written communication - business letter & report writing


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Written Communication - Business Letter & Report Writing



  • Our journey goes throughObjectives of Written communicationEssentials of effective written communicationMeritsDemeritsBusiness lettersReport writingMemorandums

  • Objectives of effective written communicationFuture referenceRecord of evidenceMeasurement of progressAvoiding mistakesEffective decision makingLegal requirements

  • Objectives of effective written communicationFUTURE REFERENCERecord of evidenceMeasurement of progressAvoiding mistakesEffective decision makingLegal requirementsThe limitation of human mind and poor memory cannot be overlooked. The written messages can be preserved as records and reference source.

  • Objectives of effective written communicationFuture ReferenceRECORD OF EVIDENCEMeasurement of progressAvoiding mistakesEffective decision makingLegal requirementsIn case of oral communication , the words are not believable and messages have no legal sanction. In written communication the records can be used as a evidence.

  • Objectives of effective written communicationFuture ReferenceRecord Of EvidenceMEASUREMENT OF PROGRESSAvoiding mistakesEffective decision makingLegal requirementsWith the proper record of evidence we are able to know the current progress of the organization. For example if we compare the current year sales with the last year sales (last year record).

  • Objectives of effective written communicationFuture ReferenceRecord Of EvidenceMeasurement Of ProgressAVOIDING MISTAKESEffective decision makingLegal requirementsBy comparing with the previous records we can avoid mistakes.

  • Objectives of effective written communicationFuture ReferenceRecord Of EvidenceMeasurement Of ProgressAvoiding MistakesEFFECTIVE DECISION MAKINGLegal requirementsDecision-making process will become easy if old records are available. With the existing information we can take decisions easily. Ex: Court (Law)

  • Objectives of effective written communicationFuture ReferenceRecord Of EvidenceMeasurement Of ProgressAvoiding MistakesEffective Decision MakingLEGAL REQUIREMENTSTo meet the legal requirements, the documents should be preserved. For example the maintenance of certain records and books are compulsory under Indian Companies Act, 1956 and Banking Regulation Act, 1949.

  • Essentials of effective written communicationClarityCompletenessCourtesySequenceAvoid jargonBrevityAccuracyStrengthReadabilityContd.

  • Essentials of effective written communicationCLARITYCompletenessCourtesySequenceAvoid jargonBrevityAccuracyStrengthReadabilityClarity of the message is the first and foremost. It is a good manner not to give unnecessary trouble in finding out the meaning. Write to serve the purpose but not to impress others.Contd.Description:

  • Essentials of effective written communicationClarityCOMPLETENESSCourtesySequenceAvoid jargonBrevityAccuracyStrengthReadabilityWhile writing a message you have to write the whole message as required. An incomplete message leads to side track, misunderstanding, seeking clarifications etc. Contd.Description:

  • Essentials of effective written communicationClarityCompletenessCOURTESYSequenceAvoid jargonBrevityAccuracyStrengthReadabilityThe best principle of writing a report is the quality of courtesy. It indicates politeness & respectfulness in writing. Whether a message is positive / negative, it should courteously be conveyed. Contd.Description:

  • Essentials of effective written communicationClarityCompletenessCourtesySEQUENCEAvoid jargonBrevityAccuracyStrengthReadabilityThe manner and the way in which something presented is more important. The report has to be arranged in a form that will attract the attention of the reader.Contd.Description:

  • Essentials of effective written communicationClarityCompletenessCourtesySequenceAVOID JARGONBrevityAccuracyStrengthReadabilityThe writer should avoid jargon. It is a language which is special to specific subject. The persons who are familiar with the subject can only understand.Contd.Description:

  • Essentials of effective written communicationClarityCompletenessCourtesySequenceAvoid JargonBREVITYAccuracyStrengthReadabilityThe time of the writer and reader is limited and valuable. Hence, time should not be wasted on unnecessary details. A writer should be shorter by using few words for many. If one takes care to write in short, the style will take care of itself.Contd.Description:

  • Essentials of effective written communicationClarityCompletenessCourtesySequenceAvoid JargonBrevityACCURACYStrengthReadabilityThe subject matter of communication must be correct & accurate. The manner in which the message is transmitted must be correct & accurate. Writer must avoid overwriting, strikeovers, wrong spelling etcContd.Description:

  • Essentials of effective written communicationClarityCompletenessCourtesySequenceAvoid JargonBrevityAccuracySTRENGTHReadabilityClarity will give strength, because it ensures the other to understand easily and quickly. Correctness and completeness, too, add strength.Contd.Description:

  • Essentials of effective written communicationClarityCompletenessCourtesySequenceAvoid JargonBrevityAccuracyStrengthREADABILITYLack of readability quality in writing leads to not reading the message. Readers do not have time to read involving trouble in understanding. The following are the factors which can show the effect on readability, 1. Sentence length2. Simple sentences3. Familiar words4. Small paragraphs.

  • Merits of written communicationIt will provide records, references etc.Written communication promotes uniformity in policy and procedure.Reliable (trustworthy)No distortion (deformation)Suitable for lengthy matterNo rumor or Gossip.

  • De Merits of written communicationConfusion and misinterpretationLack of personal touchOne-way channelSlow movementNo immediate feedback

  • Business LetterFirst impression is the best impressionWhile writing a business letter, we must remember that the Opening and Closing sentences are very important to impress the reader. Opening sentences Closing sentencesContd.

  • Business LetterContd.Opening sentencesTo create feeling and rapport, for creating a favorable and positive response.To indicate the subject matter.To refer to any previous communication on the subjectEx: We are glad to say that we can deliver products a month earlier as you have requested in your letter on 10th of last month.

  • Business LetterClosing sentencesContd.To tell what is the next action to be taken and who is to take it. (Writer or Reader)To win the favorable response for whatever you has been said in the letter.Ex: We are sure you will take advantage of this offer and place your order before 9th of October.

  • Business LetterAppearance of letterContd.ParagraphingReference numberAttention lineSubject lineSalutationReference sectionLetterheadsContinuation sheetsSignature.

  • Business LetterAppearance of letterContd.2. Reference number1. ParagraphingShort opening paragraphLarge middle paragraphShort closing paragraphThis will appear in the letter as Ref.no. and it will provide file number for ease in searching reference.( Below the date / along with the date)

  • Business LetterAppearance of letterContd. 4. Subject line3. Attention lineIt is placed at the center, either before/after the salutation. It will start with the word Subject or Re. It appears below the inside address. This line is useful when the letter is addressed to the company but directed to an individual, by name, so that the letter is sent to him with out any delay.Subject: Requesting for the entry into the cricket tournament Ex

  • Business LetterAppearance of letterContd. 6. Reference section5. Salutation Enclosures

    Carbon copyIt is the greeting of the addressee..Ex: Sir / Dear sir,Madam / Dear madam,You have to name the list of documents which you are sending along with the letter.. Like __________ 2. ___________ 3. ___________Name the list of people for whom you are sending

  • Business LetterAppearance of letterContd. 8. Continuation sheets7. LetterheadsIt must be same type like first sheet except address and salutation.There are two sizes in the letterheads, one is the standard 8 ll X 11ll for the most letters, and the smaller 5ll X 8ll for short messages. 9. SignatureSignature along with the designation and name of the company.

  • Contd.Company name(Address of the company)

    Date: . Ref. No: . Name & address (to whom we are sending )Attention: ..Salutation,Subject: .

    Encl: 1. -------------- 2. --------------CC To : --------------- ----------------SignatureMODEL OF BUSINESS LETTERMODEL OF BUSINESS LETTER

  • Planning Business CorrespondenceCorrespondence means to keep oneself in touch with those separated by distanceContd.There are THREE KINDS of business correspondence, They areInitiative letters(i) The letter must arouse the interest of the reader.(ii) It should mention clearly what action the writer wishes the reader to take.2. Reply letters : The sender must ensure that every point raised by the correspondent is covered. 3. Follow-up letters(i) To confirm a telephonic or messages. (ii) To remind the correspondent about something on which he has to take action.

  • Types of Business LetterBusiness LetterInformation LettersSales LettersProblem LettersGoodwill LettersEnquiriesQuotationsOrdersPaymentOffersComplaintsConcessionsOverdueGreetingsThanksCongratulationsSympathyCondolence

  • Report writing The report is ultimate outcome of investigation effort. Report writing makes the complex things simple. Suggestions given in the report forms action plan. Every executive like employee of investigation department, Market researchers etc. are supposed to submit a report to their superiors in scheduled time. Ex:

  • Report writingOutline of Report1. Preliminary pages (i) Title page showing the heading (ii) Contents along with chapter heading and page numbers (iii) Preface and acknowledgement (iv) Foreword (v) List of tables (vi) List of graphs and diagrams (vii) Abbreviations 2. Main text Summary(i) Introduction(ii) Main findings(iii) Conclusion & Recommendations Introduction(i) Introducing the theme(ii) Review of related literature(iii) MethodologyContd.

  • Report writingOutline of Report3. End matter(i) Annexure(ii) Bibliography(iii) Questionnaire(iv) Indexing(v) Appendices

  • Report writingGuidelines for writing reportDevelop thinkingDivide narrations into paragraphsUse present tenseMinimize technical jargonsUse visual aidsObjectivityRough draft Comprehensive drafts Improvement in language, form and style of the draft. Accurate and authentic draft.

  • Report writingReport writing processThe subject matter should be analyzedFinal out come is assessed.A rough draft for the final outcome is preparedRewriting and polishing rough draftFinal bibliography be preparedFinal draft preparation.