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ORGANIZATIONRaw Powerlifting





General provisions The World Federation / Association / Organisation Raw Power-lifting (withoutequipment) (Abbreviation WRPF / WRPA / WRPO), the "Federation" or «WRPF» -independent sports organisation established to develop raw power-lifting. Identifyand support the strongest athletes, showing record results in the individualdisciplines and a total of three movements of power-lifting. WRPF considers it amost important task to increase the attractiveness of strength in the world ofsports. These rules - the main document regulating the basic principles of theorganisation and conduct of competition WRPF / WRPA / WRPO, requirements tothe Organisers, Athletes and Federation Administrators. Technical rules of competition in the individual movements and power-lifting tournaments WRPF General terms and conditions 1. WRPF holds competitions (tournaments championships and so on. P.) In thefollowing disciplines: "Bench", "Deadlift", / (bench press and dead-lift) / Push-Pull» «Power-lifting / Power-lifting. " 2. Competitions are held Division "Amateurs" and "Professionals", taking intoaccount the division of weight category, gender and age.2.1. Divisions "Professionals" is only for the division of weight categories and sex.2.2. Divisions "Amateurs" is divided into age groups: Boys / Girls - age to 14 years (date of birth) to 19 years - Accepted the separation of age groups into subgroups: Younger Boys 14-16 years, Senior Boys 17-19 years Junior - ages 20-23 years, including the calendar year in which the age limit isreached.Public group - the age of 14 years without further restrictions; Veterans Group M1 - the age of 40-49 years;Veterans Group M2 - age 50-59 years;Veterans Group M3 - age 60-69 years;Veterans Group M4 - age 70-79 years;Veterans Group M5 - the age of 80 without further restrictions. 3. Competition between athletes conducted to identify the fittest athletecompetition thatIt is determined by the highest recorded result.3.1. Competitions are held among athletes as well utilising a coefficient of Wilks.



4. The number of attempts provided the athlete depends on the Division in whichit appears.4.1. Each participant in the division "Amateurs" is entitled to three (3) attempts tolift the maximum weight in each movement.4.2. Each participant in the division "Professionals" provides four (4) attempts tolift the maximum weight of each movement. 5. If an athlete performs in competition "Push - Pull", the final result is determinedby summing up the amounts raised by the largest weights in the disciplines"Bench" and "Deadlift". If an athlete performs in competition "Powerlifting", thefinal result is determined by summing up the amounts raised by the largestweights in the disciplines "Squatting", "Bench" and "Deadlift”5.1. If the athlete showed the best result in additional "record" attempts, in thestandings, distribution of placing is the latest attempt which was successful. Thatis - the result of nothing more than a third attempt for the division "Amateurs"and for the fourth "Professionals".5.2. If the results of two or more individuals the same (as in individual disciplines,and in the "power-lifting"), lighter athlete will receive advantage.5.2.1 If two athletes have been registered on the weigh-in with their own weightand the same show the same result, they must undergo re-weighting whichresulted in more than athletics, It takes precedence over the more difficult.5.2.2. If after re-weighting athletes showed the same result with an equal bodyweight, it will be declared a dead heat. They will share the highest placing inwhich they challenged each other. The subsequent placing will remain vacant onthis occasion. 6. In accordance with clauses 2 - 5.2.2 of this Regulation also made in theregistration of the record WRPF certain movements and "power snatch / triathlon."WRPF fixes Record results Athletes shown in tournaments WRPF regional, national,continental and world level. Accordingly, the results are relevant Records WRPF.6.1. WRPF recognises as an absolute record in Russia, Europe, the world recordresults all shown in the official competitions of other federations andorganisations, subject to the rules federations to hold competitions in which theserecords are set, if these rules are not contrary to the rules of the WRPF incostume, the equipment and the quality of refereeing.6.2. All records specified in the competition of the international federations, maybe adopted in as "absolute record" for tournament players WRPF.6.3. Records WRPF, as well as records of Russia, Europe, the World made in the listof recognised "absolute Records' distributed by the standard weight categories: Men:56.0 kg - category up to 56.00 kg.60.0 kg - from 56.01 to 60.00 kg67.5 kg - from 60.01 to 67.50 kg75.0 kg - from 67.51 to 75.00 kg



82.5 kg - from 75.01 to 82.50 kg90.0 kg - from 82.51 to 90.00 kg100.0 kg - from 90.01 to 100.00 kg110.0 kg - from 100.01 to 110.00 kg125.0 kg - from 110.01 to 125.00 kg140.0 kg - from 125.01 to 140.00kgSuper-heavy Weight 140.0kg. from 140.01 and above without restrictions Women:48.0 kg - category up to 48.00 kg52.0 kg - from 48.01 to 52.00 kg56.0 kg - from 52.01 to 56.00 kg60.0 kg - from 56.01 to 60.00 kg67.5 kg - from 60.01 to 67.50 kg75.0 kg - from 67.51 to 75.00 kg82.5 kg - from 75.01 to 82.50 kg90.0 kg - from 82.51 to 90.00 kgSuper-heavy Weight + 90.0 kg - from 90.01 and up without restrictions 6.4. Refereeing tournaments WRPF to secure a Record, it must comply with thisRegulation. Competitions WRPF WRPF their own, as well as international partner can hold an unlimited number oftournaments. Given that they meet the common requirements with the Federationand adhere to the regulations as outlined.

Admission to the Athletes competition WRPF Requirements to the level of preparedness of athletes participating in thecompetition is determined by the WRPF. The provisions pertaining to the relevantdivisions of the competitions. Each athlete will have to confirm their physical andmental health should have a policy of medical insurance, as well as a certificate ofinsurance in case of injury or accident. Admission to the competition judges WRPF By judging tournaments WRPF, provided they are familiar with these rules, and hasexperience refereeing tournaments comparable level in other Federations. thejudge is acceptable. Refereeing Teams WRPF regional and lower levels should be judgesreview the rules WRPF, have experience refereeing tournaments Power-lifting. Refereeing tournaments at the national level should implement judicial troika,consisting of judges with experience in judging national and / or regional



tournaments. At the same time, in the top three should be more than one judgefrom the experience of regional judging. The referee on the platform must haveexperience judging international competitions. Refereeing Teams of international level, should implement the troika, composedof judgesinternational level and no more than one judge from the experience of thenational judging. By including in the judicial Three judges with experience judging low-rankingtournaments and a formed judiciary (jury) WRPF provides an increased overall levelof judging. EQUIPMENT AND FEATURES Platform All exercises are performed on a stage the size of at least 2.5 x 2.5 m and amaximum of 4.0 x 4.0 m. The platform should not rise by more than 10 cm awayfrom the scene or set. The surface of the platform to be flat, non-slip and can betreated with non-slip coating is permitted. Not permitted loose rubber mats orsimilar sheeting. Weight Bars and Plates In tournaments WRPF, the use of sound bars and plates is only permissible. Bar Specifications The bar should be a factory manufacturing, direct, have a good notch or cuttingand match the following requirements;1. Its total length is 2.2 m. To 2.45m.2. The distance between the sleeves should not be less than 1.31 m.3. The diameter of the bar centre should not exceed 29 or be less than 28 mm.(No more than 32mm. For the purpose of squat).4. Weight of the bar and collars should be equal to 25 kg. Or 30kg respectively.5. The diameter of the sleeve must not be more than 52 mm or less than 50 mm.6. The circumference of the bar should be made two marks by machine or tapethe distance between the marks - 81 cm. Plates plates must meet the following requirements:1. All plates used in competition must be factory production, without chips,cracks, other defects affecting their safety or operation.2. All plates used in competition must weigh within 0.25% or 10 g of the specifiedweight.



Said Weight Maximum kg Minimum kg50.0 50.125 49.87525.0 25.0625 24.937520.0 20.05 19.9515.0 15.0375 14.962510.0 10.025 9.9755.0 5.0125 4.98752.5 2.51 2.491.25 1.26 1.240.5 0.51 0.490.25 0.26 0.24 3. diameter of the plate must not be greater than 53 and less than 52 mm.4. The plate sets must consist of such a set: 1.25 kg; 2.5; 5; 10; 15; 20; 25 and50 kg.5. In order to establish a new record, exceeding the current is not less than 1 kg,can be comprised of plates of lighter weight.6. Plates weighing 20 kg or more should not be thicker than 6 cm.Plates weighing 15 kg or less should not be thicker than 3 cm.On rubber bumper plates, these restrictions do not apply in thickness.7. The plates should be in the following colours: 10 kg or less - of any colour; 15kg - yellow; 20 kg - blue; 25 kg - red; 50 kg - green.8. All plates must be clearly marked with their weight and worn in a certainsequence:heavier - inside, then more light - in descending order of weight, so that judgescan see the marking of each plate.9. The first and heaviest plates are placed on the side facing the front of the bar,the other – face side out.10. The diameter of the largest plate shall not exceed 45 cm.11. The use of bumper plates is permitted in competition, provided that collectedfrom the outside bar side of the castle is more than 10 cm before the end of thebar to his capture during any potential mishap. Collars Collars weighing 2.5kg must always be used in competition. At competitions only Bars, Plates and collars that meet the requirements may beused. During the competition you can not change the bar, except when bent or -somehow damaged. The decision to accept and undertake the replacement of thebar is that of The Technical Committee, the judging panel or head judge.

Racks for Squatting Racks for Squatting must be of a firm factory manufacture, providing for the safeexecution of the squat.



The main type of racks in a tournament level above the regional(state) levelshould be that of a "Mono-lift" with mechanical, hydraulic or other means forchanging the height of rack position. The height of the abutments or hooks racks should be regulated from 1.0 m inthe lower position to the upper 1.7 mwith increments in position every 5 cm.

In the case of hydraulic legs, when working with them to ensure safety it isnecessary to apply a retaining pin, after the establishment of the required height. Regardless of the type of racks. They should provide a convenient and safeenvironment for the performance of competitive movements (squats). A bench for bench press The bench should be Prefabricated, flat, horizontal, solid construction, providingmaximum stability, comfort and safety of the exercise "bench press". Overall dimensions of the bench for bench press:1. Length - not less than 1.22 m.2. Width - not less than 29 and not more than 32 cm.3. Height - not less than 42 and not more than 45 cm from the floor to the topsurface of the uncompressed pillow bench.4. The height of the pillars of support for the bar, should be regulated in therange of 75 - 110 cm., Measured from the floor to rack the bar.5. Minimum distance between the posts, pillars, measured by the inside of thebar, lying onracks must be equal to 1.1 m.6. The head of the bench shall extend 22 cm from the middle of the rack. Thedeviation of this size - 5 cm in any direction.7. Bench should have safety rails to vary their height relative to the floor.8. Bench with face saver must be equipped not interfere with the competitivemotion of the feet or foot rests. Signalling At the competition must be mounted system light and sound alarm with which thejudge must report their decisions. Acceptable use of warning lights used oncompetitions in weightlifting. Judges report its decision by including signals on the remote. The inclusion ofwhite light means a positive assessment ("weight taken") perform motion judge,red - negative ("weight is not taken"). Lamps/light signalling shall be arranged horizontally in accordance with the



location of three judges. Indicator lights shall be designed so that the signallinglights turn on simultaneously, and not on the fact of their inclusion by each of thejudges. When the competitive athlete performs on the platform, the judge is obliged tofollow in compliance with the rules lifting. In case of violation of the rules, thejudge has the right to select a Remote light and sound signal to the completion ofthe lift. If a majority of the judges panel includes sounds beep, notifying theathlete, that his attempt is unsuccessful. The athlete thus can not complete thelift. Failing to ensure the competition system of light and sound alarm, or a failure,assessment of actions athlete should be done with the use of flags of red andwhite colours. Cards (plate) Error After the alarm to sound and lighted lights have appeared (or alternatively flagswill be raised), if the judge (Judges) are not counting a weight lifted at the requestof an athlete or his representative must present a "Card error" with a mark(signature) the judge. The use of cards are to simplify the work of judges. To avoid controversy with theathletes or their representatives, as well as simplifying the question of appeal incase of disagreement with the assessment made. Judicial system license card (tablets) to report on the causes of anunsuccessful attempt Colour cards Mistake number 1 - red card error number 2 - Blue Card Error number 3 -Yellow CardSquatting bench press Deadlift1 (red)Error in bending the knees andlowering the body until suchposition when the upper partthe surface of the legs at the hipjoints is higher thantop of the knees1 (red)Weight is not lowered to chest ie.It does not touch the chest or contacts theabdomen1 (red)Incomplete straightening of the legs in



at the lockout of deadlift. It is determined the lifter has not reached a fully upright position with laid back shoulders2 (blue)Error in the athlete assuming an upright position,fully rectified in knees at the beginning andend of the exercise Every movement of the barfrom the starting position downalong the back of the athlete overthe thickness (diameter) ofbar during lifts2 (blue)Any downward movement of the barduring the execution of the lift. Inability to control the bar on the back of the athlete at the completion of the lift.2 (blue)Any movement of the bar downbefore it reaches the final position. Ifthe bar settles at lock out aftershoulders back, this is notreason not to consider the weight lifted. Supporting the bar on the thighsduring the ascent. If the barslides on the hips while liftingup, but are not supported, it is notreason to call no lift.3 (yellow)Stepping backwards or forward. Lateral horizontal movement of the sole androcking feet between toe and heel are permitted Failure to observe signals Chief Judge at the beginning orcompletion of the lift. Double rising(Bouncing) from the bottomsquatting position or anydownward movement during ascent. Contact with the bar or Athlete spotter (Assistants) betweenChief Judge signals to facilitate the commencement of the squat.



Touching the feet, elbows or shoulders; light touch is permitted, only under theprovision that it does not assist with the lift (ascent in particular). Any dropping or dumping of the bar after squats Failure to comply with any of the requirements of description of theimplementation of the rules for squats3 (yellow)Raising and lowering, or downward movement of the bar afterit was reported in fixed position on the chest thus assisting the athlete Failure to observe signalsChief Judge at the beginning, duringor completion of the lift Any change in the position duringexercise, ie any rise shoulders, buttocks or feet from the benchfeet from the surface of the platform(Blocks), or the movement of the handsthe bar. It is necessary that anypart of the athlete's foot remained on thethe surface of the platform (blocks). Contact with the bar or the athlete (assistants) following theChief Judge signalling the start of the lift. Any contact of the athletes feet of the bench or its supports Intentional touching of the racks after the lift has been commenced by the chiefjudge Failure to comply with any of the requirements ofdescription of the implementation of the rulesbench press3 (yellow)Lowering the bar before receiving the chief judge's down signal Lowering of the barwithout control with both hands,ie dropping the bar out of the hands Steps backward or forward, althoughlateral horizontal movement of the foot, orrocking feet between toe and heel are permitted Failure to comply with any of the



requirements of description of the implementation of the rules of Deadlift Information board At the site of the competition must be installed scoreboard visible to spectators,officials and all the audience is following the progress of the competition. Thenames of the athletes must be arranged in accordance with the value of thedeclared weight of the athlete, reflecting the sequence of implementationattempts.Also on board are recorded data on successful and unsuccessful attempts of theathletes, the value of The following statements weights athlete coefficient Wilks,intermediate (after the 3rd or 4th Attempt -) results in Kg. and classes coefficient. Personal equipment Athletes on competition WRPF All competitions are conducted without special WRPF powerlifting equipment. This Regulation provides for the application of knee wraps only in disciplines"Squat" and "Deadlift". Soft Suit – Competition Suits of elastic material, such as overalls used in weightlifting, wrestling,Gymnastics may be used. Such a suit must be composed from whole over theentire length tights, made of a single layer of stretch material without anypatches, pads or strips, interconnected using sutures, if it is not necessary for themanufacture of the suit. Any seams, straps or other items that, according tomembers of the Technical Committee, Jury, and their head - judges, are usedexclusively for enhancing shall be prohibited in competition.

The athletes costume is to cover the body without significant sagging.The straps of the suit must be worn on the shoulders of an athlete during allattempts at the event.Suit for Powerlifting shall meet the following requirements:- The costume can be any colour, monochrome or multi-Coloured.- In a suit can be applied distinguishing mark, emblem, flag and (or) the name ofthe participant's country, the national federation (association) or sponsor.Offensive or inscriptions discrediting the sport are prohibited. - The name of the athlete may be applied to any suit or other personalequipment.- Seams and hems must not be wider than 3 and 0.5 cm thick. Only theweightlifting or wrestling tights type may have seams and hems exceeding 3 cmin width, it may also have two layers of the same material size 12 x24 cm in thecrotch region.- Seams may be covered or strengthened a narrow strip of fabric or stretchmaterial notexceeding 2 cm in width and 0.5 - the thickness.



- Suit trousers should be of a length from the middle of the crotch along the innerside of the leg must be at least 3 and no more than 15 cm. The measurement isperformed by measuring through the top of the inside trouser seam. The lengthof the leg can reach 25 cm.- Inadmissibility of the costumes have any sleeve length.- Inadmissibility of the costumes have any fasteners, fasteners or other metalparts,plastic or other materials that can cause injury or damage when performingcompetitive exercises.- Any suits that do not meet the above requirements should be consideredprohibited foruse in competition. T-Shirt Men's T-Shirts may be any colour, monochrome or multi-coloured, used duringthe squat and bench press lying on the bench must always be worn under a suit,and during deadlift – optional for the athlete. Women must wear a T-shirt under a suit during the performance of all threepowerlifting exercises. T-shirts must meet the following requirements:- Do not consist of any rubberized or similar stretch material.- Do not have pockets, buttons, zippers, collars or V-bar.- Do not be reinforced seams.- Be made only of cotton or polyester, or a combination of cotton and polyester.Denimcloth is not allowed.- Should not have sleeves, which terminate below the elbow or on top of thedeltoid muscle. Athlete should pull or roll the sleeves up to the deltoid muscleduring the performance. It is forbidden to wear a t-shirt inside out.- It should not have any inscriptions offensive or defamatory sport. Briefs Under the suit athlete must wear underwear of a factory-standard (not boxershorts) of a mixture of cotton, nylon or polyester. Women may also wear a sportsbra or a crop top.Under the suit it is not permissible to wear swimming trunks swimmer or otheritems of clothing, consisting of rubberized or similar stretch material exceptrubberized lace pantyin the waist area. Any supportive underwear is prohibited. Socks To perform the deadlift must wear long socks that protect the shin.



Socks covering the shin, can have on the inside a special coating to protect theshins ifwhen checking the equipment of the athlete it is determined that the coating doesnot provide assistance in raising the bar. Where socks can be subject to the following conditions:- Socks can be any colour or plain coloured.- Socks should not be in contact with the patella and not to close the knee.- The use of a stocking, is completely closed legs, tight bandages or leggings,tight fitting legs is strictly prohibited. Belt (Belt) Athletes may use a belt (belt). It should be worn outside the suit.Materials and construction:- The belt is made of leather, vinyl or other similar material does not stretch fromone orseveral layers glued and (or) stitched together.- The belt must not have additional soft pads, braces or props of any othermaterialoutside or inside the zone.- The buckle is attached to one end of the belt with the buttons sewn or otherwisesecuredensuring safe use of the belt.- The belt may have a buckle with one or two teeth (male) or a special type of armlock.- The belt is allowed to have any inscriptions or drawings as long as they do notcarry anything offensive or discrediting the sport. The valid options for powerlifting belt 1. The width of the belt - a maximum of 10 cm.2. The thickness of the belt in its basic parts - a maximum of 13 mm.3. Inside width of buckles - not more than 11 cm.4. External width buckle - a maximum of 13 cm.5. The width of the loop for the tongue at the waist - a maximum of 5 cm. 6. The distance between the front end of the belt from the buckle and the far sideof the belt loop of the tongue - a maximum of 15 cm.Shoes or boots Duringcompetition an athlete must wear shoes.Shoes used only in the form of sports shoes (sneakers), shoes, special shoes forheavy weightlifting or powerlifting or sneakers for traction.Soles of shoes for squats should not be higher than 5 cm.Sole shoes should be of equal height on both sides.Thickness of internal insoles, if they are not part of a factory making shoes,should not exceed 1 cm.



Wrist wraps / bandages Permission is granted to use wraps or bandages only single layer of elasticmaterial factory: polyester, cotton or a combination thereof, and medical crepe.- You can use a bandage, not exceeding 1 m in length and 8 cm in width. Thelength of a special bandage"Sleeves" with existing "Velcro" for fastening should not be more than 1 m. By thebandages can be attached to a loop as a means of security. During lifting barbellloop should not be draped over big or other fingers.- Alternatively you can use the special wristbands width not exceeding 12 cm. Thecombination of usage with bandages is disallowed.- The width of the winding from the middle of the wrist up - no more than 10 cmand down- not more than 2 cm. The overall width - not more than12 cm.

Knee Wraps Use knee wraps on the major tournaments WRPF permissible during the "squat"and "Deadlift". Permissible knee wraps are that of factory produced not exceeding a length of 2or 2.5 m, 8 cm in width. Only wraps of single ply are allowed (ie. Wraps made ofdouble ply thickness are not allowed). Given the anatomical features of the structure of the joints of athletes, WRPFpermits differential use of knee wraps. Wraps up to 2m (but no more) can be used in the following weight categories:Male 52, 56, 60, 67.5, 75, 82.5, 90, 100Women 48, 52, 56, 60, 67.5, 75, 82.5 Wraps to 2.5 m can be used in weight categories:Male 110, 125, 140, 140+90 Women, 90+ Knee's wraps are to be from the centre of the patella in either direction up ordown; 15 cm, i.e. total winding width - 30 cm.Alternatively you can use the Elastic Knee sleeves not exceeding 20 cm. Alsoallowedkneepads as "sleeves" used in weightlifting and having a length of 30 cm.The combination of bandages and knee sleeves is strictly prohibited.Bandages should not be in contact with the socks or athletic suit (soft suit) Non-supportive bandages / dressings / tape Bandages of medical crepe or conventional medical bandages and special



wristbands require approval for use in competition, within the scope of theseRegulations. Two layers of medical tape may be applied to the thumbs.The athlete is allowed to use a bandage, elbow pads or bandages in the exercises"Squat" and "deadlift".

With the permission of the official jury duty doctor or paramedic on duty theathlete may apply medical tape on the injured part of the body. However, thedressing should not create advantages when lifting. Do not use medical tape or its variants (patches) anywhere on the body withoutofficial permission of the judging panel or senior judge. Medical tape should notbe used to help the athlete lift barbells.Athletes are not to use any dressings or bandages on elbows in exercise "Bench."In those competitions where there is no judging panel, and no medical staff onduty, the Chief Referee has the right to authorise the use of medical tape.

Checking items of personal equipment A Check of personal equipment (items) can be made at any time (the time can beannounced at the Technical Meeting) reserved for the competition, but not laterthan 20 minutes before the competition starts.

All items must be inspected and approved prior to their use during thecompetition. Wraps, exceeding the allowed length, should be banned, but they can be cut uppermitted length and submitted for re-checking. Any form of equipment should be banned if it has an untidy appearance ortorn (broken). If, after checking the athlete appears on the platform wearing or using anyprohibited item or membership form and equipment, except for those that wereinadvertently allowed judgesit must immediately replace the items of equipment . All the items mentioned above in the section "Personal outfitting athletes atcompetitions WRPF, should be checked. Wearing hats during a speech on the platform is strictly prohibited. Items such aswatches, jewellery, eye-wear and feminine hygiene supplies, do not need to bechecked. Any athlete who has set a world record must be immediately inspected by thejudging panel. If an athlete is detected with prohibited objects in the form of



equipment, except for those that have been as a result of judges negligence, thenthe attempt is considered a failure (no lift). The use of auxiliary matter and materials - It is strictly prohibited to use butter, ointments or other lubricant on the body,costume or object equipment to reduce friction while lifting.- Baby powder, talc, or magnesium - these substances can only be imposed onthe body or equipment with the exception of bandages.- Do not use shoe soles made of any kind of the coupling material isAs for any type ratchet insert in the sole, for example, steel or other teeth, thelining of sandpaper etc.- Do not use on the sole of shoes rosin and magnesium. Permission is granted towetting the sole of a shoe in water.- Do not use any foreign materials for processing equipment for power lifting,except those which are periodically used as sterilising agents for cleaning thebench for bench press or platform.

Exercises Power-lifting and rules of PERFORMANCE Squatting (rules and procedures for implementation) 1. After removing the bar from the racks (assistants on the platform can assist theathlete in removing the bar) athlete becomes its original starting position facingthe front of the platform.1.1. Depending on the athlete's preference, it may take the starting position,moving away from the racks. (walking out)2. The bar should lie flat on the shoulders of an athlete, the fingers shouldencircle the bar. Hands can be located on the bar at any point between sleeves,until it touches the inner side thereof.3. Only once the athlete is in a fixed position with the knees locked and upright inthe body and the bar is in the correct position, the senior judge should give asignal to begin the squat.4. The signal for the beginning of the performance of the squat movement ishands-down with audible command "Sit down" ("squat"). Prior to receiving thecommand "sit"("squat"), the athlete is allowed to make any movement withoutentailing breach of the rules for creating the most comfortable starting position.For security purposes, Chief Judge may ask the athlete to replace the bar, bysubmitting a clear command to "return" with simultaneous movement of the handtowards himself (herself), if within 5 seconds after removal of the bar from theracks, he/she could not take the correct starting position for the start of theexercise.5. After receiving the Chief Referee's signal to start the attempt, the lifter mustbend the knees and lower the body so that the top surface of the legs at the hipjoint is lower than the tip of the knees.6. Allow only one chance to make a move down. An attempt is considered used if



the knees athlete were bent. During the attempt there is some allowance for themovement of the bar from the starting position down along the back lifter(sliding) but not more than the thickness (diameter) of the bar.6. The athlete must on their own return to the upright position with the kneestotally straightened. Double standing up (bouncing) from the lower squat positionor any downward movement is prohibited. When an athlete takes a fixed position(of course, completing the movement), the Chief Judge to give the signal toreplace the bar.7. The signal to replace the bar consists of the movement of the arm back and theaudible command "rack" ("rack"). Then,the athlete must move forward and return the bar to the racks. For safety reasonsan athlete may ask help from assistants to replace the bar. This bar must be onthe shoulders of an athlete.8. During the squat, the platform shall be not more than five and not less thantwo spotters(Assistants). Judges can decide how many assistants/spotters - 2, 3, 4 or 5 -should be on the platform at all phases of the exercise.

The reasons raised in the squat weight does not count

1. Failure to observe the Chief Referee's signals at the commencement orcompletion of the exercise.2. Double standing up (bouncing) from the lower squat position or any downwardmovement while standing up.3. The error in making a fully vertical position the knees lockedat the beginning and at the end of exercise.4. Steps backward or forward, although lateral horizontal movement of the soleand rocking foot between the toe and heel are permitted5. Error in bending the knees and lowering the body to a position where the upperpart of the surface of the legs at the hip joint is lower than the top of the knees,without crossing the projection of the hip "parallel".6. Any movement of the bar of the starting position down the back of the athletemore than the thickness (Diameter) of the bar during exercise7. Contact with the bar or the athlete fear (assistants) following the signal fromthe Chief Judge to facilitate the squats.8. Touching the feet or elbows shoulders; light touch is allowed if it does not helpthe lift.9. Any dropping or dumping of the bar after completion of squats.10. Failure to comply with any of the requirements contained in the description ofthe rules of implementation of squats.

Bench press (the rules and order of execution) 1. The bench shall be placed on the platform evenly, without bias, providing aconvenient overview of the judges, the platform and the audience.2. The lifter must lie on their back, shoulders and buttocks in contact with the



surface of the bench. Athlete's foot should be stationed convenient for the athlete,the contact with the platform, slabs or establishing unit underfoot.3. The fingers should encircle the bar, lying on racks convenient for the athlete'sgrip. Starting Position hands (grip) must be maintained during attempt.4. To provide a firm footing athlete may use flat plates or blocks not exceeding 30cm the surface of the platform. Standard should be provided with a height of 5blocks, 10, 20 and 30 cm placed under their feet.5. During the lift on the platform shall be not more than five and not less than twospotters (Assistants). Once the athlete independently takes the correct position forthe start, he can ask assistants to help him remove the bar from the racks. In thiscase, the bar is fed at the straight arm.5.1. As an assistant at the request of an athlete can be a (assistant) on theplatform, or member of the team the athlete. Provided attraction assistant fromthe team athlete, should go to the platform in a neat, athletic form. Clothingshould not snare, should not have graffiti provocative or be offensive in character.6. The distance between the hands on the Knurling, which is measured betweenthe forefingers should not more than 81 cm (both forefingers must be within the81 cm marks). In the case where an athlete has an old injury or anatomically canan athlete not caontrol the bar on the same away with both hands; they must giveadvance warning to the judges before each attempt. Wherein, if necessary, thecentre of the bar will be marked accordingly to each attempt athlete.7. After removing the bar from the racks, with or without the help of assistants,the athlete should wait for the senior signal Judge with a fully straightened ("on")at the elbows hands. For security reasons, the Chief Judge may ask the athlete toreplace the bar by filing a distinct click "return" ("replace") with simultaneousmovement of the hand back, if after 5 seconds removing the bar from the racks,he could not take the correct starting position for the start of the exercise.Signal to top regime should be given immediately, as soon as the lifter ismotionless and the bar position It will be in the correct position.8. The signal for the start of the exercise is the movement of the hand down withthe audible command "start" ("start").9. After receiving the command "start" the lifter must lower the bar to the chestand hold it in a motionless position on the chest, after which the Chief Judge willgive the command "press" ("press").10. After the command "press" athlete must squeeze the barbell up on straightarms without allowing significant distortions in the movement of the hands. Afterholding the bar in the final stationary position, the senior judge must give theaudible command "rack" ("RECs") with simultaneous movement of the hand back.11.If anatomically both hands can not be straightened completely, the athletemust undergo the procedure registration or weighing show the appropriatemedical certificate. The reasons why the attempt to bench can not be credited

1. Failure to observe the Chief Referee's signals at the commencement orcompletion of the exercise.2. Any change in the position during exercise, i.e. any rise (the gap) shoulders



buttocks from the bench or leg movements on the platform or blocks, or themovement of the hands on the Knurling.3. Raising and lowering or downward movement (indentation in the chest) barafter the command was given "Sinking", after it was fixed in a fixed position onthe chest, if such movement helps the athlete.4. Any explicit (excessive) uneven extension of the arms during the lift.5. Any movement of the bar down during the lift.6. Lack of squeezing the bar on a fully straightened hands at the end of theexercise.7. Contact with the bar or the athlete spotter (assistants) between signals olderJudge to facilitate lifting barbell.8. Any athlete with feet touching the bench or its supports.9. Failure to comply with any of the requirements contained in the description ofthe rules of the lift lying on the bench.

Deadlift (rules and procedures for implementation) 1. The athlete must be positioned facing the front of the platform.2. The bar should be placed horizontally in front of the athlete, and held twoarbitrary grip hands.

3. The movement is carried out without a special command. Lifting is carried outup to the moment when athlete stands fully straightened and upright.4. After lifting barbell deadlift, the knees should be fully extended, shouldersdeployed, and the stand is positioned.5. Signal senior judge at the end of the motion athlete consists of a movement ofthe arm down and distinct command "Down" ("down"). The signal is not given untilthe bar is not restrained from moving out of position and the athlete will not be inno doubt of the final position.6. Any lifting of the bar or any deliberate attempt to raise its considered attempt.7. Since the beginning of recovery are not allowed any movement of the bar downas long as the athlete reaches upright position, fully extending your knees. If thebar settles in the shoulder abduction rearward, it is not a reason to consider theweight lifted is not counted. The reasons for that are raised in the deadlift weight does not count

1. Any movement of the bar down before it reaches the final position.2. Error in the being in a vertical position with deployed shoulders.3. Incomplete lock of the knees straight at the completion of the exercise.4. Supporting the bar on the thighs during the ascent. If the bar slides along thethighs during the up motion of the lift; but they are not supporting the weight,then it is not a reason not to count the weight as lifted. In case of doubt, judicialdecision should be made in favour of the athlete.5. The steps backward or forward, although lateral horizontal movement of thefoot or rocking of the foot between the toe and heel are permitted.



6. Lowering the bar before receiving the Chief Referee's signal.7. Lowering of the bar without control with both hands, ie deflation bar from hishands.8. Failure to comply with any of the requirements contained in the description ofthe rules execution of traction.

WEIGH IN 1. Weighing of participants in major tournaments held in WRPF periods asprescribedBy Organisers and specified in the Regulations of the tournament.

1.1 In the absence of other reservations, the Rules set the deadline forweigh in -24 hours before the beginning of the flight in which athleteplans to act.

1.2 Deadline -3 hours. The athlete has no right to apply for weigh in lessthan 3 hours before the beginning of the flight.

1.3 Passing weigh-in procedure, the athletes can nominate first attempts

3. Weigh in of each participant to be performed in a room behind closed doors,where the participant, their coach or team leader and representatives of thejudiciary. In order to care for athletes may wear socks or can use a paper towel tocover the weighing plate. 4. Athletes may be weighed naked or in underwear, which must meet therequirements Specified in the relevant section of these rules, and should notsignificantly change the weight of the athlete. 5. In competitions involving women weigh in procedure can vary because theweigh in Officials and may or may not be conducted the same-sex. In this case, itcan be assigned to more Officials (female). 6.Weighing athletes before the tournament WRPF is not limited by anything otherthan temporary intervals specified in the item 1 - 1.2. of this section. ORDER OF COMPETITION 1. While weigh in is conducted the athlete or their coach must declare the initialweight for each exercise which they will participate. Nominated weight should bemade to the appropriate card first attempts that are signed by the athlete or hiscoach and retained by an official, governing weigh in. These applications are made in the "Card Secretary / commentator," which also isacceptable one card first attempt. Card secretary / commentator



Last Name, First Name: Date of Birth:Country (team) Sob. Weight: Weight category:Wilks Coefficient:Signature: athlete (coach)Exercises 1stattempt2ndattempt3rdattempt4thattemptBestresultSquatting Bench press Traction SubtotalRanking: AchievementWilkes:Amount: 2. At the weigh-in athlete is issued attempt cards for use in competitions: 5 pcs.for each movement in which he plans to compete.2.1. Attempts- are a document required for the monitoring and result-determining the athletes on the podium, filled directly by the athlete and/ortrainer. 2.2.After each attempt the athlete and/or coach must decide what weight will beset for the next attempt. This weight should be made in the appropriate box andpresent the card attempts to the Secretary or other official person in theSecretariat / Bureau of the tournament within one minute.2.2.1. Responsibility for an application for an attempt within the allotted timerests solely with the athlete or his coach. Late submission of an application mayresult in loss of the right to perform the attempt should the application beoverdue. 3. Examples for attempt cards are summarised below: It must be remembered that the cell for the first attempt, available in the card,held by the athlete, is used only if a weight change is required in the first attempt.Similarly, use last cell attempts when conducting subtotal. 4. The number of rounds in the competition is the number of attemptses /attempts in each of the athletes.4.1. In each round, the weight on the bar set from smallest to largest, inaccordance with existing attempt applications from athletes.4.2. If two athletes said the same weight in the first round, the order is



determined by the lowest body weight.4.2.1. Should two athletes said the same weight in subsequent rounds, the first isthe one that has the worst record in the previous round. 5. Time for execution of the athlete’s attempt is established for a period of two (2)minutes.5.1. The time allotted for the attempt begins to run after the command seniorjudge on the platform of readiness of the barbell, the command "weight ready." 6. The time interval between the attempts of different athletes at WRPFtournaments is set at duration at least one (1) minute, but no more than two (2)minutes. 7. If the number of participants competing in one flight is less than 7 people, theorganisers of the tournament may introduce additional break for rest at the end ofeach round of the competition. 8. Increasing the weight during the flight will occur, however it is possible shouldthe weight not be taken (no lift) and is not due to the actions of the athlete. (ie.Bar mis-loaded) The athlete may be given a further attempt. The athlete is given 5minutes to prepare, three (3) minutes for recovery and a maximum of two (2)minutes on the time clock. A Further attempt is given in consultation with thepanel of judges is given a further attempt on the result of the completion of thelast attempt in the last round. 8.1. If an error in the preparation of the barbell on the platform is identified afterthe athlete is on the platform, but before the lift; the athlete may requirecorrection of the identified errors and additional two (2) minutes to complete theattempt. Time in this case starts to flow immediately after the report of the centralreferee on resolving the issue. 9. Weight nominated by athletes and coaches are allowed to decrease in the firstattempt each exercise (prior to commencement). In other cases, nomination ofweights moving down weights are not allowed.9.1. Cases in which their entry weight can be reduced remains at the discretion ofthe judging panel.9.1.1. Exceptional cases are recognised; situations in which an athlete due toobjective reasons not attempt can successfully perform the claimed weight (e.g.trauma), but does not wish to leave the combat zero result.9.2.Perezayavki weights upwards are permissible, provided that before the athleteon the platform remains at least two outputs of the previous participants.9.3.Perezayavki weight upward in the last 3 (third) or 4 (fourth) attempt is notacceptableat least one attempt to the exit to the platform.9.4.V case where perezayavku make two or more athletes, the first on theplatform leaves the athlete declared Flyweight.9.5. For the intensification of the struggle, in the last round athlete has the right



to apply for places him in the last stream at any time, but no later than when theprocedure started weight training for participants receive such mannerpenultimate position in the stream.9.5.1. In the case of perezayavki within para. 9.5., The secretary of thecompetition must clearly and loudly inform become the penultimate party, givinghim the opportunity to decide on the the implementation attempt or immediateperezayavki weight.9.5.2. Number perezayavok within percentage points 9.5. - 9.5.1. may not exceedone from each athlete. 10. Minimum increment weight on the bar in applications and perezayavkahtournaments WRPF - 2,5kg. Advance preparation of athletes for the exit on platform on competitionWRPF Before the beginning of competitions in the disciplines of "bench press" and"squatting", the athletes must have the opportunity to make the necessarymeasurements of the height of racks, supports and beams on stands for securitysquats and bench for bench press. The height of the pillars and beams adjustable specified in the "squat rack" and"Bench for the bench press, "these rules. Data on the desired installation height of racks and, if necessary, on the blocks(base) leg, brought athlete, coach or his representative to the assistants andauthorized representatives the secretariat, and in their absence the judges. Officials at competitions WRPF and their responsibilities 1. Commentator (speaker) / Secretary is responsible for keeping qualifiedcompetition.Monitor the distribution and purchase of weights athletes, establishing the orderentry platform. Declares the weight required for the next attempt, and the nameof the athlete.When the weight of the platform is installed and ready for exercise, a senior judgesignals this commentator (speaker), which, in turn, immediately declares that theweight is ready and causes athlete on the platform. Weight prepared to performattempts, announced commentator, should be reflected in the bulletin board,along with the name of the athlete and his weight. He is responsible for the correct registration of the time between theannouncement made by the readiness of the bar and the beginning of theexercise athlete. It is also responsible for registering all the time when Thisrequires, for example, in the case where the athlete is necessary to eliminate theerror in gear, adjust the height rack, if it is ordered it is not true.If the timer is enabled for the athlete, it can be stopped only after the time



allottedto start the attempt in case of exercise or team of senior judges. Any additional regulation racks must be made within two (2) minutes given to theathletethe beginning of the exercise, except when the athlete have a height of racks, butit has been installed assistants wrong. The athlete must, within two (2) minutes after his call to the platform to start theexercise. If he no attempts were made during this time (not received thecommand "Start" in the movement where it is needed). Comptroller needs time toannounce the end of time to try the command "time" ("Time"), and senior thejudge must apply the audible command "rack" ("RECs"), together with themovement of the hands backward (toward you) or "down" ("Down"), depending onthe exercise. In this case, the attempt is considered unsuccessful, and the weightis not taken. If an athlete has started an exercise within the allotted time, the stopwatch stops.Determining the start of attempts depends on the exercise. In the squat andbench press attempt coincides with the beginning Senior judges signal thebeginning of the exercise (see. section "Exercises Powerlifting and rules ofexecution "). At the beginning of the thrust is the time when the athlete has madea clear attempt to raise the bar. The Registrar is responsible for keeping proper protocols competition, provide thesignatures of three judges on the protocols, acts of records and other documentsrequiring signatures. The commentator should make an announcement about theneed to sign up to the judges leave your seat. 1.1. Where necessary functions commentators and the Registrar shall bedistributed among the several officials of the admission of judges for thecompetition WRPF 2 . Spotters (assistants) are responsible for the increase or decrease in theweight of the bar, adjust to the desired squats and bench press rack heights, baror training platform at the direction of senior judges. During the competition onthe platform shall be not more than five and at least two assistants. When anathlete is preparing to do the exercise, assistants may assist him in removing thebar from the racks. They can also help him to replace the bar after the attempt.However, they should not touch the athlete or the bar during the lift, ie during thetime between the beginning of the signal and a signal to end the attempt.Exceptions to this rule can only be the case when the exercise is dangerous andcan hurt an athlete. Then the assistants on the instructions of the Chief Judge orathlete assist in the release of the bar. If an athlete is deprived of successfulattempts at the fault of assistants, they will be given at the discretion of judges ora jury, a further attempt at the end of the round



3 .Jury - the most qualified experts in powerlifting with experience of refereeingat Tournaments on different levels who are authorized to judge and passed theappropriate certification. At competitions WRPF should be three judges: Sr. (center) and two side judge.The Chief Judge is responsible for supplying the necessary signals for all threeexercises. Signals for three exercises:

Lift Start EndSquatting visible signal consisting of a backward movement of the arm togetherwith the audible command ("squat"). Visible light, consisting of movement of thearm back with audible command "rack" "rack")

Bench presson the benchThe visible signal consisting of a downward movement of the arm together withthe audible command "start" ("stat"). After a pause sufficient, that would fiximmobility of the bar on the chest, the audible command "Press" ("Press") Visiblelight, consisting of movement of the arm back with audible command "rack"("RECs")

DeadliftThe signal is not required visual signal consisting of down movement of the armtogether with the audible command "Down" ("down") Judges are responsible for the quality and timely evaluation of attempts liftsdemonstrated athletes on the podium. Judges supervise compliance with the rulesof the competition and perform upgrades.

Before the competition, all judges must ensure that:(A) The platform and competition equipment comply with all the requirements ofthe regulations. Weight vultures and disks checking, inventory, defective, rejected.The second bar and locks are prepared and placed next to the platform in theevent of damage to the main bar and locks.(B) the scales work correctly and precisely (calibrated and certified).(C) The athletes are weighted within the boundaries of time and his weightcategory.(D) Items of personal equipment athletes have been tested and comply with allrequirements of the regulations. At finding that athletes use items of equipmentthat do not pass inspection, may be subjected punishment, for examplesuspended in the latter attempt. During the competition, the three judges must exercise constant control over thefact that:(A) The weight of the bar corresponds to the weight announced by commentator.



For this purpose, the judge may be provided with a Table setting weights. It istheir joint responsibility.(B) Items of personal equipment of the athlete, who is on the platform, complywith the rules. If one of the judges questioned the integrity of the athlete, heshould inform the attempt after the senior judge their suspicion. Chairman of theJury may then re-check the equipment of the athlete. If found that the athlete outon the platform, is using any illegal piece of equipment, except in cases when thisequipment has been wrongly permitted by the judges, he will be immediatelydisqualified from the data competition. In the case of an athlete in a successfulattempt, the fault of the banned outfit judges mistakenly allowed it, the result ofthis attempt should be cancelled and the athlete should be grantedcomplementary attempt at the end of the round, after they have withdrawprohibited equipment/outfit.

At the end of the attempt, the judge announced his decision through the warninglights. At This white light corresponds to the solution of the "weight is taken"("good lift"), and red - the decision of the "weight is not taken" ("No Lift "). Then,the card should be raised errors, indicating the reasons for a failed attempt. The three judges are in a place near the platform, which they consider mostconvenient for review each exercise. The chief judge, however, must alwaysremember that it should be in full view of the athlete, performing the squat or pulland the side referees should keep in mind that they should be in sight seniorjudge, that he could see their hands raised. Before starting the exercise the judge (judges), if he (they) believe the wrong startthe position of the bar or the athlete raises a hand to call attention to the error. Ifthe opinion of the majority. Judges are the same, a senior judge does not give asignal to the beginning of the exercise. The athlete or coach, should be informedof the reason for not receiving a start signal.

Not having received a signal to carry out the movement, the athlete must removethe locked error by the judges. Time attempt is not stopped. The athlete has to spend its time trying to feed the team to the top of the exercisein order to correct or post to its original position for the start signal. If an athletehas started exercise, side judge, having found a new bug, do not signal it. The athlete or coach may be asked to name the causes of unsuccessful attemptsto appeal to a judicial brigade and require the production of the card error.Scorecards errors shall inform the participant and coach, for some reason, theweight is not counted. Such a request, an appeal should be made prior to theattempt of the next athlete. The athlete or his representative have the right to challenge the decision ofreferee panel, and may present relevant video footage.



Judges must refrain from comments and receive any document or verbalexplanations concerning the progress of the competition. Therefore, it isimportant that the scoreboard was listed exhaustive information about the athleteon the platform, so that judges can follow the progress of the competition and thenext exit on the platform. The judges decide on the legitimacy of the record attempt, a second inspectionequipment athletes have committed a record attempt directly on the platform (donot allow the athlete to leave the area of competition, until the completion oftesting). No judge should not try to influence the decision of other judges. The chief judge may consult with the side referees, the Jury or any other officials,if necessary in order to conduct competitions. The chief judge may, at its discretion, direct the brushing/cleaning of the bar and(or) platform. If an athlete or coach is asked to clean the bar and (or) platform, the requestshould be addressed to the senior the judge, and not to the assistants on theplatform. In the final round of the deadlift the bar should be cleaned before eachattempt. After the competition, the three referees shall sign the minutes of thecompetition, acts of records or other documents, requiring their signature. Equipment and decals judges. For both sexes, the judges WRPF uniforms are suits trousers and a jacket of darktones (Black / dark blue) and white shirts / blazers or other plain clothes types. Insummer time it is permissible to use clothing of shirts with short sleeves or t-shirts. Judges should not be wearing bright, distracting patterns, as well as anyimages or inscriptions but those agreed with the organisers. Judges in WRPF tournaments must have the appropriate decals indicating theiraffiliation in the judiciary and the level of tolerance as a judge. Providing the necessary judicial paraphernalia and accessories for refereeing shallbe the organiser of the tournament. Qualifications of judges. WRPF permits to work in the judicial panels, judges with expertise of national andall major international federations in the world with a good reputation andexperience of refereeing satisfying level tournaments. Judges of all tournamentsin WRPF should be properly informed about these Rules.



Three Judges must meet the requirements under "Admission to the competitionjudges panel of WRPF». 4. Control Zone- is designed to monitor compliance with the order at the podiumand behind the scenes, to control the accuracy of equipment used in reference toathletes. Controller exit area -a specially appointed person may be in the exit area athletesand platform, in addition to the athletes, their coaches, members of the press orCommittee of the tournament. The control zone allows coaches/support members a convenient place to prepare,and for athletes to exit. The athlete should not be wrapped or correcting their suitin sight spectators. 5 . Jury / Bureau have important functions - to ensure compliance with technicalregulations. The presence of the jury is mandatory during internationaltournaments. For tournaments at the lower levels a jury shall be arranged by theorganisers.The jury shall be an essential function - save time for judges, takingon the task of parsing

incoming appeals. Upon appeal, the majority of the Jury may cancelthe judges' decision, to request an explanation from the judges and make a finaldecision on the fate of the contested attempts. The jury could not call intoquestion the impartiality of the judiciary, but there is no guarantee ofunintentional errors. In this case, the judge is allowed to give an explanation of itsdecision, which is the subject of discussion.

If action against the judge entered a protest to the jury, the judge may beinformed about it. Jury shall, function without the need to put pressure on thejudges.

If judging serious errors, contrary to the rules, the jury may decidean appropriate solution for the error. The jury may, at its discretion, grant thelifter a

complementary attempt. Only in exceptional cases, when the judging was madean obvious error, the jury, after consultation with the judges, can change thereferee's decision. Jurors should be placed so that they could see withoutinterference and to evaluate the progress of competition decision-making byjudges

Among other things, the jury at the request of the athlete manages the volume ofthe selected athlete music support and moment of his trip. Judges. Certification of the judges. Features of the status of judges WRPF.



1. All WRPF tournaments should be provided with a professional, uniform andimpartial judging the appropriate requirements of this Regulation. Qualification ofjudges is an important criteria for admission to and regulates the level ofrefereeing at tournaments available to judges of different qualifications. 2. Requirements for the training of judges, determined by the level of thetournament to the service which is ready judge.2.1.Jury for international tournaments should have a skill level of refereeingtournaments WRPF not below the national or have considerable experience ofrefereeing in other international tournaments Powerlifting Organization. Thejudge claims the right to service the international tournament level, must beprepared answer questions and pass certification and interview with the judgehaving higher status, then, I will have to confirm their qualification to practicewhile working in a part of a judicial Three, two judges which are permanentjudges of the judicial structure.2.2.Jury for tournaments at the national level may be, the judges who haveexperience of judging at not less than Regional and last interview with the judgeof higher status.To ensure the tournament refereeing national level permitted the creation ofjudicial triples where Only one of the judges is not lower than the regionalqualifications.2.3. Refereeing tournaments at the regional level (and below) may be admitQualified persons on the knowledge of the rules to judge WRPF not below theregional level. For judges who have experience in judging in other Powerliftingcertification organisations with access to the judging of such tournaments may beheld in absentia. The judge has the right to certify the level of national judges fortournaments of lower levels directly before the tournament, provided applicantspass the appraisal assignment. The judge national level certify should be part ofreferee panel in this tournament. 3. Judges in WRPF tournaments can be approved for admission to the tournamentby a referee at a higher level if his actions at the time of the judge's functionssatisfy the requirements of the Chief Justice on the platform on which they served. 4. Judges at WRPF tournaments who's activity will be found to be unsatisfactoryshould be suspended to perform judicial functions, until the re-certification, ifany, will not contradict the norms morals and sporting fairness. 4.1. Terms removal of judges are:- Inadequate adherence to the terms of refereeing contained in this Regulation- Biased refereeing- Actions in favour of one or more competitors to the detriment of the rest of theparticipants of the tournament- Making the competition WRPF action or actions discrediting their reputationagainst anystates, nations, races, natural or legal persons, as well as the announcement inrespect of these States, nations, races and individuals who have information or



details defamatory content. The judiciary is the main body of the WRPF organisation, whose main task isImpartiality and fairness, this Regulation is in place to uphold integrity and for thebenefit of the WRPF Tournament participant.

Records WRPF In accordance with clauses 6 7.4. under "General Conditions" of this Regulation,WRPF records can be set in the tournament at all levels, subject to therequirements of these rules. Record attempts may be made by athletes in any attempt. If one part of the competition in the same category have been several successfulrecord attempts, the last record attained in the WRP; the heaviest weight refereehas counted. Records in the WRPF are to be recorded in excess of 1 kg., With respect to theexisting record result. Records in the age groups should be counted even if the participation in theweight and age group contain one participant, if the attempt made has met therequirements of WRPF. Titles WRPF Tournament winners of WRPF have the right to hold claim to the appropriate titlewithin the existing unit and status of the tournament in the regional, national,continental and world. To maintain the prestige of the title of champion and winner of the tournament,WRPF adopts the following rules: The title "World Champion / Continent / Country" is awarded to the winners intheir weight categories professional division WRPF, as well as in the open agegroup of amateur division. The title "World Champion / Continent / Country Championships" is awarded tothe winners in their weight categories junior age group, with the proviso that inthe weight category, to be successful; they contain at least 5 participants. For other age groups entered the title of "winner." The title of "Winner" is assigned to the winners of the weight categories in theyouth and veterans age groups, with the proviso that in the weight category, to besuccessful; they contain at least 5 participants.



The title of "Winner" may be assigned to participants in the open age groupdivision "Amateur" in the case, if conducted in a weight category containing lessthan 5 participants. At the discretion of the tournament organisers, in addition to the title of "winner",can be entered a Champion’s age group. In this case, the best athlete isdetermined by the best coefficient (Wilks). Cooperation WRPF federations and organizations WRPF is interested in the development of powerlifting and intends to set positiveand harmonious relations with all organizations and federations involved workingin the field of promotion of powerlifting. WRPF recognize the results and tournament records of other organizations andfederations shown within the rules do not contradict the rules of WRPF. WRPF has the right to make proposals on joint tournament for representatives ofthe Powerlifting Federation and organizations with experience in tournaments at asufficient level of quality. WRPF prepares to transfer the right of the tournaments at all levels of the partnerson the basis of mutual direct agreements.

Awards and Prizes In tournaments WRPF rewarding participants takes place in accordance with theRegulations of the tournament. It is a requirement of the WRPF tournament to maintain the presence WRPFEmblems, abbreviations, as well as other agreed signs, labels and logos(branding). Tournament winners WRPF should be awarded:- Medals in accordance with the occupied seats. The first prize - a medal of goldcolour, second place - silver, third place -Bronze colour made as outlining thestatus andChampions. Certificates of which shall specify name, weight, athlete, the value ofthe final result in the kg and the coefficient Wilks points. As well as the name,date and place of the tournament. The instruments must be certified by thesignatures of the members of the judging panel, as well as the President of theJury. The organisers may provide additional prizes awarded to participants,decorations, gifts.