writing (preparing for the une). informal letter your address date dear (name), introduction...


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Page 1: WRITING (PREPARING FOR THE UNE). Informal Letter Your address Date Dear (name), Introduction –reasons for writing/ an apology for a delay in writing


Page 2: WRITING (PREPARING FOR THE UNE). Informal Letter Your address Date Dear (name), Introduction –reasons for writing/ an apology for a delay in writing

Informal Letter Your address

DateDear (name),

Introduction –reasons for writing/ an apology for a delay in writing/ a thank to the person for his/ her last letter

Main Body – development of the subject

Conclusion – an excuse to stop writing/ an invitation/ a promise to write again soon/ a request to the person to reply soon

Ending – Lots of love/ Best wishes,

Your name

Page 3: WRITING (PREPARING FOR THE UNE). Informal Letter Your address Date Dear (name), Introduction –reasons for writing/ an apology for a delay in writing

Вводные фразы

Thanks for your letter. It was great to hear from you.

How are things with you? I’m sorry I haven’t written for so long, but I’ve been busy.

I was really pleased to hear that …

Page 4: WRITING (PREPARING FOR THE UNE). Informal Letter Your address Date Dear (name), Introduction –reasons for writing/ an apology for a delay in writing

Заключительные фразы

Write back soon!

That’s all my news for now.

If you want to know anything else, just drop me a line.

Page 5: WRITING (PREPARING FOR THE UNE). Informal Letter Your address Date Dear (name), Introduction –reasons for writing/ an apology for a delay in writing

This is part of an e-mail letter from your English pen-friend. Write back to Ann answering her questions. Ask three questions about

her family.

… Do you often have arguments with your parents? I do. My mother thinks that I spend too much time watching TV. And what about you? What programmes do you like best and why? And what do you do when your parents and you can’t agree what programme to watch?

Write back soon.

All the best,


Page 6: WRITING (PREPARING FOR THE UNE). Informal Letter Your address Date Dear (name), Introduction –reasons for writing/ an apology for a delay in writing

Write a letter to Alice. Tell her about your plans for winter holidays. Ask 3 questions about the play they are going to put on.

(100-140 words)

… Christmas holidays are coming and I am looking forward to them. By the way, have you made up your mind how you are going to spend them?

Our Drama club is preparing a play for the Christmas celebrations and we all have a lot of things to do. Sorry, but I must finish now as it is time to go to the drama club meeting…

Page 7: WRITING (PREPARING FOR THE UNE). Informal Letter Your address Date Dear (name), Introduction –reasons for writing/ an apology for a delay in writing

Write a letter to your friend Phil. Tell him about your friend. Ask 3 questions about his new school. (100-140 words)

… Thank you for the photo of friend and yourself that you sent me in the previous letter. I would like to know more about your friend. Where did you meet? What are his hobbies? How do you spend your free time together?

We moved to a new house and I had to change school…

Page 8: WRITING (PREPARING FOR THE UNE). Informal Letter Your address Date Dear (name), Introduction –reasons for writing/ an apology for a delay in writing

Write back to Rebecca answering her questions. Ask 3 questions about her friends. (100-140 words)

… My parents often get annoyed with me because I spend a lot of time on the phone talking to my friends. Do you talk to your friends a lot on the phone too? Do your parents get annoyed with you? What do you do about it? If you’ve got any ideas about what I should do about it, let me know!

Write soon.



Page 9: WRITING (PREPARING FOR THE UNE). Informal Letter Your address Date Dear (name), Introduction –reasons for writing/ an apology for a delay in writing

…It’s my parents’ 20th wedding anniversary next week. Do you think I should organize a celebration? Have you ever organized anything like that? We could have a party, or go out for a meal, or maybe do something else. What do you think would be a good idea?



Page 10: WRITING (PREPARING FOR THE UNE). Informal Letter Your address Date Dear (name), Introduction –reasons for writing/ an apology for a delay in writing

“For” and “Against” Essay (200-250 words)

1) Introduction – present the topic and state the problem, make a general remark about it without giving your opinion

2) Arguments “for” (2-3 points)

3) Arguments “against” (2-3 points)

4) Conclusion – weigh up the points outlined, give your opinion based on the given arguments

Page 11: WRITING (PREPARING FOR THE UNE). Informal Letter Your address Date Dear (name), Introduction –reasons for writing/ an apology for a delay in writing

Some people think that … while others … Whatever your views, there is no doubt that …

There are several arguments in favour of …

However, there are also a number of disadvantages to Ving …

To conclude, I believe that, although it … it is worth it.

Page 12: WRITING (PREPARING FOR THE UNE). Informal Letter Your address Date Dear (name), Introduction –reasons for writing/ an apology for a delay in writing

When cinema was invented some people predicted that theatre would not last very long but it still exists, attracts large audiences and is not likely to disappear.

What can you say for and against theatre?

Page 13: WRITING (PREPARING FOR THE UNE). Informal Letter Your address Date Dear (name), Introduction –reasons for writing/ an apology for a delay in writing

Opinion essays (200-250 words)

1) Introduction – introduce the subject and state your opinion

Main Body:

2) -your viewpoint supported by reasons

3) - the opposing viewpoint supported by reasons and explaining why you don’t agree with it

4) Conclusion – summarise what you’ve said and restate your opinion using different words

Page 14: WRITING (PREPARING FOR THE UNE). Informal Letter Your address Date Dear (name), Introduction –reasons for writing/ an apology for a delay in writing

According to a number of surveys people watch TV too much, which has a negative effect on their health.

Do you share this point of view?

Page 15: WRITING (PREPARING FOR THE UNE). Informal Letter Your address Date Dear (name), Introduction –reasons for writing/ an apology for a delay in writing

Lots of teens believe that it’s important to look nice. However, adults often think that young people pay too much attention to their appearance and fashion.

What is your opinion? Do you care what you wear?

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Музланова, Е.С. Английский язык: 500 учебно-тренировочных заданий для подготовки к ЕГЭ / авт. Сост. Е.С.Музланова. – М.: АСТ: Астрель, 2009.

Вербицкая. М.В. ЕГЭ 2010. Английский язык. Тренировочные задания / М.В.Вербицкая, К.С.Махмурян. – М.: Эксмо, 2010. – 112 с.