Pollution Crisis


Worldwide interest for energy has dependably been expanding. The measure of energy

expected to viably meet the energy needs has been hard to meet for quite a while. Because of this

irregularity, there are distinctive ways that have been conceived to guarantee that energy demand

is being dealt with in the best way. The structures that have been made to address energy needs

have both negative and positive ramifications regarding the earth. While nations around the

globe are effectively required in taking care of their energy requirements, this paper will

concentrate on Delhi.


Delhi is the union domain of India. New Delhi, which is the capital of India additionally,

is in Delhi. As per specialists, the quality of Delhi air has been 45 percent more dirtied than the

air in Beijing by the database past few years (Kumar, 2009). The urban air distributed by the

World Health Organization in September 2011 reported that Delhi has surpassed the greatest

furthest reaches of PM10 - the very nearly 10 times in 198 g/m3.Studies on air contamination

and mortality in Delhi observed that all common reasons for mortality and bleakness expanded

with expanding air pollution. Disclosure to traffic exhaust, mechanical emanations, development

dust, blazing trash and different wellsprings of contamination stance genuine wellbeing dangers,

including an expanded danger of growth, stroke and coronary illness. Around 700,000

individuals bite the dust every year in India as an aftereffect of harmful air quality, and

specialists say the figure is prone to increment in the coming decades (Srinivasan, 2014).

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Today, Delhi has around 7.5 million enlisted vehicles and is including more than 1,400

new vehicles each day. Throughout 1990, the administration did not pay consideration on the

atmosphere. Around then, the fundamental center of the legislature was growing as opposed to

environment. In late 1990, the administration chose to acquaint metro administrations in Delhi

with location the issue of contamination (Energy in demand, 2015). Keeping in mind the end

goal to assemble the railroad, the government cut a huge number of trees in the Delhi district. To

some degree, coal based power plants are additionally in charge of air contamination in Delhi. In

Delhi, there is no atomic power plant. Nor there is any hydroelectric plant. The vast majority of

the power utilized as a part of Delhi is produced by coal. As indicated by the Ministry of

Environment and Forests of India, the aggregate commitment of coal power plants in pollution in

Delhi is around 12% (Kumar, 2009).

As of late, the government has taken numerous measures, for example, fixing of the of

mass outflow of new vehicles, a prohibition on vehicles 15 years old and arrangement of mobile

enforcement in different areas for observing contaminating vehicles and vehicles that don't have

authentications PUC (Firdaus, & Ahmad, 2010). Be that as it may, all these strides are weak to

accomplish their objectives. Still, in Delhi the level of pollution is expanding each year.

There are a few courses by which the population level can be controlled in Delhi. To

begin with, the government ought to preclude the development of diesel vehicles in the district of

Delhi. As indicated by Delhi traffic police, between 8 pm and 6 am, approximately 80,000

vehicles make a trip through Delhi to minimal more than two every second. Environmentalists

trust these diesel fueled vehicles represent 60 percent of significant air poisons spewed on the

grounds that the vast majority of them don't stick to the measures of vehicle outflows. A

considerable lot of these vehicles are 10 years of age. The majority of them keep running on the

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blend of lamp oil and diesel to spare money. In Delhi, numerous individuals use diesel autos like

the diesel is less expensive than fuel. This practice must be ceased. Vehicles having diesel

motors transmit higher smoke contains nitrogen oxide (NOx) and particulate matter (cancer-

causing agent that causes disease) than their fuel partners (Kumar, & Foster, 2009).The

government ought to force extra tax on selling of diesel vehicles. Individuals will be demotivated

to purchase diesel autos.

Specialists trust that the fundamental purpose for the high pollution in Delhi is trucks. All

trucks entered the Delhi keep running on diesel. Most trucks come in Delhi overnight,

accordingly, the level of pollution in Delhi get expanded long time in the early hours of the

morning. This year, the fatal RSPM or PM10 (respirable suspended particulate matter) noticeable

all around in Delhi was recorded at 316 µg/m3 (micrograms per cubic meter) (Energy in

demand, 2015). The passable furthest reaches of RSPM or PM10 as per worldwide guidelines is

40 µg /m3. Likewise, the government should also boycott autos running on Euro II and Euro I

(Srinivasan, 2014).

It has been observed that not at all like different countries, public transport framework in

Delhi is exceptionally frail. The condition of the streets in Delhi is awful. The transports are not

on time. No different tracks for cycles. The metro venture will moderate pace. Keeping in mind

the end goal to defeat the issue of pollution, the government needs to fortify public transport

framework. More environment friendly buses in the Delhi should be introduced by government.

The government ought to manufacture separate tracks for the cycle. The government ought to

urge individuals to utilize cycles rather than motorbikes or autos for short routes. Around 67% of

the aggregate contamination is spread by just the vehicle (Firdaus, G., & Ahmad, 2010). The

government ought to move towards renewable vitality sources to meet its vitality needs. In Delhi,

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there is tremendous capability of solar energy. Likeness can likewise utilize wind energy to

deliver electricity. Population is one of the primary issues of Delhi. The government ought to

build more cities closer to Delhi.


No strategy could succeed without the backing of the common people. On the off chance

that the government needed to enhance the air in Delhi, then it must have the backing of the

people of Delhi. As of late, the government banned diesel vehicles 10 year of age in Delhi, yet

the choice neglected to support the community subsequently government turn around its choice.

Consequently, it is imperative for the government to teach individuals of Delhi, about the unsafe

impacts of pollution on wellbeing and the earth.

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Energy in demand (2015); The blame game underway for Delhi's air pollution crisis; Retrieved

from, http://energyindemand.com/2015/04/11/the-blame-game-underway-for-delhis-air-


Firdaus, G., & Ahmad, A. (2010). Management of urban solid waste pollution in developing

countries. International Journal of Environmental Research, 4(4), 795-806.

Kumar, N., & Foster, A. D. (2009). Air quality interventions and spatial dynamics of air

pollution in Delhi and its surroundings. International journal of environment and waste

management, 4(1-2), 85-111.

Kumar, S. (2009); Environmental Protection; New Delhi: Northern book center. (n.d.). Retrieved

from, http://www.cseindia.org/userfiles/managingair_pdf.pdf

Srinivasan, J. (2014). Is particulate air pollution a price we must pay for progress? Current

Science, 107(8), 1219-1220.

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[Writer Name]





Emphysema is endless irreversible lungs illness that slowly damages the lungs, and in

United States is the most widely recognized reason for death from respiratory malady.

Emphysema is first and foremost caused by smoking cigarette; more than 82% of cases create as

of overwhelming smoking (Sciurba, Frank et al, and 1233-1244). Emphysema patient’s

prognosis are exceptionally poor due to emphysema is an endless genuine sickness as well as it

cannot be control.


Emphysema is a constant lung malady wherein the alveoli in the lungs turn out to be

more stretched, damaging the flexible strands that close and open the air sacks amid inhalation.

Air sacs surface area exchange carbon dioxide and oxygen and get to be littler from the sacs

being little stretchy due to this the process of exhaling out carbon dioxide become difficult after

taking in. By reason of this carbon dioxide (in the blood) take place of oxygen (air) (Sciurba,

Frank et al, 1233-1244). In lungs air sacs are extremely delicate. Harm to the air sacs is

permanent. At long last emphysema will create eternal gaps in the lower lungs tissues. It is a

degenerative ailment that typically creates after numerous years of strike in lung tissue.

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Bronchioles interfacing the alveoli are harmed as the dividers walls lose versatility. This together

makes abatement in respiratory working and cause breathlessness (Criner, Gerard, 881-893).


Smoking is the main cause of emphysema. Something like 82% of cases of emphysema

are due to heavy smoking for around 20 – 30 years (Mouded, Majd, et al, 407-414). Lungs cells

are damage because of cigarette smoking. Generals warning on each pack of cigarettes are given

that smoking can cause emphysema, cancer, heart disease because cigarettes contain carbon

monoxide. Beside cigarette smoking emphysema is also caused by protein deficiency (rare

heredity form know as alpha 1), occupational exposure to irritants and air pollution. In these

cases cigarette utilization is also joined (Mouded, Majd, et al, 407-414). Somewhere around 80

and 90% surprisingly with emphysema are chain smokers. It is evaluated somewhere around

50,000 and 100,000 Americans are suffering from emphysema.


In the early stages of there can be no symptoms as warning sign take place slowly. Sign

of Emphysema can be difficulty in breathing that become more serious over the years (Cottin,

153-157). Difficulty in breathing, coughing constantly and weight reduction are also symptoms

of emphysema. Wheezing is typically the principal evident sign that there might be some kind of

problem with the lungs (Cottin, 153-157). In any case, at long last, shortness of breath gets to be

continual. Different signs incorporate a coughing constantly that does not leave or a great deal of

bodily fluid in the lungs that does not resolve, intermittent repetitive diseases of the lungs or

bronchi (Mouded, Majd, et al, 407-414).

Diagnostic Tests

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Chest radiographs in cutting edge sickness might demonstrate a straightened diaphragm,

diminished in the lung fringe, amid air circulation of the lungs, an upright heart, augmented

anteroposterior mid-section distance across vascular markings, and huge space retrosternal air

(Sciurba, Frank et al, 1233-1244).

Through pulmonary function tests doctors can see greater than before residual amount

and aggregate lung limit, decreased dispersion limit, and expanded aspiratory stream (Yamada,

et al, 2118-2126).

Eymmetrical P waves in leads II, III, along with aVF; QRS vertical pivot; and indications

of right ventricular hypertrophy toward the end of the sickness can be revealed through the

electrocardiogram (Yamada, et al, 2118-2126). Red platelet number for the most part

demonstrates a larger amount of hemoglobin end of the illness when the patient has constant

extreme hypoxia.


First and foremost treatment for emphysema is that person should emphysema. There are

additionally a few treatment alternatives, including bronchodilator medication that unwind the

muscles around the aviation routes in the lungs, calming drugs (corticosteroids) that can alleviate

and recuperate the aviation routes, oxygen treatment, which includes more oxygen into the blood

and can drag out the life of the long haul suffering (Criner, Gerard, 881-893). Doctor might

likewise recommend anti-infection agents and/or steroids in times of intense agony or different

contaminations. Doctors can likewise endorse meds to lessen or separate bodily fluid in the lungs

(Criner, Gerard, 881-893). Exercise is as well a key to dealing with the ailment, furthermore

most specialists will recommend breathing activities, other than working out. There are likewise

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two surgical medicines that can be utilized as a part of some intense cases. Lung lessening

surgery expels or hinders from the influenced part of the lung, so littler however more useful

lung, and can offer the individuals who some assistance with needing oxygen for their ailment

(Criner, Gerard, 881-893). Lung transplants should likewise be possible in compelling cases, yet

it is exceptionally uncommon due to the dangers connected with transplant surgery. Whereas for

emphysema there are numerous treatment choices that can control the illness, other than

emphysema cannot be cured, as well as it keeps on developing with the age of patient's.


Some complication while the treatment in emphysema may incorporate infection in

respiratory tract, respiratory failure, as well as cor pulmonale (Criner, Gerard, 881-893). Around

20% to 25% of patients with emphysema are also hit by Peptic ulcer illness. Besides, vesicles

and rankles might break alveolar, bringing about unconstrained pneumomediastinum or

pneumothorax (Criner, Gerard, 881-893).


People suffering from emphysema give away their life in slow and extremely painful

way. For every breath they have to fight hard. Everything even talking and breathing toll on

breathing. While eating and talking individuals need to rest regularly. At all times inhalers are

required to be inside instant reach. For people with Emphysema even second hand smoke unsafe.

Understanding that emphysema is a torment passing is one thing that people in general should

know about. If people have known or been around somebody with this horrifying malady, it is

hard to comprehend the seriousness of a sickness truly is. The primary approach to counteract

getting one of emphysema is no smoking as well as stay away from second hand smoke.

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Works Cited

Cottin, Vincent. "The impact of emphysema in pulmonary fibrosis." European Respiratory

Review 22.128 (2013): 153-157.

Criner, Gerard J., et al. "The National Emphysema Treatment Trial (NETT) part II: lessons

learned about lung volume reduction surgery." American journal of respiratory and

critical care medicine 184.8 (2011): 881-893.

Mouded, Majd, et al. "Epithelial cell apoptosis causes acute lung injury masquerading as

emphysema." American journal of respiratory cell and molecular biology 41.4 (2009):


Sciurba, Frank C., et al. "A randomized study of endobronchial valves for advanced

emphysema." New England Journal of Medicine 363.13 (2010): 1233-1244.

Yamada, Yoshitake, et al. "Tomosynthesis for the early detection of pulmonary emphysema:

diagnostic performance compared with chest radiography, using multidetector computed

tomography as reference."European radiology 23.8 (2013): 2118-2126.