
Writting Part 1 Hello Max! How are you? I'm glad you enjoyed yourself during the your visit in Bucharest and you liked my friends' company. They felt the same thing and they are really looking forward to see you soon. Tim and Eddie are great as well, they went on with their band and guess what? They are going to have a concert in two month. Now, they are doing their best about their preparation so that everything will be great. I'm sure they'll sing brilliantly as always. Ruth finally got the job of touristic guide at the museum and she was taken aback when she found out. We weren't so surprised because we all knew that she'll do it, she just needs to be more self confident. Now you won't believe where Richard and Anna have planned to travel. They are going to visit UK in a few weeks. Isn't that great? Maybe you can show them the main attractions of London.They are going to be very happy to see you. Anyway, I have to go now. It seems I'll have to knuckle down these days in order to finish my project for the business simulation next week.

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Post on 02-Feb-2016




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Page 1: Writting


Part 1

Hello Max!

How are you? I'm glad you enjoyed yourself during the your visit in Bucharest and you liked my friends' company. They felt the same thing and they are really looking forward to see you soon.

Tim and Eddie are great as well, they went on with their band and guess what? They are going to have a concert in two month. Now, they are doing their best about their preparation so that everything will be great. I'm sure they'll sing brilliantly as always.

Ruth finally got the job of touristic guide at the museum and she was taken aback when she found out. We weren't so surprised because we all knew that she'll do it, she just needs to be more self confident.

Now you won't believe where Richard and Anna have planned to travel. They are going to visit UK in a few weeks. Isn't that great? Maybe you can show them the main attractions of London.They are going to be very happy to see you.

Anyway, I have to go now. It seems I'll have to knuckle down these days in order to finish my project for the business simulation next week.

By the way, how are things going at University? Write me soon.

Yours, Flavia.

Page 2: Writting

Part 2

Lately, it seems that people have become more and more concerned about finding a good path in life for their children. That's why it is important do let your children choose what they want to do in life by themselves. However if you want them to succeed you have to decide upon one field as quick as possible.

First of all, we all agree that people usually change their mind several times before choosing a career. That's why we should try to find out what is the most suitable for us from the middle school. For a quicker decision, we have to discover what we enjoy doing most throughout different activities. For instance, try to attend as much extra scholar activities (such as sports, art or drama courses) and try to be involved in as much projects as possible.

Second of all, there's important for everybody to choose a career while still young because if you want to be successful you have to prepare in time for attending a certain college. Well known colleges, receive only students who have pass certain exams and there are lot of candidates and quite few places.

In conclusion, I think it becomes obvious that we need to decide what we want to study as soon as possible. If you want to be successful in your career you should take it very seriously and not wait for the 12th grade to come.